draffodils · 4 years
I just had a really intense orgasm after reading three really fucking intense Drarry fics. Sorry but I had to tell SOMEONE!!!
…haven’t we all…
OH COME ON DONT TRY AND ACT COY, PEOPLE. I know this is you right now as you read this sitting alone in your room probably :
(⌒-⌒; ) “err haha nope not me”
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draffodils · 6 years
hogwarts has a sister school that teaches sewing and iguana care
dogwarts, school of stitchcraft and lizardry
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draffodils · 6 years
Water, Water, Everywhere
Summary: “Speakeasy 1920s Drarry AU. Draco is so terrified of being different, he doesn’t recognize a good thing when it’s right in front of his face. Historical Muggle AU. Smut. Warning for mild internalized homophobia.”
Buckle Up, Buckaroos! Because I’m about to rec you one of my ALL-TIME FAVORITE DRARRY FICS! So some of you remember that a while back I got an Anon Ask asking about AU, I however at the time hadn’t read many AU’s but I have turned my life around since then and by doing so I have stumbled upon one of the most fantastic Drarry AU’s out there. It’s called Water, Water, Everywhere and hot damn is it hot and just mind blowing, literal fireworks exploding in my head while I was reading this Fic. So for starters it’s a 1920s speakeasy and Harry is the badass, sexy as hell, owner of said speak easy, can’t get much better than that, right? Well you are wrong because it gets so much better, with literally every paragraph in this fic it gets better and better. I started reading this fic going, ‘oh yeah, this is good’ to ‘what the actual hell is this perfection that has graced my eyeballs?!’ This fic also is my ALL-TIME FAVORITE when it comes to virgin!draco/first times. Honestly, one of the hottest most tender smut scenes I have ever had the privilege to read. And lord, Harry is so wicked, yet so tender and loving in this fic, that alone had my knickers dropping. Draco also struggles with internalized homophobia in this fic and Harry just has the most beautiful way of making Draco see that there is nothing wrong with two men being in love and it is one of the most beautiful things about this fic. This particular author, @julietsemophase, is also known for occasionally mentioning music that inspired/goes with the fic (as y’all know this is one of my favorite things an author can do) and in the case of this fic Juliet paired the song ‘Creep’ by Vintage Jukebox with it and it is FANTASTIC. Also just a warning I’ve been reading some of Juliets other works (and I will be reccing them in due time) and she has officially become one of my ALL-TIME FAVORITE AUTHORS so be prepared for many of her fics to be recced on this blog. She is a queen when it comes to Drarry AUs. 
Keep reading
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draffodils · 6 years
I just realized that Harry Potter went through six years of school without once having to do a group project. That's the true magic.
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draffodils · 6 years
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Harry Potter College AU:
It takes Draco a long time before he finds his way to his room on the first day, and when he finally does, he finds another person already in there. The boy is engrossed in a thick, funny looking book and Draco has to cough and ask if the boy is lost or something. Draco isn’t living with a roommate. He’s made sure of such. And yet, the boy isn’t going anywhere.
Harry found his room quickly enough. He’s made himself at home already, packed up his clothes and book and he thinks that maybe he should take a look at all the expensive books for his classes, but… that one he found in the thrift shop yesterday looks so much more appealing… and it’s about magic. He doesn’t have time to read a lot before a stuck-up looking kid pops up in the doorway and interrupts. 
Part 1/? (Part 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,16,17,18,19, 20, 21, 22, 23)
(source videos x and x)
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draffodils · 7 years
“Potter.” Draco stopped hastily at the top of the stairs from the dungeons and smoothed a hand over his hair as he nearly walked into the other boy, who appeared to be loitering with intent. Harry swallowed nervously and gave a small smile. “Malfoy. You’re looking rather dashing this evening.” Draco scowled. “Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit, Potter.” “I wasn’t being sarcastic. You’re gorgeous. Umm…” Harry blushed and bit his lip, before rushing on with, “Good scrimmage game earlier, huh? Lots of action. Maybe you’d like to go one-on-one later?” Draco went pink. He was fairly positive Potter hadn’t meant that quite as dirtily as it had sounded. He looked at Harry’s slight leer and eager face. Or maybe he had. Well, in for a knut… “I’d love to go one-on-one with you anytime, Potter. Perhaps we can even ride each others’ broomsticks sometime, too.
Draw Back Your Bow by Cleo_Jay (via dictacontrion)
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draffodils · 7 years
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Some female!Drarry
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draffodils · 7 years
hp characters as anna kendrick’s tweets
harry: It’s cute how I used to think this “barely-holding-it-together” feeling was temporary.
ron: Sometimes I think “I need to think before I speak” and then other times I think “I shouldn’t leave the house or interact with people ever.”
hermione: I woke up just before winning the argument in my dream. Fuck this day.
draco: For someone with such an intense need to be liked you’d think I would have figured out how to be less of an asshole.
neville: My daily objective is less about goal achievement and more about regret management.
ginny: “You’re the only person in the world I don’t hate right now" is as close as I get to saying “I love you”
luna: When *I* played Barbie, I stripped her naked and melted her with matches.
voldemort: My life would be so much easier if it wasn’t for that thing…God, what is that thing called…other people.
dumbledore: If I die unexpectedly can everyone just do the right thing and pretend I was a way better person than I am?
snape: Can I petition to make holding grudges an Olympic event? Cause I’ve been in training my whole life.
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draffodils · 7 years
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draffodils · 8 years
A New Teacher for the Wizarding World ✨
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draffodils · 8 years
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Harry loses his wand and Draco has to save the day and is really pissed about it cause he has a reputation to uphold Potter what the hELL.
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draffodils · 8 years
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an emotion in 3 acts
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draffodils · 8 years
Harry: I can't believe we're locked together in this room.
Draco: *while throwing a key out of the window* truly unfortunate.
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draffodils · 8 years
Harry: They say that when you kiss someone for one minute, you burn 2.6 calories. Wanna burn some calories with me, Draco?
Draco: Are you trying to say I'm fat?
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draffodils · 8 years
Idk why but I really want a lowkey kind of comedy about a kid who studies hardcore all the time because she’s sure she’s a Ravenclaw and it’s her favorite house but then she gets sorted into Hufflepuff and is like??? Wtf???
And a kid who is Sure they’re a Hufflepuff because they’re really good at finding things when they go out exploring but then they’re sorted into Ravenclaw and they’re like um no??? I suck at math?? I can’t get into the common room because riddles are mean??
And then the two of them become friends and are just disgruntled together while being completely oblivious as to why they were sorted into their houses and this honestly isn’t even a fun idea I just want to see it for some reason??
“Yeah I just don’t understand why I was sorted into Ravenclaw”
“What’s that on your desk”
“Just my rock collection, I have 67 different types”
“I’m Not a Hufflepuff, I studied for eight years to get into Ravenclaw”
“Wow that must’ve been a lot of hard work”
“It was”
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draffodils · 8 years
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draffodils · 8 years
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I present you: professor Potter, Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher and Head of Gryffindor House. And Teddy Lupin, his godson and the sassiest Hufflepuff
(on twitter)
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