#robot yuri button
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heuristicallysilly · 2 months ago
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I made you a stupid little button
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honeydewcorporation · 1 year ago
Just got the biggest gender euphoria ever from imagining myself as a computer tower the size of a fridge that runs hot enough to be used as a space heater.
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lalunameli · 1 year ago
Yuri Petrov's Daily Schedule
From: The Rising - King of Works Super Fanbook
@tnbscans really made my day today with this scan of Yuri's Daily Schedule from The Rising - King of Works Super Fanbook. It has been previously translated but like all things Yuri, it's so quirky and hilarious that I was really happy to get a chance to read about the robot vacuum cleaner and the forgotten banana in their native language. Not only that, this man showered from 9:06pm to 10:28pm (must be nice to prevent pruning with your own built-in furnace 🤣), then noticed one of his nails was broken and filed it down. Werk 💅
Yuri Petrov, you silly silly lovable weirdo.
Note: I have also been provided with a cleaner scan of Yuri's KOW Profile which I will add to that post.
Yuri Petrov
0: 00 自宅にて、抱えている案件の書類に目を通している
12:00am At home. Looked through the documents for his cases.
1 : 34ミネラルウォーターを飲みながらオペラを鑑賞
1:34am Drank mineral water while listening to opera
2:38am Went to bed
6:30am Alarm went off, got out of bed.
6:35 洗顔&歯磨き
6:35am Washed his face and brushed his teeth
6:44 着替え。整髪
6:44am Changed his clothes and fixed his hair
6:51 母親の分も朝食を作る
6:51am Made breakfast for him and his mother
7:12am Ate breakfast with his mother who had woken up
7:50am The Nursing Staff arrived to pick up his mother.
8:00am Set the "ON" button of the robot vacuum cleaner
8:03am Left his house
8:30am Got to work 30 mins early. Started his work day
8:43am Went to the washroom and noticed it hadn't been attended to by the cleaning staff as it was out of toilet paper. He refilled each stall with toilet paper.
9:00am Morning Meeting
9:35 案件の資料に目を通す
9:35am Looked over his case materials
11:00 休憩。コーヒーにシロップを入れて飲む
11:00am Break. Drank coffee with syrup.
12:08 司法局内でデリバリーの昼食
12:08am Lunch delivered to the Justice Bureau
12:49 経済誌とバナナを購入
12:49pm Bought a business magazine and a banana.
12:55 歯磨き&身だしなみチェック
12:55pm Brushed his teeth and checked his appearance
13:00 デスクワーク
1:00pm Deskwork (paperwork)
14:45 休憩に入る。コーヒーにシロップを入れようとして、きれている事に気付く。悲しくなる
2:45pm Took a break. Tried to put syrup in his coffee and noticed it was out. Felt sad.
14:48 仕事を再開
2:48pm Resumed working
18:00 帰り支度。バナナを忘れていたことを思い出し、鞄に仕舞う
6:00pm Got ready to go home. Realized he had forgotten about his banana and placed it in his bag
18:04 司法局を出る
6:04pm Left the Justice Bureau
18:16 スーパーマーケットに立ち寄り、ミネラルウォーターを6本購入
6:16pm Stopped by the supermarket and bought 6 bottles of mineral water
6:44pm Returned home
18:45 手洗い&うがい
6:45pm Washed his hands and gargled
19:00 介護STAFFが母親を連れてくる
7:00pm The Nursing Staff brought his mother home
19:17 調理
7:17pm Cooked
19:48 母親は既に食事を終えているので、一人きりで夕食。デザートに��ナナを食べる
7:48pm Ate dinner alone since his mother had already eaten. Had a banana for dessert.
20:21 TVでニュースをチェック
8:21pm: Watched the News on TV
20:59 今日もシュテルンビルトで殺人事件は発生していない。無言で小さく頷く
8:59pm Took note there were no murders today in Stern Bild. Gave a small nod in silence.
21:06 入浴(シャワー)
9:06pm Bathed (took a shower)
22:28 身体を拭き、髪の毛を乾かす。爪が割れているのに気付き、ヤスリで磨く
10:28pm Wiped off his body and dried his hair. Noticed he had broken a nail and filed it.
22:38 母親が何やら話し始める。今日は機嫌が良いらしく、ユーリの中学時代の思い出を楽しそうに話している。相槌を打ち、優しい笑みを浮かべる
10:38pm His mother started talking about something. Noticed she seemed to be in a good mood today, and was happily talking about the memories of Yuri's junior high school days. He nodded while smiling gently.
23:06 眠ってしまった母親をベッドに連れて行く
11:06pm Took his sleeping mother to her bed
23:15 携帯電話がメールが届いたことを知らせる音を鳴らす。誰にもアドレスを伝えていない筈なので驚く。ゆっくりとメールを見てみると宛先を間違えたメールだった。「アドレスをお間違えのようです」とメールを返す。だが、先方からの返信はなかった
11:15pm Received an alert on his cellphone about a new email. This surprised him because he doesn't give his email address to anyone. He looked at the email slowly, and noticed it had a wrong address. "It seems that you have the wrong address," he responded. There was no response from the other party.
23:21 抱えている案件の資料に目を通す
11:21pm Looked over case materials
23:54pm Unwittingly fell asleep on his desk
12:00am (next day)
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alinalioness · 6 months ago
Security Breach Chapter 19: A bot attack.
Meanwhile, with Alina's group.
The girls watched their friends who managed to save Glam-rock.
Puppet: It remains to free the others. But they should be aware that they need to save Vanessa, find Freddy and his friends and defeat William.
Helpy: That's it, now we can tell them to save Vanessa.
Alina: With the help of slot machines, you can free her from William's influence. (She took the microphone) Attention my friends!
Meanwhile, with the others in different places.
Others: Alina?
Alina: You need to play on each of the three slot machines so that you can free Vanessa from William. She is probably now in the form of a rabbit with red eyes, who was watching us to kill and Helped William.
DJ: That's right, we forgot about it.
Vanny: Oh, right?
She pressed the button and the broken robots immediately went to the heroes where they were.
Glam-rock Freddy: They are coming.
But what's worse, Vanny has thrown burning matches in every place and the fire is slowly starting to appear.
Puppet: Vanny started a fire.
Alina: Put it out!
Helpy wires turned on the signal and water appears from the flashing lights, causing the lights to disappear.
Vanny: No!
Mario: We must not delay. We need to act.
Alina: The first machine "The Princess's Quest" is located in the cabin. The second one is in the Fazcade. And the third one goes to Vanny's lair in the Fazer Blaster.
Meanwhile, with DJ's group.
DJ: That's right, I have one. Then we'll have to go back.
Leo: And in Vanny's lair, when I, along with Emma, Max, Irina, Yuri, Haoyu and Cass, were crawling through the ventilation.
Sundrop: Bots!
Animatronics in the form of a spider began to attack bots.
Krash: May I please do more?
Chiko: Are you sure you can handle it? I'd rather be with you.
Krash grabbed Chico and jumped into the ventilation.
Meanwhile, with Glam-rock Freddy's group.
Glam-rock Freddy: We have to split up who's where. We're going to Vanny's hideout. While we're dealing with the bots, Gregory and Cassie go to the vending machine.
Others: Good.
Meanwhile, with Alina's group.
Puppet: Vanessa is about to leave the pizzeria. Close the gate.
Tricky pressed the button and the main entrance of the pizzeria is closed.
Alina: Griffona detain her.
Griffona: There is.
Negabosses in the form of a griffin immediately headed for the main hall to Vanny.
Vanny: Again?!
Griffona: Not again, but again. (Blocked Vanny with iron feathers) Well, will you show your face?
Vanny:(Going to get a knife) No... (Griffona's beak and eyes turned purple) Why are your beak and eyes turning blue?
Griffona: From suspicion.
She threw her gun with her tail and Vanny grabbed her arm. Landing on her head, Griffona pushed her into the elevator with her paw and she flew up to her becoming a humanoid lioness. When the elevator closed and went, the Rabbit decided to kill her with a knife, but she dodged and took it away. When she pushed Vanny, Rabbit noticed that the elevator opened and she pushed her with her foot, causing her to fall.
Vanny: Well, no... (Leaves)
Meanwhile, with Alina's group.
Puppet: Failed. But ours have begun to act.
Suddenly, Ella, Lan, Yara, Donut, Seeder and rainbow heroes entered the office.
Ella: Guys, we've finally found you.
Fire: The bots are coming for you.
Lan: We won't last long.
Donut:(He noticed Puppet) Who is it?
Puppet: We'll talk about this later, child.
Alina: Okay, we'll go to the vending machine in Fazcade, and you rainbow heroes delay them as much as you can.
Rainbow Heroes: Good.
When they saw the bots, they immediately left, until the bots had an idea of something worse.
In the Glam-rock salon.
The characters of SpongeBob, the rest of Disney, Alla, Kayna, Boog and Eliot watched as SpongeBob and Patrick played in the slot machine and they managed to pass.
SpongeBob: Hooray! We won!
Alla: The others have already figured it out. Go to the main entrance immediately.
But they were prevented by the whole army, so they had to fight them.
In the Fazcade.
Alina's group were playing a slot machine and they managed to win.
Alina: We teleporting to Griffona.
Sparkle teleported to the hall with the help of magic with her friends.
In the Fazer Blast.
Freddy's Glam-rock band managed to get to their destination before they saw their friends with purple eyes.
Glam-rock Freddy: Run, we'll distract them.
Gregory and Cassie: Good.
Two children ran while the others tried to smash the purple lamps. But they were strong, while Vanny looked at it and followed the children. Gregory and Cassie are already playing Princess Quest.
Gregory: We have to make it before Vanessa finds us.
Cassie: She's almost there!
This makes the boy play fast, until Cassie noticed that Toy Freddy was approaching Glam-rock Freddy on the bridge.
Toy Freddy: Hehehe.
Cassie: Glam-rock Freddy!
Toy Freddy pushed Glam-rock Freddy and the rest of the infected animatronics break him.
Others: No!
Monty: Hands off!
Monty attacked one of the animatronics while Pikachu turned off electricity to each infected animatronics, and Marina, Lilo and the Street Cat broke the lamps.
Happy: Oh, I still found it!
Gregory and Cassie: Guys!
Laughing, Vanny went up to her hiding place and prepared to attack. This scared the two children, but she was prevented by Krash and Chiko from ventilation.
Krash: Hurry up, you're almost done!
Gregory quickly reached the last station of the game while the others approached the broken Glam-rock Freddy.
Others: Freddy.
Glam-rock Freddy: That's all right... You're all doing great. Thank you, Monty, and you for coming on time.
Vanny picked up two round animals and threw them to the human children.
Gregory: Hurry up!
As soon as she took one step, the machine screen turned off and all the bots turned off. The kids from Kikoriki stood with their eyes closed until they heard a familiar voice.
Vanessa: How are you kids?
As soon as they opened their eyes, they were surprised to see Vanessa holding a rabbit mask with a worried face.
Krash: It's true.
Gregory: So you really were in it.
Vanessa: Yes, but I didn't want to kill and make your animatronic friends evil. Even when I was under the influence, I didn't want to do it.
Cassie: We forgive you. All the same, Alina knew that William was to blame for everything.
Chiko: What about the others?
They walked over to the others who were helping Glam-rock Freddy stand up. Suddenly, the other animatronics opened their eyes and looked at their friends.
Glam-rock Chica: Glam-rock Freddy, do you still feel good?
Glam-rock Freddy: Yes... It's a little damaged... (To the others) Thanks you.
Cassie: Look, your friends have become themselves.
They watched their animatronics friends get up no longer angry.
Toy Freddy: Oh my God, I will remember this terrible moment. (He noticed that someone was missing) Where are Freddy, Bonnie, Chica and Foxy?
Doc: We don't know, but we'll find them.
However, not everything was as smooth as they thought when Glam-rock Freddy noticed how the bots came to life.
Glam-rock Freddy: They're alive!
All the broken bots were ready to attack, but suddenly they heard someone's explosion.
Lilo: What is this?
Street Cat: I think it's even worse...
As soon as Roxy looked closely, she was scared.
Roxy: Dynamites!
Glam-rock Freddy: Let's run!
They run away while the bots catch up.
Meanwhile, with DJ'S group.
They heard explosions when they went to their friends and noticed how everything started exploding.
Wander: Save yourself who can!
They all ducked while the DJ covered the living friends with his hands.
In the hall.
Everyone stood in shock from the explosion while Alina's band and Glam-rock Freddy joined them.
Alina: What's going on here?
Fire: Everything starts to explode!
Pink: But there are no others!
Doc: We need to find it immediately, while-
Everyone fell into the pit and only Griffona, coming out of the elevator, was scared behind them.
Griffona: No!
She noticed that cracks were appearing under her and she fell into the ground.
To be continued...
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tastylemonbread · 1 year ago
[all this has been copy + pasted from discord with some minor revisions]
dude actually. the gods have a natural passive cloaking spell-ish thing on them at all times that blocks most humans from consciously registering them. but anyway this effect doesn't work on animals. where im going with this is that crows are totally aware of real gods
i havent really been updating this server on the design changes to some of the gods. if i can remember em all.....
chaos is now represtented by incomprehensible shambling arms that move in a mesmerizingly smooth manner, but any individual arm/hand appears to move jagged and jittery. its face is one of those creepy white painted smiley theatre masks, and its "neck" is just arms holding the mask
war used to be an armored thing, then i wanted it to be a humanoid robot that looks like a tank. then i decided that war god should actually be a skinny fucker that wears the robot like armor. then i decided no actually these ideas should kiss and be yuri and actually war god is now a big robot tank armor thing that's been worn so long that the being inside has been fused with the mechanical bits. veins and tendons creep along its insides. between the mechanical armor plating, you can see muscle. it bleeds
god of life is void black wearing a white suit, which is like the opposite of death with his white bone and void black clothes. anyway, life never wears a tie, and her blazer is never buttoned up to show she's less tied down by all the red tape of order's institution. oh and also her shirt is fun colorful
[old sketches of life. i forgot to draw her clothes right. i always forget this.]
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anyway erm. life and death have rings of the other one's sigils :3
not married
idk its complicated
i think what i may go with is that life thinks theyre already in a relationship but death thinks that he just has this huge unreciprocated crush on her. this too is yuri
have i mentioned that god of fear is a doggy now. black doggy. one of them sleek fighter jet lookin ones. and his face is all scarred and shit. these scars make him look more intimidating but they're just.... scars. signs of abuse and pain. because god of fear is also god of misery and all that stuff [note: nobody actually knows that he's also misery. they're too scared of him (he has this natural aura that makes him fuckign terrifying) to talk with him. hence the crippling isolation and consequential misery]
[note for my tumblr girlies. trying to imvent a god of the sky and stars is kinda fucking hard when you are at all aware of what astronomy is. like. wow. that sure is A LOT OF PLANETS for a single god to have domain over. hrm. maybe i need to rethink this.]
[i rethought it. i have decided that sky and star god only controls how stars are perceived from earth. and also astrology or whatever. yaaayyy ^_^]
[another note about god of war. me making the body fused with the armor conveniently allows me to make a suit of armor that can't actually fit a humanoid thing. i can just say that the humanoid thing is curled up in a ball or whatever. yaaaayyyy :D]
[another note about god of fear. i looked up the dog. its called a doberman]
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maguro13-2 · 3 months ago
*Reaction to Gundam GQUUUUUUX*
Miroku : So...Our studio has just collaborated to their studio to make a new show for Gundam.
Sango : And if you think that's cool, I thought there would be a place for Yuri.
Shippo : Uhh, not quite. But it's a definitely new show for the 21st century.
Setsuna : A new robot show? Really?
Towa : You don't see that everyday.
Moroha : I'm beginning this new show is pretty interesting since that Yuri show.
Inuyasha : So what's the new kid gonna be like?
Kagome : Well, look on the bright side, she's new to the studio.
Spike : Jet. This is the new kid?
Jet : Uhh, yeah, and there is a problem with that?
Spike : Now the Gundam Pilot wouldn't happened to be just a kid, would you? It's only a girl.
Jet : Well, the studio is making a collaboration with their current studio back in 2006. This is all what we got from their director.
Spike : Well it's not!
Faye : Well, I was right all along! New kid of that New Gundam is a girl, I wonder if she was like Edward?
Radical Edward : But I'm right here! I'm liking of meeting the new kid here!
Lelouch : This is the new kid? This is the new pilot we've been waiting for?
Suzaku : And it's a girl.
Lelouch : You know what? I was never wrong about ladies piloting giant robots.
Suzaku : Me neither.
Kagura : Hey, new kid! You're glad that you're finally here. Welcome to our studio!
Gintoki : I don't know, man. But i'm not sure of liking the new kid. But piloting a Gundam by another Girl? Pffft! Nah! We haven't seen that since day 1 with no female protagonist since that Yuri Visual Novel I just looked.
Nico : I wonder what's gonna happen when everyone's greeting the new kid? But when they get too over excited with this peak stuff from Studio Khara, how is this going to effect us?
Maki : (moaning in pain) Nico...I don't feel so good.
Nico : Well, maybe you aren't too feeling well. Hey, is your head okay? Do you like need some help?
Maki : It's this girl, Nico. This New Girl on the block, I just can't stand it. It's too peak.
Nico : Uhh, what was that I heard?
Maki : I said... IT'S TOO PEAK!
(everyone is in shock)
Inuyasha : What?!
Maki : Everyone! This New girl made us too peak!
Gintoki : What is something peak from this new girl? She's only a kid.
Kagura : (gasps) Oh my God, Maki-san! Your head!
(her head in swollen)
Maki : Too peak! It feels like that I'm gonna die of peakness!
Moroha : (realizes something) Oh man. That does not look good.
*cues Last Boss ver.1 by Hideaki Kobayashi*
Maki, also : IT'S TOO...PEAAAAAAAK!
*Head explodes*
(Everyone exclaims)
Machu : Oh no! Not again!
Inuyasha : What is this presence!?
Moroha : It's the awesomeness powers of peak, man! We abused the powers of it and--Oh God! NOOOOO--*Head explodes*
Kagome : (screams in horror)
Gintoki : My God. That girl's power level... It's the peak apocalypse.
Kagura : Peak apocalypse? What's that supposed to be? Isn't that a thing where--*head explodes*
Gintoki : OH GOD! She died of Peak!
Koga : Hey, man. What's everyone shouting abou--*head explodes*
Sango : Oh no, he's gone! Miroku! Try think fast to the new kid! She's only a kid, Miroku! She's new to Gundam! What can we expect from peak fiction, Miroku?...Miroku?
(Miroku's eyes widen)
Sango : Miroku, you feeling okay?
Miroku : This is worth of 44.1Khz sample rate...!
*head explodes*
Gintoki : Chili cheese dogs! I gotta call the others!
*mashes button*
Heero Yuy : Oh no. I think I really drank too many Icee's in one setting. (GRUNT)
*head explodes*
Relena : Peak Fiction apocalypse! Everyone, do not take the levels of PEAKNESS that serious, you are going to make heads--
*Head explodes x2*
Relena : Explode.
Sesshomaru : This levels of peak can't be serious to my eyes that are bursting with electricity!
*his eyes starts to zap*
Sesshomaru : DAAAAAAAAAH!
Suletta : YIKES! *evades getting zapped*
*everyone gets zapped*
Ren : Sesshomaru! Your eyes! Shield your eyes!
Guel : Yo, Suletta. My boss found out that Persephone was using us from the start and he fired me for suing her. It's cool that I hang out with you guys--*gets zapped*
Inuyasha : Kagome! What should w do to get off these levels!? How serious is this power!?
Kagome: The only way to get out of the levels of peak, is to never make it look peak! Everyone pretend that none of this is peak!
*everyone except Nico covers their ears.*
Nico : Uhh, guys? What's going on? Why's everyone covering their ears, and why is my head getting a lot of stress!?
Kagome : You too, Lover girl! Cover your ears before it's-
Nico : Too late!
(head starts swollen)
Nico : This girl! This New Gundam, and this new everything, that is about to blow...my...
(with a distorted voice)
Nico : (Yells) MIIIIIND!!!
(screams in agony as she self-destruct)
Kagome : What's she's doing!?
Machu : Oh my.
Nyaan : Duck and cover!
*DBZ SFX : Energy Explosion*
Machu : Nyaan. You saved me.
Nyaan : Anytime, kid. Anytime.
Inuyasha : Is everyone alright?
Kagome : Yeah, but...
(shows Nico with a missing head)
Kagome : Woah. I mean "Wow", I did not see that coming.
Nyaan : Guess we did heed that Kid Trunks's warning about abusing the powers of peakness.
Machu : Not to worry, I'm still around, got me all hanging with a new lifestyle.
Nyaan : Although, you do make a great effort that you are fit to be a controller to a machine.
Machu : Yes, and what am I to you?
Inuyasha : I think those two can get along.
Kagome : Yeah, but what's the point of these two getting along with their new show coming out? What are they into, Yuri?
*sounds of Machu and Nyaan kissing each other*
Machu and Nyaan : (moaning)
Nyaan : I'm so telling on you, kid.
Kagome : (in horror) Oh no.
*Heads explodes*
Inuyasha : Bleh! I should've know!
(iris out)
*sound of Head exploding*
Kid Trunks : And now you heed my warning. didn't I?
*camera nods*
Kid Trunks : Good. That's what happens when you can't handle the powers of peak, and what happens when you abuse the peak, It will start an apocalypse by making you explode!
"This script is brought to you part by..."
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sims4yurionice · 5 years ago
CyberPunk Sims: Eros Yuri
Eros mode can be turned on with a press of a button.
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Victor and I gasp simultaneously
BOI YOU LOOKIN LIKE A SNACK. A very metalic, crunchy one though.
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hollowbingbong · 3 years ago
Yutag things - Incorrect quotes
*bonds beyond time trio trying to con some random guy*
Yugi: Um, jaden, why are you pretending I'm this guy's family?
Jaden: We need money!
Yugi: You're scamming him?
Jaden: I was thinking more like flat-out stealing from him?
Yugi: What?! No way!
Jaden: Why not? We already stole Yusei!
Yusei: Hey guys
Yugi: No, we didn't. Yusei can think and talk for himself, he can do whatever he wants!
Yusei: I wanna steal
Yuya: We need to distract these guys
Yuma: Leave it to me
Yuma: Centaurs have six limbs and are therefore insects. Discuss.
Astral, yuto, and yugo: *Immediately begin arguing*
Yuri, watching in horror: Oh this. I don’t like this. I don't like this at all.
Jaden: I CAN'T DO IT!
Yusei, laughing: I CAN'T EITHER!
Jaden: I appreciate it,
Yusaku: jaden-
Yuya: jay we gotta-
Jaden: YOU GOTTA LOOK INSIDE YOURSELF AND SAY 'What am I willing to put up with today?'
Jaden, motioning to The Newest big bad they have to defeat: NOT FUCKING THIS
*The squad is over at Yuma's house*
Yuya: Ohhhh, we each get our own oven?
Yuma, laughing: How many ovens do you think I have???
Yuya, motioning to yuma's kitchen: Three, I thought!
Yuga: I see a-
Yuma, motioning to one device: This is a microwave.
Yuga: Oh, well I-
Yuma: Hey wait wait, actually- hang on- *fiddles with the buttons on the microwave*
Yuma, amazed: Its got a bake setting!
Yuga: you learn something new every day!
Jaden: Do we- Do we roshambo for who gets to pick first?
Yuma: Now I've just discovered I have more ovens than I thought, we don't have to roshambo nothin!
Yuma: I am someone who owns four ovens...
Yuma, louder and way too happy: I am someone... who owns FOUR OVENS...
Yuma: I didn't know I was so rich with ovens...
Yuga, pointing to another appliance: Also the toaster oven!
Jaden: why do you have so many ovens??
Yuya: Ohhh, toasty boy! Four- Five ovens!
Atem: In your opinion, what’s the height of stupidity?
Yusaku: *turning to jaden* How tall are you?
Atem: Nothing in life is free.
Yuya: Love is free!
Jaden: Adventure is free.
Yuga: Knowledge is free.
Yusaku and Yusei: Everything is free if you take it without paying.
Yuya: Imagine if someone handed you a box full of all the items you have lost throughout your life
Yugo: Self-esteem, haven't seen you in years!
Yuri: Oh wow, my childhood innocence! Thank you for finding this!
Yuma: I knew I lost that potential somewhere!
Yuto: My moral code, is that you?
Yuya: I was just gonna show you this cool trunk my dad left me but do you guys need a hug?
Yugi: Good morning.
Yusaku: Good morning.
Shoma: Good morning.
Jaden: You all sound like robots, try spicing it up a bit.
Jaden: That’s one of my biggest fears. Like, if I ever woke up as a donut...
Yusei: You would eat yourself?
Jaden: I wouldn’t even question it.
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tare-anime · 4 years ago
Development of Yor Briar / Yor Forger
(up until chp 51.5)
Childhood time.
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This pics most probably just after the Briars lost their parents. Yor tried her best to take care after Yuri. I suspect she was around 10, and Yuri around 3 (by the way Endo draws her here.)
She wore generic clothes, without any sign of rose theme.
Several years later, when she was older.... perhaps around 12- 13 y.o. (She was taller, hair longer, started to develop her curves)
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When she entered the Garden. Under training, perhaps? First missions? She still used her regular clothes. But following her growth of skills, and perhaps as rewards for her sucessfull missions, the Garden started to reward her with Rose themed clothes. Rose bandana, rose buttons, better fabrics(?)
Until more than a decade later, after so countless harsh trainings and missions.... a deadly, cold bloded, robotic Thorn Princess was roaming around cleaning the country of traitors.
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Cold. Calculative. Deadly. Full rose theme. Black clothes. Garden emblem proudly wore (the earings). Devoid of emotions.
But then.... she entered her life as Yor Forger. People started to genuinly showered her with love. She was reminded of emotions. And she started to smile more...
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Genuine smiles. Coming from her heart.
Which resulted in a more expresive Thorn Princess.... (more smiles, more expression, rounded eyes)
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She reported happily when the job was done
She showed hatred for people who showed violence in the presence of children
She could relax in their "safe without threats" period
Buuuuttt...... she was harshly reminded that in their underground job, that was a flaw. Dangerous flaw
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And she was forced to realize her "mistakes". Forced to become the cold, deadly Thorn Princess once again... to return to her previous stage.
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And she had to comply or else.....
Thus for the time being, Thorn Princess was all business......
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However, I believe this time, the influence of Yor Forger will make her even more stronger.
That is her desire to protect.
She's no longer just a heartless killing machine, but someone with goals. Goals that she truly wanted. Goals that she can be proud about. Albeit still a secret from her family.
I can't wait to see what she'll become by the end of this arc 🥰
(Kudos for Endo and his details! So amazing!!)
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starlightshadowsworld · 3 years ago
Seto: you think that splitting the world can stop me from doting on my grandson? think again. (kick down Arc-v academia and take back his school. Figured out to transfer money across dimension while Jaden get to know Yuri)
(I am cackling also Seto would destroy Leo the second he found out his school was being used for war)
"Bravo, here I thought no one could be worse than that bald idiot Sheppard but than you came along and somehow lowered the bar." Said Seto, death glaring Leo Akaba. Maybe he could understand the mans motivation, if he lost Jaden he would do anything to get him back much like Leo with Rei.
But the man had gone beyond that, casting out his own son in favour of his daughter and besides his plan would harm his grandchildren! And that is something Seto Kaiba would not allow.
Zarc being split meant more grandchildren to spoil and they had powers like Jaden, like Seto was going to pass up such an opportunity.
"How... Who are you?!" Yelled Leo, getting his dual disk. "Hey! Uncle Seto" said Alexis, coming down the stairs. Seto smiled, all Jaden's childhood friends jokingly called him Uncle but meant it very much so. And in this case Alexis definitely did so on purpose.
"U-Uncle...?" Asked Leo, looking at his younger colleague in shock. "Hey Alexis, sorry we took so long. Uncle Joey pressed the wrong button" he said, sheepishly. "Of course he did, anyway glad you're here it's been getting crazy. We'll not as crazy as before, least this time there's no vampires or robot monkeys" said Alexis making everyone sigh in relief.
No one answered Leo, he was swiftly taken care of by Seto while Jaden went over to talk to a confused Yuri with Alexis. Seto wasn't bothering much with Leo, just doing some light subtraction in his mind that's all.
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lady-byleth · 2 years ago
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Longest Tag: 138 characters
#i'm at an almost constant 5 which is great when the doctors tell me that i am capable of working full time even though i am definitely not
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379 notes - Posted March 4, 2022
Cyno: im small but knowing
Alhaitham, not looking up from his book: you don't be knowing what the top shelf looks like
388 notes - Posted September 28, 2022
You know, Scaramouche might not do the fandango but his thunderbolts and lighting?
Very very frightening.
487 notes - Posted November 2, 2022
Like, listen. Listen, okay. The moment I learned they were making Galadriel's character revolve around needless revenge over a man (her brother who is currently happily traipsing across Valinor because that's how death works for elves) I was already mad enough to never touch RoP with a ten foot pole
But this? Taking one of her most iconic lines and attributing it to Sauron? I am livid.
The real Galadriel, the book Galadriel, was always an ambitious woman. She left Valinor to rule a realm of her own, to shape a land the way she thought right. She watched her male relatives do shit and was like "I can do better" and that's what she did
She was driven, intelligent and gifted, she was one of the greatest things that ever happened to the elves, and it all came from herself.
But now they changed her story. This Galadriel isn't traveling Middle-earth to find a place for herself, she's traveling it to avenge a man who doesn't need avenging. And then Sauron pops up and tells her she could be a queen "stronger than the foundations of the earth"? The line she originally said about herself?
The way this is all set up makes it look like a man planted the idea in her that she could be a queen, a man tempted her into becoming a queen, and then continued to tempt her until she refused the ring.
Her whole thing in the books was overcoming the temptation of power and choosing what was right and good. But it wasn't the ring that she needed to beat, she needed to overcome the desires and ambitions inside herself that the ring was using against her
She was her own greatest enemy and she won.
But now they made it all revolve around a man. A man gave her the idea, a man tried to tempt her, a man is who she quotes when she's overcoming temptation...
Do I really need to spell out why the story of a woman whose biggest enemy is herself being changed to so heavily focus on a man's effect is bad? Do I really??
1,879 notes - Posted October 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
There have been a lot of animated cats in games and movies and what have you but Stray? That is a cat!
The little "brgh" sound the cat makes sometimes when you jump, the way it just instantly drops when B-12 puts the little backpack on it and then continues to crawl across the ground like a dramatic little shit, the button prompt to push stuff off shelves for absolutely no reason except chaos, the quick little tap tap tap of the paw when it inspects something, how it just SLAPS the first two robots it meets (the dying one at the beginning and B-12 after booting it up), the way it licks its lips after hissing...
These people really paid a shit ton of attention to how cats work and it's given us an extremely realistic little guy that I will love with my whole heart until the day I die
17,581 notes - Posted July 23, 2022
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alexis-medina · 3 years ago
Dissecting: Edens Zero Ch. 155-159
Jinn + Kleene vs Callum + Lyra:
Lyra’s powers are interesting, I know Mashima changed it from the original submission because she used dice like Nero. I feel like tho since he used the elements as ether gear for previous characters that Lyra's ether gear should be related to her cards or numbers. The lightning seems a little out of place for me. Gamblers Rush should’ve been whatever card is flipped over the suit will attack with different powers so like heart would attack you differently than a spade. Plus, wind should be stronger than lightning especially with Kleene’s ether gear (Wind Snatch).
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Callum’s ether gear still confuses me 😩 but Laguna explaining it does help a little lol. So basically, each Oceans 6 member has two types of ether gear: The ether gear they grew up with and the one given to them by the Empire.
Tho, with Laguna revealing the weakness and Jinn going into a little backstory feels kinda corny IMO. WHO AM I? I AM ME.
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With the Rutherford backstory, how did Drakken find them? Was he the one who turned him into a cyborg or "robot boy?" Jinn and Kleene's relationship is reminding me of Yor and Yuri's bond in Spy x Family.
Even though Kleene is younger, they're kinda acting like twins in this part when they both go into OD at the same time. I get that Jinn is trying to normalize his ether and beat Callum while also figuring out "who he is" and what not but what about Kleene? We never really see her perspective on their backstory and Sister going into her memories doesn't count.
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The end of the battles against Oceans 6 fall a little short for me but I understand that they're just the underlings and their battles won't be as grand as EZ crew vs Shura, Nero, or Ziggy.
But, now we got 4 OD: Homura, Weisz, Jinn, and Kleene. What about Mosco???!?! SOMEONE PUSH HIS BUTTON.
Also, I probably said this in a previous post but if the Oceans 6 is supposed to be these elite defenders why can't they go into OD?
Nero 1 Invasion:
Fabiano and Jaguar have this 70s look that I can vibe with. Fabiano thinking his Aoi crystal-type ether gear is strong enough to defend against Jaguar is laughable...Sir, have you've read Fairy Tail's Alvarez Empire Arc??? Did you skip over the Gray vs Invel battle???
OH LOOK WHO IT IS!! It's ZIGGGGAYY. Look even though this robo-grandpa turned evil...I still support him idk.
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LOL ME 😭😭😭
So, it's going to be a standoff between Jaguar, Ziggy, and Nero. Who is the bigger threat? I would say: 1. Ziggy 2. Nero 3. Jaguar
Poseidon Shura + Witch Regret:
Okay, if Nero dies the Aoi Cosmos will go to Shura but what happens if Shura dies too lol. Who gets ownership of the Aoi Cosmos? The Oración Seis Galáctica?
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WITCHHHHH NOOOOOO!!! Pino said that Witch still has a life signature so she's still alive but not for much longer. Sister get her to the emergency room STAT.
Laguna + Shiki + Rebecca vs Princess Ijuna:
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Okay, Happy, if Shiki and Rebecca could stop fighting one another they would but they're being forced to act this way why don't you get it? Giving a speech like that isn't going to do anything lmao. I mean they're crying because they don't want to fight...damn this is giving me Gray vs Juvia flashbacks. I would've have really liked to see the love part with Gruvia in Fairy Tail but we see that now in the sequel. 😉
Laguna came just in time with his Tears Lover and now he has to face the princess. I FREAKING CALLED IT BEFORE THO. I had a feeling she was the princess cause she was an important side character and wasn't a part of Oceans 6 which made it a little sus.
I wonder why Laguna wanted more power? Was the reason because he couldn't save his best friend (since the empire killed him) or was it merely out of greed and ego? Who is this best friend?
Did Laguna and Ijuna have a thing. Also, just realizing that their names rhyme.
Would it make more sense to have Ijuna's ether gear be invisible? Would it defeat the purpose if everyone could see the red strings? Well, the red strings are both a symbol of romance and death. Romantic disaster? The perfect combo: Shura and Ijuna plus a heaping of toxicity. I mean...A bomb in her ass? Shura has some weird ass kinks. He's definitely the dom and she's got Stockholm Syndrome. Alexa play Stockholm Syndrome by One Direction, please.
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OOF Laguna's silhouette scared the shit outta me for a second. Whew! I like how Laguna is saying the exact same thing Pino said when Shiki and Rebecca were fighting.
Pino: “They are acting against their will..so their hearts are crying.”
Laguna: “Your heart is crying your majesty.”
But, I didn't even think about the possibility of Ijuna using her power with Shura unconsciously - Flight or fight response shit right there.
Homura and Creed
WE STAN HOMURA AND CREED 💕 UGH I CAN'T WAIT FOR THEIR RELATIONSHIP TO BLOSSOM IN THE SAKURA COSMOS. We got a little snippet of them in Ch. 156 but their scenes in Ch. 159 are giving me LIFE. WHAT'S UP SEIJI HOJO! HOW YOU DOING SEIJI HOJO!?!?! AND they are from the same planet, Oedo!!!! WOWOWOW the universe is shipping them.
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Shiki and Rebecca
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THIS IS WHAT THE PEOPLE WANT!!! #MostrueLove But Happy, why'd you have to ruin the perfect moment. 😭😩 Even when the red string was cut, Shiki and Rebecca were still holding hands.
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Yeah, Shiki, you REALLY hate her. 😒
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jackie-gremlin-ghost · 2 years ago
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#he really was like 'yeah go ahead tell your boss you got your shit wrecked by literal children let's see how that works out for you : )'
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To say I’m furious is an understatement.
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249 notes - Posted August 19, 2022
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How much do you wanna bet that Dexter/Blossom is on here because of that crazy PPGD webcomic from 2004? (Although to be fair, I shipped them all the way back when I was like 6. I’m almost 30)
Also, why is Numbuh 4/Numbuh 5 the KND ship on here? They always gave off more of a sibling dynamic, if you ask me.
Cartoon Network, you of ALL PEOPLE should know Numbuh 4 and Numbuh 3 were literally endgame!
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274 notes - Posted October 25, 2022
Rook: I did notice one omission in your files that peaked my curiosity.
Ben: Ask me anything. I’m an open book.
Rook: Tell me about Feedback.
Ben: …That book’s closed.
You pushed the trauma button, Rook.
You shouldn’t have done that.
335 notes - Posted January 28, 2022
I love this moment from Rook Tales.
The fact that Rook did a suplex and almost immediately followed it with an elbow drop…
He totally learned that from Rath, and you can’t and won’t convince me otherwise. 😆
356 notes - Posted July 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Heard it was Yuri Lowenthal’s birthday today, and since I’ve been binging Ben 10: Omniverse lately, I decided to draw my two favorite characters in the franchise that he voiced; the man himself, and one of his fave aliens, Feedback!
399 notes - Posted March 5, 2022
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recentanimenews · 5 years ago
An Explorer's Guide to the Wonderful World of Visual Novels
Visual novels! Once decried as a “niche” by the masses, they have slowly but surely wormed their way into video games as a whole. Persona became a visual novel, then Fire Emblem. Now Saya no Uta, Gen Urobuchi's disturbing cult “classic” (?!) is available on Steam to stumble upon. There are fewer barriers than ever before to experiencing this varied, historic and often misunderstood medium.
    But where to begin? Some visual novels are very long. Others are quite lewd. A number of them (even the ones people love) front-load their most boring material at the beginning, and save the best moments for the last hour of what can be twenty or thirty-hour games. Picking up Saya no Uta without being primed for the extremes of the medium is a recipe for despair. But don't be afraid! Many of the best visual novels being made today are only a few hours long, encompass many approaches and genres, and are acceptable for all ages. In this piece I will lay out a path that you, dear reader, may follow into the thickets. Some things to keep in mind:
1. Every one of the games featured here is legally avaliable in English. If you know Japanese and are willing to spend some money, feel free to experiment on your own!
2. The games featured here range from appropriate for teenagers, to appropriate for mature audiences. Content warnings will be marked as needed. That said, almost none of these games feature the kind of graphic sex you'd see in old-school titles like Fate/Stay Night; the exception is the final title, included for completionism, which is truly sordid and not appropriate for anybody (but I like it).
3. While I've had some experience with the medium, BL and otome games are huge blind spots of mine, so I won't embarrass myself by pretending expertise! If you're interested in exploring those fields, I've heard good things about Code: Realize (get the collector's edition with the extra content!), Hatoful Boyfriend and (if you're OK with some NSFW material) Coming Out on Top.
With that said, let us being our journey!
  These games last about two to three hours, but will stick with you longer than that. Don't assume these are “beginner games” simply because they are short! I could argue that collectively, the three titles here are the best on this list.
    Butterfly Soup is Brianna Lei's follow-up to her cult success Pom Gets Wi-Fi. It's free! It's also one of the most acclaimed visual novels ever by the mainstream games press, scoring praise from folks like Patricia Hernandez and Steve Gaynor. As for what it's about: it's the story of four girls on their high school softball team, two of them are in love, and there are many funny jokes. I found the ending to be abrupt, but if you're looking for good vibes and some much-needed encouragement to stay true to yourself, I highly recommend this game. Plus it references Matt Mullholland's excellent “My Heart Will Go On” performance, which earns it extra points in my book.
  Content warnings: Brief depictions of parental and physical abuse (no visuals!), ableist slurs.
    We Know the Devil is “what if Kelly Link wrote Revolutionary Girl Utena?” Plenty of anime and games channel that energy (my beloved What A Beautiful visual novel series among them) but few do so as succinctly and distinctively as Aevee Bee, Mia Schwartz and their team do in this game. The result is a punk, unsettling take on magical girl stories set in a Christian summer camp, featuring sneaky world-building and some striking body horror. You'll feel for the cast and their struggles, and cheer in the True Ending when everything goes completely off the rails.
  Content warnings: Psychological and body horror, alienation of queer youth in a religious setting, freaky music.
    EXTREME MEATPUNKS FOREVER is a game about gay antifascist folks fighting fascists across the desert while riding giant robots made of meat. It's the equivalent of a zine you'd pick up at a fair, willing to dive into messy topics most games shy away from and wholly uninterested in sanding away any rough spots. The music is great too! Play this game if you want to beat up Nazis in a giant meat machine called ROOTS AMONG ASH.
  Content warnings: Body horror, mentions of self harm and abuse, suicidal ideation, alcohol, gender dysphoria, loss of bodily autonomy, apocalyptic ideation. For mature audiences!
  These games are a good bit longer, ranging from five to fifteen hours to beat. If you enjoyed the earlier entries and want more, try some of these!
  The House in Fata Morgana is a bonafide cult classic, a game made by a small studio that earned itself a legion of die-hard fans in the visual novel space. At first glance it's an entertaining genre pastiche, four tales of doomed love centering around a cursed mansion. But read past the first four chapters, and suddenly the real story comes to the fore—the tale of two ordinary people and a love that lasts for centuries. Fata Morgana takes some huge swings, tackling societal oppression, intersexuality, recovering from past trauma and learning to move on from those who have wronged you without having to forgive them. Its success at landing these swings likely depends on the reader, but I found Fata Morgana's heart to be in the right place. Couple that with one of the best soundtracks in video games, and you have an experience that is worth it even at 0% off.
  Content warnings: incest, domestic violence, racist and sexist remarks, psychological manipulation, homophobic and transphobic remarks, sexual assault, child abuse. For mature audiences!
    Heart of the Woods is, as of yet, the most ambitious game made by Studio Elan. It's a supernatural mystery where two adult women travel to a small town in the cold and dark to investigate some strange occurrences. What they find leads to unexpected romance, but also incredible danger. Heart of the Woods is sweet, it's funny (Tara is hilarious!) and as has come to be a running theme in this piece, the music is excellent, courtesy of Sarah Mancuso and Kris Flacke. Heart of the Woods is a game made by people who clearly have a lot of affection for visual novels as a medium, but had enough discretion to snip out the bits they weren't fond of. It also comes with a plethora of accessibility options, allowing you to customize everything from the text to the music to your needs.
  Content warnings: Parental abuse, alcohol, light horror elements, some sex scenes you can enable with an optional R-18 patch. For mature audiences!
    As for Seabed, it's... yuri ASMR? It's difficult to describe, as the appeal of this one for me isn't so much the story—which is intriguing, but very slow-paced—as it is the feel of it. Everything from the music, to the sound effects, to the text, contributes to a languid feeling unlike every other game in the medium I have played. Seabed won't be for everyone, but few titles match its distinctive atmosphere.
  Content warnings: alcohol, partial nudity. At least one sex scene that isn't too explicit by the standards of the medium. For mature audiences!
  These games range in length from fifteen hours to fifty... and beyond! If you're looking for the experience your Japanese-speaking friends fell in love with back in the days of fan translations and frantically searching online for information on Type-Moon properties, this is it! 
    Imagine that you have an idea for a great Japanese TV-drama, but you decide to make it as a visual novel instead. Wanting to produce as authentic an experience as possible, you hire actors and have them act out every scene in your script as you take multiple photographs depicting every twist and turn in the plot. Imagine the sheer amount of time and labor it would require. Then multiply it by five, let the player switch between these narratives with the ease of hitting a button on a gamepad, and tie them together into a vast meta-narrative. That's 428: Shibuya Scramble, one of the most ambitious visual novels ever created and a game that was famously awarded a score of 40 by the Japanese games rag Famitsu. Despite having an enormous and complicated script, it was localized into English just a year ago. Don't miss out on this bizarre and fascinating video game! If you're a fan of the Yakuza series, you'll be right at home with 428's brand of lunacy.
  Content warnings: Violence, drugs, alcohol, some bad language.
    Umineko: When They Cry is a lot.  A gonzo mystery story that starts as a riff on And Then There Were None, it swiftly mutates into a hundred-hour game of four-dimensional chess. It was made by a small team, scored by the music of the gods, and is fully committed throughout to its brand of sentiment, metaphysical rambling and extreme horror. Some might say that Umineko is overwrought, but that is the point: the game is memorable for its excess, not despite of it. If you're looking for a taste of the full VN experience, complete with shocking twists, a weird obsession with trivia and far too many words, this is the most authentic you can find that's appropriate for all audiences. Please play with the original art! It's charming.
  Content warnings: Parental abuse, blood and gore, people getting killed and suffering fates worse than death at the hands of witches (???). For mature audiences!
    And now we come to [NSFW] Wonderful Everyday, everything your anxious friend told you about visual novels. It's not just that Wonderful Everyday has sex scenes, it's that it takes less time to list what triggering and problematic content is not in the game than what is in it. It references Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus and Cyrano de Bergerac. The game isn't afraid to take huge, unexpected shifts in tone and aesthetic in order to scare or destabilize the player. You might be wondering: why recommend a game like this, which many would find morally abhorrent? All I can say is that Wonderful Everyday is the game that convinced your Japanese-speaking friends to read Wittgenstein. It's a cult classic, a title unavailable in English for years that came with the highest praise imaginable: that it was a profound work of art, that it would change your way of thinking forever. After finally playing through the game two years ago, my feelings were more mixed; but there's no mistaking that few games better personify the visual novel medium's eccentricities, indulgences or shoot-for-the-moon ambition than this shaggy, gross, but fascinating video game.
  Content warnings: suicide, psychological and body horror, multiple variants of sexual assault, extreme bullying, extreme violence, bestiality (thankfully cut down for release in the US!), a transgender character who is handled in a pretty specious way. Many graphic sex scenes. For very mature audiences!
  There's even more great titles out there that I couldn't fit on this list! The high stakes and interface-shattering plot twists of 999. The countless games being made in engines like Ren'Py, Choice of Games and Twine. South Korean visual novels like Nameless and Mystic Messenger. No matter what kind of person or reader you may be, there is a visual novel out there somewhere for you. I wish you luck in your endless journey of discovery!
  Are you a fan of visual novels? Do you have any (safe for work, if possible) recommendations? Please let us know in the comments!
Adam W is a features writer at Crunchyroll. When he isn't eagerly awaiting the announcement of the Girls' Work anime by Type Moon, he sporadically contributes with a loose coalition of friends to a blog called Isn't it Electrifying? Follow him on twitter at: @wendeego
Do you love writing? Do you love anime? If you have an idea for a features story, pitch it to Crunchyroll Features!
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alinalioness · 6 months ago
Security Breach 6 Chapter: Where are the enemies from here?
Meanwhile, with the others.
The heroes were preparing to start the game "Fazer Blaster". They were at the beginning of the maze and divided into groups. "Girls", "Kikoriki", "SpongeBob SquarePants", "Friendship is magic", "Disney", "Anime", "Cats and mice", "Movie and Game", "Five" and "Rainbow". Glam rock were on top watching them.
Monty: The rules of the game are very easy. You need to shoot the enemy, but not at the opponent, otherwise it's a scam. Whoever scores the most points wins.
Heroes:(Nod) Good.
Monty: About three. One... two... Three!
Time has passed. The heroes immediately started playing and shooting bots. Everyone's score was filled, and the girls' score was the largest.
Daisy: We are the very first.
In the Anime group, Balan, shooting bots, made poses of the inhabitants from the trailer.
Emma: Alina would be surprised.
Balan: I think so too. And thank you.
At the moment, Patrick walked calmly until he saw the robot and ducked.
SpongeBob: Patrick, shoot!
Patrick:(He shot at the robot) There is.
At one point, Leo, Emma, Max and Irina were walking in one place and saw Krash jumping and shooting at the robot.
Max: And you do it cleverly.
Krash: Thank you.
But not everything was so smooth. Glam rock's eyes turned purple and went somewhere. In one place, a silhouette with a rabbit's head was watching the heroes. His Red eyes stared at the heroes until the silhouette itself pressed the button. Such official bots come out of the gate, but they were spoiled and creepy. They immediately headed into the maze to harm the heroes.
Alina: I don't know how, I thought the "Anime" group would win because there are more of them.
Lula: But more will not always be stronger.
Sanya:(She heard metal breaking and noticed something in fear.) What's it?
The girls were scared to see the creepy robots themselves who were breaking bots in the form of aliens.
Alina: These robots are dangerous. They are able to take and break something or tear it off.
Daisy: Ah, damn it!
The others also noticed the bots and began to beware. Some tried to fight, but they almost got hurt.
Sparkle: They are very strong from our magic.
Wander:(Panicking) SAVE YOURSELF WHO CAN!
Squidward: Is this a level of difficulty or something?
Sandy: It doesn't look like it.
At one point, the Kikoriki children tried to blind them with a blaster. And it only happened when two bots collided with each other and broke down. Krash noticed the ventilation and unscrewed the screws with his hand from the bot and opened it.
Krash: Hurry up, into the ventilation!
Krash, Chiko, Wally and Rosa immediately climbed into the ventilation to escape from the bots. Leo, Emma, Max, Irina, Yuri, Haoyu and Cass were surrounded by bots and just saw the ventilation, which they immediately climbed into.
Cass: But what about ours?
Leo: We will definitely save them.
He accidentally slipped and decided to climb up, knocked down his friends.
Max: Hold on tight.
The rest were already surrounded by bots. Until Alina had an idea.
Alina: Inhabitants!
Cal: I understood what she meant.
Alina and inhabitants: Negabosses! Help!
The evil robots didn't understand what they meant until Griffona's iron feathers fell on each of them.
Griffona: Hands off our friends!
Later, other Negabosses appeared besides Wordsworth, Worville Wright and Purrla. They immediately began to attack the bots carefully so as not to damage their friends. They even took heroes so that they would not be damaged by their attacks and robot attacks. When the bots were gone, Inkabelle noticed that in one place there was the same silhouette with the rabbit's head that noticed and ran away.
Inkabelle: Hey, there's someone there.
Cuckoo checked the inside of the box with his head and noticed that there was no one there, and took his head out.
Cuckoo: There's no one there. It ran away.
Alla: It's a weird party. Then someone is robots, then the concert is ruined, then something else (Everyone got off the Negabosses until they became human).
Squidward:(Unhappy) Maybe there will be more clowning here?
Alina: I don't think so, I can guess right away. We're trapped.
Others: What?!
Air Cat: How could they have had enough to lure us in?
Dusk Butterfly: They wouldn't.
Luka: Yes, but you have to ask Glam Rock.
When they turned around, they noticed that there was no Glam Rock.
Heroes: Where did they go?
Lance:(He noticed that the children of Kikoriki, Leo, Emma, Max, Irina, Yuri, Haoyu and Cass are not there) Wait a minute. Where are Leo, Emma, Max, Irina, Yuri, Haoyu, Cass, Krash, Chiko, Risa and Wally?
Heroes expect Lance: What?
Lia: They may be trapped.
They started calling, but it was useless.
Barktholomew: Hey, and three of our Negabosses are with them.
Jose: But that doesn't mean they'll be safe with them.
Eis: Alina, what about what Freddy banned?
Alina: I think they had a worse past than they lied to us about. It's all because of Springtrap, which is located at- (Something hit)
Cristine: Alina, are you okay?
Alina: Yes, something did not allow it. (Remembered) No, there is a child killer William Afton in Springtrap.
Heroes expect Alina: William Afton?!
Sanya: Listen, let's act right away. Otherwise, he might kill us.
Alina: Right. We'll split up and find the others. If you see anything suspicious, let us know.
Heroes expect Alina: Good.
They immediately left the Fazer Blaster and split up. At this time, in the shelter of the silhouette with the rabbit's head, the human children of BWW almost passed by.
Leo: I found something.
Emma: Our friends?
Leo: No. There's some kind of shelter there.
They went up there and looked around. Suddenly, Cass noticed a board with photos of the characters themselves.
Cass:(Worried) What's it?
The others also looked and were shocked that someone knew about them.
Leo: Who could have known about us?
To be continued...
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snow-sides · 6 years ago
Anxietys nightmare.
I'm. Not the best at writing so I'm sorry...
And I use my real name :3
Anxiety was always silent around the others, they knew nothing about her, so when they all heard a shreak from her in her room, they all jumped, Paton was the first to the door, she was worried about one of her children, especially her silent shadow. Rachel and Lisa following close behind as they went in her room, as soon as they all where in the door slammed shut, and for alittle bit they marveled at her beautiful room, but soon it fell short when they seen a huge shadow demon over a sleeping anxiety, the trembling they see and the tears down her sleeping face shows shes having a nightmare, and the shadow seemed to have attacked her, leaving black cuts on her, all of words like "useless" and "monster" and other words she sees as herself. Paton got scared, Rachel got ready to attack with her pen turning into a sword. " I don't even know what's going on, AND IM LOGIC" Lisa said and suddenly the shadow demon looks at them. And crawls down poor anxiety and goes for the attack, "nice one Lisa " Rachel said, trying to fight the monster, but seems to not be working, and when poor anxiety let out another sob, another one appeared, going to attack, "Paton! Wake her up, it seems the worse her dream, the more of them show" Lisa said jumping out of the way, but not without a cut on her cheak that said " robot" and Lisa had tears down her cheaks uncontrollably, but didn't know why, until she realized, she felt pure fear in her soul, something she realized, anxiety feels all the time. "P-paton wake her up!" Lisa said, fear in her voice. "I'mma try" Paton said and ran over, scared to be hit next, but she violently shook the shadowling awake, and as soon and she woke up, the demons disappeared into the darkness, and the marks on her and Lisa slowly disappeared as well. They all ran to anxiety as they started to see the sky start a thunderstorm with no rain, but they went to a anxiety that was still upset, but refusing to talk even though she's sobbing. Paton was the first to talk. " Sweetheart, what in the world just happened" Paton said as she rubbed anxietys back, trying to calm her down. "Yea it's like my room but evil." Rachel said, making the sword back to a pen. And then, for the first time they heard anxiety speak, it was soft, and sounded kinda like Jasmines yuris voice, deep and suductive. "M-my room takes dreams and brings them to life, sadly nightmares to" and that was all she said before pushing a button and a TV appears and seems to show older great dreams. Dreams where she was able to talk to the others without freaking out, where she could give Jasmine a brake, and where she could smile and laugh with everyone, and not be scared. All three of the girls smile, happy to see what she wants. And deep down for all 3 of them, they made promises that they will make them come true. "Anxiety, what was that feeling when I was scratched" Lisa spoke up, still confused. Whipping tear streaks off her face. Anxiety looks up " that's how I feel every day, e-even now " anxiety said and they felt rain drops that seemed to dry after contact, and anxiety started to get overwhelmed, and she started to rock back and forth and was scratching her to try to calm down. "How bout this anxiety, later I'll make cookies, and we can go have a movie night, and have a fun day, all of us get in our pjs, and just relax together." Paton said, and anxiety nodded softly, and Rachel smiles wide, "and I can finally see what else you where. Cause I always see you in the same outfit." And anxiety just chuckled, and takes her hoodie off, her hair was just straight, and she had a black Alice angel shirt on underneath. And Lisa was the one to answer this time " so that's what's underneath that hoodie" and anxiety nodded, and with that they walked out of her room to let her calm down, and get ready for that night.
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