#ritas 2 years younger
wilburewormarts · 5 months
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redraw/ redesigns of some old ocs (evelyn and rita!) i did as a warm up!
close ups/ side by side under the cut
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(2018-2019/ 2024)
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also these silly old women are in love! :]
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aibidil · 1 year
One of my favorite things is learning what words people used for this hand game—where you sit in a circle with your hands facing up, right hand on top of your neighbor's, left hand below your other neighbor's, and you sequentially go around slapping right hand into left— where they lived when they were kids. The regional variations are the best. It's in Wikipedia as "Stella Ella Ola," but for me (and many NE USAmericans) it's "Quack Diddly Oso."
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The way these games are taught to younger kids by older kids and spread throughout regions is so fascinating; I want a visualization where you can see what happens when one random kid 50 years ago moved to a different state. I have no idea how widespread this game is, but I think it's all across the US and Canada, at a minimum. I haven't seen my kids play this—is it still a thing?
In my school in the 90s, it went like this—
Quack diddly oso, 
Quack, quack, quack, 
Rita, rita, rita, 
Velour, velour, 
Velour, velour, velour, velour, 
1, 2, 3, 4!
I especially appreciate the versions that include “your mother smells like pizza,” “the toilet over fulled,” and “the cat peed on the floor,” “potatoes on the floor-a”
What about you? Anyone play it outside of North America?
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thelov3lybookworm · 1 year
I Didn't Ask For This (part 5)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Summary: Marriage had always been something sacred to little Y/n, something dream like, where her husband would come and whisk her away to a fairyland. At least, that's what she had always thought.
All her dreams would be shattered.
But maybe she can salvage them?
Tw: forced marriage, none more that I can think of, so let me know if I need to add anything.
A/n: do you think we forgive azzie? Just a lil bit? He's going to grovel and a lot more, but that would be in the next parts. This is just a build up for the next part. Also, send me some ways that you would like to see azzie grovel, if there are any.
Azriel's pov.
He couldn't move for what felt like eternity, staring at the doorway through which she had disappeared.
He hadn't realised what was really going on inside her head when he'd turned her away all those times. Hadn't realised that the pain she went through was enough to make her want to have the peace and quiet of death.
He had, for some reason, thought that she just wanted to rub it in his face, that she was now married to him. Somehow, over the years since he had left his father's camp, he had grown to resent the tattoo on his ring finger. Resent the meaning of it. Resent his first friend...
And love.
Because no matter how hard he tried to deny it, younger Azriel had fallen in love with the only person who had shown him kindness. A girl who was barely any younger than him. It had felt nice, to have a friend to play with. To know all the pleasures of being a kid, no matter how fleeting. And she had given him that.
And he had broken her heart.
No. He hadn't broken her heart. He had stomped over what was left of it. And not cared.
The female who had not cared for his dirty clothes or hands or hair or face, and befriended him, had just wanted to figure out how to proceed in these inconvenient times, and he had yelled at her and told her that she ruined his life.
He had kicked her out of his room and had her sleep on a couch. And even though the couch was comfortable to sit on, it wasn't really ideal for sleeping.
He hadn't slept that night. He couldn't as he thought of how he would break the news to Elain. As he wondered if she already knew. As he cared for things and people he shouldn't have cared about.
All while the person he should have cared about was tossing and turning in restless sleep on an uncomfortable couch.
His shadows had informed him of everything, and he knew how the night went for her. No matter how much he wanted to tune the information out, his shadows wouldn't stop.
So he knew all about how she had devoured the food the house had provided her with as if she hadn't eaten in a long time– she probably hadn't, considering her extremely malnourished frame. How she didn't want to move. How she lay down on the couch and the house provided her with a blanket. How she kept waking up in a cold sweat after hours of trying to have a restfull sleep, searching around, as if expecting someone to come at her any second.
His shadows also kept whispering of how beautiful she was. Of the little scrunch in her brows when she started dreaming of something unpleasant. How her breathing quickend. How she had refused to tell Rhys that Azriel had, in fact, kicked her out, that too quite rudely. How a smile had spread on her extremely kissable lips when–
Azriel shook his head, trying to focus on the path forward. He knew he had fucked up, a really big fuck up at that. Maybe the biggest one yet. But thinking of that and feeling guilty about it would not help, when any second she could be doing something to harm herself.
His wife.
He didn't know what had come over him at Rita's, just that it had felt right. He had wanted to incinerate the males who kept glancing at her in admiration. It wasn't as if even he could look away from her, she just looked so damn gorgeous.
But then one of the males had the audacity to slide into the seat next to hers, and it had taken all the self control he had in him to not strangle him right away.
He needed to talk to her, tell her how sorry he was.
Before he knew what he was doing, his legs had carried him towards the stairs and down them, walking past one of the dining areas that the inner circle used the most to get to her room. Before he could, he was stopped by someone yelling his name. He inwardly groaned when he realised it was Nesta.
He had two choices, either he stay and listen to Nesta's very gracious words, or he could dissappear, though the latter wouldn't help for too long as she would have him at breakfast tomorrow.
He sighed and turned to Nesta, who was now almost upon him.
"What's wrong with you! Can't you ever let her live in peace? Must you always stand in the way of her happiness?" She pushed him and he staggered back, not having expected such anger. "Go and apologise to her!"
"I was going to do just that, but you stopped me–"
"No one's stopping you now. Go." He could practically see steam coming out of her ears, her face flushed with anger. So, not wanting to have her wrath unleashed upon him, he turned and left, walking towards Y/n's room.
Praying she would listen to what he needed to say.
Hoping she wouldn't turn him away like he had all those times she had tried to speak.
Y/n's pov.
She lay facing the huge window towards the side of the bed, willing herself to fall asleep. But she couldn't, not when her heart still beat as if it wanted to get out of her chest.
There was a knock on the door, making Y/n glance back at it. She wondered if the person would go away if she didn't respond. She got her answer when a knock came again. She sighed and went to open the door.
She opened it to peek at who it was before slamming it shut in Azriel's face.
"Please Y/n. I'm just here to talk. Please open the door." He begged, his voice muffled. Y/n shook her head– even though she knew he could not see– and turned away.
Something in her peripheral vision snagged her attention, making her turn her head. A shadow bobbed up and down in front of her face, making her pause. The shadow then went on to fly around her in circles before coming up to Y/n's face and rubbing against her cheek, almost in a placating motion.
She couldn't stop the tiny smile that made its way onto her face as the shadow went back to hovering in front of her face.
"You want me to let him in?" She whispered to the shadow, who rapidly flew in an up and down motion. She cocked her head. "Is he here to fight?" This time, the shadow flew from side to side, as if shaking it's head.
She thought for a moment before turning back to the door and opening it. Azriel was sitting against the wall next to the door, his head in his hands. As soon as he heard the door open, his head swung up. He looked at her, hope and skepticism mingling in his eyes. She inched the door open, and he jumped up, a bounce to his steps.
He waddled in, rounding on her as soon as the door clicked shut.
She sighed, crossing her arms and pinching the bridge of her nose between her thumb and forefinger. "Be quick. I need to sleep."
He cleared his throat. "I was wondering if... you'd be willing to forgive me?"
"Is that all?" When he didn't reply, she went on. "No. I have no interest in forgiving you."
"Please. I swear I'll make it up to you. I–"
"Why, Azriel?" She asked, looking up at him. "Why suddenly this need for my forgiveness?"
He swallowed. "I realised... how much of an ass I've been."
She nodded, matter-of-factly. "That you have."
"So I wanted to see if I could redeem myself. You don't have to forgive me now. Take as much time as you want. Take centuries, but please give me a chance." His eyes were placating, searching hers.
"A chance for what Azriel?"
"A chance to be a better person. Someone deserving of you. Maybe we could be a happy couple."
"Why? Elain kick you out of her bed?"
"No–I– no." He sputtered for a good few moments, baffled, before he regained his composure. "This has nothing to do with Elain. Today when you saw us, I was telling her that we could not continue to do whatever it was that we were doing. She wanted a final kiss." Shame dripped from every word out of his mouth.
Y/n searched his eyes for any hint of deception, but found none. Could she trust him not to leave her again? Could she let him have the pieces of her heart she had left and trust him not to throw them away?
She wasn't sure, and maybe he saw it in her eyes as his face fell, all hope vanishing from that beautiful face
"It–it's okay if you don't want to forgive me. I just thought that maybe you wanted this too."
She took a deep breath. "How can I trust you Azriel? How can I, when you have broken me every chance you got?"
"Trust me this one time Y/n, I won't let you down again. Let me make it up to you, please."
Y/n pondered it for a few moments before sighing. "Fine. But leave now, I need to sleep."
A smile lit up his face, making him all the more attractive. He nodded happily before he vanished into his shadows.
She lay down in her bed again, finally feeling sleep crawling in.
Her last thought before she fell asleep was that Azriel had knocked on her door when he could have just barged in or stepped through his shadows, especially when she shut the door in his face.
He respected her privacy.
She was grateful that he had given her that choice. One she had never had.
And for some reason, it healed her soul, even if it were a little bit.
Taglist: @bubybubsters @maxxieluvs @bubbbllee @buckyandgeraltsupremacy @waytoomanyteenagefeels @tell-me-a-poem @the-lake-is-calling @spaxxxi @japanese-wonderland-blog @valeridarkness @moonlwghts @deadratio @esposadomd @harrystylesfan2686 @missusbarnes-rogers @whatthefuckshappeningrn @hyacinthoideshispanica @historygeekqueen @lizziesfirstwife @nastynesta @aroseinvelaris @nightless @cleverzonkwombatsludge @kodokunarisu-blog @selillusion @eos-princess @moonfawnx @a-court-of-milkandhoney @emilyo-218 @wannabewolf @ailyr92 @chronically-online-cheese @myheartfollower @hells-sluttiest-new-arrival @marina468 @menaosama @starryhiraeth @hereticdance @mali22 @valencia-rou @azrielsstarlight @marvelouslovely-barnes @luvmoo @starlight-hope
Part 6
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ohgodwhatdoiputhere · 2 months
words: 748
We all know and love the quidditch star James Potter, ever since he first came to hogwarts he has captivated all of us with his charming looks and personality, truly the sun in person!
That's why ever since he reached the number one spot in rumours!'s "Hogwarts' most eligible bachelor" everyone has been desperate for a date with him.
However, James Potter himself just admitted to having a crush! And who wouldn't return this boy's feelings?
Last week we did a poll on who you thought could be this mystery person, here are the results! Stay till the end to find who was voted the most.
6. Severus Snape - 15 votes
Ever since stepping foot in Hogwarts these two seemed to have a strong rivalry, going as far as fighting each other on the hallway!
Despite the last 6 years, they seem to have made up? Since a few months ago they have been seen talking normally like nothing ever happened.
Did something happen between them? Some readers say that love was the glue that fixed old wounds, how romantic!!
5. Peter Pettigrew - 19 votes
Being childhood friends, it wouldn't be such a surprise if something happened between them. They are in the same friend group, have the same tastes, even share a room!
Apparently, some readers close to the boys have said that even though they are in the same group of friends, they seem to be more closed off with each other, preferring to keep to themselves in the group.
It's no doubt they have been though a lot together, maybe it was shared experices what pulled them together.
4. Regulus Black - 22 votes
Being his best friend's younger brother, they see each other quite a lot. But that's not only why this couple is so popular between the students.
Whilst James is caring and charismatic, Regulus is more reserved and mysterious, making them the perfect opposites attract!
"James is like the sun and Regulus the stars" Truly beautiful words by a secret informant.
They have even been seen practicing together. Even though they are enemies and in rival houses! It seems like love knows no limits.
3. Barty Crouch Jr. - 30 votes
What an unexpected duo! At a first glance, they would look like they have nothing in common, however, our readers are more observant than that.
Because Barty is a year younger, their first years together they didn't interact much, but as the years passed they seemed to become closer.
The couple has been caught spending time alone in quiet spaces more than once, and when questioned, they quickly change the subject. How suspicious!
One of Barty's housemates said he even went to look for him to speak privately during valentine's day. What could this mean? Our readers are certainly eager to find out more!
2. Sirius Black - 34 votes
He's James' best friend and has been ever since they first met. They are always together, and some people even refer to them as soulmates!
Sirius' good looks landed him the second spot in most eligible bachelor right next to James. It would be no surprise that they end up together.
The duo is known for their elaborate pranks, always being up to something. That's why even teachers have noticed their habit of constantly touching and whispering to each other.
They may cause trouble, but they certainly cause even more confusion about the nature of their relationship.
With their beauty, I'm sure everyone will have mixed feelings about them becoming a couple.
1. Lily Evans - 40 votes
With a whopping 25% of the votes, miss Lily Evans is positioned on first place.
She's the brightest witch of her age, has a heart of gold and strikingly good looks. They met during their first year and since then they have built a beautiful friendship.
James has shown an interest in Lily many times before, going as far as rejecting other people trying to flirt for her.
And even though Lily used to appear mad at him for these acts, lately she seems much more pleased with him than before.
"This truly is a match made in heaven" their yearmates say.
Everyone is excited about these two, how could you not love them!!
These were the results of the poll, who do you think he will end up with? Send us an owl if you have any more information, we're dying to know!!
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covid-safer-hotties · 22 days
The Latest Research About Paxlovid: Effectiveness, Access, and Possible Long COVID Benefits - Published Sept 6, 2024
By: Rita Rubin, MA
As another COVID-19 summer surge hit the US this year, many infected people likely were prescribed the antivirals nirmatrelvir and ritonavir, better known as Paxlovid, for the first time. Or for the fourth time. Or somewhere in between.
Nirmatrelvir-ritonavir, the only approved oral therapy for COVID-19, is recommended for treating mild to moderate SARS-CoV-2 infections among people who are at high risk of progression to severe disease. This includes people aged 50 years or older, especially those 65 years or older, as well as younger individuals who have any of a long list of comorbidities that increase the risk of severe COVID-19.
The clinical trials leading to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorizing emergency use of nirmatrelvir-ritonavir in December 2021 and approving it in May 2023 were conducted with unvaccinated people who were infected with the now long-gone SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant. This has led to questions about its effectiveness for people who have been vaccinated or have been infected with subvariants of Delta’s successor Omicron, which have been circulating for nearly 3 years.
But recent observational studies suggest nirmatrelvir-ritonavir still protects people at high risk against hospitalization and death from COVID-19. That is if they’re able to get a prescription for it—research has uncovered racial and ethnic disparities in which eligible patients get a prescription for the treatment.
And as the number of people with postacute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection (PASC), or long COVID, grows, scientists have been investigating whether nirmatrelvir-ritonavir might be useful in protecting against or treating the condition.
Does It Still Prevent Severe COVID-19?
Because the nirmatrelvir-ritonavir phase 2 and 3 trial involved unvaccinated adults without prior COVID-19 infection when the Delta variant dominated, questions have remained about its relevance today.
Scientists from Pfizer, which markets nirmatrelvir-ritonavir, and coauthors recently published a systematic literature review examining that question. They searched for real-world studies reported from December 2021 through March 2023 and identified 18 that met their final selection criteria.
The evidence showed that nirmatrelvir-ritonavir was effective regardless of age, underlying high-risk conditions, or vaccination status. The treatment significantly reduced the postinfection risk of all-cause and COVID-19–related mortality both within the first 30 days and in the long-term. Treatment started within 5 days of symptom onset, as recommended on the label, was associated with the greatest reduction in postinfection risk.
“We remain very confident in Paxlovid’s clinical effectiveness at preventing severe outcomes, including hospitalization and death, from COVID-19 in patients at high risk of severe disease,” Pfizer spokesperson Kit Longley said in an early August email.
Another recently published study reached a somewhat different conclusion. That study, conducted by University of Manitoba researchers, analyzed results from 4 randomized trials and 16 real-world studies, some of which had not yet been peer-reviewed, with a total of nearly 2 million adults aged 18 years or older.
The evidence suggested nirmatrelvir-ritonavir has a small but significant efficacy in reducing COVID-19 hospitalization and all-cause mortality among people with laboratory-confirmed mild to moderate infections, but the evidence is weak, so more studies are needed, the authors concluded.
At Risk but No Script
COVID-19 laid bare health disparities in the US, and nirmatrelvir-ritonavir has been no exception, according to a study published in August.
Using National COVID Cohort Collaborative (N3C) data, researchers studied individuals 18 years of age or older who were diagnosed with COVID-19 between January 2022 and December 2023; up until the end of that period, the US government covered the cost of nirmatrelvir-ritonavir for everyone who needed it.
About 1.26 million people in the N3C cohort were at high risk of progressing to severe disease, making them eligible for nirmatrelvir-ritonavir treatment. But overall, nearly two-thirds of those who were eligible weren’t prescribed the treatment, the authors observed. After accounting for age, sex, and clinical characteristics, the researchers found that non-Hispanic Black and Latino individuals were nearly a third less likely to have used nirmatrelvir-ritonavir than non-Hispanic White individuals.
Patients may not seek care or may not seek it out early enough for the treatment to be effective, coauthor Hemalkumar Mehta, PhD, a core member of the N3C, speculated in an interview with JAMA Medical News.
Another reason could be that patients don’t have a regular source of primary care whom they could ask for a prescription, noted Mehta, a pharmacist and epidemiologist at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. They likely don’t know that the FDA has authorized state-licensed pharmacists to prescribe nirmatrelvir-ritonavir, he said.
Mehta acknowledged that until he conducted his study, even he didn’t realize that pharmacists could prescribe the COVID-19 treatment. Publicizing that fact by simply hanging a sign in pharmacies would help, he pointed out.
However, the FDA created an obstacle to quick prescribing of nirmatrelvir-ritonavir by pharmacists, a 2023 article noted. Prior to prescribing, pharmacists must assess patients’ liver and kidney function through health records from the previous 12 months or consultation with their clinician. Other prescribers can simply ask patients about their liver and kidney function and take their word for it, the authors explained. In addition, there is no standardized pathway for pharmacists to bill payors for assessing patients to see if they’re eligible for nirmatrelvir-ritonavir, which typically takes 15 to 30 minutes, according to the American Pharmacists Association.
When people do get a prescription for nirmatrelvir-ritonavir, most get it filled, a recently published study of Walgreens pharmacies nationwide data found. The retrospective study included people 12 years of age or older for whom a nirmatrelvir-ritonavir prescription was ordered from Walgreens pharmacies between December 2021 and August 2023.
A total of about 2.1 million nirmatrelvir-ritonavir prescriptions were ordered for about 2 million individuals. Among the 95% of people who were prescribed only 1 course of the treatment, 88% filled their prescription. Improving uptake of nirmatrelvir-ritonavir requires increasing patient and prescriber awareness, reducing prescribing disparities, and ensuring treatment initiation within 5 days of symptom onset, the authors concluded.
Treat Acute Infection, Prevent Long COVID?
Taking nirmatrelvir-ritonavir for acute COVID-19 might protect against long COVID, although research into that topic has had mixed results.
For example, 2 recent studies, neither of which had yet been peer-reviewed, reached different conclusions.
A preprint posted in June reported observational study results from the Researching COVID to Enhance Recovery (RECOVER) initiative funded by the US National Institutes of Health (NIH). The study population included nearly 500 000 people who tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 between March 2022 and February 2023. Of those, about 165 000 were treated with nirmatrelvir-ritonavir within 5 days after becoming infected.
Compared with no treatment, nirmatrelvir-ritonavir therapy was associated with a 12% lower risk of developing long COVID within 180 days of infection, or an absolute risk reduction of about 3 cases per 100 people. However, no such risk reduction was seen in people at low risk of severe COVID-19 infection who received nirmatrelvir-ritonavir.
“There are quite a few patients who are not at risk but who received a Paxlovid prescription,” first author Fei Wang, PhD, explained in an interview with JAMA Medical News. “This provides us an opportunity to evaluate a low-risk population that got COVID.”
Another preprint, posted this summer, used N3C electronic health records. It found that nirmatrelvir-ritonavir treatment of acute COVID-19 was not significantly associated with reducing long COVID overall, although it was linked to fewer cognitive and fatigue symptoms.
The mixed findings between the 2 studies aren’t surprising, said Wang, an assistant professor of health care policy and research at Weill Cornell Medicine.
Some information, such as COVID-19 vaccination history and nirmatrelvir-ritonavir use, isn’t always encoded in electronic health records, Wang pointed out. Although he and his colleagues “spend a lot of effort” to make sure they have complete patient information, Wang explained, “there’s no way we can evaluate how complete that is.”
He added that not having a consensus definition of long COVID is another critical issue. The N3C’s definition isn’t the same as RECOVER’s, and the 2 cohorts have different patient populations. “All these can lead to different results,” he said.
For Wang, it makes sense that taking nirmatrelvir-ritonavir, an antiviral, for acute COVID-19 would protect against long COVID. The severity of acute SARS-CoV-2 infections is correlated with the risk of long COVID, he said, and one theory about the cause of PASC is the persistence of SARS-CoV-2 in the body.
However, Yale cardiologist Harlan Krumholz, MD, SM, pointed out that unidentified confounders, not nirmatrelvir-ritonavir itself, might be at play in the relationship between treating acute SARS-CoV-2 infection and long COVID risk. “People who take Paxlovid might be different in many other ways,” he noted.
A Long COVID Treatment?
Many individuals with long COVID didn’t have the opportunity to take nirmatrelvir-ritonavir when they first became ill with acute COVID-19. They might have been infected before the treatment became available, or they weren’t considered to be at high risk for severe disease, so they weren’t eligible for it.
Some case reports have suggested that it might not be too late for people who’ve had long COVID for months to benefit from nirmatrelvir-ritonavir. For example, in early 2023 internist Linda Geng, MD, PhD, codirector of Stanford’s PASC clinic, and coauthors reported the case of a patient who’d had long COVID for 7 months, around which time the symptoms of acute COVID-19 returned. Although rapid antigen test results were negative, the patient had been exposed to multiple people with COVID-19, so a primary care physician prescribed nirmatrelvir-ritonavir. Not only did the acute flu-like symptoms resolve, but so did the long COVID symptoms, which included severe fatigue and cognitive difficulties.
That patient spurred Geng and her colleagues to conduct what they say is the first published randomized trial of nirmatrelvir-ritonavir to treat PASC, which appeared in June in JAMA Internal Medicine. The trial enrolled 155 participants with long COVID, all but 2 of whom had received the primary COVID-19 vaccination series. On average, the time between their initial SARS-CoV-2 infection and randomization into the trial was about a year and a half.
The trial found that the longer 15-day course of nirmatrelvir-ritonavir it used was generally safe. However, the treatment didn’t significantly improve long COVID symptoms compared with the control group.
It’s far from the final answer about nirmatrelvir-ritonavir’s effectiveness against long COVID, though, Geng noted. “This is just the first step in many investigations that need to be done.”
The NIH is funding several clinical trials targeting long COVID under the RECOVER initiative umbrella. One, the Platform Protocol to Measure the Effects of Antiviral Therapies on Long COVID Symptoms (RECOVER-VITAL), is testing an even longer course of nirmatrelvir-ritonavir among an estimated 900 participants at centers throughout the US.
And Krumholz and colleagues at Yale University are in the process of analyzing data from their placebo-controlled randomized trial of nirmatrelvir-ritonavir in 100 patients with long COVID. (The trial received funding and design input from Pfizer.)
“We’re not sure it works,” said Krumholz, founder and director of the Yale New Haven Hospital Center for Outcomes Research and Evaluation. “What I think we need are a lot more studies of 100 people or 200 people, trying a lot more things” to treat long COVID.
Participants in the Yale trial were all highly symptomatic and lived throughout the contiguous US. Instead of having them go to participating centers, the trial came to them. “Setting up centers is expensive,” Krumholz explained, noting that the trial’s decentralized design could help cut costs and could work for a variety of conditions and treatments.
Participants were shipped the medication. They gave blood and saliva samples at a local laboratory or at home and answered questions about their symptoms in a digital diary. Yale colleague Akiko Iwasaki, PhD, who studies antiviral immunity and viral disease pathogenesis, is looking at the blood and saliva samples for differences between people who appeared to respond to nirmatrelvir-ritonavir and those who didn’t.
Paxlovid 2.0?
Meanwhile, Pfizer is working to eliminate what one recent publication referred to as nirmatrelvir-ritonavir’s Achilles’ heel: the limited metabolic stability of nirmatrelvir, a protease inhibitor that requires ritonavir to boost it to the target therapeutic range.
The problem is that ritonavir boosts the plasma levels of a long list of other medications beyond the therapeutic range, so nirmatrelvir-ritonavir is contraindicated for people taking them, unless they can temporarily stop or reduce the dose of the concomitant drugs while taking the COVID-19 treatment. Ritonavir is also the source of the metallic taste many individuals who take Paxlovid experience.
Pfizer’s second-generation protease inhibitor for treating COVID-19 is called ibuzatrelvir. Although it’s structurally related to nirmatrelvir, ibuzatrelvir has greater bioavailability when taken orally, so it doesn’t require a ritonavir boost.
Pfizer has completed a phase 2B trial testing the safety and efficacy of a 5-day course of ibuzatrelvir treatment. Participants were nonhospitalized individuals aged 18 to 65 years with confirmed COVID-19 whose symptoms began within 5 days of randomization. Ibuzatrelvir showed robust antiviral activity in the trial, with statistically significant, dose-dependent decreases in viral load at days 3 and 5 compared with placebo, Pfizer researchers reported in April at the European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases.
“It is premature to speculate on potential timing of phase 3, but we are considering next steps and plan to share updates as they are available,” Pfizer spokesperson Longley said.
Meanwhile, SARS-CoV-2 continues to evolve along with attitudes toward COVID-19, Krumholz said. Many people “are treating it like a head cold,” he explained. “They’ve obviously made the determination that it’s not dangerous, but it is dangerous.”
Published Online: September 6, 2024. doi:10.1001/jama.2024.16432
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mofffun · 4 days
King-Ohger x Gotchard pre-Chou Eiyuu Sai talk show
Partial translation/summary
Pep talk before CEYS
Impressions of each other's series
I want to attend XX Academy!
I am King of XX!
Role reverse: What role do you want to play in the opposite series?
link to watch
1. Pep talk before CEYS (02:08 -  
The teams haven't seen each other much save for shooting the SHT intersection. Six months have already passed between then and CEYS (Sep '23 - Feb '24)
Spanner vowed to deliver a passion not shy of KO team
Host joked KO team seemed passionate because of Kaku's physique
Taisei: I saw CEYS a year ago, seems just yesterday, looked forward to the event very much
Aoto: I hope it goes smoothly without trouble.
2. Impressions of each other's series (03:45 -
Rinne: most impressed by the body swap episode, particularly Himeno-san's kabuki pose.
Erica: Sorry for doing something the real Kaguragi never did. Gotchard is a very energetic show, compared to King-Oh's more serious tone, I feel recharged watching Gotchard.
Renge: KO cast are very good friends with each other. The Gotchard cast are friends too, but the kings' bond is something only forged by having worked together closely for an entire year.
Yzy: Not only is the show energetic, but the cast is too behind the scenes. I am the youngest in KO, but the main GT cast is even younger. They are very dependable. (Kaku: sorry for sounding condescending haha /j)
3. I want to attend XX Academy! (05:38 -
Rules: What skill do you want to master? It can be realistic or imaginary.
Matsumoto Hiroya: I want to type fast on a smartphone
Host 2 (Shinomiya Akira): Rita-sama's scream
💛Fine art
🖤Muscle training
🐻 Minato: Tonkatsu
Minato: Tonkatsu. I love fried pork chop. A school for tasting, making, and if possible, raising the pigs.
Host: What type of tonkatsu do you like?
Minato: そうっすね [sounds like Sauce-ne~, filler words meaning "yeah, right~"] Thick cuts and slightly rare on the inside.
where Aoto made a pun of そうっすね "Sauce" [for dipping tonkatsu]. Aoto murmured it to Matsumoto Hiroya instead of saying it out loud, and it hit Kaku-san's laughing point to others' confusion.
Minato: um... I prefer salt for seasoning to dipping sauce 😅
❤️ Taisei: Cooking academy
Taisei: Well, I can only depend on myself for cooking, so I kinda want to improve my skills. I even bought a set of knives.
Erica: What do you want to make?
Taisei: Garlic shrimp, maybe? French food seems to be on trend right now.
[Houtarou wrote 料理 (Cooking) too but in Kanji unlike Taisei in English]
Houtaro lives with his family and cooks with his mom on dayoffs. 
Kaku/Masashi: That's just like in the show!
Host 2: Sakai-san, please visit [Houtaro's] mom.
Taisei: LIke a training camp.
Houtarou: Yes, please. Let's make Donburi together. I don't really know what "Garlic Shrimp" is but let's try it out!
[Garlic Shrimp is in Katakana/English, in Japanese it's ninniku & ebi.]
(everyone laughs)
Erica: That's just what it means literally! 😂
Houtarou: We have garlic at home, I just don't know what "shrimp" is... Is it some kind of mushroom?
Kaku: Tracks, they both have the "sh" sound.
Houtarou: "Sh" as in mush, and "rimp" sounds like little cut-up pieces?
Erica: Hint is, it's something from the sea.
Yzy: Then that can't possibly be mushrooms.
Houtarou: Some kind of seaweed? 
Erica: It moves around a bit more than that.
Houtarou: Wakame!
Host: Not even close!/j Please do some research after the show.
💙 Aoto: Automobile Command academy. 
Aoto: Yep, [just a regular] driving school. I haven't got a license yet but I love going on drives, so I could only ride shotgun because I can't drive myself. I want to pay back my drivers so far.
Erica: ah the rest of the king cast.
Aoto: (shy) What do you think?
Hiroya: You look like you ride a motorbike.
Aoto: No, I've never been on one.
Masashi (?): It suits you.
🔧Spanner: Tension Crank-up Academy
Spanner: I want everyone to catch up to my hype!
Host: but the Gotchard cast seems like they're all pretty easily hyped?
Spanner: No. (to Renge) I'm the only odd one, right? (Renge nods) Actually I should just go there and sit by myself right?
Kaku: Yeah, right!
Host 2: Totally wrong answer in a totally fitting tone!
Spanner: Hey, I'm compromising already!
Host 2: Ahhh this is getting out of hand XD
Kaku: "Tension Booming!" [Kibun Bunbun, boonboomger roll call]
(dead air)
Spanner: See? No one is doing tsukkomi [straight man, pointing out irrationalities for comedy].
Erica: Ah, so the reason is there's no tsukkomi character in your group. The others look like they are more comfortable playing boke [funny man]. Maybe that's why the cast seems so cheerful.
Spanner: Who's the tsukkomi in your group?
Erica: Over here. (gestures to Yuzuki and Masashi) Team West.* 
*[t/n: 1. My best guess of Ni-Shi is "Western [Japan]" based on their hometowns being further west than the others. There's a stereotype that Kansai/western people are funny, although neither 💜 or 🕸️ is from Kansai to be exact. Taisei is from Fukuoka, the same region, Kyushu, as Yuzuki, but it's been established pretty early on he can't do tsukkomi. 2. Another guess of Ni-shi is "two colours" as in more-black-than-purle Yuzuki + white Masashi? 3. Or it could be "receive"??]
Kaku: So who will it be on your team?
Spanner: I choose... our best boke, Junsei.
Houtarou: Wahhhh don't sell me out!! ToT
Taisei: Someone else for the tsukkomi position?
Spanner: There's Minato-san, but when he's tsukkomi-ing, it's always under his breath. No one can hear him. 
Minato: I'm not confident...
Spanner: When we were talking about tonkatsu just now, he kept leaning back... Sensei, can we get a tsukkomi out of you from now on?
Minato: *mutters* okay...
4. I am the king of XX! (13:56 - 
Rules: Name yourself, or someone else in the room, as king of something.
Host 2: If anyone in the Gotcard is king of something, I suppose Motojima-san... is the king of shrimps.
Houtarou: Yeah, that's right! Please allow me the honor. No, for real, somebody tell me what "shrimp" is!?
Erica: Another hint, it has a lot of legs.
Houtarou: Octopus!
Kaku: Not even close!
💙Masashi->White [fair skin]
💛Spontaneous trips
💜internal rhythm
🖤Muscle training
🕸️Aoto->Fried chicken (karage)
🕸️💙 Masashi: Aoto is the king of fried chicken.
Masashi revealed that Aoto brought fried chicken to work every morning and would generously share it. He also brought some today too. Aoto quickly took over the explanation and said Masashi is one to read between the lines, like Jeramie. Truth is, when Aoto brought the nuggets, Masashi would snoop, "Hey, what flavour did you get?" Aoto then (have to) say, "You want one?" and give him a piece. The next person would say the same thing and Aoto had to give him a piece too, that person is Taisei. And the worst of them chicken "sharers" is Yuzuki. To her complaint, Aoto mimicked her reaction when given a piece, "Ehh~~~ Really?!" 
[t/n: lmao i could totally get why Aoto would be annoyed by Yuzuki because his imitation sounds absolutely like she's pretentious about it lol. but I could totally see Hirakawa Yuzuki doing that too lmao.]
📱Sabi named Spanner as king of long legs. 
🖤 Kaku-san named himself as the king of muscle training. (Minato loves muscle training too) Kaku-san's weightlifting record is 130kg in barbell.
Rinne is king of video games and Renge plays a thief simulator game and got her into it too.
💛 Erica named herself as the king of spontaneous trips. She can go anywhere and by herself. Last year she went to Osaka and Kyoto for two days unplanned. After she finished work in Kyushu, she stopped by there before coming back to Tokyo. She loved both sightseeing and eating. She re-visited the temple from a family photo taken on a childhood trip.
💜 Yuzuki named herself as the king of internal rhythm. Because King-Oh nearly always films indoors, they can't see the sun and often wonder what time it is. At which they'd turn to Yuzuki for the answer. She estimated the current time to be 12:56, which is just 30 seconds faster. [t/n: She talked about this in tge cinematoday interview 06:13 before the series starts]
5. Reverse Offer (25:03 - 
Rules: What role do you want to play in the opposite series? It can be a real or made-up character.
❤️manly man chemy
💙evil rider 
💛mad scientist 
💜a chemy that keeps screaming non-stop 
🖤kind muscular older-brother type 
🕸️a chemy that can grant any wish
[t/n: 🕸️a chemy that can grant any wish -> that's just Doraemon right.... re: relay interview]
🖤 Kaku: a kind muscular older-brother type
no alchemy, just a kind muscular older-brother type. I will be your personal trainer. You all look a bit slim, leave it to me :D
Minato: a monk, who'd fit in Toufu
💜 Renge: Moffun
Renge: It got a lot of cheers from the audience, so it must be very popular.
Yzy: It'd be interesting to see a Kansai-dialect Moffun.
Renge: [kansai dialect] "Why do you hide your eye? mofu~"
Yzy: Hired!
❤️ Taisei: a manly man chemy
Taisei: I want to become muscular too, after watching Kaku-san the past year. (straight face) Even his naked body, in the main series.
Kaku/Yzy: Hey!
Taisei: (straight face) I'm quite envious of his physique. I want to try working out in the future
Kaku: Okay, I can teach you...
Taisei: Thank you ^_^
(conversation starting to get lost...)
Kaku: Gotcha! [sharp cut keyword]
Spanner: What will your manly-man chemy sound like?
Taisei: ...
Taisei: Gotcha! \(^o^)/
🕸️Sabi: Pet (Jeramie's)
Masashi: So you want to be my pet?
Sabi: Woof!
Masashi: Hired!
💙 Aoto: Evil Rider [proceed to solo-act his oc's story]
Aoto: I want to henshin as a villain. At the very end, he redeemed himself and died protecting the hero, "Remember... something something..." and I die.
Hiroya: That'd be a challenging role.
Host 2: We've seen your Royal Arms, how will your evil rider henshin?
Erica: Don't you always talk about this😂? With the rain.
Aoto: ahhh. Yep, I've got the scene set. At first he was a good guy, then we flashback to his past, a rainy day, the old man who's been taking care of him died in his arms. "AHHHHH", I scream, and the belt materialises "churn churn churn". With blood all over my face, "HENSHIN!! ARGHHHHHH". Like this.
Host 2: A Henshin powered by screams, I see. Minato-sensei, you were an evil rider, what do you think?
Minato: That's more like the hero's backstory. A little like... Spider-man?
Kaku: It's too cool, isn't it?
Aoto: I will henshin with a fried pork chop chemy.
🕶️ Houtarou: King Gotchard
Houtarou: I want to go to King-Ohger's world just as I am, and see what kind of people will follow me if I become the king of gotcha
Host 2: You can take today as an opportunity to ask the kings for advice. What quality does a good king need?
Houtarou: Yes, please. Charisma for sure, what else?
Kaku: If I have to say... aura, perhaps.
Hiroya: You are not answering "muscles" for once?
Houtarou: Honshin? Honkaku? 本心?本格?Genuine? Authenticity?
Kaku: Honkakuha chuuka 本格派中華?Authentic Chinese restaurant?
*laughs* [t/n: treat it as a dad joke 😅...]
Houtarou: No no no, what's that word that means the very base of something.
Spanner: The core. (核心 kakushinn)
Houtarou: Yes, I meant to say "at the core".
Masashi: What kind of kingdom do you want to build?
Houtarou: A bright country! Where everyone can get creative and invent their own recipes like Houtarou.
Kaku: Just like Toufu!
The round up is just more pep talk. The talk show is filmed a few hours before CEYS.
t/n: I wrote this because of an request. At the very least I want to sub Aoto and Yuzuki's segments. The talk is too funny but quite long and no few jokes. If I end up getting around to it will def be November. Also the op of the video is absent for asking permission...
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jungleindierock · 4 months
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Rebjukebox 2024 - No. 5
Welcome to my fifth playlist for 2024, it's is comprised of 40 tracks all from this year. A mix of genres from emerging bands and solo artists, mixed with a few estsblished bands/artists. This playlist is available via Soundcloud and Spotify. Hopefully you will enjoy listening to this collection of new music. Think i worked there is music from 8 to 10 different conutries. Think the way things are going i am gonna have to post one every week or fortnight. The tracks are piling up!!! But it's a great way to share new music with you all.
Ok the links for the playlist:- Soundcloud - Spotify
Stay Free Reb
1- CRAWLERS - Kiss Me 2- Waxahatchee - Bored 3- FRUITZ - Man On Fire 4- Love Fame Tragedy - It's Ok To Be Shallow 5- Grocer - Packrat 6- Tourist Attraction - You Were Right 7- Real Estate - Flowers 8- Great Hare - Gone Forever 9- No Windows - Fibbs 10- Atomic Tom - Let Me Show You How It's Done 11- The Empty Page - Cock Of The fifth Year 12- Telebrains - Justifer 13- VANCRYNES - Thurstin' More 14- Lazy Sunsets - You. Possibly 15- Layday - Wash Over Me 16- Bonny Light Horseman - When I Was Younger 17- THE NEW NOSTALGIA - A Fridge In Berlin 18- Arabella - August 19- Isobel Campbell - 3216 20- Kings Of Leon - Mustang 21- Bleachers - Me Before You 22- Queen Cult -Be Better 23- Winnetka Bowling League - Sha La La 24- Laura Jane Grace - I'm Not A Cop 25- Cloudbelly - Fascinated 26- Lyons Lane - Stoplight Kissing 27- Grouplove - Chances 28- Sunday (1994) - Tired Boy 29- BODEGA - City Is Taken 30- HighSchool - Doesn't Matter 31- Jamie Orr - For You 32- fanclubwallet - Easy 33- Beeef - Observational Eros 34- Jane Penny - Wear You Out 35- Cloud Nothings - Running Through The Campus 36- Sir Chloe - Over Again 37- Mannequin Pussy - Split Me Open 38- Pissed Jeans - Moving On 39- DIN NYC - N0.9 40- The Social Club - Rita
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rottmnt-honeybea · 2 months
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Text under cut because it's a lot
1) I've had an influx of followers across all my platforms, so I wanted to update some character/story information.
2) This is Q.B.* Or Bea, my Rottmnt OC. A LOT of my videos will be about her.
3) She was a human, gifted in math and science, that was mutated into a Bee Mutant when Draxum's oozesquitoes were let loose in New York. She has three younger siblings: Miguel (12), and twins Lina and Rita (6). She's first generation Portuguese-American and the oldest daughter so you know she's got that ✨special trauma✨.
4) This is Roxo we love Roxo here. As a mutant she develops UV/Mystic sight (the ability to see UV light and Mystic signatures), Chlorokinesis (the ability to manipulate plants), and the ability to fly. She also created Roxo, the man-eating guard plant, who used to protect her garden and provide companionship to her until Bullhop killed him.
5) Donnie builds her a weapon they call Stinger, which is essentially a sword with a chain. Raph tries to teach Bea how to fight and defend herself, but she's very easily angered and relies on that a lot to power through a fight. And in Season 2 Bea becomes Draxum's student. Stinger does not make sense if you thing about it in the real world. It's a kids show, use your imagination.
6) Bea's story goes through four Major acrs and two Minor arcs. Major: Mutated, Missing Roxo, Student, Post-Shredder. Minor: Human Again, Battle Nexus Champion.
7) in "Doomed", my rottmnt Bad Future AU Donnie and Bea are partners. Donnie does tech engineering to give the Resistance weapons and Bea does Security. They've got two kids: Shelldon (upgraded to a full bodyH and Gemini.
8) Shelldon aids in security and has a number of weapons built into his body. Gemini is part of a Scavenger team with Casey and wields her father's mystic halberd-flail staff).
9) these 9 are bg characters/friends of Casey, Gemini, and Shelldon. The story will follow Bea, Donnie, the Hamato's, and the Mad Dogs as they navigate the early years of the apocalypse, then move onto the next generation of Hamato's, before eventually leading up to the events of the Rise movie. This is not a lighthearted fic/take on the Rise universe as it includes: body trauma (loss of eyes, arms, and legs), death, homophobia, self harm, and suicide. BUT it is currently being rewritten.
10) The Bea-Verse is just me sticking Q.B. Into other tmnt stories. Namely 1987, 2003, Bayverse, 2012, Rise, and Mutant Mayhem. And just like how the stories of the turtles, Splinter, April, and Casey all change—Q.B. goes through all those changes with them too.
*I completely forgot to say that the Q in Q.B. stands for Quinn. So her full name, for those unaware, is Quinn Bea Santos.
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luminantrondo · 14 days
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src: Ryuutsukai no Chinmoku vol. 2 (digital)
The writing at the bottom says:
"[Judith is] Approximately 8 years old"
"Ba'ul is a little younger [than Judith]" (i'm assuming)
"Her hairstyle and appearance reassemble Rita"
"Her antennae are a little short"
Think this pretty much confirms they're related, since it seems the artist was instructed to model young!Judith close to Rita... but who knows?
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Found Family Tournament Round 1 Part 9 Group 42
Propaganda and further pictures under the cut
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Because You Made Me Smile (or Extended Tenma Household): Tsukasa Tenma, Toya Aoyagi (& Saki Tenma)
Aurinko Crime Family: Juno Steel, Buddy Aurinko, Vespa Ilkay, Peter Nureyev, Rita, Jet Sequliac & the Ruby 7
Submissions are still open!
Because You Made Me Smile (or Extended Tenma Household):
I would put saki here too but she's not as relevant to toya and tsukasa's relationship. Basically Toya's dad is a huge BITCH (his name is literally harumichi. who carries a child around in their womb for 9 months only to name it harumichi. I'd cry.) who has forced Toya to play classical music for since he was old enough to reach the piano i guess a d toya HATE classical music and he meets tsukasa at school and they become friends and toyer tells stew caca about his dad and kasa's like "well actually u should do what you want. fuck what he says." toya then latches onto him as if he were his big brother
let me explain a little thing real quick before i say this next thing; project sekai has 3 sets of 2 biological siblings, those are the Shinonomes, the Hinomoris, and the Tenmas. Each family got events exploring their dynamic with their siblings.
I think it's worth mentioning that in the Hinomoris' and Shinonomes' events, any other characters that weren't virtual singers got 3* or 2* cards, while in the Tenmas' event, Toya also got a 4* just like Tsukasa and Saki.
okay so there's this boy named tsukasa tenma right. worlds #1 big brother and also universal big brother this guy cannot stop gaining siblings it's crazy he's a wonderful funny loud and optimistic guy. and there's also his little sister saki tenma. very cheerful and always tries to smile and wants to live her life to the fullest bc she was hospitalized for most of her younger years. they both love each other very much. then there's this boy named toya aoyagi who the siblings meet sometime as children and they all connect due to all three of their connections to playing piano. toya's very polite and serious and kind of oblivious but very kind. toya grows to despise classical music and playing piano & violin due to his father's very strict and harsh nature. at some point tsukasa tells toya that it's okay for him to do what he wants even if others disapprove. this gives toya the courage to quit doing classical music and do something for himself and due to this he is able to meet his partner and start doing street music which he ACTUALLY enjoys doing. toya looks up to tsukasa very much and tsukasa canonically thinks of him as a little brother. he also lends saki the plushies he wins from claw machines and worries and cares about her condition very much and while they're not as close as toya is with tsukasa due to how often she was hospitalized as a child they still care about each other deeply.
basically tsukasa and saki are a better family for toya than his actual family and. and. i'm inconsolable about them <//3
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Aurinko Crime Family:
Queer! Space! Pirates!! It's kinda your typical "it started as a heist but along the way we became family" story, but in space. And not a single person is cishet. An ex private investigator and sharpshooter with only one eye, his very cool and smart hacker assistant and ex lover thief who he ran away from, because he has problems basically get adopted by a cool crimeboss lady with a metal stomach, her wife, who is a doctor and also generally pro stabbing people, and a big dude, who gives great, but often cryptic advice. Oh, also a car that isn't a car. All of their dynamics are awesome. Buddy definitely has mom vibes. Juno and Vespa definitely have a sibling dynamic. The movie nights. Aaaaaaaahhh!
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marlesbian · 2 years
How i perceive Mary Mcdonald
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Maria Rita Moreira McDonald 
she/her (either cis or trans idc) 
born on august 8th, 1960 
Brazilian and Black
Bisexual and Demiromantic 
Life, family
Both her parents are brazilian, her mother is from Salvador and her dad is from Amazonas. The family lived in Salvador until Mary was 4 then they moved to São Paulo because of her dad’s job. The family left Br for exile in the UK, since her father was an activist and journalist and her mother a musician during the military dictatorship in Brazil (1964-1985) and both were being persecuted by the government. They left in 1969. Since her family was being persecuted the family changed their last name to Mcdonald and made all their names 'british' and easier to pronounce.
She is, of course, fluent in Portuguese and anytime she was mad she swore in front of the entire school because nobody understood. She also called her friends many pet names in Portuguese.
She plays football and loves watching it, it's her favorite sport. She is very very proud of the TRI (at the time) and fights Marlene about football all the time.
She loves Brazilian music and is actually a very good singer. her favorite artists are Gal Costa, Maria Betânia, Gilberto Gil, Elis Regina, and Belchior. She plays cavaquinho and guitar.
She can't samba, she only dances funk and learned to dance forró because her dad taught her.
She has an older sister (4 years older) and two younger sisters (2 and 5 years apart)
Her favorite food is, of course, bahian cousine, especially the Caruru (as in the event) Her favorite holiday is the day of São Cosme e Damião (September 27th), because it’s celebrated with the Caruru de Cosme. it’s very traditional for the people in her hometown (Salvador) to make a huge party on this day, her grandmother always made a feast where she fed the poorest children in their neighborhood, and every child left the party full of candy and sweets. The feast consists of all the traditional baiana foods, so vatapá, caruru, acarajé, fried plantains, cabbage and crab fritada, farofa de dendê, and rice. It's one of her favorite days of the year and she always wanted to spend it with her family (though for seven years she didn't). But, in her 6th and 7th years, she gave all the first and 2nd years lots of candy on this day to honor her culture.
Her comfort food was brigadeiro, she always made it when she felt sad or she missed home. she also brought to her friends the tradition of eating brigadeiro and gossiping on a sleepover, which made her feel at home.
In their first year, she promoted a football game at Hogwarts between the first years so everyone could get to know each other, the muggle borns teaching the purebloods, it was so much fun.
She cries every time she listens to "Como nossos pais” (Elis Regina version)
She only realized she had a crush on Marlene after marls started dating Dorcas.  She and Marlene never really worked out, they never got the timing right, and they died loving each other wondering what could have been
She missed drinking green coconut at the beach and banho de lua
Emmeline Vance was the love of her life
She moved back to Brazil after the first wizarding war
How i perceive her:
Physical appearence:
Black (light skin) midsize, kinda short around 1,60m.
Her hair was very curly and soft, she usually kept it kinda long and she usually wore it natural or with braids She had a belly button piercing
She never really cared abt what ppl said about her hair, she was always styling it differently, using flowers, gemstones, elastics, and all kinds of things to decorate it.
She is very feminine, very stereotypical girly girl that loves makeup, pink, skirts, dresses, jewelry and every traditional girly thing very afropaty (as we call in Brazil). She loved flowers and a red lipstick that she wore all the time. She just exubes feminine energy.
Color palette: bright happy colors, such as yellow, red, orange and pink.
She loved thigh-high boots and bell bottoms
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Her favorite season is summer and she loves the sea. She feels a profound connection to Yemanjá and she always skips the first wave when she goes in the water. On February 2nd she always tried going to the beach to leave Yemanjá oferendas, like roses and soap (she wasn't very religious but this was just in her blood). She found UKs water extremely cold and uncomfortable but got used to it after a while.
She loved to dance. Mary so sweet and strong, she was fierce and always spoke her mind, nobody made a fool of her
Mary was the friend everyone came to for advice, she was a great listener but also loved talking. She was an open book and very extroverted, loved being around people and parties and crowded places. She loved drinking ice-cold beer in the summer. 
Mary was warm and loved hugging people. Her love language was touch and acts of service. She always invited the girls to stay at her house in the summer.
She was a very talented witch, her favorite subject was transfiguration and divination, she loved the mysteries of the world.
She was an artist.
She did not take anybody's shit, (não comia reg de ninguém)
she had a very easy time making new friends and was very social
Her patronous was a jaguar (onça pintada)
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jegulusmyfavs · 2 years
Marauders Era Timeline
I’ve wanted to make this for a while and I’ve done a bunch of research but some things could still be wrong or inaccurate so please let me know if you found a mistake. I tried my best and hope you can use this for something.
??: Born-Gideon, Fabian Prewett (unclear which year but they are older than Molly)
1949: Molly Prewett is born
1950: Arthur Weasley is born
1951: Born-Bellatrix Black, Rita Skeeter
1953: Andromeda Black is born (see end notes)
1954: Lucius Malfoy is born
1955: Narcissa Black is born
1959: Sirius Black Black is born
1960: Born- James Potter, Lily Evans, Peter Pettigrew, Remus Lupin, Severus Snape and others
1961: Born-Regulus Black, Evan Rosier, Pandora Rosier (see end notes) ; 1st year-Molly Prewett, Arthur Weasley
1962: Bartimus Crouch Jr is born; 1st year-Bellatrix Black, Rita Skeeter
1964: 1st year-Andromeda Black; Gilderoy Lockhart is born
1965: 1st year-Lucius Malfoy
1966: 1st year-Narcissa Black
1968: 7th year-Molly Prewett, Arthur Weasley
1969: 7th year-Bellatrix Black, Rita Skeeter; Molly and Arthur leave Hogwarts
1970: Bill Weasley is born; Bellatrix and Rita leave Hogwarts; 7th year-Andromeda Black (if she was born in 1953)
1971: 1st year-James Potter, Lily Evans, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, Remus Lupin, Severus Snape; Andromeda Black leaves Hogwarts; Andromeda and Ted Tonks get married.
1972: Charlie Weasley is born; 1st year-Regulus Black; 7th year-Lucius Malfoy
1973: Nymphadora Tonks is born; 7th year-Narcissa Black; Lucius Malfoy leaves Hogwarts
1975: Percy Weasley is born; 1st year-Gilderoy Lockhart. Narcissa Black leaves Hogwarts
1977: Born-Fleur Delacour, Cedric Diggory; 7th year-James Potter, Lily Evans, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, Remus Lupin, Severus Snape; Regulus Black becomes a death eater and gets the dark mark.
1978: Born-Fred and George Weasley; James Potter, Lily Evans, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, Remus Lupin, Severus Snape leave Hogwarts (the rest of their year as well).
1978: Narcissa Black and Lucius Malfoy get married -> Narcissa Malfoy.
1979: Hermione Granger is born; Died-Regulus Black (while attempting to destroy the locket)
1980: Born-Draco Malfoy, Neville Longbottom, Ron Weasley, Harry Potter
1981: Ginny Weasley is born; First Wizarding War ends; Died-James and Lily Potter, Fabian and Gideon Prewett, the McKinnon family, etc.
Sybil Trelawney was born before 1962.
Every member of the Order of the Phoenix were born before 1964.
Andromeda Black is the middle child and was born between 1951 and 1955. I personally go with 1953 so she is two years younger than Bellatrix  and two years older than Narcissa.
Even though Molly Prewett was born the year before Arthur Weasley, because of the month, she was in his year (just like Hermione, Harry and Ron).
I am not sure when Barty and Evan are born, but according to my research, Regulus and Evan are born in 1961 and Barty is born in 1962 but they are only a few months meaning that they are still in the same year at Hogwarts.
It isn’t really clear when Narcissa and Lucius got married, but according to my research it happened between 1976 and 1979. I personally got with 1978 (two years before Draco is born)
Ted Tonks was born in the 1950s.
Not sure when Ted and Andromeda got married, but I’m assuming it was when she left Hogwarts in 1971. After marrying him, she was disowned and then in 1973 Andromeda gives birth to Nymphadora.
I headcanon Pandora and Evan and twins
Amos Diggory was born in 1960 or earlier.
Frank Longbottom was born between September 2, 1957 and August 31, 1959 or earlier.
sorry if this is very messy and confusing
That was it for now but I will probably add more stuff!
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iheartsunset · 2 years
Papa Louie Family HCs (part 1)
(Here are some hcs I have of how some of the characters are related! I’ve been wanting to do this and a last names hc list for a long time)
It’s canon that Roy and Joy are siblings, but I headcanon for their dad to be Guy Mortadello. I also headcanon that he’s Papa Louie’s twin brother, and that they had some kind of falling out as young adults. Roy is very suspicious and has been getting close to finding this all out, but Joy has already known for years. This family is a mess.
Prudence is Rudy’s older half sister. I headcanon that his mother and her father were business partners whose affair resulted in Rudy being born. The two were actually very close childhood friends, not knowing about the affair and not understanding why their parents all hated each other. They reunited at a workers meeting after like 10 years once Papa’s Cheeseria opened, and they also discovered that they were siblings. They get along very well, and they’re trying to get their parents to be civil with each other.
Connor and LePete are also half siblings! And I agree with @maznanangy’s headcanon that Daniela is LePete’s mom. She’s stationed in Calypso Island while LePete lives with Connor, his dad, and Connor’s mom in Burgerburgh. Whenever he and his dad have an argument, he runs off to stay with her for a few days (which is a lot). Connor and Lisa always end up running after him. Connor and Daniela have a good relationship too, and she calls him to let him know that LePete is safe whenever he leaves.
Olivia is Koilee’s older cousin. They both grew up in Sakura Bay and were so close, they considered each other as sisters. Koilee was shy and withdrawn from being bullied as a kid, but Olivia was quite popular and threw lots of parties. They grew apart after Olivia graduated and moved back to Portallini, her hometown, and when Koilee was stuck in her 2 month long delinquent phase. Now that Koilee’s graduated, they visit each other a lot more and have maintained good contact. Olivia calls Koilee Lee-Lee and Koilee calls Olivia Livvie. Koilee sometimes gets roped into helping Olivia plan and attend parties.
(Bonus: I believe that Koilee and Carlo both called Olivia to inform her that they were robbed by Guy Mortadello in the beginning of Scooperia. She laughed at them so hard over the phone and called them idiots. When she was swindled into working for the Cluckeria, Koilee paid her back by laughing hysterically at her over the phone)
Rita is Cecilia’s older cousin, and unlike Koilee and Olivia, they have a tumultuous relationship. Growing up, Rita resented Cecilia for constantly disrespecting her kind parents and taking their support of her dancing for granted. Meanwhile, Cecilia hated Rita because she was always being compared to her. They always end d up getting explosive fights once they were adults. After Papa and the other workers staged an intervention for them, their relationship got slightly better once they talked out their feelings. Now, they’re incredibly civil, but still occasionally bicker.
I also headcanon Georgito as being Rita and Cecilia’s uncle. He’s the cool uncle who always brought them gifts and gave them advice when they were both younger. He’s very concerned with how much they fight, and he’s thankful to Papa Louie for helping them work through it. He likes to support Cecilia when she does dance competition and also enjoys giving Rita advice for her business ventures.
Ivy is Hacky Zak and CJ Friskins’ mother. Duke Gotcha is Hacky Zak’s father, while CJ Friskins’ father is unknown. Crystal is his aunt and legal guardian, and they’re very close. Ivy avoids them like the plague, Hacky Zak pretends they don’t exist, and CJ Friskins always bothers them for some quality family bonding time.
Liezel is Drakson’s younger sister. He’s her tough and emo older brother who barely shows any emotions, meanwhile she always happily drags him along on any workouts or shopping trips with her friends. He’s like her bodyguard and closest confidant.
I forgot my own hcs, but I think I said that Kaleb is Kayla’s younger cousin? He’s very interested in filmmaking and loves to follow Kayla’s career. She always offers to star in or help produce one of his films, but he always refuses in order to not be known as “Kayla’s cousin.”
Rollie is Lisa’s younger cousin. Lisa often looks out for them because of their sickly disposition, something that Rollie secretly hates. They have a very normal relationship, and Rollie also gets along well with Fernanda and Franco.
Cooper, Radlynn, Mary, and Penny joke that they’re cousins because of how similar they look. Greg found out during a class project that Mary is his and Cooper’s third cousin twice removed (however that “removed” thing works).
Chuck and Taylor are foster brothers. Taylor was in the foster system and came to live with Chuck and his mother. They were awkward at first, but they grew closer after Chuck’s mother passed away. They consider each other to be both best friends and brothers.
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shinestarhwaa · 1 year
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The Members:
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Dorm arrangement:
Room 1: Iris & Mila
Room 2: Lynn & Zora
Room 3: Hwayoung & Gayoung
Official colours: Dark blue, silver, black
Fandom Name: Starlight
Debut date: February 13th 2023
Their style is refreshing and they pull off every concept they do
(truly like their seniors Ateez) ♡
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Their full profiles:
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Stage Name: Iris
Birth Name: Choi Iseul (I-Seul)
Nickname: Izzy, Dewy (I-Seul means morning dew)
Position: Leader, lead vocalist, visual
Birthday: January 20th 2001
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Nationality: Korean
Hometown: Incheon, South Korea
Height: 168cm
Blood Type: B
Some facts:
She has 1 older sister (1999-line)
She is afraid of heights
Her role model is BoA
She auditioned with the song Halo by Beyoncé
She enjoys watching anime
She is allergic to kiwi
She and her sister own a dog called Pippa (the dog lives with her sister
She lost her parents when she was 18
Speaks Korean, English and Japanese
She loves knitting and crafting
She trained for 2 years
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Stage Name: Lynn
Birth Name: Evelyn Park
Nickname: Eve, Evi, Blondie
Position: Main rapper, lead dancer
Birthday: August 3rd 2002
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Nationality: Korean-American
Hometown: New York, USA
Height: 164cm
Blood Type: A
Some facts:
She has no siblings
She is afraid of birds
She is good at songwriting and composing
Plays guitar and piano
She has a fine line tattoo of a flower on her hip
She loves binge watching series
She is a big fan of Girls Generation
She auditioned with the song Black Widow by Iggy Azalea & Rita Ora
Speaks Korean and English
She loves cats and has a family cat who lives with her parents (Mimi)
She has trained for 1 year
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Stage Name: Zora
Birth Name: Zora Anurak
Nickname: Zozo
Position: Lead rapper, main dancer
Birthday: August 31st 2002
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Nationality: Thai
Hometown: Bangkok, Thailand
Height: 170cm
Blood Type: A
Some facts:
She has 2 twin-brothers (2000 line)
She dislikes coffee and matcha
She is a big fan of GOT7
She loves going to concerts
She auditioned with the song Kiss Me More by Doja Cat
Plays piano and violin
She is very strong physically
Her mother taught her how to dance when she was young
Speaks Korean, Thai and English
She loves fruit and cakes
She has trained for 1 year
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Stage Name: Mila
Birth Name: Park Minji
Nickname: Minnie, Minmin
Position: Main vocalist, dancer
Birthday: May 1st 2003
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Nationality: Korean
Hometown: Seoul, South Korea
Height: 165cm
Blood Type: O
Some facts:
She has 1 younger sister (2006 line)
She is afraid of bugs and spiders
Her role model is Ariana Grande
She auditioned with the song Breathin' by Ariana Grande
She has been singing since she was 6
Speaks Korean, English and Japanese
She loves collecting jewelry and perfumes
She is left handed
She has her drivers license
She loves make-up and does eyeliner tutorials on Tiktok
She has trained for 2 years
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Stage Name: Hwayoung
Birth Name: Kim Hwayoung (Hwa-Young)
Nickname: Bloom, Kkochi (Flower)
Position: Lead vocalist, main dancer
Birthday: July 11th 2003
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Nationality: Korean
Hometown: Seoul, South Korea
Height: 169cm
Blood Type: AB
Some facts:
She has 1 older sister (2000 line)
She is afraid of heights
She is a fan of BTS
She auditioned with the song Butter by BTS
She comes from a wealthy family
Speaks Korean and English
She wants to be an actor too
She loves K-Drama's and her favourite actor is Rowoon
Loves gold and silver
She can whistle really well
She has trained for 2 years
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Stage Name: Gayoung
Birth Name: Song Gayoung (Ga-Young)
Nickname: Ducky, Gaya
Position: Main vocalist, dancer, maknae
Birthday: October 14th 2003
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Nationality: Korean
Hometown: Daejeon, South Korea
Height: 167cm
Blood Type: B
Some facts:
She has 2 older brothers (1998&2001 line)
She lost her younger sister (2007 line) to illness when she was 13
She has a black belt in Taekwondo
Her role model is Little Mix
She auditioned with the song Black Magic by Little Mix
She often plays animal crossing
She likes to read books and poetry
Speaks Korean, English and Mandarin
She is very interested in fashion
She loves to work out and walk in nature
She has trained for 2 years
For more info/questions about Donna's members don't be afraid to reach out to me and ask!! :) (or comment below!!!)
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nikoldragonne12 · 1 year
Old post:
Despicable Minions (DM AU) - New facts 2
Wilde-Fournier's household heights (female minions aren't included):
Amber - 183 cm
Tom - 195 cm
Damien - 210 cm
Ruby - 176 cm
Amber's whole first name isn't "Amber", it's "Amberlynn". Nobody really calls her that, though.
Since the female minions started living with Amber and her family, the Wilde-Fournier's house has never been robbed by any robber - Susie and Vivi, the IT experts of the female minion tribe, installed a very effective security system that does its job well.
Damien used to be reserved, careful and distrustful after his parents kicked him from home and before he met Tom. Nowadays, he's pretty easy-going and calm, though he kept his carefulness, stubbornness and perseverance.
Most of Amber's sweaters were knitted either by Ruby or by Vicky.
Vicky, the female minion alpha, sees Amber as her second younger sister and is very overprotective of her.
Tom easily panics when something unexpected happens and it's mostly Damien who's saving the situation.
Lydia, the tallest of all minions, also likes chocolate and often fights with Dove to get one (much to the chagrin of Vicky because Lydia and Dove usually fights right under her office).
Melinda, Dove's youngest sister also known as Meli, Mels or Melody, is the one who deals with the two fighters most of the time.
Minnie owns a monkey plushie that Rita, Dove's other sister, made for her.
Colette has type 1 diabetes and has to follow a diet and an eating plan.
Amber helps her human friend and often exercises with her - both people with asthma and people with diabetes should exercise. From what I have read, it affects them positively (if they're exercising the way they should, of course).
Also, Amber sometimes makes Colette some dia desserts.
Bonus facts:
I've stated in the past that Colette is a talented hobby dancer - this ability is a little to the chagrin of her mother Roselle, because it reminds her a lot of Balthazar Bratt (Colette's biological father).
Speaking of Roselle (b. 2nd January 1980), she works in the office of an unnamed company. Even if she strictly stated she doesn't want any partner (unsurprisingly, when you think about how she ended after falling love with Balthazar Bratt), there's one customer of Wilde-Fournier's bakery who would like to ask her out - Collete, Amber, Tom and Damien (and the female minions, of course) offered him some help with this plan.
Pearl, Melinda's wife, is a family fashion designer and is responsible for a lot of outfits, including several of Amber's and/or Colette's ones.
Both Damien and Tom has a significant scar on each of their faces:
Dami has a scar on his crooked nose from how he fell on the ground back in France - when I said his parents kicked him from home, it wasn't just a metaphor. Damien's father really threw his son on the ground (Dami used to be pretty slim before he started his bakery path). And speaking of his crooked nose, it's also from the fall.
Tom's scar is on his lower lip and it's from a fight he had. As I said before, the Wilde-Fournier's house has never been robbed by any robber since the minions moved there, however one broke into the house a year before Tom and Dami met. Tom heard the robber and decided to protect his aunt and daughter but he got into the fight - the robber was eventually arrested and Tom had to go to the hospital due to a big number of bruises… and because of the scar on his lip.
Tom isn't the greatest fighter but when his father's instinct takes over, he can be pretty dangerous.
Roselle's family is also from France but compared to Damien, she (Roselle) was already born in Canada (not in Toronto, though).
Her parents are alive and still in contact with their daughter and granddaughter. They always stop by during holidays.
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are-they-z · 11 months
Supporters of #NoHostageLeftBehind Open Letter to Joe Biden - Part 1/2
The letter consists of lies, no mention of Palestinian genocides, and a call for ceasefire.
Read the full letter:
Dear President Biden,
We are heartened by Friday's release of the two American hostages, Judith Ranaan and her daughter Natalie Ranaan [Raanan] and by today's release of two Israelis, Nurit Cooper and Yocheved Lifshitz, whose husbands remain in captivity.
But our relief is tempered by our overwhelming concern that 220 innocent people, including 30 children, remain captive by terrorists, threatened with torture and death. They were taken by Hamas in the savage massacre of October 7, where over 1,400 Israelis were slaughtered—women raped, families burned alive, and infants beheaded.
Thank you for your unshakable moral conviction, leadership, and support for the Jewish people, who have been terrorized by Hamas since the group's founding over 35 years ago, and for the Palestinians, who have also been terrorized, oppressed, and victimized by Hamas for the last 17 years that the group has been governing Gaza.
We all want the same thing: Freedom for Israelis and Palestinians to live side by side in peace. Freedom from the brutal violence spread by Hamas. And most urgently, in this moment, freedom for the hostages.
We urge everyone to not rest until all hostages are released. No hostage can be left behind. Whether American, Argentinian, Australian, Azerbaijani, Brazilian, British, Canadian, Chilean, Chinese, Danish, Dutch, Eritrean, Filipino, French, German, Indian, Israeli, Italian, Kazakh, Mexican, Panamanian, Paraguayan, Peruvian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, South African, Spanish, Sri Lankan, Thai, Ukrainian, Uzbekistani or otherwise, we need to bring them home.
Adam & Jackie Sandler
Amy Schumer
Aaron Sorkin
Barry Diller
Behati Prinsloo
Bella Thorne
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Bob Odenkirk
Bobbi Brown
Bradley Cooper
Brett Gelman
Chris Rock
Constance Wu
Courteney Cox
David Alan Grier
David Chang
David Geffen
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Eli Roth
Emma Seligman
Eric Andre
Ewan McGregor
Gal Gadot
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Harvey Keitel
Isla Fisher
Jack Black
James Brolin
Jason Blum
Jason Sudeikis
Jeff Goldblum
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Jessica Biel
Jessica Seinfeld
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Judge Judy Sheindlin
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Julie Rudd
Justin Theroux
Justin Timberlake
Karlie Kloss
Katy Perry
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Laura Dern
Liev Schreiber
Martin Short
Michelle Williams
Mila Kunis
Nicola Peltz
Noa Tishby
Olivia Wilde
Orlando Bloom
Paul & Julie Rudd
Richard Jenkins
Rita Ora
Ross Duffer
Sacha Baron Cohen
Sam Levinson
Sarah Paulson
Sean Combs
Shira Haas
Sting & Trudie Styler
Taika Waititi
Thomas Kail
Tiffany Haddish
Tyler Perry
Will Ferrell
Andy Cohen
Alex Edelman
Amy Sherman Palladino
Aubrey Plaza
Barry Levinson
Billy Crystal
Brad Falchuk
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Bridget Everett
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Chloe Fineman
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Dean Cain
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Elisabeth Shue
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Pattie LuPone
Regina Spektor
Sara Foster
Sarah Cooper
Scott Braun
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Zoey Deutch
Zosia Mamet
Zoe Saldana
Alex Aja
Aaron Bay-Schuck
Amy Chozick
Aron Coleite
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Allan Loeb
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Casey Neistat
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Claire Coffee
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David Baddiel
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David Gilmour &
Polly Sampson
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David Joseph
David Kohan
David Lowery
Deborah Lee Furness
Deborah Snyder
Donny Deutsch
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Douglas Chabbott
Eddy Kitsis
Edgar Ramirez
Elizabeth Himelstein
Embeth Davidtz
Emmanuelle Chriqui
Erik Feig
Evan Jonigkeit
Evan Winiker
Francis Benhamou
Francis Lawrence
Fred Raskin
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