#reminded how much i loved writing prompto
ghostoftheyear · 1 month
guess who has two thumbs and an overwhelming wave of nostalgia for FFXV and has decided to play through it again?
(guess who is also crying all the tears, holy shit)
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
hi hello okay i’m back because i just heard that FINAL FANTASY 16 IS COMING OUT AND IM SUPER PUMPED BC LIKE AHHHHHHHH! but with that being said, can you write hcs for the chocobo boys (if not just prompto is fine💕) with a medic s/o? they are kinda witchy but love cooking and handling animals but they also are the medic for the team bc the squad can’t all rely on noct😭😭 gaaahh tysm and BIG CONGRATS ON THE MAGAZINE THATS SO FRIGGIN COOL!!!💕💕
Chocobros with a medic s/o
notes - I HAD TO GET TO THIS ONE BECAUSE IVE HAD A SECRET FFXV BRAINROT AHHHH. And omg I am also super excited for FFXVI!!!! <33333 I just love this idea too so thank you so so so so much for sending it in <333 AND OMFG THANK YOU FOR THE CONGRATS IT MEANS THE WORLD I AM SO EXCITED TO SHOW YOU GUYS!!!
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this man is so grateful to you
like you are his saving grace
we all know this little dummy will find his way to fall in a ditch and hurt his arm by accident
without you, he'd probably be dead LMFAO
he will always walk up to you and in the cutest little voice be like... "y/n, I hurt my arm again"
and you'll just jokingly sigh and fix him right up
he always asks you about how you do it and all that and finds it really cool that you are able to fix him up with herbs and stuff
and when you cook for him??? he would never tell iggy, but he loves your cooking more ;)
also the fact that you're good with animals makes chocobos love you which means they are always just around you and that makes prompto love you more <3
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you two definitely were the enemies to lovers troupe
like you were competing
you both could cook and take care of the others so it was immediate competition
you were always pushing each other around in a kitchen or whatever
but then you realized it was easier for you to deal with stuff as a team
and ofc you fell in love <3
he thinks you are very talented and honestly, when he's hurt, he will come to you and always feel bad lol
like he will feel like a burdan
please remind him that he isnt <3
he will love to learn how you use your herbs and stuff <3
overall, he just loves how amazing and talented you are and is so thankful about how you help the rest of the group
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this man trusts you with his life
he is always getting beat up and needs you there by his side to help
he appreciates it a bunch
and you'll always call him a big dummy when he gets hurt and then get straight to working on him, but that always makes him blush
make him ramen
like homemade stuff
please stop this man from eating cup noodles
but yeah, he is always getting hurt so to watch you work on him and help him out means the world to him
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this man gets too embarrassed to tell you he's hurt, so you always have to spot it
omg what a child
you will always get on his ass about that and he'll just be blushing as you work on him
ignis gets mad because you are super nice about Noct being picky and will make him food he enjoys instead of trying to make him something he doesnt like lol
you will baby him a bit because he is the king and he needs to be protected <3
he gets blushy when you do and act like he doesnt like it, but we all know he does <3
final fantasy masterlist | pinned post
2023 @tonberry-yoda – do not repost or claim ANY of my work as your own! likes, reblogs, and comments are not only welcome, but appreciated
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caparrucia · 3 months
Hi there! Few days ago my brain randomly reminded me of Kingsglaive and hours later I ended up scrolling ao3 looking for fics that feature Nyx, any fic, hoping there're more fics for him than the last time i checked (years ago, i think?) and surprised there's a Cor and Nyx ship??? I mean... HOW? And why? But somehow I spent past three days reading your Cor/Nyx fic in ao3. Started with your "flower soulmates AU", classic trope, figured it'd be hard to go wrong with that. First sentence intrigued me, 8000 words later I was whisked away by the imagery, feelings and humor also a bit wistfulness sometimes. And then "glitter and gold". And then "the sun is out, the day is new" It was a JOY to read it! (holding back to read "always darkest before dawn" because, was it discontinued?) Your worldbuilding of Galahd culture (the Walk! the. WALK) it just fills this pockets of imagination for all these cultural aspects we’ve only got tiny glimpsed before. Your words pulled me in and now I am well and truly hooked on this ship hahaha. Just wanna say you're amazingly talented (superpower with words I swear) and thank you for writing about Nyx. 💜
So, first of all, thank you for your kind words and welcome to the CorNyx fandom, it's cozy and fun!
I do want to say I am not and have never claimed to be patient zero for the CorNyx ship, but I did write a fic specifically to infect as many people as possible with my ship because... you know. I'm a writer, that's what I do. :P
Why Cor and Nyx? To me personally because I watched Kingsglaive, watched the speech Nyx gave the Lucii and went "huh, so he's just Cor but younger" and that thought immediately spawned a need to see these two butting heads (and other things!) ASAP. Cor is my darling boy, mostly because he's a shonen action hero that grew up, and he's forty fucking five years old and still wears red sole shoes and three shirts layered like it's cool. He's a moron, I love him.
Nyx is Nyx! Kingsglaive spent so long painting a picture of an interesting main character shafted into side character status - a thing that XV does a lot, in that the bros are all flavor of Main Character, while Noctis is very much refusing the call at every step he can - and I'm so very fond of him.
So hey, let's write a story to chew on the idea and see if I can convince people to ship it. The story was the sun is out, the day is new, and the answer was overwhelmingly yes! And so here we are. XD
always darkest before dawn is and isn't abandoned, in the sense that I realized I needed to rewrite some bits and I might as well scrap it all and rewrite it from scratch but that takes time and I've been drowning in work and getting swallowed by other fandoms in the meantime so it's been a while. I need to get to it because I need people to know what's the deal with Prompto, because it's so good. SO GOOD. I love my boy.
glitter and gold exists purely because of the awesome @garbria, and if you want some quality CorNyx, well. /Will Smith memes. She's got you covered, trust me. /chef kiss
And if you've still got a hungering for more CorNyx from me, I know it's still on going and truth is I update once a year at this rate, but it is my baby and I try my best not to post cliffhangers (or to resolve them quickly, lmao) but you might want to give nature of the beast a try. It's got teeth, for all it's very soft and squishy in its own way.
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itfitsitshipsart · 1 year
3, 5, and 13 for self insert lore!
For my FFXV S/I then!
3. how do the other characters generally feel about your self insert?
Mosty positive. Mostly. Noctic sees her like a big sister, they were close ever since he was little. Prompto definitely considers her bestie material, the kind you send memes to at 3 in the morning, and caption 'reminds me of you' (he also had a crush on her when they were in high school, which thankfully when she turned him down they were able to stay buddy close). Iris looks up to her. She's a beloved friend, and they often talk romance to one another. And uncle Cor, he adores his little girl. His niece is his most precious thing, and it's been this way since she was born! Like, he will fight anyone who dares think himself good enough to marry Evelyn (yes, even perfect Ignis. Iggy legit sparred with Cor to prove how serious he was in wanting to ask for her hand)
Gladio is where it gets complicated teenage years onward (like, I should write a whole essay about it). On one hand, he was a little cold to her because he noticed how she liked Ignis (and he is so very gay for Ignis). But then, as time went on, he realized part of his problem was that he kinda liked her as well! (His poor moment of "Oh shit I'm not gay, I'm definitely bi!" XD) There's quite a bit of growth between the two, though, and Evelyn and Gladio get to a point where their friendship is strong once more. He accepts that she really loves Ignis and he feels the same, and Gladio finds happiness in seeing two of his best friends together. He will tease though, and heaven help anyone who gives them grief cause that's his job!
5. does your self insert have any special powers or abilities?
Yes! She, even as a child, was quite receptive to magic, able to wield it quite well when it's given to her. As a child, she was not only with Noct so often to play with and be a friend, but she also helped him grow accustomed to and practice his magic. With the king's blessing, she was able to warp along with other forms of magic, but warping was her favorite. She let her magic go when she grew older, but it returned to her with the death of King Regis, much like it did for the Kingsglaive.
I suppose another power (which I wanna talk about) is that she has a decent draw stance. Evelyn's not much of a fighter, but her uncle taught her a lot about wielding his weapon of choice, a katana. He gifted her a blade of her own for her 16th birthday. She isn't the best with the blade, but it's clear by her stance and precision that she was taught by a master.
13. does your self insert have any information about their family?
Imma just give you her childhood as it pertains to family XD
Evelyn's mother was the eldest of two, and her father was an only child. Her uncle, Cor Leonis, rose quickly in the military and in status thanks to his skills, and in part because of this, her mother met her father, who was also in the military. Evelyn had one sibling, a younger brother, who was constantly in and out of the hospital since birth. Not long after her brother was born, her father left for on a mission outside of the city of Insomnia. Unfortunately, his team was never heard from and presumed dead.
All of this happened while Evelyn was too young to fully grasp everything, but her mother was distraught. Her uncle Cor helped out how he could and began taking her for a few days, then for weeks at a time.
After a few years of her living with her uncle almost more than with her own mother, her little brother died. She barely knew him, so she didn't know how to feel. Her mother couldn't take living in Insomnia anymore, though, but also realized she couldn't take care of her daughter. Not properly, at least. Cor had been taking care of Evelyn quite a bit by now. He understood her, knew she had friends (one being the prince no less), and offered to take custody. Evelyn was given the choice, and she chose to live with her uncle.
Her mother tried to write to her after leaving, but eventually the letters stopped arriving. Whether she simply stopped writing, or the mail was unable to make it through, Evelyn didn't know.
In the game, when everyone is in Lestallum, the group can help Evelyn find out more about her mother, as the last of the letters said she was there. After searching around town and talking to some locals, it is discovered that her mother passed away in a work accident at the power plant some years back. It's made clear that she always hoped her daughter would live a happy life, and she is given her mother's wedding ring; one of the only personal items left.
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rhyske · 2 years
Thank you it's been a rough year but I am doing better and the horizon is looking brighter!~ ^^ <3
Luna was disappointing, to say the least, she doesn't really do anything other than wave her stick around and die. I didn't care about her like I did with the boys because I didn't really know her. she was just a nice girl I guess haha, so yeah could have been better. The boys are really well written though. Gladio is my personal favourite cause he is both a bit rough but also so soft. I've been waiting for VII remake to hit Game pass or Xbox in general, I'm like 99% sure it was announced it but PS have some exclusivity deal which is annoying. TT_TT
I haven't seen the second season of TLoVM yet but I've seen the campaign so I'm not really in a hurry. I have watched a good chunk of the 3rd campaign and it's pretty good and definitely funny. I think originally CR planned to make like just a short series through Kickstarter. then the community gave them a massive budget. they partnered with amazon prime, who I think have greenlit 2 more seasons after season 2, as well as the mighty nein series. It's just wild how it happened.
Dragon age 2 is also my favourite so far, haven't played the DLC though, it wasn't included in EA play which was pretty rude I'm not gonna lie haha. inquisition is fine but it just doesn't feel like dragon age to me, more like a generic fantasy game? I don't really find any characters interesting except for Varric and he was a vital part of 2 so they can't take credit for that to be honest. Dorian is pretty neat, he has a personality at least and he is pretty funny. The others are fine I guess. the inquisitor is pretty bland as well, apart from that just having them lead the inquisition out of nowhere was a weird choice, like they were maybe a criminal and they just let them take the lead. imagine if they would have gone with personality options as in DA2
blue inquisitor is like oh no my bad I'm gonna do my best to fix this and help everyone while everyone else is seriously suspicious of them and they are lowkey a hostage. purple inquisitor handling the situation with sarcastic humour and maybe tries to escape from the Inquisition (and fails) red inquisitor being rude and pissed at everyone while also blaming them for everything, tries to escape several times (and fails). i don't know but something like that could have been more fun and interesting maybe.
I started learning English when I was about 8 years old I think and yeah it was through school. I started learning more and faster due to playing games online though, in the beginning, I was very shy and not confident in my ability to speak, eventually, I made a friend that I felt comfortable talking to when I was 14/15 ish and I became fluent quickly after that. now my English is better than my native language and I speak English with my mom and my brother because it's just easier to express myself in English. my mom and brother are pretty much the same way too hahah. I was supposed to learn another language in school as well but I opted out because I am dyslectic ^^' 💜
Oh good! 💕 I'm glad things are looking up :D
Yeah Luna had so much potential. Noct loves her, or at least has a crush on her, for....some reason. They only met like, 10+ years ago and barely talked since. They write like, one or two sentences in a journal they send back and forth? That... Is romantic in theory, but when you think about it, that's not great. Oohh, Prompto used to be my favorite until Ignis' DLC episode came out. I cried in both, but his DLC surprised me the most and gave me new appreciation for his character. Gladio is a gentle bear. He kinda reminds me of a grumpy cat.
Oh yeah, exclusivity deals 🙄 Gotta love 'em.
Yeah, I remember they had plans for just like, one episode but the Kickstarter got like, millions of dollars which was enough to make about 15ish episodes? And then Amazon picked up the rest to make it a normal 20 some odd episode show. I didn't know about a season 4! That's awesome! Amazon is the one funding the Mighty Nein one too? That makes sense.
Oh yeah, Inquisition dropped the ball on so many things. Dorian and Varric are the only companions I remember too. I don't care for any of the others, which is such a shame. My Inquisitor was a Dalish mage, who doesn't believe in the Maker, but there's like, just one throwaway line about it or something and it's never brought up again? Their Dalish clan is never really talked about and their fate is left up to an optional table quest. It's so bad. And don't even get me started on the gameplay and pacing. DA2 had such memorable characters, even if you hate them. There's multiple companion quests for every companion, they have conversations with you based on things you choose, their conversations between themselves allude to them all having independent lives as well as friendships between them all outside of being dragged around by Hawke. It's just.... So good.
What is your native language, if it's okay to ask? Totally okay to not answer (: I have a friend, who is basically a sister, who has parents whose native languages are different, but both speak English. So she grew up with English being her native language. If I remember right, she isn't fluent in either of her parents native languages because of it.
I've started trying to read stories in my target language and it really helps a ton! To be engaged and interested in something that isn't just boring textbooks 🙄 Studying made fun!
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ktzuki · 3 years
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no matter where i go, you'll always be there. and beyond the astrals, i am with you too.
omg its like the ffxv readers are still alive........ i see yall liking my posts still. anyways! i miss my boys so much that i wanted to write for them again. hopefully i wake up and still adore it because omfg do i feel like shakespeare or somethinf...... UGH MY LOMLS
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noctis, the chosen king.
the day you lost your soul felt shattering to him, despite how used he shouldve been to the eyes of death. it was so common, seeing the ones he loved so dearly die as if he was the cause. noctis is still a kid, even if he was a king to be, and the responsibilities he held was killing him in such a slow and careful way that his beloved was the only one to weave him out of that. oh, how he wanted you to stay. at night, he still reaches out for you. he still feels the desperation of wanting to see you one last time. he still misses you, and in every moment does he try to find you. noctis never heals, but just like everything else, he was forced to let you go.  you, you, you, you, you, and... next. after all, he is a vessel to the people, and to noctis' belief: things like love should have never come to him in the first place, or just like his name, you too will seek the night.
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prompto, the night's best friend.
a strong will with a weak mind. the two usually doesn't work adjacent to each other, but with your daily words of affirmation, it worked. he didn't need to listen to his own thoughts as long as you reminded him as to who he really is: not a monster, not a lost spirit, but your sweetest beloved. if he was the sun, you were most definitely life itself. except when you died, it was as if everything you told him fell apart. prompto has a strong will with a weak mind, and his most vulnerable moments shine through when he figures you're out of sight forever. he reminisces through old pictures, past date locations, he would even hold your clothes close to him at all times. though, it takes a long time, but he does pick up the pieces of you and moves forward. you always told him he was the sun, and though you arent physically around, you are still and always life itself, and as long as he exists, he will walk with pride knowing he knew you and loved you with everything he had in himself, and it wasnt much.
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ignis, the hidden adviser.
he was always so hidden to everyone, in a way that he was literally a shadow. ignis didn't mind as it wasnt his job to stand out. as long as things went correctly, he paid no mind. his life from the moment he grasped an understanding of the world was to be there for the king and the king only. you being there didn't change his need to be there for noctis as he grew up with that belief, but you most definitely allowed him to be who he was. not a caretaker for kid noctis, but ignis scientia. he was always ignis, though the time he allowed himself to actually relish the moments in which he could be himself, with you, was incredible. though something cheesy as if it were to come out of gladiolus' novels, you did make him feel lighter, his world brighter, and being with you was the happiest he's ever been. the sight of you was his driving force, and when you left, it still was. though ignis is blind, you still are. he will and will never forget your large toothy grins, or the way you even said his name. he will never allow himself to forget anything about you. though you are gone, you are never gone to him. the fact you were even willing to notice him was enough, and even without the blessing of sight, you were always there. forever and always.
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gladiolus, the fiery shield.
gladiolus is very much a family-oriented guy. to adoring his younger sister iris, to taking care of all the gang like his very own brothers. he was the type to dream about the future, and with you, he imagined everything. like a dream, thats what you were exactly. straight from his novels. family is the most important thing in his life, and losing a petal stung him incredibly. at the end of the day, he is a shield, but shields do break down over time, and this was exactly when. for him to lose a petal meant losing a large chunk of his dreams, his aspirations, and his life long goals. it meant losing his loved one, his beloved, his classic juliet. though, he has to keep it hidden. he won't allow the boys to see him sulk or wither away. he wont let iris watch him crumble. though behind the scenes, gladiolus isnt very strong despite what it may seem. you are still always in his dreams, and always the character he sees in his novels. gladiolus will most definitely start a novel himself, and will this time create you to be the flower you ought to be; the dream he always wanted to be apart of, with you.
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whumperscorner · 3 years
Heyo! Am loving your bthb so far! Please could I ask for Prompto being used as bait for papa Cor?? Love your writing, it feels so intense!
Thank you! I’m glad you like it :3
Love this prompt, and it took me way too long to get done cause I started uni and stuff, but I hope you still enjoy it
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BTHB #5- Used as Bait
Fandom: Final Fantasy XV
Characters: Prompto Argentum, Cor Leonis, Nyx Ulric (very, very briefly)
Whumpee: Prompto Argentum
Word count: 3563
Warnings: kidnapping, some descriptions of injury and blood
This can also be found on ao3
The first thing Prompto notices when he wakes up is that he's cold. He wonders for a little bit why his room is so cold, and why the bed is so uncomfortable, and then it all comes crashing back. He's not in his bed, not in his room. He's still in the dirty, clammy cellar room he was thrown into and fell asleep in. Prompto groans and sits up straight, wincing slightly at the throbbing pain in his temple. He lifts his hand carefully to check, and sure enough there's blood on it when he takes it back down. A gift from one of the captors, and an unpleasant reminder of yesterday's events. Or maybe yesterday. Prompto assumes it was yesterday but isn't entirely sure how long he's been sleeping or how long he's really been locked in the room- it must've been hours at the very least. A lump forms heavily in Prompto's throat at the thought. He wants to go home.
With considerable effort he swallows the lump back down and stands up. He takes to circling around the small room, partly to see if- against the odds- there could be some way to get out and partly to distract himself from the horrible pit in his stomach. As expected, there isn’t anything useful. The only windows are too high on the wall to reach and boarded shut, so that’s no help, and any tools one would normally expect to find in a basement must have been removed beforehand because Prompto can’t find any at all. He’s about to move over to the hatch in the roof, seemingly the only way in and out, when his wandering is interrupted by sudden noise from the other side. Someone fumbles for a moment with the lock, and then the hatch creaks as it’s lifted up and a heavy pair of boots appear.
Prompto stops dead in his tracks. Then, when the man is so far down the staircase that his face is visible, Prompto recognises him as one of the ones who grabbed him yesterday and something swirling and uncomfortable rises in him. Their eyes meet, and Prompto takes a subconscious step back.
"Come here." The man’s voice rings through the small room. A twinge of irritation is already present in it at Prompto’s retreat, but Prompto doesn't move to comply with his order for another few seconds. He doesn’t want to be anywhere near the man if he can avoid it, but a dangerous twitch near the man’s eyes makes it clear refusal isn’t really an option. Prompto takes some reluctant steps forward, feeling like he’s walking towards the gallows. When only a few feet separate the two of them, the man reaches forward and yanks Prompto closer with a vice like grip around his arm. He begins walking back up the stairs almost immediately, giving Prompto no time to recover his balance before being dragged along. They reach the top of the staircase and Prompto is almost certain the grip on his arm will leave some nasty bruises as the man drags him through a hallway and into a different room.
In this new room, plenty more faces greet them. There's a group of five men lounging around the room on various couches and chairs with the man who seems to be the one in charge sitting near the centre of the room. All eyes go to Prompto when he's shoved forward into the room, and it makes the skin on his back crawl. He recognises a few of the men from yesterday, but some are completely new to him. What strikes him though is that all of the men, even the ones he has never met before, are eyeing him with weird knowing looks and smiles. It rubs him entirely the wrong way. Prompto doesn't realise he has stopped at first, not until a harsh shove from the man behind sends him stumbling forward. He braces himself, but still lands hard on his knees on the floor.
Behind him, the man who had shoved him says in a loud mocking voice. "If you're good now we might even let you see your daddy during the meet-up."
Prompto's eyes widen slightly, and his heart jumps in his chest. Cor was coming? Then he feels a bit dumb for wondering, of course Cor was coming for him. However, he doesn't quite get to feel relieved at that before the room explodes in snickers and laughs at the remark. It's like they're laughing at a joke he's not in on yet or laughing at his expense. At Cor's expense. Prompto's eyes dart around the room until the man closest to him, having seen his questioning expression, leans in to talk. Almost immediately Prompto's previous assumption that this is the man in charge is reinforced. At his movement, the others go quiet and look to him expectantly.
"Yes boy, we are going to go see The Marshal soon," He begins, drawing out every word carefully, "or rather he is coming to us." At this last part his eyes glint with something Prompto can't quite put his finger on and his stomach churns.
"And I, for one, have waited for a long time to see him again." Someone else chimes in from the side. Prompto recognises him especially as the one behind the gift staining his hair and the side of his head red. There’s something crude in the man’s wide smile, and he cracks his knuckles as if to further drive in his statement. Prompto’s mind races, and the sudden worry must be apparent on his face because the men suddenly chuckle again.
"He could take you on easily-" Prompto blurts out so fast he nearly trips over his own words before cutting himself off. It’s partly in an attempt to reassure himself that his dad will be fine, and partly an attempt to disprove those shit-eating grins the men all have on while talking about Cor. Prompto didn't think before saying it, and now the air in the room is changing drastically.
"Maybe so, under normal circumstances." says the leader nonchalantly, to spread mumbling from the men sitting around him. His mouth spreads into a mocking smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes, and then he lunges out. Prompto flinches but has nowhere to go as the man grips his face and drags him to his feet with him. "but we've found a pressure point of his."
Prompto's breath hitches, and his heart beats hard in his chest. The man is taller than he had expected, digging his fingers painfully into Prompto's face and forcing him to stand on his tip toes. The man keeps talking, quieter now, and his face is so close that his breath brushes against Prompto's face. "If he wants to ensure your safety, he won't resist too much." Prompto's eyes widen at this. He doesn't want to be the reason his dad could get hurt, but it hits him hard now that if anything happens to Cor it will be because of him. His fault. He lets out a breathless 'no', to which the man laughs. "Oh yes, and you are making this so much easier for us."
The man is then distracted by someone else approaching from the side and telling him something quietly. The two of them have a whispered conversation that Prompto can't make out more than a few words of. His mind is reeling, and he can't seem to focus on what's going on around him. The man's pseudo praise settles heavily and uncomfortably in the pit of his stomach. Then he's ripped away from his tumultuous thoughts and gasps loudly when he feels himself being shoved back and the hand gripping his face disappears. He stumbles backwards, struggling for a moment before regaining his balance.
"Let's go then." The man says, no longer directing his words at Prompto. He shoots him only a mocking smile before gesturing to the men around. "Load him up."
On cue and before Prompto has any time to react, strong arms grab hold of him from behind, keeping him still as three of the other men in the room close in around him. The leader hangs back, watching and waiting. Cold dread rises in Prompto’s chest as his eyes dart around the closing circle. The closest approaching man reaches out towards him, and in a split-second decision Prompto jerks back. His arms tense up as he rips away from the one holding him. There's no real plan to his resistance and Prompto knows well that he has no realistic way to escape on his own, but he can't let himself be taken along quietly now. Used to lure his dad into an obvious trap set for him, he doesn't want it. So despite there not really being anywhere for him to go, Prompto backs away as fast as he can. Adrenaline and fear rushes in his ears so he can't quite concentrate on the commotion now breaking out in the room. Multiple of the other men in the room have rushed to grab him and are talking over each other.
Prompto feels himself being shoved and dragged by many more unwelcome hands, but his own struggling is intensifying too. He kicks and pushes away desperate not to let anyone get the upper hand on him, but it doesn't take long before he's overpowered and unceremoniously brought down. He hits the floor so hard it takes his breath away, and immediately strong arms pin him down. Prompto doesn't even know which of the men is holding him until he looks up again and is met with the face of the man from earlier, the same one who had brought him into the room, now twisted in anger. Still running on fear-fuelled energy, Prompto squirms and struggles in the hold. Somehow, he manages to twist himself over on the side, unbalancing the man and giving himself some leeway. He has only just started crawling away when he hears a loud curse from behind and feels a fistful of his hear gripped painfully tight.
"Shouldn't have done that." says the man. Then he pushes down with terrifying strength, slamming Prompto's head into the hard floor. Prompto's eyes water and he hears himself cry out in shock and pain. Something warm gushes from his nose and down his face, dripping and staining the floor red.
"Someone tie him!" another voice says, and Prompto doesn't recognise it. Too dazed to fight it, Prompto only winces as his wrists are brought together behind his back and something tightens around them. Then he's being moved, hauled back onto his feet, and held up by strong grips on his upper arms. Without them Prompto thinks he would have fallen. Again, there is speaking around him, and someone enters his blurry field of vision with some kind of object in their hand. He's not sure what it is at first, not until the person is close enough to grab his jaw tightly and the previously undefinable object is brought closer.
"Nn- no-" he tries to protest when the gag is forced in his mouth, but it comes out as more of a soft whimper than anything else. The cloth is rough and unpleasant in Prompto's mouth and he tries to spit it back out, unsuccessfully. At a sudden new gesture from the leader, still standing back and enjoying the show, they're on their way. Prompto stumbles along, and on their way the two lock eyes. Through the haze and tears Prompto can see that he's smiling.
The way out of the building is a fogged and confusing affair for Prompto after that. It's almost like he's a passenger in his own body, feeling himself being dragged along and hearing the men talk among themselves as if it's far away. His head hurts, and he's vaguely aware there's still blood running from his nose. The sudden change in temperature when they step outside catches Prompto off guard, it's cold and dark and he shudders involuntarily, but it does help clear his head just a little bit. The area they're in is seemingly deserted and in the dark Prompto doesn't recognise it. It might not be too far away from the safety and familiarity of the city, he muses in a half-hearted attempt at making himself feel better, but deep down he knows he's not that lucky. Then he's pushed along, and when he straightens his head and looks forward again, he finds something he definitely doesrecognise. Though he's not sure if that makes it any better.
The dark cars with black tinted windows are exactly the ones he was brought here in, and those aren't exactly pleasant memories. Prompto’s breath hitches through the bloodied gag. He knows what’s coming and braces himself to be stuffed into the, regrettably very familiar, trunk of the closest car. The men are anything but kind and gentle with their handling, and Prompto thinks he’s sure to have gotten a number of new bruises by the time he’s been situated in the trunk. The door slams shut, causing him to wince, and Prompto is left in the cramped darkness.
For a moment all Prompto hears is his own laboured breathing, then the engine starts, and a steady rumbling fills the trunk instead. They're on their way now and Prompto is so tired. He wants Cor, wants his dad. He can almost trick himself into being happy that wherever they're going now Cor will also be, but with that thought comes the fear and the guilt again. He had been momentarily spared from these feelings earlier, distracted from them by the altercation and the bleeding nose. But now there isn’t anything left to distract him, and though everything above his shoulders still throbs painfully, the worries return with full force. The car passes a particularly bumpy part of the road- or maybe they’re off-road even- and Prompto groans. His shoulders aren’t enjoying the strained position they’re in and scream out in protest at every bump and sharp turn. If he can change his position just a little bit, Prompto thinks, he might be able to relieve the pressure a bit. Okay no, bad idea he finds soon enough. The less stable position combined with the rough ground proves disastrous as Prompto’s head for the second time that evening slams into the hard surface beneath him. His eyes go wide as the throbbing pain intensifies and he bites down hard on the cloth in his mouth.
At some point Prompto might have passed out because he can’t remember most of the drive. He doesn’t even fully realise the car has stopped, not until someone on the outside bangs their fist against the trunk hard. Prompto flinches at the noise and makes a choked terrified sound. He half expects the trunk’s door to be opened and for rough hands to drag him out of the car. So he braces for it, but that’s not what happens.
"You’ve been so helpful Prompto," sounds the familiar voice of the group’s leader. "now be a good boy and wait here ‘till we’ve dealt with dear daddy."
The taunting tone is impossible to miss, and Prompto can just imagine the sneering grin on the man’s face. There’s muffled laughing from the other men also apparently outside and then the voices gradually get more and more faint, and Prompto is left to his lonesome. He’s in disbelief. They’re not even letting him see his dad? Then the panic sets in, it surges in his chest and grips around his heart tightly. Cor is coming for him. He’s going to come trying to find Prompto, and Prompto won’t even be there.
He has to get out. He has to. The trunk seems smaller all of a sudden, the darkness pressing in on him from every direction. And the gag isn’t helping Prompto’s already rapid breathing either. He thinks he can hear voices again, but they’re too faint for him to make out who it is or what they’re saying. Then a bark of a laugh that he most definitely does recognise rings out, and Prompto’s mind immediately goes to the worst possible scenario. A small, terrified squeal slips out of him. Despite the aches of his body Prompto squirms and struggles against the restraints. They might be zip ties, he thinks hazily through the panic, but he’s not entirely sure. Cor taught him a trick for getting out of zip ties once and Prompto desperately tries it, but either he doesn’t remember it correctly or there isn’t enough room to do it in the trunk. Regardless, the ties only dig deeper into the skin at his wrists when he struggles against them.
A gunshot rings out through the night. The sound catches Prompto off guard and he flinches, momentarily stopping his struggling. Then there are more gunshots, and faint yelling. The sounds of a fight, he realises. Prompto isn’t sure how long it keeps going, but he listens in captivated horror. In his head are gruesome visions of what could be going on right this moment. Prompto is still listening, breath coming in ragged gasps through the gag when a different set of sounds stand out from the rest. Are they- footsteps? Yes, multiple pairs of footsteps and hushed whispering. His heart makes a jump in his chest. He’s convinced it’s the men from before coming back, but then he hears a different voice, one he knows well, and his eyes widen.
Prompto tries to yell through the gag, though he’s not sure how well that can be heard, and he kicks against the sides of the trunk. He has to let them know where he is, has to warn them. The familiar voice is back, closer now.
"Shit- Cor here!"
And Prompto thinks he could cry, or maybe he already is. To be honest he’s not sure whether what’s running down his face is blood or tears or both anymore. There’s swearing from outside, and some fumbling with the trunk’s door before it finally cracks open.
Prompto recognises his dad instantly, even from the dark silhouette alone. He yells again through the gag, and strains to get closer to his dad. Cor on his end lets out a soft curse at the sight of his son, and he wastes no time leaning in and gently pulling him closer. Cor helps him sit up in the trunk, and it makes Prompto’s head spin. Then the gag is removed and Prompto heaves, the metallic taste of blood still in his mouth.
"Dad you have to leave-" Prompto hasn’t even gotten his breath back properly before he starts talking, but he has to tell Cor. His dad’s brows furrow.
"Prompto, wha-"
"Please- they’re going to- it’s a trap- I-" Prompto can’t breathe. Tears pool in his eyes. His dad swims in and out of focus, but he keeps a secure grip on Prompto’s shoulders.
"No- Prompto it’s-"
"Please Dad- please-"
Cor pulls him into a tight hug, and Prompto’s breath hitches. The words seem to be stuck in his throat now. He’s shaking, but the hug feels so nice. It’s warm and safe. A sob bubbles up Prompto’s throat, and when he speaks it’s barely more than a whisper.
"I’m so sorry-"
"Shh, it’s okay, it’s okay." Cor cuts him off. His voice is soft and gentle in a way Prompto has rarely heard before. He buries his face into Cor’s chest, ignoring the pain it causes and the blood stains he’s sure to be leaving on his dad’s clothes. "Don’t worry about those guys, we got them. Okay, don’t worry." There’s something strained to Cor’s voice when he mentions the men, but otherwise he keeps his voice low and reassuring, and Prompto nods quietly in response.
"Nyx, we need those off." Is what his dad says next, gesturing with his head towards the zip ties on Prompto’s wrists. Cor would do it himself, but his own hands are busy rubbing soft circles on Prompto’s back. And Nyx doesn’t need to be asked twice, he’s already working on removing the ties. As soon as they snap off Prompto lets out a relieved sigh. His arms feel so heavy now, but he brings them up to grab a secure hold of Cor’s jacket. Even when Cor carefully loosens the hug and retreats to get a better look at Prompto’s various injuries, Prompto doesn’t let go of his jacket. He finds he can’t. Because his dad is there and he’s okay, and Prompto is so tired now. Feeling the jacket’s fabric in his hands grounds him.
Cor’s expression darkens upon taking in the bruising on Prompto’s arms and the blood on his face. It makes Prompto feel abashed all of a sudden, and he’s made acutely aware of how much trouble this whole thing must have caused.
"I’m sorry." Prompto mumbles again. To which Cor shakes his head.
"You’re okay." He says, shaking Prompto’s shoulders ever so slightly as if to really get through to him. "We’re going to get you checked out, and then we’re going home. You’re okay." His eyes are so intently staring at Prompto’s and his voice is so genuine and soft. Finally, Prompto believes him when he says it, and the last bit of tension in his body ebbs out.
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strfd · 3 years
alright alright . almadael . is me wife
send URL for opinion. always open.
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@almadael​ ! jhin has called for you ( totally not cause i told him to or anything )
character in general : oh sweet ! i could not go off about all of your muses though ! 1 : you are a mumu ~ & 2 : for your single muse blogs , there’s too many to count that i would WANT to go off about . lets not mention that i know you have a few muses that aren’t located on tumblr ~ but i digress . there’s a lot of muses that i would want to talk about !!!
zack ... prompto ... kaeya . astarion . trevor . yuri . julian ~ like damn . these are the ones that i can remember at the very least . & , much like jhin , i think you have quite the exceptional taste in muses ~ i love them all so very much ! like really ! it makes me quite FASCINATED with the fact that like if jhin isn’t writing a muse that i adore , i can normally check to see if you probably do . HRNGH . really though . you have a fine selection of muses dear ~ i really honestly couldn’t really go off & talk about all of them without making this super long . but .. ah let me at least give you some insight on how much i love some of these characters .
i was really happy that you picked up zack ! im interested in what your thoughts are on the pretty blue - eyed boy . & im ready to fall in love with him ALL over again ! i get really excited & giddy when people i care about write him . he’s such a good GOOD boyo . he’s playful & sweet , & has some sass to him ! it’s cute , its adorable . im T^T i am enjoying whenever you go off about him in discord though ! ( which reminds me , i have to make a section for cloud whenever i decide to log back in & rmmr to do so )
i don’t think we’ve really ever thoroughly discussed prom together , but i can assure you that jhin has GONE OFF about promptis to me so much that like i’ve just automatically think of you whenever i see the two of them . ( speaking of , if your icon isn’t kaeya , my fav pic of him was your icon of prompto ) but i digress . i’ve honestly come to love prom A LOT tbh . he & noctis were the only two characters of XV that i knew . but i’ve ALWAYS loved the playfulness of prom . when i was still in uni & chilled in dom’s room , he would kinda be playing it in the bg , & TO THIS DAY , i ENJOY hearing his combat lines - pretty sure they were the combat lines HRNGH . i personally think he’s a bit of a tease ~ if you ask me . i also recall he complained about him ALL the time because , & i quote ‘ he’s annoying ’ but i think that was what i LOVED about him . despite me not writing a lot of sunshine children , i am REALLY soft for them . 
OKAY BUT ALSO JULIAN OKAY LET ME JUST ... granted , the only two paths i have done & completed for the arcana have been asra & julian so like hgklsdahf HRNGH im probably biased . but really . honestly i just LOVE julian . he’s ..... well . julian . idk i just laugh cause he just has that look of .... the fuckening .. i have to look for that post again BUT i hope you KNOW what face im talking about . but anyway ... hehe julian ... 
how they play them : seeing as i keep forgetting that astarion is a CANON character & not kyria’s OC , i guess that can give you a hint of what i think about she writes / plays her characters . 
aside from that though . i think ... from what i have read & plotted with her . i ENJOY seeing her thoughts & opinions . especially for kaeya , trevor , zack , astarion , & julian . you have SUCH an amazing grasp on all of your characters so whenever i do get to see what you write about them , i am ALWAYS reading what you have . you have good food okay ? i love to see your charcater analysis on them !!!
but also ... seeing as whenever i ... see certain characters , i think of you & want to send you art of them , means that you have such a big impact on how i see these characters . speaking of . there was a trevor art tweet i saw that i need to look for to share with you because its just .. CHEFS KISS .
The Mun : kyria ! you are a dear ! mwah mwah !!! honestly . i know that we dont talk A LOT but i hope you know that i do trust you IMMENSELY . i love playing genshin with you & honestly , i love & find it adorable that jhin cries about you to me sometimes . you’re a very wonderful person & i love to just talk to you about anything . you are such a kind soul ... 
ALSO PLEASE KISS POPPY FOR ME . i love her so much ... i gave miss hatsune & gourd their kehisses for you & jhin !
anyway . you are such a sweetheart . you are very kind & mature & very patient . thank you for putting up with me & my antics . i hope you know that i do care VERY much about you . im only saddened that we don’t talk more . but it’s okay ! just know that i do actually think about you from time to time ( & that’s not just when jhin dotes about you - i have moments when i do genuinely think about you as well ! ) bailey knows about you as well btw ! well she knows you as jhin’s wife , but LIKE OKAY she also knows that i think you’re just really NEAT . she also , like me , LOVES your art style !! 
anyway ! i give much lovus to you !
DO I ;
RP with them : we have a thread , i think , on my other blog . probably some asks here & there though . but yea i think technically we do . but nothing super recent . 
Want to RP with them : of course ! write , plot , talk . you know the whole thing . i am sure of it . we should do something with cloud & prom soon ! lets do prom’s world ~ i still need to play XV but just know that we really should talk some time soon about it ~ or whenever i’m not like whatever im currently in rn . perhaps after the winter holidays HRNGH .
Overall Opinion : kyria is amazing & no , jhin did not pay me to say any of this . you’re very lovely & wonderful dear ~
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
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tiifalockhart · 4 years
Anonymous asked: Hello! I was wondering if I could request something for Prompto x reader? I was hoping maybe the first time Prompto asks them to stay over? Nothing nsfw, as I know you don’t write that, but just like how Prompto is during a first sleepover with his s/o?
Pairing: Prompto x Reader
Warnings: alludes to anxiety
Word Count: 1k
A/N: helloo!! I absolutely loved this request and started working on it immediately! I love soft and fluffy Prompto, so I’m glad you sent this in!! I hope you enjoy it, and as always, feedback is appreciated! 
Ao3 || Masterlist
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When Prompto was first coming to you to ask the big question, his palms were sweaty and he was nervous. He knew he was overthinking it, but he was still worried and nervous. What if you thought he was weird? Or maybe he was rushing things?
Granted, you two had been dating for about a year now. You were currently on a date, dressed nicely and having a wonderful time with each other. You could tell that he seemed troubled near the end of the date though. He seemed to be concentrating, caught up in his personal thoughts, a slightly disgruntled look on his face.
"Prompto... Is everything okay?" You'd ask, concern evident in your features and tone. He'd whip his face up and raise his brows in surprise.
"What? Oh, yeah, yeah! I'm good, are you?" He replied hurriedly. You let out a light snicker at his response, nodding.
"I see... Is there anything you want to talk about, then?" You asked curiously, leaning your arms on the table. Prompto's face heated up at this, quickly looking away.
"Oh, uh, kind of. I was wondering, well no, I wanted to know... Well-" He took a deep breath, gathering himself. "D... Do you want to stay at my place after this? If not, it's totally okay. I don't mind! I can drive you home and stuff, it's alri-" You finally stopped him by taking his hand quietly.
"I'd love to." You answered simply, your voice calm and gentle. Prompto finally let out a breath of relief, one he hadn't known he was holding in.
"O-Oh, then that's great! Uh, do you want to stop by your house and get some clothes? Or, I mean, you can wear some of mine I guess? It's up to you, I don't mind anything." Prompto rambled. It was adorable when he got nervous, his rambling and nervous gestures caused your heart to swell.
"It's moments like these that remind me why I fell in love with you." You sighed softly, looking over at him with a loving gaze. His face and the tip of his ears were now red as he nodded in agreement.
On the way home, Prompto had calmed down significantly. He simply drummed his thumbs on the wheel nervously now. It was silent most of the way, the two of you sitting comfortably while he drove.
Once he parked in front of his apartment complex, you took his hand and followed him inside, noticing his expression giving away his nervousness again, along with a light blush. It was absolutely adorable. Inside, his apartment was clean and neat and nicely decorated. It looked homey, and big enough for a couple people to live there.
"I-I cleaned it before you came, I, uh, hope you like it here." He explained awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. You snickered at his mannerisms.
"It looks wonderful. I'm glad I'm staying here with you." You responded smoothly, opposing his flustered state completely. He offered you a sheepish smile, guiding you further inside.
"Feel free to leave your jacket and shoes anywhere, and you can borrow some of my clothes to sleep in, i-if you want." Prompto explained, opening the bedroom door for you. His bedroom was much simpler than the living area, his bed was neatly made, he didn't have much in there besides a dresser, bed, and desk with his photography equipment. He opened his closet for you, and your eyes basically zeroed in on his sweatpants and hoodies. After claiming one of each, you smiled over at him.
"Can I use your bathroom to change?" You asked, somewhat reminding him that you needed privacy.
"Oh, yeah!" He said, stepping aside and letting you pass and go into the bathroom. He quickly changed himself, taking a seat on his bed and waiting patiently. Once you returned, he grinned up at you, finally beginning to get more comfortable. "Do you... Wanna watch a movie, or something?" The blond asked, thinking of ways to spend more time with you.
"A movie would be nice." You answered, following him into the living area and falling back on the couch. The two of you spent more time searching for a movie to watch than actually watching one probably, carrying light conversations throughout it. Once you settled onto one, the two of you relaxed back and snuggled close to each other, sharing a blanket together.
As the movie started, the two of you found yourself uninterested in it, simply spending your time talking and cuddling and kissing under the blankets. It was a warm and fuzzy feeling, having him so close and comfortable, you never wanted to let that go. By the end of the movie, Prompto had fallen asleep on top of you, his head resting on his chest as your fingers brushed through his hair. It was adorable, you cursed yourself for wanting to move to the bedroom.
"Hey, Prompto?" You whispered softly, gently shaking him to wake him up. A quiet groan left his lips as he stirred.
"Yeah?" He asked, not opening his eyes and instead, snuggling into you more.
"Why don't we move to your bedroom?" You suggested, feeling his grip around your waist tighten. "Is that a no?" You asked, laughing quietly.
He simply hummed, you weren't quite sure what it meant. Eventually, he moved off of you and basically dragged himself to the bedroom, followed by you. Once inside, the two of you fell back on the bed and immediately cuddled closer, craving the same warmth you two developed on the couch. Once satisfied, Prompto almost immediately fell back asleep, causing you to bite back a smile. His expression was peaceful, his breathing was slow and steady, his heartbeat slowly lulled you off to sleep.
Eventually, the two of you fell asleep together. You hugged each other tightly, as if afraid someone would come and steal the other away. Your breathing was in sync, and your legs were tangled together.
It was... Perfect.
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queen-yalo · 4 years
FF VII & FF XV | Headcanons | Dating a twin
Request: hi hi!! ♡ i just found your account and i love your writing sm is swear 🥺 so uh if it ain't a bother, hcs for zack, aerith, noctis, & prompto with a s/o that has an identical twin sister? and if you're fine with another detail, for zack the twin would be with aerith (+ vice versa!), n for noct the twin would be with prompto (also + vice versa). you don't have to include the last detail tho! n you don't have to do aerith/prompto if it's too much ♡ (oops this is too long lmao srry) [by @x-jodi-x​]
A/N: Thank you so much!! ♥ Hope you enjoy!
Pairing(s): Aerith Gainsborough x reader; Zack Fair x reader; Noctis Lucis Caelum x reader; Prompto Argentum x reader
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• Aerith was confused. She thought your relationship was real? And good? And fulfilling? So why were you walking around, arms linked with Zack, kissing his cheek gently? She was torn between confronting you right away and just walking away and sulking. In the end, she decided for the latter.
• When you called her later that day, she didn’t pick up. You were confused since she usually picked up within five seconds. You called her again and this time she even rejected your call. You were beyond confused at this point, so you decided to go over to her place and talk to her face to face. 
• When you arrived, you were stunned when Elmyra refused to let you see Aerith. You thought back to the last time you two talked. Had you sad something that upset Aerith? Had you hurt her feelings in any way? If that was the case, you wanted to apologize.
• Aerith came out of her room when she heard you and her mother fighting. When she told you to ‘leave and never come back’ you begged her to tell you what you did wrong so you could make it right. 
• You could see the hurt in her eyes as she told you that she saw you with Zack. You frowned in confusion. You? With Zack? You hadn’t talk to him in weeks and even then it was just a quick ‘Hello, how are you?’. But Aerith insisted that she saw you earlier that day, kissing Zack gently.
• It took you a while to put the pieces together. You couldn’t help but chuckle when you finally understood what happened. Aerith and Elmyra were very irritated when they heard you chuckle and were ready to snap when you pulled your phone out. 
• They knew you had a sister but they didn’t expect you to be a twin. Their eyes grew wide when they saw the picture you showed them. “Zack is her boyfriend. And I know she and him met earlier today. I’m sorry, I never told you I had a twin-sister. This would have made things easier.” You giggled again. 
• You assured Aerith that you would never betray her like that. Elmyra apologized for being angry with you before leaving you two alone. Aerith apologized as well but you assured her that it was alright. You were just happy that you could clear things up. 
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• Zack was thrilled when he saw you during his patrol. He decided that a short break to talk with you wouldn’t hurt so he sneaked up on you... only to grab you from behind and swirl you around, while laughing happily. He had done this countless times before and you two always laughed about it. But this time... you weren’t so happy. 
• When he sat you down you were freaking out, calling him a creep for just grabbing a woman and picking her up, who the hell he thought he was and that you would make sure that they were consequences. 
• Zack was stunned. What the hell was going on? He had seen you mad before, yes. But never this mad. And never at him. This was scary. He tried reasoning. Saying that he had done this multiple times and you two always laughed about this and that he didn’t think it would be an issue this time.
• When you said that you didn’t know him and he should stop talking nonsense, something in his chest clenched painfully. He just couldn’t understand why you would deny knowing him. The feeling in his chest got worse when Aerith joined you two and you kissed her to greet her. 
• “(Name)... what’s going on?” He asked quietly. That’s when you perked up. “Wait...” You mumbled, eyeing him curiously. “...are you Zack?” He frowned when Aerith giggled. What were you two playing? 
• Now you were laughing. This was ridiculous. But at least you were apologizing for yelling at him. “I’m sorry, Zack.... but... I’m not (Name).” Wat. What did you mean with ‘I’m not (Name).’? 
• Well apparently, you were not... you. “You” were in fact your sister. Twin-sister that is. He knew you had a twin-sister, but he never anticipated that she looked exactly like you. Not even the slightest difference on her face, body-type, posture or style. It was almost creepy. 
• But Zack was a little embarrassed. He blushed madly and apologized over and over again, until your sister couldn’t help but laugh at the situation and assure him it was alright. If he promised to never just pick someone up without talking to them first. Of course he promised. Your sister didn’t need to tell him, he was definitely ‘cured’ for life. 
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• Noctis looked at the scene unfolding right in front of his eyes. He couldn’t believe what was happening. His girlfriend and his best friend... were kissing. Each other. In public. 
• Prompto told him that he finally conquered the woman he was pining after for months. He was happy for his friend. He really was. But... had he known that it involved the two people he loved the most backstabbing him, he wouldn’t have congratulated Prompto. 
• It hurt him. It hurt him terribly. He didn’t want to see this but at the same time, he couldn’t look away. What the hell were you two thinking? Were people right? Were you only with him because he was the prince? Not because you loved him as a person? 
• Noctis was ready to snap when you and Prompto turned around and saw him, smiling brightly and waving, asking him to come over. Were you stupid or something? 
• Noctis glared at you both and turned around to leave... only to run into you. He froze and frowned as he looked at you... and then at you next to Prompto... and then at you right in front of him again. 
• You couldn’t stop that giggle from escaping your mouth. It was cute when Noctis was confused. But right now, you knew, you had some explaining to do. So you waved Prompto and your sister over and introduced her to Noct. 
• Noctis blushed slightly. How could he think so badly of you? Well of course, he didn’t know that you had a twin-sister but he should have at least... considered a less dramatic and no worst-case-scenario?  
• In the end though, you could all laugh about the situation. You were happy to finally introduce Noctis to your sister, and he was happy that obviously, people were all wrong when accusing you of dating him for selfish reasons. You wouldn’t betray him. Never did, never will. 
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• Prompto was so in love with you. Head over heels. He loves spending time with you, he loves spoiling you, he loves holding you in his arms... the list is endless. And he was convinced that you felt the same. Or so he thought. Until he saw you and Noctis in a very intimate moment. 
• Prompto was outside, looking for new locations for photoshoots, when he saw Noctis fishing at one of his favorite places. That by itself wasn’t very unusual. It was rather the fact that you were with him. In a bikini. Leaning onto him while enjoying the sun. 
• Prompto might have found explanations for that. You two were good friends, why shouldn’t you spend some time together... even this close? But when you started kissing Noct... he ran out of explanations.  
• Prompto felt horrible. He was a walking ball of anxiety by nature and you were originally the one who gave him comfort and built up his confidence. And now you were taking that all away from him. He felt like he was falling into an endless pit. He couldn’t watch this any longer. He needed to leave. 
• Once he was back in the city, he was heading straight for his apartment. He didn’t want to see anybody, talk to anybody, whatsoever. He just wanted to lay in bed, pull the covers over his head and pretend the world wasn’t there for a little bit. What he didn’t expect was you waiting for him at his place, preparing his favorite meal. He had two questions. 1) How on earth were you back here faster than he was? And 2) Why were you acting like nothing happened? 
• You noticed his foul mood and asked him what was wrong. If he didn’t find a nice place today, if he got into a fight or something else happened? Prompto didn’t answer and instead just glared at you, making you gulp heavily. He was hesitant to answer. You hurt him so badly and he didn’t want you to hurt him even more. 
• After gently urging him a little more, he told you about what he witnessed. You and Noct at the lake outside of the city, smooching around and stuff. You hid your face in your hands as you squealed before running over to him and hugging him tightly. 
• Prompto felt so stupid when you reminded him of a certain detail: You had a twin-sister. You told him before. You showed him pictures. And you also told him that your sister was dating Noctis. How could he forget? He was so stupid! You hugged him even tighter when you felt him relax into your embrace. You pecked his cheeks multiple times as you pulled him impossibly closer and promised him over and over again that you would never hurt him like that. You loved him. Why would you want someone else? 
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Omens Finale
I’ve had a few request about Omens, just wanted to make sure that it was concluded properly and I wasn’t phoning it in. So without further ado Omens’ Finale.
“I love to.”
I hate it!
“Please, my love?”
Fuck you!
You hated this, you hated this so much! No matter what you wanted to say, the opposite is what came from your mouth, all because of that spell.
 That spell, that damn spell backfired on you! You had misread one line, one Six Damn line and now you were a prisoner of your own design. You figured that you were well versed in ancient writings and reading! There was no way that you misread the stupid spell!
Place on the heart and by the mind, your spell will work in due time. A peaceful rest and you will find, your hearts and soul quite a lined
a lined
At the time you were so caught up in trying to escape, that hadn’t even realized it.  Of course that wasn’t a break up spell, it was a stupid heart to heart spell. Only when you found yourself awakened three days later in that false embrace did you even realize that you were still in this hell. 
 How foolish could you be? 
Apparently dumb enough to pick one that had been working for well over a month at this point. Each time you try to pull away, it would only make the spell work harder against you. At times you weren’t even certain of what you truly wanted.
Your body felt like it was trapped within some type of limbo all the time. You were always arguing with yourself, constantly fighting as the you that hated this, that hated being this way. Treated so fragile, so coddled and weak.
Against a part that started so small and quiet, who loved it. It was so soft at first, you were able to ignore and over power it from time to time, but eventually you began to notice that it was becoming something stronger.
In moments of clarity you’d find yourself tearing through libraries and ancient tomes trying to find a way, some way to leave, to break this spell but then you heard the other you.
They love us, don’t you see?
As you sat in this room, alone with your thoughts, you wanted to try, you wanted to try and find some way to break this curse, but each time you attempted to stand to go to those book lined shelves that got you into this mess, that other voice you tried to kill, would stop you.
“They love us.”
They don’t!
“They always have, can’t you see.”
They want control, they want to keep me a pet.
You weren’t even aware that you had begun to pace, the long trains of the dress you were wearing dragging against the floor, as your heels clacked against the cold hard floor.
“They don’t, they truly do love us.”
There is no us! This is my body and you’re just a spell, a spell that has gone on too long.
“No, can’t you see,” You feet stopped pacing as you moved before the large floor length mirror, framed by spirals and swirls of beautiful design. Still the beauty of the mirror was long forgotten as you stared ahead directly into the mirror meeting your own gaze. 
Red, a beautiful red, that may have once reminded you of love, sat in a heart shape in your eyes.
“You are me.”
Those words left your lips, at the same time you grabbed one of the vases from one of the side table, throwing it as hard as you could into the mirror with a scream of defiance, watching as the large mirror shattered around you. Almost in slow motion as you kept catching glances of that red, that beautiful red seeming to be mocking you time and again. You felt like you were drowning, but still you kept screaming.
I’m not crazy!
You chanted this time and time again like a mantra, but it seemed like it was getting softer, quieter each time. Were you crazy, was that a part of this spell, was it making you insane? You were fighting with yourself.
You turned, tears in your eyes, a whirlwind of destruction around you. So caught up in the rage and hate, you hadn’t noticed the destruction around. Books destroyed, glass everywhere, furniture upturned. But in all that destruction, there they stood, almost like a beacon of hope. 
A glass of water in this horrid desert you found yourself in.
You gave a sniff, feeling one of your shoes slip on a torn page, as you raced across the room with a soft wail into arms opened for you.
“Shh, shh it’s okay, Y/N.”
You gave another cry, hearing those sweet comforting words from Prompto.
“Darling, you’re hurt.” 
You felt Ignis trying to take your hand from where you had clenched tightly to Noctis, trying to form some type of sentence, but each time it came out in frustrated wails.
“Let Iggy, see you hand, Babe.”
At the soft voice of Gladiolus, you allowed Ignis to see to the hand, your face still buried into Noctis’s neck. Prompto’s comforting hand caressing your back, it felt so lovely.
“What happened, Y/N?” Noctis inquired, his arm tightly around you.
You gave another sob, you couldn’t face them right, you just couldn’t. All you wanted right now was…
Their warm comforting touch.
“Do you feel better, Darling?” Ignis asked, taking your mug from you, that was once filled with soup.
You gave a weak nod, sharing Gladiolus’s lap, with Prompto who had refused to release you. You didn’t trust your voice, it was still raw from your screaming, and the apparent tantrum within the library. The other voice was also much more silent than before.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Prompto asked, a hand stroking your hair.
You shook your head, leaning into the touch.
“Just a bad day?” Gladiolus followed up.
You thought for a moment, before nodding. Your eyes turning to Noctis, as he moved before you, taking your left hand, looking it over. Just an hour ago, it was covered in blood from a large gash, from throwing furniture or the glass, but thanks to a potion it had healed rather nicely.
“Y/N, this is mine.” Noctis stated, those blue eyes turning to meet your gaze. “You are mine, do you understand?”
There was no hesitation, no fight, just a firm,
“Yes, Noctis.”
A blur, you struggled from time to time, but the fight, that fire just seemed to die, you hadn’t even realized it. Was it over time, or was it just removed in one go?
You recalled, standing within the garden with Ignis, every opportunity, you had every chance to go, to run. No one was holding you back, there were no chains, no tethers, nothing to hold you to him, but still you stayed, never too far away from him. At most you made certain to stay within his sight, or so that you could always see him. It made you uncomfortable not to know where he was, or not be within his sight, or any of their sight for that matter.
You recalled smacking a tray of food from Prompto, but the moment your hand came into contact with the tray, you immediately found yourself in his arms, apologizing, checking him over to make sure he wasn’t hurt. He constantly assured you it was an accident and when you thought about it, it really was, there was no ill will, simply a wrong place at the wrong time.
You recalled resting in the large nook window of the apartment, only to suddenly find yourself being lifted. You flailed and shrieked, pulling away only to relax when you heard that deep chuckle from Gladiolus. Your panic immediately became affectionate cuddles.
You recalled running, fast and hard. Your dress picked up, almost as if working on muscle memory, your feet dragged you to an exit, but then you’d turn. Only to gasp as a flash of blue appeared for you, and you were face to face with a soft smile, that you were certain was a reaction to one on your own face.
Noctis had caught you again.
You didn’t fight his victory kiss, no any of the kisses. You craved them, wanting nothing more than to be physically shown their love.
You thought of the freedom you had gotten in  the halls of the Citadel, no longer escorted, but still you feet your dragged you somewhere familiar somewhere close to them. Almost as if you were searching for something, trying to find something, only to find that it was taking you to them.
There were a few times when you’d find yourself outside in the middle of the night, suddenly awakened as you fell into the river. There was no one there to take you back, but still you climbed from the river, wet, and you sat and waited.
It never took long, before you were found, wrapped in arms and escorted back.
Back Home.
“Is it really okay?” You asked.
“Yeah.” Noctis chuckled.
You only asked, because you were supposed to be down in the central ballroom, being introduced as the Prince’s betrothal party. Your veil finally to be removed, as you were introduced as the future Princess of the Kingdom. While most of the party was underway, you were assured time and again that it was okay for the five of you to slip away for a breather, as the future Princess was of “Delicate health” and just needed a moment.
What you hadn’t expected was to find yourself in this more office suite apartments. This one was stationed not too far from Ignis’s but sat higher up within the citadel, appearing almost to be a high rise apartment within itself, if not for the hundreds of books behind the large desk, and beautiful dark furniture that littered the room. But the most amazing thing of all was the huge window, one entire wall was just a window. Seeing that it was high enough from the ground floors, the lights from the city and the castle didn’t object to the stars.
“How pretty.” You found yourself cooing, as Noctis moved you over to the window. From up this far, everyone and everything looked so small, like little toys.
“It is a wonderful view.” Ignis stated, having poured a few drinks, handing yourself and Noctis the first two.
“Thank you, Iggy.” You cooed accepting the glass, before he moved over to hand Gladiolus and Prompto theirs.
“Tonight’s been pretty awesome.” Prompto smiled, “How about a toast?”
“A toast?” Gladiolus chuckled.
“Yeah, to an awesome future.” Prompto laughed, his glass high.
“Whelp Iggy, you’re up.” Gladiolus smiled, raising his glass alongside Prompto’s.
Ignis gave a playful sigh as he raised his glass, “I believe that the honor should be Y/Ns.”
“Yeah how about it?” Noctis chuckled his glass raised next to you. 
You held the glass in your hand, thinking for a moment before raising it to the sky, “May the worst day of our futures, be the happiest day of our past.”
A round of cheers echoed the room, as everyone's glass moved to their lip
As you sipped your drink, your eyes turned back towards the night sky, only to find them focused back on you, that red had returned, much brighter in your eyes. But not just there, on your chest, there was no mistaking it, the same color red, in the shape of a heart glowing brightly. seeming to be beating along to your own heart. You stepped towards the window, hand raised to touch your reflection.
“What is...?”
“Didn’t think it would take this long.” Noctis replied beside you.
“What would take this long?” You asked, only to turn as you found Ignis behind you, having removed the power dampening necklace from your neck. A surge of trapped magic flooding through you.
“The spell.” Noctis stated, as if that would answer your question.
“The spell, what do you...no.” You gasped in horror, that small flame suddenly began to roar again as the pieces begun to fall. That veil you allowed to control you begun to fall. “You, you did this. What did you do to me?”
“Sorry, Y/N, it was the only way we could protect you.” Prompto offered reaching out, only for you to shove him away. “Don’t be angry.”
You suddenly realized that you were being surrounded, you held tightly to the glass of booze within your hand to ground yourself. “What the hell did you do?”
“Y/N, careful, the dampener was removed…” Gladiolus began as he reached for you, only to have you pull away, releasing another surge of magic.
“Answer me!” You screamed, that fire was raging now, you knew, you knew that there was no way you would have messed up this bad. The fight was coming back, “What the fuck did you do to me!?”
“We’ve removed the dampener, we don’t want it to react to the final steps of the spell.” Ignis stated, always calm and collected, he stayed out of your striking range but close enough that he could get to you.
This only pissed you off more, “You fucked up the spell and you did this to me, this isn’t me.”
“Y/N, I’ve told you time and again,”
You turned toward Noctis before you, all of your anger was boiling over, you almost fell for it. You almost fell for this false love, this false joke of love. You almost let them win!
“...I’m going to protect you.”
You hadn’t realized what you had done until you felt both Gladiolus and Ignis grab a hold of you, the empty glass shattering at your feet. You had tossed your drink directly within Noctis face, “Fuck you! You son of a bitch! I’m not…”
You were quickly hushed as you felt your back slammed against the window, Noctis standing before his hand tight to your chin, keeping you facing him, your gaze unable to go anywhere else but his own. That predatory magic was what was keeping you pressed against the wall, at his mercy.
You tried focusing, a way to escape. You could try the window. There would be no way you could survive the fall from this high, but maybe you could drag this bastard down with you. You tried again and again but the window was too thick.
“Don’t try that, you’ll just wear yourself out.” Ignis stated.
“Noct’s office is the most secure. Sound proof and resistance.” Gladiolus followed up.
You felt your flame flicker as that bright red begun to slowly creep over you vision. As if rose colored glasses were being forced on you.
“This is for your own good, I tried to make you see, we all did. But you go and you take a book to try and leave us. Luckily Specs found it before you could do anything foolish.”
You thought about it, there was no way they didn’t find it, you had fainted and they had changed you out of the dress. “How?”
“A photocopied page, simply switched two spell names.” Ignis replied. “You do recall the, amor aeternus spell.”
Amor Aeternus? The eternal love spell. That’s what they used! A spell that was banned and said to have been destroyed thousands of years ago due to the fact no one could break it. It would start my taking over the mind and then the heart.
“Once it’s completed we won’t have to ever have this conversation again. It’s too late now, Y/N.”
There appeared to be a sad smile on his face. Did he have some guilt behind this? Did he honestly feel sorry? Or was it all part of his act too?!
You let out a sob, you just wanted to know, you deserved to know, “Why, why me?”
“Because there’s no one else.” Noctis removed his hand from you chin, to stroke you cheek. “You are mine, Y/N.”
You followed their gaze to the glowing heart on your chest, noticing now that it was filling up before it disappeared. You turned horrified eyes back to Noctis’s gaze finding his staring directly at you, you felt tears fill your eyes, you had lost.
You had already known the answer but the tears fell as you gave a shuttered, “Why?”
You tried again and again to resist.
Begging yourself to resist.
But found yourself screaming
For more.
For their affection and their love.
The small inferno, gone, not even an ember left into existence. The spell had done its job.
You felt the hand leave your cheek as Noctis stepped away. All of them hovering over you, watching intently.
“Their is only one thing left Noct.” Ignis stated as Noctis nodded.
“Y/n,” Noctis called, the only way he knew you heard him was from your body stiffening at his voice. “ I love you.”
“Y/N, I love you.” Prompto echoed.
“I love you, Y/N.” Gladiolus repeated.
“I love you.” Ignis duplicated.
Without any second thought or hesitation, you lifted your head. The red heart on you chest vanished, as the red within your eyes flashed once before returning to their normal color.
You responded.
“I love you too.”
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xylune · 3 years
FFXV Ardyn fanfic
I’ve been replaying Final Fantasy XV since things have settled down and I’ve had the chance to get all the additions and episodes. An idea for a canonverse AU hit me last night and I started working on it this morning, but for some reason, I just had to start writing a scene that won’t happen until later in the story...if I maintain the inspiration enough to keep at it.
Quick explanation: This story will build off the “Dawn of the Future” book addition, taking place after those events. Ardyn is unwillingly revived and supremely unhappy about it. Noctis and company are left with little choice but to try and manage him, as he’s become virtually un-killable. Unfortunately, Ardyn is desperate to die and the choices are to either deliver further torment on the man or try and help him find a purpose in his endless existence.
Beneath the cut (provided it works as it should) is a sample of a scene in which Gladiolus and Prompto are trying to babysit Ardyn, and the situation is made worse when he believes he’s seen a ghost from his past.
"Hmm, first time here. Let's see what's on the menu."
Ardyn checked a sigh of impatience. His flat still awaited, but it was a good ways further into Lestallum and they had been driving all day without a bite to eat. Even he, who could not die, still suffered the pangs of hunger and thirst. Cruel twist, that. What purpose did it serve for an immortal to still require food and drink? It wasn't as though he could starve to death; he'd already tried that. Going without did make him sick and weak, though.
Ever polite even when killing someone, the former Chancellor gave an elegant shrug and flourished a wave of his hand. "By all means, after you."
Gladiolus waited for his smaller companion Prompto to pass through the door first, and then the big, tattooed warrior followed behind. Ardyn held the door open for them both, and then he joined them inside the building.
"Charming little place," he mused, casting a look around. "There, by the window. A perfect spot for us."
The pair looked, and Gladio nodded. "Yeah. Backs to the wall and we can see who comes in and out. Good call."
"Paranoid sort, aren't you?" Ardyn smirked at the black-haired kings guard. "I chose it for the aesthetic position, but you see—"
"I see what I've been trained to see for all these years," interrupted Gladiolus in a low, serious voice. "Don't act so surprised. You're a big part of the reason we all learned to do everything strategically, learned to treat every place we went as a potential ambush spot."
"Guys," interjected Prompto before Ardyn could respond, "who cares about that? We're here to feed our faces and get something hot and nice to drink. Come on, I'm fading fast, here."
Gladiolus kept his hard brown gaze locked with Ardyn's for a moment, and then he nodded. "Right. A meal, then Ardyn's old place, then a place to sleep for the night."
"That's a top plan," agreed Ardyn amicably. "I would offer my flat for the night, but the utilities, I'm sure, have been cut off by now. Not to mention, the place hasn't been given a proper cleaning since I was last there. Dust mites, you know."
"How do you even know it's still available?" asked Prompto as they claimed their table and sat down. "You've been gone for a really long time. They might have cleared it out and rented it to someone else by now."
Ardyn shook his head, removed his fedora and plucked up the menu sitting on the table before him. "I'm paid up for the better part of two years on rent. You see, I can be forgetful about some things, and while it's easy enough to get utilities turned back on if I'm away for too long, personal effects can be a bother to replace. The flat is mine until the end of the year."
"Huh." Gladiolus examined his own menu. "Why not just buy the place, if you had that kind of money?"
Ardyn's usual flair with speech dropped, leaving his tone flat and level. "Because I didn't intend to be here for longer than that."
The younger two men paused, and they exchanged a look with one another over the tops of their menus.
"Oh dear, have I made you uncomfortable?" Ardyn's smirk came back, though it lacked humor. "How tactless of me. Still, you asked."
"Enough talk of suicide and death," insisted Gladiolus.
"I don't believe either of those two words were—"
"Or insinuations of the subject," interrupted the black-haired man, his squared jaw tightening. "We've talked about this. Remember the agreement."
"Yes of course, but the point remains that I was asked a question, to which I merely answered with honesty." Ardyn turned to the freckled blond seated beside him. "True, Prompto?"
"Well, yeah. That's a pretty valid point."
"All right, whatever," huffed Gladiolus. "Let's just drop it and get on with the eating. I'm starving and we're burning what's left of our daylight."
Ardyn could have ordinarily thought up a few snappy quips in response to that, but the inadvertent turn of the subject matter, however brief, reminded him again of his misery. His thoughts twisted back into the same dismal questions he'd been asking himself since the day of his unwilling return to the flesh.
How was he to maintain what little he had left of his sanity, knowing he had endless days and nights ahead of him with no end or purpose in sight?
"Hmph. No rest for the wicked," he mumbled under his breath.
"What was that?"
Ardyn glanced sidelong over the top of his menu at Gladiolus, and then he pointedly focused on the text again. "Just thinking aloud, friend. Hmm, the Nebula Salmon Melt looks rather appetizing. I think I'll try that. What say you?"
Gladiolus scowled—not at Ardyn this time, but at the menu. "Everything looks pretentious to me. Iggy would love it."
"No meat and potato sub, then?"
"No cup o' noodles, either," added Prompto glibly.
Bless the speckled pistol specialist. Even though he clearly shared an understandable grudge and mistrust against Ardyn, Prompto's sociable nature compelled him to join in on some good-natured ribbing. Ardyn rather liked the lad for that.
"Knock it off," warned the big man. "Don't poke the bear when he's hungry, got it? I'm not in the mood."
"Yes, Prompto," Ardyn nudged the blond beside him with an elbow. "Do be careful. Now, Gladio—"
"I've told you not to call me that," reminded the kings guard with a frown. "Only friends and family are authorized to use the short version. You're neither. In fact, you're still at the top of my shit list, so cut the familiarity crap."
"Of course, Gladiolus," revised Ardyn politely. "I forget myself at times. Now, as I was saying, have you noticed the menu items on the other side? They have several items of a meatier variety."
Gladiolus flipped his menu over and looked. "Huh, you're right." He peered at the menu for a moment, and then he frowned, and he looked at Prompto. "What's 'prosciutto'?"
"Beats me, dude." The blond spread his hands helplessly. "I bet Noct or Specs would know, but I'm just as uncultured as you are. Ardyn, do you know?"
He did, but the older man's patience was quietly wearing thinner, and Gladiolus' rudeness wasn't helping. "It's meat."
Gladiolus' tiny smirk suggested that he was picking up on Ardyn's veiled frustration. "What kind of meat?"
"From a dead animal."
"No shit. What kind of animal? What part? Must be pretty special for such a fancy name."
Now Ardyn could feel his precious control slipping, and the daemons within him were trying to push to the surface. He spoke through his teeth, with a smile. "Why, the most delectable of both. A human ass."
Prompto sputtered, coughed and put his camera away. "Okay guys, time out. Let's just ask a waitress before you two eat each other. Hey, I see one over there. She's cute, too! Not as cute as Cindy, but real pretty. Uh, actually, I'll just go straight to her and ask. Don't kill each other, okay?"
For a moment, gold-amber eyes remained locked with dusky brown ones. Gladiolus was the first to look away, and he covered up whatever disquiet he felt by turning his attention to their companion, who had left the table to speak with a server.
"Him and the blondes. He's got a real thing for them. She is cute, though."
Inwardly glad for the distraction from his own annoyance, Ardyn followed Gladiolas' gaze across the room, to the bar area. Prompto was chatting with a fetching young woman wearing a uniform apron over her clothes. No matter the horrors he'd seen or the darkness he lived in, Ardyn could still appreciate beauty in all its forms. Women were certainly no exception, so he examined her with as much interest as his companions.
She had her back turned to him at first, but he noted that she had a pleasing form with delicate curves. Small of build, of average height, she had her hair gathered into a ponytail at the base of her neck.
The color of her hair caught his attention the most, provoking a little pang of nostalgia within him. It was certainly blonde, as Gladiolus said, but it wasn't a yellow tone like Prompto's or a platinum shade like the queen's. Most would consider it an unremarkable color blonde, almost a neutral tone between white and yellow, pale and with just enough highlights to lend a faint touch of gold.
Ardyn knew this particular hair color well, for he'd run his fingers through strands of it just like that, many times in the distant past. He'd always compared it to pale wheat, and he'd always found it to be the most interesting variation of that hair shade. Even the density of the waitress's hair was the same, though the length was greater than the hair he'd once touched.
She then turned, and Ardyn Izunia was treated to the interesting experience of feeling his body go hot and cold all at once. He couldn't say it was a pleasant thing. He couldn't move, and his breath halted in his lungs, lodging somewhere in his throat on its way out.
Her face, sweetly, softly rounding a bit where the cheekbones met the jaw, softening her features there before tapering down to a gently curving chin.
Her brow, pale and fine like the hair on her head.
Her nose. Her lovely, pert and perfect nose.
Her lips, pouty with a slight upward curve at the corners, sweet and generous with both kisses and smiles.
Her eyes. Colors of blue and green, forest and sea harmonizing together, creating a beautiful, soulful color made even more expressive by the downward tilt of the outer eye corners. There was wisdom in those eyes, made ancient by an abiding love and devotion to the gods, and to the light. There was compassion there as well, and laughter.
A collection of words describing his dead betrothed kept spinning in Ardyn's head, and a part of him realized he had reduced this poor girl before him to a collection of body parts, comparing them to his lost love's bit by bit, because he simply could not believe what he was seeing.
Everything about her, every part of her, was an exact copy of the woman he would have married, had fate been more kind. Down to every detail, as far as he could tell from this distance. He had eyes like a hawk though, and he could even see that she had the exact same faint little freckles on her cheeks and nose, in the exact places he remembered them. He used to kiss them lovingly when they spent afternoons together, so he'd memorized them all.
Gladiolus was talking to him, in his rough voice. Ardyn could hear him, but it was faint as if coming from far away. There was a ringing in his ears, and it drowned out his companion's questions. For a moment, Ardyn wondered if he'd gone deaf, but then he heard the waitress's voice. Even that was identical to the one he remembered. She even had the same accent.
Every other voice and every other sound in the cafe faded into the background as the fallen healer focused on the sound of her voice.
"—cured ham," she was saying to Prompto, smiling. "It's quite popular. You can assure your friend that it doesn't come from a human's ass."
Prompto then pointed at the table they'd claimed, and Ardyn was overwhelmed with a sudden, immediate rush of panic as the waitress's gaze flicked to him. He quickly looked away, turning his head so hard that his neck popped in the process. He closed his eyes, willing himself to calmness.
He was imagining things. Seeing things that weren't there. It wouldn't be the first time. His beloved Aera couldn't possibly be there, serving sandwiches and coffee in a cafe. She was dead. Not only that, she was lost to him forever. When he'd let go after the defeat of Bahamut, thinking he could finally rest, he thought he was going to be with her. She wasn't there, though. There was only darkness, and then...he found himself in the flesh again, in pain, in Noctis' throne room.
He only got to see his beloved for a moment, and she wasn't there waiting for him like he'd thought. Perhaps he'd only hallucinated her after all, and they couldn't be together in any form because of the sins he'd committed.
She wasn't really here, in this establishment, offering sandwich advice. It wasn't possible.
"Hey, what's with you?"
For once, Gladiolus's aggressive barking was received with gratitude, because it startled Ardyn enough to anchor him back to reality...somewhat.
"So sorry," he managed to verbalize, "but I need fresh air. Be right back."
She was coming. He could feel her presence, hear her dainty steps like the thunder of an approaching storm. Ardyn Izunia abandoned all pretense of grace and manners, snatched up the fedora he'd set on the windowsill, crammed it on his head and made his egress as quickly as he could without using his warping abilities and causing a scene.
"What the hell did you say to him?" Prompto looked from Gladio to the door Ardyn had just vanished through.
"Nothing. He just spaced out all the sudden." Gladio was frowning, appearing just as lost as Prompto. "He looked like he saw a ghost or something, if you ask me. You went over there to talk to the waitress, and then he went still as a statue and turned about five shades whiter. All I did was ask if he was okay."
Prompto scratched his head, looking through the window and leaning a little to get a better view. "I see him. He's by the street lamp. He's just standing there with his hands in his coat pockets and his head down."
"Prompt, I swear I didn't do anything. We watched you talking to the waitress, and then he flipped."
Prompto combed his fingers through his spiky hair—or as much as he could before the stiffening product in his locks stopped him. "Damn. Well, who knows with him? Why was I the peacekeeper here, anyway? Ignis is better at this than me."
"Because Noct is stressed as hell and right now, he needs Ignis at his side as his advisor and his hand."
"I know, I know," sighed Prompto. "This is kind of a vacation from babysitting for him and Luna. I...I guess I'll go out and talk to him, see if I can figure out what's up before he blows a gasket. She's gonna come bring us some water in a sec, but if we're not back inside would you order the drinks?"
"Fine. What do you want?"
The blond shrugged his slim, bare shoulders. "Just the usual green soda. I don't know what Ardyn wants."
"He needs a tall glass of calm the fuck down," grumbled Gladio.
"I don't think they serve that here," Prompto answered dryly. "He said something about coffee earlier."
"The last thing that guy needs right now is caffeine."
Prompto threw his hands up. "Well, I don't know! Tea or something? He likes tea, right?"
"Guess it couldn't hurt. Go on; I'll hold the fort."
Ardyn had calmed himself enough to risk another look inside, but Prompto came out and tapped him on the shoulder just as he was about to try and confirm what he thought he'd seen. To his chagrin, the older man jumped a bit, and he turned to face Prompto with a frown.
"You, boy, should avoid sneaking up on me that way."
Truthfully, Prompto was no "boy" anymore. He and his friends were now nearly of an age with Ardyn. At least physically. He couldn't help but still think of them all as youths though, for compared to himself, virtually everyone alive on Eos was just a babe.
"Sorry, I was worried about you."
The casually and honestly worded response gave Ardyn pause. He knew the core of Prompto's concern was rooted in Noctis' expectations of him, naturally. Prompto's concern was more in letting his friend and king down than any true care for Ardyn's well-being, but it was nice to hear someone say that without hesitation, all the same.
"You saw her too, didn't you?" He was hardly aware of what he was saying. The words spilled out without conscious thought, but Ardyn realized that he did need confirmation from someone.
"Saw who?"
"The girl."
Prompto blinked, and there was a rumble of thunder overhead. He glanced up at the sky briefly, then flinched when a drop of rain landed on his nose. "There were a few girls in there, man. Can you be more specific?"
Growing more agitated, Ardyn grabbed Pronto by the shoulders. "The girl. The one you were speaking to."
Prompto's hand inched toward the holster where he kept his gun, but he didn't draw it. He regarded the ancient warily, his fair brows hedging with alarm. "Whoa, slow down. Do you mean the waitress?"
Aware that he'd just inadvertently made Prompto feel threatened, Ardyn relaxed his hold, though he didn't release it. "Aye, the waitress. Blonde, fair of skin, eyes like the color of a lagoon. Voice like bells."
"Um...okay. Your speech has ah...really gone old school all the sudden. And that's a pretty intense description..."
"Just answer me!"
Prompto nodded convulsively. "Yeah, yeah! Of course I saw her, dude. I was the one that pointed her out in the first place!"
"So...she's real. She's really here."
The smaller man's eyes were almost bugging out now. "Well I sure as shit hope so, because otherwise I was standing there talking to thin air about human ass sandwiches."
If he weren't so bewildered, Ardyn would have laughed uproariously over that. Under current circumstances though, his sense of humor was crippled. Nonetheless, he tried to at least put on a facade of calm for the sake of his companion. He removed his hands from Prompto's shoulders, taking a step back to give the other man space.
"Ah, well. Begging your pardon, friend. I was merely...startled. She looks very much like someone I once knew, and well...this is rather embarrassing, but I feared for a moment that I was hallucinating. Hence my asking you those odd questions."
Prompto's "fight or flight" stance relaxed a bit, and he shifted from foot to foot. "Oh. Yeah, I can see where you're coming from. I mean, after what you've...well, it's okay."
Prompto gave the taller man an awkward pat on the shoulder. "She's real, you're not seeing things and the rain is starting to come down. Let's go back inside for some chow, okay?"
"Splendid. Do let's. After you."
Ardyn tugged his hat brim down a little lower, waited for his companion to go back in, and then peeked through the window furtively. The rain was coming down faster now, streaking the glass and spoiling his view. He couldn't see the waitress, but she was in there.
"Pull it together," he whispered to himself.
The girl was real, and she definitely shared some traits with his lost love, but surely his mind had tricked him earlier. He saw through the eyes of a grieving heart, and he was clinically insane. He could make it through a quick meal without going completely off hinge...he hoped.
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stephanieritaclark · 3 years
Whumptober 2021 - Day 3
No. 3 - STICKS AND STONES MAY BREAK MY BONES BUT… taunting | insults | “Who did this to you?”
I was writing a completely different FFXV story when my mind started meandering in a different direction. It would have been a shame not to follow that thought at all, so I found a prompt that I felt suited it and finished it as a Whumptober story.
I also forgot to edit this. My apologies.
“Who did this to you?”
"Cor, stop the car for a moment," Regis commanded as he turned in his seat to face his son.
Noctis shrank in his seat as he realized his father's focus was on him. His large blue eyes widened. Regis gave him a soft smile.
"There's something I wanted to show you," he said. "Do you think you're up to it?"
Noctis's sapphire eyes darted between his father and Cor, who admittedly had seen more of the boy than Regis had. Another thing that was his fault and no one else's, he reminded himself.
"It'll be just a moment," he added, "but if you're not up to it, there's plenty of opportunity to look at it anytime while we're here."
Noctis pulled on the collar of his button-up shirt, a habit he had developed that confirmed to Regis that his son did not like to wear them as much as he said he did. The boy forced himself to sit up tall, and he nodded.
“Okay,” he said with that small voice of his.
Regis smiled, and he fought the urge to grab his boy in an Amicitia-style bear hug, but he knew his son did not like it even from the Amicitas, let alone from his friend who only decided to be part of his life after his mother had died.
Regis bit back a sigh as he reminded himself that he was too much like his own father.
"All right," he said, "let's go, then. It's just a short walk from here."
Regis stepped out of the car on his own, and his son, who sat in the car with his brow furrowed in confusion, waited until he rounded the car and opened the door for him. Once Regis shut the door, he held out his hand to his son, a good starting point, even if the eight-year-old likely found himself too old for it. There was no hesitation in taking it, like there had been before the start of their trip to Cape Caem, and he was grateful that there were limited strangers surrounding them on the property.
Regis guided them along a freshly remade gravel path through the old yard. The property was large, but the path reached his destination just a few steps away from the car. It was a tree with half-formed apples hanging off its branches.
"Noctis, I know this tree might not look like much," he said, "but your mother wanted this tree planted in honor of you."
It had been planted with the placenta, a detail that he was sure the boy would prefer to remain ignorant for a few years more, when he understood more things about the world.
"In honor of me?" Noctis repeated.
Regis took a chance in placing his hand on Noctis's head, and he ruffled the boy's jet black hair. Noctis recoiled with a groan, and he fixed up his hair.
"Yes," he said, chuckling, "she was so proud of you. She wanted something more permanent in this world to remind the world that you were here. She thought nothing would be more beautiful than a tree. A fruit tree, and it turned out that apple trees grow well around here."
Noctis looked up at the tree with a frown.
“Why here?”
“Your mother was more fond of Cape Caem than she was of Insomnia. She dreamed of retiring here, and she wanted as many reminders of you here as she thought she could get away with.”
Noctis would see evidence of that once he got to see inside the house. Nothing but pictures of the three of them together all over the place. Regis had laughed when he had last looked at it, but it was not going to be so funny now once they were inside. He prayed he would not cry in front of his son.
"Come, son," Regis said. "Let's sit for a moment."
There was a bench nearby, and Regis sat. He patted the seat to indicate for his son to join him, and the boy sat on the furthest end of the bench. His shoulders were hunched, and he continued to look up at the tree, tugging at his shirt collar. It was sad to realize that a plant was more interesting to his son than he was, but that was, again, his own fault.
This trip was going to be too short, only a week long, but he intended to make the most of it, to make sure his son left knowing more about his parents than he would have ever wanted to know. He deserved that. He deserved a better father.
Regis watched his son as he pondered if he should let him have a quiet moment while he mourned his mother. The two had been much closer, closer than Regis had ever been with either of his parents, and he was too uncertain what Noctis needed. The boy was always quiet, always waiting for the moment when he could rush off to his room and be alone or to play with his friends.
Or friend. Noctis had really only ever spoken of Ignis, a boy that Regis had practically forced to be his friend at a terribly young age. He had once mentioned a boy at school, but he only asked about Ignis coming around. Luckily, Ignis seemed to enjoy Noctis's company as well.
Noctis was so small, yet so much bigger than he had been on the first day he got to hold him. They looked too similar. His eyes were identical to his mother's, but the rest of him was a Lucis Caelum through and through: the black hair, the near-permanent frown, and the pale, pale skin of someone who never liked to step outside often. Regis hoped more of his mother’s features would become obvious as he grew older, but either way, he would be beautiful.
His boy was already so beautiful.
Noctis continued to tug at his collar as he watched a breeze shake the apple tree. Regis thought he looked precious in the outfit, but he would have to ask the nanny to let him dress more business casual from now on, if he wanted his boy to feel less stifled.
The cuff of Noctis’s shirt rode down, and the skin there was darker.
Regis leaned closer to his son.
“Noctis, what’s that on your wrist?” he asked.
The boy jumped, and he snapped his sleeve over his wrist.
“There’s nothing—”
Noctis gasped as Regis grabbed his arm, and he immediately unbuttoned the cuff.
“Dad, it’s nothing—”
“Who did this to you?” Regis asked as he stared down at the bruises marring the pale skin along his son’s wrist and forearm. “Noctis, someone grabbed you too hard here. Who did this?”
“No one! I fell at school, and—and—”
“Are there bruises anywhere else, Noctis?”
“No, no, I—”
“Please, my son, be honest with me. Who did this to you?”
Noctis struggled feebly against his father’s grip, but Regis offered no resistance, allowing the boy to cradle his arm to his chest while he pulled his sleeve over his bruises again. Tears filled his eyes, and Regis hated how he could not look at him.
Regis's mind swirled with possibilities. He was allowed around so few people. There was the nanny, who had been with him since he was a tiny baby, and he had witnessed how much she cared for him. There was Cor who had been in Regis's life long before Noctis had even been conceived, and he had taken real bullets to his chest to protect them. There was Clarus Amicitia, who had devoted his life to protecting the Lucis Caelum family, and there was no man Regis trusted Noctis's life with than him.
Or maybe he just hated to think that someone close to him could have done this to his boy.
“I love you, Noctis,” Regis said, keeping his tone soft. “More than anything in this world. Do you believe that?”
The boy looked at him through his dark fringe. He swiped at the tears in his eyes, and his lower lip trembled. Then, he nodded.
“Good, and you’ll always have my love no matter what. No matter what you do, my son.”
This time, Regis did not stop himself from wrapping his arms around Noctis. He cradled the boy against his chest, and he pressed a kiss to the top of his head.
“And do you understand that’s why it hurts that you’ve hidden those bruises from me? Because I love you, and I can’t stand the thought of someone hurting you.”
Sniffles came from his son, and he held him tighter.
“At least tell me if it was an adult,” Regis begged.
“No, it wasn’t—It wasn’t anyone—” Noctis sniffled more. His voice sounded more and more think with tears as he spoke. “It wasn’t even about me. It was—It was—It was about Prompto.”
“Yeah, he’s in a different—a different grade than me, but there are kids wh-who always pick on him. And I, um, tried to stop them.”
Regis's heart was torn between grief and pride. His son had stood up for someone, but he had gotten hurt in the process. He sighed, and he pressed another kiss to his son's head.
“Why did you try to hide this from us, Noctis?” he asked. “You could have told any of us, and we would have listened to you.”
“Would you?”
Regis, ignoring the stabbing pains in his chest, pushed his son away just to force the boy to look at him.
“I would always listen to you, Noctis. I swear it. On my life.”
Noctis pouted up at his father.
“Prompto said it only makes things worse if you tell someone.”
“Well, this poor boy must have gone through a great amount of pain to come to such a conclusion, and I, once we get to my office, will gladly wave my money around to make sure justice is done.”
The pout turned to annoyance.
“I hate it when you do that,” he muttered.
“Noctis, my darling, there is a very important lesson in life you have left to learn, and it’s money is how you get the most stubborn of people to listen to you. This situation must not continue, and I don’t mean this just for you but whoever else these bullies have been pushing around. Do you understand?”
Noctis pursed his lips as he glanced away for just a moment in thought, and the expression smoothed away as he nodded.
“I believe you.”
And those were words that brought Regis close to shedding tears for his son with joy rather than the dread those bruises had brought in him.
Full Masterlist here
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absolutelynoct · 4 years
I'm so sorry you're dealing with all that. I hope you're doing okay and I wish you well dear 😘 As for a prompt... Protective with my favorite ship, Promptio? Anyway, take care of yourself
[hello! the stress is fairly settled now -hopefully- and thank you so much for your concern, dear! I am happy to oblige with this prompt, and I really loved writing it! Please be warned that there is brief foul language and homophobia/bullying in it, but I promise there is nothing graphic ^_^; I hope you enjoy!]
Prompto had been so grateful to be dating Gladio. Grateful and excited and elated. Every time he thought about how Gladio liked him the same way, his stomach fluttered like there were thousands of butterflies dancing around a million chocobo feathers drifting in the air. It was too beautiful a feeling, and he hoped it always would last.
A lot of people doubted the seriousness of their relationship, especially since Gladio was a known flirt, but Prompto knew better. Prompto had seen him flirt with people he found attractive before they started dating. Then he saw Gladio try and flirt with him and stumble through his words like he had been tongue tied. Prompto had never seen that side of him, but he was more than happy to know that even the great Gladiolus Amicitia could get flustered with someone he liked.
Happily, Prompto made his way to the Citadel training grounds to surprise Gladio. It had been a few weeks since they started dating, but they had known each other for so long already. As soon as Prompto graduated high school, Gladio asked him out. Right now, Prompto was training to join the Crownsguard, but he had a rare day off. It didn’t matter. He wanted to see Gladio sooner rather than later. He knew that Gladio would be training with Ignis and Noctis, but there were rare instances that Gladio would train on his own to hone his skills as the Shield.
Turning the corner, Prompto paused and took a step back before he could be seen. There was a team of people surrounding Gladio. It looked like members of the Kingsglaive. They were laughing, and at first Prompto thought that they were Gladio’s friends. But then he heard what they were laughing about, and he clenched his fists in a rage.
“So the prince’s Shield is a fag?” one of the men said with an incredulous laugh. “How many times have you tried to fuck the prince?”
There was silence from Gladio as they laughed at him, making Prompto’s stomach churn uncomfortably. He felt so angry as they continued a barrage of insults, his mind racing. They were bigger than him, stronger than him, and no doubt able to really beat him up. But he couldn’t let them get away with this. Gladio didn’t deserve it. Gladio was gentle and kind and full of laughter and love. Prompto couldn’t just let them do this to him.
“So what if he is dating a man?” Prompto demanded as he stomped over to them angrily, standing in front of Gladio with his hands folded across his chest defensively. They stared at him in surprise, none of them knowing whether to laugh or to cry. Gladio was probably the most surprised of them all. “You all are just jealous that you haven’t gotten laid in so long that your dicks are about to shrivel up. Seriously? What year is it? You know what, I’m sure my personal trainer, the Lord Marshal, would be happy to relay this to his boyfriend, Captain Drautos.”
The men suddenly seemed to remember that it was an open secret that Cor and Titus were dating. As they made awkward noises, they gradually disbursed, none of them wanting to continue their harassment in light of the reminder. Prompto glared at them until the last one was gone, only turning to Gladio with concern when he knew that they weren’t coming back. Gladio was looking at him in both shock and amazement, a grin spreading across his lips as he pulled Prompto into a tight hug.
“Thank you,” Gladio breathed as he held him. “I couldn’t say anything because I’m the Shield and have to be above it. But I wanted to kick their asses so much.”
“I’ll-I’ll do it for you,” Prompto managed through his blush, his arms wrapped around Gladio’s torso. “I’ll protect you, Gladio.”
“How did I end up so lucky to have you, hmm?” Gladio asked, pulling away just enough to gently tilt Prompto’s chin upwards. Prompto stood on his toes as Gladio leaned over and kissed him, both of them forgetting their pain and fear for a moment in favor of their joy and love. “I love you, Prom.”
“I love you, Gladio,” Prompto replied, his heart racing. This was the first time Gladio had said it, but Prompto knew it was such a natural part of him that there was nothing else to say. 
With a shriek of delight, Gladio scooped Prompto up into his arms, flinging him halfway over one shoulder as they made their way out of the training grounds. No one would mess with Gladio. Not while Prompto was around.
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fallintosanity · 4 years
3. What is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need? (consider this permission to write it and/or share it anyway)
(This is from an idea I started working on back in *checks notes* March of 2018, apparently, jeez. It’s not so much the set-up I’m lacking as the “where to go from here”, which alas is the usual problem I run into when writing.)
Noctis hated his Crownsguard bodyguards. 
More accurately, he hated that he had to have them, that he had to be followed everywhere by armed guards, hated that he couldn’t just decide to go places on a whim like Prompto did. Hated the way the other kids in the arcade eyed the Guard nervously, hated how their very presence kept Noctis from blending into the crowd the way he wanted, so badly, to do.
So he ignored them as best he could, tried to act as though they didn’t exist. It wasn’t difficult - they were as discreet as they could be, with their guns and earpieces and black pants and jackets that weren’t technically a uniform but were obviously not casual civilian clothes either. They stayed on the edges of the room where they could see the whole place at one, and sometimes Noctis almost managed to forget they were there. 
Today was one of those days. The arcade had just gotten a new co-op shooter, and Noctis and Prompto had waited in line for nearly an hour for their turn to play. Now, with a royal treasury’s worth of play credits, he and Prompto had torn through the early levels and had gathered an impressive audience. None of them seemed to realize that he was the Crown Prince of Lucis; they yelled and cheered and jeered him and Prompto both as they mowed through enemy mooks and made their way to what Noctis suspected was the game’s final boss.
Prompto was a better shot than Noctis, so Noct let him focus on shooting down the tricky incoming missiles and instead trained his light gun on the boss. It was a system they’d developed within a month or so of starting to play together: Noct aggro’ing the boss, his foot light and fast on the dodge pedal, while Prompto dealt with the annoying, hard-to-hit minions and missiles. It worked for them now, too - within a couple of minutes the boss exploded in a colorful burst of digital flame. 
As the final cutscene played and Noct and Prompto entered their initials at the top of the high score list, the crowd pressed closer, calling congratulations and praise. Not for the first time that day, Noctis regretted his decision to wear jeans instead of shorts; it was only early July but Lucis occasionally liked to remind its citizens that it was, in fact, primarily a desert country. The arcade had air conditioning, but the press of bodies around them was too thick for the cooler air to get through. 
Prompto, who also wore jeans but had cut the sleeves off his t-shirt, didn’t look any more comfortable than Noctis felt. He grabbed Noct by the wrist and tugged him through the crowd toward the vending machines. “I’m dying of thirst here,” he said, with an overdramatic swoon. 
Noctis laughed and jostled him. “You’re just saying that so I’ll buy the drinks.” 
“Well yeah,” Prompto agreed cheerfully as they fetched up against the vending machine. “You owe me from last week!”
“Hah, I forgot about that,” Noctis said. He fished in his pocket for his credit card and tapped it against the machine’s reader, keying in the codes for a couple of sodas. 
“I know you did,” Prompto said, grinning. “That’s why I’m reminding you.” He retrieved the sodas from the slot in the side and handed one to Noct, then took a swig from his own. “Oh man, that hits the spot!” 
Noct had just opened his own can when he noticed the Crownsguard approaching them from the side. It was probably one of the newer recruits; Noctis didn’t recognize the man’s face but he did recognize the black clothes, the earpiece, the close-cropped dark hair. The man looked nervous for a moment under Noct’s scrutiny, then swallowed and raised his chin. “I’m sorry, Highness,” he said, “but something’s come up. We need to leave now.” 
Something cold knotted in Noctis’s gut. “What’s wrong?” he asked. He spotted a second Guard nearby, his back to Noctis as he surveyed the room. The first Guard started walking toward the arcade’s entrance, not quite herding Noctis and Prompto along in front of him. 
“Nothing,” the Guard said, and smiled, though his expression was tense. Prompto stared at him, blue eyes wide, his normal smile faded to unease. The Crownsguard continued, “We simply wish to be overly cautious.” 
“Where are we going?” Prompto asked nervously. They’d reached the arcade entrance, the second Guardsman falling behind to watch their exit while a third materialized on the sidewalk and fell into step next to Prompto. Noctis didn’t recognize either of them. Just his luck to be stuck with a bunch of complete greenhorns so worried about being assigned to babysit the Crown Prince that they’d pull him out of the arcade as a precautionary measure. 
“It’ll just be a quick ride around the block,” the Guard promised. “While we make sure everything’s all right.” He pointed to a sleek black Crownsguard van sitting at the curb. 
The third Guard took a few quick steps to get ahead of them and pulled open the van’s side door. As Noct made to climb in, the man plucked his half-forgotten soda can from his fingers so he could buckle his seat belt, then did the same to Prompto. When they were both settled in the van’s middle row, he handed them their drinks back with a reassuring smile. “It won’t take long,” he said. “Sorry for the fuss. We just want to make sure our prince is safe.” 
Noctis waved a hand dismissively, trying not to let his annoyance show. They were just doing their jobs, as much as he might hate it, and honestly it was kind of nice to get out of the crowded, overheated arcade and sit in the relative quiet of the air-conditioned van. The Guard settled into the bench seat behind them, while the other two climbed into the front seats. The engine purred to life and the van pulled smoothly away from the curb. 
Noctis downed his soda, tilting his head back to let the air conditioning run over the skin of his neck. Beside him, Prompto slouched in his seat, fiddling with his own can before reluctantly taking a sip. Noctis elbowed him in the side. “Sorry about this,” he said, trying to make his voice light. He tried to be normal around Prompto - loved that, for the most part, he could be normal around Prompto - but the crown had a way of screwing that up. “Being the prince isn’t all fun and high scores.” 
Prompto shrugged one shoulder, still twisting the can in his hands. He took another sip with the air of working up to saying something, but his mouth twisted and he leaned against Noctis’s shoulder instead, turning his head to bury his face against Noct’s neck. Noctis blinked - it wasn’t as though they hadn’t ever leaned on each other like this, but usually on Noct’s couch where there wasn’t anyone around to see. And while Noctis generally didn’t count the Crownsguard as “anyone”, he knew Prompto did. 
Then Prompto whispered in Noctis’s ear, “So uh, maybe I’m just being paranoid or something, but, um. Are you sure these guys are the guards who came with us to the arcade?” 
Noctis opened his mouth to say something, to dismiss Prompto’s worry, to promise him it was fine - but the words didn’t come out. Cold nausea swirled suddenly in his gut. He hadn’t recognized the guards, and while he saw unfamiliar Crownsguard around the palace all the time, it was incredibly rare for his own Guard to get a single new face, much less three at once. Noctis glanced out the window, his stomach sinking as he realized they’d already driven far away from the arcade, out of the bustling downtown and into an ominously empty district of industrial warehouses. 
Noctis wracked his brain, trying to remember the last time he’d seen his Crownsguard before the man had approached them at the vending machine. But he’d been ignoring the Guard the way he always did, and honestly couldn’t have said if they even made it into the arcade hours ago. And he definitely had no idea which of his usual roster had been with them - it wasn’t as though he paid them enough attention to notice who was whom. 
“Noct—” Prompto whispered, his fingers tightening around Noct’s wrist. Noct looked down; he hadn’t felt Prompto grab him, but Prompto’s fingers were wrapped around his wrist and his empty soda can was gone, fallen to the floor, and now that Noct had lowered his head it was suddenly hard to lift it again. Prompto was slipping too, his head falling from Noctis’s shoulder as he slumped down into Noct’s lap. 
Noctis tried to reach for his phone, tried to open his mouth to yell, tried to reach for the magic of his bloodline. But his muscles were slow, his body heavy and unresponsive, and the last thing he remembered was collapsing forward around Prompto’s unconscious body.
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randomfandomimagine · 5 years
Hii! May I make a request for hcs or an imagine or something for Prompto and a chubby fem!s/o or crush who maybe gets a bit jelly or insecure over the way Prompto interacts with Cindy? (No hate on her though! Like the two girls could be good friends but reader feels a tad bit insecure in self-comparison) and maybe she becomes a little distant as a result, maybe One of the other bros brings it to oblivious Promptos attention and then what he does after that? Please and thanks if you do this!
Sure, imagines are closed but I’ll write it as headcanons! Thank you so much for requesting, Prompto would be so sweet!
Prompto Argentum:
You know that Prompto had been crushing on Cindy
So since you kept seeing them hang out, it made you feel insecure
Even if you were dating and knew Prompto and her were just friends
But you were jealous that you didn’t feel as beautiful as her
Besides, she was so thin and you were chubby
You started doubting yourself and feeling self-conscious
“What’s up, Y/N?” Noctis then came up to you. “Why are you here alone?”
“Oh, Prompto is talking to Cindy…” You muttered tiredly
Noctis knew you well enough to notice something off
Besides, it was obvious that something was bothering you
And it was clear that it was being jealous of Cindy
“I mean, I get it… She’s pretty and thin…” You continued
When you turned to Noctis and saw him frowning, you brushed it off
You forced out a smile and came up with an excuse
Maybe you were just tired and feeling a bit off today
Or so you told Noctis, even if he didn’t believe you
When you left Hammerhead, Prompto came back to you like always
Being his usual bubbly self, taking your hand and chatting
Until he noticed you didn’t want him taking pictures of you anymore
Before you had been a little shy about it, but let him
Mostly because he insisted that you were so beautiful
“The light is perfect, and you look great, Y/N!” and it made you feel better
But now it felt like throwing your insecurities in your face
“What’s wrong?” Prompto asked you worriedly
It made you feel even worse that he was so sad for you being sad
So instead of telling him, you distanced yourself from him
Like you did with Noct, you told Prompto that you weren’t feeling well
“Probably just tired, yeah, Noct asked me about it too” 
Getting increasingly worried, Prompto went to his friend
Luckily, Noct wasn’t as oblivious and explained it to him
Told him everything you didn’t feel strong enough to voice out
After that, Prompto approached you, being all solemn and serious
“Hey, Y/N…. I’m sorry” “For what?” “For not realizing about Cindy”
You wondered if he had noticed about it on his own, but Noctis…
Something told you that his friend had tattled
“It’s okay, she’s better than me anyway…” “That’s not true!”
“It is, she’s beautiful and kind and thin and… I’m not” 
Prompto’s eyes were watery at your words, his heart broken
He gingerly took your hand in his and squeezed it tight
“You are all that and more. I’m dating you, not her, right?”
Seeing the genuine emotion in his eyes, you hesitated
He began talking for a long time, speaking his mind
Telling you how you’re different, but not worse than her
How you’re sweet and get him so well and he adores you
How he can be himself around you and he’s so happy and lucky
Because being your boyfriend is one of the best things that happened to him
Emotional about his words, your eyes start getting watery as well
“You don’t mind that I’m chubby, Prompto?” “Of course not!”
To demonstrate, he holds you tight against him and smiles
“You’re soft and I love hugging you and to me, you’re perfect just the way you are”
To further reinforce his words, Prompto kissed your head
From that day on, he promised to keep an eye on you
And if you ever felt insecure, he would intervene and remind you 
Because you’re great and beautiful, inside and out
So he’s not gonna let you be insecure, not on his watch
“You’re too great not to like yourself as much as I like you” He always says
Tag list: @anxiouslyreckless​ / @xionroxas​ / @dancewaterdance02​ / @blossattic / @little-faerie-artist / @x-joie-x / @snowfire71 / @goodmorningawfulbye​ // If you want to be added or taken off the tag list for these fandoms or characters, let me know!! // Reblogs and comments are appreciated!
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