#request from ages ago idk if they even still need it lmao
dailyhouse · 1 year
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froggibus · 2 years
Stay A While - Jason Todd/Red Hood
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Pairing: Jason Todd x reader
Genre: hurt/comfort, fluff w a shot of angst
Word Count: 2.4k
Summary: you’ve always been one to suffer in silence, shutting yourself in your apartment for the duration of your episodes. but Jason Todd doesn’t want to sit idly by and watch you suffer alone, even if it annoys you
CW: depressed! reader, mentions of depressive episodes, negative thoughts/self talk, Jason is overbearing, mentions of insomnia, reader struggles to eat, some violence (out on patrol), the rest of the family kinda sucks in this lmao
this is for the people who followed me expecting Batfam/DC content and didn’t unfollow when I didn’t post any for months 😭 I love y’all. also idk the idea of soft! Jason makes me so emotional. also I WOULD LOVE SOME DC OR BATFAM REQUESTS!!! if there’s anything you want me to write I will gladly do it 🫶🏼 (also let’s ignore the fact that this is like my 3rd angsty post in the past few days oops)
It was common knowledge around Wayne Manor that disappearing into your room (or apartment) for a few days meant something different for everyone. Usually, it wasn’t anything to worry about. 
Sometimes it would be Tim finally sleeping when he’s pushed himself too far. Other times, it was Dick working a case and refusing to leave until he knew what to do. For Bruce, it usually meant he was injured and trying to hide it from everyone. 
Jason was still finding these things out little by little, so when you suddenly disappeared into your apartment, he was worried. 
“Honestly, it’s nothing to worry about,” Tim tried to ease his mind. “Y/n tends to retreat when things get bad.”
“And you guys are okay with that?”
Dick shrugged, adjusting the ice pack he had pressed to his forehead. “We tried the first time it happened. After a while, we realized that alone time is the only thing that really works. If y/n needs help, y/n will reach out.”
And the topic ended there. Or at least, it did for Dick and Tim. Jason couldn’t stop thinking about it though—did they really just let you suffer in your apartment all alone whenever you had an episode? The thought made his skin crawl. 
He’s had a few bad episodes over the course of his life, and while he managed to deal with it alone, he didn’t think that you should have to. 
Maybe that’s what led him to your apartment at four in the morning with a bag of takeout. 
You open the door dressed in your pyjamas despite not having slept a wink. You're almost surprised to see Jason standing there with the paper bag. Didn’t everyone know to let you ride it out on your own? You thought they decided to stop bugging you ages ago. 
Still, you don’t think it was fair to slam the door in his face, and instead welcome him inside. “What are you doing here, Jason?”
“Just thought I’d check on you,” he sets the bag on the counter. “Haven’t seen you in a while and wanted to make sure you’re okay.”
You squint at him. Did he really think you were that dumb? You figured he would have asked Dick or Bruce right away if you suddenly fell off the face of the earth, and they would have told him about your situation. Jason and you had never been particularly close, either, so why was he here?
He raises his hands in defeat. “I just want to make sure you’re taken care of somewhat. Alright? I’ll leave you alone after that.”
“I mean, I’m fine aren’t I?”
Your words come out harsher than you’d like, but you can’t help but be annoyed at the sudden intrusion. Not to mention the implication that you can’t take care of yourself. 
“You clearly haven’t slept in a while so we both know that’s some bullshit.”
You sigh. He’s right, after all. You can’t remember the last time you slept, let alone for more than a few hours. Though used to staying up late on missions and patrols, you never went this long. 
“I just have a lot on my mind, I guess,” you admit. “But I can take care of myself, Jason. So while I appreciate the concern, you can leave.”
He doesn’t protest, instead grumbling to himself while you show him to the door and effectively kick him out of your apartment. He stands outside the door for a while, wondering if he should try harder. 
He decides against it, and thinks he’ll just have to check on you again tomorrow. 
You almost feel guilty unpacking the takeout he got you, but then again, there weren’t many days lately where guilt and stress didn’t weigh heavily on you. As soon as you felt that familiar flood of negative thoughts and emotions, you knew it was time to withdraw. Still, through all of your episodes, you were yet to experience one quite this bad. 
It’s nice that Jason checked on me, you think to yourself. At least someone thought of you. Sure, you’d told the others countless times over the years that solitude while you sort through your thoughts was imperative, and it was true. Regardless, it was nice to have someone check on you, even if it was annoying. 
You dish yourself a plate of Chinese food and sit down on your couch, looking out at Gotham city through the window. It’s a dim, rainy night and the weather does nothing to help your mood. You find yourself picking at your food, having only a few bites before packing it up and leaving it in the fridge. 
You didn’t eat much, but it’s a start. 
Jason tries to push back the thoughts of you on patrol the next night, but he can’t. He just thinks of the bags that line your under eyes and the way your voice cracked when you said you were fine. 
It’s only when he damn near loses an eye to a stray bullet that he realizes he can’t ignore it anymore. He ducks around a corner, ready to head back to his bike. 
“Hood, where are you going?” Nightwing calls after him. 
“I gotta go check on something!”
Red Robin scoffs, “y/n is a big kid, Todd. Just leave it alone.” 
He shakes his head at the younger boy. He wants to argue with him but for once in his life, Jason Todd bites his tongue and turns the other cheek. 
When you open the door, you’re unsurprised to see Jason Todd standing there in his Red Hood suit. “Jason?”
“Yeah, yeah,” he says, walking past you straight into your apartment. “I’m back.”
“I—welcome back?” You close the door behind him, spinning around on your heel and raising an eyebrow at the man in your living room. 
“Look, I know I said I’d leave when I knew you were taken care of but I don’t—you’re not. Like, seriously, y/n, just talk to me.”
You sigh and take a seat on the couch. “Do you really want to listen?”
“Yes,” he says and sits down next to you, dropping his helmet on the cushion next to him. “If it helps you, I’ll listen til my damn ears bleed.”
His words are almost enough to bring a smile to your face, the muscles twitching almost painfully. You nod slowly, drawing your knees into your chest. 
Jason analyzes your body language, seeing just how vulnerable and small you really are despite your usual front. He knows to tread lightly here. 
“I—,” you tug on your hair slightly, trying to think of how to verbalise it. “Have you ever been so tired, like beyond tired, that you can’t sleep?”
He goes to speak, but thinks the better of it. You don’t need to hear about his own problems right now, but the truth is he has. He’s been where you are before—guilt and misery weighing so heavily on him that he can’t breathe. 
“I don’t even know what triggered it. I was fine one day and then all of a sudden….” You gesture to your current state in hopes he gets the idea. “I really hate feeling like this,” tears prick at your eyes and your nose stings with every word, “but I’ve never really found a way to make it stop and—and—“
Jason is almost as surprised as you are when he sets a gloved hand on your shoulder. “Y/n,” his voice is soft, “it’s okay to feel this way.”
His touch helps ground you and you manage to take a deep, shaking breath. “I don’t want you to see me like this, Jason,” you say quietly, voice so soft he almost doesn’t hear.
“There’s no shame in the way you’re feeling.”
“I know that I just—can you just go? Please?”
He opens his mouth to speak, to argue with you, but thinks the better of it. You look so soft and sad and vulnerable. He doesn’t want to push his luck and push you further away from him. 
He grabs his helmet and stands up. “Have a good night, y/n. I hope you manage to get some rest tonight.”
You watch Jason Todd walk out of your apartment door for the second night in a row. 
Jason is surprised when his phone screen lights up with your picture while he’s on patrol. The last person he’d expect to call him at two in the morning was you, especially considering he hadn’t heard from you in a few days. 
He tried to come and visit you the next night, but he couldn’t bring himself to knock at your door. Y/n’s tough, he thought to himself. You don’t need his help. 
He can’t pick up the phone in the middle of a fight, though, and has to wait until the henchmen are in a pile on the ground. He doesn’t even retort to Damian’s comment on how long it took him to take them down—his mind too focused on you and what could possibly be wrong. 
He pulls his phone out of his pocket, pressing redial on your number. Please be okay, he thinks. 
You answer on the third ring, your voice sounding soft and defeated. “Jason?”
“Y/n? Is everything okay?”
“I-I just…” you sigh into the phone and Jason’s heart clenches at the sound. “I don’t really want to be alone right now.”
Jason considers this for only a second. “Alright, I’ll be there in 10.”
He hangs up the call and shoves his phone back into his pocket, making the walk back to his bike. 
“Todd?” Robin says in his earpiece. 
“Pipe down, brat. I have more important things to deal with tonight.”
“More important than protecting the city?” Nightwing says over the comms. 
You have no idea, he wants to say. But he doesn’t, opting to turn off the ear piece and focus on getting to you as quickly as he can. He said he’d be there in 10 minutes, but he’s at your apartment door in 7. 
You’re waiting at the door when he knocks, a blanket over your shoulders, curled in on yourself. As soon as you open the door, you’re wrapping your arms around him. 
His suit is damp from the rain, soaking into your pyjamas and making you shiver. Still, you don’t let go of him. It’s been a particularly rough day, and you needed some company to combat the thoughts filling your head.  
“Miss me?” He jokes. 
You say nothing, content to hold him as close to you as possible. He rubs your back gently before wrapping his arms around you and half carrying you back into your apartment. 
He closes the door behind him, awkwardly adjusting to hold you up with one arm. Not that it’s much of a struggle for him, considering he’s a lot bigger than you are. 
He’s torn, he doesn’t want to let go until you do, but he wants to talk to you and figure out why you needed him so badly. Lucky for him, he doesn’t have to make that choice because suddenly you’re pulling away from him and tucking your hair behind your ears. 
You look anywhere but him. “Um, thanks for coming…”
You try to think of something to say after that, anything to break the ice and explain yourself and not make this a huge waste of time for him. Before you can speak, though, Jason goes first. 
“You don’t have to explain it to me if you don’t want to,” he says. “I know it’s hard.”
You nod slowly, every movement of your body feels sluggish and heavy. You got a few hours of sleep the other day, but only out of sheer exhaustion. Now, it seems the exhaustion is catching up. 
“I’m just gonna…sit down,” you plop onto the couch cushion and pull your knees into your chest. You pat the cushion next to you, inviting him closer. 
Jason takes off his helmet and jacket, laying them on the kitchen island before sitting next to you. “Have you slept much?”
You shake your head, resting your cheek on the cushion and looking into his eyes. “A few hours the other day but…nothing since.”
“Did you want to try while I’m here?”
His eyes are soft, a jarring contrast from his other features. It’s almost as if he’s pleading with you. 
“Y-yeah, okay,” you slowly rise from the couch, your damp pyjamas clinging to your body. You usher for Jason to follow you to your room. 
You dig through your drawers, looking for a pair of clean pyjamas. You settle on a t-shirt you stole from Dick ages ago and a pair of sweats you used for training. Jason looks away while you change, trying his best to respect your privacy despite the way his face heats up. 
You crawl into your bed, trying to rearrange the messy comforter to cover your body. “Do you…is it okay if you lay with me? It only has to be until I fall asleep.”
Jason knows he’s pushing his limits, his heart racing at the thought of being in bed with you. He shakes the thoughts away—this is completely innocent. He’s just taking care of you. 
“Yeah, I can stay a while.”
Jason lays down next to you, his broad frame taking up more than half of your bed. Your breath catches in your throat at his proximity, and his warmth draws you in. Somehow, for the first time in days, his presence is enough to let you relax. 
Jason lays with you for some time, just staring at the back of your head while you cuddle your pillow. You must have fallen asleep at some point, because your breathing is even and your body is relaxed. 
He smiles, it’s the most calm he’s seen you in days. He knows you’re sleeping now and he can leave, but he doesn’t want to. What if you wake up and he’s gone? He doesn’t want to risk upsetting you. 
You roll over in your sleep, your head landing perfectly under his arm and on his chest. His breath hitches in his throat at the contact. He tries to adjust his body to make it as comfortable as possible for you to lay on him. 
He wraps an arm around your waist, cradling you within his own body. Jason can’t help but think to himself in this moment that he’ll take care of you no matter what, even if you can’t take care of yourself. 
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nyoomfruits · 2 years
always always kudos to your writing those recent ones are so cute and lovely ❤️❤️💙💙
can't wait for the magic helmet au and a programler max au ?? Wahh color me excited
if you're still accepting requests from the prompt clichés -> zipping up their dress race suit?
i don't even need you to write it just some thoughts if you want (maybe you got a lot of prompts idk) but i saw the prompt and mind just went !!!!!
thank you so much ;-; if everything goes according to plan i should finish the magic helmet au either today or tomorrow!!!! so get ready for that somewhere in the upcoming days :D the programmer au will probably take considerably longer because i keep adding plot points and ideas to it lmao. anyway!!! idk if this is what you wanted for the prompt but its where my brain went so!!!!! i hope you enjoy :)
The pictures leak on a Saturday evening, right before a race. Charles can’t help but feel like it’s some kind of cosmic justice for being reckless, careless, for thinking no one would catch him making out with that guy at a party a few weeks ago.
There’s really no denying it. It’s clearly him, and it’s clearly him kissing another guy. Ferrari’s PR team is in shambles, his own management is scrabbling to get some kind of public statement ready before the race, and the whole time Charles just feels like he’s floating through it all.
They manage to smuggle him in through the back, so he doesn’t have to speak to any press before the race, and he keeps his head held high as he makes his way through the garage towards the cars on track, trying desperately not to pay attention to the stares and whispers that follow him.
No one tries to talk to him, and he’s not sure if that’s a bad thing, or if they’re just trying to give him space. No matter the intention, all it does is make him feel alone.
He always knew he was going to have to come out at some point, impossible to hide forever in today’s day and age of phones and social media, but he always thought he would be able to do it on his own terms. Not to have the rug pulled from under him like this.
His hands are shaking, and he’s struggling to pull the zipper of his race suit back up. He can feel tears stinging in the corner of his eyes, knowing all eyes are on him, knowing everyone is seeing the effects all of this has on him. He’s about to give up, about to say ‘fuck it all’ and just go home, when there’s suddenly hands on his, gently prying them away from the zipper.
“Hi,” Max says, taking the zipper from Charles and slowly doing it up. “How are you holding up?”
And Max. Max is just smiling at him, in that same soft gentle way he always does, eyes crinkling at the corners, and Charles feels a weight fall of his shoulders. “Terribly,” he says, because he knows Max values honesty, and there’s not point in hiding, not for him.
Max hums, lets his hands linger at the throat of Charles’s race suit for a bit. “You’ll get through it,” he says, voice so sure, so certain. “You always do.”
Charles can’t help the small smile that tugs at his lips, though it doesn’t quite reach his eyes. “Thanks, Max.”
“Anytime,” Max says, and his left hand moves to Charles’s shoulder, squeezes lightly, before letting go and stepping away. “Have a good race,” he says, smiling that small, private little smile he seems to reserve for Charles.
“You too,” Charles says, staring after Max as he walks back to his team.
It’s a weight off his shoulders, knowing that Max will still treat him like he always does. That nothing much has really changed. Suddenly, the stares of the people around him feels less suffocating, less all consuming.
Max is right. He’ll get through this.
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beomglocks · 4 years
three’s a crowd ; h.k & k.th
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summary : just you and your two boyfriends
pairing : bf!taehyun x bf!hyuka x reader
warnings & other : requested, fluff, idk much abt poly relationships other than there’s more than two people, sorry if this is bad LMAO, tyunning best boyfies, sleepy kai
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you groan, rolling over only to find that you couldn't actually do that. had it always been like this? maybe not, you think to yourself. you groan once again and try to force your body to roll onto the right side of your bed but a firm hand kept you in place. already this early in the morning you couldn't have what you want.
"you're gonna wake him up," someone whispers softly. you peel open your eyes which are heavy with sleep and are lowkey protesting for you not to do that. you wonder for a moment if rolling over was worth slightly waking up for, however whoever was awake knew you were awake too now. maybe next time, you suppose. it would've been nice to sleep comfortably last night but it felt like you hadn't slept in ages and you can only guess why that is. the bed was cramped, and hot, and goddamn, someone had turned off the aircon in the middle of the night!
when you look up, one out of two of your boyfriends, taehyun, is already sitting up against the headboard, completely awake. his head is perched up against the headboard and in his hands is his phone. "were you awake this whole time?" you ask him. your voice is raspy and sounds gross as you prefer to not speak as soon as you wake up but you're curious. though it's true that he was the early bird among you three it was still fairly early for him to be awake.
"i woke up an hour ago plus the bed is too stuffy," he says looking down at you staring up at him. so he had felt it as well, nice to know you weren't the only one who slept uncomfortably. "well.." you let your words drift off into the air as you turn to the other boy who is completely unconscious on the bed. his mouth is slightly open and you swear you can see drool threatening to slip out of his mouth. his curly hair is messily strewn all over the place and in his clutches is a plushie you or taehyun had once gifted him for a birthday, you don't remember.
what a sight, you think to yourself. huening kai, ever the dreamy sleeper. he looks peaceful despite the contrast of how absolutely petrified he was at the sight of the haunted doll, annabelle, in the movie you all watched last night.
taehyun shakes his head with a smile on his face, "it's not like i suggested watching literally anything else." you make a movement that you think could pass off as a shrug but you don't think taehyun can tell. "he said he could handle it and you know i can't say no to our baby."
you move around on the bed for a moment to find a comfortable position to speak to him in without disturbing kai. "plus we all got to cuddle for once, even though it was hot as hell last night," you mumble.
"sacrifices were made," taehyun mumbles. he sets his phone down on the bed beside you and rubs your head in what you think is an affectionate way but he's been working out and it hurts. "ouch," you grumble, deciding to stick by hueningkais still asleep frame.
the moment you cuddle up to kai who is facing away from you, he turns over so that you're both face to face. you don't think he realizes so you just kiss the tip of his nose lightly. "breakfast?" taehyun suddenly asks. you think to yourself for a moment. it sounds tempting to go help taehyun with whatever he plans on making for the three of you to consume however, the bed is just too comfortable. despite it being hot, kai's body heat is a type of hot that doesn't make you uncomfortable.
"can you go make it? i wanna be here when he wakes up so he doesn't think we abandoned him after the movie." kai can be a bit tender after scary movies. the whole reason why you and taehyun hadn't slept well was that, for no other underlying reason at all, kai suddenly wanted all three of you to cuddle on the bed.
it was a cute idea that you agreed to and although taehyun was reluctant, he too agreed to the proposal.
you move your boyfriends hair away from his peaceful looking face and you watch as his nose scrunches up but soon goes back to normal after a couple of seconds.
"we also need a bigger bed," you mumble randomly. you hear taehyun snort a laugh behind you, "when we first moved in, the first thing i pointed out was how tiny the bed was." he crosses his arms over his chest and decides to watch you play with kai's hair.
you turn over with a playful frown on your face, "im not the one who had a growth spurt! the bed was fine back then." you feel hueningkai stir beside you and suddenly his gravelly morning voice is rumbling through your ear.
"bunk beds?" he mumbles with his eyes still closed and a lopsided smile on his face. you tug on a piece on his hair when he situates his body to lounge over both yours and taehyun's like free real estate. "hell no," you both say in unison, protesting the idea.
"im going back to sleep," kai grumbles with a slight roll of his eyes. taehyun pats the other boys hair, soothing out the stray bed hairs that are sticking out. "what do you want to eat?" taehyun asks, getting up from the bed and stretching out his limbs. "make pancakes," you suggest. thankfully, hueningkai is fast asleep once again so he can't protest to the food choice.
taehyun nods, walking away to the kitchen. you decide to stay and run your hands lightly up and down your boyfriend's back. his slow breaths are lulling you back to sleep too but you fight to stay awake. if you fall back asleep you know you both won't wake up until late in the afternoon and that just won't do because kai has to finish the errands he didn't finish yesterday.
you get up from the bed, making sure not to wake kai up, which somehow you manage to do successfully. you make a mental note that he sleeps like a baby after scary movies.
you walk into the kitchen and see taehyun preparing the ingredients for pancakes. he lets you watch him for a while until you go up to him and insist on clinging to him, something he can't and won't protest against.
about 15 minutes into making pancakes, hueningkai straggles into the kitchen. you snort out a laugh at his appearance. his tall frame is leaning forward, the first indication that he's still half asleep. the second is his pouty lips and closed eyes. his hair is sticking up in all different directions as he messes with it because he sees you staring at it.
"you left me," he scolds. "you were sleeping," you defend quickly. "i got hungry," you smile.
"whatever, they smell good," he yawns. "wanna taste?" taehyun asks, holding up a piece of a previously cooked pancake. "yes, me first!" you detach yourself from his back and stand in front of him so he can feed you. hueningkai sleepily walks over for his bite of food to taste after you.
"they're good," you both say. "of course they are, i made them," taehyun says proudly. you fight the urge to flick his head, "i helped." you mumble. "i don't doubt it at all," hueningkai pipes up. "they have a bit of your flavor."
"what the hell does that even mean?" you give him a weird look, waiting for him to elaborate. out of the corner of hit eye you see taehyun smile lazily at overhearing the early morning conversation. "god wait, i didn't mean it like that! im still half asleep for fucks sake," he raised his hands up and waves them.  "im going back to sleep," he announces.
as he starts sauntering off back to the room you detach from taehyun who seems to be almost done. "im still kind of tired too... come join when you're done," you give him a chaste kiss as you walk away from him.
taehyun sighs to himself as he finishes up the rest of the food.
just another day.
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savoryscribbles · 4 years
omg my first request hehe i’d love it if you could write about bakugou x fem reader (maybe on the chubbier side?) whos kinda shy but has a humiliation kink!! they’re out on a date and bakugou fingers her under a table, telling her not to be too loud, or people will stare 😳 and after she cums a couple times he makes her lick off his fingers or there will be punishment involved later- also choking? if you can fit it in there somewhere? im so sorry if this is messy, i tried </3
Main masterlist
Bnha masterlist
Of course I can!! And thank you @kryptiklion for the request!! Honestly I’m a fan of your idea, and I already have some ideas flowing. Hmmm... okay, you can’t tell but it’s a hour and one binged Bakugo smau later. I’d have to say this request could be like a whole ass oneshot, luckily Imma do just that! Cause I just love your idea and it’s right up my alley. I hope my answers are to you satisfaction(hehe, I made a Hamilton reference)! Ahhh I feel like this took a lot longer than expected, I mean this is quite the detailed request so... but I honestly didn’t have any inspiration for this for like a week. I also just got a new phone weeee!!!
Paring: Aged up!Bakugo x fem!chubby(ish!shy! reader)
Warnings: fluffy(especially the beginning, I’m a sucker for tsunderes acting begrudgingly nice🤤😖), public fingering, humiliation kink, breath-play, degradation(honestly I’m sorry I went a little ham on this one, lmao, Idk why tho- I don’t even have a degradation kink, in fact I have the exact opposite, a praise kink), quark-play?(I mean like he uses his quark for like spanking but that’s it)
⊱ ❀ ✿ ꕥ ✿ ❀ ⊰
You stared at your boyfriend as he got dressed, he was always so handsome, and tonight was no exception.
You sat there ogling your boyfriend, to lost in thought to notice that he had long ago noticed your staring. And had turned to face you.
“What are you doing weirdo?” He asked bring you back to reality.
“Admiring my boyfriend.” You said in response, causing him to roll his eyes.
“Tch, whatever we need to go or we’ll be late.” Katsuki told you, waiting for you to stand up.
“Okay, I just need to pul on my heels first.” You said as you started to get up.
“Tch dumbass, why didn’t you put them on instead of ogling me? I’ll get them for you, you’ll take to long.” He grumbled walking towards your vanity where your heels were, then grabbing them and walking back towards you.
“Thank yo-“ you started.
“Left foot.” He said, interrupting you. Before kneeling to the ground. You felt your face heat up a little as he slipped your heel onto your foot with gentalness that you would never expect from Katsuki.
“You really don’t need to-“ you tried to say but were once more cut off.
“Right foot, and yes I do dumbass, how else are we not going to be late?” He said as he rolled his eyes before he grabbed your right foot to slip on the heel with the same gentleness. He then hulled you up with his normal Bakugo aggressiveness.
‘So much for a gentle moment’ you thought following him out the door and into the car.
The restaurant was quite fancy, definitely a 5 star one. And like normal 5 star restaurants, it was naturally quiet. So when Bakugo decided it would be a good idea to finger you, you were obviously noisy.
“Shut up slut, you don’t want the whole restaurant to hear you do you?” He asking. And you shook your head no in response.
“Hmm you would like that wouldn’t you? You’re such a dirty little whore you know that?” He teased, all while still shoving his fingers in and out of you.
As you tried to keep your moans under control the waiter can to the table. Asking if the service was alright. Bakugo looked over to you expectingly, waiting for you to answer.
“Um y-yES. Where fine, tha-thank you fOR ASking.” You stuttered out, all while Katsukis hand was still thrusting in and out of your core, causing you so moan part of your sentence.
“Haha, such a dirty little girl, can’t even say a full sentence without moaning, and it’s only my finger! Ha.” He degradingly laughed once the waiter had walked away.
“Kat-Katsuki... I’m gonna gonna cum soon.” You muttered to him, trying to keep your is voice down.
“Cum as many times as you can, but I’m expecting you to keep track.” He said seriously before losing his mouth closer to your ear.
“Or there will be a punishment.” He whispered, causing a shiver down to your spine.
Needless to say, you were to focused on eating and the pleasure that you totally forgot that you were supposed to keep track of your orgasms.
Which is why when you got home, you struggled to come up with an answer.
“I.. um- 3?” You answered, making it sound more like a question.
“You weren’t keeping track were you?” He asked, stepping closer and closer to you before eventually backing you up against a wall.
“Not only did you not keep track, you also tried to lie to me. You ungrateful slut, you can’t even follow simple instructions.” He said wrapping his hands around your throat.
“Do you know what brats like you who don't listen get? Punishment.” He whispered into your ear before picking you up and taking you to your shared bedroom.
“Stay here, I expect you to be naked when I get back.” He said after plopping you on the bed. You did as you’re told as he walked to the closet to get what you presumed was some sort of spanking device.
You looked towards him as he walked back into the room and see he has a flogger in hand.
“Now you’re going to have two punishments brat. One for disobeying my orders, and on for lying.” He stated once he was next to the bed.
“You’re going to lye down and stay still, or I won’t hesitate to tye you down.” He muttered in your ear after bending down to my level. “You got that slut?” You nodded at his question, but quickly realized your mistake.
“Yes sir.” You responded before moving your head down to rest on a pillow.
“Good girl. I want you to count for me as well. The first round is with the flogger, which is for lying to me, I’ll stop at twenty.” Bakugou stayed before bringing the flogger down harshly on your ass.
“One sir.” You moaned, already feeling a wet spot form in your panties.
This continued on until Katsuki had reached 20. He lowered his hand to your core finding already covered in your juices.
“Your getting more wet from this aren’t you, you little whore?” He said as his hand dragged between your dripping folds. “I’m just getting started.”
“I want you to count these as well. And if you don’t, I will start over.” He stated before he slapped you ass with what seemed to be his bare hand. Only it was a lot more powerful than normal. You deducted that he must be using his quirk.
“O-one sir.” You stuttered put quickly right as he slapped you ass again only on the other cheek.
“Tw-two... sir.”
He kept up his quirk infused spanks until he reached five on each side, ten in total. You were completely woren out by then, from the multiple orgasms ealier that night and the punishment you just received.
Katsuki noticed this and felt mildly bad, he knew you enjoyed it, yet you looked to be in pain, even though he’d never admit it, he did not want you in pain. He grabbed some lotion from the nightstand, he had set it there ealier knowing you’d need it after this season, and put some on his hands. Before rubbing it in with the same gentleness he showed ealier that night, or if possible, even gentler.
“Are you okay baka?” He asked, willing to get or provide whatever you needed.
“Mmm, I’m fine for now, I just want to cuddle you though.” You responded, tired from the events of tonight.
He acted as though he didn’t want to do it, but both of you knew that he did in fact enjoy cuddling you.
And you two fell asleep snuggled against each other.
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If you don’t mind could I request an Azula x f reader where the reader is a water bender and is with the gaang but leaves them to stay with Azula at the boiling rock and promises to never betray her?
ooh, we've got a corrupt reader over here lmao, thank you so much for requesting! fun fact, azula is one of my favorite characters so i'm glad someone requested something for her! hope you like it!
Changing Sides (Azula x Fem!Reader)
Warnings: none.
Genre: Angst, idk, not really but not fluff either.
Fandom: Avatar The Last Airbender
Summary: See request.
Word Count: 1467
You didn't know why, but you just didn't want to be there anymore. You hadn't been with the Avatar for long, but you knew being with him wasn't your destiny.
You were a waterbender that had fled from the Northern Water Tribe, living in one of the many colonies, and ran into the group in the Earth Kingdom right before the fight at the catacombs, but you barely knew how to bend water. You hated the Avatar, he disappeared when he was needed the most, and that darkened your heart from a young age. But there was something else, you didn't know _what_ it was, but deep down you've always felt the urge to see the Fire Nation triumph in the war. Why did you even need different nations? Sure, there had been some damage and mistakes, but the possibility of all being as advanced as the firebenders was greater than any of that. So from the very first time, you were fascinated with the Fire Nation princess and how powerful she was, and the thought of wanting to join her crossed your mind, but you quickly brushed it off. Why would you want to join her? She was from the Fire Nation after all. However, the princess never really left your mind after you saw her that day.
When her brother showed up saying he wanted to join you, you couldn't believe it. You thought that he must've been crazy, why run away? Why leave the greatest place in the whole world? It made no sense to you.
You never said anything out loud about your inner conflict, but you did start acting a little more distant. You were bored in the Air Temple, you needed something exciting in your life, something new; you needed something that gave meaning to your life. You didn't really care what the rest of the group thought, but they did notice your attitude change and were worried about you. But whenever they asked if something was wrong, you just told them that everything was fine, that they had nothing to worry about.
You were a lot closer to Sokka than with the rest of the group. It wasn't _so_ bad to be by his side, even though he talked a lot most of the time. So when he and Zuko went to the Boiling Rock, he asked you to go with them. They couldn't bring Katara, she would most likely refuse due to how dangerous it'd be, so you were the best option since the girl had taught you a lot about waterbending.
You weren't really excited to go and see a bunch of prisoners, but it was better than staying and doing nothing. During your trip, the boys talked a little about their pasts, and then Zuko asked you about yours.
"My life isn't interesting at all," was all you said.
"Come on, I'm pretty sure there has to be something," insisted the boy.
"And what would you even know about interesting?" You snapped. "You're the one who left the Fire Nation after all," you mumbled.
They didn't understand what you'd meant but figured that it would be best to just finish the conversation, plus you had finally arrived, so you had to focus on that. You finally arrived on the shore of the prison and got rid of the balloon.
You all thought it would be best if you pretended to be guards, so you grabbed some uniforms. A lot of things happened while you were there, but nothing that really mattered to you. 
Everyone was thinking about how to escape from there. At first, they thought about you using your bending to keep the water from touching you, but that option was dismissed as soon as you realized that you'd obviously end up getting caught while trying to climb the wall; it would draw too much attention, and since you were there as enemies of the Fire Nation, it was the last thing you wanted. You eventually came up with a plan, but you still stayed because there was a chance of finding Sokka's father.
It turned out to be true, he arrived at the prison, and now you had to think about escaping again. Every single moment you spent there was complete torture to you. You felt like the only reason the guys had asked for you to go with that was so they'd be able to have a waterbender nearby. You were sick of it, and you decided that once you were back in the Air Temple you'd leave the group for good. You had no idea of what you'd do but thought that everything would be better than what you had been doing up until that moment.
The new plan consisted of taking the warden as your hostage and using one of the gondolas to escape. It wouldn't be easy, you knew it, but it wasn't impossible. Suki took care of grabbing the warden, and now all you needed to do was leave that place.
However, Azula and Ty Lee appeared out of nowhere. You all got to the ceiling of the gondola, waiting for the two girls, ready to fight them. You mainly just stood there, not really knowing what to do, and protecting yourself whenever you needed to. Zuko and Sokka were fighting against the princess and then suddenly everything moved underneath you. Azula almost fell from the gondola, but you managed to grab her hand and pull her up. You two shared a look, she didn't really know why you'd helped her but there was no time for questions.
"They're about to cut the line!" Yelled Ty Lee. 
You saw another gondola that was coming from the outside and then shared another look with the princess. "Then it's time to leave," she said. Azula looked at you before using her bending to land on top of the other gondola. 
You saw that another girl was helping you all get away. Once you reached the other side, you began running away, but suddenly you and Zuko stopped.
"Zuko, (Y/N), what are you doing?" Asked Sokka.
"My sister was on that island," said Zuko, as if any of you needed to be reminded of that, especially you.
"Yeah, and she's probably right behind us, so let's not stop!"
"What I mean is that she must've come here somehow."
You all saw a Fire Nation airship and the rest of the group began walking towards it. However, you looked at the two boys a few meters away from you for a moment. You knew what you had to do, what you _wanted_ to do. So you took a deep breath and ran away from them. You used your waterbending to reach the platform that you were escaping from just a few moments ago. Sokka and Zuko looked at you with complete surprise all over their faces, and you could hear their voices from behind you. You didn't look back though, you never would. 
Once you touched the ground, you saw that the guards had grabbed both Mai and Ty Lee and that Azula couldn't move her body. "Put them somewhere I'll never have to see their faces again," you heard the princess say. The guards did as she said and the rest of them let them know that you were there. "And what are _you_ doing here?" She asked, anger clear in her voice. "I might not be able to move but I can still beat you."
"I'm not here to fight," you said. She looked at you, waiting for you to continue talking. "I'm here because I want to join you."
"You think I'm going to believe you? How stupid do you think I am? Guards! Take her too!"
"No, wait!" You yelled. "I'm serious, I mean it! I'm on your side, deep down I've always been," you confessed. She kept looking at you and gestured the guards to let go of you.
"So you finally realized," she said. You looked at her with a confused look and she rolled her eyes right before talking. "You think I haven't noticed that you had doubts? I realized from the first time I saw you, but I guess you finally made up your mind."
"I did, I swear I did," you told her. "And I won't be like those two girls," you said. "I won't betray you." She kept looking at you and since you didn't get an answer, you got on your knees, practically bowing in front of her. "I promise I'll never betray you. I pledge my loyalty to you, Princess Azula." You lifted your head to look at her and when you saw her smiling, you knew that there was nothing in the world that could make you change your mind.
@noodlesfluffy @just-a-belgian-girl
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closer-stars · 4 years
Gut Feeling (1)
Member: San Genre: Fluff??? Slice of Life it’s just light hearted stuff for the most part Requested: Yes Word Count: 4k Content: Reader is starting out as a manager for ATEEZ, food, mentions of injuries. Honestly this is just all over the place since it’s just introducing reader to the group and the job.  Note: GOD, i struggled with the starting parts the most... Even went as far as looking at their schedules + making a playlist to have some sort of direction. It’s been way too long since I wrote something so this is Rusty. This happens way before KCON:tact btw lmao. Also I just gave their other managers different last names cause idk their names anyways lol. awkward jazz hands. the next parts will be better i hope aaaa. Proof reading when I wake up bec my laptop is dying already lol. HELLO I FORGOT TO SAY THIS WILL BE CHAPTERED FOR SURE
Three pairs of footsteps echo through the hallway. The male on your left is their manager, Manager Hwang as you would call him, on your right is the CEO. What are you doing here? You’re the new manager who would take care of the eight boys while Manager Hwang next to you attends to personal issues for the next few months or so. From stories of your friends who work in the same field as you, they were surprised the CEO would even assist you as you ease into the new environment. You were surprised too but having to stay on his good side was more important than questioning his actions for the first day. 
The two men explain to you where your work space will be first, then the conference rooms, the eating area, and so on. They explain other things that you may need to know immediately and anything else can be asked to the other two managers, Yoon and Bae, who are taking care of preparations for their next promotions, Hwang even steps up to the plate, offering his help.  “Are you sure?” You ask carefully. While it is your first time to handle eight boys, you didn’t want to be a burden. 
“Positive! The boys can be a handful sometimes but they’re very respectful.” You don’t detect any sense of false sincerity in his words so you nod in thanks. You weren’t sure though on what he meant by sometimes. 
The three of you stop outside the dance studio, you can hear pairs of feet hitting the flooring in careful timing. That sounded a lot more than just eight of them. The first one to enter was the CEO, then you were ushered in by their manager. The three of you quietly watch them dance through the song, their choreographer watching at the opposite end of the room. The choreographer notices the new presences in the room and stands up to greet the three of you, followed by the eight who do their signature greeting. 
“It’s good to see you boys working hard.” He praises with a small smile. The past few months have hit everyone hard, this upcoming promotion was just one of the ways to make the most out of what can be made. “I’m sure your manager has told you of his upcoming leave for the next few months,” he starts, and the boys softly answer in a chorus of yes and dismayed whines at the reminder. “So I would like to introduce your new manager for the next few months.” His hand places itself on your shoulder and you take that as your cue to introduce yourself to them.
“Hello, I hope we can work together smoothly.” You start, telling them your name then a quick rundown of your work history. You cut to the chase and tell them you’re not that far from their age to avoid any air of awkwardness down the line. 
The boys slowly introduce themselves one by one to you, starting with Hongjoong, Seonghwa, Yunho, Yeosang, San, Mingi, Wooyoung then Jongho. Bless your sharp memory because you manage to remember each and every face to the right name. After the formalities, the CEO takes his leave, to have you and their manager familiarize yourself with the new work environment and requirements. This brings the rest of the boys to go back to their positions in the studio. The choreographer invites the two of you to sit in the front with him to watch them dance. The manager doesn’t give you the chance to say no. “Take this chance to see them in their zone.” You understand what he means so you take the chance, sitting down carefully on the cool floor. 
“One doing!” The choreographer says then the music starts. The way they perform the song even in just regular training clothes and bare faces takes your breath away. One minute ago they were just boys in their 20s working hard to reach their dreams, now they’re a whole different person. While you had to take care of these boys and their schedules, you were at awe at their professionalism at such a young age. Soft, youthful features hardened to sharp, dark looks as they practice the song, until they reach the end. You notice that Jongho sits just a little farther from the rest of them but still gives his all in his singing, you can only imagine just how much he misses performing. The only thing that could be heard by the end were the heavy breathings and the claps from you and their manager. The clapping causes them to bow gratefully to the two of you as they catch their breath. 
The male looks at his watch then stands up. “Let’s go, I’ll show you where we get their meals.” You bid them goodbye and wish them luck in their practice before following the older male out the studio. 
It’s rather a good thing that the place where the boys get their meal plans wasn’t too far from where you were. Regardless, the walk there was filled with the manager telling you stories of ATEEZ being boys and being idols, both types of stories giving you tips of how to handle each boy especially when the stress rings high. 
“It’s usually at the height towards the tail end of promotions that they start to wear out, though things are going to be a little different this time considering what we’re going through.” He mumbles, and while his words were muffled by his hushed manner of speaking, it was muffled much more by his mask. You carry four packs of food, and he does the same along with your meals. You already got the calendar of activities of the confirmed activities and some of the days already tire you from the mere thought. 
“I’m kind of worried of that honestly.” You admit as you place the containers on the table. The manager looks at his phone for the details per container. He hands you a marker to write each member’s name on each container, while some of them were for all eight of them, the others were for specific members only. Hongjoong’s low tolerance to spicy food stuck to you, reminding you dearly of your best friend. Seonghwa’s brown rice and chicken meal reminds you of your cousin who was conscious of their food intake and so on. Some of the specifics were slipping through your memory, too much to take in that you had to ask him to send the details to your kakao. 
“Call the boys over in ten minutes yeah?” The manager says as he looks at the clock, you can see him trying to visualize their schedule for the day. 
“Got it!” You return as you look through their schedule for the day: lunch, bring them home to get some rest then back to the studio to practice. You take the chance to ask him about any possible things to deal with but before you could, a voice causes the two of you to look at the source. 
“Hi!” It was San greeting the two of you, still breathless from the training. 
The manager looks at his phone. “Oh, finished early?” He asks. You take this chance to watch them converse, you are still new to this environment, it would be better to see how things play out first. 
“Yeah, Hyung let us off early since we already finished the agenda for today.” San explains as he takes his seat at the sight of food. The other members start to enter the room, relieved by the sight of their meals. You figured that this would be the time where you leave them to eat, while you eat elsewhere. “Manager-nim, haven’t you eaten?” San asks once he notices you turn on your heel. 
You look over at the boys when you realize he was talking to you. By surprise, you glance at Hwang, unsure of how to approach this. Usually, you leave the talents alone as they eat, while the rest of the staff eat with each other elsewhere. At least, that’s how it was for you. That was what you were used to so your own hand reaches up to the back of your neck, hesitant. “Yes, I thought it would be better to let you boys be as you eat.” Your reply still carries the polite tone you use among artists, maybe handling some nightmares have ingrained some habits in you. 
“Why not eat with us? We’re not scary.” Hongjoong invites you, and when you look over at their manager, already eating with the boys, some of them are already joking around with him. Guess you didn’t really have much of a choice. You slide into the seat in between San and Hongjoong. They ask questions about the artists you’ve handled in the past, your interests and the like, all while making sure to not cross any lines. 
“Ah manager-nim, how was it like working there?” San seemed to be most curious about your other work environments. The way he makes himself look so scary as he performs yet becomes an inquisitive kind soul off stage is enough to disorient you. 
You give him an amused look as you try to gather your thoughts, looking for the right words. “Well, it was an experience. I’m a lot happier now though.” You let them figure it out from there, you were the last to gossip about previous work experiences anyways. In this industry, word travels fast, a careless slip of the tongue can turn into disastrous proportions. 
As you eat with them, you take this chance to observe their mannerisms and relationships with each other. While it is your first day on the job, you had a feeling working with these boys would end up in the books. 
The day goes by fast, everything’s settled by now. The last thing Hwang does for you and for the boys was to give the nine of you a ride home. The older male showing the usual path back to the dorms. The rest of the boys are fast asleep in their seats, slouched over one another, exhausted by their rigorous training the past few weeks. One by one they wake up as the car slows to a stop in the parking lot. Of course, San was the last one to wake up so you take up the job to wake him up. It starts with gentle nudges, only getting whines of protest as a response. Hwang and the rest of the boys watch for a few moments, entertained by the idea of San embarrassing himself. 
“Yunhooo, just let me sleep..” He mumbles and as he wriggles in his seat, he falls over the empty seat next to him. That’s when he realizes that he’s the only one left in the car, he sits up from his spot, greeted by a wide eyed you, with the rest of the boys watching in amusement. Was Wooyoung taking a video of the entire thing? He unbuckles his seatbelt immediately and picks up his bag, apologizing over and over. 
You give way for him to hop over to the rest of his group, and you stare at Hwang. “I’m guessing it’s harder to wake him up in the mornings?” 
“He really isn’t a morning person.” He says as he lets the boys enter the elevator first then the two of you. The ride to their floor was a quiet one, though with some giggles from some of the boys as they try to expose one another for their sleep habits to you. You did the same about yourself to ease any shyness from them. That’s one way you gained the trust of the talents you handled in the past: showing that you’re just like them, a human with flaws. 
The two managers drop the boys outside their dorm, and they start to become reluctant to enter, reasoning their stubbornness with them missing Hwang soon. “Boys, I promise I’ll be okay.” He reassures much to the pouting and whines from them. He makes it a point as well to tell them to behave especially with the schedule looming around the corner. You knew what that meant: Music Bank special and the KCON:Tact stage. 
“Sleep well boys, you guys deserve some rest.” You say, bidding them a good night as you head to your own apartment. 
The next few days were routine: wake up, bring them to the company, eat, bring them to the stylists for preparations for their next promotions, back to the company, eat, dorm, sleep, repeat. It’s a bit of relief to know that the boys do their best to make it easy for you, the energy bounces from you to them and vice versa. You had to admit, you’ve come to appreciate them for their work ethic, their professional attitude and the fact they haven’t really lost themselves to the industry. Given that it’s been roughly two years for them, you hope it doesn’t change too soon. 
You slip away from the practice room, already on the way to the restaurant down the road to get their lunch. “Ah! Manager Yoon!” You exclaim, surprised to see him already with their food. You rush over to him, relieving him of the struggle of carrying roughly ten meals. 
He reasons as you fumble around with a bag. “I was already on my way so I figured I might as well get their meals.” 
The two of you then bring the meals up to the kitchen. By now, you’ve already memorized their food preferences and their little habits. Yeosang often fumbles with the tape and tight packaging, Seonghwa’s preference for meat over chicken whenever possible (at least today’s lunch was his cheat meal), San whose appetite seems unreal but makes sense with his regimen. You were relieved knowing they were eating well at least. 
As you busy yourself with your own meal, you suddenly feel an arm over your shoulders. “Manager-nim~” The voice sings as the still unknown culprit leans their weight on you. It’s when you look up that you realize it’s San playing with you. 
“San, I’m not strong like you..” You wheeze out as you try to keep yourself up as he drapes himself over you. While you know they are eating good, you aren’t quite sure what goes on for them to be this tall. This makes him giggle and get off you, sliding onto the seat next to yours. Some of them trickle into the room, and you make a headcount for the sake of your own peace. “Is Seonghwa still in practice?” 
“Yep, he’ll be here in an hour i think.” Wooyoung says before taking a spoonful of his meal. 
“His food is going to get cold.” You mumble to no one in particular as you eye the oldest’s meal. 
An hour passes by and Seonghwa has yet to appear. San senses your unease, even he’s confused as to what’s taking him so long. Seonghwa’s the last person who would miss meals even because of training. Your phone buzzes, bringing you out of your thoughts. 
[ Manager Yoon ] : had to bring Seonghwa to get his injury checked. Hongjoong’s with me. It’s nothing serious, doctor’s just ordering him to not do anything strenuous. 
[ You ] : what happened? 
[ Manager Yoon ] : injury while doing a dance class. Hongjoong said he’ll be the one to tell the boys. 
You read the rest of the messages and sigh softly. There isn’t much to do except make sure Seonghwa gets enough rest and treatment in order to recover in time for their comeback. You do the math; still enough time. 
You feel San’s gaze on you and you can already tell what’s on his mind. Words run through your mind and having to find the right ones without being pressed for more questions is a challenge in itself. “It’s just Manager Yoon giving me updates.” Not the entire truth, not an entire lie. Wooyoung had already gone to the gym to work out with Yunho and Jongho, leaving you and San alone. Yeosang and Mingi were in their studios, practicing their vocals for their performances. 
“On our schedules?”
“Just wait until he comes.” You say softly, making sure to not leave any room for him to press. He can tell you wanted to tell him of what was happening but you were bound by something. Just then, his phone rings. You had a feeling it was Hongjoong. 
[ Hongjoong ] : We’re practicing in the studio until 2AM today. Block changes for our performances on MuBank and KCON. 
[ Yunho ] : ??
[ Wooyoung ] : huh?
[ Yeosang ] : what?
[ Mingi ] : what happened?
San raises his eyes and he sees you looking at him. “What happened?” He’s not an idiot, whatever Manager Yoon told you had to be related to why Hongjoong’s telling them they’re staying in the studio until 2AM. 
[ Hongjoong ] : Seonghwa can’t dance. Doctor’s orders. Injury isn’t that serious but considering the timeline for our promotions, he needs to recover quickly. 
His eyes scan the message, once, twice, until the news sets in. “Do you think he’ll be okay?” He asks. The question didn’t seem to be directed at anyone but you’re the manager. It’s also up to you to stabilize the talents when things go left. “He will be. You guys have gone through a lot together, he’ll recover soon.” 
“It feels weird performing without a member already, what more two?” 
You couldn’t blame him for his worries. Everything’s been pushed back because of the virus. While you never performed, you understand the worry of a member being missing in action. It just messes up the energy. “As long as you guys practice diligently, you’ll overcome it. I don’t think Seonghwa would want you guys to be held back by worry either…” 
This was the tricky part of being a manager. While you are there to well, manage, their schedules and work loads, you also have to be their rock when things get rough. 
“Come on, You got a few hours of free time and personal training until tonight’s training.” 
He looks at the time, roughly four hours. He can take a nap then head back to the company in time for personal training and tonight’s block changes. With that in mind, he rises from his seat. “Is it possible to bring me back to the dorms?” 
“Let’s go then. We can buy some coffee for all of you on the way back here.” 
It’s already 11PM. They’ve been revising and fixing the choreography since 6PM. Their dinner would be ready in half an hour. Jongho and Seonghwa sat on the bench with you with a small ice pack against his hip. The discomfort causes him to squirm from time to time. Even in his current situation, he does his best to provide his input to the choreography changes. You had to give him credit for finding ways to keep working. Jongho too provided comments, managing to see things you would’ve missed. You notice Seonghwa’s consistent discomfort in his sitting position. “Hold on.. Stand up a bit?” You ask, offering your arm for him to pull himself up slowly. You quickly rearrange the makeshift pillow for him before letting him sit down again. The relieved whine tells you it works. 
[ You ] : Can we buy Seonghwa something soft to sit on for the next few days? 
[ Manager Bae ] : already did, don’t worry. It’ll arrive tomorrow in their dorm. 
Time passes by quickly and everyone’s in the car, heading back home. Everyone’s fast asleep but you and Jongho. You hear him humming softly behind you and you glance at the rear view mirror for a moment as you carefully drive through the streets. “Not yet sleepy, Jongho?” You ask, making sure your voice doesn’t wake up Hongjoong. 
“Not yet… I didn’t get to dance much for today’s rehearsal. It’s going to be like this for the next few days too.” Jongho readjusts his seat, just so he could talk without waking up the others. “How do you find the work though?”
“Work as your manager? Well..” You drift off from your initial thought as you drive carefully through the empty streets. It’s only when you slow down at a red light that you continue. “... It’s doable. I’m not complaining about the workload, it does seem hectic and stressful but it is something I signed up for right?” 
The younger male lets out a soft sound of agreement at your words. “You don’t find our energy to be overwhelming?”
“Jongho, I don’t mind it one bit. It makes my work a little more fun.” You return in a light tone. Your word choice makes him chuckle softly. “You guys listen well too. I don’t mind it.” He murmurs his thanks for your kind words, and you let out a soft sing-songy ‘yes’. 
A soft sound slips through your lips as you slowly arrive in the parking lot of the apartment complex. “We’re here, guys.” You say as you gently shake Hongjoong awake. Jongho wakes the others up, the members slowly spilling out the van. You were about to check on San when you find him stretching for a moment before hopping out of the car. “I guess you got good sleep for you to wake up with ease.” You joke as you lock the car up. 
“I still want my sleep..” He points out with a pout. As you walk with him to the elevator with the rest of the group, they notice that you weren’t making any move to leave. Confusion washes over those who were wide awake now. 
“Are you bringing us to our dorm too?” Seonghwa asks, his head tilting in the process. 
“Do you want me to…?” You return, the question catching you off guard. “I live here too.. “ You add softly, your fingers fiddling against your sleeve. They seemed to be more exhausted than they show, you clearly remember dropping them off as well outside their dorm with Manager Hwang. The realization sets in and so does the memory. 
“Oh crap, right!” Exclaims the youngest, much to the oldest’s mild distaste. 
The elevator rings and the doors slide open. It was Hongjoong who made sure all of you fit in the lift, reasoning that being on your own at this hour wasn’t safe. You don’t tell them where your apartment is, wanting to have them get their rest first. No matter how persistent their pleas were, even Mingi pulled some cute antics to get you to cave, but none of them worked. “Guys, I mean it. You guys need more rest than I do.” Once you arrive at their floor, you wave them off. “Now, shoo! Wash up and sleep! It’s the same schedule tomorrow.” 
The last they see of you for the day is you pressing a button for your floor and waving them good bye. As they walk down the hall, murmurs about you arise from them. Questions of how they found you, their first impressions, and other questions. None of them were met with pessimism though. In fact, each question was met with optimism and realistic approaches. 
“Is it bad I kind of hope they stay for the long run? They seem like they’re cool with things too.” asks Yeosang as they kick off their shoes by the door. 
“Nope, I mean she’s able to handle us calmly even when we’re stressing over things.” Seonghwa reminds him. 
Hongjoong points out, “Also, the near lack of age gap makes it easier for us to talk with them.” He makes it a point for Seonghwa to shower first. “Anyways, you heard them, same schedule as today for tomorrow.” He quickly catches up to San who was already on his way to his room. “Also, San?” 
“Please, use an alarm. You woke up easy with them earlier but they aren’t living with us...so please… alarm…” 
The mentioned male feels his neck burn in embarrassment as he whines in defense. “Yes, Hyung..” He sneaks a look at Yunho with a pleading look in his eyes, a quiet favor for the coming morning. 
“I’m still waking you up even with that alarm.”
“I’ll hard carry our team in the next match.”
part 2 
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Survey #458
“i was unprepared for fame, then everybody knew my name”
What does your doormat say? I... actually am not sure. I don't pay any attention. What do you order from most sit down restaurants? Chicken tenders are my go-to safe option, ha ha. Or shrimp. Who was the last person you talked about love/relationships with? Sara. I wanted her advice. Where was the last place you thought about having sex, other than your bed? This was way too long ago, dude. Do you remember the last time you went against someone’s advice? Very recently. :x What day would you consider the best day of your life? Why? Idk, really. Would you say you’re too experienced or too unexperienced for your age? I am embarrassingly unexperienced. What is your favorite neon color? Ever buy nail polish that color? Hot pink. I don't care for nail polish. Has anyone ever mistaken you to be a member of the opposite sex? No. What is the greatest source of happiness in your life? Uhhhh... What was the last charity/cause you donated to? Children With Hair Loss, when I cut a shitload of my hair off for the style I have now. Getting that certificate that my hair was used is to this day one of the warmest feelings I've ever experienced. Who was the last person you got a handwritten letter from? Sara. What is something you know very little about? Economics. Have any of your worst fears ever come true? Yes. I lost Jason. Is anyone in your family divorced? My parents, three of my siblings (all have since gotten remarried and are very happy<3), and I'm sure more distant relatives, too. Does your family go ‘all out’ during the holidays? No. How often in a year do you go to the mall to get new clothes? Pretty much never. Who was the last person to call you beautiful? What was your reaction? Someone on Facebook when I updated my profile pic, probably. I was very flattered, of course. As someone with a SHIT self-image, it means a lot to me. Do you ever get paranoid about who your significant other hangs out with? I'm single, but hypothetically, nope. Did you ever call any teachers by their first name? Who? Some, but only because they preferred it. I don't remember all of them, other than it was common in college. Do you blow-dry, towel-dry or air-dry your hair? Towel-dry and best I can first, then let it air-dry. Have you ever wanted to be in a band? ... One of the reasons I chose to go to actual school instead of homeschooling when I started HS was because I liked the thought of making actual friends and maybe being a guitarist if any wanted to start bands lmao. What is your favorite flavor of gum? Watermelon, probs. Are you a good leader? lol no Would you ever go bear hunting? I'm strictly opposed to hunting for sport, but even if I wasn't, I would NOT be going after bears. Have you ever picked flowers out of someone else’s garden without asking? Wow, no. Have you ever won money by entering a contest/raffle? No. Who is your favorite philosopher? I don't have one. What restaurant would you choose to go to for breakfast? I'm a v basic bitch and love me some Waffle House lmfao. How much money do you think you cost your parents? I. Don't. Want. To. Know. With so much medical stuff... holy shit. Do you eat any meat other than turkey on Thanksgiving? I eat spiral ham, because I don't like turkey in that form. Does your cat give you kitty kisses? Yes. :') Have you ever lost anyone close to cancer? Close, no. My mom was a close call, though... Her cancer was very, very close to being stage 4. Have you ever been to a waterpark? Yeah, as a kiddo. Describe the person you like/love in one word: Hilarious. Do you enjoy creative writing? Hell yeah man. If so, what things do you like writing about the most? Meerkats in a fantasy setting. Do you own any windchimes? Yes. Mom has one, I believe. Have you ever been known for something extremely negative? No. Would you say you’ve made a lot of people proud? Hell no. Have you ever been in a relationship with someone for over a year? Twice. Do you still have feelings for any of your exes? I think I've made that abundantly obvious in the past few surveys lmao. Does your birth name mean anything in another language or sense? It just means "of Britain." I wish my name had better meaning, lol. What is your favorite desert? THE KALAHARI because MEERKATS!!!!!!!!!!! :') Have you ever been called a good kisser? Well not directly, but no one's ever complained? Have you ever stepped on a bee? No. Who is your newest friend? Hmmm... I haven't made a new friend in a very long time. Tell me something about yourself that you don’t normally tell people. I'm an RPer. The last song you heard, what does it make you think of? That I wish I was NEARLY as hot as her lmao. What do you like about your birthday? We go out to eat wherever I want, yum. The person you’re thinking about - what are you thinking about them? That he needs to mESSAGE ME BACK Are you currently sick at all? No. Has anyone ever asked for your autograph? Er, no. What’s one subject that makes you feel uncomfortable? Sex. Who did you last send a friend request to? Idk. What candy makes your face pucker? None that I've tried. I handle sour treats very well. Do you believe that the number 13 is unlucky? No. Do you know any marines? Jason's dad was one. What’s your favorite Halloween movie? Hocus Pocus. :') Do you know anyone who does a lot of pills? I guess me, but they're prescription pills, and I don't abuse them. Mom has a lot, too. Who’s your favorite rapper? And your favorite song by this rapper? Eminem. Either "Love the Way You Lie" or "Space Bound." Has anyone ever made a promise to you that they’d change? Who? No. Have you ever had the cops called on you? For what? Nope. What race do you see the most in your neighborhood? African American. Have you ever walked in on someone accidentally while they were nude? No, I don't think so. Have you ever wanted to get your monroe pierced? Nah, it'd look weird on me. Do you own anything that involves Betty Boop? Nope. Can you remember the last song you listened to? Yeah; I'm listening to Lauren Babic and Halocene's cover of Linkin Park's "Bleed It Out" right now. What is your favourite flavour of Skittles? The sour ones!! Red was always my favorite. Who taught you how to ride a bike? My dad. Who of the opposite sex has seen you at your worst? Girt. Jason is a very close second, but Girt... he saw me at rock fucking bottom. He just showed up at the hospital unannounced after my suicide attempt (he knew because yay for writing a stupid fucking suicide note on Facebook) to help comfort me. He saw me dead to the fucking world and just done with everything. When’s the last time you were on the phone after 2 AM? Wow... probably not since a few days before the aforementioned suicide attempt and I called Jason's landline, desperate to talk to him. His mom picked up and talked to me for like two whole fucking hours. I'm tearing up pretty bad just remembering it, seeing as she's dead now... She cared for me so much. I miss her so, so much. Enough of this question, I'm about to start sobbing. :x What would you do if your best friend got an abortion? Honestly? Be relieved. I really don't think her body could handle pregnancy. What would you do if your father left your mother? That happened, and I hated him for years. What would you do if your bf/gf’s face became mutilated in an accident? Love them all the same. I don't care about appearances. What is the weirdest thing you have ever seen in your life? *shrug* Have you ever dated two different people with the same name? No. That would be so weird. What are you deathly afraid of? Pregnancy. Internal parasites. Which unborn babies technically are. Do you know anyone who’s addicted to drugs and, if so, are you friends with them? I know many potheads, and one I'm pretty close with. Have you ever owned a golf cart before and, if so, what color was it? No. Do you have a sibling who’s a complete deadbeat and, if so, which sibling is it? Definitely not. All my siblings are hard workers that have dreams and aspirations they're either working towards or have achieved. Do you own the new Guitar Hero and, if so, what’s your favorite song on it? I have no clue what the newest one is. My favorite song to play in any of the games though is The Eagles' "Hotel California." It just feels good to play, and the ending solo fuckin' slams. Have you ever done anything dangerous enough to have risked your life? An overdose on cold medicine. What was the most length you’ve ever cut off your hair and why did you cut it? 8+ inches because I no longer wanted long hair. Have you ever overcome a disease that was life-threatening and, if so, which one? No.
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phantaloon-books · 4 years
I finally read The Tyrant's Tomb and boi I loved this one so much, so here's some my opinion on it (they're not in chronological order)
warning, this is long af and sorry for cursing a bit, I can't help it
Apollo's character arc is lowkey one of the best Rick has written, I'm sorry if you don't agree, but he's gone from wanting others to solve his problems and relying on the halfbloods to intentionally avoiding others doing things for him, volunteering for the quests and saying it should be him that faces the terrible stuff so that demigods and other creatures don't suffer
something really interesting is how his perception of himself has changed, and it's almost worrying how genuinely self depreciating his inner dialogue is, because he no longer sees himself as mighty Apollo, he sees himself as worthless and useless Lester, and his narration is highkey depressing
Also, Apollo disliking and being somewhat disgusted of the god he used to be, realizing the horrible things he had done and how horrible he was and that he looked worse as the former Apollo than as Lester, regretting things he'd done, that's top tier development
(I'm sorry but I love the entire scene with the ravens, the part where he just screams "I'm sorry" it feels as if he isn't just apologizing to the ravens, but to everyone who's been affected by what he's done as a selfish god)
Reyna so openly turning down and laughing at Apollo for suggesting they be together is my favorite thing ever lmao I couldn't stop laughing, like she knew what gods can do if you turn them down (even if it was just mortal Lester) and she didn't give a damn, it was so fucking funny
people say Rick only includes diversity for the sake of including it and to gain popularity, but I still enjoy the fact that he does, because as a teacher he must have had all kinds of students of all religions, colors and sexualities, he includes diversity because he's seen diversity. anyway my point is I love that we have Lavinia, a Jewish lesbian from a Russian family, and she's not ashamed of being any of them
I'm sorry I just love Apollo so much, I've grown to respect him so much, and even if Hermes once said them gods often forget their oaths and promises, I have a feeling Apollo won't ever forget Jason's request that he never forgets what's it like to be mortal
Frank still admiring Apollo despite everything, and despite the fact that he looks like a messed up teen makes me go all uwu
Frank being portrayed as this clumsy and awkward kid but also this powerful and brave leader is my favorite thing ever because I think Frank is underrated and I dare to say that he's one of the strongest demigods we've ever met, even stronger than some of the nig three children
the whole thing about the undead army is honestly so creepy, especially when we see it from Apollo's perspective cause se him slowly succumb to the venom's effect, and that part in Tarquin's tomb where he "calls Lester to be part of his undead" was genuinely disturbing, at least to me
some books in the past have touched the part of the nature spirits not being given enough attention, but I really enjoyed how Apollo comes to realize that he only worries about demigods and gods when all lives are worth the same - mortals, halfbloods, nature spirits, gods, and even monsters
again, I love Apollo's arc, it's just AHH he's becoming so caring of life it just makes me happy
Reyna choosing herself to make herself happy is everything, and inspiring to every single woman who is told by others that they need someone to be happy, I just love it, because self love is the most important love of all
I haven't said anything about it, but man I love Meg and Apollo's friendship, they just care so much for each other, Meg who's so scared of losing her loved ones and Apollo who's so scared of not being able to be loved or to love, but they still love each other, and I'm glad it's not romantic, because yes fraternal love is also what people need, and their friendship is what they need
aurum and argentum being cute doggos rather than the steely (no pun intended) and cold dogs we met in HoO warms my heart. I don't understand why they're so cute and adorable, or maybe that's just how Apollo sees them, but they seem to act like actual dogs in this book
the fact that Reyna never confirmed nor denied being attracted to Thalia just makes me all hyped up, like we love Theyna
Apollo just gives off Eddie Brock vibes throughout the entire book and that's hilarious asf. ever since the start he's said to look like shit, feel like shit and be injured with deathly poison that will turn him to a zombie. if that isn't Venom vibes I don't know what is
I've said it once and I'll say it again, Frank Zhang is one of the strongest demigods Rick has ever introduced in a series, and him facing two immoral and godly in power emperors, burning one to death with his own life fire and injuring the other enough for Apollo to do the final kill is top tier
"If I'm going to burn, I might as well burn bright. This is for Jason." bitch actual goosebumps
We've seen countless deaths before, but something about Frank killing Caligula and Apollo killing Commodus seems so... mature I guess is the word, or well for a more mature audience. I can't describe how or why, but it feels more real, more like actual human death
I can't deal with how human Apollo seems in this book gosh I really am sorry I keep bringing this up, but I feel such warmth
the story of how Frank overcame his curse is actual BS and as much as I love Frank, it makes no sense that they spent all that time thinking of ways to keep the wood secure only for this. idk I mean id that were the case wouldn't the curse had vanished when he broke Thanatos free? he was willing to die then just like against Caligula, so why now but not then?
Don reincarnating into a laurel is peak bittersweet feeling and it actually hurt because in a camp where fauns were seen as dumb and useless, he helped Lavinia organize everything and destroy the canon things on the yachts
I'm still not over Jason's death, he really did deserve better. It makes sense, plotwise, because out of all of the huge characters from the past, Jason, Percy and Annabeth's deaths would impact others the harder, and push them to do better. And I understand that you gotta show, not even the main characters survive sometimes. Still, I'm hurt.
Thalia talking to Apollo during the funeral for the fallen campers made me actually weep. I'm not sure if it was because of Jason, or when Thalia talked about how much Artemis loves Apollo, or when Apollo "accepted" halfblood children of Zeus as his family
Also, you know who deserved better? Harpocrates, damn right he deserved better. I nearly cried when I read his death, cause he embraced it like one would an old friend in happiness. He and the Sybil deserved better. Dakota also deserved better
On the other hand, I tried so hard not to laugh at 2 am as I read Tarquin demand answers from a cat? he genuinely thought a cat would tell him where the Sybilline Books where and I couldn't handle that
This book is cruel but in a much more human way? The maiming of the pegasi wings? that's horrifying, but in such a human way, unlike what we've seen in any of the greek/roman gods series, and it's unsettling
Meg is braver than any of the other demigods were at that age (maybe excepting Nico), cause she's not embarking on a quest to retrieve an item or rescue someone or bring back their sister from the dead, she's facing her own abusive father while aiding a somewhat weak mortal in releasing the oracles and gaining godhood back. what's she getting from it all? absolutely nothing, she's gifted some seeds and she hangs out with unicorns more than other people and she's lost everything, but she's willing to lose more to help her friend. she's heroic like no one else is, because she's the first who doesn’t want anything more than being with her friend (Percy wanted whoever was taken back, Annabeth wanted to be able to be more, Nico wanted to bring back Bianca, even Bianca wanted freedom). the only other person who didn't have somewhat selfish (but kot wrong) interests while doing something heroic at a young age has been Hazel. What I mean is I love Meg and everything she does
Thalia being that chill over Jason's death bothers me so much, as if she wasn't the happiest when she found out the brother she lost 14 years ago was alive after all, and she had a part of her family back, and it was ripped from her, and Thalia is just not one to easily forget or move on from things, it's just unrealistic that she would only need a little furious session of throwing things to be okay with Jason's death as if her brother was not just taken from her all over again. it's impulsive Thalia we're talking about, who fought Percy when dealing with Annabeth going missing, it's just not her to be over his death that quickly. Sorry for Rick but I think differently
I also kinda don't like that Tyson went from being freaking General of the Cyclops, to the guy that has the Sybilline prophecies or whatever, it's important and all, but he would have been of great help during the battle and they had him waiting for help in the shrine hill like his potential went down the drain
but a thing I really loved was how different Camp Jupiter seems from Lester eyes compared from Percy's or Hazel's or Frank's perspective, it's hilarious. The other three see this place where everyone is serious and shit but Apollo just sees beyond the seriousness and it's actually refreshing, cause he's the first not to make CHB seem immature in comparison and like I said before I hated that in previous books
also Reyna laughing watered my plants, cured my depression, and made the world okay again, I just love her
all in all, this is my favorite book of ToA so far, and I'm really excited to see what's to come, and how Apollo and Meg will face Nero and Python, but more  than anything I'm looking forward to what will happen to Apollo, and whether if given the choice, he'd go back to being a selfish god or remain mortal for a while, with his newfound friends
Also I really miss Annabeth so can I please see Annabeth, I just want to see her cause she won't deal with Apollo's shit and I can't wait to see that, I miss my girl
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irwinkitten · 5 years
feisty | a.i | part two
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notes: so this was deff requested after i posted feisty about 8 months ago lmao i got sent an anon who literally astounded me with their idea and so working off that, part two started to get created and honestly i love it so much. however, as i posted the other day, it reached 16k and i was like “this isn’t even halfway done i need to stop and reevaluate this” so i’ve decided it’s gonna be three parts with part three already started.  request: Hi I was thinking ab Feisty (I’m the one who requested a pt 2) but like I was really thinking about it and I absolutely adore the way Cassie was written. She’s strong, she’s powerful, and she knows what she wants. She never turned her back on the idea of a pack and being part of one even tho she’s human. I was wondering if maybe you could incorporate the idea of her having a wolf, but that wolf is locked inside of her, but it slowly makes it way out in different ways. Like the idea she’s a 1/?  Like one day she’s getting extremely riled up and all of a sudden only her eyes shift and everyone around her is like “um the FUCK Luna???” And no one knows how she was able to do that but then maybe she finds some sort of ancient script ab humans among werewolves and they’re actually extremely powerful and something to be feared bc they’re sent to guide the pack and all of a sudden it makes sense bc Roxanne and Trixie are both extremely smart and intelligent and the other humans within 2/? The pack that have come around during her time also have the same intelligence and wisdom that the wolves tend to overlook and it look Cassie for the packs to understand and appreciate their power and it’s like up to her to continue to push forward and make sure that all packs respect the humans as if they were a wolf themselves but inside the humans is a wolf more powerful that they’re in tune with which is why they are able to lead the pack and point out the flaws in plans and makes them so 3/? Valuable to the packs in different forms and she’s out here being bad fucking ass and she won’t take no for an answer and she just has all this power and she knows she might just be a human in many of the wolves eyes forever but she’ll be damned if she doesn’t go down trying to change that bc no one, I repeat no one, should disrespect her or the others like her bc they are not less than the wolves and idk that might not be the way you were thinking of taking it but it’s just what I imagine 4/? Bc I think it would be really cool to see the other wolves reactions to her having some sort of power within her that’s untapped, along w the other humans and the backlash and rebellion that could ensue. Like how are these ~humans~ so powerful they’re just that, filthy, disgusting humans and I think that would be a really cool spin on it but that’s just me lol. Tbh it’s time to go reread feisty again and just revel in how well written Cassie is and how much I am DYING for a part 2 5/5 ALSO sorry I was just thinking that you could make Roxanne’s mate someone powerful as well, showing that even those who are tortured are destined for greatness warnings: mentions of murder, death, word count: 14.2k lmao am i ever gonna write a small one shot that’s an oc? probably not.
part one
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The low alarm that keened throughout the small town of werewolves, it was one of both comfort and panic. The panic was of those who had been living on the edge, scared to step from the packs boarders without a warrior or two within distance or sight. 
The comfort resided within the Alpha and Luna, both who had planned and expected this to happen. 
There was a traitor.
The pair peeled themselves away from the bed, both fully focused on the fact that what they had seen, what had been pointed out to them had come to fruition.
“Luna?” A soft voice came from one of the rooms below theirs as they reached the next floor below, both dressed in similar attire, yet the Alpha’s attire was less restrictive than the Luna’s.
“You were right Trixie.” The soft tone of reassurance did nothing to stop the teenagers lip from wobbling. 
“So many are going to be hurt.” She whispered dejectedly as the Luna opened her arms out to the young girl. She stepped forwards into the embrace.
“Come, the elders will insist you are awake.” 
Nothing was spoken as the young woman and her charge continued further down, heading into the office that was located on the ground floor.
“Luna Cassidy, it’s about time.” The scathing tone of the Elder of Vinewood Pack reached her, Cassidy Irwin drew herself to her full height, meeting the Elder with a hard glare.
“Trixie Teller is the one who foresaw this. Need I remind you that she is but a child in all of this? They may be rogues but they are waging war, Elder Greydown. The knowledge of such a thing being right is distressing for any wolf, let alone a human teenager.” She snapped in return. The Elder scowled but did not refute her argument.
“Elder Greydown, I do not want to remind you, yet again to respect my Luna.” Cassidy watched as the Elder bowed to her mate.
“My apologies, Alpha Ashton.” Cassidy ignored the slight against her and bundled the trembling teenager into the spot between herself and her mate. Ashton did not hesitate to let his arm wrap around the teenagers shoulders, and she leaned gratefully into her Alpha’s comfort.
“Beta Hemmings has made contact with the warriors on patrol. They know not to engage, and survey the attempted attack.”
“Who knew of the council meeting?” Another Elder spoke up. It took a second before Cassidy realised it was Elder Maybanks.
“None outside this circle were told. Not even young Trixie knew of this.” Eyes fell on the form of the still shaking human teenager whose eyes were heavy and her body exhausted.
The silence of the alarm was deafening and the howl that followed in its wake was pain filled.
“They found the traitor.” Trixie whispered. Cassidy wanted to shield her from the pain, the dull reminder of her loss of Talon still serving her as a constant reminder of the failure that haunted her dreams.
“Should the human even be here?” Elder Greydown spoke, his tone condescending.
“You are coming very close to insulting someone under my protection, Elder Greydown.” Cassidy snapped. She received a scoff in return and Elder Maybanks exploded.
“You teach our pups to be tolerant, yet you cannot be tolerant of the two humans who have served our pack faithfully! It begs the question, what kind of tolerance are you filling the pups heads with in the first place?” 
Ashton held back the growl of frustration. He knew the Elder’s struggling attitude with the changes that Vinewood Pack had undergone. 
“Now is not the time.” Cassidy spoke, her tone stern and unrelenting. Elder Greydown huffed, but did not argue with her. She shared a look with Ashton and Elder Maybanks. They knew that they would be asking Greydown to step down before the week was out.
A sharp hiss escaped from Trixie before it turned into a whimper. 
“He’s hurt. Abel is hurt.” She got out as Cassidy held her face, forcing the teenager to look at her.
“You are here and safe. Alpha Irwin is tracking each of the warriors.” She knew better than to make the promise that he would return safely.
“His brothers are with him. He’ll be healed before he gets home.” Ashton reassured the teenager who gave into the tears. Cassidy understood. She allowed the teenager to cling to her in comfort as Ashton moved to his desk, tapping away at the laptop.
“Rosewood has confirmed that it’s Leo.” Ashton muttered and she sighed as Trixie finally relaxed against her. She carefully lay her down on the couch, tucking the blanket around her.
“How bad?” Cassidy finally asked once the teenagers breathing evened out.
“Sixteen wolves were injured. Two are serious, but the pack doctor with them has reassured me that they’ll be okay eventually.” Ashton murmured and his gaze returned to the two Elders in the room.
“We will require you at the offices by noon.” Both of them bowed to Ashton. Elder Maybanks bowed to Cassidy, Elder Greydown did not.
“If he wasn’t an Elder, I’d have Calum break his neck.” She muttered darkly once Ashton nodded that the two Elders had indeed returned home.
“He’s going to be retired from his position. Are your new teachers ready to take over the position?” She sighed.
“I think so. But there’s still some animosity between Roxanne and Gwen.” Ashton sighed.
“Gwen believes that Roxanne is the reason for her Aunt and Uncles’ demise and her cousins restriction, doesn’t she?” Cassidy nodded.
“Gwen is still openly hostile with her, and as much as I have tried to ingrain that Roxanne was the victim, she will see nothing of it. Personally, I’m close to pulling Gwen off the course and moving her to something that isn’t so potentially volatile.” Ashton nodded at his mates words, allowing her to talk freely.
Ever since they had returned so many years ago from his first visit to her old pack, she’d planned with various teachers about teaching the pups to practice tolerance and acceptance of humans within the pack. It became more so when more humans had been born.
Only a handful, but Ashton could see that each of them were gifted. Born years apart, the youngest only being just shy of a year old, and the oldest at the age of six already, Ashton knew that changes needed to be made and fast. 
The human girl they had rescued so long ago, Roxanne Teller, had been a significant trigger for the changes. Cassidy was determined that no child should suffer the fate that she had suffered.
Just shy of her twenty first birthday, Roxanne had been determined to do her adoptive parents proud. And she had excelled with Cassidy as her mentor.
Her younger sister, Trixie, was in a league of her own. Freshly turned fifteen year old was an extrodinaire with technology. Ashton had been the one to encourage that. But when she had turned thirteen, she’d been gifted with prophetic visions.
The Moon Goddess, Selene had appeared to both Trixie, and the Irwins, to explain the prophetic nature of the teenagers dreams.
They were dreams that could not be altered by choices or decisions. They were outcomes that the fates had decided themselves. Cassidy, was rightfully angry with her Goddess for placing such a burden onto the shoulders of someone so young.
“They will be prophecies of the years you will experience and the years you will never see. They are to guide my children into the rightful acceptance that you have started.” 
Cassidy knew she could not remain angry with the fates if they had deemed Trixie their host to record prophecies for years to come. 
Many had complained of Ashton taking both girls under his wing, but at the Alpha’s conference, both Ashton and her previous Alpha, Isaac Lockard told them of the successes that Cassidy had. 
That was the day the first laws began to change. Abuse of a human born or mated into a pack would be met with penalties and jail time. Anything that could be seen as an attempted murder will be met with either exile or execution.
Alpha’s grumbled about that until Cassidy stood up on the podium, her eyes sharp as she snatched a dagger from one of the security wolves belts and sliced her hand open like she did to her own pack.
Alpha’s watched in fascinated horror as her blood trailed down her hand, dripping onto the stage. 
She’d forcefully pointed out that any attack on a human could be considered attempted murder because there was no accelerated healing. 
The High Council has been quick to distinguish parameters of what was considered abuse and what was considered an attack.
It wasn’t a lot, but it had been a start for Cassidy.
Both were used to sleepless nights, and this one was no different. Ashton had his werewolf stamina to keep him going, Cassidy relied on caffeine to keep her afloat.
When Trixie stirred, she jolted awake in shock, a short gasp of hair escaping as black curls seemed to fly everywhere, wild eyes searching the room.
“It happened.” It wasn’t a question but Ashton nodded anyway.
“We had some injuries, but they’ll make a recovery. We found the traitor.” 
The tone in Ashton’s voice had dropped from reassuring to deadly in seconds, and Trixie couldn’t help herself as she shuddered. Part of her was grateful to her Luna that she demanded Trixie be kept away from any kind of interrogation. 
She didn’t want to be on the end of Alpha Ashton’s tone.
The shrill ring of the phone made the teenager jump in fright and Cassidy smiled as Ashton answered the phone.
“Morning Isaac.” 
Something was spoken for a second as Ashton placed the phone handle face down before hitting the speakerphone button.
“You’re on speaker now, Isaac. Trixie is with us.” 
The other Alpha did not need to be told the warning in Ashton’s tone. Keep it teenager friendly.
“Leo was injured last night. Hope nailed him good, however he was rescued by a wolf waiting on standby. It looks like there are a few traitors from packs within their cause.” Cassidy sighed.
“We managed to catch ours, or at least the only one we hope we have. What about your side?” Cassidy finally asked.
“Dead.” Came the blunt response and Trixie gasped.
“Isaac.” Cassidy snapped back as she took a hold of Trixie’s hands. “There was nothing you could do for them, sweet girl.”
“My apologies Miss Teller. Unfortunately, there would’ve been no saving this wolf. The rogues had clawed into their very minds and warped their entire views.” Trixie finally nodded before a blush crept up her skin. 
“It’s forgiven, Alpha Isaac.” She finally got out and Ashton smiled at her reassuringly. “If I can be excused? I know that Rox wanted to meet for breakfast and she’ll crucify me if I’m late.” Ashton nodded.
The excuse was weak, but she was still too young in Ashton’s eyes.
Once the door had closed, Cassidy moved herself to Ashton’s lap, his arms winding around her waist.
“Who was it, Isaac?” 
“Gregory Sampson.” Cassidy closed her eyes at that, her heart sinking at the fact the sweet boy she knew had turned traitor. 
“Who discovered him?” She felt Ashton’s hand on her hip, his thumb rubbing slow circles into her skin. 
“Kallie Tyson.” Came the amused response and Cassidy snorted. 
“What tipped her off?” 
“She was there the day Leo was exiled. Apparently he hadn’t bothered to dampen his scent and she smelled him all over Sampson. She’s been wary of a lot of wolves after the whole debacle years ago. When she realised the scent, she went to patrol and alerted them.” Isaac explained and she sighed. 
“Was Sampson executed immediately?” Ashton’s tone was a lot more calmer than the harsh tones he’d spoken earlier. 
“No. We got him for all the information that he was worth. I know that another two packs caught traitors, not including yours. Cassidy I’d say collate with the other strategists. Get the information any way possible and work through it.” A low sigh escaped her lips and Isaac paused. “Cassie?” 
She tried not to groan, she knew that when her old Alpha called her Cassie, it was his way of checking in with her as her surrogate family member and not her old Alpha. 
Before she could speak up, Ashton cut her off, giving her an apologetic glance. 
“Elder Greydown has been testing her patience. He’s been the one who has been teaching other pack Elders for tolerance with humans. However he borderline disrespects Cass in front of other Elders and pack members.”
Cassidy found she couldn’t be angry with Ashton as she laid her head on his shoulder, pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek to convey that she wasn’t mad at him. 
Isaac growled audibly. 
“I’m assuming that his position is about to become open to other Elders?” 
“Yes and no.” Cassidy answered calmly. “I’ve been training pack members to take over that role. However there’s been animosity between the two of them so I may ask for an outside Elder to come in and learn but then teach other packs.” 
“I’ll speak with Elder Orion. You know he forever asks after you.” Cassidy grinned. 
“That’s because I’m respectful to my elders, old timer.” She teased and Isaac barked out a laugh. 
“Alright trouble. Get in touch when you want to plan with the strategists. I’ll spread the word to the other packs.” 
“Appreciated Isaac.” Ashton muttered before the line went dead and Cassidy sighed. 
“How long do we have until we need to be at the offices?” This earned a tired groan from Ashton. 
“I don’t want to have to deal with Greydown’s disrespect. I’m hoping that the other Elders being there will reign him in but I’m not going to hold my breath. We need to start moving now if we want to get there on time.” 
Cassidy moves from her mates arms, but not before giving him a gentle kiss. He smiled in return before pushing himself up and the two headed to get changed from the black outfits they’d worn in preparation. 
Part of Cassidy was raging. Angry that rogues would make this attempt. Another part of her was filled with sorrow, knowing full well that there would be packs that would collapse from that kind of onslaught. 
By the time the two had reached the offices, her mind was whirling. She greeted the Elders that were gathered, unsurprised at the lack of respect from Greydown. 
It hit her. 
She kept her body relaxed, refusing to give away her realisation. She knew that the moment he was discovered, it would either cause more problems or give them their solutions. 
Taking Ashton’s hand in hers was always normal. Absentmindedly, she began to trace letters into his palm, making out soft patterns at each space so the game wouldn’t be given away. 
The Elders knew she was very touchy with her mate for good reason. They eventually got used to their Luna’s quirks, barely concealed amusement on their lips at the resigned look on their Alpha’s face when she threw herself into the architectural planning of new homes. 
Ashton understood her message, immediately switching to plan B. They’d concocted this plan when lay together, her mind frazzled with worry of a traitor being someone so close to them they’d never suspect it. 
“Yes Alpha?”
“Tell me Greydown, why do you respect me but not my mate? And if you utter a word about her humanity, I’m sure she will take gleeful pleasure in throwing you from the window.” Ashton’s casual comment was met with a look of fear. 
He pinned the older man down with a dead stare, the mirth gone from his face. 
“She doesn’t know how to run a pack. And as your Luna, she still falls under your command yet flounces it regardless.” Both Irwins could see the hesitation. His words were just another dig at her humanity without outright saying the words. 
“Tell me Elder Greydown, I have ever disrespected your authority?” Cassidy started. Ashton leaned back with a smirk. 
“No, Luna.” 
“Have I ever been found lacking with my leadership, especially when I was appointed the Head of the strategists?” His smirk grew wider. Greydown became slightly flustered, his cheeks dark as he avoided looking at her. 
“No Luna.” 
“Look at me.” Her voice rang with the authority she held as the Alpha’s mate and Greydown’s head snapped up, staring at her in shock and awe. 
“Why do you believe that my humanity is a problem then? Everyone knows a wolf's mate is their ultimate weakness. Why is my humanity a deciding factor in that too? Or do you just hate humans on principle?” Greydown kept his lips pressed shut. “Answer me, Elder Greydown.” Her voice rang with the authority once more and he found himself unable to keep his mouth closed much longer. 
“They’re a disease that needs to be taken under control. We’ve had six runts born since you arrived and clearly it’s knowledge of a disease to spread to packs, to ruin the hierarchy.” 
Ashton’s smirk had fallen from his lips, standing from his chair as he stalked forward, closing the distance between the two. 
Cassidy didn’t even try to stop her mate. She’d learned fast he was a possessive mate at the best of times but anyone disrespecting her? 
She could only hope for Greydown that Ashton was in a kind mood. 
“Watch how you speak about my mate, Greydown.” The growl was low, a warning. 
Greydown scoffed in return. 
“I will speak of the human how I want. She wants to believe she’s Luna so badly.” 
The room froze at the Elders words, Ashton glancing back to his mate who had closed her eyes in rage and frustration. 
She paid no mind to the others as she rose from her seat, her eyes snapping open and glaring at Elder Greydown. She didn’t miss how his eyes widened and his cheeks drained of their colour. 
“You have no right to speak to me like that. Let alone the other humans in this pack who will outsmart you six ways to Sunday. You’re relieved of your duties of teaching tolerance. Tell me, would Leo Lockard treat this failure with the retribution he tried to give to me?” 
The shock turned to horror. He attempted to move but found himself being pinned down. 
“Sit still.” Cassidy snapped, her anger flooding dangerously. Greydown froze and didn’t move. 
“Get him out of here.” Ashton snapped to the two guards that had restrained Greydown. His attention turned to Cassidy. 
“Love, you need to calm down.”
“Why?” Ashton didn’t respond to her, merely pulling her to the mirror that sat in the office. 
She stared at herself in shock, fingers reaching up to touch her skin, her eyes focused on the amber coloured eyes that stared back in shock. 
Her gaze met Ashton’s as he pressed a kiss to her forehead. 
“We can ask around other Elders. They’ll have something we can work on, with what’s going on.” Cassidy found her voice lost as she looked back to the mirror, watching as the amber coloured eyes faded, leaving her bright green eyes confused and tired.
It’d been days since Greydown had been exposed as a traitor to the pack. Ashton had kept the techniques used quiet, but he relayed all the information that Greydown had given them. 
Part of Cassidy was screaming at her, telling her that something was off with the information.
“Ashton, I’m not saying that I don’t believe you-” The gentle smile from her mate as he cut her off relaxed her tense shoulders.
“-but it feels like something is wrong. I know sweetheart. But we’ve tried every tactic.” Ashton climbed into bed with her, her body automatically pressing against his as they fell into their positions easily. 
Sometimes Cassidy marvelled at the bond. Their first year together was almost purely physical, like they were trying to reconnect their souls. And she’d guessed that in a sense they were. But the smallest thing would set Ashton off, and vice versa. 
They learned what buttons could be pressed and what they needed to avoid. And after the first year, it calmed down so fast part of her wondered if it had just been a bizarre yet realistic dream. 
When it had come to nights, they could share the night easily, no hastily ripped off clothes or pushing their delights into the early hours of the morning. Some days Cassidy just enjoyed being held by her mate, and others she enjoyed the way he ravished her until the early break of dawn. 
Tonight was a night where she was content to lay in his arms, fingers trailing up and down her skin.
“Would you be willing to let me try?” Her question made him tense, but she was surprised he didn’t outright reject the idea immediately. This caused her to turn her head towards her mate who was wearing a contemplative look on his face.
“That wouldn’t be a bad idea. He wouldn’t expect you.” 
“And we can see if what happened the other day happens again. It looked like he couldn’t even fight my orders, although he must’ve tried.” Cassidy’s tone was convincing, hardly daring to believe that her mate was even considering this. 
“It’s one way of looking at it. But also, if he’s the only traitor to the pack, he’s the only one that knows about your eyes and the slight change. It means we have an avenue to look into that people may underestimate you for.” She could see that his mind was disappearing down various ideas. So she reached up and kissed him softly.
“We’ll keep considering my handsome mate. But both of us need rest, especially if I get to do this tomorrow.” The tease was delicate but Ashton could only grin. 
“As you wish, my love.” 
The following morning, Trixie was waiting for the couple at the breakfast bar. The majority of wolves that lived in the main pack house had either gone to school or work, or they’d be returning home from their shifts in the next few hours.
“Alpha.” Ashton took in Trixie’s exhausted state, her hands trembling but the determination set on her face intrigued him.
“Yes Miss Teller?” 
She’s following formalities, Cassidy mused as she remained at Ashton’s side.
“Selene came to me last night. She has instructed me to oversee the next three days.” Immediately Ashton tensed and Cassidy wondered if he was going to change his mind about her dealing with the traitor.
Then it dawned on her that the techniques he’d most probably used wouldn’t be good for a fifteen year old human to see.
“What were her exact words, Miss Teller?” Ashton’s response was calm, but Cassidy knew her mate better.
“Tell your Alpha that the next three days are crucial for you. A prophecy will be in play that you do not understand, but must follow through.” Ashton hummed as he took in her exhausted appearance.
“What happened in the dream, Trix?” Her body seemed to sag at the use of her name as tears flooded her face.
“It was Roxanne.” Dread filled Cassidy’s stomach.
“She was h-hurt so badly. But no one cared about her!” Ashton was quicker than Cassidy as he soothed the distressed teenager. “S-she was dying, in the middle of a road. They hurt her so much. Tied her to a kennel and left her in the wilderness.” Cassidy froze. 
“Sweetheart, what else happened?” 
“She was crying for our Luna, but they laughed. They-they-” She was sobbing into Ashton’s chest now, her words cut off from her sobbing but when the two mates shared a look, they knew exactly what she had seen.
Her nightmare had been a mixture of what had actually happened to her older sister with her own nightmare of Cassidy never answering the call she’d made as a child. Cassidy left her mate to comfort Trixie as she called Roxanne.
“Luna?” Her voice was groggy and tired.
After the prophetic dreams began, Rae Teller had requested that Trixie remain in the pack house, knowing that the urgency and frequency of these dreams would be too much for the teenager. It’d distressed both the sisters and parents when the move first happened and Trixie was struggling, feeling like her parents were rejecting her.
However Rae called her every night for a month and visited as often as her new job would allow. She’d rediscovered her talent in peacekeeping, and often went on envoys with her husband to attempt to settle various conflicts. 
Trixie then understood the need of her job and was the first to convince her parents to make the first trip when she was fourteen. Roxanne had already moved out of the pack house by that point but the sisters would meet for lunch before their respective school hours and work hours and almost always shared dinners together.
“You’re needed at the pack house today.” She responded softly.
“Is Trixie-”
“Your sister is fine. I’ll explain when you get here.” Cassidy cut her off calmly, knowing that she needed to be the voice of reason at this point.
Roxanne hated her past, she never opened up about it to anyone apart from the therapist that Ashton had convinced her to see not long before her eighteenth birthday. She’d resisted till she broke down in front of her Alpha. That was her turning point.
She’d never talked about the details to her parents, but they knew she’d been abused. However it had been some kind of unanimous agreement that Trixie would never learn of the horrors Roxanne suffered.
Their Goddess had taken the decision from their hands and shown her in her dreams in the worst way possible.
When Roxanne arrived, her hair dishevelled and clothes seemingly the first things she could pull on-sweatpants and a tank top-Cassidy intercepted her at the door.
“I need to tell you so it doesn’t shock you. Our Goddess came to Trixie last night.” Immediately Roxanne was wary, her dirty blonde hair falling in front of her eyes as she pulled it into a loose bun.
“Luna, what did she show her?” 
“There’s something that’s going to happen today, I’m going to see the traitor we caught,” Roxanne’s eyes widened, “she was told she needed to be with me as it happened. However, the Goddess emphasised her point by showing you.” 
“Specifically, what happened to you before I found you.” Cassidy watched as Roxanne took a step back, her face filled with shock followed by anger. Then resignment.
“It scared her, didn’t it?”
“She’s clinging to my mate sobbing her heart out, distressed because she saw you getting hurt. Apparently you called out for me and I never came.” That in itself was distressing for Cassidy, to turn her back on someone in need.
Roxanne didn’t hesitate to hug her Luna tightly.
“You came for me regardless. And you came for her too.” Cassidy felt slightly guilty, her own distress at the words eating her up. But Roxanne didn’t relent as she pulled away and looked towards the kitchen.
Cassidy needed no further encouragement as she led Roxanne to the kitchen to find that Ashton had sat on the bar stool, Trixie was sat cradled in his lap like a child. His voice was soothing, the sobbing having receded to gentle hiccups of noises as his fingers worked through her dishevelled jet black curls. 
All Cassidy could think at that moment was how good a father he would be when they were ready.
“Trix?” Roxanne’s voice was hesitant and Cassidy watched as the younger sister scrambled off Ashton’s lap, launching at her sister, the tears still streaming down her face.
“Alpha told me that it was real. Please, please tell me he’s lying.” Cassidy could feel the tears prick the corner of her eyes. Roxanne’s were falling down her cheek.
“Alpha wasn’t lying, baby. Before Luna saved me, those nasty people who had me, hurt me in the worst ways. But then Luna rescued me, and brought me to you, where momma was the first wolf to show an ounce of love towards me.” 
“R-rox.” the younger Teller’s voice trembled as she gasped her sisters name, but Roxanne shushed her, soothing her back curls with her hands as she pulled away to look her sister in the eyes.
“Then you came in, sat atop our Alpha’s shoulders and asked me to be your sister, that your warrior would protect us both and we’d have big brothers who are teddy bears.” Cassidy pressed her lips to stop the giggle at the description of Josh and Jacob. 
The twins had lived up to that description, both of them forming solid friendships with the girls as they got older. No other wolf dared to insult the girls, knowing that it would get back to the warriors and they’d be facing a pissed off Alpha.
“I was reborn that day because of you, Trixie. You, momma and pops gave me a new life that I wanted. Whatever our Goddess showed you was probably true, I was treated with cruelty and hatred. But I found love in abundance with you.” 
It wasn’t much longer till Trixie had calmed down enough to let her sister go, only to return to her Alpha and accept the hug that he offered her.
“I’m assuming our Goddess showed you that to show what could most likely happen. She’s done it before so we’ll follow her guidance for now. But any signal that you want out, just show and we’ll get you out of there, okay?” Trixie nodded against his shoulder before he moved and began to make breakfast.
Roxanne sat down, throwing a cheeky smirk to her Alpha.
“It’s not often you get an Alpha making breakfast for you Trix. Maybe I need to come by more often.” 
“You can make your own breakfast, ratbag.”
“Hey, I came over here at your mates request! I was lying in the most comfortable bed at the time.” Roxanne whined in return, earning a laugh from Ashton.
“I doubt your mate would appreciate you calling him a bed.” Roxanne snorted.
“He makes the bed worth the comfort, but he doesn’t match the comfort of that bed and he knows it.” Ashton laughed, Trixie’s own soft giggles joining in and Cassidy smiled as she realised their ploy. 
To make the teenager giggle. 
When they reached the pack offices, Trixie was a lot more relaxed. Roxanne had foregone this trip, not entirely comfortable with the idea of watching an interrogation.
Ashton didn’t begrudge her this, instead asked her to coordinate with the other Elder’s with Elder Maybanks. The Elder never questioned the change, knowing that the disrespect would never have gone unpunished in Ashton’s eyes.
Cassidy felt her nerves, knowing that pack eyes were on her whether they’d announced this or not. People looked to how she dealt with situations and this was another one.
Calum greeted them with ease, pulling Trixie into a bear hug which made her giggle. 
“Everything okay little bird?” His voice was quiet and she nodded her head, glancing at Ashton. He nodded it in return. 
“Selene came to me last night.” Calum raised a curious eyebrow at that. 
“She decided to show her something that involved her sister.” Cassidy’s voice was tight and Calum gave her a confused look before she shook her head subtly. 
He took the indication and moved the subject forward. 
“So that was what drew my mate from me first thing? Sounds fair. Didn’t think I’d see you here though, little bird.” The statement wasn’t laid with curiosity as the group finally moved, Trixie pulling away to move back to Cassidy’s side. 
“I was told to be here.” Was the only reply she could give. Ashton smiled at her before motioning to his Head Warrior to hold fire. 
Calum fell silent as they made their way through the offices, his stern glare making wolves pause in their approach. 
Abel held no such qualms when he realised who was with his Alpha. 
“You’re safe.” Trixie breathes before rushing to meet him, her arms going around his neck as she held him tightly. 
“I’m sorry. Jacob got to me quick enough so it’s only desk duty for a few days rather than weeks.” He murmured in return and she simply held him a little bit tighter. 
Cassidy watched with relief as he comforted her and she shared a small smile with both Ashton and Calum. 
Abel had been invaluable to the Tellers. After his discovery that Trixie was his mate, he made every effort to help them get Roxanne settled into what should’ve been a life that she should’ve experienced growing up. 
Trixie was kept in the dark about her mate until she moved into the pack house and finally understood that loving her best friend the way she did was okay because he was hers. 
When Ashton offered to allow Abel to stay in the pack house she shook her head almost immediately; to Ashton’s confusion and Cassidy’s amusement. 
“I-I don’t want that with him. Not yet.” Her voice was timid and Cassidy understood. 
Ashton wasn’t quite so understanding. 
“But he’s your mate?” Cassidy took pity on her own mate. 
“She’s not ready to explore that side of their relationship. He’s her best friend and she’s comfortable enough to admit that she loves him but this is new territory for her. Not to mention, I doubt she wants anything untoward happening under her Alpha’s roof.” Cassidy’s explanation had sent Trixie red as a tomato, her eyes unable to meet her Alpha or Luna’s gazes.
But she nodded.
Then the light-bulb clicked for Ashton and he pressed his lips to hold back a laugh. He knew that laughing at the young human would distress her. 
“Don’t be ashamed of your choice, Trixie. You know Abel will wait for you.” Ashton finally managed without choking on the words. 
She’d fled soon after and then Ashton had laughed at the fact that she was so mortified. 
But in that moment, the way her hands fluttered around his face-her eyes and hands searching for any visible injuries-it was painfully obvious how much she cared for him. 
“Abel, with us if you will?” Ashton instructed as the group began to move once more. Trixie was torn between her Luna and her mate and Cassidy simply came up to her other side so that she was sandwiched between them. 
Two more wolves followed behind whilst Ashton and Calum took the lead. 
The group remained silent until they reached the elevator, only daring to talk as they passed underground level. 
“Why is Trixie here, Alpha?” Abel finally asked and Cassidy just nodded at Ashton’s brief glance. 
“She’s here because we found the traitor. Elder Greydown. We’ve tried to get all the information, however we’re not sure to trust it so religiously. So my mate is going to take a crack at him. According to Selene, Trixie must be with her.” Abel felt his stomach jolt as they reached the lowest level. 
Cassidy took pity on the warrior wolf, his eyes darting to an oblivious Trixie. 
“She was shown what happened to her sister.” Calum blanched at that, his sharp gaze meeting Cassidy’s. 
“She didn’t.” He barely got out, his eyes flickering to Trixie who had seemed to hunch in on herself once she’d registered the conversation. 
The group reached the first offices available to them which in turn gave Calum a second to pull his own composure as he sat down with Trixie. 
“Have you spoken to Rox since the dream, little bird?” She nodded her head. “Do you understand what happened in the dream?” 
She hesitated. 
“I understand some of it. But not all of it.” She whispered and Calum wiped his hand down his face, a slow breath escaping him. 
“Calum, I do not need her distressed before the interview.” Ashton warned and Cassidy sighed. 
“She needs to understand it. As much as I hate the fact that Selene took the decision from all of us, she needs to understand the actions of those wolves and the consequences that followed.” Ashton frowned at his mate but did not contradict her as Calum leaned forward in his chair, elbows resting on his knees as his chin rested on his clasped hands. 
“Tell me what the Goddess showed you, little bird.” 
She described the dream in horrific detail, registering every mark and cut that had covered her sister's body in the dream. 
Abel had fallen into his stoic face, Cassidy belatedly realising he was there that day to see the aftermath. 
Calum was patient and wiped the tears that appeared on Trixie’s face as she described how both girls had been calling out for their Luna, but she never came. 
“I’m so sorry you had to witness that, little bird.” Calum murmured and she took in a shaky breath at his words. 
“Why did she show me that?” She finally whispered, the tears still in her eyes. Glancing to his Alpha, Calum rubbed his face with his hands before pulling away, a sigh escaping his lips. 
“Our goddess is showing you that we’re on the right path. That had Alpha Lockard not cared for our Luna like he did, she would’ve died. That the packs would’ve potentially fallen to rouges if this continues.” Cassidy felt her stomach twist as Ashton’s arm wrapped around her possessively. 
She couldn’t even find it in her to tell him to leave her be, because she knew on some level that hearing your mate might never have survived was difficult to hear. 
“Humans are at the centre of this. There’s something in play that we don’t know about yet, but Greydown knows something.” Ashton finally murmured and Calum nodded his head as they finally stood and made their way to the interrogation rooms. 
“If you need out, hit the door once. Twice if you need help.” Ashton murmured to Cassidy. She took a moment to see that he was genuinely worried, his eyes anxious and she placed her hand on his cheek, pressing a kiss to his lips. 
“We’ll be cautious.” She murmured, knowing it was entirely pointless but she needed him to know that the thought was there. 
Greydown openly smirked when they both entered the room, his arms bound behind his back, legs shackled to the chair he was sitting on. 
“The big bad Alpha decided to send the humans? Ha. That boy was never an alpha. He wanted to so desperately believe but letting humans do a wolf's work? Pathetic.” Cassidy kept silent, her eyebrow lifting up being the only indication that she was listening. 
This unnerved Greydown as Trixie followed her Luna’s example and kept her face impassive. 
‘Don’t say a word. He’ll crumble.’ A voice whispered to the young human. She gave no indication, no acknowledgement. Simply stared at Greydown. 
“Humans have been a bane to all the packs, to the lives we lead. Why should they be the ones who don’t have to hide?” 
Silence was his only answer once more. 
“Infections. The old prophets believed humans to be some kind of saviours of the packs. You’re nothing but thorns in our sides.” Cassidy moved. 
“You believed words of a prophet?” Her tone was empty, and Greydown sneered. 
“They were heralded as truth for centuries. But no humans were born to packs until now. Their words are nought but lies and desperation.” Trixie hid her smirk. 
“Why were they lies and desperation?” Cassidy kept her tone impassive once more and Greydown scoffed before spitting at her. Trixie stiffened, the disrespect sending something akin to fury down her spine. 
“The human born to wolves of lore, will hold the knowledge of Alphas unsure. To train and love and win the days, the wolves must seek their human mates. The one who shows the righteous path, will guide the Alpha to their new start. The prophet, the hurt, the broken and bent, will bring new times of peace and death. The dead reborn shall hold the keys, to start anew with the springtime breeze. The lonely wolf with no chance to escape, shall tear one from life to meet their fate. The humans born to wolves of lore, will lead the packs to glory and more.” The words were intoned, emotionless as another scoff followed. 
Cassidy shared a look with Trixie. 
“You will tell me how much Leo knows of this.” There was a firm edge to her voice and Trixie witnessed her Luna’s eyes flash amber. 
“Leo knows nothing of the prophecy. He refused to believe in something that would, in his eyes, be wrong.” Greydown responded before his eyes widened and his lips clamped shut. 
“Tell me what you know of what is happening to me.” Trixie felt a tingle run down her spine. Something in her was begging to submit to her Luna. Something she’d never felt before. 
Greydown’s lips parted despite his obvious attempts to keep them shut. 
“There were prophecies, that depicted the human born to wolves would possess the wolf. The human would have control of the wolf inside but there would be no change, no transformation. It would mark the start of an era that would either succeed or collapse. The prophet never said.” 
Greydown’s words were forced, reluctant. But Cassidy paid him no mind as she turned her attention to Trixie. 
Cassidy watched as Trixie stiffened, her eyes rolling back into her head as she let out a harsh breath. Her first instinct was to reach out but Greydown twitched and she froze. 
“The traitors are gone, the cause is done but the wolf that roams alone will continue. The wolf that was denied will fight and the wolf that has sprung forth will thrive. The traitors are gone and the cause is done.” 
Greydown stared at Trixie in shock as her head tilted forward, her eyes refocusing before her knees gave out. 
The door burst open, Calum and Ashton storming in. Calum went to Trixie, scooping up the teenager with ease whilst Ashton wasted no time in knocking Greydown out before his attention returned to Cassidy. 
“It’s answered a lot of questions. We’ll need to go to the Elders to learn more about this prophecy.” She nodded, but her focus was on Trixie who had taken in a startled breath. 
“I’ve got you little bird. Abel is waiting for you.” Calum’s voice was gentle as they reached the meeting room they were previously in and Abel wasted no time in getting to his feet, cradling his mate so gently as she trembled. 
“That was scary.” She finally whispered, her eyes finding her Luna who was pressed against her mate, relaxing to his touch as his fingers massaged her temples. 
“It means you’re a strong prophet little bird. And we need to talk to the elders sooner rather than later.” Calum piped up and Cassidy sighed. 
“There’s a lot we need to discuss with them. And maybe we can get this worked out before Leo decides to try his hand at another ambush.” Cassidy muttered as she sent Trixie a reassuring smile, leaning into Ashton’s touch. 
When the Elders met, Cassidy brightened upon seeing Elder Orion. And despite her ingrained sense of respect, the second he opened his arms in greeting, she allowed the comfort of her previous elder wash over her. 
“You truly have thrived, Luna. Your father and old Alpha pass on their wishes.” She found herself smiling at him before greeting the other elders. 
“Luna Cassidy, what happened after we dispersed?” Elder Maybanks went straight to it once they were sat down. She sat protectively next to Trixie, her mate on the other side. 
Abel realised there was more to the situation and remained silent as he comforted his mate, knowing she needed that more than anything. 
“A lot of things have happened, Elder Maybanks. Our Alpha has been interrogating the traitor, when Selene came to young Trixie once more. She was shown what happened to her sister upon a decision that was made to use the new skills I’ve acquired,” she hesitated but Elder Maybanks nodded, “he told us about the prophecies.” 
Elder Orion's gaze sharpened at her words and Elder Maybanks sighed. 
“What else happened, Child?” Cassidy found herself hesitating, glancing at Trixie. The young girl took in a deep breath, her shoulders determined, but her hands trembled. 
“I gave a prophecy.” 
The Elders froze. 
“Are you sure?” Elder Maybanks words were sharp, a steely glint in his eyes. 
“I saw it with my own eyes, as did Head Warrior Hood. She’s a true prophet and a strong one.” Ashton cut in before Cassidy could snap. She bristled at the silent accusations of deceit from the Elder but Ashton had stopped her from putting her foot in it. 
The worried looks shared between the Elders caused the Alpha and Luna to exchange worried looks. If this was concerning the Elders, what was happening? 
“This changes a lot of things.” Elder Orion muttered as he leaned back in his chair. “Luna Cassidy, do you remember what I taught you about prophets?” 
Cassidy could feel every set of eyes on her, and she determinedly ignored the look of shock from Elder Maybanks as she tried to remember what Elder Orion was discussing.
“I remember when you taught me about the witch trials, how packs were found by hunters who were seeking out witches and razed towns to the ground, no man, woman or child surviving. You mentioned something about prophets being saved by other packs but I don’t remember much else.” He nodded his head, turning to the other wolves in the room.
“Whilst Cassidy was growing up, Alpha Lockard assumed that she may have been a prophet. Not to say that she wasn’t extremely clever in her own right, but she seemed to predict the wrong moves that were made. We later realised that she had a strategic mind, a mind that calculated every potential move. There’s not been a prophet within the packs since the 1700’s. After the witch trials, they simply vanished.” Elder Orion explained.
This caused an alarm for Trixie, her grip on her mates hand getting tighter.
Elder Orion noticed immediately and smiled kindly to the distressed teenager.
“It is simply believed that prophets moved packs and never spoke about their gifts. We have always watched out for potential prophets in the more recent years, but in my own living history, I’ve never seen or heard of a prophet until you, Miss Teller.” This did little to soothe her, but Cassidy placed her arm around Trixie in comfort.
“Why is any of this important?” Calum finally asked, his eyes flickering between his mates little sister and Elder Orion.
“Because if Selene has truly gifted her as a true prophet, it will change the tide with the rogues. But also she will be sought out by many other packs, determined to bind her to their pack with a mate of their choice.” 
Those very words were the wrong ones to say. 
Abel growled lowly, the noise startling Trixie as his own body seemed to fight the transformation, amber coloured eyes glowing.
Cassidy felt her stomach swoop before Ashton stepped in.
“Abel, if you shift, you will hurt her. I’m ordering you to calm down.” The power of the command was heavy, his eyes falling shut as he went to move his arms around Trixie, but he froze.
Without any prompting, the teenager moved so that she was sitting on his lap, allowing him to pull her closer, his face pressing into her hair as he took in slow, steady breaths.
“I think that answers that.” Ashton muttered and Cassidy just felt the absurdity of the comment hit her, a giggle breaking through her lips before she was laughing, her head resting on Ashton’s shoulder.
“I think Luna has lost the plot.” A soft whisper came from beside her and she found herself struggling for air as she shook her head.
“I haven’t lost the plot. Just my mates comment, and the whole absurd idea that Abel would even let anyone near Trixie if she were in danger.” The teenager understood her Luna's words immediately and the two shared grins.
Ashton merely rolled his eyes at his own mate fondly, a soft smile on his lips before his attention turned back to the elders. 
“Is there anything we can do for now?” 
Elder Orion shook his head.
“The best thing we can do is protect her secret. Greydown will have to die regardless of his knowledge. He heard her prophecy.” This sobered the room up immediately, Trixie’s smile fading as she realised the implications.
“Is that because of me?” The question was timid and Elder Orion paused, his gaze turning to Cassidy and Ashton who turned their attention to the timid teenager.
“He was a traitor to the pack regardless of him hearing your prophecy. Traitors to the pack have two options. Exile or death. Greydown knows too much to be allowed exile.” Ashton explained softly and she sighed, a small nod following seconds later.
“I understand.” Cassidy could see that she did understand, and grimaced slightly, but there was nothing she could do.
“We also need to discuss what happened to Cass. Her eyes turned amber when she interrogated Greydown when she realised he was the traitor. Do you have any ideas?” 
The two Elders shared a look before Maybanks spoke up this time.
“There is something, Greydown wasn’t wrong when he said that Elder’s across the globe believed that prophecy to ring true. We need to get full facts from some contacts. When we know more, we’ll sit down with you, if that’s okay Luna?” 
Cassidy nodded her head.
“That works for me Elder Maybanks. It’ll give us a chance to deal with the consequences of today before we look into my own changes.” The two Elders nodded before the group dispersed and they went back to the main offices.
“Abel, finish up today and then take the next couple of days off. It’ll help your healing so long as you do nothing strenuous, so no weights and no shifting.” Calum finally muttered and Trixie stared at him in shock before turning to her mate.
Abel seemed to break into relief, his lips curving into a gentle smile. He knew a gift was being given to him at this moment and he decided to take it.
“Thank you Warrior Hood. I’ll be sure all paperwork is done and then take my leave.” He pressed a kiss to Trixie’s temple before making his way back to the small cubicle that was his whilst the rest of the group headed out of the pack offices.
“I’ll take Trixie back home.” Casidy hummed and Ashton nodded, his lips meeting hers in a short, sweet kiss.
“I’ll handle the problem. If there are any issues, I’ll call. Drive safe.” And with those words, they disappeared back into the pack offices and her gut knew what was going to happen. But she ignored those thoughts. Greydown was beyond saving, so it would be a mercy. 
The ride back home was silent.
When they returned home, Trixie disappeared into her room, causing Cassidy to sigh before she made her way to her office.
It was one thing she was insistent on when her move to the pack became permanent. 
She knew that Ashton had nothing to hide from her, and he knew that she had nothing to hide from him. However they both realised that being up in each others space wasn’t going to help either of them. 
So she convinced Michael to stay on as strategist, however he then convinced the Elder’s to make her appointment not only official, but put her up there with the other Alpha’s. Within three years of moving to Vinewood, she was appointed the Head Strategist for all of the continents packs. 
She accepted the title with grace in public, but within the confines of Ashton’s office, she voiced her ways of brutally murdering Michael as payback for putting this on her shoulders.
However, she shone as she went from strength to strength and that was when both her and Ashton decided to install an office for her and her alone. It meant that any confidential information would remain as so, but also it gave her the space that was not only hers, but also showed her hard work and the results of that hard work.
Once ensconced within her office, she contacted the other packs that had been attacked, gathering the information about the traitors and anything they had in common. That was what they needed to discover before Leo twisted his claws into more wolves. 
It was easy to work in the silence, tapping away at her computer as she emailed back and forth with a few of the other pack strategists. 
It was only when a gentle knock on her door made her pause, tearing her eyes away from the computer.
“Come in.” 
There was a second of hesitation before the door opened to reveal a red eyed Trixie Teller and she felt her heart going out to the teenager.
“Sit down sweetheart.” Her tone was reassuring and gentle, coaxing the young girl to try to relax.
Once the door was shut and Trixie was seated, Cassidy studied her for a moment before she resumed typing away, knowing that the young girl would speak when she was ready.
She’d been dealt with a lot of knowledge, some of that being the death of a pack member because they heard her prophecy. It was a lot for anyone to take in, let alone a teenager.
The silence seemed to stretch on for longer than Cassidy had expected, but she’d glanced over a few times to make sure she was still there. 
She was, but her eyes were glued to the floor, not even glancing up.
So Cassidy stopped, switching off her monitor and resting her hands on her desk.
“Talk to me sweetheart.” And finally, Trixie looked up, a frown upon her features.
“Today has been a lot.” The statement was simple, but it spoke volumes for Cassidy.
“It has. What do you want to talk about first?” 
“Elder Greydown, well I guess he isn’t an elder anymore, but still. Why would Alpha kill him instead of exiling him? Even if he didn’t know of the prophecy?” The question was a good one, and Cassidy had been expecting it.
“You see, Greydown had continually disrespected me as Luna since day one. This has been six years of abuse that’s been building up. However, he committed treason against the pack. He willingly put young wolves in danger because he believed us to be diseased.” 
She watched as Trixie’s face dropped.
“You wanted to redeem him, didn’t you?” The question wasn’t accusatory, and one look upon Cassidy’s face helped Trixie understand that. So she nodded.
“I didn’t want to think he was that bad that he deserved death over exile.” She finally whispered and Cassidy sighed once she realised that they’d stumbled onto the crux of the matter.
“It’s nice to try and see the best in people, trust me I did that for years. It was how I met my best friend. But sometimes, people just don’t have any good qualities in them. Greydown was one of those wolves who refused to see silver linings. He did not teach tolerance to the pack pups like he was meant to, he could have knowingly sabotaged that ambush that resulted in Abel getting hurt.” 
She hated using Trixie’s mate as a point, but she needed the teenager to know that he’d arranged for it to happen in such a way. Mates were sacred, and had he succeeded in killing Abel, she would’ve been a shell of a person, either choosing to live like her sister had done and pray for a second chance mate, or follow after him.
And Cassidy was certain that she would’ve chosen to follow after him.
“He’s the reason why Abel got hurt?” There was a steely glint in her eyes, her jaw clenching and Cassidy hesitantly nodded her head.
“Ashton uncovered his treachery. It’s another reason why exile was not possible. He actively worked against the pack that nearly resulted in a death. The last time that happened in any pack and they chose exile, it led to the rogue issue that we have currently.” 
“Leo?” Cassidy nodded. “What happened?” 
And so the two sat there as Cassidy told her stories of her best friend, of how he had put faith in her plans but Leo-the jealous son of the Alpha who favored her-sabotaged her plans, therefore worked against the pack that resulted in Talon’s death.
Trixie remained stunned as she heard this tale for the first time, her unease slowly slipping away as she found herself engrossed in the story that her Luna was telling her.
By the time that Ashton had returned home, both girls had migrated down to the kitchen, choosing to cook a small meal together as Cassidy told Trixie tales of her childhood. 
And despite how the day had gone, the heaviness that weighed on his chest, seeing the two of them giggling together over something that his mate had done when she was a child, it lifted Ashton’s soul from the floor back to the heavens where she’d first lifted it when he met her.
Trixie greeted her Alpha with ease, despite knowing what he had done, she realised that this was simply consequences of an action that nearly killed her mate. 
“Alpha. Did you get a chance to eat today?” Cassidy smirked at the jet black haired teenager, Ashton shaking his head at his apparent new keeper.
“Not today little miss. There was plenty of deskwork with the field work that we had today, so not much was consumed food wise. I’ve certainly had my fair share of caffeine though.
This made Cassidy giggle.
“My mate seems to drink coffee like it’s water.” The look of disgust that Trixie gave her Alpha made Ashton smirk.
“When you have to patrol so many nights in a row whilst still remaining upright in the middle of the day, coffee would be your best friend too. I know that Calum is just as addicted and drives your sister up the wall with it.” His arms wrapped around Cassidy as he pressed a kiss to her cheek in greeting. 
Trixie snorted.
“Yeah well, she likes the stuff too. It’s no surprise that they’re mates really.” Ashton laughed at her statement and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.
“Don’t let her catch you saying that otherwise she might skin you alive.” He teased her playfully as she finished up the meal, elbowing his stomach as she moved to get some dishes.
This was what Cassidy loved. It was simplicity at its finest but also it was Ashton teaching Trixie to stand up for herself. If she could stand up for herself against her Alpha, then the world had no chance.
“Yeah well, she’d skin you alive first so I’ll just hide with my Luna under the nice, new, wolf skin rug that we’d end up acquiring thanks to my sister.” This set Cassidy off as they finally sat down to eat and she noticed that the dark cloud that hung over her mate had slowly disappeared.
“Brave words, tiny one. How about you and me do some training this week?” Her eyes lit up as a grin stretched across her face.
“Absolutely. Do you think we could include Abel this time so that he knows that I can protect myself? I know he’s my mate and he’s always going to worry, but I just want him to worry less.” She explained in a rush, Ashton nodding to her request.
“It shouldn’t be too difficult. But we’ll get Cass involved so she can sit on him to stop him from shifting and protecting you from me. Sound fair?” She nodded at his words as they dug into the meal and a feeling of peace settled over the trio.
Cassidy knew better than to think that this would last, but she was going to enjoy it whilst she could.
The first training session had been a disaster. 
Abel hadn’t known what to expect, and watching his Alpha phase and launch at his mate was not on his list. Cassidy hasn’t had a chance to stop him before he shifted and crouched in front of Trixie. 
It took Abel more time to come down from that bout of anger, but they left the session at that and Abel had kept his silence. 
The next session was better. He was able to stop his initial reaction, especially after a firm talking to from his Luna, he watched. 
And even though her techniques needed refining, he could see how she handled herself. That was when he began to understand why she wanted him to see her train. 
Cassidy stepped in from time to time as well, showing the teenager some of her own moves. Ashton stepped back when this happened and Abel began to understand why his Alpha only had mild concerns for his mates safety. 
She was a badass.
By the end of the session, Abel was relaxed in the knowledge that should anything happen, she could take care of herself. 
“Why not make something like this mandatory for all of the humans in the pack, Luna?” Abel questioned as the quartet headed inside. They would grab some food before the two males would head back out to the pack office buildings.
“Because they’re children. They rely on adults to protect them.” 
“And Trixie doesn’t?” Cassidy smiled at him.
“No. I don’t think she’s really relied on anyone since that day six years ago. It may seem simple to you Abel, but human children are so fragile compared to a young wolf. We’ve got a couple of the older ones in a self defence class, anymore at this point would be too much. When they hit thirteen, they’ll come to me and I’ll start teaching them then.” 
“Two styles to switch it up, then?” And Trixie grumbled as Cassidy grinned.
“Someone in the pack who uses their brains.” This earned her a confused look and Trixie sighed.
“Luna had to practically spell it out to us why we were in self defence classes as well as training with her.” The way her cheeks turned pink had Abel grinning as he squeezed her hand gently.
“I have a step up since I’m one of the warriors. I can guarantee you other wolves would not think of it that way.” Ashton glanced at his watch and sighed.
“Practice with Cass, T-bird.” The teenager grimaced at the nickname as she ducked from the hair ruffle that her alpha bestowed on her as he walked past to kiss his mate.
Her own mate laughed before doing the same thing and kissing her forehead before he got up and headed out, Ashton following seconds later. Trixie hid her face in her arms, her hair a mess thanks to the two men.
“Stupid Alpha and stupid mate messing up my hair.” The grumble had been loud enough for Cassidy to hear, earning a round of laughter.
“C’mon, I’ve still got some time before I’m expecting a call. How about we take a look at your English papers.” The groan that followed from Trixie made Cass laugh as she all but frog marched the teenager upstairs to her office
Barely fifteen minutes in and her phone goes off, earning a curious look from Trixie as Cassidy picked up the call.
“Luna Irwin of the Vinewood pack. Who am I speaking with?” 
“Cassie, thank god.” The relief in Issac’s tone caught her off guard.
“Two seconds.” She tilted the mouthpiece away as she looked to Trixie. “Would you mind finishing off downstairs? I’ll join you when I’m off.” The teenager didn’t argue as she gathered her things and shut the door behind her as she left.
“Cassie it’s been mayhem.” 
“Issac slow down please, what’s happened?” 
“There’s another traitor in the pack. But they killed a human child.” Her heart stopped at his words.
“That’s just it. We don’t know. I was sent an email, and god Cassie it’s gruesome. I thought it was a wolf at first because the kids' eyes were amber, but when we checked the registry and the young boy that was murdered was definitely human.”
“Fuck.” The whisper might as well have been a scream. “It’s been happening to me, the amber eyes thing. The Elders believe it’s a prophecy in play. Fuck.”
“I’ll forward it to you, but it’s brutal.” And with that, she opened up her computer, clicking through until the video uploaded to her screen.
And as she watched, she felt sick. Tears burned her eyes as she tried not to cry out, but when the final blow was delivered, she couldn’t stop herself.
Issac had stayed on the line for her, his steady breathing being the only thing that stopped the panic attack overwhelming her.
“I need to contact Ash, fuck, Issac this is big. The Elders are going to get involved.” Her brain was going miles a minute. “Have you found the little boy yet?” 
“There’s a team working on it now. We’ve already been in touch with their parents. It was Demela’s and Mason’s youngest lad. Joseph.” And she felt her body lurch uncomfortably. 
“Issac.” His name came out as a sob.
“I know.” He soothed. 
Joseph had been one of the four children born into her old pack after she left. He came from a family with six older brothers who doted on him regardless of his status as a human. The first time she’d visited and she’d been introduced to the family, she’d clicked instantly. It had also been the first time that she’d really considered having a child. 
“I need Ash. He needs to know.” Part of her felt disengaged and heartbroken, the other part of her was planning out how she’d skin the traitor for this.
“With the state of distress, I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s on his way.” 
Issac’s words rang true when there was a firm knock at the door before it opened.
“Cass? Baby?” His frantic eyes searched for whatever was causing her this kind of pain. But she couldn’t get her words to work, only pointing at the video that was still open on her computer.
Issac spoke up.
“It’s something you need to watch, Alpha Irwin.” 
Ashton realised immediately that if something could make his mate this distressed, then it was a bad thing.
And so he clicked play.
Cassidy tried to block out the noise, the images. But she couldn’t. Her heart broke all over again. But she could feel her mates anger through the bond. Anger that was mounting into fury and she grasped his bicep.
“We can’t leave this. We need to find the traitor.” Her words were quiet but determined. Ashton nodded once, his jaw set.
“We’re flying out to you, Issac. Expect us by nightfall with the Elders.” The decision was firm and Cassidy immediately moved and headed to their room to pack a few bags. 
“Trixie will need to come with us.” Ashton’s words made her jump in fright, her hands trembling as she continued to fold the clothes up before packing them.
“She cannot see that video. And so help me goddess if Selene decides to take that decision from our hands because I will march up to her fucking door and demand judgement.” Her tone was harsh, but Ashton could hear her fear, her pain under the words. “He was a child.”
And her composure slipped into tears, Ashton pulling his mate closer as he pressed a kiss to her temple.
“We’ll explain in basic terms to Trixie. We will warn her that should Selene take the choice out of our hands, it is gruesome. I need to call an emergency meeting. We need to get a warning to the families as well.” Ashton rattled off and Cassidy took in a deep breath.
“Calum, Luke and Michael need to see this. They need to prepare.” Ashton nodded at her words as he pressed a gentle kiss to her lips.
“Finish packing, I’ll go talk to Trixie.” She didn’t argue as he left the room. She knew that there was no way that she’d have been able to even describe what happened.
By the time that the trio had packed and gotten to the offices, Ashton instructed Trixie to stay with Abel until they left. He didn’t miss the frown, but Cassidy simply gave her a reassuring smile.
“Protocols need to be followed, Trix. Twenty minutes tops and then we’re heading for the airport.” Trixie nodded at Cassidy’s words and turned her attention to her mate, the two of them quietly discussing her latest pet project with an old computer.
When the Irwin’s reached the conference room, she fought down the need to be sick as Ashton played the video for the other three as well as the remaining Elders. Their reactions were ones of horror, but it was Elder Orion who had tears down his cheeks.
“Little Joseph, Demela and Mason’s youngest, correct?” He whispered and Cassidy nodded as she tried to wipe her tears away once more.
“Issac is searching for-for the place. He’s contacted the family. This was a brutal attack but it also means that there are potential traitors we don’t know about. Sleeper cells, if you will.” Calum nodded at her terminology.
“We’ll talk to the other families which have human children and see if we can convince them to the pack house. It’ll be easier to defend rather than trying to split our forces seven ways to protect the land.” Ashton nodded at Calum’s immediate response.
“Every wolf we have available has to be on this. Four teams on rotation for the pack house and double the patrol on the borders. No one gets in or out of the pack lands. Trespassers are to be captured and interrogated immediately, any violence is to be met with full force.” Calum nodded at his Alpha’s orders. 
“Michael.” Cassidy’s voice was softer, but caught the blonde’s attention.
“Yes Luna?”
“I’m going to be coordinating with other packs on this. See if there have been any-any other murders.” She stumbled over the words and he nodded his head in understanding. “Also I’m going to place you in as my second in command. If any other strategists get in touch, they’ll be redirected to you. As of right now, I will be uncontactable until further notice.” 
“Has it been approved?” His eyes glanced to Elder Maybanks who nodded in return.
“We cleared it last week. It was intended to be a surprise for you, but as you can see that’s had to change immediately.” Cassidy held back a snort.
“Luke, it’s basic day to day running as possible.If anyone asks, there’s been a credible threat with another pack that needs to be dealt with. Shutdown pack lines until we return home.” Luke nodded at that before Ashton returned his attention to Calum.
“Trixie will be coming with us. She’s already told her sister she has to go but not why. You need to make sure she doesn’t follow us. It’s going to be tough enough with the devastation from my Luna.” Calum nodded once more as he let out a breath of air. 
Ashton and Cassidy were gone once it was confirmed that everything had been set in place.
They collected Trixie from Abel who looked unsure and the trio were up in the air quick enough. It wasn’t unusual for packs to have access to small airports, most preferred to travel by car or by shifting. But this wasn’t an option and it was the fastest way for them to get there without causing widespread panic. 
Matthew was there to greet them and didn’t hesitate to pull his daughter into a warm hug as Ashton helped Trixie off the plane. 
He greeted her with the same amount of ease and Ashton a firm handshake before they were bundled into the car and off again. 
“Who else knows?” Ashton’s question was quiet but Matthew shook his head. 
“The trees have ears.” Was all he replied with, causing Ashton and Cassidy to exchange alarmed looks. Nothing else was spoken about as they made their journey to the pack offices. It spoke volumes of the tragedy that had happened because there was no one else greeting them when they arrived.
They entered the building without being looked at twice. Cassidy stopped herself from going over to Demela and Mason when she spotted them. The couple looked exhausted and their children looked equally tired. 
When they reached Issac’s office, Trixie had shrunk into Cassidy’s side, the intimidating and unfamiliar wolves unnerving her. Cassidy was briefly reminded of Hope as her dad knocked on the door before letting them into the office.
“Cassie.” Her eyes snapped to her younger sister who looked relieved to see her. She wasted no time in moving around the desk and launching at her older sister.
“Alpha Irwin, thank you for coming at such short notice.” Issac’s voice was tired and Ashton waved him off.
“You do the same for us, Issac. This young lady here is Trixie Teller.” Ashton gestured to Trixie who found herself feeling like a deer caught in headlights.
“Miss Teller, I’m so pleased to be finally meeting you, I just wish it was under better circumstances.” She gave him a wry smile in return.
“Likewise, Alpha Lockard.” 
“Looks like humans can be taught manners, brat.” Issac’s voice carried to Cassidy, Trixie shooting a confused look to her Alpha who simply shook his head when Cassidy laughed.
“Oh no. With her own Alpha, she’s worse than what I was. With her sister, they tease him relentlessly.” She fired back before letting the girl go.
“Trix, this is my sister Hope. Long story short, she’s next for the Alpha title.” Trixie nodded as she shook hands with Hope.
“It’s nice to meet you Hope, I’ve heard a lot about you.” Hope gave her a crooked smirk.
“All lies, I assure you.” And Trixie giggled.
The giggle broke some of the tension and Issac’s shoulders slumped as he ran a hand down his face. 
Cassidy truly saw her previous Alpha in that moment, the tired lines around his eyes. 
“How’s Pandora?” Cassidy’s question brought a smile to his face. 
“Good. Little Jessie is driving her mother mad.” This made Cassidy laugh. A few years after she’d left the pack, Issac had announced his mates pregnancy with sheer glee and she loved getting updates from him about the rascal. 
“At least Pandora knows how to handle rambunctious pups with no sense of self-preservation.” Issac chuckled as he rummaged through papers before handing them over to Ashton. 
“I understand the need to keep Miss Teller protected but does she need to be here for this?” Trixie remained silent, only casting a glancing look to her Alpha. 
“She’s a true prophet.” Issac’s jaw fell slack, a gasp of air escaping from Matthew. Hope held a look of polite confusion. 
“ Touched by the goddess herself.” Matthew whispered and Trixie shifted uncomfortably under the stares. 
“Pack it in. She’s frightened enough and doesn’t need you two confusing her.” Cassidy snapped at them both and the two men exchanged looks. 
“Cassie, you remember when we thought you were a prophet but instead you were scarily smart?” Matthew tried to keep his awe from his voice but didn’t quite succeed. 
“I only know what you told me. I don’t remember much else.” At this, Matthew sighed before sitting down. Issac pressed his lips together. 
“Do you want me to tell her?” Matthew shook his head. 
“Tell me what?” The hesitation was in Cassidy’s voice as she looked between her dad and old Alpha with  uncertainty. 
“Parts of your memories don’t remember it because the Elders locked it away. When you were seven, you’d been stolen from under our noses.” 
Her body went still. 
“We believe that it’s linked with this killing. There’s no recognisable scent and it was a child who was not only human but one we’d been watching for prophetic tendencies.” 
“You’re not telling me everything.” She could see the tears in her dad's eyes and then she slowly realised. 
“No.” The word was a whisper but Matthew flinched. 
She could never remember her mother’s death. She was told that it was a sudden death, that there was no notable cause for it. She’d been seven at the time because her eighth birthday had been the first one without her mother. Jamie had been three. 
“They killed her in retaliation to us rescuing you.” She could feel her heart shatter. It was too much and with the situation going on, she couldn’t take off like she wanted to. 
“I need to go.” She was up and out of the room, the tears running down her face as she took off for her old home, using one of the pack cars they’d arrived in. 
Ashton didn’t even have a chance to try and stop her, the sudden heartbreak catching him off guard mixed with the overwhelmed feeling. 
“I take it that the Elders locking the memory away was for her benefit?” Ashton couldn’t be angry. He understood to an extent that to watch a child suffer like so was difficult. 
He watched as tears rolled down his father-in-law’s face. 
“She awoke every night screaming. There were days when she would fight to get out of the house, her trauma so much that she couldn’t tell that I was her own father.” Matthew sounded so broken, Issac’s hand coming to rest on his Beta’s shoulders. 
“Alpha?” Trixie’s voice was nervous and Ashton turned to the teenager and noted the pale pallor her skin took. 
“Trixie? Are you okay?” The second he said that, her body slumped into the chair and Ashton swore. 
“This is too fucking much Selene.” He snarled, scooping the teenager up, cradling her carefully. Hope looked stunned for a second. 
“Selene?” In truth, although Ashton had known she was there, she’d kept herself quiet enough to have become background noise, something he wouldn’t have noticed had she not spoken up. 
“Young Trixie usually has prophetic dreams, only once has she gone into a trance. But with the prophetic dreams, if she is awake at an inconvenient time, she will suffer in such a way until she passes out. Cassidy believes this to be because she is young and therefore is not trained to handle the drastic changes.” 
“Your mate may be onto something there, Ashton.” Issac finally hummed. 
The young human twitched and the colour began to return to her cheeks and Ashton sighed. 
“You love her like your own, don’t you?” Matthew murmured, his face clear of tears but his eyes rimmed red. Ashton nodded. 
“She has kind and loving parents who love her and her sister. It’s not a parental kind of love, more like I see her as a younger sister, someone to protect. It’s the same with her older sister. The only instinct that is stronger is my bond to Cass.” Hope giggled. 
The giggle once more eased the tensions that had been building up and he felt the heartbreak ease in his chest. She was somewhere safe. 
“And what’s so funny little miss?” Matthew teases his youngest child, unable to stop the smile at her cheeky grin. 
“Sounds to me that Alpha Irwin got bitten by the same thing that had Cassie practically adopt me so many years ago. The only thing that was stronger than the bond she has with me was the one that Leo created. It’s why when the bond was broken, my bond with her was what eased it and helped me function.” Hope explained gently and Ashton understood. 
His awe for his sister-in-law increased tenfold and she found herself blushing at his impressed look. 
Matthew finally chuckled. 
“Somehow we thought she was just an anomaly, however the fates certainly matched you two well, Ashton.” And Ashton grinned. 
Trixie finally stirred and her cheeks went dark as she pressed her face into Ashton’s shoulder. 
“It happened again didn’t it?” 
“Unfortunately so, my favourite human.” At the muffled curse, Ashton laughed. 
“Selene really picks her moments.” She finally pulled away and retook her seat, eyes locking onto Hope. 
“When Luna returns tomorrow, you and her will need to head to the next city over, without guards shadowing you. One to drive and one as a backup but they stay in the car. A rogue is unsure and has the information we need. Selene wishes for him to be tried under pack law and for Luna to use her gift on him to get the truth.” Ashton knew better than to voice the outrage but he tampered it down to a raised eyebrow. 
Issac and Matthew however, disagreed entirely, voicing their displeasure. 
“Hope that’s an ambush at best, suicide trip at worst!” Issac snapped and Trixie turned her gaze to the other Alpha. Ashton recognises the look immediately and turned his attention to the other three. 
“You will listen to my avatar on this earth Issac James. The rogue is unsure about the goals of the rebellion and is pulling away. Cassidy Helen will set things right for another pack and give Hope Rose a second chance.” 
Both Issac and Matthew froze. 
“Selene.” They whispered in unison. Hope was speechless. 
Ashton tried not to smirk as Trixie returned her attention to Ashton. 
“I will visit Cassidy Helen tonight. Do not panic if you feel your bond fall dormant. I’m most proud of you Ashton Fletcher.” He simply inclined his head before he watched Trixie give a little shake before meeting her Alpha’s amused gaze. 
“At least it wasn’t in front of a prisoner this time?” She offered timidly and Ashton burst out into baritone laughter. 
“Life will never be dull with you and your sister around, Trixie. Issac, Hope, Matthew, we will see ourselves down to the canteen for some food and let you digest this information. As you realise, this cannot be known by anyone, not even Jamie until Selene deems it safe. Like you said, the trees have ears.” 
Issac could only nod weakly before Ashton escorted Trixie down to the lower floors where the canteen was situated and they got themselves some food. 
Trixie remained by his side, unwilling to stray towards the unfamiliar stares. She felt like she was under such scrutiny but once those eyes turned to the man next to her, their gazes dropped and they never cast a look in her direction. 
Confused, Trixie turned to Ashton to question the strange behaviour but then she saw the murderous look upon her Alpha’s face and understood why they averted their gazes so fast. 
Unsure how the other wolves would take her teasing her Alpha, she kept herself formal. 
“Alpha, will Luna be okay?” Ashton glanced at the teenager and noted her shy hesitance. He smiled kindly at her as they collected food. She didn’t protest when he paid for it. 
“This was just a step too far. She needs to process that before she’ll come back. She’ll always come back to us, but much like when you hide away after it’s been an overwhelming day, it’s been an overwhelming week for her. We just need to give her space.” Understanding dawned as they sat down and ate silently, listening to the steady flow around them. 
It was towards the end of their lunch that Hope appeared, paying no mind to the small bows from her pack. Trixie frowned. 
“May I join you?” Hope’s question was met with a nod from Ashton but the frown on Trixies face didn’t let up. 
As Hope sat down, she finally caught the look on the teenagers face and raised an eyebrow. 
“Everything okay Miss Teller?” The use of her last name startled her and a blush coated her cheeks but she remained silent. Hope wasn’t too sure how to take this and Ashton snorted. 
“She takes offence to ignoring your pack when they acknowledge you. It’s not something I like to practice unless I’m in an emergency.” Ashton explained softly, and Hope had the decency to look ashamed. 
“It’s still something I can never believe. Alpha Issac is still working on that with me.” Trixie nodded but remained silent as she took another bite of food, clearing the plate.
Ashton had pushed his plates to the side long ago but waited for the teenager, knowing her discomfort.
“Would you like to see her training? Your sister has been training her so far and it’d be nice to get an outsiders opinion of her progress who knows where she should ideally be.” Trixie grinned and Hope returned it with a smile of her own. 
“I would be delighted Alpha Irwin. Miss Teller, if you would follow me?” And the trio left without another word between them, the stares of the pack members following them out of the doors. 
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groundnul · 5 years
Let Them Eat Cake: Shinobu x Birthday! S/O
Prompt: Hiii ^^! Could i request a shinobu x fem s/o where it's her s/o's birthday please?
Title: 2,243
Word Count: 
Pairing: Shinobu x Reader 
note: idk how birthdays work in kny universe but imma treat it like a modern japanese birthday ig?? srry if it’s not accurate lmao 
Snuggled up on your love seat by the fire, you let out a heavy sigh. 
A day full of people, presents and cake flashed through your mind again as you sipped from the tea cup in your hand. 
Today was your birthday. Like any other year, you celebrated with family and close friends, who managed to pull off a wonderful surprise party for you, in Shinobu’s absence. Their gifts were lovely and thoughtful, and the cake was perfect. 
The only thing missing was Shinobu. 
Duty called a week prior, sending her off on a mission somewhere in the mountains. Mention of your birthday upon her departure was unspoken, but not neglected. Shinobu knew you were thinking about it, and you knew she was, too. But the trials and tribulations of being a pillar far outweighed a yearly celebration of age, and you sent her off with a hug and kiss like you always do. 
You, of all people, knew Shinobu would never intentionally forget your birthday. Nonetheless, your feelings were still hurt when the day was almost done, and you’d yet to receive a letter from her. 
Usually, she’d send you a letter every few days just to check in and let you know she’s alive and all is well. You’d gotten one two days prior, so naturally, you were expecting another pretty soon. Hopefully today. 
But as the clock struck 11, your hope was dwindling. In her line of work, sacrifices were made, and you accepted that a long time ago. Now, you were just hoping she was somewhere safe and warm. You finish off your drink, setting the empty cup onto the coffee table with a clink. In the center of the table was a purple box with indigo ribbon; it was a small token of appreciation you prepared for Shinobu -- a silver butterfly charm with delicate amethyst inlays, and the words “人生最愛の人” (or “love of my life”) engraved on the back. You’ve had it for quite some time, and have waited for the right moment to give it to her. Maybe this was a sign you shouldn’t. 
You ignore the creaking in your bones as you stand, throwing your blanket onto the seat behind you. Your usual nighttime routine follows, flicking off lights, brushing your teeth and washing up. With a yawn, you trudge back to the fireplace and put out the embers. You lock the deadbolt on your front door, and solemnly shuffle back to your bedroom.
But the sound of your front door knob turning puts you on high alert. Shinobu normally doesn’t get back this late.
You grab the bat you have propped up by your coat rack. Gripping it tightly with one hand, you close one eye, peering through the peephole cautiously. Three knocks on the door startle you, but you silently creep closer to take a look. 
A pair of purple eyes stare back at you innocently through the peephole. It almost scares you at first, but the fisheye-view of your lovely girlfriend has never been more welcome. 
You smile, tossing the bat near your coat rack as you rush to unlock the door, swinging it open. Instead of soaking in her gently surprised expression, you leap forward, swooping her up in an excited hug. Her gentle chuckle in response is melodious, sending your heart aflutter. 
“Hello to you too,” she says warmly, wrapping one arm around you in return. 
“What are you doing here?!” you ask in disbelief. 
You pull back, giving her a once-over to spot any injuries. She looks unscathed, per usual, thankfully. 
“I came to see you,” she admits, expression unwavering. 
Leaning back in, you place a kiss on her soft lips, cupping her cheeks with both hands. After a moment, you part, and wrap your arms around her shoulders in another, much longer hug. 
“That was quite the warm welcome,” she says cheerily, holding back another laugh. You let out a giggle yourself. 
“Sorry, I just missed you,” you murmur into her neck, squeezing a little tighter. 
Finally, after what feels like both forever and not long enough, you let go. You reach to grab her hand and lead her inside, but notice a white tote hanging from the crook of her elbow. 
“What’s in the bag?” you ask.
“You’ll see,” she chirps, eyes gesturing inside. 
You grin and oblige, stepping to the side of the doorway to let her pass. Closing the door, you turn to her, flicking on the living room light. Shinobu sets her bag down on the table, reaching inside to pull out a small white box. She moves to set it on the table, carefully moving your empty tea cup. Her eyes pause as she moves to pick up the small purple box in the center of the table, looking to you curiously. 
“What’s this?” she asks curiously, hand moving to lift up the box. You hurriedly snatch it from the table, holding it helplessly before setting it off to the side, out of sight. 
“Th-that’s just, um, something for later!” you assure her nervously, exhaling in relief as she responds with a cheery “okay!” 
That was a close one. 
Shinobu sets the small white box on the table, grabbing a smaller white box from the bag before placing the empty tote behind her on the couch. Her eyes glance up to you, her smile growing.
“Close your eyes!” she says playfully, standing to her full height in front of you. She wiggles out of her haori, draping it over the arm of the loveseat.
“Yes, really!” 
You close your eyes, placing your hands over them for good measure. 
“No peeking!” she warns, moving about the room. You laugh out an “I won’t” as she makes various noises around you. You hear the lights go off, the lamp click on and  something scraping. 
After a few seconds of silence, she speaks. 
“Alright, you can open your eyes,” she says softly. 
You slowly remove your hands from your eyes, blinking a few times to adjust to the darkness of the room. Shinobu stands in front of you, arms partially outstretched as she presents a small, white, heart-shaped cake to you, with a singular candle burning in the center. The lamp shining softly from behind her silhouettes her figure, making her look almost ethereal. 
“Happy birthday, (Y/n),” she says with a fond smile, looking at you expectantly. “Make a wish!” 
“This is so sweet of you,” you say honestly, placing your hands gently over hers as she holds the cake. “Thank you. Really.” 
“There’s no need to thank me,” she smiles and tilts her head, struggling slightly. The smallest hint of guilt shines through her expression, but it’s gone as soon as it came. “Now, make a wish!” 
You laugh before blowing out the candle with a small puff, removing your hands from hers. She nods in approval before setting the cake down on the coffee table. She sits on the floor in front of the couch, and pats the ground near her, beckoning you over. You happily comply, sitting next to her cross-legged. Without a moment to spare, she plucks the candle from the cake, bringing it very close to your lips. 
“Would you like to lick the candle?” she asks cheekily, waving it in front of your face. You roll your eyes, leaning forward to wrap your lips around the stick of wax. After a moment, you pull back, giggling at the exchange. Shinobu laughs as well, placing the now-clean candle on a napkin she brought. 
“Efficient as usual,” she says casually, grabbing a fork from the table. You gawk, nearly choking on your own saliva. 
“Shinobu!” you laugh out, covering your face in embarrassment. She always chooses the worst time for innuendos. This only seems to amuse her further. 
“What? I’m only being honest,” she says innocently, spearing a piece of the white cake with the fork. She holds the fork up to your lips. 
“Say, ‘ah,’” she teases, only serving to enhance your already flushed complexion. You hope she can’t see it in the dim light, but you know she totally can. 
“Ah,” you oblige good-naturedly, opening your mouth. She proceeds to feed you cake like a baby, bite after bite. In between, she’ll even eat a bite of cake herself before switching back to you. It’s embarrassing and endearing, and you can’t help but love it. 
Once the cake is gone, she closes up the box it came in and sweeps away the crumbs into a napkin. Moving the box off to the side, she grabs the smaller, white box she pulled out earlier and turns to you. She presents it to you with both hands, waiting for you to grab it. You feel your heart swell. 
“Shinobu, you know you really didn’t have to get me anything,” you say bashfully, hesitantly taking the box from her hands. Her empty hands clasp together in her lap. 
“I know,” she says earnestly, “but I wanted to.” 
The pureness of her affection was enough to make your eyes feel a little misty, but you pushed the feeling down. No need to ruin the moment by crying. 
You silently open the small box, gasping at its contents. 
Inside was a beautiful, ornate hair pin, decorated with your favorite color flowers cut from jewels. In the light of the lamp, they glitter like stars. You carefully pick up the accessory, tracing the intricate design with muttered words of astonishment. Turning over the pin, you see there’s a message engraved. You move it around in the light to read its full scripture. 
“人生最愛の人 ” (“I will always love you.”)
The tears you held back earlier sprang forth, a single stream making its way down one of your cheeks. You didn’t have the words to tell her how much it really meant to you, so you settle for a kiss. Closing the distance between the two of you, you gently put a hand to her cheek. As your lips meet, you linger, pressing deeper into her. The feeling of her lips on yours is something you find yourself missing most when she’s gone. 
“Thank you,” you whisper as you part, half-lidded eyes staring into hers. 
“You’re welcome,” she whispers back sweetly, planting one more kiss to your lips before gingerly grabbing the hair pin from its box and pinning it in your hair. Her soft hands wipe away the stream of tears on your cheek, lovingly tucking a stray piece of hair behind your ear. 
“You look beautiful,” she says delicately, her eyes holding a fondness you seldom see. You smile, placing your hand over hers and giving it a squeeze. You let out a barely-audible “thank you” again before rising to your feet. You chuckle at her look of surprise before turning to grab the present you hid away earlier. 
“This is yours,” you explain briefly, looking a little meek. 
“Really?” she asks, eyes looking from the present back to you. “You shouldn’t have.” 
“I know, but I wanted to,” you smile, repeating her word from earlier back to her. She smiles warmly, accepting the box from your outstretched hand. She unties the ribbon, setting it to her side. A small gasp escapes her as she opens the box, fingers brushing over the top of the charm with care. 
“(Y/n), this is lovely,” she says, picking the charm up out of the box. Attached is a leather string, which dangles over her fingers as she studies its counterpart. Flipping the charm over, her eyes scanning over the engraving. 
“Love of my life,” she whispers, an adoring smile crawling onto her features as she glances back to your nervous figure. Her fingers tighten around the charm. “It’s perfect. Thank you.” 
Her words lift a lifetime of weight from your shoulders, and as she leans in for a kiss much like you did before, you’re unsure of why you were so nervous in the first place. 
“Can you put it on me?” she asks after you part, earning a nod from you as you take the charm from her hands. 
“I think it can be worn as either a necklace or bracelet,” you say, looking to her inquisitively. “Which one do you want?” 
“A necklace,” she answers after a moment of thought, facing her back to you. You climb to your knees and carefully place the leather string around her, clasping the hook in the back with ease. As she turns around to look at you, the charm gleams under the light of the lamp. 
“How does it look?” she asks, looking at you expectantly. You smile fondly, taking her hand in yours. 
“Perfect,” you say earnestly, straightening the string with your other hand. Her grin widens as she stretches out her legs, patting her empty lap. 
Knowing the drill, you lay down, putting your head in her lap. Her small fingers run through your hair, pushing it back out of your face. Leaning down, she places a kiss on your forehead. You catch her lips before she moves too far away, giving her one last peck. 
“Thank you for everything,” you say quietly, shifting a little on the ground. The unspoken words between you said more than enough: thanks for being here for my birthday, thanks for the gift -- thanks for loving me. 
As her fingers continued brushing through your hair, and idle conversation about her time away followed, you knew she understood exactly what you meant. 
“Anything for you.”
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drabbles-n-doodles · 4 years
30 Questions Meme
The rules are to answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs. I was tagged by @lazerswords! I probably won’t be actively tagging other ppl to do this because I suffer from the Anxiety(tm), but, anyone who sees this is welcome to steal it from me if they feel like it!
Name/Nickname: Emmett/Cupcake
Gender: he/they
Star Sign: Pisces
Height: 4′7, I am aware that I am shorter than Edward Elric. No, I do not require further comment on the matter. I’m 29 the short jokes are all old hat and I have heard most of them lmao.
Time/Date: Currently 1:56 PM, 12/22/2020
Birthday: 2/26/1991
Fav Bands: Panic! at the Disco, Fall Out Boy, Imagine Dragons, The Mechanisms, The Amazing Devil, Bastille
Fav Solo Artist: Marina, Florence + The Machine, Barns Courtney, Hozier
Song Stuck in Your Head: surprisingly right now nothing, a small blessing because usually I have like a rotation going of tiktok audios that won’t let me have peace
Last Movie Watched: Lego Star Wars Holiday Special
Last Show Watch: The Mandalorian. Technically I’m still not caught up but only because I have seen spoilers and I KNOW it’s going to be sad and I’m not emotionally prepared yet
When did you create your blog: according to postlimit.com my first post was on Tue, 03 Dec 2019 16:14:49 -0500, so about 13 months ago, aka just over a year. This, however, is not my first tumblr account, just my most recent. My first account is around 8 years old, I joined in 2012 lol so that blog is around 8 years old. I don’t use that one anymore, tho
What do I post: Mostly FMA and Star Wars rn, occasionally other fandoms pop in along with writing and art tips/tutorials, a lot of personal fanart too. My blog is a melting pot tbh.
What was the last thing I googled: “how to find out how old your tumblr blog is”
Other Blogs: *sweats* I mean I have a LOT of sideblogs, mostly for rp, but I guess I can list them here lmao. @avarice-inclined, @flames-and-starlight, @first-homunculus, @young-lord, @corvus-whispers, @ishval-scholar, @parva-amicus, @kaer-morhen-wolf, @many-ages, @sugaan-essena, i have a couple more but I’m not currently as active on them so
Do I get asks: not very often, actually, once in a blue moon I’ll get a drawing request ask, but other than that I probably just don’t have enough followers lol
Why i chose my url: My original main intent for this blog was for it to be expressly only for my art and writing, but I always end up just reblogging whatever I feel like onto my personal
Following: 2,713
Followers: 153
Average Hours of Sleep: 4-6, sometimes less depending on how my insomnia is acting
Lucky number: 8
Instruments: Piano, and sort of ocarina, but only because I’m a nerd that bought a zelda one at a ren faire and was obsessed with learning how to play zelda’s lullaby on it. Granted that’s like the only song I know but it still counts, right?
What I'm wearing: blue fuzzy stretchy pants and a Drew McIntyre shirt
Dream Job: I... Don’t actually know. I used to really want to do something involving art but that, that proved to be beyond my reach so i don’t really have one anymore. Which sounds bad, I know, but like, I don’t feel the need to monetize my skills/hobbies and I know the moment I try doing that it’ll start feeling like a job and it won’t be as fun to do anymore
Dream Trip: Idk, I’d like to one day visit New Zealand
Fav Food: almost anything with noodles. I... Really love pasta
Nationality: American 
Fav Song: I cannot possibly be able to choose just one
Last Book: I don’t even remember the last time I touched a book, let alone read one
Top Three fictional universes to live in: FMA, Star Wars, LoTR
some of these were actually kind of hard to answer lol, and, again, if you see this and want to do it consider yourself tagged!
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best-enemies · 4 years
For the fandom ask meme thing can I request the whole damn alphabet or is that not very cash money of me? I’m nosy lmao I wanna know all of them!
A - Your current OTP(s)/OT3(s)/OTX(s)
I’ve had my current OTP for like almost 8 years and it’s, obviously, Thoschei (Doctor/Master). My other current obsession is the Gallifrey OT4 hehehe
B - A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind
It’s funny because I didn’t ship Hannigram at first... I’d thought the idea of a cannibal having a relationship was terrifying because what if they had sex and Hannibal got hungry in the middle of the act? Lmaoooo 
But yeah they’re my endgame now. I watched the show when it first aired and I was about 14/15 years old so now you see why I thought that. Although I’m still afraid I’m gonna be reading a fic and Hannibal will suddendly bite Will’s dick off or smth AKJHSAKJSAHSASKAJ
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will (be nice)
Uhhh Doctor/Clara. Mainly because I don’t like to ship the Doctor with companions (there may be one or two exceptions but I don’t ship them enough to actually say I ship them lol) and I don’t know I just never vibed with it
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t (again: be nice)
Doctor/River. I mean, I did like it for a while years ago but now it’s just... eh. I think she has a waaay better chemistry with the 12th Doctor, but still don’t ship it. I might give it a try once I listen to the River audios but so far meh. I’m not much of a multishipper anyway.
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, what
God. I’ve written a couple of Academy Era (focused on the Deca) crack fanfics and I still have to translate them to English. They’re pure garbage but I love them. I have a lot of fun writing crack fics because they’re easier and I can ignore whatever piece of canon I want just for the laughs
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom
Guess it’s Doctor Who, been here (in and out of the fandom) for over 8/9 years
G - Do you remember your first OTP, if so who was in it
Uhhhh I think it was Han Solo and Leia, since I was a kid really. I wanted to marry both of them lol
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., tv shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)
I had to google what a source text is and still don’t know
I - Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why
I don’t think so, but Twitter definitively has. I remember a couple years ago I was curious to see what voltron was about and watched a few episodes, it was ok, fun and cute but the fandom was so annoying I stopped watching it for good and don’t care about it enough to pick it up again
J - Name a fandom you didn’t care/think about until you saw it all over tumblr
I had definitively forgotten about supernatural until I saw it all over my dashboard in the year of our lord 2020 lmao like in my wholock days I tried to watch the show because everyone on my dash (is it still called dashboard?) was talking about it and I watched about 8 episodes before dropping it. But seeing it again on the dash was actually a happy surprise because the memes are too funny hahaha
K -Say something nice about someone in any of your fandoms
I’m extremely shy irl and on the internet as well but I wanna say that  @janeturenne is one of the best authors ever and her fanfics are a blessing in my life; also @thebraxiatelcollection who brings awesome content to my dash and is also one of the best authors. And of course, you, Jack, also one of the best authors god I’m so BLESSED
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves (chars you’re neutral on are fair game, as are chars you dislike)
Uhhh I guess I’m neutral about the current companions. They’re not my favorites but I don’t really dislike them - they had a lot of potential and chibs came up with some good storylines but did not develop them well in my opinion. I think Graham is a fun grandpa whom I’m going to miss when he leaves; Ryan is cool and could’ve done a lot more if the writers had kept a few things, it’d be awesome if he vlogged all of their adventures. He’s like the one I was curious to see more but sadly didn’t feel a connection; and Yaz, I hope she’ll keep growing and that her friendship with the Doctor will finally be developed to a level we can connect to her.
It sounds weird because with the fam it’s always ‘what I wish could have been’ because I never felt really connected to them :(
M - Say something genuinely nice about a ship that you don’t ship (or its shippers, or anything related to you)
Ok... I don’t really ship Rey/Finn but I think it’s one of the sweetest ships ever, and if they ended up together I’d be happy. They love each other and are there for each other always so, yeah :D
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice)
I don’t know if I got the question right but it’s three things I wish I saw more in my main fandom? Well, if it’s that, then, 3 things about the Doctor Who fandom: 1) people having more civilized or light-hearted discussions about things. Like, I genuinely disliked an 8th doctor audio I listened once that my friends loved, and they made fun of me and we joked about it. Also once we were in a live twitch video playing among us and discussing doctor who, and then we got into a ship “discourse” as a joke and nobody really cared and just laughed because everyone knew it’s fictional shit so why get mad over it? 2) Doctor Who has a titanic amount of content, it’s all canon but at the same time it’s not, so who cares? If you want to listen to Big Finish audios and if you can afford it, then lisiten; if you can’t, it’s okay, no one has the right to tell you you’re less of a fan. Just tell them to fuck off; 3) The best way to keep fandom alive is by creating content. Here in my local fandom we have several podcasts dedicated to all areas of the whoniverse (the show, the expanded universe, the audios, etc), those old fandom websites who do serious work to bring news to the fans, people who make subtitles for the classic series (we don’t have it available here so they do their best to make it accessible to other fans), accounts dedicated to promoting dr who fans who create content, and we even have people making their own audiodramas with dw characters and writing book-lenght fanfiction to help explain the show to people who’ve never watched it, and a great variety of things. I’ve seen a few of these things in the international fandom, mostly by older fans, so I wish younger fans about my age who have the means to make this kind of stuff would make it too. Maybe there’d be less twitter drama out there lol
O - Choose a song at random, which ship or character does it remind you of
“the killing moon” by echo & the bunnymen reminds me of thoschei. yep it was totally random
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas)
The fact that we don’t have a pride and prejudice AU for brax/romana yet is driving me insane
Q - A ship you’ve abandoned and why
I’ve mentioned it before but doctor/river, don’t really remember why idk I just don’t vibe with it anymore. But also because thoschei has so many different pairings in 1 ship that I don’t really feel the need to ship them with anyone else lol
R - A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships
GOD I NEED TO TALK ABOUT IT BECAUSE IT’S SO SPECIFIC ok fellow academy era stans gather around if you have read Divided Loyalties there’s a scene where it SHOWS that Magnus had a crush on Ushas. And NO ONE HAS EVER TALKED ABOUT THEM and the power couple they would’ve made. I write them into all my fanfics in hopes of making other people ship them but I’ve had no success so far
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
The Master is a big fan of musicals and in the 77 years he spent on earth he watched every single one ever. I’m gonna be bold and say that when he was young, still Koschei, he was an artist, and thought about dropping everything to become an actor on Gallifrey. Time Lords do appreciate art, and have their own plays, but it’s just the same old and boring ones the young people don’t care about. The Master then created a shocking performance that was way ahead of its time and the older Time Lords were so appalled they banned him from writing and presenting plays and that’s his villain origin story
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending, about anything at all (gender identity, sexual or romantic orientation, extended family, sexual preferences like top/bottom/switch, relationship with poetry, seriously anything)
1) The Doctor and the Master married on Gallifrey and the entire show is just them having the most litigious divorce in the universe (still isn’t final because the Master has killed all the judges); 2) Ushas/The Rani is ace; 3) The Deca was a 10 people polyamorous relationship; 4) Romana and Livia were girlfriends at the Academy and they hate each other now because the break up was baad; 5) Romana writes fanfiction; 6) Romana/Leela had a thing in Davidia I KNOW it; 7) Leela pegs Narvin; 8) Brax has a life-size painting of Romana at his collection or a statue or smth; 9) Brax’s dream in Reborn is actually REAL and he’s married to Romana, Leela and Narvin all at the same time
U - 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms
I don’t even think I’m in 5 fandoms but
Doctor Who: The Master, The Doctor, Romana, Leela, Sarah Jane, Bill (this was the hardest thing ever)
The X-Files: Mulder, Scully, Monica, and can I add The Lone Gunmen too?
Star Wars: Leia, Obi-Wan, Finn, Poe Dameron and honorable mention to Din Djarin and Grogu
Hannibal: Hannibal, Will, Bev, Alana, Chiyoh
V - 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms
That’s hard
Doctor Who: thoschei ofc, gallifrey ot4.......... uuhh as you can see i don’t ship many pairings in the show
The X-Files: Mulder and Scully. And whatever Scully and Monica had going on because they definitively flirted
Star Wars: Poe/Finn, Han/Leia, whatever Han/Lando had going on too
W - 5 favorite ships and 5 kinks you like best for said ships
WHATVASHAJSKAJSA ok this is a little embarassing but I don’t have a lot of kinks for many ships... I guess I have some for thoschei like, choking, whipping, blindfolds/gagging, bondage, begging, biting, sem-public, phone sex, dirty talk, body worship, praise kink, etc. Alright alright I know it’s a lot but in my defense they've shown half of these on the show
The Master, Romana, Leela, Brax, Narvin, Bill Potts, Martha Jones, Sarah Jane, Donna Noble, Lucie Miller. No particular order for most of them but the Master is my precious baby and I will die for this mf
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)
Not many, usually the people I follow are in the same fandoms as I am but I’ve seen some mutuals reblog some Hadestown stuff which is a play that I’ve never seen but definitively would because the protagonists look hot 
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go (prompts optional but encouraged)
it took me three hours to do this but it was fun!! thank you bb <3
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mythykl · 5 years
**That’s right. It’s time for Kakashi x reader Bitches
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“Kakashi? Kakashi??” You couldn't comprehend why Rin had locked you in a dark room with hIMmm, and you held his hand the whole time, cuz’ ya 13yo ass was scared af. Once you guys were let out, you saw Rin and Obito fist bumping each other. 
That's when obito blurts- "Being the ones to know how much you like Y/n, you should've seen this coming!" 
"Baka! Shut up Obito, y/n doesn’t kn-" rin whispered
lmao. You're ass went speechless. Kakashi's hold tightened and he dragged you outside the academy.
before dating, he was pretty much a jerk to you, but it was through rin that you both get to know each other more personally,,, and still,, he continued to act like a jerk
well. once he took you outside, he decided to confess. His voice seemed shaky and he didn’t- couldn’t really speak out exactly what he wants,, 
“Kakashi, quit beating round’ the bush.. And the way you’ve held my hand it’s hurt-”
In the mid sentence- he just,, pulled you into a hug,, and whispered how much he likes you and asked you out!
you guys ended up having a beautiful time on your trip/date, at naka river, and,, tho no one really mentions, you both start dating *an unspoken understandin i guess?* on ya second date you guys prolly went for treking! *well i’m imagining that you aren’t a ninja*
You were by far the only one to see his face w/o mask
By now you had gotten used to obito’s clingy ass. though kakashi rants too much about him, you know, he loves him. Rin helps you a lot with dating advices,, somehow
Minato sensei teased you kiddos,, a lot. “At your age, all i used to do was keep staring at kushina,” he joked once.
He was a huge chatter and a curious ass fella surprisingly, you’re boyfriend talked to you about most of the things he learnt in mission, every goddamn theory he had in his mind, his likings and dislikings, his interest in Dōjutsu etc. You could feel how lonely he used to be, cuz he felt no one would listen 
you’d join him during his training at times, well that time you got to know that throwing a kunai isn’t as easy at it looks, your wrist hurt af
once kakashi had called you princess after kissing you in front of your friends, this commenced to everyone calling you by that name. especially Gai and obito
After obioto and eventually, rin’s death *ofc* you guys drifted apart; drastically. You couldn’t understand or help him through his immense remorse and regret while he would just,, either had a huge tantrum or not say anything at all. He said things like-  it’s better to stay alone, and have no one to lose- while breaking up, which hurt you a lot. within a few months, you guys didn't even cross paths in konoha streets since he became heavily loaded with anbu missions
Now that it has been like,,, a really long time; one day you see the konoha’s infamous Naruto with his team at the door, with a huge flower bouquet.
“Please accept this!” The girl with pink hair squeals.
“It cost us our whole savings but Ino-kun did give us a good amount of discount after hearing these are for kakashi-sensei’s date dattebayo!” naruto,, practically screames.
“Hold your horses; that’s not how you greet people.” the,, uchiha? Yes. he concludes blandly.
Your heart skips a beat on hearing your long-time-no-see lover’s name. Knowing him, you highly doubt that he sent them but still you ask.
“No ma’am, but we-once- managed to sneak into his Icha Icha Paradise, he’d written your name.. In it.. So we found you. You are sensei’s date aren’t you!?” the girl with pink hair, yes sakura, almost whispers to you.
“Yeah. That was a hell of a long time ago,” you smile.
You let them in and offer some tea. You guys talk a lot and they were astonished?- yes, more than astonished that you’ve seen him w/o mask. Ah ok
Wow they had already done huge ass planning beforehand to make you both meet *not that you know*. As you take them downstairs to bid adieu, you see kakashi,, literally,, standing, in front of you’re door. Both of you equally shocked. 
Kakashi and you start talking to each other. You apologize for not sticking around since you didn’t know how to help him let go of his pain while he apologizes for bein a jerk-? Ok.
You guys plan to hangout-, which is the most difficult part! You had to work in the morning hours while he had to stick with team 7 for missions by afternoon
 you guys ended up deciding on crashing at each other’s places at night, and also,, sometimess early in the morning *???* it gets tougher for him with time to juggle from place to place, thus, getting late for his missions
You guys end up moving in together *it’s official* and he sleeps closest to the window. yes.
He’s very protective of you and kinda the jealous type, he’s afraid of losing you and is very open about expressing it. He doesn’t give you nicknames but often call you stuff as ‘my other half’ and refers you w -chan *just being sarcastic*
You are like a mum to team 7 and they love you, you get them lunch at times. Sakura often asks you for advice to get sasuke,, but udk what to say since sasuke.. Is just sasuke *he reminds you of 13yo kakashi*. But uk that there’s a special bond between them
kakashi doesn’t hate PDA, but he doesn’t like it either; you guys for long walks in the evenings, occasionally hold hands. Is it obvious to others? Don't know. Butt once you caught kurenai and asuma kissing.. Twas’ hella kyut
He would also rest his chin on you head a lot, and likes to intertwine his fingers with yours when you guys are alone
Hugs aren’t his thing but if you hug him, he’ll slowly hug you back and then all at once melt into you, Anddd he’s warm af
twice you caught him, just in underwear, slurping ramen in the middle of the night and you were like,, wait wut-
He loves ya massages and loves to cut vegetables,, for some reason,,
Big cuddle person in bed
You love trying different hairstyles on him anddd he looks dead ass hot in most of em. Let’s just agree,, he has a better taste in style than you tf
You guys usually opt for trips to neighbouring villages, hot spring trips, camping etc
Tho mysterious and sarcastic, he opens up to you whenever needed. Unlike in childhood, now you’re the one who talks a lot. He agrees to feel acknowledged for being himself whenever he’s with you and like a prodigy, sharingan bearing, functioning human, as people call him. His brain lets go of all his insecurities and PTSD for a while when he sees you happy because of him
He often loses track of time during his frequent visits to the memorial stone where Obito's name is engraved; you understand that he needs some alone time for this ritual and this, don’t tag along 
Well now, even you've started reading icha icha series cuz’ of ya moron boyfriend, and you are hooked to it *since I basically imagine it to be the fifty shades of grey in naruto universe lol* you guys freakin end up trying shit from the book
“Baby, let’s be sexy,, together” he said once as he leaned againt the kitchen counter in the most sexy way.
“Sure senpai, why the book’s tactics won’t work?” he just laughed hysterically at the comeback.. And,, umm.. You get what happens
He likes braiding your hair, especially before sleep, he finds it relaxing
Whenever his ass displays a bored and unenthusiastic expression, you say, “go bald kakashi.” right. What a mature insult 
He’s very calm and observant and knows what you are feeling- or even what you are thinking. I mean how-? 
He asks you to make miso soup, with eggplant, a lot!
Your parents aren’t really sure of your relationship. Since he wears wut? a maskkKkk. And once Kakashi, still being as apathetic as he was during his youth, spoke bluntly about sensitive topics with them during a discussion
gai gifted you both matching Yukata on ya bday. that’s indeed beautiful and thoughtful of him.
well Your boyfriend sucks at selecting gifts.. He gets you things that can’t be used or idk.. ButTttt this man is too good at remembering dates  
People wonder if he’s stern and serious, judging by his past and repo, but you tell them that he isn’t! Well, he has decided to move on, and now you know how to support him. He knows that you appreciate him for that, and this he listens to you.
you just found an engagement ring on you night stand with letter beside it. congrats hun *instant panic*
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i hope you enjoyed ;))
i need to,,, stop imagining so much, it's a lot to type. i wish i had a gadget or something through which my imagination would get typed, systematically, on my pc. Btw i won’t be uploading much in September since i gotta study so. so don’t assume that i’m dead or don’t care anymore. 
this one was requested by two peps, since my ass is new on tumblr i kinda fucked up and thus, my inbox got cleared or something. i’m still learning k
ya that’s it.. imma go and read my icha icha now ah huh
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ghostofvixx · 5 years
Royalty (2) |HRJ|
When Prince Renjun is still under his father’s control and he still misses you, so he decides to fix all that.
Find the first part here!
genre: fluff
words: 2.8k of pure bullsh*t
requested: It says in your bio that requests are open so I decided to give it a shot...? Can I request a part 2 of your Renjun scenario, ‘royalty’? If you don’t want to do this it’s fine 💕💖
warnings: maybe swearing?? + maybe cringy at some point idk anymore and also THANK YOU FOR REQUESTING A SECOND PART even though I feel like I should have done better after all the time it has taken me lmao this is a m e s s but oh well so am I. N e ways I hope you enjoy!
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To Renjun, live a happy and calm life is impossible.
These past few months have been a hellhole to him. All his parents do now that he has the age to become a king is to put pressure on him, not only when it comes to typical royal duties such as self-defense and ways to handle the common people but also when it comes to getting married.
"Do I really have to do this?" Renjun asks his mother.
The actual queen is the only person Renjun trust when it comes to his possible future wedding. She has a huge list of candidates and has underlined the ones that would favor the Kingdom's economic relationships but also the right person for her son.
Renjun is thankful for that since, unlike his father, his aunt or his cousins, the queen is looking for the balance between becoming powerful and being happy. However, nobody seems to understand it is not his desire to get married. He wants to become a king, why do princes or princesses need to get married? Can't they just handle the kingdom on their own? Renjun knows he can, and that long list of boys and girls he could get married to can do it on their own too, besides, he can't forget that person he met years ago at the circus.
"You must do it, son, it's our duty." The queen tells him.
And he nods. He promised you one time that he was going to be a good king, and in order to get that, he should have a mind and a voice on its own, just like you expected him to be, but the truth is he has given up. Nothing has changed since that night, he hasn't turned into a rebel, or has ever been against his parents, just like before.
He is mad, at his parents and at him. He's tired, disgusted, and still feels like a puppet.
"I have to talk to your father." His mother says suddenly, overexcited. Renjun just nods, as usual, but wonders what has made his mother so happy.
He finds out hours later when having dinner.
"We have something to announce." His father says. "Renjun, my son, we are proud of you and want to give you the best future, you know it right?"
Renjun almost snorts, but remains quiet.
"We finally have the person we want you to marry." Says the queen. "She's perfect for you."
It hits the young prince, who still hasn't analyzed the fact that he must get married because he has to, not because he wants to.
"When is... The wedding?" It is all he can ask.
"In a month."
"A month!?" He shouts. He knew his parents were excited about his only son's wedding, but this is much more than he can handle. Nobody has warned him that it would happen so soon, under such circumstances, and without his opinion. Even Sicheng, his teacher and the one that knows everything about him, is shocked, to say the least. "I don't want to."
"Renjun, we didn't raise you like this." His father says in disbelief. "What do you mean you don't want to? You are going to do it."
"I want to get married once I'm ready, and now is not the moment." He finally speaks up.
His father shakes his head with an ironic smirk.
"It's decided, you're going to get married, like it or not, and if you don't agree then I dare you to leave the castle." It's obviously a commentary, the king would never let his son cross the front door without his permission, but an idea crosses Renjun's mind immediately.
"If that happens, I dare you to find me."
He leaves at midnight, knowing that everyone in the castle is asleep but that the village is wide awake. All the lights, the heat from the fireplaces to keep them warm and the sound of music all around the streets, making it seems like it's midday.
He remembers that time when he walked the same streets with you, and he regrets the fact that he hasn't had the chance to listen to your advice. You would be disappointed at him for being as submissive, but he knows he probably won't see you again, so he continues his adventure as he crosses the walls of the village as he wonders what are you up to.
He doesn't expect to find the answer to his question as soon as he keeps walking a few meters away
A giant sign announces a great circus with marvelous spectacles only a few meters away. It would have gone unnoticed if it wasn't because of your name written under the "awesome numbers" section. He doesn't doubt it and makes his way to the next town, as excited as he could be. Unfortunately, he misses your spectacle since it's late, he finds the marquee empty.
He feels defeated and tired and decides to go for a walk until a voice he remembers pretty well stops him from doing so.
"What are you doing here?" You're sitting on a branch of a tree, as talented as you've always been for that, but the usual calm on your face has been replaced by a surprised look in your eyes and a wide opened mouth.
"It's good to see you." He comments, approaching the tree. You jump and land gracefully on the floor. Your desire to hug him is as big as your desire to slap him, what is he doing here?
"What are you doing here?" You ask again, unsure of how to react. "Why aren't you inside your castle doing king duties and all that stuff?" Renjun sighs.
"I'm a rebel now." You look at him unamused, not believing a single word.
"As if it was easy to do so when you're a king."
"I'm not a king yet." He corrects you. "And yes, I'm a rebel because of that, I'm not going to get married."
You arch an eyebrow.
"Weren't you going to be a good king? You should stay inside and take care!"
"And just listen to what my parents have to say and be their puppet? That wasn't what I promised you!"
"To be a good king you should be the king first!"
"I will! But not by getting married to anyone!" At this point, you're arguing louder than you should.
"Why didn't you stay inside the castle anyway? You could be in danger now!" You know you've sounded way too worried, but you don't care anymore.
"My parents won't listen to me otherwise. I'm the first one who is scared and worried about my kingdom, you know?"
You look down, avoiding his eyes. You want to say something comforting, but somebody calls your name from behind and you know it's your time to go.
"Please, Renjun, I'm sure you've already scared them, come back and stay safe, be careful."
"Can't I say with you? For tonight only?"
You look at him scandalized.
"Of course not! We're going to keep traveling, tomorrow you'll be even further and it'll be harder, just come back okay?"
You turn around and begin to walk off as he says something you end up pretending you haven't listened to.
Three words are enough to make your heart beats faster in adoration for that kid.
"I've missed you."
And you do want to pretend you haven't heard them, but you know they mean a lot to both of you, as you have a special friendship. You feel paralyzed for a few seconds, biting your tongue to not to say 'actually, I've missed you too, sometimes'. But what happens next goes way too fast to ignore.
You hear someone screaming and a loud blow as if someone has been pushed. When you turn around, you see Renjun on the floor and a bigger person with blonde hair and black clothes you identify as Jeno on top of him.
"Did you catch him Jeno?" Jaemin appears right behind Jeno, astonished.
"I have him! Are you okay y/n?" You feel your cheeks burning in anger and you must be doing a face because Jeno's satisfied grin turns into a funny face.
"Now I do know the reason why you're in the circus." You begin. "You haven't even looked at his shirt, right?"
Even if Renjun has tried to cover the fact that's he belongs to the royal family, his shirt is still made out of materials that any person from the common people would have.
"If I were you." You continue. "I would let go of your majesty right now."
That's enough for Jeno and Jaemin, who look at Renjun and immediately stand up and begin to beg for their lives.
"We thought our friend was being annoyed, we wanted to protect her, we're sorry your majesty."
"Oh, it's fine."
"We really mean it we-." Jaemin, the most soft-spoken, stops his speech and looks at the young boy in front of him.
"You can stand up, you know? Even if I wanted, I'm not the king, nor.the prince right now, not for tonight."
"Oh really? Why?" Jeno can't stop himself from asking.
"I runaway."
"Oh really? Why?" He asks again, louder this time. That makes Renjun laugh softly.
"I'm trying to teach a lesson here."
"In the wrong way." You add.
"Oh! And why did you miss y/n?"
"We're old friends." You explain quickly. "We have to say goodbye to Renjun, he's leaving."
"I'm not going to go to the castle." Renjun says again, more serious this time.
"He shouldn't." Jaemin says. "It's pretty late, he might get attacked."
"You're right." Jeno agrees.
"Then what should he do?" You ask them, annoyed by Hoy your friends seem to know a lot about the situation.
"Stay with us! We'll repay you for the inconvenience."
"Absolutely not." You say at the same time that Renjun answers 'good idea'.
And that's how you end up stuck with Renjun in your carriage while he's being covered by Jeno and Jaemin, trying to go unnoticed by the rest of the members.
"We don't keep secrets among us." Jeno explains. "But it's better if they find out in the morning, then Johnny will know what to do and where to drive you." Renjun nods from behind the blankets making all three of you laugh.
"You'll have to sleep here Renjun if not everything would be suspicious. Y/n will stay by your side." And for the first time, you don't complain.
Jeno and Jaemin wink at you and you just ignore them. Even if the carriage is big enough for all of the members of the circus to sleep comfortably, it is the truth that the fact that Jaemin and Jeno are not sleeping by your side as they always do won't go unnoticed, and you're afraid of what the rest will ask you in the morning.
"Y/n, I'm sorry." You hear Renjun's voice low, maybe due to the sheets that cover his body, but you know that he's also afraid. "Have I disappointed you?"
"How could you?"
"I tried to be a good prince, really, I tried to escape and visit my people and listen to them but my parents found out. I haven't tried ever since I'm so sorry."
"You don't have to be sorry." He sounds heartbroken, and your feelings for the prince that once had to.open his eyes come back. "It's okay, I understand, we understand. I was just very worried about you and that's why I reacted like that."
"I want you to be a good king, live adventures, be fair and nice, but I also want you safe too you know, you're very important to me."
He remains quiet and you think you may have talked too much when he speaks again.
"You're the most important person to me or at least one of." You open your eyes wide and you're glad he can't see your face.
Renjun is glad you can't see his either.
"I've thought about this a lot of times."
"About what?" You ask.
"You, us. But you overall. I've always thought that you would be a good queen and you'll guide everyone well."
You feel like you're choking on your spit, so you begin to cough.
"Sicheng says that I'm very blunt sometimes too, I'm sorry if I've startled you with my words."
"You haven't, but I just wasn't expecting you to have that image of me." You speak clearly.
"I do, how can I not?" He seems like he wants to keep talking, but you can tell he's thinking his words. "I haven't loved anyone in my life... Romantically at least, if you know what I mean... But I think I wouldn't mind loving you."
"It's late Renjun, let's go to sleep."
He doesn't answer and you don't add anything else, but you can't stop thinking about it all night.
"Can you repeat the story?" Johnny asks, sitting in front of Renjun, looking at him, then to you, Jeno and Jaemin, then back at Renjun and again the same process.
Renjun starts his story for the fifth time and tries to cover up the fact that Johnny is scarier than he thought he would be.
"Is that true?" He asks you once Renjun is finally done.
"Did I ever lie to you?" You snap back.
"You're right." Suddenly, Johnny's expression changes and takes a bow at Renjun. "Let's get going then! We have some castle to visit!"
“Are you all going to come?” Renjun asks, amused.
“I can go with him and then come back, that way you won’t waste time.” You say quickly.
“Y/n please, we are not going to leave you on your own just like that.” Johnny rolls his eyes as if he was stating something obvious and you roll your eyes back, but smile. To Renjun, anything goes unnoticed, absolutely everyone treats each other nicely and cares a lot one for the others. It’s not like he doesn't have that, but it feels more like an obligation. He feels like an obligation.
On his way home he doesn’t let go of your hand. He’s scared, anxious and doesn’t want to let you go, not again, and it’s not as if you were rejecting his touch anyways.
“Just so you know.” He whispers. “This time I’m going to fight for what I want, and I’m going to fight to be a good king.”
“Will you?”
“Of course.”
“I’m glad then.”
“I really want you to stay with me y/n, but I understand what’s your home for real and I can’t take that thing from you.”
“I honestly wouldn’t mind staying with you, but not now, not yet. I have a life to live and you have an argument to win.”
“In the future?”
“I’ll gladly say yes.”
“Awww just kiss already!” You hit the blonde boy by your side.
“Can't we have some intimacy?”
“But it’s so beautiful.” Jaemin dries a fake tear. “You really deserve each other please get married and give y/n the queen life she deserves.”
Renjun couldn’t be more ashamed, but still, he managed to whisper an “ I agree” in your ear.
Time went through, Renjun managed to become the person he had always wanted to be, ever since he knows you. He didn’t need his parent’s approval when he came back, they talked and talked for hours and finally accepted that his son was hoping for another type of life.
He also kept in touch with you, via letters, and if he actually liked you, now he can say that he’s in love with you. You can also say the same thing, your adoration for the young boy who has grown into a man has turned into love, even if you’ve lied to yourself and told yourself it was impossible, but you know Renjun, nothing’s impossible to him.
You waited, and waited, living your life and him living his, making a great kingdom with an even better king, and then you appeared once again, unexpectedly. He’s always been the one to look for you, and now it was your time to finally look for him, with Sicheng’s help, of course.
“Your majesty.” He announced that day. “You have a new message from your loved one.” Renjun laughed.
Congratulations on receiving this letter, it is, as always, the most important and most interesting letter you’ll receive. This time, I have nothing to tell you, but all I can say is that you can find me, right here, right now. If you knew me well, you’ll know where.
There was only an answer.
He opened the window of his old room, where he liven when he was a prince, next to the giant tree.
“I knew you’d be here.”
“You always see me on top of trees and I belong to the circus I won’t be surprised if one day I turn into a monkey.”
“You’re right love, but come here now, please.” You didn’t waste time and held Renjun’s hand even you didn’t need help. 
His first action was to kiss your hand, your first action was to kiss his lips.
“Will you marry me now?” He asked the question you wanted to hear.
“Of course I will.”
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missblissy · 5 years
Hmm you said requests are still open and I am a sucker for Arthur. I can’t seem to get this one scene out of my head- it was a dream I had once lmao it was me and Arthur and we had been married for years. Grew up in the gang together all that stuff and you danced with Arthur one night the camp got a big score. Idk just anything fluffy and dancing with your cowboy is amazing (I love your writing bless you 💕)
((Thank you so much for requesting this!! It was so fun to write! Everyone deserves a good dance with Arthur
((Listen to the song, Absolutely Smitten by Dodie, that inspired this fic!!))
Silence and peace lingered in the air, floating around camp and down the hill where you sat. Watching. Waiting. Listening. Your hand held tightly onto the barrel of your gun while you stared up into the treetops. The warm orange rays of the evening sun somehow made the forest come to life. The leaves glowed and danced to the soft summer breeze while birds sang out their songs. 
Every now and then you’d peer into the woods and down the path that exposed the camp’s hideout. You were standing guard while the vast majority of your gang was gone, working tirelessly to bring home something worthwhile. They left before dawn, it was only hours till nightfall now. 
The setting sun was a beautiful distraction though. This camp’s location was stunning and had an amazing view. It helped your mind worry a little less. With every new hour that passed, caused every new worried thought to pop into your head. Firstly, you cared for your gang and the many members that lived amongst you. They were your family and to see any of them hurt or dead would be a terrible loss. 
But most importantly, among all of them was one man that was the most precious thing in your life, your husband, Arthur. You had been married for nearly six years now, but not by law or even in the eyes of a God. You had a ring, you had his word, you had a happy life despite what you were and what you weren’t. In your heart, he was your husband and to him, you were his wife. You knew him even longer than you’d been married. You had been there for each other since you were kids when Dutch picked you guys up off the streets.
Arthur was a skilled and mastered criminal who had cheated death more times than anyone could ever count. You had faith in him to get the job done and to do it well. But as the years passed and you got older, you started to worry more and more about your husband and if his luck would finally start to run out.
You used to join them on heists, you use to be a proud outlaw that could look death in the eye and spit at his boots. You still had that in you, but you took to a more quiet life the larger the gang grew and the older you got. You were not the young adult you use to be, just a few months ago you turned another year older and closer to the grave. It was an eyeopening experience you never thought you’d live to see. The first time you complained about your age, Dutch and Hosea barked at you to wait until you’re in your 50s and 60s, then Uncle wouldn’t shut up about being older than dirt. 
Still, it made you ponder your life. You had a son, but he died hours after his first breath, and he was the spawn of a one night stand with a gunslinger in your teens. He would have been 19 this year. You had many lovers up until you admitted to yourself how much it was Arthur you needed at the end of the night. It took a long time for the two of you to get on the same page. It was only within the last decade had your relationship changed into what it was. 
And it was nice, though it wasn’t everything you wanted. You had started to long for a simple life, children, a home and a real husband. But Arthur refused to marry you in law until he could give you that life you dreamed of. 
“Mrs. Morgan!” You were snapped from your thoughts. You looked over your shoulder and saw Pearson waving to you from up the hill, “Could you come up and lend me a hand real quick?!”
You stretched your legs and arms out as you stood up, then threw your repeater around your shoulder, “Sure!” Anything was better than waiting around at this point. You met the large man half way and he seemed out of breath and honestly… he looked liked shit.
“Can you please watch the stew for dinner?” Pearson jabbered out quickly, “I gotta lay down or something- I-”
“Yeah, it’s fine,” You cut him off and waved a hand with a small smile, “Get something from near Strauss’s wagon and lay down.” 
“Thank you, ma’am. You’re a saint! I’d be skinned by this whole camp if no one got fed!” He was right but at the same time, you could tell he wasn’t feeling well so you didn’t mind taking over. 
You gave him another smile as he waddled off, mumbling about the pain in his stomach. The pot was in the heart of camp, sitting over a smoldering pit of logs as it boiled a heart potato stew inside. You grabbed a barrel and sat down next to the cast iron and would stir it every few minutes while gazing into the flaming. You didn’t even notice the time pass, and the next time you looked up the sky was dark and the moon was out. 
Suddenly a low roar and thunder started to quake alive from the forest. You perked up and looked around and around. People started to come out of their hiding places. Marybeth and Tilly tiptoed into the open along with Uncle and Abigal. You got up and abandon the pot of stew and started to make your way through camp.
Seemingly coming out of now where and bursting through the darkness of the forest, Dutch lead a slew of men on their steads with a smile on his face, “We did it!” He shouted, gaining the attention of nearly everyone. “We got ‘em!”
The score! You remembered the train they were robbing and how much money they could make off it. You noticed the large bags on nearly every rear end of every horse that came in. You whispered a little thank you under your breath when you saw Arthur finally ride into camp. Everyone was safe, no one was hurt, and the gang’s wealth just grew twice in size. 
When Arthur caught your gaze a smile grew on his face. He hurried to get off his horse and make his way over to you. You both reached your hands out to each like it was a natural reflex, “I’ve been waiting all god damn day to see you,” Arthur’s cheeky little grin warmed your heart as you took his hands in yours. His hands were dry and calloused and covered in dirt.
You smiled up at him while the roar of the gang grew. Everyone was cheering and yelling and throwing the loot around that they scored. Gold bars and stacks of cash got passed around while others broke out bottles of moonshine and rum. You got on your tiptoes and placed a hand on Arthur’s cheek while kissing the other, “It’s good to see you too,” You laughed lightly.
He tried to steal a kiss from you but you were quick to turn your head and avoid his lips. Arthur let out a little growl and his free hand snaked around your side and he tried again, this time he got to kiss you. You loved teasing him while being a little stubborn, but you knew he liked it. He wouldn’t have kissed you as hard as he did if he didn’t like it. When you pulled apart the both of you shared a smile and started walking towards the fire pit at the edge of camp.
“I don’t think we’ve had a hit this big in years,” Arthur said, still holding your hand in his as you walk by his side, “It wasn’t clean, but we made out big,” You could tell, all the fortune was still being passed around amongst the others. You sat down on a log covered with animal pelts while Arthur sat beside you. Hosea and Javier were already sitting by the fire and they both greeted you with smiles and a lift of their bottles.
“We got away with it!” Hosea had such a pleased look on his face, “That’s all that matters, don’t it?” He gave a little shake of his head, “And not a single one of us dead.”
“Can’t say the same for the other guys,” Javier chimed in with a little cheeky grin on his face while everyone shared a laugh.
“Naah,” Arthur drawled slowly, “They’re all dead, I made sure of that,” Another round of laughter at an inside joke you didn’t understand.
They all started to talk about the heist while you toned in and out of the conversation. Your arm was locked with Arthur’s and you leaned onto his shoulder, resting your cheek against his shirt. This was all you wanted, to be beside him. It didn’t matter what you were doing or what was going on around you. So long as Arthur was in arm’s reach you were at peace. 
You started daydreaming to the sound of his laughter as it rumbled into the air and mingled with everyone else’s chuckles. You thought about a life far away from here, that seemed so far out of reach. The dream for so long -Dutch’s dream, that is- was to find a place to call home for the whole lot of you. He wanted to escape far enough into the west where no one could find you. To settle some land as farmers, ranchers. He’d joke about settling a town on the coast where California met Mexico.
You were suddenly pulled from your thoughts as Arthur quickly left your side without explanation. You were sure he said something to you but you were so lost in thought you must have not heard him. He vanished into the night behind you along with Hosea and you saw John chase after them mentioning something about the lack of moonshine. You were drawn to follow Arthur with your gaze.
At the same time, you lost Arthur amongst the clutter of the gang and you turned back to the fire as Javier started to play his guitar. It didn’t take long for the soft music to pull others around the fire and singing to fill the air. Karen, Tilly, and Marybeth came almost out of nowhere and started singing and pulling who was ever closest to start dancing with them. They were so much younger than you and full of life. You smiled watching them but never dared to join, you stayed seated on the log feeling shy. Even Dutch was swinging around with Molly.
There was a hand that slipped onto your upper back and rested there, warm and gentle. You looked up and saw Arthur standing behind you, a large brown glass bottle in his other hand. He gave one of his small and half smiles down to you. You felt a wave of happiness and joy beat from your heart when you saw him. 
He leaned down and got close to your ear like he was going to whisper a secret to you, “You should dance with me, darlin,” He asked quietly.
You quickly shook your head, “No,” Your voice was small but you felt a smile tug at your lips oddly, “I couldn’t, I’m no good at that. I’ll look like a fool.”
This time Arthur shook his head, “You’ll look beautiful,” Those words made you feel like a schoolgirl confronting her crush. Arthur pressed a kiss into your cheek and the whiskers from his five o’clock shadow tickled the skin along your neck. It caused you to giggle out behind your hand.
It took you a second to make up your mind. You took the bottle from his hand and downed what was left of the rum inside. Something about that made Arthur smile wide and let out a low single chuckle, “Fine,” You said as you tossed the empty bottle to the ground, “But you’ll own me.”  
As you got up, he took your hand in his and pulled you away, “That’s fine,” You followed him until he took your other hand and pulled you close, “Anything’s worth being with you for a few minutes,” 
What was he doing? You smiled up to him, something about tonight was special and different. Arthur wasn’t much for fun or dancing or really anything. He was a sour old man after all. But here he was with one hand holding yours and another tucked in the middle of your back. Maybe he drank a little too much, or maybe he just loved you more than anything.
But you danced with him for the first time in years. The music was quick but not to fast, the song was funny but it was older than you and you knew every word. And not once did you take your eyes off Arthur. You couldn’t be bothered to look around the camp to see who else was dancing or who might be watching you. Every once and a while you were spun around once or twice and pulled back to him soon enough. 
You loved him so much and he made you feel lighter than air. How in the world did you get so lucky to find a man like him? He squeezed your hand and gave a quick tug and pulled you right up against him. He loved whispering secrets to you, he was a very private person, “This isn’t so bad, is it?”
You giggled a few times, “It’s perfect,” You rested your cheek against his, “I love you, you know that?” 
The two of you slowed enough to sway back and forth to the tempo of the song that half of the gang was still singing. You looked around a noticed it was only the two of you now. Everyone else was at the fire a few feet away.
“I would hope so,” Arthur’s breath warmed your skin. He brought your hand up to his chest, placing your lock hands together between the two of you while his other hand was at your side holding you close, “Because I love you more than anything in the world.”
“You promise?”
You liked the way his voice sounded as he said, “Forever,” You pulled away slightly so you could look up at him. He stared down at you as you stopped swaying and stretched on your tiptoes to grab at his hat on the top of his head. You used his hat as a wall between you and the gang only a few feet away as you stole a kiss from Arthur.
He gladly let you take it, in fact, he stole a few of his own before he took his hat from your hand and put it on your head, “Come on, darlin” Arthur started to pull you away from the heat of the camp and away from everyone else, “Lets get away from here,” He gave you this look that sparked a wildfire in your heart.
With a grin, you squeezed his hand then yanked it away before flashing a cheeky smile. You broke into a run and dashed away from him, just enough to be out of reach. 
At first, he was surprised but it didn’t take long for him to take the bait and chase after you just like you wanted. He let out a playful growl and tried his best to trap you in his arms again. You left the camp and everyone behind as you dashed past tents and in between wagons. You only made it to just outside your tent. Arthur didn’t waste a second snatching you up and he kissed you quickly with both of his hands on either side of your face. 
When he pulled away he was slightly out of breath, the corners of his lips rose into a gentle smile as he gave a single shake of his head, “I’m getting too old for this shit,” He wheezed out slightly.
“You barely even ran,” You joked back, “Besides,” You started to pull away from him again but he wouldn’t let you. So instead you got closer and pressed a kiss into that special little spot behind his jaw and under his ear, “You can’t be tired yet,” The way said that in that little tone sent a chill down Arthur’s spine, “We still gotta fuck.” You blurted it out so bluntly and seriously that it made him Arthur laugh harder than you expected him to.
He just shook his head a couple times, he couldn’t get over how much he loved you and how you could say something like that. He kept giggling to himself, “Yes,” He looked at you still with a smile on his face, “Yes we do.”
God, you loved him so much. And you knew he loved you just as much, maybe even more. You grabbed his hand and disappeared into your tent for the night. More than happy to have Arthur all to yourself.
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