#prompto argentum headcanon
zeroth-writes · 1 year
Medication -Chocobros + Ravus-
masterlist | request
Prompt: Hi , I love your Chocobos head cannons and I hope you are still doing request and if so could headcannons with the boys + Ravus finding out that there S/O is on medication for stuff like depression
Pairing: Chocobros / Reader, Ravus Nox Fleuret / Reader
Word Count:
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he’ll get a collection of books on the subject
so he can answer any question you have at any point
or if you start feeling a little off
he’ll have all the answers for you
tends to leave you to yourself
if you start to feel down or something
unless you come to him first
gladio tends to leave you to yourself
gets really good at reading you
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ignis could look up all the different side effects to your medication
if you were feeling off
he’d want to know why
would learn all your different tells
if you start to act a certain way
ignis will know how to act around you
will keep a couple pills with him at all time in case you forgot
but will remind you and makes sure you take it whenever hes around
might even send you a text
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prompto wouldn't know what to do
just simply smile and say ‘okay’
loves you regardless
just wants you to be happy
doesn’t matter how you achieve that
well constantly ask how you’re feeling
if you suddenly smile less or sigh softly
he’ll being to worry
and will constantly ask if you remembered your pills or refill
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noctis constancy forgets
he’ll see you taking your medicine and go ??????
or tell him you’re going to the pharmacy and he’ll begin to worry about you
ask if you feel sick, or something like that
so be prepared to constantly remind him about it
will get annoyed if you ask him to get your medicine
but will then show up with the medication with a bunch more extra
“just in case you want it”
will even get special stuff you didnt even know if knew about
randomly remembers you need to take your medicine 
but like 5 minuets after you already took it
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ravus talks to you a lot about your medicine 
how it effect you
does it actually help
any negative side effects
why you take it
if really interested in how it effects you
doesn’t keep track of when you take it
but always seems to know
he’ll show up with your medicine and a glass of water just when you need it
yet when you jokingly ask him if he’s keeping track
he’ll shrug
deep down it does check the time to make sure you take it
taglist: @asilverraven
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wishmasters-muse · 5 months
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Noctis is the most relaxed driver. That doesn't necessarily mean he's the safest though. He's prone to being distracted by small things. I,e: passing cars listening to music he knows, a nice car model, the perfect fishing spots. He plays with the seat positioning so he can feel laid back, ALWAYS leaving a hand draped over the door when the Regalia's convertible is down.
Ignis is obviously the safest driver. He doesn't risk driving at night, being careful to read every road sign twice to be sure he's going the right way. In traffic he has a nervous reaction of tapping the wheel in rhythm to the music Prompto always demands is on.
Prompto is the worst driver. He breaks too hard, oversteers every corner slightly. Being the shortest he always positions the seat SOO close to the wheel. He always has to pull the sun visor down because his short ass is always directly in the sun's path. As previously mentioned, he ALWAYS has the music on. He also has a bad habit of fiddling with various switches and dials which Ignis has to correct later. He is too nervous to drive at night.
Gladiolus is the most reckless driver. An opportunity to drift the Regalia is always a corner away. He is more then happy to drive at night and is often having to use his charm to talk himself out of speeding tickets. He has to re-angle the rear view mirror due to being the tallest. His hair almost always brushes against the roof of the Regalia when it's up, and for that reason, he will only drive in good weather.
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Chocobros General HCs
Doesn’t care if you fall asleep on him, because he’s passed out.
Prince of naps
Gives you the death stare when you volunteer him for early morning training with Gladio
Doesn’t snore
Second heaviest sleeper in the group
Bed head? That’s just how his hair is, it defies the laws of physics
Will teach you to fish if interested, bonus points if you already know what you’re doing
Will absolutely tease the shit out of you if you don’t like touching the bait or the fish
He’s just living his best life
Sometimes you’re aware that you’re modeling for his photos, other times you don’t know until he shows you later on
Those hands are rated E for everyone
Seriously, enjoy waking up with random bruises or from the people’s elbow to the face
Other than that he is literally a ray of sunshine and you will do anything to protect him
Scares easily, like you could just say hi and he jumps
Sometimes his obsession with chocobos scares you
Gruff exterior, teddy bear interior
Just wants to see his loved ones succeed
Unless it’s early morning training, better hide if you dont want to get your ass handed to you by Lieutenant Hardass
Unhealthy obsession with Cup Noodle, which is weird because he’s so into fitness (fitness cup noodle in his mouth) and working out and staying healthy
HUMAN FURNANCE, which is fantastic during cold nights but is what you imagine hellfire feels like when it’s hot. Especially when it’s hot, and you got that morning sweat(death) box tent heat.
Will absolutely recommend you books if you ask, we love an avid reader
Will personalize you training to your needs, you dont even have to ask he just knows what you need
Def the mom of the group, makes sure you eat, drink your fluids, bandage your wounds, mends your clothes, etc
Hands down best food you will ever eat in your life, even just a plain slice of cheese pizza has never tasted so good
Bonus points if you show interest in cooking, he’s definitely the most patient teacher
Perfect tent buddy, doesn’t snore, isn’t a human furnace, in fact he just stays in one position all night
Is absolutely the lightest sleeper. You got up to pee one time and all you heard was “where are you going?” and you turned around to see him sitting upright and wide awake
You know you’ve become closer when he drops his formal way of addressing you, and instead adopts your nickname
At the start of the trip you loved his puns, and now you just groan along with the rest of the boys(you still love hearing them but you’re not about to stroke his ego)
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neckromantics · 1 year
I like doing polls, so here's a poll for you :)
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savage-rhi · 10 months
Ffxv headcanons whatever type you want just share with the class
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Noctis: When he was a kid, he used to lift up rocks to see what critters lived underneath them. He stopped around nine or ten when he accidentally pissed off a snake and got bit. It spooked him so bad that he didn't do anything like that again until he went on the frog side quest. Now that he's over his fear, Noctis is always flipping over rocks and ushering Prompto to come over and take photos of the animals and bugs he finds.
Gladio: There's a saying among the kingsguard that, "if you give Gladiolus a beer and a mic, you're gonna have a GREAT time!" He's quite good at karaoke, and despite the gruff voice, he can hit high notes. Singing was something Gladio and his sister did together while growing up. While Gladio didn't like her taste in music, being the big brother, he still sang her favs to and with her. He tried to keep this hobby a secret until he had one too many drinks with his comrades. He's since embraced his reputation over the years, and isn't as embarrassed about it.
Ignis: There are a few things in this world that can make this man mentally break, but Feng Shui nearly destroyed him. Ignis got into the practice initially in an attempt to get Noctis to have better organization in his apartment. Per usual, Noctis didn't appreciate the principles, but it rubbed off on Ignis to the point where he became obsessed with Feng Shui. He did it to all the rooms in the palace, much to King Regis's chagrin. It all backfired when Ignis attempted to Feng Shui his own residence. Nothing satisfied him, and after he didn't come out for almost 10 hrs rearranging furniture, Noctis had to give him an intervention. After that, he swore off the practice. Sometimes, he'll get irritated if he hears about it in passing.
Prompto: In his spare time when he's not with a camera, Prompto is on a computer learning to code. While he's not the best at it, Prompto enjoys the process cause it satisfies a mental itch (he gets that from his father...haha). It's his dream to one day make a game like Kings Knight. He has pages of concept sketches for apps, and other social media ideas he'd like to try creating one day. He seldom shares his passion with the boys, assuming they'll think it's too nerdy.
Lunafreya: It isn't considered "proper" by an means for someone of her status, but Luna enjoys watching duels on TV or in person. Ravus from a young age was always taught how to be a warrior, and she felt left out on numerous occasions when he'd be sent off to learn sparring lessons among other trainings. As a kid, she used to sneak away from her home in Tenebrae to watch people battle for fun. Observing others helped her hone in her own skills, and she's memorized different stances and techniques over the years. She also used to place bets on people who fought, and did get into trouble at one point because of it.
Ardyn: He's very aloof and no one knows what the hell he does in his spare time when not running a country. He has the craziest of rumors made up about him, and he ravishes in how it all scares and fascinates people. What people don't know is that he often sneaks around Niflheim and observes others for his sketchbook. When he was a healer, he had a book of medicinal plants that he'd catalog and sketch out himself. It's one of the few things that soothes his mind anymore with the daemons he has in his head. For a few hours, Ardyn can silence them by focusing on capturing the details from another person or thing in his work. It's also his only means of connecting with humans given how far he's gone. His style is kind of like Da Vinci's, very detailed with lots of notes here and there. When he's sketching its also the time where he'll snack on something sweet like candy from his pocket. In general he'll always have candy on his person, but he likes savoring it without an audience.
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discodreaming · 11 months
you can't help but laugh into the kisses you and prompto share; the kisses are always so eager and filled with love and happiness. he's always so excited to kiss you, always so eager to share his love with you.
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sakuranightmarez · 23 days
Random Prompto HC poll
Once upon a time Prompto had glasses (Brotherhood/EpPrompto) then in-game he's never seen with glasses. So I ask to y'all for your esteemed opinion:
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baselessbehavior · 7 months
Prompto %100 would be the one who would drank paint water on accident
Noctis is the one who would let him, but stop him before he actually swallows
Gladio would just wonder how idiotic he could be
Ignis would take the cup away before he drank it, then scold him for not being more careful
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It’s been 6 and a half freaking years and I still cannot look at a can of beans without going “BeEeeAaaaAaannnssss?????”
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raging-psycho · 2 years
Meeting Prompto Argentum would include:
Summary: This is basically just how you and Prompto from Final Fantasy XV met
Pairing: Prompto x reader
Definitions: h/c = your hair color, e/c = your eye color
genre: pure, rotten fluff
Tw: none
This is pretty short but I think it’s so cute :)
Let me know if y’all want me to do a part two to this!! Like a dating headcanon with Prompto
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Don’t even get me started
I’ve been in love with him since the very beginning, like he’s my spirit animal.
But anyway-
So y’all meet in a kind of unusual way
Him and the chocobros are out riding the chocobos (this looks like a mouthful)
When he sees something shiny and gets distracted
Typical Prompto
He starts racing over to it when this person comes out of no where
He completely knocks you on your butt
You were a little out of it because of the collision so all you can hear is this really loud gasp
You’d think Prompto gasped because of the collision, but no
He gasped at the sight of you!
He thought you were absolutely stunning
Down to you beautiful (h/c) hair and your shining (e/c) eyes
Just so adorable to him
Then you saw him and let out a gasp of your own
The same reaction
Noctis stared at both of you for a second before saying, “Are you gonna help her up or keep staring?”
“Oh right”
He swiftly gets of the chocobo
Okay it wasn’t swiftly, his foot got stuck on the harness and he fell
Laughter erupted from everyone
He jumped up with a huge blush on his face and offered you his hand with a shy smile
After you wiped away your tears you took his hand and he hoisted you up
“Hey I’m really really sorry about hitting you”
“No, it’s alright, but you can make it up to me with some ramen.”
He’s a stuttering, blushing mess
“So what’s your name?”
“Oh I’m Prompto. How about you?”
“Hi Prompto. I’m y/n.”
He lifts both him and you back into the chocobo, and y’all all headed to town to get some yummy ramen
And the rest is history
Btw y’all are extremely cute together
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*pretend you are cindy UwU*
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ardynfaye · 2 years
so long as im alive so will the final fantasy xv fandom
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chocobrotus · 1 year
Hey! How would each of the bros react to finding out they're going to be a father?
Thanks for the request. This is a tough one but I’ll try my best ✨
The Chocobro's reaction on becoming a father
Wouldn’t talk for at least 5 minutes because his brain has to process the fact that your not fooling around with him.
“Wow… and you’re sure?”
It’s not that he doesn’t believe you. It’s just that he doesn’t know what else to say because he can’t handle all of those feelings at once.
He feels happiness because he would love to have his own little family but on the other hand he feels guilty because he know how much of a burden it can be to be part of the royal family.
“I hope I’ll be able to teach the baby everything I know… I want it to be prepared for that life…and I want it to live their life at its fullest..”
He’d be completely overwhelmed about it at first. Walking from one side of the room to the other.
“Holy..and you’re sure?!.. I mean you wouldn’t joke about that. Would you??”
When he finally realizes that you’re not joking he'd definitely tear up because he realizes he’ll have his own family for the first time in his life.
“You know.. i don’t have that much to offer but I promise that I’ll try my best to be a good dad…”
He wouldn’t say anything.
Instead he gives you a long hug that says more than 1000 words.
After a view moments of silence he whispers in your ear.
“These…are the best news ever..”
He’d hug you even tighter afterwards.
Let’s not fool around.
Being a Dad runs through his veins since he was born.
He would be ecstatic if he found out he’d become a father.
“You’re not bullshitting me…are you?”
He’s so full of joy and immediately tells you what he’s about to teach the little sprog. It’s mainly about how to fight with a sword thats twice your own weight.
I don’t know why they turned out being so sad except for Gladio. Anyways I hope you enjoy ;-;
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berrydoodleoo · 1 year
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waiting for dawn in the desert
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neckromantics · 1 year
Noct and Prom both give off the energy that they bite during fights.
Noct only bites as a last resort, though. Like sometimes during training, when Gladio has him pinned, Noct just cronches down in a final attempt at winning. It pisses Gladio off so bad every time bc he never expects it. Definitely latches on like a leech and leaves a bruise in the perfect shape of his teeth. (Imagine a Tonberry taking him to court and suing, using the teeth imprint bruise as evidence. The Tonberry would win.) Probably bit Ardyn several times during the final fight just to prove a point tbh.
Prompto, though? Leaves no stone unbitten. He opens everything with his teeth, anyway. Why would fighting be different? Uses his chompers way more than he should and has chipped, and even broken a few before. (his dentist is a happy camper. Literally says, "See you next week!" before Prom leaves the office.) Dramatic, feral energy in a fight when it becomes close quarters bc he's not used to it. Runs at you, mouth open and teeth already clicking together like tap shoes on hardwood flooring. This boy isn't here to play. He will take a chunk out of a Cactuar. He does not care.
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paracosmicparadox · 1 year
FFXV headcanons / expanded canons Part The Second, because again, I desire character depth like I need it to breathe and if storebought isn't available, I will make it myself with my own two hands. Find Part The First here.
Ardyn: Listens to music solely in the cabaret genre or heavy metal; you can't change my mind on this (like you're flipping through his playlist and one moment its playing Kabaret Sybarit, then it switches violently and without warning to System of a Down and just about breaks your eardrums)
His closet rivals his living room in terms of size and depth (it's concerning; people get lost in there amongst his innumerable trench coats and ruffled shirts)
No coffee, no tea, only wine. Ravus and Verstael have to listen to his drunken rambling every other night and it is ghastly
Gossips like no other
He's a hoarder. You walk into his home and there are trinkets and baubles on every surface---it's gotten quite extreme
Has breakdowns in the shower
Has journals full of half-finished poetry lying about everywhere (he references the story of Julius Caesar and Marcus Brutus a lot because of the parallels to him and Somnus, and bc at this point he doesn't really care if he digs himself deeper into that rut of grief and anger)
Can't keep a plant alive to save his life; not even a cactus
He was a theater kid once upon a time
Luna: Actually legit super athletic. You can't really see it bc her muscles don't bulge, but she can and will judo flip a man effortlessly
Has the smallest handwriting you've ever seen
She's got mad art skills; there's a work-in-progress painting or pastel piece on her desk constantly
Certified history buff. This chick can recall the most obscure bits and details of Eos's past and will infodump to you if you're willing to listen
Actually works really hard to be a good person---it doesn't come naturally to her; she's no saint and she has to make a conscious effort to be as gentle as she is on a daily basis, and that in itself makes her an excellent human being
Names each and every one of her plants
Loves bugs and takes a thrill in the fact that they kinda gross Noct out
Has the "Hydrate or Dydrate" water bottle bc she forgets and needs to remind herself to imbibe H2O
Her Pinterest account is the stuff of legends
Ravus: He's so awkward in social situations---really, he's just awkward in general, but it's most obvious when someone's trying to talk to him and he's glaring daggers straight into their soul
Before his mother died, he was the kindest child. He was the sweetheart of the family and would make flower crowns with toddler Luna and make breakfast in the mornings for his family. When he withdrew, it pained those who knew him immensely
The Super Smash Bros grandmaster (he's horrible at Mario Kart though, which frustrates him to no end)
Already has some arthritic problems in his knuckles and in his knees. He always had bad joints, but it's getting worse with the years
A pro at calligraphy and fancy lettering
His art skills are just as good if not better than Luna's. He only works in graphite and charcoal, but his drawings are the most heartwrenchingly beautiful things you've ever seen
Can regularly be found in a museum or in a library
Plays D&D on the weekends when he can with an online party (the campaign's been going on for nearly 2 years; he plays a level 8 Drow Warlock)
Aranea: Owns a motorcycle---you can't change my mind.
Mixes grenadine with everything. Champagne? She's adding grenadine. Wine? Grenadine time baby. Tequila? Gimme that sweet pomegranate syrup.
AO3 angst fics are her guilty pleasure
Probably has a pilot's license (in all honesty if it was an irl setting instead of Final Fantasy, she probably would've been in the Airforce)
Wears cologne instead of perfume because it makes her seem more roguish and she likes the scent better
She's always wanted a pet snake (one of those white pythons curious faces and boopable snoots)
Raging bisexual
Knows her way on an aerial silk like nobody's business
Major vulnerability issues (she cares so, SO deeply, but no one can EVER. KNOW. except Prompto. Prompto knows.)
Best buds with Prompto ever since the events in Niflheim at the Magitek Production Facility (they facetime each other every Wednesday)
She's a sucker for a good horror flick
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glitchdecay · 7 months
been thinking about this for a bit (and by "for a bit", i mean, just this instant).
you know how in the flashback in Brotherhood episode 2 and in the glimpses we see of Prompto's kid self in EP, he wore glasses, right?
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but he ditched them by the time he was in high school, right?
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did Prompto's vision improve somehow? did he start wearing contacts in high school? or did he get corrective eye surgery after it was decided that he'd be part of Noct's entourage because bad vision does not go hand-in-hand with being a gunslinger?
and if he kept wearing contacts during the main story, how bad is his eye prescription anyway? is this why the auto-attacking Prompto (if you battle as anyone else but Prompto) likes to get up close to enemies? like, his stock of contact lenses dwindles and he has to get up close to compensate? are there contact lenses sold in places around the rest of Lucis and Altissia? do the shops even stock his prescription???
and that's not even getting into the events of EP (and how you can fire rifles and bazookas at distance)...
anyway i really think he would have had corrective eye surgery before the roadtrip, but between high school and then he would've totally worn contacts. i'd like to think getting ready for a potentially dangerous mission would have involved stuff like that. like, they did a medical check-up on him to make sure he's, you know, healthy and stuff. unlike Ignis and Gladio, ya boy Prompto was just an ordinary young man but not really, as we later find out.
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