#revolutionary communist party
asoapylife · 11 days
The Derg of Ethiopia was a proletarian bonapartist regime where the petty bourgeois officers and low-ranking soldiers consolidated power. Had either of the maoist groups managed to recognise this there was a real potential for a true workers democracy to replace the military dictatorship, however the EPRP insisted on focusing critiques on the Derg for shutting down workers committees and oppressing workers proclaiming it a fascist regime, which is not entirely wrong but overly simplistic and lacked recognition of the seemingly progressive actions of the dictatorship. And Meison did the precise opposite, lending it their full support, entirely ignoring the oppression of the workers.
And it was even worse when Mengistu rose to power, his actions were entirely opportunistic and often reactionary. Even the other so-called “Marxist-Leninist” groups were sought out and destroyed. Of coarse the USSR provided its own support, solely to enhance its influence in the region, abandoning and betraying its previous allies in the region actually helping mengistu to destroy them. Eventually Mengistu even turned on his maoist ally, Meison.
As soon as the USSR could no longer provide its support Mengistu dropped any pretence of being marxist and re-introduced capitalism to Ethiopia.
For a state to be a workers state the government must be controlled by the Proletariat, not a bureaucracy of petty bourgeois soldiers otherwise the revolution is bound to fall into opportunism oppression and counter-revolution.
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eggcolomba · 2 months
COMMUNIST VS CONSERVATIVE. Ben (National Secretary of the Revolutionary Communist Party) explains in a live debate with a Tory MP on gbnews why he's more concerned with MPs' support for genocide than their hurt feelings.
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strannik-fev · 1 year
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Amber Alert: Russia is Kidnapping Ukrainian Children rally - 02.04.2023 by Strannik45 Via Flickr: More photos here 
The rally was organized by Chicago's Ukrainian community to bring attention to the issue that earned Russian President Vladimir Putin an arrest warrant - what Russia has been doing in Ukrainian kids in the occupied territories. 
As with many things happening in the Ukrainian War, there are several things going on. First, Russian forces have been taking kids that were orphaned (or whose next of kin couldn't be found right away, or whose next of kin aren't in the occupied territories) and sending them to Russia to be adopted. And, if there is any question about the ultimate goal of this, Russian government recently gave grants to "help children embrace to their new homeland." 
There is also the part where several kids in occupied areas (mostly Kherson Oblast) who were taken to summer camps in Russia, and when the territories were liberated, Russians weren't exactly willing to give those kids back. And families have no way of getting in touch with them. And if that sounds like a nightmare - congratulations, you have a conscience. 
 The rally was scheduled to kick off at the Old Water Tower, then proceed down Michigan Avenue toward Millennium Park, culminating at the Cloud Gate/the Bean. Now, what I don't think the organizers realized was that the Revolutionary Communist Party was going to have a rally at the northwest corner of the Millennium Park, also at 2:00 PM. It was on my radar, but I wasn't sure, given the timing, if the twain shall meet. 
 Well, RevComm noticed them as they were arriving, and decided to preach their mission of how everyone should stop the "US/NATO Proxy War." I'm not entirely sure if they got to other parts of their spiel, like that Maidan protests were a NATO scheme, that NATO expansion provoked Putin and, oh, that Russia hasn't been Communist since 1950s and that Stalin was a communist "who made a lot of mistakes." But, suffice to say, the Ukrainians were not amused. Chants of "Commies Go Home" got thrown around. 
Still, given the vast disparity in numbers, the communists did ultimately leave, and the rally was finished as planned.
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whoa-its-dani · 2 years
PSA - Don’t Give Money to “Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights”, it’s a cult.
Don’t give money to “Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights”.
It’s a front run by a cult group called “RevCom”. RevCom / The RevComs is an anti-trans, anti-sex work, racist, MLM / pyramid scheme cult run by a creepy dude called Bob Avakian.
Here’s part of a statement by NYC for Abortion Rights discussing it: [x]
We, a coalition of grassroots pro-abortion organizers, publicly denounce RiseUp for Abortion Rights.
Our movement needs to be strong and united. Most repro groups have turned their backs on RiseUp privately since their inception. It is vital for all repro groups to now unite in discrediting RiseUp publicly.
Below is a non-exhaustive list of our concerns about RiseUp, and why we strongly urge pro-abortion activists to join us in rejecting its leadership and demanding the group step back from pro-abortion spaces:
RiseUp is a cult and pyramid scheme.
RiseUp is an offshoot of the RevCom (Revolutionary Communist Party) group. Over the past few decades, RevCom has emerged as a personality cult revolving around its white male leader Bob Avakian. While RevCom fervently denies accusations of it being a cult, RevCom’s own website claims the only effective way to achieve social change is to follow Avakian’s leadership and teachings. Similar to its parent group RevCom, RiseUp’s only goal appears to be gaining more followers in order to raise more and more money. Both essentially function as pyramid schemes that prey on social movements.
RiseUp diverts money from social and racial justice movements.
RevCom and its fronts — RiseUp and Refuse Fascism — are notorious for raising tens of thousands of dollars and using those funds to pay RevCom leadership, and to purchase marketing materials (to raise even more money). Refuse Fascism exploits civil unrest to recruit followers (as it did during the 2014 and 2020 uprisings), and RiseUp is now repeating the same scheme. The RiseUp website, for instance, features urgent prompts to donate with no information about where this money goes. What we do know is that this money never goes to abortion funds (which they argue are not a strategy to defend abortion access), providers, practical support groups, or anyone actually working to increase abortion access.
RiseUp stigmatizes abortion and perpetuates harmful myths.
RiseUp is currently focused on its ‘Save Roe’ campaign, which involves the wearing of white pants painted with fake blood, die-ins, and coat-hanger imagery. These theatrical tactics further the extremely harmful idea that abortion is a violent procedure and safe self-managed abortion is not possible. In fact, RiseUp has not once raised awareness about medication abortion as a post-Roe tool, and its only aim is “saving Roe”, despite this never having been enough historically.
RiseUp perpetuates anti-Blackness and does not center intersectionality.
RiseUp’s leader, Sunsara Taylor, has been a controversial figure in pro-abortion spaces. She and her followers are known for swooping into town and leeching off of existing BIPOC-led grassroots efforts across the country. Additionally, RiseUp frequently likens abortion bans to “female enslavement,” which is profoundly disrespectful to Black, Indigenous, and POC comrades.
RiseUp has a homophobic past, and remains transphobic.
RiseUp leadership frequently others trans and non-binary folks and excludes them from its speeches, writing, and conversations. In responding to feedback in Instagram comments, RiseUp admitted they focused on “women and girls” and referred to trans and non-binary folks getting abortions as “others” (we have screenshots).
RevCom also has a homophobic past. Up until 2002, the group’s official position was that homosexuality contributed to women’s oppression, amongst other nonsense. While RevCom and its fronts have since begun to include platitudes for the rights of LGBTQ+ peoples, they have yet to apologize for this past or issue a statement or position in defense LGBTQ+ rights.
RiseUp continues to intentionally exclude sex workers.
Sunsara Taylor, the brain behind RiseUp’s grift, is explicitly against sex work and the porn industry (see her prior activism with Stop Patriarchy). Sunsara Taylor’s stance is harmful to the fight for abortion, which we believe must be intersectional.
More sources are included in the full statement.
This has been your PSA. I’d appreciate if you could spread this around.
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whatisonthemoon · 1 year
Cults of our Hegemony:An Inventory of Left-Wing Cultsby Gus Breslauer(This article was originally published on the Cosmonaut.blog on November 18, 2020. Gus Breslauer is a gay space communist from Houston, Texas who writes about shame, gay politics, HIV/AIDS, and capitalism.)
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workersolidarity · 1 year
As things become more tense between the US, Europe and NATO, and Russia and China, it is inescapable the modern United States is a Fascist Kleptocracy using Managed Democracy to create an illusion of legitimacy.
Though we may not have much strength now, Communist groups should plan for the possibility of War. And within that context, consider how we could step up to provide support for dissenting communities who don't wish to be drafted to their deaths.
By involving ourselves and earning our communities' trust through various underground programs, in such a time of crisis, we could rapidly grow our numbers and educate workers to Imperialist and Marxist theory.
From there we could organize Patriotic Resistance Groups to sabotage the Fascist war machine from within and weaken the state through demoralization.
The conditions for change are nowhere near ready for Socialism anywhere in the West. But if we are prepared to take action before a major crisis hits, we stand a chance of creating those conditions ourselves.
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leftistfeminista · 2 months
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In Pelotas, the comrades from CFCAM, PCB and UJC created the "Boca na Tribuna" act together with the 8M front to denounce systematic violence against women and make the date visible, pointing out that this violence is inherent to the capitalist-racist-patriarchal system. Let's go!
Coletivo Feminista Classista Ana Montenegro - RS
Coletivo Feminista Classista Ana Montenegro - RS CFCAM is a national collective linked to the Brazilian Communist Party (PCB) that operates in several regions of Brazil. ☭ classist feminism, socialist future! ☭
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connorthemaoist · 5 months
Written, Debated and Adopted in 2023.            Released January 31, 2024 | kites-journal.org
"The (New) Communist Party of Canada, (N)CPC, pursues two innately linked objectives:
a) Establish working-class rule in the economic and political spheres of Canada; and
b) Usher in a new, non-colonial, equal and fraternal type of relations between all nations which today remain forcefully and unequally united within the Canadian state.
Neither one of these goals is likely to be achieved in a lasting, meaningful way without the other. Working-class power without national liberation and national equality would have to be built on an illegitimate, coercive basis. National liberation without working-class power would mean a mere reform of Canadian law, or else create powerless statelets that would fall prey to any of the multiple imperialist powers contending for domination and survival in the world today.
The program of the (N)CPC aims to provide a sharp, scientific analysis of current conditions in Canada, a strong overview of the history of people’s struggles and communist party-building in this country and an illuminating way forward that can mobilize and unite all our class’s most dedicated, relentless fighters in the pursuit of a bright socialist future.
This program is a tool for building the future and a weapon for fighting the enemy. It should be taken up, studied, understood, sharpened and further improved by all those who share the two goals outlined above."
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wojakgallery · 4 months
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Title/Name: Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, popularly known as 'Joseph Stalin' or simply 'Stalin', (?–1953). Bio: Soviet revolutionary and politician who was the leader of the Soviet Union from 1924 until his death in 1953. He held power as General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union. Country: Georgia Wojak Series: Feels Guy (Variant) Image by: Unknown Main Tag: Stalin Wojak
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sendmyresignation · 6 months
finally reading dance of days (thank you ohiolink and oberlin college <3) but my most consistent takeaway thus far. is oh my god. people who think punk is primarily ideological and not subcultural/musical. are so out of touch.
#three thought threads excuse it but okay.#first as much as dc punk was not political for much of its history (revolution summer/positive force nonwithstanding im talking oldschool)#i do think the structure of diy and creating an alternative subculture economy is more radical than. making an antireagan song lmao.#even if i think the result was a bit of a failure. the intention was significant! imagine a world where artists do not have to contort#themselves to majors and can be supported by an alternate network of payment and such. would be nice if the arbitrary ideas#of like 5 dollar shows and zero pr and not fighting for what your worth didnt infest that ideology but whateves#okay then also. what the fuck how did i not know the bad brains homophobia was that bad. anyway.#third thread. hilarious that dc punks were.. hesitant to work with positive force bc of its association with revolutionary communist party#lol lmao even. now that im sufficently deep into these tags i can say what all this made me think of which is that#oh my god mcr is a punk band. well theyre more than a punk band but they unequivically came up in punk. they are based in punk. their first#lbum is a posthardcore record without question. in the context of punk as a MUSICAL SUBGENRE mcr is under that umbrella#more than they are Most Other Things#mcr is punk in the outsider-opposition sense which was as defined as some poltics were for a lot of early bands#and shit like black flag which my chem drew on was not textually very political at all it was a subcultural thing#equal opposite force to The Establishment. charting your own path even if it meant fighting for it#obv though black parade barely qualifies as a punk record it was an evolution for them#(and a really interesting zigzag since many of its influences are 70s rock- the very thing og punk was reacting against!#but which now represented a past oldschool rocknroll (esp with glam))#anyyyway#my posts
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asoapylife · 16 days
A fifth international has been launched!
Ok if we’re being honest this is a of a bit over ambitious statement to make however I really do recommend checking these live streams coming up even if you aren’t a trotskyist or are not a member of a party associated with the RCI (formerly IMT).
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redsolon · 11 months
It's through intelligence work that the party becomes capable of leadership. What good are we to anyone if we know nothing and have no plans?
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brujacopal · 1 year
cults are examples of people who were vulnerable. some people grow up in cults and that thought is terrifying. but i’ve met them myself and there’s literally no reason to be condescending to them. stop thinking couldn’t be me! because you isolate anyone and present yourself as some sort of epistemological God of any kind. Abuse them and become weird Evangelicals. Looking at you, Bob Avakians. Saw his pamphlet for the first time in Revolution Books, NYC and there are some grown ass white people here on the west coast harassing students at csulb. One of them left and they said “You’re not gonna be a part of the revolution?” like What. 😐 She shoulda said Girl fuck you.
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The Revolutionary Communist Party, USA is a cult.
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enchantedsunflowerkat · 2 months
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toronto people!!! this thursday!!! be there!!!
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whatisonthemoon · 1 year
WVO Drinks lts Own Poison-Calls Jim Jones a "Victim Gone Wrong" (1979)
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The following was written in a Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP) newspaper, “Revolution,” before their ideology degraded into the “New Synthesis” and spiraled into a personality cult surrounding Bob Avakian. This excerpt is from a larger article criticizing the Workers' Viewpoint Organization, which later became the Communist Workers' Party, a “communist” party that upheld post-Mao China as socialism. 
WVO's line on China is a most blatant example of this rightism too. They will not come out publicly and denounce the revisionist leadership and uphold the four comrades, the "Gang of Four." Publicly, they uphold China as "still a socialist country." And that's it.
But even more sinister is the fact that to particular lucky individuals classified by them as "advanced and active," they will say that Hua and Teng are revisionists, they do think there was a coup d'etat, the Four were correct, even that Chou En-lai was the revisionists' back-up man.
Why is this? Because, at this time, the "advanced" are the only ones who can grasp this "demoralizing" situation without falling into cynicism and losing faith in the possibility of socialism working. Public exposure of revisionism, they say, will only fuel the bourgeoisie's propaganda, attacking the viability of socialism.
The logic of this quickly falls between your fingers like so much sand (more like quicksand). Because bourgeois propaganda is using the situation in China to tell us that socialism will never work, it must turn back to "pragmatism, down-to-earth capitalism," then our duty as communists is to cut through that with the knife of scientific analysis.
Which is exactly what the RCP has done, spreading the truth of the class struggle under socialism, how setbacks happen, how to arm ourselves against them, how to fight even harder for genuine Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, and against revisionism, the "easy road," pragmatism, etc.
WVO would have the masses in the U.S. think that China is socialist (ignorance is bliss?). According to WVO, the masses won't be able to figure it out unless WVO tells them, so they're going to keep it under their hats for the right moment. This shocking depth of disdain for the masses brings us back to the People's Temple and WVO's characterization of Jim Jones.
Actually, Jones' disdain and manipulation of the People's Temple members and WVO's disdain for the working class and oppressed nationalities are very similar. The RCP's analysis of WVO in 1977 summed up, "The Religious Disorder of the Worker's Viewpoint Organization." And that's exactly what it is.
About Jones, WVO says, "Jones' brand of mysticism was misleading but not nearly as sinister as the Moonies or other crazy religions. These sects preach and openly support racism and fascism. For all its reformist practices, the People's Temple at least fights racists and fascists and attracts the support of the black and poor people. Many join because they see the group doing progressive things."
About the WVO, you could say the same thing: "For all its reformist practices, at least they're communists and they're fighting capitalism, and they attract the support of oppressed nationalities and students." BUT THAT'S EXACTLY WHY THESE "CULTS," RELIGIOUS AND REVISIONIST ALIKE, ARE SO SICKENING AND SINISTER. They do attract, for a time, honest people who want to fight the system-then they lead them down a dead-end street.
WVO's following is not going to commit suicide, but the organization is swallowing its own dogmatic poison, more and more quickly in their flip to the right. The honest forces within, and there are many, if they really desire to struggle all their lives for living socialism and the final aim of communism, if they really strive to be ruthlessly scientific to fight the bourgeoisie, will gradually be won to the genuine party of the U.S. working class the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA.
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serious2020 · 9 months
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