biceratops7 · 2 years
A reunion scenario I’d be super down for is them bickering like an old married couple about Stede’s Accidental Seduction ™ while Ed chases him around deck with a cutlass. (but not with like, tonally serious intent to hurt him.)
One, cause it actually seems like a realistic prediction without ignoring the tone of the show or straight up genre bending, and two… come on doesn’t that sound hilarious?
Like imagine:
“You don’t just get to waltz back in here and re-use all your best lines!
“Ed what are you talking about?? I never flirted with you”
“Really? ‘You wear fine things well??’- that’s a real casual one, looking like a little kissable shit-why don’t you go up there and tell that one to buttons, he’s looking rather elegant tonight!”
“Ed come on- wait, you thought I was kissable? Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Oh my apologies mate I thought you’d be tipped off by THE-FACT-THAT-I-FUCKING-KISSED-YOU-“
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chemicalarospec · 4 months
my haircut inspo board filled with the ugliest men on earth and one woman who looks like young william beckett.
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mymelodyisme · 1 year
Fun fact i stopped playing animal crossing new horizons early on after its release cause I found and fell in love with Tabby and then my mom told her to move away.
I remember telling her about how people hated Tabby cause she was “ugly” and my mom felt bad so we invited her to the island. Right away I realized she was the sweetest and became my second best friend 🥺
My heart literally broke that day I cried so much and had the whole town throw her a going away party 🥺
(Btw I think your departing villagers send you a gift the next day and she sent me her favorite purple shirt ;-;)
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When the happy home dlc came out I started playing again and I picked her the moment I saw her. I added a picture of us into her house and pretended she moved away (and didn’t succumb to the void) and likes to visit me.
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favonius-captain · 1 year
woah i didn't know so many people who followed this blog also like critical role, hihi people
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dsybouquet · 7 months
welcome home ⋆·˚ ༘ * - ellie williams
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genre: post santa barbara! ellie x fem! reader, fluff fluff fluff, little angsty ? idk wouldnt call it angsty decide for yourself, comforting ellie, reuninion, crying, mentions of smoking, no baby !, mentions of panic attacks (kinda)
ellie came home with the burden of what has happened just to find you still waiting.
w.c: 1.9k
Breathing heavily, Ellie climbed up the last bit of the woods. Her limbs were heavy, her body weak. The way back to the farm was the most gut wrenching trip she ever had.
Not just because of the infected wounds on her lost fingers or the unsterile stitched up hole on her stomach. The uncertainty of what will happen, of what she’ll find when she’s home made her sick to her stomach.
Every step she took, every mile she got closer to your shared home made her want to throw up and not keep going. She wanted to run, to not return. But she couldn’t. Not before she went inside. Not before she could see what you left.
She approached the gate. The flowers still blooming although fall was slowly coming along. The colourful leaves of the trees which started to fall off - it all was so beautiful, it was just how she left it.
Oh, how she wanted to run. She felt the panic creep up. It was suffocating.
With her hands shaking, she unlocked the gate, entering the property. Slowly, she was walking towards the house. The garden was filled with pumpkins and other vegtables and too her surprise, it looked as if someone was taking care of it. Still, the chance was high that it wasn’t you.
Maybe someone else took over the house, took over the property. Maybe you were long gone and she would meet her end by someone shooting at her when she enters the house.
Or maybe it will be empty with nothing left and someone else from Jackson occasionally stopping by to feed the animal and take care of the garden. After all, you are still part of the Jackson community.
Her body was trembling when she went up the steps to the front door. She was shaking, not being able to control her breath. Her vision was blurry, like when she had panic attacks after waking up from the horrific nightmares after Joel's death.
Slowly she opened the front door. To her surprise the house was.. lively. Pictures still on the walls, the decorations still up. A slight scent of sage burning in the hallway crawled up her nose. Could it be you were still here ?
She looked around. Everything was unchanged. Just like she remembered it. Ellie silently made her way upstairs. If you were still there, she would not want you to shoot her because you thought an intruder came in. After all, she knew how you could be. Impulsive and holding a gun to the head of everyone that entered your comfort zone too quickly.
Behind a closed door, Ellie could hear a record play. 80s rock, just the type of music you loved, the type of vinyls that Ellie would happily give to you when she found them during patrol. The shine in your eyes when she handed you the The Cure record she found in a random store while being on patrol.
How come exactly this record was playing right now?
Her stomach dropped and she was about to pass out. “Fuck.”, she whispered under her breath, with her hand coming closer to the doorknob of the room. Ellie's breathing was short, she couldn't take deep breaths to prepare herself of what she'd find behind this door.
Maybe it was you. Maybe someone else. Maybe, you'd be sitting there with someone else, being happy, finding the peace you've been seeking for.
After a while, she finally got herself to open the door.
The light of the room illuminated the hallway while tears formed in her eyes. There you were, sitting on the floor in front of a canvas. A cigarette in your mouth and the brush between your fingers. You were paining, just how you used to back then. You were so focused you didn’t notice the door opening.
And you looked breathtaking. Your hair hugging your face as well as the faint smoke of the cigarette. Your eyes were piercing the canvas as you moved your brush on it. Somehow, Ellie felt like she just fell in love with you - again. Like she‘d seen you for the first time. Butterflies had formed in her stomach. You looked godsend, ethereal even.
Ellie eyed the painting. It was her. You painted her. It almost seemed like you were scared of forgetting what she looked like. On your painting, she was standing in between the sheeps, like she used to before she went on her final revenge trip. Petting the little lambs, giving the sheeps names.
She looked happy on the painting, smiling.
Suddenly, she remembered that your brain was very photographic and that memories lasted with you forever. She wasn’t surprised to see you painting this scene exactly how it was.
“Hey baby.”, she silently said, a knot forming in her throat. You dropped your paintloaded brush to the ground and blew out the smoke of your cigarette. You couldn’t look at her, too scared that it was your mind playing tricks on you.
Maybe you were daydreaming. The loneliness must have gotten to your head. You are imagining her. Shes not really there.
But then you had to take a look. Curiosity took over. You just had to know if it was really her.
And when your eyes met hers - your heart skipped a beat. Her sad green eyes which looked so tired. The scars in her face, the smile filled with sadness. She was back.
You put your cigarette in the ashtray before covering your mouth with your hands while tears formed in your eyes. “Fucking hell.”, you whispered trying to hold back tears.
“You’re here.”
“I’m here.”
Ellie didn’t approach you and you remained seated on the floor, trying to control your breath. She looked at you. You didn't change a bit, you just looked.. consumed. Dark eyebags, eyes as tired as hers. You lost some weight, noticeably even. But overall, it was still you.
You still looked like her pretty woman. The woman she left behind to seek revenge. The woman she loved ever so dearly.
Tears escaped from your eyes, staining your cheeks and hands with themselves. “You’re alive.”, you whispered after you put your hands to your head. “Fuck! Ellie you are alive.”
You got up, slowly, still scared that all of that was just imaginary. Scared that if you get too close, she’ll vanish. But she wasn’t. Even when you stood right in front of her, she didn’t dissolve into nothingness.
“Come here.”, she whispered, opening her arms for you to fall into them with a sad smile. And you did.
You held her so tight, Ellie was scared she’d suffocate. But you couldn’t care less. The longer you hugged her, the more tears escaped. You were sobbing in her arms, scared to let go. Scared that if you did, she’d leave again.
“It’s okay, baby. I’m here.” Ellie herself had tears running down her cheeks by now. Her hands slowly rubbed your back. She was relieved to see you were still here, but heartbroken to know you waited for her. And you would have waited there until your life meets an end.
All the months, you took care of the house, the garden, the animals. All by yourself just fueld by the hope of her returning. If only she could go back in time to prevent this. To stay here with you and accept the things as they were.
“I’m so glad you’re still alive.”, you whispered against her shoulder, before removing yourself from her grip to look at her. One of your hands found its way to her cheek, smudging away the falling tears.
She nodded, her heart feeling heavy as she pressed her lips together to not let out the most heartbreaking of sobs. She failed, hard. Ellie started sobbing and looking to the ground, feeling sorry and relieved at the same time.
“I’m so sorry. I should have never left. I couldn’t kill Abby. I had to let her go. And I left you alone for so long for something that was not even successful.”
Ellie broke down entirely, falling to her knees and sobbing in her hands. “I failed Joel, I failed Tommy, I failed you.” The way she was crying broke something inside you. You‘ve always wished to take this off her, to help her let go, but you have always failed.
There was no way of helping someone so deeply driven by trauma, by bloodlust. You had to let her do this and come to the realisation.
You wrapped your arms around her, comforting her silently. “Revenge is bittersweet. Let it go. Joel wouldn’t want you to risk everything just to seek revenge.”
She nodded, crying in your arms.
“I’m sorry I left you this way.”
“I promised I’d wait forever for you.”
You did.
Back in the days, back in the town of Jackson, the two of your were outside, drinking some mulled wine while staring at the stars. Nobody was by the campfire at this point. It was just you and Ellie, in the most romantic setting. You looked at her. Her freckled face illuminated by the fire, her eyes shining ever so beautifully. “I love you.”, you thought out loud, not looking away.
Ellie blushed, shooting her head into your direction. “Huh?!”
Quickly, you noticed what you just had said. “Fuck.”
Ellie looked away, not saying anything.
You felt horrible, like you fucked up the best friendship you’ve ever had. “Sorry I didn’t mean t-“
“Give me some time, ______. Please. I like you too, but I just need time.”
It was right after she found out Joel betrayed her, right in the time she was most vulnerable. And you respected that. But god, you felt stupid for saying it.
Nevertheless, you nodded.
“I can wait, no worries.”
Ellie sighed. “Yeah?”
You nodded. “I’ll wait forever if you’d want me to. Promise I’ll not go anywhere.”
She smiled slightly. “I give you that promise too.”
“Let’s get you in a warm bathtub and then to bed.”, you whispered, helping her stand up. Ellie went entirely non verbal, like she was only a puppet of herself with tears rolling down her cheeks.
You helped her get undressed and enter the bathtub. Although you wanted to ask about Abby, about the two fingers missing, about the new wounds and scars, you put it aside. You knew better, you knew Ellie needed comfort - your comfort.
So you slowly help her clean up, washing her Hair, softly scrubbing the dirt and dried up blood off her limbs, off her face. You took care of her like you always did, like you did after Joels murder, after Seattle, after bad days and trauma flashbacks. You were always there, and she left you behind like this.
“Come.”, you whispered and helped her get out of the bathtub, wrapping her fragile body in a towel. After putting fresh clothes onto her, you took her in the bedroom, helping her get into bed.
“I’m sorry I left you like this. I love you so much. I never wanted to hurt you.”, she quietly said, looking at you with tired eyes. You caressed her cheek, planting a soft kiss on her lips. The first kiss you shared in the past months. And you stomach felt like you’d freshly fell in love. You missed her so much.
“I love you too.”
Ellie closed her eyes, almost falling asleep immediately. The weight of Santa Barbara was still so heavy, she felt like she could sleep for weeks straight.
You just watched her silently, tucking her in, happy that she’s home, that she’s safe.
When you pushed yourself off the bed to brew yourself a tea, she held you by the wrist. “Don’t go.”, she mumbled, drunken in sleepiness.
So you stayed and placed yourself next to her. Your arm reached for her waist and you moved closer.
Quietly, you watched her drift of to sleep. She looked so peaceful and as beautiful as ever. Her auburn hair, still wet from the bath you gave her, was tucked behind her ear, giving you a view of her pretty face.
She was even more beautiful than how you remembered her. You noticed how you almost forgot her freckled cheeks, her little scar in her eyebrow. All these details about her were only a vague memory of yours, but now shes back. You missed her so dearly and it felt like a dream to have her back in this place with you and you were scared that if you fell asleep and opened your eyes again, it would only be a dream.
You missed having the person you loved the most next to you. Softly, you placed a featherlight kiss on her forehead.
“Sleep well, my love. Welcome home.”
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The thing about AGGGTM is just.... It was not focused on romance. It had the subplot, sure, but it it wasn't about the romance and nevertheless, it managed to show Pip and Ravi SO FUCKING IN LOVE, like, more in love than some couples in literal love stories
Like, here I was, not sure about their relationship status in book 2 and then Pip starts rambling about their different non-verbal 'I love you's and I was. So gone. I want more, the fact that we didn't get a reuninion hug was a crime
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janeeyreofmanderley · 13 days
Yet another Boromir lives AU
"Ouch! Son of a B.......ranch" Boromir growled, earning a critical yet approving nod of Rosi as he rubbed his head, having bumped it at the ceiling beam for ... well let's just say way too many times. More carefully now and almost bend double he made his way to follow the little Hobbits to the garden where they wanted his help hanging lanterns in the tree.
Finallly a job he could do! He had been in the Shire for almost two months now and while he loved it and found it a welcome change from the demands war torn Gondor still put on him he felt hopelessly out of place. And not only because of his size.
No, he felt out of place the same way Frodo did.
Often the two of them could be found talking in the evening. Only once they had mentioned the ring. They didn't need to talk about it further. Each of them knew what the other felt. The guilt, the shame of failure, and the fear lingering in both their minds of what they might have become, had they gained or kept the ring. These thoughts were always there, always a weight on their minds, and knowing that the other understood the burden was enough. So mostly they sat quietly, enjoying the others company or talk about some comfortably mundane topic.
Today, however, was a day of celebration and Boromir found he was almost as giddy as the little Hobbits, that were now tugging on his trousers, pulling him now here, now there.
Today not only Legolas and Gimli but also Faramir and Eowyn would join them! Faramir had some Steward business in the North to do and Aragorn had given him leave to visit the Shire while travelling. Boromir had not seen his brother in close to 6 months and was eagerly looking forward to showing him and his sister in law around!
They had just hanged the final lantern and Sam had just placed some loaves of bread fresh from the oven when Merry and Pippin came running. "They are half an hour away, come on guys, let's meet them half way! Boromir glanced at Rosi and Sam but the y both just smiled and nodded, as he scooped up three little Hobbits and started running!
It was a boisterous and joyful reuninion! Plenty of hugs, and the little Hobbits got to ride on the big Rohirric voces that the Lady of Ithilien and her husband had arrived on, The feast was one of those only Hobbits can prepare, and it was very late when Boromir finally showed Eowyn and Faramir where the guest rooms where, that held human sized beds. He managed to avoid the first half dozen beams before they got him again, and swearign profusely he noticed that neither his brother nor sister in law had yet complained though he had heard some suspicious bumping noises. As he turned around he noticed why.
"You two brought.....helmets????? "
Eowyn grinned "Faramir's idea, and it seemed a good one judging by your complaints in the letters! And honestly, I don't regret taking them along! "
Faramir smirked. "But worry not brother, we're not cruel" and he handed Boromir a helmet too.
Boromir blinked, then roared with laughter "And that's why, you are the poltician of us little brother! Always one step ahead of me!"
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I want Mevolent to get free so that someone can awkwardly tell him about how he's now related to Skulduggery and they have to share grandchildren.
I think that's be neat
that would be so neat. also incredibly cursed i think god can you imagine the family reuninions?
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forgottenroisin · 23 days
Malconaire Samain Traditions
ok so!!! before i get into this too much, some author's notes, starting w fun facts abt irl samhain (which i wrote samain above bc that's the old irish spelling and we're mostly going w old irish spellings here -- caoimhe rather than keeva, etc) that im running w here are as follows: ancient celtic tradition holds w largely two types of major celebration on their quartered calendar: Beltaine and Samhain which occurred on opposite times of the year, and Imbolc and Lughnasa which also straddled the year. The latter set marked important crop rotations: sowing and harvesting the fields.
The former, however, are said to have been dedicated to the movements of cattle herds and their shephards. At Beltaine, the shephards and their flocks would wrap up their half year of having held their beasts at home amongst the village in the valleys where they were safe from winter snows. at samhain, the shephards would do the opposite: begin driving their herds home across the treacherous montain passes from where they had been grazing in upland pastures for six months, and heading home to the valleys. Both Samhain and Beltane were seen as liminal or threshold holidays. Yet, they were also seen as inverse of one another, with Beltane being a festival for the living and Samhain for the dead.
Many Irish and British Neolithic tombs are aligned such that they are illuminated by the light of the sun as it over Samhain and Imbolc.
In Celtic belief, all spirits appear to be interlinked, w ghosts alternately appearing as faries or gods and vice versa, so I've used guardians, gods, and ghosts here where I thought most appropriate as stand ins but yeah this is just my interpretation??? Anyway, fairy mounds are often literally burial mounds so make of that what you will! I did ultimately choose to include ghosts but I strongly considered restricting it to purely guardians and gods, but yeah! Lmk if you think I should go back and restrict it to just those two!
Samhain in Ireland and Scotland are pr similar, so there'll def bc riffs from both cultures but, bc Rosie's name means little rose, and the very related ancient Welsh tradition of Calan Gaeaf ties in both roses AND ivy v strongly, I'm gonna be pulling a lot from that, as well.
I'm also gonna steal some Venetian St. Mark's Day beliefs and practices and English St. Mark's Eve ones. I have zero excuse except that it dovetails really nicely, and that its frankly sooo fitting for our Miss Rosie.
all the 'tales' here are inspired and even drawn directly from ancient lore!
Cleansing fire and light, cleaning, divination, guising (dressing up and trick or treat-esque shenanigans), dancing, mummery, saining (blessings), feasting, belief that spirits (good and evil, human and fae and godly and demoic, etc) walk amongst us that night, and veneration of the dead are common themes, and it is believed that it is this time when the veil is thinnest between the various otherworlds and our own.
Samhain is a last deep breath before the plunge. It is a time of preparing for the death of winter to come. Interestingly, Samain, the Old Irish root word for Samhain, is thought to come from an ancient word for 'summer,' though it was celebrated in November. No one knows why, but imma lean into it as a rebirth kind of symbolism -- yknow that 'spring in winter' sort of concept. Another explanation is that Samain comes from yet another ancient word that means 'reuninion, assembly,' and imma lean into that, too.
There was initially a fortnight of celebrations for Samain, which overtime got cut down to our modern night of Halloween, so idk how long this celebration should last hahaha and i deliberately left the timeline vague bc of that
Conveniently, I'd already hc'ed that Rosie actually views autumn as more a time of rebirth than spring (weirdly enough, it was actually one of my v first hc's for her!), and all this will allow me to tie it in nicely with her character theme of wonder <3
(Also disclaimer that you might notice some similarities between this and my TFW not!halloween traditions in which case...no you didn't ;DDDDD its just that i was inspired by the same sources hahaha except here i pulled in welsh and venetian things as my secondary instead of ancient roman and greek things aklsjdflkjdfdf)
like her sisters, rosie was born around the time of an ancient astairan holiday, causing the celebrations to overlap in malconaire
hers falling near samhain, an autumnal festival celebrating the midpoint between the autumn equinox and the winter solstice, and is held to mark the beginning of winter
it is said that it is at this time that the veil between this world and the other is said to be at its thinnest and, thus, the guardians are feted in an effort to strengthen them during this most dangerous period, w seers and all the ppl of astaira gathering to do whatever they can to help
it is a time of unity and mutual faith, generosity and thanksgiving, of finding strength and hope and cheer in ourselves and in one another even as things grow their darkest
as twilight gleams its last, all the fires in the region are put out and a great bonfire lit by a seer at the local shrine. from this protective blaze, every fire in the region is relit so that cleansing, protective fire burns for the guardians against the gods in every home, every shrine, and every gathering place across all malconaire
it is said that on this night, sometimes even non-seers can hear the whisperings of the guardians -- and that, at times -- the howls of the gods echo across the world, but beware to any who hears ought, for gods can appear and speak as any being they wish and, it is said, one must never trust a stranger who arrives upon samhain who will not go into the light
according to ancient tradition, anyone who believes w a true heart may wield some of the powers of a true seer because the veil is so thin, and in addition to being able to hear the voices of gods and guardians, can also sometimes hear the voices of their deceased loved ones
sometimes this is said to be a trick of the evil gods, but many believe that deceased loved ones do in fact arise
in addition to the fires, many gifts of food and drink and harvest and flowers etc are offered to the guardians, in addition to gifts of delights and entertainments such as dances and plays
as it is said that ghosts rise from their graves at this time, whether crossing over from an otherworld or revived by the power of the wicked gods, welcoming feasts are held in every home and, during the feasts, in addition to offerings made to the guardians, places are set for dead members of the family who may be visiting their loved ones while they are able
hoping to thwart any wicked spirits or gods who might be walking the earth, many wear a guise each night when the protective power of the sun is snuffed out
bc it is said that everyone may have use of a seers powers, it is also tradition to go from house to house and give offerings and blessings back and forth there, and this is often when fires from the great shrine bonefire are brought to each home, as well
following feasting in homes, there is also a tradition of gathering around the great bonfire in the evening and sharing sweets
while there, dancing and plays go on with gift-giving continuing well into the night
traditionally, one carves their name into a stone and then tosses it into the fire. those stones that had had the name burned clean off of it will receive good fortune. those whose names are still writ upon the stones will do well to take care over the course of the winter, with death or misfortune said to hunt them
Myths, legends, and ghost stories are all frequently told around the bonfire, with some tales being considered specific to Samain, and others simply tall tales or simply invented stories, but whatever their origin, stories play a highly important role on Samain, both as offerings and as entertainment. i'll include one or two as a sample somewhere in here
traditionally, all across astaira, peace was delcared during samain and it was a great time of unification, of treaties, of mending fences great and small, neighbor to neighbor and nation to nation, alike, w any conflict or even grudge, save that against the gods, being seen as borderline blasphemous, and an insult to the guardians for all efforts must be communally poured into that conflict at this time
in this same vein, it is a time for housekeeping, both great and small -- houses are cleaned, spick and span, and great councils are called by the rulers to undergo yearly reforms
anyone who broke laws during this time would, therefore, be banished for the rest of the year for the grievous offence of having wounded the goodwill of the guardians
traditionally, astairans avoid crossroads during samain, said to be haunted by nefarious deadmen and gods
on the morning samain, young and unmarried people traditionally go out into the fields and collect ivy and autumn roses. traditionally, girls collect ivy while boys pick roses, after which they come together again, with the girls presenting the boys they admire with ivy and the boys presenting roses to the girls they fancy. if a couple's presentations are mutual, they then wind them together and create crowns of roses-and-ivy to wear. at the end of the day, each girls collects all the roses she has been given, and each boy all his ivy and mingle them till they do not know who gave which. then they toss one into the bonfire for the guardians are return home, placing the remaining plants under their pillow. it is said that they will then dream of their future and, if they remember any of the dream, some of it will come true in the coming year. it is also sometimes said that if they dream of a particular other person, they will likely wed that person.
unmarried women are instructed to darken their rooms in the evening, and then a married woman can look into the mirror to see the face of the future groom. If a skull appears in the mirror, the unmarried woman is meant to die within the year. If a future groom cannot be seen, unmarried women are instructed to peel an apple and throw the skin over their shoulders. The shape the apple skin makes is said to show the first initial of her future husband
just before midnight, any remaining children are bundled off to bed and, then, it is tradition for those who wish to see to gather on the holy ground of the shrine, for surrounded by the guardians is the only way one may safely witness what is to come. those who do not wish to see must return quickly home and close all their windows and close their eyes and try to sleep, for any not protected by the guarian who looks upon it shall die on the spot. those who stay at the shrine may see, but they must maintain absolute silence or it is said they shall never see again. at midnight, the dead walk. a whole squadron of them troop by, but if one should spot oneself or any known to one trooping with them, that person is doomed to die within the year. some say the cause of death may even be observed, drowned victims soaked to the bone or hanged men marching with nooses around their necks, and such the like.
games and friendly competitions around the bonfire are common, such as dares and apple bobbing
two hazelnuts roast near a fire; one named for the person roasting them and the other for the person the desire. If the nuts jump away from the heat, it is a bad sign, but if the nuts roast quietly, it foretells an excellent match. 
Items were hidden in food—usually a cakes and breads — and portions of it served out at random. A person's future is foretold by the item they happened to find; for example, a ring means marriage, and a coin means wealth
A salty oatmeal bannock was baked; the person ate it in three bites and then went to bed in silence without anything to drink. This was said to result in a dream in which their future spouse offers them a drink to quench their thirst
Egg whites are dropped in water, and the shapes foretell the number of future children
story of a seer who rushed up to the door to the otherworld in the repulsion of gods, but closed the door as the gods were sealed off on his thumb. he then sucked on his wounded thumb and, from that moment, was said to have gained otherworldly wisdom but the cost was that he was, too, a link that the gods had to this world so he ultimately sealed himself, too, away inside a tree using their own magic to bind himself so that he could harm no one, but it is said that the gods have no mercy and that they force his ghost to walk the world on the night of Samain and sow the seeds of their ill-will for the year to come.
the monstrous gods used to demand two-thirds of the ppl's crops and livestock and even children during samain before they were sealed away, causing many to starve
a certain god, it is said, would command three men to go to a certain goddess every Samain to seduce her. when they inevitably failed, he would take their lives and force them to walk the world as his undead vessels for the rest of the year, wreaking untold havoc upon the world till at least one did succeed and the goddess gave him her magical garter. before the god killed his two companions, the goddess' lover, said sometimes to be from the snail house and alternately from the frog house, warned the vile god that it would spell his own doom if he struck those men down. laughing, the evil god did so, and so the lover used the magic girdle to fight and defeat him and help the guardians seal him away ((fun fact, this is drawn from a story said to have been the origin of the bog men...hence the frog or snail house being involved!))
one samain night, before the veil was raised against the gods, the king offered a prize to any who could tie a band around a hanged man's ankle. each challenger after the other fled in terror to the king's hall but one. when the band was tied, the dead man asked for a drink so, feeling pity for the hanged man, the challenger carried him on his back, stopping at three houses. when they entered the third, the dead man drank and spat it on the householders, killing them. returning to the gallows to bind him again, the challenger spotted an army of the gods burning the king's hall and slaughtering those inside. the challenger pursued the host through a portal into an otherworld where he learned that what he had seen since touching the hanged man was only a vision of what would happen the next samain unless something was done. he returned to the hall and warned the king, and astaira began to arm themselves against the gods who plotted against them.
another tale tells of a man who fell deeply in love w a goddess before the veil was raised against them. so in love was he that he followed her to an otherworld, despite her warnings that if he followed her, he could never return home. they lived happily together for two years before he began to long for home. watching him pine away, the goddess agreed to allow him to visit the mortal realm on her own horse, but only if he solemnly swore never to dismount the horse which would take him there and then back to her. he hastily agreed and started on his way. yet, when he arrived, he found that in the mortal realm two hundred years, and not two, had passed and that everyone he loved had died. distressed to see their graves, he fell from the horse to kiss them, but as soon as he stepped upon the ground, mortality found him and he grew old and died on the spot, collapsing as no more than bones and dust upon the earth of the graves of those he loved.
according to legend, the tradition of presenting roses and ivy to a lover originated when a man of low social standing is said to have fallen in love with a lady of house malconaire known for wearing ivy in her hair. in order to win her father's approval -- who said he might only wed his daughter if he could prove his love for her was true -- he became involved in a distant war. he was mortally wounded in battle, but managed to pluck a rose from a nearby rosebush for his loved one. a companion was entrusted with returning the blood-stained rose to his lover, who cast the ivy from her hair and wore the rose until the day she died. from their graves, buried beside each other, ivy and roses still grow.
it was during samain, many years ago, that domhnall and later his heir, eilionora, offered roderick a treaty but both efforts he rebuffed. to the first effort to achieve peace he did not reply. yet when eilia tried again, he did, sending her only a piece of paper that bore simply a list of the countries he'd already conquered, with astaira's name listed at the bottom. eilia did not try again.
on the samain before bran and sorcha began courting, he decided that he would woo her with the traditional roses. sadly, however, he wasn't able to get out into the fields until late and, when he finally did, all that were left were very, very small roses, indeed. fortunately, she had the same idea and presented him with ivy as well. when she saw the wee rosebuds, which he presented with some embarrassment, saying he ought to have given her something far greater, she laughed and declared that someday he would -- if they ever had a daughter born in autumn, her name should be roisin, for the first gift he had ever given to her.
last samain, rosie presented edmund with ivy, forgetting he problably knew nothing of the tradition (and would likely consider it heresy, if he did!) realizing too late that he probably didn't know what she was telling him, she laughed and made a joke of it, weaving him a ivy crown, anyway, saying that if he meant to rule over astaira, someday, he best pay attention as he would have to know how to make a flower crown. she never mentioned it again.
bran threw eggs into water with sorcha the year they were married. when her egg predicted four children and his six, he was terrified it might mean he would outlive her and she laughed and told him that was a ridiculous thing to suppose, for he'd come to their marriage with two children already: his raven, and malconaire.
the year of sorcha's death, she stayed out to watch the ghosts walk, hoping for a last glimpse of a loved one whom she had just lost, while bran took the children home to sleep. she was drawn and white when bran awoke the next morning and, though she made jokes of it when he mentioned it and proceeded about her day, she seemed distracted, but would say nothing of what she had seen. at the time, bran only assumed that she was distressed about her loss, but after she died, he always wondered if perhaps she had seen her own spirit on the march that night.
though usually done privately for their parents, rosie always enjoyed mumming with her sisters at samain, telling tall tales and dramatic ones alike amongst themselves
while she hasn't done any mummery since childhood, as she imagines its likely not dignified for a lady of her age and position, she does still enjoy guising and generally dresses as favorite heroines from fairy tales and other stories. she is convinced cassandra would enjoy this as well and wants to bring her to such an event one of these years. no o ne can seem to convince her this is terrible idea.
cillian stays out late every year to watch the souls pass and, every year, he informs saoirse that he has seen her go by, but she says she'll have her revenge one of these days, because someday he ~will see her, and then he'll be sorry when he has to tell her so and she laughs in his face.
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i love your ocs they make me so happy. i literally felt like floating while reading blanche’s pt 2. he is so peepaw i love deceptive old men sm. i would cuddle with him for hours. luckily i am online schooled so i would very rarely leave his place. :,)
also omg what if family reunion…. unless?
- 🌷 (have a great week, beloved! sending you good vibes and good health. <3)
Oh man he would fuckin love that you are online schooled, he would unthrottle the wifi so that you would only study at his place , pretending that he has no idea how to work the router but he is a computer genius frfr
oh yeah definitely family reuninion will happen but i wold probably only do that when bunny is sufficiently fleshed out, he is the only one with like one parts, Yves has like 10 million and Blanche is rising like rapidly
thansk uuu i need the vibes n health
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bilolli · 2 years
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the Sun sets, but another day shall come 
Celestial twin AU belongs to @oobbbear​
some variants under the cut ‘cause I can never choose -
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I love stories that HURTS. The fact that Sun will outlive everybody he ever knew after he eventually burns out is just HGGHGHDFDDGGGF. If you then add a little reuninion in the astral (lol) plane, *chef kiss*
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missnight0wl · 2 years
Original Trio reuninion!!!! It's been so long but it's happening!!!!
Man, I really wish to be excited about it, but… I’m just not.
I don’t know, I guess it’s simply too late for me, so I’m desensitised. And I don’t think it could possibly reduce the bad taste I still feel after Jacob not even mentioning Duncan after Rowan’s death. On top of that, I know it won’t be anywhere close to what I’d actually like to see since my versions are so different from the game (for example, my Duncan and Olivia hate each other).
I really don’t want to sound discouraging. And I am glad to see people being excited! I just... don’t get my hopes up. But hey, maybe I’ll be positively surprised! Fingers crossed, right?
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miketendo-64 · 9 months
Japan Game Awards 2023 Winners Announced, Includes Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak, Pokémon Scarlet & Violet, And Xenoblade Chronicles 3
The Japan Game Awards is an award ceremony held once a year and has been running since 1996. This year, the ceremony was held during the Tokyo Game Show, and Nintendo managed to scoop up a couple of awards for Xenoblade Chronicles 3, Splatoon 3, and Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet. Other games include Sonic Frontiers, Resident Evil 4, Final Fantasy 7 Reuninion, and Hogwarts Legacy. As foThe…
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cherrysnax · 5 years
why is the official btr youtube channel uploading stuff recently, my heart cant take this
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chibitorra · 6 years
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oblivious-aro · 2 years
About a year ago I wrote most of a Danny Phantom fanfic. I found it 2 days ago and started working on it again. It's a rewrite of the episode "Bitter Reuninions" where Vlad is good. I remember being frustrated with it, but I really enjoyed rereading what I wrote. Its a fun one, and I'm surprised how fun a writer I could be. My goal is to finish it an post it online. I've never posted my writing online, and this would be my first fanfic. Maybe posting this goal will help me achieve it.
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