#right in time for the tag to be trending lmao how embarrassing
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marimeeko · 3 months ago
Lmao when you end up accidentally leaking your own fanfic that's a reply to the MHA leaks 🤣
I'm just glad it was in a mostly done state.
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aroacesafeplaceforall · 10 months ago
I’m sorry to see that you took my earlier ask the wrong way! I didn’t quote you in that, but I’ll quote you now so we can both be on the same page as to what I was responding to.
You said “the term actually asexual started as an aphobic or ace spec exclusionary tag/label.” Then you went on to explain the gatekeeping sub-community that used the term a couple years ago.
I’m not disputing that that happened, I am saying that that is not where the term “started”. It started in 2012, inspired by the actuallyautistic tag, as a method to avoid spam in the main tag. At that point it had no exclusionary connotation. Using actually- tags was a trend on tumblr in the early-mid 2010s so that members of marginalized communities could make sure their voices were heard. This use went out of fashion after that era of spam dried up, so it’s understandable that you wouldn’t know about it, and that you would overestimate your knowledge of history and make such a confident but incorrect statement as you did about the term’s true origin.
I know that emotionally it can be really difficult to deal with a message online correcting a statement you’ve made. It can feel like I’m telling you you’re wrong and you should feel bad for it, so I want to make it clear that this is not anon hate, just somebody who cares about aspec community memory. Nobody is right all the time! I’ve been confidently incorrect plenty of times in my life so I understand how the embarrassment can feel like a slap in the face. That’s ok, and those feelings aren’t always an indication that you’re being put down or judged. It’s necessary that we as people can hold discussions where we’re trying to figure out what’s correct collaboratively and not argumentatively, and that means recognizing when the people you’re speaking with are well-intentioned and responding in kind.
Anyway, yeah, I remember being younger and I remember how mortified I would have felt to read the message I sent, so no judgement at all. The good thing is that as life goes on you get more experience, more desensitization to those extreme feelings, more contextual knowledge to recognize that it’s ok, etc etc.
I’m not asking you to respond to this ask in any way, I just want to make it clear that I wasn’t trying to put you down at all. Have a good night!
lmao bestie, reading this was a wild ride and I wish i kept your past post as you back tracked twice.
Yeah i think this was mostly a misunderstanding on both sides and we were both wrong, however I will say in your OG ask you stated the tag started in 2022. But the reason you gave was the same.
I don't know how active you were on the "actually asexual" tag back in the day, but people were still not being the greatest over the split attraction model. It wasn't suddenly a safe haven for all asexuals (just like the current ace tags).
"Using actually- tags was a trend on tumblr in the early-mid 2010s so that members of marginalized communities could make sure their voices were heard. This use went out of fashion after that era of spam dried up, so it’s understandable that you wouldn’t know about it, and that you would overestimate your knowledge of history and make such a confident but incorrect statement as you did about the term’s true origin."
Yeah I know actually. I've been here since around 2016/17 and I do deep dives into tumblr and older posts a lot in my free time. I'm not new here actually and to give a rough est. of my age, I was never under the age of 13 on the site. "actually-" tags are still quite popular, actually asexual being the most known in my circle for obvious reasons. "I know that emotionally it can be really difficult to deal with a message online correcting a statement you’ve made. It can feel like I’m telling you you’re wrong and you should feel bad for it, so I want to make it clear that this is not anon hate, just somebody who cares about aspec community memory. Nobody is right all the time!"
You are right here, and I agree. But the way you originally phrased your "correction" was not only incorrect, but spiteful and hateful. It might not of read so to you but saying shit like "clearly you don't care about" and "you're to young to understand" isn't constructive criticism, its in-fact quite annoying and patronising. Statements like that are meant to enrage people, which is why I did not respond to you OG asks as I don't want to spiral a small matter. I would also like to say you final statements, while correct, are also quite sarcastically sweet to almost (very) patronising. Please do not talk to me like you would a small child.
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anawrites3 · 2 years ago
Hello I'm back because I'm curious about happy to see my husband one and I also wanted to ask once again out of pure curiosity what's the ratio of tropes in your wips? Like, how much angst, fluff, etc. Hahah no need to specify which one is what, just wanted to see what do you write the most rn👀
Hello 💕 Welcome back haha
This one is actually a Ra’sTim one! The name comes from that silly song/trend on tiktok that goes “I am going to see my husband, I’m happy I’m happy to see my husband” 😂 Basically Tim gets captured by League of Assassins ninjas and they bring him to their master. They’re very proud of themselves and have absolutely no idea that Tim’s like “I haven’t seen Ra’s in a long time, I missed him so much!” So they chain him up and make him kneel in front of Ra’s throne and Ra’s is just so done 😂 I mean, he’s never against his boyfriend (husband? I haven’t decided yet) being on his knees before him but can we please meet like normal people just once? Meanwhile Tim is having the time of his life lmao
And for the second question, um. I needed to make a google spread to get the numbers right which I’m not showing you because it’s embarrassing xD Also, a lot of my wips don’t have just one main trope because there are some that have for example both fluff and comedy or both hurt/comfort and angst buuut basically the numbers are pretty equal.
Fluff and angst are the same amount, then there’s comedy/crack a little lower, and surprisingly smut has the same number as hurt/comfort unless I’m stupid and I’m counting it wrong. Oh and there are also a few that I marked as ?? because I have no idea which one they are (but that’s mostly because I’m so bad at tagging lmao) Like for example The siren’s song and Fae Slade that I already talked about here are marked as ?? because… they’re both not quite angst or hurt/comfort and definitely not fluff so.
I hope that answers your question and I’m sorry if it doesn’t xD Either way, thank you for asking 😚😚
Post for the wip ask game here
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lasshoe · 2 years ago
15 questions + 15 mutuals
tagged by @waywardted 💛💛💛
Were you named after anyone?
my middle name (blair) is after blair from the facts of life and my first name i think my parents were at my cousin's graduation and a girl had it and they liked it and they were right 😌
When was the last time you cried?
lmao embarrassing and i wish i were joking but like 30 minutes ago watching a video on twitter of beyonce saying “welcome to the renaissance” brnrjdkdnfnekapk
Do you have kids?
no but i want them one day! my own and/or as has been previously well documented that i aspire to be a stepmom so dilfs hmu
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
i don’t particularly think i do
What's the first thing you notice about people?
their clothing and not in a judgy way it's just an occupational hazard i guess?
What's your eye color?
Scary movies or happy endings?
are u kidding me happy endings every time
Any special talents?
idk if it's a talent but i have like....... insane reflexes so if i fumble or knock something over or if anyone else does close enough to me 99.9% of the time i catch it? it's very weird. i can also do at least a back handspring which i haven’t attempted in years but i genuinely believe i still could if the opportunity presented itself and i tried
Where were you born?
virginia, usa
What are your hobbies?
me 🤝 ayo edibiri…. watching tv and watching movies. but also taking walks around the city, going to museums, thrifting, swimming in the ocean, traveling, trying new restaurants if that counts? i do genuinely need more hobbies
Have any pets?
not personally
What sports do you play/have you played?
most of my childhood i spent in competitive cheerleading but also dabbled in dance and softball and basketball
How tall are you?
Favorite subject in school?
english and art
Dream job?
my job rn (creative trend director) is actually my dream job in basically every way except financially
idk who or who hasn’t been tagged but here goes: @ohtendril @topsee-turvee @thesumdancekid @endlessblasphemy @factoseintolerant @talldecafcappuccino @jcusack @romansroys @coachlasso @villainesses @iloveyouandilikeyou @mrgaretcarter2 @shania-twain @dollsome-does-tumblr @cowherderess 😮‍💨
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ashes-goin-down · 25 days ago
Can someone please tell South Park fic writers to stick to writing teenagers, if they really struggle writing anyone older?
I don't mean to be cruel, but I've read three fics, in the last three MONTHS, where characters in their mid or even EARLY thirties are written as if they're in their fifties. Graying, balding, heart attacks, aching joints, describing themselves as "middle aged" . . . I could go on. The fics are even tagged as "old man yaoi". (I wish I was kidding.)
I know we all had to start somewhere and I'm genuinely not trying to shit on these people, but it's embarrassing, and no-one seems to be telling them. Most of them have anonymous comments turned off, so even if you want to do them a favor and nudge them in the right direction, you can't. But this seems to be becoming a fandom-wide issue, and as a fellow old as balls fandom member, I needed to get it off my chest. Sorry, kids - but if it's that hard for you to get your head around how a 30-something thinks, you shouldn't be writing us! And I say that with love.
Seriously. I don't know where this skewed perspective they have is coming from. Are they observing Millennial memes from the outside and misunderstanding the tone? Watching Kylie Jenner get a facelift at 25, and not realizing her sagging face was from filler overuse, not aging? Watching Gen Alpha come online and feeling like if they're getting old, as Gen Z's, then Millennials must be unfathomably ancient? (Gen X-ers like Matt and Trey must seem as old as Methuselah.) Whatever it is, I am begging them to stop. Nothing pulls me out of a SP-kids-as-adults fic faster than feeling like it must have been written by a twelve year old, because the 30-something thought process is so alien to them and it SHOWS.
Another fucking essay because I can’t seem to answer asks normally lmao Some thoughts on writing older characters under the cut.
I fully understand your frustration, anon. When I describe myself as “old as balls” I definitely mean that in ‘fandom years’. Of course the term is somewhat subjective but I wouldn’t actually consider myself to be all that old IRL.
While I’d agree that young people’s exaggerated view of how old thirty actually is partially stems from internet culture, I think blaming that solely gives off major “Socrates complaining about the youth”-vibes, because I honestly think that’s just kind of the way things have always been. Some people in this fandom are young enough that their parents are still only in their thirties – and your parents always seem old™ to you, no matter their actual age. When you’re that young aging is simply such an abstract concept that it’s nearly impossible to put yourself in the shoes of a character that is over a decade your senior. The trend of fic authors writing people in their thirties as if they’re just about to keel over from old age is honestly very funny to me since I remember it being the other extreme back when I was starting out in fandom, with characters in their fifties consistently being written like teenagers. As time went on this would be met with more and more critique, however, and I believe that this fact, along with the recent “old man yaoi”-trend has perhaps caused writers to over-correct a bit. (As a side note, I’m sure at least some of the people who use the term to refer to characters in their early thirties do so in jest. I know at least one couple IRL, both aged 32, who jokingly use it to describe their own relationship.) Either extreme portrayal stems from a lack of understanding of the mindset of a demographic the writers of these fics don’t belong to and I actually think that you can't criticize them too harshly for that. After all, “write what you know” is sound advice because it’s really, really hard to write what you don’t know without messing up. But while there is obviously no substitute for lived experiences, it is still very much possible to write a compelling, realistic story about characters vastly different from yourself if you put in the necessary effort and I think authors shouldn't be discouraged from trying. I used to write a lot of Jimbo/Ned when I was young and even though I’m sure I’d cringe intensely at those stories if I were to reread them now, I’m still very glad I wrote them. Because even though I’m sure ultimately failed, I did try to make them somewhat realistic and as such I did a lot of research. I read up on the American military, on war history, on PTSD and – most importantly – I sought out blog posts and memoiristic writing of Vietnam veterans.
At some point my fascination with the topic definitely eclipsed the ship but it still was the original reason for my interest and as such I credit it for teaching me a lot. It might sound silly but through writing those fics I unironically learned much about empathy, as it prompted me – as a little girl in rural Germany – to consider the perspective of characters that belonged to a demographic completely removed from my own. This consideration obviously extended to the characters’ ages and I distinctly remember how writing about them caused me to reflect on what a romantic relationship might realistically look like at that stage in life. As such, I think the “old man yaoi”-trend is, on the whole, a positive development, since I think that it might encourage young people to reconsider the notion that life ends at 25 - an idea which many unfortunately seem to hold. I see so many young people barely out of school worrying about “having nothing achieved” or even “ having wasted their lives” and it’s honestly heart-breaking. There seems to be this weird paradox where people think you need to have your entire life figure out by your mid-twenties while simultaneously waiting longer and longer to settle down and start families since that’s what old people do and to be old is to be avoided at all costs. To mention South Park again, I found it very interested that even in the “good” timeline Stan and Wendy were shown to still only be in a situationship because I think that’s something that is slowly becoming much more common for people at that age. There’s still a sheer endless number of paths one’s life can take after exiting your twenties and if writing fanfiction helps someone realize that I’m actually all here for it. ALL OF THAT SAID, I completely get where you’re coming from.. It really is intensely annoying when writers portray anything above thirty as elderly, particularly when this is done with actual malice, which I’ve unfortunately definitely seen before. Some writers unquestionably actively refuse even trying to realistically portray "older" characters to the point where it really does seem somewhat disrespectful.
But don't let it get to you, anon. One day they’ll be middle-aged thirty year olds too 🤭
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stormblessed95 · 3 years ago
Jikookers are indeed clowns lmao
We are getting moments most shippers would dream of.
Even if shippers dream they are not going to get it. So they edit the shit out of a video to make it look like something it's not.
We have been fed throughout consistently for years now.
We have a whole gcf dedicated for JM by JK , we have numerous selcas, we have GCF in saipan basically rubbing the fact on our face , we get to see or know they are spending lot of time together no matter day or night , we have jm flying over to jk , we have those embarrassing sexual tension moments - J 14 interview my gosh 🤦‍♀️, we have all those vlives we third wheel , we can all those almost kiss moments, all those things said by kookmin to each other - I was with jk - wakeup and see jk - I want you , we have those analysis videos which makes very much sense , we have hickey incident , we have jk carrying jm anytime anywhere anyway numerous times, we have jk saying he like jm's body from head to toe , all those dance units they did , songs they sung together , jk ranking jm 'based 100% only on HIS own criteria, blackswan performance and much much much more. Which are exclusive to KM , unedited and original.
We are witnessing a love story unfold infront of our eyes and are celebrating it.
But the moment Kookmin shares a selca with us we all go WILD wild , screaming everywhere like we haven't been getting a moment for a decade.
LISTEN. LISTEN! It's the cutest picture and DESERVES to have us all freak out over it. Thank you.
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Not to mention this fanart over this moment and how their ends might have ended up touching like this made me 🥺🥺🥺
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NOT TO MENTION THE HASHTAGS okay?! They way Jimin used his special hashtag for JK calling him kookie but in an extra cute way 😭 and the way they posted on Twitter while everyone else was on Weverse. Was the distinction necessary?! Was it because he knew how special that hashtag was?! 😭 probably
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The first time he ever used that tag for JK was in 2017 and their toyko trip 😭 (the paw prints on this one because Kookie is his puppy prince, please I can't 😭)
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And before today, the last time he used it was was 3 years ago in 2018 😭😭 so this was special. Okay?!
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NOT TO MENTION that today is apparently National First Love day. And we got a Jikook selca for the first time in a very long time that was not prompted by a birthday or a vlive. And they are both 2 of the most inactive members on SM lately and after ALL THE MOMENTS they have dropped on us lately, they post selcas right after each other when Kiss Mark is trending in Korea and hickey is trending worldwide... and then they post a selca together when traveling together on today of all the days? Coincidence? Maybe, but it's quite the Coincidence then.
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Not to mention the touching of the heads. They are always touching their heads together in their selcas and when standing together in photos. The heads are constantly touching 😭 why do they insist on posing so boyfriend?!
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Look, okay? Just.... we will all cry over every crumb and all die over every big moment. I'm glad they chose to share their love with us like this. It's beautiful.
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1ddotdhq · 4 years ago
◟̽◞̽ Mon 23 Nov ‘20🍉
Happy Monday, everyone! Harry won the (fan voted) Favorite Pop/Rock Album at the AMAs last night - AMAzing! He was not there to pick up the award (presumably because he’s filming DWD), but don’t worry, fans made sure to celebrate him anyways: PROUD OF HARRY was trending worldwide when his win was announced. HSHQ tweeted their obligatory bullet point acknowledgement that, uh, it had happened, and then went back to doing whatever it is they do when Harry is off being an actor (though presumably, they’re getting ready for tomorrow’s Grammy Nomination announcements, best of luck!). Vogue also called Harry “the most influential man in fashion in 2020”, and while I agree, the fact that they didn’t name the article ‘Harry’s got Style(s)’ is CRIMINAL! Talk about a missed opportunity! 
Louis(‘s team) is active today: they have changed the Spotify background for all of the songs on Walls! It’s now a glitching black xx smiley face with golden lights glowing in the background - a lot like what the stage of Walls on tour looked like! I’ve seen some interesting takes today, ranging from ‘what message is it this time’ to ‘does it symbolize the end of the Walls era’. Maybe, but what it DEFINITELY is, is an indication that there is movement behind the scenes for Louis’ plans - I have MISSED him so this is!!! Exciting! Niall didn't have much to say about the AMAs either, but he wasn't mad at not being asked to play-- he says “gotta have a current song. I don't have anything out to perform.” He was much more excited about what looks to be his golf management company's foray into general sports marketing (“proud of my team at Modest Sport”) and new partnership with another group (Kinetica). Liam has a Naughty List Tik Tok challenge out- and he wants you to tag him and Dixie if you partake. Dixie meanwhile is embroiled in tik tok drama but thank goodness we have no reason to report on that, Liam please stay out of it and keep it that way! And, in a beautiful way to end the day, Martyre posted another picture of Zayn!! It’s a close up of his hands in an Instagram story: he’s wearing two rings on his left hand, both Martyre brand. His hand tattoos are fully on display and, right there in the background, you can see his jawline, his chin, and his left ear (he’s wearing an earring!). Look, if you think I’m creepy for staring at this picture for way too long you have to understand how starved for Zayn content we are - especially after he teased us with those beautiful cover sessions!
And speaking of missed opportunities, the model from the WS video who had the chance to befriend Harry and blew it in every possible way (the one who previously released a screenshot of her DM asking Harry who Golden was about) is back and more embarrassing than ever! She posted a screen recording of all the convos she’s ever had with Harry (there aren’t many, and they’re definitely almost all one sided) because she was “tired of fans saying she was lying” re: the Golden DMs. She just keeps messaging him month after month as he repeatedly replies politely yet briefly, finally displaying a flicker of interest when she out of the blue invites him to a threesome with her and her boyfriend. Harry liked the message, and she said, “is that a yes?” “It’s not no”, he says, and then “boyfriend?” (HAHAHA) but the subject gets dropped (though not before she awkwardly announces that the boyfriend looks like Harry, just what H is looking for I'm sure). Fans, of course, are heavily debating whether or not this is real: is it possible she faked it, even though it's a screen record video, yes, that's very much something you can do, and you can unsend instagram messages (but the mind boggles at the idea that she might have deleted stuff but left in the things she did, which are cringey as hell and include her ex's name and phone number- if the suggestion is that HARRY deleted incriminating follow ups but left what he did, well that just doesn't make sense). If you look at the whole thing it seems pretty real to me, but in no way like Harry had the slightest actual interest in having a threesome with her, or a twosome, or going swimming with her, or in fact anything at all but discouraging her without actually ghosting her (as evidenced by the multiple times he left her on read, including when she told him she’d broken up with her boyfriend – OUCH!) with a brief detour to have some fun with the whole awkward threesome proposal. Popular theories about the whole thing include: this is the beginning of a stunt gf (definitely not but LMAO CAN YOU IMAGINE that would be the worst story EVER), this is a clever segue into seeding bisexual Harry in the service of an eventual come out (which involves accepting this whole uncomfortable mess as a set up like-- really? You think this is what they'd want that to look like?), or this is to make Harry look straight after the Vogue thing (yall have a WEIRD idea of what looks straight but now that you mention it this would be HSHQ...) Fans didn’t really love the fact that she posted a conversation between herself and H, and yeah, it’s a betrayal of trust to be publicly posting private convos- one that Harry surely expects by now given how often it happens but that doesn't mean it isn't shitty if this is real (and if it isn't why on earth would she not go all the way and fake that he had a threesome with her rather than blowing her off?). Overall I stand by what we said about her the other day, GIRL WYD??
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shuahoonie · 5 years ago
you. [tom holland] - three.
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PAIRING: tom holland x female!celebrity!reader
SUMMARY: ah, to be young and in love. it sounds great if only you and tom were actually dating out of pure love and not for the sheer reputation of your careers. it also should be great if you two actually got along, but life isn’t that easy.
WARNINGS: mostly swearing! mentions of alcohol! a bit of fluff, a bit of angst. it’s haters to lovers / fake dating au so take that information as you wish!
SONG INSPO: our lawyer made us change the name of this song so we wouldn’t get sued - fall out boy  
A/N: aaah, hello babes! i have been writing a lot since the new year ngl, it is so refreshing to just write and not stress about stuff. although that’ll change as i head back to university tomorrow [technically today lmao] and face a shit ton of papers and readings!!! anyways, happy reading and enjoy part three!
gif credits @peteparkrrs​
vanessa’s masterlist | preview | one | two | four | five | six | seven | eight | eight.5 [interview excerpt] 
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“Why, I found a solution to your problems, my dears.” Zoë smiled, almost too sickly.
You were starting to get anxious. Is it your manager or is it because of the coffee? Probably both.
You waited for her to continue and what she said afterwards almost made you spat your drink.
“You and Tom will fake-date for damage control,” Zoë said as if it was the most obvious solution.
“I’m sorry, what?” You asked, practically choking on your drink. Has she gone mad?!
“You,” Your manager pointed at you “and Tom” She then gestured to the devil sitting beside you “will be acting as a fake couple.” 
“God, please tell me this is just a horrible dream.” You practically begged as you closed your eyes, trying to convince yourself that you’re just asleep and this, whatever this is, will be over as soon as you open your eyes. 
“How did you two end up to this conclusion, may I ask?” Tom asked, equally appalled at the resolution that was dropped in front of you two. 
“It’s the only thing that made sense after the theatrics that you two pulled,” Matthew spoke up. “Setting the illusion that you two are secretly dating and got into a small fight last night, which ended up with Y/N pouring her drink on Tom.” 
“That was a small fight? What if we had a big one?” Tom scoffed “Will she kill me then?” 
You smirked at him. “Why, that’s the first thing that I liked from all of the nonsense you just said.” 
Tom rolled his eyes at you. “I still don’t see how dating for publicity solves what happened last night,” Tom spoke up, in which you had to agree. None of it made sense after all. 
“Then how exactly are you two going to explain the scene from last night?” Zoë asked with her arms crossed. 
“I’ll be glad to confirm to the world that Tom Holland is an asshole since he called me a leech,” You said almost nonchalantly. People were starting to paint Tom as the bad guy in the narrative, and all four you were aware of it. 
“No one will be telling anything,” Tom jeered. “No one will be telling anything because it’s none of their business. They shouldn’t care about these things in the first place.” 
“Hate to break it to ‘ya, bud, but see this?” You showed him your phone, the screen showing Twitter’s trending tab and there it showed over a hundred thousand tweets about you two. “People made it already their business.” 
Tom massaged his temples. “What, are you on board with this idea now?” 
“Fuck no,” You hissed. “As much as I hate to say this but Holland’s right, we don’t have to anything about this.” 
“You two don’t have a choice,” Matthew commented. “If you two chose to disregard this, the people wouldn’t let this go. It will always be asked in interviews, they would only speculate more.” 
“God, why did you even go to that specific club.” You grumbled at Tom. “Of all clubs in Los Angeles.” 
“Why are you putting this on me? None of this would’ve happened if it wasn’t for you!” Tom argued. 
“I wouldn’t have done what I did if it wasn’t for your stupid mouth!” You were fuming. 
“Look, it’s a win-win for both of you. Tom will clear up his image by giving an impression of how your little couple’s argument escalated. As for Y/N, she’ll be receiving a lot of publicity for this. It’s good for a rising-star to have this much publicity.” Zoë proclaimed. 
“Jesus, you really are a leech,” Tom mumbled under his breath. However, you still caught it. 
“Call me that one more time and I swear you’ll be going home with not only ruined clothes but also with a bruise on your precious face.” You threatened, narrowing your eyes at him. 
“So it’s settled then?” Matthew asked, “You two are going to do it?” 
Tom just shrugged, probably defeated knowing he won’t stand a chance in this argument. He does have this reputation to uphold and he’s not going to let someone ruin it. 
You, however, felt too brave. You shook your head no and said, “You can’t make me.” 
Zoë raised her eyebrow at you, taking it as a challenge. “Try me.” 
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“Remember to hold hands, kids!” Zoë said giddily as she waved goodbye. 
“I am going to kill her,” You gritted in between your teeth as you left the building with the devil quickly fixing his hair. 
“I might actually take you up on that and add my manager into the mix,” Tom grumbled and adjusted his shirt. Tom decided to leave his jacket at the office and figured that a white shirt paired with denim pants was enough. He claims that he looks toned down and his outfit is so casual that people might not notice him. 
You begged to differ. Even if he is just wearing a plain shirt and the most basic denim pants, Tom will still attract people’s attention. The fabric of his shirt clung to his body like second skin. It shows how fit he is and you weren’t one to deny that. 
No matter how little effort Tom puts in regards to dressing himself, he still looked good. That annoyed you. 
“Okay, so the first thing to get this ship sailing-” Zoë stopped and turned to Matthew, “Hah, get it, Matt? I learned it from the internet. Apparently, a ‘ship’ is slang for relationship.” She raved. 
“Oh, that’s sick.” Matthew agreed. 
You let out a huge groan. “God, it’s like watching my parents learn internet lingo all over again.” Not to mention having flashbacks of your early internet days, stumbling over Tumblr with ‘Destiel’ mentioned everywhere. What a time.
Tom, on the other hand, had his face buried in his hand. He seemed like he was equally embarrassed and frustrated with this entire situation. 
“You two are going to have lunch together at this newly opened restaurant. It’s not far from here, don’t worry.” Zoë stated. She mentioned the name of the place, also adding the fact that you and Tom had to walk there. 
“You want us to walk?! This whole area is crawling with paparazzi.” Tom noted. 
“You two will be fine, they can’t hurt you.” Zoë dismissed you two. 
“The restaurant is a couple of blocks away,” You pointed out after searching the place on Google maps. 
“See it as a quick exercise,” Matthew implored. “You two are young, you’ll manage.” 
So here are you both now. You were walking with a complete asshole, who’s apparently now your boyfriend, on the way to this restaurant and waiting to be devoured by paparazzi. 
It was a quiet walk if you two were being honest. You expected more irritating remarks from Tom and you were ready to give out your snarkiest replies, however, you two were now walking in silence. 
It was actually a nice day in Los Angeles. It wasn’t too hot and humid, unlike most days. It wasn’t also that busy in the streets, which is odd, you thought. The day was perfect-too perfect.
Well, it was until you saw a man with a camera hiding behind one of the parked cars along the street. 
Tom seemed to take notice of the figure you just saw and put on a neutral face. “It’s showtime,” Tom said under his breath, loud enough for you two to hear. 
You two were walking alongside each other with close proximity, yes, but you weren’t going to hold hands. As much as to Zoë’s dismay, you thought and restraining yourself from rolling your eyes. 
You could hear the clicks of the camera and with every step, it seemed like the number of clicks multiplied. It only made you feel uneasy, you felt your chest tightening. 
You suddenly wished that you never agreed to this, no matter how much they pressured you. You didn’t mind your state of fame before. A handful of people recognize you from the Sci-Fi Thriller, Alchemist. You were also known for your Twitter and how you absolutely gave no fucks with whatever you tweet. Zoë had a problem with that before, but she just let it go since your account says a lot about your personality. 
However, none of that bothered you. You liked that people recognized you but still managed to get on with your life without getting disrupted. 
Tom glanced at you, noticing how you seemed like you were out of it. He could sense that you were taking deeper breaths than you did before. He frowned, Is she not used to this? Tom wondered. He carefully thought of what to do and just mumbled “Oh, fuck it,” and reached for your hand. 
It caught you off-guard. Oh boy, did you react so rashly. 
“What the hell are you doing, Holland?” You asked as you yanked your hand back. 
“I’m trying to help you,” He grumbled as he took your hand again, holding it firmly this time. “You looked like you were about to have a panic attack. I figured you’d rather have your attention somewhere else.”
“What if people see and-” 
“And what?” Tom cut you off, “They assume that we’re dating? Aren’t we supposed to be, princess?”
You weren’t expecting Tom to wrap his hand around yours nor did you expect him to help you ease your nerves down, so you ended up staring at him. You were trying to figure out what kind of stunt is he trying to pull now. 
He turned his attention to you, his brows knitted slightly. “Why are you staring, princess?” He chuckled softly, amused at the confusion painted on your face. 
What are you trying to do, Holland? You thought. 
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TAG LIST:  @thomasthetankson @autty0314 @marvelous-tswiftfan @averyfosterthoughts @theolwebshooter @jackiehollanderr @sltwins​ @herondalescecilys​ @notjustpenandpaper​ @ihopethatwemeetinanotherlife​  @sectusempried​ @gothicwidowsworld​ @heartofholland​ 
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swanqiu · 4 years ago
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——— slight mentions of: drugs, death
NAME.   zhang qiu / “cho chang”.
EYE COLOR.   light brown.
HAIR STYLE / COLOR.  black, although more of a dark brown in most lights. she usually wears it down, if not in a neat bun at the office or a nice plait during matches.
HEIGHT.   5′3″
CLOTHING  STYLE.   black jeans! athletic shorts! small pieces of statement jewelry! turtlenecks! sleeveless tops with lacy straps! rayon blouses with 3/4 sleeves! tapered slim-fit pantsuits! shoes with some height that also pair with many different outfits! muggle hoodies supporting the local rugby and football teams! she “borrows” her partner’s tees and sweaters and casual wear, so lol add those to the list. she’s big on practicality and comfort over flair and height of fashion, but she does like keeping up with trends and coordinating her outfits to reflect that.
BEST  PHYSICAL  FEATURE.   her smile! it’s absolutely very cliche, but when she smiles and her nose does that crinkly thing and her eyes get all starry, it’s very unfair how powerful it is. alternatively, she also has a great ass, so there’s that.
FEARS.   losing people she loves. having someone d*e during a healing procedure and her mind just shutting down during it.
GUILTY  PLEASURE.   parfaits! going for a late night fly! being on top!!!
BIGGEST  PET  PEEVE.   people who sneeze/cough without covering their mouth and nose. people in the magical community who somehow think muggles are “less developed” or “behind” without magic, when they’re the ones who haven’t even moved beyond printed news and radios to circulate current events and pop culture tbh.
AMBITIONS  FOR  THE  FUTURE.   to successfully campaign for a british seat at the international confederation of wizards (delegate timeline); to patent a line of at-home salves and develop at least one healing spell by the end of her residency (healer timeline); to just be the best mom and partner possible, honestly! (divorced verse)
FIRST  THOUGHTS  WAKING  UP.   huh. 6 AM already?
THINKS  ABOUT  MOST.   how other people are doing.
THINKS  ABOUT  BEFORE  BED.   any of the interactions she might have had that day.
WHAT  THEY  THINK  THEIR  BEST  QUALITY  IS.   her ability to depend on herself. her sociability. her commitment to fight for what’s right.
SINGLE  OR  GROUP  DATES.   single (unless you’re harry potter and have to meet up with hermione later in the day). group dates are sometimes useful for gauging potential partners’ ability to crack on with her friends, though.
TO  BE  LOVED  OR  RESPECTED.   loved. respected. both?
BEAUTY  OR  BRAINS.   brains— for herself and for a potential partner. BUT i can’t lie, if we’re being really honest here, i’m absolutely tempted by the idea of cho being with a heart-of-gold jock whose sole purposes in life are to get gains, look good, and love cho. cho x himbo king is canon btw; the muggle she marries is a *checks notes* brickhouse rugby player who rescues animals on the side and doesn’t know the first thing about how getting sick works but will gladly and fondly listen to her explain everything from antibodies to the common cold to why wearing a mask helps.
DOGS  OR  CATS.   both.
LAYER  005 :   DO  THEY…
LIE.   not really, and never with bad intentions. as she gets older, she learns to use it more for self-preservation.
BELIEVE  IN  LOVE.   yes. always.
WANT  SOMEONE.   no. in her divorced verse, the answer strays more toward yes.
BEEN  ON  STAGE.   yes. ravenclaw common room parties are a whole event. terry boot may or may not have the negatives of the one time she sang karaoke to abba’s “dancing queen” on roger davies’s 17th birthday.
DONE  DRUGS.   yes. her muggle psychiatrist recommended medical mar*juana to cope with the very rare night terrors. she tried it for a little while, and it worked, but she ultimately prefers the calming potions made by healer pye. she used sleeping draughts for a little while after the war (who didn’t), but she hasn’t used them since.
GOTTEN  DRUNK.   lmao yes. me, ess the mun, cupping my hands around my mouth: baby girl’s a light weight, y’all!
CHANGED  WHO  THEY  WERE  TO  FIT  IN.   no. part of the reason we read about her experiencing ostracization at school (through harry’s pov) was because she didn’t waver in her defense of marietta and was quite open with her emotions (although she ended up having to repress a large part of her grief and anger anyway). she’s very firm about sticking to her resolutions and not bending who she is in order to do that. (that might get slightly lost in romantic relationships, though.) in her moved-to-the-muggle-world verse, she definitely changes her external habits and way of living to blend in, but it’s not so much a change of her character or her person.
FAVORITE COLOR.   beige. light purples. dark greens.
FAVORITE  MOVIE.   the princess bride (1986). in the mood for love (2000). miss congeniality (2000). remember the titans (2000). 2000 was clearly a big year for her and movies.
FAVORITE  GAME.   lmao as if it would be anything other than quidditch! i’m not exactly sure how fans keep up with the sport if they’re not watching in-person, but when league cup season rolls around, the television is on, the radio is tuned, the newspaper articles about game highlights and star players are read, the plumpton tutshill jersey is ritualistically worn...
LAYER  008 :   SLEEP.
HEAVY  OR  LIGHT  SLEEPER.   light sleeper.
WHAT  SIDE  OF  THE  BED  DO  THEY  SLEEP  ON.   the right side— when she shares a bed with someone, it’s more comfortable for her to cuddle up to them if they’re on her left. in her divorced verse, she sleeps on whatever part of the bed the kids didn’t claim in the middle of the night.
WHAT  DO  THEY  WEAR  TO  BED.   old quidditch stuff— she has one or two ravenclaw scrimmage jerseys that are so old the house insignia’s already faded away. she also has endless tutshill tornadoes shirseys and tees that she’s worn and washed so often that the fabric’s become so soft now and is definitely susceptible to hem stitches unraveling. her favorite sleepwear combo is a pair of cotton boyshorts and to go braless under one of her oversized tutshill tees. comfortable— and as flattering and as easy access as possible, for those nights.
WEIRD  THINGS  THEY  DO  IN  THEIR  SLEEP.   she mumbles a lot sometimes.
LAYER  009 :   LOVE.
BIG  DECLARATIONS  OR  SMALL.   small, from her end, but she’s extremely appreciative (and only a little embarrassed) of big declarations toward her.
OPEN  OR  CLOSED  OFF.   open, although she wisely exercises caution with some people and thus becomes more closed off.
LOVE  AT  FIRST  SIGHT  OR  SLOW  BURN.   slow burn! this is also me, ess, exposing myself for my love of a good slow burn.
ONE  TRUE  LOVE  OR  A  STRING.   a string, but maybe it leads to comfortably settling into that true love. she definitely doesn’t believe that there is only and exactly one love out there for each person. that myth is a terrible and disheartening way to go about life, frankly.
I  LOVE.   "...that things do get better. my friends. the people i consider my family. my children (added for divorced verse).”
I  FEEL.   "...insignificant, in the grand scheme of things. content with where i am, usually. but mostly, i tend to feel everything, unfortunately all at once.”
I  HIDE.   “...the parts of my feelings that lead into anger.”
I  MISS.   "...the simpler days. hogwarts days, honestly.”
I  WISH.   "...i could have had more time. to do things. to be with people. to enjoy certain moments. sorry— a bit vague, huh?”
tagged by: @gramenviride​ ( 💕 )​ tagging: lol i’ve already tagged a lot of you in these dash games/character studies and likely blew up your notifications over the last week; this turned out pretty long and might use more brain power than usual, so i’m gonna go with a general call for anyone that sees this and wants to fill this out to please do it! and tag me if you do! 
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expelliarmus · 5 years ago
I saw that ask meme with questions for gif makers going around, but I felt like answering them all on my own lmao
1. What are your top 3 favorite sets you’ve made
This one, this one (if the timing works lmao), and this one (I’m so proud of my AU gifsets... where did all that creativity go??)
2. What is your least favorite set you’ve made
I honestly don’t know... I don’t think I hate anything I’ve posted though. If I don’t like how it’s turning out, I just won’t post it lol
3. Which of your sets has the most notes
The most notes ever is this one I think
4. A set that flopped but deserved better
I don’t know... there’s a bunch, but I’m fine if a gifset flops
5. What is your favorite movie/TV show to gif
6. What is your least favorite movie/TV show to gif
I really don’t gif anything else lmao...
7. Who are your top 3 gif makers
I’ll just pick 3 people off the top of my head :) @shatner​, @melodyspond​, @stupidape​
8. What gif trend do you hate
The pale/black and white gifs that are so hard to see.......
9. What/who inspired you to start making gifs
I wanted to gif my favourite parts of DW that I didn’t see anyone else doing, so I was like alrighty, time to learn how to do this!! I think the people that inspired me are long gone from tumblr, or I’m no longer following them because they’ve moved blogs (Natasha aka lumos-maxima... wherever you are, I MISS YOU... also Courtney aka needlebug I MISS YOU TOO)
10. What was the first gif you ever posted
THIS ONE! I remember being so happy about posting it, haha. Also, I still love that Confidential episode so much. I miss my space hipsters...
11. What is that one set you made that just won’t die
The Zoboomafoo one
12. What is the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever giffed
Everything I’ve ever posted
13. Where or from whom did you learn how to gif
Various tutorials on here and just by experimenting. I don’t even think I used Photoshop to begin with, since back in my Neopets days I used Paint Shop Pro to make graphics so I think that’s what I used first to try making gifs of videos.
14. How long does it usually take you to make a set
45 minutes to an hour or so?? It’s been taking longer and longer because the screencaps are so huge though and my poor laptop can’t handle it.
15. Have you ever had gifs stolen and reposted
Yes, and don’t think that I can’t tell when those are my gifs, even without a watermark!!
16. How long have you been making gifs
Since 2011...... my god
17. 10 sets, 8 sets, 6 sets? How many gifs to you prefer in a set
As many as it takes!!!!! But usually between 6-8
18. For the aesthetic, for the laughs, or for the feels what your preference
For FUN!
19. What is your gifting process like
Open video, find scene, screencap, load screencaps in Photoshop, resize to gif dimensions, add colouring, curse myself for picking a hard-to-colour scene, continue adjusting colouring and become increasingly frustrated because it’s not turning out the way I want it to, give up, add text, save gif, POST!
20. Mac or PC
21. PSDs or original coloring for each gif
Original colouring. PSD who???
22. What fandom/movie/show/person etc do you gif the most
DOCTOR WHO and more specifically, David Tennant... I think his tag has the most :’)
23. What is the thing you gif when you don’t have anything else you want to gif
Any episode with Ten and Donna, or The Eleventh Hour, or the Day of the Doctor, or Blink
24. 480p 720p 1080p? What is the minimum quality you’ll gif from
I used to be all good with giffing 480p back in the day, but I guess now it’s 720p since the gif limits have gone way up.
25. Old dimensions or new dimensions and why
New dimensions because they look nicer on the dashboard.
26. How many un posted sets are in your drafts right now
27. Have you ever made a set, decided you hated it and deleted it? What was it
Probably at least one or twice, but I don’t remember.
28. Have you ever posted a set, regretted it and immediately deleted it
No, I don’t think so. I’m leaving my mistakes there for all to see!
29. Have you ever posted a set, realized you made a mistake later but it was already too late
Yes, I did this just the other day with that Missy, Bill and Nardole set. I got the dialogue slightly wrong lmao..... shh
30. How frequently do you like to post
I try to do at least one gifset a day if I can!
31. Do you schedule/queue posts or do you post right after you’re done
Right away. These gifsets are fresh off the grill.
32. What is your favorite tool/adjustment layer in Photoshop
Selective Color or Color Balance
33. Do you like to/can you make edits and graphics too or only gifs
Yes, I can do both but gifs are way more fun imo
34. A set that took you a long time/was really hard but you’re really proud of how it came out
I’m gonna say this one again because I was so proud of it when I made it, and I can’t believe I used to put that much effort into my gifs.
35. Do you change your giffing style a lot or do you have a set routine
I have a routine, as described above. My gifs are pretty much all made the same way as I describe in my colouring tutorial too.
36. Do you gif with something specific in mind or do you just wing it
Usually a mixture of both. I like to try to gif a different Doctor each day, so I’ll know who I have in mind but I’m not planning on a specific episode. I’ll just open up one of their series and go from there!
37. What sets if any do you have planned to make in the future
Idk, I was thinking of doing yet another gifset with Donna in it since I just finished her Big Finish series... but maybe I’ll do one with Eleven and the Ponds??? We’ll see.
38. What are you really excited to gif that isn’t out yet
The next Doctor Who holiday special?? :D
39. How often, if ever, do you delete old sets that you don’t like anymore
Never!! I love seeing how my gifs have slowly changed and improved over time.
40. Why do you make gifs
Because it’s fun, and it’s a way for me to relax after a long and busy day at work.
41. What is your least favorite part about your gif making process
When it takes forever for my screencaps to load, and when it takes forever for my gifs to save sometimes
42. How is your gif folder organized? Is it organized at all?
Lol nope.
43. Do you keep videos forever or delete them once you’re done giffing
I keep the episodes forever, but honestly I think I keep everything forever because I forget about getting rid of the other stuff like trailers and interviews... I should go through my downloads folder.
44. Ever had a gif become a meme? Would you like that if you haven't
I’ve had people use my gifs as reaction gifs and it is a weird feeling, especially seeing the gifs being used on websites other than tumblr. I remember seeing one of my gifs used in someone’s book review on Goodreads and I was like “WAIT THAT LOOKS FAMILIAR!!”
45. Ever gotten hate over a set
Not really hate, but I do get a lot people that are like “WHERE IS ______?” in their tags. And sometimes I just want to be like “Make your own gifs if you think they should be there!!!”
46. Ever gotten a really sweet compliment over a set
Yes :’)
47. Any advice for novice gif makers/people who want to start making gifs
Don’t give up!! Make gifs of whatever makes you happy, don’t worry about the notes too much, and use your tags! KEEP PRACTICING!
48. How would you describe your giffing style
I don’t know??? If someone else has a way to describe my style, then please let me know haha
49. How much would you say you’ve improved since you first started giffing
It’s been almost 9 years since I’ve started, so I hope I’ve improved quite a bit! :P
Well, that was fun. Congrats on making it to the end of this post!!! Now I will go make a gifset.
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wickymicky · 5 years ago
2020 Comeback Ranking: End of February Edition
this is an update to my ranking of 2020 comebacks, i’m keeping a running list lol. i updated it a couple times this month, but as comeback schedules return to a normal pace (possibly) i’ll probably just update this once or twice a month. maybe on the 15th and the 30th of every month or something. unless i just stop doing it after this update altogether lol, who knows. this is not a ranking of every comeback so far in 2020, just the ones i’ve heard and decided that i like. if it’s on the list at all, even if it’s near the bottom, that means i like the song a lot. 
this is just a list of title tracks, since i dont listen to every group’s bsides, and idk things like music video and concept are factors for me a lot of the time. i’m not sure how many songs i want to limit the list to once there get to be too many to list... and honestly i’ll probably leave some off of this one if it gets too long. take everything with a grain of salt... my opinions aren’t set in stone. if you go to my “2020 comebacks” tag, you’ll see previous lists and laugh at how different they all are. my next one will probably have a bunch of these songs in different orders again, as well as having new songs added in of course, just because my opinions change. okay here goes
Dreamcatcher - Scream: still at number 1 lol. i dont have all that much to say about it that hasnt already been said. you all already know
Weki Meki - Dazzle Dazzle: it might fall in subsequent updates, but as of right now it’s the one i’ve been listening to the second most, and i really like it. i’m not sure it’s really second-best-of-the-year material, though. but that’s where it’s at for the time being. it sounds like a weki meki song, which i’m soooo happy about, lol
GFriend - Crossroads: wow Crossroads really grew on me, lol. this song got better every time i heard it and now like.. idk, i really really like it. i’ve been enjoying watching stages for it too, i think it, Dr Bebe, and Fiesta have the best choreos of the currently-promoting songs. well, i think Crossroads is done promoting, but that’s pretty recent lol. sometimes i get emotional when i listen to this song real loud and let it take me away haha.... sigh....
Pentagon - Dr Bebe: it fell a little bit, partially cause two songs passed it, but also just i havent been listening to it that much lately. i like it, and sometimes when i listen to it, it really hits me... but it’s not the kind of song that i’m always in the mood for. you know? it’s not an any-day-any-time type of song lol. i think the velvet-ness of it is cool but i’m starting to get a bit tired of it unfortunately :( i’ll see how things shake out. for now it’s still number 4.
Cignature - Nun Nu Nan Na: i like this song a lot, it’s good, it feels like a breath of fresh air.
Izone - Fiesta: this one has also really grown on me. Fiesta slaps lol. i love the choreo, i love the surreal visuals in the video, i think the song is a bop too. hell yeah. if this had indeed come out last year then i’m not sure where it would have landed, but i think i like it more than Violeta. if it’s holding it’s own against the comebacks so far this year then maybe it would have done pretty well last year too haha
Loona - So What: idk this feels about right. i think a lot of orbits are a little tired of the song at this point. even those of us who liked it... you know... the novelty’s worn off, the line distribution and screen time is still irritating, the choreo’s not quite as fun to watch as we had hoped, and they’re just about wrapping up the promotions. still, i think this is a song we’ll revisit through the year, and once it sounds fresh to me again it might rise on the list, so i kinda expect it to hover around the 6-8 spot on my list even as more good comebacks keep coming out. it’s certainly an interesting song lol. 
Cherry Bullet - Hands Up: fairly simple lol this is just a weird bop
Ateez - Answer: i really dont know where to put Answer haha. just like Dr Bebe, this isnt the kind of song i wanna listen to 24/7. it has to be the right mood. so sometimes i feel like “ugh i dont feel like listening to Answer at all, i need something with more energy... im so tired of this song...” but then sometimes it really hits the spot and i go “you know what? this is still one of the better tracks of the year. this is powerful stuff” haha. again, it just has to be the right mood. so idk, i’ll put it here.
Everglow - Dun Dun: speaking of songs i’m tired of.....
Red Velvet - Psycho (i’m counting this as 2020): shrug. i like Psycho, but yeah, same thing as Dr Bebe and Answer. i like songs i can listen to on repeat at any time in the day, i like songs that pump me up and make me feel energetic. still, credit where credit is due i mean, this song’s real good lol. i know that’s not saying anything you didnt already know haha, but still
Elris - Jackpot: aaa! i love really straightforwardly weird girl group songs! that’s why Cignature is so high, and that’s why this song is on my list! i dont think it’s amazing, but i like it! it’s quirky and i like that! is it gonna even be on this list on my next update? honestly who knows, lol. maybe not. for right now though i think it’s cute
Moonbyul - Eclipse: this was super high on my last list lmao. it’s alright. my non-kpop-stan bf likes this one a lot and so i was listening to it a lot cause of them, but i think it’s not really where my head’s at right now. 
Rocket Punch - Bouncy: at first i thought this song was annoying and then i thought it was kinda cool cause it’s indicative of the trend towards teen crush concepts becoming the majority and then now i think it’s a bit annoying again. the embarrassing lyrics are hard to overlook lol. it’s not bad though.
Siyeon - Paradise: same as the other more emotional songs that i listed lol (other than Crossroads, which is emotional but also has a kind of fast drive to it that i like). it’s cool but i don’t listen to it that often cause i’m not always in this mood. i love siyeon though, i really do
3YE - Queen: lmao this almost definitely won’t be on the list next time. i think it’s cool but it’s nothing to write home about. i’ve been listening to it enough that i felt like i had to include it though. there are some really sick-sounding ideas in this song, but... it’s not like it’s oozing with personality, lol. it sounds like what you expect a girl crush song to sound like in 2020. cause it is one. lol. money flex all day.
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purplesurveys · 5 years ago
Are you currently wearing a charm bracelet? No. I don’t own one either.
Do you have any embarrassing usernames? I don’t think my current ones are embarrassing obviously but I did pick out some usernames I’d rather forget now when I was much younger.
How many letters are in the alphabet? 28 in the Filipino alphabet because we added ñ and ng.
Do you have a backpack in a shape of an animal? I don’t think so. I’m a little straightforward about my bags and just want them to look like bags. My pencil case is shaped like a dog though. 
What’s your least favorite day of the week? Right now the days don’t even feel like individual days anymore because we’ve only been stuck at home and all ~schedules are virtually non-existent now. When I was still going to school though my least favorite was actually a Friday, because that was the day I had to have my least favorite class for the semester, business reporting. 
Have you ever wore pajamas a whole straight week? I don’t specifically own pajamas but we don’t really have a choice but to wear home clothes for the past few weeks since we’re ordered to stay inside for more than a month anyway.
Do you still enjoy blowing bubbles? I’d do it if I had the chance but the chemical smell had always irritated me. 
Have you ever took a picture of your shadow? Maybe when I was like 13 or 14. It wasn’t a thing of mine though.
Do you believe in your horoscopes? No. And I’m so glad I get to say that out here, Twitter is so full of close-minded astrology apologists lmao.
Have you ever waxed your legs? I’ve never tried waxing anywhere on my body and I’m too scared to try; my tolerance for pain has always been pretty low. Shaving has done the trick for years now so that’s what I do.
Would you ever paint your bedroom walls lime green? My parents’ bedroom originally came with green walls actually. But it made the area look suffocating, bleak, and a bit cheap and it also made the room feel warm, so they had it painted to white a few years later.
Do you watch Jersey Shore? Yeah it was such a big deal back then because of its content and how chaotic the cast was. My dad forbade me to watch it but it just made me all the more curious so I was able to get a couple of episodes in. But I couldn’t relate to the humor or the antics they got into because I was too young and the culture was too different, so I didn’t feel like continuing it.
Do you ever get called the quiet girl? Yeah this was definitely me as a kid. In some contexts I’d still get tagged as the quiet girl but it’s no longer my sole personality.
Do you own any shirts with a peace symbol on it? Nope.
Have you ever taught a little kid to flick people off? Nah, that sounds awful.
Are you more of a taker or giver? Giver. I always feel shy about receiving stuff from others and I’d much rather be the one making them happy by giving them what they want or need.
Have you ever itched yourself until your skin was raw? Yeah. It always feels good in the beginning but the suffering in the end is something I never learned from lol.
Do you always clear your history after using the computer? Nah. Sometimes I’ll need to revisit a website five months after going there, and that’s when the history comes in handy.
Do you hate hot coffee, but love iced coffee? I love both. I loved hot coffee first and that was my usual for a veeeery long time, but then iced coffee became sort of like a trend and I got curious, I tried it and ended up loving it. But I’ll always have a soft spot for hot coffee.
Have you ever tried Smoothie King? No, I’ve never heard of that and I also hate smoothies.
Have you ever been chased by a cat? I guess? My sister’s cat is very curious and will follow people around, so whenever I go to feed her (my sister lives in a dorm most days so I’m temporarily in charge of the cat) she’ll be relentlessly chasing me around with a very bushy tail. I’ve asked my sister about this and apparently it means the cat doesn’t like me, which just validates my general dislike for cats.
Have you ever had your food stolen by a bird? I don’t think so.
Do you have any Christmas pajama pants? Nope.
Do you ever wear red lipstick? I never wear lipstick, period.
Have you ever dyed your hair light auburn? I’ve never dyed my hair either.
Have you ever did good on a test when you didn’t study? Haha I’ve never tried that. I don’t want to run the risk of failing an exam so I always study for a bit even if just for an hour.
Do you take really good care of your feet? I’m not particular about them nor do I have like a foot care routine or anything lmao but like I don’t purposely destroy or harm my feet/legs.
Does age really matter to you? Yeah I’m also picky with age. As it stands I’m not willing to date anyone I have any sort of year gap with, but I also know I’m probably only saying that because I’ve only been with someone of the same age.
Do you ever blast your music and dance when you’re home alone? I blast my music but I don’t dance.
Have you ever seen yellow snow? No. That’s a thing?
Is the snow where you live the icy kind or powdery kind? :)
Do you still take hot showers when it’s hot out? Nope. If it’s hot and sticky out I’d want nothing more than an ice cold shower.
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llzehs · 6 years ago
Be aware of jon-heel-moxley, a hate blog in the name of being a Dean fan
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Since I got mostly psychos blocked on tumblr, I myself missed this. A follower brought my attention to it and usually I ignore pathetic creeps with no real life who spent all their time obsessing over others on internet (and with not more than 7 or 8 followers in total LOL) but I’m particularly addressing this cuz ever since I made an anon tumblr account to use on my phone (where no one is blocked), I have been seeing this one nutcase constantly polluting Dean tags with their never ending negativity, whining and bitching and I’m always like, ‘no fucking wonder Dean hates some of his fans.’
Surprise! That’s the same nutcase who’s screenshots are these from. 😂😂😂 I also realized this is the person who was sending me all that anon hate. And warning for you Ambrollins shippers/writers, if you are getting anon hate, this might be the creep sending you that.
Anyways, I was tempted to drag this nutcase for being such a whiner and always posting screenshots and name dropping blogs and writers and shippers behind their backs despite the fact that they themselves have a whole damn blog dedicated to being a creepily obsessive shipper. But I never did so, cuz I try my best to avoid getting into any kind of drama that doesn’t involve me directly. 
jon-heel-moxley, you are a goddamn psycho who is obsessed with negativity and think you are some kind of a moral compass or police around here. When you are nothing but a pathetic miserable loser who needs to find a real life and stop being such an obsessive creep spreading hate all the time bout everything and nothing. You bitch and whine and moan bout people who don’t even acknowledge your existence. Instead of blocking content that isn’t your cup of tea you sit on your computer and spend your whole day obsessing over shit that shouldn’t affect your life so much. And if it does, you honestly need to ask yourself what is your mental state. I honestly feel sad at how royally pathetic one person can be. How this is all your online life exist of. You can easily focus on being a Dean fan and celebrating him, but all you do is bitch bout other fans and shippers. The only thing that can help the kinds of you is to GO GET A LIFE.
People like you give Dean fans a bad name. I dunno why someone need to be so obsessed with a celebrity to a point where they act like everyone need their permission to be fan of that certain person. And the saddest thing is the most annoying and unlikable people are usually the ones acting like this lmao. Hell I’m sure if Dean ever encounters you in real life, you’ll make him so uncomfortable he’ll run a mile from you. At least shippers respect someone’s personal boundaries, and can differentiate between character and the real person. Acting like a brat over opinions and fake ships and stuff that is clearly fiction doesn’t make you look like a cool fan, it makes you look like a creepy nutjob.
Your only problem was I raised some legit points bout the toxicity of Deanee stans who continue to disrespect Dean’s basic wish of privacy (which you felt personally since you are one of those creepy obsessive stans that I hate so much), and that you religiously hate Ambrollins and everyone who ships it. Even if they are careful shippers like me who acknowledge and avoid the toxic aspects of this ship. I was able to get a following here cuz of my well based opinions, and when idiots like you realize you can’t counter them (since you don’t have any brains), you do the shittest shit a person can do. But at least in your case, your reputation speaks for you. 
Renee is a performer, who I was a fan of. I have a right to criticize her like you all criticize every public figure. Like Renee herself criticizes others on her podcast. But creepy Deanee shippers who live so far up Renee’s ass just cuz she’s married to their fav wrestler, what can one expect from you anyways? You have no life of your own and hence think everyone should be a blind brainless idiot like you. You cannot comprehend simple things like some people are just not likable and 2 people are not linked with each other about everything just cuz they are married or dating. You are the same invasive idiot who claimed on Dean’s behalf how he loves Renee so much and would never leave her like you know him in real life and how his marriage works on daily basis and what’s in store of his and Renee’s future 😂 Dean, your fav wrestler, the most private person on earth, yeah go on claim quotes on his behalf and it doesn’t make you look like a psycho. (Mind you, I’m not saying Dean doesn’t love her and would ever leave her, that’s his wife who he married for a reason. I’m only saying if antis are psychos, so are creepy shippers like these who claim things like they are a part of these celebrities real lives and know bout future and what Dean’s feeling and wanting when Dean himself is extremely private and rarely expresses anything bout his personal life.)
People have been calling Seth a slut puppy and princess for years, but no one bats an eye. Dare anyone call Dean something in the shipping content when its clearly the trend around here, jump on them cuz your loser asses cannot use the brains you were given and all you can do in your life is throw bitchfits like the bitches that you are.
People have been writing bout Dean’s injury and death experience left and right, and it was also used to gain sympathy and tension on-screen, but yeah, come at my fics and writing. That makes you look really legit 😂 My fics probably make you cry thousand tears a day cuz its a ship you hate. You are the kind who’ll be kissing ass of a writer doing the same thing if they were doing it with your OTP, Thank goodness you attacked someone like me who’s fully confident and aware of psychos like you and can see right through your bullshit. 
Fiction, ships, everything fake, and that’s what pisses you off all the time? Really shows your skull is pretty empty. You know what’s whack whack whack? Your utter blind stupidity. You know who needs to stop and fuck off? Your psychotic ass. Learn to mind your own damn business or shut the fuck up. Like your pathetic loser ass is allowed to pollute Dean tags and tumblr with your constant whining and childish bullshit, every shipper and fan is allowed to spent their time on tumblr however they want. If you were even decent enough, I would actually sit back and think bout upsetting someone with my content. But your blog content is good enough reason to roll on the floor, drag your ass and go back to being what I am, and that’s a blog people actually enjoy. A blog that’s not filled with hatred and constant negativity.
Seriously, some of ya all need to take a look at your life and ask yourself what are you doing with your lives if bitching bout others is your daily main activity. You are one sad depressing human. I pity you.
Oh, and by the way, slutbrose rules 😎 I’m gonna go write down another Ambrollins fic using Dean’s injury as an angst plot 😎 Seth’s also Dean’s Daddy 😎 Renee is unfit for the commentary job 😎 I’ll continue to embarrass your pathetic loser bitter asses cuz your tears and obsession is hilarious to me 😎
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fantasticescapism · 6 years ago
Brothers in Everything but Blood - Chapter 2: Meeting Spider-man
Click here for Chapter 1.
Part 4 of the Never Truly Gone series
Also available at AO3.
Harley’s one time visit turned into an overnight, twice a month thing at Tony’s workshop ever since he met Peter. No complaints there; that only meant more time to play with awesome tech and work on the ASM with him. He liked Peter Parker. It's like having a younger, better behaved brother, unlike his sister and her celebrity obsessions.
Although, Harley had a feeling there’s more to him than a genius fellow intern. At first, he thought it was just the often expected jealousy he should feel when he had to share Tony’s time and attention but, he didn’t feel jealous at all. He’s already an older brother to an excitable little sister so, sharing wasn’t a big deal. In fact lately, he’d been feeling a little protective over his new friend in light of the recent things he observed.
There were times when Peter came in with bruises and Harley’s first reaction was anger. His memories of years being bullied at school - along with the fights he had with her sister’s bullies - were pushed to the forefront of his mind. He confronted Peter about it once but the guy’s adamant the bruises were just him being hopelessly clumsy. Harley doubted it though, the steady way Peter handled the dangerous chemicals at the workshop proved otherwise. No, those bruises were from bullies, or maybe New York’s really as dangerous as most folks back home would say.
Harley asked Tony about it once when it was just the two of them - Peter said he would be late - and all he said was, “He’s just clumsy.” Tony sucks at lying. They’ve known each other for years, he should know he couldn’t lie to Harley.
“Right, and I’m more of a saint than Mother Teresa.” Harley raised an eyebrow at his mentor.
“Kid,” Tony sighed before he faced him, “it’s Peter’s business.”
“You’re not the type that would leave things like this alone, especially if it involves someone you personally know.” He narrowed his eyes.
“I know.” A hesitant pause. “Okay, Peter does have a bully-”
“His school’s in Midtown, right?”
“Whoa, wait.” Tony placed his arm around his shoulders. “Are you really going to his school, potato boy?”
“That reminds me. I can test out my new potato gun.”
“New?!” Tony’s incredulous.
“It’s Mark 10.”
“Harley, you- you have to let Peter handle it.”
“I just,” he huffed, “just really hate bullies.”
“I know.” Tony smiled fondly at him. He seemed to be mulling over something before he spoke again. “Alright, those bruises aren’t from this bully. The dickwad never resort to physical harm so, it’s something else.”
“At home?” He scowled.
“Oh no! Aunt Hottie is scary when mad but he loves Peter with her whole life.”
“Okay then.” He’s still determined to find out what’s going on and it looked like Tony’s aware of that.
“It’s not my story to tell but, maybe in time, you’ll figure it out.” Tony’s eyes sparkled like those times he gave him puzzles, confident that he could solve them. Challenge accepted!
Peter came in later with a busted lip and a sheepish smile. Tony saw him first and he definitely didn’t like what he saw.
“Kid, what the hell?!” Tony blurted out.
“Sorry, sorry. I know I’m late. It won’t ha-”
“That’s not what he meant, dude! What happened to you?” Harley pointed at his friend’s face. Who the hell did that to him?!
“Oh, uuh… I-I bumped into a street lamp.” Peter blushed.
“Really now?” If Tony’s raised eyebrows could reach his hairline, it would.
“Y-yeah.” Peter let out an embarrassed chuckle. “I’m okay! Just didn’t pay attention.”
“If you say so, here.” Harley sighed and retrieved an ice pack from their mini-fridge and tossed it towards the guy. Harley swore Peter didn’t look at the tossed ice pack. He was about to apologize but Peter effortlessly caught it. It was impressive… and suspicious. “Whoa! Got a sixth sense or somethin’?”
“Just luck! Lucky.” Peter nervously chuckled then gave him a tight-lipped smile. At the corner of his eye, he saw Tony facepalm.
“You got luck in opposite extremes, dude.” Harley laughed when suddenly, he received a notification on his phone. As he pulled it out of his pocket, he absent-mindedly saw Tony walk towards Peter as they conversed in whispers. It was a Twitter notification. His sister often tagged him in memes.
@harhar spidey’s at it again! lmao! you met him yet?
It was a tweet from The Daily Bugle but the source wasn’t important. The picture attached was glorious! it's like the dark clouds parted, a ray of sun bathed him with light and a choir of angels sang Allelujah!
Harley grinned like the devil. This would be fun.
Harley loved the comfortable silence in the workshop once all three started working. They worked together like a well-oiled machine; not much words needed, just looks and signals. This time though, Harley decided to disrupt the flow a bit.
“So Tony, when are you going to introduce me to Spider-man?” Harley almost snorted when he saw Peter freeze in the corner of his eye. Harley feigned ignorance, of course.
“That depends if he’s free. Why the sudden interest?” Harley looked up and saw Tony’s genuine question.
“Well, my little sister Faith - you remember, wanna be an actress, obnoxious - she’s a huge fan. Like real huge. She even got this life-size cut-out of Spider-man and lugged it around at a party back home.” He desperately reined in his amusement when he saw Peter’s red-as-a-tomato face.
“Really?” Tony narrowed his eyes at him.
“Yeah, here.” He pulled out the photo he took of Faith hugging her Spider-man cut-out from his phone and showed it to Tony. “See?”
“Huh.” Tony smirked. Harley then turned the phone to let Peter see too and he wasn’t disappointed at his reaction.
“Where-where did she-where did she get that?” Peter crossed his arms.
“She’s part of this fan club; said she won it at a raffle.” With wide eyes, Peter looked at Tony at the mention of a fan club. “That’s the internet for you. They have fandoms for pretty much anythin’. Did you guys know there are Spider-man fanfiction stories? She told me all about it.” He gave Tony a slight smirk and at that moment, he knew Tony knows he knew. He watched as Tony’s eyes sparkled with mischief for a second before he played along.
“Is that so? Is it as huge as mine’s.”
“Nah, Spidey's new so there's not that many, yet.” Harley saw Peter desperately trying to get back to work and feign nonchalance but his fidgety fingers won’t let him. “I scanned some of them. There’s action, angst, comedy and then, there’s a lot - and I mean a lot - of smut.”
“W-w-what?!” Oh, Peter. Harley’s delighted though.
“Yeah. One time, when I was really concerned, had to make sure Faith's internet searches are PG so I checked out some of the stories. Faith’s only eleven, by the way.”
“Yeah.” Tony said..
“Yeah, so I stumbled into one story about a risqué night between Spidey and this mugging victim he rescued. He was invited to the victim’s house as a thank you. Then he was offered coffee before they both went in the bedroom where they-”
“Mr. Stark," Peter jumped, "I-I-I have to make a call! Have to tell May I’ll be late. She’ll be mad if I don’t, ya know?”
“You can just use FRIDAY, kid.”
“No, it’s cool, cool, cool, cool. I’ll just-I’ll just step out of the workshop for a bit. Be right back.” Peter almost ran out of the workshop; his face in danger of being permanently red. As soon as the door closed behind him, Tony signalled for FRIDAY to soundproof the workshop before they both laughed their asses off.
“Oh god!” Tony wiped the tears off his eyes. “You’re a little shit, Harley!”
“Can’t help it!” Harley wheezed. “Just wanna confirm my suspicions but Peter just made it so easy!”
“How did you find out?” Harley pulled out the photo from the tweet and showed it to Tony. “Oh great, that's gonna trend."
"It is trending. Got it from a Daily Bugle tweet."
"His Spidey sense - he named it - is still evolving. So…" He gestured at the Harley's phone.
"Whoa! So he does have a sixth sense!"
"Among other things. Are you gonna tell him you know?"
"Nah, I'm just gonna see how long I can keep this goin’." Harley grinned.
Apparently, fate decided to speed things along. It was later that day, a few hours before Harley’s supposed to fly back home to Rose Hill, when he told Tony and Peter his plan to go to the city on his own and just experience it all. Oh and, Faith asked for a Spider-man merchandise and apparently, the compound didn’t have a gift shop.
”Seriously? Not even any official Spidey merch?” He was dubious.
”He didn’t accept the Avengers position so, no.” Was that a hint of sadness from Tony? Hmm...
He was tempted to ask Peter where he could buy them but decided to give the guy a break. Instead, he asked FRIDAY and she gave him a list of all possible places, most of them were in Chinatown. So, Chinatown it was. Happy dropped him off at the corner of Broadway and Canal St. with a stern warning.
“Kid, you have an hour. If you’re not in this exact spot later, you find yourself a way to the airport.”
“Awww Happy, your Grumpy is showin’.” He grinned and he earned a glare for that cheek. In true Happy fashion, the tires of the Audi screeched as he drove to get away. Harley chuckled as he walked along Canal St.
New York never failed to fascinate Harley what with all the diverse cultures and personalities he wouldn’t see in Tennessee. There are a lot of bootleg stuff too, perfect for his non-billionaire budget so he thought he could buy a purse for his mom along with the plush Spidey toy for Faith.
It only took him around thirty minutes to buy gifts then food - he got hungry - and walk around Canal St and thought he could go and venture out to smaller streets. Ever since he told his mom about the internship visits to New York, she’d been so worried for him. Can’t blame her though, most stories that came out of New York were of aliens, kidnappings and other crimes. So, before she agreed to the arrangement, she explicitly warned him to be cautious and to not be stupid. Harley knew he was being stupid as soon as he saw three men with baseball bats and metal pipes. They seemed to surround something on the ground and as Harley walked closer, the situation became clearer.
“Just give us the money or else!”
“P-p-please, I-I-I can’t!” A boy cowered in a corner, a backpack in his arms. “It’s m-money for my mom’s m-m-medicine.”
“You think we care ‘bout that?!” The mugger laughed and mocked the boy. “Give us the fucking money or you won’t go back home to your mom!”
Damnit! Harley looked around for something he could use but all he saw was half a brick and a brown broken leg of a table. Well, better than nothin’. He picked up both. He aimed at the leader’s head and threw the brick. Bullseye!The yelp from the guy made Harley smirk.
“Muggin’ a helpless boy,” he tutted, “ya’ll so pathetic.” Harley’s southern accent always got thicker in stressful situations. The guy he threw a brick at growled and stalked towards him.
“Look guys, a country bumpkin!” The others followed suit menacingly.
“Kid,” Harley looked at the cowering boy, “get outta here!” The boy didn’t need telling twice. He stood and ran away from the scene. The muggers continued to walk closer to Harley as they brandished their weapons.
“You shoulda just walked away, southern boy.” Harley clenched his jaw, both hands on the piece of wood he found and braced himself for a fight. One of the guys raised his bat but before he could do more, a web latched on to it and was pulled out of his hands. When the guy looked up, he was webbed and pulled towards the wall where he got stuck.
“What the fuck?!” The other two looked around in fear.
“Hey, guys!” Spider-man landed beside the head mugger then swept the guys leg off the floor. As soon as the guy landed on his ass, Spidey webbed him to the floor. “I’m Spider-man. Nice to meet you!”
Whoa! Harley was amazed! It was one thing to watch Spider-man from potato quality videos and it’s another to see him fight in person. When Spidey successfully webbed up the last guy, Harley just remembered then regretted not pulling out his camera to take a video of it. Damnit! Good job, me.
“Hey, you okay?” Spider-man asked him. Harley looked at the muggers and saw they’re all knocked out. “Are you hurt?”
“No, no, no. I’m good. I’m good. Thanks, Peter. Hoo boy! That was, that was scary! New York, huh?” Harley grinned at Spidey and lightly punched him on the arm but the guy just froze and stared at him, the eyes on his mask were wide open. “What? Whoa!” Spidey suddenly carried him and swung up a building’s empty rooftop.
“Oh my god!” Harley exclaimed as soon as they landed. “That was awesome! So that’s how it felt like! Faith’s not gonna believe this!”
“How did-When did-How-What the-” Spidey seemed like he was about to hyperventilate.
“Ok, calm down. Breathe.” They both took calming breaths and let the adrenaline rush ebb away.
“Did-did Mr. Stark tell you?” Spidey asked as soon as they’re both calm.
“Nah, I figured it out.” He smirked.
“How?” Harley pulled out his phone and showed him the picture from The Daily Bugle tweet. It’s a collage of burst mode photos of Spider-man as he successfully avoided a flying drone but then he swung face first to a street lamp. “Street lamp, huh?” He grinned.
“Wait, that could’ve been just a coincidence.”
“Yeah but your reaction when I told you guys about my sister’s Spidey obsession was hilarious and a dead giveaway. That and the freaky sixth sense you have.” Spidey groaned.
“Are you telling me that-that smut story was real?!”
“Nah, I made that up.” Harley chuckled as the other huffed in relief. Then again, Harley’s a little shit. “But there are Spidey smut fanfics. Loads of them.” He cackled when Spidey groaned.
“Can’t believe this.”
“Oh please, you’re a nerd. You’re in the Star Wars fandom. You should know these things.”
“Yeah but, I’m just-just Spider-man.” He shrugged.
“Hey, you’re doing great things. You save people so of course a lot of them would love you. Just umm,” Harley side hugged Spidey, “if you don’t want to be scarred, don’t google yourself without SafeSearch on.”
“Harley!” He gasped. Harley couldn’t help but let out an evil laugh.
“Come on, that’s solid advice.”
“Oh my god!”
“Ok, seriously, what else can you do? Those webs aren’t organic, right?”
“No, I made them.”
“That explains the huge bottles of chemicals in the workshop.”
“I have umm, enhanced strength, senses, really fast healing and I stick to everything.”
“Everything? Even a sheer surface like glass?”
“Hmm, interesting. Even a non-stick pan?”
“I umm… I actually don’t know. I’ll test it out later.”
“Let me know, okay?” Harley grinned.
“Yeah, sure.”
“Oh, before I forget, do you mind if I take a selfie with you?” Someone in Tennessee’s gonna flip.
“No, it’s okay.” After they took a selfie, Harley sent it over to his sister and, as he expected, he received a Facetime request. “Oh umm. Brace your ears.” He warned before he accepted. A piercing squeal - the pigeons perched at the rooftop flew to get away from the noise - came from Harley’s phone as Faith’s image appeared.
“Hey sis, meet my friend.”
“Hi, Faith!” Spidey waved and Faith let out another squeal. Harley could feel Spidey freeze by his side.
“Jeez Faith, stop screeching! You’re hurting his ears. He’s got enhanced senses.”
“Sorry, sorry…” Faith whispered. “Oh my god, you know my name. Hi Spidey, I love you!” She used her hands to form a heart shape.
“Umm…” Harley could tell he didn’t know how to respond to that.
“Faith...” Harley warned.
“Okay, okay… Sorry. It’s just, I’m a big fan! Hi!”
“Sis, you get one question then Spidey needs to go fight crime and save people, alright?”
“Okay, umm… Do you have a girlfriend?” Harley rolled his eyes. Of all the- He should’ve seen this coming.
“Umm, no. No, I don’t.” Bless his heart. He bravely answered. Faith screamed again.
“Alright, that’s enough. Bye, Faith!”
“No, wait! Wai-” Harley ended the call and sighed.
“Sorry about that.”
“No, no, no, it’s fine.”
“Don’t let that get in your head.”
“No, of course not!”
“Good. Oh, shit!” Harley looked at his watch. “Happy’s gonna kill me.”
“Come on, I’ll get you there faster.” Spidey, with his arm around Harley’s waist, lifted him before he jumped off the building. Harley loved the feeling of swinging. It was like being on a rollercoaster. It gave him an idea though. What if one day he could fly too?
Before going to bed that night, Harley grinned as he received a message from Peter. It’s a photo of a pan stuck on his hand with a message, “Yup, I can.”
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minhyukie · 7 years ago
hi amy!! are we allowed to ask like a bunch in one go bc. i'm ready to ask u to do all but ik some ppl would die so how about 1-15 and 26 bc that's my birthdate lmao i love u? and ur gifs?? and i love seeing ppl ramble so this is Great have a good day!! (if u can't do 1-15 just pick out the ones u wanna answer!!)
YES ofc that’s ok!!! im just gonna skip a few that are like.. not relevant bc i only gif mx mostly fdsfds but i love to ramble so ur in for a treat!!! i love u!! i hope u have a good day too :”)
1. What are your top 3 favorite sets you’ve made
one! i rly liked the way this one turned out aesthetically im not good at making nice like.. aesthetic sets? but this one turned out so well i love it a lot!!!
two! uneven blink i’d been planning this for Ages and i literally cant even tell u how long i’ve spent just staring at it like.. i’ve probably spent hours just looking at this gifset :/
this was rly . a god tier idea for a gifset and also im pretty sure it’s still flagged as n/sfw which makes me laughnfdsfds
2. What is your least favorite set you’ve made
i dont think i have a specific one actually? after i looked through everything like 5 times fjdsfds but honestly once u get into the earliest few pages of my gif tag on this blog i just.. cringe... that was when i was still in my learning phase and there’s so much where im like !!!!!! why did i do that!! and also just a lot that i made before avisynth i cringe looking at them now i wanna remake them so badlyfdmds..
3. Which of your sets has the most notes
this joohyuk one.. . what can i say the people love joohyuk.. they have good taste :0 this one got like 3k in one day i was so surprised fjdsfds
more under the cut just bc its Long i dont wanna make everyone see all of that
giffing questions !!
4. A set that flopped but deserved better
tbh i dont rly think i have any sets that i’ve really like that flopped?? most of my things have roughly the same amt of notes
7. Who are your top 3 gif makers
ok three people whose gifs always make me go :0 are @sooyyoung @gwihyonnie and @sh0wnu i love u all and literally the quality of all ur gifs... i just... sit there sometimes and stare at them in awe ur all amazing and i love u?? 
8. What gif trend do you hate
icb this is still a thing but whitewashing.. like.. how is this still a problem here on tumblr dot com i cant stand seeing gifs where their skin is #FFFFFF like i know it’s hard to fix certain videos but sometimes people take it from bad to Worse like... Stop this
9. What/who inspired you to start making gifs
ill be honest i dont remember? when i started/learned? but i think it was mostly for seohyun that’s when i started to really post and learn more... i wanted to provide seohyun content bc she deserves it :-(
10. What was the first gif you ever posted
fjdsmfds god i know i probably made some before this idk but this is the oldest i can find.. 
11. What is that one set you made that just won’t die
refer to #3?? thats the one that randomly pops up the most often but honestly there’s not rly a good answer for this everything will randomly pop up from time to time !!
12. What is the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever giffed
JFKDSLFDS god ... i cried about baby anteaters a year or so ago and i giffed them.. here’s a sample
13. Where or from whom did you learn how to gif
i dont even remember??? :0 i think i just found some very basic tutorials and slowly learned on my own from there... aside from the very basics of just getting things into photoshop i think i mostly taught myself!!
14. How long does it usually take you to make a set
it completely 100% depends on the set.. if it’s just a 2x2 from a new video it takes like half an hour?? but for 3x3 or 10 gif sets... anywhere from 1-3 hours? unless it’s a really complicated compilation where i have to think a lot abt what videos to use u know..
15. Have you ever had gifs stolen and reposted
yea :/ it happens... the most frustrating was someone reposting one of my gifs as a video on twitter which got reposted onto here and ended up with i think more notes than my original gifset like.. how the hell.. it’s frusting:(
26. How many un posted sets are in your drafts right now
ten...... some of them are fully complete but i just dont like them enough to post :/ some are incomplete and probably will never be finished.. may they rest in peace
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galaxybin-remake · 7 years ago
all the evens for the questions!!
im gonna put them under a ‘read more’ bc there r so many fdklfhdskjf but thank u !!!!
2. what is your least favorite set you’ve made? 
hm probably my very first one, i was horrible at th timing skjfhdkjfh nd it was like so slow rip !!
4. a set that flopped but deserved better
my blonde!minhyuk gifset, bc that boy is so beautiful !!! 
6. what is your least favorite movie/tv show to gif?
omfg i hate giffing kbs music bank, it is always a bad quality even with .ts files :”/
8. what gif trend do you hate?
i dont have one ?? they r all p cool i dont rlly hate one ?? 
10. what was the first gif you ever posted?
omg it was on my last blog, from exid’s board game time !!!! nd its so bad rip
12. what is the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever giffed?
uhm everything ive ever giffed ??? khjjkfhdjks maybe vixx tv from like a while ago ?? bc they were so young nd cringy ?? but its not that bad haha
14. how long does it take you to make a set?
it depends, if its a performance/mv like two~three hours ?? but if its like a compilation of things like a whole day of working on it, maybe two 
16. how long have you been making gifs?
not long omg, 4~5 months ?? more like 4 probably haha
18. for the aesthetic, for the laughs, or for the feels what is your preference?
oooo it rlly depends !!! most of the time, i like the aesthetic or laughs, but if im feeling sentimental then th feels :’)
20. mac or pc?
pc, ive never used a mac before
22. what fandom/movie/show/person etc do you gif the most
usually vixx or exid !! they are my bias groups and im always smiling while i gif them !! (also twice lately, ive been giffing them a lot !!)
24. 480p 720p 1080p? What is the minimum quality you’ll gif from 
never never never 480 and i try to stay away from 720 tbh. for performances tho i always get .ts files so they are higher resolution, but for other vids definitely 1080 nd if not 720 is okay sometimes
26. how many unposted sets are in your drafts right now?
on this blog there is 2 and my gg blog there are like 8 jdskhfdjkf i just lov girls 
28. have you ever posted a set, regretted it and immediately deleted it
all the time, ive deleted sets from drafts just bc they dont feel good enough
30. how frequently do you like to post?
i try not to post too much, probably like once or twice a week if i can
32. what is your favorite tool/adjustment layer in Photoshop?
eye dropper !! or color balance !! just so i can make sure all th colors match nd stuff
34. a set that took you a long time/was really hard but you’re really proud of how it came out
its not out yet hehe, but my gifset i made for momo’s birthday for my gg blog !!! it took a while and i am super happy with it !!
36. do you gif with something specific in mind or do you just wing it?
usually i have a sort of a plan of things, but when i get videos/clips/captures i p much wing most of it haha
38. what are you really excited to gif that isn’t out yet?
exid & monsta x’s mvs nd stages !!!
40. why do you make gifs?
because it is a really good medium and it helps spread awareness for groups nd idk, i just find it very very relaxing, especially since i have kind of a set way to make them
42. how is your gif folder organized? is it organized at all?
not at allllll lmao, but my captures folder is v organized, if i take captures for more than one set at a time, they are in specific folders with group name/member/performance or other
44. ever had a gif become a meme? would you like that if you haven't?
hm i dont think one of mine has !! and tbh i wouldn’t mind it all, as long as ppl dont repost nd dont credit
46. ever gotten a really sweet compliment over a set?
nah not usually, i appreciate everything ppl say in th tags but i haven’t gotten anything super sweet or any asks or anything. nd im cool with that !! 
48. how would you describe your giffing style?
im p spontaneous, with some semblance of a specific way to make things. i like to try out different actions, psds, colorings, sharpenings everything !!! :D
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