#reylo child
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msuolo · 8 months ago
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derpysith · 2 years ago
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"You're father was a weak man! Pathetic even for someone who was Vader's descendant. If he only fully embraced the dark side, then maybe he wouldn't have died in your mother's arms."
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months ago
'Real intellectuals in fandom love complex ships'And the complexity is rape culture
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ssaltlicker · 18 days ago
Wild how caitvi pretty much was the core of the series in terms of its concepts and its background but got thrown under the bus for a ship thats only justification is “they were friends as kids”
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theladyship · 2 years ago
… I’m not convinced BUT we know there’s gonna be a 15 years time jump, probably for reasons…
the more i rewatch rise of skywalker, the more i’m convinced of the “rey is pregnant” theory
mark my words- one of the kids she’s mentoring in the new movie will be hers and ben’s
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thetimelordbatgirl · 4 months ago
Girl why do people want Adam Driver to go from having to deal with weird and creepy as fuck Kylo Ren/Reylo stans to weird and creepy as fuck Snape stans with insisting he should be the one playing Snape in the Harry Potter reboot?
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its-tea-time-darling · 1 year ago
rewatching star wars and REYLOOOOOOo!!!!! I FORGOT HOW INSANE ThEY ARE!!!!!?!!!!!!!!!!
Kylo: Can you see my surroundings?
Rey: You'll pay for what you did.
Kylo: I can't see yours. Just you.
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anti kylo fans include short-w saying poe was han and leia's son and they replaced him as their son
Poe Dameron is a grown-ass man who already has badass Rebel parents named Shara Bey and Kes Dameron, thank you very much.
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supremeprince-bensolo · 1 year ago
i see enzo vogrincic as reylo baby
Okay wow!! He does look like Adam!
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msuolo · 8 months ago
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scarysanctuary · 1 year ago
is this a safe space...? can i admit that when i first watched The Rise of Skywalker i actually enjoyed it? That's not to say i ever thought it was amazing cinema or something, and there are plenty of flaws and silly things to make fun of, and decisions that i wish they didnt make, but i actually never understood the level of hatred with which i saw people talk about it.
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antotheethnographer · 6 months ago
Ship wars in my tumblr? More likely than you think.
Everyone of you is pretty and smart and the best, don't worry. Take your ship-based ethnocentrism and question it, my dudes. Go hug your fellow romaione, dramaione stan. Wholesome-ship-dynamics person, go take the hand of your enemies-to-lovers-to-therapy partners-to-my parents lil' guy. We are all cringe here, there's no need get our collective nickers in a twist.
I know some of people have a... very high self identification with shipping and antishipping to the point of being part of their personality, but there are better reasons out there to hate someone's guts. Like, have you met any nazis lately?
We all like to think that people who ship our notp are delusional, but are we not the same?
You, multiple individuals reading this, see any controversial/crack/unpopular ship you don't like getting hate, and you think it's justified because they're annoying, inmoral or whatever label you prefer, so the people doing the hating have the moral high ground. Buuuut it's usually hardcore fans of other equally cringy ship doing this, or some snobbish dudebro (gender neutral) whose understanding of concepts like mythology or transformative work are self-serving or limited, usually framed by some ambitious ideal of The Craft of StorytellingTM that's only undestandable by like-minded individuals and not by uncritical and shitty shippers.
Do you guys see where I'm going with this? All this sides sound like religious zealots, worst case scenario. People go preaching equallity and world peace and what not, and then act like any good old sectarian of your favourite christian variety.
Oh, and Lèvi-Strauss contacted me by means of hierofanic nature (came to me in an email). He says you should really check out works on the social aspects of storytelling and the importance of seemingly secular narratives to put the perceived chaos of the universe into order, which is related to our social and cultural organization.
(Besides the sarcasm, and surprisingley enough, sociological, anthroplogial and literary studies of religious beliefs have a lot to teach us about how we face the more secular aspects of our social lives. You should really check it out, random person reading my rant.)
Or you know, keep annoying eachother without reaching full-blown and multidrectional attempts at bullying. That's nice enough. You do you, and that's what's important.
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despairoftheendless · 1 year ago
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It's so funny whenever YouTube sponsors these right wing propaganda videos because 9/10 it's a grown man pitted against either a university student or in this case a literal child, never someone of equal standing
It's tailor made for people whose biggest power fantasy is to just tell off random middle schoolers and have everybody clap afterwards, It's the right wing's version of that reylo mom post
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thetimelordbatgirl · 8 months ago
Kinda sad when you realize both the sequel trilogy and The Acolyte started off good with a lot of potential...only to end up messing up completely when deciding appealing to a toxic part of the fanbase was a better idea.
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goodsindi · 1 year ago
Sorry girls, beside Timothee C. he really could be a Kid of Reylo 🥰
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Aneurin Barnard in THE WHITE QUEEN (2013) 1x04 The Bad Queen
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darklinaforever · 3 months ago
Let me be clear.
Ellen's age is never stated in the Nosferatu movie. Even less so when she met Orlok.
It doesn't even say how many years passed between her meeting with Orlok and her meeting with Thomas in fact.
The term child is also often alternated with simply young in the movie.
Ellen's age is therefore intentionally ambiguous whether in the present or the past.
The temporality of the movie is also intentionally ambiguous.
Therefore, yes, you can interpret Ellen as being a literal child at the time she met Orlok if you want, but it is actually more likely that the words child and young are just used to express the fact that Ellen was young (not necessarily a child for our time or the era of the movie) with no real life experience and or simply naive at the time. Not that she was literally a child / a little girl.
It's common in movies and in various shows. When a character says themselves to have been a child, it doesn't mean that they literally / officially were ! Shit !
House of the Dragon is a very good example with Rhaenyra telling Daemon in episode 7 of season 1 that he abandoned her when she was only a child, knowing that she was canonically 19 years old when Daemon gone and that in addition we are in the feudal era, where you can marry very young (even before having your first period) and that the majority is 16 years old for girls officially.
I say it again, if the movie was supposed to show Ellen as a child without ambiguity, the temporality would have been clearer, the ages would have been clearly stated, and especially the actress would not have been the same for the opening scene.
Oh, and the film crew would also talk about this very important detail of Ellen who would have been a child when she met Orlok, except that no, generally speaking, they too simply use the term young to designate her at that time.
I'm tired of seeing people try to pretend that it's 100% true that Ellen was a little girl when she met Orlok. No, it's not true.
Officially, it's 50 / 50.
But unofficially, it's a safe bet that since the film's timeline is blurry, that the terms child and young are often alternated in the film and that the film crew from what I saw only used the term young to designate Ellen at the time she met Orlok, well that these terms in the film are there to simply reflect Ellen's naivety at the time she met Orlok, and was simply not yet married.
Knowing that in the Victorian era, a woman is generally still treated like a child while being married, I'll let you imagine when she simply wasn't...
Especially since I recall that Orlok represents Ellen's sexual awakening.
Generally translating in fiction for female characters concerned by the "sexual awakening" aspect of the female character's entry into her real life as a woman with her who therefore leaves the world of childhood. It's a classic. And the female character still doesn't need to be a literal child for this type of scenario.
Reylo in Star Wars is a very good example of that, with Rey experiencing a passage to adulthood thanks to her meeting with her soul mate and sexual awakening Kylo Ren / Ben Solo (the same thing happens on Kylo Ben side by the way).
Or again with Shuri and Namor in Wakanda Forever, Shuri experiencing a sexual awakening thanks to the character of Namor who will symbolically make her grow up, go from child to adult (while officially in age she is already an adult, but not emotionally / on a symbolic level).
So the fact that there is ambiguity about whether Ellen was a child or just young when she met Orlok could also just fit into this category of fictional trope. Namely, Orlok was the character made to allow Ellen to grow in various ways symbolically.
The fact is that Ellen could very well have been a teenager, young or more or less old (remember that at that time women were marriageable at 13 years old, the historical context is important) or already a young woman when she met Orlok. We can't know 100% but I would lean much more towards the second option, since the question of age is never really on the front of the stage in the film (ans Ellen is still considered as young in the film in the current time frame. Von franz literally referred to Ellen as a child in the scene when he first meets her and she is tied up. This is just further evidence that child or young is not a literal reference as Ellen is clearly not a child and married at the time), and not a real factor for the Orlok & Ellen relationship and especially his heart.
People try to create this classic scenario of the adult Orlok targeting a child Ellen to manipulate her as he pleases.
Except that's not the case.
Orlok wasn't interested in Ellen because she was young and easily manipulated. He was interested in her because she was like him, not of the living world, and she called to him. She is the enchantress who brought him into this world. They are connected by destiny. She brought him into this world and only she can take him out of it.
Orlok represents what society restricts in Ellen and prevents her from expressing. Her true desires that were considered evil in a woman at the time.
Seeing Orlok as Ellen's abuser from childhood to adulthood doesn't work on the overall message of the film.
Orlok is not Ellen's real abuser, but the society around her is.
It's all just told in a monstrous way because we're in a horror film who telling a gothic romance.
That was my rant.
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