#rhythmic drumming
shamandrummer · 1 year
How Brainwaves Affect Our Well-being
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All of our thoughts, emotions and behaviors are rooted in the communication between neurons. Each of the millions of neurological synapses in our brain operate on electrical impulses which create an overall frequency. The frequency (wavelength) can be fast or slow, harmonious or discordant, but whatever it happens to be will affect our consciousness dramatically. Our brainwave state affects our ability to focus and many other important functions in our lives. Knowing how to identify your brainwave state is the first step in empowering you to consciously shift these patterns as needed throughout the day.
There are four brainwave states:
Delta brainwave activity (1-4 HZ or beats per second) is associated with deep sleep. This state is crucial for restoration of the body and healing. Delta has to do with the subconscious, the place where intuition arises.
Theta wave activity (4-8 HZ) reflects the dreamlike state between wakefulness and sleep. Theta rhythms are associated with meditation and shamanic states of consciousness. Theta increases creativity, enhances learning, reduces stress, and awakens intuition.
Alpha brain waves (8-12 HZ) are associated with relaxation, imagination, visualization and integrative modes of consciousness. This state of mind is considered a gateway to deeper realms of consciousness and is essential to well-being.
Beta brainwave activity (13-30 HZ) is associated with concentration, cognition, alertness, and focus. This state of consciousness allows you to make connections quickly and come up with solutions and ideas.
Consciously altering brainwave activity
People have meditated, used music, dance, and art for millennia to alter consciousness. Neuroscience research has demonstrated that certain external rhythms can cause entrainment of brainwaves. This idea has been applied with biofeedback, binaural beats, and other advanced forms of technology but it is basically rooted in the ancient rhythm of the shaman's drum. Indigenous shamanic cultures have been using rhythm to alter consciousness for thousands of years.
Rhythmic drumming induces altered states of consciousness, which have a wide range of therapeutic applications. A groundbreaking study by Barry Quinn, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist specializing in neuro-biofeedback therapy for stress management, demonstrated that even a brief drumming session can double alpha brain wave activity, dramatically reducing stress. The brain changes from Beta waves (focused concentration and activity) to Alpha waves (calm and relaxed), producing feelings of euphoria and well-being. This ease of induction contrasts significantly with the long periods of isolation and practice required by most meditative disciplines before inducing significant effects. Rhythmic stimulation is a simple yet effective technique for affecting states of mind.
The reason rhythm is such a powerful tool is that it permeates the entire brain. Vision for example is in one part of the brain, speech another, but drumming accesses the whole brain. The sound of drumming generates dynamic neuronal connections in all parts of the brain even where there is significant damage or impairment such as in Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). According to Michael Thaut, director of Colorado State University's Center for Biomedical Research in Music, "Rhythmic cues can help retrain the brain after a stroke or other neurological impairment, as with Parkinson’s patients..." The more connections that can be made within the brain, the more integrated our experiences become.
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speakinc · 1 month
Drum As One: Uniting Hearts Through Rhythm 🥁
Hey Tumblr fam! Have you ever experienced the pure, unfiltered joy of drumming with a group of people, all moving to the same beat? If not, let me introduce you to something extraordinary: Drum As One.
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Imagine this—a room full of people, each holding a drum, connected not just by the music but by the energy flowing through every single beat. That’s the magic of Drum As One. They’re not just performers; they’re community builders, rhythm makers, and joy spreaders. Whether you're a seasoned drummer or have never picked up an instrument in your life, Drum As One brings people together in a way that words just can't describe.
🌟 Why It's Special:
Inclusivity: No musical background? No problem! Drum As One makes sure everyone can participate, feel the rhythm, and become part of the collective sound.
Team Building: Perfect for corporate events, team-building exercises, or just a fun day out. It's all about synergy, trust, and a whole lot of fun.
Stress Relief: There's something incredibly therapeutic about drumming. It’s like shaking off stress and worries with every beat. You leave feeling lighter, more connected, and super energized.
🌍 Global Connections: Drumming is a universal language. Drum As One taps into that global heartbeat, bringing together rhythms from all over the world, creating a truly multicultural experience. It's a reminder that no matter where we come from, we can all find common ground through music.
🎉 What To Expect:
Interactive Drumming: Get ready to be part of the performance! Drum As One encourages audience participation, making the experience immersive and unforgettable.
High-Energy Performances: The energy in the room is electric. You won't just hear the music—you’ll feel it.
Memorable Moments: Whether it's a corporate event, a festival, or a private celebration, Drum As One makes sure every event is unforgettable.
If you’re looking for a unique, uplifting experience that brings people together, look no further. Drum As One is more than entertainment—it’s a shared journey, a rhythmic adventure that stays with you long after the drums have stopped.
Check them out, get involved, and experience the power of drumming as one. 🥁✨
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shortfeather · 5 months
If there’s a tier to request a certain drum song/attempt on impulse or Skizz’s streams I wish someone just once would donate like three times that amount and link them to The Black Page drum solo just so I could watch the clip of them going through the stages of grief into disbelief and then maybe even try to sound it out at like a quarter speed
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iamlisteningto · 11 months
Forest Swords’ Bolted
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saisons-en-enfer · 10 months
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noisytenant · 10 months
i can be kinda a stickler for ppl to be on-theme for events, like if you show up to smth with "jungle" in the name and play nothing but liquid dnb im gonna be pissed. But also genres are really permeable so basically you can do whatever you want forever
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alive-drumming · 7 years
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Song Rhythm Tracks - Users' Testimonials
We canvassed some opinions from social media.  It is always interesting to see how others view Song Rhythm Tracks.  See what you think.
No.1 for Musician's Usability
      Ethan - Kyoto, Japan. Sax player. Plays pop, rock, blues, jazz, bop, ballads, everything really
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Ethan Algan
IMMEDIATE MUSICIAN'S USABILITY.   What's different about this App is that it makes it feasible for the average guy, with very little effort, to play their songs to very engaging arranged rhythm tracks. I've tried lots of them and I haven't come across any other app that comes close to that. This app combines a musician's player, a setlist manager and an arranger in one app. It's really quick to select arrangements and then you can put them into setlists and keep changing and reordering the lists as your set evolves. Now I just grab my sax' and my mobile phone and either play a setlist or quickly search and find tracks as I go through my books of lead sheets. If I don't have a track for a tune, a minute later I will have and will probably be playing it. For me, there's nothing else that has this sort of immediate musician's usability.
Maverick and a True Innovator for the practical musician
          Sandra -  Perth, Australia. Plays guitar. Likes folk music.
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Sandra Sutton
TRUE INNOVATION.  What can I say that hasn't already been said? Only perhaps that this App is a true innovator. A maverick you might say. It seems to do everything differently. It wasn't what I was expecting but now everything else I've tried seems redundant. What do you really want to do? To play with flashing lights - pretending to be hitting real drums? Or to get an MP3 file which is a professional quality backing track to a song you are playing? That, I think, is the innovation. That's what you get here. It's like a cross between the 'Music' App and a musician's backing-track service. You select the track you want and the Alive Drumming servers get you it. Then you have much more musician-friendly setlists and player than you get with the 'Music' App. Playing becomes a real joy instead of struggle. It's what all of us musicians want. We want to play our instruments and have great rhythmic backing with a minimum of fuss and bother. That's what this App delivers. A true innovation for the musician.
Drum Machines don't work end-to-end. They're not performance-ready
      Eloa - Brazil. Guitar, sings.  Loves conga, timbales, bongos and claves.  Plays and sings bossa nova, jazz samba, merengue, lambada 
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Eloa Andes
LOVE THIS APP!!   Never seen anything like it. Drum machines don't cut it, even ones with some good sounding rhythms. Nothing else works well end-to-end in providing rhythmic backing tracks to your song list. The closest thing I've seen to this App are those apps that have the full sheet music, backing tracks and are song based. You buy the sheet-music and backing music for a song. They are OK, a bit expensive and don't always have your song, or the arrangement of your song, that you'd like to use. They can be a bit clunky as well and the rhythms tend not to be very good by themselves. This App is so much better for me because (i) the rhythms are fantastic, (ii) it doesn't matter if they don't have your song, you can arrange it yourself, simply, and (iii) the tracks start cheap and get cheaper the more you use the App. How come? I've found I often use the same rhythms and song forms. When I select exactly the same combination for a new song the App recognises it has that already and doesn't download it again. It's a different track name in the App with a different title but the App must know it can use the same audio file. Smart. It is also performance-ready as far as the setlists and player go.  So I just use this one App and it's fast and reliable for me during a performance. Totally love this app.
A unique arranger provides a lot of rhythmic support for little cost
      Hilly - Tokyo for now. Plays guitar and piano and sings. Likes latin and classic rock and pop
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Hilly Edding
HUNDREDS OF GREAT RHYTHMS.  I find this app pretty unique in its approach to arranging. It's not the most comprehensive arranger available but it's unique in its simplicity. It really does allow for some pretty easy ways to arrange a track from simply matching on the track title to selecting a well-known song form. You can even enter song forms using "stick notation" (see their website or the inbuilt help screens). You then get an arrangement based on the sectional structure of the song with options for intros and endings as well. This works surprisingly well providing a track that really outlines the sections of the song including bridges and middle choruses as well. That's a lot of rhythm support for very little effort and cost. They sound very good as well. For a lot of tunes, that's all you need but for some tunes, you might also want drum breaks or different styles of drumming throughout the song. That's not what Song Rhythm Tracks does - not yet anyway. I've heard they are working on introducing breaks right now (now delivered in release 3.0). Still, there's never been a simpler or faster drum rhythm arranger as this and the player and setlists make it more usable than anything else. I love the hundreds of great rhythms.
Professional quality results, a simple approach with portable convenience
      Ron - LA, USA.  Plays guitar, mouth organ, piano and drums. Likes country, rock, jazz and blues
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Ron Upton
PROFESSIONAL AND USABLE.  This App is incredible. I totally underestimated how good it is. The quality of the backing tracks is truly professional - professional, talented drumming, professional audio, professional arrangements. Coupled with that, I've never had an app like this before where it works so well keeping all the tracks in a table and being able to organise them into playlists. You can even play the entire list of tracks with one keypress. Incredible. I still can't get over that there isn't anything else left to do. It just works great! There are 4 included "factory" tracks that are OK. The Jazz and Blues Sampler app has 23 decent tunes included. These are good to evaluate the app but the real power comes from using it to arrange your own songs/tracks. There's nothing simpler than this. You won't believe it. I've created some of my own arrangements with 10+ choruses which is how our group plays. I carry it around with me on my iPhone and have it on an old iPad as well, which is good for our jamming. Still works on the old iPad. No problem with speed. Just start with the [ Jazz and Blues Sampler ] app and then add any tracks you want later. There are 1000s of rhythms to choose from - good ones too. There is nothing else out there anything like this App - it's nothing like the silly MIDI *dumb* machines. It's real quality, professional, and usable. Recommended.
An understated wonder is a wolf in sheep's clothing with ultimate usability
      Wendy - Florence, Italy.  Plays guitar, and clarinet.  Likes classical music and classic popular, folk, latin, jazz and blues, particularly on the clarinet!
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Wendy Nonereally
WOLF IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING.  My experience is similar to the other poster. This App, at first glance, seems bland and uninspiring, but it is a wolf in sheep's clothing. It's the very essence of UNDERSTATEMENT - like Braun or B&O. No flashing lights. No gimmicks. Just GREAT DESIGN and a TOTAL RETHINK as regards USABILITY. The backing tracks are the best imaginable and ready in no time at all. They really do sound like a drummer is playing the ACTUAL SONG. I don't know how they achieve that without knowing everything about the song. It's uncanny.
because they take up so much of your time and don't sound that inspirational anyway. It's not like that with these Song Rhythm Tracks. 30 secs tops and they sound just great. No duds. The organisation and playing of tracks aren't mentioned much but it's brilliant and so understated. You don't need to use another player. The inbuilt player is a 'musicians' player - big buttons, quality speed variation which persists to your next play. Here's another big thing that isn't mentioned very much. You always can see the arrangement on the screen, so you know what you will be playing along to. And it's in musician's language which is just what you want. Great. Most of my tracks I haven't had to arrange as I've found one using the inbuilt search feature. I've arranged a couple though and it was so easy. There really isn't anything else like this. Super simply arranging. Great sound. Total Understatement. I just love it - even on my iPod Touch! I play a lot of Latin Rhythms and they have them all. And they sound so authentic. I totally recommend this App to people who care about music and sound and aren't looking for a flashing-lights-toy, but rather something that will satisfy for the rest of your life. Real Quality is so rare, but this is a wolf in sheep's clothing.
A musician's arranger that talks your language
      Ele' - Melbourne, Australia.  Plays piano.  Like jazz, blues and latin. 
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Ele' P
A MUSICIAN'S ARRANGER - That's what I call this App. Why? Because the problem with everything else I've seen is that we musician's use one language when we speak of our arrangements and the App always speaks another language. When you sit down with your buddy musos and someone calls a tune, what do you say? You might say let's play this or that tune, and if you've all played it together before everyone will know how it is arranged. But if it is not a tune you've all played together before, what then? I expect the leader will call the tempo to be used - medium-fast say and perhaps the feel also - Bossa or Reggae or whatever and whether there'll be an intro or you go straight in from the top. You might agree on the number of choruses then as well and perhaps the order of solos as well. Well, it is that sort of language you want from your backing tracks as well. You want to know if there's an intro and if so how long it is. You want to know the number of choruses, so you decide on the solos etc. and you'll want to know about the tempo and the rhythmic style. That's the sort of information you get with this App and it's how you 'arrange' your tracks as well - in musician's language - not in flashing lights and weird controls - just plain English musician's arrangement language. As you scroll through the list of tracks, each track has its arrangement spelt out like that, for example - 8-bars intro, 6 choruses of 16-bar tune with a 4-bar ending using this rhythm at that tempo. That makes sense to me and other musicians and is the sort of language that would be used between us as we play together. That's why I call this App a 'musicians' arranger.
Song Rhythm Tracks
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Song Rhythm Tracks
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Song Rhythm Tracks are a new type of backing track composed entirely of rhythmic backing (no melody or harmony) arranged to the musical form of the song — it’s “songform”. These tracks are complete performances like one gets from a professional drummer. They have a count-in, introduction section, choruses and characteristic endings, framed by fills showing where sections start and end. Even musical bridges and middle choruses have higher intensity where appropriate to the style.  Things are kept simple by doing away with the traditional arranger’s interface. One can select a track in under 30 seconds - under 15 seconds once one gets the hang of it.
The App’s player has tempo adjustment and a facility to sequence the tracks for your gig or jam session. It is for musicians of all abilities. New musicians use the App to provide an accompaniment to songs. They get a rhythm that is sympathetic so they learn to keep time, get into the groove and internalise the song’s musical structure – All this while enjoying engaging and inspiring rhythms. Gigging musicians catalogue their backing into setlists and use it to guide performance. Having quality rhythmic backing, with a setlist facility and a musician’s player, all in the one App is so convenient one finds oneself using this rhythmic backing more and more.
Song Rhythm Tracks are truly high-quality rhythmic backing that is convenient to select and play. You are not going to get tired of these backing tracks. You are not going to have to sequence anything. You will find that the player and setlist’s user interface encourages continued use.  You will get to appreciate the form of your songs more and you might include these tracks into your own single and album releases. Don’t be put off by experiences with other mobile drumming Apps. Song Rhythm Tracks are something different.
Whether you are learning a new tune, jamming, gigging or cutting your latest album, this Song Rhythm Tracks provides a solution.
Check out samples of the audio at Alive Drumming’s Samples page
Check out these articles from Alive Drumming that give further insights into the thinking behind the product,
“How to practice, then how to jam”
“When to work on your rhythm?”
“Why songform with rhythm tracks?”
Download the Song Rhythm Tracks App on the Apple App Store
Try Alive Drumming’s sampler apps to sample previously arranged tracks of popular tunes. It is then easy to use the app to adjust these to your practice and performance requirements. All the sampler apps are the same Song Rhythm Tracks app but with the included sample tracks.
Jazz and Blues Sampler
Afro-Cuban Sampler
Country Music Sampler
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thisisgraeme · 5 months
Discover "The Unheard Music of Eternal Concord (Apotheosis)": A New Drum & Bass Adventure from THISISGRAEME Music
The Unheard Music of Eternal Concord (Apotheosis) Greetings to all you rhythm aficionados out there! I’m excited to unveil ‘The Unheard Music of Eternal Concord (Apotheosis),’ a bold new addition to the THISISGRAEME Music portfolio. Picture this track as more than just a series of notes—it’s another landmark on my expedition to craft a collection of 20 albums in the coming 20 years. ‘The…
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unlimited-nobu-works · 6 months
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ariyan24 · 1 year
Native Instruments – Action Strikes Download
Native Instruments' "Action Strikes" is a groundbreaking virtual instrument designed to elevate music production to new heights. This dynamic software library is an essential tool for composers, producers, and musicians seeking to infuse their compositions with the pulse-pounding energy of cinematic percussion. Available for download, Action Strikes is a game-changer in the world of virtual instruments.
Action Strikes boasts an impressive array of meticulously recorded and expertly curated percussion samples, ranging from thunderous taikos and resonant frame drums to delicate hand percussion instruments. With over 12 GB of high-quality content, it offers a vast palette of rhythmic possibilities, making it suitable for a wide range of musical genres, including film scoring, electronic music, and beyond.
What sets Action Strikes apart is its innovative "Trigger FX" feature, allowing users to instantly add rhythmic complexity and excitement to their compositions with the push of a button. This intuitive interface ensures that even those new to percussion programming can create intricate and realistic rhythms effortlessly.
Additionally, the instrument's fully customizable ensemble engine provides a wealth of creative control, allowing users to craft unique and evolving percussion sequences. Whether you're scoring a film, crafting a dynamic EDM track, or experimenting with world music fusion, Native Instruments' Action Strikes is an essential tool to take your music to the next level. With its stunning sound quality, versatility, and user-friendly interface, Action Strikes empowers musicians to unleash their rhythmic creativity like never before.https://extraplugins.com/product/action-strikes-komplete-native-instruments/
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dravidious · 1 year
You're more amazing than ALL THE THINGS
Here's some cards inspired by my love of counting in rhythm to myself in daily life
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With these I have an excuse to count "one, two, three" and "one, two, three, four" out loud in the middle of games!
#asks#custom cards#i knew i wanted the 4-count one to be legendary but i had no idea what to name it#the green and black made it feel wrong to be an elian card#then i realized i could just make it a dravid#dravids can be any color#i name i also considered was Dravid Lord of Counting#with count counters#but it's really about rhythm#also i love the amount of 3s i got into rhythmic smasher#it's a 3-drop 3/3 with 3 red mana symbols and 3 subtypes#i think i'll rename it drum beat basher to give it 3 words in the name#AND its max power is 9 which is 3x3#i also realized halfway through writing lord of rhythm's ability that i could make each of the abilities include their number#also if you somehow manage to get 5 rhythm counters on lord of rhythm its effect just stops working#oops lol#but that's only possible with proliferate i think#also i think the templating of this ability is super illegal#you're supposed to write out “if it has one rhythm counter do this. if it has two” etc#but that would be WAY too much text#also i didn't even specify where the number comes from for the effects#is it from the number of rhythm counters or the spell's mana value?#a card like Solemnity could really make that confusing#or instant-speed proliferate#but the general way it's supposed to work is clear so it's okay#it's not like this is gonna get played in tournaments#$5000 on the line coming down to how the kitty bard interacts with Experimental Augury#at least the templating on Rhythmic Smasher is unambiguous as far as i can tell#it's maybe not technically correct because most abilities like that say “if this is the third time this ability has resolved this turn”#but that's too much text
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iamlisteningto · 4 months
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inventit · 1 year
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bklynsboys · 2 months
Rest On Me (And I'll Lean On You)
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pairing: spencer reid x reader
summary: what surprised the unit chief was that your head, as if drawn by an invisible string, had laid rest on spencer's shoulder—a stray strand of hair tickling his cheek. and not only that, spencer didn't seem to mind, not one bit. or, you fall asleep on spencer's shoulder and the rest of the team sees.
genre: fluff
word count: 1.3k
author's notes: back with another spencer fluff! i miss seeing my baby on my screen. i had to rewatch old episodes right after seeing the new ones because i miss him so bad. anyhow, enjoy reading this one.
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RAIN LASHED AGAINST THE WINDSHIELD, BLURRING THE NEON GLOW OF THE CITY LIGHTS INTO A SMEAR. Inside the car, the air was filled with the silence of exhaustion. The BAU just narrowly captured another unsub—fortunately, just in time to save the most recent victim. Hotch, who was driving, glued his eyes to the rearview mirror. He had caught a glimpse of the scene unfolding behind him.
Spencer, usually busy poring through whatever piece of literature on his legs, was nestled into the corner, his head resting against the cool glass of the window. While, you, the newest member of the team, sat beside the male, curled up in the backseat, and brow furrowed in light sleep. Hotch recalled earlier how you were fighting back a yawn and wasn't surprised that he had found you passed out cold.
What surprised the unit chief was that your head, as if drawn by an invisible string, had laid rest on Spencer's shoulder—a stray strand of hair tickling his cheek. And not only that, Spencer didn't seem to mind, not one bit. In fact, a faint blush had dusted his cheeks, and his own eyes, momentarily fluttering open, held a hint of something akin to fondness.
Hotch watched, a small smile tugging at his lips. You and Spencer had been partnered for a particularly grueling case—a string of arsons with a unique signature. The long hours and emotional toll had clearly taken their toll.
Yet, even in exhaustion, an intimacy has bloomed between the both of you. Spencer, ever the gentleman, hadn't moved a muscle, seemingly content to act as a human pillow. On your part, like magnets, you had unconsciously gravitated towards his warmth, your breathing slowing into a peaceful rhythm.
Beside Hotch, a knowing grin spread across Morgan's face in the passenger seat. He glanced back at you and Spencer through the rearview mirror, catching the tender scene. He stifled a chuckle, it was endearing to see the boy genius to be intimate with someone, knowing that he wasn't known to be keen on physical affection.
With a playful nudge to Hotch's arm, Morgan kept his voice low. "Looks like someone found a comfy pillow, Hotch."
Hotch chuckled softly, his gaze never leaving the rearview mirror. "Seems so, Derek. Seems so."
But Morgan, ever the tease, couldn't resist adding another jab. "Just don't drool on him, kid," he called back in a mock-serious tone, knowing full well you were fast asleep.
Hotch shot him a withering look, but a hint of amusement flickered in his eyes. He knew Morgan wouldn't disturb the peaceful tableau unfolding in the back. They all needed a moment of rest, a stolen fraction of comfort in the storm.
The silence stretched, punctuated only by the rhythmic drumming of the rain. It was then, with a slight bump in the road, that the car dipped, causing Spencer to jostle ever so slightly. His head, as if following the car's movement, dipped as well, and his hair brushed against yours in a soft, unexpected touch.
You stirred in your sleep, a frown momentarily creasing your brow before smoothing out again. Spencer, wide awake now with a jolt of surprised awareness, froze. His hand instinctively reached up to brush the stray strand of hair back from his own face, but his fingers lingered in the air, hovering just above your head.
Heat flooded his cheeks as he realized the intimate position you had found yourselves in. He wanted to apologize, to gently move away, but a strange sense of peace settled over him. You looked so peaceful, nestled against the cool leather, and your brow finally relaxed. The exhaustion of the case seemed etched on your face, a shared burden they both carried.
With a silent sigh, Spencer decided against disturbing your slumber. He leaned his head back against the window, his gaze fixed on the blurry cityscape outside.
The car continued its journey through the city, the gentle sway a lullaby against the harsh symphony of the storm. You drifted deeper into sleep, the weight of Spencer's head on yours a grounding anchor.
As dawn painted the horizon with streaks of pink and orange, the rain finally subsided. Hotch, ever vigilant, announced they were nearing the precinct. Morgan, with a mischievous glint in his eyes, nudged Hotch again. "Think they'll wake up before we get there?" he whispered.
Hotch chuckled. "Knowing them, they'll probably jolt awake the second we stop. But for now, let them sleep."
The car pulled into the familiar parking lot of the BAU headquarters. Hotch gently nudged the brakes, careful not to disturb the peaceful scene in the back.
A trace of sunlight peeked through the clouds, illuminating the interior of the car. It danced across your face, warming your cheek and causing your eyelids to flutter open. You blinked, momentarily disoriented, before the events of the previous night flooded back.
A blush crept up your neck as you realized your head was resting on Spencer's shoulder. You were about to mumble an apology when you noticed his head turned towards the window, a thoughtful expression etched on his face.
Gathering your courage, you cleared your throat softly. "Spencer?"
He turned his head slightly, a surprised look flickering across his features before a gentle smile softened his expression. "Good morning."
You felt a tug in your chest, a mixture of awkwardness and something else, something warmer and more exhilarating. The sound of the car door opening startled both of you. Spencer's eyes flew open, a look of surprise mirroring yours.
"Did you sleep well?" he asked, his voice barely a whisper.
You felt a renewed warmth bloom in your cheeks. "I… I think so," you stammered, suddenly self-conscious. "How about you?"
Before you got the chance to hear what Spencer had to say, Morgan's voice boomed from behind you. "Well, well, well. Looks like someone slept well."
You scrambled to sit up straight, your face burning. Spencer mirrored your movement, a sheepish smile tugging at his lips. "Uh, good morning, Morgan," you stammered.
"Morning, kids," Morgan chuckled. "Hotch is grabbing coffee. You two coming in, or are you planning on catching some more shut-eye in the parking lot?"
You stole a glance at Spencer, who was gathering his things with a focus that seemed almost deliberate. The memory of his hair brushing against yours sent a shiver down your spine. You weren't sure if it was the exhaustion of the case or something else entirely, but the shared touch felt undeniably intimate.
"We're coming, Morgan," you called out, your voice a little shaky.
As you were about to exit the car, Spencer held the door for you with a shy smile. "Thanks for letting me, uh, borrow your shoulder," he mumbled, his cheeks dusted with a faint pink.
"No worries, Spencer," you replied, forcing a casual tone. "We both needed the rest. And thank you, as well. I used your shoulder first, so I guess it's only fair I let you borrow mine."
Spencer chuckled at this which caused your cheeks to pinken.
"About earlier," Spencer started. "When you asked me how I'm doing? Much better than I expected, considering the circumstances," he admitted with a hint of a chuckle.
The air crackled with unspoken words, a tension that felt both electric and strangely comfortable. You stole a glance at his profile, the way the soft morning light highlighted the planes of his face.
"That's good," you finally managed, your voice barely above a whisper. "We should probably get going."
Spencer seemed to hesitate for a moment, then nodded in agreement. "Right. We have forms to fill up."
Before you could unbuckle your seatbelt, Spencer beat you to it—his hand brushed against yours for a fleeting moment. It sent a jolt through you, a silent echo of the intimacy from the night before.
Stepping out of the car, you took a deep breath of crisp morning air. The city stretched out before you bathed in the golden hues of sunrise.
"Ready to face another day?" Morgan uttered loudly ahead of you, his voice laced with amusement.
You turned to face him, sighing at his teasing. You weren't oblivious to the fact that Morgan liked seeing you and Spencer together. "As ready as I'll ever be, Morgan."
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lokisgoodgirl · 4 months
Like a Queen [Loki x Reader]
A Link to my Masterlist is HERE Summary: Just a dirty, praise-filled railing. Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI. Smut. Loki x Female Reader. Mirrors. Language. Established relationship. Smut. (w/c 1.2k)
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"Urgh, gods..." Loki slurs as his head falls back.
A year. It's been a year. But every time you see that face lost in the pleasure only you can give it's like the first time. In the mirror at the foot of the bed, the hard angles of Loki's jawline set like an anvil. He tips his chin to the ceiling and sinks so deep, so slow, it's like he never wants it to end.
Your best lingerie clings to damp skin, the modest slit in your crotchless panties tugging against Loki's thick cock. Slow, liquid thrusts slip against your walls and slurp when he circles his hips; hands guiding your ass against him. He teases himself at the entrance while you moan his name before easing back in with a groan.
"What did I do..." he breathes as his sex-drunk face falls forward and he meets your eyes in the mirror. "What did I do to deserve this sweet, perfect cunt?"
You clench your fingers against the bedsheets, swaying on all-fours. Loki slips his cock from your pussy and slides it against your throbbing clit, still swollen and humming from the worship of his mouth.
He watches with dark fascination as you start to squirm at the halt of his movements, knuckles whitening. “Well?” he asks again with playful menace.
"I'm just made for you I guess," you sigh as his large palm skates down the ridges of your spine, settling at the base. There’s no getting any sense out of you at times like this; he should know that by now. And he does.
"You are,” he growls approvingly, rubbing the curve of your ass. “Made to take me like a Queen. Made to take my cock like a Queen; made to fuck me like a Queen.” Queen.
The word sends a thrill down your spine that blossoms new fire in your pussy and you clench tighter around the tip of his cock. Loki pushes back in just when you’re tightest. “Norns,” he gasps, half-lidded eyes smouldering down from his station.
There’s something about when he fucks you from behind that’s utterly primal. Like he’s mating you. Like you’re a bitch in heat and he’s powerless to resist the scent he craves; the urge beating through him like the drums of war.
He’s not a god in moments like this. He’s just a man that wants to shake you up and fuck you out and love you harder with every filthy, curse-laden groan from his throat. “Talk to me,” you plead as you sit back against him, inhaling the fresh sweat clinging to his hair, his cock never leaving the grip of your cunt. Where he belongs. Your fingers skate up his cheek. His heartbeat thumps between your shoulder-blades, the flat planes of his chest and stomach pressed tight to your back. Your thighs spread as he readjusts on the mattress, guiding you down to the root of him with a rumble of pleasure. Loki moves hair from one side of your neck, placing a messy kiss on the curve and pulling the flimsy strap of your lingerie between his teeth. It stings your heated skin with a tight thwack.
“You love when I talk,” he goads low and filthy in your ear. “You love when I talk, and you love when I fuck.” “Only me,” you whine. Loki chuckles darkly. “Only you, my Queen.” His thrusts make your body rise and you lose yourself in the fullness of your walls fluttering to the rhythmic lilt of his hips. Loki’s hands massage your breasts, palming upwards, pinching your pebbled nipples as he does it. “No one,” he groans as you reach between your legs and graze his balls, “no one has ever carnally eviscerated me like you can.” They tighten beneath your gentle touch, drawing lazily against the velvet skin.
“When I fuck you… all realms cease to be,' he chokes, 'Only b-burning worlds and…f-fuck, erupting galaxies when I…”
He jolts against your ass, a hiss searing between his teeth. “When I see you trussed up for me like a gift,” he pants, tugging at the flimsy lace cupping your breasts, “when I feel your pussy grip me like wax on a finger.” A wet groan erupts from your mouth into his and Loki’s fingers move to your clit, rubbing slow, wet circles just the way you like it. His kiss is hungry and dark and dangerously loving. He still tastes like your cum. “The most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,” he mutters as climax tightens in your belly, tensing your thighs, “is your face when you come undone for me.” You whimper, the hand wrapped around his neck clutching at long waves of his sex-damp hair. “Yes, my beautiful queen,” he praises, unable to keep the tremble of impending orgasm from his voice as his thrusts become heavy. “Take me, use me; use my cock like no other in the nine realms can. Give me what I need.” “Not yet,” you beg and he smiles against your cheek. The mirror shows what the two of you are: sweaty and unbearably perfect together. He’s huge behind you; a colossus of muscle and lean lines and luminous skin. His dark hair hangs against your shoulders, his exquisite profile nuzzling into your neck. The god of mischief works one expert hand between your legs, the other grasping against your chest like you might vanish as his powerful thighs pump slowly beneath you. Obsessed. He’s obsessed. Another threat of orgasm rises in your centre. Loki groans loudly and his shoulders tense as you clench, feeling the thick vein running down his length throb. “I think you may take me a little too well,” he chokes as your grip on his hair tightens.
A series of feral grunts burst from Loki’s throat at the smallest increase of speed against his cock. He's ready to burst. Wetness coats the inside of your thighs, his knuckles, his mouth, your fingers. You cover the hand working against your clit, feeling his fingers while they lightly strum you over the edge. He knows your body like it's his own. “Loki,” you moan like a whore, head falling back to his shoulder.   “I’m yours,” he whispers, breath catching. The hand cupping your chest flies to your stomach and he pulls you closer with a stuttering gasp. The flat of his abdomen curls to your back: sweat sticking, curses thundering, stars bursting in front of your eyes. He erupts with a long, guttural groan that shakes the bed. The swell of his cum is immediate; squeezing against the tight throb of his mighty cock and the final, fluttering spasms of your cunt. You see it glistening in the mirror, dripping down the thick root still buried inside you and pearling at the curve of his balls. Loki’s mouth fastens to your cheek like he’s trying to eat you - and maybe he is. His pants are hot against the skin as he slides down your face, top lip dragging before his forehead comes to rest. “What did I do to deserve…?” he pants quietly as he feathers weak kisses along the angle of your jaw. You silence the impending question with a kiss, pulling him closer. “I’m your Queen,” you say with utterly feigned humility. Loki bites his lip, glancing to the mirror. His eyes drop to the sight of him still sheathed deep in your pussy, a thick spindle of cum dangling to the mattress. “You are,” he whispers lovingly in your ear, eyes nailed to yours in the reflection. "Always."
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deunmiu-dessie · 3 months
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(unedited)¹ retired simon has nowhere to go, so you offer. [ one, two, three]
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this was a stupid idea, a dangerous idea; one that could potentially get you hurt— you knew that, but the temperature was below freezing and you couldn't bear the thought of letting him walk to god knows where. you wouldn't allow that, not when you could offer help.
you came to a slow halt beside the man, rolling down the passenger side window and smiling softly, awkwardly. “hi! mind if i ask where you're headed?" he's taller than you assumed, standing at least a foot or two taller than you, his broad shoulders stretching the fabric of his all-black tee.
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the fitted clothing accentuates his large frame, hinting at the strength that lies beneath. a mask covers his face, a skull painted onto the fabric, and a large military duffle bag is slung over his shoulder, weathered and worn.
he stops abruptly and gradually swivels his head to face you. his eyes are a striking shade of brown when they meet your gaze— they look……hollow, devoid of emotion. you smile once more and tilt your head, your palms slick with sweat against the steering wheel. “s’just, the temps gonna drop a bit more later in the night and i thought i’d give you a ride, so you don't freeze to death on your way.”
your attempt at a joke with the man falls short and you clear your throat and drum your thumbs softly, feeling a tad bit embarrassed. you jump when he finally speaks. his voice is like velvet dipped in honey. it's deep, rough, gravelly, and accented. you can't help but be taken aback for a moment, as a delightful warmth spreads through your body at the mere sound of it.
“y’r parents ever taugh’ you not ta talk t’strangers?”
you purse your lips and cluck your teeth, trailing behind him as he resumes his stride. sure, you should have driven off, gone back to your cozy apartment to indulge in a couple of movies, and drink yourself into a stupor but, you simply couldn't bring yourself to do so.
“my name’s _____, what’s yours?” he stops briefly and cranes his neck to the sky for a moment with a hint of irritation, before breathing out a heavy sigh; he seems hesitant, confused— and doubtful. then he turns to face you and your small fiat. “simon," he says softly. smiling you pull to a stop, “well, we’re not strangers anymore, simon.”
simon scoffs in slight amusement but slowly makes his way to you, when he reaches the passenger side window, you can clearly see a hint of distrust lingering in his eyes. it’s clear that he’s not accustomed to kindness from strangers. but you remain undeterred, your grin unwavering, as you lean over to open the door for him.
with a stiff nod of appreciation, he settles into the passenger seat, his worn-out bag settling between his thighs as he sinks into the comfort of the cushioned upholstery.
as you pull away from the curb, the man's eyes wander out the window, lost in thought. "so, where are you headed?" you ask gently, voice laced with genuine curiosity as you try to break the tension, your voice trembling slightly.
however, his response is nothing more than a cold, detached stare out the window. it’s as if he's not really there, as if his mind is lost in some distant place, far away from the reality of this moment. and yet, there's something captivating about his emptiness, something that draws you in despite the warning signs flashing in your mind.
“could be a killer.” simon voices, head slanting towards you; he looks comically large for your small fiat car and you can't help but smile. “are you?” he grunts but doesn't respond. the car speeds through the night, the only sound being the hum of the engine and the rhythmic thumping of your heart. he's like a puzzle waiting to be solved, a mystery begging to be unraveled; and you were curious.
“the nearest shelter,” he finally utters. “thats where i’m headed.” you hum softly and swallow thickly; this was a stupid idea, a dangerous idea; one that could potentially get you hurt, you knew that, but—
“stay with me tonight.”
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