#republican problems
darthmatthewtwihard · 18 days
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This is so true.
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sher-ee · 3 months
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The Heritage Foundation is the sponsor of Project 2025.
We have been screaming about this.
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captainpirateface · 3 months
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isawthismeme · 2 months
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An amazing, Pennsylvania dad Darren Lausten delivers an epic takedown on book banners. He slams Moms for Liberty for claiming classic, award-winning books like "Beloved" by Toni Morrison, "Push" by Sapphire and more had porn in them, and they needed to be banned. He doesn't want far right groups trampling on children's First amendment rights, and he demands action from politicians to stop far right extremists from having their way.
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nationmckinleyscorset · 6 months
Here is your reminder to NOT vote republican at the next election
I don't ordinarily post politics and I'm not even living in America but feel the need to say this because fuck knows if project 2025 is gonna spread to my country and I know a lot of people in the US whose lives would be impacted by this. I don't know a lot about it but what I know is terrifying. If you want to do seperate research please do.
Idc if you think there's no point in voting because you'll be outweighed by the vote of idiots, you absolutely need to be voting for basically anyone but republicans.
Project 2025 threatens to ban abortion entirely and anybody caught trying to help someone get an abortion could receive a 15 year prison sentence (if you're pro life and unwilling to see any other viewpoint DNI)
It also plans to basically make gay marriage illegal again and talk about gay marriage will be banned in schools.
Members of the government who don't support project 2025 will be removed from the government.
Talk of equality will also be suppressed, this is a massive step back and will just reverse all the efforts of people who have been fighting for their rights. When you so much as look at what the proposal is for this it says that they're making life better for all Americans, they might as well be saying that if youre not a cis, white, straight, old man you're not an American because if they were truly trying to accommodate everyone they wouldn't be shitting on the left and pushing back against basically every step that humanity has taken to try level the playing field.
I'm from the UK and with Rishi in power it's likely that this sort of thing would make a little light bulb go ping in his head and that cunt would bring similar policies over here.
If you're still in support of republicans there's either something seriously wrong with you or you're living in ignorance.
Edit: maybe if you disagree just DNI rather than reposting with rude comments? Just a thought? Maybe don't act like complete children?
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republikkkanorcs · 9 months
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Again for those who missed it.
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theeiris16 · 4 months
This is real. Stop sitting on the internet arguing with other people about celebrities. Who is who and all that bs. Ts is getting out of hand fr.
We’re taking multiple steps back in history. Everything your grandparents and great grandparents build is getting knocked down.
Mention these topics to your favs and get them to talk about it, yeah it maybe annoying but is getting scary out here and this shit will affect them too.
There is hundreds HUNDREDS of pages republicans have wrote that’s stripping minorities and women’s rights.
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michaelpaul7 · 1 month
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sher-ee · 2 months
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Governor Tim Walz
PS he has a cat too.
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captainpirateface · 1 month
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rejectingrepublicans · 7 months
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liberalsarecool · 9 months
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All roads lead to Russia. #Kompromat
Ex: NRA was flooded with Russian spies/$$$.
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There was an Easter Sunday discount and the MAGA gun fanatic customer didn’t understand it and flipped out.
“The customer left, only to return with a cocked gun that he pointed at Vernon as the employee was serving another customer.
“He’s just saying, ‘I should kill you, n*****.’ He just kept saying that,” Vernon told Cleveland ABC affiliate News 5. “As he was pulling off, he was saying, ‘This place was ran so much better when it was ran by white people.’”
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