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anawrites3 · 2 years ago
Hello, I woke today wondering whether Slade and Dick sleep together in royal au and when they started sleeping in one bed at all 👀 Did it surprise Dick etc
Have a good day 💕
Hi, love!! Thank you for asking -3-
At this point of the story (the one on tumblr of course) they haven't shared a bed yet! As big of an asshole Slade is, he is anything but well prepared and so he knows Gotham customs pretty well - he just chooses to ignore them most of the time. He knows that Dick could actually start to hate him if he forced him to sleep in his bed before they got married and as tempting as it is, he gives Dick his own rooms.
Dick was meant to move into Slade's chamber after the wedding, where they'd consummate the marriage and then Dick would just stay there permanently. Buuut as you know, in the last part Dick got stabbed so he wasn't really in a shape to do anything of the sorts. After Villian allows Dick leave the hospital wing, Dick returns to his old rooms. They should be sharing bed at this point, yes, but Slade wants to make sure that Dick's wound is healed properly. Instead, Slade visits Dick in his room pretty much everyday :3
So, the short answer is: they haven't slept together yet and they start sleeping in one bed after Dick is completely healed 💕
A short scene because this just got into my head:
Dick walked further into the garden, wrapping his cloak more tightly around himself. The snow was reaching his ankles even in the boots with thicker soles and he cursed Defiance's weather under his breath before quickening his step.
He wanted to talk with Slade and he had to do it now, before he lost his confidence.
Just as the guards told him, Slade was sitting by the now frozen fountain in the middle of the royal gardens, like he often did since their marriage celebration. No one really knew the reason for those outings but Dick suspected it had to do with him and the fact that they still didn't know who sent the man responsible for the stab wound in Dick's chest. The cold, biting air was a great way to clear one's head and help you think.
That is, as long as it wasn't turning you into an icicle, like it was happening to Dick right now.
Only, when Dick got closer to where his husband was, he noticed that Slade wasn't actually alone. Sir Wintergreen was sitting at the bench a few steps away from Slade, talking to him with a smile on his lips that was almost completely covered by his mustache.
Dick was about to turn away and go back inside the castle - he didn't want to interrupt them and it's not like his case couldn't wait - when Slade looked up. Their gazes met and Dick's breath left his lungs in a white puff.
"Richard?" Slade asked, visibly surprised to see him there.
Dick sharply inclined his head, "Your Majesty."
Wintergreen glanced at Dick with a knowing look in his eyes. He got up from the bench with a little groan of effort and patted his king on the shoulder with a smile.
"I'll leave you two to it then." He said.
"Oh no, sir Wintergreen, I didn't want to interrupt you." Dick said hurriedly. "Please, continue. I can come later-"
"Nonsense, Your Majesty." Billy waved his hand dismissively. "I was about to head back anyway."
"I'll see you later, Billy." Slade nodded at him and before Dick could try to protest again, Wintergreen disappeared behind the hedge.
"I apologize, Your Majesty." Dick said quietly, watching Slade stand up as well. "I wasn't aware you had company."
"Don't worry about it." Slade stopped before him to take his cheek in hand, stroke his thumb along the skin. Despite sitting outside in the snow for at least an hour now, his skin was still warmer than Dick's. "Did something happen? You don't usually seek me out like this."
"No, I just-" Dick started then stopped quickly and pressed his lips together. He searched for the right words in his mind because everything he wanted to say earlier suddenly disappeared from his head.
He could back out from this. Say something completely else and Slade would have no idea about what was going through his head in the first place. But Dick knew that he would never gather enough courage again if he didn't say it now.
Beside, Slade had an annoying habit of always knowing when Dick lied.
"You shouldn't stay out in the cold for so long." Slade scolded him, not unkindly, after another moment of silence. He adjusted Dick's cloak. "You're shaking, little bird."
"I'll be alright." Dick smiled. "I should be getting used to this kind of weather anyway."
Slade's lips twisted in a frown as he shook his head. "It's not good for your health. And specially now, when you're still healing. Let's go back inside."
"A-actually..." Dick stopped Slade when he tried to guide him back towards the castle. He took a deep breath and felt the cold air dance in his lungs. It was now or never. "Actually, that's what I wanted to talk to you about. I'm completely healed now. Villain said so himself. So now I'm... I'm finally good to move into your rooms, Your Majesty. The way it should be after the celebration."
For a moment Slade just looked at him. If he was surprised by Dick's words, he didn't show it in any way. He just looked at Dick without saying a word and if it weren't for the cold wind already biting at Dick's cheek, the young consort would surely blush.
"Your Majesty?" Dick breathed out.
In asnwer Slade took his own cloak off his shoulders and carefully wrapped it around Dick. He leaned down to press his lips to Dick's cheek. "Walk with me."
"B-but you... aren't you cold?"
Slade smiled. He reached for Dick's hand and intertwined their fingers together. "I'll be alright." He echoed Dick's words. "Walk with me. We'll worry about moving your things later."
And so, Dick allowed him to guide them through the garden.
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polvsketchbook · 8 months ago
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Leto's twins
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littlelostmabari · 2 months ago
Chapter 23: Injustice (Part III)
In which Polve gets his due, but at a cost.
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Fandom: Dragon Age 2 / Dragon Age Inquisition
Current Pairings: Cullen Rutherford x OC. Background F!Hawke x Anders
Rating: M (Canon-typical violence & behavior, check tags & CW on chapters)
Links: Whole Work | Chapter 23 | Saoirse Character Sheet
(Dividers by cafekitsune)
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olus-who-builds · 5 months ago
The Discovery Of Olantul And Subsequent Creation Of The Continent That Shares The Name.
An event called "The Piriund Calamity" sent the gods hurtling through the cosmos for eons. After unknowable time had passed these gods found a star that held two planets that might have the potential for life, for a new home for the gods. One was a rocky world, covered almost completely in cratered purple stone, the other was an ocean planet with no solid land above the water level. 
These gods, totalling eight, called Wola, Polv, Tolr, G'har, Olus, Vuul, Elam, and E'lar began working together to move some of the stone from one planet to the other whenever the orbits aligned and the celestial bodies were close to one another. To the gods, this was a fast and easy process requiring little more than patience. After four close passes, the gods were satisfied with the amount of material they had managed to move. Wola, not exactly a social god, went to the the rocky planet to create their people and begin research into the star and the nature of "The Piriund Calamity".
The other seven remained on Olantul, and split the forming landmass between them claiming their 'traditional territory'. Olus, the builder, began working to shape the land. The other gods came to Olus in part to lend their strength, and in part to ask Olus for specific geologic or geographic features. Vuul wanted islands, lowlands and marshes, G'har wanted huge flat plains for building upon, Elam wanted a sprawling forest. Each god had a request and therein lay the first cracks in the very foundation. E'lar, the skygazer, took the land just south of Olus, and worried about Olus taking territory that had been parceled to E'lar. So E'lar asked, or demanded, that Olus raise a huge mountain range along the border of their traditional territory.
Olus complied, placing the beginning of the mountain range on the border, but the range stretched deeper into E'lar's territory than Olus's by more than ten times. In retaliation E'lar, who was called sky gazer because of their ability to manipulate the weather, retaliated by making all of the lands on the other side of the mountains unnaturally cold. This has led to their naming of 'The Snowshield Mountain' by the mortals that would soon be created.
E'lar, like Olus, lent their skill to the other gods, working to manipulate high elevation wind currents to bring the weather in each gods territory more in line with their personal preferences. Although each god had a hand in some way building up the planet and shaping it to their will, it was named after Olus, in honor of their hand in using existing deep ocean sediments on the planet in concert with the material from what was now known as Wolaria, the other planet orbiting the sun that Wola had opted to live on. The only god who took issue with the naming honor was G'har.
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444names · 1 year ago
Hey! How are you doing these days? I still love your work, but totally understand if you’re not as into this blog as you used to be. I was wondering if you could build a few name sets for me? One with Korean and Irish place names, another with Korean and Irish first names, and then another with Irish and Jewish place names, and Irish and Jewish first names? Totally okay if you’re not interested! I’ve got an inkling for how I want to build out a new region in my world that is mainly island based following a terrible environmental diaspora. Anyways, I hope you’re well!
south and north korean cities + urban areas of the republic of ireland
Aftea Afteennew Afterea Aftereda Aftergen Anassale Andons Angne Arinsage Arken Arlar Arlin Arnin Arriel Arvan Asandedy Asejone Athal Athney Atinchon Atown Auton Bagare Bailrus Baing Balbrang Balbri Ballarn Balliged Ballon Ballow Bally Ballybof Ballyboy Balsto Balty Balybort Basangsea Baseatae Bataejons Batang Befort Beratam Berea Blanam Blaois Boram Borea Boready Boyanmed Boylee Brictle Bridge Bucheonse Buchong Buchunick Bungju Bunistow Bunty Cahicher Cahick Cahis Carded Cards Carea Careasan Carey Carne Carris Casagheon Casejon Casongju Casteryon Castleve Caven Cavendon Ceson Chaek Chang Channe Chavang Chelly Cheon Cheone Cheong Cheonggae Cheossan Cheree Chong Chongju Chongwon Chonney Chung Chungher Citarnent Clahiclon Clahilken Clamyang Clarnd Clate Clath Clayon Clayto Clonjam Clown Cludiss Clusokpo Cochon Comchel Cooleek Cortae Corthcong Corton Cough Coung Cousken Crourins Daeju Daese Daessokpo Danmacock Dathy Dinisiong Dirgimjin Discock Disinclay Distmese Divinis Diviss Dongnal Dongtae Donsan Dorovir Drichan Dridge Drigoree Driwan Droole Dulsaghan Dundon Dundona Dunis Dunty Enampo Enavan Ennon Fived Forea Forkensan Fornel Gangal Gangne Gangye Ganny Garee Garrigo Geder Geung Geunick Gimcheung Gimes Gimjiyon Ginche Gingson Ginis Ginney Gonsagh Gonsang Gorth Goyan Goylee Goyne Grang Grangsong Grarnina Greasan Gunce Gunclong Gundaeson Gungaek Gungwick Gurbs Gurnewcal Gwacrey Gwanden Gwang Gwate Gwath Gwichong Gwipo Gwong Gworklon Gyangju Gyeoju Gyeon Gyeongne Hamea Hamed Hamel Hamhernis Hamjins Hamok Hamough Hamul Havede Heongju Herndorne Huiju Hwacheong Hwang Hwangalk Hwangna Hwatheon Hwathlim Ichundate Icity Iksalinju Incess Incheong Inchon Inderemoy Inegan Ingjin Inrov Insacarry Inuijeong Inuiju Iryan Iseon Istong Jeommi Jeong Jeongumi Jeongwore Jeonon Jeoughae Jinchel Jincran Jinticts Jiyonjank Kaejeong Kangad Kangjin Kangtae Kangtarn Kangto Kenastmea Kenavan Kenmel Kensan Keryon Kibbefor Kilcon Kilcoung Kilcull Kiletown Killaim Killay Killyja Kilrusk Kimel Kimerea Kinamchon Kinceseju Kingta Kinim Kinpo Korey Korthed Kusan Leisin Leistown Leixmity Lincreate Lingtow Loerridge Lount Ludiry Macheon Macre Maillyhan Mallechan Marney Maryang Masang Meradee Metter Midge Migtow Millinsan Minna Moatipper Mokcheong Mongne Mongrang Mortamu Mortmere Moughren Mounpo Mouson Moyan Moyang Municity Munim Nabarnew Nacouth Naged Naggyeon Nalwatany Namead Namgyane Namgyang Namhart Nangcheon Nasarne Nestmery Newcarr Nocheon Nomch Nommige Nonggimed Noolve Noraynew Noree Norey Notty Offall Ongju Ongwan Onsang Ortowns Osana Osanggaek Oscouton Otheongbu Palty Pasangju Paste Pohans Polin Polve Provis Pyeole Pyeong Pyeongju Pyeosubu Pyesang Pyong Pyonsh Radee Ramel Raseon Raseund Ratin Ratow Roommon Rosachere Rossonest Rovistpo Rusionpo Ryang Sanaase Sanen Sarim Sarnim Sarth Seath Seonang Seong Seongal Seonpo Seonsal Seony Sihel Sihenrov Singan Sinham Sinnew Sinross Sixlin Skill Slins Sokchung Sokpo Sonagh Sonamhaes Songwang Songyeon Sonpo Sterk Stleitae Stong Stpoleen Strigard Sublathy Sublaton Subusion Suiju Suirea Suncia Sunded Sundedy Swongeumi Swonggaes Sword Tangju Theld Theon Thistmean Tincheon Tions Tokcher Towel Tridge Tries Trimjeon Trinny Tulst Turken Uijeon Uirri Ulebore Untong Uriggans Waynew Werateek Werea Werey Wexfords Wexfort Whick Whicklown Whillinpo Whiredena Wichurbs Wonell Wongnince Wonju Wonpo Yeong Yeongbu Yeoutong Yoneum
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random-conspiracy · 1 year ago
I always assumed that when someone says "I'll be back, I'm gonna polve my nose" it was an euphemism for doing coke.
But again, then I linked that idea to: Oh! They're fixing their make-up OR doing rape (tobacco powder).
Who the fuck would dare to see me as an idiot when the actual meaning is just going to the fucking bathroom??? I still think it's the cocaine thing
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solosepensi · 1 year ago
All’ombra de’ cipressi e dentro l’urne
confortate di pianto è forse il sonno
della morte men duro? Ove piú il Sole
per me alla terra non fecondi questa
bella d’erbe famiglia e d’animali,
e quando vaghe di lusinghe innanzi
a me non danzeran l’ore future,
né da te, dolce amico, udrò piú il verso
e la mesta armonia che lo governa,
né piú nel cor mi parlerà lo spirto
delle vergini Muse e dell’amore,
unico spirto a mia vita raminga,
qual fia ristoro a’ dí perduti un sasso
che distingua le mie dalle infinite
ossa che in terra e in mar semina morte?
Vero è ben, Pindemonte! Anche la Speme,
ultima Dea, fugge i sepolcri: e involve
tutte cose l’obblío nella sua notte;
e una forza operosa le affatica
di moto in moto; e l’uomo e le sue tombe
e l’estreme sembianze e le reliquie
della terra e del ciel traveste il tempo.
Ma perché pria del tempo a sé il mortale
invidierà l’illusïon che spento
pur lo sofferma al limitar di Dite?
Non vive ei forse anche sotterra, quando
gli sarà muta l’armonia del giorno,
se può destarla con soavi cure
nella mente de’ suoi? Celeste è questa
corrispondenza d’amorosi sensi,
celeste dote è negli umani; e spesso
per lei si vive con l’amico estinto
e l’estinto con noi, se pia la terra
che lo raccolse infante e lo nutriva,
nel suo grembo materno ultimo asilo
porgendo, sacre le reliquie renda
dall’insultar de’ nembi e dal profano
piede del vulgo, e serbi un sasso il nome,
e di fiori odorata arbore amica
le ceneri di molli ombre consoli.
Sol chi non lascia eredità d’affetti
poca gioia ha dell’urna; e se pur mira
dopo l’esequie, errar vede il suo spirto
fra ‘l compianto de’ templi acherontei,
o ricovrarsi sotto le grandi ale
del perdono d’lddio: ma la sua polve
lascia alle ortiche di deserta gleba
ove né donna innamorata preghi,
né passeggier solingo oda il sospiro
che dal tumulo a noi manda Natura.
Pur nuova legge impone oggi i sepolcri
fuor de’ guardi pietosi, e il nome a’ morti
contende. E senza tomba giace il tuo
sacerdote, o Talia, che a te cantando
nel suo povero tetto educò un lauro
con lungo amore, e t’appendea corone;
e tu gli ornavi del tuo riso i canti
che il lombardo pungean Sardanapalo,
cui solo è dolce il muggito de’ buoi
che dagli antri abdüani e dal Ticino
lo fan d’ozi beato e di vivande.
O bella Musa, ove sei tu? Non sento
spirar l’ambrosia, indizio del tuo nume,
fra queste piante ov’io siedo e sospiro
il mio tetto materno. E tu venivi
e sorridevi a lui sotto quel tiglio
ch’or con dimesse frondi va fremendo
perché non copre, o Dea, l’urna del vecchio
cui già di calma era cortese e d’ombre.
Forse tu fra plebei tumuli guardi
vagolando, ove dorma il sacro capo
del tuo Parini? A lui non ombre pose
tra le sue mura la città, lasciva
d’evirati cantori allettatrice,
non pietra, non parola; e forse l’ossa
col mozzo capo gl’insanguina il ladro
che lasciò sul patibolo i delitti.
Senti raspar fra le macerie e i bronchi
la derelitta cagna ramingando
su le fosse e famelica ululando;
e uscir del teschio, ove fuggia la luna,
l’úpupa, e svolazzar su per le croci
sparse per la funerëa campagna
e l’immonda accusar col luttüoso
singulto i rai di che son pie le stelle
alle obblïate sepolture. Indarno
sul tuo poeta, o Dea, preghi rugiade
dalla squallida notte. Ahi! su gli estinti
non sorge fiore, ove non sia d’umane
lodi onorato e d’amoroso pianto.
Dal dí che nozze e tribunali ed are
diero alle umane belve esser pietose
di se stesse e d’altrui, toglieano i vivi
all’etere maligno ed alle fere
i miserandi avanzi che Natura
con veci eterne a sensi altri destina.
Testimonianza a’ fasti eran le tombe,
ed are a’ figli; e uscían quindi i responsi
de’ domestici Lari, e fu temuto
su la polve degli avi il giuramento:
religïon che con diversi riti
le virtú patrie e la pietà congiunta
tradussero per lungo ordine d’anni.
Non sempre i sassi sepolcrali a’ templi
fean pavimento; né agl’incensi avvolto
de’ cadaveri il lezzo i supplicanti
contaminò; né le città fur meste
d’effigïati scheletri: le madri
balzan ne’ sonni esterrefatte, e tendono
nude le braccia su l’amato capo
del lor caro lattante onde nol desti
il gemer lungo di persona morta
chiedente la venal prece agli eredi
dal santuario. Ma cipressi e cedri
di puri effluvi i zefiri impregnando
perenne verde protendean su l’urne
per memoria perenne, e prezïosi
vasi accogliean le lagrime votive.
Rapían gli amici una favilla al Sole
a illuminar la sotterranea notte,
perché gli occhi dell’uom cercan morendo
il Sole; e tutti l’ultimo sospiro
mandano i petti alla fuggente luce.
Le fontane versando acque lustrali
amaranti educavano e vïole
su la funebre zolla; e chi sedea
a libar latte o a raccontar sue pene
ai cari estinti, una fragranza intorno
sentía qual d’aura de’ beati Elisi.
Pietosa insania che fa cari gli orti
de’ suburbani avelli alle britanne
vergini, dove le conduce amore
della perduta madre, ove clementi
pregaro i Geni del ritorno al prode
cne tronca fe’ la trïonfata nave
del maggior pino, e si scavò la bara.
Ma ove dorme il furor d’inclite gesta
e sien ministri al vivere civile
l’opulenza e il tremore, inutil pompa
e inaugurate immagini dell’Orco
sorgon cippi e marmorei monumenti.
Già il dotto e il ricco ed il patrizio vulgo,
decoro e mente al bello italo regno,
nelle adulate reggie ha sepoltura
già vivo, e i stemmi unica laude. A noi
morte apparecchi riposato albergo,
ove una volta la fortuna cessi
dalle vendette, e l’amistà raccolga
non di tesori eredità, ma caldi
sensi e di liberal carme l’esempio.
A egregie cose il forte animo accendono
l’urne de’ forti, o Pindemonte; e bella
e santa fanno al peregrin la terra
che le ricetta. Io quando il monumento
vidi ove posa il corpo di quel grande
che temprando lo scettro a’ regnatori
gli allòr ne sfronda, ed alle genti svela
di che lagrime grondi e di che sangue;
e l’arca di colui che nuovo Olimpo
alzò in Roma a’ Celesti; e di chi vide
sotto l’etereo padiglion rotarsi
piú mondi, e il Sole irradïarli immoto,
onde all’Anglo che tanta ala vi stese
sgombrò primo le vie del firmamento:
- Te beata, gridai, per le felici
aure pregne di vita, e pe’ lavacri
che da’ suoi gioghi a te versa Apennino!
Lieta dell’aer tuo veste la Luna
di luce limpidissima i tuoi colli
per vendemmia festanti, e le convalli
popolate di case e d’oliveti
mille di fiori al ciel mandano incensi:
e tu prima, Firenze, udivi il carme
che allegrò l’ira al Ghibellin fuggiasco,
e tu i cari parenti e l’idïoma
désti a quel dolce di Calliope labbro
che Amore in Grecia nudo e nudo in Roma
d’un velo candidissimo adornando,
rendea nel grembo a Venere Celeste;
ma piú beata che in un tempio accolte
serbi l’itale glorie, uniche forse
da che le mal vietate Alpi e l’alterna
onnipotenza delle umane sorti
armi e sostanze t’ invadeano ed are
e patria e, tranne la memoria, tutto.
Che ove speme di gloria agli animosi
intelletti rifulga ed all’Italia,
quindi trarrem gli auspici. E a questi marmi
venne spesso Vittorio ad ispirarsi.
Irato a’ patrii Numi, errava muto
ove Arno è piú deserto, i campi e il cielo
desïoso mirando; e poi che nullo
vivente aspetto gli molcea la cura,
qui posava l’austero; e avea sul volto
il pallor della morte e la speranza.
Con questi grandi abita eterno: e l’ossa
fremono amor di patria. Ah sí! da quella
religïosa pace un Nume parla:
e nutria contro a’ Persi in Maratona
ove Atene sacrò tombe a’ suoi prodi,
la virtú greca e l’ira. Il navigante
che veleggiò quel mar sotto l’Eubea,
vedea per l’ampia oscurità scintille
balenar d’elmi e di cozzanti brandi,
fumar le pire igneo vapor, corrusche
d’armi ferree vedea larve guerriere
cercar la pugna; e all’orror de’ notturni
silenzi si spandea lungo ne’ campi
di falangi un tumulto e un suon di tube
e un incalzar di cavalli accorrenti
scalpitanti su gli elmi a’ moribondi,
e pianto, ed inni, e delle Parche il canto.
Felice te che il regno ampio de’ venti,
Ippolito, a’ tuoi verdi anni correvi!
E se il piloto ti drizzò l’antenna
oltre l’isole egèe, d’antichi fatti
certo udisti suonar dell’Ellesponto
i liti, e la marea mugghiar portando
alle prode retèe l’armi d’Achille
sovra l’ossa d’Ajace: a’ generosi
giusta di glorie dispensiera è morte;
né senno astuto né favor di regi
all’Itaco le spoglie ardue serbava,
ché alla poppa raminga le ritolse
l’onda incitata dagl’inferni Dei.
E me che i tempi ed il desio d’onore
fan per diversa gente ir fuggitivo,
me ad evocar gli eroi chiamin le Muse
del mortale pensiero animatrici.
Siedon custodi de’ sepolcri, e quando
il tempo con sue fredde ale vi spazza
fin le rovine, le Pimplèe fan lieti
di lor canto i deserti, e l’armonia
vince di mille secoli il silenzio.
Ed oggi nella Troade inseminata
eterno splende a’ peregrini un loco,
eterno per la Ninfa a cui fu sposo
Giove, ed a Giove diè Dàrdano figlio,
onde fur Troia e Assàraco e i cinquanta
talami e il regno della giulia gente.
Però che quando Elettra udí la Parca
che lei dalle vitali aure del giorno
chiamava a’ cori dell’Eliso, a Giove
mandò il voto supremo: - E se, diceva,
a te fur care le mie chiome e il viso
e le dolci vigilie, e non mi assente
premio miglior la volontà de’ fati,
la morta amica almen guarda dal cielo
onde d’Elettra tua resti la fama. -
Cosí orando moriva. E ne gemea
l’Olimpio: e l’immortal capo accennando
piovea dai crini ambrosia su la Ninfa,
e fe’ sacro quel corpo e la sua tomba.
Ivi posò Erittonio, e dorme il giusto
cenere d’Ilo; ivi l’iliache donne
sciogliean le chiome, indarno ahi! deprecando
da’ lor mariti l’imminente fato;
ivi Cassandra, allor che il Nume in petto
le fea parlar di Troia il dí mortale,
venne; e all’ombre cantò carme amoroso,
e guidava i nepoti, e l’amoroso
apprendeva lamento a’ giovinetti.
E dicea sospirando: - Oh se mai d’Argo,
ove al Tidíde e di Läerte al figlio
pascerete i cavalli, a voi permetta
ritorno il cielo, invan la patria vostra
cercherete! Le mura, opra di Febo,
sotto le lor reliquie fumeranno.
Ma i Penati di Troia avranno stanza
in queste tombe; ché de’ Numi è dono
servar nelle miserie altero nome.
E voi, palme e cipressi che le nuore
piantan di Priamo, e crescerete ahi presto
di vedovili lagrime innaffiati,
proteggete i miei padri: e chi la scure
asterrà pio dalle devote frondi
men si dorrà di consanguinei lutti,
e santamente toccherà l’altare.
Proteggete i miei padri. Un dí vedrete
mendico un cieco errar sotto le vostre
antichissime ombre, e brancolando
penetrar negli avelli, e abbracciar l’urne,
e interrogarle. Gemeranno gli antri
secreti, e tutta narrerà la tomba
Ilio raso due volte e due risorto
splendidamente su le mute vie
per far piú bello l’ultimo trofeo
ai fatati Pelídi. Il sacro vate,
placando quelle afflitte alme col canto,
i prenci argivi eternerà per quante
abbraccia terre il gran padre Oceàno.
E tu onore di pianti, Ettore, avrai,
ove fia santo e lagrimato il sangue
per la patria versato, e finché il Sole
risplenderà su le sciagure umane.
I Sepolcri-Ugo Foscolo.
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netmassimo · 2 years ago
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Un articolo pubblicato sulla rivista "Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society" riporta l'individuazione di grandi quantità di polvere provenienti da due supernove nella galassia NGC 6946. Un team di ricercatori ha usato il telescopio spaziale James Webb per trovare tracce di polvere proveniente dalle supernove SN 2004et e SN 2017eaw sfruttando in particolare le potenzialità dello strumento MIRI. Il risultato è la scoperta di grandi quantità di polvere tra i materiali espulsi da ognuna delle due supernove e ciò supporta la teoria che nell'universo primordiale le supernove hanno avuto un ruolo chiave nel produrre polvere.
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operahousebookworm · 1 year ago
My sophomore history/lit teacher taught us how to read a textbook. You read:
Chapter intro
Chapter conclusion
First and last paragraph of every section
All charts and captions
All the little side bits and inserts
From there you skim and look for a "gem of knowledge," some interesting fact or tidbit you can reference in class discussion.
She also recommended sitting in the front row or on an aisle, bc the teacher would be more inclined to think of you as a good student.
Best teacher ever. Thank you, Ms. Polve.
i genuinely have no animosity towards ppl who get upset abt not being able to read academic texts + i do think we need to expand the pathways/methods of being exposed to critical concepts so that "sit + read for 2 hours" is not the only option.
however, as someone dx with adhd + incapable of sitting still for even a minute (actually right at this moment i am writing this instead of reading the book sitting open in front of me), i do feel like a lot of ppl do not realize that not all readings are designed to be read like a novel.
as in, it's ok + normal + good to need to reread a paragraph several times, to only read part of a book, to have to research or reference words or concepts in order to grasp the reading, to skip over large chunks of text which are not relevant to your expertise, to continue reading despite not understanding a concept. this is something 'neurotypical' academics do frequently + many of these texts, especially contemporary ones, were designed with this in mind.
there are many ppl with accessibility needs that are not being met by academic texts at this time! many texts (in my humble opinion) are unnecessarily complex in order to show off or hide the fact that they have no idea what they're talking about.
i still feel like many of the kneejerk reactions on this site are based on the assumption that their experience reading academic texts should be similar to their experiences reading a nyt bestseller, rather than a process of thinking, analyzing, researching, processing, returning. some of u are telling yourself that any challenges u face while reading are a result of some internal fault u have + not an expected + precious part of the experience.
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latechlatam · 2 days ago
ADATA presenta soluciones para empezar las clases con la mejor PC
La compañía fabricante de soluciones de memoria y almacenamiento propone para el Back to School 2025 una serie de combos integrados con memorias RAM y unidades SSD para optimizar el rendimiento de notebooks y PCs de escritorio de los estudiantes.
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“El inicio del ciclo académico plantea la necesidad de contar con equipos optimizados para responder de manera ágil a las exigencias educativas y profesionales”, afirmó Fabio Selvaggio, Country Manager de ADATA/XPG para Argentina y Uruguay. Y agregó: “Este año ofrecemos combos que permiten a los usuarios actualizar sus equipos de manera eficiente y relativamente económica, asegurando un alto rendimiento para todas sus actividades”.
“En la era digital actual, la actualización de componentes críticos como el almacenamiento y la memoria RAM se ha vuelto fundamental para mejorar el desempeño de las computadoras. En este sentido, las unidades SSD no mejoran dramáticamente los tiempos de carga y respuesta del sistema, dado que ofrecen hasta 10 veces mayor velocidad que los discos rígidos tradicionales. Gracias a esto, son una manera inteligente de ampliar la funcionalidad y vida útil de los equipos existentes”, explicó Fabio Selvaggio.
El Country Manager de ADATA/XPG para Argentina y Uruguay destacó también la importancia de la memoria RAM para dar nueva vida a una portátil o PC de escritorio: “La adición de RAM permite a la computadora ejecutar múltiples aplicaciones simultáneamente sin pérdida de rendimiento, un aspecto crucial para quienes necesitan mantener abiertas varias ventanas de navegador, documentos y aplicaciones de videoconferencia. Nuestras memorias garantizan una experiencia fluida en entornos multitarea intensivos”.
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Back to School: soluciones de ADATA para cada necesidad: Para esta temporada de Back to School, ADATA presenta tres opciones que se adaptan a diferentes necesidades y presupuestos.
Combo esencial: SSD ADATA SU630 de 240 GB para mejor velocidad de arranque y carga. Memoria SO-DIMM (para notebooks) o U-DIMM (desktop) DDR4 de 8 GB a 3200 MHz para multitarea fluida
Combo avanzado: SSD ADATA SU630 de 480 GB para mayor capacidad de almacenamiento y Memoria SO-DIMM o U-DIMM DDR4 de 8 GB a 3200 MHz para rendimiento mejorado
Combo premium: SSD M.2 PCIe Gen4 x4 ADATA Legend 800 de 1 TB para velocidades ultra-rápidas y Memoria SO-DIMM o U-DIMM DDR4 de 16 GB a 3200 MHz para máximo rendimiento.
“Nuestro SSD SU630 viene en formato de 2,5” e interfaz SATA, por lo que resulta ideal para reemplazar discos duros tradicionales de notebooks o integrarse en una PC. Disponible en distintas capacidades, brinda velocidades de lectura de datos de hasta 520 MB/s, con lo que supera con creces a las unidades mecánicas, que rondan los 100 MB/s”, indicó Fabio Selvaggio. Y agregó: “Por su parte, nuestro SSD Legend 800 es una opción de alta gama para los equipos más modernos, dado que su interfaz M.2 PCIe Gen4 x4 le permite velocidades de lectura datos de hasta 3500 MB/s. Gracias a esto, reduce significativamente los tiempos de carga de aplicaciones, juegos y la transferencia de archivos pesados. Por eso, hoy en día, es la opción recomendable para para gamers, profesionales y usuarios generales que buscan el mayor rendimiento posible”.
Innovación en almacenamiento portátil
Como complemento para la renovación de regreso a clases, ADATA propone la carcasa externa ED600, que fue diseñada específicamente para reutilizar los discos duros extraídos durante una actualización.“ Este accesorio innovador transforma discos internos de 2,5”, SSD o discos duros, en unidades externas USB 3.2 Gen 1 con velocidad de hasta 5 Gbps. Gracias a eso, permite expandir la capacidad de almacenamiento, realizar respaldos seguros o adaptarse a otros usos. De hecho, la carcasa ED600 es compatible con equipos portátiles, equipos de sobremesa, PS4, Xbox One y otras consolas de videojuegos. Y no solo eso, sino que ofrece protección contra impactos, agua y polvo (IP54)”, detalló Fabio Selvaggio. Disponibilidad de las soluciones de ADATA para el Back to School 2025
Los productos de almacenamiento SSD y memoria RAM de ADATA para optimizar las computadoras para el regreso a casa se pueden encontrar en las distintas tiendas del país.
El precio sugerido para el usuario final para el Combo esencial es de 45.000pesosmientrasqueparaelComboavanzadoesde45.000pesosmientrasqueparaelComboavanzadoesde65.500 pesos.
El Combo premium se puede encontrar a 124.400pesosylacarcasaexternaED600a124.400pesosylacarcasaexternaED600a21.000 pesos.
La distribución está a cargo de AIR, NEWBYTES, STYLUS, NEWTREE, GRUPO NUCLEO Y MICROGLOBAL. Por la región de Cuyo, la sub distribución la realiza INFOANDINA.
Para más información de los distintos modelos y combinaciones puede ingresar en los diferentes links
SSD ADATA SU630 (240 GB o 480 GB): ADATA SSD ADATA LEGEND 800 (capacidad de 1 TB): ADATA LEGEND 800 PCIe Gen4 x4 M.2 2280 Solid State Drive Carcasa ADATA ED600: Carcasa externa ED600 Memoria RAM DDR4 U-DIMM: GOLD DDR4 3200 U-DIMM Memory Module | ADATA Memoria RAM DDR4 SO-DIMM: GOLD DDR4 3200 SO-DIMM Memory Module | ADATA
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anawrites3 · 1 year ago
and for the second one cod + superhero/superpowers au!
Ghost has a power that allows him to control shadows and you literally cannot change my mind. He's terrifying for his villains and if you're his friend you can expect that he will scare the shit out of you when he steps out of the shadows at the most random times
Soap has fire powers and it's both beautiful and terrifying because he's extremally good at controlling it (most of the time)
Price wouldn't have any power but! When he's mad even Simon is scared of him so that says a lot 😂
And Gaz hmm... Gaz would be able to control plants for the simple reason I say so cuz I think it would be cool! I'm specifically thinking rn about him using tree roots to grab some bad guys and pin them to the ground, that would be scary as fuck
I would write it as a silly fic, just them playing around and having fun. Oh, maybe it would start with Ghost stepping out of the shadows in front of Soap and scaring him so much that Soap sets something on fire! Meanwhile Gaz is just sitting nearby, watching what those idiots are doing and eating popcorn. It'd escalate quickly, a lot of chaos would be happening and it would stop only when Price comes back and yells at them all 😂💕
Thank you for the ask, love 💕 (I know its not morning anymore im sorry jkgsdfha)
Find the ask game here
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polvsketchbook · 4 months ago
upyr, play długość dźwięku samotności
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anawrites3 · 2 years ago
I didn't really had any exact picture in my mind, just that Joey would approach this like a gentleman would, with flowers and playing his guitar for Dick, being soft and loving with him and Slade being his absolutely opposite and just... being himself, ya know 😂
I was thinking about Dick asking them both for some of their clothes for his nest and Joey smiling and giving Dick something pretty, something that he's sure Dick will like. Joey doesn't pick up the first thing from his closet, he actually gives this a lot of thought. And then there's Slade who chooses for Dick the first piece of clothing he sees, without thinking much about what it is - he just makes sure it's drenched with his sweat. And it's gross but it smells so strongly of Slade and that's the whole point.
Dick kind of hates how much he likes it.
But. But your idea. Your. The image of Slade coming to Dick with a literal fucking dead deer that he hunted himself to prove himself worthy- I just can't. I'm. It's too fucking perfect. I'm writing this right now. I can't and won't get this image out of my head.
Slade with a fucking dead deer drapped over his shoulders like it doesn't even weight anything. He's smeared with its blood and it should be disgusting (it is) and it should be horrifying (and it is) but at the same time Dick looks at Slade and he's like "O-oh."
And I'm just- hdjahhashjlifagus I'm so feral about this omg. My laptop is overheating
HHHHHH YES YES I LOVE IT OH SHIT LOVE YOUR MIND ANA 😭😭 "Slade being himself" ksksksk yes my favourite theme thank you
Ok but I'm actually melting a little at gentleman Joey, he's just being sweet and kind and proper young Alpha!!! Dad can you please STOP doing whatever you're doing in the background!!
Well Dick what will you do now 😂
Also imagine Bruce hearing about it, first about Joey and he's like "absolutely NOT, Deathstroke's son is NOT a good potential partner for my eldest" and then he gets the rest of the story and he's like "Joseph is fine"
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celiobragadeoliveira · 6 months ago
Biscoito de polvilho de doce delicioso. Fácil e prático. #Biscoito #polv...
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averagestrayrat · 6 months ago
Here's the Italian version:
O passi sparsi, o pensier' vaghi et pronti,
o tenace memoria, o fero ardore,
o possente desire, o debil core,
oi occhi miei, occhi non già, ma fonti!
O fronde, honor de le famose fronti,
o sola insegna al gemino valore!
O faticosa vita, o dolce errore,
che mi fate ir cercando piagge et monti!
O bel viso ove Amor inseme pose
gli sproni e 'l fren ond'el mi punge et volve,
come a lui piace, et calcitrar non vale!
O anime gentili et amorose
s'alcuna à 'l mondo, et voi nude ombre et polve,
deh ristate a veder quale è 'l mio male.
I would like to make a more literal (though not as beautiful) translation of lines 7 and 8 (o haunted life! delusion sweet and dire, // that all my days from slothful rest redeems;)
o faticosa vita, o dolce errore,
che mi fate ir cercando piagge et monti!
o exhausting life, o sweet misstep,
you both make me go look for beaches and mountains!
Errore in Italian means both mistake and wandering. I thought misstep was the closest to this ambiguity. Love is not a delusion, it is a misstep, a sweet one, for sure, but tangible, with concrete consequences. The days of the man in love aren't redeemed from rest, they're restless, a compulsory journey moved by a hard life and pained heart.
I know Holmes was probably reading the English translation (he doesn't know Italian, does he? even tho he does say italian words every now and then. anyway) still, just for these two lines I want to imagine he was reading the original version.
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the BOSCOMBE VALLEY MYSTERY part 2 - part 1 here - there is a mention of Holmes reading Petrarch in this story and so naturally I went on a deep dive of some of the most TRAGIC AND ROMANTIC POETRY ABOUT DOOMED LOVE I HAVE EVER READ. BUDDY.
the 'deductions and inferences' bit I drew ages ago so it's in a different style! classic bitch moment.
One more part to come! This is in the Watson's Sketchbook series.
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x: non voglio lo yogurt greco, neppure lo yogurt normale, quest'altra cosa no, quest'altra no
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