mofffun · 4 days
King-Ohger x Gotchard pre-Chou Eiyuu Sai talk show
Partial translation/summary
Pep talk before CEYS
Impressions of each other's series
I want to attend XX Academy!
I am King of XX!
Role reverse: What role do you want to play in the opposite series?
link to watch
1. Pep talk before CEYS (02:08 -  
The teams haven't seen each other much save for shooting the SHT intersection. Six months have already passed between then and CEYS (Sep '23 - Feb '24)
Spanner vowed to deliver a passion not shy of KO team
Host joked KO team seemed passionate because of Kaku's physique
Taisei: I saw CEYS a year ago, seems just yesterday, looked forward to the event very much
Aoto: I hope it goes smoothly without trouble.
2. Impressions of each other's series (03:45 -
Rinne: most impressed by the body swap episode, particularly Himeno-san's kabuki pose.
Erica: Sorry for doing something the real Kaguragi never did. Gotchard is a very energetic show, compared to King-Oh's more serious tone, I feel recharged watching Gotchard.
Renge: KO cast are very good friends with each other. The Gotchard cast are friends too, but the kings' bond is something only forged by having worked together closely for an entire year.
Yzy: Not only is the show energetic, but the cast is too behind the scenes. I am the youngest in KO, but the main GT cast is even younger. They are very dependable. (Kaku: sorry for sounding condescending haha /j)
3. I want to attend XX Academy! (05:38 -
Rules: What skill do you want to master? It can be realistic or imaginary.
Matsumoto Hiroya: I want to type fast on a smartphone
Host 2 (Shinomiya Akira): Rita-sama's scream
💛Fine art
🖤Muscle training
🐻 Minato: Tonkatsu
Minato: Tonkatsu. I love fried pork chop. A school for tasting, making, and if possible, raising the pigs.
Host: What type of tonkatsu do you like?
Minato: そうっすね [sounds like Sauce-ne~, filler words meaning "yeah, right~"] Thick cuts and slightly rare on the inside.
where Aoto made a pun of そうっすね "Sauce" [for dipping tonkatsu]. Aoto murmured it to Matsumoto Hiroya instead of saying it out loud, and it hit Kaku-san's laughing point to others' confusion.
Minato: um... I prefer salt for seasoning to dipping sauce 😅
❤️ Taisei: Cooking academy
Taisei: Well, I can only depend on myself for cooking, so I kinda want to improve my skills. I even bought a set of knives.
Erica: What do you want to make?
Taisei: Garlic shrimp, maybe? French food seems to be on trend right now.
[Houtarou wrote 料理 (Cooking) too but in Kanji unlike Taisei in English]
Houtaro lives with his family and cooks with his mom on dayoffs. 
Kaku/Masashi: That's just like in the show!
Host 2: Sakai-san, please visit [Houtaro's] mom.
Taisei: LIke a training camp.
Houtarou: Yes, please. Let's make Donburi together. I don't really know what "Garlic Shrimp" is but let's try it out!
[Garlic Shrimp is in Katakana/English, in Japanese it's ninniku & ebi.]
(everyone laughs)
Erica: That's just what it means literally! 😂
Houtarou: We have garlic at home, I just don't know what "shrimp" is... Is it some kind of mushroom?
Kaku: Tracks, they both have the "sh" sound.
Houtarou: "Sh" as in mush, and "rimp" sounds like little cut-up pieces?
Erica: Hint is, it's something from the sea.
Yzy: Then that can't possibly be mushrooms.
Houtarou: Some kind of seaweed? 
Erica: It moves around a bit more than that.
Houtarou: Wakame!
Host: Not even close!/j Please do some research after the show.
💙 Aoto: Automobile Command academy. 
Aoto: Yep, [just a regular] driving school. I haven't got a license yet but I love going on drives, so I could only ride shotgun because I can't drive myself. I want to pay back my drivers so far.
Erica: ah the rest of the king cast.
Aoto: (shy) What do you think?
Hiroya: You look like you ride a motorbike.
Aoto: No, I've never been on one.
Masashi (?): It suits you.
🔧Spanner: Tension Crank-up Academy
Spanner: I want everyone to catch up to my hype!
Host: but the Gotchard cast seems like they're all pretty easily hyped?
Spanner: No. (to Renge) I'm the only odd one, right? (Renge nods) Actually I should just go there and sit by myself right?
Kaku: Yeah, right!
Host 2: Totally wrong answer in a totally fitting tone!
Spanner: Hey, I'm compromising already!
Host 2: Ahhh this is getting out of hand XD
Kaku: "Tension Booming!" [Kibun Bunbun, boonboomger roll call]
(dead air)
Spanner: See? No one is doing tsukkomi [straight man, pointing out irrationalities for comedy].
Erica: Ah, so the reason is there's no tsukkomi character in your group. The others look like they are more comfortable playing boke [funny man]. Maybe that's why the cast seems so cheerful.
Spanner: Who's the tsukkomi in your group?
Erica: Over here. (gestures to Yuzuki and Masashi) Team West.* 
*[t/n: 1. My best guess of Ni-Shi is "Western [Japan]" based on their hometowns being further west than the others. There's a stereotype that Kansai/western people are funny, although neither 💜 or 🕸️ is from Kansai to be exact. Taisei is from Fukuoka, the same region, Kyushu, as Yuzuki, but it's been established pretty early on he can't do tsukkomi. 2. Another guess of Ni-shi is "two colours" as in more-black-than-purle Yuzuki + white Masashi? 3. Or it could be "receive"??]
Kaku: So who will it be on your team?
Spanner: I choose... our best boke, Junsei.
Houtarou: Wahhhh don't sell me out!! ToT
Taisei: Someone else for the tsukkomi position?
Spanner: There's Minato-san, but when he's tsukkomi-ing, it's always under his breath. No one can hear him. 
Minato: I'm not confident...
Spanner: When we were talking about tonkatsu just now, he kept leaning back... Sensei, can we get a tsukkomi out of you from now on?
Minato: *mutters* okay...
4. I am the king of XX! (13:56 - 
Rules: Name yourself, or someone else in the room, as king of something.
Host 2: If anyone in the Gotcard is king of something, I suppose Motojima-san... is the king of shrimps.
Houtarou: Yeah, that's right! Please allow me the honor. No, for real, somebody tell me what "shrimp" is!?
Erica: Another hint, it has a lot of legs.
Houtarou: Octopus!
Kaku: Not even close!
💙Masashi->White [fair skin]
💛Spontaneous trips
💜internal rhythm
🖤Muscle training
🕸️Aoto->Fried chicken (karage)
🕸️💙 Masashi: Aoto is the king of fried chicken.
Masashi revealed that Aoto brought fried chicken to work every morning and would generously share it. He also brought some today too. Aoto quickly took over the explanation and said Masashi is one to read between the lines, like Jeramie. Truth is, when Aoto brought the nuggets, Masashi would snoop, "Hey, what flavour did you get?" Aoto then (have to) say, "You want one?" and give him a piece. The next person would say the same thing and Aoto had to give him a piece too, that person is Taisei. And the worst of them chicken "sharers" is Yuzuki. To her complaint, Aoto mimicked her reaction when given a piece, "Ehh~~~ Really?!" 
[t/n: lmao i could totally get why Aoto would be annoyed by Yuzuki because his imitation sounds absolutely like she's pretentious about it lol. but I could totally see Hirakawa Yuzuki doing that too lmao.]
📱Sabi named Spanner as king of long legs. 
🖤 Kaku-san named himself as the king of muscle training. (Minato loves muscle training too) Kaku-san's weightlifting record is 130kg in barbell.
Rinne is king of video games and Renge plays a thief simulator game and got her into it too.
💛 Erica named herself as the king of spontaneous trips. She can go anywhere and by herself. Last year she went to Osaka and Kyoto for two days unplanned. After she finished work in Kyushu, she stopped by there before coming back to Tokyo. She loved both sightseeing and eating. She re-visited the temple from a family photo taken on a childhood trip.
💜 Yuzuki named herself as the king of internal rhythm. Because King-Oh nearly always films indoors, they can't see the sun and often wonder what time it is. At which they'd turn to Yuzuki for the answer. She estimated the current time to be 12:56, which is just 30 seconds faster. [t/n: She talked about this in tge cinematoday interview 06:13 before the series starts]
5. Reverse Offer (25:03 - 
Rules: What role do you want to play in the opposite series? It can be a real or made-up character.
❤️manly man chemy
💙evil rider 
💛mad scientist 
💜a chemy that keeps screaming non-stop 
🖤kind muscular older-brother type 
🕸️a chemy that can grant any wish
[t/n: 🕸️a chemy that can grant any wish -> that's just Doraemon right.... re: relay interview]
🖤 Kaku: a kind muscular older-brother type
no alchemy, just a kind muscular older-brother type. I will be your personal trainer. You all look a bit slim, leave it to me :D
Minato: a monk, who'd fit in Toufu
💜 Renge: Moffun
Renge: It got a lot of cheers from the audience, so it must be very popular.
Yzy: It'd be interesting to see a Kansai-dialect Moffun.
Renge: [kansai dialect] "Why do you hide your eye? mofu~"
Yzy: Hired!
❤️ Taisei: a manly man chemy
Taisei: I want to become muscular too, after watching Kaku-san the past year. (straight face) Even his naked body, in the main series.
Kaku/Yzy: Hey!
Taisei: (straight face) I'm quite envious of his physique. I want to try working out in the future
Kaku: Okay, I can teach you...
Taisei: Thank you ^_^
(conversation starting to get lost...)
Kaku: Gotcha! [sharp cut keyword]
Spanner: What will your manly-man chemy sound like?
Taisei: ...
Taisei: Gotcha! \(^o^)/
🕸️Sabi: Pet (Jeramie's)
Masashi: So you want to be my pet?
Sabi: Woof!
Masashi: Hired!
💙 Aoto: Evil Rider [proceed to solo-act his oc's story]
Aoto: I want to henshin as a villain. At the very end, he redeemed himself and died protecting the hero, "Remember... something something..." and I die.
Hiroya: That'd be a challenging role.
Host 2: We've seen your Royal Arms, how will your evil rider henshin?
Erica: Don't you always talk about this😂? With the rain.
Aoto: ahhh. Yep, I've got the scene set. At first he was a good guy, then we flashback to his past, a rainy day, the old man who's been taking care of him died in his arms. "AHHHHH", I scream, and the belt materialises "churn churn churn". With blood all over my face, "HENSHIN!! ARGHHHHHH". Like this.
Host 2: A Henshin powered by screams, I see. Minato-sensei, you were an evil rider, what do you think?
Minato: That's more like the hero's backstory. A little like... Spider-man?
Kaku: It's too cool, isn't it?
Aoto: I will henshin with a fried pork chop chemy.
🕶️ Houtarou: King Gotchard
Houtarou: I want to go to King-Ohger's world just as I am, and see what kind of people will follow me if I become the king of gotcha
Host 2: You can take today as an opportunity to ask the kings for advice. What quality does a good king need?
Houtarou: Yes, please. Charisma for sure, what else?
Kaku: If I have to say... aura, perhaps.
Hiroya: You are not answering "muscles" for once?
Houtarou: Honshin? Honkaku? 本心?本格?Genuine? Authenticity?
Kaku: Honkakuha chuuka 本格派中華?Authentic Chinese restaurant?
*laughs* [t/n: treat it as a dad joke 😅...]
Houtarou: No no no, what's that word that means the very base of something.
Spanner: The core. (核心 kakushinn)
Houtarou: Yes, I meant to say "at the core".
Masashi: What kind of kingdom do you want to build?
Houtarou: A bright country! Where everyone can get creative and invent their own recipes like Houtarou.
Kaku: Just like Toufu!
The round up is just more pep talk. The talk show is filmed a few hours before CEYS.
t/n: I wrote this because of an request. At the very least I want to sub Aoto and Yuzuki's segments. The talk is too funny but quite long and no few jokes. If I end up getting around to it will def be November. Also the op of the video is absent for asking permission...
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leeyacy · 5 months
My junior said they were scared of me cuz im always frowning and side-eyeing😔
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ayamemes · 6 months
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when this gets animated you'll never hear from me again
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yi3248 · 6 months
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ghost had the perfect setup, and capt mactavish just had to not go according to his script
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quackquackcey · 4 months
"You're my god" | Rated E, 24k
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I'm super excited to post my Gods!Sterek fic for @syr-monthly’s may mythos event, illustrated by the amazing @jojorice 🥰🥺🙏
Feat. Derek relaxing to sound of Stiles' chatter, all-around badassery, & sterek so in love they go against the gods for each other~ 🤍💫
Alternate Universe - Gods & Goddesses | Alternate Universe - Modern Setting | Alternate Universe - Mythology | God Stiles Stilinski | God Derek Hale | True Alpha Derek Hale | BAMF Stiles Stilinski | BAMF Derek Hale | Present-Day Mythology | Derek Hale Nearly Dies | Derek Hale is a Softie | Derek Hale Deserves Nice Things | Stiles Stilinski Deserves Nice Things | Action & Romance | Magic | Canon-Typical Violence | Hurt/Comfort | Domestic Fluff | Shameless Smut | Top Derek Hale/Bottom Stiles Stilinski | First Meetings | Getting Together | Mutual Pining | Stiles Stilinski Talks A Lot | Derek Hale Loves It ™
After Stiles dies and wakes up as a god, he travels around causing mayhem and ends up crash-landing into a remote forest amidst a storm, only to realize that he's in fact slammed into another god's yard. As the two of them get closer, troubles from their past threaten to tear them apart and destroy them—will they be able to fight against the gods and cut down the obstacles in their way? The tale of two gods, seemingly opposites, who split the heavens and rended the earth to save each other.🌪️💫
Read on AO3 here!
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p4nishers · 1 year
i just realized aziraphale's hand was fucking SHAKING when he lifted it to his lips LIKE EXCUSE TF OUT OF ME????? im genuinely unwell over this shit
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random-brushstrokes · 6 months
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Cipriano Cei (Italian, 1864-1922) - Madonna
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quackquackcey · 2 months
the feral wind that lit him ablaze: Chapters 1 & 2 up!
Rated E | Updates Mon, Wed, Fri | 11 chapters total
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🔥 moodboard by @triskhellion for @sterekcollabang! 🔥 mass murderer Derek x FBI Stiles 🔥 magical Stiles, banter, murder husbands sterek
Tags: Canon Divergence | Alternate Hale Fire (Teen Wolf) | Evolved Alpha Derek Hale | Magical Stiles Stilinski | FBI Agent Stiles Stilinski | Prisoner Derek Hale | Eichen House | Murder Husbands | Anchors | Mates | Banter | Some Humor | Action & Romance | Stiles Stilinski Has Secrets | Possessive Derek Hale | BAMF | Top Derek Hale/Bottom Stiles Stilinski | Shameless Smut | Knotting | Face-Fucking | Prison Sex | Shower Sex
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Read here on AO3!!
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katabay · 1 year
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long ago, in a land of heroes and gods and monsters—
or, bedwyr and cei listen to arthur tell a story
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Caitlin R. Green, Concepts of Arthur
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saturnerens · 2 days
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queer-ragnelle · 3 months
Hi! I was wondering if you have any recommendations for some pre-Chrétien Kay appearances? From what I understand the versions differ a lot, and the guy intrigues me even more
Thank you in advance!
Hi anon!
There aren't a ton of pre-Chrétien Kay appearances, mostly Welsh stuff, plus Geoffrey of Monmouth. But I recommend them, they're fun!
The Black Book of Carmarthen
The Mabinogion translated by Lady Charlotte Guest
The Welsh Triads translated by Rachel Bromwich
The History of the Kings of Britain by Geoffrey of Monmouth translated by Aaron Thompson
The Quest for Olwen by Gwyn Thomas & Kevin Crossley-Holland
The last one is a picture book I scanned myself. It's beautifully illustrated by Margaret Jones. Cai and Bedwyr are even on the cover! Lastly, I'll give you a handful of "academic" or informational resources which will undoubtedly give you some more to chew on.
Warriors of Arthur by John Matthews, Bob Stewart, & illustrated by Richard Hook
Cei & The Arthurian Legend by Linda Gowens
Sir Kay, Seneschal of King Arthur's Court by Harold J. Herman
The Arthurian Handbook by Norris J. Lacy & Geoffrey Ashe
The Arthurian Companion by Phyllis Ann Karr
The New Arthurian Encyclopedia by Norris J. Lacy
You'll see several of these author names popping up repeatedly (just look at all the people Harold J. Herman cites!). These fellow Arthurian enthusiasts reference each other and collaborate frequently. All to provide us with this Kay content! Enjoy!
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quackquackcey · 5 months
Seared into his Soul | Rated E, 12k
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Here's my fic for @syr-monthly’s april event, with tender sterek falling asleep & spooning illustrated by @jojorice 🥰💛
Feat. red string of fate, magic, & huddling for warmth~
(Shower her art with love here!)
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Stiles’ world crashes down around him when he learns his spark’s affinity, and he tries his best to keep it from affecting the people around him, especially Derek. As time passes, though, he finds himself lost and tired, but even worse is that Derek doesn't look better off despite his efforts—can they find their way back to each other? A story of the best intentions gone awry, warmth in the darkness, and coming home. 🔥✨
Read on AO3 here!
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femdomcaptionslover · 2 months
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