#kakashi boyfriend
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wispforever · 1 year ago
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gai has a rough mission and kakashi is relieved to have him back. bonus under the cut
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badninken · 3 months ago
I'm telling Kakashi that you abandoned him /t
I do not respond well to attempts to guilt me. It doesn't matter if it's a joke or not. Don't give me that shit, it will backfire immediately.
I'm still feeling spiteful against the anon who tried to guilt me after drawing Kakashi and Zabuza kissing by reminding me that I've never drawn Kakashi and Obito doing that. Guess what I still don't feel like drawing?
This is my blog. I post about the things that bring me joy right now, because it's for me. I know that a lot of people who follow me won't be interested when I stray from the usual and it's unfortunate if I clutter someone's dash with stuff they don't want to see but you can filter the tag or unfollow. I won't hold that against anyone.
Just don't make comments like that, it makes my fucking skin crawl.
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hobi-j · 7 months ago
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Jungkook x Kakashi 🌱
#draft number 4 🦢
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foxytonic · 6 months ago
Not to be Naruto posting on main in 2024, but polyamory could have fixed them, actually.
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anannua · 10 months ago
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thanks @irreverentgifs for supporting me!
if you'd like to chip in for a coffee, you can click here ☕️
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hopistaches · 1 year ago
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bees-honey-death-and-song · 8 months ago
Fuck it, frustrated with the blue demon au comic. So I’m kinda scraping it.
Still gonna be posting about it and stuff. I’m still hyper focused as fuck no doubt.
Here’s the original part two and three in full before I started trying and failing to edit things to my liking
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My idea being…
gai was exceptionally well adjusted and sunshine and strong and sweet and a bit ready to die for his precious people.
And I just wondered if he wasn’t as well adjusted as everyone thought.
Main part being, he had an obvious temper growing up and being an outcast does not do wonders for the soul. And then his dad died saving the village from a group of swordsman who were a really big deal and gai was THERE when it happened. Manga lowkey implies he saw it happen from what I remember.(definite possibility I’m wrong.)
So I had a bunch of what if about his character. And THEN I found out he tried to join ANBU to save kakashi and couldn’t be he was told eh didn’t have ‘enough darkness.’ And I wondered what happened if he did.
I wanted to show kakashi lashing out and it having consequences, maybe showing a real sore spot for gai.(which through artistic representation lowkey looks like kakashi genjutsu’ed his ass. He wouldn’t but I thought was funny.)
And the following stuff I make for this will probably just expand on those ideas I had about gai. Just /how far/ does his love and devotion and loyalty go.
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teatitty · 9 months ago
To me Iruka and Kakashi are book nerd buddies. They read aloud to eachother with silly voices and exaggerated acting. They rate smut scenes using a scale nobody but them understands, you can see them regularly whispering in harsh fast tones in the back of a library as they pore over a book together, giggling and shushing the other like school kids
Iruka pretends he has no interest in romance novels but always ends up thoroughly invested by chapter three and Kakashi acts like Iruka's reading comp analyses and essays about plots and characters and themes are boring as fuck and "take all the fun away" but he memorises the key points regardless
Not to bring up nozaki-kun but they are absolutely the scene where Nozaki and Mikoshiba get emotionally invested in the side character and end up making a whole doujin up to give the guy a happy ending. KakaIru book dates are you listening to me they would fucking sob and weep over tragic endings. Their favourite character dies and they have to close the book and pace around the room/do breathing exercises to Process The Emotions
Kakashi can read raunchy porn with a straight face but gets jittery and flustered over a hand holding scene and Iruka teases him relentlessly about it. But that's fine because Kakashi teases Iruka about being able to read a torture scene but can't deal with second-hand embarrassment without trying to hide under a table to die
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yutori-do · 2 years ago
Kakashi is shocked the first time someone tells him why he lets Gai follow him around like a lovesick puppy. He looks at the stupid, severely surprised.
I'm sure it's the other way around, Kakashi thinks, but obviously doesn't say it. He just looks at the ninja in front of him and tells him to mind his own business.
That conversation was almost completely forgotten in Kakashi's mind until a month later, Tenzō asks him almost the same thing, more politely. Kakashi is spared the answer when the youngest and most promising member, Itachi, begins to praise Gai's abilities with clear admiration and possibly a small crush.
Kakashi just walks away from the scene, thinking there's no need to say anything else, but he can't stop thinking about it.
Is that what people see in his relationship with Gai? That Gai is Kakashi's big fan who follows him everywhere while Kakashi just puts up with him? He's not going to kid himself and say it wasn't that way in the beginning, but it certainly didn't last that long until the places were swapped.
Gai always liked to be effusive with everyone, and that was normal for him. Kakashi wasn't really a special case, just a down-on-his-luck bastard with genius, and a slight obsession with his optimistic rival, who has a dangerous attraction to anything that leads him to get hurt.
Kakashi doesn't know how people don't see that it's Kakashi who chases Gai, trying to meet him on the street "by chance", reaching under the table when they eat so he can touch him with his feet, taking care of him when Gai comes badly injured from a mission and Kakashi's only thought is to kill the bastard who touched him. When the first thing he does when he sees him is greet him and approach him, and if Gai wins and approaches Kakashi first, he always leans into him, brushing their shoulders and sometimes the backs of their hands. Sometimes he feels like he's a hair's breadth away from being accused of stalking when he's on surveillance and watching him on cameras or spying on him from the trees, but he really can't help it.
He follows Gai, he needs Gai. Gai is the unreachable sun and he is just a cold mountain, never worthy enough to receive more than its rays of light.
They all have it wrong.
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pupkashi · 2 years ago
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he makes me so not normal, i love him in every way possible
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depressedhatakekakashi · 1 year ago
A New Book For Your Collection
Pairing: Kakagai
Words: 2,741
Konoha was quieter than usual.
Everywhere he looked there was less activity. People walked a little faster, waving to the friends they spotted in the street before continuing forward without uttering a single word. There were multiple stores with line ups all the way out the doors, yet it seemed like no one was saying a word.
Not even the shop keepers uttered greetings when a customer approached them, and they stayed equally as quiet when the customer paid and made their exit.
The village was busy, but no one was saying a thing.
“Lost in their thoughts,” he sighed, cringing when he heard his own voice cutting through the silent air, breaking the tranquility of the village for just a second before it settles back into place. Not wanting to shatter that silence again, he opted for a silent communication of his own.
‘Did I forget something important?’ 
Projecting an image of a calendar in his mind, he searched the dates for any special event. A birthday, or an anniversary, or anything that would explain the eerie silence that hovered over the village.
‘The Kyuubi’s attack happened in october,’ images of the burning ruins of Konoha homes popped into his mind, followed closely by the pictures of the dead that had lined the cemetary afterward. As soon as Minato-Sensei’s picture began to materialise he shoved the thought out of his head, refusing to deal with the emotions that swelled inside of him whenever he dared to think of the Sensei he lost so many years ago. ‘It’s March, so the cherry blossoms should be falling soon. Oh, and there’s Shunbun No hi but that’s still not for a few days.’
“Kakashi!” A cheerful voice cut through the air, shattering the tranquil silence that he had come to enjoy and causing multiple nearby civilians to turn their heads in search of the enthusiastic voice.
Kakashi didn’t have to look to know who it was. There was only one person who would call out to him with such excitement in their voices. One person who had the ability to pull him out of his own thoughts and make him smile, though that smile was perfectly covered by his mask.
“Gai,” an arm dropped around his shoulder and tugged him against his side. Turning his head just a little, he sniffed the air around him.
Gai’s voice had been enough to pull him out of his thoughts, but it was the smell of grass mixed with a light wiff of dango that consumed him. For just a moment that smell was all he could register, and with each breath he took it overwhelmed his senses, shoving past every ache that had radiated from his muscles after a long mission and forcing his body to relax. 
“You made it home safe,” Gai spoke softly, but there was a question hidden in his words. A silent finger prodding Kakashi in the side, demanding that he tell him about any injuries he had sustained during his mission.
“Home safe,” he confirmed, holding up his right arm to show the one lone cut across the back of his forearm that he’d sustained while deflecting his opponents attack. “The village is rather quiet today. Know why?”
Gai’s eyes lit up with excitement. “You didn’t hear?”
“I just got home, so no,” he confirmed. “What is it? Something fun I’m guessing since you look like you’re about to explode with excitement.”
“Tsunade-Sama announced it just yesterday,” Kakashi could feel the energy radiating off of Gai. Contained, but ready to burst forth at a moments notice and consume Gai until he was jumping off of tree’s and buildings in hopes of spending just a small fraction of it. “She called it ‘Folktales and Fables week. It starts tomorrow.”
Kakashi’s ears perks up at the mention of ‘Folktales’. “Oh?” his left eyebrow arched upward. “Still, that doesn’t really explain, you know,” he waved his hand toward the market where people continued to exist without making a single sound. An eerie, rather unnerving experience in a village that was always so busy with noise. 
“Well, Tsunade-sama challenged everyone to think up their favorite fable today,” Gai continued, his smile growing even wider. “She wants every single person in Konoha to write down what their favorite fable is and turn it in at the Hokage’s residence when they go in to receive their new book.”
Suddenly all thoughts of the eerie quitness of the village left Kakashi’s mind. “Book?” he asked, pushing for even more information. 
Taking the hint, Gai grinned. “Folktales and Fables week officially starts tonight. To welcome in the week, Tsunade-Sama is going to have all of the Jonin standing outside of the Hokage’s compound handing out books of fables that she had written by one of Konoha’s best writers.”
“I didn’t realize Jiraiya-Sama was in the village?”
The smile dropped off of Gai’s face. “I said one of Konoha’s best writers, Rival. Not one of our most perverted writers.”
The worst struck hard, wounding Kakashi’s heart, but he did his best not to show that hurt on his face. It was simply Gai’s opinion that Jiraiya-Sama wasn’t a good writer. A wrong opinion, but still just an opinion.
“Well, does that mean-”
Gai rolled his eyes. “Of course you’ll be getting one as well. In fact,” reaching back into his weapon’s pouch, he pulled out a beautiful green book and held it up between them so that the cover was facing Kakashi. “Tsunade-sama gave us all one ahead of everyone else. She asked me to deliver yours to you personally.”
“Did she really?” Kakashi asked, his eyes following the golden writing as it curved around the cover to form a beautiful cover that seemed to shimmer in the sunlight. 
‘Folktales and Fables of Konoha.’
His finger’s itched to reach out and claim the book from Gai, but he refrained. It was obvious by the way his friend waved the book around that he was trying to taunt Kakashi into snatching it away from him, but he refused to give in. He would claim the book when he was ready to and not a moment sooner. Not even if Gai turned it just right so the sun bounced off of the golden title causing it to shimmer. 
“What kind of stories are in it?” he asked, his eyes glued on the book.
“Oh, all kinds,” Gai’s smile grew, stretching from one ear all the way to the other. “Tsunade-sama actually asked us all to submit our favorite folktale or fable so that she could ask for it to be included. That was a few months ago when you were on your mission in the Land of Wind with Asuma.”
A whimper escaped Kakashi’s throat, but rather than expressing embarrassment with the unfiltered response, he turned his face away from Gai and tried his best to refrain from pouting. 
He’d missed it.
Not only the announcement of a week dedicated to folktales and fables, which were some of his favorite stories to read if he wasn’t consumed in the latest copy of Icha Icha or a pretty new romance novel, but he’d missed out on an opportunity to have his favorite fable included in the special book that was made to commemorate the new week.
It seemed rather unfair, but he was an adult. A shinobi of Konoha.
He was not going to cry over a book. Not in public where everyone could see him, at least. 
“Oh, Kakashi,” Gai’s arm dropped off of his shoulder suddenly, and in the blink of an eye his Rival is standing directly in front of him with the softest expression he has ever seen. Kind, black eyes staring into Kakashi’s one visible eye with such love that he was pretty sure he would melt. “You didn’t think I’d let them forget about the Rabbit on the moon, did you?”
At times like this Kakashi appreciated his mask more than ever. Without it the brilliant hue of red he could feel crawling up into his cheeks would be visible for all to see causing everyone in the village to gossip about how easily Maito Gai could make ‘stone cold Kakashi’ blush.
Most of the time he didn’t care too much about the villagers gossip, but if his students caught wind of this he would never hear the end of it.
Somehow three sixteen year olds were far more capable of making his life difficult than an entire village of experienced gossipers. Especially when one took Sakura into consideration.
She could easily make his life more difficult than it already was if she knew that out of everyone in Konoha, it was Maito Gai who held his heart. 
Clearing his throat he quickly shoved all those those thoughts to the back of his mind. “So,” he returned his full attention to Gai. “What do I owe you?”
Gai stared at him with a blank expression for just a moment before breaking out into a smile. “You know me too well, Rival,” shoving the book toward Kakashi he waited for him to finally give in and take hold of it before releasing his hold throwing a ‘thumbs up’ out in front of him. “One challenge should be sufficient payment.”
An expected response.
“One challenge,” Kakashi agreed with a sharp nodd of his head, his eyes fixing themselves on the book now sitting in his hands. Following the soft gold writing on the cover he couldn’t help but smile. “And dinner.”
Gai was in the middle of turning around, no doubt having already decided on what their challenge would be, when Kakashi added his second offer. Rather than stopping in the midst of his turn, Gai continued with ease and stopped at a three hundred and sixty degree turn, returning to the exact same position he’d been in before Kakashi opened his mouth.
“What did you say?” his eyes narrowed and his lips pressed together into a thin line. 
“I said one challenge,” stepping forward, Kakashi lifted his book and gently bonked it against Gai’s forehead. “And Dinner. My treat.”
“Dinner as in-”
“No eating contest,” once again he bonked his friend’s forehead, this time earning himself a slap to the wrist for the insult. “We’ll do a competition first and then we’ll go out to dinner,” pulling his book back he took one more look at it and smiled even widder. “And then maybe, if you’re nice, we can go back to my house and-”
A hand came down hard against his mouth. “Kakashi!” Gai hissed, his eyes darting around the area. Thankfully everyone around them had lost interest in what they were doing a while, but that knowledge didn’t seem to stop Gai from examining the area once more before focusing on Kakashi. “You can’t say things like that in public.”
It didn’t take a genius to figure out what Gai was hinting at. 
What was meant to be a sweet gesture had been misunderstood as something vulgar. An unsurprising turn of events considering the things the two of them could get up to when they were in the privacy of their homes.
Grabbing hold of Gai’s wrist with his free hand, Kakashi gently pulled his hand away from his mouth. “Let me finish,” he insisted, scolding Gai with a stern look when he opened his mouth to protest once again. “I was going to say ‘I can read the story of Orihime and Hikoboshi’ but if all you have on your mind is undressing me we could do that too.”
There was no scenario where Kakashi would turn down an opportunity to drag his eternal rival into bed. 
“N- no! That- i mean-” cutting himself off, Gai took a step back and closed his eyes. As Kakashi watched him he drew in a deep breath, held it for exactly five seconds, and then released. Once that was done he opened his eyes and flashed one of those bright toothy grins that was sure to blind a person if the sun hit it just right. 
“Don’t worry,” taking a step forward, Kakashi reach up and gripped the top of his mask. In one fluid motion he yanked the mask down and closed the distance between them. His lips pressed against Gai’s cheek for a quick second before he stepped back and returned the mask to its rightful place. “I can always read to you after we’re done.”
If Kakashi squinted he could almost steam rising off of Gai’s head. The embarrassment he’d felt earlier from Gai’s overwhelming thoughtfulness had been returned ten fold, though Kakashi was no where near as touching in his affections. Not in public, at least. Gai would have to wait until they were somewhere private to see that side of Kakashi. 
“So,” taking a step past Gai he refrained from chuckling when he heard his rival scrambling to turn around. “You have one challenge. What do you choose?”
Feeling Gai’s shoulder bumping against his he glanced to his side and smiled when he saw his friend walking at his side with a proud air hanging around him. “One challenge,” he mused, making a show of turning his eyes up to the sky and thinking over his options. “How about a spar?”
“It has been a while since we had a proper spar,” Kakashi agreed. “Taijutsu only?”
“That seems a little unfair,” Gai snickered, earning himself a sharp jab in the side from Kakashi’s elbow. “Owww! Rival!”
“No need to be rude about it,” he grumbled, though he knew he had very little ground to stand on when it came to scolding Gai for his arrogance. Both of them had an arrogant streak that could come out at any time, and it usually shawn brightest in their competitions. “But fine, all fighting styles allowed.”
“And no cheating!”
Kakashi rolled his eyes. “Says the guy who knocked a plate off of the table during our last eatting competition,” he fired back. “Besides, there’s no such thing as cheating in a fight.”
“I’m being serious,” he insisted, unable to stop himself from laughing when Gai smacked him across the back of his shoulder. “We’re shinobi, Gai. Shinobi fight to survive, and sometimes that means playing a little dirty.”
“Playing dirty and trying to blind me are two different things,” Gai insisted. “And if you’re going to use the hounds at least tell them not to bite too hard. It’s embarrassing explaining all those bite marks to the doctor’s when I go to get them healed.”
Stopping in his tracks, Kakashi turned to face his rival. “Really?” he asked. “Their bite marks are embarrassing?”
“Well, ya,” Gai huffed. “I don’t like having to explain that my eternal rival used his hounds to prevent me from attacking.”
“Their bite marks are embarrassing?” Kakashi repeated, leaning in a bit closer and staring straight into Gai’s eyes. “No other bite marks?”
As soon as the words left his mouth Gai began to sweat. His eyes darted around the area, searching for an escape. “I- well,”
“Ah, well,” leaning back, Kakashi sighed. “I’ll just not summon them this round.”
“Of course not,” he confirmed, a smile creeping onto his face and reaching up into his eyes. “I’ll leave enough bite marks for them to take care of. Those arn’t nearly as embarrassing at the hounds bite marks, right?”
For a second time in just a few minutes Kakashi could swear he could spot some steam rising from Gai’s head, and with a satisfied hum he turned back down the path and continued walking as if nothing had happened.
“K-Kakashi?” Gai’s voice cracked when he called after him. “Kakashi!”
Ignoring his rival’s calls, Kakashi lifted the hand holding his new book and admired the cover. It was a beautiful piece of work. One worthy of all of the praise he could muster. 
It seemed only fair that he provide that praise to Gai, who was the only reason he had a copy of the book, or that his favorite fable had been included in it. If that praise happened to leave Gai with a few questionable marks afterward, so be it.
Perhaps one day Kakashi would try to learn some medical Ninjitsu so he could care for those wounds himself.
Until then, however, Gai would simply have to deal with the embarrassing reality of dating a man who loved to leave love bites all over his partners gorgeous body.
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daily-ethoslab · 2 years ago
Saw this guy at a store
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He seems kinda washed up, but chill :]
accurate that he's next to the one that says "I love you"
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ladykissingfish · 2 years ago
*Deidara knocks on Tobi’s door*
Tobi: Yes?
Deidara: Can I come in?
Tobi: Yeah.
*Deidara comes in, and once the door is closed, Tobi takes off his mask*
Obito: You’re back already? I thought you and Hidan wouldn’t be back until 4 at least.
Deidara: We did get back at 4, hm. It’s 10:30.
Obito: Really? 
Deidara: Really. *holds up the covered bowl he has in his hands* I made steak, peppers and rice. I want you to eat. 
Obito: I’m not really hungry, Dei.
Deidara: *sits on the bed and uncovers the bowl* I’m going to guess you haven’t eaten all day, Obito. Come on, please? For me?
Obito, jokingly: Are you going to hand-feed me?
Deidara: *puts chopsticks into the bowl and lifts out a piece of steak* If that’s what it takes, Uchiha. Say “ahhh.”
Obito: *smiles, leans over and kisses Dei’s lips before taking the bite* Thank you for taking care of me.
Deidara, blushing: Y-you’re welcome, hm. *holds up another bite* I … I get worried about you, you know. I really wish you’d start taking better care of yourself.
Obito: *takes the bite and chews before answering* Never had a reason to before.
Deidara: *reaches over and timidly takes hold of Obito’s hand* Well, you’ve got a reason now. And that “reason” worked very hard on this, and had to fight off Hidan trying to sneak pieces of steak. So eat.
Obito: *grins and takes the bowl from Deidara’s hands* Yes, sir. But you know, same goes for you, Dei.
Deidara: What do you mean? I eat!
Obito: Eating isn’t all there is to self-care. There’s also getting a decent amount of sleep, exercising more, and, oh yeah, being more careful with those explosives of yours.
Deidara: Tsk; there’s no such thing as being careful with true art! But, fine. You start taking better care of you, I’ll start taking better care of me. Deal?
Obito: Deal. 
Deidara: And after dinner, I’ve got something for you that’s gonna “take care of you” even more, hm ~
Obito: Oh? *pulls Deidara towards him and sits him on his lap* Then can I just skip straight to dessert, then?
Deidara: Of course! *gets up and heads for the door* I hope you’ll like them, it’s my first attempt at brownies in a while so …
Obito: O-oh? You meant actual food? *chuckles* I thought you were talking about something else.
Deidara: Finish that rice before I come back, and you might just get both, Uchiha. *winks at him then leaves*
Obito: Whew. Baby you tried but this rice is as hard as a rock. *opens his eye* Good thing I can just transport it to somewhere else!
*the contents of the bowl disappear just before Deidara comes back in*
Deidara: Ah! Good! *kisses Obito* Looks like you get extra dessert ~
*meanwhile, in Konoha*
Kakashi: *sits up in bed* What the hell …
Gai, half-asleep next to him: What is it this time?
Kakashi: *wiping face* Bits of rice and steak, I think. Just … how does this keep happening?!
Gai, yawning: If food is going to keep magically appearing for you, can you put in a request for some spicy curry next time?
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leekiings · 2 years ago
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kashi headcanon :)
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whispersofdeceit · 8 months ago
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He'd calmed down a little now, after that tea. After he'd taken time to breathe. Time for round two.
...Could've been condensed, had his dad actually been home.
But now he'd seen him walking up the path to the front door. Iruka knew it would be a private matter, so he was hanging back, in a separate room. He took one more deep breath. 'I don't want to keep this from him.'
"Dad--" he shot up to his feet the moment the door opened. "H-hey, t...take a seat. Iruka made some tea. You had a long day, right...?"
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simpin-shark · 2 years ago
One of my dear to me husbandos would be Kakashi Hatake from Naruto! He always just seemed so aloof and cool. It turns out he had a lot on his mind and didn’t want any other kids to be unprepared for the real world. He finally got himself a team and trained them to be the best so they wouldn’t get hurt.
Kakashi was always a mystery to me. He was so badass and you just knew he had something going on in his past, turns out it was “character development” and we all know what that means. :(
In my opinion he is definitely hot and strong. I always had such a big crush on him. I would watch Naruto as a kid on toonami and squeal in excitement when I saw Kakashi-sensei. <3
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