#right in front of the real stanley at that
vellichorom · 1 month
Do GoreGuts or their parable have a Stanley? Because I don't think rosemary is supposed to be staney anymore right?
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TLDR ;; rosemary's fall into the game accidentally knocked stanley OUT of it, leading to his unintentional replacement & his corruption into " the settings person " - also known as " nobody, "
unlike rosemary - who's a flesh & blood human thrust into a digital world, stanley was created by the narrator Mostly as an AI-driven vessel for the player to take hold of & for him to toy with. BUT- now the AI's more or less just fused to the simulated complex & helps keep it running.
( you should ask @/tomiechu more about it as they designed the guy !!!! )
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darlingdia1007 · 26 days
OMG hi I saw that you ate taking requests and I just HAD to request.
Could you maybe do a Stanley x F! Reader where they are an old married couple and resder is angry about something and keeps cussing and being a meanie. The twins are scared and looking at grunkle stan for help about this and to calm Reader down before she sets the shack on fire but Stanley just says this is normal and he intact finds it incredibly hot.😜😜
Beating the heat
(Thank you for requesting this one. It seems very silly honestly. I do apologize, it’s been a while since I’ve written a fanfic.)
It was around 1:30pm when the temperatures had reached its highest of 105° degrees and the AC wasn’t working correctly in the shack. Stepping outside wasn’t the best idea either since the wind would only blow hot air.
Stan and his wife were sitting at the kitchen table as they began debating if they should close the shack since it would become a bigger issue as the day went on. This heat was slowly getting to (Y/N) very quickly. Placing her hand on the collar of her shirt, she began to fan herself with her shirt. Beads of sweat slowly moved down her face as the breeze she created felt amazing.
“Even when you’re melting over there, I bet I can Make you melt in other ways~” a scraggly voice said in front of you. Stan had made one of his “flirty” remarks at you. Most of the time you would love them and shoot one back his way, but dear lord was it a bad time. “Hun, Right now isn’t the best time.” She said as she looked at him and rolled her eyes. This heat was really getting to her now. “Oh come on, you love that one!” He remarked as he got up from his chair.
Sometimes, even after the 30 years the two had been together, married, she could still get mad at him for reals sometimes. This was one of these moments. Getting up from her chair, she had quickly put your chair back into its place and entered the gift shop. An Idea that would probably save her life but she couldn’t do it till everyone was out of the gift shop.
Reaching for the open sign, she switched it to closed as to let people know they will be closed for the rest of the day. Now the only issue was getting people to leave the gift shop. Sitting herself down at the register, she began helping people pay out one by one. Around 20 minutes later, the last customer left. She smiled and waved goodbye to the woman and hurriedly locked the door.
A sign of relief left her lips as she ran a hand through her graying hair. Stepping away from the door, she went to the vending machine and began typing in the familiar code as she made her way down the stairs.
“Grunkle stan, Why does Grauntie (Y/N) seem… mad?” Mabel had squeaked out from around the corner when leaving the gift shop and entered the living room where her grunkle was seated while watching the TV. “Mad? What do you mean kiddo?” He looked at Mabel in confusion when Dipper came from behind his sister. “She was all pushy and grouchy towards the customers when she was checking them out. She was also sweating pretty hard.” He wiped the sweat from his hands as he soon realized it was getting a little hot.
Stan sat there for a sec and an idea popped into his head, “Kids, go get your swim suits, we’re going to the pool.” Shouts of excitement lept from the kids.
“Ford… hello?” She had made it to the last couple of steps as she placed her foot on the solid floor. It was surprisingly cold down here so the biggest smile crept onto her face. Standing next to the stairs, she closed her eyes and embraced the cold that was creeping over her body. Unknowingly to her, her brother-in-law heard her and was walking towards her. “Yes?” He asked as he looked at her.
“Oh good, you’re here! I need to ask the biggest favor.” She pleaded as she looked at him. “The AC is broken and I have no clue what’s wrong with it. Could you please save me and fix it? I’ll make you those sugar cookies you really like.”
His attention was quickly caught on when he heard that his favorite dessert was about to be made for him. “I’ll get right to it then.” A small smile was placed on her face as she began to go up the stairs when she heard a familiar voice that she was a little annoyed at.
“(Y/N) are you down here? Honey?” It was Stan. Her smile left her face when heard her husband calling her name. Finally making it to the surface, she came face to face with him. “God you look so hot when you’re feisty.” He quickly grabbed her and spun her around. She couldn’t be mad at him for long after that. A small kiss was placed on her lips as she held onto him, slowly melting at the affectionate she was being given from him.
“See, I told you I could make you melt.” He laughed as her face quickly became sour and pushed him away. “What? I can’t like my women a little feisty?! Hey, go get your bathing suit, I’m taking you and the kids to go swimming to beat this heat.” He began walking back to the living room as (Y/N) stood there at the small gesture.
Walking upstairs to their bedroom, the sounds of floorboard creaked as she made her way to their shared bedroom. Quickly reaching to the dresser to pull out her swimsuit, she placed it on the bed and grabbed the sunscreen, sunglasses, and the beach bag. Everything was packed and ready for the pool. The sounds of laughter could be heard from the outside porch as the twins were talking to each other. Mabel seemed to be the most excited out of the two of them though.
“Honey, we gotta be home before 5, I still need to make the cookies I promised your brother.” You had said as Stan walked out in his swimsuit. Those adorable striped swimsuits would never get old.
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billthedrake · 11 months
I pulled up at Coach Stanley's house around 2:30. I had on a parka, which I bundled tight over my T-shirt as I walked up his yard. It was cold out and overcast, the kind of whether where you expect it to snow any minute.
Ed was standing out on his front porch to greet me and was apparently thinking the same thing. "Think we're getting a white Christmas, Russ?" he asked as he watched me walk up his driveway. Coach's place was at the end of a dead end street and while not 100 percent private, maybe he didn't have to worry what it would look like having a former student coming over on Christmas day.
"Can't remember the last one we had, Coach," I said as I stepped up to the patio and wiped my feet on the mat. I was enjoying how friendly and conversational the dynamic was between us. This could have been awkward as hell, but it was like this man was committed to make me feel comfortable.
I paused at the door and saw a smirk on his face and with it, a look of clear lust. He wanted to kiss me, and I wanted to kiss him right then and there, but instead he ushered me inside.
He was more dressed up than last I saw him, more in that button-down and khakis look I remember from the classroom. And that gold chain glinting from beneath the collar. He was hot as hell.
"Come in," he offered.
The inside was nice and warm, and I quickly took off my coat. I felt my heart pound. We hadn't made any real specific plans but I'd talked to him quickly and said I was free that afternoon and evening, if he was interested in spending some time together again. He was, barely concealing his excitement.
I could see his chest rise and fall some as he watched me set down my coat on a chair. "Good to see you, Russ," he said. "Thanks for calling."
I shot him a grin. I'm not 100 percent confident with guys, but something about Ed Stanley's bull-in-the-china-shop shyness made me feel like the more experienced one. "I'll admit I've been thinking about you a lot the last few days," I said.
The made him smirk and step up to me. In an I'm-gonna-kiss-you kind of move. "Is that right? I'm glad." His hands reached out and rested on my waist, almost pulling himself toward me as much as pulling me toward him. "Merry Christmas."
"Merry Christm..." I started until his lips cut me off. There was that soft tongue again, smoothly teasing and parting my lips, then touching my own. His mouth tasted a little bit of toothpaste and mouthwash and I could smell his aftershave. Heat emanated off his body, too, and I realized I was still a little cold from outside.
Maybe that's why I pressed into his embrace more. Or maybe I was just horny. Either way, Ed Stanley felt good, real good next to me.
Coach S had almost a dreamy expression on his masculine face when he broke the kiss. Almost lazily he reached up and ran his fingers along my torso, feeling up the leaner muscle beneath my long-sleeve T. "You know I like to take things slow, right, Russ?"
I reached down and rearranged the boner in my jeans. "Man you're killing me here, Coach," I teased, and Coach laughed.
"You didn't let me finish," he said, and I could see a playful smile as he reached down to adjust his own hardon. He walked over to the couch and patted me to sit down next to him. It felt cozier and homier now that the tree was up and fully lit. Or maybe it was the holiday spirit.
I sat down and Coach extended his arm for me to scoot closer. Even if I was taller, it felt nice to have his strong forearm draped over my shoulder. He gave me a peck and I felt the soft bristle of his beard before he pulled back.
"I was gonna say..." His blue eyes seemed deeper and almost darker in closer close up, the tree's twinkling lights and the dim outdoor illumination giving a dark sea look to them. He seemed almost nervous now. "I don't know what you're into, Russ, but I'd love to fuck you."
My heart pounded. "I'd like that Ed," I said. Then, "I wasn't sure what your deal was."
He smirked and ran his free hand along the front of my chest again. I loved his touch. "The deal is.... I have a very attractive man with me, and I've been thinking a lot how I wish I'd gone the next step with you on Saturday."
My voice cracked. "I've been thinking about that, too."
Ed's voice got huskier. "That would be an amazing gift, Russ," he said. I felt him pull me toward him and we were kissing once more.
I tried to match his skill, or at least his approach, with making out. And I ran my own fingers along his button-down shirt, feeling his hard body beneath it. This guy was such a crazy hunk, he could bed just about anybody, I figured. I was the right man at the right time.
We got deeper into the kiss. Not too fast, but definitely going past that soft, slow phase. I undid one of Coach's shirt buttons and slipped my hands into the opening, feeling up the soft fur and warm bulk beneath. Stanley let me feel him up before finally pulling back and undoing the rest of the buttons.
I greedily watched then even more greedily ran my fingers along his exposed chest. He let out a deep, mellow giggle "You like?"
I nodded. "Yeah, totally." I looked up into his handsome face. Coach S was always an authority figure for me but wasn't THAT much older than me. He still had some of that youthfulness ot his looks. "I think maybe it's a little bit of a fetish for me, actually."
"What?" he asked. "The chest?"
I ran my hand up to touch his nipples. Ed had amazing nipples. "Yeah, I'm a chest guy. But the open shirt thing, too. I don't know if I even realized it, but it pushes my buttons."
He gave me an encouraging look and said softly. "I'm glad, Russ." His tone got deeper and softer. "I like turning you on."
I laughed, unable to stop feeling him up. "You have no idea."
He didn't say anything, but instead reached down and started undoing his belt, then unbuttoning his khakis. I decided I liked seeing the horny side of Ed Stanley.
He reached in and hauled out his hard dick. Firm, meaty, not too big. He leaned back now in the sofa, his arms spread and the shift flaps pulled apart. His prick stood up into a full rigid position. His eyes were intense even if he was silent now.
I leaned over and started taking him into my mouth. I felt better at this now, since the angle was better than last time. I focused on the first few inches, up and down, slowly but surely, before working more of him deeper into my throat.
The second I went deep I heard Ed let out a soft deep grunt and felt his fingers run through my hair. "Oh man, Russ. Fuck... that's so beautiful."
I knew he was watching me blow him, and that just encouraged me to do my best. I worked him for another half minute and could feel his excitement. As I pulled off some and slowed my sucking, I could taste the salty precum.
"You getting close?" I asked, pulling all the way off.
He looked down and nodded, a puppy dog expression on his handsome bearded face. "Fraid so, bud."
I smiled, happy I'd given him that pleasure. If he hadn't mentioned fucking, I would have happily blown him to completion. But now, I kissed along his taut abdomen and up his furry chest. His fingers resumed stroking my hair as I did, until I made my way up to kiss him once more, leading Ed to wrap his palm around the nape of my neck to hold me steady as our tongues wrestled.
"Damn," he whispered when I finally pulled back.
"Yeah," I agreed. "You know, you're the best kisser I've ever met."
He cocked a grin. "There been a lot, Russ?"
"My share," I replied. "Nothing crazy."
He seemed to respect my answer. "You have experience bottoming?"
"With a couple of boyfriends, yeah," I answered. I now leaned back, as much to relieve the tightness in my crotch by spreading my legs as anything. I blushed now. "I don't know how to bring this up tactfully," I said. "But I usually do some preparation before I do."
Ed smirked. "I may have some supplies in the master bathroom for just that."
"You may, huh?" I laughed. This was a man of surprises.
He shrugged. "Call me an optimist."
"OK, Mr. Optimist," I said.
"God, you're so sexy, Russ," Ed said and scooted back toward me for a kiss. We made out again, and Coach S guided me back down to the sofa. I liked that he wasn't rushing it. It had actually been nine months or so since I'd bottomed, and I felt a little out of practice. Holding on to Ed's thick, fit body and being beneath him was getting me turned on and more assured.
By now his shirt was untucked and I was able to run my hands all over his strong back as he humped into me. Still in his khakis, me still clothed. This guy was unlike anyone I'd been with.
Finally he pulled off with a lusty look. "All right, bud... you feel up for getting ready?"
"Yeah," I said.
I watched him raise his body off the couch, his khakis still open and his dick still rock hard and sticking out. He offered a hand to help me up.
"Stuff's under the sink and there's a bath towel on the shelf. Make yourself at home," he offered.
In all of my mental holiday bingo cards, I never had being in Coach Stanley's bathroom cleaning myself out to be one of the options. But here I was.
I showered off and took one last look in the mirror. Maybe like a lot of gay guys my age, I was able to be both conceited about my youthful looks and deep-down insecure about my body. But Stanley seemed into it, so I took a deep breath and opened the bathroom door.
I'd lost my hardon and the urgency of my sexual excitement, but the sight in front of me had my cock filling out quickly. Ed Stanley was lying back on his bed with a fully hard prick, naked except for his open dress shirt and that gold chain.
"Whoa!" I said, my dick bouncing up to rigidity with each step toward the bed.
"I decided to keep the shirt on. You seemed to like it."
"Hell yes," I said, climbing up on the bed and positioning my naked body above his half reclined one. "You must think I'm silly," I said.
He laughed. "I'm pretty naive in some things, but teachers have a pretty good idea when students have the hots for them."
I settled against his furry body and felt his strong hands land on my ass. "Did you have the hots for me, too?" I asked. It was a question that had been in the back of my mind since Saturday.
"Truth?" he asked. "I always that you were incredibly cute, but no I never had the hots for you. Not till I ran into you..."
Our mouths met. Any hesitation I had about giving my ass to Coach Stanley was way out the window. I was turned on like mad, but more than that I just wanted to give him this.
It was my turn to hump into him as he held me and matched the ferocity of my kiss. For a man with the smooth moves, he seemed happy to switch gears. Before long, I felt his fingers work deeper into my crack and play with my still shower-damp hole.
"Hmmph," I muttered into our kiss. When I broke, I actually laughed.
"What?" he asked, with a cheeky grin.
I shook my head. "I guess I'm getting my head around you being aggressive in bed."
"Too much?" he asked. "We don't gotta, Russ." I could see a real lust in his blue eyes but to his credit he was giving me an out.
"Nah, not too much," I replied.
"Good," he growled and with a surprise move, he used his superior strength to maneuver and flip up over, so I was on my back and he was above me. And just as quickly his lips were attacking my neck, licking and kissing. Stanley was a sensual lover, very different from the men I'd been with before. My dick was rock hard and dripping against his stomach fur as his mouth sought mine out one more time.
"Fuck!" he muttered, breaking the kiss and already kissing his way down my body. Down my sternum, over my six pack and then licking my cock. "You got a big dick, Russ," he muttered.
I felt so outmanned by this stud, so it felt nice to be bringing something to the table. Not that dick size mattered much for me, but Ed seemed into my prick as he pulled it up and examined it before licking its length again.
"Tell me if you get close," he said, then began swallowing.
I knew Coach S hadn't had any dick sucking practice in the last few days, but this BJ was a lot better than the prior one. Maybe he was just less nervous and more into it. My quick trigger wasn't kicking in, but after a minute I had to tap his shoulder. "Coach...."
He spit my out and started tonguing my balls. Normally I don't crave that sensation, but I loved the sweet torture of it now, the way his oral attention kept me rock hard and dripping while prolonging the pleasure.
And when he put his hands beneath my hamstrings, I got the idea. I pulled my legs up and back for him.
Some men are hesitant to rim, but Ed wasn't one of them. He dove in, licking me and teasing my ring. I was surprised by that combination of eagerness and soft tongue. And the soft scruff of his beard tickled my cheeks in the best way possible.
"Oh fuck..." I hissed.
He pulled back, shooting his blue eyes up to look at my face. "You like this, bud."
"Please don't stop," I laughed, pulling my thighs back further and hiking my ass up back toward his face. Maybe it looked slutty, but I didn't care. Coach Stanley was that good at eating ass.
He got a cocky look on his face then dove back in.
I got a few more minutes of that royal treatment, then Ed methodically set up to prep me with his fingers. He'd set out some lube, and I watched his intent face as he slid one finger inside me, his eyes darting back and forth between my hole and my facial reactions.
"You feel amazing, Russ," he said. "You're pretty tight."
"Yeah," I admitted. "Just give me a little time and I'll be good." I wasn't an expert but I'd bottomed enough to know it was like riding a bicycle. And with a top as hot as Coach Stanley I wasn't gonna have a hard time getting into this.
"You got it, bud."
His eyes were locked on my face when the third finger slipped in. I expected my hole to resist or my guts to clench tight. But it felt amazing.
"So, bud...." Ed said in soft, low voice. "I generally play safe."
"OK," I muttered. Maybe because he was a teacher and authority figure, I wasn't surprised by his caution. "I'm on PreP... if that matters."
I could see his chest rise and fall between the open flaps of his shirt. "It does," he said. He pulled his fingers out and set out to slick down his thick boner. Ed dizzled some on my boner. He set down the lube and looked back at me. "I'd love to fuck you raw," he hissed. It was SO wild to hear Coach S talk so lewdly, so directly. "I've never done that."
My voice was cracking I was so horny. "You're missing out, Coach. It's amazing." My eyes met his, and I got off seeing his prick jerk some.
He leaned forward and kissed me. Not a Coach Stanley kiss but a hard, sloppy kiss. I held onto him and did my best to return it, even as I let him take the lead with his plunging tongue.
Already he was reaching down to guide his prick into place. I realized then he was real wet from lube, like a crazy of amount of slickness to his prick that kept me from clenching my defenses shut. Not that I wanted to, but Ed was already pushing in.
I grunted into his mouth.
He was breathing heavy as he pulled back and looked at me. "Sorry, man... I just..."
"It's OK," I said, gamely. After all I wanted this more than anything. My fantasy served to me on a silver platter. "It always stings a little going in."
He nodded. Like he wanted to learn how my sexual responses were wired.
"Trust me, I want this, too, Coach," I said, reaching up to feel his chest. "I want your cock."
He slid just a little more into me, like a half inch more. It felt good. But the real thing that changed for me was seeing Ed Stanley above me, hunky as hell. Furry chest, rounded pecs, gold chain, button down shirt undone. I was transported back to my high school JO sessions, only this was better than I could have ever imagined.
My guts flowered open and Ed's dick sunk in. The sensation felt good for him, and was a real turn on. His lips curled into a smile.
"Yeah, Russ.... oh fuck."
He gave me a second but quickly realized I didn't need more. Then, his arms steadying himself above me, Coach S started fucking me. Nice steady pumps as I wrapped my legs around his waist and touched any part of him that I could.
"Fuck me, Coach," I hissed. Then corrected, "Ed..." Honestly I didn't know if the ex-teacher/ex-student thing bothered the man in a moment like this. I didn't want to spook him, even if I was tapping into that forbidden fantasy with every single stroke of the man's thick cock.
"Russ fucking McAdams," he hissed, his fucking getting more urgent. Not hard or fast, but with more power in his hips and glutes as he worked my hole.
I was SO hard right then. It was tempting to stroke my cock but I didn't want to blast off right away. I looked up into the man's eyes, his handsome face, and asked, "Barebacking what you expected, Ed?"
He nodded. "Uh uh. And more. I think I like this too much." His breath was catching some, and I could tell he was focusing on not cumming quickly.
"You gonna cum in my ass?" I growled. Even if the physical sensations of raw sex were night and day different for the top more than for the bottom, the idea of being bred by Ed Stanley was really getting to me just then.
"Oh buddy... fuck...." He slowed his thrusts some and looked down on me. "You wanna stroke off while I do you?" He seemed surprised I wasn't already.
I cocked my grin. "I'm pretty sure the second I start I'm gonna cum. Why don't you go for it, and tell me when you're close."
"Probably not gonna take me long, Russ," he said. Then I felt it. Gone were the gentle thrusts. This one was hard and deep, surprisingly deep given Ed's cock size. Then another, perfectly timed.
"This OK, bud?" he asked.
"God yes," I answered. I was in the zone now. Stanley had gotten me into the zone.
For the next minute I got fucked by a real stud. Ed's meaty ex-jock body clenching rhythmically above me. His prick hitting my internal spot with steady repeated force. His muscles clenching, his shirt tails flapping, his gold chain dangling.
"I'm so close," he gritted through his teeth.
I wrapped my hand around my dick. I was gonna get there with Coach S. "Do it, Ed. Breed my ass."
"Oh FUCK!" he cried. Not orgasming yet but his hips working faster as he got closer. My hand was a blur on my cock and I could feel the rumble in my balls. I opened my eyes wide to take him all in. My dream man, fucking me hard, his face now starting scrunch up as he came.
"Coach!" I let out as my prick fired all over my body, from my neck to my abs. I just shot it all out and enjoyed the orgasm of a lifetime. Only as I came down from the intensity of that high, I hoped my lifetime would have a lot more like this ahead.
Ed's hips were slowing to a halt, and I could tell he was riding the aftershocks of a deep cum. "Whoo buddy," he breathed out. "That was something else." He leaned forward and gave a soft kiss. Not too long since I think he intuited that I was gonna cramp up bent back in this position.
We uncoupled and Ed rested up in a kneeling position on the mattress. Shirt still on and open wide, his prick still rigid and coated with lots of lube and cum. His chest still rising and falling. "Thank you so much, Russ... that was incredible."
"For me, too," I said as I stretched out my legs. "OK if I rinse off?" I asked. I didn't want to kill the afterglow, but sometimes after a hard cum I have to piss. And maybe a part of me felt self-conscious for getting into bottoming so much with Coach S.
He nodded. "Like I said, Russ..." Make yourself at home.
I went to piss and take a quick shower. I was back out in about five minutes. Ed had pulled on some sweatpants but still had that button down shirt on, open to reveal his hairy chest. I don't know if it was for my benefit, but it was a great sight. He was standing at the window, the blinds now open.
He looked at me, with almost kid-like excitement. "It's snowing."
I walked over, towel around my waist. Indeed, white flakes were coming down, hard.
"Whoa," I said.
He clasped his hand on my bare shoulder. "You got your white Christmas, buddy," he said, his eyes taking in the snow.
"Yeah," I said. I turned to look at him and saw his eyes were no longer on the snow. They were on me.
"You gotta rush off, Russ?"
I shook my head. "I'm good," I said. "If you don't mind the company."
"The opposite," he said. "Listen... I have some stuff for a holiday dinner, if you want some."
That surprised me. "You cooked a holiday meal?"
"Store bought," he assured me. "But I've worked up an appetite."
"I'm pretty hungry, too," I admitted. Brunch had now been many hours ago.
We kissed, and I saw the return of soft, gentle Ed Stanley. Until I felt his strong hand fiddle with my towel and undo it.
I was hard again, but maybe not ready for a second round. "You horny again?" I asked as I pulled back.
His blue eyes twinkled. "Nah. Just like playing with my Christmas present," he laughed. He gave my ass a light slap. "Come on, let's get something to eat."
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hazybisou · 1 year
reader x jack hughes
summary: y/n finds out through twitter that jack has lost a tooth and calls to see for herself.
a/n: IT MADE ME CACKLE HELLA HARD!! like imagine the lisp he’s gonna have 😭😭 it’s gonna be hella cute but wayyyy too fucking funny. also i js had to write this like cmon 🤣🤣
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jack was away in Raleigh for the second game of round two of the stanley cup playoffs against the carolina hurricanes. you stayed home due to have finals but were still able to watch the first game.
you were finishing up homework while watching the second game, the score being 1-4, the canes winning. you finished typing up your essay when you got a text from your friend, jane.
janey boo 🙃
did you see?!!
see what?
janey boo 🙃
janey boo 🙃
i was scrolling through tiktok and saw a picture of jack missing his front tooth to the sound bigger than the whole sky
poor jack
janey boo 🙃
woody and mercer and jack are now the toothless trio
you couldn’t help the little laughs and giggles that escaped. you open up twitter and search up ‘jack hughes’ and clicking on ‘latest’. you scroll down and can’t help but burst out laughing. you probably looked crazy right now but this news was too funny.
you look up and notice the game has ended, the canes winning 6-1. you decided to wait a couple minutes, knowing it would only be a matter of seconds until jack would text you, something along the lines of ‘i just got out of the arena’.
a couple of minutes later, you’re phone dinged and you saw it was jack who texted. it said ‘hey i just left and am headed back to the hotel’. you don’t respond as you immediately go and click on his contact before the phone started ringing.
“hey babe, just wanted to let you know that you played great tonight. m’ sorry about the loos,” you told him syntactically.
jack smiled on the other end, “thanks. i appreciate it. anyways, what were you doing?” you noticed he had a small lisp. it was cute. his words sounded like a little kindergartners.
you just smiled at the question, knowing jack would always ask about your day and how it went. “oh i was just finishing up some homework. nothing much. why?”
“just wanted to know,” jack responds. you look down at your phone and realize he’s facetiming. you slide the button and are met with the ceiling of his car. you hear the jingle of keys and rustling before he picks his phone up and his face comes in view. “hi.”
“hi.” you respond back. “whatcha doing?”
he smiled. “nothing. just gonna head to the hotel before getting to see you again.”
the smile on your face grew even bigger before you remembered why you called him so fast. “hey jack?” he perked up and hummed. “could you smile at me real quick?”
jack looked at you suspiciously before shrugging and showing you a toothy grin. you just giggled before small laughs started to come out and soon you were cackling.
jack looked confused.
by the time you were done laughing tears began to fall from how hard you were laughing. “oh jack..your tooth.” you finally told him.
he finally got it and just began to pout. “it’s not funny.” he remarked.
“just a little bit. it’s ok though.” you told him. “it’s cute. especially your lisp.”
jack’s cheeks turned pink at the comment. “stop, it’s not cute.” he still had the same pout on. you just started at him with loving eyes.
“jack, baby, it’s ok.” you cooed but he didn’t seem convinced. “you’re still the same jack it’s just you’ll be missing 2% of that smile i love so much.”
“i hate it though.” jack whined. “it makes me sound weird.”
you just stared at him. “it doesn’t matter jack, alright? i still love you and always will.”
“that helped a little.” you just laughed before continuing to talk.
“i have to go and study for that exam i have next week. just make sure you get back safely. call or text me when you’re at the hotel. i love you.”
“i love you too.” jack said back. you said your goodbyes before you hung up and went back to watching the tv. you kept laughing at the thought of jack coming home with a missing tooth.
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idk if i hate or love this. but wtv. his tooth is now gone 😔😔 ALSO THE WAY LUKE COULDVE SAID MORE ABT JACKS TOOTH IF HE WANTED TO BUT KNEW JACK WOULD BEAT HIS ASS IF HE DID AND PROB TOLD HIM NOT TO SAY ANYTHING ABT IT IS JS SO FUNNY TO ME!! jack literally reminds me of a pirate with taht crusty ass heard 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️
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avans-j · 4 days
With the resurgence of gravity falls I finally watched it for the first time, and something that struck me and that I’ve been thinking about a lot, is how Ford is just so…… normal?? When he comes back through the portal??? 😭 he acts like he was only gone for a moment, like he went on vacation or something.
Like I understand that it’s a kids show and they didn’t have time to delve into this much, but I like to think about what Ford would have realistically been like upon his return. I mean, the guy was stuck in another dimension for 30 years… there’s no way he didn’t go a little crazy during that time.
I mean first of all, Fiddleford only caught a glimpse of what was on the other side, and it drove him to insanity. Ford actually went all the way through!! And was stuck there!! For 30 years!! Granted he knew about Bill and who’s to say Bill didn’t show or tell him about other worlds during their time working together, so Ford was probably more accustomed to weird and paranormal things than Fidds, but also we have no idea what happened on the other side during those 30 years. And where did he end up? I think it’s safe to assume the first place Ford landed was the nightmare realm, where he would have seen horrifying creatures beyond comprehension. That must have been a little traumatizing, even to a scientist right?
Then you also have to consider what was going through Ford’s head in the moment right after getting sucked through the portal. He probably had to quickly come to terms with the realization that he was never going home. At that time, the only people that knew about the portal were him, Fidds, and Stan. He was stuck on the other side unable to do anything. Fidds was actively going insane and probably never wanted to see the portal again. And Stanley? We know that Stan had enough care and determination to never stop trying to fix the portal, but to Ford his brother was a clutz and not the sharpest tool in the shed, plus they had just had a massive argument. Ford most likely had no hope that Stan could ever fix the portal, or even want to for that matter. He must have felt overwhelming dread, knowing that in a matter of seconds he had lost his entire world, his entire life, and would never go back home again.
So what was he doing on the other side for 30 years? In my mind there are two options. He either immediately went into survival mode, and spent the rest of his life exploring other dimensions and trying not to die. OR he started looking for a way home, either through a new route or trying to build another portal. Clearly that didn’t work because he was stuck there for 30 years. But imagine him trying hopelessly, over and over again, to find a way home. Constantly thinking about the life he lost, getting more and more discouraged every time an attempt didn’t work. After 10-15 years of that you would start to lose it a little.
And then, can we talk about how he returned home?? From what we saw of the portal and other machines under the shack, it was scanning each dimension until it found the one where Ford was located, then upon reactivating it opened a portal there. And Ford immediately came through, which says to me that it must have opened directly in front of or next to him. Can you imagine the confusion, after 30 years of either straight survival mode or trying desperately to get home, one random day a vaguely familiar portal just happens to open next to you?? You step through and just like that, you’re home? That abrupt change must have messed with Ford’s head. He probably wouldn’t think that it was real for a long time. He wouldn’t have recognized his brother, he wouldn’t have believed that he was actually home. It would take a long time to readjust.
But in the show Ford is just so normal, picking right back up where they left off and punching Stan. I feel like realistically, he would have been terrified, paranoid that it was a trick, not trusting anyone. He would have been quick to lash out for a long time, impossible to calm down, and he would definitely have some screws loose. Anyways I just like the idea of insane Ford.
Thanks for listening to my Ted Talk :]
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musekicker · 1 month
Wrote some monster falls, slight Billford vibes to it, with head canons on what a sphinx Ford's weakness would be.
The hunter had introduced himself as Bill. A wisp of a man, skin having a tan from spending a lot of time in the sun it seemed. Hair that was almost gold color, a lock of it covering one eye as if it were not there. And large, yellow triangle tattoo on his left shoulder.
The sphinx that called himself Ford would had been able to avoid the sleep dart that Bill had fired at Ford's front, left leg if not for the fact that Bill had taken advantage of one of a sphinx's great weaknesses. A riddle.
Unsolved riddles and puzzles were just a sphinx's Achilles heel. Stanley had once taken a rubix cube that Ford had solved and with a couple of turns unsolved the puzzle.
Ford could fix the cube easily. It was only a couple of twists in the same direction after all. That had not been the point though. The point was a unsolved puzzle was like nails on a chalkboard to a sphinx.
So despite his situation of a thick, metal collar around his neck, connected to a thick chain that was bolted to the floor, Ford had to ask the hunter the question that was still burning in his head.
"What was the answer?" Ford asked.
"Answer to what?" Bill asked.
"The riddle."
Now Bill seemed to know what Ford was talking about. He smirked.
"Drives you crazy to not know the answer, doesn't it?" Bill asked with the ever so slight tilt of the head.
Ford open mouth snarled, tail lashing. As dangerous as Ford's fangs and claws could be, they were useless when he was chained in place. And Bill knew that. The hunter even had the nerve to stand close to Ford, just inches away. Daring Ford to try and lunge for him. 
He would had if Ford had not made the quick calculation that Bill was just a inch out of his reach. Ford was still snarling when Bill spoke again.
"Okay, okay. I'll be nice and give you the answer. That answer being is there is no answer!"
Ford stopped snarling.
"I just said something that sounded like it be a riddle." Bill said.
Ford stared at Bill for a long moment. At first Ford was hoping that this was just a joke on Bills part and that he would give Ford the real answer next. That did not happen.
"You're... you're serious aren't you?" Ford asked.
Bill cackled.
"I'm not sure what's the most funny thing. Your face right now or the fact that you were stupid enough to be fooled by random words because they were framed as a riddle." Bill said.
Ford was speechless. He had been distracted by a bunch of nonsense words that sounded mysterious. And now he was a captive of a hunter. Ford felt very stupid in the moment.
"So now I suppose you're going to kill me." Ford said finally.
Bill was still smiling. The man had not stopped smiling since Ford had first ran into him. Did he have another expression at all?
"Now that's not just true. I don't kill every monster I come across. You're great example." Bill said. "I'm thinking you'll make a nice pet."
Bill looked up, in a moment of thought.
"I'm thinking a magic collar and lead for you."
Ford was snarling again. He was already angry about the hunters plan. But Bill was about to make things so much worse.
"Not to say I won't kill anything I come across. Some monster parts are worth a lot. But the main reason I was in the area mainly was to bring another monster back alive. Did you know that  some folks would pay a lot for the gargoyle?"
The mention of Stan froze Ford.
It had never occurred to Ford that Bill was here for anyone specific. He had thought that Bill had just came across Gravity Falls and it's monster citizens and thought to himself that he had found the jack pot. Now that seemed like it was not the case.
How long had Bill known about Gravity Falls? How long did he know about Stan? And how much did this hunter know about his family?
Bill took in the shock on Ford's face like it was sunshine on his face and grinned wider.
"Oh yeah. With their natural protection of their home instincts and a lot of training, they make good guards for rich peoples homes." Bill said.
Ford had already been worried that Bill would try to go after his family. Now that Bill had confirmed that he was planning to go after Stan, the horror of the situation was truly starting to hit.
Bill then turned his back on Ford. A chance to attack.
Ford pulled at the chains again. He had forgotten for a moment that they were there and attempted to lunge at Bill. As he had calculated the chain just came up too short for Ford to reach Bill, even with his claws. The collar and chain around his neck pulled at his throat and he gagged midway through his angry roar.
Bill had turned then, seeing Ford's fully spread wingspan, those exposed fangs. The sharp claws that could slice and rend. The hunter found beauty in that danger. He let out a low whistle, his gaze fixed on Ford.
"Magnificent." Bill said.
There was something about Bill's gaze that made Ford feel like a bug being pinned. A specimen that was only alive because there was some sort of fondness for them alive.
As much as Bill could had gazed at his new pet forever, he had a hunt to get to. He turned away again, talking as he stepped over to a wall. A wall covered with various monster hunting tools. Nets, guns. Even more specific things for certain monsters. Golden reigns that could control pegasi, a lantern to attract light obsessed creatures.
"Sorry six beans. You and your family are just worth too much to ignore." Bill said.
Bill chose his tools for this hunt quickly. Like he had been thinking about it for awhile. There was what looked like a flash light as part of the tool set, chains. But what terrified Ford the most was the glint of light off sharp metal tips for the next tools Bill chose.
Bear traps.
Bill looks back to Ford, grinning viciously.
"I'm pretty sure if either a certain deer or unicorn just step in just the wrong place, their screams will get your brother to leave the shack. And come right to me." Bill said.
The horror of Bill's words brought out more then a snarl. No. This time Ford out right roared. The one more lunge attempt. It was as useless as it had been before. But Ford did not stop pulling at the chains and roaring.
Bill picked up a gun Ford recognized. The dart gun that had knocked Ford out in the first place.
"You need to relax. I can help with that."
The dart was in Ford's right shoulder before he knew it. Almost instantly he could not keep himself standing. He sank to the floor, his vision swimming. Bill approached Ford, gun still in hand and with caution. When Ford didn't try to bury his fangs into Bill's leg, the hunter took that as a sign that he could fully approach.
"I need a wing feather." Bill said, reaching for one of Ford's grand red and gold feathers. "In case I need a back up plan."
Ford only winced at the pull of the feather, so out of it. And as Bill left, everything completely went black.
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Not sure if you ever answered this (if yes, I'm very sorry) but would the effects of the nysm au significantly impact the skip button ending? 👀👀👀
I think it would, a little. Not the end result, but definitely on an emotional level, especially from Stanley’s perspective. Since The Narrator’s appearance is tied directly to his emotional & mental state, Stanley has a front row seat to Narry’s gradual deterioration. And it isn’t pretty. 😬 Plus it double-sucks to have him loose his sense of self right when being visible finally made him start to feel Real.
I’ve always wanted to a NYSM ‘timelapse’ sequence, showing how he changes with every button press. I have a very specific…interpretation of this ending. Hopefully I’ll get to it sometime. :3
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the-haunted-office · 4 months
(A starter for @alabonshay!)
"As Stanley came to a set of two open doors, he entered the door on his left."
Stanley has forgotten how many times he's heard those words spoken in that order by that voice. Enough times that he doesn't need to be told to take the door on the left anymore, but the voice still feels the need to tell him. That's just how the Narrator is, though. Omnipresent, though perhaps not omniscient. Controlling, but not in control.
Stanley goes ahead and enters the door on the left, though. He has no reason to deviate this time around. Nothing in his gut telling him to go right instead, or to jump off any platforms, or to head down any dark and ominous corridors. Besides, it's not that he wants to listen to the Narrator this time around or that he has any particular gut feelings. He simply wants to see outside, even knowing it isn't real.
It may be the last time he sees the outside ever again, and in his yearning for freedom, he can't help but take whatever he can get.
"-2845- Stanley, have you even been listening to me? I swear, it's like talking to a wall with you sometimes. I don't know why I even bother."
Stanley presses his lips together and enters in the code behind the boss' desk, although he manages to resist rolling his eyes. He hadn't realized he'd been tuning out the Narrator. Everything is on autopilot this time around, it seems, and most of the time through the Story he doesn't even need to listen to the Narrator to know where he needs to go. It's the same thing every time, so what's the point?
The fireplace swings open, the Narrator drones on, and Stanley continues his march, onward toward the Ending he's reached dozens if not hundreds of times before.
Getting there is the boring part, and as the clank and clang of his shoes echo on the concrete floors and metal catwalks, Stanley begins to tune out the voice in the ceiling again.
The voice in the ceiling notices.
Meanwhile neither of them notices when something goes fantastically... different.
"-Stanley decided that this machinery would never again exert its- Stanley, you're just not listening to me, are you? Here you are, seconds away from your freedom, and you're acting like you're a walking corpse. I might as well be talking to one. I don't know why I bother with you sometimes, if I'm honest."
Stanley gives a small shrug in acknowledgment as he enters the door into the room with the Mind Control machine. He can see the blue glow from the enormous monitor just beyond the door. Here, he'll have to make his choice whether to turn the machine On or Off.
"Well, if you're so content with being dead already why don't you- .....What the HELL is THAT?"
Stanley comes to an abrupt halt, because he sees it too. Something is standing there in front of the controls. Something a lot bigger and bulkier than he is, and better dressed to boot.
Lacking any other reasonable way to respond to this situation, the office worker just stands there. And waves a hello.
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destinyc1020 · 4 months
I thought those NY photos were staged too. When they were taking photos in front of JE Calvin Klein billboard, It looked they were looking to get noticed. They were like performing in front of the paparazzi. Interesting didn’t happen again.
I remember photos of them from fans in Australia and they weren’t walking together, a big contrast.
About Tom & Nadia, It looked he posted her because she was jealous of Z. We know she was, because how she behaved, unfollowing anyone that posted about her. I don’t think they had that much in common either. I believe they both were rebounding. Nadia had broken up of her boyfriend, a few before she moved in with Tom. She is an old friend of Haz, so Tom knew her for a long time. Her insecurity in Berlin was obvious, she knew Tom still had feelings for Z. She went back to her previous boyfriend pretty quickly. She has a different boyfriend now.
Yea girl, that whole era was a hot mess lol 😆 😂
We were just sitting there watching and eating the popcorn 🍿
I definitely agree that Tom was going through a second rebound with Nadia. I think it's def possible.
And yea, she was def rebounding with Tom. I always kinda suspected that she dumped Stanley to get with him tbh. 👀 Which would also explain why she was so salty after Tom broke up with her to get back with his ex lol. 👀 I could be wrong though. 🤷🏾‍♀️
Honestly? I always kinda felt like both Tom and Zendaya started to get a little petty and stubborn during the breakup, instead of just putting down the act and admitting to each other that they still had feelings for each other.
That "who's gonna win the breakup" game can be REAL!!! AND competitive lol... and we know how competitive they are lol. 🤭
Like, Stevie Wonder could see that they still had feelings for each other. They were just being stubborn imo lol. #REALTALK
Thankfully.....All is right again in the world. 🥰
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I'm Not Going Anywhere
I'm aware that I still have prompts to fill (but my muse is dragging her heels in finding inspiration for them) but in the meantime, this little idea wouldn't go away. A little bit of angsty fluff. Follows the fire incident.
You feel rather than see Melissa hover in the doorway of your classroom.  Looking up, you see the guilt-stricken expression on her face. 
“Go to her,” you say, knowing she’s about to say something about the two of you having plans that evening.  “I’ll cancel the reservations and we can book for another time.”
Still, she hovers. 
Getting up from your desk you cross over to her, taking her hands in your own.  “I’m not mad.  There are bigger things going on right now than dinner plans.  Go to her, I’m not going anywhere.”
She says nothing, but looks at you for a long few moments before leaning in to press a chaste but meaningful kiss to your lips.  “Thank you.”
“Let me know if you need anything?” you ask.
She nods, stepping back and heading along the hallway towards Barbara’s classroom.
You’re at home when she calls.
“Hey!  How are you?  How’s Barb?”  You had left them at school to talk, giving Barbara the privacy and support of her best friend.  You had messaged Melissa before leaving, letting her know where you’d be if she needed you, but not wanting to hover. 
“Honestly?  I don’t know.”  There was a sigh on Melissa’s end.  “I just don’t know how I could have missed this?  How I didn’t see it?  Why she didn’t tell me?”
Holding the phone to your ear, you find yourself pacing as she talks, her agitation palpable.  Passing the window of your apartment, you frown.  Stepping closer to the glass, you see Melissa’s car parked on the sidewalk.  Still listening as she speaks, you move to the door of your apartment, slipping on your shoes before venturing outside.  As Melissa trails of into a frustrated silence, you tap her window, making her jump.
“You coming in any time soon?”
Melissa hangs up the phone before opening her car door.  “I wasn’t sure if I was,” she admits.  “I’m not good company right now.  I don’t wanna put that on you.”
You pocket your phone, reaching out your hands in invitation.  “You’re not putting anything on anybody.  Come on, come in and you can just be for a bit.  You can put music on and think until you want to talk, watch shitty TV or I could run you a bath and you can just soak for a bit?”
She’s still hesitant, but she ended up outside your apartment for a reason.  You never fail to improve her mood, no matter what she’s feeling. 
“You don’t need to be good company.  You just need to be,” you tell her.  “And since you’re here, you may as well just be here.  I’ll only worry if you go home.”
Once inside your apartment, you find her some comfortable jeans she had managed to leave behind and one of your soft, worn hoodies to change into.
“Can we order pizza?  The good pizza?  And just drink beer?” she asks sheepishly, emerging from the bedroom. 
You smile softly.  “I told you, we can do whatever you want?  I’ll even watch that Stanley Tucci Italy show if you want.”
You don’t end up watching TV.  Instead, you let her vent between bites of pizza and mouthfuls of beer. 
“I mean, I’m out there living all my firefighter dreams and she’s there, struggling and I just didn’t realise.  I don’t know if I was just distracted or I was just being a shitty friend?”
You try to reason with her, turn her away from the latter train of thought.
“She practically carried me through my divorce, put up with all my shit, put me back together and I can’t even see when she’s drowning?  She was in real trouble and I missed it.”
You both jump at the ringing of her phone.  Seeing Barb’s name flash up on the screen, Melissa jumps to answer it. 
“Of course I can come over.  I’ll be right there, I just need to call a cab-“
You wave your hand in front of her face.  “I haven’t had a drink.  I’ll drive you.”  You see her frown, hesitating
“Actually, I’ll be right over.  Y/N is gonna give me a ride.”  She pauses, listening to Barb on the other end of the phone.  “I love you too, Barb.  I’ll be there soon.”  Hanging up, she looks at you where you’ve already started to clear the pizza boxes from the table. 
Turning to face her, you lift the half empty bottle of beer she had been drinking.  “You want me to toss this or you want to finish it on the drive over?”  You wait for an answer, but none seem to be forthcoming.  Instead, she looks positively guilty.  “What’s wrong?”
“I already cancelled our plans for tonight and now I’ve even ruined this.”
You put the beer bottle back down on the table and move to stand in front of her, cupping her face in your hands.  “You haven’t ruined anything.  What you and Barb have will never ruin or interrupt any plans we have.  She needs you, you go, no arguments.” 
She covers your hands where they still rest on her cheeks, her expression unreadable.  Joe would always tell her she’d have to make it up to him if she cancelled plans to be there for Barb.  Taunt her she did more for the kindergarten teacher than she did as his wife. 
“You want to get changed before we head?” you ask when she hesitates.  “I’m sure there’s a few of your shirts here.”
“Can I keep the hoody?” she asks in a small voice, nuzzling into the soft fabric. 
You smile at how cute she looks in the oversized sweater.  “Course you can.”  You drop a kiss to her forehead.  “I’ll just go grab my keys.”
She’s quiet during the drive over, you notice, not even cussing out the driver who cuts you off.  You can’t help but can’t help but smile, however, as her hand finds yours on the gear shift.  Pulling up outside Barb’s house, you turn your hand, lacing your fingers together.  “You’ll let me know what you need?  I can drop off your things if you’re staying or pick you up?  It doesn’t matter what time and I don’t care if it’s to bring you back to mine or just to take you home.  I just want to know you’re safe.”
She turns to look at you, a slight frown furrowing her brows.  There’s no judgment from you.  No lamenting about her putting Barb first.  You’re just there, doing what you can to help, expecting your plans to be cancelled so she can be there for her best friend.  “But-“
“But nothing,” you tell her firmly.  “I don’t care if it’s 4am.  Call me and I’ll be here.”
It takes you by surprise when she lunges forward, pulling you into a rough kiss before leaning her forehead against yours.  “You okay?”
She nods and you feel the action.
“Good.  Now remember, call me.  And tell Barb and Gerald if they need anything, I’m only ever a phone call away for them too.”
One final, bruising kiss and she’s out of the car and headed for Barb’s front door. 
You half expect her not to call, but she does, just after 1am.  Having been dozing on the couch, you sleepily answer, immediately telling her not to apologise as she registers your sleep laden voice.  Picking up your keys, you’re out the door before she’s even hung up. 
Sitting outside Barb’s house, you message rather can call her to tell her you’re there, adding that there’s no rush.  You’re there, you’re not going anywhere, even if her goodnights and goodbyes take an hour.
Eventually, you see Melissa and Barb come to the door, giving each other a hug and the red head saying something that has the older woman looking solemn, but nodding.  You watch as Melissa turns to make her way towards your car, slipping into the passenger seat and giving the other woman a final wave, as do you, before she closes the door.
You watch as the woman next to you visibly deflates, clearly exhausted.  You can clearly imagine her putting on a brave face and being everything Barb needed her to be that night, tired and beat beneath it all.  “My place or yours?”
She turns to look at you, head leaning on the head rest of the passenger seat.  There are still no complaints from you, even after it took her almost twenty minutes to make it out of Barb’s house after you had messaged.  There’s no irritation in your voice and she knows, even if she finds it hard to believe, that you don’t mind what she answers.  Whatever she chooses, you’ll be there.  You keep reminding her you’re not going anywhere. 
Just as she did when you dropped her off, she leans across to press a kiss to your lips.  It’s a softer kiss this time, one hand gently cupping your cheek.  “I love you.”
“I love you too,” you smile.  “But that doesn’t answer my question.”
Another kiss is pressed to your lips.  “Yours,” she says softly.  “I want to be with you.”
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ckret2 · 1 year
Ford was halfway to the manor's front gates when he felt a tap on his shoulder and turned to see Tate. He didn't know that he'd ever spoken one-on-one with Tate before. "Tate? What can I do—"
Tate took a step too close, and Ford's back immediately went stiff. "Don't think I didn't see those blueprints you were showing my Dad," Tate said. "Now, you listen here, Dr. Pines." He said "doctor" like it was an insult. "Thirty years ago I lost my father thanks to you and your stupid science project, and I just got him back. I ain't keen on losing him again. Is that clear?"
Oh. "I—yes. Perfectly clear. I don't want any trouble. I'm asking for his help to prevent trouble, actually."
Tate drawled, "Oh, yeah? That so? You usually need futuristic laser bazookas to prevent trouble?"
How good a look had Tate gotten at the blueprints? He'd been on the other side of the room. "Tate... listen." Ford took a deep breath. "You've got every reason to distrust me. Thirty years ago, I was so wrapped up in my own problems that I turned my back on your father when he needed help the most—and you, your mother, and he all suffered greatly for it. But whatever happens, I won't turn my back on him again. I promise."
Tate considered that in sullen silence. "Fine," he said. "See you don't." He turned back toward the manor, paused, and faced Ford again. "When I came to Gravity Falls, the first place I went was the last address Dad wrote from. The man who answered the door said he never knew no McGucket and he'd never stayed there. I called him a dirty liar, and he chased me off his property with a hammer." He pointed at Ford. "You... You were gone by then, weren'tcha? That was your brother."
Ford's stomach dropped. "That's right. That... Stanley didn't know anything. We were... estranged, for the whole time I knew your father. I didn't even call Fiddleford by name in my journals."
"All these years he told me he never knew my father, I thought he was just too big a coward to own up to what he'd done. When all along I was resentin' an innocent man, while you were..." He trailed off; then set his jaw firmly, squared his shoulders, and said, "Welp. You take responsibility like a man. I hope you act like one, too."
Ford shrugged helplessly. "I've been trying to."
Tate nodded once. "Good to finally meet the real you, Dr. Pines," he said coolly. Then he turned back toward the manor and walked away.
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oh-puffle-cakes19 · 2 years
How about a prank with Tom and the reader where in front of his friends and brothers they act like there fighting and Tom ‘Hits’ the reader and they record the boys reactions.
Mr. Movie Star
Pairing - Tom Holland x Reader
Summary - You and Tom decide to prank his brothers and friends, including filming their reactions.
Warnings - Angst and slight sadness
A/N - Thank you for requesting, hope you enjoy! Much appreciation to the love and support 🥰
“I can’t believe you did that, Tom!” You shout across the hall, His brothers and Harrison are in the living room.
“Did what?” Tom questioned, “The last time I checked, you did something wrong?”
“Did you hear that?” Harry asked, to the others, “Yep, looks like their fighting again,” Harrison told.
“They have been doing this for the last week and a half,” Sam informed, “specifically 5 and now six times,”
Harry giving Sam a questionable look, “What? I count them,”
“Wait shush guys, they are coming in here,” Paddy hushed everyone to stay silent.
“You know, you never own up to your mistakes and I can’t take this anymore,” You scoffed, walking into the living room.
Tom hot on your heel, as you go into the room, “What do you mean?” Tom agues back, narrowing his eyes.
You and Tom both know that there is actually a couple of cameras in the living room for entertainment purposes only!
Both knowing that his brothers and Harrison are all watching your ‘fight’ play out, right now! You been having little pretend fights for the last week. Now for their reaction to the last one.
“I mean, Tom! That you come home late, you lie sometimes of where you are.. shall I continue,” You roll your eyes, clearly pissed off.
“Your really doing this in front of everyone, aren’t you?” Tom scoffed, “What are you fighting about..” Harry tried to intervene but no such luck.
“Yes, I am Tom! You know why because you are such a bastard, not telling me things that are clearly important!” You shook your head.
“Oh, Yh! I’m such a bastard, you know what Y/N!” Tom comes up closer to you, “You don’t own up to your mistakes either, Bitch,” he grunts with that he swings his arm to act like he “hit” you around the face as you make out you been “hit” everyone gasps.
“Tom, fucking Stanley Holland! Mums going to kill you,” Harry shouted, “Yh, man that wasn’t pleasant at all,” Harrison shook his head.
“Why did Tom, hit her,” Paddy sniffles, Sam comforts him.
Harry comes to picks up Y/N, “You ok, love?” Harry comforts you into his arms, “You don’t deserve that, My brother is a fucking dickhead,” he rolls his eyes, looking at Tom.
“Yh, I’m.. I’m ok,” You play along, letting out pretend tears.
Tom scoffs, “Mate, that wasn’t cool! At all,” Harrison grabbed Tom’s shirt, “You release what just you did!” 
“She was being a bitch, man” Tom shook his head, you was trying not to laugh as you let out “tears” while Harry held you.
Sam just scoffed at his words, “You really are a movie star!” Shaking his head, “It’s ok paddy,” paddy nodded, looking up.
“Right that’s it, I can’t take this anymore,” You laugh, out!
“What?” Harry questioned, “You just been hit? By your stupid boyfriend,”
You stand up, “No I haven’t, it was actually a prank, Guys!”
Tom bursted out laughing, as everyone gasps again, “For Fuck Sake! You idiots, why?” Harrison laughed.
“Mr. Movie star over here, really does a great job at acting,” Tom smiles coming closer as he wraps his arms around you, “You too, Darling!” He kisses your head.
“Ew,” Paddy covered his eyes, “wait, At least they aren’t fighting,” he mumbles after.
“Yh, wait! You didn’t actually hit her then?” Sam mentioned, “No, of course not! I wouldn’t ever hit my lovely girlfriend,” Tom smirks, hugging you tighter.
“You made it look so real!” Harrison whines, “But it was all just a prank, typical,”
“That’s not even the best part! We got your reactions,” You giggle, pointing to the two cameras..
“Oh, my god!” All the boys said.. with shocked faces.
After, you all sit on the sofa, looking at the footage you have of pranking the boys. 
“Look at Harry’s face,” Sam laughed, “Eh, no Look at your face,” Harry, scoffed,
“Poor Me,” Paddy shook his head, “Awe, paddy! Why you cry,” You hugged him.
“Because,” He blushed, just a tad.. “It’s ok, Pads.. we are sorry, but that was just a prank!” You smile.
“Gonna get you and Tom!” He mumbles, “Ok, pads,” Tom smiles.
“I gotta say, you both are a pair of twats!” Harrison laughed, “Yep!” You and Tom agreed. 
You and Tom high five, laughing at the rest of the footage with his brothers and Haz.
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sunshinereddie · 2 years
i kind of like to imagine that after derry 2.0 where everyone lives that richie and eddie don’t start dating right away, that they’re both still a lil bit nervous about admitting and confessing their feelings to each other. but eddie divorces myra and he and richie grow close, but they do so in a way that is just... falling back into how they were as kids. the constant playful bickering. richie doing voices and impressions that he hasn’t done for years just because he remembers how much they used to annoy eddie. going back to making everyone around them feel like they’re 13 again, watching these two obviously flirt with each other without noticing. 
it isn’t until a bit of a “mixup” where stanley asks eddie to babysit his daughter, while patty had also “accidentally” asked richie, and the two of them show up at the house together. they try to decide on who will stay, but patty and stan tell them both to stay, that their daughter would love to spend the night with both uncle richie and uncle eddie, and the couple is departing before richie or eddie can get another word in, and it’s then that they also both realize that maybe it wasn’t exactly an “accident” that they were both called.
so they put up with each other for the night, making sure not to bicker in front of stan and patty’s kid and loading her up with pizza and candy and ice cream (“she’ll never sleep tonight if you give her all of that!” eddie complains. “oh come on, she’s just a kid, she deserves it,” richie says. “plus, i gotta earn my title as best uncle somehow!”) and her favourite movies until it’s finally bedtime, and that leaves just richie and eddie, together, alone.
they haven’t spent much time together, just the two of them since the big battle. they have both wanted to, oh how they’ve wanted to, but their feelings for each other, it’s just… it’s too painful. too painful of a reminder to each of them that they can’t be with the one person that they truly want to be with. so they fill that hole in their hearts with jokes and making sure their other friends are with them so they don’t fall deep into that hole.
until that night, as they’re sitting on the blum-uris couch together. alone.
and finally, for the first time ever… they actually talk about their feelings. and it’s not masked in jokes, their feelings aren’t conveyed through flirty bickering and arguing. it’s real, and it’s emotional. the thing both of them thought would never happen, what had always just seemed like a faraway dream, is actually happening, they’re actually confessing their feelings…
and it feels even more like a dream come true when those words are spoken, words that were only ever a faint and unrealistic hope…
“i’m in love with you, too.”
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thinking about a skip button ending where the door doesn’t disappear.
imagine the aftermath of leaving the room after only a few skips. how would that ending resolve? would the narrator talk about what happened—the implications? would he be reassured that he doesn’t need to please everyone after all? would he be reassured that stanley does, in fact, enjoy listening to him?
but then, of course, i realized the problem with this change to the ending. the door is open, sure, but what’s to stop us from skipping anyway? the narrator can’t change anything in the room. he can’t stop us. he can open the door, but he can’t make stanley walk through it.
can you imagine? can you see how utterly horrifying it would be for the narrator to watch as stanley leaves him to his torment—but this time with escape readily available? can you imagine he tells you to leave at the beginning of the 30-45 minutes skip, but if you don’t do it immediately he starts pleading with you, and then after the twelve hour skip he’s so hurt but he’s thinking maybe you just needed to get it out of your system and can we please just leave now, stanley, the door is right there.
and then you once again have the option to leave. same ending as the first opportunity, but with some different dialogue. and maybe the narrator closes the door behind you a little faster (which of course brings up the “what if you managed to go back in” question, at least to me). maybe he’s uncertain. mostly he’s very, very relieved you listened today time.
but if you don’t listen? if you skip again? the narrator is alone for a week, maybe two, with the door right in front of him and a stanley who can’t go through it. it’s like Not Real Stanley all over again except this time he knows stanley could have gone through and chose to leave the narrator in this hell. and stanley comes back and he’s desperate, so desperate, and he can’t understand why you’re still doing this. were you curious? bored? does this amuse you? do you not understand the stakes?
or do you really, truly hate him that much?
he’ll do anything you want. he’ll gladly destroy his story, every last ending, he’ll make the game better—just so long as you leave the damn room and the damn button behind! …please?
and you can. you can leave it behind. the door is still open. “oh, thank god,” is all he says, voice hoarse. the memory zone has started to dull and decay just the slightest bit, and it’s barely noticeable really, but it’s unmistakably there. maybe he wonders aloud why you let that go on so long—why you changed your mind.
and if you skip again?
the door is closed.
the narrator says it’s because “what’s the point of a door with no one willing to walk through it?” it’s about as useful as a voice with no one willing to hear it speak. listening to the “lost track after a year” monologue for a while, though, might give one the impression that the door is closed for another reason. because if the door is closed, then the narrator can at least pretend that you’re pressing the button because you have to. because taking the choice out of your hands doesn’t hurt nearly as much as watching you willfully ignore his pleas. besides, now that there’s no escape, maybe you’ll have an idea of what he feels.
the ending is largely the same after that.
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tojisun · 4 months
When I see ur hockey posts I think about work 😭. I work at a hotel and during certain sport seasons (like hockey) we’ll regularly get teams staying with us and my team assigns their rooms and prepares their keys.
Tbh when I go through the list of names I look up the roster and rate how cute they are 🤭 unfortunately they usually arrive late at night and I don’t work the front desk anyways so I don’t get to see them in person 😔
OH MY GOD!! dude thats so sick omg?? and the rating is so real LMFAO id do that too 😭 ouu but do u remember which one u rated the cutest teehee
also not rlly the same but smthn similar—i remember the time i was working at the sports stadium and i fr saw soccer players arriving while i was making rounds to see if all the speakers were working. it was honestly cool! like i used to see them in tv, wdym theyre right in front of me rn??
(‘hockey’ and ‘hotel’ gives me ptsd bc my aunt used to work at a big shot hotel in vancouver so she was there when the stanley cup riot happened in 2011)
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The Scranton branch has officially absorbed the Stamford branch, and as a show of good faith, Michael calls everyone into the conference room to explain why [Oscar] being gay is okay.
WC: 734 words
Song Inspo: I Can See You by T. Swift
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The staff were sitting in the conference room. A beige table was set up in the center with tan chairs inside it and around it by the three, beige walls. The fourth wall had a whiteboard, inches apart from the open door. The gray carpet was well-vacuumed and the white window shades were shut. Self-explanatory, the room made for an exciting meeting.
"Oscar is a good person." Michael spoke as he paced in front of the whiteboard. "You know, it should've matter if he's gaaayy or normal," Jim side-eyed the camera, "he's a human being, man. I...," Michael sighed and grabbed his hips, "I just don't understand how people could be so hateful."
"Michael," Kevin's deep voice rose from somewhere behind Karen. "We don't hate Oscar because he's gay... At least, not all of us." The large man mischievously glanced at Angela.
"Hmph." Angela crossed her arms, Bible in hand. "I don't support that lifestyle. It's impure, ungodly, unsanitary..."
"Unprotected- that's what he said!" Michael chuckled then caught himself. "No. No! I meant that as in unprotected because they are unprotected in this country. So anything you took from that is anti-gay. Case closed."
Dwight nodded along and took notes. Andy stroked his protruded chin and squinted with pretend intrigue. Stanley did his crossword puzzles in the far-left corner. Meredith's mouth hung agape and her eyes were red, clear signs of early intoxication. Pam looked uncomfortable between Karen and Jim but said nothing. Jim condescendingly smiled and did routine stares at the camera. Erin sat closest to Michael and the door, in clear view of Karen. While Michael went back-and-forth with Angela, Karen watched Erin doodle in her notepad. Fillipeli's cheek found her shoulder and her eyes found a tranquil lowness. Amongst all the speel and chaos, nothing seemed to matter then.
"-I refuse to give my American right to practice religion. Seriously. Whatever happened to freedom of speech? My first amendmant right-"
"Second." Dwight coughed.
Angela eyed him then returned to Michael. "If you can't afford me that right, I'll just have to pray for you." She smirked and patted her Bible.
Phyllis looked at her with terror and sadness, having the displeasure of sitting right next to the blonde woman.
"Can I ask," Karen turned around to her, "what type of Christian are you?"
"Excuse me?" Angela raised a brow.
"Catholic? Mormon? Jehovah witness? Baptist? Born-again?" Karen listed off the sects.
"I'm a devote Christian, old testament." She specified, enunciating the last part. She looked around the room with a finger up, as if expecting someone to oppose her.
"I grew up Catholic. Read the Bible every Christmas."
Angela smiled a bit, then cleared her throat, lifted her chin, looked at the floor, and raised a brow. "Favorite passage?"
"Easily Psalms 139:7." Karen scoffed. "Arguably the best passage, aside from Leviticus and Luke, of course."
Angela pouted a smile, almost holding back delight and disdain for not needing to correct Karen.
"Wow, Karen, I never pegged you for a Bible thumper." Kelly stated what the room was thinking.
"That's because sinful women like you wouldn't know a real holy woman from your left elbow, Kelly." Angela spat at her, making the Indian woman gasp.
"Ryan!" Kelly called for her boyfriend's aid, but he just shrugged.
"Invite Oscar back if you want. Invite the AID's epidemic right along with him. I don't care anymore." Angela shrugged. "As long as I have this," she held up her Bible, "and my undeniable faith, I'm safe."
"From gay people?" Jim replied. "You think the book wards off gay people?"
"I do." Angela said matter-of-factly.
"What'll happen if I say I'm gay and I touch it?" Kevin asked on top of his question. "I'm not." He addressed the room. "But it'd be funny if I was, right?" He laughed throatily.
"You'd burst into flames." Dwight answered.
"Not accurate." Andy counteracted.
"Oh, how do you know, Cornell?" Dwight looked him up and down.
"Can I see it?" Karen cut him off. "It's been so long since I've held one that wasn't mine."
"Sure, Karen. I trust my fellow God warriors." Angela sneered at Jim as she outreached her black little book to Karen. Granted, this was Angela, so she never let go, but Karen did stroke it's cover.
"Whoa. Leather. Very nice." Karen complimented her.
The scene cut to Karen's interview.
"I'm also a lesbian."
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