#regulus black and kreacher
So I'm researching house elf names and it's noted that in canon Kreacher is the only house elf without a name ending in "y" and a reason for that is possibly that he was never actually named but that the Black family just called him Creature when calling for him and I just jvnfjbngj. I made it worse for myself too cause now I'm picturing Regulus being the reason it's spelled Kreacher instead of Creature because he was the first one to write it down but he didn't know how to spell it properly
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doodlemcjazzhands · 6 months
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"I know I will be long dead before you read this..."
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moutainrusing · 1 month
Sirius: Here’s the plan. We wait for Kreacher to leave the cake to cool on the counter. Then I’ll call him on the landline in order to draw him out of the kitchen. While he’s out, you grab the cake. Understood?
Regulus, walking up to Kreacher:
Regulus: Please could I have the cake, Kreacher?
Kreacher: Of course! Thank you for asking nicely.
Regulus, passing the cake to Sirius: Here you go.
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when regulus finally agreed to escape to the potters only to die in the cave before he could even go
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starcrossedbrothers · 3 months
thinking about little 10 year old regulus black alone in grimmauld place without his brother for the first time in his life. and he’s lonely in a way he’s never really been so he turns, for lack of other options, to Kreacher, following him around as he does the housework and his other duties. and Kreacher knows that Regulus is not supposed to be talking to him, that he would be punished for talking to a house elf and Kreacher for being distracted from his work, but he cannot bring himself to send him away, this boy who everyone says is so quiet but turns into a chatterbox if you just give him a kind smile
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i-need-of-a-hobby · 4 months
this is an actual quote from the goblet of fire, hermione is pissed because of how crouch sr. treats/fires winky:
“Yes,” said Hermione in a heated voice, “he sacked her, just because she hadn’t stayed in her tent and let herself get trampled—” “Hermione, will you give it a rest with the elf!” said Ron. Sirius shook his head and said, “She’s got the measure of Crouch better than you have, Ron.  If you want to know what a man’s like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.”
he was talking about regulus. HE WAS TALKING ABOUT REGULUS.
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au where everything stays exactly the same until sirius' rant to the golden trio about how much he hates his family, his brother included, and kreacher gets fed up and just hands him a photo of james and regulus kissing and walks away
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theprettieststarfr · 6 months
The first time I read the Harry Potter books I was 7, and so I read them in Russian. Despite the HORRIBLY translated edition that I read (Maria Spivak), where Hagrid is Ogrid and Madam Hooch is Madam Samogoni, which directly translates to "Madam Moonshine".
But some names were unchanged, like Harry and James and Sirius etc, but what I wanna talk about is Regulus. He was still Regulus Arcturus Black.
Р.А.Б., read "R-A-B", same as in English.
The thing is, if not for the fullstops, it would be an another word that exists in Russian - раб, directly translating to "slave".
And I laughed at this when I was young, at the pun that this made. But now that I think about it, it makes sense
Regulus was sort of a slave in the Black household. In terms of ideals and beliefs that his parents imposed. He got sorted into Slytherin, he became a death eater, he obeyed his parents and in the words of Sirius was "a better son than him". Regulus also defended Kreacher from Voldemort, and Kreacher was also, essentially, a slave in the household.
So yeah, just something to think about
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regulusunset · 6 months
walburga black was not a good mother. but she was a mother. when regulus disappears from home one day and doesn't return, she doesn't want to look at the family tapestry. but oh, she knows it deep down. she knows that under her son's name it will read ‘deceased’. it doesn’t matter that she didn't know how to love her own children; at the end of the day, even a woman like walburga felt the desolation of loss in the blood rooted in her veins and in her bones.
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swiftiereg · 10 months
Regulus was Sirius‘ favorite cousin.
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manwrre · 7 months
every time i’m reading a hp fic and they mention regulus and kreacher, my chest hurts because i love them your honor. they mean the world to me. a boy and his fucking house elf have killed me, i keep thinking about that ‘my baby my baby you’re my baby’ song by mitski and listen, i know it’s mainly fanon but they’re everything TO ME
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dorlilymylovesss · 1 month
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Hermione about Regulus Black and Kreacher
Book 7, Harry Potter, chapter: "Kreachers Tale"
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moutainrusing · 2 months
Regulus, singing in the tune of ‘Reindeer Are Better Than People’ from ‘Frozen’: House-elves, are better than people.
Regulus: Kreacher, don’t you think that’s true?
Kreacher: Yeah, people will beat you, and curse you and cheat you, every one of them’s bad except you.
Sirius: What—
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weirdddgirl · 4 months
POV: the Slytherin skittles asking Regulus who’s his bestfriend
R: None of you.
P: Why none of us?!
B: Yeah!
R:well, Barty annoys the ever living shit out of me.
B: Hey!
R: Pandora is psycho who likes to torture me for fun
P: Your over exaggerating!
R: well Evan, Evan is just too much of stoner for my taste to be honest
E: fair
R: and Dorcas likes women to much
D: so just because I think women are wonderful you don’t think I’m worthy of being you bestfriend??
R: yes.
B: then who is your bestfriend? James?!
R: no not him, he’s a prat and annoying
P: well doesn’t that prat happen to be your boyfriend
R: yes well
B: then who is it?!!
R: you know what, Kreacher is my bestfriend. Now all of you bugger off!
He walks away.
B: who the hell is Kreacher?!!!
Sirius coming out of nowhere
S: Kreacher is the black family house elf. Lmao
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bimoonphases · 11 days
@wolfstarmicrofic September 14 - prompt 14: House-Elf [word count 719]
They were in the Sirius and Remus’s living room, right after Flooing back after a meeting with the Order. James was pacing back and forth and Sirius was nodding gravely even if James wasn’t saying anything. Remus raised an eyebrow at Lily, sitting across from him, and she rolled her eyes.
“James, please stop, you’re giving me a headache,” she said.
“But you heard them, Lils,” James stopped in front of the fireplace. “We’re just to what? Sit around while other people risk their lives for our world?”
“We just joined the Order, and it’s been only four months since we graduated from Hogwarts,” Remus sighed. “It makes sense they wouldn’t want to throw us right in the middle of the war immediately.”
“Oh, so we’re to let ‘the adults’ do the job again? Because that’s worked so well so far,” Sirius scoffed.
“Exactly,” James nodded. “Everyone thinks we’d just be reckless and get ourselves killed but we’d be an asset. Come on, modesty aside, we’re the most brilliant minds of our generation. We could win this if we all work together!”
“Speaking of together, why is it only the four of us here?” Sirius asked. “Where are the others?”
“Mary had a shift at St Mungo’s,” Remus said. “Marlene and Dorcas said there was no war that could stop them from celebrating their anniversary and Peter had to check on his mother who’s been ill.”
“Let it be known I don’t approve the way you three convinced him to join the Order,” Lily frowned. “Peter looks terrified all the time lately, he barely said goodbye before going today.”
“Peter always looks terrified, you get used to it,” Sirius rolled his eyes.
“We didn’t force him to do anything,” James finally sat by Lily’s side, looking outraged. “We just talked about it and he accepted.”
“You know he would jump into the Black Lake if you happened to ask him, James,” Lily took her fiancé’s hand in hers. “You’re charming like that.”
Remus looked away from James beaming and immediately leaning over to kiss Lily to thread his hand in Sirius’s.
“Relax,” he said. “The war won’t end by the time Dumbledore decides we’re ready to help, unfortunately. Besides, I’m sure there are other things we could do.”
“Like what?” Sirius grumbled.
Before Remus could think about it, a loud crack echoed in the room and a house-elf appeared right in the middle of the carpet. James, Lily and him almost jumped on their seats, but Sirius only raised a bored eyebrow as the creature turned around frantically, his hands clasped in front of him until he stopped, staring at Sirius.
“Master Sirius! Master Sirius, Kreacher finally found you!”
“What is it, Kreacher?” Sirius snapped. “Did Mother finally die?”
“Mistress is very well,” the house-elf looked outraged for a second then his expression shifted. “Please, Master Sirius, Kreacher needs your help.”
“Yeah, like that’s gonna happen,” Sirius got up. “Get out of my house.”
Remus could see the house-elf almost immediately obey the order, then his hands clasped even harder on whatever he was holding.
“Please, Master Sirius,” he repeated, evidently fighting the instinct to obey Sirius. “It’s Master Regulus.”
“What about my idiot brother, Kreacher?”
“Please, Master Sirius, Master Regulus is in danger. Master Regulus is dying.”
Remus saw Sirius stiffen. Despite all the bad blood between them, he knew the only regret in Sirius’s life was never getting to save his brother from their parents.
“What do you mean dying?”
“Master Regulus went on a secret mission, but he’s dying, and he ordered Kreacher to leave with this and destroy it,” the house-elf opened his hands to reveal a heavy locket. “But Kreacher can’t leave Master Regulus dying, so he came here.”
There was a moment of silence, Sirius getting paler and paler, James and Lily looking alternatively at him then at the locket. Remus got up and took Sirius’s hand.
“I don’t care he’s on the wrong side,” Sirius whispered. “I can’t leave him dying, not again.”
“I know,” Remus nodded. “I’m coming with you.”
“We’re coming too,” Lily and James chorused, getting up.
Sirius nodded and looked at Kreacher.
“Take us to Regulus. That’s an order.”
“Yes, Master Sirius, thank you Master Sirius,” the house-elf answered.
With another loud crack the living room was empty.
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seaskate · 3 months
Moonwater through the years
Its 1971 when Remus first sees two boys with dark hair and sharp features standing outside the train as he sits inside of it. Their mother is with them, her lips drawn in a thin line as a stern look marres what once would have been a pretty visage.
There's something aristocratic about all three of them, something that catches eyes in a way that was so different from how eyes stuck to him when the boys at St. Edmund's saw his scars.
The older of the two boys sticks out his tongue at Remus when he catches him watching and Remus turns away with heat high on his cheeks, caught.
Soon one boy alone in a compartment becomes four and Remus forgets all about the younger Black brother until Sirius (because he was Sirius by then) mentions him in passing. Remus doesn't think much of it then, the moon was close and thoughts of a boy he didn't even know paled in comparison to the hurt in his bones.
(He remembered the name regardless)
Its 1972 when Remus sees him agian, both are a little older and a little taller now when Sirius drags the younger Black to sit with the other three Gryffindors. The boy is scowling at them all with distaste, and at first Remus thinks that's because of his blood. He knew the thoughts of the house that the brothers were raised in, that Sirius's parents hate James's for that very reason. And it was in part, but Remus had seen that look on the faces of boys at St. Edmund's when those with aunts and uncles that couldnt keep them came to vist, children that were their own on their hips. It was the bitter look of someone that had something that they never would because someone had taken it from them. Remus understood the feeling better than anyone else in the compartment, his mother had given him up because of his condition and there stood James bloody Potter never having known a day without love. Sometimes it was hard to even be in the same room as the other boy. He knew that it was worse for the younger Black who was having his brother stolen from him by the very same boy.
Remus understood when Regulus fled from the compartment to go to any other. How could he not?
Regulus was sorted into Slytherin that night and exiled by Sirius at the very same moment as the hat called out the serpent house. The younger Black brother was offlimts from that moment on. That didn't mean though that Remus's eyes didn't sometimes linger on the boy in the same way that they did on Sirius. He always looked away before he was caught.
At least he thought he did.
The summer of 1973 is filled with illicits. Remus is thirteen when he finds himself breaking into stores and stealing what won’t be missed along with some other boys from St. Edmund’s, smoke in each of their lungs as cigarettes sit between their fingers as if they were always meant to be there.
He knows better than anyone that he is doing the sort of thing that James - the posh boy that always sneaks a bag of galleons onto Honeydukes’ counter before they leave with pockets full of sweets - would hate, but Sirius - free and always seeking trouble - would find it brilliant, eyes shining as he heard.
Remus’s mind wandered and for a dangerous moment the wolf wondered if the younger Black brother’s eyes would shine the same when he came to life, or if it would be brighter. If they would hold all of the stars within the Milky Way within them. He’d only ever seen the younger boy sullen before, he wanted to see what lies beyond the Mona Lisa smile. Remus shoves the thought down, knowing that he would never see anything else.
He gets an answer though, late into the term that year when he is walking through the library looking for a particular book on Ancient Runes. He comes across Regulus in an almost hidden corner of the library, eyes pouring over his own tomes as he ran a finger along the page, searching. Remus is there to see the moment that the younger Black brother finds the answer that he had been looking for, to see his grey eyes shinning like the glint of a dagger as it reflects candle light.
The sight felt more right than anything that he could have thought of on his own.
He’s in the library once more, fourteen now as he wanders among the stacks. They hadn’t been back at school a full week before homework had been assigned, the professors already stressed with preparing them for the OWL excalims that they would be facing next year. It’s then that the younger Black brother seeks Remus out.
The Slytherin had heard rumors, had even been told by the other snake himself, that Remus had punched Snape on the train ride to the school. The split knuckles that Remus still bore should have been answer enough, but the younger boy approached anyways, and Remus knew - fingers itching for a smoke - that this wasn’t truly about his dealing with Snape at all.
The younger Black brother wanted to see what it was about Remus that had caught his brother’s attention so throughly.
Remus knew that there wasn’t much to him when placed next to the likes of James Potter. Even Peter had the advantage of being from a pureblood family, unlike Remus himself that was a half-blood but grew up muggle with a dead father and a mother that abandoned him when he was five and he hadn’t heard from since. Remus knew that the younger Black wanted to see what it was about him that kept Sirius, forever looking for the next fix of excitement, coming back around.
Remus figures that Regulus finds it because the younger boy seeks him out again, and again, and again. Quiet talks in the library where no one else would see as the pair spoke of every manner of things. Remus never felt more at ease then he did when sitting at the other boy’s side.
He never felt guilty either for the secret of it all that he kept from the other Marauders.
Sometimes Regulus would bring another in his year with him, a dreamlike Ravenclaw names Pandora. The three of them would talk often, though sometimes sitting in silence too, the conversation never forced. He liked Dora, he liked the way that she thought about things, and how sometimes she would look far off as if she was seeing something that no one else could. It was strange, she was strange, but once a month he tore himself apart as he lost his mind to the beast inside, so strange felt a lot like home.
Remus found that he still like it the best when it was just the two of them; Remus and Regulus.
One night towards the end of the year, the pair snuck out to the Astronomy Tower after curfew and sat on the edge and watched the stars from one of the tallest places in the school, a bottle of firewhiskey between them. Remus heard Regulus laugh for the first time that night, bright and carefree and filled with all of the stars that his eyes could never hope to hold. It was the best sound that he had ever heard.
The summer of 1975 Remus met a muggle boy named Grant Chapman. The summer was filled with hands in hair and kisses on tanned, and every other little thing that he had never let himself believe that he could have. They laid with one another in the grass during the long summer days, hands tracing the scars Remus’s skin since it was too hot for sweaters, and Remus knew that this was why he’d always found Sirius devastatingly beautiful ever since they were young.
He doesn’t think of the way that Regulus looks so much like his brother, doesn’t let himself cross that line when Remus thinks that he’s caught Sirius looking some days in the common room, something that Regulus never did.
Christmas came quickly that year, and with it came a battered Sirius stumbling through the fireplace at the Potter’s home, limbs still twitching from the curses that were used on him. His family had wanted him to take the Mark, and he had refused even as the spells rained down. They’d left at some point and Sirius said that he found Flu Powder next to the fireplace.
When he ran this time, Remus and the Potters all knew that he ran for good.
Remus was the only one that knew that it was Regulus that left the Flu Powder there so that he could.
When the four Marauders return to Hogwarts Remus finds Regulus that night up at the Astronomy Tower and holds the younger boy as he cries for all that he has lost.
Regulus does the same for him after the Prank, after Sirius would have made him a killer if James hadn’t been there.
When Remus kisses Regulus that morning as the sun rose before them, he knew that strawberries and cigarettes would always remind him of this.
Remus and Regulus are together all through 1976, even after the Marauders had found their way back to one another, sneaking into classrooms during patrols as closest between classes when they were feeling brave, Remus keeping the map close each time. Stolen moments and kisses that meant far more than they ever should for the two of them being who they were. Someone groomed to be a Death Eater, and a werewolf chosen by Dumbledore. Neither of those things mattered when it was just the two of them.
None of the Marauders knew, Remus was sure of that, but he thought that some of the Slytherins in the year below him might as Barty Crouch jr. and Evan Rosier gave him peculiar looks as they sat with Regulus across the hall. But they would never say something that would bring Regulus to any harm, so Remus knew that they were fine.
He thinks that Pandora probably knows too if the smile that she gives him as she sits with him in the library at the beginning of term - giving Regulus a reason to be there too - was anything to go by. Remus doesn’t mind that she knows, it makes it feel as if the war isn’t closing in.
Remus never tells Regulus that it’s memory of him that he uses when he casts his Patronus later into the term. He thought that they would have time as he watched the spectral fox run between them as if it knew that the other boy was the object of its creation.
He was wrong.
Remus hadn’t even made it to the prefect’s carriage before Regulus finds him and pulls him into an empty compartment. Remus is expecting a press of lips to his own and can’t help but feel confused when the younger teen steps further into the compartment, away from him.
He wasn’t confused for long.
There’s a mark on Regulus’s skin when he pulls up his sleeve, permanent as a tattoo, and Remus knows just how damning it is. What it means for them both.
He knows better than anyone what it means to bear the marks given to them by monsters.
He reaches out for the other anyways, willing to fight for this. To fight for them. For the boy that he’d loved from the start.
Regulus only steps further away as he drags his sleeve down and tells the empty air that they were fools to try this at all. That he could never love a thing like Remus, a beast.
They both know that the words aren’t true, but steps are drawing close and when Regulus walks away into the hall where the other students are Remus knows that he can’t stop him.
Lily finds him there later with tears in his eyes that he wipes away as the new Head Girl leads him to where the others are. She never asks what happened and Remus never offers an answer.
Remus stops smoking after that and never eats strawberries either. Strawberries and cigarettes were a taste that he would never forget.
It’s not long, a month or two at most, before Remus finds himself up in the dorm room kissing Sirius Black, looking for a love that was once there, but finds instead that if he closes his eyes and pretends for a moment he can trick himself into believing that Sirius was another star named boy.
He still watches Regulus though, a moon forever in his orbit.
Remus moves in with Sirius and hates himself for the days that he wakes up when the sun is still low and forgets for a moment that the man beside him isn’t Regulus.
It was 1979 when Regulus Black died and all Remus could do was lay a comforting hand on Sirius’s shoulder and hold him as he mourned for the brother that he had casted aside. He had no right to share his grief with the other man, not when no one knew about all the secretes that he still kept. Sirius was Regulus’s brother, so he got to cry into James’s arms that night, but as far as history went Remus was nothing to the younger Black brother, so Remus held in his own tears until he snuck away to Pandora’s while Sirius was at the Potter’s. The strange pair hood each other that night as tightly as the Greeks held onto tragedy.
Remus starts smoking again, the smell sticking to his clothes and the taste of firewhiskey on his tongue. Homage to a man that was gone without even a body to burry.
Lily and James died Halloween night in 1981, little Harry is hidden away where no one could find them if anyone were to look Dumbledore unwillingly to speak a word of it, and Sirius is locked away in jail before the bodies of the muggle that he’d killed were even buried. Before Peter’s funeral was even held.
When Remus finds himself at the foot of his friends’ graves alone in more than one sense of the word, as new scars adorned his body, he wishes that he were dead too,
When Remus hears that Pandora is dead the words don’t automatically register in his mind. The war had been done for nine years, he thought that he was done with loss. When he hears how she had died, an accident from her own curiosity, Remus remembers the rants that Regulus used to go on about how he worried for her. He couldn’t help but wonder if this was in part his fault for not being there.
He visits the grave, a little plush lion in his hand. He hopes that it will help guide her to boy named after the star at the heart of the lion constellation, if she hadn’t found him already. He asks her take care of Regulus when she does find him, James and Lily too.
Remus moves into Order Headquarters in 1995 and sees Regulus’s bedroom for the first time. He smiles sadly when he sees how Slytherin it is, he knew how much pride the younger boy ‘d had in his house before the war started tearing everything apart. It’s a good sort of grief to see it then. There had been no body found to bury even all of these years later - not that the thought that meant had been looking - and he had no idea where the grave was and knew that he couldn’t ask. Seeing the room now and running his fingers over his lover’s name on the door felt a lot like tracing the letters on a gravestone.
Remus couldn’t bring himself to return the affection that Sirius tried to rekindle, not within the walls of the other man’s childhood home. He used Sirius’s current state of unwellness as an excuse, and stood by him as he tried to get better.
When the children came and Sirius spoke of how much he had hated family, even Regulus, Remus had been the only one digging his nails into the palm of his hands as the other man spoke. Kreacher had seen it still, had seen teen barely hidden grief there and had been kinder to Remus from then on.
Remus never could bring himself to return to Grimwauld Place after Sirius died. He couldn’t bare to be there mourning them both alone.
Remus during the war never knowing the truth of Regulus’s part in the last one. That’s fine though, because when he opens his eyes once more it’s to a face that he’d almost forgotten and thin arms now free of any mark pulling him close. They’d have eternity to tell one another everything.
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