#these are some of my oldest like actual ocs with story and stuff i have em since 10 i think!!
wilburewormarts · 5 months
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redraw/ redesigns of some old ocs (evelyn and rita!) i did as a warm up!
close ups/ side by side under the cut
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(2018-2019/ 2024)
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also these silly old women are in love! :]
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magpigment · 1 year
i think it’s so funny to be a writer with multiple stories that you flesh out and develop and world build and then never write.. like yes i have an incredibly intricate explanation for how this worlds religion works based on how each individual fantasy culture and race i made perceives the afterlife and deities of the world (that i also made up). yes there is deeply ingrained stigma even lasting into present day in my story that still impacts some of the characters more than others. yes it’s also a metaphor for modern day religious fanaticism and the way it others people for no discernible reason. yes there are also unicorn people and phoenix people and basilisk people and werewolves and vampires and necromancers and sirens and hydras and giants of all different varieties and yes i love this story dearly. no i won’t ever write it. why? reasons.
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uniquexusposts · 2 months
Her || Charles
Main characters: Charles Leclerc x OC Genre: fanfiction, fluff  Story type: novel  Part: 22/? Word count: 2114 Co writer: @mistrose23
Story summary: Matilde Jørgensen, the new Scuderia Ferrari team principal, faced the nerve-wracking challenge of reviving the team's fortunes and aiming for a championship. Leading a historic team as a 'newbie' and separating her work and personal opinions posed a significant challenge. The big question: is she capable to do so?
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Previous chapter
Chapter 20. Routine
Jens opened the door of the Airbnb Matilde had to stay in for three weeks. It was a cottage just outside of Oxford, in a beautiful surrounding for some quietness and peace, perfect for Matilde to recover and rest. It was Saturday, a day after the surgery and Matilde just got released from the hospital.
"This looks adorable," Matilde said when she stood still in front of the door. She was taking a break from walking from the car to the front door, which was about ten metres.
Jens only smiled. "I hope you can recover here quickly."
"It isn't home, but it will do," she gratefully replied.
Her steps into the house were slow and deliberate, her body still adjusting to the recent surgery. Jens guided her towards the living area. As Matilde eased herself onto the couch, Jens went back to the car to grab all the luggage. He picked up Matilde's stuff from the hotel and her car, which was still parked at the track, this morning.
"I parked your car at the end of the street," Jens said once he got back. "I will bring your stuff upstairs. Do you need anything?"
Matilde squinted her eyes; she had never seen him this caring, if she was honest. She and Jens were never that close, the bond between her and Lars was much better. Perhaps it was because Jens was the oldest and moved out quickly. Jens moved out when he was eighteen years old, Matilde was only twelve years old and Lars was fourteen at that time. From that moment on, Jens showed up whenever he felt like it - mainly because he was part of the army. "Uh..." She carefully got up. "I want to take a shower, get rid of the hospital air. Maybe take my suitcase upstairs, but leave my work bag and purse downstairs."
"Yeah, sure. Let's do it."
"But Jens," she said and looked at her older brother. "If you want to go to the Grand Prix, please go. You took time off to be there, you came all the way to the UK, you have VIP tickets, you brought your friends... I don't want you to be here while you can be there, live your dream."
"Tilly," he smiled, it was a soft and caring smile. "My friends can have the dream experience, but I would rather stay here and look after you. I came here to see you work, to be with you, I came here for you. And yes, it is my dream to be a VIP guest at a race, but I'm sure there will be another opportunity anytime soon," he told her. He knew her well enough to give her a little bit more explanation than necessary. "Let's just relax, rest and recover." He took her in his arms, creating a safe space for her.
Matilde closed her eyes and let out a breath, accepting that she wouldn't be able to live her life like she usually would do for three weeks. She carefully wrapped her arms around Jens' torso. For the first time in years, they shared a meaningful hug, but it was a hug she needed. She missed home, she missed her family and this made her realise how far away her family actually was. Jens rested his head on top of hers and he just held her.
After a moment, they let go of each other. They went upstairs, Jens still supporting his little sister. While Matilde was taking a shower, Jens stayed upstairs in case he had to help her. He unpacked his own bag in the guest bedroom, doubting whether he should unpack Matilde's suitcase as well. After the shower, Matilde and Jens went downstairs again. Jens connected his phone to the TV, putting on his favourite Danish radio station - knowing Matilde would like it as well.
"How was the shower?"
"Quite alright," Matilde said. "But I want to wash my hair, but I can't somehow do it," she said frustratedly. "It's such a simple task and I can't do it. Once you can't do it anymore, you realise what you lost."
"I can wash your hair."
"No, it's okay. I can wait two more days until dad arrives."
"I can do it. It's a nice feeling to wash your hair after a hospital visit."
"You don't even know how to do it."
Jens raised his eyebrow. "Why do you think that? I have seen mum and dad wash your hair so many times - and the tantrums you created, drama queen."
She huffed. "Now you are pulling the longbow."
"I said what I said." He leaned against the kitchen counter. The kitchen was next to the living room, well, in the living room. "So?"
"Fine," she gave in. "But how were you planning on doing it?"
"Chair, sit, sink." Jens walked upstairs to get Matilde's hair stuff. When he got back, he set up the setting. He took a chair from the dining room and put it in front of the sink. He placed a towel on the counter, it had to be a cushion. "Sit down, ma'am."
Matilde sat down. "Now you're being scary."
"SInce when are you interested in doing this?"
He grabbed Matilde's brush and detangled her wavy hair, well, expired blow out hair. "I am just taking care of you."
"That's what scares me."
"Shut up." He noticed some small baby curls in her neck. He put a towel over her shoulder and flipped the hair on it. "Okay, lean backwards." Matilde threw her hair over the sink. "Comfortable?"
Matilde looked Jens in the eyes. "Yes, sir. I hope you cleaned the sink."
"Yes." He turned the water on and waited until it was a nice temperature. He wetted her hair and watched how the straight hair slightly bounced back into its natural shape. It was still wet, but her hair turned into a shape again. Jens put some shampoo on his hand palm and emulsified it. During the first wash, he put his attention to the scalp.
"Okay, but for real, since when do you know how to wash hair?" Matilde was perplexed, it didn't make sense. First, he would do everything to avoid talking about hair care, and now he knew what to do. She stared at him.
"Like I said, I watched how mum and dad did it."
"But that's like a million years ago."
"With the tantrums you threw, it isn't easy to forget it."
"Don't move."
Jens rinsed the hair and washed her hair again. Then he squeezed all the water out of her hair and put in some conditioner. He instructed Matilde to sit up again, so he could, again, detangle her hair.
"Ouch," Matilde whined after a few minutes.
"Don't fuss," he replied.
"You are hurting me."
"I am not. Just get over it," he responded.
"Be careful."
"It hurts."
"I can't fucking help that I have curly hair. It is a pain in the arse," she complained. "I am so jealous of all of you. Why do I have curly hair? Why am I the only one in this family? Mum's hair is as straight as a pencil, dad's hair too, Lars' hair too, your hair too. Mine is curly."
Jens had to agree with that; Matilde stood out in the family because of her curly hair. "The mother of grandma Greta had curly hair. Then it passed two generations, for you to have curly hair. Why don't you wear it curly anymore? Why straighten it?"
"I hate genes," she mocked. "I don't like my hair curly, it's ugly."
"It is not."
"It is."
"Why?" He put the comb on the kitchen counter. "Time to let the conditioner sit for a moment." He sat down on the counter of the island, crossed his arms and observed his sister.
Matilde sat up and shrugged. "I just don't like it, I don't think it looks pretty. It makes me feel different from everyone else in the family."
"It is unique."
"And I don't like it."
Jens nodded. "And what about that Leclerc boy?" It was something he needed to talk about.
"What about him?"
"Why did he randomly show up yesterday? After what he did?"
Matilde bit her upper lip and looked outside. She couldn't speak for Charles, she didn't know why he showed up. "I don't know, you should ask him."
"Why did he pretend to be your boyfriend?" Jens continued to ask, it didn't make sense.
She sighed. "It's not like I can look into his head and justify his decisions?" Her face straightened. "I have no idea why he showed up and why he told the nurse he was my boyfriend."
"So..." He squinted his eyes, observing Matilde. "You are on good terms, I see."
Matilde chuckled, her tone holding a hint of irony. "I don't want to say good terms, but we are getting there, I guess. It's still complicated."
He raised an eyebrow, clearly not satisfied with the vague response. "Complicated how?"
"People are complicated, any type of relationship is even more so."
He studied her expression, searching for any signs of discomfort or evasion. She met his gaze with a steady one, her eyes reflecting a mixture of exhaustion and resilience. It was a look he recognised, the same one she wore during challenging moments in her life.
"Til," he began. "You've got enough on your plate as team principal. You don't need more complications, especially not from someone like him."
"Protective big brother mode activated," she mumbled annoyedly.
A chuckle left Jens' mouth, conceding the point. "Maybe I do. But seriously, Tilly, you need people who bring stability, not more chaos."
"I know, Jens. Believe me, I know."
"So, let me get this straight: you start at Ferrari and Leclerc struggles to welcome you. Understandable. Odd, but understandable. Then your team are dickheads by the Miami situation. You cleared the air. Followed by Monaco, where Leclerc is blaming you for his own mistakes, causing more tension between the two of you, portraying you as a bad leader towards the media. And then the moment in Austria, where he fights in front of the media with Max, pulling you down. During the meeting with Max and Christian, he claims that you are only here for Max, fucking him for your position and calling you a bad leader. And when you are hospitalised, he is suddenly emotional, distracted and caring? Showing up without permission, pretending to be your boyfriend, standing next to your bed while pouting? It is almost like he is in love with you but tries to hide his feelings by being a dick." Jens threw his hands up in the air. "Make it make sense, Matilde."
Fact, on fact, on fact. Also a confrontation. Matilde swallowed hard. "He is one of my drivers..." Her lips parted, trying to find some words, which she couldn't find. "I don't want to talk about it now."
"I get it, but do you understand why Lars and I are having doubts? This isn't normal behaviour. And I know you want to protect him because he is your driver, but you need to be careful." He jumped off the counter, turning on the water again, waiting for the right temperature. "Make sure he does not play with you, because his behaviour is affecting you on your mental health."
"Jah," she mumbled annoyedly and laid back to the sink again.
"Just be cautious. It's not just about the racing, it is about your well being."
The short answer said enough to Jens; Matilde didn't want to talk about it. He didn't know if she wanted to avoid the topic or just leave it for now, but she was annoyed by it. Jens rinsed the conditioner out of Matilde's hair and applied the curl cream. "No mousse?"
"Neh, not today."
He nodded. He remembered that his parents had to learn how to control Matilde's hair; they reached out to other people with curly hair because they had no clue how to handle it. Jens also remembered that after applying the mousse, or gel, you had to scrunch it. Even though they skipped that step, he scrunched the cream into the hair, also squeezing out the excess water. He grabbed a T-shirt and dried the hair by scrunching it. "There you go."
Matilde was on the edge to ask to blow dry her hair and straighten it, but she felt uncomfortable and wanted to lay on the couch. She also thought it was adorable how her big brother performed the entire hair care routine by memory on her hair, so she decided to let it go and dry out her hair. "Tak."
"Go lie down on the sofa. I will make you a cup of tea." Jens washed his hands and filled the kettle with water.
"You still scare the crap out of me with how you behave." 
Next chapter
Taglist: @itsjustkhaos@crashingwavesofeuphoria@maryvibess @chocolatefartstrawberry @snzleclerc @ironmaiden1313
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nightoftheanimals · 2 months
Introduction of some sort
Hello, I'm Yoru. I'm an animal hybrid, I have human body, that I try to turn into other animals as much as possible.
I'm mostly in the therian community, but I do not like to label myself much really.
So about me. I'm 23. I'm an animal hybrid. My other animal changes, but the other one is the burden of this body, a human.
I am somewhere between no gender and male. Kinda like other animals have a gender, they do not care but they have the urges of the sex they have. I am afab so technically I am trans, but because I'm more like other animals, I do not really care about my physical attributes and probably won't transition, also because of my physical and mental illnesses (they make transitioning difficult or impossible).
I use the pronouns he/they but I don't actually care really, my country doesn't even have gendered pronouns anyway.
Also I think I am bisexual/pansexual. I am a stray, and single at the moment.
I have autism, ADHD, serious depression, anxiety and type 1 Diabetes. I am chubby/fat/plus sized, but that is not why I have Diabetes, it came for me when I was 12. Just because. I don't even have it in my blood line, but me and my second oldest brother have it.
And no, even if being an animal hybrid is from mental illness, autism or any reason (I'm not spiritual), it is keeping me a lot saner than not being one or not expressing being one. I don't care how much bullying I get, it is mostly teens and I'm an adult, like whatever.
My animal types are:
Arctic Fox
Grey Wolf
Siberian Husky
White Swiss Shepherd
Akita Inu
Wild Rabbit
Red Fox
I like to dress in pink and sometimes identify as a "Cotton candy Husky", which is basically just a Husky with pink colorations. I like to have fun with my other animal types.
Some (animal related) things I like:
Ginga Densetsu Weed, Ginga Nagareboshi Gin (manga/anime, also has manga continuations and the animes sometimes differ from the manga, are a story about bear dogs fighting dogs and bears)
Ginga Densetsu Akame (side story about Akame from GDW and GNG and about his ancestry as a ninja dog)
Sweet Tooth (series/comic about human animal hybrids and a pandemic)
Watership Down (book/series/movie about rabbits changing their place to live)
Balto (a movie, and two sequels about a wolfdog saving kids, Baltos pup who is more like a wolf and about Baltos son who is a husky fighting for his right to deliver mail when they think changing to a plane)
Wolf's Rain (anime/manga about wolves trying to find paradise that have disguises as humans)
Wings of Fire (book series about dragons, I just started this)
Digimon (games about either fighting with elemental monsters, or fighting and taking care of elemental monsters)
Pokemon (games about fighting elemental animals)
Other things I like:
Alt fashion (especially mixing with my animal gear)
Arts and crafts (related to animals or my OCs, I make anything from tails and masks to fursuits.)
Making and doing stuff about my OCs (art, writing etc.)
Age regression
Okay so here is some sort of introduction about me, but yeah... I might update this later if I get any ideas or so.
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the-east-art · 2 months
IDK if this counts as a Hagstone ask, but what is Hagstone? Could you give me the rundown? Or do you have a post where you explain the basics already?
Yes!!! It definitely counts!!! Let me tell you about my OCs and their story!
Hagstone is a story that I've been working on with @browniefox on and off for about seven years now! We've made at least one or two complete drafts of the first book, and I'm currently going through and rewriting the first book for (hopefully) the last time! and then it will be done! Hagstone is intended to be a duology, so just two books long.
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enjoy this seven year old art when I was first developing the characters! The tag is Hagstone, but to find ALL the art I've ever done on it check the tag wtgp - it had the temporary title of 'Way to go Paul' for like... four or five years, referencing a Vine which I can't remember why we did that haha. There aren't any characters named Paul in it.
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The story is about Kyle - a recent college dropout - who has to find new housing after an Event at his old place. He moves in with the eclectic Eldan - and over the course of the book gains new housemates (none of who are actually human) and discovers a dark danger lurking under the town.
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(are by @browniefox) The story itself focuses on themes of struggling to let go of the past and face the future, dealing with grief, depression, and combatting loneliness.
One of the reasons I wrote this story was that I was really tired of stories that constantly have a 'normal' character who later realizes they're Secretly half witch or a fea or whatever so a big part of the story is the fact that Kyle is a very Human person with no magical abilities and how he interacts with the magical world.
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The main characters are Kyle (of course) an anxious, depressed, and self conscious guy with a special interest in bugs and anger issues.
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Eldan - the oldest living Fae who always seems to know more than everyone else and has been reportedly 'in a funk' (didn't leave his house) for many decades leading up to the story.
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Marion - An acerbic vampire only a century or two old with trust issues and a secret soft side. He has been ostracized by the local vampire covens for reasons not yet known.
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Ollie (Oleander) - Hailing from a family of monster hunters, Ollie is a sweet boy who can transform into a giant beast. His family are technically a line of Gargoyles but many centuries ago Eldan blessed them, hence the furriness of the transformation and the lack of being made of stone. However, something has happened recently causing him to go to Eldan on behalf of his family for help.
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and Jonah! - Jonah is the ghost that haunts the house with few memories of his time alive whose death is connected to the darkness that lurks under the town.
(if you look you can see that Jonah and Ollie were recently renamed. Ollie was originally Leander but that read and wrote too similarly to the name 'Eldan', so we changed his name to Oleander and have him go by 'Ollie'. But THEN that was too close to the name Odon, so we changed Odons' name to Jonah. I'm much happier with these names and I think they are now distinct enough from one another, but it may be confusing if you're looking at old stuff)
That's the basic so please feel free to ask questions about the story, the characters, or if you want to meet some of the side characters in the story!
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kp-does-suff · 4 months
Here's some eeveelution stuff because why not
I've been drawing some evolutions for a while now and decided to share them I hope you like my characters!
[You're going to see that I love incorporating the shiny designs in these characters]
So this is Copper she was originally going to be a little one-off drawing, I was just like "I should draw an Eevee from memory today" and that's how she came to be. She's an energetic kid and wants to be a good battler just like her mom.
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[also all of the characters don't have stats or natures or anything like that yet at least if I do come up with something like that I might put it in a separate post. I'd also like to hear your opinions because I'm not very knowledgeable on that stuff]
This is Copper's mom Stella! She's a bit hard on Copper but she means well. She's actually a descendant of the Espeon in red's team. She's stoic and serious the majority of the time.
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This is Wave, Copper's dad! He's a more go with the flow type of guy he's extremely chill Copper actually gets most of her traits from him even though she lives with her mom the most. (they're not divorced or anything they just have different trainers) he's kinda like bandit from bluey.
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This is Spark. Copper's uncle, Wave's brother. He's the oldest out of the three so that means that he worries and panics the most. He doesn't have any animosity or resentment to his siblings he just grew up with the mentality that he always had to be the "protector, the leader, the one in charge"
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This is Ruby. Copper's aunt She's the second oldest and actually decided to be in the show biz, despite what happened to her parents. She was actually the first of the three siblings to get a trainer and it's kinda strained her relationship with her siblings. She rarely talks to them anymore, they still care about each other of course but it was such a weird feeling. Despite the horrible thing that happened to their parents why would she want to pursue that career?
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[also if you're wondering what happened to their parents I think I might make that a separate post so out for that if you're interested!]
And so that concludes my showcase of my Pokemon OCs! They were really fun to work on and I can't wait to make more stuff for them in the future.
Are there any questions, comments, concerns, anything you think needs to be improved upon? I'm open to constructive criticism for my story (not my art tho but that's besides the point) also I wanna thank @lockandkeyhyena (sorry for the tag) for inspiring me to do this I love their characters and stories I'm glad he let me ramble in his inbox about them lol.
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emocl0wnpp · 4 months
Because i'm in a fankid frenzy again,time to properly introduce my babies!!(part1)
(Also in the current canon they're all adults-)
Also they're all in the same friendgroup-
So first we have Claws' and Jack's kids,Liam and Lau
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A little about them
He was adopted when he was 7(he died as a human and due to a mistake,ended up in hell where Claws found him as a little ghostie creature-)
The doll he "uses as his body" was made to look like Jack(duh) because he looked up to his father as a child
Though as he grew older he looked up to Claws more and more
The doll is made out of porcelain btw-
He knows how to play the piano :D
He was in his school's sport team(main reason why he's buff as hell)
He's very much..expressionless,and has trouble expressing his emotions in general
He's kind of like a mime
But he's a very sweet guy tho!
He's gay..very gay #manlover
He owns a casino in the underworld and is kind of a maffia leader,but still works under Zalgo
Lost some of his colors :((
Mama's boy(the good kind-)
His best friends are Floss,Jay,Corn,Berry and Alan(they'll be mentioned later)
Absolutely spoils Alan(his bf) even if he can't show affection/love properly
Knows his way around guns
If you need a gun he knows where to get them(from him)
Very much overprotective of Lau
Jill's favourite (and only) nephew
Now Lau!
Same story as Liam,except she was adopted when she was 6(Liam was 12 by that time)
The pretty pink princess of her family
Very much a daddy's girl
Jack spoiled her rotten when she was a kid
But thankfully Claws didn't let her to become a spoiled brat
...she's still a brat though,but a likeable one
She was the pretty cheer captain of her school :D
And she was in the theatre club too
Pretty much a Draculaura, Regina George, and Heather C. kind of gal
She works as a model in the underworld (she rich rich)
Loves having girl's only days with Claws(we love a wholesome mother-daughter duo)
Her besties are Cheryl,Jenna and Floss(will be mentioned later)
Makes Jack carry her stuff when she goes shopping
Actually she makes Jay(her husband),Liam AND Jack carry her shit-
Biggest girl's girl out there.
HUGE Millionares and Britney Spears fan
Despite her "bimbo" persona,she's hella smart
Jill's favourite (and only) niece
Next up are the trouble trio..Vicky and Candy's sons Candy Floss(just Floss or Flossy), Candy Corn(or just Corn) and Jay(the pics are in this order)
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First, Floss:
The oldest twin
Takes a lot of pride in being the oldest twin
He's a loveable jerk
Trans guy!! (Still dresses kind of feminine to break stereotypes)
Has a deep ass voice
His hair is dyed. Non if it was his real hair color(his og hair is the same color as Jay's)
He takes after his dad Candy a lot..like a LOT
But he's a momma's boy like Liam-
He had to do cheerleading instead of being in the sports team bc his coach was an asshole,but during his senior year he was allowed to play in the team :D
Bullies his brothers as a form of love
Ngl he's kind of a jerk to everyone but it's his love language
Pretty boy™️
Does modelling with Lau :D
His best friends are Liam,Alan,Jenna,Cheryl and ofc,his brothers
Has a ferret named Noodles
Despite his jerk personality,he's an absolute loverboy when it comes to his lovely wife Jenna
Next up,Corn!
The middle son of the 3
Pretty much the quiet artsy kid
Who knows how to make bombs
Half of his face is burned,but he covers with it makeup
He has a strange shape-shifting ability that makes his colors change according to the seasons(will post it either here or in a p2 post)
He's probably the closest to Candy from his brothers
But he learned witchcraft from Vicky and very much enjoys it
He has a prostetic leg because of an accident(same as his burn marks)
He usually wears funky clothes
His wife is named Halloween :D (she's not my oc but one of my bff's,and idk if he has tumblr or no so i can't show her-)
Even tho he's quiet,when he snaps it's over. He can be a big bitch let's just say that-
But i swear he's a cool guy
His best friends are his brothers,Berry and Liam
He was also in the sports team alongside Liam
He stores stuff in is hair (his hair genuinely works as a portal-)
And last but not least, Jay and his assistant Opal the snake!
The youngest of the twins
And probably the oddball-
The sweetest guy alive
Literally THE husband material
But his heart already belongs to Lau :3
Matching west and bowtie with Liam!!
The patches on his shirt represent his brothers and friends
He owns many snakes,but Opal is his baby
Again,best husband out there,also spoiled Lau rotten
Got bullied by his brothers but loves them regardless
He's has a dad bod!
He has a little portal in his hat
He got Vicky's thick german accent-
Unlike his brothers,he learned a lot from Jason actually
His best friends are his brothers,Liam,Berry and Alan
Lau made him dye a pink strand in his hair-
His dream is to make his own circus and he works HARD to achive that
He's very The Greatest Showman coded
He'd probably love that movie too
Next iiiiis Jenna! The daughter of Jason the toymaker and Jade(i STILL didn't make a post of her-)
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Prettiest doll out there!!
Looks a lot like her mom :3
Her eyes are made from glass
The sweetest girl out there
Daddy's girl,learned a LOT from Jason
Literally just a ray of sunshine
The kindest killer out there if there's a thing like that-
Besties with Lau and Cheryl <33
She did cheerleading too
But she loves all of her friends equally
Also an art kid like Corn-
Even though she's a sweet and well mannered girl,she got her anger from her dad-
She has a slight french accent because of her mom
Her parents did not approve of her relationship with Floss but she didn't care
She's pretty rebellious ngl
But other than that she's just a bundle of joy
Despite all these sweet things i listed for her she's lowkey like Jecka from Class of 09-
Also she's very much a Heather M. and Gretchen girl
Next up,Cheryl and Alan :D
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First Cheryl:
Alan's twin :3(the older half)
She's mute and uses her mask to talk
Modded her mask to sound like Hatsune Miku once
Both of her arms and legs are prostetics(lost them in a fire related accident,along with her voice)
She's a proxy for Slendy
She usually hangs around Clockwork and Kate the Chaser when she's with the other proxies
But her besties are Lau and Jenna of course<33
But she's also friends with BEN and Toby
Both her and Alan are raised by their older sister Natasha
Lesbian women kisser woman lover♡♡♡
Heather D. and Karen kind of gal(she ain't dumb she just loves Karen with all her heart)
Girl failure but it's okay I love her
Did cheerleading with Lau and Jenna as well
Very good around tech and hacking
Her and BEN make a great duo when comes to tech
She learned sign language just to cuss people out
Now Alan:
Cheryl's twin(the younger half)
He gets bullied by Cheryl for being 0.1 second younger
He loves her with every fiber of his body tho
He's dyslexic
He's also a proxy for Slendy
He usually hangs around Masky Hoodie and Toby,they're like the brothers he never had
He looks up to Masky a LOT
But his best friends are Liam,Cheryl,the trouble trio and Berry
And Liam's biggest fan(we love a supporting boyfriend)
He used to be scared of Liam's family,especially Lau since they are in the same friendgroup
He got his burn mark in the same accident as Cheryl
Ngl he's kind of a jock himbo
Unless Liam is around then he's just a simp
Borrowed Hoodie's old,well,hoodie-
Helps Cheryl with tech stuff
Now time for the oddball of the group,Berry
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Zalgo's son
No his full name isn't Berry i just forgot his actual name
Berry is just his nickname
Yes Zalgo got himself a son
Though Berry ain't nothing like him
He's canonically autistic btw and his special interest is humans+human biology!!
Let's not count how many humans Zalgo got killed for Berry
He surprisingly gets along with Lazari
Claws had to babysit him when he was little
Till this day he calls her mom by accident
His bestfriends are everyone in his friendgroup but he's the closest to Liam and Lau
He can be hella scary ngl
When he's mad or just really overwhelmed all hell is unleashed
He's over 5 meters/16 feet tall damn
He's fluffy unlike Zalgo
He made a lot of comments about his dad being all bones AND being bald
Zalgo babies him to death and he hates it a lot
He loves his dad tho
The person in the back holding him is his wife Y(who also belongs to the same friend as Halloween does)
He's a pretty sweet guy who can and will do wrong,but usually he's very friendly to those who are friendly to him
Corn's different season looks along with some other kiddos will be included in another post bc i can't add more pics</3
Hope you enjoyed this tho!!
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novemberhope · 6 months
Soooo… guess here are my current obsessions One Piece OCs
@auxiliarydetective I did give it a try… not everything is final yet. Might not be a great introduction like this but it was fun to do and if anyone has different questionaires (or whatever they're called) just tag me.^^
Ideas, criticism, inspiration, all is welcome :) I've never so openly done this tbh
Animal Resemblances Neri: Betta Fish Niara: Emerald Swallowtail Azura: Arctic Fox Cordelia: Bombay Cat Ellaria: Splendid Fairy Wren (Not 100% sold on that yet but it will be a beautiful bird) Ginny: Leopard Seal (looks cute but could actually kill you)
Specific Numbers Neri: 5/1/4 (ka – i - yo) (her last name) Niara: 22 (ni - a) Azura: 26 (a - tsu - ra) (eh, close enough^^) Cordelia: 5 10 0 2 (Ko - da - lei - a) (lol again close enough - but the many numbers look weird, this one might definitely change in the future?) Ellaria: 3-6-1 (Mirai = future) (it's a vision thing - but might also change if her name happens to fit better when she eventually gets one) Ginny: undefined yet
Specific Colors Neri: turquoise, light blue Niara: pale green, pale pink Azura: white, gold Cordelia: black, red Ellaria: white, grey, silver, very pale colors Ginny: a fiercy, angry red
Specific Smells Neri: ocean breeze, salt water Niara: apple & honeysuckle Azura: citron Cordelia: amber Ellaria: jasmine Ginny: honey & rose
Favourite Type of Island and Season Neri: summer on a spring island Niara: spring on a summer island Azura: winter on an autumn island Cordelia: autumn on an autumn island Ellaria: spring on a winter island Ginny: spring on a spring island
Favourite Food Neri: Seafood Niara: icecream, watermelon, blueberry pancakes, cupcakes Azura: oysters, shellfish, salad, filet mignon Cordelia: sunday roast, fried shrimp, spicy food Ellaria: Mushrooms, coffee, asian cuisine Ginny: strawberries, meat, soup
Least Favourite Food Neri: greasy food, meat, alcohol Niara: most vegetables Azura: fast food, cheap food, candy, cake Cordelia: lentils, fish sandwiches, anything with pumpkin Ellaria: fried foods, asparagus, ketchup Ginny: rhubarb, olives, brussels sprouts, eggplant
As a Family Neri: the adopted sister that comes from an entirely different culture Niara: cheerful youngest sister, always getting into mieschief Azura: the wine aunt Cordelia: oldest sister, often annoyed at her younger siblings but quick to defend them/come to their rescue Ellaria: the mother Ginny: (distant?) cousin
Real-World Nationalities Neri: Danish (as Denmark is associated with the little mermaid) Niara: Dutch (the Netherlands are described as the country of flowers and her devil fruit power is flower-based, so…) Azura: English-Irish (the latter shines through when she's drunk…) Cordelia: Italian Ellaria: Japanese Ginny: Scottish
Inner Brain Neri: probably lot's of excitement over various things that are happening around her or that she wants to give a try Niara: having fun with her friends, pretty things she likes, crushes (well one crush in particular) Azura: is annoyed at stuff and/or people half of the time so that's in her head a lot. Also, training. Cordelia: work hard, party harder, looking hot while doing both Ellaria: the fate of the world, secrets Ginny: training, anger, distrust, more anger
Suited Flower Neri: water iris Niara: sunflower Azura: white lily Cordelia: amaryllis Ellaria: tall garden larkspur Ginny:
Are they Strawhats? Neri: yes Niara: joins after the timeskip The others: no Azura: is a warlord of the sea Cordelia: works at a bar - it would be a different bar in cannon but she could keep her overall story I guess - might have to join a crew at some point though otherwise the characters would move on without her Ellaria: is with the revolutinary army (at least for some part of her story) Ginny: is with the revolutinary army
Ideas that first popped into my mind when certain OCs came to exist… Neri: it's a show about pirates, there's GOT to be a mermaid Niara: I want a character that uses a devil fruit mmmh what about plants/flowers (strangely enough, none of my pokemon oc's ever cared much about the grass type lol) Azura: I want a cool sword fighting lady Cordelia: I want a hot fierce type of character that looks good in black and that doesn't take anyone's crap Ellaria: came into the picture much later, I only recently decided somewhat on her looks, only things I know for sure is pale green eyes and can sort of see the future. Might never make it into any kind of story but she popped into my mind so here we go. Ginny: falls into the category "looks cute but can probably kill you".
Made some Picrew of them coz I saw other creators doing that
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Niara: (fun fact, she's currently one of my favorites)
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Ellaria: (I'm almost certain I'm gonna keep the color palette and probably the hair...)
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Ginny: (not her final look probably but I kinda want to keep the scars idk)
I took her pictures out because I decided on a different look for her. She will be a redhead now. She definitely has a scar or two on her face.
Bonus: A picture drawn by @indig0pearl featuring Neri and her own OC, Sora, as well as Nami, Robin, Chopper, and three of our friends (here also draw as OCs - yes the alpaka is one of them, she ate a devil fruit^^)
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beatcroc · 7 months
Is your pfp an oc of urs? Any story?
yah that's N.K.
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primer: a former god of fear who has since resigned, and now runs what is essentially an intergalactic tourist trap on his cursed planet, simply known as ''nk's domain''
i don't really do "stories" per se i just have my guys in their 'verse and they have their lore and sometimes that's actionable in a plot sort of way, but most of the time they are just doing their things. nk is one of my oldest oc's and as such probably the most, like, centralizing? nk's domain is sort of a meetup hub for most other characters that don't have their own defined Thing going on, as well as what several characters' Things are directly related to, but nk himself isn't all that much of an active player any more and most of the current story type stuff i'm working with has kinda moved beyond him.
aside from that it's just his history tying him to other stuff; there's a lotta old-guard guys who fuckin hate him back from when he was still doing the whole 'reign of terror' fear deity thing [nk used to stand for 'nightmare king' but he just goes by nk now], there's a bunch a new-guard guys he's pissed off for being the main force behind the universal outlawing of capitalism[honestly not that important and some worlds still do it anyway bc gods are bad at caring enough to actually enforce their rules unless it's like a Really egregious violation], and there's also the history of said "cursed planet" itself [he didnt do that he doesnt know why its like that he just saw it wand went ooooh free real estate. but theres a reason its like that and he's starting to pay the price for having taken it over [accidentally unleashed an imprisoned god-parasite plague][uh oh][its that yellow thing in the last image][this is actually what my "main" "story"/alleged webcomic is about] [go here go in the dark]]
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leonscape · 3 months
fun facts about my oc’s family because i love them and they have the least amount of trauma ❤️
so i’m gonna yap about camellia’s family
they’re from benitoite but most of the kids lived like most of their lives in rhodolite it’s a long story a big family conflict
actually their parents are traumatized but they’re ok i guess. they just don’t like their families so yeah the kids don’t really have cousins or grandparents lol
their surname is actually from their mother’s family. i mean when you hate your family a lot you aren’t ashamed to take your wife’s name
anyways they have six kids
the oldest (in the main story he’s 37) charles or charlie idk it’s cute. he’s a doctor. labeled as a disappointment. he’s actually one of them military doctors but he’s getting older and he has a family of his own so he wants to be a civilian again and practice family medicine and stuff.
the second oldest is connor (hes 34 in the main story). idk he kinda dumb but he’s got a good heart. he got two other friends who are also kinda dumb but they have good hearts. one of his friends is a sailor so he ain’t really on land much. but his other friend is a noble so he rich rich. they are just a trio of himbos. connor plays the guitar or lute (ugh history idc anymore) and he can also sing.
the third oldest and eldest daughter is cattleya (shes 30 and she hates it and she was the first of her siblings to be born in rhodolite). she’s got a bit of a temper and she’s picky when it comes to suitors. many have tried to court her but they have all gone awry. she’s beautiful but she can be a handful. she plays the harp and she likes singing.
the third oldest is cassius (he’s 27) idk his mom heard the name in a story once and thought it was cool. he’s a fraternal twin. none of them tell other people they’re twins. the first of the children to be born in rhodolite. he mainly plays the piano but he’s got potential for many different instruments. he likes composing music. he’s kind of a tsundere haha.
so the other twin is carlina-rose (i literally just changed it because i didn’t like how similar i made the twins’ names). i wanted a flower name but i also wanted to put rose in there bc the twins were born in rhodolite too. idk maybe i’ll change her name again i can’t decide. she’s got some bad anxiety so she doesn’t like performing in front of others but she plays the cello. she doesn’t talk at all so it’s hard to communicate with her.
and the youngest camellia (she’s 22) and she plays the piano but she doesn’t like it that much. it’s just something that was taught by default. she’s a little lost in life but she’ll figure it out.
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libbworl · 3 months
Hello, welcome to my blog. I am libbworl Abry Watterson. Libb is my nickname but my actual name is allibia. (None of these are part of my real name, just for rp and entertainment reasons)
I will do roleplay, but for now, my TAWoG stuff is unavailable rn, my TAWoG posts are my oldest ones.
For now I am posting gravity falls crap, and I like making au's.
do not ask me for money.
You can as lili and dipper stuff. (You can even do actions, I'm fine if you toture the two, or tell them to do embarrassing things)
List of franchises I like or can talk about: up
-gravity falls
-adventure time
-happy tree friends/htf
-five nights at Freddy's/fnaf
-bendy and the ink machine/batim
-cuphead (the show & game)
-undertale (Au's as well)
-hazbin hotel/helluva boss/zoophobia
-cartoon cat/Trever Henderson stuff
-regular show
-over the garden wall
-star vs the forces of evil/svtfoe
And a note: I WILL make gore and bloody things sometimes.
Last thing: when I filter things as violent it just means there's gore.
You are aloud to:
-make fan art of my OC's and au's
-make fun of my OC's and aus
-add my OC's to ur own au's.
-go ahead and make your own fanfictions of my fanfictions!!
I have a Wattpad account now, my username is libbworl but I go by addicted to gravity falls/killer dipper, go ahead and find me on Wattpad. I'm working on some stories.
I also have a ask blog of dipper & lili
@ask-dipper-pines-and-lili and @lilipinesmaccinson
Also, I want to be nice to my friends, so plz visit their blogs.
@gravityfallsaddict124 @eliqwerty-1206 @thestrangelyalwaysconfused and @cartoon-cat7241
And do not call my characters furries as a joke, or you will be blocked
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branmer · 5 months
by request i have put together a little key of all my b5 stories and ocs that i talk about on here plus some other info about worldbuilding stuff (@impossibletimemachinestarlight tagging you in this since you requested it! i hope this will prove helpful and not just confuse things even more)
first, the fics!!! most of these feature the same characters, but that doesn't mean they take place within the same verse
bmwf or the blood of stars - wip, currently published on ao3. a longfic intended to tell the story of the warrior caste and explore minbari politics from before the em war up until after the civil war. pretty grand in scope and i am currently stuck in the earliest pre-war section, which takes place during branmer's adolescent years. i really want to finish this fic but i've lost steam recently
bla/branmer lives au/and not to yield - wip, not on ao3 yet but sometimes i post snippets here. it's basically an alternate universe where branmer lives and takes part in the shadow war and drastically alters events relating to the minbari as a result. heavy on the warrior and worker caste. if you see me talking about neroon and branmer having a big falling out/break up, i'm probably talking about this fic lol.
b/n fic or i joy in my disgrace - wip, available on ao3. a lighter, shippy fic taking place a decade or so before the em-war during a warrior caste tournament that was really just an excuse to write branmer/neroon. may end up serving as the backstory for their meeting in bla, but totally disconnected from blood of stars (though it shares many of the same characters). i've stalled a bit on this one even though chapter 2 is almost done because i've been quite depressed and struggling to write through it
mlm fic - a silly little au where both marcus and neroon survive and neroon recruits him to help investigate a religious caste grifter who is recruiting humans to a pyramid scheme/cult. eventual neroon/marcus. i've only really written the very start of this one tbh
m/n fic/damnsel fic - intended as a gift for a friend <3 i haven't posted much about this one because i'm trying to keep it on the down low lol. but it's an action adventure romance marcus/neroon fic. i'm about half-way through writing this one and hoping to have it done by the end of 2024
neroon is the bridge - a very silly au where delenn accepts leadership of the grey council and punishes neroon by forcing him to undergo the transformation instead of her. currently working on the grey 17 is missing episode in this au haha
cursed nye fic - a truly terrible joke fic featuring, yes, mpreg. currently unavailable online because im editing it to repost
the warrior caste clans as they appear in my fic (names taken from canon but the rest is mostly me making stuff up/taking from fanon):
star rider - neroon's clan. the oldest and most powerful clan, they control the warrior caste capital, tinarel, plus a good third of the warrior caste fleet.
moon shields - the wealthiest of the clans. they have close ties with the star riders and the two often work together. the moon shield fleet is largely responsible for the immediate defense of minbar and the home system and often gets referred to as the shield of minbar
night walker - the most numerous of the clans, they actually consist of hundreds of sub-clans who allied together to defend themselves against other more powerful clans (like the star riders). infamously quarrelsome, they are the most democratically structured of the clans and fiercely independent. they have the second smallest fleet, but make up the majority of the castes ground forces and night walker regiments are spread out among the other clan fleets. as a result they bore the brunt of the most intense fighting of the em-war and had the heaviest losses. they are very bitter about this
fire wing - the first clan to use aircraft in war, the fire wings still boast the best fighter pilots in the warrior caste. they have medium sized fleet, but there are fire wing squadrons spread throughout the other clan fleets, similar to the night walkers.
wind swords - the smallest and most militant clan. they also have the smallest fleet. despite the relative size of their clan they are surprisingly influential and wealthy, and benefit from controlling resource rich territory that allows them a degree of independence from the rest of the caste. they have a long history of rivalry with the star riders and resent their power over the caste
dark knives - an ancient clan who defected to the shadows during the first great war. nothing has been heard of them in a thousand years but they remain a presence in warrior caste horror stories and folk tales. they feature in bla where they return to cause trouble and do evil things >:)
re warrior caste leadership and such. some people go for there being a shai alyt for each clan or make it a rank similar to captain. for my own fic i have the shai alyt being the commander in chief of the warrior caste (it just made sense to me that the warrior caste would need a chief general who they all answer to in times of war who can act with the grey council's authority), while each of the clans have their own leadership who handle the administration of the clan and its internal running. basically the clan heirarchy/administration is seperate from the military administration and you can be very powerful in the caste as a whole while still being subject to your clan leader/elders. see branmer's dad, kedrunn, who is a very high ranking war leader and serves as an advisor to two shai alyts, but is often in a very precarious position within his own clan because he keeps pissing off his clan leaders :') the balance between the shai alyt and the clan leaders is a Big Deal in warrior caste politics and it's one of the things that makes being shai alyt a really really difficult role. the warrior caste also choose their shai alyt (something the grey council hates and is always trying to influence) through something called the convocation of clans
religious orders/fanes
sanaya - branmer's birth fane/order, a contemplative order based in tuzenor and famous mostly for their religious music. very conservative and proud. were never happy about his mother marrying a warrior
fikeranla/the star seers - the order branmer leaves sanaya to join in bmwf and ultimately the order he serves in most of my fic. a spacefaring order with connections to the warrior caste (particularly the star riders) that has a history of liasing between the warrior and religious caste on contentious issues. dedicated to the study of the stars
my ocs
kedrunn - branmer's father, warrior caste and a star rider like neroon. serves as a sech in most of these fics, but has held extremely high rank in the warrior caste. also very musical! appears in pretty much all my fics except neroon is the bridge and mlm fic (so far), but most prominent in bmwf, bla and b/n fic
eiyamer - branmer's mother, religious caste. a professional musician and honoured shaal. again appears in most of my fics except neroon is the bridge and mlm fic, but generally has a smaller role than kedrunn. most prominent in bmwf, bla and b/n fic
nerzhan - neroon's mother, star rider. rarely appears mostly just gets mentioned. usually dead long before the em war
rashal - neroon's dad, fire wing who married into the star riders. also usually just mentioned but doesn't appear. features most prominently in bla where he is actually alive for once (but might as well be dead if you ask neroon)
kazjek - neroon's ward, star rider. only features in one fic (the m/n one) so far! around 13 at the time of the story and a massive fucking brat. i love her a lot and will likely insert her into other fics if i get the chance (very tempted to put her in bla haha)
morreal - a childhood friend of branmer's, warrior caste and a wind sword. related by marriage to shakiri (who he hates, like really really fucking hates). often serves as the character who highlights the contradictions of warrior caste honour. the wind sword neroon basically. features in all my fic except neroon is the bridge and the cursed nye fic
aiashon - neroon's cousin on his father's side, fire wings clan. aiashon has a prominent role in bmwf (in the very end section post civil war she's actually the protagonist), bla and mlm fic. will likely feature in some small way in b/n fic, m/n fic and neroon-is-the-bridge. aiashon is the character often left holding the bag when everything goes to shit. the opposite of neroon in many ways, she's overly cautious when she should act and learns to be more decisive and bold in the latter half of bmwf
zakat - neroon's childhood best friend, originally warrior caste he converted to the worker caste and became a prominent starship engineer. features most prominently in bmwf and bla but gets some kind of a mention in other fics
rekshival - branmer's mentor and a high priestess of the star seers. features heavily in bmwf, mostly only gets small mentions in other fics which is a shame because she's one of my faves tbh
hyavel - morreal's girlfriend. worker caste, guild of engineers. features most prominently in bmwf and bla but gets an important cameo in m/n fic and will probably feature in mlm fic and b/n fic. hasn't yet appeared in any of my published fics
sashain - a priestess of the star seers and a childhood friend of branmer's. headstrong and aggressive and prone to angry outbursts. she becomes high priestess in branmer's stead when he joins the warrior caste. plays an important role in bmwf, bla and b/n fic. might feature her in mlm fic because i like her a lot
dushenn - aiashon's wife, warrior caste and from the nightwalker clan. not a super prominent character but appears in bmwf, bla and probably mlm fic. im hoping to expand her role a bit in bla and get her doing more stuff
verann - (fuck i cannot believe i forgot verann until now) warrior caste and a fire wing like aiashon. has a cute little triune thing going on with kedrunn and eiyamer. was at one point a candidate to be shai alyt. very high ranking in the warrior caste. features mostly in bmwf, bla and b/n fic. a bit like neroon if neroon were less of a total cunt.
shakat - warrior caste, night walker. massive cunt to begin with tbh, but experiences considerable growth in bmwf and bla, which are the only two fics he really features much in (might make a cameo in mlm fic maybe?). has a big, embarrasing crush on morreal. morreal can't stand him.
beshaal - warrior caste, moon shield. second in command to the shai alyts who preceeds branmer. features in small roles in bmwf and b/n fic, but is dead by the time most of my fics take place
levak - warrior caste, star rider. the shai alyt when branmer is a teenager. only features in bmwf because he is dead long before the em-war takes place
sekhat - one of branmer's mentors, warrior caste and moon shield. served levak when he was shai alyt. dead by the time most of my fics take place and only really appears in bmwf and possibly in b/n fic
rokesh - one of levak's advisors and a rival to verann, married to sekhat. also a moon shield. potential candidate to be shai alyt after levak. was meant to be a more prominent character but i ended up finding other characters more interesting, poor dude. features in bmwf but also gets a mention in b/n fic
kershan - a former star rider who married into the night walkers, lost most of his family on the black star. becomes friends with neroon in bla. features a little in bmwf but has a more prominent role in bla. doesn't really appear in any other fic tbh and i don't think i've mentioned him by name much at all on here either
there are more (SO MANY) but i think that's all the most important ones. branmer also has a warrior caste aunt and a couple of warrior caste cousins who will appear in b/n but they're not important characters. an overabundance of warrior caste ocs and not nEARLY enough workers rip (tbf there are more worker caste ocs but im not at a point where i have though enough about them to warrent a place on this list)
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styxz1el8 · 7 months
i think its time to finally introduce my ninjago oc :wink:
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Meet Xara Firstbourne! Xara is one of Sensei Wu's and Garmadon's oldest pupil, she is a very loving and courageous ninja, and also the wisest one.
She is very social and loves to talk to the ninjas when given the time, always telling them stories of her adventures with their senseis when she was a pupil of them. On other days, she volunteers to help mentor the ninjas with their training, teaching them valuable moves, enemy weaknesses and others.
Xara holds the power to transform herself into her dragon form at any given time, though she uses this for times that is necessary. Her dragon form though is different from her human, as her dragon self is non-verbal and communicates in gruffs, groans or roars, and they can be a bit stubborn and judgemental. She and others [Wu, Garmadon and Misako] are still unsure if this is her true element.
She also have a motherly side to her, making lunch and meals for the ninjas and sometimes, giving advices and a bit of treatment of how a mother would. But she always focus and mothering one of the ninjas, for two reasons that she would like to keep private.
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Some other facts about her:
Even though it is said that she has two forms [her human and dragon form], she actually has a third one. Her half-dragon form. [I'll explain this in a future post]
Xara is the oldest out of all the ninjas [excluding Wu and Garmadon], being about 32 years old. And being this old, meaning a lot of time to catch to modern stuff, like technology and others.
She loves to cook meals for the ninjas and always going out shopping for groceries, sometimes one of the ninjas go alongside her during her grocery shopping.
Aaaandd that's all! I would like to go into detail of her powers and forms in another post so keep an eye out for that [if i dont forget huhu]
If you have any questions about her you're always free to ask in my ask box!
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reitziluz · 7 months
Hey! For the ask meme- 18 and/or 19, for Vaal?
18. What is the most recent thing you’ve discovered about your OC?
weirdly enough. the fact that e actually fucking loves to thrown down. for a long time i approached em as someone who is fully pacifist, just a ray of sunshine, friend to all kittens etc. it felt wrong, but the thought of em being angry and vengeful felt more wrong. eir thing is like, growing and learning to be a person and reclaiming a life for emself. but actually going on 1v1 on dragons and shit is something e misses from eir former life. and if e had been able to live the childhood e was denied, it would have 100% involved chokeslamming a sibling more than once.
19. What is your favorite fact about your OC?
again skipping story event stuff. despite the moth theming, vaal isn't a moth. or even an insect. e actually has eight limbs. there's the humanoid arms and legs. then there's the wings, that could be mistaken for insect wings, but are actually some real magical bullshit. e has a flight mode e can shift into, so the wings aren't present all the time, and more like jets of magic anyway. but! there actually are two small modified limbs on eir back! like rudders! so that's six, right? but surprise! e also has praying mantis like limbs on eir hips!
so technically our buddy is an arachnid! :D
(also a more meta favorite fact is that vaal is my oldest oc that's still active. i should redraw the first design and put it next to the current one, and list the biggest similarities and differences, because it would be hilarious)
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toonqueen · 10 months
Duckvember Day 24: Adventurous Duck
So @cataradical and I have a thing with some Nega-verse OC kids going on adventures much like how the Ducktales Triplets and Webby go on adventures. Though, since it is the negaverse so they are allowed to roam wild more and do these adventures without adult supervision. Mainly because the adoptive ‘Dad’ of most of them is Gladstone’s Negaverse version. And he lets his kids run free because his uncle had him locked in the basement as a kid so HEY let the kids do what they want.  If I had time to write some full stories with them I’d be sure to have to be a parody of Stranger Things. Instead of them checking out paranormal stuff, they are the paranormal stuff.  Soooo I think listed oldest to youngest: PICTURE BY @cataradical
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Rouenna: (tallest with the black hair) Negaduck’s and Nega Morgana’s accident baby. Usually stays with her mom but can be found running around with this group of kids. Even though Macawbers and Despells don’t get along, Magica is nice to her when she’s at the house. Its not her fault her mom is a subpar jerk. Teehee. Rouenna is @cataradical and its not mean to say she is dumb because cata says she’s dumb. ;-; She got good magics tho weh.
(Nega) Gosalyn: following the canon version we saw. She’s now a teenager and been taught light healie magic by Nega Magica. She wears a sailor moon style outfit at times. Whee. Still her normal bubbly self. 
Kage: Also @cataradical  but my char Faustina gave him his name. A clone of Negaduck that SHUSH made. The plan was to have him rapid grow in a tube to adulthood and then replace the real Negaduck with him so Scrooge to backdoor take over St. Canard somehow. Something like that. Nega Scrooge is worse than Negaduck soooo. Negaduck tho attacked the lab before that could happen, breaking Kage’s tube at him being 8ish years old? Kage lived on his own a bit before Faustina found him and they hung out because they’re both RAD. Of course Faustina’s parents then adopted him. Whee. Kage ends up being the leader of these hooligans. The only non-magic user in the group. I see him a lot as Robin in the Teen Titans. The smart strategist is surrounded by people with powers but handles himself fine without powers. WHO NEEDS POWERS WHEN YOU GOT CHAINSAWS AND BLADES BRO. Though he might be the one with smart plans he’s still as chaotic as Faustina and Rouenna though. So how is he gonna reel in those two when he can’t reel in himself sometimes lol. I’m sure Gos helps with that. 
Faustina:  She is Nega Magica and Nega Gladstone’s kid. She wears fluffy dresses and acts like a cute little Victorian child much like Nega Gosalyn. However, she does not have the same attitude. She is a little beastie that can use ‘blood’ magic and has been known to bite people. I mean the others in the group bite too but she has the worst bite hehehe. 
Orin: (not pictured)  He is Faustina and Kage’s adopted baby brother. He actually doesn’t come on adventures being that his is a wimpy BABY. His only job is not to narc to his  parents where the rest of them all went. Also Cata’s char. 
I see them going on a lot of the same adventures the 2017 duck kids go on. Also, Faustina needs to ‘consume’ a certain amount of luck before her 13th birthday or she implodes so a lot of the treasure hunts are for luck related artifacts too.
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iiusia · 2 months
Your little story snippet got me curious, so if you don’t mind me asking: who are Mariam and Olivia? :0 I’m so so intrigued!!
!!!!!!! you dont know how much this means 2 me i am always thinking about these guys forever and ever....
okay SO. mariam and olivia (and eli, though he appears only a bit in the snippet) r my silly little ocs (that are MAYBE adapted from a dsmp fic. shhhhhhhh they are so much more 2 me now).
mariam and eli are brother and sister and olivia is like... a really close childhood friend, pretty much a sister at this point. their story as I've developped it in my mind so far is: (under read more cause this got LONG)
they live in the same small-ish town and olivia is over at their house a LOT... like pretty much living with them, bc [nebulous part of the story that i have yet to develop but that basically keeps her dad away a lot]
at some point though that [nebulous event] comes to an end and olivia starts seeing them less and less bc frankly. her dad is not a Good Man (and all the implications that come with that)
the snippet i posted happens a few years later when olivia shows up at their door bc its the place she feels the safest in, yk?
they sort some legal stuff out, olivia starts living with them For Real
and THEN there's a whole arc that happens when she leaves 2 go to uni but thats whole other story LMAO
but yeah that's the basic idea!! now for characterization olivia is the Definition of repression. she LOVES repression its her favourite hobby... she's the type that can talk a lot and make you feel like she's not able to keep a secret until you realize that 4 all she talks she doesn't really Say Anything About Herself. she's also the type that convinces herself that since she Understands, objectively, what she's gone through and that it was wrong, she doesn't have to actually deal with it bc like. it happened. it was bad. she got out. what's more to say? surely this will have no impact on her psyche [VERY LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER]. (a huge part of the story after she gets to uni is about how she's terrified of people thinking that what happened was her fault to the point of distancing herself from everyone who knows about it)
mariam.... mariam is so special 2 me always... she's the oldest, the "adult" and she cares about these kids SO MUCH... it's maybe not obvious outwardly bc she's not really the demonstrative kind but she shows it in her own way. her instinct is always to be very.... business-like with it? not quite the word but basically she does her gestures quietly and without fanfare and then you find out about it like 3 weeks later and you're like oh...... she really does care a lot. but also worth mentionning she is more mature so she does know that people have different needs when it comes to knowing that they're loved so with eli she does make an effort to be more Obvious with it. she's also SO scared all the time... she's terrified that something will happen to them always but she doesn't show it because she doesn't want to freak them out :(
eli.. i know you didn't ask about him but i still will answer because hes just so perfect 2 me... he's the youngest (in the snippet i would say he's 13? maybe? haven't figured out timeline yet). he feels everything so strongly all the time he is FULL of emotions. him and olivia understand each other in a way where they dont really talk about it ever because they don't Need to (or so they think. ahem). he's also a mischevious little guy.. loves exploring and disappearing for hours at a time and almost giving mariam a heart attack. he loves so strongly it physically hurts sometimes ... my little guy :(
anyways heres another snippet for u..... in thanks
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