the-uncanny-dag · 4 years
Some remaining part of my soul that still likes reviewers compels me to refurbish TBF myself to prove that it's entirely possible to get a director's cut from a different director that improves something beyond the length
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thatgamefromthatad · 4 years
So I looked into the user who wrote the Gardenscapes fanfiction I was posting about last night and the username was The Reviewniverse Podcast, so I just googled The Reviewniverse Podcast and checked it out and it was really funny and enjoyable! I only listened to one episode (their mobile games episode) but basically their thing is that they review a different type of product every episode. The guy that Austin was getting busy with in the fanfiction, I didn’t recognize the name and I assumed it was some celebrity, but it was actually one of the podcast hosts lol.
They do a lot of bantering and stuff in the podcast in between talking about the actual topic which I know some people don’t like but they’re really hilarious so if it sounds like something you’d enjoy I’d definitely recommend it! Still no clarity on exactly why this particular fanfic was written (it was the only thing they ever posted to fanfiction.net) except that the host that was featured in it liked the game more than the other guy. He said he hated Austin though :( But at least he had thought out reasons for why and not just “because he’s the guy from those annoying ads”
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abkstories-blog · 5 years
Terry Pratchett's Pyramids- In Reviewniverse
Today we learn about what makes a good munchie, and how when I say munchie I don't mean how you feel when you get high. #terrypratchett #inreviewniverse #abkstories
In the literary world there are these things called munchies. I use the term things because this ‘genre’ of storytelling is not limited to novels and nonfiction, but present in just about every type of writing. A munchie, by my definition, is any written piece that you can pick up and finish in one sitting, put down, and then get on with your life.
There are two types of munchies: the good…
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birthplacemag-blog · 13 years
Our friend Kenny Herzog writes, in anticipation of R. Kelly's memoir:
People need to chill out on the piss jokes and start anticipating R. Kelly's autobiographical tome.
He's right. Check out the full article.
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abkstories-blog · 5 years
Neil Gaiman's The Ocean at the End of the Lane- In Reviewniverse
"The truth is, there aren't any grown ups." #abkstories #neilgaiman #inreviewniverse
Every once in a while a book comes along and lets its readers reflect on their lives from the point of view they’ve long since abandoned: their inner child. Neil Gaiman has a special gift in being such a writer. I was first introduced to Gaiman through Good Omens, a collaboration with Terry Pratchett (a long time favorite author of mine) which has recently been adapted for film with David Tennant.…
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abkstories-blog · 5 years
Naomi Kritzer's Waiting Out the End of the World in Patty's Place Cafe- In Reviewniverse
Today in the Reviewniverse we discuss the Hugo award winner Naomi Kritzer’s wonderful short story about the end of the world.
If you’ve taken a look at my reading list you’ll see that I have been spending a large amount of time looking through Science Fiction Short stories from 2017. I read every morning in the WordPress reader but on special occasions I get the urge to do some work and sit down with a short story and rage through it in a wildfire of imagination.
That is- I haven’t been keeping up with my normal…
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abkstories-blog · 6 years
In Reviewniverse- Ready Player One
In Reviewniverse- Ready Player One REVIEWS ARE BACK PEOPLE This is an ABKstories review of the popular novel Ready Player One by Ernest Cline. #bookreview #readyplayerone #ernestcline #abkstories
Yeah, you’ve said it before- “Alexander, this book is old news Spielberg made a movie about it. Put it back on the shelf and read something else.”
Well you’re right, I’m about a couple years late on reading this one, and even later on reviewing it. And no, I don’t think I’ll be watching the movie- I saw a trailer and thought wow, that looks like a 1980’s circle jerk. And yes- yes that’s…
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abkstories-blog · 6 years
The Tao Series- In Reviewniverse
This week In Reviewniverse I discuss the Tao Series- one of my favorite book sets and well, just an all around good read. #bookreview #books #abkstories #weselychu #livesoftao
What, this isn’t a featured writer? What’s going on? Well- I am doing something new again! It’s all part of my 12019 plans to ruin your- I mean enhance your ABKstories experience! Since Featured Writerposts have required more careful planning than they used to, they have become a biweekly occurrence. And now you have entered the Reviewniverse! Every other Thursday you will be treated with a book…
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abkstories-blog · 5 years
Human Nature and Steven Pinker- In Reviewniverse
Human Nature and Steven Pinker- In Reviewniverse
Earlier today I finished listening to my copy of Steven Pinker’s the Blank Slate. Now, in earlier posts about Steven Pinker’s work I mentioned that he had changed my mind considerably about how I viewed the world and about human nature.
This book definitely delivered in that prospect, but about a wholly different concept: what is it that determines who we are?
For those of you who may…
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abkstories-blog · 5 years
Steven Pinker's Enlightenment Now: the Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress- In Reviewniverse
Steven Pinker’s Enlightenment Now: the Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress- In Reviewniverse
It is one thing for an author to change my worldview entirely with one book, but Pinker somehow managed to do it again with Enlightenment Now.
If you remember (from the link above) Steven Pinker is the cognitive psychologist/ linguist/ popular science author who’s work I’ve been binge readingover the past couple months. His most recent work, Enlightenment Now, discusses the increased quality…
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abkstories-blog · 5 years
An Uplifting Reality, Steven Pinker and a Revelation on violence- ABKpsych/ In Reviewniverse
An Uplifting Reality, Steven Pinker and a Revelation on violence- ABKpsych/ In Reviewniverse
How do you feel about the world today? When you look around at your life, the media, and historic or current events- what conclusions do you come to about global trends? Does the world seem like it’s getting worse?
In a world of White Nationalism, Atomic Bombs, global warming, patriarchy, mass shootings, Election meddling, and increasingly autocratic government policies it can seem hard to…
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