#renta media
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Pensiones de jubilación
¿Por qué debemos pagar pensiones superiores a la remuneración media a personas que han ganado su dinero contaminando sin solidaridad alguna con el resto de la población ni con las generaciones futuras (industrias petroleras, nucleares, farmacéuticas, bancos, etc.)?
Si ganaban más que el salario medio cuando trabajaban, podían invertir su dinero y beneficiarse de él cuando se jubilan.
¿Por qué no optar por una renta básica incondicional / universal con un excelente seguro médico que reciban todos los ciudadanos, sea cual sea su edad? Así cada uno tendría su propia estrategia para aumentar sus ingresos. En un país rico, no hay razón para que la gente no pueda alimentarse, curarse y comer con dignidad (permacultura ecológica). La mayoría de las personas más pobres tienen menos de 30 años. En cambio, los que viven en la extrema pobreza son mayores de 60 .
¿Por qué los jubilados han de ser más merecedores que las personas que se dedican a sus seres más queridos, a las artes, a los vínculos sociales, o los parados que se niegan a realizar trabajos indignos? ¿Qué pasa con los mayores de 55 años con que nadie quiere trabajar y que aún no tienen edad para jubilarse? El 73% de las personas que perciben la pensión mínima de vejez son mujeres. Los precios se duplican cada diez años, por lo que los pensionistas ya no tienen suficiente para vivir. A medida que las mujeres viven más, se encuentran en la pobreza. Hay que suprimir las pensiones, los subsidios familiares, la renta asistencial, el desempleo, las ayudas a los estudiantes y todos los funcionarios que los gestionan y que cuestan mucho a la sociedad, e implantar una renta básica universal e incondicional.
La retraite, miroir grossissant des inégalités entre les hommes et les femmes – CFDT: https://www.cfdt-retraités.fr/Retraites-inegalites-femmes-hommes
El 5% más rico gana más que el otro 50%. Ellos son los que deberían pagar, ellos son los que no tributan.
Tenemos que dejar de cobrar impuestos siempre a los mismos, es decir, a los trabajadores y a las empresas. Hay que cobrar impuestos a los que poseen y heredan la riqueza del país.
En France, l’inégalité face au patrimoine se maintient, 10% des ménages possèdent 54% des richesses – La Tribune: https://www.latribune.fr/economie/france/en-france-l-inegalite-face-au-patrimoine-se-maintient-10-des-menages-possedent-54-des-richesses-991749.html
Le revenu de base, c’est possible: https://www.aurianneor.org/le-revenu-de-base-cest-possible-the-instrument/
Depuis que j’ai arrêté de travailler Et que j’ai recommencé à réfléchir, J’y gagne!: https://www.aurianneor.org/depuis-que-jai-arrete-de-travailler-et-que-jai/
Rob the poor to feed the rich: https://www.aurianneor.org/rob-the-poor-to-feed-the-rich/
L’écoterrorisme: https://www.aurianneor.org/lecoterrorisme/
4-day workweek: https://www.aurianneor.org/4-day-workweek/
Les autorités illégitimes: https://www.aurianneor.org/les-autorites-illegitimes/
Liberté et vivre ensemble: https://www.aurianneor.org/liberte-et-vivre-ensemble/
Le prix plafond et le prix plancher: https://www.aurianneor.org/le-prix-plafond-et-le-prix-plancher/
Limiter la richesse individuelle: https://www.aurianneor.org/limiter-la-richesse-individuelle/
Les intermédiaires: https://www.aurianneor.org/les-intermediaires/
Le logement: https://www.aurianneor.org/le-logement/
Vivre dignement: https://www.aurianneor.org/vivre-dignement/
L’ absentéisme au travail: https://www.aurianneor.org/l-absenteisme/
Le parapluie à cachetons: https://www.aurianneor.org/le-parapluie-a-cachetons-la-recherche-sur-les/
Initiative Populaire: https://www.aurianneor.org/initiative-populaire-comment-lancer-une-initiative/
Oui au Référendum d’initiative populaire: https://www.aurianneor.org/oui-au-referendum-dinitiative-populaire-petition/
Commerce équitable et bio: https://www.aurianneor.org/commerce-equitable-et-bio/
Les Retraites: https://www.aurianneor.org/les-retraites/
Retirement pensions: https://www.aurianneor.org/retirement-pensions/
#aurianneor#bancos#contaminación#contribución#empresas#farmacéutica#herederos#mérito#nuclear#parados#pensiones#petróleo#pobreza#propietarios#renta básica#renta incondicional#renta media#renta universal#ricos#seguro médico#sin tonterías#solidaridad#trabajadores#ultrarricos
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Sarah Michelle Gellar | Oscar de la Renta dress | Daily Front Row Fashion Media Awards | 2024
#pc: celebmafia#sarah michelle gellar#oscar de la renta#daily front row fashion media awards#2024 daily front row fashion media awards#2024
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In today’s fast-paced world, flexibility and convenience are the keys to stress-free living. Whether you’re a professional moving to a new city, a student looking for affordable home setups, or someone who simply loves to switch up their decor without the long-term commitment, RentFur.com is here to make furnishing your home effortless. We specialize in furniture rentals, offering a variety of home essentials that cater to every lifestyle and taste. Let’s dive into how RentFur.com can help you create the perfect living space without the hassle and cost of purchasing new furniture.
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Un estudio publicado en Nature da a conocer las proyecciones sobre las posibles consecuencias de unas emisiones de carbono descontroladas y sugieren que éstas no se dejarán sentir por igual en todo el mundo. En el caso de España, por ejemplo, la reducción de renta media de ingresos será del 18 %. Cambios previstos de la renta en 2049 en comparación con una economía sin cambio climático. / Maximilian Kotz Las proyecciones de los daños económicos del cambio climático son cruciales para los procedimientos de adaptación y planificación de las entidades públicas y privadas. Sin embargo, los modelos suelen verse limitados por la naturaleza variable de los resultados climáticos a largo plazo. Un equipo de investigadores, liderado por Leonie Wenz del Instituto de Potsdam para la Investigación del Impacto Climático (PIK, por sus siglas en inglés) en Alemania, han modelizado los efectos potenciales de los escenarios climáticos sobre la productividad económica utilizando datos locales de temperatura y precipitaciones de más de 1.600 regiones de todo el mundo, incluida España. Los han combinado además con datos climáticos y de ingresos de los 40 años previos y las proyecciones climáticas. Sus resultados indican que, debido a las emisiones ya existentes, la economía mundial experimentará una reducción de ingresos del 19 % en 2049 en comparación con una situación de referencia sin efectos del cambio climático. Estos daños estimados ya multiplicarían por seis los costes asociados a la limitación del calentamiento de conformidad con el Acuerdo de París sobre el Clima, lo que pone de relieve los beneficios monetarios de la mitigación en la segunda mitad del siglo. Estos daños se atribuyen principalmente a la variación de la temperatura; sin embargo, los autores plantean que la consideración de variables climáticas adicionales eleva las estimaciones en un 50 % adicional. Diferencias según regiones Se prevé que los países con menores ingresos y menores emisiones históricas sufrirán una pérdida de ingresos un 61 % mayor que los países con mayores ingresos y un 40 % por encima que los países con mayores emisiones, lo que sugiere que un mayor calentamiento exacerbará los efectos de la injusticia climática. “Se prevén fuertes reducciones de ingresos en la mayoría de las regiones, incluidas América del Norte y Europa, siendo Asia meridional y África las más afectadas. Estas se deben al impacto del cambio climático en diversos aspectos relevantes para el crecimiento económico, como el rendimiento agrícola, la productividad laboral o las infraestructuras”, afirma Maximilian Kotz científico del PIK. En el caso de España esta reducción sería del 17,8 %, a mediados de siglo debido al cambio climático, una cuantía que superaría los costes de reducir las emisiones globales. En Italia sería del 15 %; Francia 13 %; Alemania 11,1 y en Estados Unidos del 11,2 %. El dato podría ser en Argentina del 12,7 %; en Brasil 21,5 %; México 18,9 %; Colombia 18,7 % o del 22,7 % en Paraguay. Entre los países más afectados, Mauritania (26,4) o Sudán (26,2) y en el extremo opuesto Mongolia (1,1) o Noruega (1,4). “Nuestro análisis muestra que el cambio climático causará daños económicos masivos en los próximos 25 años en casi todos los países del mundo, también en los muy desarrollados como Alemania, Francia y Estados Unidos”, concluye Wenz. Referencia: Maximilian Kotz et al. “The economic commitment of climate change”. Nature. Fuente: SINC
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España ha perdido 19 puntos respecto a la renta media de la UE desde la crisis de 2007
Nuestro país ha pasado de superar el PIB de Italia en 2007 y aspirar al G8 a verse por detrás de varios países del Este
De superar a Italia en renta per cápita al final del primer mandato de José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero a quedar 15 años después por detrás de países del Este como Eslovenia, Lituania o Estonia. El declive económico de España frente a otros socios europeos se sintetiza en un dato: ha perdido 19 puntos respecto a la renta media de la UE desde la crisis financiera de 2007 en la que se pinchó la burbuja inmobiliaria.
El que fuera embajador ante la UE entre 1995 y 2000, Francisco Javier Elorza, narra en su reciente libro Una pica en Flandes. La huella de España en la Unión Europea (Ed. Debate) cómo se ha pasado «del éxito al desastre» en el terreno de la convergencia real con Europa, una de las obsesiones españoles en las primeras décadas de democracia.
Cuando se produjo la adhesión de España a la entonces Comunidad Económica Europea (CEE) en 1986, el sector exterior de la economía española sufrió «un cambio radical», en palabras de Elorza. La balanza por cuenta corriente -bienes y servicios, remesas y rentas- pasó de un saldo positivo del 1,6% del PNB a un déficit del 3,4%. Pero el sector exterior subió del 37,6% del PNB al 49,7%, de ahí que la economía española se liberalizase «sin grandes traumas».
El ‘sorpasso’ español a Italia
La acumulación de crecimientos positivos del PIB de 1986 a 1991, todos ellos por encima del 4%, provocó que la renta per cápita española respecto a la media europea pasase del 73% en 1985 al 79% en el año previo a los Juegos Olímpicos de Barcelona y la Expo Universal de Sevilla, siendo siempre 100 la media. Esa evolución positiva continuó en los años siguientes hasta alcanzarse el techo en 2007 con el 103%. Fue el día que Zapatero anunció el sorpasso a Italia: España se convertía -tras Alemania, Francia y el Reino Unido- en la cuarta economía europea y el Gobierno español barruntó la idea de pedir un asiento en el G-8 de las principales economías del mundo.
Sin embargo, Eurostat -la agencia europea de estadísticas- corrigió al alza el dato de Italia hasta el 107% tras las quejas de Roma y el sueño español se disipó. Sobre todo, tras las turbulencias financieras provocadas por la caída del banco Lehman Brothers en Estados Unidos.
Aquella crisis financiera torpedeó la racha alcista de España y la renta per cápita se contrajo rápidamente. En 2011 cayó al 92% y en 2019, ya con Pedro Sánchez en el poder, se quedó en el 90,7%. Nuestro país se quedaba, por tanto, al borde de volver a ser elegible para el fondo europeo de cohesión, que permite a los países de la UE acceder a sus recursos que están por debajo del 90%… y que Madrid impulsó en 1991 para ayudar a la convergencia real mientras que los países del Este que llamaban a la puerta de la UE se quedarían con los fondos de desarrollo para los más pobres, los del furgón de cola.
La crisis económica originada por la pandemia del coronavirus en 2020 provocó un vuelco económico en Europa. España sufrió una histórica caída del 11,3% de su PIB, mientras que la media europea registró un descenso más moderado, del 6,4%. Ello dio lugar a que la renta per cápita española bajara al 84,4%. Se había perdido 19 puntos sobre la media de la UE en apenas 13 años. O si se quiere ver desde otro prisma, España está a solo diez puntos de volver a la casilla de salida de 1985 (73%).
«Un desastre», en opinión de Elorza, del que nuestro país no se ha recuperado aunque tenga un pequeño premio de consolación. «Ese revés tiene, sin embargo, un efecto positivo, pues nos hace nuevamente elegibles para el Fondo de Cohesión», constata el exembajador.
A España ya le adelantaron en 2017 tres países que venían del otro lado del Telón de Acero: Eslovenia (92%), República Checa (91%) y Lituania (89%). En 2022 hubo otro país báltico, Estonia (87%), que superó a nuestro país en el ránking de Eurostat. Y acechan por detrás Polonia (80%), Hungría y la vecina Portugal, ambas con el 77%. Un eventual sorpasso luso a la economía española sería histórico.
«Ya no se habla de superar a Italia o a Francia como en la época del presidente Zapatero. El sueño de la convergencia real que planeaba a principios del siglo XXI desgraciadamente se ha venido abajo, por ahora», constata el autor del libro. El hecho de que España aumentase 17 puntos en la renta per cápita media europea fue «sin duda un éxito notable no solo cuantitativa sino también cualitativamente», pero la entrada de los diez países del Este «segó ese porcentaje» al bajar «de manera significativa». Y ahora España se encuentra entre los rezagados.
Fuente: https://theobjective.com/
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The Sidley twins' Dad (50 year photographer and digital expert) shows the Frogmore 'family' photo has clearly been manipulated. I think that's why the UnSussexfulls use black & white photography so much because it's much harder to spot the editing/pasting/manipulation like white lines, blurring, etc. Among many other things, in the color(ized) version her skirt is completely transparent and you can see the grass through it...
Kirk Sidley (Sidley twins' dad) takes on the Frogmore pic by u/RBXChas
Kirk Sidley (Sidley twins' dad) takes on the Frogmore pic Sounds to me like maaaaaybe they weren't at Frogmore with the kids...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7ywdk7q6JM post link: https://ift.tt/hGgva5n author: RBXChas submitted: April 11, 2024 at 02:43PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
#SaintMeghanMarkle#reddit#sidley twins#twin talk YouTube#royalty is not celebrity#photo manipulation#media hypocrisy#formerly royal#unsussexful#f'ing grifters#lies and the lying liars who tell them#pray for Catherine or leave her alone#bullying#surrogacy isn't a crime but lying is#oscar de la renta#irs audit Archewell#where are the children#frogmore cottage
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Truman Capote's infamous Black and White Ball at New York’s Plaza Hotel on November 28th 1966. The masked ball which was labeled the "party of the century", was thrown in the honor of his dear friend Katharine Graham, whose husband died by suicide in 1961, leaving her to run the family media empire. The guest list contained 540 of his closest friends from affluent families, royalty, fashion designers, models, actors, writers, musicians and his famous "Swans".
Photos: 1. Capote with his favourite "swan" Lee Radziwill, 2. Interior designer Billy Baldwin (pictured on the right) with a fellow guest. 3. Princess Luciana Pignatelli, Peter Gimbel and Contessa Consuelo Crespi. 4. Capote chatting with guests. 5. Françoise de Langlade and Oscar de la Renta. 6. Guests dancing. 7. Frank Sinatra and Mia Farrow. 8. Capote dancing with "swan" Gloria Guinness. 9. Candice Bergen dancing with a guest. 10. Capote with guest-of-honor Katharine Graham. 11. Truman socializing with guests.
#truman capote#black and white ball#1966#lee radziwill#billy baldwin#luciana pignatelli#peter gimbel#consuelo crespi#françoise de langlade#oscar de la renta#frank sinatra#mia farrow#gloria guinness#candice bergen#katharine graham#style#fashion#1960s
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Taylor in Entertainment Weekly, during the Lover era
Easter eggs can be left on clothing and jewelry. This is one of my favorite ways to do it because you wear something that foreshadows something else. And people don’t usually find out this one immediately but they know you’re probably sending a message. They’ll figure it out in time.
Note: This masterpost will export both the vibrant rainbows present during the era, and the far more serious tones that eventually crept in, with more dark blacks toward the latter half of the era.
March 14, 2019 — iHeart Radio Music Awards
playsuit (link)
butterfly shoes (link)
April 24, 2019 — Leaving apartment
pastel shirt (link) (see also Billboard rehearsals and YNTCD bts)
April 25, 2019 — Spotify video
rainbow t-shirt (link)
April 25, 2019 — Me! announcement on GMA
rainbow dress and rings (link) (link)
April 26, 2019 — Me! music video
rainbow rings (link)
pink tulle gown (link)
April 26, 2019 — social media post with Benji
rainbow shirt (link)
April 30, 2019 — Instagram story
rainbow “awesome” merch shirt (link)
April 30, 2019 — Billboard rehearsals
same rainbow tie-dye shirt (link)
May 1, 2019 — Billboard Music Awards
rainbow rings (link)
May 2, 2019 — Spotify video with Me!
rainbow tie-die shirt (link)
May 7, 2019 — Capital 1 Radio interview
bisexual colored plaid shirt (link)
May 8, 2019 — Paris
rainbow shirt (link) (see May 14th)
May 9, 2019 — Entertainment Weekly cover
rainbow flag heart pin (link)
blue and pink outfit (link)
May 14, 2019 — Instagram Story announcing Ellen interview
Free People rainbow shirt (link) (link)
May 23, 2019 — Spotify Playlist by Me!
Bella Freud, rainbow heart sequin shirt (link)
June 1, 2019 — Wango Tango
rainbow outfit (link)
Stella McCartney shoes (link)
June 2019 - in studio
rainbow shirt and shoes (link) (link)
June 17, 2019 — You Need To Calm Down music video
rainbow earrings and rings (link) (link)
more rainbow rings (link) (link)
shoes (link) (link)
bi-colored hair (link)
bts same rainbow tie-dye shirt (link)
Aug 11, 2019 — Teen Choice Awards
rings (link)
rainbow after party dress (link)
Aug 22, 2019 — Lover music video
butterfly dress (link)
rainbow heart jacket (link)
Aug 23, 2019 — Sirius XM
Stella McCartney black jeweled jumper (link)
Aug 26, 2019 — MTV Awards Afterparty
black sequin outfit (link)
Aug 31, 2019 — Apple Music Ad, celebrating UK #1 album
rainbow sequin dress (link)
black star shirt (link)
Oct 7, 2019 — SNL Promo
rainbow outfit (link)
Sept 9, 2019 — City of Lover Concert in Paris
black outfit (link)
Nov 6, 2019 — Fan Event in Tokyo, Japan
black jumpsuit (link)
sequin jumpsuit (link)
Nov 10, 2019 — Fan Event in Tokyo, Japan
Dark velvet blazer (link)
Nov 11, 2019 — backstage in China
grey dress (link)
Nov 12, 2019 — Fan Event in China
rainbow dress and shoes (link) (link)
Nov 24, 2019 — AMAs
Dark green dress (link)
Dec 8, 2019 — Jingle Bell Ball Interview
black outfit (link)
Dec 12, 2019 — Billboard Women in Music
black jumpsuit with chains (link)
Dec 13, 2019 — Jingle Ball
Dark gold dress (link)
Dec 17, 2019 — The Today Show
black Oscar de la Renta dress (link)
Jan 5, 2020 Golden Globes After Party
black dress (link)
#masterpost#lover#taylor swift#rainbows#I have a reason for this I promise just go with it#also I’m sure I’m missing some
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Do you know if there are extras from other works by Asada Nemui? And if the answer is yes, do you intend to translate them as well or is this blog exclusive only to Sleeping Dead?
Yes and no - there's a LOT of extras! She has many extra drawings on Twitter for all of the series in this post, so I highly recommend checking out the media tag on her Twitter (asadanemui) if you have an account. Here's one from Twitter that was translated anonymously:
As far as individual series go...
The scanlators for Takatora and the Omegas are going to try getting the preorder extras to translate them. Asada has been posting even more stuff on Twitter and some of the pages are numbered, so I'm guessing the online stuff might be printed in the future after the series ends.
The extras for Loved Circus, Dear, My God and Ani no Chuukoku were completely scanned + translated by their scanlators, so they appear on most scanlation readers. The standard pre-order bonuses of CALL and My Little Inferno were also scanlated.
I've only collected extras for Sleeping Dead. I would like to find these two print extras featuring Sada & Mamiya in a crossover with her other Canna series, but I didn't preorder them and they haven't appeared much on secondhand sites:
But there are a few more untranslated print extras under the cut:
These are two print illustrations for Dear, My God:
Ai, Sei has three untranslated extras for the title story, Hare no Hi, and Deen, My Love:
My Little Inferno has a few untranslated Twitter extras and print extras - there's a 16 page booklet and a more recent print extra someone shared on weibo:
And I'm not totally crazy but I believe these next two were the ones translated. The first one is definitely included with the scanlation of the first volume, at least:
Lastly, CALL has a couple:
An illustration from Animate:
A postcard from Toranoana and an illustration:
I couldn't find pictures of its interior but there's an untranslated bonus 4-page booklet from Comicomi/コミコミ. The back cover has an illustration from the magazine CALL was published in:
The bottom right of the last image is an extra illustration that was for ordering with Renta!, and left was the standard pre-order bonus, which was translated by the scanlator.
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“You are my sunshine”
Part 43: The Wedding article
Jason Todd x Latina! reader
Social media Au
Warnings: none
Status: Finished
Author’s note: Two more chapters to gooooooo and we are done! Enjoy!
Taglist: @lorosette @nanas-teatime @izukuisbaby @writing-for-the-hell-of-it @unofficial-jaytodd-wife @graywrites5567 @addictedtothefictionalworld @halleest @randobeetlehouse @prettyacademia00 @tamimemo @jasontodd-artemisgrace4life @mxtokko @sarahkaliii @w31rdg1rl
Series Masterlist:
The Wedding of the century!
article by Gotham Gazette ft. Vouge
Ladies and gentlemen, we have witnessed the wedding of the century that has taken the world by surprise! Last week, Gotham’s very on resident Bad Boy, one of the son’s of elite Bruce Wayne, has married Puerto Rico’s very own Girl Boss, Yn Ln! The reception was very closed off and private, leaving no space for the paparazzi to show up. Thankfully, with the authorization of the bride, the groom and their families, we were able to get an insight with the select few pictures they have shared with us.
First off, we have the reception! We have to say, extravagance flows through everything the Wayne family does and this is no exception!
The Spanish styled venue was chosen by both the mother of the bride and Bruce Wayne. The theme was enchanted forest and enchanted it was indeed, dare we say ethereal even!
Then, we have the bride. What a sight was she! This look is one for the books! Definitely to be remembered!
Accordin to out sources, the dress is Oscar de la Renta and the shores are some beautiful red bottoms. Although peculiar, the red in her shoes did a beautiful contrast with the theme.
(wink wink a shout out to red hood!)
Finally, we have some pictures shared of the bride with her beloved husband and her bridesmaid. There are even some candids of the maid of honor, known photographer and model, Nola Yang and the grooms siblings, Stephanie Brown and Dick Grayson giving their toast at the reception.
What a beautiful wedding! We give the newlyweds our best wishes in this new journey of life!
#batfam#batfamily#batfamily social media#batman#dc social media au#batfam x reader#batfamily x reader#batfam x you#batfam dc#bruce wayne#alfred pennyworth#dick grayson#jason todd#jason todd x reader#jason todd x you#jason x reader#jason todd x fem!reader#jason todd x latina! reader#jason todd x y/n#tim drake#duke thomas#barbara gordon#stephanie brown#cassandra cain#damian wayne#dc reader insert#dc universe#dc au#dc red hood#dc x reader
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Jessica Biel for Elle USA - June 2007
From the moment she appears, Jessica Biel is gracefully deflecting the attention of men. Wearing Roger Vivier white pumps and snug True Religion jeans, her hair tightly pulled back in a ponytail, she walks out of the elevator in the Hotel Gansevoort in New York City's Meatpacking District at a rapid clip, shedding two young men who had the incredible good luck to have ridden down with her. She nods them off nicely as they walk away grinning and no doubt mentally compiling lists of buddies who'll be receiving the following text message: "DUDE! I WAS JUST IN AN ELEVATOR WITH THE SEXIEST WOMAN ALIVE!"
Next in the gauntlet is a Moby-looking scenester with a paunch who descends upon her in Ono, the Gansevoort's bustling, dimly lit Japanese restaurant, introducing him- self as if he's an old friend. The fact that he's wielding a Treo device like a video camera goes unnoticed by Biel, who later refers to said implication as "creepy." She dis- patches him into the darkness with a tight smile and walks through the large restaurant to a back booth, caus- ing a ripple of chopsticks to go still as heads turn.
If the rhythms and rotations of the mass entertainment media complex are to be trusted, we are currently living in Jessica Biel's Big Moment. After getting her foot in the door in 1996 on the show 7th Heaven, the now-25-year- old actress won the hearts and minds of the boys with her badass ability to wield a meat cleaver in the 2003 remake of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and a bow and arrow in 2004's Blade: Trinity. Her turn in 2005's Stealth, which bombed (literally), may have gone largely unnoticed, but the trailer highlighting Biel under a waterfall certainly didn't. Then in the fall of 2005, Esquire bestowed on her the magazine's "Sexiest Woman" honorific. Last summer, she deftly skipped over the threshold from hottie to respectable actor with her supple performance as an early-twentieth-century duchess opposite Edward Norton and Paul Giamatti in The Illusionist and since then has become a red-carpet flashbulb magnet, wearing Valentino to the Golden Globes and, to present at the Oscars, a fuchsia halter-top Oscar de la Renta dress that strikingly revealed her toned shoulders.
And yet "it's still a struggle," Biel says, sitting up straight with the alertness of a ninja. Her tan sleeveless Preen turtleneck highlights her muscular arms. "I thought the Esquire cover was going to be really positive for my career," she says. "But it wasn't, really." Biel recalls being told by one director, "I'm not looking for the sexiest woman; I'm looking for the girl next door."
"Parts that I really want aren't going to me," Biel says. "Like The Other Boleyn Girl with Scarlett Johansson and Natalie Portman." But she stops herself. "I don't want to say that there's nothing I love that I can have. But there's still the occasional script that the director doesn't want to see you for. They want that top tier of girls."
So how does she go from Big Moment to top tier? Gaug- ing from her acting heroes-Meryl Streep, Cate Blanchett, and Annette Bening (with whom she will costar, along with Sean Bean, in a screen adaptation of Oscar Wilde's play A Woman of No Importance)-it seems she has good taste. And in addition to working with Nicolas Cage and Julianne Moore in the recent thriller Next, Biel is finally getting a turn at comedy-something she's been longing for-opposite Adam Sandler and Kevin James in I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry, due out next month.
"Jessica is a great actress who also happens to be smart, sweet, and funny," Sandler says. "But the best part of working with her was watching her beat Kevin James at arm wrestling." Not that the movie, about two firefighters who pretend to be gay in order to claim domestic-partner benefits (Biel plays their lawyer), refrains from reveling in her sexiness-she sheds her clothes for a gawking Sandler, and when his character first sees her, his world goes into super slow-mo.
"She's capable of attaining the Julia Roberts crown," says Chuck and Larry director Dennis Dugan, referring to Biel's healthy-American-girl vibe and comic timing. The actress herself is wary of such pronouncements.
"The scary thing about having this opportunity is that if it's 'your moment,' that eventually disappears," she says. "I think about reaching for 'the moment' but never really achieving it. That way, I'm always striving."
When Biel walked onto the set of The Illusionist, director Neil Burger was impressed with her athlete's readiness and resolve. She carries herself with the confidence of a dancer or an accomplished jock-both of which she has been. "She completely gave as good as she got" with her Oscar-nominated costars Norton and Giamatti, Burger says. "That's a testament to her poise and her talent."
Early in the production, Biel had a scene with Norton that put the two of them in a stream in the Czech Republic in March. "It was essentially liquid ice. It was like an elec- tric shock, and it knocked the breath out of both of us and Jess turned blue," Norton says. "When we watched it back on the monitor, you could see it hadn't played out exactly right. Neil and I both wanted to do it again, but some- times you have to give up perfect for safety, and we were hesitant to ask her to get back in that water. But she said, 'It wasn't right, was it? Let's do it again.' And I thought, All right, she's a pro."
"She doesn't take herself too seriously," says her friend and producing partner Michelle Purple.
Stephen Collins, who played Biel's minister father on 7th Heaven, agrees: "She has an incredible goof-off, tom- boy streak," he says.
So what was a tomboy doing in the front rows at fashion week in Paris early last March? ("An intimi- dating and overwhelming environment," Biel says.) Scoring some clothing, including the Preen number she's wearing now, and also celebrating her twenty- fifth birthday. "Someone said, 'You have five years till 30.' I started to think, Wow, over the next five years, my life could really change personally," Biel says smil- ing, with a slight squint of her catlike eyes.
When the tabloids started spotting Biel with Justin Timberlake in January shortly after his breakup with Cameron Diaz-the two were seen snowboard- ing together in Park City, Utah, during the Sundance Film Festival; sharing a glass of champagne at Prince's Golden Globes party; and backstage at Timberlake's concert in San Diego-her personal life suddenly became of great interest to the public. She dodges a probe about her relationship with Timberlake while knocking back shrimp tempura with aplomb, saying that she was in Park City with girlfriends and holding
meetings for her production company, Iron Ocean Films. Nor does she want to discuss her past relation- ships with actors Ryan Reynolds and Chris Evans, or Yankee star Derek Jeter, "for no other reason than I can't even go to the dry cleaner by myself anymore," she says. "You're seen in public with anybody that you might not even know, and you're speculated about."
Asked if the constant attention makes dating hard, she says, "It makes everything hard because you can't even go to pick up a prescription without somebody trying to snap a photo of what you have in your Longs Drugs bag. Thank goodness I'm a nice person," she says. "Thank you, Mom, for teaching me that.
"The day after Biel was born, in Ely, Minnesota, her parents took her to a dogsled race; it was 30 degrees below zero. By age one she was in a canoe. Her mother, who is "New Age," grew up in Colorado, hunting for arrowheads as a child; her father was a "mountain man" who ran an Outward Bound school and worked as an international business consultant. His career took the family (her brother, Justin, is three years younger) from Texas to Connecticut and, finally, to Boulder. "We didn't lock our doors," she says. "We snowboarded, hiked, climbed, rafted. We grew up without a fear of the world."
Although Biel thrived at athletics, she doesn't remember a time when she wasn't dancing or sing- ing. At age 11, she signed up with a talent agency in Denver, which got her to the International Modeling and Talent Association convention in Los Angeles, which in turn got her into meetings with managers and agencies.
"I wanted to be Whitney Houston for a long time. I would be onstage and I would just come alive," Biel recalls. "I begged my parents to let me go out for pilot season."
When she was 14, she landed her central role in 7th Heaven, playing the oldest daughter of seven kids in a wholesome Christian family. But after a few years, she wanted to mix things up personally and professionally. At 17, Biel posed seductively for a Gear magazine photo shoot, topless with scant bottoms. It was a clear sign that she wanted to be off the show. "I was all over the place," she says now. "I was being a rebellious teenager." She feels that she was exploited by the magazine, but 7th Heaven's producers cut her out of the series. (She eventually returned in a more limited role.)
"The Gear thing, while embarrassing, wasn't exactly bad for her career," Collins says. True enough, in that between Gear and Esquire Biel worked on seven major films. But none of those movies had anywhere near the impact that taking off her clothes did . Julianne Moore says that Biel's "extraordinary" beauty appears as if "she were carved from marble," but she also has a body that you'd think only a comic book artist could draw-curvy in just the right places-and yet still healthy.
Biel works out three times a week, primarily heart-rate training, doing fast-speed soccer exercises, squats, and running. She also does yoga regularly. Still, she feigns dismay at the suggestion that she looks buff.
"What do you mean? This is the thinnest and the least muscular I've been in a long time," she protests. "I'm so lean and feminine!"
As we order tea after dinner, the large party of 20 at the banquet table perpendicular to ours has mostly disbanded, allowing four of the men left at the table to reshuffle themselves so that eventually they sit on one side, facing her. It's as if they're at dinner theater. Biel may feel she has yet to land the role that breaks her out, but until that time, she has no shortage of fans who will be happy to watch her along the way.
When asked to go bowling two days later, after her ELLE photo shoot, Biel scarcely raises an eyebrow. She throws on a black ensemble and arrives ready to roll at Chelsea Piers between two lanes of bouncy seven-year-old girls. Despite doing pretty poorly, losing for eight frames, she pulls a spare, a strike, and two nines at the very end to win the contest. "I was really sucking, but I'm a closer," she says gamely. "You should see me at beer pong."
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Meghan Markle | Oscar de la Renta dress | The Paley Center for Media's Paley Honors Fall Gala | 2024
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Sarah Jessica Parker in Oscar de la Renta at The Daily Front Row Fashion Media Awards 2023
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I basically said "I dunno what to do about going downspiral of an old fandom", but I got curious and found this pic from one of the Sukedan anime DVD volumes for rental stores and I'm, like...
I never reached this part of the anime (this is around ep 60-smth?), but it's the infamous School Trip Rhapsody arc adaptation of the also infamous arc from the series. From my understanding (digging around old blogs, actually), the arc was butched (and VERY compressed) in the anime because of (also understandable) quite risky? and quite awkward scenes that makes me scratch my head of "were these steamy/fanservice scenes all really necessary? to be there in the manga itself? I understand the AWKWARDNESS of the whole situation, but... let's be real...???"
(yeah, this coming from the same WSJ magazine that published ecchi series like Video Girl Ai or I's from Katsura in the 90s or, To-Love-Ru in the 2000s... and the controversial? Ayakashi Triangle in 2020... heck, City Hunter by Hojo in the late 80s; I know Sukedan was never free of fanservice, but I mean, wow, this arc...)
So, I went to reread the whole arc and... okay, yeah. The Sket Dan trio totally are there, Yabasawa makes her appearance as well in some moments of the arc itself, even... but who is this girl? She is not Saaya and definitely isn't any of the other (quirky) girls from their class(es). So... who is this or what happened here? I don't think there is any other (random) girl from their class that fits a similar appearance... unless...
Was this girl supposed to be Yuuki Reiko?
(EDIT: turns out to be a friend of Yabasawa that I barely remember about :P -side, side characters I don't even remember for one reason or another- and in fact, I feel like this supports my possibility number one, as it's possible she is also one of the girls in the manga picture I mention below. Anyway, if you still want to read my overthinking post, go ahead, lol, even if it's been debunked? as the mystery is solved, lol. However, the conclusion I DO reach is: GOD, do I even miss this kind of home media releases? Two different covers for a single volume that contains 2 or 3 eps for a long series like this??? No, no, I don't.)
Please, don't go away, lol. Let me explain:
This is how Shinohara drew Reiko in one of the manga color chapters ALL the way back in 2012 (ch 200, I believe)?
And this is the random girl from the rental DVD cover:
They seem to share a hairstyle and a somewhat similar hair color that Reiko used in the anime (and I daresay, even similar color tones of clothes, from what I remember Reiko seemed to wear, which were kind of plain tones?). So, I'm wondering myself that something happened here. Three things, actually:
1) There's a part of this arc in the manga where "Himeko" is asked to take a pic with the girls from her class' group dormitory in the school trip, and I mean, the manga cover for this specific chapter (ch 138) with that photo is mostly composed of random girls from Himeko's class (plus Yabasawa).
(the quality doesn't make it justice, but that's quite early 2010s scanlations for you)
So I would understand if it's a random girl... (Yabasawa is there, too) however I feel it's just too out of place for a (rental) DVD cover to have a smth similar concept like this for a cover? I know the anime staff or the one(s) that made the llustrations were asked LOTS OF TIMES to remake some manga covers in the anime style (especially for both of the renta and retail DVD covers) , buuuut... Switch and Bossun are out of the equation in this manga picture (and yet they are in the cover). Am I that too pedantic? It's just... weird to me, I guess. I would have chosen Saaya (especially Saaya for what this arc ALSO entails for her, but she already had too many forced appearances in the anime at this point, so what gives) or Captain or any other of the quirky girls they are all friends with, you know? Not just a random one? Or heck, another concept for a cover that covers a similar idea of a picture of the trio with other ppl from their class (not just Yabasawa and a random girl whom I don't know who she is???)
2) Something got mixed in the artist's request from the anime staff in charge for home media releases and they used the settei model for Reiko as a reference and/or turns out they were asked to add a random girl instead because Reiko was not what they were asked for initially. I wouldn't blame them (the artist), tbh. Especially knowing how, *sigh* imagine doing over 90 different illustrations for the DVD releases in total (rental, retail with 'limited edition composing of TWO extra images for the box and the extra content). I mean. I MEAN. (And I'm pretty sure this was handled to different illustrators and not just ONE of them, but... ugh... you know? it's not exactly a walk in the park)
3) Maybe the anime staff did ask for Reiko to be on that cover, but they backtracked before the illustration was finished. She appears in that arc, afterall (although her interactions in the arc aren't TOO meaningful besides a few lines but, hey, it also explains why Yabasawa is in this illustration) but, the little I do remember seeing of screencaps at the time leaves too much to be desired about her appearance.
A personal conspirative hypothesis? that I still have all these years is that the anime staff, at a point after Reiko's "make over" ep, wanted to make her "scarier" and "uglier" than her manga counterpart, whom already was looking scary and ghostly-like, because biases, I freaking guess... and she specifically standing up to Switch's side (w/o bickering or not getting along) was... maybe ship teasing/inducing? (when it was clearly obvious whom THEY shipped him with... HUH, who said that?) Part of me wants to pick up the crumbs and be a little delulu, because I mean, the possibilities of this random girl originally being Reiko is just... too good to be true, I suppose. But this whole thought somewhat.. fits too much to be a coincidence, I guess? The appearance between them is similar (she is around that height if she isn't hunching, as well) and I imagine this would be how she would look like (or dress, even) if she wasn't drawn all ghostly or "plain" like. The girl in this "photograph" like cover being a random girl that wasn't heavily featured in the (manga) arc itself seems a little suspicious to me?
The thing, again, is that I don't have any further context from the anime adaptation of this arc and trying to look back into it is hard these days because this is an early 2010s anime and many ppl that were fans have moved on (blogs are abandoned, some are still available to look at) while newer watchers/readers are becoming lesser because they prefer to watch newer or more popular "content" (also, something about availability, I don't know if CR STILL has it... and definitely I will not be paying for Anime Onegai just for satiate my curiosity since I think? they got the (re)license of this anime for Latam in the past few years; I could try to find this specific anime arc and watch it myself through less legit ways, but I admit I am a bit lazy and new laptop stuff is...).
Why writing this now? Well... tbh, I know no one will care about this specific observation, and it is just me making it because I do find it curious and perhaps I'm just delusional about things. I just wanted to let it out there, because I do find it interesting and I find it a shame that there weren't more observational posts about the home media releases of this anime, especially because I find it interesting that the ED album cover that homages one of the Red Hot Chili Peppers' albums' cover is not the only homage the anime staff did to real stuff out there (tbf, this still being released in the "2-3 eps per single volume" home media release era, and costing over 5000 yen each and the JPN copyright stuff about not reproducing certain things unless crappy pics from early 2010s phones... social media accounts disappearing from the face of earth for a variety of reasons, etc...).
(also, I do find the retail DVD limited edition front covers kind of ugly, like, not all, but... lmao; some look a little sexualized for my liking and the ones from the second season that are head profiles from a certain angle are TRYING to get the whole concept for them, but MAN... do they TRY)
#kao's ramblings#sket dance#this whole overthought post has been debunked but I do feel a certain way about the dvd cover regardless of everything
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MLP Song Tournament: Results of Round 1
Warning: Very long post. So many stats
Of the three biggest landslides, two of them were This Day Aria, with the reprise winning with 93.04% and the original winning with 95.85%.
The reprise's sweep is extra impressive considering that it went up against an actual song rather than a joke songlet.
The number one sweep, The Smile Song, won with a whopping 98.15%!!!
For context, this is a bigger sweep than Discord (Remix) [which eventually won] vs Discord's Puppet. This is bigger than Chris Pine vs Chris Pratt. This is bigger than the assassination of Julius Caesar. This is even bigger than Oscar Wilde vs Oscar de la Renta, the previous record holder for sweeps in my tournaments (and because that matchup and the Smile Song ended at around the same time, that record stood for about 10 minutes)
Now, going from the biggest sweep to the biggest opposite of a sweep: we had another tie! We Got This Together vs So Many Wonders.
This one got more votes than this blog's previous tie (Earnest vs On Wings of Moonlight)*
*If you remove my vote, the win margin for We Got This Together becomes 50.21%, which is still more than Rainbow Factory got against Anthropology and The Moon Rises.
The two next closest matches were Friendship Bound vs The Goof-Off (51.41%) and Pinkie's Singing Telegram Song vs Off to See the World (53.125%)
Speaking of the Singing Telegram, that was the only song that was originally put in the "Okay" Tier (fifth tier from the top, or second from the bottom), thus making it's defeat of Off to See the World (which was second tier from the top on a Movie song tier list) the biggest upset of the round. There were 9 upsets in total this round*
*technically Glass of Water beating Friends Are Always There For You was an upset too, but I am not counting it, as they were both in the tier "Wonderful Songs" (third from top) and it was entirely random that FaATfY was one seed above GoW. Since they really had the same ranking, I don't count it as an upset
One matchup wasn't a massive sweep, nor was it close, but it is interesting for a third reason. That being, the third option. B.B.B.F.F. vs The Heart Carol was the matchup that got the most Show results votes.
This was because it was reblogged by @todayontumblr, and as such was shown to a lot of people who don't care about MLP but do like pressing buttons.
Below is how many songs from each season entered the tournament, how many remain, and the percentage that moved on.
Season 1: 18 | 7 (39%) Season 2: 14 | 9 (64%) Season 3: 12 | 8 (67%) Season 4: 19 |13 (68%) Season 5: 14 | 8 (57%) Season 6: 14 | 5 (36%) Season 7: 6 | 3 (50%) Movie : 7 | 6 (85%) Season 8: 7 | 2 (29%) Season 9: 7 | 3 (43%) Promos : 3 | 1 (33%) Comics : 2 | 0 (0%) Other* : 7 | 2 (29%)
*Other refers to songs from Best Gift Ever, Rainbow Roadtrip, the Theme Song, and the song A Pony Kind of Christmas
Of the 131 songs, 67 moved on, or just over half. Seasons 2-5 all performed better than this, while season 1, the later seasons and most other media performed worse. I would guess this is due to Season 1 being full of songlets, and the later seasons and other media being less familiar. The exception to this is the Movie, which impressively won all but one match-up (and even then it was the third closest match)
Here is the above, but with specific episodes with a lot of songs
Magical Mystery Cure : 7 | 5 (71%) Pinkie Pride : 6 | 4 (67%) A Canterlot Wedding : 5 | 4 (80%) A Hearth's Warming Tail : 5 | 4 (80%) Crusaders of the Lost Mark: 4 | 3 (75%) The Mane Attraction : 3 | 3 (100%) Filli Vanilli : 3 | 2 (67%) The Crystal Empire : 3 | 1 (33%) Rainbow Roadtrip : 3 | 0 (0%)
Aside from Rainbow Roadtrip and The Crystal Empire, musical episodes all performed better than half
Now here is the above, but with the character singing the song
Pinkie Pie : 26 |10 (38%) The Mane Six : 17 |12 (71%) The CMC : 12 | 6 (50%) Fluttershy : 9 | 4 (44%) Rarity : 8 | 6 (75%) Twilight : 9 | 5 (56%) Rainbow Dash : 6 | 3 (50%) Applejack : 5 | 4 (80%) Cheese Sandwich: 4 | 3 (75%) Flim and Flam : 4 | 1 (25%) Coluratura : 3 | 3 (100%) Starlight : 3 | 3 (100%) Queen Chrysalis: 3 | 3 (100%) Celestia : 3 | 2 (67%) Spike : 3 | 0 (0%)
Pinkie Pie actually held on better than I expected, considering how many of her songlets got swept. As there are a lot of Pinkie Pie songs, and multiple people provide her singing voice, here is a breakdown of just her Voice Actors
Shannon Chan-Kent: 15 | 9 (60%) Andrea Libman : 10 | 1 (10%) EileMonty : 1 | 0 (0%)
As you can see, Andrea Libman as Pinkie Pie mostly did the songlets that got swept, with the only song she sang remaining being The Fresh Princess of Friendship (though she also sang The Goof-Off, which came close to winning)
As for how my taste conforms to Tumblr's, I have 36 MLP songs saved to my Music folder, and of these, 29 made it to Round 2*
*2 of these songs, At the Gala and True True Friend, were given byes, and so could not have been eliminated. Also, in 2 matchups, I had saved both songs, so the possible range was 4-34
But how about how my 11-year-old self's taste conformed? They had 5 songs saved to their IC Recorder, and of those, 3 made it to Round 2*
*This is kind of cheating, because the fact that I had saved At the Gala and Babs Seed when I was 11 is literally part of the reason they were given byes. So the possible range was 2-5.
Round 2 Starts Today!
#my little pony#mlp#my little pony friendship is magic#mlp fim#mlp g4#mlp songs#MLP Song Tournament#MLP Song Tournament announcements
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Paul Chi is the new Jack Royston - Meghan Markle Comforted a Teary Tyler Perry as Oprah Winfrey Gave a Speech About Him - Vanity Fair by u/wenfot
Paul Chi is the new Jack Royston - Meghan Markle Comforted a Teary Tyler Perry as Oprah Winfrey Gave a Speech About Him - Vanity Fair **Trigger Warning** Excessive gushing and nausea - please do not eat or drink while readingOh, y'all. This is sooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad. One of the worst puff pieces I've ever read.This also confirms my belief that our Saint or her unpaid interns in Africa read this sub. My proof:?Wearing a chic strapless black gown by Oscar de la Renta and a diamond necklace, Meghan arrived at the Beverly Wilshire hotel’s sprawling ballroom and sauntered down the red carpet until she noticed the billionaire media mogul at the end of the step-and-repeat. In a giddy manner, she scurried over, clapping her hands before greeting Perry with a long hug. The two shared a conversation and happily posed for photographs together." Gotta justify the seal clap, right Megsy???Although Meghan did not appear onstage during the gala to publicly praise Perry, she sat next to him and supported him throughout the entire night, - Need to prove she was in fact invited and there all night.Winfrey told the audience about Perry’s empathy and penchant for helping people—like Meghan and Harry—in times of need. Yeah, because nothing says desperation like a chartered flight to LA from that despot country, Canada. Gotta secure that post breakup interview, right, O?The Paley Gala is one of many events that Meghan has attended in support of the multihyphenate entertainer. She and Harry previously joined him at his 55th birthday bash in September. He thanked Meghan and all the gala attendees, who included Tina Knowles and Debbie Allen**,** for their support. Gotta prove you were actually invited to this and the photos weren't staged.**Edited to add this gem*\* Rapturous applause followed Winfrey’s 14-minute remarks, and Meghan comforted Perry as he held back tears. "Here Tyler, here's a used Kleenex that I used for my one tear, left eye."Remember Sinners...I warned you! :)Non-Archived: https://ift.tt/PO65aJq: https://ift.tt/tkjWFMv post link: https://ift.tt/qbVox6P author: wenfot submitted: December 06, 2024 at 05:37PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
#SaintMeghanMarkle#harry and meghan#meghan markle#prince harry#fucking grifters#grifters gonna grift#Worldwide Privacy Tour#Instagram loving bitch wife#duchess of delinquency#walmart wallis#markled#archewell#archewell foundation#megxit#duke and duchess of sussex#duke of sussex#duchess of sussex#doria ragland#rent a royal#sentebale#clevr blends#lemonada media#archetypes with meghan#invictus#invictus games#Sussex#WAAAGH#american riviera orchard#wenfot
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