#richard yap
akingyouniverse · 2 years
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Of course I forgive you! I still want to know what happened, though.
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bemybaebaebae · 2 years
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Richard Yap
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artistaforever · 3 months
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angel-fruitcake · 3 days
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i am not okay
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a very minor thing about Richie’s death that’s bothered me for awhile now is how Pete and Ruth (I suppose Grace and Steph as well) don’t piece it together after it’s mentioned that Zeke the Fightin’ Nighthawk was murdered
clip for context
i will say that the digital ticket shows more remorse from both Ruth and Steph, but only after Richie is name dropped so yeahh…why didn’t they know Richie was the mascot when other people like Jason (and most likely Max) did? we also know him being the mascot isn’t a recent development after Max dies thanks to Jason’s “member of this team who’s gone unappreciated for far too long” line. that to me implies at least since the beginning of their senior year
a few ideas:
- he never told them because max threatened him is the theory that makes the most sense since “Jägerman doesn’t let nerds go to football games”, but this means he let Richie be the mascot for some unknown reason. was it to let Richie have a bit of happiness that Max still ultimately had control of. I don’t know, but it’s fun to think about
- it’s also very possible he never told them because he never had a reason to tell them, but Richie seems like the type of person to talk about the things that make him happy, and he clearly enjoys being zeke
-maybe max never knew, and Richie knew that if he found out that Max would beat him up for it, but this leaves the question of how Jason knows. if Jason knew and not Max, shout out to Jason for not being a snitch—love that man
- (take this one with a big ol’ grain of salt if u don’t like michie related things) there’s a chance that Richie being the mascot allowed him to see other sides of Max that weren’t just the bullying side which made Max grow on Richie even just a little bit. he of course wouldn’t want Pete and Ruth to know about this, so he kept that and him being the mascot to himself. Jon matteson mentioned once on a stream how out of the nerds Richie felt the worst about Max’s death and maybe that’s because he was (by process of elimination) the closest to Max in that group
- a sadder theory is that Pete, Richie, and Ruth actually just weren’t that close of friends. they all kind of just formed a group at a young age cause they were all labeled as nerds and sorta just stuck with each other through life cause they didn’t have anywhere else to go. I know it’s implied in “go, go nighthawks” that Richie being late to class isn’t abnormal, but for him to be missing for NEARLY THREE FUCKING DAYS and to have neither Ruth or Pete bat an eye either says something about them, something about Richie, but definitely says something about their dynamic as a group. (this is absolutely just theorizing about worst possible scenarios in no possible way do I see this one being the case)
I know it’s not a big deal like at all (and is a problem with a lot of other slasher media), but it always gets to me when characters move past the death of one of their best friends so fast just because a show needs to keep the plot moving.
either way, Richie deserved so so so much better and I hope he’s being held by Rei and Asuka in wherever the hell he ended up <33
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mostlyelliott · 11 days
I love rich I love rich i love rich I love rich I love rich
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moxmuffin · 6 days
(not so) hot takes: Richie enjoys death metal. Ruth and Grace are lactose intolerant but Ruth doesn’t care. Peter Spankoffski is really bad when it comes to rubix’s cubes. Grace has a dog named Matthew and he’s really cute.
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slaybestieslay946 · 2 months
I firmly believe that Julian was Dionysus (even if it was only in their imaginations).
Thematically, I think it makes perfect sense.
Julian was regarded with utmost respect from all of the Greek class, more so than is usual for a teacher. Henry thought of him as a paternal figure, and Richard constantly found himself in awe of his charm and charisma.
In fact, the way they all speak about him, and the way the take classes in his office, is almost akin to that of worship.
Take for example, the photo of Julian stuck on Henry’s wardrobe. There isn’t (to my memory at least) a description of any other photos in Henry’s house of family or friends, and by having this photo of Julian, presumably found in a magazine, is similar to what you see in religious households with framed photos of Jesus or the Virgin Mary.
This only demonstrates Henry’s unwavering dedication to Julian, but it also has a distinctly cultish flavour. As does the isolation of Julians students.
Furthermore, the Greek class (to me anyway) is a parallel to the cults of Dionysus and Bacchus in ancient Greece and Rome, which were banned due to their intense secrecy.
Even the lack of involvement by Julian in the novel feels distinctly divine, as he drops by every 50 pages or so, in the same erratic and casual way that gods appear in myths. He floats above regular worries of mere mortals such as the Greek class, so he needn’t concern himself with their trivial matters.
But, of course, he isn’t really a god. He only positions himself in the place of one. He has all the hallmarks of the divine, but truthfully he’s a fraud, which is why he flees at the end once he finds out the true extent of their crimes.
This is why I propose that he is only the representation of Dionysus in the minds of the Greek Class, rather than in reality. And by the Greek Class, I primarily mean Henry.
When Richard mocks the idea that they saw Dionysus, Henry grows defensive, claiming that you cannot know something is truly real until you have seen it, and that you cannot grasp a concept as large and powerful as the sea simply by seeing a crude, children's drawing of it.
Here he isn’t only defending the idea that he saw Dionysus, but also the form that he took, which I believe to be Julian.
This vision of Julian as Dionysus (almost certainly a hallucination produced by the ritual) is something Henry would naturally be defensive of, due to his complete devotion to Julian, so it makes sense that his cool facade would break at this moment.
Further more, the idea of Julian appearing to be Dionysus only makes Henry’s death make more sense.
When Julian runs away and affectively snubs Henry, this is an equivalent to his god, that he has dedicated so much time and love to, abandoning him.
Whether this leads him to see the truth of Julians humanity or simply plunges him into despair, it aligns with his decision to kill himself.
hope i explained this alright, feel free to disagree with me, i just really want to discuss this book haha
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awisetoad · 1 month
medieval fights are wild.
the insanity of picking up a sword and stalking over to hack someone in half before they can murder you, and having that be semi-normal, is kind of unfathomable in today's day and age
tbh not that guns make killing any "easier" whatsoever (and I'm certainly not claiming that vets nowadays don't struggle any more or less than people in the past did over taking a life) but I do feel like there's a gap between the use of modern weaponry and, like, at bare minimum the sensory input/feedback/intimacy/expectation of gore when you're up in someone's face and have to get it done with your own muscle
obv bow & arrow aside, but even then, infantry— like, sword/spear guys —were the heart of the medieval army
and they were forced to almost literally touch every life they took
it's insane
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forecast-disaster · 2 months
the polls to pick to the cast of the ride the cyclone graphic novel are all up and open until next Tuesday (8/6) on @rtc-graphic-novel. if you have a certain actor you want to see in the novel, please vote (and feel free to post propaganda, i’ll reblog it here)! if you follow me and aren’t here for my rtc content, please feel free to vote based on aesthetics! there are images of each of the options under the post and this is a graphic novel, so visual design is important! looking forward to seeing who the cast ends up being!
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maverick-prime · 4 months
rvb community: i propose casual by chappell roan as an angsty pining simmons-centric grimmons anthem
is this anything
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bemybaebaebae · 1 year
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Richard Yap
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artistaforever · 3 months
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hyperch1ptune · 1 month
yk i’ve talked about spooky month on here before,,once I think showcasing my first gadgetini art of the year (or since 2022)
it’s actually the webseries that had me reminded of gatg from it having a duo I felt were similar 2 the main robo-twins
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These guys have been my favorite since 2020, and it wasn’t until the beginning of the year where I felt I was improving on both my art & writing skills where I’d interfere without feeling i’m mischaracterizing the 2
(I actually uploaded some of my recent SM thief stuff 2 tumblr one time,,,buut that was before I decided to restart & delete the 5 year old blog entirety)
(cuz my old stuff from them,,,additionally from 2021 & 2022 where I had a really bad “edgy” phase was NOT good i’ll say that)
most of the headcanons I have written for them are archived somewhere in my now fidget-focused rp account, but I can try & paraphrase most of what I have to present other than roleplay
Barton “Barry” Gómez (Fat Thief), and Eugene “Euan” Gómez (Thin Thief) are the duo thieves of the neighborhood; Barry being 32 and Eugene being 34. They’re both brothers, close ones at that. Even with the 2 year difference it’s always been as if they were the closest friends they could have.
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They both were the previous son’s of Richard, 20 years before Roy came along (more than likely in his 50’s now). Richard had another partner before Carmen, but they never got along as well as he hoped..he took it upon himself to take care of both of the boys whenever him & his old girlfriend partner. Barton doesn’t remember much of his mother besides playing with her whenever he was young; Euan only remembers her consistent fighting with Richard most of the time now.
The thieves are unaware of Richard’s new life, having both moving out for collage (and independency mostly) at that early adult age (18/20 respectively for the both of them) they’re both been they’re only source of family sense, being roomies for as long as they can remember with each house/area they move/hide into. The only thing that is known is that Richard’s been having a better life with his new wife..additionally with them not knowing it’s Carmen (more than likely they’ve tried robbing her before) AND not knowing that makes them related to some kid named “Roy” in some way.
It was Eugene who first got into the habit of thievery; with him thinking it would be good financial help for the 2 of them, and just liking the thrill in general. With Barry being the youngest, he ended up picking up that habit alongside him. With how long they’ve been doing it around the neighborhood, it was surprising to hear them both getting relatively popular under local news reports..only having full realization after someone deliberately order a heist for them to hit off. AKA: the RUMORED CULT hiring them to rummage through the attic of a house they’ve already failed stealing from. They already had good enough of a grip of how dangerous the group could be; given how they escaped jail in the first place with help from famous Bob Velseb; the reanimated cannibal that was ALIVE because of the cult (they didn’t have that great of a relationship with him in-and-out of the prison..) Barry was more unsure on the deal, not wanting to be wrapped deep under more garbage for the future. Eugene? They were paying good, he couldn’t let go of that offer (it would’ve payed off they’re apartment bills🎉🎉) Alongside the duo they were hired with the Candydealer, him acting more as some information giver-mentor hybrid for the two. Trying to keep them in order from fear or hesitation so they don’t “run out of luck”
Barton is a Gay man, & Euan is Bisexual as well btw 🫡🫡
thank u 4 ur time I just wanted 2 get on here & say i’ve loved these guys 4 so long & they mean so much 2 me and with the power of tumblr & how much words u can write on here I can announce that 2 everyone else
anyways here’s the full art dump I have w them ur welcome chat
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angel-fruitcake · 3 days
everyone remember this moment and this picture when Misha is announced to be joining the cast of The Boys
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bbqphantom · 7 months
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thinkin about his 1963 opel kadett horse
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