#rid2015 megop
commoncoral · 22 days
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Transformers: Prime, Transformers: Robots in Disguise (2015) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Megatron/Optimus Prime Characters: Megatron (Transformers), Optimus Prime Additional Tags: The Thirteen Primes - Freeform, Realm of the Primes, Inspired by the covenant of primus, Alien Mythology/Religion, Liege Maximo - Freeform, Solus Prime - Freeform, Resurrection, Reunions, Poetry, Regrets, Romance, Fate & Destiny, Suicidal Thoughts, Angst with a Happy Ending, Post TFP, pre rid2015, Canon Divergence, Fix It, I can't believe we were cheated out of a rid15 megatron appearance Summary:
After Optimus Prime's death, Megatron was left wandering in exile in regret for a long time, until he overhears a story about how the path of the realm of the Primes opens every thirteen trillion cycles in the well of allsparks. He is determined to reunite and resolve things with Optimus Prime but is given a trial by a vengeful Liege Maximo to find his spark or face judgement and execution.
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fluffatron9001 · 8 months
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world’s most awkward family dinner
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kusakichan15 · 1 year
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If I can't be close to you... I'll settle for the ghost of you... I miss you more than life...
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peak-dumbass · 5 months
Finished all of RiD2015 and, while I do like Steelbee, it’s at its best to me when their dynamic is a parallel of TFP Megop
Aka Steeljaw being incredibly down bad for Bee and really wanting him to switch sides so he can suck his dick they can rule over Earth together meanwhile Bee is so fucking tired of him and his desperate attempts at getting together with him
Bonus points if, when Optimus sees them interacting, he gets flashbacks to him and Megatron is just like “my former scout, do not fuck him, it’s not worth it”
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dragonsgirl572 · 7 days
i made a family tree for optimus and ratchet. they're not dating, just amica-bonded.
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Red = Conjunxed
Pink = Amica-Bonded
Blue = Split-Sparks (twins)
Yellow = Siblings
Black line = biological child
Black dotted line = Adopted child
Red 'x' = Dead
Facts about the family tree!!
Ultra Magnus was created in a tube. He was supposed to replace Orion because he was questioning the Council. Alpha Trion shut them down and introduced Ultra Magnus as Orion and Ariel's little brother.
It's unknown if Sunstreaker is dead of missing.
Elita-One and Optimus are half predacons.
And, I don't like Elita and Optimus dating for some reason, so I made them split-sparks.
I may add on to this.
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iwozlegit · 2 years
Popular opinion: at some point in your sad nerdy youth, you all had a Transformers OC that met some, if not all, of these:
A femme.
A bot that transformed into an animal.
A bot who solely served to fuck a main character and “change them for the better.”
A Decepticon.
A Neutral bot who was formerly a ‘Con, or a neutral who had a “fuck the war” attitude.
A Seeker (someone who could fly idek).
A lovechild of some unrealistic tf ship, which oddly makes sense to a lot of people and you love wayyyy too much because archenemies are deliciously homoerotic *cough* Megop *cough*
Extra points if you are still in fact encompassing your sad nerdy youth ;)
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gayautobotwolves · 3 years
Okay but what if in the whole RiD tie in with the Autobot!Megatron au I’m doing, Optimus just doesn’t die, because I mean if we’re gonna bring him back anyways whats the point in him dying right?  I’m saying this because I think it’d be INSANELY funny if Optimus just sent Bee to Earth with vague instructions, and the show plays out (almost entirely) like it does in canon, but somewhere a bit before/shortly after Drift is introduced, Optimus and Megatron show up with their literal child (aka my bby Silverblaze) and just kinda stick around “What’s up bitches, the gay uncles and the baby are here to assist”
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cinderoo · 2 years
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closing the distance between us
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chronosabyss · 4 years
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@secretsolenoid​ gift for @kusakichan15​
A touching reunion between Megatron and Optimus, whom he had believed to be dead until this point. <3
There’s some zoomed out versions of panel 4 & 5 under the cut, because I decided at the very last minute it would be more intimate to push the camera closer in, but doing so cut off like a 5th of the work I did.
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kasidoretec · 4 years
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eaglefangz · 5 years
cyberverse taking whatever elements it wants from all previous continuities:
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bonanza-7 · 5 years
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welll ocs :D Blaze and Snarl are mine while the other 2 (who hate their names) are @knnw-a ‘s
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tea-mew96 · 4 years
Top five megop pairings
Today, you’ll once again be getting two lists for the price of one ask. One is for Megop pairings that I think had the most potential to have been canon, the other is for Megop pairings that I find the most fun to discuss potential dynamics or story arcs.
A couple disclaimers is that I won’t be including shows/comics I haven’t watched or read yet (no RID2001 or IDW1) or shows/comics with stories that haven’t been completed yet (no War for Cybertron Trilogy or IDW2). My Megop list is forever subject to change, so it’s possible that RID2001, WFC Trilogy, or IDW 1 and 2 will make it on one or both lists sometime in the future, I just haven’t gotten to a point to make a fair assessment of any of the above excluded material yet.
Also, I decided to add some notes to some of the listed pairings, hope that’s ok...
Prime/RID2015 (Fun Fact: Prime/RID15 was number one on this list until Cyberverse Season 3 happened)
Armada (Where did all the Armada Megop fans go? Please give me a sign you still exist)
Beast Wars/Beast Machines (I’m alone in this rarepair hellhole, someone please join me so I’m not as lonely)
Unicron Trilogy (but especially Energon; that show needs fixing and you can’t tell me that Megop wouldn’t make it slightly better, especially considering the events of Armada’s last act)
Thanks for the ask!
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kusakichan15 · 1 year
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MegOp Week 2023 Day 6 Prompts: “Atonement & Blood” 😔💔
Prompt list here
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Please read the rules before requesting!
Hello and welcome!! Thank you for coming to read my rules! Following the rules makes sure we both get what we want from my writing! 
⦁ Current Continuities: TFP, TFA, RiD2015, Cyberverse, Rescue Bots, MTMTE/LL, G1 (’84), Bayverse, Beeverse/Knightverse 
⦁ Please 18+ only!
⦁ I only write for the tf continuities listed above, so make sure you check back to see if I've added anything to the arsenal!
⦁ I accept requests and headcanons when the header tells you what's open! If something is submitted after closing, it will be deleted.
⦁ I write nsfw and sfw (it's all tagged, don't worry!) My writing will be in shorter blurbs so please don’t expect a novel from me! There are times when I’m really feeling a request it might get posted to my Ao3!
• This is primarily a reader insert blog, but some character x character requests are fine regardless of canon. NO SHIP WARS. As long as the request follows the rules, I’ll write for your ships (please no MegOp)
• Please no OC’s! I am more than happy to write your OC by commission ONLY!
• Let’s talk AUs! I love alternate universes! Anything that’s basically considered public domain (merformers, humanformers, etc.) is fine by me! Anything super specific that may belong to another author is off the table though! Questions? Message me!
⦁ Reader will default to gender neutral and human unless otherwise specified. I’ll write for all genders and species! 
⦁ Kinks are very welcome!! Just please no incest/pedo/noncon/softbody/bathroom kinks! If you have a question about what kinks I am comfortable writing feel free to message me!
• Please no heavy angst, violence/gore, yandere (mild pining and/or jealousy is fine), etc. The best results will come from fluff and smut, tbch.
⦁ If your request involves any children, nsfw content is off limits. Adults are fair game (and yes, the 3 older Burns siblings are over 18.)
• In the past, I know I have filled requests involving children/sparklings, pregnancy/being sparked up, etc. but I feel very uncomfortable writing for pregnancy or something involving children that are not canon characters considering the nature of my blog. You can still find my old fills, but please respect this new rule! (Edit: breeding kink/oviposition is 100% okay but will not result in pregnancy.)
⦁ Requests are filled in the order submitted!
⦁ If you are interested in how many reqs are in the box, where your req sits on the lineup, questions if the ask box ate your req, etc. check the link in the description box to the “up next list” to see!
⦁ Please be mindful of how many characters you ask for. The limit is 3 per request! The more characters you ask for, the less each will have written for them.
• Please be mindful of your traffic in the inbox! I love filling for returning requesters, but please don’t be greedy!
⦁ Please be respectful! I am one person filling requests as a hobby. I usually spend an evening after work or significant time on my day off filling requests.
⦁ For those who have asked in the past, I do have a ko-fi set up, and there’s a link to it in the description box! Interested in commissioning me? Send me a message! There is a link to commissions in the description box as well!
⦁ Thank you for reading the rules! Happy requesting!
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candywafercutie · 7 years
Besides shockblurr, do you have any other pairings/ships?
This ask made me laugh bc damn, at first glance you’d never be able to tell, would you?
Honestly I’m neutral on most ships and I can’t think of any ship I definitely Do Not Like, but here’s a bunch of ships that I love and adore and have probably made several text post rambles on before:
- TFP Megop + any continuity megop, but especially TFP. Don’t mention TFP Megop around me unless you’re prepared for me to spend 15 minutes straight rambling about Pre-TFP lore and how fucking gay Orion was for Megatron (it was dangerously gay)
- G1 or Bayverse Megastar (I will also start rambling about this and definitely will talk about RotF a LOT if bay megastar is mentioned)
- RID2015 Starscream/Bumblebee aka Starbee, I ramble so fuckin often about this ship that it’s up there with Shockblurr, but I just struggle drawing them so there’s barely any art from me
- Rescuebots 4some, they all snuggle up together and protect Blades from horror movies while Heatwave threatens to fight anyone that hurts any of them 
- ANY Continuity shockblurr, I’ll fuckin make it work somehow (but preferably G1 or IDW)
- Tarnma
- G1 Megatron/Starscream/Optimus because a long list of reasons I find extremely amusing
- G1 Rodimus/Ultra Magnus (I have a lot of G1 ships?) (also no one ships this????)
- Megarod 
- Depth Charge/Rampage 
- WaveWave in any continuity C’:
- Fixit/Denny Clay from RID2015 because why the fuck are they so cute??? (rare pair hell)
And then there’s a BUNCH of others that literally only a handful of others ship besides me (if that) that I don’t even usually bother mentioning like Rattrap/Rhinox or TFA Bumblebee/Prowl. I also like all the canon couples I’ve seen in IDW.
if you ever wanna ramble about one of the ships listed feel free to message me at proxyjammer cuz I’m so down for that
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