#emilie stuart
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handelplayssims · 2 years ago
Oh we’re close. Oh we are so close to done with this household so let’s do the next two days! Double-checking Harrison’s stats and all of his character values I want, I got! High mannered, responsible and empathic. Nice nice nice! We’re good for tomorrow. Anyway, it’s Talk Like a Pirate Day! Everyone in this household loves talk like a pirate day. Omar and Roxana are childish enough to adore it as much as the kids and Harrison just likes gabbing. Anyway, now everyone can go and volunteer together! Hooray!
Let’s see...Omar wants to mentor a kid and helping with homework would count for that. Let’s go with Emile. She’s the lazy one after all and he sorta wants to whip her into responsible shape. And actual shape but that’s for teen-dom. And now it’s just a lotta being social and chatting with each other. Because it’s talk like a pirate day and ya gotta talk first!
Ohp, Harrison asked for advice. Okay, don’t lower responsibility, empathy or OH what was the last one!? Manners! Very important that one. Picked the choice that went for manners up and emotional control down. And with some chatter, Harrison, Omar, and Roxana now have the pirate tradition finished. Hooray.
Ohohoho! One of the people that Roxana dislikes and wants to make an enemy out of is walking down the street! And so we shall! Become enemies that is. Next is the thirst management. I bet all of these plasma packs do pile up but eh. Selena is on the computer, working on that typing game for her aspiration. Ah. Omar still needs to mentor a kid, thanks to not being actually able to help with homework thanks to having low relationships with the kids. Hey Harrison! It’s time to work out! Let’s see. Emile wants to watch a movie, she does so and now she’s hungry. And has the whim for pizza! ...alas pizza is not showing up. I see a stall for spring seasonal food at least. We can order off of that! Cupcake time! And then snoozing for her. Omar wants to make a drawing, can easily do. Harrison...to chat with Moria Fryes some more. Can also do that. Oh and Talk Like a Pirate Day rolled over so everyone is in a delighted mood. Hmm. Before I go off and say hello to Moria, let’s check-
Neighborhood Watch!
Forgotten Hollow: The Swaminathan household recently moved in.
Windenburg: The Castillo household has moved in.
Right, now we travel over to the Fyres household! To say hi to Moria! But then my eyes are drawn over to someone else.
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Morgan Fyres was one of Harrison’s flings way back when she was still a teen. It’s one of the reasons I’m actually bringing him fully up into Young Adult-hood. Because I see that two potentially interesting love interests, her and Cassandra Goth, are both young adults and I want to play around with that some. Anyway, I’d figure it’s time to befriend Moria some more so I go and set those two up on a chess table. And now it’s time for pure social spam as I try to actually befriend her. Of which, we do so! Next whims are to gain that promotion and to flirt with a fellow teen. ...on the one hand I would continue with these solo adventures with Harrison. On the other hand, birthday part at 6PM. Granted it’s 11AM now. We have time. Annnd I brought over the wrong boy to flirt with. Time to bring the right boy over. Alright, flirtation done. NOW I should probably head back home. Because I’m going to have to deal with thirst management anyway and I want that done before the party.
Well, first thing that catches my eye is the egg hunt tradition for my Spring Day holiday that's also today. Don’t know if I can do the Flower Bunny but I can do that one at least. Anyway, it’s now party time! I have no goals so I can do whatever I wish!
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So turns out, a good way to gather everyone at a party is to just open presents with every guest watching you. Nice! He only got three gifts. A gnome, a carrot and a turquoise. Eh, not great but ah well. And now Harrison is a Young Adult! I had thought of his trait a long while ago. He’s the Ambitious type! Got that drive to succeed! And thus does everyone just hang out for a bit. Humorously, all the vampires are glum thanks to all of the broken relationships because they hiss so much. Alas! Anyway, the true food for vampires shall be made. A whole bunch of plasma fruit salad! And on that note, we end our time with these vampires. THANK. GOD. But first!
Neighborhood Watch!
Oasis Springs: The Srivastava household moved out.
Oasis Springs: The Holbrook hosuehold moved out.
Alright! That’s that. Next time join us for – ah. The Nier Automata household. See ya then!
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isabelleneville · 6 months ago
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lmmontgomerypolls · 5 months ago
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poll submitted by 👤anonymous
* difficulty level: CURSED 🚫
** this poll is assuming everyone listed is age appropriate for each other and adults, with full acknowledgement that these couples can/do create timeline issues otherwise
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tealviscaria · 1 month ago
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Some of my favorite crew members: Mikayla, Stevie, Gwynedd and Emily <3
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filmap · 6 months ago
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God Help the Girl Stuart Murdoch. 2014
James's apartment 18 Great George St, Glasgow G12 8LN, UK See in map
See in imdb
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damedianariggalbumphoto · 1 month ago
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"Evil under the sun"
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gurlzfr0m7eleven · 2 months ago
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I lost the post that inspired me to make this so my persona is talking to a mystery tumblr user here my bad
but here’s this
it’s v small there’s not a lot that I actually kin rather than just being a favorite character
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moviemosaics · 11 months ago
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God Help the Girl
directed by Stuart Murdoch, 2014
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rayless-reblogs · 5 months ago
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This is a pillow that was sewn by one of my relatives in, guess when, 1921. Along with it being beautiful and having a delightfully bloblike cat on it, I wanted to share it because it has a strong LM Montgomery vibe. I could imagine Valancy whiling away a winter's night working on this, or Anne taking it with her to Redmond, Jane rescuing it from the depths of a closet, or Emily wandering through the Disappointed House looking for the right place for it.
You may notice I've edited it somewhat; I removed my relative's initials, which are stitched under that top arch shape. In person, the colors aren't quite so distinct -- it's very velvety and shimmery, but brightened up by all the stitching. And of course the regal cat.
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gameofthunder66 · 3 months ago
Supernatural (2005-2020) tv series
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-(finished) watchin' Season 7- 11/27/2024- 3 stars- on Netflix (CW)
74% Popcornmeter- Season 7
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ninadove · 1 year ago
I'm honestly shocked that since Emotion/Representation aired I've yet to see anyone do anything at all with Felix and Mary Shelley's Frankenstein??? I think about it every day it's literally THE Felix piece of media. It's his entire character thesis. What are we doing guys
To be fair I have seen a few people headcanoning it as one of Felix’s favourite books (Which yes. Absolutely. 1,000,000%) but there hasn’t been any fics/art/edits/etc. about it yet to my knowledge. My copy is at my parents’ and in French but I am tempted to find an English PDF since it’s been public domain for a good while now. The web weave potential is insane.
I have many thoughts about Felix and literature in general… I have him quote Cyrano de Bergerac all the time in my fics, for example. I was thinking of starting a list of works of art and literature he’d enjoy, so I’ll take this as a sign to get writing! I can get my fandom friends to make some suggestions as well! 📝
Edit: @bittersweetresilience got us covered, our honour is safe 💜🦚
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handelplayssims · 2 years ago
Oye. How many more days left with these vampires? 4 it seems. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Well, let’s look at Roxana’s whims. Prank and be mean to someone. As usual. Welp, pranking is easily done. Hey, Omar! Here’s this hand buzzer trick! Next is Omar who wants to have child, or get disliked by someone. Mm. They already dislike each other though. I’m going to refresh those whims and then have him focus on Harrison. ...the whims were to leave a note on the family bulliten board and become enemies with the person he disliked. -shrug- Emilie is up and at em and needs food, and it’s an hour until work and school. Let’s just wait out the time until we head back into work with Omar.
And here we go! Perhaps today, we might get that final surgery requirement. ...if I was mean, I would perform surgery on a patient that might not need it...but eh, let’s try to be a good doctor. WOAH, there we go! We got a guy who collapsed right at the front door. And he needs emergency surgery! There we go! And hey, the patient we’ve been working on also needed surgery. Nice! Finally! He’s got that promotion! And is now a specialist! Good for Omar.
Oooh, Roxana, while I did manage to queue and get her the plasma fruit salad she needed, she also just ran out and drank from a passing sim. Hee. Now she’s super-tense about drinking from others.  MAN. I keep forgetting about Emilie and the making-friends-at-school thing! Now it’s 8PM and I bet there would only be teens at the park at this time. Doing their teen hangout thing. Ah well, both parents have whims regarding kids so, I decided to have both of them lecture their kids about manners. They’re neat sims, they’d care about this sort of thing. And now the kids are asleep. I decide to have the parents chat about the struggles of parenting...and the struggles of being a vampire. But thankfully Omar has a very high logic and can logic away the stress of drinking from a random sim. And she has low fun so uh, let’s have a woohoo in the shower.
Harrison wants to meet someone new so lets see if any teens are hanging around the park at the moment. But if not, we’ll bring someone along because he needs to drink! Hmm. The Alluring Visage means he’s low on vampire energy now. Meaning he needs to sleep. But we just got here! But I guess we can go right back home.. because it’s pretty much time for-
Neighborhood Watch!
Devan Geiger in the Geiger household has died. No cliffhanger here; Devan slipped when rock climbing.
Hold on, let me check something…yep. This was the guy who just moved into a home. RIP!
Mack Newman in the Newman hosuehold has died. Mack tried to make cereal but it burst into flames.
Let’s see, it’s early in the morning, nothing much to do. The kids sleep schedule is all kinds of messed up but alas. Let’s make sure I actually remember to set Emile to make friends at school. Omar’s got work at 9 until 7pm. So that leaves Roxana alone to do her work. And we got a biography about a dude who very much wants someone to write about him. That’ll do. Huh, and evidently she’s excited about the project at least. So a drink break and then we head back to work. Annnd she’s sick. Stuffed up nose, it seems. Well, what is the recommendations, internet? Taking a steamy shower! Annd hey, it worked! Back to writing she goes! Kids are back from school and boy, are they tired! But Roxana wants them to volunteer with her and so what she wants, she gets!
Let’s see. Omar does want a promotion, again. Could think about just having him visit a library for a late-night study instead. Since hey, that does also work, in theory, for a doctor. You gotta research your medical stuff! Oh hey, we actually met a scientist, since we’re at Strangerville. There would be a scientist/doctor solidarity, wouldn’t there? Let’s play a game of chess, get the know the guy a little and then head home.
Home again, and Omar wants to eat some popcorn. It’ll go poorly but we can attempt to have some. Meanwhile Harrison wants another promotion. Which, fine and all but I guess let’s work on your charisma skill. Selena’s hungry and Emile, oof! Bladder failure! ...and Roxana’s whim didn’t clear because we left in the middle of it. Fair enough, I suppose! Also I am trying to have Omar mend his relationship with Selena but alas! She just thinks he’s creepy with that weird hissing all the time! Ah well. Anyway it’s time for-
Neighborhood Watch! Mizuki Maeda in the Maeda household has died. Mizuki was victim to a vicious chicken attack.
Ah man. She was one of my longest lived townies. Riiiiiip!
Akira Kibo in the Kibo household has died. Akira fell for a cowplant’s cake bait. He could not have his cake and eat it too.
Ha. I had a feeling this was going to happen to him sooner or later. RIP!
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romilly-jay · 6 months ago
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Something Echoing Between Art Forms
***mild spoilers***
Went to a radio audience recording earlier and finally got started on Natasha Pulley's The Mars House.
Had to pause almost immediately though because I hadn't quite absorbed that one of the MCs is called January...
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Cute name - but the reason it caught my attention is that this is the second time in a month I've read a story with a MC called January.
Is there something in the water?
The other one was January Andrews, in Emily Henry's Beach Read - which I might possibly have forgotten (despite the name turning into an explicit plot point), except that the books JA is mentioned as working on turn up in bookshops in EH's later story, Book Lovers.
I'm genuinely on board when I see a move like this - and would you believe it, but NP does something similar in The Mars House, name-checking her earlier characters from The Watchmaker of Filigree Street. Which I haven't read yet but is looking likely to make it onto my TBR list, judging by how I've adored the first 100 pages of TMH.
I'm not the only one who has enjoyed it - very positive review in The Guardian's round up of new SF, from a couple of months ago:
And Stuart Turton was really warm about it (and NP generally) when it and she came up in conversation during his Waterstones book tour for The Last Murder at the End of the World. [Their books came out within a couple of weeks of each other, I think?]
I'm now committed. Fizzing with anticipation for the rest of the book and very slightly concerned that it can't *possibly* live up to its blazingly strong start - whilst also quietly urging it to do so!!
PS I've now read the rest of this. I loved it. LOVED it. Loved how it tackled its topics. Loved the MCs. Loved all the linguistics insights. Extra loved the use of footnotes. Even loved the ahem unexpected cameo / plot twist at around the 2/3rds mark which probably divided the audience - I'm imagining... Anyway, Will Write More About This at some point but for now moving this into Sept, out of the way of the blah blah about romcoms and action movies. Even though this book is by no means out of place with either of these subject groups <3
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lmmontgomerypolls · 5 months ago
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poll submitted by 👤anonymous
* these characters would not be competing against each other, they’d be competing against other tributes from panem districts
** emily gif from @emilyofnewmoongifs, anne gif from google
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rverave · 10 months ago
To read, to eat
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In the pages of my cherished book, Lies the essence of me, every look, Nostalgia's expert, I proudly claim, In this tome, my being's fame, Dark eyes' shards, devil's charm, Innocent smile, with secrets warm. Here dwells my essence, and a little more, Yet, this book's existence, fiction's lore. When I gaze upon your face, Characters leap, in their grace Around you, the air swirls and swoops, With each dance, less of a troupe But my sweetheart, clear and true, In every glance, it's only you.
-eve "a woman does not live by the printed word forgive yourself and eat"- God Help The Girl
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unabashedqueenfury · 1 year ago
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Reign 2013-2017/01-04
Mary and Francis
He's more myself
Than I am.
Whatever our souls
Are made of,
His and mine
Are the same.
(Emily Brontë, from "Wuthering Heights")
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