#featuring Elliot’s shitty daydream dialogue
biceratops7 · 2 years
A reunion scenario I’d be super down for is them bickering like an old married couple about Stede’s Accidental Seduction ™ while Ed chases him around deck with a cutlass. (but not with like, tonally serious intent to hurt him.)
One, cause it actually seems like a realistic prediction without ignoring the tone of the show or straight up genre bending, and two… come on doesn’t that sound hilarious?
Like imagine:
“You don’t just get to waltz back in here and re-use all your best lines!
“Ed what are you talking about?? I never flirted with you”
“Really? ‘You wear fine things well??’- that’s a real casual one, looking like a little kissable shit-why don’t you go up there and tell that one to buttons, he’s looking rather elegant tonight!”
“Ed come on- wait, you thought I was kissable? Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Oh my apologies mate I thought you’d be tipped off by THE-FACT-THAT-I-FUCKING-KISSED-YOU-“
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