#richie is dumb
thiscoldheart · 1 year
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stuff richie says (1/?)
the bear (2022-)
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map-of-obsessions · 1 month
Npmd trailer: Richard Lipschitz has been murdered
Scene 1: Richard Lipschitz has been murdered
Richie's literal first line: I'm dead
Me, somehow:
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stardustspaceway · 3 months
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I have a brain worm and his name is Paul Matthews…
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pinazee · 1 month
Small headcanon that max actually never knew who the mascot was and would talk to zeke about his hopes and deepest fears, and richie just sort of awkwardly comforted him and nodded along hoping max never found out who he was, and in a way, zeke was actually maxs closest friend.
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lemohn-the-cat · 1 month
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very stupid thing I made 💙
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dear-trash-diary · 2 months
You turn to the next page, a continuation of the last.
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d-0gstar · 4 months
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This isn't marauders but... nerdy prudes have GOTTA die ykno
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chiniichee · 4 months
hi guys more spideypool!reddie au stuff cuz Yeah!
- richie is still blind as hell lmfao his regenerative abilities can do many things… but giving him 20/20 vision is not one of them ❤️
- dp!richie used to be SO offputting to sp!eddie, like who even is this guy and why is he SO similar to richie???????
- on the other hand, dp!richie was like “wow this guy kinda reminds me of eddie! we’ll probably be great friends let me annoy the living shit out of him.”
- neither of them catch on to the very real possibility that this superhero who resembled their best friend could very well just be… their best friend..
- since richie was born w his abilities, so his parents are aware of his abilities to an extent, but has kept how much he really can regenerate a secret
- its only because he accidentally broke a bone when he was 14 when exploring an abandoned building and at first was like “my mom is gonna be sooooo mad at me” and watched his bone just, unbreak and was then like “HOLY SHIT.”
- but because he’s yapper king number one, he obviously needs to tell someone about it, and who else other than stanley uris?
- stan was also exploring with richie and in his pov he just hears a scream, a crash, and a “HOLY SHIT”. he runs over and he just sees richie, completely unscathed and gaping at his own body and hes like “ok what did u do this time.”
- so stan ends up knowing the full extent of his abilities, but he does not become aware of deadpool being richie (although he’s SUPER suspicious about it. like he’s basically confirmed it in his head)
- when deadpool starts making appearances and one of the other losers brings it up, stan brings it up later in private like “so that deadpool guy. familiar huh” and richie just smiles at him like “HAHA YEAH thats twinnnn lol its so funny. wish i knew him.” and stans like Hrm. Im onto you.
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turtleraccoonsoup · 3 months
well ive found The Pattern
eddie (it) big sofie with 1000 trauma
castiel (spn) big softie with 1000 trauma
johnny (outsiders) big softie with 1000 trauma
and their boyfriends,
richie (it) asshole with daddy issues /positive
dean (spn) asshole with daddy issues /positive
ponyboy (outsiders) asshole with daddy issues /positive
i am irregular but i am consistent and you gotta respect that
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We deserve a rotpl beach episode actually so here are some headcanons:
Jane has a hot pink one piece that Nancy sewed the Pink Ladies logo
Olivia wears one of those fancy little transparent robe things and it’s pink (obviously)
Nancy made her own swimsuit
Cynthia wears swim trunks she stole from Gil (that are from when he was 13) and a swim top with the Pink Ladies logo on it that Nancy made for her
Hazels swimsuit has constellations on it
They have a Pink Ladies vs. T-Birds volleyball battle and Nancy is surprisingly good at it
Richie falls asleep so Olivia and Cynthia bury him in sand
Potato pours water on Nancys head (only after he makes sure she won’t kill him for messing up her hair)
Hazel invites Wally
Jane invites Buddy and he spends half the day trying not to get splashed by Cynthia and Olivia
Gil brought sandwiches and hot dogs
Wally shows Hazel how to surf
Jane loves volleyball even though she keeps getting hit in the face
Edward makes sand castles the whole day
Cynthia enlists Nancy and Potato’s help to dig a giant hole
Cynthia is Short so she keeps getting bodied by waves
Hazel and Olivia both brought books so whenever they get tired of swimming they just sit together and read
Buddy can hold his breath for a long time so sometimes he’ll just disappear for about 4 or 5 minutes before resurfacing with like a shell or something
Wally makes Cynthia jealous because she wants to know how to surf so bad but would rather die than ask him to teach her
When the Pinks showed up Richie and Gil were just staring at Jane and Olivia absolutely starstruck
Richie insists he can surf
He can not
Gil loves competing when it comes to water stuff (who can hold their breath longer, who can swim faster)
So does Buddy so the two of them just end up betting each other over and over again
Cynthia and Edward play chicken against Richie and Gil
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im-not-a-l0ser · 1 year
Max to most: Fuckin nerd (derogatory)
Max to Richie: Fuckin nerd... (affectionate)
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cherry-flavored-sigh · 3 months
along with the common "paul is richie's uncle" headcanon, i like to think that all of jon's human characters are related somehow
paul and gary and jerry are all related. gary and jerry are brothers, and they're paul's cousins. they had different fathers and spent their later childhood years in different houses, which is why one is jewish and the other one is Christian. they used to kind of get along but now they hate each other.
(for the record, paul thinks both of them are nuts.)
i like the headcanon of richie and trevor being twins. or daniel being richie's little brother. maybe daniel is gary's son. and in the timelines where daniel is "professionally" known as stopwatch, he's run away from home (i don't see gary as being a good father LMAO)
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tozierlvr · 3 months
me: oh my god this movie is so fucking bad
also me: there's never been a better movie made. no one's doing it like them. jesus, i love this movie, let me watch it for the fiftieth time.
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derrypubliclibrary · 3 months
um. richie learns cool tricks on his bike to show off to the losers & eddie tries to lecture him on how dangerous it is & “yeah how many times did you fall learning to do that.” & generally acting unimpressed but he is cackling and cheering the whole time (hes soooo impressed).
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reddiesworldsblog · 2 years
eddie will sometimes take richies glasses off his face while richie is in the middle of talking. and sometimes richie will continue talking, but other times he’ll stop mid-sentence and watch as cleans the smudges and oil off the lenses with his shirt, making his own cheeks suddenly warm. after eddies done, he’ll slides them back onto richies face as if nothing happened and richie can’t help but notice that eddies face is blooming with a blush himself before saying “sorry, there was a bunch of smudges on your glasses and they were bothering me. do you ever clean those things ?? anyway, um- continue.” then he sets his chin in his palm and patiently waits for richie to keep talking about....well, whatever it was that he was talking about. it’s such a small gesture, but it makes richie smile nonetheless.
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dear-trash-diary · 2 months
Seems like this is page 1. Wow, 1989…
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