#Millie Park
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madeofthreads · 1 year ago
@housetummelt | x
Ji-eun exhaled a slow breath. The tension was still there, but it wasn't quite as explosive as it had been before... she didn't want to shout, and she didn't want to assault him with questions after all. She simply needed a moment to gather herself back together.
Following his guidance, she pulled back from the hug, and it was then that she realised his was the first familiar face that she had seen in the aftermath. Of all the people she had ever known, Baldur Tummelt was the first she could confidently say 'he survived'.
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"It is good to see you Mr. Tummelt." Ji-eun meant to apologise to him. To dismiss her reaction in some way, but really, she wasn't sorry about it at all.
"I... am alive." It almost sounded like she questioned that, whether she truly was alive, whether this could truly be called living. It felt more like surviving. Her parents had both been listed as dead, according to a security database they were both swiped into their non-military work, and both placed at the epicenter of disaster. Even if it were a lie, even if they somehow survived the initial assault from within Gralea, they would not survive the cold and the dark that was to come.
When asked whether she needed anything, she gave a small pause. Yes. Yes, but a secret need. "Perhaps..." she couldn't get out the words. "That is, I do have a favour to seek, but I wouldn't ask for it until I see for myself the state of this Nifen base. There has been so much that has gone wrong. So many people in greater need. I can wait."
Then she managed a very weak smile. Barely a tug of her lips, and it was gone just as quick. "Mrs. Tummelt. I would very much like to see her as well. People have been slowly arriving, and I haven't seen any faces that I recognised until now. I'm... I think I'm in need of familiar company. The Lord Hi- former- Ravus." It felt strange to use his name in a setting that wasn't private. "We arrived together, but we were made aware of intel concerning a Tenebraean escort that needed assistance. He left to receive them but I... well, I'm here, unfit to deploy." That was her favour, but Baldur was a smart enough man to put two and two together.
Ji-eun maneuvered to stand at his side. She followed his lead, hoped quietly that the lower decks weren't as depressing as the image that came to mind. Not a sad and decrepit slum where the Nifen had been dumped. "... and how are you?" she dared to ask after she herself had spilled her troubles upon him. "Are you well?" Or was he also surviving.
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awhphooey · 10 months ago
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kids die for free 🎶
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bonefall · 4 months ago
a while ago you said that Starclan cats design kittens and customize them with patterns and colors from their parents genes. So, do the clan cats raise any eyebrows when it comes to people who know cat genetics? Is there a geneticist who is holding their head wondering how these two cats have this colored kit while their starclan designer was just playing around? Or do the Starclan designers still have to stay within the rules?
Basically, do the humans notice that some of these clan cats are sparkle cats lol
I try to not get too "lost in the weeds" since the humans aren't the focus of the story, just taking care that they DO have real motivations behind their actions rather than construction crews materializing out of nowhere to Do A Chaos, but...
First, the genetics of cats in Albion are different than humans in equivalent Great Britain.
Partially, this is because I honestly just don't really enjoy learning about in-depth genetics or applying them realistically. I like drawing anime characters and writing anime battles, so they have anime genetics. But more than that, off-screen, the intelligence of cats has altered the timeline of this world.
If cats really were capable of higher thinking, that totally would have had some butterfly effects. I like dropping crazy alt-history and then not elaborating on it, because it's funny. Archimedes' cat helped him invent a death ray, btw.
On that note of genetics though, you guessed right. StarClan designers DO have to work with what they have. Whatever the genetics of this alternate universe of cats are, every kit born still abides by the laws of nature.
Which brings me to...
Second, the researchers do notice that the Clan cats are special. In fact, there is a "study of magic" in this universe-- Thaumatology. "The science of wonder."
(There's no world where magic actually factually exists that science isn't all over it lmao)
Thaumatology facts I haven't shared so far since it's all offscreen and just Bonus Worldbuilding;
It is a "soft science," not a hard one.
It has a LOT of problems with replicability. Thaumatologists and Quantum Physicists have a lot of in-jokes.
The most well known (to the point of being a cliche) is "magic and quantum particles both hate being watched."
Magic is highly variable based on a bajillion very personal factors, like emotion, environment, culture, personal background, etc, so it's severely difficult to re-create it in controlled environments.
Thaumatology has a lot of overlap with sociology, archeology, and theology, so people from these fields work together a lot.
There was absolutely not a dedicated Thaumatologist working in the Research Team early on, sadly.
It was probably discovered when the Battle of the True Eclipse blew out a bunch of field cameras.
It's pretty common that photography equipment fritzes out a bit during "supernatural" times like eclipses, but the damage was extensive enough to be noteworty
The Clan cats were initially notable just for the fact they had advanced culture.
Cats are usually comparable to crows and monkeys, in this universe. So cats with fire and a crude writing system were enough to SHAKE the field of zoology.
The fact they're cats helped a lot. The public loves cats, enough that since their discovery after Speckletail attacked a bulldozer, massive outcry has secretly helped the Clans several times.
The discovery that the culture also has Thaumatological elements is more of a goldmine for a scientist than the public, though.
It's common knowledge that "animals are magic," because humanity projects traits onto them. "Of course they do, they're cats...?"
The Thaumatologist is freaking out because "THE CAT IS PROVABLY DOING ITS OWN THAUMATURGY"
Most people don't know the difference between Thaumaturgy (the functional work it does on the world) and Thaumology (the study of that as a whole), so this particular scientist is going to have a hard time explaining WHY this distinction is so special.
(And possibly even offensive to certain groups, who would insist only humans are capable of this)
In any case, eventually there would be Thaumatological interest in the Clan cats, but they weren't there in the mid to late 2010s when BB!ASC takes place.
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mogwaisonmars · 6 months ago
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part 2 of some of the south park girls!!!!!!!!!
other post
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lovely-lettuce · 8 months ago
One million little south parkies :3
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spyskater · 1 month ago
With the casting of David Krumholtz and Emily Beecham as Supergirl's parents, this is the perfect time to talk about a thought that's been floating around my head the last 24 hours: It's a stroke of brilliance to not show the destruction of Krypton in the new Superman movie and to instead save it for the Supergirl movie immediately after. Like Martha and Thomas Wayne's murder in a Batman movie, the destruction of Krypton has been rehashed enough times for the audience to not need to see it again for a while. But doing it in a Supergirl movie changes our perspective of it and recontextualizes the catastrophe. Clark's perspective of the event is that of a baby sent down the galactic river by his parents (Moses imagery) and filmmakers often end up padding from there (Zack Snyder's Krypton sequence is 20 minutes and might as well be its own short film). But Kara was cognitive and fully experienced the destruction of her planet.
If you haven't read Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow (which is the series the movie is based on and I highly recommend), Kara is a teenage girl when Krypton is destroyed. She watches as the streets of her city go up in flames, witnesses people die in the explosions. But Argo, the capitol city and Kara's home, survives the wreckage and floats out in space. What luck! Her father, being a prominent scientist, does everything he can to keep the city thriving, but wait! A disease pops up as a result of the destruction and begins killing everyone left. So not only is Supergirl traumatized by the destruction of her planet and the loss of her friends and neighbors and mother, but she then has to watch the rest of its survivors slowly die of disease until her father makes the hard choice to send her away on the space ship he manages to build for her.
We have spent years watching Clark being sent off in the final moments of Krypton, but imagine how devastating and heart-wrenching it's going to be from Kara's perspective, losing a home and culture and memories in a different way than Clark. We learn about Krypton through Clark with him as our stand-in. But through Kara, we experience Krypton.
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king-valkyriee · 2 years ago
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Wanted something GOOD from Marvel and now we HAVE IT 🥳🥳🥳🚀👩‍🚀
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sleepydumplingprincess · 2 months ago
Am I tripping or does Millie’s dad kinda look like Nick offerman?
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alotofpockets · 2 months ago
Happy New Year Appreciation
Request a player | with @totaly-obsessedwo
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caseofkings · 3 months ago
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is this anything
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drama-glob · 4 months ago
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Hey! It's Cartman! ;)
Side note: I love Millie's bored/done expression and the fact she's literally along for the ride in this moment. ;)
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madeofthreads · 1 year ago
@loqis | x
It was happening again. Loqi was trapped in another dream... no, a nightmare.
Ji-eun woke silently and rolled over to look to his side of the floor mattress, half laid down, half sat up with her neck craned as her eyes adjusted in the darkness.
Sometimes he settled himself back to sleep. As though, in his dreams, he found a way past the bad that was happening. Though that wasn't the case on this night. Her brows furrowed together, as her boyfriend- partner- father of her daughter uttered words out loud.
"Not her. Not her." It came as a strained whisper, tense, full of desperate emotion. She knew better than to leave him alone in this kind of nightmare.
"Loqi." Ji-eun flipped herself to face him completely, her hand coming to rest on his shoulder. She hovered, but kept a small distance. That had been a lesson hard-learned about waking in a panic. "Loqi, wake up."
He startled awake. Then, after a few moments of her giving him a comforting little shoulder rub, he even swore. That stole a sudden exhale from her, a gentle amusement that made her shake her head.
Good thing she could spring back with fast reflexes. One moment he was coming to, the next he was throwing himself to sit up, and he crawled to the makeshift cot. A small basket, that contained a smaller bundle inside. Serah was still asleep, safe and sound, though undoubtedly she'd stir and utter her hungry cry before too long.
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"That didn't sound the same as usual." she commented, now sat up in their bed with her arms hugged around her legs. She spoke while looking to where Serah continued her peaceful sleep. "That one sounded... like one of the worst."
She turned her head and looked to him then. He was melted to the bed, and honestly, he looked wrecked. It was more than a new parent being exhausted. "Talk to me, Loqi." Slowly she lowered back into bed, laid on her side to look him in his eyes. "I have a feeling we're going to be awake a while longer, do you want me to bring some water?"
She almost offered to brew a pot of tea. Almost. That was out of the question.
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the-ozzie · 8 months ago
style challenge!
Studio Ghibli— requested by @choccy-milky
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Madoka Magica— requested by @siboom777
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Sailor moon— requested by @sparxyv
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South Park— requested by @limonnitsa
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troolyart · 9 months ago
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Biggest headcannon me and my friend have is that Habit gets too hot in the summer, so I make him and my OC Fey suffer :-)
Happy summer, everyone!
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kibbozthecat · 3 months ago
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Sketched some minor/background south park characters in my style because I love staring at these guys
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harleybird · 9 months ago
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"But is it - We couldn't travel with you."
"What? Why not?"
"Because you, sir, are not one of us."
Doctor Who | Dot & Bubble
Bonus Dumbass:
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