#rip devan
softerpixels · 1 year
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devan is staying the weekend! they talked about kori's feelings regarding love day and then she got some of her aggression out via pillow fight.
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chronicas · 2 years
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This is like Sonic Adventure but for Array of Cicadas
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lightlysketched · 2 years
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𝘎𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘵𝘰𝘣𝘦𝘳 𝘋𝘢𝘺 6: 𝘎𝘶𝘵 𝘚𝘱𝘪𝘭𝘭
mmm its Sarrow family angst hour here
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simplydnp · 5 months
be honest with me. what are the chances of a hard launch in june
anon this question goes back years. and the thing is. we have been right once before.
you ask me this this time last year? fuck no. i might even quip that dapg would come back before dnp would hard launch. well. look at us now.
and even then, you look back on the content they started with in the revival--it honestly kind of felt exactly like where we left off, only a lot more explicitly queer (we stan). and then... trying to see without my glasses 2. and bang, spooky week happened. and that shifted the balance. we suddenly got slo-mo replays of handholds. day, after day, after day, finishing with the absolute masterpiece of halloween baking cinnamon rolls. in all honesty it was so much more than i'd've ever expected from them. truly another post-baking universe.
and it never really slowed down. suddenly we had cat prom photos, catboy butlers, catboy dan w/ phil photography credit, theyre 'wrestling' --running us full throttle into gamingmas, the first since 2017. and every day we had a new thing to freak out over: standing close. golf jokes. and then... pinof reacts. i don't know what compelled them to do it but i do have speculations. genuinely, i think they wanted to defang a lot of their history. we treated pinof 1, especially, with this... reverance. and it wasn't talked about too publicly--and dnp didnt do it either. so if they really wanted to move on, to bring down the walls, open the floodgates, define this new era: they had to throw the first stone. and they did. quite heartily too. suddenly this almost taboo part of their history--almost too intimate to be perceived--was on the table. and we were talking about it. joking about it. giving clear signals of 'we see it, it's okay.' and suddenly we existed in a post-pinof reacts world. of anything, i would've never predicted they would've done that. absolutely wild. follow that with it takes two being so chill and fond. incohearant being so blatant and heartfelt. trombone champ being unhinged and chaotic. the genuine and sweet complimenting of each other in the red carpet video. devan wedding... happilyphoreverafter... we crashed forward in time. never knowing what would be next. where is the line? how far will they go.
they teased us with japhan honeymoon and we knew 2024 would be wild. but we didn't know how much. from wdapteo 2023, to specific reminiscing about japan w/ devan, WAD happening, and phil playing a huge role in it all--from the orange carpet hosting, to 'ive been in *sex noises* with phil from the start!', to 'remote crisis manager phil lester', to dan saying he can stay during the thank you.
one of the biggest videos so far this year was the tiktok likes one. i will be forever haunted by the dog eating cheeseburger and willy wonka tiktoks--theres some things i was never meant to know. and yet. they tell us. explicitly.
every single video on amazingphil since the return of dapg has mentioned or featured dan. there's been a palpable shift in the way they interact. have you seen the way phil has been glowing in videos lately? this guy is on cloud nine all the time. it's really not hard to see why.
the energy of keep or yeet w/ dan... the absolute Lack of pretense of it all. phan twitter... watch your step baby girl...
dan and phil fucking crafts. talk about an unexpected return. legacy defining, one might even say. we're still in this tailspin of what everything means and they drop this insanely iconic video on us. from the storytelling to the production to the aesthetic--and its all capped off by explicit handholding. yes, it was part of the sacrifice. but hand in hand, the heart dan ripped from phils chest in one, and the knife that did it in the other... oh boy. we're really in it now. and then they put it on fucking merch. genius. truly no one does it like them.
and the foot has been on the accelerator since. dan and phil connections, shuffleboard & mocktails, getting deep slumber party, acknowledgement & approval of fics (yes previously given but never like this)--hell, even the sims today was wild for 'is their love language horrible banter 👀'.
you didn't ask for an essay but i gave you one. all of this to say, they've been moving the line. quite intentionally so. they intentionally revived their joint branding. they are 'dan and phil' again, and seem happier than ever about it, and i think that means something. they're saying things they never would have before--out of the closet or not.
as for june... 5 years since coming out is a big deal. so is this year being 15 years of dnp. hell, so is this year for being the first out pride month where they're explicitly a duo and regularly making content together. they're sentimental, there will be something.
my craziest idea is reacting to their coming out videos ✌️😔 --but i don't think it'll actually happen. as for more realistic, i could see pride merch. and however that goes will be significant, in my opinion. i'm excited and curious.
i don't know if they'll hard launch. it's hard to put all of the implications, complications, and speculations back into the box once it's opened. dan's talked about it before--wanting to be able to fuck up and not be publically executed, instead, being able to learn and grow and work it out. i think that's a very understandable stance to have. very grounded. we'd have to ask him if tour/dapg has changed that now. i do think he's had some sort of life epiphany--whether it's about that specifically, only he can say. but i think it's there.
even if i portray a lot of level-headedness, i wear my clown nose with pride. sometimes the only option is to go with whatever is funniest at the time. they're both jokesters, so they could commit to a bit like that. but it's also like, it can be too serious for them to want to joke about. i don't know. i think we're in this almost beautiful state right now--the we know you know of it all. there's no expectations, no demands to be met, no obligations of types of content. they're happy. we're happy. it depends on if they feel ready. if they want to. we'll be here, always.
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geniusphilester · 11 months
rip potential devan wedding happening in episode 69
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rohanneofcoldmoat · 1 year
Devan Seaworth:
Salladhor Saan put a hand on Davos's forearm and gave a squeeze. "No. Of them, no. I am sorry, my friend. They were good men, your Dale and Allard. But this comfort I can give you—your young Devan was among those we took off at the end. The brave boy never once left the king's side, or so they say."
Podrick Payne:
And suddenly he lurched to the left, staggering into the rail. Wood split, and Ser Mandon Moore vanished with a shout and a splash. An instant later, the hulls came slamming together again, so hard the deck seemed to jump. Then someone was kneeling over him. "Jaime?" he croaked, almost choking on the blood that filled his mouth. Who else would save him, if not his brother? "Be still, my lord, you're hurt bad." A boy's voice, that makes no sense, thought Tyrion. It sounded almost like Pod.
He got his shield up, but this time Ser Lucas struck so hard he split the thick oak right down the middle, and drove the remnants back into Dunk's face. His ears were ringing and his mouth was full of blood, but somewhere far away he heard Egg screaming. "Get him, ser, get him, get him, he's right there! "
Josmyn Peckledon:
The trumpets made a brazen blare, and cut the still blue air of dusk. Josmyn Peckledon was on his feet at once, scrambling for his master's swordbelt. The boy has good instincts. "Outlaws don't blow trumpets to herald their arrival," Jaime told him. "I shan't need my sword. That will be my cousin, the Warden of the West."
"Whatever Satin may have done in Oldtown, he is our brother now, and he will be my squire."
Olyvar Frey:
"You have done House Frey a grievous insult, Robb." "I never meant to. Ser Stevron died for me, and Olyvar was as loyal a squire as any king could want. He asked to stay with me, but Ser Ryman took him with the rest. All their strength. The Greatjon urged me to attack them . . ."
Dolorous Edd:
Jon was paired with dour Eddison Tollett, a squire grey of hair and thin as a pike, whom the other brothers called Dolorous Edd. "Bad enough when the dead come walking," he said to Jon as they crossed the village, "now the Old Bear wants them talking as well? No good will come of that, I'll warrant. And who's to say the bones wouldn't lie? Why should death make a man truthful, or even clever? The dead are likely dull fellows, full of tedious complaints—the ground's too cold, my gravestone should be larger, why does he get more worms than I do . . ."
Rollam Westerling:
"Must I go too?" asked the boy, Rollam. "I'm your squire." Robb laughed. "But I'm not in need of squiring just now." "Oh."
Wex Pyke:
Theon felt as though he were drowning. Why am I surprised? he thought bleakly. His father had forsaken him, his uncles, his sister, even that wretched creature Reek. Why should his men prove any more loyal? There was nothing to say, nothing to do. He could only stand there beneath the great grey walls and the hard white sky, sword in hand, waiting, waiting . . . Wex was the first to cross the line. Three quick steps and he stood at Theon's side, slouching. Shamed by the boy, Black Lorren followed, all scowls."Who else?" he demanded. Red Rolfe came forward. Kromm. Werlag. Tymor and his brothers. Ulf the Ill. Harrag Sheepstealer. Four Harlaws and two Botleys. Kenned the Whale was the last. Seventeen in all.
Edric Dayne:
The Hound ripped the sword free and threw away the scabbard. The Mad Huntsman gave him his oaken shield, all studded with iron and painted yellow, the three black dogs of Clegane emblazoned upon it. The boy Ned helped Lord Beric with his own shield, so hacked and battered that the purple lightning and the scatter of stars upon it had almost been obliterated.
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youredreamingofroo · 8 months
Deliahna Quincy Norman
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15 years old, DOB: 14/2/2009 Roo's younger sister, also goes by Delilah, Deliahn and Deli. Born under Virginia and Noah Blom.
"I miss Deli everyday, I can't see her much because she lives in Sweden and I live in the US, but after I began recovery [at 21], I got a phone-call from my Mom, she was completely disheartened, Noah had left her, it was even more surprising when she told me he had left her so long ago [7 years ago], and Noah had been required by law to take Deli and Devan into his custody due to her [Virginia] conditions, she asked me to come back to Sweden to visit her, on behalf of her [Virginia], I agreed. I came to find out Deli had been bullied for being herself, she was only 7 years old, so I did what any older brother would do and stood up for her, she never left my side since. I'll never forget the pleading in her face as I began boarding my flight back to the US." - Roo
[Rest under the cut cuz its long :)]
She's the weird kid, with her silly outfits, her "out-of-place" personality and obsession with the outdoors, she wants to explore the world, she wants to see the coldest 'bergs in the Arctic, and the hottest dunes of the Deserts around the world, but this adventurous and carefree child was almost reaped of her joy, with no mother present, a father too busy arguing with his son and nobody to fend for her, she was vulnerable to bullying. Upon starting Year 1 (Lågstadiet / The equiv to first grade in the US), kids caught onto her strange behavior, while her school encouraged no bullying, it didn't stop the kids from isolating her away from the others, she adopted this behavior, becoming introverted, and when visiting her mother and telling her about school, Virginia felt uneasy, at which point she called Roo and asked for his help.
The bullying stopped, kids may not have warmed up to her quite yet, and she still had a rather introverted personality, she was... Happier, because of Roo, she went with him everywhere, she did everything with him, she didn't really realize he didn't just live in Sweden, nor could he afford to do so. When the time came for Roo to depart back to America, time stopped, Deli's savior, her brother, the only person who cared, was leaving her, she pleaded, she begged, she even suggested hiding her away in his luggage, anything to be with someone who loved her, but he didn't budge, he couldn't budge, and that didn't click with her, he was supposed to stay forever and save her. Noah practically ripped her off of Roo, she said her broken goodbyes, and Roo expressed how much he cared for her, and how much he hoped she would continue to be herself, if not for herself, then for him, and she promised him, pinky promise.
Deli continues to be weird and be outlandish compared to the other kids, but it was charming, and she has a little trio of her own that all aspire to travel the world together, while she didn't initially recover from Roo's departure, she promises him everyday in spirit to be herself, she's almost 16 (as of writing this, and will be 16 in a couple days :)) and is swiftly on her way to Year 10 (equiv = 11th grade), she does periodically experience depression and bouts of loneliness, as a trauma response to her childhood and lack of parental guidance and parental figures. She isn't sure what is wrong with her, and she doesn't really recognize it as "wrong," and rather normal. Not only that, but she's also currently interested in a fellow student...
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nature-writes29 · 10 months
Care part 2 | Vallavarayan Vanthyathevan x Kundavai
(Part 1)
Kundavai p.o.v ~
      Kundavai was walking through the deserted hallways of the palace. It has been a few days after the last rituals of her Anna has been done. It had been a big shock for her, but, for her parents, people and thambi she had to keep her composer. Always. To keep her emotions intact. She knew that she won't be able to take another shock in her life, like, what was even remaining? Her lover had been falsely accused, he had ran away, God knew where he was, if he was fine, her Anna had passed away, and.... She had actually lost the track... And what more could possibly go wrong....right?
      But boy was she wrong! After a few minutes of walking, she started to hear someone calling her name. The voice seemed calm but frantic at the same time. She quickened her pace and started jogging towards the sound.
      Just around the corner, she saw Chendan Amudhan, Poonkuzlali, Vanathi and Azlvarkkadian ; Chendan was carrying something, which looked like a person, in a cloth and the cloth itself was covered in blood. She got confused on why were they bringing a dead .. or an injured person to her? Just then she saw the strands of hair and the hand of the person which was poking out of the cloth.
      The jet black curls... The wristband..... The fingures..... The overall size of the body.... She knew who the person was even before she unraveled the face of the person. It was her Vanthyar.
      Shock and terror passed through her veins in an instant. She just looked at him, dumbfounded. There was no smile, no playful look in his eyes. They were black, lifeless even... But she could dare- how could she- to think that- he was - nonono- it can't - but what if. She felt tears starting brimming in her eyes. Her hand shook as it went near his nose, having hope that he would be alive. She won't be able to live without him. She didn't even realise that she had been holding her breath
      Her figures stoped just below his nose, her heart was beating rapidly. There were no fumes coming out of her nose, nor was he inhaling. No no it can't be... She quickly unraveled the cloth which was hiding his chest and what she saw, almost made her loose her ground. There was a big gash on his chest and the blood was oozing out quickly... He had lost alot of blood coming here also...... She placed her palm gently on his heart. She stayed like that for over few minutes but there wasn't even a single faint beat.
      Her ears blocked out every noise. She went into pure shock. Her Vanthyar was dead. He was not there with her anymore. She would never see his mischievous smile, she would never watch the glint in his eyes, to get to hear his clever words, his flirts, his jokes, she felt as if someone had ripped a big piece of her heart. She felt her will of living flying away. She looked at his lifeless body. The pain was so much she even forgot how to cry.
      She stood there like a statue as she saw her future, her happiness, her love, her life laying motionless in front of her. Her Vanthyathevan was dead, and there was nothing she could do about it. She started to feel darkness taking over her. The solid ground beneath her broke open and swollowed her.
      She felt uneasy. Her eyes were closed. She was in a sitting position and her head was laying on something soft and she felt something like a hand on her head. When she remembered what had happened she quickly sat up. The hand fell directly on the bed because of the quick motion.
      It was nighttime, The moon's light was poking through the balcony. She slowly lifted her hand to her forehead... It was filled with cold sweat. She looked at the person on the bed... And to her astonishment, it was Vanthyathevan! Her Vanthyar! Oh my! She quickly checked his breath. He was alive!
      A cry of releif made it's way out of her mouth as she figured out it was just a dream. A dream... But it seemed so real.... But ... He was alive and it was the only thing which mattered to her now.
    She pulled down his blanket and stared at his chest. She had patched up the wound but she was able to see blood seeping through the bandage. She sighed as she got up and went to her cabinet to get some extra medicines. It had almost been a day since they had brought him here.
      Vanathi had been here but she had sent her away for the night. Her thambi had been keeping a close eye on Vanathi (A thing which still made her smile), and she didn't wanted her thambi to find out about Vanthyathevan just now. Vanathi had been resistant to go away, but after some insisting she did, but not before giving her akka a teasing smile, side eye, few teases and a wink.
      But she didn't cared about the teasing now, all she wanted was to get her lover moving again.
      After collecting all the ointments she needed, she went back toward the bed. She sat beside him and started to remove the bandage really slowly, trying to be as gentle as possible. She knew she had been crying because of the dream but the bloody bandage had the thought of wiping them away thrown out of the window. As she was removing the now bloody remains of the ayurvedic ointment, he started to churn and moan out in pain. She quickly kept the hand on his head and started to tap it, with occasionally saying few words to him. She was able to finish patching him again before he opened his eyes.
      His eyes started to open slowing. He frantically looked around till his eyes rested on her face. His body seemed to relax when he saw her face.
VV P.o.v ~
      As the searing pain shot through him, he woke up with a start, He started to look around frantically, feeling a bit scared, then he rested his eyes on his Ilaya piratti.
      Oh the look! It made all of his pain wash away. He then noticed that she had been trying to sooth him. Her face was luminous in the bright moonlight. But then, he also took notice of the tears which were resting on her cheeks. He felt his heart shatter by seeing this, was his Ilaya piratti crying because of him? Because of his wounds? because seeing him in pain?
      This thought made him sad. He didn't wanted her to feel sad or cry because or over him. He hated the fact that he was the reason why she was crying. His thoughts were fuzzy and he didn't actually had any control over his actions, but he knew that he wanted to figure out what made her sad.
3rd person's p.o.v.
      "Priye.." Vanthyathevan called out to her. She had been starting at him as his face went through many emotions, but when he called her his priye, again, her ears perked up. All of her attention was on what he was saying.
   "Were you crying?" He asked in a serious tone.
   "Na... I was a bit sad, yes, but it's all fine now."
   "Aae! Why were you crying? And how is it fine all of a sudden?" He asked.
   "Arre, I just had a nightmare, I was a bit disturbed because of it, yes, but was able to comfort myself after I saw you, and don't worry I am fine. And right now, all I want to do is to make you fine, for.." she stopped in her tracks. What was she supposed to tell him? The truth or the half truth.
   "For what"
   "M- Battles,-" she stuttered. "- you want to fight right?" She asked
   "Yes, but-" he stopped in his tracks, would it ok to her to know the actual reason? He was confused, so he just changed the topic. "- wait, but what was the dream about?"
   "Do you really want to know?"
   "Yes, offcourse I do!"
   "It may not be good for your health.."
   "Well, my answer is still yes."
   "You want to know? Fine then, listen"
   "I had a dream, from when you were brought in here yesterday morning, it was sooo real. Just like yesterday. But in this version, when I unveiled you, and tried to figure if you are breathing or not, you - you-" all the confidence she had gathered to tell this to him, had flew away, she had came to that part. Tears started to brim in her eyes. Vanthyathevan noticed it and took her medicine filled hand in his own. He then slowly started to rub circles on it
      "Kanne.... Please tell me." The hand gave her some reassurance.
   "That- you were- you- weren't al- you were- dead. " Her voice broke as she said the last part and started to cry. When he saw her full out crying, his broke more that it ever had. He didn't like seeing his priye crying!
      He put his other hand over her shoulder and pulled her close to him. She cried her eyes out, all of the emotions she had held, mainly worrying that he would die, if he would get better, came crashing down. Vanthyathevan knew it, so he just kept soothing her, by running his hands on her back. She was laying beside him basically, with her head touching his shoulder.
      After a while, all he could hear was some muffled sniffs. Thinking that the crying wave was over, he slowly, with caution ofc, asked her.
   "You know right, that I will always be ther for you?"
   " hmmp"
   "That I will never leave you?"
   "And even if I die-"
   "Shh! Don't say anything like that." She said getting up on her elbows. Her hair were falling on her shoulders. His hands were still resting on her. He never thought that he would ever find the Ilaya piratti Kundavai beside him.
   "I am just saying, that even if I die, I will never leave you, I will always wait for you in the afterlife." These words made her smile a bit, but her eyes started to give away, she looked tired and sleepy. So he just pulled her close to him, and she then passed out almost immediately.
   "I love you" He whispered before passing out himself.
      Later, when Vanathi entered the room, saying the she was surprised would be an understatement. I am just saying, imagine you walking into your Best friend and her... What do you call a person who you love and he loves you back, they flirt, their families know it, or atleast have an idea about it, and they are most likely to get married to one another? Anyway, asleep. Together. With her curled up against him. With his hands around her. In one bed. When they aren't even married.
      But when Vanathi saw Kundavai's peacefull face while while was sleeping; a peaceful sleep, which she has been derived from for a long time, she left the lovebirds alone. But she did tease them about it after they got married.
( A/N )
@SrivibhaSrivibha had requested this a long time ago, and have been commenting for this in almost all of the comment sections in my OS's and my other books. I salute you for your dedication and am sorry that it took sooo long. I never planed a part 2 and this is like the 2nd draft for Care p2 which I have written. This is far better so, I am posting the one. Hope you like this :) and sorry again.
I hope that you guys liked this. Instances mentioned are from the book. If any confusion let me know! :)
Any suggestions and feedback appreciated.
∆ Requests Accepted ∆
_ All work is original. Do not copy _
To read more of my works, you can visit my Wattpad account :)
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lizzybugg · 1 year
Tal: DATING TIP: Hold the door for your date. Rip the door off of it’s hinges. Use the door as a weapon to fight off other men. Establish dominance.
Devan: I’m beginning to see why you’re single.
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goldenpinof · 2 years
first of all, how dare you
but here's why I chose dapg: because while I would LOVE to have weekly liveshows back, I don't like how so much of it is taken up by them just saying hi to people in the chat. I would much rather have a weekly (or bi-weekly, hell I'd even be happy with monthly) podcast-type vibe from them... something like the stereo shows but preferably without the audience participation.
also they still owe us a wedding
i started typing the answer and my phone died, so rip to 3 paragraphs and let's start again 🤡
they do owe us devan wedding! 🔫 but i wouldn't consider one video a comeback.
i was just thinking, do i want edited 15-20 min long videos 4-6 times a month OR 40+ min long liveshows where they talk about all kind of bullshit and update us on their lives. liveshows sometimes turn into unfiltered rants while you just look at the screen thinking waaat???? they are usually randomly solo or joint so we cherish joint ones more (fucking nostalgia). i get that the greetings part is annoying but it’s only like 5-7 mins combined and some group chats’ names are so unhinged they are worth reading out loud. any audience participation has pros and cons (chat or audio) but it also lets dnp call us mildly offensive but more importantly hilarious names. and maybe MAYBE i enjoy it more than videos that are shorter and edited, so even if there’s something jaw-dropping it went through at least 2 stages of editing.
gaming livesteams are a different cup of tea. and i’m not sure where it belongs because we had those both on dnpgames and during Phil’s liveshows. and the vibes were basically the same. so twitch is the ultimate answer. but if we can throw some gaming into liveshows like Phil did when Dan disappeared then for me, MAYBE liveshows win. weekly, solo or joint randomly, with 3 mins of hi-s and then 3 mins of bye-s, with camera cleaning and shout outs, but i’d take that if it means 30+ mins of Dan and/or Phil talking about how they went somewhere, what movies/tv shows watched, what books Phil has read or what they got for birthdays. i’ll even take topics that i don’t care about, because the way they talk about them is quite interesting in itself. and while gaming videos have some elements of this, i’d rather sacrifice the gaming part than the whole concept of liveshows.
looks like Phil was right, i was watching the gaming channel mainly because of the bants. but at the same time, some of the games were very interesting and i’d pay my own money to see them play Ori. i want them to talk about aesthetics, please :((
this is hard. that’s why i’m not voting on my own poll 🤡🔫 i don’t know!! because if we get at least something, that would probably be enough?! but also no. because we had both at the same time and then we lost both almost at the same time (shout out to Phil for carrying the phandom for a bit). and now we don’t have either, and i don’t know what the return of any the two could mean. gaming liveshows? which means gaming rarely randomly thrown in Phil’s or joint liveshows. but also original gaming videos were so fun. i still laugh watching them for like the 5th+ time.
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draklorn · 2 years
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The harsh winds threatened to rip the Frostguard from their saddle, billowing off the sheer drop to a ground covered by clouds from their narrow path against the mountainside more ice than stone, now. Summer's Bane's walk had slowed as it pushed itself against the invisible barrier, sharp hooves stomping into the snow path in an attempt to get some footing. Both steed and rider kept their heads low to not challenge the wind's strength, Gauntleted hands gripping the horns sprouting from the creature's mane more intensely than leather reins. This path had been taken for its isolation, so that they did not come across heretics who bounded across the white meadows of the Freljord, confident in winning their petty squabbles. Who, in their blinding arrogance, forgot the power of those who protected them from themselves. Devan had not expected the blizzard to strike, its dense clouds rolling over from behind the mountain range they could not yet see beyond. There would be no caverns or outcroppings to seek shelter in along this pathway barely wider than their steed's burly width. They only prayed its full strength is what pelted the duo now, and that once they were no longer shielded from its side and found themselves in the open, they were not sent barreling off into that hidden landscape below the cloud they were in.
As the sheer mountainside rounded itself into a wider field, it revealed a river of snow softly flowing down a basin's smoother decline, before cascading down the drop far below in a makeshift, frozen waterfall, only to most likely join the blizzard on the lower fields below. Devan had carefully dismounted before testing the power of the wind here, taking the lead with reigns in both hands, and their split cape quickly tied around armoured arms to stay out of the way. A quiet sigh joins the endless howling around them when the only buffet they faced out here was the constant moving snow slowing their pace, and the Draklorn takes no time in moving away from the hazardous ledge.
Until something struck them, quick and hard on the helm.
There is a moment that is lost to Devan, before they come back to, with half of their body hanging off of the side of the cliff, one hand tangled in the reigns as Summer's panicked eyes look down at them from a strained neck. Battling against the daze of their mind and the torrential waves of snow, the Frostguard scrambles to solid ground. There was a sharp dent in their helmet where the arrow - they suspected - had hit its mark, and blinking away the snowflakes on their lashes, Devan frantically searches the white landscape for their supposed attacker. It was too dangerous to seek shelter along the narrow ledge in their stupor now, and so they march into the basin, drawing their sword and pulling their obedient steed behind them. Another arrow is loosed, finding a direct hit on their wrist. Shielded by their metal bracer, Devan still feels the shock rush through their entire arm and flexes their hand open on reflex, letting their sword fall aimlessly into the snow. It is pushed away and covered up to the blade almost immediately, and although they swipe at it, Devan knows it is a fruitless endeavour as its handle quickly disappears. Their shouted swear joins the howling choir, and they swing their attention to the rocky mountain side above them. Their attacker had to be nearby to aim so true. Gritting at the pain in their wrist and throbbing headache, they clamber over to the saddlebags, quickly reaching for their prepared long bow and a handful of bolts, before hitting Summer's back leg to signal it to flee the area. While its stampeding hooves made a break in the rolling snow, a black bolt was nocked and pulled taught. Devan's vision was uneven with their splitting headache, and frantically searching the spotted landscape for their foe was a near-impossible feat. It is at least a miracle they noticed the simultaneous figures arising.
The ambush charged with three brutes hurdling toward them, but their bow snapped and fired at one of the two other archers who appeared from the rocky cliffside. The whistle of their arrow was quickly lost to the wind, and their attention moved to the first heretic fast approaching. Her mace of antler was ready to swing up toward the Frostguard's helm. The gauntlet holding their bow meets her face first, carrying the weight of the weapon with it and making the warrior stumble. The next is close behind, dragging a warhammer behind him, unsteady as he underestimated the snow current rushing his footsteps forward. Devan rushes to meet him too, but kneels into the surging current, bow sweeping his legs as the momentum of the hammer swung carries him over. His landing is only temporary, and his yells are quick to evolve into distant screams as his grasping hands find nothing to hold his weight as he falls over the cliff face. Another arrow flies over Devan's head. "Svaag Black Clad!" The first raider had finally shaken off their strike, spitting blood and taking another run at them. Devan exhales a growl in return as they stand and face her. The third of the attackers was taking their arrogant time approaching. The Draklorn's opponent had her back to the void of grey now, but if following her companion into that perilous chasm worried her, it didn't show on her blood-smeared snarl. Devan's grip on their bow adjusts, and the other holding the arrows grows tighter. If they used the bow to fight, it might snap if drawn again. If they didn't, they were going to die in this valley.
Her attack is announced by her warcry, the axe swinging violently as it searches for a weakness in the Frostguard's armoured shell. Devan is a flurry of dark fabrics as they move with the attempted strikes, armour taking the brunt with inflicted scratches, and any swipes that get too close to joints are deflected with a bow limb. The raider gives an outburst of energy into one that aims to nestle between shoulder and neck. Devan jumps back into the rushing snow current, only to work with the momentum to rush back at her while the axe was finishing its arc. The bow is brought around her head until her neck caught between the string and lower limb, and Devan hauls the weapon to the ground hard. Cough stifled by the snow quickly falling over her face, a heavy, sharp outsole of an armour boot is raised as they aim for her neck. Until their helmet is yanked backwards by a powerful force. Tumbling to their feet, several arrows are lost to the snow drift. But Devan is far more focused on the third raider who had finally reached the action. They were not a short Iceborn by any means, but she stood more than a head higher even while hunched over, shouldering the pelt of a fully grown wildclaw. The fierce halberd in her grip looked too small in comparison. "Where's your pack, little priest?" The words rumble from her, footsteps heavy as the snow gave way to her wake. Devan's boots begin to skirt back in an attempt to keep some form of distance, but a bolt landing just behind them clearly sends the message they would not get very far. There wouldn't be much time to decide their next move anyway, the polearm is swung with one arm toward them. The force behind it is more than winding. Even when they had brought arms out to brace, the impact throws the Draklorn aside, helm flying as it was struck.
"No fun with only one mutt to kick around." The larger raider jeers over her shoulder to her battlesister, swinging the halberd in her grip like nothing more than a toy. The other was more solemn, chancing a look over the cliffside once she had found her footing again. A mess of decorative bone and hair covers Devan's features while they struggle to shake the daze, but they barely get the chance. The boot that kicks their torso meant harm with the dent that it left, but the grunt of pain and the little distance moved revealed the disappointment. "Oh just kill 'em, Kyrja!" The smaller one exclaims as she paces, out of frustration rather than cold. Perhaps she held hope for her other companion, even after that fall. Devan's thoughts lay elsewhere as they prayed for the will to stand and fight again, feeling something warm and wet quickly turn cold against their skull. A rough hand grabs at their neck, settling around their jawline as they were pulled up to and beyond their footing. Their bow tangled in their hair around their elbow, and one arrow stayed in their weak grip. Energy drained, Devan can barely call upon the strength to look their enemy in her eyes. Their own rolled into the corners, they watch her grip on the long weapon rises to their exposed, soft skin. In a burst of energy, Devan's teeth are brandished and close down on a course finger holding their chin.
Only having to bite down one more time before the index bones give out, their final arrow is sent directly down into the forearm holding the weapon at the same moment. The large raider, Kyrja, lets out a confused cry, not even giving the dropped weapon much notice as she looks at her hand in perplexity. Bloody-mouthed and reinvigorated with new life, Devan lands with the halberd quickly spun into their grip as they weasel their way about her legs, and swing at one of the fur-sewn boots. The other raider looks up at the sight with an angry and surprised cry, looking toward the archer as she lunged forward at the Forstguard. Devan snarls with bloody teeth in return. The halberd's beak catches her side before she even has the chance to swing her axe. Finally recovering from losing her digit, Kyrja returns to the present with a furious bellow, swiping furiously at the weapon to grab it back. Reinvigorated and heart pounding in their dented armour, the Frostguard bats the attempts away with the weapon's blade as they neared the rocky edge, until one over-reach allows them to maneuver around her. Point stuck in the ground, Devan heaves their weight into the air with the polearm's help, sending their boots into the raider's back with enough force to make her stumble over the edge. The grounded weapon keeps them barely on the side to scramble back up, leaving the pelt and its wearer to fall into the clouds.
Dark eyes spend little time observing the sight, locking on to the axe-wielder, who was seeing the bloody-mouthed, ragged Frostguard in a new, disturbing light. Instead of rushing her, Devan leans back as another arrow barely misses its mark. A smile creeps up their pale features, never breaking eye contact as the halberd to picked up, and a string around their neck is fished out from beneath worn layers. A makeshift, little horn appears in their adrenaline-shaking hand before it is brought up to cracked lips in a silent call. Unceremoniously dropped to clatter against deformed metal, Devan begins to march slowly forward. A drum of hoofbeats in the distance.
"O revered mistress, bless me with vision to perceive the dangers in the blizzard. Grant me the sense to feel the avalanche before I hear its growl. Gift me a tongue strong enough to call for aid as it bleeds. And with all I ask, be it enough to survive this darkest of times."
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dailyrugbytoday · 5 months
Super Rugby Pacific - Hurricanes 38-15 Fijian Drua at Suva's ANZ Stadium
New Post has been published on https://thedailyrugby.com/super-rugby-pacific-hurricanes-fijian-drua/
The Daily Rugby
Super Rugby Pacific - Hurricanes 38-15 Fijian Drua at Suva's ANZ Stadium
The Wellington-based Hurricanes defeated the Fijian Drua 38–15 in Super Rugby Pacific on Friday, extending their winning streak to eight games and snapping the Drua’s home unbeaten streak. The Hurricanes overcame a subpar second half in which they were given three yellow cards.
The top-ranked Hurricanes had a strong first half, scoring four tries to take a 28-7 lead at halftime.
However, they lost the game in the second half, playing with just 13 players for about ten minutes after Isaia Walker-Leawere and DuPlessis Kirifi were sin-binned in the 64th and 65th minutes. A yellow card was also given to replacement prop Caleb Delany two minutes prior to fulltime.
Recap: Hurricanes drub Fijian Drua 38-15 in Suva
Hurricanes vs Fijian Drua Match Preview
NUMIA GETS OVER!!! O’Reilly feeds again and finds Walker-Leawere in the middle. They set the maul with O’Reilly holding it in the back. They go on the march and Numia rips it away from him as they peel to the left. The maul goes down just shy of the line but Numia stays on his feet and barges over from close range.
O’Reilly feeds the lineout and the Drua are pinged for playing the man in the air. Barrett plugs the corner for a 5m lineout for the Canes.
Valentini puts it out on the halfway and the Drua win another lineout. Shields gets over the ensuing ruck however and earns his side the penalty. Barrett puts the ball out on the 22m as the Hurricanes look to play on after the hooter.
Delany is the recipient of the teams third yellow for too many penalties at the breakdown
The Drua win the lineout and the Drua go to the midfield again. Penalty again for the Drua for not rolling away.
Judd feeds the scrum and Naholo hammers it downfield and rolls it into touch just shy of the Drua 22m.
Valentini peels off 45m from halfway to put the lineout 5m from the line. Togiatama finds his target and they set the maul. It looks sloppy for the Drua and Delany is able to get through the middle and disrupt the play. It doesn’t come out of there so the Hurricanes will have the scrum feed on their 5m line.
Team lists:
Drua: 15 Ilaisa Droasese, 14 Selestino Ravutaumada, 13 Iosefo Masi, 12 Kemu Valetini, 11 Epeli Momo, 10 Isikeli Rabitu, 9 Simione Kuruvoli, 8 Elia Canakaivata, 7 Kitione Salawa, 6 Vilive Miramira, 5 Leone Rotuisolia, 4 Isoa Nasilasila, 3 Mesake Doge, 2 Tevita Ikanivere (c), 1 Haereiti Hetet
Bench: 16 Zuriel Togiatama, 17 Livai Natave, 18 Samu Tawake, 19 Mesake Vocevoce, 20 Meli Derenalagi, 21 Peni Matawalu, 22 Michael Naitokani, 23 Junior Ratuva
Hurricanes: 15 Josh Moorby, 14 Kini Naholo, 13 Billy Proctor, 12 Jordie Barrett, 11 Salesi Rayasi, 10 Aidan Morgan, 9 TJ Perenara, 8 Devan Flanders, 7 Du’Plessis Kirifi, 6 Brad Shields (c), 5 Isaia Walker-Leawere, 4 Ben Grant, 3 Pasilio Tosi, 2 James O’Reilly, 1 Tevita Mafileo
Bench: 16 Asafo Aumua, 17 Xavier Numia, 18 Siale Lauaki, 19 Caleb Delany, 20 Peter Lakai, 21 Richard Judd, 22 Ruben Love, 23 Bailyn Sullivan
0 notes
meadowofbluebells · 9 months
Sleep-Deprivation and Other Woes - Short Story
Summary: Patia had been studying for an exam for weeks - she was frazzled and exhausted. Her sister, Keller, tried to get her to take a break by convincing her to go to a ball that they were invited to.
Trigger Warnings: None
Genre: Historical Fantasy
Written By: meadowofbluebells
Notes: This piece was not based on a prompt. It was practice to help me determine the personalities and relationships of some of my characters. Therefore, despite being a historical fantasy, the story focuses more on the characters and less on the world.
At this point, she was seriously contemplating ripping out her hair. The pain would be trivial to the pounding agony between her eyes. She had read the same sentence three times over and was no closer to comprehending its meaning. A part of her wanted to simply collapse upon the table and forget the book even existed. She was certainly tired enough to fall asleep on the spot. The text wouldn’t read itself, though, and she needed to know the information before her exam. She groaned, preparing to read the sentence again, a part of her hoping that Dayanara would cut her string there and then, when an envelope was slammed down on the page she was reading. The table creaked at the sudden force put upon it. 
She jumped back, her eyes widening as she looked up to see a tall figure slowly swim into view. “Seriously, Keller? You could have broken my nose.”
Keller smirked. “If your nose ended up broken, it would be because you collapsed at the table. You’re exhausted.” She leaned against the wood edge, her hand still covering the textbook. 
“Yeah, well, I need to study.” Patia reached forward to tug the textbook closer. She glared up at Keller as the other girl put even more weight on the book. 
“You need sleep. Even your glare is lopsided.”
“This is an important exam.” 
“And you’ve been studying for weeks.” Keller's voice was deadpan. She tilted her head, staring Patia down. Patia avoided her gaze by looking up at the ceiling. The sound of their other sisters’ steps echoed from the floor above them and Addie was hard at work in the kitchen, a soft tune floated into the dining room as she bustled about. Keller tapped the envelope. “This is for you. Well, both of us.”
Patia glanced down at the envelope obscuring her textbook. With a sigh, she reached for it. Keller removed her hand, crossing her arms as she watched Patia examine it. The scent of the already broken wax seal floated under her nose. The brunette pulled the card out of the envelope, rubbing her thumb across the thick cardstock. 
“Aubrey Devans hereby invites Miss Patia Gellim and Miss Keller Gellim to a ball,” her eyes scanned the card, “on Wahdree 13th.” She furrowed her brows. “Keller, that’s today.” She glanced up at her sister, her eyes wide. 
“I know.”
Patia turned her eyes back to the envelope, turning it over to see the scrawled writing. “This invitation was sent over two weeks ago. Why am I only hearing about it now?”
“Because I knew you’d say no.”
Patia’s expression turned to one of exasperation. She tossed the invitation on the table. “Of course I’d say no. Why don’t you take Juana or Minerva?” She gestured toward the books scattered in front of her. Her shadow scurried across the table as she moved amidst the afternoon light. “I’m busy.”
“Because you’re due for a break.”
“Why do you want to go, anyway? You always say they are so dull.” She slumped back in her chair, allowing her hands to fall to the wrinkled folds of her dress. The tree outside the window fluttered as a light breeze danced through the branches. 
Keller shrugged. “They have their uses. Mom says that if I am to take over the company, I need to make some connections.” She smoothed her bodice, a swift action that Patia had long learned to associate with her sister. She still managed to look poised even though she was leaning on the table. Despite her exhaustion, Patia felt a flicker of envy deep in her chest. She didn’t think she could remember a time when she had seemed as put together as her sister, and she certainly wasn’t at that moment with her frizzy hair and rumpled dress. 
“Why don't you just go on your own? I’ve got work to do.” She pulled her book closer, studiously ignoring Keller as she attempted to get back to her reading. The paper crinkled as she ran her finger across the page, trying desperately to force her brain to memorize the text.   
She gritted her teeth as the words jumbled together before her eyes. Her brain refused to interpret even the simplest of words. Keller simply watched her as she furrowed her brow and tried again and again. With a groan, she flopped back in her chair. “Fine, I’ll go.” She gestured in frustration at her book. “It’s not like I’m making any progress anyway.” She slumped down, rubbing a hand across her face. Despite not having moved all day, her muscles ached with the movement. 
Keller gave her the faintest of smiles. “Good. You ought to go upstairs and rest for a while. I’ll wake you when we need to get ready.”
Patia opened her mouth to argue that she would be fine, but the room swam with the movement and her jaw snapped shut. She sighed, and stood, leaning on the wall as she made her way toward the stairs. Her whole body felt heavy. The floor never looked more comfortable. She was only kept moving by the promise of her warm bed. Now that she was away from her books, she was certain she would be asleep the moment her head hit the pillow. 
Patia awoke to Keller and Juana talking as they lounged in their respective beds. Their voices were a familiar sound, like a lullaby that soothed her mind. She rubbed her eyes, sighing delightedly as she burrowed further into her pillow. The warmth of the fabric lulled her further into that blissful place between sleep and wakefulness. She should have done this days ago. She had completely forgotten what it felt like to be well-rested. The chatter on the other end of the room disappeared as she allowed her eyes to fall closed again. 
“You better get up,” Juana called as she got out of her own bed. Her cheery voice was as loud as always, full of energy that grated against Patia’s sleep-addled mind. The floorboards creaked as the younger girl’s shoes tapped across the floor. She leaned over Patia’s bed. “The ball is in about two hours.” Her voice was full of excitement as she spoke.
“She’s right. Addie needs to know what dress you’re going to wear so that she can press it.” 
Patia grumbled lazily as she registered the amusement in Keller’s tone. “It’s so comfy, though.” She pulled the blanket closer, sighing as its weight settled around her. It felt like a warm embrace that she was well and truly convinced she’d never want to leave. 
“I’m thinking of wearing those dangly silver earrings we got at the market last year. They might look good with the gown I have picked out.” 
Patia peeked an eye open, staring at Keller from across the room. The other girl was nonchalantly analyzing her sleeve, her thumb smoothing out an imaginary wrinkle. Juana, the traitor, giggled beside her, the floor creaking beneath her as she leaned back on her heels.
“You wouldn’t dare.” Her groggy voice undermined the threatening words. 
Keller returned her gaze, leaning back against the wall and smirking. “I might.” She looked entirely unperturbed. In fact, there was a flicker of mirth in her purple eyes. 
“Fine,” Patia groaned, throwing the blankets off of her, “I’m getting up.” She rolled her eyes at Keller’s self-satisfied expression. “Are there any specifications about what we should wear?” She pulled open their wardrobe. She sighed as the scent of clean clothes tickled her nose. Her fingers curled around the cold metal of the handle as she analyzed her options. 
“No, just the usual.”
Patia hummed her acknowledgement. She reached forward, her fingers trailing over the different fabrics, feeling the differences in their texture. Each was a different shade of her signature pink, making the clothes stand out against the dark wood. Her fingers stilled as they landed on a gown made of a light fabric. She pulled it out and brought it to the mirror, pulling it up to her chest and twisting a bit to watch the way it moved. “What about this one?”
“It’s pretty,” Juana said, making her way to the vanity, “and it’ll look good with your earrings.” Her eyes were sparkling as she admired the dress. 
“What did you pick, Keller?”
“The dark red gown with a pair of white gloves. Addie is pressing it now.” 
 “Alright, I think this will match well.”
“We don’t need to match, Patia. We’re sisters, not brainless lovers.”
Patia made an exasperated expression in her mirror. “Still, we’re going to the ball together. It won’t do if our gowns look garish when we stand next to each other.”
Keller rolled her eyes, slowly getting out of bed and making her way toward the other occupants of the room. She gently pulled her hair out of its typical updo, grabbing a brush from the vanity to brush out her cascading curls. “Fine, just get it to Addie so that the poor girl isn’t rushing around to get it done before we leave.” 
 The next hour was spent in a flurry of movement. The girls scurried around the room as they put their hair up and picked their shoes. When their dresses were returned, they put them on, ensuring that the delicate fabric didn’t snag as Addie buttoned them up. It was a procedure that they knew well, having been out in society for a couple of years now. Juana, still new to it all, helped Patia put a flower ornament in her hair and decided which accessories worked best with Keller’s darker dress. Her excitement was practically palpable as she seemed to bounce around the room. She looked like an exuberant puppy, practically shaking with delight. 
The air was filled with the scent of floral perfume, and the candle situated on the vanity caused the light glinting off their jewelry to dance across the room. They moved from task to task fluidly, working together with the ease only sisters could master. Soon, they were just about ready and the hustle and bustle had calmed down. 
“Why don’t you come with us, Juana?” Patia tilted her head as she adjusted her earrings. The silver flowers shimmered as they dangled in the low light of the candle. She glanced into the mirror to see her younger sister sitting on her bed. 
“Mom says Ms. Devans only invited you two.” Juana’s legs swung with unspent energy, the movement of her bright red skirts caused shadows to dance across the floor. 
Patia turned around in her chair, laying her hands in her lap so that she wouldn’t mess up her hair by playing with it. “I’m sure she wouldn’t mind if you came.”
Keller moved toward the vanity, grabbing a perfume bottle and dabbing some onto her neck. “It would be rude to bring guests the host is not prepared to accommodate.”
Juana groaned and flopped back on the bed. The pink blankets surrounding her puffed up with the movement. Her hair splayed out around her. 
Patia sighed, leaning against the back of her chair. “She could go in my place, I need to study that treatise on Jeanes Syndrome anyway.”
Juana quickly shot up, her face flooding with horror. “No way, you’re going. You’ve been driving everyone crazy studying for that exam.” 
Patia rolled her eyes and smiled good-naturedly at her sister. “It can’t have been that bad.”
“You nearly ran into a wall while reading yesterday.”
“The table has been covered in your notes,” Keller added. 
“The little ones said you managed to make their bedtime story about stomach aches a few nights back.”
“I had to beg you to run a brush through your hair.”
“Alright, alright.” Patia waved her hands around. “I get it. I’m stressed. I mean, do you know how many things could be on that test?” Her brown eyes widened as a panicked edge entered her tone. “Goodness, I forgot to study Bettons disease. I’m go-”
“You know what, if this is going to be your entire night, I’m happy I’m not going.” Juana hopped off the bed and made her way to the door. She clasped Keller on the shoulder as she passed and whispered, “Good luck with dealing with that all night.”
The two older girls watched her leave before Keller swung around to stare at Patia. Her dark red skirts floated about her feet with the movement. She crossed her arms and furrowed her brow. 
Patia cowered slightly under her gaze, reaching up to tug on her hair, only to stop at the last second. “What?”
Keller leaned towards Patia, her hand coming to rest on the vanity. “What are you truly afraid of?” Her purple eyes stared down at Patia unflinchingly. 
Patia squirmed in her seat, her earrings shivering on her earlobes as she moved. She wished Juana would return to save her from their sister’s piercing eyes. “Failing the exam.” The statement sounded more like a question. She bit her lip to hide her nerves. 
Keller leaned even closer. Her white gloves wrinkled as she grasped the polished wood beneath her palm. “Try again.”
Patia opened her mouth but closed it again when Keller raised an eyebrow. She licked her lips and looked away, her brown eyes scanning the wood planks beneath her feet. “I’m afraid that I won’t be as good as you.” The words were an ashamed whisper. She winced as they fell from her lips, leaving a sour taste on her tongue. 
Keller’s brow furrowed. “What?”
“It’s stupid, I know.” She dragged her gray slippers across the floor, watching them disappear under her pink skirts. “We’re not even going into the same field.” A broken laugh accompanied her words. “It all seems to come so easily to you. You pick up whatever Mom tells you so quickly. It’s like you know what she’s going to say before she even gets the words out.” She slumped. The light fabric that made up her sleeves fluttered around her shoulders. 
“Meanwhile, I read text after text and study for hours and hours and still struggle.” She looked down at her lap, squeezing her hands tightly together as she avoided Keller’s eyes. Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment over the admission. If only the floor would swallow her whole. 
For a moment, Keller simply blinked down at the other girl, before she kneeled and took Patia’s hands within her own. She gently rubbed a thumb over her sister’s knuckles. “You know, I envy you too.” The words sounded heavy on her tongue, struggling to make themselves known. “I envy how easily you show that you are stressed and afraid. I envy the fact that you’re okay with admitting that sometimes everything is not okay.” She took a deep breath. “Do you know how many times I’ve wished I could convince myself to be as open as you?” Patia peeked at her, her lips still drawn in a thin line. “I might be better at learning on the go, Patia, but your capacity for emotional expression is something I will always cherish, and you know what?” She leaned in a little closer, a small, gentle smile overtaking her face. “I think it will make you an amazing healer, too. It makes you empathetic and warm, soft and gentle. Sometimes, Patia, that’s what patients really need, someone who can truly see them.”
Patia sniffled, blinking tears out of her eyes as she met Keller’s gaze. A soft warmth flooded her chest. The taller girl’s smile widened, and her purple eyes softened all the more. Patia flung herself forward, wrapping her arms around the other girl and sniffling into her neck. 
Keller wrapped her arms around her sister, rubbing her back gently. “You’re going to read your books and study hard. Then, one day, you’re going to use that endless well of empathy to become the best healer this city has to offer.”
“I don’t need to promise, somewhere deep inside you know it’s true.”
Patia didn’t respond immediately. She simply held her sister all the tighter, her fingers curling into the fabric of Keller’s red dress. The sweet words had unfurled something in her, like a taut string finally being cut. Her muscles relaxed as the sensation flooded through her. For the first time in weeks, it felt like she could breathe. 
Eventually, she whispered into Keller’s neck, “Thank you.”  
Written By: meadowofbluebells
0 notes
simplydnp · 9 months
we usually get some kind of something from dnp over the holidays so the fact that we haven't means every single theory we have is right and occuring all at the same time. they got married. dan accidently bleached his hair and now he's blond and curl-less. they adopted a cat. they haven't seen each other in a week and a half and the universe ripped in half. they've gone into a post-gamingmas coma. they vlogged iom and lost the footage. they drank so much on new years they forgot to kiss and have been passed out since. the builders moved into their home when they were away for the holidays and they're too socially awkward to say anything. they're getting engaged and dan lost the ring. they've decided to do gamingmas 2 in february and are prepping those videos (wait til you see what they post on the 14th!). phil broke their computer by spilling coffee on it and he knocked it over with his ass. the reindeer decoration is enacting his revenge. they got invited to a red carpet and are playing possum so they have a reason not to go. phivorce part 3 (the sequel to phivorce 2: happily phoreverafter). they've gone to japan to film the devan japan honeymoon.
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handelplayssims · 1 year
Oye. How many more days left with these vampires? 4 it seems. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Well, let’s look at Roxana’s whims. Prank and be mean to someone. As usual. Welp, pranking is easily done. Hey, Omar! Here’s this hand buzzer trick! Next is Omar who wants to have child, or get disliked by someone. Mm. They already dislike each other though. I’m going to refresh those whims and then have him focus on Harrison. ...the whims were to leave a note on the family bulliten board and become enemies with the person he disliked. -shrug- Emilie is up and at em and needs food, and it’s an hour until work and school. Let’s just wait out the time until we head back into work with Omar.
And here we go! Perhaps today, we might get that final surgery requirement. ...if I was mean, I would perform surgery on a patient that might not need it...but eh, let’s try to be a good doctor. WOAH, there we go! We got a guy who collapsed right at the front door. And he needs emergency surgery! There we go! And hey, the patient we’ve been working on also needed surgery. Nice! Finally! He’s got that promotion! And is now a specialist! Good for Omar.
Oooh, Roxana, while I did manage to queue and get her the plasma fruit salad she needed, she also just ran out and drank from a passing sim. Hee. Now she’s super-tense about drinking from others.  MAN. I keep forgetting about Emilie and the making-friends-at-school thing! Now it’s 8PM and I bet there would only be teens at the park at this time. Doing their teen hangout thing. Ah well, both parents have whims regarding kids so, I decided to have both of them lecture their kids about manners. They’re neat sims, they’d care about this sort of thing. And now the kids are asleep. I decide to have the parents chat about the struggles of parenting...and the struggles of being a vampire. But thankfully Omar has a very high logic and can logic away the stress of drinking from a random sim. And she has low fun so uh, let’s have a woohoo in the shower.
Harrison wants to meet someone new so lets see if any teens are hanging around the park at the moment. But if not, we’ll bring someone along because he needs to drink! Hmm. The Alluring Visage means he’s low on vampire energy now. Meaning he needs to sleep. But we just got here! But I guess we can go right back home.. because it’s pretty much time for-
Neighborhood Watch!
Devan Geiger in the Geiger household has died. No cliffhanger here; Devan slipped when rock climbing.
Hold on, let me check something…yep. This was the guy who just moved into a home. RIP!
Mack Newman in the Newman hosuehold has died. Mack tried to make cereal but it burst into flames.
Let’s see, it’s early in the morning, nothing much to do. The kids sleep schedule is all kinds of messed up but alas. Let’s make sure I actually remember to set Emile to make friends at school. Omar’s got work at 9 until 7pm. So that leaves Roxana alone to do her work. And we got a biography about a dude who very much wants someone to write about him. That’ll do. Huh, and evidently she’s excited about the project at least. So a drink break and then we head back to work. Annnd she’s sick. Stuffed up nose, it seems. Well, what is the recommendations, internet? Taking a steamy shower! Annd hey, it worked! Back to writing she goes! Kids are back from school and boy, are they tired! But Roxana wants them to volunteer with her and so what she wants, she gets!
Let’s see. Omar does want a promotion, again. Could think about just having him visit a library for a late-night study instead. Since hey, that does also work, in theory, for a doctor. You gotta research your medical stuff! Oh hey, we actually met a scientist, since we’re at Strangerville. There would be a scientist/doctor solidarity, wouldn’t there? Let’s play a game of chess, get the know the guy a little and then head home.
Home again, and Omar wants to eat some popcorn. It’ll go poorly but we can attempt to have some. Meanwhile Harrison wants another promotion. Which, fine and all but I guess let’s work on your charisma skill. Selena’s hungry and Emile, oof! Bladder failure! ...and Roxana’s whim didn’t clear because we left in the middle of it. Fair enough, I suppose! Also I am trying to have Omar mend his relationship with Selena but alas! She just thinks he’s creepy with that weird hissing all the time! Ah well. Anyway it’s time for-
Neighborhood Watch! Mizuki Maeda in the Maeda household has died. Mizuki was victim to a vicious chicken attack.
Ah man. She was one of my longest lived townies. Riiiiiip!
Akira Kibo in the Kibo household has died. Akira fell for a cowplant’s cake bait. He could not have his cake and eat it too.
Ha. I had a feeling this was going to happen to him sooner or later. RIP!
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trashcankitty12 · 2 years
RIP Eilleen. (Or however its spelled.) It was a good run but you should've known Victor has a very specific way of doing things.
At least he was honest though; you're done with his plans and Anna Devane.
I hope they find her body soon and figure out that Victor probably knows.
Cameron... I'm gonna miss you.
And are those hints of that Casme twist potential we were denied?
There's the Epiphany anvil. I'm gonna miss her so much. I still can't believe she's gone.
Lucy. Lucy dammit you're gonna end up dead.
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