#rid2015 megop
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cosmicourple Ā· 6 months ago
in my latest T.F.P/R.I.D2015 A.U, when I say that O.P avoids all the contact they can w/ other cybertronians + Cybertron, I actually mean almost. While running around in space, helpless on what to do with the situation heā€™s currently in AKA rapidly developing baby cooking in their chest, O.P had the GREATEST luck of all to be able to make some friends/acquaintances w/ various spaceship crews & either solo or smallish groups of travellers. Said groups were obvs very wary &/or hostile towards Optimus/Orion at first, but most of them quickly put their varying opinions of the so-called ā€˜heroicā€™ war legend aside when it was discovered that lilā€™ old Opā€™ was sparked. And great Solus and all things forged, THE MECHā€™S ALL ALONE AND SPARKED!?!??????!!!!!!???? WITH NO THOUGHT OR IDEA ON WHAT THEIR GOING TO DO ONCE THEY GO INTO LABOUR IN THE [MIDDLE OF NOWHERE SPACE WITH ALSO NO SIRE TO HELP AND NO EXPERIENCE WHEN IT COMES TO BIRTH APART FROM RETURNING INSTINCTS!!!!!!??!!?!!??!!????!??????!!!!!!!]
Ye, the whole situation of O.Pā€™s acquaintance with these mecha is very much somewhat comforting &/or sweet but still a very complicated, ball of yarn-type mess lmao
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commoncoral Ā· 9 months ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Transformers: Prime, Transformers: Robots in Disguise (2015) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Megatron/Optimus Prime Characters: Megatron (Transformers), Optimus Prime Additional Tags: The Thirteen Primes - Freeform, Realm of the Primes, Inspired by the covenant of primus, Alien Mythology/Religion, Liege Maximo - Freeform, Solus Prime - Freeform, Resurrection, Reunions, Poetry, Regrets, Romance, Fate & Destiny, Suicidal Thoughts, Angst with a Happy Ending, Post TFP, pre rid2015, Canon Divergence, Fix It, I can't believe we were cheated out of a rid15 megatron appearance Summary:
After Optimus Prime's death, Megatron was left wandering in exile in regret for a long time, until he overhears a story about how the path of the realm of the Primes opens every thirteen trillion cycles in the well of allsparks. He is determined to reunite and resolve things with Optimus Prime but is given a trial by a vengeful Liege Maximo to find his spark or face judgement and execution.
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fluffatron9001 Ā· 1 year ago
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worldā€™s most awkward family dinner
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transingthoseformers Ā· 12 days ago
I would love to hear more about Empurata Op/Orion please
I'm toying with a situation that's between tfa and rid15 (elements of idwg1 of course) in what post war Cybertron is like, aka: bad. Post war Cybertron is bad, and it's not what neither autobot nor decepticon fought for
Torn between Megatron being out of the picture (like in rid15) or if he's here and on the chopping block (like in MTMTE and LL) but in my mind I really really want it to be a situation where people start blaming Optimus for the war too (for the angst)
And it's a *Thing* for an Optimus who just wanted to try and ease off of leadership after the war
(I see a fun opportunity for megop here, an opportunity for "What have they done to you?", and unlikely team ups)
(or, hell. We can go full hurt/no comfort here, and lean into the new hell Cybertron has become)
(We can do a lot of things)
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dragonsgirl572 Ā· 8 months ago
i made a family tree for optimus and ratchet. they're not dating, just amica-bonded.
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Red = Conjunxed
Pink = Amica-Bonded
Blue = Split-Sparks (twins)
Yellow = Siblings
Black line = biological child
Black dotted line = Adopted child
Red 'x' = Dead
Facts about the family tree!!
Ultra Magnus was created in a tube. He was supposed to replace Orion because he was questioning the Council. Alpha Trion shut them down and introduced Ultra Magnus as Orion and Ariel's little brother.
It's unknown if Sunstreaker is dead of missing.
Elita-One and Optimus are half predacons.
And, I don't like Elita and Optimus dating for some reason, so I made them split-sparks.
I may add on to this.
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strangermask Ā· 3 months ago
Transformers au (mostly delving in RID2015 cuz thatā€™s what sparked the idea)((I have not finished the show or the Prime show))
Megop post-War BUT
They get reincarnated
Optimus into a flyer named Lapis Cardinal and gets taken in by Bumblebee (who doesnā€™t know yet)
Megatron to a tractor named Marigold who lives with a human family of farmers (who now see this bot as their own)
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peak-dumbass Ā· 1 year ago
Finished all of RiD2015 and, while I do like Steelbee, itā€™s at its best to me when their dynamic is a parallel of TFP Megop
Aka Steeljaw being incredibly down bad for Bee and really wanting him to switch sides so he can suck his dick they can rule over Earth together meanwhile Bee is so fucking tired of him and his desperate attempts at getting together with him
Bonus points if, when Optimus sees them interacting, he gets flashbacks to him and Megatron is just like ā€œmy former scout, do not fuck him, itā€™s not worth itā€
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coolesttatarka25 Ā· 2 months ago
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Sketch update
On the first one, the first sketches of Orion's daughter and D16 for the mini-comic. Is it something like a crawler truck? Bellatricks A star from the constellation Orion (my girlfriend was responsible for shes name)
Well, more than my headcanon! Sideswipe whose mask was broken, and under it girlpop
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tigressaofkanjis Ā· 7 months ago
Across the Universes
To add to my endless WIPs and stuff I have done but never released...I had a thought. Transformers pairings where both characters have to appear physically in at least five different shows/media and just playing what if on their interactions and how they would differ. One chapter would be a pairing and in separated sections like G1, IDW, TFA, TFP, Cyberverse, etc I would just write maybe fun paragraph stories about them in each respective universe. Just for fun. If it's like MegOp, you know, they appear in pretty much every universe so it would be a shit ton of sections but with varying differences depending on the universe.
Now, many continuities will be separated into pieces because of the difficulty to maintain just one type over the span of multiple different shows. I.e. "Aligned" would be separated into TFP, Rescue Bots, RID15, and WFC/FOC because the characters might be considered the same, they do have altered personalities and it is difficult to merge it. Same thing goes with what is considered "G1." IDW comics have so many variations that it is difficult to simply merge it with G1 so it's technically its own thing. Beast Wars, same deal. Unicron Trilogy is nasty because you have some characters only featured in one show but not the other two so they will be marked as either, Armada, Energon, and Cybertron respectively unless they appear in all three.
Movieverse has a frustrating timeline where it's technically the same universe but ROTB somehow creates a new timeline. It's the most unclear thing ever and to separate it is awful so I'm just merging all seven live action movies into one bundle. You choose which version of designs you wish to see it as.
Now, I will consider Transformers One its own thing regardless of what anyone declares because I refuse to believe it has anything to do with the live action films and it should not. It's alright if it takes cues from the movies, TFP, TFA, and all its little easter eggs in terms of design and story. Here's the issue of this fic overall, I cannot release it until after One comes out so I can add the universe to my data. With it so close, it would be awkward as hell to release one pairing only to have to re-add the fic with a One variant if both characters appear in the film, you know? To skip the frustration, I'm waiting to release it.
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munchboxart Ā· 5 months ago
Yapping about TFONE, major spoilers, so do not read if you haven't watched it yet
Also as I write this, keep in mind that the only TF media I've consumed is TFP (my fav), TFA, RID2015, most of the Bayverse movies and some bits of IDW (I..... mainly read Soundwave's and Shockwave's wiki sorry šŸ˜” but I do hear some bits of other story lines too) and G1
First things first, this movie is fucking awesome. it's been SUCH a long time since we got a movie/show that has focused on Cybertron or the bots ALONE. I know the comics/games have been doing that but shows and movies are the most easiest consumable form of content, so to get that is fucking amazing. Secondly, it's amazing that we finally get a story that's mainly focused on MEGOP's background (I'm pretty sure the comics also has it covered but I'll mainly be talking about films/shows, sorry I still haven't read IDW, I know it slams cheeks).
I'm really happy they actually changed things up a bit for the story compared to other iterations. I'm not sure how common it is for OP to be a miner, but I think it helps solidify MEGOP's relationship a bit more compared to the archivist and miner/gladiator role that I think is more common? I'm also surprised many of the Autobots, if not all of the ones we know, are actually miners as well, while all of the Decepticons were part of the High Guard, but I'm pretty sure it's to keep the movie simple so I don't mind (like TFP has 3 books IIRC covering the entire story, good god).
I'm surprised the Quintessons are actually still a major threat, though I'm also surprised that they removed the 4 faces thing... I thought that was the coolest part about them šŸ™ Either that or they just haven't shown them. Though, I do like how they incorporated them into the story, it's really interesting. Also I think the dome part over the entirety of Cybertron is new? Sure I guess. And also robotic deer.... Whatever man LMFAO I can excuse the grass and earth matter but I don't know about deer
Also! I'm happy that the 13 primes was actually brought up and shown on screen! Like usually it's just a mention or something but no, they're on screen! We can see their faces! Also, Megatronus having the Decepticon logo as his face (like Tarn) made me lol.
The biggest surprise to me was Arachnid actually being a loyal follower of Sentinel Prime? All my life I've known her as a lone wolf, so this new approach for her is really cool. Not a bad change I say!
As for the main story, I really really love that you get to see D-16's descent into his villain arc. Like the first time he killed a bot, you can tell the shift has changed, even before he went up all over Orion's face. I will say, I kind of wish they pushed Megatron's motivation to "take over Cybertron" because he doesn't trust any more leaders a bit further? Like maybe a speech after Sentinels death, but I suppose he already did one with the High Guard, but I think one with the entirety of Iacon would be good so there could be more merit to his cause. Unless he did one and I forgot then whoops šŸ’€
Also the scene where Sentinel carved the Decepticon insignia into D-16 was raw as fuck. HOLLLYYY SHIT IT WAS SO COOL I couldn't stop giggling and kicking my feet
Anyways, one major thing I kind of have a gripe with is that having the Matrix of Leadership makes Energon flow again throughout the planet...? I think? Because what causes most of the wars over Cybertron (I think) was yes, political ideals, but also the battle over Energon (because they were running out). Though correct me if I'm wrong on that one. I don't know, it just feels like half of the desperation of winning the war is gone, but maybe it's also just because it's the beginning of what's to come. Maybe Primus gets sick or something, who knows.
Other than that, I think it's a really solid movie, especially for newcomers. I've been hearing there's new TF fans coming from TF ONE which is really good! Like we've been getting flop after flop of TF movies so this is such a nice change, especially now that it's actually focused on the bots!
Sorry, side tangent. Who thought the humans thing was a good idea. Like every time you go into the TF fandom, when have you seen the humans? I don't even remember the last time I saw actual fanart of the human cast of any iteration. The first thing you will fucking see is bot on bot action let's be serious here.
ANYWAYS I LOVE TF ONE, I hope it motivates Hasbro to make more TF media that's focused on the bots instead of fucking EARTHHHH
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autobotwolves Ā· 4 years ago
Okay but what if in the whole RiD tie in with the Autobot!Megatron au Iā€™m doing, Optimus just doesnā€™t die, because I mean if weā€™re gonna bring him back anyways whats the point in him dying right?Ā  Iā€™m saying this because I think itā€™d be INSANELY funny if Optimus just sent Bee to Earth with vague instructions, and the show plays out (almost entirely) like it does in canon, but somewhere a bit before/shortly after Drift is introduced, Optimus and Megatron show up with their literal child (aka my bby Silverblaze) and just kinda stick around ā€œWhatā€™s up bitches, the gay uncles and the baby are here to assistā€
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cosmicourple Ā· 6 months ago
mhmhn post-T.F.P-but-only-kinda-R.I.D2015 A.U where instead of being revived, Optimus escapes the ā€˜Prime voidā€™ (which in my hc, is just a somewhat conscious Unicron using his energy to trap & mess with / manipulate O.Pā€™s captured spark) & is able to get to the living world again (after somehow reviving themself idk) only to discover that their sparked w/ Megatronā€™s sparkling & then basically just wandering around the universe, avoiding all cybertronian contact they can, along with birthing & caring for theirā€™s & Megā€™s bitlet that the now parent O.P (going under their old destination Orion) names Zagreus
(ghghggghg totally not foreshadowing for any horrible tragic event to come nope nu uh never ;33 šŸ’žšŸ’žšŸ’ž)
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cinderoo Ā· 3 years ago
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closing the distance between us
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iwozlegit Ā· 2 years ago
Popular opinion: at some point in your sad nerdy youth, you all had a Transformers OC that met some, if not all, of these:
A femme.
A bot that transformed into an animal.
A bot who solely served to fuck a main character and ā€œchange them for the better.ā€
A Decepticon.
A Neutral bot who was formerly a ā€˜Con, or a neutral who had a ā€œfuck the warā€ attitude.
A Seeker (someone who could fly idek).
A lovechild of some unrealistic tf ship, which oddly makes sense to a lot of people and you love wayyyy too much because archenemies are deliciously homoerotic *cough* Megop *cough*
Extra points if you are still in fact encompassing your sad nerdy youth ;)
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chronosabyss Ā· 4 years ago
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@secretsolenoidā€‹ gift for @kusakichan15ā€‹
A touching reunion between Megatron and Optimus, whom he had believed to be dead until this point. <3
Thereā€™s some zoomed out versions of panel 4 & 5 under the cut, because I decided at the very last minute it would be more intimate to push the camera closer in, but doing so cut off like a 5th of the work I did.
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kamostaza Ā· 4 years ago
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