#cullen x oc slow burn
littlelostmabari · 2 months
Chapter 16: For Want of a Moment's Peace (Part III)
In which Antsa joins the Circle, and Cullen confronts himself.
This chapter is heavy. Mind the tags, take care of yourself. CW: blood (creation of a phylactery, tranquility), child abuse (creation of a phylactery), mage abuse / beatings, mentions of minor character deaths, inactive bystanders, anxiety/panic.
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Fandom: Dragon Age 2 / Dragon Age Inquisition
Current Pairings: Cullen Rutherford x OC. Background F!Hawke x Anders
Rating: M (Canon-typical violence & behavior, check tags & CW on chapters)
Links: Whole Work | Chapter 16 | Saoirse Character Sheet
(Dividers by cafekitsune)
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The chamber where phylacteries were made lay just outside the wards of the vault — wards that only a select few Templars and the First Enchanter knew how to deactivate. It was one of the most heavily guarded areas in the Circle, a thought that only crossed his mind as he realized he was letting a wanted apostate get close enough to the vault to see its secrets. Flashes of a soft smile, a head of wavy blonde hair worn down across her shoulders because he told her once that it looked nice that way. A melody of a laugh at a passing joke. Then a wail as sword met flesh and iron and stone and the last time he let a mage this close to him, this close to a phylactery vault she and Jowan had used blood magic to — He cursed under his breath and stopped Orsino and Antsa before they could round the corner. It took some convincing, and some promises that she would get everything back in just a few minutes, but he relieved Antsa of both her ragdoll and the pocket around her waist before he fell back and allowed Orsino to lead the child towards the chambers. This needed to be over. He needed the Witch out of the Circle. He needed his afternoon ration of lyrium. He needed everything to go back to normal.
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ar-lath-ma-cully · 7 days
and it slips through loose fingers - chapter 33
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🌻read it here🌻
Rating: E / Fandom: Dragon Age / Pairing: Cullen/OC / WC: 100k / Chapters: 33/?
CW: low self-esteem, depressive thoughts
What happened? She mouthed again, a question in the furrow of her brow. As far as her memory was concerned, it had been Ellana who had almost died. And what of Solas? Cassandra?  “Something incredibly stupid.” Ellana’s voice quaked with anguish though she shed no tears. “You stepped in front of the Despair demon’s attack and took a blow meant for me as if you hadn’t expected the barrier you’d created to do what it was meant to. Did you want to die? Is that it?” Shaking her head, she took her sister’s hand, desperately squeezing it, but—did she? Did she want to die? You will only fail, as you always have, as you always will. Just as you failed all who have laid their trust in you. And you will fail her, too.
DAFF tag list: @warpedlegacy | @rakshadow | @rosella-writes | @effelants | @bluewren
@breninarthur | @ar-lath-ma-cully | @dreadfutures | @theluckywizard | @oxygenforthewicked
@exalted-dawn-drabbles | @blarrghe | @leggywillow | @plisuu | @hekaerges
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ashcal99 · 11 months
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Golden Hour : Rosalie Hale~
"She's got glitter for skin, my radiant beam in the night. I don't need no light to see you shine. You slow down time in your golden hour."
Summary: By the young age of twenty years old, Grayson Cly had been through his fair share of trauma. Trauma that had left him a single father. Trauma that only grew more complicated when he joined his cousin Sam Uley as a shape shifting wolf. But, what happens when he imprints on the one thing he was born to protect the world from? Can he stick to his instincts when it comes to that protection, or will the persistence of that imprint derail his life even more?
Warnings: Eventual smut (18+ only), mentions of death, depression, violence, general angst, slow burn
Words: 1.2k
A/N: Not sure how many parts this will be but yahhhh. Comment if I missed any warning or anything plz. Lmk if you'd like to be added to the tag list thnx.
Series Masterlist
Grayson had always been mature for his age, taking every shocking thing that came his way with stride. So, when his girlfriend, Evelyn, of three years became pregnant with his child the beginning of their senior year, he promised himself he would be a better father than his had been for him. A father that their child deserved. His life had of course grown more complicated given the baby that grew more and more day by day, but he wouldn’t have it any other way.
Of course he was terrified. Terrified of not being enough, terrified of what this meant for not only his future, but Evelyn’s as well. That didn’t stop him from being excited at the end of the day. Deep down, he knew that this was what he was made for, the instinct of being a parent seemingly being born inside of him. So, when the day came that the contractions started, he had felt as prepared as possible, despite the butterflies filling his stomach. He had held her hand throughout the entire labor, her squeezing so hard that he was sure she would end up braking something. 
The cry of his son as he entered the world made him the happiest he had ever been in his life. And then everything else shattered around him. Everything was seemingly fine, until the bleeding wouldn’t stop. So much blood. Something was horribly wrong, that much was obvious, and the panic began to set in. There was nothing he could do, but sit back and pray to whatever god there was that the doctor would be able to save her. In the end, his prayers weren’t enough, and what had been the happiest day of his life had quickly also become the worst. 
So as he sat there, on the plush worn out cushions of his mother’s couch, just days after loosing the love of his life, he stared into the beautiful eyes of his child. The same eyes that he had gotten from his mother, and he allowed himself to feel the pain of her loss. The pain that left a gaping hole in his chest. Tears pricked at his eyes as he attempted to blink them away, but if there was one thing that he knew now to be true of grief is that it demanded to be felt. 
Despite the help his mother had been giving him in his time of need, the same mother who had raised him single handedly, he felt utterly alone in that moment. His heart ached so badly his whole body was sore as he realized that the beautiful child in his arms would never know just how wonderful his own mother had been. He would never feel the warmth of his mothers embrace, never feel the touch of her kiss on his forehead, and the thought sent his brimming tears over the edge. 
The big blue eyes of his son blinked up at him curiously as he eyed his father. Footsteps trailed into the room, a soft hand landing on his shoulder, flinching back as she felt the heat radiating off of his skin. “Why don’t you get some fresh air, Gray? You seem a little overheated.” She suggested, concern coating her voice as she gently took the baby from his arms, ushering him towards the back door. 
Grayson nodded, sniffling slightly as he moved forward, attempting to wipe the tears away as he pushed his body numbly to the door. A cool summer breeze blew through his hair as he shut the door behind himself, sucking in a shaky breath. The grief stabbed him in the chest, finally having been by himself long enough to feel all of the emotions he had been bottling up since her death. How was he expected to do this alone? Why her? She didn’t deserve to die, why was this world so cruel as to take her away from him?
An agonizing sob left his lips, the memory of her smile running through his mind.  A smile he would only ever see again on their son. Sudden anger flooded his heart, anger at whoever had taken the woman he had loved so dearly. Red hot pain seared through every inch of his being as something ripped inside of him. Fire raced across his skin, muscles tearing and growing back together all at once in a moment in time. Seconds morphed into hours of unbearable obliterating pain, before, almost like nothing happened at all, the pain vanished. It had taken a moment to realize anything had actually changed as his eyes trailed down to the ground that was occupied by a very large pair of paws nestled in the tall grass surrounding him, the white fur a stark contrast in the dark green landscape. The anger he had felt just moments ago vanished as it was quickly replaced by shock. 
“Don’t panic.” A voice rung through his mind. A voice he recognized. His eyes shot up to the large black wolf in front of him, knowing almost instantly who the figure was. Memories of the Quileute legends rushed through his mind as he realized that despite having learned the stories himself, the memories had been coming from the other wolf, seeing himself as a child within those memories. 
Suddenly everything was clear. It was all real, everything, and Sam was right there in front of him, explaining it all. They had grown up together, cousins on his mother’s side, spending hours upon hours together as children, so when the words had come from him, it had fairly quickly calmed the panic that had previously held a tight grip on his chest. 
So much had changed in so little time, it was almost as if he had reached his peek. So many emotions had been filling his heart in the past weeks that hearing that the legends were not only real, but included him didn’t set his world on its’ side like it should have. Vampires were real and the fact should have terrified him, but instead, knowing it gave him a sense of purpose. It was his job now to protect his child from the cold blooded monsters and he would be damned if he didn’t put every ounce of effort into doing so. 
As the months went on, the pack grew, along with the danger of the blood suckers around them. His newly found brothers created the strongly knit support system that he needed to cope through Evelyn’s death, and even though he knew he would never truly get over the loss that had left a gaping hole in his heart, he would try his best to be okay. To be the father that his son needed. To be the protection that he needed from the evil in this world, because there was no way in hell that he would ever let anything harm him.
Next Chapter -coming soon
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tired-truffle · 18 days
Yet Broken Still You Breathe
An AlistairxOC fic
Chapter Word Count: 5.5k
Part 49/54
"I will not mention the last time I saw you.
My mouth, so far from yours, I said I am afraid I will spend entire years trying not to need you.
As if I wasn't certain.
As if this wasn't my confession." - Clementine Von Radics
Song for this chapter: All I Want by Kodaline
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Gwen's fingers curled around the cool, wooden handle of her cane, another reminder of her new reality. The once-nimble feet that had danced across the entirety of Ferelden now shuffled with uncertainty across the stone floor of the Haven Chantry. Each step was measured, a battle against her own body that rebelled with sharp aches and pains.
"Take it slow, Gwennie," she muttered to herself, a wry smile tugging at the corner of her mouth, hidden beneath the bandana. She missed Darcy, missed his easy teasing and positivity. She’d hated that damned nickname at first, but it had grown on her quickly. The sound echoed in the emptiness of the corridor, bouncing off the high walls before being swallowed by the tapestries depicting the glory of the Chantry. But glory felt like a distant memory, an echo from a past life where her body obeyed her every command - unless otherwise corrupted by the Calling.
Her new cane clacked against the floor, punctuating the silence that filled the space between her laboured breaths. Each click was a sign of the fragility that had become her constant companion, a dark cloud that loomed over her existence with unforgiving persistence. Her grip tightened as she paused, a wave of exhaustion washing over her, threatening to pull her under. She was grateful that Leliana had given her a tailored glove, one that omitted the pinky and ring finger on her left hand. Instead, the leather was stretched smooth over the bumps of her missing fingers, and if one was not looking for it, it simply appeared as though she had curled those two fingers into her palm.
"Gwen?" came a gentle voice, breaking through the fog of fatigue.
As Gwen's heavy eyes fluttered open, she was met with the concerned gaze of two Inquisition healers. Their faces were etched with a mix of professional concern and genuine compassion, their hands clasped tightly in front of them. She blinked, realizing belatedly that she had no memory of how she had arrived on the path toward the training grounds. With a deep breath, she straightened her spine, bracing herself for the inevitable conversation that was about to take place.
"Sit, please," one healer suggested, gesturing to a nearby bench, carved from ancient oak. Gwen complied, the act of lowering herself onto the seat feeling like a small surrender.
"Is this about my… prognosis?" Gwen asked, her voice steady despite the tremor in her hands. Leliana had told her the healers would look into it once she’d started recovering from her wounds.
"Indeed," replied the other healer, her brow furrowed with sympathy. "We have consulted with the most learned among us, and..."
"Say it plain," Gwen interrupted, her light grey eyes hardening like flint. "I know my own body better than any."
“Your time is… limited,” the healer said softly, her brows knitting together. “We estimate you have only weeks - maybe a month at most.”
A heavy silence settled in the air. Gwen regarded them both, her gaze unwavering, face devoid of surprise. She had felt the creeping shadow of death's approach, a familiar foe lurking just beyond her sight.
"Everything hurts, anyway," Gwen murmured, her voice barely a whisper, a bitter acceptance threading through the words like a shadow she couldn’t shake. It was not a cry of despair but an acknowledgment of a truth she had long since accepted.
"Is there nothing—" began the second healer, but Gwen held up a hand to stop them.
"Save your potions and prayers for those they can still help," she replied, her words imbued with a quiet strength. "I've made my peace and I am… tired."
The healers nodded, unable to mask the sorrow in their eyes. They murmured their farewells and retreated, leaving Gwen to the solitude of her thoughts. They were kind women, to feel empathy for someone like her. She had always liked healers, and their dedication to doing no harm. Though her friend and healer had passed, Wynne’s voice - gentle but firm - rang out in her mind nonetheless.
Though your body falters, your spirit remains strong. Savour these final moments - watch the sunrise, enjoy simple pleasures, share your wisdom. Gwen could almost picture Wynne’s soft smile, the crinkling at the corners of her knowing eyes.
She sat there in silence, her body heavy with the weight of the news. It wrapped around her like a suffocating shroud, threatening to choke out any hope or fight left within her. But deep inside her chest, a tiny spark of defiance flickered to life. She might be dying, but she was not ready to give up just yet. With a determined grunt of effort, Gwen pushed herself to stand, her cane serving as a sturdy pillar of support. She straightened her back and set her jaw, determined to face whatever remained of her days with the same unwavering stubbornness that had seen her through countless trials before.
"I’m not done yet," she whispered to the gusting wind, her voice carrying the faintest hint of mischief. Gwen did not walk towards the light gently; she would rage against the dying of it with every step she took.
The sun dipped low as she navigated the uneven dirt path, casting elongated shadows that seemed to reach for her, as if the very darkness she battled within was manifesting outside as well.
"Lavellan," Gwen called out, her voice stronger than her body felt. Gwen hurried to catch up to the elf as she emerged from the apothecary, her long, sun-kissed hair intricately braided and cascading down her back. With each step, her hips swayed in a rhythmic motion, reminiscent of Zevran's graceful movements.
The Herald turned, and her gaze softened, a nearly flirty smile on her lips. "Gwen, I am glad to see you up and walking, though I think we’ve gotten past the point of last name formality, don’t you? Please, call me Ash."
"Thank you… Ash.” It felt strange to speak with such informality to someone she had just met and knew little about, though the Dalish woman seemed just that sort of person. “I've come with an offer," Gwen continued, her grip tightening on the cane. "I want to accompany you to Redcliffe. I know the castle's halls better than any map could show." And how to plunder the office, but Ash did not need to know this.
A flicker of surprise crossed Ash's face, quickly replaced by a thoughtful expression. "You’re not well, Gwen. You shouldn’t be straining yourself like this," she started, but Gwen cut her off with a determined shake of her head.
"Use me for what I know, then. My body may fail me, but my memory is still strong."
Ash studied her for a moment longer before nodding, a bright smile forming on her lips and pulling at her scars. "Very well. Your experience could be invaluable."
Gwen saw the pity hidden behind Ash's cheery façade. She knew her argument was thin, but she would take this kindness - pity or not - and wield it like a weapon. She had her reasons for wishing to leave Haven, though she was reticent to make them known.
"Thank you.” Gwen inclined her head, letting Ash return to her duties. Gwen continued on her walk, there was one more person she wished to speak with, though strictly out of curiosity.
Gwen's feet carried her towards the soldier's training grounds, a bustling hub of activity nestled among a small grouping of tents. The scent of sweat and dirt filled the air as soldiers sparred with each other in fierce combat or honed their skills on worn dummies. Sunlight filtered through the sparse clouds, casting a pale glow over the scene. Weapons glinted in the light, flashing and gleaming dangerously, thick plumes of smoke rising from nearby fires. The sound of clashing weapons and grunting exertion echoed throughout the grounds, it almost made her feel at home in its chaotic familiarity.
Standing tall and strong amongst the soldiers, her target stood out like a beacon in the sea of men in uniform; Commander Cullen Rutherford. He exuded an air of authority and power, standing with his chin held high and his shoulders squared. With the determination of a dying woman who had nothing left to lose, she approached him.
“Commander,” she said from behind him, causing the stoic man to whirl around, his eyes wide with surprise to see her standing there.
“Miss Gwen, I wasn’t expecting to see you here.”
She scrunched her nose at his formal greeting. Miss Gwen? The words sounded stiff and unnatural, like an overly polished marble statue. She couldn't remember anyone ever addressing her in such a manner before. From him, it seemed to be a sign of respect, but it still left her feeling uneasy. Especially since their first meeting had been filled with suspicion and disgust on his part. It was hard to believe they had come this far, with him now using such formalities with her. She almost wanted to laugh at the irony of it all, but instead, she focused on keeping her face neutral and composed.
“Nor I, you.” Though she did not mean it in the same way as he did.
Understanding filled his gaze and he nodded. “If I had met me ten years ago, I wouldn’t have either.”
“You’ve been keeping well then? No more ranting about slaying all mages in existence?” She was much too exhausted to use any tact. The Commander had the decency to blush, rubbing the back of his neck in a way that reminded her terribly of Alistair’s bashful tendencies. She forced that thought to the back of her head, calming the churning longing that rose in her throat.
"No, I have thankfully moved past those shameful ideals, though it pains me to say that it took much longer than it should have.” He sighed, shaking his head and dropping his arm back to his side. "You were right. About what you said to me… during the Blight."
Your hatred will not keep you safe. The words had escaped her lips without thought or hesitation, fueled by a surge of courage and righteous anger. She could still feel the intense heat of his furious eyes boring into hers, but now she couldn't remember why she had dared to challenge him. Whatever had possessed her to so boldly speak to him was still a mystery, buried in the depths of her subconscious like a hidden treasure waiting to be unearthed.
"Was I?" Gwen feigned forgetfulness, though the memory was etched into her like one of her physical scars. The horrors of the Ferelden Circle still haunted her, the stench of death and decay heavy in the air, the gruesome sight of countless bodies too much for even a strong-willed rogue like herself to bear. "That was lifetimes ago."
"Still, I wish I had heeded your advice, I was a fool not to. It might have spared much pain," he confided, his brow creased with regret, jaw clenched.
"Do I look like someone who lived a very successful life?" Gwen gestured to herself, the bandana hiding her marred face, the cane supporting her weakened frame.
He blanched, stumbling over words until finally, he managed, "You’re a hero. You saved us from the Blight. That is a success."
"Maybe," she replied, her lips twitching into a tired smile. "But if you would like any more advice from someone with too many personal regrets; don't wait."
A look of bewilderment crept onto his face, causing his features to scrunch up in confusion. He turned to Gwen, searching for answers, but she only nodded subtly towards a nearby scene. Ashvalla, her braids swaying with her animated gestures, spoke eagerly with Cassandra, her back turned to them.
Understanding dawned on Cullen's face, a flush creeping up his neck.
"Good luck, Commander, it was a pleasure catching up." Gwen chuckled, leaving him with a pat on the arm.
“Wait, uh, I don’t— I mean to say—” He cut himself off with a frustrated grumble, shaking his head as if to disperse his improper thoughts of the beautiful elvhen woman.
Gwen shuffled away, her laughter lingering in the air, mingling with the clinking of armour and the distant echo of soldiers shouting. As Gwen moved through the courtyard with the slow grace of falling leaves, felt for a moment like a ghost of her former self, haunting the world of the living with unfinished business.
The reality of her condition - a body failing, a life fading - was a constant companion. But there, amidst the heart of the Inquisition, Gwen had found purpose. One last mission.
The evening air was crisp and refreshing as it swept through the open window, carrying with it the scent of pine and earth. Gwen stood facing Leliana, leaning on her cane as if it were a mere prop in this serious conversation. The rogue - now known as the Spymaster - had caught wind of Gwen's decision to join the Herald's party to Redcliffe and wasted no time in expressing her disapproval.
"Leaving isn't safe, Gwen," Leliana said, her voice tight, her arms crossed over her chest. "I know you want to fight, to make a difference, but—"
“I thought you said you wouldn’t keep me here if I didn’t want to stay.” Gwen narrowed her eyes, her hackles rankling over being kept prisoner. She’d had enough of that lately.
Leliana pursed her lips but was unable to find any rebuttal.
"I have to go," Gwen said firmly, gripping her cane until her knuckles whitened. "If I can assist in bringing order to Redcliffe, perhaps I can forgive myself for the hurt I’ve caused and reclaim a piece of my humanity, even if just for a moment."
Leliana's blue eyes darkened, sorrow etching deeper lines into her fair face. "I've missed you," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "I don't want to lose you again - not like this. You owe them nothing, not when so much was taken from you."
"I have walked those halls and hidden in those shadows. My knowledge may be the key to navigating the castle without alerting our enemies. If they are to reclaim Redcliffe, they need someone who knows every secret." Gwen's heart clenched in her chest, the haunted grey of her eyes softening - almost white with how much it had faded. "And I can't bear the thought of you watching me fade away. That’s not how I want our friendship to end." Her voice was a shadow, a ghost of conviction. "That's my final wish."
A silence stretched between them, filled only by the distant hum of the Inquisition's encampment. Finally, Leliana nodded, her lips pressed into a thin line of reluctant acceptance. “If that is what you truly want then I will not stop you, but I do not like it.”
“I know, and thank you for allowing me this.” Changing the subject, Gwen asked tentatively, "Have you heard from… from Alistair?” Even saying his name made her heart pang in her chest. “Is he managing the Calling?"
Leliana's gaze fell away. "I haven’t heard a word from him since a few years after the Blight. He's been busy, I suspect. But I have heard nothing from my scouts about the King falling ill. He has all the best healers in Ferelden at his disposal, he will not suffer as much as most."
Disappointment flickered across Gwen's features, quickly masked by understanding. "I see," she murmured. She was thankful there was no news of his suffering, but she had hoped that Leliana had kept in contact with him, for no reason other than to know that he was happy.
"Why did you leave him, Gwen? You never spoke of it and I… I never understood." Leliana's voice was gentle, probing the scar tissue of an old wound.
Gwen's body tensed, her breath stilling in her chest. "It's complicated," she said tersely, her words clipped by the snip of shears severing threads of conversation.
Leliana reached out, her hand hovering but not touching. "I just want you to be happy, Gwen. I know you haven't been."
"I don’t know if I was ever meant to be," Gwen sighed, her gaze drifting towards the window, the evening light filtering through. "Change comes too late for some of us."
"You never know," Leliana murmured, hope a stubborn ember in her eyes.
Gwen offered a half-smile that spoke more of sadness than amusement. “I will miss you, my friend.”
Leliana scoffed, waving her hand dismissively. “You will see me again, and I always follow through on my promises.”
Gwen shook her head as she pulled Leliana in for a tight hug. She could feel the weight of the impending goodbye settling heavily in her heart, knowing that this might be the last time they saw each other. They stood there, wrapped in each other's arms for what felt like an eternity. Through their embrace, Gwen could feel Leliana's worry and concern for her, and she was comforted by the fact that she would always have a friend in the former bard.
As they stood there, the sun began to set behind them, casting a warm glow over their figures. The air was filled with the gentle rustle of leaves and the distant chirping of birds, creating a serene backdrop for their bittersweet moment. Their conversation dwindled until only unsaid words hung between them like fragile cobwebs, delicate and easily torn.
The clatter of hooves on dirt roads echoed in Gwen's ears as she journeyed towards Redcliffe, the rhythmic cadence so different from the stilted silence of her own movements. Seated awkwardly behind Cassandra, she clung to the warrior's waist, her cane secured to the saddlebag like an afterthought. The wind whipped past her and she pulled her hood tighter to keep it from blowing it off, she no longer had hair to keep her head insulated against the cold. Leliana had gifted the heavy cloak to Gwen prior to her departure, insisting that she take it to keep warm, now that her body refused to retain any heat. It had been a kind gesture, and Gwen had been grateful for anything to keep prying eyes away.
"How are you holding up?" Cassandra's voice cut through the rush of air, tinged with concern but never condescending. She was a harsh woman, never one to beat around the bush, though she was rarely unkind, unless it was well deserved. She’d carried Gwen on her horse her with no complaints for the entirety of their journey, which Gwen deeply appreciated.
"I am fine, no need to concern yourself with me," Gwen replied, doing her best to keep the sharp hiss of pain from her voice. Despite the lightness in her words, the ache in her limbs was leaden and every movement of the horse caused sharp jabs of pain to shoot through her delicate body, leaving her feeling drained and exhausted. She could almost feel each individual muscle and bone protesting against the rough journey, straining under constant movement. But she gritted her teeth and soldiered on, determined to push through the discomfort and reach her destination.
Cassandra offered no response, but her firm nod conveyed her understanding. The Herald and her party continued, with Dorian - The Tevinter mage who had volunteered to aid the Inquisition - riding on one side of their leader, and Varric on the other. The dwarf, sitting atop a smaller pony that was more suited for his size, trotted along effortlessly while the humans and elves rode their larger steads.
As they approached the town, Gwen's attention was drawn to the imposing figure of Redcliffe Castle, its craggy outline etched against the sky like pages from a familiar story she once knew by heart. It stood tall and proud, a symbol of strength and resilience against the backdrop of the ever-changing world
Once they arrived at the entrance to the town, dismounting was its own trial - a dance of unsteady legs and gritted teeth.
Gwen stumbled towards a nearby boulder, leaning against its rough, weathered surface for support. The chill seeped through her clothes, numbing her skin but providing much-needed stability. The castle loomed ahead, imposing yet strangely diminished, the stones older and more tired than she remembered.
Memories of Alistair flickered through her thoughts, echoes of laughter and earnest conversation from the privacy of the guest rooms, now just ghosts flitting through empty halls.
"Everything changes… except this," she whispered, tracing the scar tissue that encircled her wrists. Uselessness nipped at her resolve, a persistent hound she couldn't shake off. It gnawed at her with sharp teeth - was her presence here out of pity, a nod to past glories? No, she refused to accept that. She would contribute, somehow, even if her body screamed its dissent with every breath.
Her gaze lifted, taking in the new banners, the unfamiliar faces. This was not the Redcliffe she recalled. It was just another battleground, and she was a soldier stripped of armour, laid bare before the enemy of time.
Gwen straightened as best she could, her spine protesting silently. The weight of her impending death was a familiar companion, its shadow long and intertwined with her own. But even as her body faltered, her spirit kindled with a spark that refused to be extinguished - not until the very end.
The Herald met with Leliana’s scouts, handing Gwen off to complete her portion of the mission. One of them, a slender elven woman with a constellation of freckles across her cheeks, approached Gwen with a respectful nod.
"Gwen, if you'll come with me, I'll escort you to the location you provided Sister Nightingale," she said, offering Gwen an arm for support. Gwen accepted it with as much dignity as she could muster. Leliana hadn’t been present when Darcy and his party had learned of the secret passageway, and while Gwen had described it to her well, she’d come along to ensure there were no hiccups. Who knew what could have happened to it in the last decade.
The walk through the hilly woods was slow going, each rocky step jarring Gwen's fragile frame. But the beauty of the forest was a welcome distraction - shafts of sunlight filtering through the canopy, the trilling songs of birds, the earthy scent of moss and turning leaves.
When they reached the top of a ridge overlooking Redcliffe Castle, half a dozen scouts awaited them. Gwen regarded the familiar turrets and parapets, memories rising unbidden. How different it looked now, occupied by foreign forces.
Yet the secret entrance was just as she remembered, untouched by the passage of time.
With a nod of confirmation to the scouts who had accompanied her, they departed, Gwen leading the way.
The hallway was dimly lit by flickering torches, casting eerie shadows on the stone walls. Gwen moved slowly through the narrow passage, relying on her cane more heavily with each step. The cool dampness of the corridor made her bones ache, but she pressed on. She wanted to see the old guest rooms again, where she and Alistair had stolen private moments during the Blight. Back when they were both young and relatively carefree, the weight of the world not yet fully upon their shoulders. However, she would have to finish her mission first.
She remembered sitting on the edge of the lumpy bed, carefully tending to Alistair after he had endured yet another tongue-lashing from Lady Isolde. It had been the first time she’d held someone’s hand since Lucy, and it had stirred a deep need within her.
And then there was that night, just days before the Battle of Denerim. With a desperation born of not knowing if they would both survive, she’d moulded herself against him, his touch heating her skin. How she longed for that once more, to feel wanted, to feel cherished. But she had given it all up to keep him safe… right?
Gwen pictured Isolde's horrified face if the woman knew she now walked these secret halls, a small smile pulled at her ruined lips. Some memories not even the taint could take from her.
Gwen emerged from the passageway and led the way toward the throne room, leaning heavily on her cane. She shuffled through back corridors, wincing with every step.
They waited for the Herald’s signal as planned, and once given, the scouts entered the room. Leliana had requested that Gwen stay out of it, to be safe behind thick stone walls, but Gwen had never been great at following instructions.
The throne room was just as intricate as she remembered, with soaring arched ceilings and ornate stonework along the walls. But it was also changed. Gone were the banners of Redcliffe that once lined the hall, replaced now by the Tevinter symbol of mage rebellion.
At the far end sat the throne itself, imposing and severe-looking without Redcliffe's Arl to occupy it. She knew well the complications that had led the mages here, and from what she gathered, they did not willingly hand over their autonomy to the Magister. Her steps slowed as she took in the room, eyes tracing over familiar grooves and alcoves that still remained in the ancient stone. Gwen sighed, each breath a struggle, and continued her painstaking shuffle forward.
Lavellan’s - Ash, she had to remind herself - voice cut through the heavy, stifling air of Redcliffe's great hall like a knife, its sharpness echoed and reverberated against the walls. Gwen propped herself against a cool marble pillar at the edge of the room, struggling to stay upright as her body shook with exhaustion, unable to concentrate on any words exchanged. She’d made it, but it had cost her much.
She stood behind a contingent of Leliana’s scouts - a show of the Inquisition’s powers. Her grip on her cane tightened, its sturdy wood protesting against her grip, but it was her indomitable will that held her upright. The confrontation before her blurred like an artist's watercolour caught in the rain, details smudging together as her strength waned.
The magister's laugh was a cruel sound, like shards of glass scraping against each other. He lifted his hand, and the fabric of reality buckled, twisting at his command. Behind him, a swirling portal yawned open, its edges crackling with dangerous magic. Before anyone could react, tendrils of energy shot out from the portal, snaking around Ash and Dorian with an iron grip and dragging them into its depths. The suddenness of their disappearance caused a collective gasp to ripple through the room.
"Herald!" someone shouted from the throng - perhaps it was Cassandra. Gwen's heart lurched, and she fought to maintain focus, her vision swimming.
The portal snapped shut as abruptly as it had appeared, leaving a palpable void that seemed to suck the air out of the room. The Inquisition surged forward, ready to fight. But their movements all came to a screeching halt as a new portal opened in the exact same space where the previous one had just vanished. Ash and Dorian stumbled through, their faces grim but intact.
"Enough!" Her command silenced the room. With a swift motion, she signalled the guards, who moved to apprehend the magister. His eyes widened, his carefully crafted schemes unravelling before him as steel closed around his wrists. He babbled and seethed, his anger and desperation palpable, but Ash remained steadfast and unyielding. She stood tall, her posture exuding strength and authority, her eyes blazing as she refused to back down.
With a flick of her wrist, she commanded for the man to be taken away. The room seemed to let out a collective sigh of relief as Leliana's scouts promptly obeyed, ushering the prisoner out with cautious, pitying glances toward Gwen. The scouts knew she was not supposed to be there, but they had bigger concerns than corralling Gwen like a misbehaving child.
Before order could fully settle - and blessedly before Ash could question Gwen’s presence - the great doors banged open once more, drawing all eyes to the new arrivals.
The march of soldiers in full plate armour, their metal-clad footsteps ringing against the stone floor. The sound alone was enough to send her heart racing, and she felt her grip tighten on the hilt of her hidden dagger, the immediate surge of adrenaline coursing through her veins. She straightened, her hood and bandana obscuring all but her pale eyes from view. It took a moment for her to process who the soldiers were, but as her vision focused, she recognized the Ferelden royal symbol emblazoned on their armour, shining brightly in the sunlight. These were the King's guards, and they were resplendent in all their regal glory.
Fear struck her, sharp and fast, like a lightning bolt crackling through her body, igniting every nerve and synapse with a paralyzing jolt.
Please for the love of the Maker, do not torment me like this. I would take years in the Grey Warden dungeons over a second of this. Please, anything but this!
A silent moment passed before the thought materialized into reality. The guards, standing as still as statues, parted like a curtain to reveal a figure whose presence seemed to suck all the air from the room.
"Grand Enchanter, imagine how surprised I was to learn that you'd given Redcliffe castle to a Tevinter Magister," Alistair proclaimed, his voice echoing with authority and disbelief. Maker’s Breath, the sound of his voice again after she’d almost forgotten his rich baritone speech all but brought her to her knees. She couldn’t breathe, she wasn’t sure she had since the last time she saw him.
A fresh wave of regret washed over her like a waterfall, drenching her in sorrow as she drank in his familiar features - the strong line of his jaw - sharpened with age, the determined set of his mouth. How she had missed that crooked grin, those warm brown eyes that used to look at her with such unwavering devotion. Her heart ached at the thought of all they could have shared. If only fate had not cruelly torn them apart. No, if only she hadn’t made the decision she did.
She longed for a fragment of laughter - a shared joke under starlit skies - the callused feel of his hand confidently intertwined with hers. But that softness felt dull now, overshadowed by memories of abandonment, sacrifice, and the relentless Calling that haunted her.
Alistair stood there - both far away and yet so close - an imposing figure radiating strength - tired, but still maintaining compassion and a flicker of humour beneath his title. His presence was a stark contrast to her own decaying form, a reminder of what she once was and what she had lost.
Gwen's stomach twisted into tight knots, the acidic taste of bile rising in her throat as if to expel all the dread that had accumulated within her. The great hall of Redcliffe Castle seemed to spin, its stone walls blurring into streaks of gray and brown, the banners fluttering like the wings of panicked birds seeking escape. Alistair's voice, firm and filled with an authority she had so rarely heard, was a clarion call to a past she had desperately tried to bury.
Her pulse pounded in her veins, each beat a drum of war that reverberated through her fragile bones. Alistair here, now, when her time was measured in grains of sand slipping through the hourglass - like cruel fate's final joke, pinning her down and leaving her unable to escape his unexpected arrival.
She took shallow breaths, each one filled with the scent of aged wood and the faint remnants of powerful magic. Her grip tightened on her cane, knuckles turning white as she leaned against the smooth marble pillar for support. Gwen closed her eyes, trying to push away the rising waves of nausea, but it stubbornly clung to her.
"Please, not now," she murmured to herself, a silent plea for composure. Her heart, already battered and bruised from years of fighting battles both physical and emotional, now thrashed against her ribs as though it might break free.
He was there, in flesh and blood, yet worlds apart from the time when they had stood together against the darkness of the Blight. When he had loved her. That Alistair, the one who joked in the face of death and looked at her with unguarded warmth, was a memory she couldn't afford to dwell on. Not when every part of her wanted to scream, to run, to hide her cursed face from his sight. She had changed so much in the last ten years and he… was as stunning as the day she had met him. Older, more sure of himself, but no less than what she remembered. She had only become more monstrous, she did not wish for him to know her like this. She could not handle him looking at her with contempt and disgust, it would kill her faster than her tainted blood.
Gwen watched through half-lidded eyes, a spectator in her own tragedy as Alistair turned, his gaze sweeping across the room. Time slowed, each second stretching into eternity until finally - inevitably - their eyes locked.
Next Chapter
A/N: I apologize for the cliffhanger, please forgive me!! The next chapter is going to be a big one, so hopefully that will make up for it :)
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plisuu · 6 months
Fanfic Writer Questions
Thanks for the tag @the-rebel-archivist! I think I might have been tagged by someone else a while ago but??? sorry ahahha
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
12! But two of those are art and one of them is the abandoned version of my long fic. I... don't post much ahahaha
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Just Dragon Age :)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
In Flame Forged Anew - my long fic! DA: I, Cullen/m!Trev except not really because it's insanely slow burn. Deals with a lot of guilt and also tranquility. ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ What You Want - My oldest work (barring my abandoned long-fic). Pavelyan, from when Connor used to be a Dorianmance. A lil confession one-shot. ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ Battle of Attrition - Dead-dove whump for whumptober. Red Templars and torture ahoy! ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ The Healer's Hands - Solas/Blackwall gay awakening and pining, ft. a little bit of hurt/comfort ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ On Broken Wings We Fly - A lil friendship fic I wrote for @rosella-writes of their Lavellan's interactions with my Inquisitor and the start of their strange friendship.
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try! I also forget and get so caught up trying to write "meaningful replies" that I tend to fall behind on them ahaha
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hhhh well it hasn't ended, but probably Battle of Attrition (since it's all just whump) or Never Say Die, a tiny thing about some of the OCxOC lead-up to the Conclave.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of my writing is pretty bittersweet at best, but probably Shrike, a lil Cullen PoV fic about his and Connor's relationship.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I have in the past.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Only privately, and of the heavily character focused kink variety. Trust and emotional vulnerability through physical intimacy my beloved.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Not off the top of my head, no.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware, but I mostly write OCs so probably not lol
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, it seems difficult?
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
... All time? Axel x Saix, probably ahahaha for Dragon Age though I'd say my favorite romance is Iron Bull's.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have yet to finish anything ever soooo
16. What are your writing strengths?
Banter and character voice! The transcript project mostly means I've heard and read so much character dialogue that their voices are ingrained in my skull. I'm also told that I'm pretty good at grounding things in physical sensation.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I've always really struggled with head-hopping and under-explaining, I think.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I've never needed to, but it depends on the fic/language. If it's something the reader would already be familiar with like or a word or phrase, I'd write it in the language, but for longer lines or a full conversation, I would either summarize for the reader or write the conversation in italicized English.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you've written?
Definitely my long fic, I'm very proud of it, but I love all my writing! I write very specifically to my own tastes ahahah Though my whump fic has been so indulgent it's definitely near the top.
tagging: @rosella-writes, @inquisimer, @dreadfutures, @broodsys, @blarrghe, and anyone else who wants to join! Question template under the cut :)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
5. Do you respond to comments?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
16. What are your writing strengths?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you've written?
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erisismywaifu25 · 2 years
Free Until Dawn
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Before we start, a few bullet point facts to get out of the way:
•Jake and Bella are the same age (Bella is still older) and Seth and A.J. are a year younger than them
•In this Twilight fanfic universe, vamps and wolves who were changed before they turned 18 continue to age until they reach 18 cause I said so
•Jasper served in the Union
•My idioms or comparisons may suck but sometimes the only way for me to get a point across is to be extremely descriptive
•This story follows both the movies and books and may switch between the book’s timeline and the movies
•Proofread but not perfect
Also this story is Seth Clearwater x OC (?) Cullen based on my friend who requested this slow-burn fic, cause there are almost no Seth fanfics (the disrespect😤✊🏻). All chapters are named after Florence+the Machine songs cause me and my bestie love her stuff.
Word count: 9491
Without further ado…Chapter 4 of Shake It Out
     “You going to play fair this time?” Alice asked as she stretch her left arm across her chest while standing at second base.
     Emmett scoffed, twisting his back only a few away from Alice, “I always play fair.” The striped baseball cap was secured by him for emphasis.
     As it thundered around them, seven out of the eight vampires were currently preparing for a game of baseball patiently, on some parts, awaiting Bella and Edward’s arrival following the Cullen's official introduction to her. Lucky for Bella, she was about to witness a sacred tradition in the Cullen household that started years before A.J. was around. It was something each vastly different personality could enjoy and gave each of them a chance to use their physically enhanced abilities to their full capacity. 
     Nine days after A.J. joined the rest of her family in Forks, Edward decided a baseball game was just what A.J. needed. The idea for a baseball game to ease A.J. into the new family dynamic, came to Edward after he caught A.J. reminiscing about a game-saving catch from her human years. Later that day, he approached Carlisle and proposed a game the next time it stormed, and naturally, Carlisle and everyone else eagerly agreed. So on the ninth day, when the forecast called for a thunderstorm and delivered, the Cullens played a heated baseball game. 
     During A.J.’s first game of baseball with the Cullens, the newborn broke out from the remainder of the barrier she had built up after her transformation. Being a part of the winning team, with star pitcher Alice, definitely aided A.J. in feeling like her old self. Easily the last ‘strike’ of her barrier, especially since striving to win and typically doing so, had encapsulated her human years. Along with the fun on that day, Emmett saw an opportunity to ensure he would always be on the winning team and jumped on the bandwagon; claiming the title ‘A.J.’s Coach’ after witnessing her skilled third-basemen skills.  
     “Nu-uh,” Alice exclaimed and placed her hands on dark leggings, “You totally lied about that ‘foul ball’.”
     “I didn’t lie about the foul ball you hit.” the younger of the two Cullens smirked, “Ain’t nothing to be ashamed of, Alice. You’re just a crappy hitter.”
     Alice gasped and smacked his shoulder, “At least I can pitch without taking someone’s head out!” she defended herself.
     Emmett snickered before a smug smirk crept onto his alabaster skin, “Can’t help it, Wonderland. I’m jacked like Hercules!” he kissed both of his biceps after flexing underneath his navy blue tracksuit.
     “Alright, alright, alright,” Jasper called out as he strutted towards the bickering siblings, “No fraternizing with the enemy.” 
     The Texan placed a hand upon Alice’s narrow shoulders which dawned a white baseball vest, and gently guided her away from Emmett with a baseball bat in his other hand.
     By first base, a groan came from Rosalie that was bending down by the waist and holding her calves to stretch. The couple and Emmett, who were conglomerating near home base, turned their attention to her.
     “You’ve watched ‘Dazed and Confused’ too many times.” the tall blonde gracefully swung her torso up to stand straight.
     “No such thang’, Rosie.” A.J. quipped while flashing next to Rosalie with a moderately sized pink boom box in her sleeve-covered arms, “We Texans support each other.”
     A.J. met eyes with Jasper’s, a mischievous glint in both their eyes to match their smirks. A silent conversation transpired between the Texans, much to the others' despair before they both resumed what they had been doing.
      The youngest Hale gave Rosalie a friendly pat on the back and clicked her tongue before jogging off toward the right side of home plate where Esme and Carlisle were chatting. Her black backpack bounced off of her back as the wind pushed against the buttoned pinstripe shirt, which was similar to Carlisle’s, which was tucked into her black leggings. On her feet was a pair of hot pink socks that peeked out of the same dusty white sneakers she always wore when participating in any outdoor activity - provided an extra bounce to her step. 
     A ‘bleh’ left A.J. when Carlisle and Esme shared a sweet kiss just as she walked past them. 
     “I think I feel my teeth rottin’.” the girl swiped her tongue across her top set of teeth.
     The lovers parted with a chortle from each and turned their attention to their youngest child. 
     “You know, Angel,” Esme sang as A.J. set the boom box down after kneeling a few feet away from them, “You might find yourself falling for someone like your father and I have for each other.” 
     A.J. shook her head as four of her siblings snapped their attention to their conversation.
     “Absolutely not,” Emmett commented with a small frown.
     Alice rolled her eyes at the overprotective brute, “Dating is normal and healthy; especially for developing teenagers.” she spoke with her arms crossed.
     Rosalie stared at Alice, “She’s going to have to wait, regardless, Alice. There aren’t exactly sixteen-year-old vampires roaming around here, and we don’t need another reason for the Volturi to be on our backs.”
      The Cullens stilled. Faces dropping, bodies tensing, and minds swirling with guilt. The words Rosalie were the same as they always were; spitting out insults or malign words aimed towards Edward and Bella’s relationship. Though, this time, her words held a different meaning for the group. Reminding them all A.J. couldn’t have what they wanted her to; what they all wished she could.
     A normal life.
     Having been changed at the youngest age of fifteen in the Olympic Coven, she had even less time to have lived as a human. Too quickly was she thrown into this world; too quickly had she been forced out of the other. They all knew she loved her family dearly, and they shared the sentiment, but they were aware of her desire to ‘be’ a teenager again; to live a normal adolescence. They desired the same for her. Rosalie most of all. Despite a few apprehensions about A.J. dating, the choice being stripped from her makes it a bit harder to play the role of an ‘overprotective and gruff’ family member.
     A.J., having her back turned to the brooding vampires, knew what they were all thinking and could feel the tension in the atmosphere. She often thinks of the same thing - she craves it. Not necessarily romance, but at least the choice to.  More often than not, she chooses not to share her thoughts on it, except for a few times when Edward caught her thinking about it or her and Rosalie’s late-night talks. Unfortunately, ignoring them only made the thoughts and desires stronger. The fact of the underlying doom of immortality is that every choice you’d thought you’d gain - every decision you’d thought you’d get to make twice, gets ripped away from you in a few short moments.
     A.J. shook her shoulders as if a chill ran over her, and unzipped the small compartment on the front of her backpack once she set it in front of her. 
     “Listen,” she broke the silence as she pulled out a CD case with four men sitting around a table on the cover, “they’d have to be a very special person for me to consider datin’ - I mean, I’m hot…and got standards.”
     Her unspoken mission of raising the mood was a success as a plethora of smiles, and an eye roll or two made its way around.
     “Oh no! Guys, where’d the sky go?” Emmett feigned a look of fear as he peered up at the sky with a hand as a shield, “Oh, never mind, it’s just A.J.’s big-ass head.”
     A.J.’s mouth dropped at her brother's words just as she finished placing the CD in the correct compartment, and twisted her torso while in a squatted position.
     Rosalie sent a glare toward Emmett before saying, “There’s nothing wrong with confidence.” her eyes softened when she turned to A.J. from afar.
     “It’s hot on you, babe,” Emmett explained, his body language matching his whiny tone, “Not on A.J.”
     A.J. snorted, along with Alice, and the other Cullens gave Emmett a look of confusion at his choice of words.
     “I sure hope it’s not hot on me,” A.J. spoke with a flabbergasted tone as she fumbled with buttons on her boombox.
     Emmett physically faltered, “I-I-you guys know I didn’t mean it like that.”
     Jasper quirked an eyebrow up, “Oh, really, dearest brother? Then by all means, please elaborate your eloquent words.” he spoke with one hand still on Alice’s shoulder and the other twirling the metal bat.
     Emmett frowned, “I was trying to compliment my wife and insult A.J. at the same time, which proved to be more difficult than expected.”
     “Seems you really are only brawn.” Jasper teased further, an almost sinister smirk across his face.
     “Hey!” Rosalie barked out with a harsh expression, “I may be on your team, but I won’t hesitate to hurt you.”
     Emmett’s demeanor changed instantly to smugness at Rosalie coming to his defense. The smirk on Jasper’s face didn’t move, instead, it seemed to grow wider at Rosalie’s threat; as if he were daring her to touch him. He dropped his arm from Alice’s shoulders and dipped it into his pocket.
     “I’d like to see you try, yank.” the Texan leaned back as he pointed the baseball bat at her.
     At the sight of Rosalie beginning to stomp forward, Carlisle thought it best to speak up.
     “Rose,” the eldest vampire warned, arm tucked under his wife’s white jacket and around her waist.
     The irritated blonde’s head snapped toward Carlisle’s so fast it was a miracle it didn’t break.
     “What?” She spat, annoyed at Jasper and Carlisle.
     Carlisle gave her one of his hopeful smiles, “Let’s try to have a nice day.”
     “That goes for you too, Jasper,” Esme paused before switching her gaze to a smug Emmett, “And you.”
     “W-what-I,” Emmett fumbled over his words, “I’m a victim of defamation! I’m innocent here.”
     Jasper lowered the bat to the ground and settled his weight on it.
     “Yer’ ‘bout as innocent-,”
     A.J. drowned out the bickering behind her, engrossed in her boom box and getting it to work. The recurring problem, which she insisted was easily fixable and did not require a new one, was that the CD she put in would spin for a few seconds before coming to a stop. She grew more agitated as she repeated the process of taking the CD out, exhaling on it as she would on a cold window, gently wiping it off on her black leggings, then placing it back in the compartment, and pressing play - only to have to repeat the process. After another failed attempt, A.J. took an unsatisfying deep breath before forcefully exhaling through her nose. 
     “Shit.” A.J. huffed to herself, thankful no one could hear her over the bickering.
     “Ya know, ever since the fall of New Year’s Eve of ‘08, my boom box ain’t never played the same.” A.J. thought aloud to anyone who would listen.
     Rosalie was heading up the field and across to A.J.’s side instantaneously; always being willing to help her baby sister. It helped that she was the most skilled mechanic out of the Cullen Coven; her confidence in cars crossed over to most things technical…except t.v.s, though she was always looking to expand her knowledge. In her own time.
     “Did you put fresh batteries in?” Rosalie inquired once she reached A.J.
     A.J. observed Rosalie squatting down next to her, out of her peripheral vision.
     “Yes, I put fresh batteries in,” A.J. snarked out without thinking.
     The tone she used earned the young vampire a warning look from Rosalie, who stared her sister down. A.J. shut her eyes and turned away for a moment, before returning her gaze to Rosalie.
     “Sorry, that w’n’t directed at you,” she earnestly apologized, “This damn thang’ is pissin’ me off.” she gestured vigorously at the malfunctioning boombox with pinched brows.
     Rosalie ushered a ‘thank you’ in response before examining the portable stereo further.
     As the two Hale girls inspected the boombox and the other Cullens chatted amongst themselves, a silver jeep pulled toward the wide-open field. Its wheels tracked through the soft ground, leaving a muddy trail behind it and on the black tires. 
     Esme and Alice both grinned excitedly at the arrival of the new couple and Carlisle smiled softly, not outwardly matching their level of excitement. Emmett and Jasper were too busy misconducting themselves to turn their attention to the car as it was pulled into park a bit away from the others. From beside her, A.J. felt Rosalie tense up. Well aware of Rosalie’s opinion on all of this, she knew her attitude could turn fast and possibly ruin what was supposed to be some family fun time. 
     Esme and Carlisle shared a look before both turning back to give Rosalie an encouraging smile. Rosalie, who held the look of distaste she always held when Bella was in mind, gave them nothing promising in return. With a cheesy grin and painfully raised eyebrows, A.J. shot her parents a double thumbs up. The couple chuckled at her behavior and returned her thumbs up and smile, at a lesser volume. 
     The eldest Hale sister turned her attention to A.J. after observing Carlisle and Esme’s reactions, to find her sister still in the over-the-top position. In a blink, the newborn now sat with a dramatized frown and slowly raised her left hand to rest on her no-longer beating heart. Her head shook in a defeated manner, in hope that her big sister would crack a smile at her ludicrous behavior. Fortunately for A.J., in a move so minuscule only the trained eye would notice, the right corner of Rosalie's lips raised ever so slightly. Victoriously, A.J. beamed; savoring the lightened presence and softened gaze of her bitter sister.
     During this transaction, Edward stepped out of the driver's side door and walked around the silver Jeep he arrived in. His gaunt hand opened the passenger-side door, and out stepped Bella in a rugged, brown jacket with her brown hair in a ponytail covered by a baseball cap that mimicked Emmett’s, only being worn the right way around. Her shoulders were hunched as she was within herself in a way that completely contradicted the way Edward delved into himself; usually. Today, however, Edward seemed more withdrawn than usual. Previous teasing didn’t aid in reducing his nerves at all, and the fact of the constant threat this brought to Bella and his family, well, it added up.
     The couple shared the same social awkwardness, but Bella carried herself in a way that lacked confidence and made her appear fragile. Whereas during most occasions for Edward, he exuded confidence, some even say arrogance; at least that’s what A.J. had heard from her sibling's school gossip and teasing. For the unusual pair, however, it seemed to work quite well for them.
    While A.J. observed her brother and his new girlfriend, Rosalie had found what she believed to be ‘the sweet spot’ on the pink boom box. With a loud ‘thump’ that nearly made A.J. jump out of her skin and attracted the others' attention, the CD in it began spinning fast. A.J. beamed at her sister, who she considered a hero at the moment, and flicked her head between the boom box and her at a lightning-fast speed. A.J. excitedly placed her index finger onto the ‘play’ atop the boom box and pressed it without hesitation. Music blared from the speakers, bass instantly filling the chests of the two vampires who sat in front of it.
     “WHOO!” A.J. cheered and fell back onto her butt.
     Emmett thrust his fist into the air, “HELL YEAH!” he yelled.
     “YEAH!” Jasper joined with a playfully stern face and copied Emmett’s action with the bat.
     From an awkward angle, the ecstatic newborn wrapped her strong arms around Rosalie’s midsection, nearly toppling the elder Hale over. 
     “Thank you!” the girl squealed while Rosalie gained her balance back.
     Rosalie smiled brightly as she hugged A.J. back, “No problem, just stop letting people touch your stuff.”
     “I tried to stop Emmett from recreating that scene from ‘Say Anything’.” Edward called out from the Jeep where he and Bella just finished a conversation.
     “Aw, come on,” Emmett whined with a smile, “It was Valentine's Day! I had to do something for my babe. After 72 years together, you gotta’ keep it fresh.”
     The burly Cullen winked at Rosalie, who didn’t spare a glance at her husband, leaving him dejected as she marched her way to Carlisle who was only a few feet away from her. Carlisle had retrieved the second baseball bat from a long white and blue that also contained extra gloves and umpire gear and was resting his weight upon it. He greeted Rosalie with a close-lipped smile and opened his mouth to ask her but was quickly stopped by her palm flying up in front of him as she stomped by.
     A.J. could feel the anger radiating off of her sister, even without a special power and her being across the field now. She knew it was a miracle for Rosalie to even be here, with her previous plan of leaving to avoid the game and Bella all together. Without a doubt, A.J. knew it would get better once the game started, the others thought so as well, especially since her demeanor was quite bright beforehand the new couple arrived.
     “So that’s how you’ve managed to keep her.” Edward teased Emmett as he and Bella reached home plate.
     Emmett flashed next to Edward, causing Bella to jump, and wrapped a thick arm around his brother’s shoulders, which were covered by a button-up baseball jersey.
    Edward gave the younger vampire a look, already knowing what he was about to say. 
     “Emmett, that’s revolting,” Edward grimaced and pulled himself from Emmett’s grip.
     “What?” Emmett furrowed his dark brows, “I was just gonna remind you that I’m not the one who thought sparkling was a dealbreaker.” he decided to keep his previous thought to himself.
     A few of the Cullen ‘children’ laughed at Emmett’s remark, despite it being at Edward’s expense. His joke, as expected, did not sit well with Edward who was glaring at his brother.
    A.J. glanced up at Jasper messing with a baseball bat, “Oo! That’s awkward.” 
     The girl sucked a breath through her bunny-like teeth while beginning to read through the tracklist on the back of her CD case.
     A half-hearted grin slowly spread its way onto Edward’s face and his right flew up to swipe his mouth.
     “You know, Emmett,” his arm was now around Emmett’s shoulders, “I think you're just scared of your team losing.”
     “Not unless you plan on throwing the game,” Emmett smirked with crossed arms.
     Edward’s shit-eating look was stolen by Emmett. His head snapped over to Esme, asking a silent question, but easily found the answer by using his gift.
     “Rosalie and Alice wanted to be on a team this time,” Esme explained nonetheless while grabbing umpire gear out of the baseball bag, “We’re team ‘Wonder Woman’!”
     Edward furrowed his brows, “Jasper’s on your team.” His inquiry was disguised as a statement.
     “It’s an honor to be on a team named after comics’  finest heroine,” Jasper answered for himself as he practiced his batting stance to the side of Carlisle and Rosalie.
     Edward looked to Emmett, “And we are…MVP?” a look of dissatisfaction was on his face.
     “I was vouchin’ fer the Cheetahs, personally,” A.J. spoke up, “You know, Wonder Woman’s nemesis and all.” she clicked the skip button at the top of the boom box.
     Esme smiled at her children’s banter and pushed her way toward Bella with a black baseball glove and chest protector. Bella met her gaze with a close-lipped smile and hesitantly took the glove when the Cullen matriarch extended it to her.
     “Glad you’re here,” Esme wrapped an arm around Bella, “We need an umpire,” she stated while leading the girl to home base.
     Emmett waltzed past them, “She thinks we cheat.” he continued heading down the field.
     “I know you cheat.” Esme taunted as Emmett tossed a baseball between his hands.
     A.J. tsked, “Y’all love to say that ‘cause our team happens to always win.” she goaded while placing her ‘Muse’ CD back into the small compartment of her backpack.
     “What about last time,” Rosalie asked with a sarcastic tone from her spot near second base.
     Bella glanced at the brooding woman, “What happened last time?” she switched her gaze to Esme as they parked themselves at home base. 
     “Here, slip your jacket off for a moment, sweetie,” Esme instructed kindly, “Last time we all played, which was…,”
     “March 30,” Alice answered from the pitcher’s mound.
     Esme thanked Alice with a smile, “Thank you. Anyway, Carlisle continuously struck out during the first inning, resulting in team ‘VIP’ having five fewer runs than team ‘Great Batsy’.” 
     During her explanation, Esme slipped the black chest protector over Bella’s neck. 
     “Crying, Bella,” A.J. scooted her bottom to face Bella, “I was cryin’ and I don’t even have tears.”
     Carlisle smiled sheepishly, “In my defense, I had a lot on my mind.”
     A.J. didn’t miss the subtle embarrassment that showed on Edward’s face nor the looks her siblings gave him.
     “No excuse, sir,” A.J. threw a finger up, “We’re winners, and I expect ya ta act like it!” 
     Her behavior earned a chuckle from Carlisle and an exclamation of agreement from Emmett. 
     As this went on. Esme adjusted the chest guard causing Bella to blink at the sudden movement but eventually helped Esme settle it on her torso. Once it was resting on her shoulders, Edward snaked behind Bella and adjusted the straps across her upper back. Esme then stepped away to give the new lovers some space. Her pallid face held a warm expression at the sight of the ‘son’ she had grown most fond of, finally finding happiness in love. 
     The sweet moment was soon ruined as Bella was jerked back by the force Edward unconsciously used. A crease formed between Esme’s dark eyebrows as she frowned at the  uncomfortable scene in front of her. She sent a small smile; whether it was a warning to be mindful or encouragement was unknown; and stepped away from the couple to help the others in setting up.
     “Sorry,” Edward’s hands faltered on the straps, “Last time I did this was back when A.J. had first joined us.” he secured the chest guard on Bella’s back.
     Bella nodded, still holding her brown jacket on her arm. The sleeves of her white shirt twisted as Edward’s hand snaked around her to lift the brown jacket off of her right arm.
     “It’s okay,” she swallowed as Edward prepared her coat to assist it on, “How long ago was that?”
     “Why does it matter?” Rosalie snarked out with crossed arms and a hip popped out.
     Edward paused in helping Bella put her jacket back on to give a warning look to the blonde.
     Carlisle’s lips pressed into a straight line, “Rose,” he warned.
     Bella looked back at Edward before back at Rosalie.
     “It doesn’t, I was just curious.” Bella answered honestly.
     “And it’s a perfectly valid question,” A.J. spoke up.
     Rosalie’s eye roll could practically be heard by the others.
     A.J. briefly glanced back at those behind her, “If we’re goin’ off the day I actually moved here, then…,” she trailed off while calculating.
     “A.J.’s lived here since last August.” Carlisle answered for her.
     Bella nodded as she consecutively pushed her arms through the sleeves of her jacket as Edward finished helping her by hiking the coat up until it was entirely back on. 
     “It’s a little tight,” Bella stated with tight lips as she rolled her shoulders.
     The jacket she wore barely fit over the padding of the chest guard thrown onto her. Her arm movement was restricted, but she supposed it was better to have stiff arms than a shattered sternum. 
     Loud guitar suddenly blared from A.J.’s boombox, the owner of it now swaggering over to home plate. She snatched up a black glove lined with hot pink from the gear bag on her way over.
     “Sorry, Bella-rella,” A.J. approached the uncomfortable human, “It’s either have no protection ‘gainst my lethal pitches and get soaked down to your knickers, or have protection from such pitches buuut still get soaked - ‘cause-uh-do you smell that?”
     A.J. threw her arm around Bella’s padded shoulders and thoroughly inhaled with her nose pointed toward the sky. 
     “It’s gon’ rain.” A.J. rasped out while gradually lowering her head.
     Emmett grinned from over by third base, “It’s gon rain!” he repeated.
     “IT’S GON’ RAIN!” A.J. shouted before patting Bella on the back and jogging to the pitcher's mound.
     Esme chuckled next to Carlisle before turning to her husband.
     Her hands pressed his chest, “Alright, enough chitter-chatter, Bella didn’t come here to talk. Let’s play some baseball!” 
     Esme patted Carlisle’s chest, signaling him and the remaining Cullens not in place, to assume their positions on the field.
     A.J. eyed Alice as she approached the pitcher’s mound, “You’re gonna’ have to move.” A.J. jutted her left thumb toward home plate.
     Alice furrowed her brows, “And why is that?”
     Rosalie frowned as Carlisle her way, “Yeah, why is that? The team I’m on lost last time.”
     “We know,” Emmett stated, “We decided, however, that we wanna play the field first… and so A.J. can pitch first.”
     Rosalie rolled her topaz eyes once again while Alice agreed to their decision and they both jogged back to home plate. The remaining two members of team ‘Wonder Woman’ had yet to move from their previous spots at home plate and waited for the others to get into position.
     “Keep an eye on Emmett, alright,” Edward spoke into Bella’s ear with a smile.
     Emmett frowned, “Hey, we’re on the same team!” 
     His fist slammed into his gloved left hand, clearly itching for the game to start.
     “That doesn’t change your track record.” Edward retorted after flashing over to second base as Carlisle jogged to first.
     With the baseball gripped tightly in her right hand, A.J. swung her arm toward Jasper at home plate, who was also preparing.
     “Careful, Eddie,” A.J. warned, “Might start ta’ think you're a snitch.”
     Edward chortled, “How can one be a snitch in baseball?”
     A.J. craned her neck to look at him, “Uh, I don’t know, mind reader.” she squinted suspiciously at him.
     Emmett glanced between before a look of realization spread across his pallid face.
      “Ohhh, yeah, I see what you’re gettin’ at, Aje,” Emmett smirked while eyeing Edward, “You’re gonna listen to our team's thoughts and then sabotage us.”
     Edward paused and blinked, words escaping him. One weakness he would never admit, even if he was being tortured, is the effect Emmett and A.J. have to completely and utterly bamboozle him. Once the shock of Emmett’s accusation wore off, Edward peeled his eyes open and met Bella’s brown ones. She held an amused expression, her eyes asking a question Edward couldn’t hear. He sent her a silent shrug as an answer whilst A.J. and Emmett continued their rant.
     “Alright,” Carlisle’s call silenced Emmett and A.J., “I’m sure Edward is not planning a betrayal, and even if he was-,”
     “Which I’m not.” Edward chimed in.
     “I know,” Carlisle spoke in his mind with an apologetic look, “Even if he was, I think we’d still manage to win. Even without Rose on our team.” 
     A smug smile spread across Carlisle’s lips, as a chorus of ‘Oo’s’ blended with the breeze that blew his striped scarf.
     “Let’s go then,” A.J. spun on her heel to face home plate, “Jasper.” she nodded.
     Jasper nodded back, preparing his stance.
     “Angel.” he smiled at her, eyes filled with determination.
     In an instant, A.J. propelled her right arm forward. The ball flew from her hand and headed straight to Jasper. The bat he held swung out and away from his shoulder, his torso and legs twisting to enhance the force he hit with. With a loud crack of thunder, the ball collided with the bat and launched high into the sky. Unfortunately for Jasper, the ball headed into the air directly above A.J., who leaped up what seemed like five-hundred feet to Bella, and caught the ball with ease in her gloved hand. A.J. landed on her feet with a thud, sufficiently stopping Jasper from running just as he dropped the bat.
     Bella glanced up at Esme from her squatted position a little ways behind Jasper as laughs or winces echoed through the air. The speed at which the Cullens play made it difficult for her to decipher anything, let alone the baseball knowledge she lacked. She briefly wished she would’ve paid more attention to her step-father’s career now. Answering her silent question, Esme nodded to her with a grimace.
     “Out.” Bella called.
     “Oh-ho-ho, Mr. Whitlock,��� A.J. called in a nasally British accent, “How it seems your strategy has grown weak.” her smile grew at the sound of Emmett’s snicker.
     Alice watched as her husband tracked back to join her and Rosalie on the sidelines, frown on his face but posture still perfect. Jasper handed her the bat as he passed her and continued until he was next to Rosalie.
     “It’s okay, Jazzy,” Alice cooed, “It was only your first bat.” she gave him an assuring smile as she approached the plate.
     A.J. grinned at Alice as the older vampire settled into batting position. A strike of lightning in the distance lit the grey sky and was quickly followed by a deafening crack of thunder. Bella jumped in her skin at the unexpected volume which only heightened her stress levels. Having noticed the jump, Esme raised a hand that had been resting on her knee and placed it on Bella’s padded shoulder. She gave the girl a squeeze and a gentle smile as Bella craned her neck to meet Esme’s gaze.
     “Hey, batta’-batta’, hey, batta’-batta’, swang~,” A.J. mimicked exuberantly swinging an imaginary bat.
    A smile spread onto Alice’s face upon hearing the song, “I got ta just do my thang~.” she happily sang back.
     “Enough singing,” Emmett yelled, “Get on with the game!” he eagerly threw his fist into his gloved hand.
     A.J. frowned as she twisted her head back, “Let us enjoy ourselves!”
     “Clearly someone can’t dance.” Alice smirked teasingly still in her batting stance.
     Emmett’s hands paused with an almost offended look on his face. Those spectating were either watching thoroughly entertained, or less than amused and wanting to continue with this close game.
     “Oh, I can dance,” Emmett answered nonchalantly, “Tell ‘em, babe.”
     Thunder cracked around them as all eyes zoned in on Rosalie, awaiting an answer.  A smile slowly grew on her diamond-like jaw as if a pleasant memory was filling her mind.
     “Oh, he can dance,” her declaration rewarded her a wink from her doting husband.
     A.J. stuck her tongue out, “Bleh,” she faked a gag as her torso rag-dolled.
     Esme chuckled at her reaction from her hunched-over position behind Bella.
      “Alright, ‘nough talk, let’s get back to the game.” Esme clapped her hands together right as it thundered.
     Carlisle nodded at his wife, “Impeccable timing.” he smiled at her.
     She quirked a short eyebrow up at him with a smirk, “Thank you.” 
     Returning her attention back to the game, A.J. peered up at the sky as if she was waiting for something. Her eyes fluttered shut as she forcefully inhaled for an exaggerated amount of time. Bella furrowed her brows at A.J.’s action, briefly glancing up at Esme again. 
     “She’s waiting for the thunder,” Esme answered without taking her eyes off the scene in front of her.
     “She technically don’t have to,” Jasper chimed in, “As long as we’re playing during a storm, we don’t have to wait for a ‘loud sound’.”
     A.J. lowered her head, “I like the dramatics. Sue me!”
     Before Bella could blink, the ball was flying at Alice. With another loud crack of both thunder and the bat and ball colliding, Alice dropped the bat and dashed toward first base. The ball flew past A.J.’s left side and headed to Emmett who immediately jumped into action. He shot into the air, left arm extended above him, with the ball directed at him. As Alice reached first base, the ball grazed the top of Emmett’s gloved hand and continued into the forest behind them. 
     Edward darted back into the forest as Alice approached second base. His topaz eyes bounced rapidly around the trees and brush until he spotted the baseball. Edward then snatched the ball off the ground and threw it to Emmett through the trees, who was anticipating the throw. Emmett hurled his body to the left and roughly landed at third base when Alice stepped on it.
     A chorus of ‘whoos’ and hollers sounded from home plate as Alice bounced victoriously on third base. Emmett scoffed as he rolled onto his knees before hopping up while Edward came flashing back from the woods. 
     “Lucky shot,” Emmett commented as he stood next to Alice.
     Alice looked up at him with a smug look, “That was pure skill, Emmett.”
     “Damn right it was,” Jasper called out with his arms crossed.
     The Cullens continued an epic game of baseball, one that was far too fast for the human eye to properly view. Bella struggled to see anything but the aftermath chatter and positions after the end of a run. Thankfully for her sake, Esme or another member of team ‘Wonder Woman’ was there to help her with the calls; disregarding Rosalie. 
     The Cullens had made it to the third inning, in record time thanks to their enhanced abilities. Team ’MVP’ was currently three runs ahead of team ‘Wonder Woman’. Jasper had redeemed himself and hit a home run, Alice was currently at second base, Esme resided by Bella and awaited her turn, and Rosalie was currently up to bat. Team ‘MVP’ were positioned the same way as before and eager to continue.
     “You ready?” A.J. nodded at her sister as they both readied themselves.
     Rosalie crouched into position, “As ever.”
     A.J. drew back her right arm before swinging it forward and putting her weight on her front leg. The baseball flew toward Rosalie before another crack echoed through the field and throughout the surrounding forest. Rosalie dropped the bat, pushed off of home plate, and sprinted down the field. The baseball was heading between second and third base, where Edward and Emmett were positioned on either base. 
     Alice sprinted past Edward and Emmett who were distracted by the fast-approaching ball. As the pixie-like vampire passed by third base and Rosalie reached first, Emmett and Edward jumped simultaneously with their arms outstretched and ready to catch the ball. Unfortunately, the duo collided with each other in a loud ‘thwack’ and the two members of team ‘Wonder Woman’ managed to reach home plate. The women secured two more runs for their team and caused a total wipeout for the opposite team that resulted in Edward and Emmett splayed out on the grass and the baseball deep in the forest.
     Alice skidded to stop a few feet away from home plate and Rosalie followed by sliding across the grass and onto home plate. Amidst the cheers of the successful team, Jasper ran to Alice and picked her up into a spinning hug; squeals of laughter leaving the victorious woman. With a grin, Esme extended her arm down to Rosalie who grabbed it with a smirk and hopped up. 
     “That’s how we do it!” Esme high-fived Rosalie once she was standing.
     Bella nodded from her squatted position, “Yeah, that was a good play.” 
     Rosalie glared down at the girl, “You couldn’t even see it.” she spat.
     Esme’s smile turned to a frown, “Rose.” she warned.
     “What? It’s true.” Rosalie defended.
     “Well, I mean, she’s right,” Bella said, “I-I couldn’t see it, but-,”
     “Alright, how ‘bout we turn our attention to the real issue ‘ere,” A.J. interrupted the three, “Which is betrayal!”
     A.J. thrust her finger in the direction of a chuckling Emmett and Edward who had just stood up.
     Edward, having already heard what she was about to say, ceased his laughter.
     “A.J., are you really pushing this?” Edward groaned.
     A.J. fought back a smile, “Oh, yes, indeed I am pushin’ this, traitor!”
     Emmett stared at Edward, “Oh, yeah. It is a bit strange that the mind reader Edward didn’t read in my mind that I was gonna jump for the ball.” a smirk spread across his short jaw.
     “Exactly!” A.J. eagerly agreed with a stomp, “He sabotaged us so the loser team would have a chance!”
     Rosalie crossed her arms, “I think we have a chance regardless of Edward’s treachery.”
     “I’m-I am not a traitor. I did not even think of reading anyone’s mind, because I was focused on the game.” Edward let out a flabbergasted laugh.
     Emmett adjusted his stance and crossed his arms.
     “Exactly what a traitor would say,” Emmett stated.
     Edward’s tongue darted across his pristine white teeth as he grinned in annoyance, “I think the only one you should be accusing of ’treachery’ is Alice.”
     A smirk spread across Edward’s lips at his words. 
     “What!” Alice’s hands fell onto her hips.
     Her eyebrows knitted together underneath her navy blue cap at the sudden accusation. A crack of thunder sounded around them as if Alice herself conjured it up with her voice. The babbling duo, Emmett and A.J., observed Alice before staring at Edward and then meeting each other’s gaze. Skeptical looks were painted upon their pale faces as the wind picked up around them. The rest of the Cullens and Bella were left awaiting their next move, wondering if Edward’s distraction worked or not.
     The accusing pair busted out in chuckles and giggles, ripping Edward’s hopeful look off of his face. 
     Emmett turned his head to a dejected Edward.
     “Alice wouldn’t have the time to see our moves,” Emmett stated matter-of-factly.
     A.J. nodded, “Yeah, plus, she ain’t on our team.”
     Emmett and A.J. smirked at each other as if they just deduced the most abstruse mystery in history. A snort could be heard coming from Hale ‘twins’ by home plate, though that did nothing to deter the growing confidence of A.J. and Emmett.
     Edward chuckled out in confusion, eyes darting around those who stood throughout the field. His mouth opened and closed, struggling between the option of a logical defense or leaving the whole ordeal to rest. Staying silent seemed like the best option, considering logic fell upon deaf ears when it came to Emmett and A.J., but ultimately Edward decided to play the ‘call on the parent’ card.
     “Carlisle,” Edward pleaded to the man who was standing near first base.
     Edward motioned to his ‘attackers’, hoping the wise man’s words would bring some sense to the situation. Carlisle looked upon his son with tight lips and one hand over the other resting in front of his body. A glint of amusement shone in Carlisle’s golden eyes from the scene he silently observed, much to Edward’s dismay. 
     “Emmett, A.J.,” Carlisle spoke, “Edward isn’t a traitor-,”
     The wind picked up around them and quieted Carlisle as a fog emerged from the enclosing forest. A gasp fell from Alice’s lips while her arms fell from her hips to her sides. Her eyes had seemingly glazed over, hinting at the vision she was having. As if in slow motion, Edward stared at her before peering over at the forest behind them just as Alice’s vision ended. The rest of the Olympic Coven’s eyes turned toward the forest, whether it be from their own acute hearing or sensing the seriousness of Alice’s vision.
     “Stop!” Alice yelled desperately as it thundered around them.
     Edward was across the field and next to Bella at a moment's notice, the rest similarly hustling about. With her eyes still peering past the bare trees, A.J. felt an arm grip her left bicep tightly. Her eyes flicked over to see Emmett pulling her toward the rest of their family, Carlisle on her other side. Their eyes held a look of worry as they flashed over together.
     A.J. flickered her gaze between them as they joined the rest at home plate, to which Edward was pulling Bella toward the Jeep as Alice spoke quickly. A.J. stared at her family with knitted brows, clearly missing a vital piece of information, though she heard words of getting Bella out of here and nomadic vampires hearing their baseball game. 
    “Nomad vampires?”
     Panic fell upon A.J., concentrated in her chest, as memories filled her mind. She swore she could feel teeth tearing into her skin again, the excruciatingly slow loss of blood, her vision blurring, the taste of iron mixed with mud cutting off her breathing; choking her as water filled her lungs. Squeezing her eyes shut,  A.J. attempted to combat the rising terror with logical thoughts.
     “I’m a vampire now too.”
     “They can’t hurt me.”
     “I ain’t food anymore.”
     “They might be vegans like us.”
     “No, they ain’t. They’re the ‘predator’ on the news.”
     Unfortunately for her, the thoughts weren’t anything but a mere hindrance, to what she knew was illogical fear. 
     “It is illogical, right?” A.J. questioned herself amidst the chaos growing around her and the sudden absence of music.
     Before she could freak herself out more, a wave of peace washed over her and drowned out the fear in her chest. A moment after, two hands came to rest on her shoulders, which she deduced to be Jasper’s as everyone else was in her line of sight.
     Her head snapped up, the bottom of her messy braided pigtails bouncing with the movement. A.J. was met with an assuring smile from Jasper, who squeezed her strong shoulders.
     “Everythang’s gonna be alright.” Jasper reassured her as he guided her to stand in the back with Bella.
     A.J.’s pigtails bounced again as she nodded furiously, “Yeah, I know.”
     With another squeeze and a close-lipped smile, Jasper parted from his sister and hurried over to Emmett who stood waiting at the far right end of the line of vampires.
     “Get your hair down.” Edward ordered Bella with a pinched expression.
     Bella momentarily froze and stared at Edward with a bewildered look, before hesitantly pulling the hair tie from her mousy brown hair. 
     Rosalie turned around with a scowl, “Like that’ll help, I can smell her from across the field.”
     With one last look, Rosalie turned back to face the oncoming threat with the others. Carlisle moved to stand tall in the front as everyone else gathered around. They formed a ‘wall’ in front of Bella, her being the obvious vulnerable human here, and A.J. as she had been pushed to the back by Jasper. 
     “I shouldn’t have brought you here, I’m so sorry,” Edward shook his head as Bella pressed him for an answer, “Just be quiet and stand behind me.”
     Bella clung to Edward’s side as he stepped toward the others but stayed just behind them with Bella. The youngest Cullen moved to Bella’s other side, matching the body language of her family. Past the line her family created in front of the three, A.J.’s copper eyes fell upon three figures emerging from the woods. 
     In the front, passing through the growing fog, was a dark-skinned man with long locks, an orange leather jacket atop his bare torso, and a pair of dark, lined pants. To his right, was a woman with curly ginger hair and a long fur shawl that blew in the wind as they tracked forward; a confident smirk carved into her alabaster skin added to her alluring appearance. Lastly, the most menacing of them all was a man who stood to the left of them; his blonde hair was pulled into a low ponytail that enhanced his dark, hooded eyes. The one characteristic that united them was the piercing ruby color of their eyes, which reminded A.J. of her own a couple of months ago.
     The young vampire hurriedly untucked her pinstripe jersey from her leggings all the while keeping her eyes trained ahead. With her enhanced speed, she threw open the buttons of her shirt, leaving her with just a baby blue tank top adorning her torso.
     “Here,” A.J. spoke to Bella, snapping the girl out of her frozen state.
     The human turned her head to face the newborn vampire and her eyes followed consecutively. Her gaze fell upon A.J.’s worried face as the taller of the two threw her jersey around Bella and placed it on her shoulders. Bella briefly unlatched herself from Edward for the jersey to encase her shoulders and arms.
     A.J. adjusted the jersey on Bella, “It’s not much, but I’m ashamed to admit I didn’t wash it last time we played so it’s…oh shit.” 
     A.J.’s ramblings were cut short as the trio of vampires was now standing still a few feet away from the group. With her enhanced hearing, she heard Bella’s heartbeat pick up next to her and prayed that the oncoming threat wouldn’t notice amidst the storm.
      The frontman raised his right hand in a fluid motion, and in it was the homerun ball Rosalie hit. His pristine teeth contrasted against his dark skin as he flashed an inviting smile. A.J. couldn’t help but appreciate his good looks despite the tense situation. His shorter stature and medium build were carried casually, in a way that let you know he was confident and felt no need to compensate. The exposed torso revealed by his unbuttoned green-tinted vest and jacket showcased his toned upper body. He was undeniably tantalizing and attractive, though A.J. supposed that’s what made him dangerous.
     “I believe this belongs to you,” The vampire remarked before flicking his wrist and sending the ball toward Carlisle.
     Carlisle caught it with ease, an unreadable expression on his face. 
     “Thank you.” a friendly smile appeared on Carlisle’s face.
     A.J. shifted her weight before stepping over to stand next to Esme. Sensing her daughter moving next to her, Esme instinctively reached for the girl’s bicep before snaking her arm around A.J.’s. and pulling her close. Esme flicked her eyes to A.J.’s arm upon meeting bare skin, curious as to what happened to her jersey. In response, she received a simple smile and her daughter’s cold left hand on hers.
     “I am Laurant,” the stranger spoke again, “And this is Victoria and James.”
     A.J.’s gaze lingered on Victoria, her voluminous curls framing her soft features. Her presence intrigued the young vampire more and more as she studied her face and body language. It was almost feline, the way she moved, her minuscule movements were elegant and smooth. Once again, it was clear how her looks could be a weapon.
     James, however, did nothing but frighten A.J. Everything about the vampire screamed dangerous and to stay away. He, unlike his coven-mates, did possess the same alluring appearance or body language. The ways his eyes seemed to stare into your soul along with his tall stature reminded A.J. of the tales of Slender Man she’d heard some classmates talk about before she was turned. His weapon, without a doubt, was intimidation.
     “I’m Carlisle,” the Cullen patriarch gestured to the others standing beside him, “This is my family.”
     “I like your shawl,” A.J. spoke and nodded to the one draped around Victoria.
     Instantly, she felt all eyes on her and Esme pull her tighter to her side. The girl shrugged it off, thinking to herself that flattery is usually the best way to smooth things out. 
     Victoria eyed A.J., taking in her appearance having paid more attention to everyone else.
     “Thank you,” Victoria smiled, “I like your top. It’s a good color on you.” her words seemingly rolled off of her tongue.
     A.J. returned the smile, “I know, right.” she let out a stiff chuckle.
     Flattery certainly worked for herself as her apprehensive mood lessened from the compliment.
     “Yes, well, I’m afraid your hunting activities have caused something of a mess for us.” Carlisle brought the attention back to him.
     Laurant’s dark eyebrows raised as his ruby eyes widen ever so slightly.
     “Our apologies,” he spoke earnestly, “We did not realize the territory had been claimed.”
     His apology seemed almost empathetic according to A.J.’s ears. Regardless of whether or not she had been swayed by his being, she almost took his apology to heart if it had not been for the guard she desperately held onto.
     Carlisle nodded, “We maintain a permanent residence nearby.”
     Laurant twisted his neck to face James who was peering past Carlisle and Esme at Edward. A.J. unconsciously hardened her eyes in anticipation of what the nomad may do, having a hard time relaxing in his menacing presence. She feared what he may attempt to do to her family and wondered just how capable his coven could be against the Cullens.
     “Really?” Laurant’s smooth voice held a tone of disbelief, “Well we won’t be a problem anymore. We were just passing through” His gaze returned to Carlisle.
    “The humans were tracking us, but we led them east,” Victoria announced, “You should be safe,” she spoke the last part in a hushed tone as she leaned her head forward for emphasis.
     Carlisle nodded, “Excellent.”
     A.J. caught the reluctant smile on her father’s face. It was one she’d seen him use on a woman who had struck up a conversation with him on one of A.J.’s earlier excursions to ease her back into society. She recalled the woman’s tone being rather flirty as she rang them up at the register.
     Laurant glanced around at the Cullens.
     “So,” he pressed, “Could you use three extra players?”
     One by one the Cullen’s eyes fell upon Carlisle, awaiting his response. His gaze never left Laurant as he silently considered the best option.
     Laurant smiled, “Oh, come on, just one game.”
     Carlisle let out a quick sigh before smiling, “Sure, why not. A few of us were leaving - you can take their place.”
      A.J. crane her neck to glance back at Edward and Bella. Edward’s hardened gaze seemed almost frightened as he glared ahead at James. The fear on his face didn’t come from a fear of his own well-being but Bella’s. A.J. knew that was the only thing on his mind, getting Bella away from here and keeping her safe. 
     “Why didn’t you just flash her to the car? You had time.” A.J. thought to Edward who only briefly spared her a glance.
     Deciding to let it be, A.J.’s eyes moved to Bella who stood with her mouth slightly agape and still clung to Edward. The young vampire knew the human’s fear well and sympathized with her, especially since it was unknown how long Bella would be forced to endure this.
     “We’ll bat first.”
     A.J.’s turned around in time to see Carlisle toss the ball to Laurant, but Victoria flashed her pale hand up in time to catch it.
     “I’m the one with a wicked curve ball.” The smirk permanently edged into Victoria’s face grew wider.
     The atmosphere grew lighter at her remark as the Cullen's spirit slowly returned.
     “Oh, well I think we can handle that.” Jasper egged her on which earned a confident smirk from Emmett and A.J.
     Laurant sang out an ‘oh’ at the banter, body swaying with anticipation as he clapped.
     A.J. leaned her torso forward, “I’m a bit of’a star pitcher myself.” she eyed Victoria with a smile while Esme began to pull her toward the others as they retreated back.
     “We shall see,” Victoria spoke as both she and Laurant spun around to head down the field.
     Though his coven-mates were moving to prepare for the expected game, James stayed stationary with his animalistic gaze set on Edward and Bella. His head tilted to the side as he further inspected his ‘prey’, but Bella kept her gaze set on Edward. Her arm was wrapped around his as she waited for him to move though he stayed in an intimidation contest with James. Finally and with one last look, James turned on his heel and began to find his spot on the field. Bella let herself breathe as they were almost off the hook, but she relaxed too soon. Just as she and Edward began turning, the wind blew against their backs which pushed her scent straight toward James. 
     James’s neck twisted as he inhaled deeply, eyes fluttering shut as he faced the couple again.
     He exhaled and smiled, “You brought a snack.” 
     The predatory vampire lunged forward in a hunched manner, ready to pounce on his prey. Edward pushed Bella back and jumped to action as well, all but A.J. following suit, including James’s coven-mates. The young vampire swiped her jersey off of Bella’s shoulders and swiftly threw it on as she moved to stand in front of Bella. The girl’s copper eyes glared at the trio in front of them, her fear manifesting into courage. She and Bella suddenly stumbled back as Esme pushed A.J. farther away from danger. Perhaps that was where her courage came from; an unconscious understanding that her family wouldn’t allow any harm to come to her.
     “A human,” Laurant questioned as the tension grew.
    “The girl’s with us.” Carlisle stated with a calm voice, “I think it’s best if you leave.” his eyes stayed trained on James.
     Laurant nodded, “I can see the game is over. We’ll go now.” he held his palms open and facing the ground as he slowly backed away.
     Once again, James lingered, this time with Victoria by his side, who seemed eager to kill for him. Laurant glanced at James questioningly, his patience running thin for such antics.
     “James.” Laurant called out.
     With a growl and one last look, James’s posture straightened as he turned away from the Cullens. Victoria followed with a hiss and joined James to which they wrapped an arm around each other and stalked away. Laurant led them as he walked backward before gradually spinning around to walk straight.
     A.J. watched as Edward slowly raised from his hunched state, deep in thought…or what she assumed was James’s.
     “Get Bella out of here.” Carlisle ushered as he placed a hand on Edward’s shoulder, “Go.”
     The eldest Cullen then pushed Edward back toward where Bella and A.J. resided. A.J. quickly flashed to the side and gave her brother an encouraging smile to which she received a nod. As Edward rushed Bella to the jeep, the Cullens quickly gathered what they had come here  with.
      “W-wait, what ‘appens now?” A.J. asked as Carlisle wrapped an arm around her shoulder and placed his right hand protectively on her other.
     “We go home.” Carlisle answered and began to lead her away in the direction of home.
     A.J. stared at him as the others caught up with them, “Then what?”
     Carlisle looked down and gave his daughter a close-lipped smile as Esme flashed to her other side.
     “Let’s just get home first.” he told her.
     A.J. nodded and turned her gaze forward before stopping dead in her tracks and craning her neck to look around Carlisle.
     “Wait, my stuff!” she called out.
     “Don’t worry, we got it.” Rosalie answered as she slugged A.J.’s backpack around her shoulders and Emmett cradled the girl’s boom box.
     A.J. nodded again, “Thank you.” she let her gaze fall forward.
     The girl bit her tongue in anticipation of what was going to happen. The courage she had gained left her once she heard the wheels of the silver Jeep skid away in the mud. Dread replaced it as the primary emotion in most of the vampires present. Her thoughts were far too jumbled and rapid for her to calm herself down as Carlisle began to pick up speed. One thing that remained clear in her mind as she started to run, was her family staying safe. Though, she had no clue how she'd do it.
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ragnarokhound · 6 months
38) "This never happened" fix-it fics or "this happened but" fix-it fics?
8) How slow is a slow burn?
wanna know ur opinion
14) Write and share the first sentence of a new fic. Just that.
Thanks for the questions! From this ask game.
38. I'm a big fan of "this happened, but" style fixit. History and continuity are important to me, I like working within the framework of canon to fiddle around with small events for-want-of-a-nail, butterfly effect style. One small change in a character's reaction to an event, or knowledge they didn't have before having a long domino effect on the narrative is very interesting to me because the problem still exists, but how could we have reacted differently to solve it? OwO Jason died and came back, but Superman found him first. Jason died and came back, but Bruce's instruments recorded the incident and he received the alert in time. Bad thing still happened, but the outcome wasn't as harsh. Hope wins the day. (That being said, I enjoy all fixit. Make it right T_T)
8. TRUE slow burn takes the whole goddamn narrative to set up. We are chomping at the bit for this romance EARLY on, and the payoff is the ultimate relief. One of my favorite slow burns is actually a dragon age inquisition fem OC x Cullen fic featuring a modern girl sent to that universe lmao. It's called Ad Infinitum, it's really good, it's about 250k, complete, and the romance doesn't even start romancing until the third act. It's got a great structure to it and is more about adapting to a hard new life after a traumatic incident than anything else. There are dragons and it is awesome.
That being said. My minimum bar for slow burn is either: the characters have experienced a years long build up to a romance in their relationship that we see enough of to feel OR an objectively shorter period of time that we as readers are experiencing in almost lockstep with the characters, chock full of enough pining and frustration to make me feel a years-long buildup in what is honestly a short timeframe. To me it is more about plot ratio than word count, and how effectively it's conveyed.
14. You are evil, abyss, how many wips are you trying to get me to work on right now exactly
Jason's had worse heats. Don't ask him when - but he's sure he's had them.
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theluckywizard · 1 year
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My own illustration of my OC
Garrett Hawke
Champion of Kirkwall. Warrior, troublemaker, incessant flirt.
Bit of a goof really.
“Let’s do that again, backward and inside out!”
“If by accomplished you mean unleashed utter chaos, you’d be right. I’m not the example you think I am.”
“I think you’ll find I am shockingly cheap. A look. A blush. A smile. Maybe some cheese.”
“Oh it doesn’t need to pay. It just needs to be passably interesting!”
He’s in multiple fics of mine but will mainly feature in my long fic In the Shattering of Things. A hf!rogue inquisitor x Cullen (slow burn) and x Hawke (fast burn). I’m about four chapters from introducing him 👀
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demawrites · 1 year
Dragon Age Writing Prompts
For @dadrunkwriting​ <3
You can specify a character or a ship or neither, and I am also down for poems and song lyrics not mentioned here (in fact, I love to be introduced to your favs, so don’t be shy!)
I have edited to include some general tone notes for ships/characters, to help those of you unfamiliar with my stable of creatures. 
My OCs: - Alethea Trevelyan (Mage inquisitor, a bit posh, ANGST) - Niva Lavellan (Rogue inquisitor, rather elfy, humor and some angst) - Morgon Trevelyan (Assassin inquisitor, villain?/antihero, humor, danger) Romantic (canon) Pairings: - Alethea/Cullen (fraught, lots of baggage to work through) - Niva/Cullen (fluffy and fraught) - Niva/Solas (relationship ended like in canon, she moved on to Cullen) - Morgon/Cassandra (enemies to lovers, like, foreal) - Morgon/Flissa (it’s sweet and spicy. Too sweet to last lol)
Romantic (non-canon but plausible) Pairings: - Alethea/Duke Gaspard  - Alethea/Blackwall - Niva/Krem - Niva/Blackwall - Morgon/Dorian (okay this is a bit canon) - Morgon/Josephine - Morgon/Morrigan - Morgon/Hawke (any gender)
Romantic (crackship) Pairings: - Alethea/Solas - Niva/Briala - Morgon/Viv - ....anyone/Viv, really. God I love Viv. I should make her an LI. - Morgon/Leliana - Morgon/Cullen - Morgon/Celene - Morgon/anyone really, gimme your best shot 
I’m also open to pretty much any Platonic Pairings!
Current Prompt List
Bad Omens Lyric Prompts
Sleep Token Lyric Prompts
Even more Sleep Token (from Take Me Back to Eden)
The Weeknd Mixtape Lyric Prompts (many of these are naughty, just fyi)
Florence and the Machine Lyric Prompts
Twenty-four Touches
Assassin x Target Prompts (for Morgon mostly)
The Intimacy of Hands
Slow-burn Prompts
102 Types of Kisses
Sexual Tension Prompts
Sexual Tension Turned up to 11
Sex Tropes/pwp Prompts
Movie Quotes Prompts (Non-romantic)
Quotes from Black Sails (a wide range)
Whump Wheel
Fiona Apple Lyric Prompts – Love and Heartache
Fiona Apple Lyric Prompts – States of Mind (coming soon)
Poetry Prompts (coming soon)
Many thanks to everyone making prompt lists! You are appreciated. And, as always, feel free to steal mine <3
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littlelostmabari · 1 month
Chapter 17: The End Begins (Part I)
In which Saoirse learns, once more, that her dreams have consequences.
Tagging @skinwalkingxana :)
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Fandom: Dragon Age 2 / Dragon Age Inquisition
Current Pairings: Cullen Rutherford x OC. Background F!Hawke x Anders
Rating: M (Canon-typical violence & behavior, check tags & CW on chapters)
Links: Whole Work | Chapter 17 | Saoirse Character Sheet
(Dividers by cafekitsune)
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"Have any of you actually cared for a child?" Saoirse looked around the room at Varric, then Choir Boy, then Anders, then Fenris. "Look at you, you can barely take care of yourselves." Choir Boy murmured something about the Maker, but Varric shushed him. The storyteller knew the beginnings of a speech when he heard it.
"None of you have ever made that kind of decision. Have you? Have any of you gone to bed hungry because there was only food enough for one, and damn your pain, the kid has to eat? Have you ever had to hold them while they cry, telling them that their nightmare wasn't real?" She stood now, although it was partly thanks to Donny's shoulder under her hand that she didn't collapse again, her knees shaking from exhaustion. "Have any of you ever sat on a street corner begging day in and day out, debating whether or not to use the kid for pity, because it feels really fucking shitty but maybe her three-year-old face might get you enough coin to sleep somewhere with a roof that doesn't leak and beds that don't bite?" The weight of the day was taking it's toll. Her voice softened as she met Anders' eyes.
"Have you ever loved someone so much" — her voice hitched, and Donny's hand was on her hip, keeping her upright — "that you know you have to give them to someone else because you know you can't give them the care, the attention... the love they deserve?" Her gaze drifted into the middle distance, where the hazy face of Jhessem lingered in her periphery.
"Because I have."
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ar-lath-ma-cully · 3 months
and it slips through loose fingers Chapters: 32/? WC: 98.9k Fandom: Dragon Age: Inquisition Rating: Explicit Warnings: major character death, explicit depictions of violence and death Relationships: Cullen x OC, Solavellan, Blackwall x OC, OC x OC Additional Tags: character death, long fic, slow burn, characters start out young and age throughout the story, eventual romance, PTSD, trauma, hurt/comfort, growing up, Modern Girl in Thedas, canon divergence, recreational drug use, friends with benefits, *work in progress* Summary:
"Amaryllis wondered — not for the first time, nor the last — why misfortune seemed to follow her everywhere she went."
Amaryllis is nine years old when she dies and wakes in a forest naked, afraid, and alone.
DAFF Tag List: @rakshadow, @rosella-writes, @effelants, @bluewren, @breninarthur,
@ar-lath-ma-cully, @dreadfutures, @ir0n-angel, @inquisimer, @crackinglamb,
@theluckywizard, @oxygenforthewicked, @exalted-dawn-drabbles, @melisusthewee, @blarrghe,
@agentkatie, @delicatefade, @leggywillow, @about2dance, @plisuu
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ashcal99 · 11 months
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Golden Hour : Rosalie Hale*
Series Masterlist
Summary: By the young age of twenty years old, Grayson Cly had been through his fair share of trauma. Trauma that had left him a single father. Trauma that only grew more complicated when he joined his cousin Sam Uley as a shape shifting wolf. But, what happens when he imprints on the one thing he was born to protect the world from? Can he stick to his instincts when it comes to that protection, or will the persistence of that imprint derail his life even more?
Chapter One - coming soon
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shivunin · 2 years
Character Songs Tag Meme
Game rules: choose one of your characters and list songs that fit them
Hehe thank you @star--nymph for the tag c: I am tagging whoever would like to participate. Tag me if you decide to do this so I can check out some new music!
This time, I am going to do songs that best exemplify my OCs' romantic relationships c:
Arianwen x Zevran:
"Everybody knows that home is where your teeth sink, love/Kiss me you animal/ I need to take you in real slow/ Cus dying on your lips is how I want to go"
Maria Hawke x Fenris: (I couldn't pick, so there's two c:)
"I do the dumbest things for you/Why do I do the dumbest things for you?/ I would be safer on my own/I didn't care, you were the most exciting thing I'd ever known"
"How dare you love me like you've never known fear?/When you've got more troubles than minutes in the year/And a voice like your father's tells you nothing good's for free/Well that may be/But you're walking home to me"
Adahlena Lavellan x Cullen:
"The sky must break for the rain to fall/from broken seeds the flowers bloom/Maybe that's why with hearts open wide/I feel so alive with you"
Elowen Lavellan x Cullen:
"You'd better learn to fly/Cus they're gonna point you up at the sky/The more that you want it, the more that you need it/I know that you'll be by my side/
In the heat of the moment when the thunder and lightning come/I know that you'll be by my side"
Emmaera Lavellan x Cullen:
"If you're looking for a soft place to land/ The calm of a steady hand/ An unconditional friend/
If you need to take a moment to catch your breath/ Come in before you catch your death/ You don't have to pass the test to come home"
Salshira Lavellan x Cullen:
"I love you to the sea /I love you like the tidal wave/ That cast me away/ When it washed me back to shore/ The first arms that found me were yours"
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taiblogcomics · 1 year
Barely a Cammi-o Appearance
Hey there, Iron Man's undergarments. We're down to the wire! Last three issues of Avengers Arena, starting now! Let's fucking goooooooo~!
Here's the cover:
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Honestly, kind of a cool cover. And somehow, judging from my research (i.e. checking the "Shout-Outs" section of TVTropes), this one isn't based on a particular movie or anything, unlike so many covers before it. I guess it's just really echoing that style really well. Thankfully, there is actually remarkably little lust in these comics. A bit too much blood, though, and not nearly enough jetpacks. Also, I know the style of these has always been "I was a teenage X", but "was" implies past tense. Cammi is still very much a teenage astrogirl. That didn't stop being a thing that was true or anything~
So, last time we had a big dumb fight scene with Cullen as a monster that ended in Nara's death. Once again, it's kind of hard to be broken up over this OC that was only introduced in this comic and has been kind of obnoxious throughout the story. Understandably, though, Anachronism isn't taking it well. I'm gonna skip over this first page of Arcade monologuing about the value of slow burn stories (I'd like to slowly burn this story, let me tell you), because I truly do not care, and just get to the part where Anachronism swings his axe into Cullen's stomach.
Thankfully, it doesn't result in another death (although it probably should), though it does result in copious amounts of blood. Just as the cover promised! Cullen thinks he deserves it anyways, because he's on his mopey emo teen kick, where he's secretly in love with his best friend, therefore his best friend should kill him for killing his girlfriend. Real fuckin' tragic stuff. Cammi breaks up the fight by shooting Anachronism with her laser gun, which somehow has enough force to send him flying.
Meanwhile, Nico has correctly concluded that everything sucks in this story, so the time for nice and making friends is over. All it got her last time was dead, so she and Chase blast Reptil aside, then she goes rocketing into the ocean with Cullen. Also meanwhile, Hazmat turns up alive, her radiation suit and probably also her stomach wounds leaking heavily. She stumbles across X-23 unconscious in the forest, and tries to move as quickly as she can away from her. But the lingering trigger scent and her wounds rouse X-23 to consciousness. That's not gonna be good for anybody.
So those two duke it out, which actually loops back around to how this all began. Yeah! You remember the very first issue starting with a fight between X-23 and Hazmat? I don't blame you if you don't, I wanna put every thought of that issue out of my head too. But this is that fight, right down to Hazmat's inner monologue about being a hater, which has only become more tiresome in the months since. If this was something we cared about, it'd be a satisfying narrative thing to see the story finally cycle back around to its foreshadowing. But instead it's this story.
Anyways, watching the fight is Arcade, of course, but watching him watch the fight? Hey, you remember that bit where Apex and Deathlocket fell into his lair? Hey, we're finally coming back to that. The pair of them have been hiding in the duct work this whole time, observing Arcade and learning his routine. Hey, you remember how Arcade is a nanite-infused god? Why hasn't he noticed them? Hey, you remember how Apex is a technopath? Why can't she control Arcade's nanites? It's almost like this isn't a very good story~
So Apex and Tim are switching back and forth almost comically now, essentially to carry an argument with each other. I've no doubt alters argue with each other sometimes, but my problem is the ease of their switching, when it took unconsciousness for them to switch before. But if I keep complaining about every detail, we'll never get this review done. We're three paragraphs deep, and I haven't progressed the plot at all! Anyways, the point is that they've repaied and upgraded Deathlocket's cannon arm. Locket gets as annoyed with their arguing as the reader is and decides to head off and put a plan into action.
The plan is maybe Apex/Tim can hack into Arcade's systems, they just need him distracted enough to do so. Locket first tries letting some of the animals loose, but Arcade's robot assistant just rounds them up. She upgrades to actually breaking stuff, but he sends the robot in to deal with it again. Can't you see Grandma's watching her stories? She picks up Kid Briton's sword and cleaves the robot in twain, but gets startled by one of the other bodies in the storage room. It's Darkhawk, and he's still alive! Seeing him roused from death makes her scream, which is finally enough to get Arcade off his ass to check on things himself.
With Arcade having left his creepy observation deck, Apex swings into action. Or at least she tries, since Tim keeps switching in to argue that they should go check on Deathlocket. That scream sounded real, and she could be in trouble. Once she gets Tim off her back (with a lot of insufferable British slang, by the way), she manages to break into Arcade's network, only to then set off one of his firewalls, which is just him ripping off a similar thing from Jurassic Park, right down to the finger-wagging.
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So Arcade comes back in, leading a shocked Deathlocket, and doing his smuggy-smug superior taunting stuff. He's a little impressed they're down here, thinking they were already dead, and he just has them have a seat while he watches more of his teens-fighting-teens spank bank. Nico's still dragging Cullen through the ocean, Cammi has Chase at gunpoint, Anachronism's fighting a triceratops for some reason... And while he's gloating at how beautiful it all is that he's finally pushed everyone over the brink, the comic ends with Arcade getting clubbed over the head by Darkhawk, now fully conscious and mobile! Oh, finally an issue with a good ending~
Well, I could complain about how this is another dumb fight scene issue, or how even the parts that aren’t are annoying because of the constant bickering between Tim and Apex. Or even Apex being annoying all by herself by a combination of her smug attitude (only a hair under Arcade’s own) and the need to remind you she’s English by shoving in Britishisms into every dialogue balloon to the point she sounds like an old-timey Cockney thief character. But honestly, that last panel with Darkhawk standing over Arcade brandishing a weapon is just so satisfying... I can’t wait to see how they ruin this moment next issue~
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erisismywaifu25 · 2 years
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Before we start, a few bullet point facts to get out of the way:
•Jake and Bella are the same age (Bella is still older) and Seth and A.J. are a year younger than them
•In this Twilight fanfic universe, vamps and wolves who were changed before they turned 18 continue to age until they reach 18 cause I said so
•Jasper served in the Union
•My idioms or comparisons may suck but sometimes the only way for me to get a point across is to be extremely descriptive.
•The Baseball teams are done up by my choice because I’m too baseball-dumb to decipher who’s on what team😀
•Proofread but not perfect
Also, this story is Seth Clearwater x OC (?) Cullen is based on my friend who requested this slow-burn fic, cause there are almost no Seth fanfics (the disrespect😤✊🏻). All chapters are named after Florence+the Machine songs cause me and my bestie love her stuff
Word Count: 4802
Without further ado…Chapter 3 of Shake It Out
“Geez, guys, will you hurry up!” A.J. hollered while balancing her weight on a sturdy tree limb.
Two Hale’s and a Cullen were currently on their way back from a brief hunt to ensure the two newest ‘vegetarians’ wouldn’t come to harm the human that entranced Edward. This was all a precautionary, of course, as Jasper already spends on average five days a week surrounded by humans. For A.J., however, this would be her first interaction with a human since before her transformation, minus the few trips to grocery stores late at night or near closing time shopping trips.
A.J. threw her head back dramatically, “Come on, I wanna see if she’s really as hot as Edward goes on about, or if she’s ‘quite plain which isn’t a shock for a human’ like Rose says.” she morphed her voice into the best Rosalie impression she could muster.
While the youngest of the Cullens was occupied with herself, Jasper and Alice flashed past the tree she was waiting on.
“Crap,” she muttered once her light copper eyes caught sight of the ruffles on Alice’s shin-length dress.
With a leap, the ten-month-old vampire landed harshly on her feet before bolting down the path to home. Alice had seemingly disappeared among the brush of the forest but the black backpack hanging on Jasper’s shoulders stayed directly in A.J.’s line of sight. Her brows furrowed at the realization of how much Jasper stood out in the forest. Usually, he’s easy to lose sight of; it’s child’s play for him. The only time Jasper is conspicuous is when he allows you to see him.
Though, despite her better knowledge, A.J. threw caution to the wind and rushed after Jasper. Hurdling over fallen debris and trunks, she gradually began to catch up with Jasper. Hearing her bounding steps from behind him, the oldest of the Hales smirked slyly and peered over to four large trees to his left. He curved towards the trees once he sensed A.J. drawing nearer, fully intending for her to follow him.
An adrenaline-filled laugh escaped A.J.’s thick lips as she followed close behind Jasper. A warm feeling immediately enveloped said pathokinetic; Happiness, excitement, and adrenaline, all at once washed over him and manifested as warm in feeling his chest. A smile graced his lips, though whether it was mischievous or the happiness he felt, was ambiguous.
Once Jasper was close to the tree line with the Cullen house in sight. A.J. approached closer by the second, and Jasper’s eyes glimpsed quite a few trees ahead where a certain pixie-like lover of his was climbing up. A.J. completely oblivious to this chased her elder brother, ready to pounce once she caught up to him. Though she was nearing the end of her first year of vampirism and was running out of what remained of her blood, she could still catch up to the fastest of the Cullens; though Edward was gradually becoming more elusive.
Pumping his legs faster, Jasper pushed his speed to reach the tree Alice preyed upon; clearly having an unseen advantage on her side. Now within arms length of him, A.J. laughed out in victory, assuming she was about to cross in front of him as she slipped to his right away and away from the tree line. Just as fast as she had disappeared, Alice let herself be known as she swan-dived from the top of the fir tree. The newborn’s head shot up from teasingly flipping Jasper off to see Alice right as the shorter woman landed on A.J.’s back.
A.J. staggered as her legs stumbled from the sudden weight; no matter how heavy, someone landing on you from that high up felt ten times heavier. Deciding against tumbling over with her sister, Alice placed her hands on A.J.’s shoulders and leaped over her. As Alice landed a few feet away from home, Jasper caught A.J.’s left arm just in time to save the girl from a complete wipe out. He used his strength to swoop her up into his jacket-covered arms and carried her like an infant until they reached Alice below the balcony that led into the kitchen.
Alice giggled at the sight of a disheveled A.J. in Jasper’s arms. Said girl immediately hopped out of her brother’s hold, and dusted herself off. The couple before her watched her in amusement, proud of themselves for taking part in one of the few moments anyone is able to catch A.J. off-guard.
“Ya know, when I said ‘hurry up’, I don’t recall suggestin’ for y’all to ambush me!” A.J. exasperated with an expression to match it.
Jasper nudged her shoulder, “Aw, come on. We had a vision to fulfill, and I can’t let my darlin’ down.” his familiar drawl emphasized towards the end of his sentence.
Alice smirked and skipped in front of A.J. who was currently adjusting her black and white track shorts that had ridden up in an uncomfortable manner.
“Remind me to get new shorts.” the young girl spoke aloud.
Soft fingers suddenly caressed the olive-toned forehead of A.J.’s as Alice tenderly pushed back dirty-blonde strands that had fallen out of the braid Rosalie crafted. The gentle scratch of Alice’s manicured nails sent a tingle down A.J.’s spine. Even after all these months, the youngest of the Cullen coven hadn’t grown accustomed to the physical affection they provided her with, having only been used to a scarce hug or playful shoving from her past teammates.
Upon the first ‘hair playing’ she received from Rosalie, A.J. nearly jumped out of her skin. It was two weeks after A.J. had arrived at the Cullen home, and she had been sitting at the kitchen table. Her arms rested on the tabletop as she flicked her pencil rapidly between her middle and index finger, all the while trying her best to listen to Esme teaching her what she missed in tenth-grade English. The rest of the Cullen children were out hunting and Carlisle was working, leaving only Esme and A.J. at home.
While long fingers trailed through the end of her wavy locks as another hand came to rest on the back of the wooden chair she sat in. Her body tensed as it nearly leaped out of the chair, which sat diagonal from Esme. Thankfully, it was one of the few times in her earlier months that she was able to prevent herself from body-slamming someone for simply breathing next to her.
Rosalie instantly retracted her hand and offered her a thorough apology, guilt riddling her features at the thought of touching someone against their will. With a guilty look of her own, A.J. insisted it was all right, she just wasn’t expecting it. Strangely enough, for those involved and those spectating, namely Esme, it was a bonding moment that proved to be detrimental for the pair.
Alice cupped A.J.’s face before jumping back, bringing A.J. back to the present. The pixie-like woman admired her work of tidying up her sister’s hair, a proud smile evident on her face.
“There,” Alice chirped, “Now you’re ready to meet Bella! Don’t you think, Jaz?” her fingers interlocked as she snaked her arms around Jasper’s arm.
“You look very nice, A.J.” Jasper answered while giving a closed-lipped smile.
A.J. scoffed and pretended to flip her braided pigtails, “Obvi, but you two could use some work.” Her accent morphed to a valley-girl type.
Jasper chuckled as Alice feigned offense, her jaw dropping to form an ‘o’.
“Well, if that’s the way you’re going to repay me, see if I ever help you again.” Alice tipped forward on the balls of her silver flats.
“Yeah, Ange,” Jasper’s face fell into a serious expression, “I’d be careful if I were you, Alice is one of the few that’ll protect ya from Emmett and I.”
With an exclamation, A.J.’s knees fell inwards with closed fists cradling her face that held a frightened expression.
“Oh, I’m quaking in me boots!” The girl expressed with a fake quiver.
Jasper opened his mouth before snapping it shut. The scent of warm blood filled the three vampires’ nostrils. Their senses were overwhelmed with the enticing aroma which wafted from the open balcony doors above them. The Hale’s were particularly burdened by this scent, as it took everything in them to not go speeding into the house and cause quite of bit of harm to everyone there.
Alice, unsurprisingly, was the first to snap out of it with a cheerful smile spreading across her face as her body wiggled in excitement.
“She’s here!” She squealed while leaning up to Jasper’s face.
A.J. was the first of the three to climb up onto the balcony. A bounding thud rumbled the suspended floor, which attracted the attention of the Cullens and Bella.
“Angel Jade, what did I tell you about being more careful?” Esme scolded as A.J. gave a sheepish smile while waltzing to join the rest.
“Sorry.” the girl replied while sliding her backpack off her right shoulder.
A.J. continued forward towards Bella after sliding the backpack onto the edge of the blue countertop. She continued past the other Cullens; Rosalie, with a scowl, stood next to Emmett who had his hands placed in his jean pockets, and Carlisle stood behind Esme with his arms wrapped around her in an embrace. Once the newborn was within a few feet of Bella, she automatically outstretched her hand, eager to introduce herself.
“Hey, I’m-oh gosh!” A.J. exclaimed.
The scent of Bella’s blood hit her like a truck. Her palm audibly smacked against her nose and mouth with tight-shut eyes. All self-control she had learned was immediately forgotten. The only thing occupying her mind was tearing Bella’s throat out. She’s the most agile out of anyone here. She could easily snatch Bella up without getting caught. If only Edward-
“It’s blood, A.J.” Edward gave a stern reminder, his hand leaving his pocket and placing it on Bella’s lower back.
With a frown, Rosalie took hold of A.J.’s free arm and led her to stand by her side.
A.J. cleared her throat, “I know. I’m good.” The hand which had just been pressed against her mouth shot up in an innocent manner
Edward stared at her for a brief moment. A.J. knew what he was doing; reading every single thought that crossed her mind. She couldn’t blame him, after all, hearing your newly transformed sister contemplate using your girlfriend as a Capri-Sun was definitely off-putting.
“Forgive A.J.,” Carlisle spoke up after sending his daughter a soft smile, “She’s towards the end of her first year as a newborn.”
Bella shook her head, “N-newborn?”
A creaking branch from just outside the balcony doors grabbed everyone’s attention and prevented Bella from getting an answer. Edward’s eyes lingered a second on A.J. before setting them upon Alice. With bright eyes and a warm smile on her oval face, Alice stepped along the sturdy branch as a stiff Jasper trailed behind her. Even without possessing an ability like Edward’s or Jasper, A.J. recognized the struggle he was facing.
Despite the moral issues of their thoughts, Jasper’s shared internal conflict comforted A.J. The pained look on his face outshone the one on hers. She assumed because he had tasted human blood numerous times before that the temptation he faced was far greater. At that moment, A.J. silently thanked her parents for never letting her taste it, though she also was grateful for the natural disgust she had for it, even if it caused her to get an ‘F’ in 9th grade science class.
“Hi, Bella!” Alice greeted while hopping down from the tree branch.
A.J.’s darkened eyes followed Alice as she practically skipped to Bella and threw her shrug-covered arms around the human. Bella’s arms stiffly returned the gesture as she muttered a ‘hi’.
Alice pulled away from Bella, her bracelets jingling, with Jasper standing neatly behind his wife.
“Oh! You do smell good.” she exasperated.
“Mm!” A.J. agreed with a stiff smile, “Like daisies.” she joked, slowly gaining her control back, though still cradled by Rosalie.
Edward’s eyes flickered as a bewildered look spread across his face, “Alice-what are you-,”
“It’s okay,” Alice cut him off, “Bella and I are gonna be great friends!”
A brief silence fell over the group as Jasper kept his dark eyes trained on Bella’s form. Edward visibly stiffened next to his girlfriend and subtly pushed himself in front of her. With his arms still wrapped around Esme, Carlisle glanced at the new couple before switching his focus to Jasper, who had yet to fully gain his self-control back.
“Sorry,” Carlisle broke the silence, “Jasper’s our newest vegetarian. It’s a little difficult for him.”
Jasper’s neck twitched ever so slightly as the constipated look on his face transitioned to a small pained smile. A.J. subtly peered over to Emmett, who was already looking at her with a smirk, sharing an unspoken agreement to bring this up later. Seeming to forget that she was standing between them, Rosalie reminded them by glaring at the mischievous pair, not understanding how either of them could be laughing in this situation.
“It’s a-pleasure to meet you.” he forced out, his unblinking eyes staring a hole into Bella.
A normal person watching from the outside might assume that, beneath the love-struck gaze Alice was giving her husband, she may be holding a gun to his spine. Thankfully, that wasn’t the case, and it was simply because he was staving off his bloodthirsty instincts.
“It’s okay, Jasper.” Alice assured him when she noticed his intense stare not dissipating, “You won’t hurt her.”
A snicker escaped Emmett, “Yeah, contrary to Edward’s previous statements about himself.” Carlisle and Esme both eyed their son.
A.J.’s perkiness returned, “Yeah, heard it was quite a doozy when Edwardo told ya about us-or I guess what he was.” A.J. grinned at Edward while leaning away from Rosalie.
Edward’s face immediately dropped, “Emmett, please-,”
“As if you could outrun me!” Emmett mimicked, “As if you could fight me off!” he threw a few light punches.
Edward shifted, “A.J., don’t-,”
A.J. wiggled her body as she brushed her hair behind her ear, “You wouldn’t hurt me.” she morphed her accent to match Bella’s.
“Seriously, please-,”
Emmett stifled a laugh, “S-say it-w-what am I?” he snickered out.
A.J. bit her bottom lip aggressively while brushing her hair behind her ear yet again, “V-vampire.”
“Alright, enough, you two.” Esme chastised, “No more embarrassing us in front of our guest.” her smile returned as soon she met Bella’s eyes again.
The pair snickered together like two children who just successfully completed a prank, much to the dismay of their brother. Rosalie smirked at their nonsense, the bitterness she possessed for this situation being sweetened by their mimicry, if only for a moment.
Bella nodded awkwardly with a straight mouth, “Wow, you did a really good impression of me, I thought we hadn’t met yet.” she pointed her hands with her palms down at the group in front of her as she joked.
A.J. took a break from her tomfoolery and turned her attention back to Bella.
“Thank you, I learned from the best.” the youngest Hale bowed dramatically while directing her outstretched arm to Edward.
“He never shuts up about you,” Rosalie stated, her arms crossed.
This only started Emmett and A.J. again as their faces contorted waggish looks.
“Yes, well, apparently Alice never keeps things to herself.” Edward sent her a pointed look as she was leading Jasper to join the others.
Alice stopped an arms-lengths away from A.J. and placed her hands on her hips, “Oh, come on, you know I have to tell someone.” she defended herself.
“And you chose A.J.” Edward replied.
Alice shrugged before placing her hands on said girl’s shoulders, “What can I say? She’s an Angel!” she gave her a squeeze to emphasize when she said ‘Angel’.
“Born and raised.” A.J. beamed despite Edward’s eye roll.
Emmett opened his mouth again, “Oh no, but you should hear the way Edison talks about you,” the vampire lifted his arms into the position one would use while gazing out of a window, “Oh, Bella’s hair looked breathtaking today.” he spoke in a brooding voice.
A.J. inhaled Alice’s hair obnoxiously loud through her nose, which caused her sister to pull away, “Oh, and it smelled like strawberries-my favorite vegetable when I was human.”
Emmett reached around Rosalie and smacked A.J.’s arm, “Vegetable?” he laughed out.
“Angel, Emmett, come on,” Carlisle warned.
Bella swung her head to peer at Edward, a smirk laced on her face despite his clear embarrassment.
“And this is paraphrasing here?” Bella inquired.
A.J. teetered her head, “More or less.”
Carlisle perked up, “Edward, why don’t you show Bella the rest of our home?” he suggested, clearly attempting to aid his son and prevent him from further teasing.
Edward paused as he glanced at his adoptive father. His face contorted into a bewildered look as his topaz eyes fell back onto Bella.
“Alright, yeah,” Edward agreed without hesitation, “I’m gonna take you on a tour of the rest of the house.”
Edward sent one more look toward his family before turning and beginning to lead Bella away.
“Well, I’ll see you soon,” Alice stated, her golden eyes still twinkling.
Bella staggered, “Okay.” she nodded before following Edward behind her.
As the new couple departed from the room, particularly sassy on Edward’s part, giddy and relieved sighs or laughs fell from the more enthused of the Cullen’s.
“I think that went well,” Carlisle stated as he separated himself from his wife.
Esme was the first to step away from the group and into the large kitchen, stopping briefly in front of the shattered glass and scattered vegetables on the floor.
“Pick this up. Now.” the matriarch demanded Rosalie, who was still in a temperamental state.
The blonde simply rolled her eyes before stepping around Emmett and crouching down to pick up the larger pieces of broken glass. As she picked up the glass, the other Cullens migrated into the kitchen to ensue a family gossip about what happened. Carlisle and Esme walked to the other side of the island to finish the food as Alice trailed over to stand to the side of the fridge nearest the wall Bella and Edward had been at, with Jasper following closely. Emmett stayed stationary, practically hovering over his wife, who looked ready to snap at a moment’s notice.
She glared up at her husband, “If you’re going to gawk, you might as well help me.” she snapped.
Emmett’s hands shot up innocently, “Woah, I was about to offer, babe, but if you don’t want to ask nicely…then I think I’ll stay put.”
Rosalie huffed as her eyes evaded him, “Emmett, will you please help me pick up the broken glass and lettuce?”
“See? Now, was that so hard?” Emmett teased as he walked down the hall to presumably grab a broom.
Rosalie stood and strutted towards the trash can, “Don’t make me regret it.”
“Alright, so, moving on…let’s look compare and contrast.” A.J. teetered her hands as if imitating a scale.
Carlisle and Esme watched as their daughter slithered past them before plopping herself on the vacant island countertop.
Carlisle and Esme shared a knowing glance as they gathered the chopped up meat into a bowl.
“How so?” Carlisle inquired with the same gentle smile he always gave A.J.
“Well, for starters, Bella lived. Pro. Jasper and I,” A.J. flip-flopped her right hand as her legs kicked in and out, “Seem like psychos. Con.”
Esme let a gasp fall from her rosy lips, “Don’t call yourself that!” she urged as she tossed
Jasper’s mouth twitched as Alice gently swung his left arm, “What about what she said ‘bout me?”
“Well, you were no ‘Rock Hudson’.” Rosalie snorted while stepping out of Carlisle’s way as he opened a cupboard door.
“At least I wasn’t the one who lost her temper.” Jasper sassed at his adoptive sister, which earned him a scowl.
Emmett popped out from behind the corner with a broom in hand, “Hey! Better watch your mouth, old man. Ain’t anything wrong with being a little feisty. I like her that way.” he shot a wink towards Rosalie, who was now standing next to A.J.
“Ew.” Alice and A.J. exclaimed in tandem.
“Old man?” Jasper laughed incredulously while Alice played with his cold fingers.
The pixy-like woman stood on the balls of her feet, “Oh, don’t listen to them, Jazz, you did wonderfully. Besides, you’re my old man.” she pressed her heart-shaped lips to his pale cheek.
Jasper smiled down at her gleaming face, “Though I appreciate your kind words, ma’am, why am I being called ‘old man’? Shouldn’t we be reserving that term for Carlisle?” his gaze turned outwards at the busy vampires.
Carlisle glanced at Jasper, “I may the ‘old man’ here, but I prefer to be left out of this discussion.” he smiled while handing Esme a clear plastic container.
“Yes!” A.J. threw her strong arms up in frustration, “Lemme’ finish my compare and contrasting before baseball.” she felt Rosalie’s finger push a few loose strands of her braided hair behind her left ear.
Emmett’s head shot up, pausing his sweeping. A wide smile was spread across his narrow jaw and a glint shone in his golden eyes; it was clear he was about to say either the most heartwarming sentence over or something moderately offensive to someone in the room.
“Oo! I got one,” he exclaimed while turning his attention to A.J., “Bella can’t be Italian. Pro. Because a true Italian can’t resist Italian cuisine. Con.”
Esme furrowed her arched brows, “Why is her not being Italian a ‘pro’?” she inquired as the last of the prepared food was placed in a clear, plastic container.
“Yeah,” A.J. laughed, “What do you have against Italians?”
Emmett ceased his sweeping once again, “Mario Kart, Aje. That and their disgusting pizza.” he bent down and set the dustpan in front of the pile he gathered together.
Rosalie scoffed as Emmett swept the glass and vegetables into the pan, “Not this again. Emmett, when you tried authentic Italian pizza, it was after you were turned. Therefore, you do not know what true Italian pizza tastes like.” her face had the look of a mother whose child wouldn’t stop repeating an explicit word.
“If the Italians made pizza as good as everyone goes on about, then it should have been able to overpower my nonexistent tastebuds,” he emphasized his point by dumping the debris into the trash can that was attached to the inside of a bottom cabinet near the kitchen sink.
A.J. shrugged with pursed lips, “Although I can agree with that point; Mario Kart is made by Nintendo, which is a Japanese company.”
Emmett swerved past Esme to avoid knocking into her, “Gotta’ read between the lines, Shortie-,”
“I’m 5’7.”
“Not the point.” Emmett retaliated, causing a chuckle from a few around them, “I don’t trust Mario from Mario Kart, and he just so happens to be Italian.”
Alice giggled, “Is that because Carlisle happens to beat you each time with Mario?”
Esme shared a smirking glance with her husband as she placed a bowl in the sink. Carlisle currently had his back turned to the rest as he washed the dishes and cutlery used to make the food they were sending Bella home with. A flashback from the most recent game night in the Cullen household came to his, and most likely the others, mind of Emmett sliding off the map ‘Rainbow Road’ as Bowser ten different times by the banana peels Carlisle threw out. Game night ended with a very irate Emmett nearly breaking an N64 controller.
“That is one of the few video games I am decent at.” Carlisle spoke as he handed a dish to Esme for her to dry, “I refuse to feel guilty for beating you.”
Jasper and Rosalie smirked at each other from across the room.
“A little more than decent.” Rosalie exhaled forcefully through her nose in amusement.
Emmett’s lips twitched as he uses his foot to close the cupboard door, “Ten times, you knocked me off of that damn road-,”
“Emmett,” Esme warned him of his choice of language.
Emmett stepped past Alice and Jasper, “Sorry. Ten times I was knocked off that damn map-,”
An eyebrow of Esme’s shot up as she glared at Emmett, “Really?”
“Oh, come on, I-,”
“Your sister doesn’t need to hear that.” Esme cut him off as she nodded towards A.J. and dried the last dish.
Emmett disappeared with the broom for a split second before coming to a halt in front of the outside of the island.
A.J. nodded before zipping next to Alice, “Yeah, Emmett, Alice is sensitive.” her hands were slapped by the woman she teased when she tried to cover her ears.
Emmett hissed, “Actually, A Jaybird, I think she was addressing the child in the room.”
“Child!” A.J. exclaimed with a slight crack of her voice and immediately dropped her previously thrown-up hand to her throat.
Emmett laughed loudly, “I think that proves her point, besides I’ve heard you say much worse than ‘damn’.”
A.J. thrusted her pointer finger at her brother, “Liar!” she exclaimed dramatically.
“You called him a bitch last Tuesday,” Rosalie stated from her spot by where A.J. previously was sitting.
An obnoxiously loud gasp left A.J. as her jaw dropped. As Carlisle turned with crossed arms and leaned his weight against the counter, Esme’s eyes matched his and immediately snapped towards A.J.’s equally wide ones. Within a few steps, Esme was next to A.J. and wrapped her bare arms around her daughter. Her gentle hands cradle both A.J. head and her back, mimicking a mother consoling a crying child.
“Do you the example you’re setting for your baby sister?” Esme questioned with a mischievous glint in her topaz eyes.
All but Emmett chuckled at the situation as A.J. pouted her wide lips and hugged Esme back.
“Yeah, Eminem.” the newborn played along, “I’m just an innocent child, and you’ve corrupted my mind in just a few short months.”
Emmett had an incredulous look on his face as his family all gradually turned on him.
“Listen here. I-,”
The burly man was cut off by Carlisle, saying, “Why don’t we all get dressed for baseball. We don’t want to waste this perfect day.” he stood to his full height and clasped his hands together.
A.J. cheered as she ripped herself from Esme with an excitable grin.
“Be careful.” Esme chuckled as her daughter zipped past Jasper and Alice.
A brief pounding up the stairs, closing of a door, and Outrageous by Britney Spears hitting the vampire’s ears indicating A.J. was already getting dressed.
Emmett stepped away from the group, “I call A.J. on my team!” he announced as the others migrated away from the kitchen and to their rooms.
“I agree!” A.J. called from her room over the loud music.
“Rose,” Alice sang while detaching herself from Jasper at the bottom of the stairs, “Teammates?” she held Rosalie’s wrists.
Rosalie smirked as Emmett and Jasper took a head start on trash-taking on their way up the stairs.
“Yeah, let’s show the men whose boss.” She agreed.
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You’re Enchanting--Chapter One
Guess who finally got her shit together enough to work on this WIP again! I originally started this off as an xreader but as I got into it I decided the storyline fit my Treveylan almost too well...
Updates will be posted here and also on A03 (linked if you prefer the other platform)
Thanks to @toshmmm for listening to me go on about this for months now and has probably read 5 different drafts of this chapter
Summary:  Delphine always told Elazar she would do anything to help him if he was ever in trouble, even knowing his knack for finding it. She didn't expect to be helping him save the world after someone blows up the Conclave and tears a hole in the sky. Nor did Delphine expect to be falling for anyone, let alone a troubled, former templar, while she's watching her best friend shape the future of their world with a green glowing hand.
Pairings: Cullen/Trevelyan & Dorian/Lavellan 
Warnings: none besides canon-typical mage-templar relations... I don’t think there’s even any swearing in this one...
Chapter One- Whirlwind
The wailing continued in the village for three days. No one seemed to know what else to do after the hole appeared in the sky. They were close enough to see what had happened at the temple in the valley but far enough away that there was next to no news. Three days since the explosion and most had come to accept the worst. Their loved ones weren’t coming home. The Conclave had been the end of them, the Temple of Sacred Ashes their tomb.
Delphine couldn’t bring herself to wail like the other women in the village. A part of her would not give up hope that he was still alive. After all the time they had spent together this could not possibly be the end. The rest of her was saying that she had to face the truth. An explosion at the temple had opened a hole in the sky- there was no way anyone could have survived that. Delphine had to accept that he was gone. So, while the families of the village wailed in the streets and looked on at the hole in the sky with horror, Delphine curled up in her room at the inn, his last letter clutched to her chest.
It took more mental coaching than she would want to admit for Delphine to get out of bed on the fourth day. Dread and exhaustion were a nasty combination. Delphine has not slept through the night since the hole had opened in the heavens. The dreams- the nightmares- crashed down upon her in waves. Some familiar, some not. None were pleasant. There had been whispers of demons floating around the inn since the explosion, some falling from the hole, others crawling through tears in the Fade that had supposedly begun to appear in the area. Delphine almost hoped it was a demon that plagued her nights. Demons were easier to kill than the fear and sadness gnawing away at her insides.
There was not much sense in moping about it, no matter how sleep-deprived she was. The world seemed to be falling apart around her- there was a hole in the sky and a war that was sure to carry on. The question was, what could Delphine do about that? She’d been hidden away for so long like a coward. It had only been his final pleading letter that had pulled her out of the protection of her family’s villa. Would it be possible to make it all the way back to the Free Marches safely? She doubted it. Continuing to the temple in the valley was not an option now, either.
A grumbling stomach interrupted any concentration she may have had in weighing her options. So, Delphine continued her musing downstairs, over a bowl of odd tasting porridge.
“The Inquisition! The Inquisition sent news from the temple!”
Everyone milling about the inn jumped as the runner shouted in the doorway. This is what everyone had been waiting for. Though Delphine has a sinking feeling that there would be little good news to share.
Delphine shuffled outside with the rest of the crowd to the square where a soldier in a green hood waited. There had been whispers along the roads about an inquisition when Delphine had reached Ferelden but she had not known whether or not believe them. If she remembered any of her Chantry history correctly, it had been ages since there had been a need to call an inquisition. With all that had been unfolding across Thedas it was not uncalled for- the Chantry needed some force to keep the peace now that the templars were gone- but was it truly wise to introduce another army in all the bloodshed?
The crowd formed around the soldier who stood stone-faced. Nearly the entire village had come to hear what word was being sent. All the clamoring ended when he finally spoke, though.
“The Divine Conclave has been destroyed. Divine Justina is dead.”
Murmurs spread through the crowd. Devoted to the Chantry or not, hearing the Divine was dead so suddenly was enough to shock anyone to the core. She was the hope during this time of war and turmoil- the Divine was going to bring the templars and the mages to heel- she was supposed to fix the mess that Thedas had become.
“But there is hope!” The soldier shouted, “before her death the Divine ordered an inquisition. We are working in her name to the close the Breach in the sky and slay the demons! Among our ranks is the man chosen by Andraste herself. She has sent us a herald to put and end to this disaster!”
Delphine looked on at the messenger in disbelief. Andraste sending someone to save Thedas from the hole in the sky seemed more than a bit farfetched. Nothing she remembered from her Chantry lessons spoke of a herald or anyone else coming to save them. Delphine didn’t seem to be the only one skeptical of the news.
“Andraste sending someone to save us? To close the sky? What nonsense do you think we’ll believe?” One man from the crowd shouted back. Most of the crowd seemed to nod in agreement. Who would believe that the Maker would allow the Divine to die in order to send down a herald?
“I speak the truth! The Herald came out of the Fade after the explosion at the Conclave. He has already sealed the Breach in the sky. It no longer grows! The Inquisition knows with his help we will be able to close it completely!”
It had been growing before? That hole could have killed them all.
Delphine wrapped her arms around herself, bracing for the next wave of dread and worry.
How had the world come to this?
“The Inquisition needs help to restore order. If you wish to protect your families, your loved ones, we are taking recruits in Haven!”
With that the crowd dispersed. Some stalked off, angry and balking at the bearer of bad news. Others stood in groups; hushed whispers followed by glances at the soldier who was preparing his horse for departure. A handful of young men approached the soldier, probably not much younger than Delphine, faces painted with determined looks. It appeared some had been swayed to the messenger’s cause. Protecting those you care about was a noble cause, she could not fault them.
What did she have left to protect now that he’s gone? She’d abandoned her friends at the first sign of trouble and hadn’t spoken to her family since the rebellion had begun.
But a hole in the sky? That was more than her family or the Circle. With the world already up in arms maybe this… this Inquisition could actually do some good. Andraste’s chosen herald or not. If not, Delphine could continue on. Find some other way to survive until she could make it back to the Free Marches.
Delphine rushed back to her room to gather her things.
Traveling to Haven was not what Delphine had expected when she had settled her tab at the inn and left the village. She found herself among throngs of people making the trek into the frozen hills. With the threats of rogue templars and mages and the possibility of demons, Delphine hadn’t expected to see so many risking the trip. The crowds offered a sense of protection. She couldn’t imagine either side of the rebellion attacking with so many civilians on the road. As the day progressed the more obvious the Inquisition patrols became. Their green hoods stood out among the plainly dressed travelers.
When she had started off, Delphine kept to herself, just as she had since she’d landed on this side of the Waking Sea. She harbored no desire to interact with the crowds, even if most of them looked innocent and trustworthy enough. By midday she was chatting with her fellow travelers, hearing their stories. Some were like her, on their way to Haven to see what part they could play in fixing the sky. Others were family members of those at the Conclave, headed to the Chantry there to mourn their dead or check if their loved ones were among the survivors. A few seemed to be devoted Andrastians, making the pilgrimage to see the blessed Herald of Andraste.
Delphine was still unsure of where she stood on the topic of the Herald. Just like the small corner of herself she allowed to believe he could still be alive, she allowed herself the hope that maybe someone out there was looking out for them. Andraste was said to be merciful, after all. Yet there was the rational part of her that saw the story as a tidy way for the Inquisition to draw more people to their cause. She kept her skepticism to herself, not one to squash out the hope of others.
The innkeeper in the last village had told her when she set out that it was about a day and half journey to Haven on foot. Delphine sought out a room in the next settlement she reached as the sun started to set over the Frostbacks. The tavern and inn were packed when she arrived with travelers, pilgrims and soldiers. So crowded that Delphine couldn’t even pay for a space in the stable to sleep in.
“Miss, if you’re looking for a place to stay, I know someone with rooms!”
Delphine happily approached the barkeep as he waved her down after her disappointing conversation with the inn owner.
“Is there another place further down the road?”
“Not quiet. My sister’s a widow, lives down the road ‘bout half a mile. S’got a big old farmhouse with plenty of extra rooms. She puts pilgrims up during the summer season for a few coin.”
The weight began to lift off Delphine’s shoulders at the prospect of being able to sleep in a bed again tonight.
“Just let her know I sent ya’ over and she’ll get ya’ settled for the night.”
Delphine shuffled around in her coat for a moment before passing the barkeep a few bits. She didn’t have much more to spare but it was the best way she had to show gratitude for his help. “Thank you.”
He sent her a toothy grin as he swept the coin up off the bar, “ ’ave a good night, miss!”
Delphine reached the home of the widow Emelia as night fell and she thanked the Maker for the gift of warm food, a roof and a soft bed. The greying woman had welcomed her in with a soft smile and open arms. Delphine couldn’t remember the last time anyone had treated her so warmly. A small part of her wondered if Emelia would be so welcoming if she knew the truth. She shook the thought away as she slipped out of her coat and left her rucksack at the door.
It turned out Delphine wasn’t the only guest that had been sent Emelia’s way. An Inquisition soldier was already enjoying a warm meal by the fire when she arrived. Emelia instructed her to join him while she disappeared into the kitchen. She gave the man a small, polite smile as she settled in across from him. He returned the gesture in kind before returning to his dinner.
Emelia bustled back in moments later, placing a bowl of soup and thick slice of nut-filled bread before her. The smell of her fellow boarders’ meal had already awoken her stomach, Delphine did her best to thank the older woman before digging in.
“I’ll be upstairs making up a bed for you. Help yourself to a second bowl if you need it, and just shout if you need anything, miss…”
“Del. My name is Del.” She’d been in such a hurry to warm up inside she hadn’t properly introduced herself. Delphine could only imagine the scolding she’d receive from her mother if she knew. “Thank you, ma’am.”
Emelia just smiled and walked off, cooing something about how polite she was.
The pair ate in silence for a while. Delphine silently thanking the Maker for the warmth filling her belly and the feeling returning to her frozen toes. The closer she gotten to Haven the colder it seemed to get. Oh, how she missed the mild winters in Ostwick.
“Headed to Haven then, miss Del?”
Delphine nods at the soldier as he stands, finished with his own meal. She keeps her eye on him as he wanders the room, seemingly interested in the knickknacks Emelia has decorating the space. He didn’t appear untrustworthy but the rigid posture and polished armor was too much a reminder of a life not far in her past.
“And you’re with the Inquisition?”
He looks at her briefly, over his shoulder, “I am.”
“The green is already recognizable. Lots of you on the road these days.”
“There are quite a few people on the roads to keep safe these days.”
Delphine nodded in agreement as the soldier settles back into his spot at the table. “So why are you headed to Haven?”
“To help.”
The man almost looked amused. “To help?”
“There’s a hole in the sky. For the sake of the world not ending I’d like to help the people trying to close it,” she must have sounded as unsure of her decision as she felt because the man just quirked an eyebrow. “Forgive me for not being reserved at the thought of Chantry authority with all that’s happened.”
“Your caution is warranted. It is always wise to question those you follow.”
He almost sounded as if he spoke from experience.
“And why did you join the Inquisition?”
“I was in the right place at the right time when the world first went to shit. How the Inquisition has stepped up with this mess just proved I made the right choice, found the right people to follow. You don’t have to worry, miss, about the people at the Inquisition.”
His words sparked a slight glimmer of hope, but Delphine had seen too much that to trust a stranger at their word. “So, they’re the kind of people who just want to close the hole in the sky. They’re not interested in trying to take over all Thedas, or something like that?”
“If the Commander is planning on conquering Thedas, he hasn’t informed the rest of us.”
Joshua, the Inquisition soldier, departed Emelia’s farmhouse at first light and Delphine left with him. It seemed a safer bet to make the final leg of the trip with her new acquaintance. Along the way he was checking in with the sentries and patrols, even taking a moment to introduce her to some of them. Delphine caught accents of all kinds; most were human or city elves but there were a handful of Dalish and dwarves among them. It seemed all walks of life were intent on making a difference. She hoped that was a good sign.
When they weren’t checking in, Joshua turned out to be a rather chatty traveling companion. It gave Delphine the chance to gather bits and pieces of what she wanted to know.
“The Herald? To be honest I don’t know all that much about him. Most people don’t,” Joshua admitted.
“Except that he walked out of the Fade after the explosion?”
That tidbit was the part of the story Delphine couldn’t wrap her head around. To physically be in the Fade…the implications of the went far beyond Andraste.
“That and he’s a Dalish mage-“
Dalish? How many elven mages could have been are the Conclave besides him? Did she dare let herself hope he could have been the one to step out of the Fade?
“Del?” Joshua’s brow was furled as he placed his hand on her shoulder. “Are you alright?”
“Oh? I’m fine. Just lost among my thoughts. You were saying?”
“I was saying-” Joshua makes a sweeping gesture towards a semi-fortified village- “that we’ve arrived.”
Apparently, he was a bit of a dramatic as well.
Looking up at the gates of Haven was not overly awe-inspiring, though Delphine figured it was never meant to be. The village was supposed to be a stepping stone on the way to the Temple of Sacred Ashes, not the lodgings of a budding army. Like the village, the masses weren’t all the impressive either. Considering how many Delphine had seen on the roads leading into the valley, there was next to no one walking around. It was all a tad underwhelming.
“If you’ll come with me to the Chantry to drop off a report, I can help find you a place to get situated,” Joshua offered.
Delphine agreed, following Joshua up and into the slow, snow-covered village. As they approached the chapel the chatter began to grow. On the front steps of the Chantry it seemed a fight was ready to break out- an apt metaphor for the situation of the world at the moment. Now Delphine understood where everyone in Haven was.
The tension in the air was palpable. Joshua gestured for Delphine to stay behind him. She scoffed, only slightly offended by his protective instincts. Though, the two sides gathering did look to be more than ready to attack the others.
“Your kind killed the most Holy!”
Delphine noted the man at the front of the crowd wearing the most recognizable armor in all Thedas. So, if he was a templar that meant the side he was arguing with was compromised of mages.
“Lies- your kind let her die!”
Delphine’s fists clenched as the templar grabbed at his sword. “Shut your mouth mage!”
Before the man's sword left his scabbard another figure stepped between the pair, his voice echoing across the gathered crowds. “Enough!”
She marveled at the second templar- in her life Delphine had seen few in the Order who would stop a templar from lashing out at a mage. Yet this man was not only a templar but one of importance. His armor looked expensive and well kept, covered in a full fur mantle.
“That is not my title. We are not templars any longer. We are all part of the Inquisition!”
Both the mage and the templar appeared to back off, if just a bit, but neither looked pleased. Even in the face of natural disasters or the end of the world, templars and mages would not get along. One well-dressed soldier wasn’t going to change lifetimes of tensions.
“And what does that mean exactly?”
Joshua began to grumble under his breath as a man decked out in chantry robes approached the Inquisition Commander.
“Back already, Chancellor? Haven’t you done enough?”
“I’m curious Commander, as to how your Inquisition and it’s “Herald” will restore order as you’ve promised.” Delphine would have been happy to hear the answer to the Chancellor’s question but the malice rolled of the cleric in waves. His smirk was more than enough an indicator the he held no desire for a true conversation about restoring order.
“Of course you are-” the Commander turned to each group gathered at the entrance- “back to your duties, all of you!”
Grumbling, the groups slowly dispersed, while the Chancellor remained to stare down the Commander. Joshua didn’t budge, probably curious with whatever was about to go down between his boss and the cleric.
“Ah, Herald, you’ve returned.”
Delphine followed the Commander’s gaze down the path to see a party approaching. The woman in front bore a Seeker’s emblem on her breastplate. Delphine wondered if she was the Right Hand of the Divine that Joshua had told her about. The figure behind the Seeker brought her world to a halt.
He walked up, draped in leather armor, a simple disciple staff at his back. For a moment she wondered where his lightning staff was- he had worked tirelessly on it for weeks- but it would make sense he had lost it in the explosion. Otherwise, he seemed to be in one piece. His mousey hair was still as messy as ever and his signature half-smile graced his lips.
It took every ounce of self-control Delphine possessed to not run out to him. She had nearly come to terms that he was almost certainly dead, yet there he was, the one they were calling the Herald of Andraste.
“Mages and templars were already at war. Now they’re blaming each other for the Divine’s death,” the Commander explained as the man Delphine had mourned stopped at his side.
“Which is why we require a proper authority to guide it back to order.”
The chantry chancellor obviously rubbed the Commander the wrong way and he was already beginning to do the same to Delphine. It was obvious that the Chantry had already failed at forging peace in Thedas. What more authority did he think they held over the people?
“Who, you? Random clerics who weren’t important enough to be at the Conclave?”
It appeared the Commander had a sharp tongue when provoked.
“The rebel Inquisition and it’s so-called “Herald of Andraste?” I think not,” the Chancellor spat back.
The “Herald of Andraste” was not pleased either. His upper lip twitched up at the name, something Delphine could pick up on, even from a distance. The title must not sit well with him, not that she blamed him. “I don’t believe I’m Andraste’s Herald any more than you do, Chancellor.”
“That laudable humility won’t stop the Inquisition from using the misconception when it suits them!”
“The Inquisition only claims that we must close the Breach or perish.”
Delphine didn’t quite enjoy the picture the Commander painted with that claim. A supernatural disaster, the downfall of the Chantry, the destruction of the Circles and a civil war. The world was looking at the threat of unraveling, so his picture was accurate, but that didn’t make the idea any less terrifying.
“You say that now Commander. We shall see if the sentiment remains true.” Everyone in the vicinity seemed to let loose a sigh as the Chancellor strutted off.
“Don’t let anyone riot while we’re gone,” the Herald joked, shooting the Commander a small grin.
“The walls will still be standing after you leave. I hope…”
The Herald won’t be standing for long, Delphine mused, a small smirk growing on her lips. Before Joshua had a chance to stop her, Delphine bolted out towards the elf, and for once managed to catch him by surprise. The pair tumbled into a heap on the ground while everyone looked on in shock and confusion.
“What in the world?”
The body under Delphine began to shake with laughter. “It’s all right, Commander. I brought this upon myself.”
“You surely did.” Delphine shoved herself up into a sitting position so she had him pinned by his stomach. “So now you must suffer the consequences.”
Joshua’s horrified face made Delphine snicker a moment while the rest of the Herald’s new friends watched with varied levels of amusement. If her mother could see her now, oh how she would die of embarrassment.
“Is she your girlfriend, Herald?”
Delphine made a face at the dwarf. As if she would ever think of being with this lug of a mage. “I would say that would never, ever, happen… but it seems stranger things have been happening in the past few days.”
His dwarf companion got a good laugh out of that.
“You have a point, Delphine. Now I think I’ve learned my lesson, can you let me up now?”
“Not yet,” she gripped both sides of his collar and began to give him a solid shaking to drive home her point, “Elazar Lavellan! Don’t you dare let me think you’ve died again! Next time I’ll kill you myself!”
“Alright, alright. I am truly sorry I worried you Delphine. It won’t ever happen again, though. I promise.”
Accepting his apology, Delphine rolled off, allowing Elazar to stand and then help her to her feet at his side. The pair dusted themselves off, Elazar sneaking a toothy grin in her direction as they did. They had been apart for what felt like ages now. So long that even despite their reunion Elazar was practically buzzing with joy. Delphine could read it plain as day on his face, even without his smile.
“So, if you’re not his girlfriend, who are you, Miss Delphine?” The dwarf asked, looking her over not so subtly. Delphine had chosen to dress as inconspicuously as possible for her journey so her clothes offered few clues.
“With a whirlwind entrance like that, you must have some past with the Herald,” the last member of Elazar’s party chipped in; a bald-headed city elf in a green get up.
“Unfortunately, yes. I’ve spent quite a lot of time with this idiot. As for formal introductions-” curtseying slightly, despite the fact she was wearing trousers, Delphine gave the Inquisition members a wide smile- “my name is Delphine Athelyna Trevelyan, I’ve studied nearly my entire life with Elazar at the Ostwick Circle. It’s a pleasure to meet all of you.”
“The pleasure is mine, because now I have a source of embarrassing stories on our lovely Herald.” The dwarf grinned, “Varric Tethras, by the way.”
“As in the author?”
“The one and only!”
Delphine had so many questions for the dwarf but Elazar quickly cut in to finish introductions, he always was one to lead conversations. “Delphine this is Solas, our resident Fade expert, and Seeker Cassandra keeps everyone in line.”
“Herald, that is not my-”
“Oh, come on Seeker. We all know that’s what you do,” Varric added, sharing a grin with Elazar.
He already was sharing inside jokes with these people? How long had Elazar been with them? What had she been missing for all these months?
“And lastly, Delphine, this is Commander Cullen.” Elazar clapped the blond man on the shoulder. Cullen seemed momentarily thrown by Elazar’s friendliness but his strong posture never changed.
She’d never seen Elazar so friendly with a templar before. Delphine decided she’d follow his lead for now.
“A pleasure, Commander. I’ve heard many good things about you.”
Cullen’s brow scrunched up, “who’s talking about me?”
“Why Joshua, of course.” Delphine glanced over to the soldier who was looking a little hot under the collar.
“And what has the Lieutenant been saying about me?” Although he came off as strait-laced, Delphine didn’t miss the mischievous glimmer in his eye as he stared down the nervous lieutenant.
Oh, had Delphine thrown someone from the pan and into the fire? “Only good things, I can assure you, Commander.”
“As much as I’d like to stay and watch this unfold-" Elazar chuckled, watching the Commander’s stone gaze turn Joshua into a sweating mess- “I believe Delphine and I have much to discuss.”
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