#Loqi Tummelt
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mae-the-gay-nerd · 2 months ago
So hear me out guys, i have a list of characters that i don't think are really my blorbos, but i want to squish them and chuck them at a wall (affectionately) and there is a theme between them somehow
like guys
Leo from Tekken 8
Baby Joshua Rosfield from ffxvi
Loqi Tummelt from ffxv
Chadley from ffvii
Hope Estheim from ffxiii
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impatient-traveler · 3 months ago
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OK here it is. The original file I made back in 2016 lol. Loqi vs Versus!Prompto vs Prompto
As you can see it's not 1:1, Versus!Prompto has very sunken cheeks. But the nose, chin, and eye areas are pretty spot on.
We also know there was a lot of models being reused here and there. There is a daemon that uses a modified version of the old Stella model in the game, if any of you are curious about seeing that in detail.
So yeah, it is still my belief that Loqi's model was made by modifying the old Versus!Prompto model. Not straight up reused as is, but tweaked to look different and put to a good use rather than wasted.
Also, I will preface this by saying this proves nothing, because all the models in the game are made with an in-house character creator that has very limited textures that just get slightly recolored (hence why everyone got Prom's shoulder birthmarks once they got shirtless, including Ardyn) but the main guys' face textures were hand-painted from scratch so you'd expect birthmarks to be different from the NPC textures at least, and yet they do share the most prominent one
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So yeah, this is my stupid proof for my extensive Loqi & Prom being bros headcanons >:3c
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dirtyffxvconfession · 4 months ago
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loqis · 1 month ago
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Hunter Loqi for Stranded AU
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stygiovictoria · 1 year ago
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random shit as i try to escape artblock
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phantomwolf64 · 7 months ago
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ffxvloqiweek · 8 months ago
Hello :) I randomly remembered this existed. It's been 6 years (!!!) since I made this account. I low key (pun intended) missed doing this event.
While I know the FFXV fandom has largely moved on to other things, I'm half considering doing something like this again. It would be far more free form, just a little thing to make more Loqi content (if people are even interested in it this far down the line).
Let me know if you'd be interested in another event, even if it's just a short 3-day/weekend thing.
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darkpuck · 5 months ago
Tag fix. Loqi tax.
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ffxvremix · 1 year ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Prompto Argentum & Loqi Tummelt Characters: Prompto Argentum, Loqi Tummelt Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, No war, Magic but no scourge?, Canon-Typical Violence, reluctant allies to even more reluctant allies, Guns, I don't know how guns work, sorry - Freeform Summary:
The first Niflheim-Lucis peace keeping mission is going to go off without a hitch.
How can it not, when Prompto and Loqi are given the command?
Inspired by Prompto and Loqi out on a joint Niflheim Lucis mission by Happy Orc.
Remix creators will be revealed on November 17, so stay tuned!
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madeofthreads · 1 year ago
@loqis | x
It was happening again. Loqi was trapped in another dream... no, a nightmare.
Ji-eun woke silently and rolled over to look to his side of the floor mattress, half laid down, half sat up with her neck craned as her eyes adjusted in the darkness.
Sometimes he settled himself back to sleep. As though, in his dreams, he found a way past the bad that was happening. Though that wasn't the case on this night. Her brows furrowed together, as her boyfriend- partner- father of her daughter uttered words out loud.
"Not her. Not her." It came as a strained whisper, tense, full of desperate emotion. She knew better than to leave him alone in this kind of nightmare.
"Loqi." Ji-eun flipped herself to face him completely, her hand coming to rest on his shoulder. She hovered, but kept a small distance. That had been a lesson hard-learned about waking in a panic. "Loqi, wake up."
He startled awake. Then, after a few moments of her giving him a comforting little shoulder rub, he even swore. That stole a sudden exhale from her, a gentle amusement that made her shake her head.
Good thing she could spring back with fast reflexes. One moment he was coming to, the next he was throwing himself to sit up, and he crawled to the makeshift cot. A small basket, that contained a smaller bundle inside. Serah was still asleep, safe and sound, though undoubtedly she'd stir and utter her hungry cry before too long.
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"That didn't sound the same as usual." she commented, now sat up in their bed with her arms hugged around her legs. She spoke while looking to where Serah continued her peaceful sleep. "That one sounded... like one of the worst."
She turned her head and looked to him then. He was melted to the bed, and honestly, he looked wrecked. It was more than a new parent being exhausted. "Talk to me, Loqi." Slowly she lowered back into bed, laid on her side to look him in his eyes. "I have a feeling we're going to be awake a while longer, do you want me to bring some water?"
She almost offered to brew a pot of tea. Almost. That was out of the question.
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impatient-traveler · 3 months ago
Do you also have the headcanon loqi is a clone 👀
I could totally roll with that. But nah, my hc for him is that he and Prom are half-brothers (sorta).
So the idea is that Loqi of House Tummelt is in fact Verstael's bastard kid, which explains why he's Like That about, well... everything. He has a complicated relationship with his noble status because he's the heir of an important house but also a bastard (hc is that this does fly in Gralean inheritance rules, but is still stigmatized) and he both wants to prove he's a real noble *and* hates the idea of people assuming he got where he is in life due to the family he was born into, so he's extra ambitious and always trying to prove something even if he's not sure what.
And Prom is obviously Versty's clone, but in my heart (because this headcanon was born before EpP came out) he's actually Versty's real son, born to some other lady than Lady Tummelt because Versty used to fuck around, like, a lot back when he wasn't fucking ugly.
Also Prom and Loqi used to know each other as kids, except only Loqi was old enough to remember any of it.
I (well, not just I, all this bullshit is shared with bestie) also have extensive headcanons for how and why Prom ended up in Insomnia, and a version of Verstael that's much more complicated, and generally an absolute asshole but with a bit of good in his twisted little heart, and also so much worldbuilding on the Niflheim military and why Loqi is so hung up on Cor, and....
yes please enable me more anon
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dirtyffxvconfession · 6 months ago
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loqis · 6 months ago
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Loqi is an aspiring young recruit of the SOLDIER program just on the cusp of getting his first Mako injections and trials to be sorted into higher classes.
He is a prodigy when it comes to mathematics and engineering, aspiring to lead the mech-troops of Shinra. Hotheaded and ruthless, the Mako enhances these traits alongside with his blinding pride and confidence, creating a rather dangerous mix.
Strongly affilated with @proxnotxaxfool - in which Reno is Loqi's older brother.
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holyguardian · 1 year ago
He had already gifted her a butterfly made from cogwheels and watch-parts last year. This year it was a flower. One of her faves. But there was a special mechanism hidden in this one. "If you put in one materia here...", he pointed at where the flower was mounted to a little pedestal, "It will shine lights and twirl slowly, like magic. I know it has been some time since we used nightlights... but maybe this will give you some comfort in the evenings, when you move out for your studies now. Happy birthday."
It took every ounce of self-control to rein in her excited arm waving and hops — and that was how her little brother would know he had gifted her something quite special. If his sister wasn't rattling with excited energy, she probably still liked the gift, but it wasn't her unhinged kind of love.
Aerith uttered a curious tone then. The mechanical lily was gorgeous as it stood, but Loqi alluded to something more. Something secret. She even drew a step closer.
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"... hey, seems like this has a use after all." she tittered as she retrieved her white materia. When slotted, it produced the promised effect, albeit with wispy green tendrils, like the lifestream bloomed out from the flower.
Her smile gentled as she scooped up Loqi's hands. "I'm going to miss you, you know. Let's still make time for each other. Even when we're busier than we've ever been."
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lieutenantraziel · 2 months ago
(@transmasc-rose) No idea if you still play the character, but I was trawling the Loqi Tummelt tag and saw you had a Loqi WoL. I do too and the fact that there are even TWO of us is hilarious.
HOLY SHIT another Loqi liker!! I thought I was the only one!!
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soldier-lodbrok · 10 months ago
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NAME: Vers
PRONOUNS : She/her
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION : Discord! IMs somehow often get lost.
NAME OF MUSE(s) : oh fuck...
Final Fantasy: Glenn Lodbrok @soldier-lodbrok Rufus Shinra @rufusofshinraKihel @kihel-sorcas Somnus Lucis Caelum @somnus-lucis-caelum Loqi Tummelt @loqis // his parents: @housetummelt Bahamut @deusdraconis
Far Cry 5: Jacob Seed @only-we Wheaty @whitetail-wheaty Thomas Rush @in-rush-we-trust
OC: Enok Virkow @enokvirkow my baby
and a few others...
BEST EXPERIENCE : Finding friends through this with whom I have talked almost every day for years now! @holyguardian ; @kunselxsoldier ; @proxnotxaxfool ! <3
RP PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS : Forcing my muses in roles/actions that don't fit their character at all.
MUSE PREFERENCES: The NPC that shows up for a whole screentime of like 2mins throughout the entire game obviously.
PLOTS OR MEMES : Both - Memes start short interactions. Plots for the threads that develop. Vice versa when chatting beforehand.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES : Both, though I try to find a middle ground currently.
BEST TIME TO WRITE : Whenever muse strikes, though I mostly write in the evening when I have time.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S) : Nah. Some characteristics maybe a lil in some acros steh board. I tried writing a character with a very similar occupation to mine once. Didn't like it.
Tagged by: @roleplay-abiogenesis2
Tagging: @holyguardian @kunselxsoldier @proxnotxaxfool @vctlan @midgarwhispers
@cybrvce @hiislegacy @annjiru @snowbanshee @phantasiiae
@sephaeroth @gcldfanged @ofgeneticperfection @evcryopeneye and whomever feels like it!
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