#adri yaps
clownmovieyaoi · 23 days
rest in peace gayboy
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marigold-field · 3 months
being on tumblr feels like being at a sleepover with a bunch of strangers who just happen to have the same interests as you but that’s okay because we’re all cool and silly
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alligaytorswamp · 4 months
In your headcanon, how did Bennett and Chongyun meet?
aughhh thank you for indulging me 😭
i will now spam under the cut treating this like a dm and not providing any cohesive thoughts at all!
okay i am very basic because i think it's some casual A goes to region where B is and oopsie adventures happen so they run into each other
the thing is i am a total fake fan i have no idea who out of these 2 is more likely to go to the other region and for what reason
i guess if it was chongyun going to mond, in my brain it would be a rather simple meet-cute meeting. like he is walking with his friends (either or both pyro girlies maybe) to the city and then bennett's luck is of course 'ruining the day' as he just appears by either falling from somewhere or running from something - and naturally - per my personal headcanon about benyun cancelling each other out - whatever was happening to bennett just magically 'stopped'
and then they have little cute interaction where they are introduced to each other (i feel like xiangling is perfect for that), and bennett explains whatever issue he just had, they laugh about it and probably no one even realizes how as bennett continues hanging out with them before parting ways eventually nothing unlucky happened :')
(also in my head it's like... idk he had to get something from a tree - unluckiness strikes so he keeps falling - upon chongyun's arrival he doesn't fall badly?? and his next attempt goes smoothly! or if he like runs away from something - idk he was collecting flowers and came across a whopperflower - despite it following him it is gone once he is around chongyun)
the other scenario is bennett going to liyue (again for whatever reason... i am not smart enough for that) and maybe he takes up some sort of commission (or just wants to help somebody), ends up at the allegedly haunted place and of course with his luck the place is indeed very haunted
but nothing bad happens because of course chongyun was at this place too - investigating it for likely the same reason - but he was about to leave as he saw no sign of spirits before he witnessed whatever was happening to bennett
now bennett is saved by chongyun and chongyun dealt with a whole ass spirit! they are both very amazed altho for wildly different reasons
also i imagine this scenario would involve bennett apologizing for his luck (as he's assuming spirit appearing is a 'bad thing' that shouldn't have happened) meanwhile chongyun is like 'idk what you are talking about this was incredible'
both scenarios likely end with them just hanging out a little bit and figuring each other's vibes and then of course their paths cross several times more and they end up good friends <3
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thebatapex · 3 days
what the fuck i had the worst realization ever.
i came across a post about pjo wrath of the triple goddess and i was like cool i want to read that
and then i immediately thought back on chalice of the gods (its prequel) and i was like i miss the dynamics and then obviously i made the connection to WHO bought me that book
and now that * and i are, unfortnately no longer together, WHO'S GOING TO BUY ME BOOKS WHAT THE FUCK.
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b1adie · 4 months
Hi there Adri, I hope you have a good day!
So I saw that total cutie Blade on tiktok and looked up his lore on Wikipedia but it's completely confusing to me, I know basics of hsr lore like mara or aeons cause my roommate rambles about it 24/7 but I don't play this game yet and roommate doesn't care about Blade so they ignore all his voicelines etc...
Came to tumblr to find out more and I saw your blog in tag + in your faq you stated you don't mind lore questions...
So please ignore it if you don't want to answear but could you explain to me Blade's lore more or less?
I'm so sorry if I came out as pushy, I know it's probably a complicated lore and a lot to write about but even watching cutscenes on yt didn't make anything clearer while I feel like this guy could make me play hsr... Sorry for anon, I'm a bit shy.
no prob, i’ll try and explain his story as simply as possible!! and.. add a tldr cuz i know im gonna yap
im sorry the tldr got long too. here.
TLDR was TL, DR: craftsman/blacksmith human named yingxing that became cursed with immortality while participating in a fucked up resurrection ritual for one of his friends. was killed thousands of times til he became mara struck and forgot his past human life. got picked up by the stellaron hunters cuz their leader apparently knows a way to permanently kill him and he wants to die so bad. he didnt know his name but he has a cool sword so they call him bladie. he’s old and he apparently has a valid drivers license and obeys traffic laws but he cant play video games because he keeps stabbing himself in the hand.
iffff you have any further questions you can ask ^_^
TLDR; he was. regular human who was taken to the xianzhou as a child after abominations of abundance destroyed his home world. he picked the name yingxing there. he grew up to be a master craftsman and was incredibly skilled and confident, even considered arrogant. since he was a short life species on a ship of people who would live like 700 years longer than him on avg, they found him lame and annoying, but he was better than all of them at making shit so they had to give him the title of Furnace Master cuz he won it. then at some point he became a member of the high cloud quintet, made up of him and 4 friends (jing yuan, jingliu, dan heng’s past incarnation dan feng, and a foxian girl named baiheng). they fought abominations together and were considered legendary and told about in stories. but, baiheng was killed in battle, and dan feng wanted to revive her. he asked yingxing to help him. the revival went wrong and turned baiheng’s remains into a fucked up beast and also cursed yingxing with immortality. jingliu had to put the baiheng monster down, but she loved baiheng so much and having to be the one to kill her mutated corpse like this drove her to become mara struck. she killed yingxing with the sword he made for her, and then again, and again, killing him thousands of times, until he too became mara struck and forgot his life as yingxing entirely. then the stellaron hunters found his miserable ass in the woods somewhwre and said hey grandpa come with us and we’ll kill you for good. and he was like damn okay if you promise. he didnt know his own name and said he would be more use to them as a weapon than a Person, so kafka started calling him bladie and he didnt object so now he’s called blade. he doesn’t think of that as his name though, he still refers to himself as “the unnamed.” but like, he’ll answer to it out of convenience i guess.
he was born a regular human on a planet that was soon taken over by the borisin (basically immortal space wolves that brutally kill humans). he was the only survivor of his family and sitll a child. he was taken to the xianzhou zhuming and taken under the wing of their arbiter general, huaiyan. (so like, basically the jing yuan of that ship). he took on the name Yingxing there. he became an apprentice craftsman because the xianzhou is very well known for its forging and craftsmanship. he was always generally overlooked or sneered at due to being a short-life species, which of course meant he could never accomplish as much as any of the long-lived xianzhou people. he was wildly ambitious, though, often described as proud and arrogant, mentioned to have stayed awake for days at a time engrossed in his work. xianzhou natives attempted to sabotage his work by deliberately giving him defective or poor-quality material, but it never held him back. despite all the adversity, he became the Furnace Master, the highest title a craftsman can hold on a xianzhou ship.
when he was still a young kid, he’d met a foxian girl named baiheng. they met again some years later, along with jingliu, the champion swordmaster on the luofu, jing yuan, a young cloud knight and her apprentice, and dan feng, the high elder of the luofu vidyadhada. they all hit it off and became very close friends. yingxing forged special weapons for each of them, and the five fought against the abominations of abundance. they became known as the high cloud quintet.
they had a great time for many years, but the rest of them were all going to outlive him by centuries. they Should have, at least. baiheng was killed in battle, having done so protecting them in some way (distracting the enemy or interrupting them i believe?). dan feng decided they should take her remains along with some cursed abundance flesh and try to resurrect her. he convinced yingxing to join him in his wacky little plan. yingxing was like 70 by then hauling his old ass to go do some scary ritual.
they tried to resurrect her and did bad. instead of baiheng, they created a cursed dragon beast that started wreaking havoc and killing people. jingliu arrived in time to put the beast down. but. she was very, very close with baiheng. like obviously its not outright spoken canon, but they were basically married. so killing the mutated beast made from her wife’s corpse caused her to become mara struck. she killed yingxing as he stood in front of dan feng.
but! due to him fucking with that cursed abundance flesh during the resurrection, he came back to life. (and also got like 40 years younger apparently). jingliu took him with her somewhere and used the sword he made for her to kill him thousands of times, until he too became mara struck and forgot all memories of his life as yingxing.
then she kind of just dumped him in the wilderness somewhere or he escaped and went to the wilderness somewhere. he didnt know his name or anything, just that every part of him was constantly in agonizing pain and he could not die, despite badly wanting to die so the pain would end.
one day while he was out there, kafka and samfly showed up and tried to get him to join the stellaron hunters. he was mara stricken and batshit crazy thought so kafka had to shoot him to death and have samfly hold him down while she used her ability to calm his mara. she told him their leader knew a way to kill him permanently, and would help him reach this goal if he joined them. and he was like oh well in that case sure. she asked him his name, and he said he didn’t have one. (even in his internal monologue, he only ever refers to himself as ‘the unnamed.’) he told her he was more of a weapon than a person, so she was like. ummm.. okay. i’m calling you bladie. and he just let her do that and now everyone calls him blade
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gaydri · 2 years
pinned !!
Heyhey so I have abt an hour and a half before hw time so!! Imma slap down some sick ass useless information about myself !
I go by Adri or Aura usually, but some people also know me as Krista! I'll answer to any of those names :D
I use she/her pronouns
Aroace-spec sapphic!!
I have lots of fandoms but mainly MILGRAM atm!! Others include Fire Emblem, Ace Attorney, BG3, and Love Live (mainly aqours)
I've recently realized that public facing social media isn't really for me, so I'm not as active as I probably could be here. I'll return about once a month OR when I have something important like memes or art to share!
Tag definitions:
#adri being stupid - yapping about random stuff
#adri art - art by adri
There's probably more but I don't remember them sorry
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galahadwilder · 6 years
For the first time, Adrien thinks he might be grateful that the Miraculous Cure doesn’t work on him like it’s supposed to. He’s been left with scars all over his body in places no one ever sees—the price of what he does—but today he’s been left with something even more precious.
He can almost remember what happened. And the almost is killing him.
What’s worse: he can’t remember any other time he’s been that happy.
He stares at the photograph, sees the way her lips fit his, their fingers intertwined, and knows it’s not enough. He wants to reach out, to touch her, to hold her, but something’s wrong—it’s not her he wants, there’s something missing—
“Uh, Adrien,” Plagg says. “This isn’t supposed to be in your wallet.”
He turns, and Plagg is holding a student ID card. Not his student ID card. Marinette’s.
Adrien’s eyes narrow. “When did I—” he begins, then suddenly realizes that he was with Ladybug all day. And he knows she was detransformed in front of him, and him in front of her. And it wasn’t just falling all over again. It was... feeling right. Like the missing half of a whole.
He grabs the trash can and vomits, emptying his stomach. When he comes up, he’s crying. “I remember,” he gasps. “I remember.”
He remembers being in love with Marinette Dupain-Cheng. And he remembers her being in love with him.
Marinette can’t stop looking at the picture. The expression on her face is soft, loving, everything she’s ever dreamed and everything she ever thought she felt for Adrien, and she knows that Chat is the one who put it there and can’t for the life of her remember why. She wishes she had something to go on, anything, but it’s a blank. No matter how many times she casts her mind back.
The ring of her phone breaks her out of her reverie, and she panics when she sees it’s Adrien. Why is he calling her this late? Why is he calling her at all?
She picks up the phone and hears him crying.
“Adrien?” she ventures. “Are you all right?”
“You have... p-p-pictures of me,” he says. “On your—your—your phone.”
Her throat seizes. How does he know about that? How did he find out? She’s been so careful—
“Marinette—” he whimpers. “I—I—I—”
“Adrien?” she whispers. “What’s wrong?”
“You don’t remember,” he sobs. “I—today was—was—I’ve never—”
“Please, Marinette, the pictures, what—what do they mean?”
She’s crying now, too, and there’s nothing she can say, no lie that comes to her tongue, her worst nightmare—Adrien knows, he found out, and now not only is he rejecting her, he’s outright in pain because of it, and there’s nothing she can do to help him, nothing she can do to escape—
“Marinette,” he says. “Are you—are you in love with me?”
“...yes,” she breathes, because what else is there to say?
The other end of the line is silent for a moment. “Wait right there,” he says. “I’ll be at your balcony in ten minutes.”
He’s knocking in six.
Marinette is hugging her knees to her chest, trying not to cry as Tikki pats her face, whispering soft reassurances. She barely has time to wonder how he got up onto her balcony before there’s a flash of green light, and Adrien Agreste tumbles into her bedroom with tear streaks down his face, grabs her chin, and slams his lips into hers.
For a moment her heart stops as she wonders at the impossibility of the moment, the boy she’s obsessed with literally falling out of the sky to—oh. She’s dreaming.
He pulls back with a gasp, shaking, and she marvels at the detail her subconscious has created, all the way down to the feathery hairs on his skin, the gold flecks in his eyes. It feels so real, and she doesn’t want to wake, doesn’t want to give it up.
“Today—” the dream Adrien gasps, trying to speakbur clearly not ready. Her wraps his arms around her head and presses their foreheads together. “Today was the best day of my life,” he murmurs. “And I nearly lost it forever.” Tears begin to run down his cheeks, melting onto hers. “I nearly lost you forever.”
She feels the wetness on her face. Really detailed. She can’t remember the last time she’s had a dream in this much HD.
“Are you going to keep yapping all mushy, or are you going to tell her?” says a very familiar voice, and when Marinette looks over—
“PLAGG?” she shrieks, throwing herself backward and slamming her back against her bedroom wall. She glances back at Adrien, sees the annoyance in his face at being interrupted, and suddenly what he said on the phone strikes her—
She doesn’t remember. But somehow he does.
“Adrien?” she says, her voice wavering, still half-convinced it’s a dream. “What... what’s happening?”
“When we woke up,” he says, “we assumed—we... it was like two puzzle pieces. We knew we were together. Nothing else made sense.” He meets her eyes, fresh tears brimming beneath his eyelids. “I remember loving you,” he whispers.
She bites down on her knuckles to keep from screaming.
“I loved you because it was the only thing that made sense to me,” he says. “If I could remember nothing else about my life I knew at least that much.” He wipes his cheeks. “I can’t—I’ve never been that happy,” he says. “Not since...”
Her hands have gone white. Her face probably has too. She can’t breathe, she can’t swallow, she can barely even think, and all that comes to mind is—
“I could never stop now,” he says. “Even if you weren’t Ladybug.”
There’s a moment where she wonders where the whine is coming from, before she realizes that her fist is not doing its job—she’s still screaming. Muffled.
“Please,” he says. “I don’t—I know you don’t remember. But please...” He rushes forward and snatches her free hand between his own. “Don’t take it back.”
She’s surging forward, kissing him, her own tears mingling with his own. “Never,” she whispers, and though she still recalls nothing, suddenly she understands Ladybug’s face in that picture. “I love you, Chaton, do you hear me?”
He nods with a whimper.
“I love you,” she whispers again. “Memories or no.”
He smiles, his eyes still closed, still brimming.
“Please,” she says. “I want to know.”
She sees the tension drop from his shoulders.
He breathes in, steadies himself, and grins. “We fell out of the vents at one dot each...”
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trainsinanime · 5 years
A Haunting Spectre
Summary: Alya was shocked and doubtful when Chloé offered to help with ‘Project Adrinette’. But the rich girl promised she had a really good reason…
Featuring: Chloé, Alya, Sabrina and Nino, with Marinette and Adrien mentioned.
Tags: Crack, Intelligent Chloé, Revolution, Akuma reuse
“Alright, losers, move over, I’m in.”
Alya looked up in surprise. In front of her was Chloé, trying awkwardly to squeeze under the chemistry lab table where she and Nino had been hiding.
Fifteen minutes earlier, a teacher had managed to Juleka cry, which had led to Rose becoming akumatized as Princess Fragrance once more. Alya sometimes wondered whether Hawkmoth had run out of budget for new Akuma designs or something.
Ladybug and Chat Noir had instructed the class to stay hidden under their tables, in relative safety from the projectiles Princess Fragrance was shooting this time. With the battle raging on mostly outside, things had soon gotten rather boring. A number of people were playing video games or chatting with their friends. Marinette was gone; apparently she had to do some emergency ironing. Meanwhile Adrien had to leave for a surprise fencing lesson. It was all pretty much business as usual… except for the fact that Chloé had apparently decided to switch tables.
“I’m sorry, what is going on? Why are you here? Why is Sabrina here? Why is she carrying a huge folder labelled ‘plans’?”, asked Alya, while Nino nodded.
“For all the planning, of course!”, said Sabrina excitedly. “I have analysed every angle - at Chloé’s direction, of course! What do you want to see?”
When neither Nino nor Alya replied, Chloé sighed.
“Urgh. Marinette and Adrien. She’s in love with him but too scared to do anything about it, he’s in love with her but is too stupid to realise it. You two are trying to get them together, right? Well, you’re doing a terrible job, and you obviously need my help. That clear enough for you?”
“No!”, said Alya and Nino in unison. “What the hell, Chloé? Why are you suddenly interested in this? If you think I’m going to help you with some evil plan to hurt Marinette…”
“Oh quit your yapping, Césaire. My intentions are pure. Ask Sabrina.” On cue, Sabrina dug a sheet of paper out of her folder that said ‘Certificate of Purest Intentions’ in crayons.
Alya shook her head. “You hate Marinette! And you want to date Adrien for yourself, everybody knows that! I’m not buying any of this. I swear, if you come to close to my girl…”
Chloé waved dismissively.
“Yes, it’s true, Dupain-Cheng and I aren’t the best of friends, and I did have a certain romantic interest in my Adri-chou. But sometimes, sacrifices have to be made for the greater good.”
“I know you, Chloé. When you say that, you’re generally planning to sacrifice someone else. And what greater good? Are you telling me you think Adrien’s and Marinette’s happiness is a greater good?”
“No!”, shouted Sabrina. “It’s much more important than that: It’s about Chloé’s money.”
Read more: on Archive Of Our Own • on Fanfiction.net
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fawazsidiqi · 7 years
Nitip Anak
Ba'da maghrib tadi sampai sekitar 1 jam setelah sholat isya selesai, saya dititipi satu orang anak (jama'ah masjid al-azhar) yang kebetulan ayahnya sedang ada agenda di Semarang bawah.
Anak ini sering dipanggil adri, saya sempat beberapa kali dikasih tau nama lengkapnya tapi selalu lupa. Adri sekolah di Kuttab (setingkat SD), kalau ga salah kelas 2.
Sebenernya ini bukan pertama kali adri "dititipin" di masjid dan bukan juga anak yg pertama dititipin. Sebelumnya ada Haidar (lebih tua dari adri) yg sama-sama sekolah di kuttab.
Jujur, selama "menjaga" keduanya, saya justru malah lebih banyak belajar dari mereka. Sekalipun masih anak-anak, keduanya memiliki sikap dan kecerdasan yg berbeda dibandingkan anak seumuran mereka.
Terlebih memang kuttab yg merupakan tempat mereka bersekolah, menerapkan prinsip pendidikan islam yg disarikan dari metode pendidikan Rasulullah Sholallahu'alahi wassalam dibawah asuhan ustadz Budi ashari, Lc., seorang ahli parenting nabawiyah, salah satu lulusan terbaik Universitas Islam Madinah. (Lengkapnya bisa googling)
Keduanya selalu berhasil membuat saya terkagum-kagum dan bahkan malu dengan apa yg sudah saya dapat sejauh ini. Kalau soal hafalan, jangan ditanya. Sekalipun memang beban kuantitas hafalan di kuttab tdk terlalu berat, tapi saya rasa masih lebih baik jika dibandingkan sekolah umum atau bahkan beberapa sekolah islam terpadu sekalipun.
Salah satu hal yg membuat saya kagum ialah kedewasaan dan sikap mereka yang cerdas, terlebih saat berinteraksi dengan orang lain. Ya sekalipun tetap ada saja unsur kenakalan selayaknya anak-anak biasa, tapi secara umum mereka berdua seolah mampu berkembang lebih cepat dibandingkan teman sebayanya.
Saat berinteraksi, saya seolah sedang berinteraksi dengan teman saya sendiri, bahkan tak jarang mereka seolah "mengajari" saya beberapa pelajaran kehidupan.
Yap. Saya akui saya belajar banyak dari kedua anak ini (dan juga anak-anak lain yang sering main ke masjid al-azhar). Terlebih sikap alamiah anak-anak yg jujur dan apa adanya, membuat saya malu sendiri jika harus berbohong atau mengada-ada yg dalam istilah skrg dikenal dgn istilah : pencitraan.
Mungkin itu kenapa Rasulullah Sholallahu'alahi wassalam mengajarkan kepada kita untuk menyempatkan berinteraksi barang sejenak ketika menemui anak-anak yang sedang bermain (sekalipun hanya memperhatikan tanpa ikut terlibat). Karena ada banyak pelajaran dari mereka yg jiwanya masih suci, untuk kita yg sudah terlanjur banyak maksiat.
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goalhofer · 6 years
2019 IIHF Challenge Cup Of Asia Malaysia Roster
#6 Eng Ng (Dexion Wildcats/Kuala Lumpur)
#12 Jun Low (K.L. Snipers/Kuala Lumpur)
#21 Mohd Anjam (K.L. Snipers/Sabah)
#22 Seng Khoo (Dexion Wildcats/Kuala Lumpur)
#67 Adris Razak (Dexion Santa Fe/Kuala Lumpur)
#90 Chee Lim (Dexion Wildcats/Kuala Lumpur)
#92 Nurul Versluis (Dexion Wildcats/Kuala Lumpur)
#8 Kim Loke (Norsborg I.F./Kuala Lumpur)
#15 Jien Chua (K.L. Snipers/Kuala Lumpur)
#25 Brandon Tan (K.L. Snipers/Kuala Lumpur)
#3 Eu Yap (K.L. Snipers/Kuala Lumpur)
#44 Mohammad Hisham (K.L. Snipers/Kuala Lumpur)
#68 Mohd Oryza (K.L. Snipers/Kuala Lumpur)
#77 Jia Moi (K.L. Snipers/Kuala Lumpur)
#88 Reezman Isa (Dexion Wildcats/Kuala Lumpur)
#96 Muhammad Shaharudin (Dexion Santa Fe/Kuala Lumpur)
#1 Wai Lee (Dexion Santa Fe/Kuala Lumpur)
#35 Tengu Abdillah (K.L. Snipers/Kuala Lumpur)
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clownmovieyaoi · 7 days
do u think richie has to sit in the front of the class cos he has bad eyesight even with his glasses. so the other losers have to throw shit at his head to get his attention
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marigold-field · 3 months
guyssss…i need help 🥲
i’ve been wearing glasses my whole life, but i’m thinking of getting contacts because everyone around me is saying i look better without glasses. i’m torn af!!! glasses will always have a spot in my heart but i’m not entirely opposed to contacts
any advice is welcome 😅
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clownmovieyaoi · 3 months
it's still crazy to me that even after all of pennywise's shit and the arcade scene richie still felt the need to carve r+e into the kissing bridge. like even after everything he just felt such a need to scream to the world how much he loved eddie. like what the hell man. should i just kill myself
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clownmovieyaoi · 2 months
true blue by boygenius is soooo post derry 2.0 reddie oughhhhhhhhh....
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clownmovieyaoi · 24 days
rip to richie tozier but im built different
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clownmovieyaoi · 2 months
this too is reddie
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