#resource dependency
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narrative-theory · 3 months ago
Is Economic Confrontation with Canada Prudent?
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lurkinginnernarrator · 4 months ago
Need more fics where sj!SQQ and a martial sibling gets stuck in a situation, and instead of them having a bonding moment or something stupid and emotionally healing, sj just pulls out a knife.
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quixoticanarchy · 7 months ago
thought too hard about supply chains and resource extraction again. concluded industrialization was a mistake. once youre done reading this we should all throw our devices in a ditch
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rare-prism-s · 3 months ago
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virualors · 1 month ago
Hii, this might be a strange request, deny it if you like, but I want to request some buttons based on the "I depend on you" trend that has been going around
If you make double color ones one that says I depend on you" with blue and yellow, alt versions with just blue and yello
And if it isn't that much to ask, a blue one that says "They depend on me" and a yellow one that says "I depend on them"
Sorry if this is a lot and too specific 😓
Love your buttons, they're so pretty and unique!!!
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"I Depend on you" Shiny buttons!
Im so sorry for the delay , I didn't realize this request before closing reqs 😓 . Credits are optional if used for personal use but appreciated
Credits are necessary if reposting to resource rentrys / blogs
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kugelgelenktpuppe · 7 months ago
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gayaest · 5 months ago
what does (msn) mean for autism?
“Level 1 - Level 2 - Level 3” in the DSM.
(LSN) Low-Support needs, (MSN) Middle-Support needs, (HSN) High-support needs.
I was in special ed my entire life, as well as discovering (others) I was autistic was very early on (Kindergarten). I’ve always needed extra support specific to my autism, more than LSN autistics need (which is not to say they do not need support — all autistics need some type of support, this is just to help others know how much).
MSN, means that I need substantial help in my day-to-day life to be able to stay alive and functioning. I need a daily caregiver, someone to help me bathe, clothe, food, clean, etc. I wasn’t able to work, go to school myself without some type of accommodations and help from an “aid” or caregiver. I would never have been able to live alone even if I wasn’t physically disabled, because I was always mentally disabled (Autistic).
I just happen to have become physically disabled as well. My old therapist said that Autistic individuals have a higher chance of developing auto-immune disorders and disabilities due to the way the brain and body are connected and work. Especially if that coincides with severe and ongoing trauma, which causes the nervous system to “break down” and immune system to become, well… less immune.
I hope this makes sense, I spent like, 45 minutes writing this to make sure it sounded right.
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office427 · 2 months ago
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i depend on you
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edgymegatronus · 19 days ago
you people like TFP Megatron despite him being a lil ugly. I like him BECAUSE he’s a lil ugly
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inkcomposer · 2 months ago
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⿻ "I depend on you" Graphics Pack, Pt 4⿻
♯ F2U with credits and reblog! Tag me if you use it, likes are appreciated
General graphics — Blue match graphics — Yellow match graphics
↳ Self Indulgent ⨾ no recolors / reposts ×
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deaddee-anime-brownfanlady · 4 months ago
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doekimakura · 5 months ago
The Villager vs Illager Conflict
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The biggest conflict there in Svallin currently is the Villager - Illager War which started about 2 years ago in the server. While the conflict happens everywhere since the dawn of Svallin, anyway, the hotspot currently sits at West Svallin, between the Illager army of Vuruethas (lead by Absinthe Vane,) and The Fortress City Midsommar, (lead by Queen Alexis Gjallarhorn.)
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They aim to destroy the other for the sake of their people's (and their own) satisfaction and goals. If Vane wins, the illagers prevail. If Alexis wins, the villagers prevail.
So far, they are deadlocked, matched in both wits and resources.
So why beef with Midsommar?
Because of Alexis Gjallarhorn.
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Alexis was an Alex-skinned player character who was spawned in initially during the absence of [spoiler man], and happened to save a village from pillagers during her travels. She was filled with a sense of justice and responsibility, and began building her own kingdom as a 'safe haven' for villagers pillaged by illagers.
And now, the safe haven's gotten too big! The Illagers, fearing of being wiped off by Alex's knights, decided to band up to try and fell Midsommar before they got 'too strong', and they have been at each other since.
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More will be explained when I flesh out the kingdoms~
Are things only bad in Midsommar?
Not really. Besides Vane's army, there is another bigshot group that roams the lands, treated like a bad omen or the boogeyman.
This group of horseriders are called the Band of Claws. Unlike Vuruethas Amry, they usually ride on separate platoons and regroup once a while in the woods of Northern Svallin. They are infamous for making pillaging a sport and competition, and would even toy with villagers and children and hunt them on horseback 'for amusement.'
Its leader is Balalaika Zamrud. Many thinks she is much more cruel and cold compared to Vane, but she finds no fun in invasions. Hence, Vuruethas and Band of Claws don't really work together.
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Zamrud does find interest in a certain village whose villagers know how to control fire...
...and others
Besides those two groups, Illagers still roam the land in different communities, but they always have one thing in mind: Pillaging and plundering. Thirsty for power and are aggressively territorial, the Illagers are becoming more brazen in the advent of high-ranking illagers who lead them to glory.
Depending on the biomes, illagers may form different kinds of pillaging groups such as: Desert Robbers, Pirates, or Snow Hunters.
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They are as common as pillaging groups across Svallin, usually captained by lesser known illagers. They aren't as lethal, but they still cause losses alright.
There is more about illagers and villagers that I'm cooking up, but since this post has gotten quite long, maybe next time!
Svallin Tag ↗
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inksandpensblog · 9 months ago
Yeah um for anyone needing more evidence that the TvTropes pages for AvA/AvM shouldn't be taken at face value
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bayofwolves · 4 months ago
Me when I remember that average height is determined by nutrition and medicine, so in a world like Erdas my 6'0 Abeke and 6'3 Shane would be pretty unlikely...
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chicicherrycola · 2 years ago
hey guys please also remember that you can get movies and tv shows on dvd from libraries. if you don’t have a dvd player why but also you probably know someone who does! so if you don’t have a card go get one!!! and borrow like theres no tomorrow because even if you don’t watch or read it you’re still contributing to your community
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angy-grrr · 4 months ago
bkdk trump supporters?????? bkdk trump supporters?????? BKDK TRUMP SUPPORTERS???????
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