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ysnhmc · 1 year ago
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The hero.
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wyrdzpiral · 4 months ago
Day 28 - "Statue"
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ysnhmc-2 · 1 year ago
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ivorymoon3 · 2 years ago
Saw an edit like this on Twitter (it was about BD) but I immediately thought about Yuri.
(We aren't calling him sh1tty though)
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lalunameli · 1 year ago
Reblogging so I can add pics to my response. His lair's ceiling is actually partially domed, so not sure if structurally that would work for a basement.
I've always thought that there was no way he would ever place Origa's life in danger so I can't see it being a part of his house. Also he's literally got a wall where he hangs up pictures of murderers and heroes (he burns them in the Ueda manga) and there's no way that he isn't breaching confidentiality using whatever means he has to pull up info he needs on anyone in the city. So there's the added risk of having it traced to him, given the access he has to similar information via his day job. My guess is that he's probably either bought or rented a separate space for it.
The question I've always wondered was if he friggin painted his bootleg Sistine Chapel ceiling himself. Because it's not like he could have hired people to do it then Mavericked their minds afterwards. So not only did he design and handmake his costume, but potentially also interior designed the shit out of his Murder Dungeon 🤔
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I previously translated the blurb above in the Hero Gossips article. All it says is that he prepared a hidden room to carry out his activities as Lunatic and that it has minimal lighting.
where do yall think yuri keeps his medeival dungeon
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like is that just his basement
i legitimately forgot his dungeon wasnt just an empty room with a bunch of fucking monitors he probably plays dnd down there or something this man is the biggest fucking nerd you'll ever meet in your life when i say this motherfucker is a drama queen i mean he is a D R A M A Q U E E N
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vertraege · 5 months ago
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I drew it for the anthology fanbook issued by YP's fandom last year.
* * *
作成時期: 2023年3月26日
使用ツール: 丸ペン、Gペン、ミリペン、MediBang Paint
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anirecoposts-blog · 7 years ago
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TIGER&BUNNY – タイガー&バニー – シュテルンビルトと言う都市に『NEXT』と呼ばれる特殊能力者が存在し、その能力を駆使してスポンサーを持ちながら街の平和を守るヒーローたちがいる。彼らの活躍ぶりは『HERO TV』で中継され、そのランキング争いは激しいものである。 放送時間 近畿広域圏 毎日放送(MBS) 2011年4月2日 - 土曜 25時58分 - 26時28分 制作局 アニメシャワー第1部 東京都 TOKYO MX 2011年4月5日 - 火曜 23時00分 - 23時30分 全国放送 BS11 2011年4月9日 - 土曜 24時30分 - 25時00分 ANIME+枠 バンダイチャンネル 2011年4月6日 - 水曜更新 キャスト ワイルドタイガー / 鏑木・T・虎鉄(スポンサー - S.H.Figuarts、ソフトバンク) 平田広明 バーナビー・ブルックスJr(スポンサー - クルセイド、バンダイ) 森田成一 ブルーローズ / カリーナ・ライル(スポンサー - ペプシネックス) 寿美菜子 ロックバイソン / アントニオ・ロペス(スポンサー - 牛角) 楠大典 スカイハイ / キース・グッドマン(スポンサー - TAMASHII NATIONS、Ustream) 井上剛 ドラゴンキッド / ホァン・パオリン(スポンサー - カルビー、DMM.com) 伊瀬茉莉也 折紙サイクロン / イワン・カレリン(スポンサー - .ANIME(ドットアニメ)) 岡本信彦 ファイヤーエンブレム / ネイサン・シーモア(スポンサー - FMV) 津田健次郎 アニエス・ジュベール 甲斐田裕子 マリオ 太田真一郎 ケイン 勝沼紀義 メアリー ふしだ里穂 アルバート・マーベリック 福田信昭 アレキサンダー・ロイス 横島亘 ベン・ジャクソン 宝亀克寿 鏑木楓 日高里菜 斎藤さん 岩崎ひろし ユーリ・ペトロフ(ルナティック) 遊佐浩二 ジェイク・マルチネス 藤原啓治 クリーム 根谷美智子
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bamfas · 7 years ago
chipicco TIGER & BUNNY アクリルキーホルダー
chipicco TIGER & BUNNY アクリルキーホルダー
ブロッコリーのデフォルメブランドchipiccoシリーズの最新作! 大人気アニメ『TIGER & BUNNY』から、 アクリルキーホルダーが登場です! 「鏑木・T・虎徹」 「鏑木・T・虎徹」インタビューVer. 「鏑木・T・虎徹」チャーハンVer. 「バーナビー・ブルックス Jr.」 「バーナビー・ブルックス Jr.」インタビューVer. 「バーナビー・ブルックス Jr.」チャーハンVer. 「アントニオ・ロペス」 「キース・グッドマン」 「イワン・カレリン」 「ユーリ・ペトロフ」
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lalunameli · 1 year ago
Luna/Yuri-centric Excerpts from The Sound of Tiger & Bunny
Yusa Kōji's message translated:
"I'm glad that many people have continued to support me after the completion of the TV series and movies.
I love this work (TaiBani), and even now, if I hear a little of the music I think "Ah. It's Taibani"; and I remember working on the voiceover and events.
Everyone, please fully immerse yourself in the world of Taibani!!"
The rest of the text in this article is descriptions of the pieces they played (in this case "Hero's Mission" and "Tiger & Bunny") along with staff comments about them.
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5 The Red Moon
3'29" (3:29) TV
The violin plays 32nd and 16th notes endlessly in two parts, and this is also a passionate song. The sound incites anxiety and fully exudes a sense of suspense.
[制作秘話] 楓が誘拐されて、ヒーローが閉じ込められてどうなっちゃうの!?という場面で使用しています。不安だったり、先行きが不透明だったりする時に流れます。シリーズで使用回数が最も多い楽曲です。
Production Secrets: What will happen if Kaede is kidnapped and the heroes are trapped!? It's used in this (these types of) situation. It's heard when things are uneasy, such as when you are anxious or the future is uncertain. It is the song that is the most used in the series.
(TN: It's used a lot during Lunatic's appearances, and there's even a remix of it in "The Rising" - "The Judge From the Red Moon").
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25 The Voice of Thanatos
2'07" (2:07) TV
The bass stringed instruments and the brass instruments play the same low melody and rhythm. And the musical instruments increase with each ornamentation, and octaves. It is a song that incites anxiety elements opposed to justice, such as disturbance, agitation, and insecurity. The horn that amplifies anxiety has the instruction of "bressy" (TN: probably "brassy"). While roaring, it makes a metallic sound and gives a feeling unlike a fever. It's an opposing sound to an inhuman hero.
[制作秘話] お待たせいたしました!
Production Secrets: Thank you for waiting!
Ike-san's favourite Luna song (laughs). Lunatic's 1 song to hear the Voice of Thanatos. It's used in the scenes where Lunatic's justice and divine punishment conflict with the heroes.
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Comments from Koji Yusa from The Sound of Tiger & Bunny pamphlet.
If this is translated somewhere please let me know and I’ll link to it.
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ysnhmc · 1 year ago
Bloody hands, or tears.
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lalunameli · 3 months ago
TnB Advent Day 5
I don't know if this really counts as a WIP, but any excuse to share how much I adore Yuri Petrov. So here are my current shrines with a bonus of my tattoos.
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digdlsnews · 8 years ago
同人雑貨タイムセール 8/25(金)18:00~25:59
同人雑貨タイムセール8/25(金)18:00~25:594259作品中、一部を紹介! 【TIGER&BUNNY】ポストカード5枚セット 「ヒーローの日常」(MUFFIN餅) C82/正経同人 【黒子のバスケ】メモ帳 青峰大輝(ふぉぶ&ぐさり) C82/Osushi&刺傷 【黒子のバスケ】ちび峰メモ帳 青峰大輝&黒子テツヤ&黄瀬涼太(ふぉぶ&ぐさり) SUPER COMIC CITY22/Osushi&刺傷 【オリジナル】B5クリアファイル(三輪士郎) C65カタログ購入特典/まんがの森 【TIGER&BUNNY】A4クリアファイル ユーリ・ペトロフ&鏑木楓(士武川ニカ) SUPER COMIC CITY21/百禽 【東方Project】特製A3ヨコ不織布バッグ レミリア・スカーレット&フランドール・スカーレット(小林由高) C80/アレマテオレマ 【オリジナル】Tシャツ…
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lalunameli · 1 year ago
Translations of the Yuri/Lunatic centric parts of this interview with Director/Storyboard Kase Atsuko (sometimes credited as: Mitsuko) from the February 2023 issue of Newtype.
Director/Storyboard: Kase Atsuko
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A solitary existence that has carried out its own justice
Due to the loss of his beloved mother, he once again became Lunatic, and killed in the midst of his suffering. He was saved by his father Mr. Legend's words: "Believe in your own justice". He rushed to save Little Aurora and joined Tiger & Barnaby to fight L.L. Audun. In the end, he wrapped himself in his own flames to erase himself.
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加瀬 - 当初から「ユーリに対する解決は入れましょう」という話は上がっていました。でも最後まで、タイガーもバニーも彼の正体はわからなかったという形にしています。
加瀬 - 本当に彼は消えてしまったのか.....、それは誰にもわかりません。
Kawai: Yuri Petrov's story is also very well depicted.
Kase: From the start there was talk of "Let's put in a resolution for Yuri." But until the end, neither Tiger nor Bunny know his true identity.
Kawai: It's disappointing for this character to disappear here.
TN: Kawai deliberately uses the hiragana 「なくなって 」(nakunatte) here as 無くなる can mean "disappear" and 亡くなる can mean "death". The staff have been deliberately vague about Yuri's outcome.
Kase: No one knows if he really disappeared.
TN: Kase uses "消えてしまった" (kietemashitte) which means to vanish/disappear.
"No, I think he's alive!" - We don't mind if you think this. It is left to the interpretation of the viewer.
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加瀬 - 過去にはMr.レジェンドも、能力の減退に苦しみました。でも、彼にもタイガーとバーナビーのように、悩みを聞いて寄り添ってくれる誰かがいれば、また運命が変わっていたかもしれないですね。ユーリはひとりで生きてきたから、それに気づくのが遅くなってしまった。ですから、タイガー、バーナビーと3人で共闘できたのはよかったと思います。
Kawai: Kotetsu losing his NEXT ability as well as Barnaby's power not meeting the standards as a hero is symbolic development, right?
Kase: In the past, Mr. Legend also suffered from a decline in ability. But if he had someone like Tiger and Barnaby to listen to his troubles and support him, his fate might have changed. Yuri has been living alone, so it's too late for him to realize this, but I think it was good that the three of them were able to fight together.
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加瀬 - そうですね。ヒーローの日常を見せることで、どのバディもキャラクター性が広がりました。何よりバディがいることによって、「自分を思ってくれる誰かがいれば、何とかなる」と印象づけることができたのは大きかったと思い
Kawai: I feel the main point of the story is that it is meaningful to have a Buddy.
Kase: That's right. By showing the heroes daily lives, everyone's character has expanded through their Buddies. Above all, I think it was great to be able to impress that "If there is someone who believes in me, I'll somehow manage" with my Buddy.
While this last part didn't have any mentions of Lunatic or Yuri, I thought it was really sweet and wanted to include it.
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Interview with director Atsuko Kase from the February 2023 issue of Newtype.
If this is translated somewhere please let me know and I’ll link to it.
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ivorymoon3 · 2 years ago
Tiger and Bunny 2.
Episode 26
"Dream and Death, family they are"
This is what happens next. They get reunited 💙💚🫂
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lalunameli · 1 year ago
Pg 56
Burn evil with your own justice
The hidden face of Judge Yuri Petrov. Uses his abilities to freely manipulate deadly blue flames to kill criminals based on his distinctive brand of justice. Does your mask have a handprint motif so as not to forget your past sins?
Don't turn a blind eye. I have to be a strong man.
Yuri as a youth
There is no trace of a respected hero. Just his drunken father beating his mother.
Mr Legend: Don't turn a blind eye to evil.
That's what my father taught me.
Yuri's powers awakened, and his blue flames burned down his father.
「この死神!この!この!」 - オリガ
This Death God! (TN: Origa uses shinigami) This! This! - Origa
Yuri's mother. She became the target of domestic abuse from her husband Mr. Legend, and was beaten so much everyday, that her face was deformed (tn: from her injuries). After her husband's death, she became wheelchair bound, and currently lives with her son Yuri. Due to her harsh experiences, she has become mentally ill, and sometimes acts as if her husband is still alive. It is not uncommon for her to express hatred towards the son who killed her husband with his NEXT ability, calling him "Shinigami" (Death God).
オリガ - Origa
When Mr. Legend's powers started declining. Origa supported him, and understood his suffering as a hero. She believed with all her heart, someday her kind husband would return.
(TN: it's actually "believed with all of her strength" but thought "believed with all her heart" sounded more natural and conveyed the same meaning)
「それでこそパパの息子だ」 - Mr.レジェンド
That's my son! - Mr. Legend
A Hero who has many great achievements for his work and even has a bronze statue built in his honour. However, in his later years, he suffered from the decline of his abilities, taking credit for the achievements of other heroes in order to maintain his track record.
He became an alcoholic, and also violently abused his wife and child.
The birth of Lunatic
Yuri's father was Mr. Legend, whose accomplishments were legendary in the hero world.
"Become a strong man who punishes evil."
This was one of the teachings Yuri received from his father about being a hero. Ironically, this teaching would later determine Legend's fate.
Yuri as a boy
Pg 57
ルナティック / ユーリペトロフ
Lunatic / Yuri Petrov
Lunatic's Lair (Hidden Room)
Yuri has secretly prepared a hidden room to carry out his activites as Lunatic. The lighting is kept to a minimum.
Judicial Bureau
The Justice Tower towering in the centre of Sternbilt (Sternbild). Yuri's workplace is in the judiciary in it. You can also consult with the heroes directly at the judgement centre, and you can discuss criminal countermeasures with the Mayor and heads of 7 large companies in the spacious conference room.
(Picture of Floor plan and directly below, Executive Office (執務室))
Manipulation of blue flames
His NEXT ability is to use blue flames. Their killing power is so strong that it seems to surpass the flames of Fire Emblem.
The flames can also be used to fly in the air and to fire flame arrows using a bowgun.
"I am Lunatic. I move with my justice."
Listen to the voice of Thanatos!
(TN: Commonly translated as "Hear the Voice of Thanatos" on official goods)
"Thanatos" is the word that often appears in the lines he tells criminals who impose sanctions.
Thanatos is the god of death in Greek mythology.
It is his role to send criminals to their death in Sternbilt (Sternbild), which has no death penalty.
A capable judge who is level and calm
Hero Administrator and Judge of the Judicial Bureau of Sternbilt (Sternbild). He scrutinizes the damages caused by the heroes activities, such property damage, and conducts judicial proceedings calmly and fairly. As a judge, he can sometimes be called to meet with heroes.
Yuri's face has a handprint imprinted on his face from when he was grabbed by his father, who was burned by his blue flames. It's usually hidden, but it appears when his emotions are high, reminding him of the sins he committed when he was young.
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Yuri's pages from the Hero Gossips.
If these are translated somewhere please let me know and I’ll link to it.
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anirecoposts-blog · 7 years ago
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TIGER&BUNNY 劇場版 – The Beginning – 劇場2部作としてテレビシリーズでは語られなかったエピソードが描かれる。第1弾は2012年9月22日に『劇場版 TIGER & BUNNY -The Beginning-』のタイトルで公開予定。2013年には第2弾の公開が予定されている。 放送時間 2012年9月22日公開 キャスト 鏑木・T・虎徹(ワイルドタイガー) 平田 広明 バーナビー・ブルックスJr. 森田 成一 カリーナ・ライル(ブルーローズ) 寿 美菜子 アントニオ・ロペス(ロックバイソン) 楠 大典 ホァン・パオリン(ドラゴンキッド) 伊瀬 茉莉也 ネイサン・シーモア(ファイヤーエンブレム) 津田 健次郎 キース・グッドマン(スカイハイ) 井上 剛 イワン・カレリン(折紙サイクロン) 岡本 信彦 ユーリ・ペトロフ 遊佐浩二 ロビン 山口勝平
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