#robert armin
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shakespearenews · 1 year ago
Andersson begins with posthumous myth, as found in the anonymous 1637 jest book A Pleasant History of the Life and Death of Will Summers, for example. (The revised name was probably the work of Thomas Nashe for his 1592 play Summer’s Last Will and Testament, in which the ghost of ‘Will Summers’ comments on the action.) From there Andersson works backwards, circling the evidence until he arrives back at the man himself.
The approach has much to recommend it, not least because our idea of the fool is indelibly shaped by those in Shakespeare, and in particular the fool in King Lear. Shakespeare wrote that part for Robert Armin, who also originated the roles of Feste and Touchstone. Armin wasn’t merely an actor, however; his book Foole Upon Foole (1600) studied the lives and natures of six fools, Somer among them.
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filmjunky-99 · 2 months ago
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s t a r t r e k d e e p s p a c e n i n e created by rick berman, michael piller [the house of quark, s3ep3]
'A brave Ferengi. Who would have thought it possible…?' - gowron
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faceless-q · 14 days ago
I was supposed to finish Nik fanart, but suddenly a bright beam of light lit up my room, and a voice whispered to me "Make Six a punk rock band"
I blacked out and woke up in the middle of the night with Procreate open 👁️👄👁️
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Full art and a reference ↓
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itberice · 2 years ago
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incognito-princess · 4 months ago
I've been listening to the 'Delta Flyers: Journey Through the Wormhole" DS9 podcast. I love it. Though, I have to admit that Terry Farrell is terrible about interrupting people with complete non sequitur comments. But listening to Armin Shimerman is a joy!!! I may have to do a DS9 rewatch!
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thespianwordnerd · 1 year ago
I apologise in advance for the person I will become when the delta flyers podcast gets to Rejoined
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avatar-of-the-corruption · 1 year ago
for a corruption related character, I can't decide on a last name
fun fact, these are all authors of stuff I have on my bookshelf
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tuttle-did-it · 11 months ago
The Delta Flyers reviews one of the best DS9 episodes, "Duet," with Nana Visitor and Armin Shimerman.
I think it was a very good decision to have Armin and Nana in this episode.
Here's an interesting companion piece if "Duet" is of interest to you. ‘Duet’ is clearly inspired by the plot of Robert Shaw’s 1967 novel/ stage play/1975 film ‘The Man in the Glass Booth‘: Shaw’s story tells of a man accused of being a Nazi war criminal. The play is inspired by the factual events surrounding the kidnap and the trial of the German Nazi SS Oversturmbannführer, Adolf Eichmann, a major organiser of the Holocaust, and the question of whether he is Arthur Goldman, a Jewish Nazi death camp survivor.
So if this sounds of interest, click below for a write up on that.
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Not Robbie knowing what pegging is😭😭😭😭
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gianttankeh · 1 year ago
Ali Robertson is almost in residency at The Old Hairdresser's, Glasgow: 6/10/23 & 7/10/23.
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Ali Robertson will be squatting in The Oldhairdresser's for forty-eight hours next week so that he can hop the bill at TWO cavalcades of real OUT sound: on Fri 6th, Robertson will have the pleasure of performing a duo with esteemed warbler Nichola Scrutton and on Sat 7th he will hog the spotlight on his lonesome. You can find out more about these shows here & here.
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thecollectibles · 1 year ago
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Dragon Postal Service - Character Design Challenge by selected artists: Natthapa Chansamak, Robert Faludi, Greg Stobbs, Armin Castellón, Hushy Hushy
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you-know-that-you-like-it · 16 days ago
also alas poor yorick is not the dramatic moment people make it out to be. that shit is the FUNNIEST fucking thing. let me set the scene:
the scene is directly preceded by hamlet trading wits with the gravedigger, who was played by the company’s “fool” actor, robert armin, in one of the funniest scenes in the show
the skull hamlet is holding is definitely *not* the skull of his old jester, yorick. the gravedigger just pulled it out of a mass grave and pretended to know whose it was
immediately following the monologue, hamlet continues making jokes about the scent of the skull and the fate of julius caesar (don’t ask)
the monologue itself contains several puns and likely is just hamlet mocking the gravedigger for pretending to know whose skull it was
in short, this is a way funnier scene than kenneth branagh would have you believe, which only ups the contrast with the subsequent realization that ophelia had died
my favourite hobby is correcting people when they playfully mock the "to be or not to be" hamlet soliloquy and pretend to hold a skull in their hand
like NOPE the skull scene was with the "alas, poor Yorick" monologue. let me underline that. MONOLOGUE. not soliloquy. because Horatio was there with Hamlet in the "alas, poor Yorick" scene so it wasn't a soliloquy, unlike the "to be or not to be" one
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vintagetvstars · 7 months ago
King of the Graveyard Slot (5/16)
Vote for which Round 1 banished hottie should rule over them all!
The winners of these polls will go on to a Semifinals poll tomorrow to see who will win the crown!
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No propaganda this round, you have 1 day to vote with your heart!
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nerds-yearbook · 2 months ago
The first Star Trek Voyager double length pilot episode the Caretaker helped launch the UPN on January 16, 1995. The series introduced Kate Mulgrew as Captain Kathryn Janeway, the franchise's first female captain. The episode began at Deep Space Nine with DSN regulars Quark (Armin Shimerman) and Morn (Mark Allen Shepherd). It introduced to the franchise along with Janeway, Chakotay (Robert Beltran), B'Elanna Torres (Roxann Dawson), Kes (Jennifer Lien), Tom Paris (Robert Duncan McNeill), Neelix (Ethan Philips), "The Doctor"/Emergency Medical Hologram (Robert Picardo), Tuvok (Tim Russ), and Harry Kim (Garret Wang). Majel Barrett continued the tradition of providing the computer voice. The episode won two Emmy awards. In 2371, the USS Voyager and a Maquis ship were hurled over 70,000 light years to the Delta Quadrant by the Caretaker (Basil Langton). In the journey, several crew members of the Voyager were killed, including Lt Comm Cavit, Lt Stadi (Alicia Coppola), Dr Fitzgerald, and Nurse T'Prenna. After the Marquis sacrificed their craft, the survivors of the two crews joined forces to make the 75-year journey back home together. ("Caretaker", Star Trek Voyager, TV Event)
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moonspirit · 5 months ago
sooo I just watched the Suki Waterhouse’s interview and while he was on the phone with Robert it immediately reminded me of aruani hpw sweet they talk to each other and I remembered they have a baby girl now 🥹🥹🥹
I couldnt add the video so I’ll just link it (sorry)
Ooooooohhhhh Anon this is soooooo cute T^T
Asfafhaf Aruani speaking on the phone is a whole romantic leveling up, honestly. When you can't see the other person and all you have to go by are their voice and little sounds coming from the other side it's so wegoiggsdoigwoeihw!!!! And I kid you not, Armin is 200% giving Annie diabetes with his voice and sweet-talking.
She'll pick up the phone, say Hello? and he's going to follow it up with something stupid and silly and completely adorable like "How's my sweetest donut doing?" and she'll think fucking hell how STUPID, but before she can help it she's smiling and blushing, and then he says: "Is she out in the sun chasing butterflies?"
Oh. Oh he means their cat. Donut.
Welp. He's an asshole, even at a distance. She huffs and pouts and considers hanging the phone up, but then she can HEAR the smile in his voice when he says "Oh, did you think I meant you?"
(Soft laughter) "No, of course not. Why, when you're my sweetest prettiest choco-pie?"
A girl shouldn't be having heart-failure talking on the phone but here we are. Annie's redder than the tomatoes in the garden.
"Oh god, shut up." She mumbles.
"Yeah?" (more laughter) "How are you? I really miss you. It's been raining here."
She chews on her lips, trying to pick up every little intonation in his voice. "I'm alright. It's sunny here and I've got errands to run..." Twirling the cord around, she adds, very quietly, "And.... I um... I miss you too."
"What was that? I didn't hear anything after errands."
"... I miss you."
"Louder? Really bad connection here."
"I miss you."
"If you could say the first and second and third words again..."
She's enraged and embarrassed. "You heard me!"
So much laughter on the other side, he's having the time of his life and it pisses her off! How dare he sound so cheerful at her expense when there's still four weeks to go before he comes home?!
"Alright, alright, I'm sorry," Comes his voice, still quite breathless and so, so beautiful when it drops so low it makes butterflies in her stomach. "I miss you more though. I can't wait to come home and kiss you and kiss you and kiss you and ki-"
She yelps. "Stop stop stop, we're on a public line!"
And again, more laughter. "You're so adorable, Annie!"
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tuttle-did-it · 3 months ago
Murder, She Wrote 'Death in Hawaii' guest star
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Robert Duncan McNeil- Known primarily for ST:TNG, ST:VOY, and ST: Lower Decks, The Outer Limits, Quantum Leap, All My Children, but also did a lot of theatre. Has moved into producing and directing shows like Resident Alien, Chuck. Currently reviewing DS9 episodes on The Delta Flyers with Armin Shimerman and Terry Farrel.
11.04 Episode aired Oct 16, 1994
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