#released all my resistance to the 3D.
justajsworkshop · 2 months
oh my gosh, tom's explanation of "the 3D being an illusion" just saved my brain so much struggle.
the definition of illusion is "a thing that is or is likely to be wrongly perceived or interpreted by the senses." so, when we look at the 3D, it's not that we have to deny it, ignore it, or affirm against it. there's nothing to fight against here; it's all just you anyway. we just have to recognize that the 3D isn't all there is. because you are! you are all that is!
yes, you can see the undesired circumstance in front of you; the physical mind's job is to recognize and interact with the physical world. we just have to see beyond the physical and recognize that this limited vantage point bound by the physical senses isn't the full picture.
as god/source/all there is, you know there are infinite vantage points to perceive this one moment. because remember, there's only one moment, and that moment is now. there's just infinite ways to view it, and that's what creates our perception of horizontal linear experience.
so, from the knowing that all possibilities exist, you can then choose the one you want to perceive. this is top down creating vs bottom up. you're selecting as god instead of trying to use the means of the physical/limited self—like thoughts and feelings—to make something happen outside of you.
the 3D is just one option of infinite ones. yeah, you can acknowledge it. in some ways we have to if we want to recognize that it's not what we want. but then we rest back in the knowing that we are god, we are already all things, all infinite options regarding this circumstance, and from there just choose the option you'd prefer and keep choosing it.
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daretoassume · 22 days
read when you are so obsessed with your desires
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i understand if someone becomes obsessed with their desires, placing them on a pedestal and thinking about them constantly. i think we have all experienced that at some point, where we really want that desire right now, here in our reality.
if you feel this way at present, it is completely okay. we desire things; we are human. the difference with those who are not attached to their desires is that they are more disciplined with their thinking, beliefs, and perception. you can be that too by detaching yourself from the intense wanting and needing of that desire right now.
one thing i did when i was obsessing over my desires was to tell myself, quietly, softly,
"i'm grateful for everything that i have. i always have everything that i need. i would be very excited when my desire shows up, but i will be okay if it never does."
now, before you say anything, like "how could you say that? how will it show up if you're contradicting it?!"
i'm not.
i'm not contradicting my manifestation. what i seek is the FEELING/STATE. when i say that statement, i experience the energy of HAVING my desires already or a sense of ease. it is the feeling of not needing it so much, so i don't feel compelled to look at the 3D for proof. i know that i am okay whether it happens or not. there is no resistance because i am not obsessing over it 24/7.
asking myself, "what's the scariest thing that will happen if i don't get my desire?" allows me to uncover deeper trauma/issues within me that i can discover and release.
because "holding on to it" means "not having."
the less you attach yourself to your desires, the easier it is to match their vibration. they already exist, they are already done, they are already happening. all you need to do is match that vibration. once you do, a series of bridge of incidents will appear moment by moment until you realize, "oh, it happened." but you don't keep looking outside and ask, "is it here?" "where is it?" "why isn't it happening yet?"
i have experienced many instances where my desires manifested when i least expected them, especially with little things. since they are so small, we don't think about them much or feel a strong need for them. we just know that we would love it if they happened, and they do. for example, i started here on tumblr two months ago and didn't really expect to gain followers so quickly. i had 0 followers in june 2024, and now, in august 2024, i have reached 500. i remember posting a quote at night and waking up to 4 likes. i was shocked, as i never really expected any likes at all.
i know that you can still match the vibration of your desires (manifest) even if you are obsessed with them, but the issue is that you suffer when you are too attached. this can disrupt your daily life, particularly your mindset. thinking that your desires are not showing up makes you anxious and only produces feelings of frustration and doubt in your manifestations. it doesn't have to be difficult. we are always manifesting either way. you prefer the feelings that will serve you more and are aligned with your divine self.
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memorycycle · 3 months
post for @wuggen asked to see the code i wrote for simulating a realistic car engine so here
its built in godot btw
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the script extends rigidbody3d cus im actually just moving an invisible sphere along the ground with a car basically stapled to it
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did you know car engines put out different levels of torque at different rpms which affects like basically everything about the car. the torque curves are actually way more complicated than this, they kind of look like ramps with a hump in the middle followed by a dip followed by a bigger hump. but im just doing something that looks more like a perfect mound here. it works fine
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i found the equation power=torque*rpm/9549.3 online from a forum where some guy posted the results of a dyno run on his porsche. the number 9549.3 is definitely specific to that porsche, so its probably a variable id want to be able to change later i guess
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theres 2 big scary chunks of code here written by someone else which youre looking at in the pic above. i dont know shit about rotating and transforming 3d shapes so yea thanks guy on youtube
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^this is basic shit but let me say one thing having the layout of accelerating with up on the right stick and braking with down on the right stick makes racing games so much more intuitive to play because suddenly it all just becomes one button that like the player understands in their mind as just "movement" and say for example when the player is coming up on a turn and they point both the steering and throttle joystick towards the turn whats happening is that they steer towards the turn of course but also they decelerate because the right stick is no longer pointed fully up in the Y direction, its Y value is now something like 0.7 instead of 1.0 because of the angle the stick is pointed in, that extra 0.3 went to the X direction , meaning the player automatically decelerates the car based on the angle of the turn without even having to think about it. if the turn starts to become more hairpin the angle is so great that the Y starts becoming negative and now braking is happening instead of acceleration automatically. its actually beautiful how simple and effective it is
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^heres my cool function that does basically everyuthing related to the rpm. different gears rise and fall at different rpm speeds and it even simulates the effect of engine braking caused by releasing the throttle when shifting gears. it has so many fucking magic numbers from me just fiddling with it for like years trying to get the acceleration and shit to feel just right
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^this ones mad complicated i commented every line
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awesome gear shifting stuff its so fucking yummy because if u look closely in the video at the top u will notice i never use the brake to slow down. i downshift gears which causes causes the car to lose speed because the power it was giving out is less efficient now due to the lower gear ratio which also means the rpm jumps up to redline speeds which lets me instantly shift back up to retain some acceleration i cant tell u how satisfying it is to drive this thing and it feels like a real car
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^and thats it thats the last function. 212 lines of code honestly pretty small tbh. theres still stuff missing like for example when a car is turning the rpm starts increasing at a slower rate due to things like centripetal force traction rolling resistance weight transfer weight load engine load steering angle friction but im probably just gonna end up calculating it only based on velocity * steering angle or something lol. if anyone made it this far i contratutle you i dont think anyone who isnt as obsessed as i am with this stuff could ever read this whole thing so thank u
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yumeka-sxf · 8 months
It's time for another merch post, my biggest one yet since I went kind of crazy for merch in Dec/Jan...my wallet is still recovering 😵‍💫 (also, I made scans of some of this merch in a previous post here if you haven't already seen).
First is one of two Mercari orders. I only intended to get the movie booklet (which I've posted about previously) but added some more stuff to make the shipping worthwhile!
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I got the towel with the cruise arc outfits that's part of the merch line for the Tokai Steamship collab. It's a bit small, but I still love it!
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I always liked the art for the Tower Records collab, so I got a poster! (the seller also included stickers and postcards).
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I also like the art for the Cruise Buffet collab, so I got a paper placemat which makes a great poster! The seller shipped it in this nice plastic cover, so I decided to keep that on to protect it (they included a postcard too, which will be part of my next miscellaneous scans post 😁)
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The below acrylic stands were recently released as part of the movie merch line (sold at theaters I believe). Anya had a couple different designs, including one where she's in a director's chair and one where she has 3D glasses. But I picked the one where she's eating popcorn since Bond is with her (gotta always get the whole family when I can!)
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A couple weeks ago I took a trip to Animate, where they just happened to be having a SxF promotion where you'd get postcards of the new camping designs if you spent a certain amount on SxF merchandise. I bought the four camping acrylics, which was more than enough to get all the postcards 😊
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Also picked up these two magazines, since a Kinokuniya store was at that mall as well (scans of these coming soon!)
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Below is the second Mercari order!
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I absolutely love these painting acrylics! They're definitely one of my favorite sets ❤️
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Some acrylics from the movie! The big one in the middle is really cool, the background is reflective but transparent too.
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I love the Waku Waku Park designs, but was only able to find acrylics of Anya & Bond. Hope to add Loid and Yor to the collection one day. So I just got a clear file in the meantime, lol.
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Couldn't resist this adorable CODE: White overnight bag! I decided to use it to hold my many TCG decks 😅
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And lastly (kinda of) was my usual Amiami preoder!
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The "Anya helping with chores" designs are so cute, I got them as both acrylic stands (from Amiami) and reusable bags (from the aforementioned Mercari order).
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I got more acrylics and postcards of the lovely kimono designs ❤️ (postcards scans coming soon!)
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As I posted about previously, I got the Operation Diary video game along with these nice goodies that came with the preorder! (that keychain is rare official Twiyor merch 👀)
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And I got even more TCG accessories! (another set of sleeves, a few deck boxes, a card box, and card holder).
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The reason I've been getting so much TCG stuff, as well as why I said the Amiami order was only "sort of" the last of my merch from the past couple months, is because I had also preordered a case of SxF Weiss Schwarz cards! I preordered it back in August, and the set officially released in English last week...but that will be covered in another post, so stay tuned~
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primojade · 2 years
𝐀𝐂𝐓 𝐈𝐈: 𝐀𝐔𝐃𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐒 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐔𝐍𝐀 𝐈𝐔𝐕𝐀𝐓. ( fortune favours the bold )
𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐄 𝐈.𝐈 : 𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐃𝐈𝐗𝐈𝐓. ( the teacher said it )
" anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new. " - albert einstein.
𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒' 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 | As a veteran AR60 player of Genshin Impact, you pride yourself as someone who knows the ins and outs of Teyvat, even studiously completing Spiral Abyss every reset, and having 100% exploration to some, if not all, of the released regions so far. Everything is fun and enjoyable, especially since Sumeru just recently debuted so you still have a lot to do!
All that ends though, when a mysterious passerby pushes you off the building of your university while playing Genshin. But instead of meeting your inevitable end, you find yourself waking up in the very world you were addicted to! 
It's supposed to be a fun dream, right? Something you could laugh at when you wake up? Right?! So, why is that you were back in AR1 with nothing but a dull blade in your inventory?!
…well, at least you still have those 700+ sunsettias and mints, Timmie's fowls…and surprisingly similar game mechanics you used to merely see on the screen before. But what should you do now? Flirt with the Genshin men??? Good lords...
"Welcome to Genshin Impact, Dreamer. Here, we can show you a happier ever after you've never had before…so, ready?"
𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 | In which you choose to do the World Quest that requires you to meet Cyno, the General Mahamatra himself that leads to a more confusing and maybe…a bit more hopeful ending?
𝐂𝐖 / 𝐓𝐖 | Cursing, Cyno threatening you, mention of injuries but nothing too graphic, spoilers to Sumeru Archon Quest and maybe spoilers in general shskaha. No beta we die like teppei so you would def see grammatical errors. Let me know if I missed anything <3
𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒 | I think this route will probably be my most favorite of them all xD probably because Cyno and Tighnari are here lmao. Reblogs and comments are appreciated!
masterlist | prologue: that love is a fallacy | route 1: argumentum ad hominem | (alternate route) route 1.2: argumentum petitio principii
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Try as you might to resist the temptation of primogems, your will is as weak and soulless as your AR1 account. Though you didn’t know if the Wish System here works the same as the one in your game, it wouldn’t hurt to be prepared just in case. Plus, you were really curious to see what the General Mahamantra looked like in real life. Tighnari himself looked so real and so unlike his 3D self, so you choose to accept the World Quest that popped out of nowhere. 
Although your caretaker didn’t seem to agree with you in the slightest. “No,” he simply said with a slight frown before tugging you down to the bed when you tried to stand. “You still haven’t fully recovered, you lummox. And you can’t be serious in meeting that man looking…like that.” 
The therianthrope then gave a brief glance at your clothes before rolling his eyes. When you looked down, you realised you were still wearing your school uniform. And so unlike how these Sumeru—or even any of the Genshin—characters intricately dressed themselves. You won't even pass as a scholar of Academia even if you say so with your getup!
It was as if Tighnari was telling you 'you would look even more suspicious in the eyes of the General Mahamatra if you meet him as you are now'. But, no! First of all, you are a certified Cyno simp, and second, you need to do the World Quest for Freemogems. You knew Tighnari was worried you might do something stupid to incur the General's ire, but if you remember Cyno’s lore in-game and how between his reputation and his own personality as what others believed greatly differs, you choose to make a gamble.
Tighnari was probably thinking you were some sort of mad scholar that Cyno was hunting or some random madman, but you knew better. Afterall, you were nearly certain Cyno wouldn't hurt you (since you weren't even a Sumeru scholar or anything that broke the rules) so he probably won't bat an eye on you that much. He would be suspicious, yes, but you have to convince them that you mean no harm.
Yeah, that's a plan! You braved yourself, excited at the prospect of meeting one of your favourite characters. 
“By the way, Tighnari,” you called him, suddenly remembering something important that you should’ve asked him earlier. “Do you know the….uh, Traveller? The outlander?”
He gave you a puzzled expression. “If you were talking about yourself, then yes, I suppose I know you just now. However, judging from your expression, you were referring to a different person, no?”
You blinked, inching close to him. “I mean, the Traveller! You know…the Honorary Knight of Mondstadt? The Hero of Liyue? Swordfish Captain of Watatsumi Island? First Sage of Buer?...Seriously?!”
“Who in the name of the Seven are you talking about?”
Judging from Tighnari’s genuine confused expression, he really has no idea who you were referring to. Which means…“Holy shit…the game hasn’t started yet,” you almost choked at this realisation.
But if the Mondstadt Archon Quest hasn't really started yet, does this mean that the Traveller was still trapped in their sleep? Or it's possible that Paimon was still teaching them speech at this time? Tighnari himself is already a Forest Watcher, which means that this timeline isn't that far from the start of the game. Right? 
Plus, Cyno looked like he's still the General Mahamatra, in contrast to his self-exile during the Sumeru Archon Quest. Meaning, it was possible that he was still loyal to the Academia rules and its Sages, and if he does have his suspicions now regarding the Grand Sage…
Good lord. This would be more difficult to handle. 
First things first, you need to meet Cyno and follow the Quest Chain. Hopefully, these random quests that popping in your Quest Menu would lead to something that could help you go back to your world.
Well, who am I kidding? Even Hoyoverse themselves said they don't plan to have an endgame yet. You scoffed.
Anyhow! Onto the Quest!
It was truly a Spartan feat for you to convince Tighnari that yes, you were fine now, and yes, you wanted to go out of this confinement and meet the man of your Quest. He even becomes frighteningly insistent that you stay in bed for a few more hours but eventually, it was all thanks to an NPC Forest Ranger whose name you can't remember calling out to him that gave you the chance to escape by diving through the door. 
While Tighmari was certainly faster and physically stronger than you are, your will and determination to get the primogems and meet Cyno is stronger than him.
"What the fu—!?"
But in your careless hurrying, you accidentally trip and literally flew down the remaining steps of Tighnari's hut. You grunted in pain as your elbow grazed down the balustres. When you looked ahead, you saw the tip of someone's toes in front of you. 
You slowly looked up, frowning, your eyes met a familiar pair of cold crimson ones. Your stomach did quick flips, and your heart nearly burst out of your chest in surprise. You didn't expect to land pathetically in front of the man you want to see today—literally!
"You…" Cyno started, looking down at you as his red eyes flashing dangerously. "...Who are you?"
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"—And I specifically told you to stay in bed, but what did you do? You ran off on your own, got yourself more bruises, and had the wounds I treated to open. You even had the audacity to say you’re alright to my face–”
"Master Tighnari, I think they had enough…"
"Oh? Well, I do think they were pretty enthusiastic about listening to my lectures.”
“Bastard, do I look like I did? Ow!” 
Tighnari, who was looking all smug at you, flicked your forehead after he finished tending to your injuries once again. Curse his supersonic hearing even though you were just whispering your complaints under your breath. 
Beside you, Collei attempted to calm you down by patting your back. The girl was truly a blessing, and she's been very kind to you the moment she saw you tumbling on the ground from her Master's hut. Additionally, she looks even cuter in person; you almost want to squish her cheeks.
On the other hand, sitting at the far side of the room was the General Mahamatra himself staring intently at you like a guard dog. You tried ignoring the prickles at your skin, the lump forming at your throat at the intense way he was looking. His crimson eyes were scorching deep, as if trying to discern all the secrets you've been hiding from them. And from the way his expression shifted from nonchalance to wariness the moment he saw you, you knew that lying wasn't a safe option. 
It wasn't like you were here to cause trouble! Or break rules! You're as confused as them, if not more, so you really have nothing to fear! 
"—considering that you were now cheerful enough to dive out on your own accord when I clearly told you not to, I believe it's safe to assume that you don't have any lingering concussion from your fall. Though I suggest you stay for a few more days so I could monitor your condition—unless you want to stay in Bimarstan, that is…are you listening to me, [Name]?"
Your eyes snapped away from Cyno to look at the Forest Watcher, who was looking at you in exasperation. "Wait, I don't have any Mora on me for treatment! Besides, these wounds aren't all that serious, they could heal themselves in time." 
Unfortunately, your million Mora was gone along with all of your stuff in Inventory. Damn it.
"Mx. [Name], we don't charge payment to our patients, so don't worry about that!" Collei chipped beside you. "And when it comes to treating others, my Master is one of the best! So, you can trust him, I assure you."
Your smile becomes crooked. "That's not exactly what I'm worried about…"
Tighnari wisely ignored the both of you and turned to Cyno, crossing his arms. "And how about you? To whom do we owe the General Mahamatra a visit?" 
Cyno glances at you in a calculating way before looking back at his friend. 
"I…uh, could step out for a bit so you guys could talk in private?" You offered, hesitant.
"No need," Cyno immediately declined, for some very odd reason. "I do not intend to keep this a secret anyway, and this peculiar discovery is not part of my job as a Matra—unless it starts to pose a problem to Sumeru as a whole. But for now, any kind of opinion regarding this subject is very much appreciated as much as it was a personal request from me."
"Now, this is weird." Tighnari muttered, sending him a meaningful glance. "Is this about the suspicious domain we discovered in Dharma Forest the other day?"
Your ears perked up. Domain in Dharma Forest? Wait…don't tell me…?
Cyno nodded stiffly. "Yes, I managed to open the domain today. Inside was some kind of mechanism that opens a time trial challenge that requires me to defeat some Eremites. Then, out of sheer curiosity, I tried revitalising the petrified tree inside. It then gave me this…"
Your eyes widened like saucers when you saw what materialised in Cyno's hand. You couldn't believed what you were seeing right now!
"Is this…some kind of flower? Its appearance looked similar to the Fetid Boughs in Withering Zones but…" Tighnari inspected the 'flower' with furrowed brows. "It doesn't have the same effects. It even looked remotely harmless to me."
"Exactly my thoughts." Cyno agreed. "Since you were used to dealing with Withering Zones and this item bears resemblance, I assumed you would know what this is."
The therianthrope shrugged his shoulders. "This is the first time I had seen this kind of…thing, in all honestly, so I have no idea. Have you tried asking the Sages? Surely, they could provide a reliable answer than myself."
After a few moments of silence, the General clearly hesitated, pursing his lips. Tighnari sighed in defeat, but an understanding smile crossed his expression. "Alright, I get it. No need to ask the Sages. This is a…personal business afterall."
"This is an Artifact," you said absentmindedly. "Though I have no idea if this is a four star or a five star artifact…" 
No wonder why your Original Resin was 140/160 when you checked it earlier! It's because Cyno unknowingly used it on a Domain without knowing what it truly was.
Collei, who was silently listening to her elders patiently, looked at you in confusion. "...Artifacts? You know what that is, Mx. [Name]?"
Both of the scholars looked at you in interest.
You scracted your neck, debating whether to tell them about the in-game stuff or made something up. Though you quickly ruled out the latter. Lying wouldn't do any good especially since Cyno could easily tell if you do. It would be safer to be on their good graces instead of making them more suspicious of you.
"Uh…well, this is a part of an Artifact set of Gilded Dreams. And this particular piece is known as a Flower of Life, named as Dreaming Steelbloom." You explained, your expression sour as if you swallowed a lemon. You thank the Archons that there were days you were bored and resinless enough to read actual lore inside those artifacts! 
"You said this flower is just a piece of a whole set, yes? Which means there are other pieces out there?" Tighnari curiously asked.
You nodded animatedly. "Yeah. There are five pieces each set. The Flower of Life, the Plume of Death, Sands of Eon, Goblet of Eonothem and the Circlet of Logos. They could be found in the same domain as the one you got this from. There are another set of artifacts you can get in that domain, too—the Deepwood Memories."
"And what can these artifacts do, exactly?" Cyno's shoulders tensed, waiting for your answer with a glare. He looked absolutely terrifying as if you didn't answer him truthfully, he would drag you across the desert before he reenacted his punishment for you.
"Oh, um, well…" You nervously blinked and you really tried your best to explain the purpose of artifacts, how they work, and even about their set bonuses. As scholars of the Academia that runs on logic and explanation of stuff, you don't freaking know if they even believed your crap, but at least you were telling the truth? 
When you were done, you were extremely out of breath so Collei—bless her soul—kindly gave you a drink to clear your parched throat.
"—But the artifacts domains are absolute trash that runs on pure RNG luck." You muttered angrily, remembering the months you spend on domains crying in frustration just to get trash artifacts. "It would be a miracle to get good stats, and even purer divine intervention for them to roll on what you actually need. Tch."
The three of them shared a look. "I have no idea what an RNG is and what stats are you talking about, but if I guessed correctly with what you said," Tighnari paused, hands on his hips in contemplation. "There are other…artifact domains there are, and not just the one we discovered in Dharma Forest, correct?"
You nodded. "Yeah, but as of now, other artifact domains are located in Mondstadt, Liyue and Inazuma. The other domains I know that were available in Sumeru are the Talent Level-up and Weapon Ascension Domains…though I don't know if they would exist right now."
"What do you mean?" Cyno asked, his eyes narrowing.
Because my Map is not working right now! You cried inwardly, but you just shrugged at him.
"[Name], I'm curious about one thing," Tighnari mused, his ears twitching. "Judging from your expressions, and since Cyno hasn't stopped you yet, you must be telling the truth. But how did you know about all of this artifact stuff in the first place? I'm certain there are no books in the House of Deana about the things you just said, so all of this are new to me, and I could say the same for our General here—which is saying something."
If Cyno himself is not familiar with how these artifacts work, then how did you know? Tighnari seems to ask silently.
"Um," you shifted to your seat uncomfortably, aware of the three pairs of eyes watching your movements like a hawk—or a guard dog. "I…can't tell. At least not yet."
Collei's jaw dropped. "But why?" 
"Because the knowledge tied to these artifacts could cause unwanted chaos should it fall in the wrong hands. And I'm sure you, as scholars of Academia, know how dangerous knowledge of the unknown could be, right?" You groaned. "So, please, just until I figure out stuff I need to do, I should keep as much knowledge as possible. But believe me! I really meant no harm!"
Cyno stood up from his seat and approached you, his crimson eyes narrowed into crescents. "You…do realised that once the Academia knew about this, they could force us Matra to interrogate you whether you 'figured out stuff' or not, right? This is a dangerous gamble you were taking, outlander."
At his silent threats, chills run down to your spine and goosebumps rose from your skin. But to his mild surprise, you persevere and decide to meet his cold gaze headon. "You won't do that."
"What makes you say that so confidently? You must be aware of my position in the Academia, and the power I hold." He challenges again.
You shook your head, scoffing. "Yes, but you were doubting the Academia now, right, General? Otherwise you would report that 'suspicious domain' to the Sages instead of going to Tighnari for help. Even more so about asking our opinions, especially me who you barely know."
You realised this earlier. Even though the 'game' timeline hasn't started yet, or at least, the Archon Quest of Sumeru is not yet happening, Cyno had his suspicions about the Academia already. His loyalty was starting to falter (or in better terms, his own sense of justice is being tested by the same people he served), and he wasn't sure if he could still trust them with an unknown discovery, so in his confused state, he had gone to see one of his most trusted confidants—which is this Fennec Fox therianthrope here.
This is where you were confident. Cyno, as his lore in-game said, would only hunt those who rulebreakers of the Academia. And only a few of them were even more worthy of his visit. 
Though you weren't quite sure if your knowledge about 'artifacts' would be considered as 'getting his interest'. In any case...
His emotionless eyes looked more of orange than red up-close, and it was beautiful despite them glaring at you. 
"Okay, that's enough for you two." Tighnari holds his hands up tiredly and gently pushes Cyno away from scaring you further. "We will not question you for now about the origins of these artifacts, then. Just be aware that Cyno might not feel the same as I do, but rest assured I'll talk to him later." He rolled his eyes.
The young man huffed, crossing his arms before ignoring his remarks. "In any case, we need to investigate these other domains. And you…are coming with us."
"What." You deadpanned.
Tighnari ignored you, too. "I agree. These domains might pose a threat later, so it's much safer to conduct investigation as much as possible as the first ones who discovered them. And we need to prepare a lot of things if the other domains have challenges awaiting for us as well."
"It would be best if we split up. It'll save us some time covering all areas in the desert and the rainforest tracking their location." Cyno added thoughtfully, glancing at you. "It's best if I take this person with me. I could keep an eye on them and their actions well enough if were together."
"Hey, stop ignoring me—!"
"Are you seriously planning to drag them across the desert?" Tighnari gave him a disgusted look. "They were better off with me in the rainforest. Besides, they were still injured. They needed to rest first."
"Oi, does my opinion don't matter here at all?"
As the two scholars banter back and forth about who you should go with, the Paimon Menu lit up again. And you saw Quest Complete at The Fox and the Jackal World Quest. Followed by a series of rewards that went tumbling down your Inventory when you checked. 
(No Signature)
Adventure Rank: 2
Adventure EXP: 20
World Level: 0
But before you could celebrate your apparent victory, a new quest suddenly appeared again. And this time…it was quite different than the others you've seen before.
"Huh…?" Your jaw dropped when you read its contents.
The Fox and the Jackal II
Choose who to Obtain between the Verdant Strider "Tighnari" and Judicator of Secrets "Cyno" to your party. Choose only one.
Quest Chain Rewards: 250 Adventure EXP, 150 Character EXP, 2 Hero's Wit.
You could obtain them to join your party?! Here?! For free?! Is this freaking true?!
How the hell does this game really work now? They're giving out five stars characters like this so easily? Holy shit.
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Route 1.1.1: Go with Tighnari to the domains in the rainforest.
Route 1.1.2: Go with Cyno to the domains in the desert.
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TAGLIST (open! Send a dm or ask to be added :3) | @xinii , @maehemthemisfit , @abvolat , @crazypriestess , @ghostsaysno , @kittence , @unabashedlyminiaturetyrant , @xiyanin , @toasterinabathtub , @sketcheeee , @fuoon , @luvwukong , @salty-salty , @rosebatsc , @inky8 , @thegeekact , @almighty-raiden-shogunate , @isuckat-avery-thing , @perhapsabitgirlypop , @2cuteforyourlies , @stxrgxzxr , @elsoleil , @tsukkinoyya , @mkaella , @celi-alika , @tiffthescales , @blurr3db3rry , @messyserver , @shadowmist0706 , @chin-chii , @observation-subject-753 , @clovers-anxiety , @shizunxie , @lleoll , @shoujishu , @uwu-panic , @forgotten-blues , @chaneylovesfangirling , @enma-reblogs , @cookielovingalien , @iruiji , @samarill , @definitionofsad , @spynerr , @bigcandlesmolbrain , @universal-rose , @feverish-dove , @inlovewithwaffles ... (if ur username is bolded, it means i cant tagged u :(( maybe its in ur settings? Also lmk if i missed anyone cause im such an idiot sometimes shsh)
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gigidragonbbxxx · 7 months
Okay so I'll try to make it as simple and short as possible, for me the most logical way to manifest is REPETITION by repeating any affirmations over and over again it has no option but to manifest either a thought or a visual representation of your manifestation. So I've been repeating this one scenario in my head for around 2 years like the moment I wake up to the moment I fall asleep this specific scenario has been looping in my mind non stop even when I gave up on manifestation I quite all technique and everything I still used to loop this visuals (video) where I've everything I want like rn I'm thinking as if, I don't do this to get something I genuinely love doing this (acting as if/ visualizing) because obviously that gives me happiness my question here is why my subconscious is not reprogrammed yet when every second evey hour there is only scene in my head I don't get this and now finally I'm so hopeless and actually want a answer. Whether you believe it or not repetition is the key if you repeat something over and over and over and over and over again our brain creates new neural pathway and then it will show up in our reality. Then what the fuck is wrong with me
Everything will be okay. To whoever sent this, no you do not want to die. You want your new reality very badly and that's understandable.
So please bear with me and know I'm saying all of this with kindness:
from what I'm reading, you've been looping this scenario in your head for 2 years and are still looking for it. you already seemingly have read and taken the advice of repetition, acting as it, etc.
I'll be honest, I'm worried for you so I'm gonna go back to basics.
Are you viewing this reality as "It's mine now" or do you view it as something you're chasing?
Steps to Take:
take a break. seriously. take a break.
take stock of what has happened in your life within the 2 yrs you've been manifesting it - have there been small changes? have you been experiencing at the minimum, some of your desired reality?
take time to refocus on YOU. sit down, make a mind map of who YOU are and then make a separate one for your dream reality and see if they're truly different
treat yourself the same way the version of you in that reality would, just to jolt yourself in the feeling of living in the end and not just imagination, sometimes ppl need a lil 3D encouragement. for example, if the version of you always gets what they want, go into a store and buy your favorite snack just because. practice feeling good about your life.
even if you know what to do, going back and reading Neville Goddard or listening to edward art on youtube is helpful.
Final Piece of Advice
Suggested Affirmations
No matter what I feel, no matter how frustrated I am, nothing messes up the fact that my manifestations are coming in for me.
I know I am worthy of my dream reality.
I always do everything right.
I release any blockages or resistance that hinder me from experiencing my desired life
You know you deserve it. Treat yourself with love.
See you in your desired timeline, xx, gigi
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cosmichighpriestess · 3 months
Chosen Ones, Cursebreakers, Earth Angels, Black Sheep,
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My love, you are a changemaker, an Earthquake, a rebel, a lighthouse, a badass angel, a God/Goddess sent to liberate others from their own illusions and limiting beliefs holding them back from ascending to the higher timelines. The reason why you are seeing so many things, so many people you don't resonate with, that you dislike deeply is because you know better, you don't have their victim, blaming mindset and you know you are not living in those false illusions anymore.
Just turn the other way, and don't walk through that portal. Seeing what you don't prefer is actually helping you, because it's helping you become more discerning of the hell you don't want to create and helping you to step into the reality of what you do prefer. It helps you by being able to put your attention on what you do like. Assume the opposite of what you see that you don't prefer, and imagine that they are perfect, in perfect health, perfect condition, perfect love, already healed, already on this new timeline and you will enter that portal instead. Because remember miracles are the rule, not the exception, miracles happen everyday, you just have to be more aware of them.
They vibrate from their limited egos perception and you see from your third eye and your heart's mind connected to your higher self. You listen to your higher self everyday. Remember, you are vibrating so high and fast now, remember you ARE the reality, you ARE the fourth or fifth dimension where you currently are. You aren't in it, you ARE it. You don't go there, you are there, by being it. So these things you are seeing that you don't resonate with, and maybe never did are bothering you because why are you still seeing them if you raised your vibration and frequency? Because as you raise your frequency and shift to higher timelines every now moment, every second, you become even more aware of the darkness. As Bashar says, you shift and see even more clearly all the lower dimensions still operating from fear, lack, illusions of limitations. You know deeply, you are a resilient, strong, malleable, shapeshifter because you've been through hell time and time again, and come out a better version of yourself, some of you even unscathed but with a wrecked nervous system.
So you have shifted, you are living from your heart, you have had many ego deaths, awakenings, and dark nights of the soul, but you are seeing that darkness outside of you because it's finally being cleared out and released. Keep turning the other cheek to your preferred Earth reality. Keep focusing on what you like, and what you love. Keep following your heart. Ignore the false projections from other people who are committed to misunderstanding you and vibrate from their ego's limited 3D perception. You are an evolved, ascended, enlightened master over your physical reality kingdom. This is your kingdom, not theirs. They have their own worlds, but remember you can still observe them because you have a clear glass to view them from. So if they come up to you with their fear, their hatred, their conditional love, just send them love and compassion and be on your way and keep focusing on what you're creating, what you're loving and forgiving, what you're grateful for. They will ascend in their own timing, it may take them years, but know that is not your responsibility. You are here to be love but not save everyone. You can still fairy around, go around speaking truth, spreading love and kindness, kind actions, gestures everywhere you go but remember you can still observe lower dimensions.
Remember, what you resist, persists. So, if you resist what you do not like, what you do not resonate with, and you say this thing shouldn't exist in your reality, you are actually going to see more of it. That's the paradox. Instead of thinking, "they are unworthy of my love." Change your perspective to, "What would Source do? How does Source/God view this person or thing?" Even if they have done nothing to be worthy of your love, just give it, but remove your presence afterwards so you are not lowering yourself for them. So, instead send them love and forgiveness, bless it's existence in your perceived reality and see how it can benefit you, even if they just got you to see how strong and forgiving you are, and feel grateful for the lessons it's teaching you even if you feel you have not enough, that gratitude will actually be the answer to you receiving what you do deserve and always deserved and THEN you will manifest and see more of what you do like, and love in your reality. You're a blessing, you're a walking miracle, you're a light to this world.
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mari-gt · 8 months
Kny x Snk (G/t AU) Part 7
Oh wow would you look at that! Am I back from the dead? Well perhaps I might be, or I may just release this part and then go back being dead. Who knows? I'm sorry if I never wrote anything anymore, is just... I didn't feel like keep writing this, so idk.
I mean... I suddenly remember this story, and I thought of why not write just on more part and come back after 7 years to write more.
So before we start, I wanted to give a few update ideas that I had for this AU. Because when I first had the idea of this AU (rigth here), was also the first time that I watched Attack on titan. And since I was in the beginning of the anime, without knowing what would happen through the seasons.
I decided to change a few things of my original ideas, nothing that will change on this part of the story so no worries on that. And it won't be several changes, just a couple of details that will posted after this post here.
So now that I done talking let's begin shall we!
"Very well. Now that you all learn how to balance yourself, you will be tested with the movement of the 3D locomotion equipment. Because today's training you will be accompany Tanjirou from the top to the bottom of the mountain, you will have to strike the trap corpses build through out the course of the mountain. While Tanjirou keep avoiding his own traps and protecting you tinnies" Urokadaki said for the 104th squad and Tanjirou, and of all them was shocked with what they heard, expect to train together so soon.
'We have to go up and down the mountain with the human?!' Eren thought. Urokudaki must be kidding, 'Will we be able to keep going with Tanjirou? Yesterday while we were walking around, I barely could've keep his pacing with him because of Tanjirou's long steps. And with him running around we will never get to the human.' Eren looked at Armin and Mikasa nervous. Armin seemed to have the same thoughts as Eren, but Mikasa as always didn't demonstrate to be bothered.
A tinnie training assistant handed to all of them the equipment and show it how to wear it, the squad quickly manage to wear it.
"You better listen very carefully the instructions." Instructor Keith said it out loud next to the feet of Urokudaki. He didn't pass the height of the ankle of the human, but he didn't felt any fear of the human or staying so close to him, they've been friends for a long time and Keith trusted Urokudaki.
"You have blade attachment that with just one click, the blades must already be in place. But make sure that it is steady, or else you'll be doing more damage to yourself or someone near you. Each of will be caring 6 blades, 3 for each hand." While Keith gave the instructions of the blade, the assistant was demonstrating how to attach and unattached the blade. "The blade get worned out by attacking the kill spot of the corpses, so be careful by not taking high risk with striking those monsters without changing the blades. And don't change so soon, or else you will be powerless more quickly than a blink of eye."
"There is also two triggers, one is for the ropes. The ropes are long and resistant, you'll be able to swing to ever direction you point at, you also have to be fast and agile to know when let go and when shot again." Instructor Keith kept explaining while the assistant demonstrated the trigger, He pointed to a close structure and shot the rope but he didn't flew away, waiting for the next explanation to be told.
Tanjirou was kneeled down, admiring the fine equipment that the tinnies had to use which make sense since they can't even keep a simple walk with humans because of how tiny they are. And with Tanjirou having to run and jump around like crazy, the squad had to use something to make them just as fast as him to maintain the rhythm.
"The second triggers is for the gas that will impulse you further and faster. The gas will be always placed on your back, and pay attention because it doesn't last forever! Without it, you won't be able to follow the human or be fast enough to cut the corpse's neck." The assistant jumped and pull the gas trigger and flew to the top of the structure very fast.
Everyone was very impressed with the demonstration and noted all the instructions of Keith on their minds.
"You'll be going on rounds, separate groups, the reason for this is when you went to the finale of your training you will be sent by trios for a demon slayer human. So we'll be forming groups until everyone fits the better." Urokudaki said all high up of his height, Urokudaki wasn't a tall human but the tinnies still had to bend their necks to look (or try) at his face.
That information wasn't very pleasing for all of them. Mikasa wouldn't stand the chance of being in another group that Eren wasn't.
The groups were formed, luckily Eren, Mikasa and Armin were together. The other groups were formed by Jean, Annie and Bertholdt; Sasha, Conny and Reiner.
Tanjirou got himself ready and went to picked up the first trio to go with him, Urokudaki approached to talk to him. "And remember Tanjirou, with the tinnies in your care you will have to pay the double of attention. Not only to maintain they safe from corpses and onis but from you as well." Urokudaki said with serious and firm tone to Tanjirou keep that stuck on his mind.
"From me?! But I would never hurt them!" Tanjirou was surprise with the statement of his master.
"You could do it by accident, because of the distractions around you can forget to where you are placing your feet and if there's someone underneath, or where you swing your sword if there is no one around for you to hit."
Tanjirou reflect on what his master said and nodded. He will the double attention during the training, to not hurt any of the tinnies, Tanjirou knew how the simple flex of his fingers could hurt them and with him running with a sword around, he couldn't allow any mistake.
Tanjirou was prepared to make his run, but now with the trio Eren, Armin and Mikasa. Urokudaki made the sign to start.
Tanjirou ran followed by the tinnies that trigger their equipment right after the human make his first step. At first was hard to keep with Tanjirou, the calculations of when to swing and pull the trigger were hard to make, but after they passed through some trees things got easier.
And was hard at first to keep track of the tinnies around Tanjirou, but after he got the their timing of swinging he could tell where they would shot their ropes next. And their scent was clear to Tanjirou which was another help he had to know where they were.
So it began the traps, a wooden structure carved with a silhuete of a corpse spin in their direction. "Attention!" Armin screamed to his friends. Mikasa make the perfect move and cut the cushion, simulating the neck of a corpse, with perfect ease. Eren had his troubles, but were able to cut but not as good as Mikasa, 'Dammit' Eren thought.
'Alright Tanjirou the traps began, remember keep on track on the tinnies and smells of the traps around. Be careful!' Tanjirou thought dodging the sharp knives that came to his direction.
The further they went the harder it get, more 'corpses' appeared on different sides at the same time and the trio had to cut the cushions without passing any fake corpse intact. 'Oh come on Eren, your cut was smaller than Mikasa again!' Eren thought angry with himself. Tanjirou felt the smell of a trap right on his side near the wooden corpse and lift his sword to defend himself, the rocks hit the sword but some ricocheted in the way of Armin that wasn't fast enough to avoid it.
"Ah!" Armin screamed as he fell down, he just didn't hit the ground so hard because of the 3D locomotion equipment. Tanjirou, Eren and Mikasa turned to see their friend on the ground, the human was first to come closer with his heart hurt by actually hurting the tinnie. He put his sword down and picked up Armin on his hands carefully, and Eren ans Mikasa landed on the human's shoulder to look at their friend.
"Armin are you ok?! I'm so sorry I didn't thought of the rocks going your way!" Tanjirou said with a lot of nervous on his voice but were able to control his volume to not hurt the tinnie's ears.
"I-i'm okay. I'm ok, you were only defending yourself and I wasn't fast enough. I'm fine." Armin said holding the giant fingers to stand up and show to them that he's fine.
"No I am the to blame! For now I'll have triple of attention to not hurt you guys. It won't happen again." Tanjirou said with sorry and determination.
"Then let's go finish this! We will pass this obstacles without any of it left." Eren almost scream motivating the group.
"Yes let's go!" They all said loudly determined.
They were in a very good sync after the incident, Captain Keith and Urokudaki were hidden while the human with trio passed the course of the mountain.
"Impressive" Urokudaki murmured.
"Perhaps... but I don't think it is enough." Captain Keith said sitting on the human shoulder.
"Agreed" The master answered.
On their way down the obstacles got harder to go to, because of the thin air it was hard to breath. Tanjirou was in a way used to it, it was still hard but he already knew how to manage himself through the fog. But the tinnies never got to know about this or pass through something like this, their breath were heavy and their vision were fading.
"Hold on guys! You got to focus on you breathing, try to swing more on ground level." Tanjirou notice their difficulty and tried to help, Armin was the first to catch the logic of the human.
"His right we have to go down" Armin reinforced Tanjirou's idea.
"Are you sure? It can be harder for us to see with this fog." Eren was hesitant with the plan. Mikasa also seemed to be not sure without being able to see.
"We can locate ourselves with the steps of Tanjirou, he will be close enough and can warn us with there is a trap around." Armin explained aiming down to the ground. Eren and Mikasa followed him.
When they got down Tanjirou couldn't see the tinnies, but he could smell were they were so he wouldn't accidentally step on them. The same was for the trio, they couldn't see much above them or beyond but the steps of the human were close to hear and see if they needed to dodge from him. And they recover a bit of their breath on ground level.
They got to the bottom of the mountain successfully, Tanjirou would warn where the fake corpses were and the tinnies would attack the best they could while Tanjiro avoided the traps. Now with extra care to throw whatever came to his face to another direction where the tinnies didn't pass through, it was hard because they could be quite unpredictable to know where they would go exactly with the 3D locomotion equipment.
In the end they were good, not perfect, but had a good performance. Tanjirou had to repeat all of it again with the other groups, and each time he had to go again the better he got to deal with the tinnies. He had some troubles of communication and action with the other trios, but in general he was fine.
"Very good squad, overall you had a good performance with the human! But you guys can't be good, you have to be in sync! I want a better results from all of you tomorrow!" Keith yelled on the 104th squad faces.
"SIR YES SIR!" The squad answered back to the captain.
"Very good Tanjirou you manage to be aware of the tinnies around you, even there was a accident or two. But that is something to work with yet." Urokudaki said calmly to Tanjirou, giving him a plate with dinner.
It was the end of the day, and they were all together by the fire while Urokudaki cooked, he was able to make tiny food an experience he learn by the years living with tinnies. Tanjirou was impressed, he wish to know how to do tiny food.
"Tanjirou today's training was amazing! You were incredible leading us." Armin said excited sitting next to the human.
"Oh really? I just ran and jump as always ahaha." Tanjirou scratched the back of his neck embarrassed but accepted the compliment. "Sorry again about the accident with the rocks" Tanjirou looked down.
"Oh I'm good, really" Armin gave a thumbs up to the human.
"But you are right though, I felt like we were good together. I hope after I pass the Final Selection, we got to be together." Tanjirou smiled to Armin, Mikasa and Eren. He extended his hand on the ground to let them go up, he brought his hand close to his face.
"Yeah I do hope so, you got a clear objective and I like that. We have to carry ourselves on that." Eren said determined, and kinda dark, but Tanjirou ignored. He just like to spend more good times together on the training and beyond.
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themanifestingbrat · 1 year
hey!! so warning for bad 3D circumstances. I'm trying to find the root of a 3p that came out of nowhere, I've been affirming for my sp/ex and yesterday I was constantly affirming that he would release all resistance and confess to me that same night, and I was believing it, I was so happy all day, but then that night he told me that he had a crush on someone in his class, and this person is almost a carbon copy of me, down to the small details, where could this have come from? what should I do?
The first thing is don't try to find the root of the 3p. You don't want to them to exist right? Don't give any of your energy, thoughts, or attention to this 3p because in your new story, they are a non-motherfucking factor!
A helpful tip that I also had to unlearn - don't try to find the reason why something didn't work out or where something unfavorable comes from, just continue to persist in what you want or you can also create a new story from what just happened, up to you.
So now that there's no 3p, yay!, continue living in that happiness that he confessed to you. You can also affirm for yourself too like "No one compares to me" "I'm the only one he wants" "I am always first choice" something like that. Just live in your imagination and don't give any energy to your 3d.
Persist no matter what happens and watch how beautifully your new story will play out.
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retro-life-journal · 2 years
BRN-180 Part 2
A Look at the additional additions and details of my Retro-Mod Rifle.
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The idea of retro-mod rifles have really exploded in the last couple of years. Be it for nostalgia, or to make a clone of the equipment used by military or law enforcement of mentioned eras gone by with tasteful modern additions, it’s a market people are interested in. Brownells used this idea of Retro inspired modern rifles with the BRN180. A modern take on a classic. Their vision of what the AR180 would have evolved into, had that platform had the popularity of the AR15. It might seem sorta backwards on this concept, but my idea was to be able to take a platform based of a rifle I wanted and couldn’t afford, and give it the retro styling cues to fill that void. The BRN180 filled the void and need of an AR180, and here are the accessories I used to give my rifle the look I wanted.
“Retroing” a Modernized Idea
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Well start with stock. Brownells offers an AR180 style stock that is a nice looking piece. But when Midwest Industries released their AR180 style stock, that featured a trapdoor it was the one I had to have for this rifle.
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The Trapdoor and contents I’ve chosen to carry.
Packaged and sold by Midwest Industries, this stock is a joint venture between MI and Manticore Arms. Per the specs supplied by MI on their website, the trapdoor stock features the main body made of a fiber reinforced polymer. The length of pull with a 1913 adapter to an AR15 lower is the same as the original AR180s. The trapdoor as seen above will hold a standard M16 cleaning kit and a small bottle of CLP. The only downside to the trapdoor is, it is advertised as not water-tight, and they suggest if you have something you want kept completely dry during a dunking event, put it in a bag. I haven’t tested it that hard in rain yet, but that is something I have the intent to do in the future.
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The Midwest hinge, attached to a KNS adapter for AR15s
The hinge is made by Midwest. Made from 4140 heat treated steel, it attached nicely via 1913 rail to the KNS adapter I have in place of the buffer tube in the UnBranded AR lower I use, and has a nice spring and lockup when in the ready position.
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Next up is the optic I chose. The original AR180 scopes used were a 4x, that looked very similar to the carry handle scopes of that day. I opted to go with a Primary Arms GLx 2x prism scope. One thing I love about the PA optics is the ACSS reticle, and this scope to me was a modern update that flowed with the overall mix of modern and retro I was going for. The only thing I’m going to add to the scope, will be a QD adapter. That way getting to the Magpul Gen 3 BUIS will be quick and easy.
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The sling is a USGI M16 sling, attached to an A1 grip the same way it was on the M16, and attached to the MLok rail via a GI style MLok sling adapter just in front on the handguard.
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And now to what has become my favorite accessory to this awesome rifle.. the Handguard. The part that gives this rifle alot of its retro looks, while keeping the hand protect form heat sustained from rapid fire. The MLok floated handguard is nicely made on the BRN, by Midwest Industries, but when firing a lot of consecutive shots, mag after mag, it heats up. This handguard remedies that. Made and sold by AR180parts.com, it is 3D printed from heat resistant ASA filament. When it comes it’s in two pieces. It’s constructed in a way, that it slides over the rail and is secured via MLok. You can see the faint line where the two pieces meet up. When it comes it also has the layer lines prominent. I ended up researching, and discussing it with the manufacturer, to ultimately “weld” (glue) the two pieces together. I then painstakingly water sanded the layer lines out, using paper ranging from 180-2500 grit in steps, giving it the slick look that Vintage M16 and AR180 handguards have. These come in 3 different lengths, from short all the way to a full rail length. Mine is the AR16 inspired handguard.
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Overall this rifle is easily becoming one of my favorites. The addition of the accessories I chose, I feel gave it the more retro vibe I was seeking with modern materials, reliability, and features. If you have any interest in the stuff pictured, Check out Brownells for the BRN180 upper, stock and BUIS; Primary Arms for the GLx 2X Prism; and AR180parts.com for the handguard. I’ll link them below.
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themaudlinmimic · 1 year
Ok, so. A while back, a couple of german college students got tired of the fact that there were no shooters with realistic gunplay mechanics. So they made a demo with manual ejecting and reloading, tons of gritty stats for guns, ammunition types with unique stats, nerd shit like that, and slapped the system onto a topdown 2d run and gun about being the last member of the human resistance taking down the robot government. And this game slapped. I cannot stress enough how cool and satisfying the gameplay was, how cool the art direction and sound design was. It all just worked.
Then, a couple of years ago, Synthetik 2 released in early access. In the grand tradition of indie games everywhere (Risk of Rain) they made the jump from 2d to 3d for the sequel. Along with that, they changed a lot of the core systems, added lots of modding support, and kept the gunplay mechanics basically untouched because that was their fucking bread and butter.
Now, I wasn't a fan at first. But it's been a while, they've gone through a few updates, and most of the initial bugs and issues I had have been ironed out. So I decided to pick it up again on a whim, and holy shit everything else apart this game is so fucking COOL.
You don't even understand how sick a standard run of this game is. The class I'm focusing on at the moment is the Chrono Trooper, a motherfucker who stole tech from the time police department of the robo government and is returning said tech with interest. Now, at the beginning of the game, you've got your standard class abilities? Y'know, normal shit like mobility and defence and offensive options. The Chrono Trooper has, all from the literal first level:
A teleportation movement ability wherein telefragging opponents into showers of scrap metal is not only possible, but encouraged.
A fucking bubble of slowed time you can pop at any point to just walk around bullets.
As an offensive option, a fucking skyrim shout of power that drains all your shields in return for what's functionally a wave of pure nuclear fusion at whichever robots are in the general direction you're facing.
This is fucking level 1! Before you even get into any of the bullshit with items and weapons and And the best part? THIS IS LIKE MY FOURTH FAVOURITE CLASS. THERE ARE SO MANY OF THEM.
In Conclusion: Fucking buy Synthetik 2 already god dammit I want someone to play co-op with and there is no game on earth cooler than this one.
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justajsworkshop · 1 month
ngl, i spent the past few days feeling kinda… depressed? deflated? discouraged? by 3D circumstances. idk, just a lot of frustration and stuff there.
what i love about the true nature of reality—ultimate reality, the true self, all that is—is that your transformation to your desired self is instant. so, as much as ive been having my self pity party and moping around, the moment i decide i’m whole, i’m whole. i decide i’m healed; i’m healed. i decide i am; i am.
even throughout the blegh feelings, ive maintained the awareness that thoughts are thoughts, but i am. feelings are feelings, but i am. doubts are doubts, but i am. i know my true self even as these experiences drift through me. i am the awareness in which this all happens, but these temporary experiences are not me.
there’s no progress to be lost because there’s no progress to be made. it all just… is.
unpleasant emotions aren’t a sign it’s not working; it further evidence you’re not that which you don’t desire to be. therefore, you are that which you desire to be. i’ve been releasing my resistance to the blegh and just been letting it drift through. it’s made it all easier.
resist nothing. just accept the perfect fulfillment you already are. fulfillment is the only reality.
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katy-133 · 1 year
Demo Feedback - Chronique des Silencieux
Feedback for the demo of the game Chronique des Silencieux.
Archiving from June 23 2023.
Things like general thoughts, reactions, and suggestions for the full game.
Housekeeping/Context: I'm an industry animator who hobbys as a game developer. I have around 9+ years of game dev experience, having made (directed, written, drew, programmed) 10 games (mainly visual novels or other narrative-driven games) and been involved in an additional 17 games (either as a voice actor, additional writer, artist, playtester, or animator). I've also been a narrative/design consultant for additional games during pre-production. Please keep this in mind, as while I have developer experience, it is mainly in a different medium of games.
I've also read that Chronique des Silencieux's demo is a work-in-progress and is subject to change in the full version. I will be keeping this in mind while writing my notes. The game appears to be finishing up production (given the estimated release date), so any changes would need to take that into account (meaning, I will not make structural game mechanic suggestions nor any suggestions that would require a major overhaul).
With all that in mind, these are my notes. First impressions before playing: I love detective games. Any game that looks like it will make me feel like a detective and capture that "Eureka!" feeling I get from Agatha Christie novels instantly get my attention, and Chronique des Silencieux did just that.
The screenshots showing the game's various mechanics (particularly using red string to spot contradictions Papers Please-style) drew me in. I also found the ligne claire art style of the game very appealing (I am a fan of Tintin).
The trailer showing the player opening the drawer and moving the papers within looked like it had a good "game feel" to it. The resistance of the draw opening (requiring a click and drag instead of a simple click) helps to invoke the textile feel of what it may feel like to open the drawer in real life. I love games with good game feel. It's a sign of smart design.
Performance issues: The demo has considerable performance issues. The PC I used was a work and gaming laptop (I can use the heavy 3D animation program Autodesk Maya and 3D FPS/RPG game The Outer Worlds on it just fine), and I could not finish the demo (I reached talking to Solange a second time after first meeting Victor) due to the slowness of the game. From the main menu, the mouse moved with slowed input. Frames lagged so much I thought the player character was moving in slow motion as he walked. GUI like the stamp album book would crawl in instead of slide in through a smooth animation. The keyhole jumpscare I accidentally missed because the music sting played way before Solange's animation of her eye staring back at me could even start displaying through the keyhole.
The beginning conversation at the train tracks I ended up missing half of because the mouse input lagged: I would click once and the game would think I'd click twice, which would skip dialogue prematurely.
These dropped frames are a major performance issue and I would place that as the highest priority out of all my notes here. Players who have less speedy PCs than mine will only have greater difficulty playing it (as the Nancy Drew fandom has showcased, fans of detective games tend to favor laptops and non-gamer setups), and the lag is already leaving the demo in a near-unplayable state at points. Changing the game's Quality to the lowest setting did not lessen the effect.
Fortunately, the solution for this is fairly easy to solve. The game needs to have its optimization changed so that the game is not using so much power (CPU, Memory, GPU) at all times. This can range from where the game is pulling images from and when (example: The game does not need to load all images for the game, it just needs to load what the player sees and will immedietly see), to what the engine is searching for through the game's script (programming) when the game is left idle, to things like archiving files in the playable build (that currently aren't archived but can be). The game uses Unity as the engine, so I suggest using the engine's (as well as the Unity community's) pro-optimisation tools and features.
My PC specs are the following, which I'm providing to help out with recreating the lag issue:
Through Speccy:
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After playing the demo, I tried to find out through YouTube videos if other players had similar performance issues. YakWaxLips appears to have had a similar issue with framerate and stopped playing at a similar point in the demo that I did: (x)
Camera behaviour: The camera window in this game often feels too tight and close. Giving the player the ability to zoom in/out would be a way to alter this, or the pull out the camera if you don't wish to give the player that option.
The camera also gives an uncomfortable and claustrophobic effect while exploring, as I can see ahead of the player character less than I would be able to see ahead of myself walking in real life. The camera smoothing's length (of time) is slow enough that it causes the player character to appear to be faster than the camera can keep up with. Meaning, when you walk/run someplace, the faster and further the player travels, the less distance you can see ahead of the player character, giving the feeling that the player is "running blind".
Suggestions to solve this would be to add a Mario-style "speedup-push-zone" (when a character starts walking/running, gradually push the camera to travel ahead of the character to show more of what's ahead of him and less of what's behind him, then centre the camera back on him when he stops). If you'd like to keep the camera close when talking to NPCs (to keep the feeling intimate), you can program a region lock on the camera that activates while talking to characters.
For more information on this, please consult Itay Keren's GDC talk, "How Cameras in Side-Scrollers Work": (x)
While this video seminar is about side-scrollers, game developers of isometric games can also apply these tricks.
Side-note: The issue may also be caused by the frame-skipping (slowing down the camera), so optimising the game may solve both issues at the same time.
Lack of text options: There's a surprisingly minimalist amount of options in the settings menu, and none for text. This is surprising for a narrative-driven game that relies on the player reading. These are some suggestions for text preferences:
Font Choices: The choice for players to switch all text to OpenDyslexic and other reader-friendly fonts.
-Plain text overlay: Some players may have trouble reading cursive fonts in clues/documents. An in-game button to add an overlay of the same text in a simple font would allow better leigibility.
-Text size: Even if you do not plan to port to the Switch (bigger text for smaller screens) or console (bigger text for screens further away), an option to make text bigger helps to make the text easier to read for some players.
-Text to speech toggle: For visually-impaired players. Unity has text-to-speech audio as a built in plugin for devs to add to their games.
-Text speed slider: A slider to speed up the time it takes for text to appear in the text box. Slider at 100% is instant.
-Kerning slider: Slider to change spacing between characters (letters).
-A rollback option: This would be in-game rather than in the settings screen. A hotkey (usually mousewheel) or button to see previous text. This is for the benefit of players with motor disabilities (ie. nerve damage, etc.) and often mis-click and accidentally skip text (so having a history/log screen to show previous text would not be useful in this situation). The drawback is that some players may try to use this to avoid mistakes, but "points of no return" can also be programmed in to block rollback at key moments.
-Language switch hotkey: A hotkey the player can press in-game to instantly switch between French/English. Bilingual players praised Disco Elysium for having this hotkey, voicing that they were surprised more games don't add it, despite the minimal amount of programming required to implement it.
Accessibility is an important role in game development as it allows players from various walks of life to enjoy games.
Animation inconsistencies: This is me nitpicking and is the lowest priority out of my notes. I noticed one continuity error in an animated cutscene. When Blanche comment's on the player character's black eye, the cutscene's various shots switched the black eye to his right eye instead of his left (a think it was two shots with a right-side black eye, the rest left-side). While this isn't plot-important in the demo, later visual continuity errors may become plot-relevant (for example, which side he got the black eye could be a clue to who punched him--a left-handed or a right-handed person). This is just a word of caution to look out for things like this in the full game, as I can only view the demo.
I also want to add that the animation in this game looks attractive. There is a lot of artistry on display here in the demo and trailers alone. The cutscenes being fully animated were a pleasant surprise and the idle animations as the characters talk adds life and personality to them.
Thank you for reading. I look forward to seeing the full release of Chronique des Silencieux.
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starkettes · 2 years
you have inspired me . and i am indeed a child with figurines that i will absolutely show off to you even if you just nod and give a thumbs up at the end <33 my love language is pulling up a blackboard and sitting whoever im talking to down for The Talk and this will happen. you cannot refuse it <33333
(for real tho it took me months to also learn how to discern the links from each other AJSJSJAJ so yes to make it as simple as i can i will only deal with the canon 3D games . im listing them by order of their game release, but definitely not in the correct order of their place in the timeline(s). ily so so so much and im sorry in advance for the long infodump of an ask)
Ocarina of Time + Majora's Mask
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the original 3d little man <33 hes like . the only 3d (adult) without chainmail bc he lived in a forest full of immortal children for his entire childhood (we dont talk about his age in majoras mask bc its complicated but just trust me hes a literal manchild) so AJSJAJAJ i differentiate him by that and his pants being distinctly white. the entire franchise and lore did him SO dirty but thats not the point of this (frothing at the mouth to rant about it but at another time)
Wind Waker
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littlest of little men <33 hes the easiest link to distinguish from the others mainly bc of the art style, to the point that the fandom also calls him toon link. you can also tell ww link by the little swirly belt buckle thingy he has. also ALSO his tunic having a combo of dark + light green. literally forced the gods to choose him as his era's hero (he never held the hero's spirit in the first place) all bc his sister got kidnapped. absolute force to be reckoned with but still has voice cracks and Will Not Swear in front of his grandma in my hcs. all links are gremlins but this one literally sails with pirates so he has the background AHSHSHAHH
Twilight Princess
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fr tho hes so <333 AUGH. can literally turn into the goodest of good boys (wolf link). hes the disney princess of links bc animals Cannot And Will Not Hate Him. differentiated by the chainmail and his pinchable cheeks in game <333333 (also one of the only links imo that is absolutely not compatible with their zelda bc midna is rIGHT THERE. once again not the ask for this but i have. thoughts and things about tp zelink and tp link in general)
Skyward Sword
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HES SO SOFT AUGH IM CRYING I WANT A PLUSHIE FRFR AJSJSJAJA but fr . absolute himbo and dumbass but vv much in love with his zelda <33 he has such a similar design with tp and its hard to be sure its him bc both tp and sksw link wear chainmail, but the art style of the game makes it so that the one who has the brighter and more pastel green is sksw link. his hair is also kinda diff and more soft looking, and hes also right handed <33
Breath of the Wild
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do i need to explain. im so sos sos ssoss s9 r9rbf mentally ill over this reincarnation specifically <33 i really hope that i ruined this character for you now with my ability to not shut up about him for more than one (1) week. distinguished by blue and gender and hair and literally just everything bc im crying nintendo really hit peak character design with him and if somebody were to ask me to give a ted talk on him i wouldnt even know where to start bc hes just so PERFECT and augh look ok his character is so complicated starting wi-
okay it’s currently 3:30 am i will read this when i wake up
okay good morning im putting on my glasses cracking my knuckles and reading this like a grandma reading the news
the first two and twilight princess is crazy who the hell needs a hat that long i wouldnt be able to resist i would yank that thing off his head and run away jack sparrow style
wind waker link is so damn small he using a needle or something for a sword like he's desperaux 😭 😭 also didnt know he had a sister always assumed he was only child bc..well idk he just seemed like it to me
i was aware of wolf link (bc of how much u like him :3) but i didnt actually know anything so again i went to the fandom wiki and read it he's so cute (and midna rides on his back they look so cute 😭 <33) i am putting him in a puppy carrier and taking him with me
yeah breath of the wild is the main link i know of like that is the representative of the links to me thats the guy i know ALSO HE'S 4'11 I AM JUST BARELY TALLER THAN THIS GUY well a win is a win when ur short
this was great to learn actually and just know that if i ever get around to writing my head (1968) essay i’m gonna do this to you too <3
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theuniversalscat · 2 years
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I just rewatched the matrix for the umpteenth time last night. I love this movie, but I didn’t make it all the way through it. I fell asleep.
The act of sleep is a release of resistance that helps to interrupt the patterns of thought that confines you [in your mind] to the “matrix” to begin with… Technically depending on your perception it is possible to live within the confines of the matrix and still be free. It’s all in your mind, and how you perceive your life; your “reality” will reflect your POV. Just look at the world as it is now, and our shared, (semi) agreed upon 3D reality. It all starts and ends with your feelings about any given thing, situation, person or subject; and it’s cyclical. It starts with how you feel, then your mind adds in your thoughts of your experiences, and that adds to your personal beliefs, and then they all feed and add to your current feelings. All of that determines how you navigate through life, and engage with the world. 🤷‍♀️😉
Sleep is an interesting thing. It’s essential to the human condition, and yet it’s something that if we do too much of it, you may lose a lot of the experience of life itself. In the movie “the matrix” humans were basically forced into a deep state of unconsciousness. It was the only reality they had ever known. [spolier alert: if you haven’t seen the original matrix by now stop reading this and go watch it for yourself…] So did the few people living in the “truer” state of reality, (if there is such a thing because technically reality is what each of us has experienced first hand, and/or agree upon and believe by witness of what we haven’t experienced), knowing they were being used as essentially batteries for the machines doing the rest of the human race being used in the same manner a service by forcefully awakening them from the matrix, from what they knew as comfortable whether it was the best situation or not? Is there a possibility that the people living within the matrix program could be legitimately happy?
According to an old Navajo Proverb, “You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.” I also remember a quote, thought it was Buddha but I can’t recall who said it that said, “it is rude to awaken a sleeping person.” Maybe it’s sometimes it’s easier on the psyche to live in a reality where you just allow and accept what’s presented in front of you, or what’s given, where you relinquish your own freedom, and power of choice.
It seems to be a “both/and” situation, since you can’t control anyone other than yourself. I think I may be calling myself out here, but in actuality by not interacting and investing in certain things that made me feel depressed and depleted in my overall energy, I am starting to feel I’m just being more selective with my choices to the betterment of my overall mental, emotional and even physical (since it’s all connected) health.
So, going back to what’s good for the whole, can an “awakened” few make a positive change for the whole? Or, depending on how the other unawakened ones view it, would it be an unwelcome change because it’s being forced upon them without their consent? And how do you define, “awakened” when it’s not a shared reality? What if you’re choice to awaken affects more people in a not so satisfactory way or is perceived as a negative? Do you still make the choice to do it?
I think it’s impossible do make decisions for the whole that everyone will agree with. We are all on differing tracks of evolutionary development. But if you can allow room for change within your own life’s construct, there in lies the possibility for solution to perceived contrast. You cannot change the world, but you can change how you view it, and the amount of power you have to heal it. The action of sleep helps to halt the suffering of your current, unwanted, and in some cases subconscious choice of perception. It will help to turn around the attention to the perceived “lack” or “injustice” in your current reality of your choosing by your halt of current focus. When you awaken, you will have a better outlook to create better in your life and in the lives of others. Period.
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I believe, that for me, I just rediscovered another temporary way to help aid in the abolition, or acceptance, of the matrix. 🤔😴🤭🫣😉
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nintendowife · 2 years
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Time for my yearly tradition: the reveal of the best games I played during the year. I finished 37 games, some from two decades ago and some brand new releases, in a variety of genres and on many platforms.  My year of backlog wrestling included beating Resistance 2, a game that came bundled with our PlayStation 3 back in 2008. I only briefly tried it back then and proceeded to throw it aside to play other more interesting titles. I also restarted and finished Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood on PS3, a game that I had last played and retired in 2011. This year I also found out about pikkards.  Selecting my favorites wasn't easy as I played so many great games and I didn't want to bloat the Honorable mentions list. Here are my very JRPG-centric gaming highlights of 2022. 
1st place: Pokémon Violet (Nintendo Switch)
Familiar Pokémon recipe in a new package and with tasty new condiments. Exploring the Paldea region is a bliss. Pokémon Violet may very well be my favorite game in the series after Black/White and Black 2/White 2.
+ Interesting story, world is lively and immersive.  + Great new game mechanic additions and superb quality of life features, very captivating gameplay.  + Fun and rewarding exploration, seamless open world. The wonder of discovering new Pokémon never gets old.  + Excellent character and creature designs.  + Nicely designed locations, beautiful 3D models for the Pokémon and characters, pleasing color palette.  + Great soundtrack with familiar audio signature and tunes plus completely new melodies.  - Inconsistent UI: Some functions available only via Pokémon Box and some not, no display for currently active meal buffs.  - Technical issues: A few crashes during my 125 hour play time, Pokémon Box loading delay was a bit irritating.  - Photo mode would need plenty of improvement to be actually useful. 
See my posts about Pokémon Violet
2nd place: Chrono Trigger (Nintendo DS, played on 3DS)
Quality classic from the SNES era, well-preserved through time. Not an exaggeration or nostalgia when they say this is one of the greatest JRPGs of all time.
+ Well-paced and well-written story, memorable events, world that feels alive.  + Good game mechanics and entertaining battle system.  + Likeable and memorable cast of characters.  + Beautiful environments, wonderful sprite work and expressive animations.  + Great soundtrack.  - To nitpick about something: Slight difficulties moving on the overworld map (getting stuck or "oversteering" to miss chosen destination).  - Annoying and frustratingly designed section near the end of the game forced me to look up a guide. 
See my posts about Chrono Trigger
3rd place: Atelier Escha & Logy Plus: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky (PS Vita)
A successful mix of crafting, battling and comfy slice-of-life feel. I was completely enamored with the game! On many mornings the first thought on my mind was that I want to continue playing Escha & Logy. The game left a very positive impression and a good mood.
+ Down-to-earth setting that branches into an interesting story.  + Fun and easy to grasp alchemy system for beginners that offers depth for more advanced players, satisfying battle system.  + Fantastic characters, fun dialogue, plenty of humorous events.  + Gorgeous art style and fixed camera make for a pleasant experience.  + Catchy music, skillful voice acting in Japanese.  - Time limits were a bit stressful (but thankfully lenient). 
See my posts about Atelier Escha & Logy Plus
Honorable mention: Yomawari: Lost in the Dark (PC, also available on other platforms)
One of my most anticipated games of 2022 didn't disappoint. I got the familiar dark Yomawari feel spruced up with new game mechanics and even character creation.
+ Continues the great style of storytelling the series is known for.  + Good characters and beautifully designed environments.  + Super creepy atmosphere and audio design.  + Surprising and clever use of game mechanics.  - Too limited exploration in the beginning.  - Events were not quite as impactful as in Yomawari: Midnight Shadows. 
See my posts about Yomawari: Lost in the Dark
Honorable mention: Variable Barricade (Nintendo Switch)
I was so eager to play this otome game that I didn't even wait for a sale. It was well worth its full price as it offered plenty of laughs and entertainment. 
+ Fun slice-of-life story with plenty of humorous events and 19 different endings, quality localization, plenty of illustrations to unlock.  + Great cast of characters with good character development and chemistry.  + Gorgeous (when I say gorgeous I mean GORGEOUS) art, beautiful color scheme.  + Superb Japanese voice acting, includes a voiced protagonist.  - Music could have been more memorable. 
See my posts about Variable Barricade
Honorable mention: Golden Sun (Wii U Virtual Console, originally on Game Boy Advance)
I understand now why Golden Sun is so loved among its fans. There's something uniquely charming in this classic. I wish they still made games like this.
+ Interesting premise and story, nice atmosphere and unique feel.  + Sublime soundtrack.  + Charming graphics and characters, still looks good 21 years from release.  + Unique Djinn/class/skill system, cool side quests that were executed well.  - The end of the story can be accessed only in the sequel.  - Too frequent random encounters, no quick travel option. 
See my posts about Golden Sun
Honorable mention: Cyber Shadow (PC, also available on other platforms)
It was a tough choice between this and another indie masterpiece Sable. In the end I decided to pick Cyber Shadow because it's quite different from my other selections. Cyber Shadow's quality impressed me. It evokes a genuine retro feel and offers a rewarding game experience.
+ Fascinating setting and story.  + Tight controls and good gameplay with the right amount of challenge, good level design for the most part.  + Awesome retro visuals.  + Incredible soundtrack rivaling the likes of Mega Man 2 - this belongs in hall of fame.  - Heavy emphasis on tricky, frustrating platforming for long stretches was displeasing. I actually had a small rage fit in the last part before the final boss. 
See my posts about Cyber Shadow
Nominees for my personal Game of the Year 2022
Only games I have finished in 2022 have been included.
8-bit ADV Steins;Gate (Switch)  Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer (3DS)  Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (PS3)  Atelier Escha & Logy Plus: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky (PS Vita)  Chrono Trigger (Nintendo DS, played on 3DS)  Cyber Shadow (PC)  Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age - Definitive Edition (PC)  Frog Detective 3: Corruption at Cowboy County (PC)  Golden Sun (Wii U Virtual Console - GBA)  Golden Sun: The Lost Age (Wii U Virtual Console - GBA)  Grand Kingdom (PS Vita)  Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn (3DS)  Little Noah: Scion of Paradise (PC)  Little Witch Nobeta (PC)  Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story + Bowser Jr.'s Journey (3DS)  Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (PC)  Paper Mario (Wii U Virtual Console - Nintendo 64)  Picross e8 (3DS)  Pokémon Picross (3DS)  Pokémon Violet (Switch)  Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World (3DS)  Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask (3DS)  Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 (Switch)  Resistance 2 (PS3)  Sable (PC)  Shantae and the Pirate's Curse (Switch)  Shin chan: Me and the Professor on Summer Vacation - The Endless Seven-Day Journey - (Switch)  Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux (3DS)  Star Ocean: First Departure R (Switch)  Steins;Gate Elite (Switch)  StreetPass Mansion (3DS)  Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call (3DS)  Triangle Strategy (Switch)  Variable Barricade (Switch)  Yomawari: Lost in the Dark (PC)  Ys Origin (PC)  Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim (PC)
Let’s raise a toast to a happy new year 2023 with plenty of memorable gaming moments!
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