#robyn x ironwood
randombook4idk · 1 year
for ship bingo: tyrian x fiona of course, but also ironhill and ladybug!
Thank you for the ask!! This will be a ramble of me, so I'll put my opinions under "read more"
Invisible Poison (Fiona x Tyrian)💚💜
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Funnily enough, despite me being the one who introduced you to this ship, I will admit that my liking for them has sort of lowered, but I do know it has to do with Fiona not being that much explored as a character, so putting her together with an ecentric character like Tyrian, with who she doesnt have any type of dynamic with, does make it a little bit hard for me to get very invested in the ship :[
But I am re-watching RWBY, so when I'll get to Vol 7, I'll see Fiona once again and my spark for the pairing could come back.
(Can we also talk about how no one seems to have writen a single fic about them? Not even a smut one? But at the same time there's 7 works of Jaune x Fiona??
Y'know, shit is getting hopeless if no one in RWBY fandom had made at least one chapter of you ship in their extremly smutty fic :/)
(I already have many wips, but screw it, they're on my priority wip lists now...I say as I haven't touched my Tyrian x Fiona wip for a whle now)
Despite my lowered love for them, I know that what drew me to this ship at first, was their Faunus identities - Fiona being a sheep Faunus & Tyrian is a scorpion Faunus.
I still dont know how to put in words, but with both being different type of Faunus, it would have been interesting to have it explored how both could've been treated because of their identities and how it impacted them. (I know this isnt much of a point towards the ship, but hush)
In general, the whole "sheep = innocent" "scorpion = dangerous" thing and have these two different people some odd Enemies to Lovers story going on between them.
Also Tyrian is the type of character who does know how to push others buttons, so I like the idea of him meeting Fiona and him noticing things about her that she may hide about herself from others. (Which would have explored Fiona's character a bit). And he just keeps pushing these buttons.
Then there's also their loyalty to their leaders - both being devoted to Robyn/Salem, but the difference is that Fiona & Robyn care about each other and have a good relationship, while Tyrian has unhealthy dynamic with Salem.
So, yay parallels...sort of.
Even if there isn't much in canon, except for Tyrian attacking Fiona, this pairing in fanon is still interesting and in a way funny if we focus on the absurd humor potential.
Like, imagine Tyrian of all people having this lovely family life with Fiona?? (I actually drew a fankid for them :D)
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(For now I have named her Ophelia)
Just like in fanon, they would be fun to explore in AUs.
Them knowing each other since they were kids, but not being excatly friends? Tyrian ditching Mantle as he grows up and the elections being a place where they reunite after all these years?
I can smell the angst here, fellas.
This isn't mine AU, but an AU where Tyrian is one of the Ace Ops? What then their dynamic could've been?👀
Of course, there's the whole aesthetic of their characters, which I like.
In general, I like them and think it would be an interesting pairing to explore.
Ironhill (Ironwood x Robyn) 🤍💚
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Gonna be honest, I have wanted to talk about them without worrying I might be annoying, but now that I've been asked about them, my brain suddenly is empty, not knowing what correct answer should I give😅
(I haven't watched Vol 7 for a while now, so might misremember some of the stuff)
I actually didn't expect myself to even consider this ship at all, but then this happened
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Robyn, who up until this moment didn't trust Ironwood, realized that he genuinly cares and wants to protect others, that he isn't doing all of this for himself. He isn't her enemy.
(The way both at the start looked each other with distrust and dislike in their eyes, only for the way they look change as their views of the other change as well)
And it pretty much made me adore this ship. And of course, there's also their dislike of Jacques as well.
While they didn't share much moments were it as just two of them, them working together was enough for me...I say as them holding hands lives rent free in my hand (👏THEY👏HELD👏HANDS👏YOUR👏HONOR👏)
Of course, them trusting each other isn't the only thing about them.
I really suck at putting my thoughts into words, but while Ironwood does care for both Mantle and Atlas, he still is mostly at Atlas, while Robyn is potrayed to represent Mantle, so like them working together not only to rebuild the hole in the wall in Mantle, but also uniting Atlas and Mantle. And with both of them becoming allies, they wouldn't fall for the bad guys attempts at making them distrust each other. And when the evil is deafeated they would continue working together. (but Vol 8 decided to ruin this idea-)
(As a divorced Ironwatts believer, I also think it would be funny if like Watts saw them on the tv, holding hands and just was a very bitter ex about it.
"Oh, wow. Someone moved on pretty quickly if you ask me🙄😒" he says as it hasn't been 10 years already + the world believes he's dead)
Then there's this small things, like of both having shooting type weapons (and them shooting at Tyrian/Watts is a parallel in my eyes-) and they way they adress one another - "General" & "Miss Hill". There's just something about characters calling the other by anything but their names🤌
Obviously, my mind had to once more imagine a scenario where they protect each other with their weapons and slowly start adressing the other with their first names.
I also once came across a reddit post which talked about how Robyn also seemed to be paraniod and it made me think back to her Semblance and with how Semblances are based on the user, I made a hc that maybe Robyn either had her trust shattered mutliple times in her childhood, making her only to know the truth so she wouldn't get hurt anymore or that behind her confident personality Robyn is nervous/anxious person, which is what resulted into the creaton of her Semblance.
And in a way Ironwood could understand how it feels like you can't always be sure of things or feeling like things will fall apart no matter what and they could develop a bond from it. (which then would make Ironwood's villain arc heartbreaking for Robyn, because to her, he was one of the few who truly understood her struggles)
I know they didn't have much of a dynamic, but I like to imagine them having this teasing going on (with Robyn being the main one to tease Ironwood) Just two of them enjoying each ones company. I'm aware it's mostly fanon, but it's just a fun thing for me.
While I enjoyed this ship, I had been spoiled about Ironwood becoming a villain before, so it kind of sucked seeing the potential of his & Robyn's dynamic and knowing it will not get a chance to get explored. And let me tell you, wasn't big fan of Ironwood's villain arc. Also I started disliking Roby as the Volumes progressed :/
But hey, that's what fanfiction is for right? There's probably something on ao3-Aaaaaaand it's smut. Great, I'm in hell :)
(just watch me, one day I'll post my Ironhill fic)
Ladybug (Blake x Ruby)🖤❤️
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When I started watching RWBY for the first time, they did not catch my eye at all, but then I picked up the show again and BAM Ladybug strucks my heart.
From their conversation in Vol 1, I was quickly sold to this pair. I just like this contrast between them - Ruby the younger, optimistic leader with a dream that can be seen childish and Blake being the more realistic, but outspoken teammate with a huge goal in mind.
Even if they didn't get much screen time together, there still were those small things that made like Ladybug even more - Ruby being the main one who openly worries about Blake after her argument with Weiss or when Blake refused to go to the dance, Ruby being the one to find Blake isn't in her bed and wanting to find her, Ruby straight up not seeing a point to go to the dance if Blake wasn't coming, Ruby being the first one to bring up Blake after she, Weiss and Yang had reunited and being the one who speak with Blake when the reunite with her at the end of Volume 5.
While this all is from Ruby's side, I will add that in Volume 5, Ruby was the first name Blake said whenever she brought up her team to Sun, so a win for shippers/j
Then there's Volume 6 with it's Apathy Arc and let me tell you, when I first watched it, my shippers heart was screaming in joy when Ruby reached out to Blake and activated her Silver Eyes.
Of course there's also Volume 7/8 (?) (i don't remember tbh) with it having Blake's whole speech about how Ruby inspired her, but because I feel like hers and Ruby's relationship didn't get explored in the story, the speech sort of also felt flat, because why not show the progress of how Blake views Ruby.
Their lack of screen time will always annoy me, but this criticism isn't aimed only at Ladybug, but at Team RWBY in general.
So, yeah, wish we had more of them and their reunion in Volume 9 should have been more emotional, but no, only Blake's and Yang's reunion can be emotional, I mean it's not like Blake and Ruby fell down together, with Blake having went after Ruby to save her-OH WAIT.
Anyway, I shall hc that Ruby has a crush on Blake and she's finds herself feeling a bit jealous of Yang.
But yeah, their whole aesthetic/color schemes are very nice.
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rachetmath · 7 months
Robyn: So Arc-
Jaune: You can call me “Jaune”. I’ve been here for five months.
Robyn: Well okay. Jaune um… what’s your day like with Fiona.
Jaune: Normal.
Robyn: Really? Nothing’s going on with you two?
Jaune: No. I just help her out. That’s it.
Robyn: Really?
Jaune: Yes.
Somewhere else
Nora: So Fiona. How long have you and Jaune been a couple?
Fiona: We’re not couple. What makes you think that?
Nora: You see him everyday. More than me.
Fiona: He helps me with the orphanage.
Nora: Nothing else?
Fiona: No!
Jaune and Fiona were in the Orphanage.
???: Mr. Arc? Mr. Thyme?
Jaune: What is it Rex?
Rex: Are you and Ms. Thyme a couple?
Fiona: Oh my- Robyn!
Robyn appears only to have May and Nora with her.
Jaune: Nora, you too?!
Nora: Look d-
Jaune: Nora.
Nora: *forgot the kid* Oh.
Jaune: Rex go to your room.
Rex: Okay. *leaves*
Jaune: Now what the hell wrong with you two?
Fiona: Why are you so obsessed with this?
Robyn: Because you two-
May: Look Fiona I been watching you two a lot and I have to admit it’s hard not to believe you’re not dating. In fact, I wouldn’t be surpise to call you both a married couple.
Fiona: Ugh you too May. Seriously wat-
May: You and Jaune do Laundry together.
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May: Spend time with kids together.
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May: In fact, when Jaune’s training leads him to get hurt, you are the first to drag him to the nursery and patch him up. Even when he tells us “Don’t worry about it.”
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May: In fact you two are always in the kitchen together making dinner.
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May: And Jaune, boy what Nora told me about you was damn lie. I saw what you did. Slow dancing in the night.
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Nora: He was that smooth?
May: Smooth as Micheal Jackson.
Nora: Oh no.
Fiona: Um.
Jaune: Damn.
Nora: Oh yes. Finally. Fuck you Pyrrha! He go get right. *pulls scroll out her pocket and makes a call*
???: Hello.
Nora: Fuck you Weiss. You lose. He found someone better. He found the princess and gone make her his queen.
Jaune: Nora, calm down.
Nora: Fuck off Jaune. This is my victory.
In the twilight.
Pyrrha: Okay bitch, what did I do?
Adam: I mean you left the guy and died a meaningless death like Summer.
Summer: I gave birth to another silver eyed warrior. That has to count.
Hazel: Does she know how to use her eyes though?
Summer: Shut up.
Ironwood: And she destroyed Atlas and got Penny, Vine, Clover and myself killed so she’s kind a misfortune upon us.
Summer: Okay ya’ll need to stop disrespecting my daughter. Ya’ll made mistake.
Ironwood: Or so you say.
Summer: We can fight. We can fight right now James.
Pyrrha: I don’t understand.
Penny: Friend Pyrrha you are the main source of his trauma and pain.
Pyrrha: B-you know what… fuck all you.
Roman: Whoa Invincible Champion, it’s not our fault your ‘boyfriend’ decided to break that little curse you placed on him.
Pyrrha: Oh come on- I’m leaving. I don’t need this.
Summer: My death had meaning. My daughter has a mystery to solve.
Adam: So finally one of your daughters is actually trying to know what happened to you. It’s too bad they have to find the same woman that took one of them many years to find.
Summer: Oh my god.
Roman: Not to mention at least Penny’s death served a purpose. Winter’s alive. She kept thousands of people alive. While your death, Pyrrha, caused more suffering than good.
Pyrrha: You know what who wants to fight first? Who? Cause I’ll show you why they written me off. Name one. Who can body me? Who?! Step up. STEP UP!
Adam: Oh I never run from no challenge. Especially no One-V-One, come on bitch.
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iamafanofcartoons · 1 year
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[Luffs_stuff] [RWBY] Icebyrd aka SchneewoodForest Robyn Hill x Winter Schnee www.twitter.com/Luffs_stuff/status/1698425158757716012
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violentlyscreaming · 2 years
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howlingday · 4 months
Do you think Blake and Yang had nightmares about Adam and the fact they killed him while they stayed in Atlas?
So, believe it or not, and I may have mentioned this before, but I absolutely HATE how they wrote off Adam. Don't get me wrong, everything about Blake and Yang VS Adam was perfectly fine, even the killing the blow is just the perfect amount of desperation and equality of blame. This would have been a solid reason for BMBLB to get some canon to their name...
What do I mean? I'll put it as simply as I can; you remember how Ruby had her whole thing in V9 where she was freaking out because of her trauma? That made sense! Blake and Yang DON'T HAVE THAT! There's no weight to their actions! There's no consequence!
Maybe if CRWBY had some content with Blake and Yang comforting and talking to each other about what they did, or even to other people, I'd be fine with it. But they didn't...
Except they did. And this... Oh, this just pisses me off the most about this whole Adam thing because OOOOOOHOOOHOO! ARGH!
Anyway, they do reference Adam's death in V7. Yup, they did. Don't remember? I didn't, and finding out that it was in yet ANOTHER BMBLB fumble- Ooh, FMBLB, I like that -when Yang and Blake decide to team up with Robyn behind everyone's backs! In V7E7, "Worst Case Scenario," the scene goes, and I quote...
Yang: Do you… (loud exhale) Do you think we should've told Ironwood about Salem, before he put so much on the line for Amity? Blake: Sounds like you do. Yang: (sighs) I trust Ruby, but I think he deserves to know what he's stepping into. We all did. Blake remains quiet, her cat ears folding over a little. Yang turns and looks at her. Yang: You don't agree. Blake collapses her Scroll and puts it away. Blake: Look around. The embargo, the military presence, the restrictions on assembly. He's a bit prone to overreacting. Yang: Yeah, hard to argue with that. Still, he didn't have a lot of good options. Blake: I'm not sure there are many good options left for any of us anymore. Keeping secrets, taking lives? It makes you wonder how far we're gonna have to go to keep doing the right thing. Yang: Blake. Blake looks at Yang, who has a saddened expression with her eyes glimmering from emotion. Yang: We did... what we had to do. Blake's eyes glimmer a little, and she looks away. Blake: I know. But next time, I wanna make sure we don't have to, and I can tell you, ambushing a Huntress who's just trying to help isn't an option I'm thrilled about choosing.
Did you catch that? This is such a vague line that NOBODY would know without further context! Are they talking about not telling Ironwood? Are they talking about a separate adventure that we didn't see? Are they talking about their plan already made to ambush Robyn? Sure, I might be nitpicking, BUT IT'S SOMETHING THAT I CAN'T IGNORE IS JUST BAD WRITING!
Hell, I'll write a better scene right fucking now to prove it!
Yang: Do you… (loud exhale) Do you think we should've told Ironwood about Salem, before he put so much on the line for Amity? Blake: Sounds like you do. Yang: (sighs) I trust Ruby, but I think he deserves to know what he's stepping into. We all did. Blake remains quiet, her cat ears folding over a little. Yang turns and looks at her. Yang: You don't agree. Blake collapses her Scroll and puts it away. Blake: Look around. The embargo, the military presence, the restrictions on assembly. He's a bit prone to overreacting. Yang: Yeah, hard to argue with that. Still, he didn't have a lot of good options. Blake looks out the window, remorse on her face. As the convoy moves, a propaganda poster of the White Fang symbol with red X over is seen with the caption, "See Something, Say Something". Blake: I'm not sure there are many good options left for any of us anymore. Keeping secrets, taking lives? It makes you wonder how far we're gonna have to go to keep doing the right thing. Yang: Blake. Blake looks at Yang, who has a saddened expression with her eyes glimmering from emotion. Yang: We did... what we had to do... back at Argus. Blake's eyes glimmer a little, and she looks away. Blake: I know. But next time, I wanna make sure we don't have to, and I can tell you, ambushing a Huntress who's just trying to help isn't an option I'm thrilled about choosing. Yang: Neither am I, but... Hey, at least we'll be the ones doing the ambushing this time, right? Blake groans as her ears flatten. Blake: That's not funny. Yang looks down. Yang: I know. I'm sorry. I'm just... trying to lighten the mood. Blake places a hand over Yang's. Yang looks up to see Blake give a small smile. Blake: I know you are. Yang gives a smile in return.
So, uh, yeah. If a bit more effort was put in, maybe V7 wouldn't have been such a shitshow, and BMBLB might have looked a lot better.
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greenteaandtattoos · 1 year
I came up with a RWBY x D&D AU called Grottos and Grimm, and this is what I’ve got:
Team RWBY: Ruby — aasimar; paladin Weiss — elf; druid Blake — cat shifter; rogue Yang — dragonborn (gold); barbarian
Team ALPN: Jaune — harengon; cleric Ren — elf; monk Oscar — halfling; warlock Nora — dragonborn (blue); barbarian
Penny — warforged; sorcerer Pyrrha — elf; fighter
Emerald — human; sorcerer
Team STRQ: Summer — aasimar; paladin Tai — dragonborn (gold); monk Raven — raven aarakocra; warlock Qrow — crow aarakocra; warlock
Team WTCH: Watts — half-elf; artificer Tyrian — scorpion shifter; fighter Cinder — tiefling; sorcerer Hazel — goliath; barbarian
Mercury — human; fighter
Neo — changeling; fighter
Salem — aasimar (fallen); sorcerer
Team GILT: Glynda — elf; wizard Ironwood — human; gunslinger Lionheart — lion shifter; wizard Theodore — to be determined
Ozpin —human; warlock
Team CFVY: Coco — half-elf; barbarian Fox — tabaxi; monk Velvet — rabbit shifter; wizard Yatsuhashi — earth genasi; barbarian
Happy Huntresses: Robyn — robin aarakocra; ranger Fiona — sheep shifter; wizard May — elf; rogue Joanna — human; ranger
Misc.: Winter — elf; paladin
Sun — monkey shifter; fighter
Ilia — chameleon shifter; rogue
Adam — bull shifter; barbarian
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princess-of-the-corner · 10 months
One thing to note about RWBY is that it REALLY "grew the beard" over the course of its runtime.
Volumes 1-3 were animated in Poser (software that wasn't intended for use in animation), with rougher backgrounds and more simplistic writing related to complex themes. They were also only ever intended to be an extended prologue to the ACTUAL show, with the Big Twist of the Volume 3 finale being that the climax was actually just the inciting incident to the show's ACTUAL conflict.
Starting from Volume 4, the crew switched to Maya (software that's intended for use in animation), got better at writing more complex topics (the White Fang is treated more sympathetically than in the "Beacon Arc"), and Jaune was actually an interesting character for the entirety of the "Anima Arc" that lasted from Volumes 4-6.
Volume 7 is probably the best season of the show (I don't have a Crunchyroll account and so I haven't had the chance to watch Volume 9 in its entirety yet, even if I know what happens there). It deconstructs the whole "America Saves the World" trope with Atlas, and has some pretty good political satire that wound up being eerily prophetic. Also, Robyn Hill is one of the best characters the show has ever introduced.
Volume 8 contains both the best and worst moments of the series. V8C1-V8C11 features some of the best storytelling and most tense action from the franchise ever, but V8C12 has the overall message of "Okay but, the people who dehumanized Penny over her mechanical body KINDA had a point, let's fix what isn't broken!", V8C13 is a pretty descent villain episode, and V8C14 is by far the most offensive piece of media I've ever been subjected to. But still, up until those last three episodes, it was basically flawless.
I've heard Volume 9 is pretty good, but I'm side-eying everything involving Jaune because I honestly DESPISE the direction they took his arc in. But if we ignore EVERYTHING related to Jaune's role in the Volume, I like basically everything I've heard about it.
RWBY: After the Fall is a very good spin-off novel focused on popular side characters Team CFVY and shows what they've been up to since the Fall of Beacon in Volume 3. it also has a really interesting gimmick, as every other chapter is a flashback to something that happened in Team CFVY's past, further fleshing out their minor roles in the show.
RWBY: Before the Dawn is actual garbage. Sun's character arc (wherein his hypocrisy from the show is actually acknowledged and challenged) and Coco's and Velvet's shiptease are probably the only redeeming qualities. Taking this book into account actually makes Ironwood's reluctance to call Vacuo for help look REASONABLE. 2/10.
RWBY: Roman Holiday is a prequel novel focused on Roman and Neo, but Neo is the true protagonist here. The first few chapters leading up to their first meeting alternate between their perspectives, with the book being largely Neo focused after they finally meet.
RWBY: Fairy Tales of Remnant is an anthology of in-universe fairy tales. You can read it at any point in the series, but the further into the series you are when you read it, the more hints to RWBY's overarching plot you'll notice. While all of the Fairy Tales are works of fiction, some of them are dramatizations of actual events in the shadow war that RWBY's plot revolves around.
RWBY x JL: Super Heroes and Huntsmen is a 2-part film series wherein Team RWBY teams up with the Justice League. Part 1 features the Justice League visiting Remnant (kinda) during the events of Volume 7, and Part 2 features Team RWBY visiting DC Earth after the events of Volume 9.
There's also some ambiguously canonical comics published by DC, as well as 2 explicitly non-canon RWBY/DC crossover comic series. One features alternate versions of the Justice League cast who were born on Remnant, another features Remnant and DC Earth fusing due to Salem tricking Lex Luthor into helping her by playing off of his hatred of Superman. Neither of these crossovers are in continuity with the crossover movies.
Fascinating actually
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spectralscathath · 9 months
do you have any voice headcanons for Antares? how they talk, stuff like that?
Okay well here’s the characters that I think would keep the voices similar to what they have in show, because the performances given were excellent and really defined the character to me. The cadence, the tone, all that, these ones work well.
Winter, Ironwood, Tyrian, Watts, Salem, Hazel, Oscar, Ozpin, the Ace Ops are all solid, Robyn, Whitley, Sienna, Raven, Mercury, Vernal.
So here's the ones I'd mess with:
Ruby: I’d want to still have her sound light and innocent, but I’d definitely make her way less squeaky then she was in the show. A voice that can still have a bit of grit, if she needs it. I’m picturing something like Dani Phantom in Danny Phantom, or X-23 in x-men evolution (Andrea Libman’s version). Childish but able to get dangerous.
Weiss: definitely something posh but not necessarily snooty. She should have a very clear voice, one that’s clearly been through a million dictation lessons and speaks quite musically at that. Pick a soprano broadway singer, go from there.
Blake: I think she’d probably have the deepest voice of the main four girls? Not raspy, but resonant. Able to soften up, I picture something like Vi from Arcane or Korra from Legend of Korra.
Yang: Not as deep as Blake’s voice, but definitely with a bit of grit to it that gives her that tough vibe. Where Blake has resonance, Yang does have rasp. Sorta Ryuko Matoi-esque, or like Amethyst from Steven Universe.
Qrow: as much as I like Jason Liebrecht’s work I don’t think he works quite as well for Qrow, which is not anything against him just the voice doesn’t fit as much as I’d prefer. I’ve always felt Qrow should have a voice with a deeper register anyway, so I’d be picking a performance like Wolverine from X-Men Evolution, or Ghazan, Legend of Korra.
Sun: I really like Lego Monkie Kid and all the voice actors are great, I just can’t decide if Sun gets MK’s voice (younger, peppy, excited, also Sokka) or Monkey King’s (equally peppy, a little more deep, a bit tricksy, also Goku).
Ilia: I think Cherami Leigh’s voice acting is great (maybe she can be Blake?) but my Ilia is a bit younger and a lot softer so I’d want her to have more of a higher voice, to contrast Antares-Blake’s lower register. Something that still cracks, a bit like Luz from Owl House, mayhaps, or Marcy from Amphibia.
Summer: if any of you have watched Critical Role 3 Bells Hells and have listened to Ashley Johnson’s voice for Fearne, that’s it exactly. Really soft and breathy and gentle, really distinctive from the rest of the cast.
Tortuga: Tortuga had a very deep voice compared to the other Ace Ops, but not gravelly. Not quite on the levels of like, James Earl Jones, but more like Keith Davids in his Dr Facilier role, able to be quick but with gravitas.
Cinder: needs to be huskier, definitely able to have charisma behind it rather than risking sounding childish, or whiny. I picture something like Meg from Hades or Lust from FMA.
Jaune: I think he’d have one of the higher pitched voices of the male cast? Definitely a tenor, speaks fast and nervously, I picture kinda like Martin Blackwood’s voice from the Magnus Archives (I have no idea what anyone’s accents are and I don’t want to think about it), or Rocky from Lackadaisy.
Nora: super high pitched and nasally, but really sweet and cute nonetheless. I’d say kinda like, Molly from Epithet Erased, or Ivy, Lackadaisy again.
Pyrrha: I think she should have the most standard teenager voice? She deserves it, she deserves normal and not exceptional. I picture, like Gwen Stacy from Spiderverse, or Wendy from Gravity Falls?
Ren: a very subdued, almost monotone voice, its not necessarily particularly low or high, but could totally drop down to something very menacing if pushed. I’m thinking, like, a chilled out version of Percy from Vox Machina, with that same ability to go right down into a danger zone.
Emerald: what if we took Cherami Leigh's Ilia voice and just moved it here what then? Other options I think would suit her would be something like Miriam from Dragon Age (Kimberly Brooks is always a win)
Penny: If Nora was high pitched I think Penny should sound like a literal child, on account of Pietro really leaning into the 'innocent little girl' thing when he was downloading voice clips to make into her synthesizer- or, hear me out: Penny voiced by a vocaloid.
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artsykidwolf-2000 · 2 months
Alright here are some crossover ship names for characters I thought would be cool. This is for my RWBY X Last Pegasus stuff so yeah. I'll label things as such bc most of them are adults haha. I do have platonic/friendly ships because of cute interactions I've thought up. (I'll be sure to update as needed)
Also feel free to ask about them or ask about a ship because I would LOVE to talk about them (Especially Qrow, Ironwood, and Tyrian and whatever else bc I like em)
Romantic (canon/switchable/crushes)
Platonic (mostly with the younger ones or are mostly friends)
Crack ship (bc it was a cool thing/idea)
In RWBY AUs they're mostly older unless changed to canon ages in original story.
Katerina Wolfe (Dove Faunus so to speak) (Bi) (21-22) (ADHD, Anxiety)
Black Angel/Death Angel (Qrow)
Peaceful Time (Ozpin)
Kind Heart (Ironwood)
White Cannon (Oobleck)
Downy Magic (Glynda)
Poisonous Quill (Tyrian)
Worthiness (Watts)
Lucky Recovery (Clover)
Clipped Wings (Raven)
Silver wing (Ruby)
Holy Knights (Jaune)
Flash Wolfe (Dragon Faunus) (Bi) (21-22) (Is Twin of Kat) (ADHD, HF Autism, Sass)
Chaos Theory (Qrow)
Russian/Atlesian Roulette (Ironwood)
Maleficent (Glynda)
Domination (Watts)
Lucky Shot (Clover)
Grunge Match (Raven)
Dry Ice/Dragon's breath (Winter)
Robbin Hoards (Robyn)
Little Reds (Ruby)
Alexandra "Ally" Wolfe (Siren Faunus) (Straight) (27-28) (PTSD)
Ironwhip (Ironwood)
Straight and Narrow (Glynda)
Mad Siren (Watts)
Icy Fury (Winter)
Motherly instinct (Weiss)
Terresa "Terri" Wolfe (Golden Eagle Faunus) (Pan) (25-26) (ADHD)
Magic Shield (Glynda)
Trust Fall (Clover)
Golden Sword/Feather (Raven)
White Knight (Winter)
Aegis (Ironwood)
Brave Burn (Yang)
Hammer time (Nora)
Avalina "Ava" Wolfe (Fox Faunus) (Unknown/Asexual) (17-18) (HF Autism, Sensory Issues)
Glyph Gears (Ozpin)
Nature walk (Oscar)
Firefox (Oobleck)
Sorcery (Glynda)
Flower patch (Clover)
Magic dual (Weiss)
Red curls (Penny)
Meditation (Ren)
Gavin Pravus Wolfe (Beast Faunus) (Pansexual) (24-25) (PTSD)
Brazen (Ironwood)
Law and order (Glynda)
Overlucky (Clover)
Omen (Raven)
White Beast (Winter)
Trust (Robyn)
MMA (Ren)
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oddlyhale · 1 year
So, the end of RWBY x JL shows a scene where Team RWBY and Team JNR wake in a simulation room somewhere in Atlas, presumably all before the shit hits the fan and becomes V8.
It made me wonder, "again? They based it somewhere in V7 again?"
This is the second instance that the show had a spinoff or a thin extension of a new story come from V7. You'd think they'd choose somewhere that isn't in Atlas, y'know, because they're supposed to hate everything about Atlas, Ironwood, and the military and their highly advanced tech. The first time the writing went back to V7 was in Arrowfell, when Ironwood did nothing but act as quest giver.
Now granted, they may villainize Ironwood in the second part because Ruby deduced that someone from their world created the simulation. Or they may blame Watts, which would make more sense for him, but y'know, they may as well break canon for the movies.
Though I just wanted to point out that it is set in V7 again, and I kept wondering why they're choosing to put the kids back in the place that everybody is supposed to hate?
But then I came to think, "was V7 better than I thought?"
V7 is a vibe, in the beginning half. A very good vibe that brought everybody back together. It was the peak of peace of mind for all the characters to train and upgrade into new outfits and get some new upgrades for their weapons. Meet new friends and have Penny and Ironwood back, both of who were a delight to see. Not to mention, they're now surrounded by a great deal of cool Atlesian tech that gives them that futuristic vibe and much more exploration for the teams to do.
I think I can understand why it's neat to have that vibe. It's probably the only volume that had a sense of hopepunk in the cartoon itself. You'd have to ignore Yang and Blake's ignorant decision to trust Robyn to get a good feeling out of this volume. Weiss playing detective to expose her dad, while not the best sideplot, still was something good for her to do and finally put Jacques away. You'd have to also ignore Ruby lying to Ironwood just to have this good vibe.
Oh, and also, couldn't help but notice how hard RT keeps marketing RWBY in their Atlas outfits, as though they were trying to push the V1-V3 outfits away. Eventually, that didn't work. (Maybe that's the reason why they antagonized their Past Selves in V9 during the smoking trip, ooooooh.)
Anyways, that's all I noticed.
I refuse to think I'm wrong because they CAN go further back and avoid Atlas altogether, but they don't.
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waheelawhisperer2 · 2 years
Today's Stupid Crackship Of The Day is James Ironwood x Robyn Hill! The two benefits of this ship are the fantastic hatesex and the way it makes everyone who likes either character mad!
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randombook4idk · 1 year
hiiiiiiii, yes this user fell in love with a crackship that others dont really care about and the fandom hates one of the characters.
yes, this user will make posts about that ship, im sooooo sorryyyyy
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waheelawhisperer · 2 years
Here's a strange one for the ask request, if you have to ship a RWBY character with a Arknights character, who'd it'd be and why?
Fuck I'm not good at crossover ships
Qrow gets pegged by half the cast because this man has a phenomenal ability to attract tops that crosses the boundaries of gender and sexuality, they're helpless to resist the overwhelming urge to bend him over the nearest furniture
I actually had to think about this one a little bit, but if I had to pick one entirely serious ship I'd go with Horn x Robyn Hill, they're both very used to fighting for an oppressed people by this point in the story and I feel like they could get along quite well. Their potential dynamic actually reminds me of Schneewood Forest in a way.
I will marry Ironwood to Theresis because I enjoy watching disasters unfold in real time
Cinder x Talulah just seems funny to me for some reason
Taiyang and Saria bond over being divorced dads, get married, then get divorced. Silence's Homewrecker Instincts activate but she can't decide which one to sleep with so she ends up choosing both of them. The whole thing ends with everyone miserable but Saria and Tai have both doubled the size of their repertoire of dad jokes, so the real losers are Ifrit, Yang, and Ruby
Ruby is too busy gushing over all the Terran technology to get shipped with anyone, but she probably makes friends with all the engineers
Weiss collects a harem of people with ice powers
Silence's Married Woman Senses go off the moment she sees Willow, Willow gets her first orgasm in at least a decade as a result (and then her second, third, fourth, and so on)
I think Jaune would see Nearl and be painfully reminded of Pyrrha, poor boy would watch Margaret do her Paragon of Chivalry and Goodness thing and start sobbing uncontrollably on the spot
Specter and Nora become fast friends and cause no end of trouble
Blake and Blaze end up dating solely because they think it would be funny to watch everyone around them mess up their names
Yang marries Nearl and then I marry both of them because tall busty blonde onee-sans who could kick my ass activate all my neurons
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marrow-minded · 1 year
you want rarepairs/crackships? i'll name you some of mine, so enjoy my long ramble:
-ironhill (Ironwood x Robyn) - HEAR ME OUT! i know Ironwood is disliked in rwby fandom while Robyn is, i'll safely say, unpopular in rwde community, BUT there's a certain charm of shipping disliked character with a liked character, especially when the views of the characters differ in different fandoms. Romeo & Juliet who?/j
But joking aside, i started shipping them when Robyn was like "i thought you were a jerk & didn't care about others, but i was wrong.". Call me basic but i like when two characters find a middle ground/realize they're not what they thought the other one was.
In all honestly their relationship was such a wasted potential and yes i am also saying it because i ship them, but with the theme of trust going around it would have been cool to have Ironwood & Robyn team up and become allies - with Ironwood representing Atlas & Robyn representing Mantle. Not to mention, BOTH care about their Atlas & Mantle and want the best for it's people. Just two leaders who didnt see eye to eye, only to realize both have the same goals in mind and are not each others enemy (it's Jacques)
Right now i can't name other reasons why you should like my ironhill propaganda, but consider this - they both hate jacques so that should be a sign they're soulmates/j & they both having shooting type weapons.
But even if you don't ship it, you have to admit their relationship was a wasted potential :/
-invisible poison(?) (Tyrian x Fiona) - HEAR ME OUT...it is mostly centered around them being Faunus, BUT the thing is Fiona is a sheep Faunus and Tyrian is a scorpion Faunus. Sheeps in general are seen in a positive light, while scorpions are seen in a negative light.
It's hard to put in words, but it would be interesting to explore how these two, while being Faunus had different experiences with how others treated them due to what type of Faunus they are. (Not to say Fiona never got discriminated against for being a Faunus in general).
Both are also very loyal to their leaders (Salem & Robyn), so yeah parallels...sort of. And my mind then came up with a scene where they fight and Fiona questions Tyrian on how he could be loyal to someone like Salem and he answer with that Salem is the only one who accepts him fully, never treating him badly due to him being a Faunus, UNLIKE certain other leader who called a dog Faunus "Waggs" & just makes Fiona question her role in HH and if she would have been treated differently by them if she had been a "dangerous" type of Faunus (but let's be honest he would mostly say this to mess with her)
There's the whole aesthetic/tropes with them too - short x tall, good x evil, kind x terrible etc. And I once decided to search them on google in case I find something, and while it wasn't a fanart, I did found a drawing of them together, so that's something.
-firewall/electric fire (?) (Watts x Cinder) - they hate each other and that whole balcony scene of Watts calling out Cinder's bullshit. Also unlike Ironwatts & Ironwood x Jacques, instead of them having divorced & sick of each other exes vibe, they rather have two people who refuse to get a divorce because they're petty af and want to see the other sufer. Next question
-target practice/pvp (?) (Penny x Pyrrha) - i might not ship it as i used to, but i think it started when i thought about how Pyrrha died thinking Penny is dead (which she was and will be), while Penny got brought back, not knowing Pyrrha is dead (does she know it is unknown but for the sake of angst im chosing this option) and then my mind thought of PvP Childhood AU, where Penny got the chance to travel around the world years ago and befriended Pyrrha with them keeping in touch over the years and getting to see each again other at the Vytal festival.
And yes that does make their fight a lot more devastating because now Pyrrha dies feeling the guilt of killing her best friend and Penny comes back only to learn her best friend is gone and died not knowing she's alive (if we assume bringing Penny took a lot of time).
Aside from the angst, I think they could have had a cute dynamic :)
-envy zinnia (Emerald x Ren) - it's the "because she's scared just like us" for me (dont remember if he said that because he used his semblance). It's the way Emerald reacted to his words and denied them. It's the way Ren looked at Emerald while others were arguing about her joining the team (i think it was Yang who mostly against it).
It's the idea of Emerald assuming Ren can read her well because of his semblance and trusts her based on that, only to learn he had never used his semblance and trusts her, because he wants to and sees good in her for me.
It's the idea of Ren feeling complicated about his feelings about Nora, because he feels like he should fall in love with her given she's his best friend and had always been by his side, only to fall in love with his former enemy. (nooo, i did not drop the summary of my wip here, nooo)
There isn't much with this ship, for me this mostly being "hey this is a neat one" only to then imagine Emerald getting flustered over Ren holding her hand or looking at her with a soft gaze in his eyes.
OKAY YOU SENT ME A LOT (WHICH I LOVE THANK YOU SO SO MUCH) so im gonna put my responses under a readmore bc i do actually wanna put thought into each of these
okayyyyy lets start with IRONHILL: well i think ironwood is a whole gay man but thats just MY hc so like. of the female characters u can ship him with its not the WORST option? like i 100% totally get what u mean that sometimes theres so much wasted potential or a better story hidden behind a dynamic that you either dont get to see on screen or doesnt get nearly enough to work with that u kinda end up shipping them just bc u want more of them. im not sure i see any romantic or sexual chemistry between them personally so i feel like i would "ship" them as like Business Partners. like
robyn: would you like... to form an alliance with me
james: ... yes, yes i would
robyn: EXCELLENT >:333
NOW TYRION/FIONA. This Interests Me. like i love corruption type romances, where the innocent or happy or naive one gets a dark or bad boy or straight up evil lover. some real hades/persephone type shit. ive said before that i love angel/demon imagery and u cant get more heavenly than a lamb. also i do agree that i think their parallels of their roles are very interesting and i also dont like robyn so anything that gets fiona away from her is good with me! i feel like i would really love like almost a roleswap of them? like a fiona slated to be a maiden candidate for salem, on the bad guys side, and a tyrion that was still fucked up but he is like on ironwoods payroll as a ace-op special assassin or something, like i feel like that would be really fun LOL or like a tryion that was just SLIGHTLY less insane and not on salems side but like is still a bad guy and he gets wounded and fiona finds him dying in the woods or something and brings him back to her little cottage and fixes him up and they bond as he recovers like THATS TASTY
cinder/watts im not a fan of. i do get what u mean about them having toxic divorced exes energy but i feel like watts/ironwood does that in a way sexier and fun way and i dont want to subject cinder to that sort of vibe tbh (i have another cinder-centric rarepair thats genuinely my cinder otp so theres also that)
TARGET PRACTICE IS A FUCKED UP NAME FOR PYRRHA/PENNY SKCBSODBSPEHEJ but pvp is deffo something i get... in a completely au context. like nothing about their canon vibes click for me? but with ur whole childhood friends thing i get it; i think like if somebody told me to outline a pvp fic, i would like. okay pyrrha is brought to beacon on a special recommendation and before she even starts the school, shes brought in and told about the maidens and magic and penny and the proposal to make her the next autumn and penny the next winter and ironwood and ozpin ask if shes willing and if she is, will she work with penny? and the two of them are assigned as partners (meaning jaune gets a new partner which according to canon would be WEISS so hello thats fun) and they bond and struggle with making friends and being 'normal' with these pressures and its quite bittersweet and emo and cute i like it
NOW YOU HAVE TOTALLY SOLD ME ON EMERALD/REN. i love putting ren with literally any other character and i feel like emerald has such a simple but good character that she can fit with a lot of people and tbh u really have sold me on them. i really like the imagery of like ren and emerald both having this barrier for whatever reason that prevents them from being open and honest with their feelings but using their semblances as different private u iqie communication that just WORKS for them they are both autistic and hot and i think they should kiss also their shades of green being complimentary and ren and her just having this really fun dynamic of them both being really snarky and sassy but quiet and observant and they just VIBE im highkey lowkey obsessed with the idea... ren and nora are side characters in my fic but they are on a team with merc and emerald (trust the process) and the plan is currently actually emerald/neon but... somethings may have to be rearranged bc im actually really REALLY into the idea of ren and emerald... SHIT YOU ACTUALLY DID IT YOU ACTUALLY SOLD ME ON REMERALD.....
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nogoawaytism · 1 year
Might bother you once more, but if you want some crack ship suggestion involving Ironwood and Joanna, may I offer some of mine?😏
Summer x Ironwood, Ironwood x Robyn (take a long shot of canon divergence AU)
Joanna x Fiona (not excatly crackship) and Joanna x the reporter guy to whom she unnecesary rude to at the start of V8 :[ (still ship it)
Well, I don't know if this technically counts as a spoiler alert but:
Regardless, rarepairs are what make the world go round! The only problem is that they don't have as much content tbh.
None of the Happy Huntresses get into a relationship with each other in my AU, plus Robin is aroace.
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rwbyazre · 2 years
Were Clover x Robyn a thing or am I misinterpreting?
They were once. Clover and Robyn grew up together in Mantle, and were a couple when they were younger, to the point that they had Wren. But their relationship started to crack with Clover going into the Atlesian military and Robyn starting down her political career that pushes her to take the job of Mantle's mayor.
Eventually their wants in life just drifted too far from each other, and Robyn actually went more on a self discovery journey to find out that she's a lesbian and isn't really romantically interested in men. So, they broke up when Wren was a newborn.
Robyn moved on to May Marigold and Clover moved on to James Ironwood. They're mostly amicable with each other, but do argue over their conflicting interests in Mantle and Atlas.
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