#rested but at what cost (body ow)
Would Lux be okay with Honoré leaning his head on their shoulder and falling asleep? Because I think it'd look very cute to see him start dozing on their shoulder mid movie marathon
despite their initial discomfort, they'd warm up to it. they'd sigh, only slightly shifting closer to be more comfortable. I think they'd just be happy that honoré is getting some rest, even if it means taking the L as the appointed pillow. it might tempt them to fall asleep on his head in return though, so watch out
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inkskinned · 1 year
running yourself into the ground because it "feels good" but actually because it secretly feels bad like a cheese grater against all the soft bits of your mind and running yourself into the ground specifically because it feels very bad and right now the roadrash will give some kind of visual effect to the rest of the experience of your suffering and running yourself into the ground because you were raised religious and/or with strict parents and now you feel like you need an excuse any time you burn out or else it's not burnout it's laziness and running yourself into the ground so you can be really sure it's actually depression and not just because you ate something suspicious
and running yourself into the ground because the back of your throat tastes like rotted fish and yet everybody wants you to get up and make a pretty dance about it and running yourself into the ground like a matchstick because if you're going to have to be here you want to blaze about it and running yourself into the ground like a darkened landing strip so the plane wheels spark up and your hometown finally disappears in the distance good fucking riddance
and running yourself into the ground because of some fucked up great-great-grandparent's hard work aesthetic and because you somehow owe it to your parents, who owed it to their own parents, because owing things is normal in your family, like love is a cost-value analysis and running yourself into the ground and getting up and pretending that, like, this isn't burning the candle at both ends. two days is plenty to get back into it.
you're not spiraling, you're just manifesting wealth and happiness. you're not spiraling, the radio in your chest just has low batteries. what do you mean that's the sound of distress. when they went out looking, they never found your pilot. you haven't been in this body for years now. you found yourself and put her into a box and then put her up on a shelf. she's still safe up there and she's still a kid.
running yourself into the ground and the constant knowledge: you don't even know where you're going and you don't like the experience. but where ever it is: you're not there yet.
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itsthewritergal · 8 months
don't tell Bucky - B.Barnes x reader
Summary: Reader is broke and refuses to tell mob!bucky the extend of it
TW: fluff, happy ending, little swears, mention of money, getting fired, (think that's everything)
Y/N was used to the biting cold in her apartment, it had been a long few months with her hours being cut down and bills piling up she was in debt. Badly. She had started cutting costs where possible, heating was the first to go, she had opted for  not turning the heating on despite the freezing temperatures outside, food was the second thing to go, she had starting making meals stretch and eating less and slowly things seemed a little more manageable. The bills continued to pile up, yet things seemed a little easier. Every single penny was put to the side to clear her debt. She had been seeing Bucky as much as possible but she couldn’t talk to him about it, he would just offer to pay her debt off and then she’d owe him for almost the rest of her life. She couldn’t ask him. She wouldn’t. Bucky had picked her up from work, it was a surprise, and something Y/N was grateful for as she wouldn’t have to pay for the bus home. 
“Do you want to stay at mine tonight?” Bucky asked gently pressing a kiss to her cheek as they finished their heavy make-out session in the car 
“I’ve got work in the morning,” She said softly, breath slipping through her lips 
“Call in sick” Bucky said between kisses “You can go without one shift can’t you?” Bucky asked 
“We’re short staffed Buck, I need to be there” She lied easily, 
“Let me come in? I just want to hold you tonight” He said softly pressing another kiss to her lips. Y/N nodded in agreement, how could she ever say no to an offer like that? 
Bucky followed Y/N up the stairs to her apartment, she unlocked the door and was met by an icy breeze. Bucky shuddered. 
“Why is it so cold baby? Your heating broken?” He asked 
“Hmm?” Y/N asked turning around to face him 
“Your apartment Y/N, it’s cold” 
“Oh, sorry Buck I turned the heating off” 
“For good?” Bucky asked closing the door behind him “Or is it broken?” He asked
“Oh, no I just turned it off whilst I was at work” Y/N said softly, 
“Why would you do that?” Bucky asked again pulling Y/N into an embrace 
“It was just while I went to work Buck”
“That’s not safe doll, you should keep the heating on so you don’t get ill, even when you’re not home. You need to come into a warm house” Bucky said, Y/N resisted the urge to cry. 
“I usually do Bucky, it was just a one off” she said. 
Bucky didn’t mention the heating again that night. Y/N was grateful for that small mercy. What he did mention was the mountain of blankets that sat on her bed. 
“Doll?” He called from her bedroom 
“Yeah?” She replied coming into the bedroom, her eyes falling on Bucky’s metal hand clasping three blankets, 
“You coming down with something?” He asked “I can call Banner to come and check on you if you want?” 
“Oh Buck, no I’m ok. Just get cold when you’re not here” She said, it wasn’t a complete lie, just a small one. It made her feel a little better. 
“You know you could just move in with me?” Bucky offered 
“Don’t be silly Bucky, we’ve spoken about this” She said and Bucky stopped himself from starting an argument by pressing his lips to hers. 
— — — 
The next few weeks were tricky. Y/N had started picking up more shifts than she could count which lessened her time to do anything; most of all see Bucky. 
When one fateful day put Y/N’s life into a tailspin, 
“Y/N could you come into my office when you get a moment please?” Her boss’s voice cut through the noise, and Y/N felt a panic run through her body, 
“I’ll come now” She said quickly, hurrying behind the shorter lady, “is everything ok?” 
“Take a seat Y/N” She said, Y/N knew this wasn’t good, she never asked her to take a seat before, this had got to be bad news. 
“Have I done something wrong?” 
“No, Y/N you’re one of the best workers we have here” She said taking a deep breath “but we can’t afford to keep you on, with prices and wages going up we’re cutting down to less staff members and well it’s only fair that we let you go first. You’ve got enough experience to get another job quickly whereas the others don’t” 
“You mean the others are cheaper because they are younger?” Y/N said noticing the true meaning behind her words. 
“That isn’t what we are doing Y/N” her boss spoke halfheartedly 
“When do I leave?” Y/N asked dejectedly, knowing it was a loosing battle 
“Today’s your last shift, you are let go without holiday pay or leave notice” She said passing Y/N an envelope “All the necessary documents are in here, please hand your keys in at the end of the shift” 
“No need to wait” Y/N said, pulling her work keys out her bag and putting them on the desk. Picking up the envelope, Y/N walked out. 
The walk home was a cold one, not only because of the biting wind but Y/N felt empty, numb, like she’d just been caught in the rain. She wanted to call Bucky, but after her neglect of him she knew that he was probably mad at her and calling him to cry would not be the best way to go. However, her ringtone cut Y/N’s moping thoughts short, 
“Doll, oh thank god. Steve just told me he passed you on the street, he’s turning around to pick you up so don’t go anywhere. What’s happened?” Bucky asked 
“Nothing Buck, I’ll talk to you later, tell Steve not to worry” 
“No, he’s picking you up and you can come here or go home then come here, or just head home if that’s what you want but I’d rather Steve did it than you walk yourself doll okay?” He said 
“It’s going to happened whatever I say right?” Y/N chuckled halfheartedly, the lack of reply on Bucky’s end confirmed it “I’ll wait for Steve” 
“Good girl, I’ll see you soon” He said ending the call quickly. 
As if on cue Steve’s car pulled into view, 
“Hey Y/N, Buck’s waiting for you” He said opening the door for her, 
“Thanks Steve” 
After a few quiet minutes Y/N answered the question which was burning in Steve's mind, 
“I got fired” She said quietly, 
“They did what? Oh Buck won’t be happy, how dare they” Steve said forcefully, 
“They can’t afford me apparently” Y/N chuckled sadly 
“Promise you won’t tell Bucky?” She asked 
“I won’t lie to him if he asks” Steve said “But I’ll divert attention so he doesn’t ask” Steve agreed quietly 
— — — — — 
Y/N had avoided Bucky for another two weeks, she hadn’t meant to. But she had been sending CV’s, babysitting, dog walking and selling small handmade bits online. Anything possible to make some money, she was yet to receive an interview or even any interest. It seemed that everyone was full of employees or was hiring younger staff, there was no place for Y/N. 
She had been dodging her landlord phone calls, and the electricity company and even a few others who she knew were angry that she hadn’t paid. Stretching her legs out wide on the floor she took a minute away from her laptop screen and picked up her phone. 
“I’m on my way, be there in 15” Bucky had texted around 15 minutes ago, Y/N let out a panicked sigh and started picking up the mess around her to try and make herself look presentable for Bucky, she had to keep up appearances. 
“Doll?” Bucky called through her apartment, 
“In here” She replied quickly shoving some dirty clothes at the bottom of her wardrobe, 
“Hey doll” He said softly pulling her in for a kiss, not seeming to notice her dishevelled state. 
“Hey Bucky” she pressed a kiss to his lips, something she had missed dearly. 
“I need to talk to you” Bucky said pulling her down to sit on the bed, she sat down with his hands gripped in hers as if he was about to disappear. 
“I know I’ve been awful Buck, I haven’t spoken to you and I’ve avoided you, please don’t be mad, I’ve just been so stressed and—”
Bucky quickly cut her off “I’m not breaking up with you Y/N” 
“You’re not?” 
“No, doll I’m not” 
“I know what’s going on Y/N” he said sincerely 
“Nothing’s going on” 
“Doll I know” 
“Bucky nothing is going on”
“You got fired, you’ve been trying to find another job, you’ve been dog walking, which I’m not happy with because that’s dangerous when you don’t know the dog or the owner, and you’ve been selling your adorably little crochet animals online” Bucky said 
“You got someone to follow me” 
“You started shutting me out” Bucky justified 
“Fair enough” 
“Did I miss anything?” Bucky asked 
“No” Y/N said her eyes welling up with tears, she let go on Bucky’s hand to hide her face in them, 
“Oh doll, come here” Bucky said wrapping his arms around her, letting her cry all her stresses and troubles away onto his shirt, he knew once she had cried they would be able to talk through options properly. 
“I’m sorry” Y/N said with a sniffle 
“Can I finish what I was saying earlier?” Bucky asked, Y/N nodded silently “I’ve paid off all your debts, I did the landlord, electricity, water and that loan you took out, you can pay me back if you want to if you have the money, if not it’s my birthday present to you I know you won’t accept it any other way” He said 
“Bucky please”
“It’s already done” 
“I should be able to do this better,I  should be able to pay my fucking bills” 
“No” Bucky said calmly 
“No you’re not doing that. You are doing as best as you can. And I refuse to listen to that shit. Now put on a nice dress, we’re going out to eat” 
— — — — 
That night when Bucky and Y/N were laying in bed cuddled up to each other, Y/N decided to be brave 
“Yes doll?” 
“Do you think I could move in with you?” She asked pressing a kiss to his chest “I don’t think I want to do this alone anymore” 
“Doll, I’d be delighted” 
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louebel · 11 months
Hi! Can I request fluff Law x fem!reader where reader is feels sick but tries to ignore it/do things on her own (she’s not used to ask for help) but as a doctor law easily can tell by the signs and it happens during their sea journey on the polar tang? Hope I’m not asking too much love ya 🥺
Feel free to add angst or anything else to your writing ^•^
this is super old and the only request i'll ever do (atm) since i had a wip— ANON SORRY IT TOOK FOREVER <\3 reader is gn since i used the second person and no description.
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: trafalgar law × gn!reader 𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐨/𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬: 6,124 wc. a bit angsty, ends with fluff, emotional reader for the sickness, law is bad at emotions. this turned longer than expected, i hope it's decent xdd hit me up if there's any mistakes lol. supposed to be called windows of the soul,, divider by @ benkeibear my lord and saviour. 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: sickness overtook your body and worsened your already pitiful situation. law has been ignoring you and you have no idea why... but with how you felt, there was no way you could confront him at the moment.
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scrub, scrub, scrub... 
"... phew ..." 
scrub... poof! 
"Oh! — damnit — aargh..." 
Cleaning today has been a nightmare. Never been so tedious. 
Like, it was already uninteresting compared to all the other things you could do, but today it was ten times worse. You could bear it, seeking to make dusting shelves fun by humming some random tune to yourself. It was okay, something you had to do every once in a while. You could do it. 
If only you weren't sick. 
"Achoo! Achoo! — urgh... Achooo..! Damn." 
You began feeling like this some days ago, or so you told yourself as you delicately hunched down to the floor, hoping to grasp the yellow sponge soaked in foam and water without experiencing excruciating pain. However, your hopes soon shattered as your back screamed in agony and your legs trembled with soreness, almost giving up on you. 
Just the flu, you insisted, it would go away. A couple of sneezes mean nothing. You would feel better and all would go back to the ordinary. 
... Oh, how wrong you were! And how stupid for not getting a day off. 
You were capable, though! You counted on your immune system (it sounded heroic the first time you thought of that). One night is all you needed. 
Or not. 
"Ow, ow..." 
You should've told your captain. Sure, it would cost your courage, pride, and dignity, but at least you'd be cured. You'd rather die than tell him you got sick because of the one herb he instructed everybody to avoid. 
What's worse is that he's been rather distant, and he's unquestionably avoiding you. The way he shoots daggers — no, whole machetes in your direction every time you do anything, smart or not, is so clear even the crew can see it. And the worst part? You do not know why. 
It had been like this for a while now, and you detested this whole plight with passion. Everything was okay between the two of you, you were sure of it! What did you do that spurred such a reaction? From one so dear to you? 
Those sweet memories... 
From new findings you excitedly presented him, to revealing himself, his past and adventures to you after almost a year of sailing. You knew everything about him. He knew everything about you. 
So why? Why stop so abruptly? You didn't mind when he digressed about his newfound coins. When he murmured under his breath while he pored over medical books or mulled about a particular topic. When he stressed over labor and called for a brief break, where you or the crew would attend to him by delivering him a meal or helping when he wasn’t looking. He's so stubborn.
From captain, to Law, to captain again. Not to mention how he deftly stopped you from hanging out with him. You thought he needed space at first. Maybe he was tired and had to rest for the next few days. That’s alright. However, your thoughts deteriorated as the days passed. But well, right now it's better if he doesn't see you at all. Nor the crew‌ — oh, the damn crew. Those two.
The "two" being the pair of nitwits that constantly stand by law's side and grin at you. Seriously... 
You do not understand what Penguin and Shachi find so amusing about your situation with him. It's a tragedy, not a comedy. You love them both, truly, the minute you stepped into the polar tang they were the first ones to get you to open up and all, but goodness, you wish you could beat them for sitting there, cackling and clapping their hands while confiding some mysterious comments to each other when la — the captain, showed up in the area and walked past you with an unreadable gaze. He'd constantly salute you and the others with a bow of his head or more, depending on his mood. 
Now? If he saw one inch of your form? 
Sigh. His face always went red. 
Why can't those two just tell you? Even Ikkaku seemed to know something you didn't. She was more subtle about it, though. Jean Bart wasn't slick either. You could see him smile from a mile away. Hakugan and Clione? Shachi and Penguin 2.0, except they hid behind Jean Bart. The rest pitied you instead, sometimes patting your back — sometimes shaking their head almost in disbelief. Oh, and Bepo gave you suspicious smiles! Every time he tried to say something to you, those two animal hat-wearing goblins silenced him. Did they just want you to suffer? 
And if they did want that then their curses were working because even after grabbing the sponge (almost losing your temper as it slipped through your gloved palm twice) and straightening back to an erect pose, your head was still banging with fervor, muscles barely reacting. 
If only you could snuggle with the fluffy, warm mink right now. A bitter sigh rushed past your lips at the thought. 
Those two were just so mean. But Law was much meaner — the captain, the captain... Yes, the captain. That... That dummy. 
You groaned and shook your head while forcing your wobbly arms to scrub the table, exhausted mentally with this never-ending train of thoughts and these fanciful fists leaving invisible bruises all over your poor body. Not to point out those hands pinching your brain like dough... 
Just — you... Goodness, what was it he suddenly despised so much? The submarine felt like home. It was home, especially when he joined you. Now when he does, he — the aura he emanates is intimidating, yet everyone is either unaware of it or not affected by it. 
What made him so resentful? You can barely say anything when he strides into the place, too panicked to learn how he would perceive you or talk to you if you go on. It's like you're back on step one, isolated, too scared to be yourself with your family. Because of one man who's supposed to be the head of it. 
Being you felt like a sin when close to him, as if he preferred the private variant of who you are, and shunned your curious and spirited self. You could understand since he’s rather closed off and well, in a certain aspect you are too, but — did he not like you at all? Was it all an act to not offend you? He didn't seem to dislike your vivid reactions initially, or your foolish gestures when nearing a fresh island. You were often silent, smiling and listening to others converse, but when around your companions, you easily liked to open up since it was the only time you could do so. And they were more than just that. You entrusted all the members of the heart pirates. They meant everything to you. Even him, who stopped including you. 
You wished it could all go back to normal. 
This disease enjoyed fumbling with your previously scrambled sentiments. Law did mention it brought a high fever and emotional susceptibility. You didn't consider it'd be this severe. 
"... Okay, I'm done." 
You certainly weren't, with your bed unmade and furniture still dusty; floor imploring for a good wash. However, with the croaky voice you had paired with your runny nose, you doubted you could do more. Even if you did, it'd be better not to. 
You peered down at the bucket full of water that probably smelled better than you at the moment, ignoring the small puddle beside it made by your poor handling sponges skills. Grimacing, you decided to leave it where it was in case carrying it back turns out to be a challenge. Hopefully, Ikkaku can provide you help later. 
Looking around, your droopy eyelids dimmed your perspective and further provoked you as both exasperation and exhaustion mixed and boiled in your gut, room so messy it mirrored your current state. You didn't know what was irritating you more: the light of the lamp or the disarray you resided in. 
Howling dejectedly, you turned and plodded to your bed, opening your arms, ready to throw yourself on the mattress. The more you sleep, the sooner you'll get better. Yeah, you're so brilliant. You closed your eyes and — 
knock knock. 
— reopened them a second after, remaining immobile for an extra few before glowering at your door, contemplating whether to go open it or linger to determine if they'd leave. Hmm. 
You waited. 
... knock knock. 
You gritted your teeth, drawing a profound breath to settle your nerves, haywire thanks to the hellish illness. They didn’t deserve to withstand your rage, but who knows, maybe by seeing your shape, they'll show sympathy and tell you. That could work. 
You sluggishly trudged to the door, not bothering to adjust your unbuttoned pajamas and faking a cheerful facade. You hoped your face didn't look too awful, but you couldn't care less right now. 
Gripping and twisting the knob, you pushed it open, greeting them with the feeblest voice you've ever had, your sore nose making it unthinkable to inhale air. You rubbed the back of your head while doing so, eyelids closed to evade any light. 
"Yo, Penguin, Shachi, how can I—" the words automatically came out of your coarse and blazing throat, opening your eyes a bit to look at... them... 
Then you saw a tattoo. And more tattoos. No white, poofy boiler suits in sight. 
By barely seeing light before, you tried giving yourself mercy, but now you were only slaughtering yourself to make sure the person in front of you was, well. Him. 
Your jaw fell while your brows lifted in consternation, but shortly returned down thanks to your declining headache. Your pupils then scaled the mountain of mass before you and arrived at the peak. Another pair of eyes. 
Cool, gray eyes. The ones that just a week ago welcomed you with compassion and comfort. Now they drive you to wither away from this world. Even if you look up to them. (Hehe, get it? man, you're so silly, wow.) 
"—help … Captain. Uh, hello." and there goes your comfort zone. 
You tried swallowing down air but got pounds of mucus down your stomach instead, curved posture closing up even more in his presence, ashamed to be seen in such a weak state, instantly regretting not managing your appearance as his gaze scrutinized you from top to bottom, probably displeased with how you presented yourself.. 
You looked everywhere but at him. He only looked at you. 
Envy spurted from the plant’s toxins. How could he focus on one thing and have so much confidence to stare at someone without breaking eye contact at all? If you do the same for longer than two seconds, it feels like whoever looked at you has seen your entire personality, life, darkest secrets that you didn't really have, closest people to you — everything in poor words. The windows of your soul, perpetually agape.
How does he keep them closed? Why can't you seal them at all? Why?— 
"—so care to explain the meaning of this?" 
You stupidly stared at him, blinking and glancing at his shoulders, then back at him to break whatever spell he put on you, not able to concentrate at all. 
Barely could you see the annoyed expression on his face. You hoped he wasn't dealing with excessive stress. Making him feel worse was not your intention. 
"I said, care to explain what this is? You look... terrible—" you cringed at that, "—and you haven't come out of your room since this morning. Do you have any idea what time it is?" His scrutinizing tone made you want to crawl under your blankets and stay there forever, but his patronizing gaze didn't let you. 
You could merely fidget with your fingers and glance back at the floor to relieve your worries, which mixed with pain, fatigue, and dirtiness. You called for sleep so badly. 
"I'm—I'm sorry, Captain. I, uh, I didn't—" sniff, "—mean to skip my duties. Sorry." 
His brow creased in suspicion at your raspy voice and poor shape. 
"Is that so? Look at me while you say it." if his words weren't menacing enough, his tone was too. He knew you couldn't do that. Especially now. 
"Uh..." you unconvincingly whispered, continuing to play with your fists, until rubbing your nape once more, shuddering at how chilled your hands were compared to it. 
Your actions were, again, spotted by him, and if one more thing occurred, then he'll be correct. 
"Well? I'm waiting." 
Sighing exasperated, you raised your head to look into his pupils once again.  
Unbeknownst to you, he already confirmed another of his impressions while taking a further view of your sullen visage. 
"I, uhm, overslept, Captain. That — that happens sometimes, yeah? Sorry about that. I'll—I'll..." stopping for a moment, you squinted your eyes and scrunched your nose while the man before you attentively fixated his stare on your frame and— 
"Achooo!" —covered half of your face whilst he recoiled back at the loud sneeze you let out, not expecting it at all. He blinked, then you sneezed again, and again. Streak of three. 
If your voice and glossy eyes already told everything to the doctor, the continuous sneezes only reinforced his thesis. 
You exhaled haplessly as he sternly said your name. 
"You're sick." his firm and coherent words could not be fooled. Your fate was sealed. 
"...Yeah." at this point, you didn't care. He was gonna scold you, nothing you could do about it. You could only hope he'll do that after you're cured because right now, you could barely stand still without shivering. You were sure if he wanted to do something he would have already, so he definitely will have a talk with you after you're healthy. 
"Why?" you've been proven wrong so many times this morning — afternoon. Evening? That you don't know what's gonna happen next. 
You stared at him numbly, almost done with everything. 
"What do you mean 'why'? I don't, I don't know. Probably our... Ugh, our last stop, isn't that obvious—" 
"Not that. Why didn't you say anything? To the others? To me?" 
If it wasn't for your head beating incessantly and the aching of your tendons ruining everything, you would think this was a dream. 
You kept gawking at him like a goldfish. His timbre wasn't as stern as it regularly was. It was a bit, just a tad bit lower. Like, barely. His eyes were softer, and if you met the man yesterday, you wouldn't be capable of identifying his mood. It's because you knew him for so long that you could distinguish it. 
"I..." you mumbled talks under your breath, awfully feeble to maintain the discussion, barring your eyes and hitching away when Law planted his freezing hand on your forehead. You fussed in protest, although it didn't last long. 
"You're cold... Off." 
"My hands are perfectly fine. You're burning," he interrupted you, stating the obvious. But you were far too deep to listen, fatigued. 
"Yeah... M'sorry." you nodded while deliberately looking down in shame, almost dropping to the ground out of fatigue. Everything seems hazy, the pressure in your skull fading, while the breaths you took were meager. 
Something skimmed over your shoulder and nape — ah, his fingertips — palm carefully tilting your head back up. Your mouth hung open, and you attempted to focus on your captain's facial features and the iconic hat to not fall asleep. 
"It's fine." But his gentle approach and mellow maneuvers set you in a soothing trance, where you couldn't do anything other than auscultate him. 
It’d be an exceptional moment to speak up about these last days, his odd actions. 
"It... It is? You, ah... You're not..." but you struggled to do so, chest too heavy to speak. He narrowed his eyes, striving to make out what you were saying, but it was all incomprehensible to him. 
"I'm not?" he urged you to proceed, getting closer — he felt warm. Wasn't he cold some seconds ago? Ah, he’s draping his coat over your shoulders, so, so cozy, — and holding you as if you were glass. Why was he holding you? It felt nice, undoubtedly nice. Oh, you were going to fall, you think. 
“Hey—hey. It’s okay. I got you. I got you.” 
Cradling you in his arms, Law cursed and crouched down, snaking an arm under your knees and sweeping you up, a short "there" slipping from his tongue, keeping you close to his breast. Naturally, you snuggled close to the source of heat, losing consciousness, unaware of your surroundings, his distress, and jogging to the infirmary. 
“Hey. Keep your eyes open. No, no, open—yes, yes, like that. Good job. A bit more, then you can go to sleep, alright?" 
While nodding lazily when he said your name again, you curled up for more warmth, and he mellowly followed your movement, hefting you up and pressing his lips upon your forehead, his frown deepening at how high the temperature was. He needed to administer medicine quickly. 
"Law …'m sorry if I smell." 
He scoffed. Thinking of such idiotic things was exactly like you, sputtering them out so bluntly. Rolling his eyes was natural at this point. 
"That's my last concern. We'll think of your scent and hygiene later. Don't speak. Shh." 
So stupid, so stupid. He should've confronted you ever since you left the island. He should've. It's been a recurring pattern these days. He couldn't see you because of his work but spoke with the others at breakfast, lunch, dinner... They all grew concerned about your distance. Uni shared that it began right after the departing... He knew something wasn't right with you, he could feel it.
Back in that inhabited location, he quickly took note of your drooping posture and fatigued breathing. He wanted to ask about it, but the following days, you acted normal, and Law thought you were queasy because of the heat.
Then he got busy checking on the crew's documents, medicine supply, the damn broken scope Hakugan sadly reported, bounties, news — and something else. He managed to give a check-up to everyone but you. It was mandatory after leaving an island.
With you evading him and him doing the same, this happened. Great. He could only hope it wasn't contagious.
... Wait.
He gritted his teeth in sour realization — Not once has he seen you in the halls or dining hall. No one mentioned you, either. Have you eaten anything at all? Oh, you imbecile.
He palmed your skin through your suit, easing your laments and whimpers, walking through the hallways of the Polar Tang and reaching the infirmary. Kicking the door open while lulling you a bit, shushing and fluttering his eyelids at your sick and quaking form. 
"There we go. Shh, I know, I know, it's awful." 
Uplifting the blankets, he quickly covered you and began searching for his equipment, rustling and metal clicks tangling with your whines. 
"U- uuh... W- where..?" 
"I'll be there in a second. I'm here." 
As he said that, he quickly came back to you, already stirring medicine in a cup. He had to give to you before you blacked out or fell asleep. Sliding a hand under your back, he carefully pushed you up, gaining a groan from you; you sounded so tired. Tipping your head forward, he brought the rim of the cup to your lips. You were delirious, could barely see or feel, but managed to follow his direct instruction to "open". The first glass was tasteless, fresh... water. 
The second tasted awful. 
"A couple more sips and we're done. Come on, you're doing good." 
Once you drank it all, with a small praise from Law, he gently laid you back down, about to check your vitals. He knew you were in no condition to do as he instructed, it would be all him. Idiot, idiot... 
Just looking at you made him guilty. He never saw you this awful. However, what truly pushed him were your next phrases. 
“Do you feel better now..?” 
Low and dry, they all were. He halted his movements, his hands in the bag, shifting his attention to you. 
Your question puzzled him. 
Feel better? Him? He was fine. Perhaps you thought the disease was contagious? No; you would've phrased that diversely. His forehead creased, slightly tilted to the side. 
“I … I missed you." 
And as clear drops cascaded down your cheeks, his limbs froze, a bittersweet ache striking his chest. 
"I—I thought I did something wrong … I’m sorry … Should've told you. 'M sorry ... really...” 
“No, no, don’t be. It’s alright, don't—don't speak. You did nothing. Shh...” 
And if you stayed conscious for some more seconds, you could've seen those severe pupils mitigate. The windows of his soul open up; the "stern" gaze he preserved for you withering in an instant at your vulnerability. 
All he wanted to do was clear that up. When, now..? 
“I—I’m the one that should’ve apologized, damn it…” 
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It was very warm. Pleasant. 
The boilersuit felt different. Heavier, and not … poofy. Hm. 
The pillow was so nice, though... 
You sought a better position under the comforting and amiable regime of your blanket, squinting your glistening eyes as if sand had struck them; eyebrows knitting in distaste and discomfort, choler cramming up your insides — but not for long, extremely achy and sleepy to lament. 
Shouldn't it be easier to relax now that you are tired? Shifting left and right left your muscles throbbing. The peace you could achieve in your dreams was all you begged for. But no, you just had to rise two more times in the span of minutes or hours. 
When you woke up the third time, someone surprised you. He was perching on a chair near the infirmary's bed, head, presumably about to doze off. An encyclopedia of vegetation and exotic environs sat in his palms and dotted jeans, the cover made of green-coloured leather, firm to the touch. 
He looked peaceful. 
"... Law?" 
Your lashes fluttered at the fierce shudder that rocked his frame, the textbook about to fall, his eyes snapping open and rapidly darting up to you. 
"Oh. You woke up. Good. Good evening." 
You were mad at him. You were mad at him. 
His lips were indubitably moving. Whatever he was saying, you were not listening. Something about being out for hours, but you were too out of it to pay attention. 
And looking down at your body, your eyeballs almost popped out of your sockets at the sight of... Not your boilersuit. 
"I'm in my pajamas?" 
"And — hm? Oh. I changed you." Pause. "With my devil fruit, of course. Obviously. You were way too hot in it." 
Pause number two. 
"I'm hot?" You bluntly said,
"Not in that way." And he quickly retorted, bashful. You immediately got gloomy.
"Oh..." You and Bepo were alike. He couldn’t help but sweatdrop.
"No, no, no, don't — you look fine. That's not what I meant." 
A hoarse chuckle ripped from your sensible larynx, a noise that he hadn't heard in a while. His back loosened at your jovial note, the pressure applied on the envelope of the manual lessening. 
There was a superb illustration of the flora you accidentally whiffed. 
"You inhaled it, didn't you?" 
... Silence followed. Then a sigh.
"A simple allergy with a sore throat and emotional instability in the first phase caused by the pollen, weakened muscles and headache in the second, and heightened senses, nausea, and worsening of the body in the last one. You felt them all." 
Quick and precise, each symptom he mentioned appeared throughout the weeks you boarded on the Polar Tang. He hit the mark. Glancing at him from the corner of your eyes, you nodded sheepishly, feeling hot in your cheeks. 
"I thought I mentioned dodging those peculiar red flowers. I don't expect you to recall the name, but to avoid it. Thankfully, you only inhaled its pollen, or else you would've been in this bed the moment we departed." 
"O—oh... That bad?" 
"No, not really. The symptoms would've developed quicker, but nothing dangerous. Perhaps you would have slept over two days, as all cases do when encountering this allergy," He narrows his eyes at you, shutting the book and crossing his long legs, his foot jouncing. "Not at all fatal, only worrying when the patient in question mentions nothing about the symptoms and overworks themselves.” 
“You're fine." 
A small huff left your lips, nodding lazily. Nothing was uttered after from both sides. Occasional groans from yours. Only then he spoke. 
"Why didn't you tell me?" 
"..." The answer was simple. He immediately found the illness yet couldn't pinpoint the cause of this? It was almost ironic. Your quietude wasn't taken well. 
"... You ignored me. You made it clear." 
And he was faking ignorance. That glance, his attitude. You knew him too well, but had no energy to call him out. 
"I—I didn't." 
"Don't play coy, Law. Did I do something? Even the others know. Penguin and Shachi told me. I—" 
You paused when he raised his hand, glancing at it in confusion, then back at him, twice or more. He sighed and dropped it back on his thigh again, using his other one to rub his temple in distress. 
"You did nothing. I don't know what... Shachi and Penguin said," You tilted your head at his peculiar manner of quoting them. "But I've got nothing against you." 
He stopped rubbing and lifted his head to check on you again and you were unsure of what to say. His brows wrinkled the tender skin of his forehead, severity, and minor unease painting every fiber of his appearance. 
You just... didn't know. 
"Really? Then why those weird stares? Why leave the room the moment I come in? I mean." you flailed your hands around, looking everywhere as if you could find an explanation. "You never behaved this way, Law, not with anyone. I... It was fine before, right? Let me ask again, did I do something wrong?" 
"Of course not!" 
At his hasty exclamation, you blinked, uncertain why he became as rigid as stone. Palms back on the blanket, you awaited an elaboration of his thoughts, observing his adumbral face to detect any key to figure out what caused him to alter his ways with you. However, his hat, which you've always appreciated for its fluffiness, turned out to be an issue. Those eyes you've grown so fond of refused to meet yours. 
You just couldn't get it. The surrounding air grew an intoxicating no romance book would mention, one that did the contrary of setting your heart aflame, that poor muscle of yours. 
If he explained, it would've been easier. 
"Okay, 'of course not' ... Sure—" 
"We are not having this conversation. You need rest." 
He briskly cut you off, and your heart felt constricted. The words felt bitter upon both of your tongues, so bitter and revolting, they made his jaw clench and your eyes water. You weren't having it. Absolutely not. 
"I feel better now, thank you, and I say we're having this right here." You pushed, ignoring how he clenched his tattooed fist.
"Yes, Law! I don't know what I did, but if it bothers you, shouldn’t you tell me? There are things we can all miss." 
The pang in your brain was still active, and you had no patience nor strength to argue. Either he spoke up or you'd go straight to sleep. 
"I... You did nothing that bothers me." 
His speech was almost a whisper, a low rumble, and were you in your regular state, you'd feel sad to see him like this. Law had no trouble speaking up— perhaps with apologies, or admitting to be wrong when in the midst of a conversation. Maybe something genuinely bothered him. But he'd tell you, wouldn't he? He had to.
But you weren't the only one who had to consider the consequences. He also had to do his part. 
"... And?" you encouraged him, to gain something, something that would lead you both to that damned thing you were both chasing, that ounce of understanding. 
“And—and what?" alas, it served another wave of blistering dissatisfaction down upon the membranes of your boiling stomach. 
He couldn't be serious. 
"... Whatever. I'm going to sleep." 
You detested how you were feeling, a volcano of passions, the pounding in your skull, and the heat, and the ludicrous, nagging insecurity, all these wretched, gristly sensations shoved in your mouth and scraping your gullet, such a relucting and squalid dish, contaminating your palate and inflaming the gums of your teeth. 
But all Law could see was how your eyes moistened and reddened, the crinkles at the corners of your mouth, the contracted tissues above your nose. 
You couldn't feel how his heart plummeted, either. Again, he caused you to cry. 
"Hey... I—" 
"No, Law, no! I said leave! You ignored me for almost two weeks and now—now you're just..!" 
Perhaps you were being a bit too "dramatic" for something you could solve with a modest exchange, something that, compared to all the obstacles you and Law went through, was a sheer grain of dust in your shoes. Yet you erupted for the frustration, the plant's effects and that nameless thing you'll bring in your grave, for if he knew, he'd probably pity you. 
Maybe, just maybe, he should've kept ignoring you. If solely to dim that warmth. The glow in your eyes that only sparked with him. 
"I don't mind if you need time. I don't mind if you're busy or whatever, that's obviously fine! But can't you tell me? Is it that hard? Instead of treating me like a stranger? Just—just, just leave..." 
Your snotty voice seemed ridiculous, resounding through the infirmary alongside your sobs and sniffles. Vision tarnished by your tears, staring at the ceiling with resignation. It alarmed Law, whose emotions were already scattered; unnerved, anxious. 
He couldn't take seeing you like this. He couldn't. 
"That’s not it! I... I just — I..!" His broken explanations fell as your cries didn't stop; spasms traveling through your frazzled nerves. He swore under his breath, getting up and coming to you, standing close but so, so distant. His fingers jerked, impatient to wipe your tears, to calm you down, to assure you everything was alright, and this was all on him. 
"What..?" you meekly whimpered, gazing at him as he appeared in your sight. 
"I, I..!" if only he could express himself. You'd figure out. If only he could, without buckling and tearing apart at the weight of his own feelings. 
"... You what, Law?" 
It was tough to see with all those tears coating your scleras, but... His lips quivered. His jaw tensed. 
His hands craved yours. 
"I like—I like you!" 
... You wondered if illusions were part of the symptoms. Your eyelids were all but relaxed. Popeyed. 
"There. I said it. I mean it. Seriously. I—I think I love you." 
You could feel his frantic grip, slightly pulling the blankets in his direction, tense as him. You've never seen Law so … jittery with you. Perhaps when he slowly spoke of his past, or when his plan failed. 
"I—I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I... I was confused. I don't know. Maybe I shouldn't... No, okay. I, I love you, but you don't have to reciprocate, really. ‌I just wanted to clarify that I wasn't—" 
This was different, however. Not the same vulnerability, nor agitation. That teetering edge coating his sayings, not at all close to those instances. 
"... Law." 
"—ignoring you, I mean, I was, but I just couldn't face you, you know? I didn't know how to act—" 
That glow, those feelings. The twinkle in his eyes Bepo mentioned when you spoke of something that fascinated you, that rare grin on his lips, and that sweetness, the swelling in his chest, and the red, and the breath of fresh air, and the intoxicating romance books loved to talk about... 
Those tints blooming in his cheeks. The faint relaxation of his defined brows. How he covered his pretty, vulnerable self. 
He's no different from you. Oh, oho ho, no, he wasn’t. Only now did you realize. 
"—but I missed you so much, I missed your presence, being with you, I—" 
Your heartbeats matched. 
You understand now. The definitive yell induced him to quit his blabbering, and eventually, he found your gaze. Those windows were not locked at all. Not marginally, not halfway. They were fully open. You could see him. 
"It's... the same." 
It was all you could utter. His jaw loosened, and you could recognize his wide, stormy irises. 
"Huh? Wh — what?" 
"I feel the same way, Law. I—I love you too." 
Yours were open, too. They always were- yet he never acknowledged what dwelled inside. Two fools you both were. 
"... Oh..." and a breathless whisper was all he could offer. 
The silence dissipated. A delightful warmth occupied your rib cage. The pressure was gone. 
All is back to normal. 
"If... If you weren't sick. I'd kiss you." He mumbled, and his lips looked more luscious than ever. He shouldn't have said that. Now it was even harder. 
"P—pfft... Of course, of course. Can you come closer, at least?" you pouted, giving him the best puppy eyes you could muster. “Pretty please?”
"... Fine. It's — not contagious, anyway," he huffed, his cheeks a light pink, and he sat on the margin of the infirmary's bed, hustling just a tad bit closer... 
His ears grew pink at your giggles. Your fingers graced each other, "DEATH" entwined with you. His hands were lukewarm. Long, slim, calloused in some places, but also tender to the contact. His metacarpals were partially discernible, defining the shadows. He took care of his nails, ensuring they were cut short, although they appeared slightly, just somewhat lengthier than usual. Not considerably, however; they were still short. 
How you missed holding it. 
"Sorry, by the way. About everything." Squeezing his hand, you attempted to show him what it meant to you. He squeezed it back, brushing the top of your hand with his thumb, a pensive and solemn look on his face. 
"No- I should apologize for not saying anything sooner. I neglected and avoided you. I … I don’t know what to do. You know I’m not the type for relationships.” 
You hummed in acknowledgement, but weren't as worried as Law. You'll wait. Nothing would change. 
“Mmm. I can wait for you, Law.” Saying it seemed to take him off guard, as if he hadn't thought about it. Or, rather, didn't expect you to propose it. In his head, it seemed silly because it's him. If you were to ask in his place, he'd also wait. 
He felt lighter. 
“… Truly?” 
“Yeah. We can figure it out together. Like we always did. I’ve loved you for years." He inhaled deeply, your words buttery and sweet. "I’m fine with waiting longer.” 
Thinking you wouldn't accept, if he asked, was stupid of him too. Of course you would. Of course. With another squeeze, he nodded, and turned his head away from you a bit. 
His eyes glistened. 
“I’d like that. Thank you.” 
You smiled, too, saying nothing in return. 
He can take all the time he needs. 
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After some days, everything went back to the typical routine. The first thing you did was knock Shachi and Penguin's heads, (supported by Ikkaku) and since Hakugan and Clione were on duty, you couldn't do the same for them. 
You puffed your cheeks and enjoyed chewing the well-earned treat you snagged from the kitchen, reorganizing boxes since this morning. 
Peeking at the door, a smile adorned your mouth at the sight of your captain leaning on it. 
"Mm, there were a lot of them." 
"You could've asked for help. You know I don't want any of you to strain yourselves with tasks." 
"I had it. Don't worry. Although..." another bite. "I miss it." 
"Hm?" he crooned, tipping his head forward. "Miss what?" 
You gazed into his eyes, "Miss getting pampered by you when I was sick." lovingly observing how they enlarged a bit before returning to the stoic stare he always wore, swaying his head to dismiss your remarks. The chambré tint on his cheeks was as clear as day, like his light smile. Not that you'd tell him, he'd immediately disregard it. 
"... Meet me at my office once you're done." 
As he turned his back to you, his boots making clicky rumors with each step, your smirk amplified... After all, who could wait to get coddled by none other than their favorite captain?
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live-love-be-unique · 8 months
For the lovely @deadbranch 💕 This was inspired by the 50 word challenge and felt too good not to expand on a little more!
Price Gave You An Order
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Your teammates could only stand and watch in horror as the helicopter you were piloting was hit in the tail rotor and went into a tailspin before crashing into the cliff face. Price had called in the air strike, they were cornered and needed immediate cover if they were going to make it out alive. He’d expected one of the other pilots to show up. You’d answered the call as soon as Laswell had called it in.
You’d managed to evade a number of enemy attacks but one had taken a lucky shot and it had nailed you. Your helicopter, which you’d named Boudica after the famous warrior queen who took on the Romans, was destroyed on impact.
Just as the team believed you had been.
Your dejected teammates were safe, the explosion of your helicopter took out the remaining enemy but at a great cost. Price stood, his body felt like cement; he’d just watched you die when this morning you’d been discussing dinner plans.
Ghost had to physically drag him from going into the burning wreckage to search for your body “no!” He shouted “I’m not leaving her!” As he tried to run towards the burning wreckage.
Soap had heard it first. Movement in the scrub behind them. He grunted, raising his gun, preparing for a new onslaught of bullets. “You’re alive?!” Soap cried out incredulously. The rest of the 141 turn to see you; stumbling out of the scrub, still strapped into your parachute, struggling to make your way towards them as it snagged on a branch. You’d managed to ditch right before you hit the cliff.
Soap and Gaz clapped you on the shoulder, cheering “that was badass bonnie!” and “so sick!”, even Ghost offered a “nice job” for your actions. Price stood off to the side, stock stil, watching with a grim look on his face before turning at the sound of another helicopter approaching your position for evac.
Not a word from Price the whole flight back to your makeshift base either as you made small talk with your teammates and the pilot.
Landing, you were immediately dragged into a briefing. For the loss of your helicopter the mission had been successful, the enemies base destroyed, congratulatory praises were passed around the room before Price rounded on you, glaring daggers into your eyes.
“What the fuck were you thinking?!”
“I was doing my job!”
“I gave you an order!” Price bellowed as your teammates cleared the room, not wanting to be in the firing line when mum and dad were fighting.
“I followed it!” You shouted back. A deep sigh passed his lips as he closed his eyes for a moment.
“I’m not talking about the mission” he conceded “I told you to come back to me alive…I almost lost you” he said, his hand coming to rest on your cheek, thumb stroking against your warm skin.
Leaning into his touch. His hand moved to the back of your head as he brought you against his warm broad chest. “I need you love, I can’t do this without you anymore” his voice cracked as he held you close.
“John” you sigh “I wasn’t going to leave you there, if anyone was going to bring you home it was going to be me”
Price leaned his forehead against yours “stubborn bird” he smirked.
“Grumpy old man” you laugh “plus you owe me a new helicopter”
His chest rumbled against your cheek as he laughed “I’ll see what I can do”
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dxrksong · 2 years
Just a funny what if
The classic batfam being used to summon the ghost king scenario. Danny claws his way out of the circle and tries to intimidate everyone
Danny: WHO DARES-JOHNNY13?! Is THIS Where you've been this whole time?!
Jason: unfortunately.
Danny: wait, are you alive?!
Jason: unfortunately.
Danny: is that your family???
Jason: kid, wait up!
Danny: ?? What's up?
Jason: take me with you, PLEASE! I can't deal with their constant drama!!
Danny: John-JASON, I really don't think That's a good idea! With your family being overprotective as it is, your.....weird biology of being essentially a halfa ZOMBIE. I'm honestly concerned about what would happen if you went back into the zone.
Jason: kid please! There's hardly any ambient ectoplasm here that ISN'T tainted to high hell! Look, you can get a doctor or something if it'll make you feel better but I REALLY need to go back!!!!
Danny: *sighs* fine fine! I'll get frostbite. Just wait here for a little bit!
Danny: uh huh, just don't die again. Oh, and btw, you might wanna start running now.
Jason: huh? Why?
The batfam, misunderstanding that entire conversation and gearing up to smother and protect Jason at all cost:
The Bike who drove itself home the moment Danny appeared because it knew Jason was gonna be fine:
Frostbite isn't one for swearing
For one he's more than often surrounded by younglings and the other is to maintain the image of his tribe. For if he were to start swearing like a sailor, the rest of the yeti tribe will be sure to follow. And of course it'd be nearly impossible to reverse such a thing.
So when he met with the great one's distressed friend, all he could do was freeze as he desperately tried to pick his words VERY carefully.
What the FUCK was he LOOKING at?!
This.....this poor thing is SERIOUSLY ILL!!
Oh-wait! The great one was saying something, he completely tuned him out!
FB: Great one, we MUST get him to the infirmary IMMEDIATELY!!
Danny: huh? Why? Is it really that bad- *Frostbite grabs Jason and runs back into the zone* -and wow he didn't even wait, this must be serious.
Frostbite......has no words.....
This......shouldn't be possible....
And yet for some reason it is....
FB: You have a parasite.
Jason: huh?? Like a virus?
FB: yes.....Which shouldn't be possible.
Jason: what?? How? I'm technically alive right?
FB: yes, but that's not why. It's the parasite itself, that's the impossibility!
Danny: what do you mean?
FB: it appears the parasite is mimicking a central nervous and vein system out of ectoplasm not unlike what the Great one has, hence your reserection.
Jason: and that means???
FB: it essentially means you have a second core! But it appears unfinished. Though I am curious as to WHY it's using itself so diligently to keep you alive...
Danny: so what were to happen if we were to remove it?
Jason: ?!?!?!
FB: he would have to be put in an intensive care treatment immediately as the shock would no doubt threaten to stop his heart or rupture his core.
Jason, trying to keep himself calm: so there's no way to fix this?
FB: on the contrary, it appears your body might be trying to absorb it. Or more specifically the corrupted ectoplasm that came with it.
Jason: ok?! And??!
FB: well if we get rid of the corrupted ectoplasm, the parasite SHOULD be weakened enough to the point we can just take it out, simple as that.....in theory.
Jason growled, green coating his vision. Before getting a small electric shock in the neck
FB: it appears the parasite reacts to your emotions. If you get angry, it boosts your strength. Although unfortunately it seems to elevate your emotions as well, which seems to only confuse the parasite more till the threat is neutralized or out of sight.
Jason: so, what? It's sentient??
FB: it appears so, however it doesn't look to be very smart. Only reacting to emotions and the stress levels in your system. Kind of like a blob ghost with it's herd now that I think about it.
FB: well I'm NOT not saying that-
Danny had to drag Jason back home before he injured frostbite.
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elliespeach · 1 year
play nice | ellie williams
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˗ˏˋ"i'm not incompetent, despite what you may think." ´ˎ˗
pairing: ellie x afab reader synopsis: ellie and you hated one another more than anything and you had successfully avoided each other for nearly two years before being forced to patrol together. the day you two endured happened to be a lot more than just patrol and despite hating your guts, ellie is determined to keep you safe. warnings: lowkey mean!ellie, scary men, ellie n reader defend themselves w guns (animal death), lots of swearing, being chased, being stranded in remote location wordcount: 6k+ author note: guysssss i love the fuck out of this trope i hope i did it justice, got a bit carried away w the wordcount but i like it that way cus i dont think this will be a series!
the early morning of the jackson crowd woke you yet again, groggy and hungover you squirmed out of bed. you were supposed to be off today, taking the day to rest and recover from last night but maria had other plans for you. she had asked if you could pick up a patrol shift, a route no one likes taking, for a guy no one really likes anyway. you said yeah because you owe maria a favor, hating yourself for allowing your one day off to be tarnished. 
grumpy, you threw on your usual patrol outfit. a heavy jacket, a sweater underneath, jeans and a trusty pair of boots. the clock read only thirty minutes before you were to be posted and figured you would stop on the way to grab breakfast. 
you gave sleepy hellos to your neighbors as you passed. a lot of them shoveling their sidewalks from the snow that blanketed the earth the night before, they would be doing it all day and suddenly you were that upset about patrol duty. it beats shoveling snow. 
entering the restaurant the smell of bacon and eggs filled your nose, making your stomach lurch in your body. the hangover really settling in, you almost opted to not get food. but you saw maria at the end of the counter, leaning over and chatting with the line cook. 
“mornin’ maria,” you plastered on the best smile you could muster at the moment. “who am i with today? i didn’t check the schedule.” 
maria’s face faltered, “so that’s why you said yes,” you looked at her confused. “you can’t back out on me now.” 
“maria, what’re you talking about?” you questioned, but with the expression on her face, you came to a realization that your day was about to get a whole lot worse. “i’m not going if she is.” 
she sighed your name, “you girls were friendly once, you can’t play nice for one day?” 
“ellie can’t play nice.” you stated as a fact. and it was. 
ellie and you had a complicated history, arriving in jackson only a few days after she did, you two had become an inseparable pair. what wasn’t obvious to everyone else at the time was that you both had feelings for one another despite being young teenagers. 
one day, in her garage, ellie and you had been listening to music together while she drew in her sketchbook. you had been watching her the whole time, admiring how talented she was. at this point in time, you knew she liked you as much as you did her–or at least you thought you did. when you tried to kiss her that day, she freaked out on you and pushed you off her bed in a hurry. 
you had felt betrayed by the only person in jackson you truly trusted with anything. you never spoke of it again, in fact you never really spoke to her again about anything. you two became distant, avoiding each other at all costs because when you were in close proximity you’d fight like cats and dogs. you couldn’t hold in your snide remarks and neither could she, but when she spoke her mind it was always more cruel than you could ever imagine. 
you hated ellie williams and now you are expected to be on a full-day patrol with her. you couldn’t even begin to imagine the kind of day you were about to have, regretting any and all decisions that led to this moment. 
“so you play nice. i won’t ask you to work with her again after today, promise.” maria begged and you rolled your eyes accepting her offer. 
you said your goodbyes and maria handed you two sandwiches to go, hoping that a sandwich will fix the multiple years of hatred burning inside of ellie for you. knowing it wouldn’t work but not wanting to waste food, you obliged by taking the food and going on your way. 
your walk was slow to the stables, wanting to prolong the long day ahead of you. when you reached your destination you saw ellie at the end of the barn. she was patting her horse, shimmer, and readying her for the trip. “fuck,” you whispered to yourself before making your way over. 
as you approached her, ellie went stiff and turned her back. not you.
“maria got us these sandwiches,” you said plainly, holding out one of them to her. her eyes were dull, along with her expression and it made your blood boil. “well?” you asked, already impatient with her. 
“ate already.” ellie responded quickly before grabbing the reins on shimmer and leading her out of the barn.
you silently mouthed, “wow.” to yourself before packing the food in your backpack for later. taking your horse from his pen, you lead him in the same direction as ellie. you came upon the gate and mounted your horse before pulling beside ellie, stealing a quick look at her. 
ellie darted her eyes away from you quickly as she saw your head turn towards her, feeling a hatred burning in her chest and she thought she saw you roll your eyes in her peripheral vision. you’d never admit this, barely admitting it to yourself, but despite all the loathing you felt for her you still found yourself attracted to her all these years later. it sucks that she is a bitch, otherwise maybe you two would have been something. 
the usual spiel of being safe, record keeping and more was being announced but ellie’s voice carried its way over to you. “do you even know where we’re going?” 
you scoffed, “i’m not incompetent, despite what you may think.” 
she turned her head towards you, a fake smile splayed across her face. “i don’t think, i know.” 
“oh, fuck you, williams.” you spat at her, looking back towards the gate, not wanting to remember she’s right next to you. 
but she was, in all her rudeness. “don’t you wish,” she said casually in a mocking tone. you had to stop your mouth from dropping open at her comment. she knew exactly what she was saying to you, and it just confirmed that there is no fixing this relationship if she could make a comment that low. 
the alarms went off and the horses started to ride out of jackson. you followed suit, leading your horse out of the gate and turning right down the snow covered path. ellie followed behind you at a distance and you liked it that way. 
ellie was watching you from behind, steering your horse through the pathway. for some reason, she couldn’t pull her eyes off of you the entire trip to the first look-out. her mind plagued her with thoughts of you and she dared not to trespass into that territory again. coming up on the familiar look-out, she pushed the thoughts away and replaced them with the hurtful things you’ve said to her over the years which did little to comfort her either. 
“just wait, i’ll mark the book.” you said, dismounting your horse and heading into the small building. you had always figured it was a radio tower as a giant broken satellite was perched on the roof, slamming open the garage door you made your way inside. 
“i’ll come with, don’t need you fuckin’ up the book.” ellie remarked behind you and you rolled your eyes as she passed you, just having to be the first one to the log book and she was. she beat you to the pen and began writing that there was no infected in the area. 
as ellie finished writing, she searched around the room for you. you were standing by the window, eyes peeking into the binoculars overlooking the route you two were going to be taking. 
“lemme look,” she insisted, reaching up to snatch them from your hand. you pulled it away quickly, swatting her hand. 
“i’m fucking capable of looking through these things.” you nearly yelled. 
“you’re not even wearing your glasses, give it to me.” she growled beside you, again reaching for the binoculars as you held them away from her. 
“how kind of you to notice,” you said sarcastically, gently pushing her away from you. 
“you look better with them on, princess.” she hissed using the nickname she had given you years ago. it felt strange to hear it again, especially in such a negative way. ellie eventually gives up on taking the binoculars from you. you started to peer through them again, making out your path as she huffed beside you. she was acting bored, fake kicking the debris that littered the floor, leaning her back against the window staring into the room behind you. 
looking away from the view for a split second, catching her eyes you retorted, “you look better without them on, figured i’d at least try and have a good day.” a devilish smile washed over your face and ellie didn’t respond. you brought the binoculars back up to your eyes and they widened with fright. 
from your viewpoint you were able to see multiple men all on horseback and guns at their side, they weren’t jackson men as you would have recognized them immediately. they had blood stained clothes and looked like they haven’t showered in weeks. but the most disturbing thing you saw was a person, naked and shaking in the cold tied by their neck to one of the horses, being pulled along. this wasn’t a group to be stumbled upon by and they were right smack in the middle of your route about two miles from you both, getting closer to jackson with every step. “oh, fuck me..” you trailed off and ellie chuckled beside you. 
“like i said, you wis–” 
“ellie, look!” you hissed, shoving the binoculars in her hand but she wouldn’t take them. 
“no, apparently i can’t handle it or something!” she shoved them back in your hands. 
“ellie, would you just look while i radio the other patrols?” you basically begged and ellie heard the fear in your voice. knowing you would never let her see you this way, she sat up straight taking the binoculars from you. she watched as you ran to the table with the log book, getting your radio ready. 
she peered through them and saw what you did and ellie’s demeanor changed swiftly. she turned back to look at you, panicking because the radio wasn’t transmitting. “fuck, this stupid thing!” you yelled, banging it against your hands so hard you thought you might leave a bruise. 
ellie acted fast, throwing the log book into a damaged closet to leave no trace and picking up her backpack. “if we can’t get a signal here, we gotta move to where we can get one. the closest patrol is ten miles in the other direction, we can beat them there, they aren’t going fast.” 
she glanced at you, ready to move and you were frozen still trying to get the radio to work. she rounded on you and stopped yourself from breaking your own hand with the radio. “we have to move, okay? they won’t touch you, i promise.” 
her promise seemed sincere and in the moment you didn’t question it. you nodded your head and took a deep breath before she handed you her bag. you both sprinted to your horses, but not before ellie closed the garage with a loud thud. getting on horseback, ellie led the way, weaving in and out of trees staying off the path so as to not cause suspicion with the tracks in the snow. 
you followed suit, not letting her gain more than a few yards on you at a time. after about ten minutes of what seemed like endless trees you came upon an opening to a road. you didn’t recognize it, and as you came up beside ellie it looked like she didn’t either. you looked around desperately, fearing the men you had seen and what would happen to you both if they found you. 
“nothing on the radio?” she asked you, pulling her horse near you. 
“no, nothing.” you stated shakily, fiddling with the small radio. 
“shit,” she cursed aloud, but not loud enough for anyone else but you to hear. “c’mon, this way.” she led you down the road and as you came over a small hill a building came into the picture, a large building that looked like an old grocery store. 
as you were about to pull the radio from your back pocket, ellie and you both snapped your necks in the direction you had just come from. there was the distant sound of hooves, even in the snow and laughing that wasn’t the good kind. “they found our trail, in the building, now!” she snapped at you quietly and not seeing any other idea, you followed her. leading your horses into an empty window in the building and securing them in a locked office. 
the building was ransacked, absolutely nothing in sight but garbage and dead infected bodies. “if there is dead infected, this area must get patrolled,” ellie thought out loud, looking at the mangled bodies. 
“or they found it before we did,” you did the same, stepping over a dead infected woman. horses neighing outside brought you to a halt and ellie didn’t think twice about grabbing your wrist and dragging you out of view. shuffling past large empty boxes and even more dead infected there was a door labeled exit and ellie busted it open, shoving you inside before her. as she closed the door behind her, she heard glass breaking and men’s voices. 
you looked around in the small hallway, it was dark but you were able to see a small dim light peeking through a knocked over bookcase at the end. “ellie,” you whispered, pointing to the bookcase. quietly moving towards it, you started to lift up the bookcase revealing a large storage room with loading docks. placing the bookcase back down to block the entrance as quiet as you could. 
she nodded her head towards the loading doors, they were closed but not locked. you were about to lift them up for an escape when the exit door burst open and all that stood in between them and you two was the bookcase. you snapped your head in that direction and ellie grasped your arm, pulling you behind a large shipping crate. 
in good timing because as soon as you were secure the bookcase fell over with a loud bang that made you jump. you looked to ellie, who was trying to peek around the crate to catch a look. ellie saw three men stumble into the large room, guns and various other weapons on their belts. “come on out now!” one bellowed, causing you to grab ellie’s arm instinctively and she let you, not pulling it away in the slightest. 
ellie saw them looking around corners when one approached the loading doors, seeing it unlocked. “must’ve slipped out,” the brute snarled, fiddling with the door handle.”grab their horses, let’s go get their trail!” they triumphed, slowly leaving through the door they came in. the rest of their crew must be waiting out front, ellie knew this was your only chance. 
once the cost was clear ellie turned to you, “they’ll expect us to go through the back, let’s go back the way we came.” she whispered, taking her arm back. you nodded and followed her, she quickly moved past the bookcase and towards the door they had left wide open. seeing no one, and not hearing your horses she waved you on, exiting the grocery store through the broken window in which you had entered. 
coming back into the daylight their horse tracks went to the back of the building and you both took this opportunity to run into the trees on the opposite side of the deserted road. as you jumped into the snowy landscape, a horse neighed furiously. “hey! i see ‘em!” a grunty voice shouted and you and ellie took off running through the woods. you were following ellie, who was hoping this was the correct way back. but back where? where could she take you on foot they wouldn’t be able to catch up? the nearest patrol is miles out, but when you two didn’t show up for check in they would come looking. that could be hours before they find you, stumbling through the cold woods and ellie worried that you two wouldn’t make it through the night if you could get away from these guys. 
she pushed all of that away, focusing on the task at hand which was to get you away from them. you ran for a while, the woods came to life with sound, the horses behind you trying to bob and weave through the harsh trees, the heavy breathing of you and ellie crashing into the soft snow below you and the sinister sound of the men laughing as they narrowed down on you two. 
“keep running!” ellie shouted back to you as you passed her, she stopped reaching for her rifle and cocking it back. you didn’t listen, instead taking your pistol out at the same time. ellie was able to shoot down one of the men who had tried to flank them, his body tumbling down to the ground and his blood desecrating the pure white snow. 
focusing your vision as ellie reloaded her gun, you shot quickly. the bullet grazing one of the brutes in the cheek and he clutched his cheek as he barreled down on ellie–whose gun was jammed. you shot again, this time aiming for the horse’s legs and it went down before you could blink, hurdling the giant into a tree. he laid on the ground motionless as his buddies grew more angry, you grabbed ellie’s arm and she looked up to you with panicked eyes, slinging her forward in front of you she began running but not before checking that you were right behind her. 
hoping that the bodies of their friends would slow them down, you both sprinted away from the grizzly scene. ellie was in front of you, the tussle with them discombobulated her and she wasn’t sure what direction she was going in. everything was happening too fast for her to be able to stop and figure it out, and as she looked back to check on you and the proximity of her attackers she saw your eyes widen and as you screamed her name, she fell down an embankment. 
you didn’t think twice, knowing this would be a good barrier between you and your pursuers. ellie was already halfway down as you threw yourself down the steep hill, the trees spun around you and you couldn’t see anything. you could make out ellie as you tumbled, rolling uncontrollably and it seemed even faster than you were. it felt like years before you came to a stop at the bottom of the hill.
you groaned, lifting your head up and not seeing anyone following you. you put all your effort into sitting up and you clutched your side as you did. you cursed, your bag was missing, probably buried in snow somewhere and as you looked around you saw ellie. she was laying next to a tree, limp and moaning in pain. in a panic you tried to stand up but the pain in your side prevented you from moving even two steps so you crawled to her. “ellie!” you shouted, coming to her side. “ellie, are you okay?” you yelled again, shaking her lightly. looking back up the embankment, you didn’t see the men anymore and hoped they went to clean up their friends. 
as your eyes came back to ellie, she rolled over and in between big breaths she was able to get out, “hit.. the fuckin…tree.” she groaned, grasping at her limp arm. “fuck..my arm!” 
“c’mon, williams we gotta go,” you stated, looking around for her backpack since yours was nowhere in sight. you noticed it a few feet away and you used the tree to force yourself up, ellie saw you struggling and tried to get up on her own so you wouldn’t have to help her in your condition. taking her pack and slinging it on your shoulders you went back to her, she was leaning against the tree now, facing the embankment. 
you reached out your hand to her and you couldn’t read her face as she took it with her good arm, pulling herself up with a huff. your side screamed in pain as you trudged on, taking in short breaths even though you could barely breathe to begin with. ellie limped behind you, her limp arm at her side and every step she winced in pain. fully realizing you two were lost in the woods, you kept going in hopes of seeing jackson at some point. 
the men didn’t make any appearances and the further you walked the more you felt safe. the fresh snowfall that started was covering your tracks in the deep snow. walking in silence felt like the right thing to do, the adrenaline wearing off would mean bickering again and you liked the quiet sounds of the forest, and the occasional grunt from ellie behind you. the sun was nearly behind the mountains before ellie spotted a small hunting cabin to the left of your makeshift path. 
it was dainty, and probably only one room but as you both approached it, it was looking more and more inviting than the harshness of the cold you two had been enduring the last couple of hours. knocking on the door roughly and not hearing anything inside, you opened the wooden front door. it was small. the abandoned shelter was illuminated by the setting sun through the windows, you saw a fireplace that had more spider-webs than you’d ever seen. the “kitchen” immediately next to it consisted of a broken and ransacked fridge, a sink and only two cabinets. 
you smacked ellie’s pack down on the counter, and finally felt a smidge of peace. looking up and noticing there was no living room area in the single room, just a creaky wooden bed that ellie had sat down on still clutching her arm. you looked around and saw a wooden chair, smashed to pieces you shuffled over, taking as many as you could carry before tossing them into the empty fireplace. ellie watched as you did, wishing she could be more help but her arm was killing her and she worried it was more than just a break. 
she saw you wince as you bent down to pick up more wood and she had to look away, not being able to see you hurt for some reason. “we should splint your arm,” you suggested, tossing more wood into the fireplace but keeping a smaller, thicker stick in your hands. ellie just nodded and let you approach her and as you went to unzip her jacket she flinched back. “i can’t do it with your jacket on.” you snapped, your shitty mood pouring out onto her. 
she softened her face and unzipped her own jacket but needed your help taking it off completely. as you were slowly pulling it off her bad arm, she sighed deeply. her arm was revealed, having only worn a short sleeve under her jacket and you wondered how she wasn’t frozen solid by now. “jesus, els.” you breathed out as you looked upon her arm. it was black and blue all over, some spots were a bright yellow and you held back from gagging. the redness from being cold didn’t help make it look better either. 
“i’m fine,” she lied, not liking you taking care of her. “just make the fire first, would you?” 
not surprised with her attitude, you obliged because you were even still freezing. the sun was barely shining in the windows anymore and you knelt beside the wood and picked a few of the smaller pieces of wood. taking your knife, you whittled off sections, leaving them attached at the bottom to the main piece of wood to work as tinder. and as you worked, ellie watched. she admired your survival skills, remembering that this is what kept you alive before jackson. 
ellie and you knew more about each other than you’d ever admit. being as close as you two were for months, you often had long talks in her garage to distract yourselves from the mutual lingering feeling of longing for one another. but as she observed you working, she remained silent and you did too, feeling her eyes burning into your back. 
the fire bursted to life with flames and you backed away, feeding it more kindling from the broken chair. ellie felt the warmth from the bed and now that she wasn’t numb from being cold, her arm was feeling worse. she didn’t dare look down at it, you turned to see her struggling to find comfort. you took off your jacket, the cozy cabin becoming warmer with every second that passed. tearing at the bottom of your shirt got her attention, you ripped until you had a long enough strip to work with. 
taking the wooden piece that you are using as a splint you kneeled in front of her. “give me your arm,” you said, your hand hovering in front of her. she shuffled her body forward, inches from you and you gently stretched her arm out straight. her moans in pain were loud over the crackling fire, “i know, i know,” you comforted her and her groans stopped but were replaced with quick and short breaths. 
you aligned the wood with her arm, taking your ripped shirt fabric and started to wrap it around her arm. moans escaped her mouth, not being able to conceal how badly this hurt. “almost done…” you trailed as you tied a knot in the fabric to keep it in place. 
once you were finished, and ellie was about as bandaged up as she could be, you sat with your back against the bed. wincing as you did, your side still burning in pain that seemed to spread throughout your body. “lemme see,” ellie murmured, shifting off of the bed to sit next to you on the floor. you grumbled a small i’m fine like she had but she didn’t accept it. “let me see.” she said more sternly. 
you rolled your eyes, lifting up the side of your shirt where the pain is erupting from. she examined it, the bruising on your stomach was prominent and she grazed her fingers over your hot skin. you winced from her touch, her fingers cold on the burning black and blue. “told you, i’m fine.” you reinforced, pulling your shirt back down. 
“i promised you they wouldn’t touch you,” she whispered beside you, you heard the familiar aggression in her voice as it’s usually directed at you but this time it didn’t feel like it was. 
“they technically didn’t.” you recalled, staring into the fire. but ellie was gazing at you, her green eyes scanning the side of your blank face. 
“i should’ve seen the hill,” she shook her head, focusing her eyes on the fire like you were. “i told you they wouldn’t hurt you and now look. i swear to god if they ever show their face around jackson i’ll–” her voice turned sour and she stopped herself from revealing what she would do to them for causing you pain, and although you didn’t blame her for anything that happened today, you couldn’t help but feel angry with her and her sudden caring attitude. 
scoffing, you spoke, “i’ve been hurt worse than this.” ellie understood what you were implying and snapped her head back to you, hurt swimming in her eyes. 
“what is that supposed to mean?” she hissed back at you, her voice rising slightly. she knew exactly what it meant but couldn’t stop herself from getting defensive. 
you laughed in disbelief, “the way you’ve been treating me for years? does that not ring a fuckin’ bell?” your voice rising to meet hers. 
“you’ve been doing the same thing to me, so don’t act innocent.” her tone was sharp but calm and you hated her for her ability to keep her composure. 
“i never said i was innocent!” your blood boiling over, you looked at her, her eyes meeting yours before she darted them away. “if you hate me, hate me. don’t confuse me by acting like you fuckin’ care.” 
“i don’t fuckin’ care,” she spat, using her good arm to lift herself off of the ground. she did care. and it was obvious to you, but instead of arguing about it further you let her walk to the kitchen as she dug in her pack.
you remained silent in front of the fire and despite the pain you brought your knees to your chest for extra warmth, the cold disposition of your patrol partner sucking out any warmth the fire was giving to you. ellie tossed over a small ration pack of food harshly, and you reached to take it. not caring that she threw it at you because now that you were looking at it, you were starving. realizing you hadn’t eaten this morning like you intended to. 
ellie moved back near the fire, sitting in front of you but staring into the wall. it was quiet while you both ate, or better inhaled the food in front of you. “i was supposed to have the day off today,” you remarked, chuckling at the circumstances though not finding it entirely funny. “i shoulda just told maria to fuck off.” 
ellie turned to you looking confused. “wait, maria asked you to do this?” you nodded in response and she shook her head smirking, “she asked me last night if i could cover for–” 
“manny,” you both said at the same time. realizing maria had set you both up, and you both couldn’t help but not laugh about it. 
“she’s gonna feel so bad!” you laughed, and somehow it was the funniest thing in the world to the both of you in that moment. ellie was laughing harder than you had ever seen her and you realized how deeply you missed this side of her, and how long it had been since you did. was it shock? maybe, probably. but even ellie couldn’t help but enjoy the small moment after the day you two had. 
“she probably thinks we killed each other!” ellie added mid laughing, causing you two to remain that way for a little while longer. it really wasn’t funny, but in some fucked up way it was. after you both calmed down from the singular good moment you had had in years, ellie added, “i missed that.” 
“missed what?” you questioned, not wanting the moment to end. 
“your laugh,” she uttered, boring her green eyes into yours. “i know that’s not fair of me to say.” 
this was the ellie you remembered, before all the fighting she was always kind to you. she was thoughtful. and she cared about you more than anyone you met in jackson. she patiently waited for your response, trying to judge if you were still angry. “i think we’ve both said things to each other we shouldn’t have, els.”  she hid a smile at your response, forcing her eyes to the fire that illuminated the small room. after a small beat of comfortable silence, she turned back to you.
“i really am sorry,” she spoke again and you cut her off before she could continue. 
“it’s okay, really–” 
“no i mean– i shouldn’t have– we almost died today. you almost died and i just…” she trailed off, gathering her thoughts. “i wanted to kiss you that day too.” 
you looked at her perplexed, and as you opened your mouth to respond she talked again. “it’s complicated and i was just scared–” 
“scared of what, ellie?” you questioned her again. 
she lifted up her good arm, revealing her tattoo. bringing your eyes back to hers and she took note of your confusion. she shuffled over and sat beside you showing you her arm up close. “just look,” 
at first, all you noticed was the tattoo. the ink perfectly etched into her skin, but as you really looked at it you noticed small indents buried in an intricate part of the linework. you took her arm in your hands to examine it further. bite marks. they were old, but they were there beneath the tattoo, permanently altering her skin with a nasty scar. “what the fuck…” you whispered skeptically, tracing it over with your fingers. 
“i was fourteen, so don’t worry i think i would have been dead by now.” she joked, hoping to alleviate any negative feelings you had about this. she sat nervously next to you and if you weren’t holding her arm she feared she would be shaking. 
“what does this have to do with me?” you asked innocently, taking your eyes away from her arm but not letting go. 
“i thought if we had kissed that i’d infect you somehow,” she laughed thinking of the memory. “i really shoved you off the bed hard, huh?” 
“my ass was bruised for weeks, so yeah you did.” you laughed with her back and it felt like the last couple of years hadn’t happened. 
“awww, poor princess,” she mocked you playfully. it almost threw you off, being as she hasn’t been playful in forever but you rejoiced in it. 
“shut up!” you played back, throwing her arm out of your hands and back into her lap. ellie noticed how close you two were, closer than when you splinted her arm, and it made her feel safe. she brought her hand back up to your face slowly and you let her, she swept strands of hair behind your ear. “you’re not scared now, though?” you pressed on, catching onto her intentions. 
“oh, i’m terrified.” ellie spoke softly, inches from your face. she cupped your cheek in her hand and gazed at you lovingly, her eyes darting from your eyes to your lips. she felt her stomach doing flips as she leaned in to close the final stretch that separated you two, as she did, hard knocks pounding at the door pulled you apart from each other. 
the door opened, revealing a disheveled joel and tommy. “thank god!” joel exclaimed, entering the cabin. “we saw the smoke, you guys are five miles off the normal route. what the hell happened?”
they helped you both home and to see the medics and it was nearly a day later when you saw ellie again. you endured what felt like thousands of visits from friends and neighbors that wanted to wish you a good recovery, and they were sorry to hear what happened. you were put on bed rest for a few broken ribs and they all hurt severely anytime you moved. 
but when ellie came through your bedroom door, you shot up in bed ignoring the pain that was plaguing you. she filled you in on what’s been going on, rangers are out looking for the group of men that attacked you both and they think they have a good lead on the group. this comforted you, but not nearly as much as ellie’s presence. she had a fresh cast on her arm, and ellie pointed out that it was really itchy, making you laugh. 
“maria feels really bad,” she smirked, a small laugh escaping her lips. “but she’s gloating about her plan working.” 
“course she is,” you answered. she moved across your room and sat down on the side of your bed to face you, looking down to your hands and took them in hers. “we might have to put on a show for her, can’t have her head gettin’ too big.” 
“anything you wanna do princess,” she leaned down and kissed your forehead. “but first, rest.” 
you groaned, “i hate you.” 
“i hate you more, now c’mon lay down.” she gently pushed you back down into the bed and you scooted over leaving room for her. she snuggled up next to you as you laid your head on her chest, hearing her soothing heartbeat as she played with your hair and you both fell asleep peacefully. feeling nothing but safe with one another. 
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sluttywonwoo · 2 years
so like. best friend hyunjin begs and begs and begs for a massage because he’s had a really long day dancing and you’re like fine okay but you owe me. and like,,, imagine massaging that man’s thighs and slowly seeing the buldge in his sweats get bigger and bigger and when you try making fun of him for it he just goes “so you’re not wet right now?” and when you say no he goes: prove it. bye i must never speak again -💛
COME BACK HERE you can’t just send me this and then disappear >:(
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word count: 2.2k (no excuse honestly)
details: smut 18+, thigh riding, handjob, switch!hyunjin + switch!reader
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“if i do it will you stop complaining?” you ask in a huff, crossing your arms over your chest.
“mhm,” your best friend answers, already grinning.
“fine, but you owe me. lay down.”
hyunjin does as asked and lays back on your bed, stretching out his legs for you. you sigh and climb onto the mattress, straddling his ankles a little awkwardly. you start with his calves, massaging the muscles through the material of his sweatpants. hyunjin groans in relief and lets his head fall back on your pillow.
“you know, if you wouldn’t push yourself so hard, your legs wouldn’t get this sore.”
“i have to, though,” he argues. “i can’t let the rest of them down.”
“yeah, yeah,” you mutter, not wanting to push the issue further since you know he’ll just be stubborn about it.
you’re both quiet as you make your way up his legs. his muscles are tight, almost like he’s tensing them on purpose, and you have to tell him more than once to relax. you’re extra gentle with his knees since there isn’t a lot of tissue there and then swiftly move on to his thighs.
hyunjin is in the studio almost every day. he’s naturally lean, but the amount of time he spends practicing has made him visibly toned. he has the body of a dancer through and through, which means his thighs are strong and firm. your hands have never looked smaller than they do on hyunjin’s thighs, a fact that you try not to think about as you begin to massage them.
you don’t want to make him uncomfortable so you start just above the knee, planning to slowly work your way up if that’s something he tells you he wants. you’ve been best friends for years now, but you’ve never touched each other… like this, so it’s a bit of uncharted territory and that makes you nervous.
he seems to like what you’re doing so far, though, if his little hums of pleasure are anything to go by.
“you’re really good at this,” he compliments suddenly.
you feel your face turn warm.
“thanks. i’ve never done this before, so i could be fucking up your muscles for all you know.”
“worth it.”
your roll your eyes and shake your head at him even though his eyes are closed and focus on applying pressure to the spots that feel the most strained. hyunjin tenses underneath you again and you pause.
“am i hurting you?”
“no, feels good.”
“then relax.”
your gaze falls to his hands that are clenching and releasing by his sides and you’re about to accuse him of lying to you about hurting him when something in his lap draws your attention away. then it all makes sense. no wonder he’s been so restless. he’s hard.
like. really hard. you can see the outline of his cock through the material of his sweats. the pants leave almost nothing to the imagination with how tight they are. no wonder he’s so tense, he’s been trying (and failing) to fight an erection this whole time.
you couldn’t really blame him. the thighs were an errogenous zone. but that didn’t mean you were going to let him off the hook.
“want me to massage that too?” you ask, eyeing the bulge in his pants.
hyunjin’s eyes shoot open as if he knows exactly what you’re referring to and his cheeks go red.
“i, um…”
“was asking for a ‘massage’ actually code for something else because that’ll cost you extra.”
“no! that’s not- i didn’t mean to—”
you smirk and squeeze his legs, making him jump. his hands fly to his crotch to cover himself, even though it’s far too late for that, and he refuses to meet your gaze. you like watching your best friend squirm so you decide to push him a little further.
“you know, if you wanted to get in my pants you could’ve just asked.”
“please, like i’m the only one affected,” he scoffs. “i bet you’re even worse off than me, i just can’t see it.”
you’re not sure where this newfound confidence of his came from all of the sudden but you you don’t think you like it. it’s your turn to be flustered as you stutter out, “wh-what are you talking about?”
“you. being turned on by this.”
“you’re the one with a boner,” you point out, trying to deflect.
“yeah, and i bet you’re wet right now.”
“i’m… i’m not!”
“prove it then.”
you blink. “what, how?”
“c’mere,” hyunjin says, beckoning you closer.
were you really about to do this?
you shuffle forward until you’re straddling his waist. he hisses as you unintentionally brush up against his erection, hands coming up to your hips to hold you still.
he eyes you carefully as if to ask if you’re really okay with this, thumb tracing the waistband of your joggers. your heart is racing, but not being one to back down from a challenge you nod for him to continue. he dips his hand into your pants, fingertips catching on the elastic band of your underwear before delving beneath it.
hyunjin smirks. “i fucking knew it.”
“yeah, well it’s because you moan like a pornstar when i’m touching you,” you protest defensively.
“who can blame me, with hands like yours?”
you smack him lightly on the chest with a disapproving frown. “get your head out of the gutter.”
“my hand is literally down the front of your pants right now.”
“and are you going to do anything about that?”
“do you want me to do anything about it?”
you stare each other down for what feels like several minutes but in reality is probably only a few seconds before being the first to break. your expression softens and your shoulders slump forward as you admit defeat.
“touch me?” you whine quietly.
“all you had to do was ask.”
hyunjin is entirely too pleased with himself, you decide. he’s the one who got horny first but you don’t call him out on it because it turns out you find it quite hot when he gets cocky and you’re already feeling impatient.
to your dismay, he takes his hand out of your pants, which is the exact opposite of what you want him to do. you’re confused until he brings his fingers up to his mouth and sucks your arousal from them, eyes fluttering closed as he savors the taste of you.
you’ve yet to pick your jaw up from off the floor when he opens his eyes again which makes him grin.
“why don’t you ride my thigh, baby?” he suggests, “since you seem to like them so much.”
baby. that was new.
“but… they’re still sore,” you point out.
“i’ll be okay,” he promises.
as if to prove it to you, he pushes your hip so that you’ll lift your knee up and he can slot one of his legs between yours while moving the other to the side. hyunjin can sense you’re still hesitant so he takes the initiative and guides you down onto him.
“how’s that?”
“it’s um, it’s good. does it hurt?”
hyunjin tucks a strand of hair behind your ear and sighs fondly. “no, baby. it’s fine. you’re fine.”
“but what about you? don’t you want to…” you trail off as you nod down at his dick.
“i don’t think i’ve ever seen you this shy before,” hyunjin muses, mostly to himself. “it’s cute.”
“it’s not every day you and your best friend get each other off,” you mutter in response.
“it’s just me,” he reasons as he helps you rock yourself on his thigh. “it doesn’t have to be weird if we don’t want it to be.”
“you’re r-right,” you agree, holding back a moan. “but what about you?”
“what about me?”
“don’t you want to cum too?”
hyunjin shrugs. “you can just palm me over my sweats if you want. i’ve been hard for so long now it won’t take much.”
“i don’t want you to ruin your pants, though.”
“something tells me you have a higher chance of ruining my pants than me,” he argues.
you whine again, spurred on by the pressure against your clit and the embarrassment his words make you feel. you’re already dizzy with pleasure but then hyunjin starts to bounce his leg on the bed, creating even more friction for you. you gasp and keen forward, bracing yourself with both hands on his chest so that you don’t collapse on top of him.
“you’re trying to distract me,” you accuse through grit teeth.
“is it working?”
“no. still want to make you feel good too.”
“what’s stopping you, then?” he asks, even though he knows exactly what’s stopping you.
that’s always been his weak spot. he relents with a sigh, not stopping entirely but slowing enough so that you can think with a clear head.
“you can do whatever you want to me,” he says earnestly.
“can i… can i take it out?”
you’ve been dying to see his dick ever since you noticed the outline of it in his pants. it seemed huge, even bigger than you imagined it being, but you still want to see it for yourself.
“fuck, if you want to.”
you do want to, so you pull his sweats and briefs down just far enough to get his cock out and take it in your hand. once again, your hand looks tiny in comparison.
hyunjin’s dick is so. pretty. it’s big, like you guessed it would be, and flushed like he’s aching for you. there’s precum pearling at the tip and it takes everything in you not to lean down and lick it off. you know he’s been hard for a while so you don’t waste any time spitting into your palm and rubbing it over the head of his cock.
your best friend groans and kicks his head back.
“you don’t know how many times i’ve thought this,” he admits.
this was obviously news to you. as attractive as hyunjin was you always tried not to think about him in that way— though in moments of weakness he was known to make an appearance in your fantasies when you’d get yourself off, trying to think of quite literally anyone else as you did.
“yeah?” you asked, trying to grab hold of that confidence you’d had earlier. you discover it’s a lot easier to sound sure of yourself when you have a man trembling beneath you. “is it as good as you imagined?”
“feels good for me too,” you tell him. “bet fucking you would feel even better though. you’d fill me up so nicely…”
“fuck you, i’m not going to last.”
you smile and begin to pump him faster, simultaneously chasing your own high by rubbing your clit with your free hand as you ride his thigh.
“wanna cum, jinnie?”
his eyes are screwed shut and his bangs have started to stick to his forehead. you’ve barely touched him, aside from the massage, and he already looks fucked out. “yes, baby, please!”
“so you don’t want to fuck me?” you pretend to sound disappointed which makes his eyes snap open in panic.
you watch as the muscles in his stomach tense and he pulls his bottom lip between his teeth, his entire body fraught with restraint. he’s right there on the edge, you can tell.
“i do! i do- i can go again! i promise, just please, i can’t stop it—”
“you sound so pretty when you beg for me.”
that’s all it takes for hyunjin to cum, back arching off the bed, crying your name.
seeing him fall apart is what does it for you too. your own orgasm catches you by surprise. you clench down around nothing as you cum hard and collapse against his chest.
his dick gets caught in between your bodies, still spurting cum… it makes a huge mess and ruins both of your shirts, not that either of you have enough energy to care.
“s-sorry,” hyunjin apologizes as soon as he catches his breath.
“no, i’m sorry. i didn’t mean to fall on you. are you okay?”
“i’m fantasic,” he assures you with a thumbs up. you roll your eyes. “i’m serious! i don’t think i’ve ever cum that hard before. you have magic hands.��
“so that’s why you enjoyed the massage so much, huh?”
“exactly. if anything, it’s your fault.”
you push yourself off of him with a scoff, only to be pulled back in by his arms wrapping themselves around your shoulders. you lay there for a moment and listen to each other’s breathing.
“did you… mean it about being able to go again?” you ask shyly.
“yeah. i can always get it up for you.”
you’re not exactly sure how to take that statement so you decide not to dwell on it now. just add it to the growing list of things you’d have to discuss later… after you fucked each other’s brains out.
“i mean since we have to clean up anyway, i thought maybe we could go for round two in the shower?”
hyunjin smirks. “say less.”
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mr2swap · 1 year
Exchange Gift: The Magic Coin
I got into the hot car and with a small jump I left my butt in the passenger seat, I took the wet towel with the sweat of my "older brother", I wiped the sweat from my armpits, the smell of the towel permeated the entire car, but we are used even to each other's sweat.
Immediately, I noticed the smile of my "older brother" who was next to me, impatient to compare the size of our biceps, he flexed his colossal arm in front of me just to show off the size of the triceps that were originally mine.
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-WOW! I can't believe how fast those arms have grown! All my friends are going to be so jealous when I go back to school in January! -
I'm glad to know that my brother was enjoying my "gift" but I was even more glad that it didn't cost me a single penny, like every year my family exchanged Christmas gifts.
And The One this year was Kevin, My annoying little brother, Normally I would have bought him something like a video game or something I could play with, but this year I had spent too much money on my ex-girlfriend, That bitch squeezed every penny out of me until my wallet was totally empty. And all for what in the end I will find her in the bed of a campus idiot…
Whatever. I was broke, depressed, AND still owed my chubby 15-year-old brother his little Christmas present. When I was at the mall looking for some gift no bigger than $5 I came across a Shiny coin lying on the floor I probably couldn't buy my brother a video game this year, but I was sure he would love this coin, he's a total nerd, and he loves to collect these kinds of things for his Dungeons and Dragons game.
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I wanted to give him his gift a couple of days before Christmas, and privately I didn't want my family to be mad at me for breaking the rule with the price of the gift, and when I gave it to him, he didn't seem too happy with his new coin his disappointment was very noticeable on his face. So I promised him that I would take him to the gym with me to help him with those extra kilos so that he would stop being teased at school for being overweight.
As soon as I told him that, his expression totally changed, we didn't use to spend a lot of time together and when he came home from the gym at the university he always begged for some attention from his older brother. Well, now we are inseparable.
The moment I handed him the coin, our hands touched. A strange sensation from the coin ran through our bodies. I couldn't move or take my hands off the coin, no matter how hard I tried, my muscular arms didn't react. Nor the rest of my body for what seemed to me 5 long minutes.
Without warning the strange sensation disappeared and me and my brother were pushed backwards, the strange coin fell to the floor making a metallic sound.
As soon as I opened my eyes I knew something was wrong with me, my body was totally different, my muscles were gone and instead of my fantastic six-pack I now had a little slice, my tanned skin from afternoon jogging in the sun was replaced by pale smooth skin, my long hairy legs were now short and hairless.
Before I panicked, I looked up and was speechless. In front of me was a giant flexing his huge arms, tensing his muscles trying to imitate the positions that I usually do in front of the mirror for my Instagram photos.
-Is that… my body?-
The words escaped from my mouth and caught the attention of the person occupying my body, he took me by the arms and got up as if I were a baby.
He was playing with me like I was a doll, he abused his new strength, and he flipped me in the air. From this new perspective the ground looked really far from my new position, I was terrified. And although a couple of Tears came out of my eyes as I tried to escape from his strong hands, He didn't stop until the fear escaped me in the form of urine.
I had pissed in my pants, by the time my brother noticed I got down slowly, and I ran away from him as fast as my little legs could, I ran to the bathroom to release the rest of the urine that was fighting to escape from my little developing penis.
-Hey… I think, I got too excited…- His voice I recorded filtered through the wooden door while the sound of my urine in the toilet sounded at the same time, when I finished peeing I looked at the huge urine stain that was on my shorts, There were even some drops on my T-shirt
I undressed, stepped into the shower and let the hot shower wash away the mess in my crotch, The soothing sound of hot water and the sound of her apologies merged into a loud song, for a minute I had forgotten that I was in the body of my little brother.
Furthermore, I took the soap to deep clean my brother's body and I could tell the difference between his body and mine, for me. It was so strange to see myself and that none of my muscles were defined in my skin, I flexed one of my arms and all I got was to see the small hanging fish that my brother's classmates made fun of so much.
When I got out of the shower I took my towel instead of the towel with Spider-Man cartoon patterns and completely dried my brother's body, when I finished I rolled it around my belly to hide my new fishnet and left the bathroom.
My brother was still by the door, but the Emotion on his face had faded, -I... I'm sorry, I didn't want to... - He didn't finish his sentence, he seemed to have understood that he had hurt me, he just extended his arm and showed the coin He gently took my arm and slowly put it in my hand.
The exchange was reversed immediately, this time much faster than the previous time, and before I realized it I was no longer wearing a towel but a tank top and tight shorts.
Thank God, this was a back and forth exchange. I was relieved to be back in my body, but this little experience changed me completely. Since then me and my brother have been swapping bodies throughout our vacations, I think I've been spending more time in his body than mine, meh it's not like I have anything better to do.
I even kept my promise to take him to the gym, I let my brother use my body to work out, so he would have more self-confidence and succeed, maybe I did too well, He doesn't hesitate to flex his muscles in front of any stranger's face to stare at him for more than 5 minutes, he is still too innocent to know that all they want is to take him to bed.
But no one would ever try anything on him “intimidating gym bouncer”, and while he has fun impressing a bunch of perverted fagots, I would see to it that my brother will never feel the way he made me feel again even if I had to ”personally”
Hey folks! if you like bodyswap stories take a look at my patreon, I have a lot of more stories, and you can help me keep creating more stories!
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idkfitememate · 9 months
Mountain Shaper Encounter
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૮꒰˶ᵔ ᗜ ᵔ˶꒱ა Pairings : GN! Weasel Reader x Old Man & Mountain Shaper
૮꒰ྀི∩´ ᵕ `∩꒱ྀིა W.K. : 729
໒꒰ྀིᵔ ᵕ ᵔ ꒱ྀི১ Tags/CW&TW : fluff, more found family
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As you sat wrapped around The Old Man’s neck, you watched as the scenery of Liyue passed you both by.
No one stared, looked, or even glanced at him, you guess it was noticeably pissing you off, because he began to gently scratch under your chin. You leaned into the gentle touch, making him chuckle.
The hand he wasn’t using to pet you was gripped around a cane, a basket hanging off his arm as well. Compared to rest of Liyue, he was dressed in extremely traditional clothing, his hair was tied into a traditional top knot with a beautiful guan. He also had a nice little beard. With his looks, you honestly wondered how old the man was, because on top of his… well his beauty, his home - despite it being a house boat - was also decked out in traditional furnishings and decor.
The only accessory you had was an earring made of mora with a dragon modeled after Morax attached to the bottom - it was a hanging earring. When you found out your old man had spent ONE HUNDRED MORA ON IT, you scolded him for an hour. Him kneeling as you stood on your hind legs loudly chittering at him.
The only reasons you wore it was because:
A. He bought it as a thank you for staying by his side, even in old age.
B. The damn thing cost a hundred mora why the fuck wouldn’t you
And finally
C. It helped differentiate you from other weasel thieves.
As you continued down the lanes, his little basket began to fill up, though its weight never seemed to bother him. You’d often chirp at him to see if you could carry it - you were strong for a weasel - but he’d just shake off your concerns with another chuckle.
And as you continued, you began to feel sleep with the gently sway of his body slowly walking along the paths, and probably would’ve too, if it weren’t for the fact that he stopped to speak with someone. Wait no that’s red and black bird.
… wait a minute.
“Mountain Shaper, my friend. Why do you walk among the mortals this fine day? To what do we owe the pleasure?” Did you mention The Old Man spoke super fucking eloquently? Because he does.
“Nothing but a stroll. And why are you here, old friend?” Wait Old Man knew an Adeptus? Old friend? What the hell-
“Ah, simply retrieving some items from the merchants. Nothing more. And as much as I’d adore to stay and chat, I must be off, so as to make me and my little friend here’s daily afternoon tea time, hehe!” You noticed that the Adeptus’s eyes were now on you, but only with a hint of curiosity.
“I see… well don’t let me take up more of your time.” The bird mused.
“Well actually… I believe we may have space for one more, if you’d care to join.” You looked around to see if anyone else was seeing this shit, but it seemed like no one else was around.
“Well if you’d allow me…” And with that, you were now walking with an Adeptus towards The Old Man’s houseboat. Feeling a bit bold, you stuck a paw out in the direction of the bird. All he did was glance at you, before chuckling. You smacked your lips before settling down on Old Man’s neck.
Your mind drifted as you thought of what tea he would make today… maybe Mountain Shaper would have something new in mind… perhaps a story awaited you as well… you yawned and closed your eyes, pressing your face into into the crook of your neck.
“You feel it as well, don’t you my friend.” Mountain Shaper asked.
“I do.” The Old Man responded.
“Will you ever tell them-“
“Only when the time is right.” The Old Man interrupted. “Now, they just want to live, and I will allow them that freedom. I have no right to strip that from them.”
“You sound like the God of Freedom.” The bird chuckled, making the Man sigh.
“Be quiet before I tie your beak shut.”
“*GASP* You wouldn’t dare!”
“I may not be as nimble as I was back then, but you and I both know you’d have no chance, especially if I actually tried.~”
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໒꒰ྀི˶˙Ⱉ˙˶꒱ྀིა Author’s note : Uh oh, Old Man had a secret, what ever will it be?~ Anyway, Weasel really just wants to live life. And since we’re doing some past stuff now, I imagine they were a petty thief in their past life, which is why they became a little thieving guy in Genshin ໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა!
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coochiequeens · 1 year
Doctors and nurses who are not willing to listen to their patients should be replaced
The third time I went into labour, I was determined to avoid getting told off. With both of my previous births, I had somehow managed to get things wrong. My errors the first time: going to hospital too early, then, when I returned three hours later, “leaving it so late”. The second time: ignoring assurances that I didn’t need to come in yet, then giving birth in the car park — an event I later discovered was being used in antenatal classes as an example of women “not planning ahead”.
“My previous births have been fast,” I said, when I went into labour with my third, “so I’d like to come in now.” I was speaking to the woman at the midwife-led unit that is the only option where I live. (If you need a caesarean section, you have to be transferred to next town.) “Third babies are notoriously difficult,” was her response.
What an odd thing to say to a woman already in labour. The “notoriously” suggested it wasn’t based on any actual evidence, but rather a kind of folk wisdom. It felt as though I was being warned not to tempt fate, not to assume that this baby would just pop out. I saw myself being categorised as one of those arrogant women who presumes to know her own body, only to be taught a harsh yet much-deserved lesson. “Third babies are notoriously difficult” sounded not unlike “third-time mothers shouldn’t get above themselves”.
In fact, I have never been particularly cocky about childbirth. When I was pregnant with my first child, back in the days when the Right-wing press were still obsessed with famous women being “too posh to push”, I wondered if I might be able to get an elective caesarean myself. I did not particularly care about childbirth being a wonderful experience, or about “doing it well”. I didn’t care if the Daily Mail thought I was a joke.
What I cared about was not having a child who would face the same difficulties as my brother, who was starved of oxygen at birth. This has had serious consequences for him, and for the rest of my family. Just how serious is hard to gauge. He was born traumatised; there has never been a before to compare the after with. What there has been instead is the hazy outline of an alternative life, one that runs parallel to the one he has now. It’s a life that began with the problem being identified sooner, with him being delivered quickly, perhaps by emergency caesarean. The difference between this and his actual life comes down to something small: mere moments, mere breaths.
I was born three years after my brother, in a larger hospital, where my mother was induced and monitored carefully. There is something very strange about being the sibling who had the safe birth. It feels as though I stole it. There is a constant sense of guilt, as if my life — my independence, my choices — constitutes a form of gloating. “This is what you could have had.” Everything I do feels like something owed to my brother (do it, because he can’t) but also something taken from him (you shouldn’t have done that, because he should have done it first).
Still, my family were fortunate, insofar as my brother didn’t die. Current reports on the Nottingham maternity scandal reference 1,700 cases, with an estimated 201 mothers and babies who might have survived had they received better care. What strikes me, reading them, is the enormous gulf between the cost of a disastrous birth and the trivial, opportunistic way in which childbirth is so often politicised — with mothers themselves viewed as morally, if not practically, to blame if anything goes wrong.
As a feminist who concerns herself with how the female body is demonised, my interest in debates about birthing choices is more than personal. I have read books railing against the over-medicalisation of childbirth, aligning it with a patriarchal need to appropriate female reproductive power. I have also read books protesting the fetishisation of “natural” birth, suggesting that it infantilises women, that it implies women deserve pain. To be honest, I find both arguments persuasive and dismaying. Both are right about the way in which misogyny and professional arrogance can shift the focus away from meeting the needs of women and babies. I feel a kind of rage that we are told to pick a side.
Representations of the labouring woman are so often negative: the naïve idealist, the “birthzilla“, the birth-plan obsessive, the woman who is “too posh to push”. This latter stereotype has gone hand-in-hand with a veneration of vaginal births, and stigmatisation of caesareans, that has had sometimes disastrous consequences. Midwives at the centre of the Furness General Hospital scandal were reported to have “pursued natural birth ‘at any cost’”, referring to one another as “the musketeers”; at least 11 babies and one mother died. But their approach was sanctioned by their employer: the 2006 NHS document “Pathways to Success: a self-improvement toolkit” explicitly suggested that “maternity units applying best practice to the management of pregnancy, labour and birth will achieve a [caesarean section] rate consistently below 20% and will have aspirations to reduce that rate to 15%”. Proposed benefits to this included “a sense of pride in units”.
Responses to maternity scandals now express horror that such an anti-intervention culture ever arose — responses in the same press that denigrated women such as Victoria Beckham and Kate Winslet for not giving birth vaginally. Instead, newspapers now stoke outrage over “natural” treatments during NHS births, such as burning herbs. Women have been shamed for having caesareans, but they have also been shamed for wanting births with minimum intervention — as though they are selfish and spoilt for seeking control over such an extreme situation.
In his memoir This Is Going To Hurt, former doctor Adam Kay writes disparagingly of women who arrive at the delivery suite with birth plans:
“‘Having a birth plan’ always strikes me as akin to having a ‘what I want the weather to be’ plan or a ‘winning the lottery’ plan. Two centuries of obstetricians have found no way of predicting the course of a labour, but a certain denomination of floaty-dressed mother seems to think she can manage it easily.”
Wanting to have some control over your experience of labour — which will hurt you and could kill you or your baby — is not akin to some messianic aspiration to control the weather. And in his mockery of the woman who wants whale song and aromatherapy oils, ironically, Kay deploys the same silencing techniques that might intimidate a woman out of seeking the very interventions he so prizes. What he and others do not seem to grasp is that their arrogance is a problem, regardless of which course of action they champion. It makes women feel they can’t speak, for fear of inviting hostility at their most vulnerable moments. It’s true that none of us knows our body well enough to know how we will give birth. But, looking back, I find it utterly insane, not least given my own family history, that one of my biggest worries during labour was “please don’t let anyone get cross with me”. Then again, I don’t think that fear is unrelated to the desire to remain safe.
Birth is not a joke. It is not a place for professional dick-swinging or political one-upmanship. I cannot describe — and, as I am not my mother, cannot fully understand — the shame of feeling that you “let down” your child before they drew their first breath, that they will forever suffer because of it. You watch an entire life unfolding and that feeling is there, every single day. This is the fear of the women in labour who are characterised as either idiots mesmerised by fantasy homebirths or cold-hearted posh ladies who can’t take the pain. If things go wrong, they are the ones who will bear the consequences, reflecting every day on what might have been, if they’d only done more.
When people discuss their siblings, my mind does wander to the one I don’t have, the one who was born safely. Perhaps he would have a job he loved, or one he hated, but in any case a job. Perhaps he would have a partner. Perhaps he would have children, and I would be their aunt. Perhaps we wouldn’t get on, wouldn’t even speak, but he’d have a life of his own. I know he thinks about this too. I wonder if the professionals who presided over his birth have thought about him since.
My third labour was not, by the way, “notoriously difficult”. My third son arrived into the world safe and well. No one can say why him or me, and not my brother. Mothers may long for control over birth, for which we are mocked; but we do not have it, for which we are blamed. Politics still takes precedence over our needs, and the needs of our babies.
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jaegeraether · 8 months
Sunsets and footballers (Part 54)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (48) & Alexia Putellas x Character (14)
Masterlist (other parts here)
((**5k. Split between YFN and Alexia's POV. Gentle reminder that Alexia refers to YFN as Blau (Blue in Catalan)**)
Seeing Lucy crying cut Alexia to her core. Brave, confident, happy Lucy. She watched from the other side of the room near Ridley’s own hospital bed. They’d tried to console her but they could only do so much. The rest would come when Blau woke.
The past day had been such a mix of emotions ranging from happiness when she and Lucy were up talking, to nerves when they’d gone to pick up Ridley, to complete and utter despair. Ridley was currently sitting in her hospital bed, still a little effected by the drugs after her surgery to realign the bones in her hand with screws and pins. She now wore a black cast though she didn’t seem too bothered over it as her attention was also on Lucy who was sitting in a chair beside Blau’s bed, holding her good hand, her forehead on it and her body shaking as she sobbed. She’d woken a few times but never for long, and never long enough that she’d remember it.
Alexia couldn’t leave if she wanted to. She couldn’t leave Lucy, not like that. Ridley must have sensed it because she didn’t usher her away or suggest she be somewhere else. One look and she knew why she needed to stay.
A nurse came in then and hesitated when she saw Lucy before she walked over to Ridley and Alexia.
“We just need one more signature from you, please,” she said softly in Catalan, holding a clipboard out for Ridley.
Alexia opened her mouth to answer but Ridley beat her to it. “Of course, thank you Paula.” She responded in surprisingly great Catalan as she took the pen with her left hand and signed the paper. Alexia couldn’t help but look. She was paying for all of the expenses for her and Blau.
“Again, if any other cost comes up for them, please come straight to me. Don’t involve them.”
Paula nodded with a sympathetic smile before she left. Ridley’s head leant back against her propped up bed as her attention turned to her friend, still waiting for her to properly wake.
“You speak Catalan?” Alexia asked in the language, genuinely impressed.
“Only a bit. It’s far from perfect,” she murmured, as if admitting a flaw. But it wasn’t. Alexia was always surprised by her. She didn’t compliment her Catalan, because Ridley didn’t need or want that. She knew how good she was. She turned her head towards Alexia, both looking for a distraction.
“Have you thought more on your favourite…favour?” Ah, there it was. Her limited vocabulary in Catalan. It was cute. Though, when she spoke, she only tended to speak what she was confident with which made her sound very fluent and natural. People would barely notice if it weren’t a long, complex discussion.
She thought on it. After Alexia had helped take her anger and calm her down, Ridley had felt in her debt. A favour owed, according to her. She always liked to be on the side of owning favours, not owing one, Alexia realised. Though she also knew she’d rarely ever take someone up on her charity.
“Not as of yet.”
“Ah, let me know when you do, please. Anything you want, just name it.” She said it without a care in the world, and Alexia truly did wonder just how rich she was.
“You’re going to stay by her side, aren’t you?”
“Of course.”
“So you’re going to London?”
“It appears so.”
Alexia wondered how long she’d be gone for this time. Jonatan and the Barca management had fully approved that Lucy had time off to look after her, and her plan had been to take her back to London and look after her there while she prepped for the Olympic qualifiers. “When?”
“Lucy plans to get her back to London as soon as she can as her family are there and a few of Blue’s new friends. I was planning on going over at a similar time.”
“Work won’t be affected?”
Ridley gave her a smirk. “Not in most ways.”
Alexia tilted her head, pondering what she’d meant.
“And you?” She looked down at her knee. “How long are you not play?”
Alexia smiled at the mistake and Ridley’s return smile was serotonin straight to her heart. She loved hearing her speak her first language. It moved something in her so deeply.
“My knee is still painful. I won’t be playing anytime soon.”
“The rest of the year?”
She shook her head, unable to stop her own look of disappointment. Ridley watched those expressions cross her face as she tried to control them. She didn’t know why she bothered, she knew she could see straight through all of them. Perhaps it was just habit of her to hide her feelings.
“Why not go to London?”
“I…” she looked over at Lucy and Blau. “I don’t really know anyone in London.”
Ridley shrugged as she grabbed a green jelly from the bedside table and opened it with her teeth.
“You know Lucy. You know Blue. You know me. That’s all you need.” She took a mouthful with her spoon in her left hand like it was her dominant hand. “Besides, I tend to worry you’re too… confined… to Catalonia.” She teased.
Alexia raised an eyebrow. “Oh? How so?”
“Everything you know is your home. Your family, friends, club, teammates, University, holidays.”
Something about Ridley knowing all of that stirred something in her. “I holiday in Ibiza.” She countered.
“Yes, which is a thirty-euro, one hour flight away.” She rolled her eyes as she finished her jelly, tossing it into the garbage can like a Basketball player. “You’re missing out on the world, la Reina.”
Alexia knew she was right, but she liked her comfort. She looked over at the couple again. That was one of the reasons why she respected Lucy so much, because she loved to live in the uncomfortable. She picked her life up and moved to the US, moved to Lyon, moved to Barcelona, learned the languages, made knew friends. She wondered how much she missed out on learning by sticking to the same type of play and same clubs.
“Maybe you’re right.”
“Oh, I am.” She said it more nonchalant, but her expression was the tiniest bit challenging. “I have an apartment in London that you could use, if you like. There may be another person there from time to time but it’s large enough.”
She was inviting her to stay in her apartment? “We don’t know each other; you said it yourself.”
“You care for others, and that’s all I need to know about you. How you make others feel about themselves says a lot about you, Alexia.”
Alexia felt herself staring at her mouth as those words rolled off her tongue in Catalan. There was no mistake there. Alexia looked up and her eyes met Ridley’s. They were deep, calming, intelligent; their little dancing gold flecks teasing, even. She felt naked but not undressed, just appreciated. And seen. Like she didn’t need to say what she was thinking. She’d never experienced that with someone before in her life. Ridley reached out and Alexia didn’t move, she trusted her and already agreed with whatever would happen. Keeping their eye contact, Ridley used the fingertips of her good hand to ever so softly trace where her hand had been around Alexia’s throat. She hadn’t left marks, of course she hadn’t. Alexia’s eyes fluttered as she enjoyed the touch.
“I’d never hurt you,” she murmured.
“I know you wouldn’t,” she murmured back and felt her fingers disappear, already missing their touch. She was so gentle. The duality of Ridley was so fascinating to her.
“Because you’re… soft.”
Ridley tilted her head as she’d said that. Alexia had made sure to say the last word extra gently.
“I’ve never been described as that before except...” She looked over at Blau.
“Then I guess she’s the only person who really knows you.”
Ridley turned back at those words. “And now you, it seems.”
They studied each other for a little longer when Ridley opened her mouth to speak but not before the door opened and a red faced, teary-eyed Jordan Nobbs entered the room.
YFN heard a low conversation in English from the other side of the room but her brain failed to comprehend it. It was more focussed on the sobbing coming from near YFN’s right hand. She looked down to see Lucy with her cheek on the back on her palm as she held it.
Lucy’s head whipped up at the sound of her nickname and she stood, wiping her cheeks with the back of her free hand.
“Hey little one.”
YFN wondered what the time was and looked around to see exactly where she was, a little confused.
“You’re okay. We're in the hospital.” Lucy explained as she leaned over her.
In the hospital? Ah, so that was what the pain and partial numbness was. She looked up as her view was completely taken by Lucy. God, she was pretty.
“Why are you crying, Luce?”
She shook head. “Because…” Lucy looked down her body, covered in a blanket though YFN understood. She could feel the pain. “Do you remember what happened?”
She did when she asked that. Kristie, the man, the kicking and the hitting and the yelling. Ridley almost killing him. She looked past Lucy to the other bed where Ridley was sitting and watching her, now silent. Alexia was behind her sitting next to Jordan who were also both watching, seeming relieved that she was awake. She looked back at Lucy.
“Is Narla okay?”
Lucy gave an unbelieving chuckle. “Out of all of the questions, that’s your first?”
She gave a little smile and Lucy shook her head again. “Yes, she’s fine. Just got a little scared. Keira has her at the moment.”
“Good… and you’re okay?” Although weak, she reached up with the arm not giving her pain and cupped her cheek, using her thumb to wipe the tears from under her glasses. Lucy leant into her palm.
“I am now, little one.”
“How long…?”
“Just over a day.”
She gasped and then winced at the pain in her ribs.
“Take it easy, love. What do you need?”
“Um… a shower and food and… something for the pain. A lot for the pain.”
She nodded. “Okay, we’ll get you that.” She paused and she leant down. “I’m just so glad you’re awake.”
She kissed her gently and YFN melted into her warmth before she made a little groan and pulled away.
“I need to brush my teeth,” she murmured, as if Lucy should have known.
Lucy chuckled and rolled her eyes. YFN enjoyed seeing her happy and squeezed her hand before she looked back at the trio who were giving them space. Lucy noticed and stepped aside as they made their way over. Ridley was there first.
“Hey baby.”
“Hey Riddles.”
Ridley bent down and gave her a soft hug with a kiss on the cheek. She leant back and YFN saw her black cast as she inspected her jaw closely between her fingertips.
“No… no just displaced. It’s back in now but pretty bruised. It’ll be sore for a while.”
“Like the rest of me.” She touched her cast. “Did you have surgery?”
Ridley nodded. “Went well. A few pins and screws for alignment. Nothing too fancy.”
She heard Lucy scoff and knew she was downplaying it. Typical Ridley.
“I’m going to get the doctor so we can get you checked before you shower.”
She went to move away before she bent down again.
“Missed you, Blue.”
“I have that effect on people.”
Ridley smirked and rolled her eyes before she left.
Jordan was next, her doe eyes all teary. She looked around her body from her arm in the sling to her bruised face and bruised ribs, wondering where she could hug. YFN lifted her good arm and Jordan gently pressed herself against her.
“Welcome to Spain, Dory.”
“I wished it were under better circumstances,” she sobbed. “I was so scared.”
“I’m sorry… I’m okay.” YFN kissed her temple as they hugged. “Thanks for coming.”
“I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.”
The door opened then and Ridley entered with a doctor.
“I want to hear all about your date after my shower, okay?”
Jordan nodded and stepped back.
Although she and Alexia weren’t so close yet, the Spaniard stepped forward and placed a kiss on either cheek and gave her a soft hug also.
“It is good to see you awake.”
“I heard you…” YFN whispered and watched Alexia wonder and then realise almost all at once. “Thank you for caring…”
Only they both knew she wasn’t just talking about for her, but for Ridley also.
Alexia nodded and stood back as the doctor approached her.
He started by doing some testing on her and follow up checks before he listed all of the breaks and wounds, and went through the surgeries in great English. She was embarrassed when he had to remove the catheter, though the trio left the room so she could have her privacy for that. The doctor offered to take his time before she attempted to stand as she wouldn’t be walking anyways. Her left knee was in a black brace that took up a the majority of her thigh and calf because of her patella fracture, and she couldn’t use crutches because her left arm was in a sling due to her broken collarbone, her left forearm and wrist in a cast to protect her other fractures. Her only mode of transport for weeks would be a wheelchair, hopping, or Lucy carrying her which was also difficult with her broken ribs.
She sighed, frustrated but forced herself to stand and put weight on her one good leg. God, it felt good to stand. She didn’t realise she’d become one with the bed, but after a few minutes, she just wanted to sit straight back down again.
He explained to her the rehabilitation process and what it would entail.
“We’ll be in London,” Lucy said to him.
YFN looked up at her. “We will?”
“I was thinking as soon as you can leave, we’ll get straight on a plane to London so I can look after you there. And you’ll have Jords and Katie and Caitlin and Kyra. Plus you’ll be closer to work. Not that you’ll be going, but it’s better than being two hours away…”
“You have leave?”
She nodded. “Alexia talked to management. I have leave for a few weeks and can take more depending on if you need me. I’ll be with you as long as you need, whether it's a few weeks, or a few months.”
YFN couldn’t help the smile creeping across her face and getting larger. She saw Lucy’s eyes dart to her dimples as she grinned back. Finally, a silver lining. Now they had time to be together. Definitely not ideal, but she’d take it.
“I like the sound of that.”
They turned back to the doctor.
“We’ll be in London,” Lucy repeated.
The doctor nodded and gave recommendations for rehabilitation facilities and doctors. He and Lucy spoke aftercare and all things treatment while she and Jordan were convincing Ridley to let them sign her cast. She eventually agreed.
“Okay, okay but nothing inappropriate for work, please.”
“You’re going to work?” Jordan asked.
“Most of the administration I can do with one hand.” She held out a silver sharpie and YFN rolled her eyes.
“You bought this because you knew I’d insist.”
“You know me, baby. Always prepared.”
“We’re not exactly talking contraception here, Riddles,” she teased.
“You’re almost as funny as me. Keep trying, though.”
YFN groaned and signed her cast.
*Thanks for saving me again, Romeo. I love you. x *
Ridley couldn’t help but grin at what she wrote. Jordan was next. And then Ridley extended the sharpie to Alexia who took it hesitantly.
She wrote something in Spanish or… possibly Catalan that YFN couldn't read but she saw Ridley approving, slowly nodding and then they shared a smile just meant for them.
The doctor left and Lucy returned.
“So, London?” YFN asked.
“Yeah, I think it’s best, and my family want to see you too. They’ll be overwhelmingly trying to support you and offer you anything and everything though, just warning you.”
“Sounds perfect. Is Narla coming?”
She nodded. “Of course! Not going anywhere without my girl. And if I’m out at the shops or something, you’ll have a friend.”
Thoughtful Lucy, as always.
“Good thinking, Luce. You can’t miss the qualifiers… have you spoken to Sarina?”
“Yep, right after Alexia helped Barca give me leave. She’s happy for me to have the week and more off but I’ll need to be in for training. I really don’t like the idea of leaving you alone though.”
“I’ll have Dory.”
She looked at Jordan who nodded.
“You were not… called to play?” Alexia asked, surprised.
Jordan shook her head. “Nah, Sarina doesn’t like the way I play. It’s okay, though. I’ll take the break and it’s good, now I can look after this one.”
“What are you going to do, Alexia?” Lucy asked.
“You’re not playing?” It was Jordan’s turn to sound surprised.
“No, my knee is… giving me problem. I won’t play for few weeks.”
“Why don’t you come over to London with us?” YFN asked and felt Lucy’s thumb stroke her hand supportively. Of course she’d ask her to come, she was always thinking of other people.
Alexia looked at Ridley. “It was suggest to me…”
Ridley gave her a smile. “You should come.”
“You’re coming too?!” YFN asked.
“You kidding, baby? Of course I’m coming. I’ll just work from London. If you need me, I’ll be close. And I will be checking up on you.”
YFN looked at the women around her and felt supported. “Thanks Riddles.”
“Welcome. Now, the doctor said you can leave in a few days. I booked you all a flight on the 22nd in the morning. First class and they’re aware of your… disability.”
“Gee, thanks.”
A cheeky Ridley grin. “Anytime. Just give me your email addresses and I’ll email your flight details through.”
“What do we owe you?” Lucy asked.
Ridley looked offended and Lucy dropped the subject.
She took their email addresses down before turning to Alexia. “And yours?”
“You… book me a ticket?”
“Of course.”
Alexia gave her a look as if to say ‘cocky’ and gave her email address, then looking on her phone as it buzzed.
YFN looked around her and only saw other people’s phones before she looked up at Lucy.
“My phone… is it still in the alleyway?”
“No, love. I have it. It broke so I bought you a new one.”
She pulled the new phone from her pocket and gave it to her.
“Wow, you really are marriage material.”
Lucy looked proud of herself.
“Don’t give her a bigger head!” Jordan scoffed.
“You don’t have ticket?” Alexia asked Ridley. “You said you bought ‘us’ ticket.”
Ridley studied her face before she spoke. “No, I don’t have a ticket. But I will see you there.”
“A similar time, perhaps. Depends on work. Don’t worry, the apartment is big enough that you may not even see me there.”
“Understatement of the century,” YFN murmured. “You’re staying with Ridley?”
“My place only has two rooms and Jordan will be staying…” Lucy said.
“I can sleep on the couch,” Jordan suggested.
“Or we can all stop bickering and accept that I have the room and availability. Discussion over. Go shower, Blue, I can smell you from here.”
YFN smacked her with her good hand.
Lucy helped her hop to the bathroom and remove her clothes. It was long and painful process that she did with such care. She found herself naked in Lucy’s arms, just enjoying the feel of her as she leant into her clothed body. She went to turn around to the mirror and Lucy didn’t let her.
“Luce… I want to see.”
“I don’t think you should, little one.”
She pressed a kiss to her neck. “I need to see.”
Lucy sighed and helped her to turn around and look at her naked body in the mirror. She gasped and then winced at the pain. She was only small and felt like most of her body was covered in bandages, from her knee brace to her sling and arm cast. Her ribs we not bandaged and sported dark purple splotches that looked aggressive and dangerous. She was surprised it wasn’t bandaged. One of Lucy’s hands moved from her hips and lightly traced over the area she was looking at.
“Compression bandages won’t help, it’ll hinder your breathing. They have a square bandage splint for it that they’ll put on after the shower…”
She nodded as Lucy kissed her cheek.
Her eyes roamed further over the bruising and grazes that sported her knees, elbows, forearms and face. Her jaw was a similar shade of purple in the places she’d been hit, but at least it wasn’t broken, just sore.
“Are you okay, love?” Lucy asked softly in her ear.
She nodded as she finished assessing herself. “At least I don’t have a black eye.”
“Your ability to see the positive in everything is one of the reasons why I adore you so much.”
YFN smiled as Lucy’s lips trailed soft kisses down her neck and across her good shoulder. She swayed on her foot and leant back into her. Lucy. She’d have Lucy for the next few weeks, all to herself. She gave a little, satisfied moan.
“No sex in the shower we share… unless the invite is open?!” Ridley yelled from the other side of the door.
They both laughed, YFN only stopping because of the pain in her ribs.
“Can we shower now, Luce? I feel like a flamingo.”
The shower wasn’t really a shower. She couldn’t get the brace or cast wet so it was more like Lucy wetting a flannel and cleaning her down. It was better than nothing, though. Lucy was thorough and gentle and made sure she felt fresh and clean. She sat her on the sink while Lucy herself showered and YFN brushed her teeth while she watched, enjoying the view and not shy about showing it as she looked her up and down. Lucy winked at her and purposely went sexy with the body wash, she swore. As she got out and dried herself, Lucy came closer and YFN couldn’t help but stroke her finger down her abs. They were standing out more than usual, which meant…
“Luce, when was the last time you ate?”
Lucy pouted. “Maybe a snack when Alexia and I were waiting to go pick you up from the airport…”
“I was upset… I still am.”
“Already on it!”
“Will you eat now?”
“Now that you’re awake and making jokes?” She leant forward, her hand going either side of YFN on the sink as her towel dropped to the floor. Her lips met YFN’s teasingly. She couldn’t nibble them, because her lip was split, but she teased the Australian with her tongue and by slowly brushing her lips over her own in such a tantalising way. “Starved.” She whispered against her lips and YFN knew she wasn’t just talking about food.
She kissed her, her tongue licking her lips and although YFN had to keep her movements small to avoid pain, somehow she managed and moaned into her mouth.
“Oh my god, the door is fucking hollow!” Ridley yelled and they heard Jordan laughing in the back. Lucy kissed her for a few more seconds before pulling away.
“Jealously doesn’t suit you, Ridley.”
“She’s a walking bruise, Bronze. Put your dick away. Food is almost here.”
Alexia was texting Alba when the pair re-joined the room in comfy clothes and settled into a freshly made bed which Blau made Lucy join her in. Somehow with the wincing and bruising, they managed the fit next to each other. Ridley showered somehow with her cast and re-joined her bed just in time for the food to arrive.
“Is this what I think it is?” Blau asked.
Ridley gave her a wink. “The pizza we didn’t have? Yeah, baby.”
At first Alexia thought she’d ordered too much and then realised just how hungry they all were, but mainly Lucy. She went through almost two pizzas herself.
It was Alexia’s first time meeting Jordan and apparently Ridley’s also, but as expected, Ridley won her over with ease. They all spoke for a bit longer while they enjoyed their pizza, talking about London and all things football. Jordan was the first to leave. Lucy handed over her house keys.
“I don’t like the idea of you being alone… ” Blau stressed.
“Keira’s coming over with Narla for the night to keep me company.”
“Oh! That’s cute.”
“Yeah, it’s been a while since I’ve seen her so it’ll be a nice little catch up.”
With hugs and goodbyes, she left and Blau and Lucy settled down for sleeping, Lucy’s arm around her carefully.
“Don’t roll on me please.”
“I’ll be too nervous to. I don’t think I’ll get any sleep.”
“No funny business, you two.” Ridley warned the couple.
She saw Blau roll her eyes. “Yes, because we’re going to fuck in front of company and when I have more broken bones than not.”
Ridley chuckled as she turned to Alexia.
“Are you staying?” She asked in Spanish. Alexia wondered if she’d be overstepping if she did, even though most of her ached to stay.
“I need to see my family before I go…”
Ridley nodded with an unreadable expression as she handed her a black fob and card.
“I will be back tomorrow… ” she assured her.
“Regardless. Here’s the key to the London apartment. And the address and codes are on the card. You have a driver picking you up from the airport.”
Alexia was surprised at her forwardness. She’d never had someone handling all of her issues before. It was relaxing and took some stress away of going to an English speaking country.
“Thank you.”
Ridley leaned back into the bed and closed her eyes as if it were nothing. “You’re welcome.”
Alexia stopped by to see Blau’s progress over the next two days. Ridley had been discharged the next day, though paid for the bed so no one would be in the room with them. Only Alexia knew that, though, because she’d seen the paperwork. She’d walked in on Lucy and Blau on a few video calls with family and friends, though Lucy always gave her time while Blau was busy ensuring everyone she was okay and that Lucy was looking after her.
It was difficult to tie things up in Spain because Ridley was right, she’d never really left and beyond that, she didn’t know how long she’d be gone for.
She packed her suitcase, said goodbye to her family and as soon as they were discharged, they were all headed to the airport. She couldn’t help but chuckle at the sight of Blau blushing as she was wheeled around in a wheelchair, though she, Jordan and Lucy thought it was funny. She comforted her on the drive, still not sure how she’d been so mentally resistant to the event that had occurred.
Lucy checked in Narla and their bags and then they made their way through security with ease because they were with a wheelchair. That encouraged Blau to be even more embarrassed as Lucy wheeled her through hundreds of people.
“You should be wheeling me,” Lucy comforted. “I’m the old one.”
Also due to the wheelchair, they were boarded before anyone else. It was great, though the aircraft had already been delayed by thirty minutes. Aboard they settled into their seats. They took up most of the first class front row from Jordan at the window next to Alexia and then Blau and Lucy on the far side.
As they were still boarding, Alexia was scrolling through the movies on screen when it froze as the Captain made an announcement.
“Ladies and gentleman, thank you for joining us on our flight today. Apologies for the delay, there was a slight maintenance issue that is now resolved. We’re just waiting on a departure slot and a few signatures, and we’ll be underway. Again, apologies for the delay and thank you for flying with us.”
He repeated the message in Spanish.
Alexia turned to Blau. “Do you know when Ridley comes?”
“Last I heard, she picked up a last minute job and knowing Ridley, that could be anywhere.”
Alexia nodded and turned her attention back to the screen in front of her. She was looking forward to more time with Ridley but wouldn’t be surprised if she didn’t see her at all. It was Ridley, after all.
“Nervous flyer?” Jordan asked.
“No, it’s okay. I just don’t go to London unless for play really. How about you?”
“I get a little nervous. And then there’s a maintenance issue…”
“Oh, they say that all the time, we are okay.” Alexia gave her a reassuring smile. She turned back to her tv which froze again as another message came from the flight deck.
“Ladies and gentleman, thank you for your patience. My name is Jon Lopez and I’ll be your Captain for the flight today. Joining me in the cockpit will be your first officer, Isabel Rivera and we are honoured to be joined by an incredible Chief Pilot, and former fighter jet pilot as they conduct a standard flight review, so I assure you that you are in very, very capable hands up here. We are now fully boarded with our required signatures, just waiting on our favourite Chief Pilot and our departure slot which we’ll get in the next ten minutes.”
Blau scoffed and Alexia looked at her. “What is it?”
“You’ll see.”
She was confused and blamed her lack of English. She did that often; pretended to understand and just nod when she didn’t.
The Captain repeated in Spanish and Alexia saw Jordan shaking at the announcement. “Now they’re doing a flight review?!”
Alexia extended her hand to the small, trembling woman who took it and gripped on.
Not five minutes later the Chief Pilot stepped on board and took their hat off. Being in the front row meant they had the perfect view.
Now she understood Blau.
She’d know that smirk anywhere.
It was Ridley.
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robilover · 4 months
Imagine going on a carnival date with college!Furina 🥺
Both of us would go crazy in the rides and get lost in the mirror maze for 3 straight hours, I can imagine Furina confidently telling you that she’ll find the way out and bumps into the mirror 7 times in a row 😭😭😭
Maybe in accomplishments of her hard work you just hand feed her cotton candy like a cute baby 🤭
omg carnival date with college!furina!! <33
College!Furina Carnival Date Headcanons !
cw: sfw, swearing, men and homophobes dni.
pairing(s): furina x fem!reader
a/n: I made it more like headcanons, hope you don’t mind!
you and furina would go on different rides! like those spinning teacups, carousels, pendulum rides, you name it!
after those rides, she eagerly and excitedly suggests that you both ride that one rollercoaster that can make everyone scream for their lives.
you’d get nervous but she coaxes you into riding it with her!
you didn’t have a choice and you wanted to celebrate it as a reward for completing the semester with her.
during the rollercoaster ride, both of you scream for your lives.
and after the rollercoaster ride, it’s as if both of your souls got out of your body, you and furina’s hair disheveled because of it.
for the mirror maze, both of you definitely got lost. oh, don’t look at furina like that! she said it herself— she knew the way out.. well, that’s what she claims to say.
both of you end up hours in the mirror maze, trying to find your way out as furina holds your hand, leading the way out. it’d go like:
“aha! over here!” furina exclaimed, her fingers entwined with yours as she rushed to what seems like the.. ‘exit.’
“I’m fine, y/n. here, I think I found another way out!” she quickly reassured you as she dragged you around the maze.
only for her to end up bumping into a mirror.
“ow, what the fuck?” a groan of pain elicited from her. you had to wince as you asked her if she was okay. she laughs and gives you a thumbs up.
she then gets hit by another mirror.
and another.
and another...
and another...
until finally, finally, she led you both out of the maze!
but, at what cost..? a nosebleed from the amount of times she bumped into a mirror.
as you both got out of the mirror maze, furina turned to you and you somehow noticed her getting a nosebleed. you were so concerned that you panicked a bit, looking for a place to rest.
you dragged her to a nearby resting area where it had snacks and drinks. you immediately asked the person behind it for an ice pack.
the ice pack pressed gently against her nose, with a handkerchief as well, you looked at the flustered and giggling furina.
what’s so funny, you say? furina just tells you that you’re so cute, that you do not have to worry too much, and that she was okay. you had to sigh at her and giggle with her at how adorable she was.
so, as a reward for getting out of the mirror maze (for hours), you decided to buy her cotton candy and feed her! a happy furina you got <33
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sunnysideaeggs · 3 months
uuuuh okay thoughts about S2E1 (disclaimer: SPOILERS! and some unpopular opinions bc i WILL be criticizing alicent). most of these i had during my watch yesterday, and now i’m elaborating on them after more thinking about it. looooong post ahead
okay i liked the new intro. i will miss the blood pouring but i think the tapestries are a more visual way to convey targaryen history.
my favorite parts were the shot of vhagar and balerion in the field of fire(? idk they were eating men (green dragon black dragon !!!), the jaehaerys and alysanne portrait, alicent and rhaenyra and aegon and rhaenyra crowned side by side. beautiful.
also, the blood beneath the thread !!! targaryen history is written in blood. never forget this.
i dont particularly like jace being at the wall. it makes little sense to me, especially because the north is massive and i don’t think that cregan would like to make a procession to the wall just because a prince is there. i liked the tidbits though: jon going to the watch is a tradition he followed unknowingly :)
show me more political jace please, he’s cool.
‘surely torrhen would’ve rather died instead of bending the knee unless he believed aegon could bring unity to the 7K’ jace pls 💀
it’s funny that in one scene rhaenys and daemon had more tension and chemistry than all the scenes of daemon with adult rhaenyra. maybe what he needs is a GILF to put him in his place? lmao
‘make it a son for a son’ referring to aemond? alicent has no bone to pick here be fr i can smell bleach for the whitewashing a mile away
i also have issue with the writers’ choice of making rhaenyra ignore her physical needs and spend apparently days riding on dragon back and doing jumps and that when she just had a miscarriage. it’s canon that she was in bed rest for half a year because the loss of visenya took a toll on her body. it will be dumb and criticized if she’s fine to disappear for weeks but not to fight.
alyn velaryon? ok i’m mad bc corlys literally knows this dude is his son ???
i love how we all pretend that corlys and rhaenys were particularly interested in the strong boys. idk i can’t really care about that anymore
ow is helaena sewing alicent a dress? please tell me it’s not a shroud
‘where’s jaehaerys? where are his lessons?’ my man doesn’t know to what school his kids go lol
also he can recognize the twins apart with only seeing them :)✨ cute
aegon wanted jaehaerys in his council !!!! he’s making sure jae KNOWS he’s his heir and he’s on aegon’s mind
oh hel is comfortable enough with him to tell him about her prophecies, i’m just afraid that no one understand her
‘the rats’ NOOOOO
aegon is always like ‘😐❔’ around her lol
‘the queen is an enduring mystery’ he’s a poet i love him
alicole pussyeating but at what cost
why does criston has that empty look in his eyes, he had the same look in his scene with rhaenyra
where is all the raw emotion between them from last season? it’s giving cersei and lancel when it should be cersei and jaime. no deep gazes, no catholic guilt, something’s amiss
jaehaerys and egg </3 my feels they’re so cute
okay i have a bone to pick here because why is tyland being treated like a joke? i can get past jaehaerys toying with him because he’s a child, but aegon respected his allies (that’s a big part about him) and would never antagonize them in that way. it’s given rhaenyra and lady redwyne when we know both characters differ the most in the way they treat their subjects.
also, this is TYLAND LANNISTER, the most employed guy ever. he literally put his skin on the fire for his team, he’s loyal and he’s the best ally the greens could’ve asked for. if anyone is to thank for the death of the dragons, it’s him. put some respect on his name because this is the finance bro to end all finance bros.
also he’s always saying important things: the treasure in the green council, jason’s moves here. please listen to him!
another thing i dislike is the way important political moves are being brushed off. the treasure is a big big matter. it should be said explicitly what the council is doing about it being the focus of the scene. i’m sure most casual viewers didn’t catch that the comedic relief is making big money moves that will backfire later.
but anyways jaehaerys is so cute hehe
happy father’s day to aegon targaryen and aegon targaryen only
okay i’m rewatching the jaehaerys and tyland scene and i love tyland’s accent, and how polite he is to the little prince
go aemond in the council !!!
‘you do not have a seat in this council’ okay alicent please stfu. i disliked her demeanor since she was chastising aegon and tyland but this is too much. remember you do not have a seat either.
and no she doesn’t: she’s queen mother, not queen regent. aegon is an able adult and can rule without her help. i know the only council we had was with cersei but that’s because joffrey and tommen were under westeros’ age of majority. that alicent is there is out of aegon’s kindness and the council members’ respect.
also why would she be mad that the brothers are brothering ??? girl you wanted them to be on each other’s side
‘we must proceed cautiously’ i think all caution must be thrown overboard here. i know they want to portray A/R as the ‘voices of reason’ being pushed to war and all but sometimes violence is necessary to prevent more violence. what tywin said about murdering a dozen people in a dinner and a thousand in battle.
i’m tired of this aemond slander. he did it, but he’s innocent your grace
why larys kinda…
ok i love his voice
oh so now every move of alicent is seen by larys. she knows that he knows. neat.
why do the handmaidens wear green? they should wear gold ☀️
okay i initially thought syrax was sunfyre because of the pink of his wings. i hope sunfyre is golden smh
it’s neat that we remember than no matter what side we’re on, for the common people dragons are a source of fear and caution. the fishermen are loyal to rhaenyra yet they will run away from her when she’s on syrax because they don’t trust a dragon.
rhaenyra’s pain is so deep, i really empathized with her. absolutely devastating. her expression, her grabbing the cape, everything
emma is so fucking talented for real, making me feel for the death of a character i dislike
(oh how the mourning of a woman for her child will cause thousands of mothers mourning their children the same)
‘aegon the magnanimous’ when your homie gives you a ridiculous nickname
my boy sits and listens to his subjects, calls them by their names and tells them not to be afraid. hello jerard what can i do 4 u? :)
i love how egg is like ‘yea whatever take ur sheep jerard pls like me’
okay i dislike otto here. aegon is obviously into crowd pleasing (a secret tool that will be useful later) and for once it’s okay. jerard will go home with his sheep and be a diehard aegon supporter and raise his kids to be the same, tell his friends about the king’s generosity. i think otto should know better than to angry the population in time of war, even if you can’t make the flock whole, give the man grain or coin so he can feed his family and the effort of going to the king’s house.
hugh? like hugh hammer? ooooh
‘our victory depends on the efforts of the smallfolk’ close enough welcome back princess diana
another otto slander moment here. i don’t think it’s wise to chastise the king (an adult, mind you) and putting himself in between of aegon and the court like that. did we saw otto with viserys? he sat by his side and whispered his advice in a discreet manner. he didn’t try and strongarmed his king in front of dozens of people. that’s not a smart way of doing things. it’s called soft power for a reason
also, i think the directors were trying to make otto parallel tywin in that joffrey in the throne scene, but tywin was explicitly trying to get joffrey to be more involved in the council and the two were alone. give it to aegon, let him have his fun in public and manipulate him in private, that is the way. doing dumb shit like that only makes aegon look like a kid and otto like a shameless powergrabbing dude
one thing i appreciate is that aegon has his own court. he has his lads-in-waiting, he has a few ladies following behind, and that’s how a king should be. we always saw the royal kids isolated (joff, tommen, rhaenyra only had alicent) when in reality most important people will have a flock of people accompanying them every day.
now that’s what i’m talking about. larys is all about being subtle, honey trapping his way to power. that’s how the game of thrones is played. while aegon will not agree with him just like that (because larys gives him the oogies), i’m sure he will remember larys’ words.
‘as viserys wished’ oh don’t speak of him fuck what he wants
an ally would not sit there and cut her legs at the table of men? girl you do that yourself
alicent, the problem is not otto undermining you, is both of you yapping about shit aegon and aemond not care about and winning empty victories lol
aegon will probably forget about jerard next episode, but will not forget feeling his wings being cut by otto. aemond remained in the council room but will remember alicent wanting him gone.
i wish alicent and otto believed more on their kids/grandkids
mysaria apparition yay
‘you speak of highborn games, i am common born’ tell him girl
daemon don’t put your hands on women challenge: impossible
chemistry with mysaria? uuuuh
i love how everyone reminds erryk of arryk like ‘ayo where ur bro at?’ a matching set is not matching, it’s giving the parent trap
‘i want aemond targaryen’ okay at least she knows who to blame. i want to see more of vengeful rhaenyra, let women be mad
daemon going for aemond instead of for jaehaerys is such a cheap move smh, whitewashing at its finest
jaecarys and rhaenyra :(
is it too insensitive to say that jace’s hair looks great? you’re serving cunt? your brother just died and you’re serving cunt?
ow alerie florent :((((
i really like the symbolic funeral. that shot of rhaena crying over the fire? chills
is it me or they changed joffrey’s actor? idk
uuuuh alicent idk if that’s empathy or weakness 🙃
once again i don’t think it’s neat that they show blood being a normal goldcloak. he was discharged dishonorably for femicide. be honest
cheese’s actor kinda looks like joaquin phoenix
‘i want aemond targaryen’ i hate this fucking show.
criston agreeing with aemond in private but backing alicent in public is the medieval version of ‘yea kid ur right but i don’t wanna fight with your mom’
criston looks so tired :(
‘her grace speaks with two tongues’ SAY YOUR TRUTH AEMOND
it is vain to try and blame aemond for starting the war when the war was brewing since before he was born. rhaenyra wouldn’t give up her claim, daemon wouldn’t accept it. if rhaenyra ascended, the targtowers die. there’s not another version of this story
‘she holds love for our enemy, that makes her a fool’ that makes her a traitor. especially after the events of tonight. do we think rhaenyra has a designated green supporter that tries to get her to the green’s side? why would the greens have a rhaenyra cheerleader then?
gods forbid something happens and otto is not there 🙄 control freak
i like how they’re making aemond more rage-filled. careful ewan your book!aemond is showing
‘aegon the strong’ ‘my nephews have already taken that one’ but egg 💀💀💀
i really love how aegon has his court. he’s protected by the throne’s swords AND his homies got his back
the true king can sit however he likes. he lounges on the swords and they’re as soft as pillows to him. pretenders can’t relate.
in a deeper level, it shows how he’s comfortable both in the throne and surrounded by people. he has high trust. kinghood is a tool he doesn’t have any training on but he holds it like a natural
aegon truly trusts aemond. i love that for them. if they make aemond to be treacherous i’ll cry
AEGON THE DRAGONCOCK 🐲 rip leon estermont you would’ve loved shitposting
also why the ratcatchers are just walking around the keep? are they in the tunnels or in plain sight?
the kick to the doggie :( i really hope they didn’t really kick a dog for that
unrelated but i really need the rats around the red keep to mean something like larys skinchanging into them. they can’t be a red herring or just blood and cheese. they have too many shots
again, why are they out and about? isn’t it weird to see dudes in the middle of the night?
helaena’s maid looks like emma stone and she has really good eyebrows. i’m pretty sure she knows something (larys agent ofc)
how do we go from searching for aemond to threatening helaena? whyyyyyyy
oh right we had to blame the smallfolk for being soooo greedy and wicked and stupid that you tell them kill a great warrior and they kill a baby. because daemon can’t ever order a baby killed amiright?
the little beds noooooo :( baby jaehaerys
okay i was expecting more of helaena. in the books she’s described as pleading, begging, crying and so on. phia is killing it with the eye expressions but she looks stiff in comparison with only her necklace. even trying to bargain more (my husband can give you everything and more), some more tears, some stuttering would fit show!helaena’s too. that’s on the directors tho
i also dislike the choice that anyone can just barge in the room, literally they had to make the castle desert instead of blood and cheese waiting for hel in alicent’s rooms. i know someone is going to make the point of ‘why didn’t helaena scream or run?’ and yes partly. guess we had to slander alicent in another way right?
but alas, i am thankful that a prediction of the scene didn’t came true: no children being forcefully stripped. that would’ve sent me over the edge. they implied it but no child actors were harmed in this episode
omg the sounds of the head cutting and jaehaerys’ muffled sounds i wanna cry
helaena is so lost and the castle is a maze and nobody’s there and she’s lost lost lost and running with jaehaera i can’t
did she saw a vision there? when she stopped and went to alicent’s room
imagine going to comfort for your mom and she’s at it
‘return to your post lord commander’ why didn’t you criston? 🙃
also it didn’t pass me by that aegon has THREE kingsguards in addition to his four homies and his own sword. helaena had none. even if he was off duty and he’s sworn to alicent and not helaena, the lord commander is not commanding
THREE maids at the start of the episode doing absolutely nothing and none here? i’m so mad
‘they killed the boy’ :(((((
also why is helaena so disconnected? like why is she ‘able’ or is she in shock? i hope if they don’t make her go insane with pain like in the book she gets a revenge arc where she goes on dreamfyre, she deserves it.
i hope aegon kills them all.
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Feyd Rautha Harkonnen x a bodyguard he did not ask for
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Feyd Rautha was not a particularly patient or obedient man. His skills as a fighter earned him a reputation of a ruthless combat machine, someone who knew no fatigue in battle. The pleasure he found in honing his prowess, regardless of the cost to his surroundings, was well known beyond the lands touched by the infrared sun of his home planet Giedi Prime. 
However, when the family's mentat, Piter de Vries, appeared in his training chamber to inform him about his uncle's request, Feyd knew better than to argue. He owed his uncle a lot and knew that he clearly preferred him to his cousin Glossu Rabban. What Rabban brought in sheer strength, he lacked in political skill. And the fate of House Harkonnen would not be decided by strength alone, they all knew that. 
They crossed the halls swiftly, passing a web of sideways and starecases. Feyd Rautha did not ask, and the Mentat offered no further explanations for the command to appear, which was only sparsely disguised as a request. In the throne room of Baron Vladimir Harkonnen, it was, as always, sparsely lit, the ceilings of the room were so high that they could not be seen in the darkness. As in the rest of the fortress, the harsh environment of Giedi Prime continued inside the building: The walls were kept in shades of gray, the floors lined with dark marble, evincing rather somber and sorrowful thoughts then any musings on relaxation or warmth. Shaping the rocks according to their wishes was a clear sign for the inhabitants of the planet and for any visitor unfortunate enough to find themselves here. 
Upon arrival, his uncle's seat was vacant, only a spider-like animal crouched in the shadow filled corner of the room. However, standing in front of his uncle's seat was something very surprising: a servant,  yet not dressed in the usual roughly woven gray robes, but in a tight-fitting and shiny leather, her back as straight as if she were standing guard. The mysterious figure had no customary collar, but a chrome protector on her shoulders and chest, reflecting the sparse light of the room. Her face was half-turned to him, so he could observe the fine lines of her profile, with sharp cheekbones and full lips. Under her hairband, which held a short veil in place, he guessed a tightly bound braid. 
He almost reached out to her, to consider the addition to the household. With this figure, she is an excellent addition to his pets, he thought, and was pleasantly surprised to receive such a gift from his uncle. "I ask you to refrain from that, my lord" Her voice with full with dignity and clarity that was unbecoming for a servant. The figure did not stir, so he briefly doubted whether she had really spoken. A mocking laugh escaped him 
"Since when do my pets have wants? Just for this impudence, you deserve to be punished" and with a fluid movement, he reached for the knife at his hip, only to have it just as precisely parried. The reaction, as unexpected as it was, only spurred him on further. Through every move he felt a spark of the excitement ignite In him.With a predatory gaze, he glanced up and down her body 
"Oh, I didn't know the pet was in the mood for play" He grinned, revealing his black teeth. However, the woman blocked every further attack of his, until the tip of her knife penetrated his shield and stopped just millimeters before his skin. In disbelief, he looked at the red-flaring shield at the breached spot. 
"I see you have gotten acquainted with each other," Baron Vladimir Harkonnen floated into the room, black spheres following him, emitting a slight buzzing sound. The Baron's body was becoming more and more like one of these spheres, round and voluminous. In a matter of seconds, the woman let her blade drop and her weapons found their way back to her holster. Feyd's blade, however, still aimed at her throat. In his defiant eyes, an unspoken question. 
„My dear Nephew Feyd, I want you to meet your bodyguard. You are the future of this planet and if it's up to me, of the known universe. With the journeys to Kaitain and Arrakis, I will leave nothing to chance. Feyd felt the bitter taste of bile and anger fill his mouth, his ice-blue eyes directed at the completely superfluous guard, while her gaze fixed on his uncle. 
„No warrior in the known universe is my equal. I certainly don't need protection, and even less so from her" His words were like poison arrows 
„And yet she just effortlessly penetrated your shield," his uncle laughed, the sounds like sharp bubbles in his oil bath. "Effortlessly" Feyd almost hissed.
"You are dismissed, I do not require your services" He said with as much pride as he could summon through the anger raging in his mind and body.
“My services were summoned by the esteemed Baron Vladimir. As long as he does not dismiss me, I stay where I am." For the first time, their eyes met, his blue against her dark green. So much defiance would have been allowed neither to a servant nor to a pet. "Piter de Vries, please show Lady Margot Fenring to her quarters," said the Baron, and only then did it become apparent that the mentat had never left the room. Feyd believed he detected a hint of a smug smile on his lips, but he was mentally too busy devising a plan to get rid of this new acquaintance. 
to be continued....
@afewfantasies :)
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luvrrszn · 1 year
and they were roommates *
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summary miguel o'hara is your roommate, and then he's more than that
warnings [all sexual themes are at the bottom end of the post] explicit/18+ (smut), unprotected sex, dom!miguel, not proofread
a/n (gif posted originally by @/cantstoptheimagines, can't figure out tumblr's gif shit so i'm doing this instead, hope that's okay :)) guys i'm so bad at writing smut please go easy on me also if u have requests PLEASEEE send them in i'm so bored
"oi! you left your panties on the countertop again, you goblin! take it back!" miguel yells at you from your shared bathroom.
"my bad." you mumble, a piece of toast in your mouth as you shuffle into the bathroom, in a hurry to grab your underwear off the marble countertop.
miguel watches, amused, as you scramble to get your things together before your 8am class. it's 7:48am, and it takes you at least 15 minutes to drive to campus, and that's if you make every green light on your way there.
you're lacing up your sneakers by the door as miguel pours himself a cup of coffee. he walks over to shut the door behind you after you leave. as you run down the hallway to the elevator, he calls out after you, "buy some juice on the way back, we're out of that."
you give him a thumbs-up before disappearing around the corner.
you're cooking your favourite homemade meal—pesto pasta. turning off the stove, you turn around to grab a bowl from the shelves. when you turn back around, you see miguel hunched over your pan of pasta, mouth stuffed with food. YOUR food.
you slap him away from the pan, as he feigns hurt, "ow, ow, that hurts. now you gotta give me pasta to make up for it."
"you ate two bowls of instant noodles already, how are you still hungry? get away, boy." you swat his fork away.
"c'mon, please?"
you roll your eyes and give in.
you were never truly going to say no to miguel o'hara. you had cooked enough for two because you knew this was going to happen, and you knew you weren't going to say no to miguel.
"miguel! stop using my shampoo! and my lotion! you know they're super expensive, get your own!" you yell at him from the bathroom, inspecting the fullness—or now, emptiness of your body care products.
"hey, mami, what can i say? those are the real deal." he replies, barely looking away from his laptop.
"yeah, and they cost a shit ton. stop using my stuff and go back to your nasty 30-in-1 soap or whatever." you huff, glaring at miguel angrily.
saturday evenings are spent at the dining table going over the grocery list, preparing for your weekly sunday grocery runs.
saturday nights are spent on the sofa in the living room, watching a movie.
sunday mornings are spent at the grocery store, wandering down the aisles even though you've been there every sunday for the past year and a half, ever since you moved in with miguel after a mutual friend introduced the two of you upon finding out you were both looking for a roommate.
sunday noons are spent unpacking the bags of groceries, which more often that not contain bags of junk food that miguel somehow managed to sneak into the cart.
sunday afternoons are spent doing laundry. miguel loads the washing machine while you handwash the delicate pieces that require extra care. afterwards, you toss what can be put into the dryer into the dryer while miguel hangs up the rest of the clothes to dry. then, the two of you settle into a comfortable routine of folding laundry.
that's just how it was. every week, without fail.
the moment you fell for miguel was when you caught a horrible cold and he took care of you.
despite you trying to shoo him away multiple times, he never gave up.
"come on, princesa. you're sick, let me help you."
"i look like a hot mess right now, miguel. just leave me alone, i'll be okay." barely finishing your sentence, you broke out in a fit of coughs and wheezes.
"no can do. you're sick, so get your ass back into bed. i'll bring you some chicken soup, so for now, just rest." miguel replied, placing a bottle of water and some cold medicine on your bedside table.
when he returned, he found you curled up in your bed, duvet tucked under your chin. he placed the bowl of soup on your bedside table, before placing the back of his hand on your forehead, only to realise that you were burning up.
"take your meds, princesa. you're running a fever."
with his help, you washed your fever medicine down with a gulp of water. then, you snuggled back under the duvet. when miguel turned to leave, your hand shot out from under the duvet, grabbing his wrist. you croaked out a "stay".
without a word, miguel got into bed next to you, slipping his arm under your head. you curled into his chest, falling asleep to the steady rhythm of his heart beating.
the moment miguel fell for you was when you left to visit family during summer break and he opened the refrigerator to find each shelf lined with containers of food.
you had left that morning, hand gripping your suitcase handle as you said to miguel, "try not to die, finding a new roommate with such short notice would be hard."
miguel grinned and flipped you the bird as you turned around and disappeared down the hallway to the elevator. closing the door behind him, miguel beelined for the refrigerator. maybe there was some yogurt he could have for a quick breakfast.
upon opening the refrigerator, he found that each shelf was packed containers of home-cooked meals, all prepared by you. well, that answered the question of why the apartment smelled so good when he got home last night.
there were containers of pasta, rice, chicken, salad, whatever you could think of, it was there. turning around, miguel spotted the sticky note you had left on the kitchen island. he picked up the light pink sticky note and read your note.
"seriously though, miggy. try not to die. i'd be a little sad if you did."
he couldn't help but let out a little chuckle.
you are the one who first confesses your feelings. on saturday night, after movie night, you gather all your courage and say, "miguel, look, i-i have to tell you something. and when i do, or even after i do, i need you to promise you won't hate me."
miguel's heart is racing. worries fill his head and his heart, and he can't help but wonder if you are going to tell him that you want to move out. he takes a deep breath, and replies steadily, "i could never hate you. go ahead, princesa."
you turn to look at miguel, and you say, "you're my best friend, and there's nothing i wouldn't do for you. you know that, right?" he nods.
taking in a shaky breath, you continue, "i like you. and it's okay if you don't feel the same way. i can't remember a time where i didn't know you, and i'm not sure i want to either. so if you don't feel the same way, can we at least still stay—"
"shut up," miguel cuts you off.
you're taken aback, stammering, "w-what?"
"just shut up," miguel repeats as he moves towards you, encasing your lips with his. you let out a slight gasp, and miguel takes that opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth.
the kiss is everything you've imagined and more. it's hungry and passionate, but also gentle and reassuring. words were no longer needed; words weren't enough for miguel to express how much he liked you back.
you let miguel take control. you surrender, savouring every moment of the kiss.
and it leaves you breathless.
from that night on, nothing much changes. but at the same time, everything changes.
your weekend routines remain the same, but throughout the week, there's sex. so. much. sex.
miguel's sex drive is crazy, and you can barely keep up. not that you're complaining.
"miguel," you let out a breathy moan. your left hand is tangled in his hair, your right hand littering his back with scratches. miguel fucks you relentlessly, pulling his hips back and slamming into you in one fluid motion.
his hands slide downwards towards your nipple, and he toys with them, tugging gently and rubbing them between the pad of his thumb and his index finger. one of his hands slides even further downwards, and traps your clit. he rubs slow circles on it, drawing a moan past your lips.
his coordination is crazy, and you're stimulated in all the right places.
miguel senses that you're near your climax, and he speeds up, slamming into you with such tenacity that you almost believe he's in such a rush because the world might be ending in two seconds.
miguel goes faster, rougher, deeper, helping you chase your finish. the knot in your stomach tightens, tightens, tightens—then it snaps. you scream miguel's name as you cum all over his cock and go limp, seeing stars from what you think might have been the best orgasm of your life.
still deep in you, miguel feels every contraction of your pussy around his cock. you tighten around him, and after two more strokes of his hips, you're milking his cock for every drop of his cum.
out of breath, you lay there on the bed while miguel cleans up the mess on the bedsheets.
that afternoon, as you take out the trash, you bump into your next door neighbour, mrs palma. she looks and you and chuckles, "glad the two of you finally got together, but keep it down, wouldya, sweetheart?"
you turn as red as a tomato.
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