#return date
sophsun1 · 4 months
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The memory of the person that he chose to be with, aside from the vampire bond and the sensuality of their relationship there was always something else there. They could make each other laugh. It's a real relationship that has layers to it. Sam and I have talked about how nice it would've been to have had a little mini-series where you just see Lestat and Louis just hanging out in New Orleans. Not even necessarily hunting, just like walking, sitting on a bench, chatting, really like the norm. - Jacob Anderson
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zephyrchama · 3 months
You're watching a random movie with Mammon that turns out to have some horror elements in it. Neither of you knew this beforehand, you only skimmed the movie's description, but Mammon's not going to chicken out now. He needs to look cool in front of you. It's just a stupid movie. It's fine.
A minor jump scare halfway through the film leaves him rattled. He holds on to you tightly, quietly cursing how high quality the special effects are. It's fine, though. Really. It is.
He even offers to hold you if you're scared.
This gives Mammon an excuse to hide behind you. Perhaps this was his original aim. The two of you quickly work out a new seating arrangement on the couch. He moves you in front of him, encouraging you to lean back against him if there's not enough room to sit between his legs. You wonder how much of your head obscures the screen.
Several minutes pass in this state. You are having a very difficult time concentrating on the film. A certain someone has his arms wrapped around your chest like a flotation device.
"Hey, Mammon?" you whisper. "Yeah?" "It's really hard to watch the movie." You feel him shift a little in the seat. He asks, "Wanna turn it off and do somethin' else?" "No, can you just move your arms?"
Mammon grunts and makes no effort to even change position. There's a pause, as if he's thinking about it, before he sighs into your neck.
"No can do," he says. "Dunno what else this movie has in store, and I don't want your fragile little human heart givin' out on me if it gets worse."
Certainly, with the way his hands were gripping at you like a weak stress ball, Mammon could probably feel every pulse of your heartbeat.
"Okay, but this is a human movie. Made by humans. For humans." You really emphasize that last bit. "Yeah, but we borrowed it from Satan. Who knows what kind of sick tastes he has?"
You laugh. The way your upper body briefly swells as you inhale and then shrinks back down as you laugh, and the way he can feel every shake when you exhale, makes Mammon's heart flutter.
"Come on. I can't even snack like this," you plead. There was zero chance Mammon was letting you go after the treat you just gave him. His head is already in the clouds. "How are you gonna watch the movie if you're busy snackin'?" he counters, as if either of you still had any idea what was happening on-screen. "I just want to be able to breathe again. You're so greedy," you tell him. You would slump your shoulders in defeat if that were possible at all with Mammon clinging to your chest from behind. "Damn right I am."
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magpie-trinkets · 5 months
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unexpected encounter at the movie premiere
Transcript of the conversation below:
Edgeworth: What are you doing here, Franziska?
Franziska: The same as you, you fool.
Edgeworth: I didn't know you liked the Steel Samurai.
Franziska: I don't. I have memorised the fan-wiki for this date.
Edgeworth: Oh? Going for the perfect date, I see.
Franziska: Of course. What about you and Phoenix Wright? Did you drag him here?
Edgeworth: He came willingly- and he has media literacy, although he tries to hide it.
Franziska: Hmph. Then, wanna test how prepared we both came for this movie? Did you do your homework, Miles Edgeworth?
Edgeworth: That's hilarious. Unlike yourself, I have actually watched every episode and have followed the series since its debut.
Franziska: You won't win against me, Miles Edgeworth. I checked my sources and discussed motifs in anonymous forums. My knowledge is perfect.
Edgeworth: Nothing beats first-hand experience, but I'll humor you. Prepare to lose, Franziska.
Both: Bring it.
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levia-chan · 4 months
I had such a funny thought running through my head. I know that it has already been written about, but I will post this post anyway.
Just imagine: The MC were sitting doing something in the living room, the brothers were there too, in general, everyone was doing their own thing.
And at some point, the MC are like, "Hmm, I'm all numb. It is necessary to stretch out" and begin to crunch the limbs, the back. They get a kick out of it, but there was a deathly silence in the living room.
After a few seconds, the brothers are in a panic, because, oh my devil, man, did you just break your back?!? And hands with a neck?!?!?! What should we do?!??! You're going to die!!!
MC would probably be sitting with such a face "🤨", and Solomon would be laughing somewhere in the corner of the room at the ignorance of the brothers.
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stil-lindigo · 1 year
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little dove.
a short comic about Ash and Snow's first meeting / how Snow got her nickname.
Snow's story
Ash’s story
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all my other comics
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lucabyte · 5 months
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times ive drawn loop being used as a reading light: 2
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edorazzi · 16 days
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Due to scheduling conflicts we're celebrating Tintin Day early this month! 🥳
Someone said in tags that they could totally see Tintin needing International Rescuing at some point. What better way for the Hood to put iR's integrity on the line than revealing all to a world-famous reporter? Would the Tracys jeopardise their whole operation to save just one life?!
(Un)fortunately Tintin hasn't shown up at work since 1929, so the only sacrifice here will be an old man's dignity. Again. 🪦
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deoidesign · 2 months
For my birthday... read my webcomic! It's literally free! (Unless you want books. Those are not free)
It's beautiful, it's gentle, it's funny, they're canonically t4t and gay... And it's about time traveling vampires solving supernatural mysteries!
I've spent thousands of hours writing and drawing it, and it's really good! I'm not biased!
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It's on hiatus right now and coming back in 2 months, so it's the perfect time to get caught up
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lurukifennecfox · 2 days
Amity was... Odd
It always was even before the Fenton Portal, just more subtle, cold spots, newer electronics not working properly, older picking up things that weren't always there, things at the periphery that you can't see when you turn, shadows too dark, lights too dim.
Lake Eerie was named that for a reason. they knew to never swim alone, or at night without lights.
Then the portal happened and those who didn't adapt left. then the invasion and they thought they are going to just go back to new normal and...
The town refused to leave. Not the people the town itself, turned out Amity had a city spirit and she liked it in the Zone so they adapted, 'parkers always adapted if they didn't they left, this side of the veil or the other.
They managed to coax Amity to return and continued living, a little to the left, teeth a little too sharp, eyes a little too intense, hearing a little too good, but they adapted. They found out more ghost culture in the zone, some learned to fight, some decided not to. They weren't bothered by property damage anymore, the buildings would pull themselves back together and they would help.
Amity was always Odd it just wasn't subtle anymore.
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ryoalouette · 1 year
Machi's Idea #4
The JL can't understand what's wrong. They did their best effort to honor the king of dead and celebrate accordingly with the most strict protocol. Yet the king seems equally dull and annoyed. The JLD knows what's going on but they decided to say nothing in the hopes that this would teach the JL a lesson. Jason tried to explain the situation but none of the "adults" (aka Batman) listened to him so he decided to get his point across by getting into a fist fight with the king. One hour later they are kissing and Jason is explaining to the JL that ghost bond through fighting.
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bandtrees · 2 months
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this has always been one of my favorite lines in this scene it’s so striking to me. i think debating over callum’s level of lucidity and what can or cannot “fix” him is deeply antithecal to what the story is trying to express with him - but the idea that callum is still there and still a person who does have the capacity to love mingus, just not in a way she can ever comprehend or accept, because she can't comprehend or accept anything outside her narrow worldview, is sooooo good.
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there is no way of actually knowing if callum is proud of mingus, much less recognizes her at all - but it's added to by the fact there's only so much of that she would accept even if he could. ultimately, she wants validation and power, his prestige, from him, she wants a supportive parental figure she never had - there's only so much of that callum is able to provide even in a world where her stint to fix his memory actually worked. he's like a hundred. he never even MET her. to say nothing of all he's missed in the past fifty-odd years. to say nothing of how his age may have messed with his mind deteriorating even without the pre-existing brain damage.
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and mingus' phrasing here implies he doesn't even look at her when she visits - which brings me to the visit that radicalized her: the one after her surgery, where he was watching gingi out the window.
obviously, callum watching gingi is mostly for the thematics of it all, how similar the two of them are in ways mingus refuses to recognize, but theres also the thought of... callum's been sitting alone in that room for over half his life, barely lucid if at all. of course he's going to be drawn to a brightly-colored thing making noises and knocking stuff over outside. if he can't respond to stimuli of the people around him he's at the very least going to latch onto something more visually interesting than Brown Wall and Brown Figure.
but it's not like mingus can think of it like that, because she's internalized so much about her grandfather and built up such a specific, personalized vision of him - she doesn't see him as an elderly man with (a fictional equivalent to) dementia, she sees him as President Callum Crown™, the man she personally has to please and live up to the legacy of and make proud, disregarding the fact that's not something he has the mental capacity to even do - because she's so obsessed with validation and complete control that the only way she can get it is by either subjugating others and forcing it out of them (what she does with her townsfolk), or just completely projecting on someone who, for her purposes, is basically a blank slate.
which is maddening to her in its own way, see how crazy she drives herself trying to restore callum's memory in the first place - but also, would she be happy even if callum could see her for who she is? post-game, when she's working on herself, that's an irrelevant question as she's pushed past that need, but as we know her? absolutely not.
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i love the ch3 standoff between norm and mingus as a show of "Okay guys let’s see who can dehumanize this disabled guy harder (via pedestal-putting) and justify themselves for it better" and why i think it is so important that it’s gingi who reads the postcard and ultimately speaks for callum instead of either of them, or even the narrator. they can’t read, and they struggle to, but they manage to get it right even when people are telling them to stop. and the fact they’re able to do it at all, are given the chance to do so, and are ultimately the one to wind down this conflict shows that the world of dialtown, while not perfect, really is how callum would have wanted it.
both gingi and callum are some of the most altruistic and human characters ever, and the crux of their parallels is that they are denied this by close-minded people because they happen to Behave Strangely. it's why seeing mingus act the way she does hits so hard - she loves her paw-paw, yes, but if she were to see him in a vacuum, a one-limbed man who can hardly think, much less speak for himself: or even his younger self, who was struggling to make ends meet with his odd inventions...
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...well, the feeling norm's imagining here would probably be mutual. mingus' relationship with bigotry is a very fascinating one, she's very close-minded but views certain oddities (ie her flesh-head) as having earned their place and thus being fine - she's a freak too, by her own admission, but she's doing it for a just and wider purpose, so it's fine. which is, ironically, the ideology callum forced upon himself.
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callum was obsessed with helping people, pushing himself to do more and more, because it was the only way he ever found respect. if he didn't help people and have grand visions for the world and make himself "useful" to society at large, then what would he be, if not a freak?
mingus and her paw-paw are very similar people, from their well-intentioned extremism, to their stubbornness and paranoia, to their inability to view themselves as anything more than a vessel for that grand cause they believe in (callum in the dialup, mingus in restoring her paw-paw's memory) - which is funny, because if mingus was able to view callum, and herself, as a flawed human person, she would come to understand how similar they really are.
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tubpumpkin · 1 month
Therapist: what are you going to do for self care over these next couple weeks
Me: uhh…
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dailyloopdeloop · 4 months
In honor of many people getting their Sifplushes, can we have a little Loopplush? Plushloop? Loop plushie?
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DAY 86: the visage of the beast
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astrobiscuits · 10 months
Solar Return obs 1
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Before we start...
For the best results, always ALWAYS compare your Solar Return chart with your Natal chart. For pinpointing the exact timing when something will happen in your love life, look up at your upcoming Venus Return chart. When does it start? Now compare it with your next Solar Return. If you have planets in your 7th house in Solar Return, notice if they are proeminent in your current Venus Return chart. Bingo! You've just found out when these planets are going to get activated (around the date of the Venus Return chart)
Without further do, let's roll the SR observations!💗
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🦩 Jupiter in 4th house indicates moving abroad that year
🦩 While Uranus in 4th house brings sudden, unexpected changes in your home life. Moving to another house? You bet. Redecorating your whole house because you just woke up with the urge to do so? Could be another possibility
🦩 Jupiter trine Venus in SR brings an easiness to manifesting everything you want that year. If Jupiter/Venus is in 2nd house trining the other planet, then you might also get lots of gifts
🦩 Venus in 2nd house also indicates spending more than usual on material possesions that year (compulsive shopping much)
🦩 Sun conjunct Saturn and Venus in 6th house = becoming "that girl". Your main focus will be on building a solid, stable routine for yourself, that also looks aesthetically pleasing
🦩 Stellium in 10th house/11th house = high chance of becoming (internet) famous. Bonus points is Jupiter is involved (i started my blog while my current SR has a 10th house stellium and i have to thank you guys for showing such big support for this blog🥹 thank you)
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🦩 Jupiter in 9th house can indicate travelling abroad for the purpose of experimenting different lifestyles (For ex. you visit Guatemala because you want to experience what is like to be a Guatemalian - you want to try all their traditional dishes, learn their traditional dances and open up your mind to a different culture)
🦩 Another meaning of Jupiter in 9th house is that you might go abroad for college or if you start college in your homecountry, then you're probably going to major in foreign languages, philosophy or religion
🦩 Pluto in 4th house could mean uncovering a family secret. Don't be surprised if you find out that you're adopted or you have family members alive that you didn't know about👀
🦩 Moon in 4th house means that you'll feel much more nostalgic that year. You might spend more time with your mother than usual, reminescence on your childhood memories or look through old photos of you and your family
🦩 If you're in a relationship and you've got Neptune in 7th house in your next SR, then i'm sorry to disappoint you, but expect a year where you might question your partner's loyalty. I'm not saying your partner is going to cheat, but for some reason you might feel more suspicious of them than usual
🦩 Mars in 8th house = expect more sex than usual lol
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🦩 If Pluto squares Mars and one of these planets is in the 4th house/5th house/7th house/10th house/11thouse, beware of power plays and toxic dynamics in your family/friendships/relationship (for 4th,5th,7th or 11th house) or at your workplace (for 10th house)
🦩 Moon in 12th house indicates that you're going to be more secretive with your emotions. You won't tell people how you feel and at times you might be confused about your own emotions, because you'll have the tendency to surpress them
🦩 With Jupiter conjuncting Ascendant (doesn't matter if it's in the 12th house or 1st house), expect to be constantly blessed by the Universe without doing anything. One of the most luckiest placements you could have in your SR
🦩 Neptune trine Mercury indicates a high chance of coming up with a creative masterpiece that year (it can be in any domain: arts, music, writing, acting, u name it)
🦩 Saturn in 2nd house can indicate going on a diet that year
🦩 Mars in 3rd house indicates being more argumentative that year than usual. You might speak at a faster pace or speak before thinking twice
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🦩 Indicators in SR for meeting your future spouse:
SR Juno conjuncts SR Sun/Moon/Venus
SR Juno conjuncts SR Descendant
SR Juno conjuncts one of your natal, personal planets
Natal Juno conjuncts one of your SR planets
If the 5th house/7th house is involved, then you'll also start dating them/be in a relationship with them that year!!
🦩 If you've been struggling with fear of dying, Sun in 12th house indicates a year when you'll probably overcome this fear. During this year, you're more prone to dive deeper into what happens after death, which will naturally ease your anxiety
🦩 I had Capricorn rising with Pluto and Saturn in 1st house this year and it was ROUGH. Capricorn risings sets the theme for the year as a year with hardships, obstacles and difficulties in achieving happiness. Saturn in 1st house brings a lower than usual sense of self-esteem, while Pluto in 1st house tells us about a major change when it comes to how others perceive us. This change isn't as sudden as the changes Uranus brings, more like something that has been boiling for a while in the dark and now it finally comes up to the surface. This year i decided to pursue astrology as my (future) career and i've also told people in my life about it. I felt like i was truly reborn compared to where i was last year
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incorrect-obeyme · 4 months
Levi: Sometimes I forget my siblings actually have entire lives that they're living and they aren't just my side characters.
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ghostbny · 11 months
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Kirbytober Day 26 ship snowfall ❄️
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