#rwby rarepairs
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pin-poo · 1 year ago
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“ i've always looked up to you Ruby, and I still do. „
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whitelikeroses · 1 year ago
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a just-for-fun rwby rarepair tournament poll featuring only my favourite ships. im gonna do something for the winner. adorable art by @rubyneo
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scythes-and-roses · 1 year ago
Blake, pointing: Can I sit there?
Pyrrha, confused: That's my lap
Blake: That doesn't answer my question
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rwbyrarepairexchange · 10 months ago
RWBY Rarepair Exchange 2024 Sign-Ups
Hello and welcome to the fourth annual RWBY Rarepair Exchange!
You can sign up using this form here.
Be sure to check out this year's guidelines and schedule before you sign up!
Thank you @rwbyrarepairs for the support!
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howdoyoudothedew · 7 months ago
Rated: G
Pairing: Dawn (Yang Xiao Long/Sky Lark)
Word Count: ~100
A/N: day three: blue collar, modern au, lumberjack Yang
Sky stares. Sky stares, because he doesn’t think he’d be able to not stare. Like if he looks away, or blinks, she will vanish from existence. Long blonde hair in a bun, and purple eyes, and a treasure trail just peeking out behind red flannel. The sleeves are rolled up to her biceps, revealing tantalizing muscles Sky wants, embarrassingly enough, to lick and the word sir sits heavy on his tongue, willing itself to be spoken. Called. And Sky talks a lot, but his tongue is dry as he does nothing but stare. Freckles cover sunburnt skin like painted constellations. Eyes a shade of purple Sky wants to spend the rest of his life trying to recreate. Her eyes catch his, and she smiles with dimples, and Sky feels his heart stop.
It restarts with a wink and a “hi”, feeling like it’s thumping to a brand new beat.
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 2 years ago
Ren: Emerald, you do remember when we agreed we were better off as friends, right?
Emerald, naked in Ren's bed: No, I absolutely do not.
Ren, already taking off their clothes: Fuck… Me neither.
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rwbyrarepairweek · 6 months ago
Day one! Welcome back to rwby rarepair week! Today's prompt is jobs!
Please tag all works with @rwbyrarepairweek and #rwbyrarepairweek within the first five tags. If you put it on ao3, we have a collection (rrpw2024)
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archester-creations · 1 year ago
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its four am
(both outfits are outfits brian david gilbert wore and the second picture is using a reference from mellon_soup on patreon)
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bmblboop · 2 years ago
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whitelikeroses · 10 months ago
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My OT3 has this one (1) frame together and I will cherish it forever
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a just-for-fun rwby rarepair tournament poll featuring only my favourite ships. who knows maybe ill do something for the winner. adorable art by @rubyneo
i dont know if you'll want it, but if you do @rwbyrarepairs
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moonlitgraveyrd · 2 years ago
“And I wonder,, if everything could ever feel this real forever — If anything could ever be this good again,,”
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rwbyrarepairexchange · 10 months ago
2024 Guidelines & Schedule
1. Under no circumstances are you permitted violate the Do Not Want list of your recipient. This rule is the most enforced, and breaking this will get you banned from the subsequent exchange or exchanges depending on the extent of the violation.
2. Fics must be at least 1500 words, and artwork must be complete.
"Complete" means completed to your ability; every artist has a different style, and thus this just means finished to the artist's ability. Black/white pieces are allowed if they meet standards of polish.
3. Life comes up, and you may need to drop out. Please let me know before the drop-out deadline if this winds up applying to you.
4. NSFW content is allowed. However, NSFW of characters that are minors is not allowed (e.g. Beacon arc RWBY + JNPR) and incest/pseudo-incest (e.g. Ruby/Yang & Ruby/Qrow) are not allowed. Relationships where one character is a minor and one character is a significantly older adult are also not allowed (e.g. Ruby/Ozpin). However, aging up characters is okay.
5. The following ships are not allowed due to being too common to be considered rarepairs: Whiterose (Ruby/Weiss), Bumbleby (Blake/Yang), Renora (Ren/Nora), Arkos (Jaune/Pyrrha), Fair Game (Qrow/Clover), Nuts and Dolts (Ruby/Penny), Rosegarden (Ruby/Oscar), Blacksun (Blake/Sun), Lancaster (Jaune/Ruby), and Emercury (Emerald/Mercury).
Polyamorous relationships including these are permitted, however (e.g. Blake/Yang/Sun or Jaune/Weiss/Ruby).
6. Most importantly, have fun! This is meant to unite the rarepair shipping communties and feed each of our individual desires for more content of our rarepairs.
May 15th: Sign-ups open
June 15th: Sign-ups close
June 20th: Matches sent out
July 20th: Drop-out deadline
August 2nd: Posting day!
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howdoyoudothedew · 7 months ago
Rated: G
Pairing: Dawn (Yang Xiao Long/Sky Lark)
Word Count: ~600
A/N: day one: leather, modern au, leather daddy Yang
It’s an innocuous enough statement at the time. Or, Yang thinks it was. Maybe if it wasn’t their first Pride together, it would’ve been fine, but Yang saw the group of leather daddies and maybe it was something about Sky but it just… slipped out.
“I’ve always admired them. Sometimes I kinda wish I was one.”
Sky’d blinked at her, and looked between her and the group of daddies in their leather, and his voice was so oddly quiet when he asked her if they’d been what she was talking about. And Yang may’ve been embarrassed, but she’s never been much of a coward. So of course she said yes. Maybe she should’ve. It’s not like Sky started avoiding her after. He didn’t. But since then he’s been staring at her like she’s a complicated problem to solve. Or something. And she can’t help but worry.
Daddies get a lot of flack for being weird and while Sky’s never been the most traditional person… maybe it’d been too much.
So, Yang spends a week worrying. And then another as Sky still says nothing, and suddenly does start avoiding her. It reaches a peak halfway through the second week when she visits his apartment and he doesn’t let her into his small studio. She wants to say something, but doesn’t, because not being much of a coward doesn’t mean she never is.
On the last day of the second week, Sky texts her late at night asking if he can come over, and Yang says he can all while thinking this is it. He will come over, and break up with her. At least he’ll do it to her face.
When Sky knocks at her door, her hair is messier than usual, sticking up in spikes from running her fingers through it. She takes a breath and opens it with a smile, only to freeze as he shoves a package toward her.
“I’m sorry it took so long, I just really wanted to get the right brown and the painting took a little longer than I thought,” Sky says in a rush, vibrating in excitement as he waits. Yang stares at the shiny golden wrapping for a moment, feeling his impatience, and slowly begins to unwrap it. The gold reveals brown leather and a collar and Yang looks questioningly at Sky. His eyes are bright and shining as he nods. She unfolds it and nearly gasps.
A dark yellow dragon curls around the back, blowing smoke across the shoulders. Daddy is spelled out by the smoke in whisps and embers. There’s a sky blue feather clutched securely in the dragon’s claws. Yang swallows hard, holding the jacket close.
“Did you make this?” Yang asks, soft.
“Yeah,” Sky says, his cheeks red but stubbornly meeting her eyes in a way she thinks he wouldn’t meet anyone else’s. Not right now, when he’s running his nail nervously across his palm. “I’d, uh… thought about it for a while after Pride. What you said about the leather daddies.”
“Yeah?” Yang prompts gently, when it seems like he won’t say anything else, despite still holding words on his tongue. Sky swallows this time. His nail digs into his palm and Yang juggles the jacket and wrapping paper to the same hand so she can uncurl his fingers and thread them with hers instead.
“I think it might be nice to have a daddy?” Sky says, unsure, and Yang feels her heart do a little flip. She squeezes his hand.
“Thank you,” Yang says, gratitude and acceptance both wrapped into the two words. When she kisses him, it’s with the leather jacket held close to her chest.
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 2 years ago
I don't know if Emerald and Penny have a ship name, but if I may give a suggestion;
Illusion of Life
The Illusion of Life: Disney Animation is a book by two animators for the Disney Corporation during the "golden Years" and it's 1995 release cover has Pinnochio on (Penny's Allusion.)
Penny whole deal is that she was meant to look like a "Living human," to give the Illusion of having life.
Emerald, obviously, has a semblance based on Illusions, and is also (Supposedly) based on Aladdin, who is also from the Golden Age of Disney animation.
In this situation, It Just Iwerks Works.
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