blackraged · 2 years
Random Valorant Headcanons to start the new year with
It's already past midnight for me so I thought I'd share these to mark the start of a new year! Enjoy
Breach fluently speaks German and even picked up some Bavarian. He and Killjoy, sometimes communicate and joke in Bavarian with each other just to confuse their fellow agents.
Yoru likes to play ninja when no one is looking. Only Omen ever witnessed him do it.
Viper once fed a human finger to her Snake, just to see what happens.
Sova and Reyna hang out a lot. Like, they don't like each other, and would most likely kick the other down the stairs, but occasionally just chill around and talk about the things they don't like.
They also hunt each other for sport.
Jett, Phoenix and Yoru once printed a bunch of life sized paper cutouts of Chamber, and placed them all over the HQ. A few of them had their head missing.
Reyna has a very specific way of walking when she's angry, which some of the agents picked up on, and know when you dodge the corridor when they here her approaching.
Cypher can crack each and every joint in his body.
Breach, Brim and Sova eat tangerines whole. Sova didn't know you can peel them, while Breach and Brim simply decide not to (power move)
Phoenix has a Japanese tattoo on his waist, that's supposed to say "Phoenix" but actually writes "Fire Chicken". Yoru won't let him live it down.
Breach has a tattoo that he doesn't remember getting. It's a badly drawn small star right on his arse cheek.
Some of the agents once brought a trampoline into the Protocol, that got confiscated by Brimstone and Sage. Viper caught them using it.
Sova once actually had a pet Owl, when he was still known as Filin. It died on a mission, which led to Sova making his Owl Drone.
The Owl was named Czar.
Reyna can perfectly impersonate Sofia Vergara, and Jett and Neon LOVE it.
Chamber has mommy issues. His mother never really took interest in his achievements, hobbies or designs. (Think Marlena Gru from Despicable me. "Eh")
Astra knows how to ice skate.
Because of his arms, Breach didn't know how to tie his shoes, till his mid twenties. Raze taught him how to, and loves telling people about it because she thinks it's cute.
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cabinofimagines · 11 months
Trust and Tribulations
I can't believe we're pulling it off, and here we are. Pairing: Platonic the seven + a bunch of other ones x reader Word count: ~1.1k Warnings: Bad puns, hatcanons from me and Danny -Asnyox < prev. - next >
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As the midterms were still ongoing, the monthly meeting was half in real life and half via Iris message. You, Nico and Will had ventured out to Percy and Annabeth, whereas Hazel and Frank called from Camp Jupiter. Jason and Piper joined you from Piper’s house and Leo joined from the Waystation with Calypso. 
I don’t know whether you have ever been on a call with multiple friends, but simply said it was chaos. After everyone was in the IM there and said their hello’s a silence slowly seeped into the conversation. 
“So, has everyone gotten their invites?” Frank softly asked, “You know, as we all knew that Halloween was coming up, just checking whether everyone got the invites now.” He was clearly looking for any facial reactions as he made his statement. Percy was quick to give one of panic, and then school it back.
“Grover gave us one yesterday, he mentioned Apollo delivering them?” Percy looked around at the people in the IM. 
“Yeah, he loves helping Meg out. He also told us that you all seemed like you’re dying, so how’s that going?” You asked as most people in the IM except for Leo suddenly looked more tired. 
“Halloween this year is very on brand with the scare factor,” Percy said, “Saving the world? Easy. School?  The scariest of all. Luckily I got my wise girl here helping me out.” he pressed a kiss on Annabeth’s cheek as she smiled.  
“It did take us by surprise,” Hazel bumped into the conversation, “Frank and I had been very busy with Preator duties and then suddenly Apollo was there.” She laughed as if she was embarrassed, “I genuinely was about to fight whatever he was bringing, luckily it was only the invite.” 
“You could’ve brought it better though!” Frank exclaimed, “We have a quest from Apollo,” he impersonated Hazel, “It scared me half to death!” Hazel laughed at her boyfriend's terror, before shaking her head, “Sorry Frank, just wanted you to know how I felt when I opened the door.” 
“Do we know who else is coming?” Piper asked, “Is Reyna invited? Are there going to be more satyrs because it is in a grove?” 
“Coach Hedge is coming,” Nico said, “Don’t know about any other satyrs though. I do think Reyna is coming, if Artemis lets the hunters partake in the celebrations.” 
“Cool,” Piper nodded. 
“Anyways,” Percy drawled out, “How’s the costumes going? As clearly nobody forgot Halloween was happening. We just ran into uh, a problem with ours.” 
“You forgot, didn’t you?” You accused Percy, “Unbelievable.” 
“We might have,” he admitted, “but we’ll have to figure something out, we can’t disappoint Meg like that.” 
“I mean, it’s on her for sending out the invites that late.” Annabeth stated.
“It’s a Halloween party, on Halloween.” You said, “You knew this was coming all year, don’t blame her for your own tardiness.” Annabeth glared at you. 
“Well, I have a plan.” she said. 
“You did not yesterday.” Percy retorted, “Better yet, you wanted to fake sickness because of your construction deadline on friday.” 
“Are you underestimating me, seaweed brain?” You were glad you were not Percy right now, because Annabeth looked like she was ready to go for the kill. 
“... no?” Percy gulped. 
“I don’t have a costume yet either,” Will tried to break up the tension.
"Yes, you do.” Nico interjected, “I have you covered in my costume plans.” Will looked at him questioningly, and after a moment it seemed like he realized something. 
“Wait, you are still doing the thing?” Will asked and Nico nodded quickly, “Seriously? Then who…?”
“Can’t tell you, it would spoil the surprise for the rest of the people here.” Nico smiled crookedly, “Besides, you know you can trust me right?”
“I am not so sure anymore, my sunshine.” Will looked at his boyfriend skeptically as Nico let out a laugh.
“Love you too.”
“Speaking of costumes,” Hazel said, “Leo, could Frank and I borrow some hats from you? We’ll tell you the specific ones later.” 
“Of course! I should bring spare hats to the party anyways,” Leo grinned, “You never know how many people will come with bad costumes that my hats can fix. If a certain couple needs hats as costumes too,” Leo pointedly looked at Percy and Annabeth, “they just have to ask. I know you all love my hat collection!”
“No, thanks.” Annabeth grumbled, “I have a plan.” 
“I haven’t even thought of getting a costume yet,” Jason looked awfully guilty. 
“Jason, do you want to do a costume with me? I need someone to finish my mys-tree costume” Leo lit up. 
“Yes?” Jason hesitated, “Was that a tree pun?” Leo ignored his comment.
“That is such a re-leaf. Our costumes are gonna have so much chemis-tree together, trust me!” Leo’s grin got wider with each pun, “Fir sure we are going to have the pinest costumes at the party.” There was a mix of groans and laughs. 
“You’re not dressing us up as trees are you?” Jason looked scared. 
“Nope! Good guess though.” 
“Well,” Piper bumped into the convo, “Good things come in trees, so do you have room for one more?” Leo shook his head. 
“Sorry pipes, I don’t be-leaf I do but I can always lend out my hats.” 
“Maybe we should get the hats, Annabeth-” Percy whispered but Annabeth elbowed him.
“No way, seaweed brain. Some of them might be cursed, and besides that I have a plan.” 
“What plan?” 
Ignoring the lover’s quarrel, Piper turned to Calypso.
“You don’t happen to have a bunch of time to help me with my costume?” 
Calypso shook her head. “No, I’ve been so busy with (Y/n)’s costume that I have yet to start my own, sorry.” 
“No worries,” Piper seemed to start thinking, “no worries,” she mumbled. 
After some more discussion everyone realized the time, and as most people in the calls had deadlines to make (and costumes to get) you ended the meeting. You looked at Will and Nico as you smiled. 
“I think most people are royally screwed trying to get costumes this close to Halloween.” you laughed and Nico nodded.
“Luckily we’ve been preparing.” He said and Will sighed. “At least I know I won’t be a tree, poor Jason.”
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gil-shalossssss · 2 years
Okay so I just has the most fun brain vacation ever thinking about the Percy Jackson demigods watching Disney's Hercules. I love Hercules, not gonna lie, but it's... less than accurate. No interpretation of the myths are 100% accurate, including Percy Jackson. It was funny because these universes are just so unmeshable.
Percy, Annabeth, Grover, Hazel, Nico, Jason, Thalia, Leo, Will, Calypso, Reyna, Piper, Apollo, and Meg are piled in Percy's living room watching this
All of them are just quiet and watching (slightly confused) until they figure out that the pink lady is supposed to be Hera. Then everyone goes BOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! so loud Percy's mom comes in to check on them. Obviously Meg doesn't know Hera, but she's gonna boo anyway bc why wouldn't she.
Nobody can keep a straight face when they realize that the blue dweeb is supposed to be Hermes, especially not Apollo. And do I even need to tell you how they react to Dionysius's design?
Nico continually mutters throughout the Underworld scenes. "The Underworld doesn't look like that. What place is that supposed to be? Why Charon rowing Hades across the Styx, and why is he just a skeleton? Who are these two demony dudes? Cerebrus is a lot cuter than that. Etc. Etc. Etc." Eventually everyone just tunes him out.
Grover makes some comment about Penelope the donkey and how nice Hercules is for stepping in for her
Annabeth is also making observations and corrections throughout the movie, and they also tune her out for the most part. We got two constant commentaries going on
Thalia starts laughing SO HARD when Zeus's statue comes to life and says endearing things to Hercules and does not stop until Hercules leaves the temple bc she can't actually imagine her father saying these things to anyone. Apollo tries so hard to not laugh and fails, and Jason just sits there with his poker face
Hercules: If you're my father, then that would make me a...
Everyone in the room: A demigod.
Zeus: A god.
Everyone: ?????
Grover sees Phil and is like "Satyrs aren't that sort do I look that short?"
Everybody cracks up at Phil's impersonation of Zeus reading a bedtime story
Piper and Jason both go "Poor Achelous he's getting misrepresented he's not mean he's just sad."
Meg considers herself superior to movie Meg, but pretty much everyone likes movie Meg
Percy is far too excited during the fight with the hydra. Like he has the most dramatic reactions and everyone else is just going "wtf Percy" I haven't decided if he's rooting for the Hydra or for Hercules
Nico has finally accepted that this is just a person they decided to name Hades and has no actual resemblance to his father
Everyone yells at Hercules for giving up his strength. Then Leo starts teasing Piper about not encouraging him to do it bc it's for Meg and love and stuff and she smacks him
Everyone is extremely confused about why the Titans are under the ocean and why Hades is releasing them. Piper goes, "No don't set them free you idiot!" to which Leo says, "Why, does he have a crush on them?" and earns himself an exasperated sigh and an eye roll
Everyone laughs when the Titans are unleashed bc I mean they are moving mounds of element and don't fit any Titan at all
They've just recovered when Leo goes, "FrEeEEeeEze zuEeS" and Reyna has to pause the movie so they can laugh and not miss stuff
Nobody is happy when the pillar smushes Meg
Nico wants to know where this is that Meg is bc it doesn't look at all like Asphodel
Nobody understands how Hercules got regodded
Hercules's homecoming scene is completely drowned out by boos for Hera
However, they do catch, "I'd like to stay on earth with Meg" which gets everything from "ew why" (Meg) to "awww" (Grover) to "That's not how it went" (Annabeth) to "He did a Percy!" (Will)
Reyna, Leo, Hazel, Jason, and Meg require him to explain because whAt Percy rejected immortality?
The end. It was fun. Definitely not gonna watch it again with Annabeth or Nico, but maybe without them :)
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shrinkthisviolet · 4 months
your OCs have been replaced by a mimic! how do their loved ones figure out they're fake?
Love this question!
For Morgan...if this is post-s2, then it's a no-brainer—get Jesse to try and "link up" with her (their telepathy link can be open or closed by either of them). Specifically, it would have to be on the same Earth, face-to-face because...Jesse would connect with the real Morgan no matter where she is—they’d have to make sure she’s connecting to this one. And also, opening the link for either of them when they're on the same Earth is very painful…so either Jesse would feel no pain at all (thus, Morgan is on a different Earth) or this imposter/mimic would be unable to mimic the pain properly/convincingly (thus, this isn't Morgan).
Of course, if it's pre-s2, then Team Flash would have to test her memories of them. Though if she shares memories with Morgan, then Barry dials up the sibling affection, knowing that if she's really not his baby sister, she'll get uncomfortable.
For Lucy...well, Luke and Leia share a Force connection with her (Leia doesn't know how to use it, she just has feelings from time to time, but still). If the imposter/mimic isn't Force-Sensitive, one of them (probably Luke) will ferret them out. If they are Force-Sensitive...well, Luke knows how his sister feels in the Force, so he'd still figure them out. Non-Force-Sensitives, or those less experienced like Leia, would have to get creative, asking questions to probe her memory.
For Reyna...Nora would be the key, but Cisco could be too. Even if the imposter/mimic stole/copied Reyna's powers, she wouldn't feel the same to Cisco as Reyna does—everyone has a unique frequency, and Cisco would be attuned to that as an experienced breacher/viber.
Nora, meanwhile...Reyna's her best friend, later her girlfriend and lightning rod. She could use some good old-fashioned interrogation (peppering her with questions about very specific childhood memories). She could maybe also try going for a kiss if they’re dating by the time this happens, but the impersonator/mimic might be dedicated enough to go through with it. Maybe she kisses differently and Nora can tell? Hmm but if she’s a skilled enough mimic, then maybe not. I guess it depends.
For Amelia...oh this is tricky. If it happens pre-Snap, then ofc Gwen, Peter, or May could figure it out. During the Snap though...no one would 🥺 she doesn't know anyone well until she befriends Norman, and Otto and Rosalie foster and then adopt her, and even that trust takes time to build. Even then, Amelia likely wouldn't be totally open about her childhood, because it's too painful to talk about.
Post-Snap, she'd at least have more of a support system, but...it's really getting May and Gwen back that helps. And Peter...well, things are tense, and even when they're better, her memory of him gets erased pretty soon after. A mimic/impersonator, if she picks the right time to impersonate Amelia, could go undetected for years
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cecilysass · 2 years
How to Eat Pleasant Holiday Meals With Co-Workers (4/5)
Read on AO3 | Rated M | Tagging @today-in-fic
Night Before Thanksgiving 2013
The phone rings. And rings and rings and rings and rings and rings.
His face is burrowed deep in the couch cushion, seeking out whatever traces are left of the sweet distinctive floral smell. The smell is fading. It’s going to be entirely gone one of these days, and one day, when he inhales the scent of his couch — or his sheets, his sweaters, his Aztec blanket— they will all smell like nothing. Like generic detergent. And nothing and no one.
The phone rings again.
For a few fanciful minutes he imagines answering it like this:
“Congratulations, you’ve reached the Mulder residence. To talk to Fox Mulder, you have to answer one simple trivia question. What happened forty years ago on this day? … oh? No, I’m sorry, that’s the wrong answer. And since you don’t know, you don’t fucking know me well enough for me to talk to you.”
That’s funny. Another iteration of him would have laughed.
She wouldn’t laugh. She would tell him to stop being such a smartass, to make an effort to be nice to people, to just pick up the damn phone.
But she would also know the answer. She would never, ever forget the answer.
Nevertheless, she’s not going to call.
The phone rings again. This time, he gives up, sits up with enormous effort, grunting as he stretches for it across the table.
“Mulder.” His voice sounds broken, like an old man’s.
It’s Lionel speaking. Lionel of Lionel and Reyna, who live in the farm house adjacent to their property. Lionel and Reyna, their nearest neighbors. Lionel and Reyna, his nearest neighbors.
Lionel seems to be asking him to dinner tomorrow. Turkey, stuffing, cranberries, pumpkin pie.
“Don’t bother bringing anything. We’ve got plenty of food. Just yourself,” Lionel says warmly. He says something about pecan pie from some bakery that’s supposed to be really good, something about football, something about one of the kids bringing a girlfriend home from college.
It all sounds nauseatingly cheery. Intentionally cheery. Falsely cheery. Like Lionel has maybe been given a tip. Like Lionel has maybe been asked a favor.
Mulder is suddenly filled with certainty that he has. Because she knows very well what happened forty years ago. Of course she knows.
Does that make him feel better, that she would pull strings behind the scenes to make sure he wasn’t going to be alone?
Or does it make him feel worse, because where the hell is she?
How could she leave him alone like this, when she’s the only one who knows?
He thinks about calling her.
He thinks about calling her and leaving a desperate message, because he knows she would never pick up.
He thinks about the first Thanksgiving they ever spent together, and her psycho ex-boyfriend Ethan doing pretty much the same thing. Now he supposes he is the psycho ex-boyfriend.
He wonders if he calls her now if she will have someone over for Thanksgiving dinner, some replacement colleague. Maybe she is actually fucking him on the couch. Maybe she has been waiting for years for a reason to get rid of him so that she can meet new guys and fuck them on her couch.
He hides his face under one of the dumb little throw pillows she bought, and he is ashamed of himself. It’s easier to turn her into a villain than to accept the truth.
Which is that he’s messed it up. He was always going to mess it up.
That was fate.
He regrets kissing her at midnight of the new millennium, because now he knows. The world did end.
He regrets the first time he came over to watch a movie without a work reason. He regrets offering to eat with her that first Thanksgiving, for bringing over that Safeway turkey and thinking they could be friends. He regrets telling her about Samantha in that motel room on their first case.
He should have kept his distance. He should have stayed aloof. He should have stayed impersonal. No good has ever come at any point in his life from getting attached. The more attached he’s gotten, the worse the consequences have been.
When he was young and callow, when he was at Oxford, when he was at Quantico, if you had told him there was someone currently walking on the planet whom he would someday describe as the love of his life, he would have laughed derisively. He might believe in a hell of a lot, but even he had limits.
A stupid, soggy, weak-kneed phrase. “The love of my life.” Not intended for grown men who lived in basements and slept on couches alone.
Then, some time in the course of their partnership, it just became so stupid and obvious. That was who she was.
Really no other way to think about it. He had the audacity to be happy about it. To think that maybe, just maybe, being with the love of his life everyday could be life’s little compensation for so much pain.
As it turns out: no. Knowing what it is to be with the love of your life makes losing her a very special kind of pain. So, so much worse.
He won’t be going to Lionel and Reyna’s, he decides. They won’t have sweet potato pie. And there is a dignity in pure sadness, in being purely alone, purely unattached.
This Thanksgiving he’s grateful for that dignity at least.
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serhawkes · 2 years
MC Keeper
Name: William 'Hawkes' Hunt Age: 24 (Sun and Moon) - 26 (Life and Death) Height: 5' 10" Weight: 200lbs Skin: Caucasian Hair: Auburn, bit of an undercut. Full beard, neatly trimmed Additions: Dragon tattoo sleeves on both arms, Phoenix tattoo on upper back.
Occupation prior: Musician/lead singer (Band Name: Teenage Outlaw) Occupation currently: Keeper/Hunter-Magician Hidden Talent: Impersonation (Can sing any song in perfect tone, male/female, great for karoke wins-much to Thalia's anger at loosing)
Relationship Stats: It's Complicated Thalia, Astrid, Cressida, Davina (oddly...), Gisela (sorta...), Katia, Rachel (OC), Reyna (lotta hate sex...), Seraphina, Marcela.
Stats (Fallout Style) Strength: 7 (Knows how to throw a punch thanks to Thals.) Perception: 9 (Good with guns/picks up on the subtle things on people/surroundings.) Endurance: 9 (Has to have solid stamina to keep up with the waifus... wait...) Charisma: 10 (Suave son of a bitch he be.) Intelligence: 8 (Smart enough to pass most of the classes, and to keep up with most of the things Sera says.) Agility: 7 (Good enough to dodge a punch no and then.) Luck: 7 (Sometimes lucky, sometimes not.)
Story So Far (With changes, of course.) -Four years prior, Hawkes and his band were in a shooting during one of their preformances, leaving two of their band members dead, and the other, Rachel, in a coma. He too was shot (shoulder and rib cage) and spent the next four years in therapy and rehab, trying to get his life back in order and such. Deciding to take a road trip from Oregon to the east coast sounded like a solid, clearing of the head, idea.
That's until Astrid and her Gorgon bestie showed up. (Or rather, Sus Lord Patil.)
-Meets Cressy and Cyrus with Astrid in tow while taking a moment to collect himself. Calls both of them out for being egotisical brats with issues for being rich and such, calls Cyrus small dick, much to everyones surprise, and Cressy approval. The nickname sticks.
-Has the simulation done with both Astrid and Yakov, who finds out Hawkes is human, yet keeps mum about it.
-After shopping with Astrid, they go back to the crash site to pick up an item, a guitar that is treasured by him. Astrid eventually finds out he is the Hawkes from the band Teenage Outlaw, after much gushing, keeps quiet about it having known what happened.
-Get the suite to himself over Yakov.
-More or less gets dragged into doing a karoke night with the suite and friends, thanks to Thalia's urgings. Despite being pressured into singing by Thals, and told that he didn't have to by Astrid, he ends up playing Seventeen Going Under with his guitar in tow. Afterwards, much to people shock and amazement, he left to get some fresh air, in which Astrid let them all know who he was really and what had happened. Feeling like shit, Thals goes off to find him, finding outside the place, smoking a cigarette. He opens about what happened, his relationship with Rachel (inseperable besties, did have a thing for her even though she was more into the ladies), what he did up until now. Both admit they are interested in each other but not truly ready to commit fully, given they both have issues with personal things, but do agree to a openly casual relationship. After getting a bite to eat, they end up in his suite, where the share the bed together. In the morning, Thals goes about going for a morning wake up call, BJ style, only for Astrid to peek in and catch sight of it. -Que awkward morning/beginning of the harem afterward-
-Three weeks before Halloween, and after starting to teach Astrid and Leon how to PROPERLY cook food without burning/setting things on fire/starting a nuclear war in the kitchen, Hawkes is busy cooking dinner when Cressy walks in asking for a favor. The favor? Preform a concert to benifet the local hospital. At first, Hawkes refuses straight up, but eventually agrees on the grounds that 1: He does need the some money. And 2: It could be a good means of therapy, much as Cressy does mention.
Which comes to the slight issue of an actual band. The Band? Yakov, on drums (Heavy Metal Enthusist!). Thalia on Bass and vocals (Always wanted to be in a band!). And Gisela on guitar/violin and vocals (How she got talked into it is a mystery, likely bribery.)
However, when Hawkes asked what she was going to do in terms of ticket sales, vendors, and overhead, to not so much of a surprised, Cressy, in all her experiences with parties, had no clue. So Hawkes had to guide her about the operations of organizing a concert, getting local business's and vendors involved, while at the same time getting insync with his newish band of sorts.
The concert? Crushed it. Attendence? Sold out.
Song List: Run Away To Mars (Opener/tribute to his friend Rachel and former bandmates.) Are You Ready For Me Black Flies Piano Fire Spanish Sahara Heavy Gets Light (Duet with Thalia, much to Astrid and co. in the stands mentioning the Chemistry they have) Stay Familiar (Gisela lead singing) Black Bull When Am I Going To Lose You Seventeen Going Under Sustain/Decay Friday Night Fire Fight (Closer/went shirtless, much to Gisela's disapproval and Thalias approval)
After the concert, needing a moment to breath, Hawke's stepped outside to catch some fresh air. Thals proceeded to join him and attempted to congradulate him with a suggestive reward, which he was about to accept, when he got the phone call. His long time bestie/crush had woken up from her coma.
-Hawkes, along with Thals, go to Oregon to see Rachel. The trip isn't what Hawkes expected. Thals simply being their for morale support, oddly. They reunited, have a heartfelt moment, in which he says his current life is complicated but does plan to talk about (once he has permission to do so, expedited thanks to Sera/hints about the world he is in.)
-By winter break, Hawkes has delved into the Hunter job, working with Sera to find out about the Project, started talking about the realm of magic he is in with Rachel (who makes plans on joining him at the start of the new year there in college), and of course enjoys the lovely road trip with Thals.
-Rachel joins the suite family, bunking with Astrid. Finds outs Hawkes has a bit of a harem thing going on with most of the girls and wants in on it. Admits to maybe be interested in him as well and is willing to see how things go.
-Everything plays out normally in the end: Reyna gets captured, finds out he is a Castellan (much to Astrid's ire at first).
--Day and Night
-Instead of getting attacked on a road trip, Hawkes is in Oregon, on a mission to find a missing supernatural girl along the coast when he catches Tommie spying on him, mostly under the orders of Thals to keep watch on him and help him. Does get attacked by Werewolves though, but does end up finding the missing girl who is under the care of a witch, Morrigan, who apparently knows he's a keeper and offers to help him, semi-free of charge.
-Trip back to NMC is a road trip with Tommie, who is curious about her sisters boyfriend. Needless to say, the interest is there, but nothing happens between them. Well... something does happen: After getting back to NMC, both of them crash in his suite, with Tommie curled up onto of him. Which, of course, Thals walks in and finds her sister topless, laying onto of her future hubby, equally topless. Lets just say Thals rage quitted hard that day, but eventually found out that nothing happened.
-Makes a trip to the Castellan Family Estate, to sign papers and deal with inheritance issues. Ends up with more money to speak of, a dairy of his mothers, and a few other things. Has a bit of an arguement with Granny questioning her involvement with his mother and other things. Left of semi good terms.
-During Thanksgiving, Hawkes has Thalia, Astrid, and Katia over for the family thanksgiving. Finds out his father is dating Petrova, and brings Yakov and Gisela to the dinner. Awkwardness ensues.
-Ends up saving Reyna and her brother, at the cost of some broken ribs and dislocated shoulder. Reyna ends up under house arrest, or rather, suite arrest, staying with the suite gang given her defection and willing cooperation. Ends up bunking with Hawkes, much to Astrid/Sera's disliking. Over the next couple months, they end up having a moment with just Hawkes and Reyna chilling on the couch, having a passionate making out with clothes starting to come off when Astrid, Altair, Sera, Yakov, Gisela, and Thals walk in. You can guess how that goes...
-Having a bit of a mental crisis over his feelings and thoughts about his mother, Hawkes visits Davina during her time of rehabbing/watchings. Ends up bonding with her, despite her empathy powers. Gets more questions and doubts than answers though. Ends with them sharing the night, mostly to show Davina what it really means to feel love.
-Manages to capture Julian, and Dominic, who has sows of doubt expressed into him. And everything fallsout as expected. Having learned about Patils involvement (through Davina after another night of fun) and Celosia (went to the dinner and truth bombed), the politics of NMC are on fire.
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Inteligencia Artificial vs Tontería Humana
Lo expresado por la profesora Reyna Martínez durante el webinar del Observatorio es cierto: “La misión de una inteligencia artificial siempre debe ser engrandecer al ser humano, acompañarlo y hacer más agradables las labores que realiza de manera cotidiana”.
  Para que esto se cumpla, debemos personalizar cada vez más las profesiones y dejar de mimetizarnos con los algoritmos. Es decir, si yo soy un escritor, un maestro o un divulgador de ciencia que acostumbro expresarme frente a mi auditorio de manera impersonal, no cabe duda de que pronto seré sustituible. Asimismo, si me dedico a descifrar las tendencias de consumo de la población así como los modos en que mejor se puede manipular esas tendencias (es decir, si soy un publicista), seré fácilmente remplazable por un algoritmo que hace todo eso con mucha mayor rapidez y a mayor detalle.
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percabeth4life · 3 years
Percy, doing a perfect impersonation of Reyna:
Reyna, so confused cause Percy dudn't tell her:
Percy: Great, keep doing this.
Percy out there with no memories just taking in every lecture Octavian gives on Reyna and nodding and knocking it out of the fucking park cause he might not know shit about the rules (Octavian's handling that part and crying at the increased work load) but he's an incredible leader with or without memories.
Reyna on the other hand is a great leader but has no idea how to deal with her new powers or how to act or why these Gods stare at her or why all these monsters want her head on a pike and oh shit she just flooded that town on accident- ahhh what is going on
Percys going "wow, she seriously nailed it with me, that is me every time cause no one tells me anything, gold star!"
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aknosde · 3 years
Amicus Certus in re Incerta Cernitur
The first installment of my Reyna Swap AU, Alea Iacta Est // Percy Jackson & Reyna Avilla Ramírez Arellano // Hurt - Comfort // roughly two or three days post-Tartarus // tw vomiting & tw implied/referenced past child sexual assault // light swearing // 3.4k
(hey, @specific-dreamer, i started writing it :))
Reyna exits her bed smoothly, flicking on the lamp as she goes. At night, when her cabin feels too dark and too small, the light is one of her only wards against her stiff spine and the shake of her shoulders. She ghosts her hands through her closet, searching for something thick and substantial, like the light and the reassuring click of the lock as she opens her door.
The floor of the quarter deck is cold under her bare feet, but the polished wood is soothing in its smoothness. She tugs on her sweatshirt against the cool temperature that accompanies flying far above the warm Mediterranean. Someone must have screwed with the thermostat last night–tonight–otherwise it would be compensating for the chill in the air.
It doesn’t affect the rest of the ship. The wood doesn’t contract or expand under the temperature, the boat doesn’t creak. It’s immune to the cold air and warm water in that way. She can’t quite decide if the silence that accompanies it is comforting or not as she descends to the main deck.
All of the lights are on down here, the rooms devoid of people. She knows that the lights of the lower deck will be off, because Leo sleeps down in the engine room, but the main deck is no man's land at this time of night. Someone has swept the floors, and with the lights on and undisturbed by organic shadow, this level seems more like a model of a ship than somewhere where people live. When the feeling turns from interesting to uncanny she finishes her route to the galley.
Though the galley is less of a galley, straight and narrow, than an actual kitchen you would find in a home. It’s large, even though Leo claims it’s unnecessary given his plate technology, and rather comfortable. A counter winds around the room, a large refrigerator with people’s personal food labeled, an oven and stove, and lastly, the sink: her destination.
She’s almost to the kitchen island before she sees Percy, sitting on the counter, looking for all the world as if he is a fixture of the kitchen itself. She doesn’t freeze when she sees him–she’s better than that–but she does let herself take stock of him, one leg hanging off the counter and his other knee propped under his chin, holding his head up.
His eyes look irritated, bags underneath that more closely resemble bruises, and a few pieces of hair are falling into his eyes, but he doesn’t do more than glance her way as she crosses to the sink next to him, so she leaves him be. Percy’s always been… observant. She could tell by the way he looked at her as she dropped from the Argo’s rope ladder. But since Tartarus he’s gotten quieter. Before, it used to just be a thing about him, not speaking unless he had something to say. Now it’s more obvious, like something or someone is keeping him.
She fills her glass of water and leans against the island, staring at the fridge.
She and Jason had had their own kitchen, as praetors. It was in the Principa, tucked out of the way, cold blue-greys and aggressively modern appliances. It reminded her of her childhood kitchen in that way. Cleanly impersonal–it more closely resembled an office break room. She and Jason barely used it, but still, they tucked their s’more supplies into a corner cupboard, and occasionally they would find each other there, making tea during late nights and early mornings.
The Argo kitchen is nicer, filled with warm colors and the smell of cinnamon. Percy cooks in here, she knows, though she has never seen him at it. When she had woken up that first morning after the disaster in New Rome there had been conchas on the counter. Leo, for all his initial grumbling, took to cooking in here while Percy and Annabeth were gone. His own little way of grieving, she thinks, taking a sip of water.
Percy lurches as if the ship has, uncharacteristically uncoordinated in his urgency. She straightens immediately as he twists off the counter and onto his feet. His forearms come down hard on the ledge of the counter, bracketing himself, and then he retches into the sink.
Strings of hair hang in his face as he does, she can now see that they are separated by sweat, and before she knows what she’s doing she’s across the aisle and holding his hair back and gives him the privacy of looking away, tucking away loose strands of hair. It’s deceptively soft, even with charred and patchy places here and there, and curlier than Leo’s. Memories of Hylla rage strong as she twists it around her finger, leaving no chance of it falling in the way again, the grey streak resembling a swirl.
Reyna can practically feel Hylla’s hands in her hair, her body sprawled against the wall of their cabin, head in a bucket. Hylla’s body, pressed against one side of her back, not overbearing, just a reminder that she was there now. On good nights they would end up in their bed before Reyna fell asleep, talking until Reyna’s brain could come back home. Hylla would twist Reyna’s hair into braids more beautiful and pure than Reyna could ever imagine being, and Reyna would complain about the smell of the bucket until Hylla got up to throw the contents overboard.
“Better your lunch than yourself,” Hylla sometimes joked upon her return, in that way people do when they are living through horrible things, doing horrible things, having horrible things thrust upon them. The memory burns now that Reyna isn’t there. She can’t find the humor in the joke now, only the threat of the first mate holding Reyna by the hair and threatening to make her walk the plank if she didn’t stop crying.
She couldn’t stop, but he didn’t seem to understand that, he just held her wrists until Hylla was there, in his cabin, talking with her voice smooth in a way it had never been before the Queen Anne’s Revenge. She talked until Reyna was allowed to leave, until the door shut with her still inside.
That was the night Blackbeard and his crew decided Reyna wasn’t worth it, a night she would forever be thankful for. Reyna couldn’t recover as fast as Hylla, she couldn’t put up with as much, she was wrecked after each encounter, and that night she would be thankful for it, and the day after, and the next, until she and Hylla were running the ship and she never had to think about it again.
Percy pants against the sink, signaling that he is done, and she takes a step back, suddenly uncomfortable and anxious for something to do.
She decides on giving him her glass of water–gods know he needs it more than she does–and watches him down the whole thing greedily. An air of clarity seems to blow through him, clearing his eyes and fixing his posture. Maybe that is the magic of a child of Poseidon. Water: an instant cure to all ailments.
“Thank you,” he says with a gasp as he finishes drinking. He wipes some vomit off a corner of his mouth with the back of his hand, frowning before he rinses it off in the sink. Reyna nods serenely in response, no judgement.
It’s a wrestle with herself, to decide if she wants to ask what has him puking his guts out. The fine line she always walks is taunting her, telling her not to alienate people, telling her that knowledge is power. The voice sounds suspiciously like Michelle, which only makes her prickle further. It’s a moot point, regardless. She can remember sitting with Thalia, legs swinging over the edge of a bridge, “I loved him to pieces, Reyna, but that asshole wouldn’t tell me he was hurt unless I pinned him down and threatened to zap his eyebrows off.” She’s going to ask.
“Are you okay?” They are hollow words, because none of them are, and she knows his answer.
“I’m fine,” And then a second later he is over the sink again, all of the water coming right back up.
She takes a place behind him, Hylla’s place, holding his hair back and drawing on his back with her other hand. She can feel his muscles clench each time more of his stomach empties, takes in his breathy swears, traces the letters on the back of his New Rome hoodie. She thinks it might have been hers at one point. It swallows him.  
He pulls back, eventually, putting space between them. She lets him have it, but sticks to her spot, crossing her arms.
“Want to try that again?”
He breathes raggedly, head hung. “I can’t–” he lifts a hand to gesture to himself vaguely, but rests it swiftly, looking like he regrets the action. “I haven’t been able to keep food down. Since we got back. It’s too rich. Too much. I was stupid, forgetting how that worked,” he explains, reading the pull of her brow. “Forgot how it felt, too,” he adds, quietly.
She flicks the sink on, letting his remnants wash down the drain, and looks at him thoughtfully. He’s too tired to notice, or maybe to care. His knuckles white out on the edge of the counter, pulsing no doubt in tandem with his stomach. One of his legs begins to quake and she nudges it with her knee. He shifts.
“Is there a reason you’re camped out in here and not the bathroom?”
His breathing, slow and steady, a trained pattern, is interrupted by a faint chuckle. “Thought I wouldn’t run into no one. It’s not working out, clearly.”
He sits back on the counter gently, already clutching his stomach again. “I’ll get over it soon. Just a couple more days. I just–need to make sure I don’t tear my stomach lining.” His words come spaced out and slow, working between his breaths.
“Annabeth?” she asks, unable to mask concern, or maybe uninterested in doing so.
“Got over it,” he answers swiftly. It almost sounds like he is going to say more, but he doesn’t, and she lets it drop in favor of watching him. When he gulps she’s already by his side.
This time bile is the only thing that comes up. He hacks, searching for more, but all that's left is acid. She’s supporting almost his entire weight with one arm. A twitch of worry makes her muscles tense, alien to any type of worry she experienced while he and Annabeth were in the pits of hell. This is immediate, intimate, not abstract. Like seeing Jason’s face dripping gold.
Percy’s whole body shudders, head so deep in the sink she thinks he might be able to touch the sick and the porcelain with his nose if he were to go any further, but the spell seems to have stopped. His arms shake against the counter, and before he can follow through with getting his own vomit plastered across his face she uses her hold on his hair to gently tilt his head towards her.
His eyes are almost completely unfocused, squinting against the kitchen lighting behind her. His water lines have released their tears, finally surmounting the amount of control he had been maintaining. He looks utterly wrecked, and not in the deranged and semi-wild way he had been fresh out of the Doors of Death.
She switches her arm from propping him up to wrapping it around him, keeping him from falling back against the sink and grunting between his weight and his condition. His limbs are loose with relief, now. Almost limp. She orients him until he’s pressed against her hip, utterly malleable under her hands. An odd sense of warmth seems to travel up her arms and into her heart as he slots against her. From what she’s seen, from what she knows, Percy is not one to be controlled. He rebels against it, particularly resistant to anyone who is not a peer, or better yet, a friend. Yet here he is, letting her move his body for him.
It’s something she could never imagine herself doing; willingly handing herself over like this. But with the warmth is a new desire, a spark of hope that one day she will grow with people until she can let them take care of her like this.
“Let’s get you to the med bay,” she says.
“No.” It comes quiet and breathy, and then again with urgency, “No. Annabeth likes to take inventory there when she can’t sleep. Not the med bay.”
Avoiding the med bay on account of Annabeth is a stupid decision, but she reminds herself that Percy cares more about other people than he does himself. He doesn’t want Annabeth to be worried, Reyna thinks, to keep his problems to himself, and though that is not always the best plan, it’s not the worst. Reyna recognizes the necessity of keeping your shit to yourself. Percy might be one of the only people she knows that understands that and deserves it, so she just sighs.
“Okay.” She hooks her other arm under his, making sure he’s steady, and lowers him to the floor. “We’ll just set up camp here.”
He presses the back of his head against the cabinets, hands groping the cool stone floor, and then lets himself tip fully onto it. No complaints. Apparently he likes the change in location. She grabs a dish towel, folding it up and sliding it under his head, and a bowl, if he needs to give up his internal organs while she’s gone and can’t quite make it to the sink. With a shove of his shoulder he turns on his side, loosely grabbing his stomach and making her feel safe in the fact that he can’t choke on his own vomit.
She feels funny when she stands again, brushing her hands against her pant legs. She’s never taken care of someone like this before, never had to. She and Jason were there for each other during their fair share of unfortunate situations, but she never had to watch him like this; curled up on the ground, shaking, weak. She wonders if he was ever caught like this, in the bathroom across the hall. If he had ever wanted to ask her for help.
Annabeth isn’t in the med bay when Reyna goes to scrounge up some anti-nausea medication, and she isn’t coming down the stairs when Reyna makes her way back to the kitchen. Percy’s in the same spot, though. She supposes that counts for something as she sits next to his head, reading the directions on the back of the box.
It’s generic, a syrupy red that reminds her of fake blood in old horror movies. Percy coughs as it goes down, making a face and muttering something about cherry flavoring and scented markers.
When she’s sure he’s not going to up chuck the medicine, which would be a type of irony she is not ready for, she goes searching for something he can eat. The stores on the Argo II are significantly better than that of the Queen Anne’s Revenge, and greatly aided by the presence of a fridge, but she ends up with a packet of pedialyte powder she remembers seeing Percy use during their first week on the Argo. It’s orange, which she can respect as it’s the best artificial flavor.
Percy groans while she’s stirring it, and before she knows it she’s sitting by his side, letting him press his face into her leg. Her body seems to know what to do, even if she doesn’t, and she’s grateful for it.
“Would you rather rehydrate or take more medication?”
He groans again, nose brushing her thigh, and says, “Both.”
“Disregard the instructions?”
He hums against her leg, whispering her resolve into the ground, because she doesn’t argue. It doesn’t hurt that she couldn’t decide either, or that she has always been good at knowing when to break the rules.
“Whatever repercussions there are to this, it’s your fault,” she says instead, already measuring another dose.
He downs it like a shot and with a grimace, even though he is still laying on the floor. It manages to wring a snort out of her, as does the way he remarks that the straw she put in the pedialyte looks like a worm: “Which I’ll allow only because you chose blue; the best color.”
He fumbles in and out of consciousness, mind half addled, and she thinks she’s found a cheat code to becoming his friend. With his sharp eyes half closed and his height stolen by his horizontal position on the floor, too tired to keep his body wired and slurping through a straw because the energy to sit up seems like a far flung concept, he’s easy to see and even easier to like.
“You made the good shit,” he half slurs as he takes another sip.
“Grew up on this stuff,” he says by way of explanation. “It was free at my first school, low income and what not. Wanted to make sure we had enough calories to suffer through the school day. Picked it up at food banks, too.”
She hums, pretending he hasn’t just revealed something that she doubts he’s told anyone else. “Kept it around for the taste?”
“Malnourished after Lupa, just a bit,” he says arching his neck in discomfort before taking another sip. “I made sure to pick some up while we were still in the states. ‘Beth knows I like it though. I think she already bought some.”
“Yeah.” Reyna can vaguely remember something along those lines, sitting with Annabeth and going over supply lists for the ship. She’d been rambling and scatterbrained, which Reyna now knew was her default state.
He switches subjects after that, nothing sticking for long. It’s an interesting contrast to the Percy that she’s met. She wonders if he was like ths as a kid, or maybe it was longer than that. Maybe it was until they were swapped, maybe it was until Tartarus and she just never got the chance to see.
“You’re talkative when half your guts are down the drain,” she tells him, after listening to him ramble about the Knicks for a couple minutes.
“Blame my state.”
“I am, dumbass.”
“So rude,” he says in Spanish, sounding like her neighbors in Puerto Rico, getting together under the shade during the heat of the day, complaining about their daughters. “What’re you doing here anyway,” he asks, “Why aren’t you nice and cozy in your bed.”
“Obviously sitting on the floor with you is superior.”
He coughs out a laugh, there. Weak, but she can feel his amusement from the crinkle of his eyes before he sobers. “Really, why?”
“Wanna talk about it?”
“Want to talk about Tartarus?” she snaps, because no, she does not want to talk about her historical issues with boats, or how she’s thinking of Jason, out there escorting a forty foot statue in an attempt to stop yet another war.
“Sorry,” Percy whispers, pulling his head back a bit.
“No, I’m sorry.” She’s supposed to be better than this. She’s supposed to be a leader, which does not include letting her frustrations out on others, no matter the time of day–or night. “That was unprofessional of me.”
He snorts. “We’re lying on the kitchen floor and I’m wearing Black panther pajama pants. Trust me, you don’t have to be professional here… And I’m sorry–for asking.”
“It’s alright,” she ends up saying, mostly thinking that he’s right. She’s about to tell him so when she notices that his eyes have slipped closed. “Let's get you to bed.”
“I’m not gonna sleep,” he grumbles.
“Well if I get you some more magic potion can you lie to me?”
He smiles at that, one side of his mouth going up farther than the other, like in almost every photo she saw of him during her months at Camp Half-Blood. “If you, Reyna Ramírez Allreano, get me more orange pedialyte, I will absolutely fall asleep as soon as I’m in my bed.”
“Glad we’re on the same page.”
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happyk44 · 3 years
Fic prompt: so I don’t know if you are still doing these but how about a fic with DID!Jason where upon Reyna making it to the Argo II she finds out what happened or maybe she calls Grace out when he’s acting like Jason after all by now she’d probably be able to catch the tells of Grace impersonating Jason verse actual Jason.
Reyna swirled her spoon through the rest of her ice cream. Across from her, Grace was eating mint chocolate chip. No one else seemed to be aware of his presence - she wasn’t even sure if they knew about it. But it was a tell-a-tale sign.
Jason hated mint chocolate chip.
Grace did not.
She scanned the area around him. Leo was fairly close. Piper less so. She cleared her throat and laid her emptied bowl down. “Jason? Can we catch up?”
Grace glanced up at her and nodded. “Yeah!” He sent her a smile as he popped up to his feet. “Come on.”
In the distance she could see Nico talking to Hazel. There was a slight concern about him. She liked him enough but traveling through shadows over a vast ocean with two extra people and a giant statue... It seemed like a big risk. Hopefully he could manage it.
She settled down on the grass a couple hundred feet away. Grace followed suit. His shoulders were tensed. She pulled her knees to her chest and rested her chin down atop them. “How was it?”
The silence was steely. Almost painful. Then, “They know. I hate it.”
“They don’t know it’s you out,” she said.
“Of course not. You know damn well I don’t alert my presence to fucking idiots.” Flattery hit her. So she wasn’t a fucking idiot anymore? Excellent. He crossed his arms. “Jason’s upset. Him and the girl aren’t talking. Annabeth thinks we’re a science experiment. Everyone else keeps acting like we’ll suddenly start stabbing them for no reason.” He pressed his hands to his face. “Jason can’t deal with that. Emotional backlash. I’m... not great at it and JJ-” His voice cut out. Dropping his hands, he glared out to the horizon.
“JJ deals with the upset,” Reyna finished.
“JJ deals with the upset,” he agreed.
She turned to the front. “Science experiment?”
“Asks too many fucking questions. Wanted to see us co-front. Wants to talk to us, like we can just be yanked out at her whim. Wants to know everything.” He grit his teeth. “And you know Jason. He’s too fucking nice.”
“He has to be.” Her legs slid out from under her with a quiet whap. A chill rolled through her stomach. “Nice good children don’t get hit.”
Grace glared at her but slowly his face softened into a look of clear pain. They both had experience with being nice good children so they wouldn’t get hit. He looked away. “Yeah.”
“I can tell them off. I don’t want any of you struggling for another two weeks and... however long it takes to get back after this fight.”
“Honestly, I’m probably just going to fly us back myself,” Grace muttered. She snorted. “I don’t know. I don’t know what he wants. He doesn’t know what he wants. I’d tell them all to fuck off, but he doesn’t want them to think I’m evil.”
“Evil alters aren’t a thing.”
“They don’t fucking know that.” He laughed bitterly. “They don’t know anything! And Jason- he doesn’t talk about it. I don’t talk about it. So all their dumbass questions are in the wrong direction.”
She ran her hands over thighs. Grace was breathing hard, his fingers clenched up tight. He exhaled sharply, ducking his head. She watched quietly. His body drew in a frozen shake. His gaze was fully trained ahead of him but there was a distance there. After a few moments of unheeded silence, he blinked rapidly, glancing around tightly then winced and drew his hands up to his head.
His dissociation lasted a couple more seconds before he dropped his hands and turned to her. “Hey, Rey.”
“Hey.” She pinched his cheek. He swatted her hand away. “Some difficulty choosing there?”
“JJ got lost,” he said. He scooted closer, until they were pressed up into each other and laid his chin to rest on her shoulder. “I’m here now.”
“Grace and I were talking.” He hummed curiously. “I told him I would tell everyone off for you, if you’d like.” His eyes drew closed. “I can’t imagine it’s fun to feel trapped on a boat surrounded by people who don���t know how to be nice back.”
“It’s not great,” he mumbled. “But I’m fine.”
“Grace disagrees.” She ruffled his hair. “Bet JJ disagrees too.”
He snorted. “He missed you.”
“Yeah, well, I missed him too.” They shared a quiet grin before it slid off her face. “Seriously, Jason. I can shut them up.”
He pulled back. “I don’t want to cause any more friction than probably already exists.”
“It’s not friction if it hurts you. It’s just mean.”
Turning away, he sighed and dipped his head. “What would you even say?”
“Stop being dipshits.” He choked. She grinned. “Grace would be a fan of that one.”
Covering his face, he groaned. “Oh, I hate you both. You both suck.”
She leaned over and kissed the top of his head. Into his hair, she continued on. “I would tell them what I know. How to be nice. Putting JJ in a dark space when he fronts. Not trying to figure out if it’s you or Grace because it doesn’t matter. Not startling you from your nightmares.” His shoulders shook. She pulled him in tight. “The fact that you hate my mofongo.”
His eyes glistening, he laughed and pulled back. “You have got to get over that.”
“You have the same mouth and two of you like it.” She pinched his ear. “How the fuck do you not?”
He rolled his eyes and rubbed his unfallen tears away. “I just-” He sighed. “Yeah. Okay. Just... be nice about it. And just- just them. Okay?”
“No problem.” He squeezed his eyes shut. She cocked her head. “JJ?” He hummed a painful affirmative. She drew her arms away from him but held out her hand instead. Shaking, he took it. “Just breathe, Jay.”
He grunted under his breath, trying to fight off the switch. Between clenched teeth, he said, “He says hi.”
“I say hi back.” She squeezed his hand soothingly. “Don’t be mean, JJ. I gotta go and I don’t know if I can leave if you pop up.” Jason’s eyes glinted up her, a flash of wide-eyed innocence for they returned to Jason’s steely squinting blue gaze. “We’ll hang out soon.”
Jason exhaled softly through his nose, closing his eyes and nodding. After a couple seconds, he released her hand. “We’re good.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “It hurts.”
“I know.” She kissed his head again. “Come on. Let me go shout out at your crewmates before I have to take off.”
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tagthescullion · 3 years
Gambito de Reyna
Fandom(s): Heroes of Olympus
Rating: All audiences
Words: 387
Summary: Chess player, horse racer, dragon. Reyna's possible career choices.
AO3 link
“I hate this game.”
Reyna snorted. “Perhaps you’re just mediocre at chess.”
“Mediocre?” Jason smiled. “That’s very kind. I’m shit at it.”
Reyna didn’t reply. Silence, she’d learned, could express just as much as words.
“I can still kick your butt at Monopoly, though,” Jason shrugged, tossing his pieces back into the box. He contemplated the Queen, turning it in his hand. “Did you ever consider going professional?”
“A professional chess player?” Reyna asked. She hesitated for a moment. Jason didn’t know much about her past. Only that it had been rough, and that Reyna would rather forget it than face it. “I guess it might have crossed my mind when I was a little girl. I wanted to be a horse racer too, though. Or a dragon.”
Jason smirked. “I wanted to be a car racer. Or an astronaut.”
“I’ll take a pegasus before a Ferrari. Definitely before a spaceship.”
Jason scoffed. “You wouldn’t need any of that if you had dragon wings!”
They walked together towards the mess hall, it was a bit too early for lunch, but on weekends their timetables weren’t as strict.
After they’d sat down, Jason said, “Why did you give it up? Chess, I mean.”
Reyna sighed. “My sister and I ran away.” That wasn’t exactly true, but Jason didn’t need to know the whole story… at least not yet.
Jason took her hand. She loved that about Jason, he was always offering comfort. He had once explained he’d felt lost and lonely as a boy, and he didn’t want other people to go through that. To Reyna, Jason was a renewable source of affection, an uncommon privilege in the impersonal, structural life at Camp Jupiter.
“If playing chess is what you like, nothing’s stopping you now,” he said. “Except for my mediocrity, but I’m sure we can find you a good player in over two hundred Romans.”
Reyna smiled. “I don’t think I’d want to be professional, though. Not anymore. That was another time, another me.”
“Another you, one that wanted to be a dragon,” Jason said.
“I would still like to be a dragon,” she told him, with her best I’m-being-serious expression. “Imagine how fun it would be.”
“Or terrifying.”
Reyna threw a grape at him, laughing as he ducked with a big grin on his face.
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thewrittenpaige · 7 years
Me, sipping a milkshake as I recline on my couch: “What a good day to not have to deal with voltron discourse."
PJO Fandom: [Screams]
Me, staring with great disappointment into my milkshake: "Ah yes. Of course. Thank you for filling the gap."
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Reyna: You are supposed to bang your fist against mine.
Nico: Why?
Reyna: I am told it is a widely accepted gesture for mutual success.
Hedge: I love it when you two impersonate normal people.
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doremifasolangelo · 4 years
To All: What are you doing?
Jason: Oh, sorry, you can't know.
Leo: Yeah, that's highly confidential. Serious business.
Piper: No one can know, especially Chir-
Annabeth: *jumps up onto bookshelf, squeezes in between two shelves and starts to read a book upside down with her left leg and north arm sticking out*
Percy: *squishes face into the couch and sitting on one knee, arms flapping around*
Hazel: *decides to impersonate a stick*
Leo: *model pose, hand on hip and head*
Jason: *swinging from a rope on the ceiling* Oooh ooh ah ah!
Frank: *tries to look normal sitting on a chair but falls backward, hits his head and passes out*
Piper: *feet wide apart, hands also wide apart, 90 degree elbows and knees, palms open, blank stare at the pizza box, on tiptoes*
Reyna: *yoga pretzel knot*
Chiron: *enters* *looks around*
Chiron: *completely unconcerned* I see it's a normal day, thank the gods.
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Empires on the Horizon V
Jason is a CEO: Part V
Here’s my masterlist for the next part and my other stuff
Tumblr media
But the most beautiful things in life are just not things.
They’re people and places, memories and pictures.
They’re feeling and moments and smiles and laughter.
“Charles Beckendorf,” Jason answered the phone with a smile, “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
“Hello Grace, how are you?”
“Absolutely wonderful,” And he was, he hadn’t felt so calm in a long time. “What can I do for you my friend?”
“I need your help with the wedding. I’m planning an outdoor structure with video screenings of all our favourite memories and you have two things that’ll make my dreams come true.”
“Anything for you Charlie.”
“The gorgeous meadow on the far side of town, you own that right?”
“Yep, you want to set up shop there?”
“Yes please,” His eagerness carried through the phone, “And can you send me any pictures or videos you have of us so I can add it to the slideshow.”
“Of course, is that all?”
He could hear the excitement in his friend’s voice, “That’s it, unless you know anyone who’s willing to look after the shop while we’re on honeymoon?”
“I can’t say I do but I can ask Hazel to hire a temp if you want?”
“I’ll suggest it to the ladies and tell them to get back to you.”
“Sounds great, and good-luck with the project. I’m excited for the wedding.”
“Me too man, me too. It’s still surreal to me that I’m getting married to my best friends.”
“You deserve the world Charlie.”
“No way, I am crazy emotional these days.” He sniffled.
Jason laughed, “You’re always emotional Beckendorf.”
“Screw you,” He snorted, “See you soon, and thank you again.”
“Bye man, have a good one.”
He ended the call with a smile. It was unbelievable to think he would be going to his friends’ wedding in a couple months. Just the other day he was sitting in a lecture hall laughing at Beckendorf’s impersonation of their business lecturer. Just the other day he was helping Silena and Drew paint the walls of their boutique. It was strange to face the reality that they were all grown up now– moving on with their lives, living them.
“Ready to go Boss?” Hazel’s head popped around the door.
“Yep, you have the files?”
“All in the room already, anything else we need?”
“Maybe some coffee and a miracle?”
“Unfortunately I can only provide one of those things, and it’s not the helpful one.” She gave him an apologetic look.
“Well I guess wish me luck then,”
“You don’t need it Boss, you’re gonna kill it today.”
“What would I do without you Miss Levesque?” He sighed gratefully, walking to the elevator.
“Forget which day of the week it is, and which shoe goes on which foot,” She grinned.
“Hey, the shoe thing was one time.”
“That only works if you’re a toddler, not a grown man.”
“No excuse for the elderly then?”
She shook her head solemnly, “None I’m afraid.”
The elevator doors slid open.
“Meeting Room A5.”
“Let’s do this.” He took a deep breath and pushed the glass door.
“Hello Jason Grace,”
“Hello Octavian.”
Jason always felt some level of life seep out the room when he me with the head of Titan Industries. The man felt…synthetic; chalk white hair gelled down flat and calculating pale blue eyes that missed nothing. Gods even his skin looked unnatural, pasty and veined.
He reached out a small, bony hand in greeting.
“You look as incredible as ever Miss Levesque,” He lifted her hand to his mouth.
She gave him a tight-lipped smile, “Octavian.”
He didn’t seem to notice, or care for her discomfort and simply turned to Jason.
“So,” They sat down, “Have we come to some agreement?”
“With all due respect Octavian I don’t feel this contract is justified.” He glanced between the man and the folder.
There was silence, as if he were waiting for Jason to continue but two could play at this game. He was not willing to be taken for a fool, fumbling over himself to bow to this man’s whims. So he met those cunning eyes, a smile playing at his lips. The only sound was the scratch of Hazel’s pencil as she set up her notes for the meeting.
Moments passed, frozen in time, and then a sigh, “What can I do to ease your concerns?”
He struggled to reel in a smug expression. “Let’s start with the supply times.”
And they went back and forth, pulling and pushing, cunning and stead-fast, a fox and a wolf. Two hours later the contract had been amended to both their liking and they were once again shaking hands.
“I will ask my assistant to send over the revised contract, once my lawyer has looked over it.”
“I will do the same. Thanks for the meeting.” He guided the door open and waited for his guest to move through it.
“Until then, Grace.”
Without waiting for a reply Octavian snapped at his bodyguard and they disappeared down the passage.
“How do you feel about this?”
“There’s something not quite right Hazel, I just can’t figure out his angle.”
“Fully agree,” She shuddered, “He gives me the creeps.”
“Have you managed to find anyone else that could potentially take over this project?”
“Not yet Boss but you will be the first to know when I do.”
“Thanks Levesque, you truly are my saviour.” He gave her a grateful smile.
“Better put that on my gravestone,” She raised a brow.
“Done,” He laughed, “Any other requests?”
“Let’s get subs for lunch. I could do with some bread.”
He shook his head in amusement, “You drive a hard bargain but I’m willing to sacrifice for you.”
“Oh what was your plan Mr big-shot?” She pushed open the door to their offices.
“Today is burrito-bowl day and you know it.”
“I did forget,” She scrunched her nose, “But I’m extra grateful now.”
He snorted at her, ready to give a snarky remark before he was cut off by the shrill ring of his cell phone.
“Talk to me.”
“What’s up Grace, how’s your lunch hour looking?” Leo Valdez greeted.
“Levesque and I are going to get subs at Garden Girl, want to join?”
“I’ll meet you there.” And then he was gone.
“Ever the efficient caller isn’t he,” Hazel chuckled.
“Most days, which is weird since he’s a rambler face-to-face.”
They got to the contemporary restaurant on eighty-fifth avenue, spotting Leo outside.
“Hello,” His smile was wide as he hugged them.
“Who decided to give you a break? Don’t you have lectures right now?”
“Nah,” He grinned, “Guest lecturer teaching my slot this week, so I got two hours free.”
“The beauty of teaching postgrad, I assume?” Hazel asked.
“You know it Levesque!”
“What are we getting?”
“Don’t know about you but I’m getting the ‘Jazz It Up’ sub, got to stick to my New Orleans heritage.”
“Good afternoon my favourite customers? Where’s the rest of the crew?”
Jason smiled brightly, “Hello Katie.”
“Annabeth is at work, she has some big contract finally closing up,” Leo said by way of greeting.
“Frank is doing the security rounds at the office,” Hazel offered.
“Thalia isn’t even in the country right now.” He shrugged
“There’s still someone missing,” She frowned, scanning their faces, “Piper! Where’s the pretty lady?”
“Oh,” Leo winced, “Yea that is a touchy subject.”
Katie gave them a sympathetic look, “Well what can I help you with today? The usual for you Haze?”
They all rattled off their orders and chatted with the owner of Garden Girl while they waited. Jason had met Katie when he was doing business courses for his urban and regional planning degree. Her forest green eyes and bright smile struck him stupid the first time he saw her in their Entrepreneurship and Business Management lecture. He never had the guts to make a move, but it didn’t matter because she had just entered a relationship with Travis Stoll. Now they’re married and expecting a child, as is the latest update.
“How’s Project Hestia going Grace?” Leo asked, pulling out a chair.
“Ugh I’m having a hard time with the outdoor center. I’m not gelling with the contractor, and I don’t know what to do,” He scrubbed a hand down his face.
“I know I can’t ask what exactly is wrong because of legal reasons but what do you need done?”
He motioned to Hazel to explain as he bit into his sub.
“Basically we want to create an outdoor recreation center for the community which includes a gym area, a kids’ area, movies, a park and picnic area, rock climbing, you know the usual.”
“Right that shouldn’t be too hard to draft up,” Dark eyebrows scrunched, “But this guy is what? Trying to fuck you over?”
“Essentially,” Jason nodded, “The problem is we don’t know how?”
“Okay give me the weekend and let me call up some people. I think I know someone who can help.”
His eyes widened, “You are literally the best friend in the entire world. We’ve been looking for weeks, and we haven’t found anyone else who specialises in this.” 
Leo squeezed his hand, “I’m not letting you get screwed over, and my buddy would be more than happy to do it.”
“What’s his name?” Hazel had her phone out, the notes app open.
“Harley, he’s was the youngest kid in our engineering course. I think he graduated with his masters when he was like twenty,”
Jason choked, “What?”
“The kid is incredible. He beat us regularly in our weekly electrotech competitions.”
“Well tell him to give us a call and I’ll set up a meeting with Jason next week. We have until next Friday before we sign contracts with Titan.”
“Sounds good,” Leo plucked a pen he kept behind his ear and scribbled something on his hand, “So Jase,” His grin was trouble.
The blonde narrowed his eyes, preparing himself for trouble.
“What happened with you and Percy? Last I heard you were going on a date on Tuesday and then getting married.”
It was Hazel’s turn to choke, and after she recovered smacked her boss on the shoulder, glaring as if to say what the hell did you not tell me?
He rolled his eyes at his best friend, “I didn’t even get his number because I left so abruptly. And anyway I hear he’s dating Reyna now.”
Leo’s hickory eyes widened, “He’s what?”
“Yea I went by the school about a month ago and Nico told me they were dating.”
“How do they even know each other?”
“They met at the school. She was visiting Nico and he was wanted to become a sponsor cause he used to go there.”
“Yea sounds about right, he’s crazy nice.” Leo nodded
“How have I never met him before the dinner?”
“He moves around a lot,” Leo shrugged, “I’ve only met him a handful of times because whenever he’s here he makes a point to visit Annabeth.”
“Well he sounds like an angel,” His assistant mused.
“Looks like one too,” He muttered, “It’s okay anyway cause I uh–“ He scratched the back of his neck.
“Oh my gods,” Hazel’s earthy eyes glittered, “You met someone!”
Leo clapped his hands, a smile as bright as the sun on his face, “Who are they?”
“We’ve been on one date so no making a big deal about it.” He gave them a pointed look, “But Thalia set us up and she’s… wow.”
“Oh you are real caught up, aren’t you?” They raised twin brows at him.
“She’s just indescribable. She’s gorgeous and that’s the least impressive thing about her.”
“Well tell us everything.” Hazel prodded.
“Okay she’s a vet. She has four sisters, but she doesn’t talk to them much. She believes in order, oh it’s glorious. Everything in its space and a plan for everything.” He looked at Leo then, to which his friend flipped him off and then motioned for him to continue.
“She eventually wants to open her own animal clinic. And most importantly she gets along with Thalia.”
“She sounds like a dream Jase,” Hazel squeezed his shoulder, “I’m really happy for you.”
Leo nodded, eyes bright with love, “You deserve some happiness bud.”
“Thank you guys,” He found it hard to breathe as the overwhelming gratitude he felt for his friends swept through his body.
“Valdez, you’re going to the lake cabins in a couple weeks, right?”
“Oh yep,” Leo wiggled his eyebrows, “And guess what?”
“You are not!” He yelled, and then lowered his voice, “You are lying to me right now.”
“Oh gods,” Hazel caught on, “Are you ready? No wait of course you’re ready! When, how, what?”
“I bought the ring a couple weeks ago. We’ve been talking about it for a few months and this just feels like the right time.”
Jason whistled, “My best friends are finally getting married.”
“Oh gods I hope she says yes,” Leo looked a little sick all of a sudden.
“Of course she’s going to say yes. You guys have been inseparable since that first maths lecture when we all went to the wrong class.”
“There’s no way she turns you down, I’ve seen the way you look at each other.” Hazel agreed.
“The way we look at each other?” Leo frowned at her, confusion evident in his face.
“Like you’re the only ones in the room. Like she is the match and you are the striker.”
Jason nodded, “The moment you two locked eyes at the bonfire it was like the universe threaded two strands through the same needle.”
“Well now I’m emotional and feeling much more confident about it.”
They laughed then, getting up to hug each other. Jason felt the world settle, still, slow. The wind whispered softly, and beams of sun caught between them. If nothing else he had this, and he would hold onto it until his bones were dust and his soul was a star once more.
So many weddings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tags (if you want to be added to/ taken off the tag list just let me know, all my channels of communication are open): @lesbian-peanuts
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miraclesnail · 5 years
Writer’s Month Day 14: Fairy Tale
Fandom: PJO
An AU where Connor grew up on Camp Jupiter while Travis is still on Camp Half Blood.
Fairy tale. His life is a fairy tale. A world filled with monster and magic. Dragons and witches. One-eyed behemoths and spell-casting sirens. It’s a fairy tale, but not fully. There’s no strong prince or princess to save the country. There’s no kind king or queen. There’s no knight in shining armor. It’s just him and him alone (No, wait, that sounds wrong) against this big, cold world.
He and the wolf.
Only the strong survive, she says.
He’s not strong. (but somebody is out there waiting for him so he needs to survive. He will become strong. He will get through this.)
And he did.
When Connor was four, he survived the Wolf House, traveled to Camp Jupiter, and became a Roman soldier. 
Years pass. It’s not so bad at Camp Jupiter. Sure, there’s little annoyances here and there: like, Octavian always glaring at him, him being stuck in the fifth cohort, his inability to learn Latin that well, his weird preferences for the Greek names over the Roman ones, and the most annoying of all, an itching, indescribable feeling that somebody is waiting for him. Somebody… which is ridiculous.
He nobody outside of Camp Jupiter so he doesn’t understand this feeling. 
He barely has anybody here at camp.
Almost everybody hates him for some reason. There’s this rampant avoidance most of the legionnaire has towards him even among the outcast of the fifth cohort. 
His only friends are Gwen, Dakota, and Jason. But Gwen is busy as a centurion, Dakota is also busy as a centurion and Jason is missing. So the time he used to spend by playing board games or karaoke with the others is now spent alone. Most days he sneaks out of the camp to search for Jason. Some days he stalks Reyna or Octavian to see if they’re harboring secrets. And rarely, but every now and then, he rolls himself in his blankets and sleep.
It’s during one of those rare days that he finally meets Nico Di Angelo, the other child of Ha— Pluto like Hazel. Nico has been visiting as their ambassador for months now, but it’s like fate was keeping them apart. His plans to introduce himself was always thwarted by Reyna assigning him a task or some saty— faun asking him for help. Or maybe it wasn’t fate. Maybe it was just coincidence. (Nothing is ever a coincidence.)
“Let me put away my books and we can go to New Rome.”
“So this is your living quarters. It’s … nice.”
“Yeah, isn’t it?”
Connor lifts a corner of his blankets up and squints at the two bodies, one voice familiar and the other not so much. “Hazel?” he says.
One of the body startles. “Connor, hey, what are you doing here? Are you okay?”
He slinks off his bed, blankets crumpled into a pile, and stretches with hands locked over his head. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just taking a cat nap.”
“You were slacking off, weren’t you?” Hazel tuts in disapproval, a hand on her hip. Beside her, the stranger stiffens. 
“Nah, I finish all my duties first. I would never, ever dream of incurring Reyna’s wrath,” he says lightheartedly with a slight smile.
He turns to the newcomer and welp. He can tell. They’re not going to get along. The boy, maybe his age or younger, is wide-eyed, jaws clenched. His hands are trembling in a fist by his side and Connor made himself be very aware of the dagger sheathed on the kid’s belt. His own weapon is a few feet away under his pillow. There’s a window directly to his right four feet away and two doors, one behind and in front of the barracks, for his exit. Not that it’ll do anything against shadow traveling, but it doesn’t help to be aware of all his exits.
“Hi, my name is Connor. I don’t think we ever met,” he says and holds out a hand. 
It wasn’t reciprocated.
And Connor lowers his hand back to his side.
Hazel peeks curiously between them, unsurely muttering the kid’s name (Nico) in concern. Nico snaps out of whatever trance he was in and coughs behind a hand which he stuffs into the pockets of his black leather jacket. “Sorry about that,” he mutters. 
Connor smiles brightly. “Don’t worry about it. It’s fine.” No, it’s not. I never met you. Why di you react that way? That hurts. That really, really hurts. “It must be the bed hair. I know it terrifies everybody every morning.”
And he laughs really loudly to fill the awkward silence. Nobody laughs with him, so he lets it die. Nico is still staring at him with wide eyes albeit less intensity.
Hesitantly, Nico asks, “Con… nor, right?”
“Yup, that’s my name.”
Nico eyes him up and down again. “Do you… are you… your face looks familiar. I am certain I met you before. Do you have a twin?”
Ah. He knows what must have happened. Octavian or some fucknut probably had some child of Hekate mist them to look like him and screw with Nico. Despicable, but he isn’t surprised. It happens all the time. If he can only secure solid proof, he might be able to stop the impersonations. It’s going to get him killed one day. (And he can’t die yet. Someone is waiting for him.)
With a beaming smile, he answers, “Yeah, no. I’m an only child. You probably mistook me for someone else.”
Except, no, that is wrong.
He knows it’s wrong the moment the words “only child” cross his mouth.
He’s not an only child. (Someone)
And when he sees a stranger with sea-green eyes and black hair, carrying a lady on his back and crossing the Little Tiber, when he runs over to help him, when they lock eyes, when the sea-green eyes widen in surprise, when the lady (Goddess) own eyes widen too but in panic, when a name not his own passes through the stranger’s lips, when the name punches a hole into his gut that he keels over gasping, he knows. 
He’s not an only child.
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