#regis chapters are my favs
tiny-huts · 2 years
At any given moment I am thinking about Artemis Entreri and how he is my babygirl
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mevekagvain · 2 years
Chapter 421 - ...Artist is really making some weird bara shit with how he's drawing Uzhir. He's too wide, I mean, look at him!
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- Is... is Gayare's modifications just some steam vents in his body? To cool off cells that way so they can reach higher limits?
Chapter 424 - Not Raizel's panicked sweat when he realises he can't ask Lunark shit after she's gone 😭
Chapter 425 - Dorant at least isn't a complete idiot and tells two warriors to deal with Frankenstein at once.
Chapter 426 - And suddenly Ignes is wearing a push up bra...
- Okay Gorma calling out to Krano to help him did make me sad :(
Chapter 427 - Karias using Amore!! My second fav soul weapon along with Blood Witch <3
Chapter 428 - I like this panel of him.
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- ALSO I CAN'T BELIEVE HE MADE BRAANG BALD SON BOY WHY ARE YOU SO FUNNY ILU 😭 but also he's right why isn't Braang's hair regenerating :/
Chapter 429 - The fact that Ignes offers to let Lunark go as long as she leaves M-21 behind... utterly fascinating. Love her superiority complex and how it manifests differently with Lunark compared to Seira.
- ...How does growing scales make one stronger exactly? Like obvsly Krano is stronger with them but how? Is it Deviantart rules or something?
- Yeah see every Rael Rajak flashback shows that Rajak is a good brother when he's around but unfortunately that itself is the problem. He was rarely present. It gets funny and sad ig but idc idc if you imagine that said flashbacks are the only times Rajak spent time with him.
Chapter 430 - Yes! The time Karias used Rael as bait to buy himself time 😆 Also Braang regrew some of his hair :)
Chapter 431 - Oooh Uzhir saving his unnamed teammate 🥺 I love seeing camaraderie among antagonists. Like yeah he got disintegrated in like the next few panels but that's irrelevant.
- Wolfie!
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Chapter 433 - "Even your father Roctis could not get cocky around me" is definitely an ego booster. Good for Lunark. A modified clan leader being wary of her strength? Interesting. But once again I guess that means Urokai and Zarga are just better lmao.
- I like how Lantheart looks like a really long sea urchin.
- Lantheart made a snake :)
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- Zaiga the magic ww is here... But more importantly, Raskreia and Kei!!!
Chapter 434 - Hi Gaura, hi Bashum. Are the glasses and monocle you two wear for fashion or do you guys just not have eye surgery?
- I never did agree with Zaiga's explanation tbh. 'A few warriors' invading Lukedonia is already a declaration of war, no? Especially if the werewolves don't try to fix the situation immediately and instead ignore it. It'd be one thing if Maduke sent an apology and an explanation that they were rogue warriors but he didn't so...
Otoh... I do think just coming to get revenge for Rajak alone is weird. But tbf, she probably did mean to talk to Maduke first, the wws are the murderous ones who didn't take her to him. She probably only ordered Rozaria to prepare her attack after realising the wws were not going to do so. At least that's the rational explanation. Canonically she just uh. Attacks the wws. End of story.
- Speaking of Rozaria, the Lukedonian script looks gorgeous. And I'm assuming that's Lukedonian cursive too. I do wonder if that's an existing script, was based off of one, or is simply pretty scribbles because I'm leaning towards option 3 since it does seem like an amalgation of different scripts I know.
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Chapter 435 - No don't take your clothes off 😨
- Meanwhile Kei's already sick of the wws lol. He's right though, they need to get new lines.
Chapter 437 - Ah yes, Karias is everyone's big brother. How come Rajak has so much trouble with just Rael if he's doing fine with Rael, Seira, and Regis?
Chapter 438 - No but I never understood why Frankenstein drafted plans to make Dark Spear in the first place. Like yeah he abandoned them after seeing how much suffering and death was required but surely you would have noticed that before the full draft? Or is it some powerpuff girls shit where he just needed to get some weird ingredients and then add the countless souls for power? Plus... why didn't he just burn his plans? Why just leave them around after abandoning them?
- Another reversed hero vs villain scenario, this time courtesy of Dorant. Of course considering Dorant's backstory he's more of a misguided villain compared to Urokai. Still looks the part of the hero with his yellow and light blue compared to Frankenstein's purple though. It's actually better this way since it repeats the theme but still contrasts with Urokai.
Chapter 439 - Wolf again!
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- Aaaand Frankenstein pulled out Blood Spear.
Chapter 440 - You know you're crazy if even Karias doubts you 😔
Chapter 441 - Zaiga's pack of wolves vs Kei's tiger. Nice.
Sidenotes - Dorant's eyes always looks so blank and empty. It's cos he's dumb. Brain empty no thoughts.
- Shoutout to Uzhir's green haired comrade who never talked to anyone else at all. The Kertia fucking wish they could have what he did.
- Thinking about how wws must have crazy good immune systems to not get cancer from their regeneration again.
- Won't accept Rael's height but it is kinda funny imagining that getting a soul weapon gives you a height boost. And I do hc that Seira is still going to get taller and hasn't finished growing yet.
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mistress-light · 7 years
Currently I’m really enjoying my German play through of FFXV. It does feel like a whole new experience. I am not that bothered by the German voice cast though (well perhaps the fact the Cidney aka Cindy sounds like she is a heavy smoker now, well she has a deep voice and I was shocked for a moment, cuz Y’all so used to that high pitched voice). I already stumbled upon some differences between the English version. Some parts are the same, but also some entirely different, and I really like that though, but it also makes me a bit mad at times xD
Some personal fav’s of mine until this point considering Luna and Noctis (I am still at chapter 1 so yeah taking things easy). This is from my own translation though, I am not a German expert, but kinda understand the big picture. 
Regis to Noctis when he is about to leave for Altissia:  
“Benimm dich im Beisein deiner künftigen Frau”
Translation: Behave in the presence of your future wife >:D
But also the teasing conversation between Prompto and Noctis does give a different tone:
Prompto: Flitterst du mit Luna nach der Hochzeit eigentlich direkt zurück nach Insomnia?
Translation: Will you immediately go back to Insomnia with Luna, after the wedding? 
Noctis: Wie? Irgendwann schon. Aber sicher nicht sofort. 
Translation: At some point. But not immediately.
Prompto: Mann! Kann immer noch nicht glauben, dass du heiratest! Wie fühlt sich so kurz vor dem großen Augenblick?
Translation: Man! Still can not believe that you are getting married! How does it feel being so close to the moment?
Noctis: Wie immer.
Translation: Like always
Prompto: Ach, Noct! Jetzt tu doch nicht so, als war dir das alles egal.
Translation: Oh, Noct! Don’t be like that, as if everything is the same (rusty translation here though)
Noctis: Eifersuchtig? 
Translation: Jealous?
Prompto: Bild dir mal bloß nichts ein. 
Translation: Don't let it go to your head.
So I am also really trying to look into the lore and stuff later on.
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shade-without-color · 7 years
A quick 2017 recap in a video,mind that my voice is on the rough side as I am not well lately!
25 Dec-31 Dec
What are you going to do? (A little Rosa and Auberon flashback that is pretty fun)
To Slay A dragon Chapter 5 and 6 
Under this cut is my fave writing from that year itself <3
Favorite writing for 2017
Camandraine: Chapter 5: A taking in the contract (Geralt’s story)
Doctor Who tribute fics
Sonder 12th doctor slowly opened the door,it was a different world,the forests seems to shimmer a little. Nardole’s heart nearly leaped at the sight of the tiger prowling through the distance. Faces glancing at the white man climbing through the wet grass. Languages melodious and calm. At one moment 12th Doctor’s nose could sense cinnamon,clove and star anise. An inviting spell to endless possibility.
Golden Times
New beginnings
Icarcus excerpts
She will wait
Many Ghosts
Breath of Life
Personal drabbles
AU Challenge: Simple and Clean
The Mad Beauty
Brave New World
Noon Feeding
Come a Little Bit closer
To go Bold (TBH Masaume is my fav to write,his spirits and Japanese history YAAASSS)
“Do you that she would bring a ship down.” That crew member watched the sea consumed the screams of her. “she cursed everyone on board.” Ugetsu shook his head indifferently. “I do not believe so,it is meaningless,you know how that bitch is,she will find her way out. We just do is to take measures to never see her face again.”
Once Upon a Time
Hugs and Kisses meme-Push
The unexpected guest
Faces-Rasmus Flash Fic
An old Whore
La Nuit
The Gods are near
POTO prompts: Seven of Wands (TBH Schooling is one of the fun characters which I liked so much)
The brave
Head over the clouds
Coming back home
No turning back
My long forgotten cloistered sleep
There we run
New Stories of 2017: Older and Wiser,If and In the Land of Far
A drink would be sufficent
A journey which I chronicle (In the Land of Far is amazing and so wonderful LOL)
The story I will tell
Moving on
Chapters from my Interactive stories
An Unexpected guest
A Done Deal 
The many adventures of the OTP babysitting : Sneak out
Affectionate Starters: Terribly,madly and passionately
Double Image
The centre
Greek Gay myth meme: Death
One day
Bridge of Spies inspired drabbles
Phaeton (Farrgult from Enemies)
Indeed Farragut is too close to that sun. He will be burnt some day. Lann would relish that chance for him to weep for those cruel words.
A moment
Rober Caryle as Regis (http://shade-without-color.tumblr.com/post/156264626401/character-aesthetics-robert-carlye-as-emiel-regis)
Hikaru The Fox (http://shade-without-color.tumblr.com/post/160839115056/character-aesthetics-hikaru-the-fox-fox-on-the)
Hansa from The witcher (http://shade-without-color.tumblr.com/post/160908880526/character-aesthetics-geralts-hansa-the-witcher)
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earl-of-221b · 8 years
noblesse icebreaker
Thank you for tagging me @spectralmelon !
Name/nickname: earl, short for my fav drink earl grey tea
How did you find out about Noblesse?: When I was in the height of my Mangareader phase, I kind of just clicked on Noblesse when the title art was getting featured as one of those ‘recently updated’ manga. (That one old pic of Rai in the white uniform and then a close up of him.) Just because. And then I, someone who had only ever read japanese manga in black and white, was blinded by the full colour art. My brain could not compute. Full colour art? Every page? Every chapter? This manhua artist was a visionary. And there’s like three hundred chapters already.  Story-wise, I got whiplash when the supposed principal of this high school bowed to the Vampire Man™ (who clearly did not look like a high schooler imo but somehow was blending in anyway). But this interaction really interested me - immediately alluding to a history between these characters that I wanted to know. And then Rai started high school and M-21 and M-24 go kekeke~ and Rai couldn’t open doors and them pure jokes about Rai being a fish out of water were delightful. Also, in the early chapters Franken’s power was bright pink! And I gobbled that up I loved his pink killing powers how gorgeous. Yes, murder Mary and Jake with pink neon lightning while grumbling about getting vampire drool on your neat clothes. 
Favorite character(s)? Frankenstein and Raizel of course!
Previous Lord is also fantastique and M-21 will always be there in my heart. (And Tao. And takeo. And Seira and Regis. Sigh.) 
Favorite scene(s)? 
HOnestly, the first time Rai had ramen and thought it was an assassination attempt - this was like so masterfully animated in Awakening it was glorious. 
Rai trying to get out of the house via the window because he felt the need to make sure Franken was ok with Mary and Jake. Mary and Jake. 
OH MY GOSH Remember that early part where M-21 and M-24 were answering their phone thinking that those noblesses were calling them so early? And they were like shit, M-21, quick, answer it! Be serious! Be vigilant! Can’t let down guard! And it turned out it was just a telemarketer? 
Freaking heck remember when I was totally convinced that Takeo was a lady for his entire entry arc? But anyway Takeo sniping some bad guys. Takeo getting fake-mugged and then getting saved and making friends with the Yeran High group! Shinwoo Yuna Ikhan you guys are so sweet. (Has Suyi arrived yet?) Like. Tao and Takeo hanging with the yeran crew warms my heart, looking back. 
Any time Frankenstein has time alone with Rai. 
Any time the kids are over and trashing Franken’s place and having fun with Rai like you do and Franken twitching slightly in the corner 
The early days where translation was shaky and sometimes Franken called Rai ‘My Lord.’ Loved that shit
Franken walking home with sping onions in his supermarket bag before being captured by yuri. He was just trying to do the shopping. He has a family to feed.
When tao started being himself after been freed from the Union 
When Rai is using his powers in the beginning when it wasn’t all that painful and draining to watch, where we could all cheer guiltlessly as he crushed his enemies with finesse and ease without breaking a sweat
Rai’s blood fields and how beautiful they are when drawn nicely, the different shades of red that seem to glide but we know it’s all destructive force 
Any time Raizel pats Frankenstein’s shoulder in reassurance 
‘I would be able to experiment and stabilise your bodies. But that depends on Master. You see, I cannot disobey his orders.’ 
‘Really Frankenstein?” or something to that effect, “I recall otherwise”
Cue Franken trying to backtrack^
Any time Rai calls Franken out like that because Franken is Franken and its great
Raskreia pulling RAgnorok
‘Frankenstien caused many incidents. The Clan Leaders used to come to me to complain.’ d e c e a s e d
Frankenstein giving Rai earrings and a ring - and then Rai going ‘it’s not my colour.’ Which was great. But also, in retrospect, Rai probably said those things to try and take Franken’s mind off of bad thoughts like ‘oh no, is the power going to be compatible??????’
Raizel fighting Raskreia. UmPH. 
Frankenstein busting into the temple disheveled and half unclothed, trying to stop Rai from fighting even though he knows he can’t and then Rai reassuring him with a smile. 
Like wow
‘Are you alright, Master?’ 
‘I’m fine, Frankenstein.’ he says with a soft smile
‘There’s no way you can be fine after that.’ Frankenstein oh my gosh. You’ve never said it stark to his face that before Franken. It hurt my soul and I loved it. 
‘Master...that’s the wrong way...’
Ramen experiments. 
Any time Franken mouths off at enemies condescendingly 
Any time Rai makes a bad guy k n e e l
Oh my gosh I just remmbered his killer line ‘This is where your eye meets mine.’
 w r e ck t, j a k e 
That scene where Franken and Rai are having tea. It’s not a happy scene but it was huge. Rai drops his teacup for the first time (graphic) and remind us all that Cadis Etrama di Raizel is not ok and has never been since we’ve seen him awake. Then, worried out of his head, Franken can’t wait for Rai to talk himself and straightforwardly asks what caused his 820y sleep. There were two big things that kept me going with a burning passion while reading Noblesse, and that was
1) Franken and Rai’s history. 
2) With all this talk of traitors and conspiracy, what was this big coup and how were able to put the Noblesse to sleep. How did Rai end up in the box? Why were Franken and Rai parted for so long??? This kept me up at night. ( I expected something much more elaborate than what’s been revealed now but still.)
When the man-bat tried to make his hostage quiet, unassuming, high school uniformed Rai. 
Rai v Urokai and Zarga - AKA the first time Rai pulled out approximately seven blood fields that looked like seven raging red tornadoes when Urokai question his ability. 
Seira and Regis. 
Shinwoo actually beating bad guys up. Shinwoo is a good kid and kind friend 
Everybody’s fav scenes: Whenever Frankenstein goes ‘Allow me,’ and Rai pauses for a moment, ponders upon it, and then agrees. 
Then Franken gets out The Violence and has tangible killing intent spilling from him in throngs that make people question his sanity. This is up there in terms of fav.
Every single time Rai feels the overwhelming need to sigh. 
Rai sighing
Rai stuttering ‘hm....um....hn....’ 
NOnsu and Sangeen making disgusted faces at all this mystical crap going on. Remember when one of the union groups tried to sass them like ‘hahah you like him??’ because nonsu and Sangeen are happily married undercover strike agents
Tao getting Takeo some sweet new pistols and getting M-21 his sweet new optimised nail filer 
Any time someone is Recruited against their knowledge into Raizel’s Knights
Raizel’s Knights doing cool shit. 
Raizel finding out about Raizel’s Knights.
Regis running through the woods trying to fend off central knights encroaching on Rai’s mansion in Lukedonia 
OH. The trio stowing away in the cargo hold of their bosses plane, said plane falling, them wake up in hospital beds and 
M-21 - what’s happening?
Tao - huh?
Takeo - F-freeze! *gun fingers.
Any time ~mind control~ fails to work in the series. LIke Regis failing at F and R. the central knights failing on the trio
Seira calling upon Death Scythe. Seira wielding Death Scythe. Seira silhouetted by a giant spirit god of death. Any time Seira fights with her giant giant scythe 
Frankenstein v Rajak fight!!!!!!! Franken v Rajak fight never saw an end but what a fight!!!
Franken murdering Gradeus. Yes. But most importantly, that one shot of Franken turning his back on his kill, a empty ring of purple where Gradeus had been devoured alive by the souls of the undead in necromantic weapon Dark Spear
Dark Spear. Any time Franken goes ‘Answer my call’ 
Ok ok ok ok the f l a s h b ac k s. All of every major flashback. Gejutel and Ragar running through the woods in pursuit of renegade Frankenstein in laced cuffs and victorian suit in medieval days. 
I loved the scene where we actually see Gejutel fight. The giant sky tearing, body vaporising lance. Regasus was huge. 
Any interaction between Franken and Ragar, good friends
‘I just started working here, hahah’ *scratches head
Everything about Rai is stoic and monumental, Franken asks this great man why he didn’t make him see the Lord and ‘...I forgot.’ 
The brief Franken v Rai fight literally sucked my breath out of my lungs like n o they’re actually going to FIGHT even if it’s not really Franken there but the thought of Franken and Rai fighting is just RIVETING and IMPOSSIBLE and TERRIBLE 
fav fav scene: chapter 295
you guys all know what this is 295 when they made the b o n d 
Franken destroying ninth elder with just words and wit. How dare you speak to him, you traitor of humanity 
 A couple of weeks ago when Muzaka stopped what’s known as 废话, useless monologuing/ chatter, and straight up diced second-in-strength werewolf whom I cannot name. Blood went everywhere. Parts rained down like a chunky storm. It was glorious, Muzaka. 
Edian mildly threatening Franken and Franken sticking his head in Rai’s door to tattle on her. 
Forgive me for this list.
Why are you still following it? The characters. Franken and Rai are very important to me. 
How do you like to spend time in the fandom? (“I liveblog the chapters”/ “i roleplay”/ “I draw fanart” / “I like to read fics” etc.)
I write fanfic when I have time! 
Sometimes I sketch some fanart but I’m also prone to the one angle, one face, pencil-only thing. 
Do you have any ships and/or crackships that you’d like to share? When I started writing Who is the Monster, I didn’t ship Franken and Rai. In fact, I’d followed noblesse for a couple of years before finding that, yes, I do like them together. In a world where love feels very...cheap? in media, I don’t really like shipping and platonic relationships just appeal to me more. Unless there’s something that really draws me in I’m not that interested. I mean, there’s doumeki and yashiro, and victor and yuri and other ships that are great! But in the beginning of last year I got into Franken and Rai. Writing Who is the Monster really made me realise that Franken and Rai are romantic to me. Really getting to flesh out what’s up between them and making up in-character interaction changed the direction of the fic. It’s like that saying where - I wrote the characters the way they wanted to go. And where they wanted to go was be in deep love with each other to the point of self destruction. Hm. 
that, and I read other writer’s fics about them and found it so nice
(looking at you, Nerdanel/daylight-star - your rosa de sal - and Laryna6)
(also qdeanna later, your art is <3)
So that’s how I tricked myself into writing a 130k+ slow burn fic. 
My best contribution into the online literary world. 
when all songs on the radio you relate back to Franken and Rai you know things have c h a n g e d
I really want to talk to someone about ____________!
Writing more noblesse fic so I can read it. I want to read more noblesse material. Please write me more fic. I know I’ve been blocked for ages but maybe if you guys write some I can get back into it. I really love Franken and Rai. More Franken and Rai, please. 
I’d like to tag @qdeanna @laryna6 @daylight-star @alexvolkovvlad
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schattenlurch · 7 years
Pff, take your time! Ps4 can be expensive when all ur money goes to paying bills and foods :/ But I'm sure you'll be able to afford one soon enough! ᕙʕಠᴥಠʔᕗ thunderstorm are the worst, yes. And hot weather are terrible too. Especially when there's not even wind, u only got the sun beating down on u,, -4/10 would not recommend. ( I hope u upload the merman Promto fic once ur done with it, merman fics are one of my fav aus;; xD)
technically i could buy one now :’D I’ll wait until after rent and see how much is left;; i’d need the game then anyway and i reeaally want that steelbook with noctis and regis on it (ok technically i want the ultimate collectors edition but i’m not that desperate)
hot weather is the absolute worst i hate summer so much;;;
i have the first chapter done already! :D i want to write some more before i upload it tho in case i change my mind about some things and have to change the chapter.. it’s technically just a series of independent drabbles.. at least that’s what i have planned for now we’ll see how that pans out
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