#icarcus universe
shade-without-color · 3 years
My AMA is gonna open from 24 hours on
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Hello there!!!
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I hope you have a lovely morning/evening wherever you are! Just a kind reminder that my ask boxes are open right now! And I will be answering you guys from 19th Feb Morning SGT (GMT +8) to 21st Feb SGT evening (GMT +8) (For your Americans, it would be 18th Feb evening to 22 Feb Morning at most!), I will attach you a time converter so you can catch me here
You can ask me about my story processes, inspirations, WIPs and so on! You can even give me prompts and I can work on some ideas LOL
Do note for the,19th Feb as I am at work, I will try to answer you guys by the evening, 20th Feb would be slow as I am meeting my friend in the afternoon and only answer questions by the evening 😊😊😊, and 21st Feb, I can only answer by Morning and evening as I have a dental appointment in the afternoon!
So I am excited for what is to come, as it is my first experience too!
Ask me Anything
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by LFB72
Inspired by Tari_sue's Merlin /Greek gods mash up where Merlin is Hermes and Arthur is Apollo
Angry at Icarcus' blatant attempt to seduce Apollo, Hermes attempts to catch his eye
Words: 0, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 6 of Greek Gods
Fandoms: Merlin (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Merlin (Merlin)
Relationships: Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
Additional Tags: Art, Traditional Media, Humor, Greek Mythology - Freeform, Alternate Universe - Greek Mythology, Hermes - Freeform, apollo - Freeform, Attempted Seduction, Fluff and Crack
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ao3-rickylmerthurj2 · 6 years
Art:'This is me' by <a rel="author" href="/users/LFB72/pseuds/LFB72">LFB72</a>
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2T39kDF
by LFB72
Inspired by Tari_sue's Merlin /Greek gods mash up where Merlin is Hermes and Arthur is Apollo
Angry at Icarcus' blatant attempt to seduce Apollo, Hermes attempts to catch his eye
Words: 0, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 6 of Greek Gods
Fandoms: Merlin (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Merlin (Merlin)
Relationships: Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
Additional Tags: Art, Traditional Media, Humor, Greek Mythology - Freeform, Alternate Universe - Greek Mythology, Hermes - Freeform, apollo - Freeform, Attempted Seduction, Fluff and Crack
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2T39kDF
0 notes
ao3feed-merlin · 6 years
Art:'This is me'
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2T39kDF
by LFB72
Inspired by Tari_sue's Merlin /Greek gods mash up where Merlin is Hermes and Arthur is Apollo
Angry at Icarcus' blatant attempt to seduce Apollo, Hermes attempts to catch his eye
Words: 0, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 6 of Greek Gods
Fandoms: Merlin (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Merlin (Merlin)
Relationships: Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
Additional Tags: Art, Traditional Media, Humor, Greek Mythology - Freeform, Alternate Universe - Greek Mythology, Hermes - Freeform, apollo - Freeform, Attempted Seduction, Fluff and Crack, bare flesh, Wasps
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2T39kDF
0 notes
shade-without-color · 4 years
Welcome to the world
Note: This one is inspired by all the news of people around me who are expecting and a fic which I have been reading lately. IDK why I quite like it!
The past few weeks has been a slow drawl, with Drago trying his damnedest to comfort his wife’s discomfort either with soft kisses in the nape or maybe telling a funny story of the time with Auberon. And Cecily either fell into a deep sleep or perhaps she will kick him by the shins playfully.
However it took a peculiar turn, as she mumbled to Drago over a heavy pain around her back.  “My sweet..my sweet…”  Drago blearily look the bed to find brownish mucus staining the bed.  Tears streaking her face, as she tug her nails to his shoulder. Drago swallowed slightly as the seen her face wretched in pain.
“The child is coming?”
Cecily nodded weakly. “Is it true, is it due…”
“Yes my love…”
Drago kissed her forehead quietly and quickly he stirred up to call one of the dozing servants.  The young man with innocent eyes stared at his cold faced master.
“The lady is in labour….”
Drago tried to rub away the sweat from his palms and calmly looked at him “Call the midwife that Apollonia sent over and ladies in waiting…”The servant boy quickly bowed and ran down the stairs to call those below. Meanwhile he hears sobs from the distance which she knew that the process of childbirth would be an ordeal. He quickly light a candle to a kind saint, and prayed for a smooth ordeal.
True Drago may forget certain rituals but he knew that morality held him like a hollow crown. He came back to Cecily and kissed her gently by the forehead “How are you doing my love…” He kept rubbing her hand back and forth.
Cecily smiled quietly “I never expect our child to come quickly…” She blearily gestured him to get some diluted wine which she gulped quietly. “It must take on your stubborn nature…” Drago gripped her gently and let her walk slightly . What he admit is Cecily’s grit as she looked over the gardens. He recalled happy last days as a couple where Cecily would look at the garden and rubbed her belly, thinking of the happiness that child would bring.
“Do not worry, love, you are strong. And that child will be…” He offer a gentle kiss by the lips. He could taste the salt of her tears, tears of agony and pain. He prayed that saint would watch the couple and the child. Meanwhile he could only soothe her by small rubs and kisses around the areas of pain.
Before long, candlelight illuminated the couple. an older lady curtsey the couple “Master Drago…are you sure to witness a fight between child and mother.”
“I am…”
Drago quietly repressed the trembling in his hands. He knew of his mother’s death was caused by childbirth, along with unfortunate witnesses which he blankly watched daughters of chosen Nine. “We pray that my wife will have a smooth delivery under your care.”
“We will…”
One of the younger ladies placed a smaller bowl on the table, and proceed to dampen her forehead. Quietly the older lady lifted the hem of Cecily’s chemise to find a tuft of auburn hair peeking out.
“That is a good sign…”
Drago’s eyes widened with pity. “What sign, please enlightened me madam…”
“The child is crowning” The old lady carefully traced the gap . Quickly she called one of the young girls to give her something to drink. Her voice soothes Cecily’s ears, as she coaxed her to spread her legs. “Lady Cecily, I need you to close your eyes and push the child out at my count….”
Drago extended her arm and kiss her hand gently. Cecily closed her eyes and heaved a deep breath. For she knew it will be a long and arduous night, with screams of agony and pants. The younger ladies back and forth trying to wipe her brow and giving a drink to her.
She thank the gods and saints above that Drago was at her side, comforting her along the way. His eyes looking over anxiously at the child’s eyes staring at the big and beautiful world.
Before long, a solitary cry echoed the room. And the chaos seems to be stilled.
Later that evening the older lady, all bloodied gave a small smile to the couple, with Cecily panting for breath and Drago looking anxiously at the baby who is squirming around with the younger girl. “That child is beautiful…”, as one of the younger girls grabbed some sheets to clean the babe “A beautiful girl and she has her face of her mother Master…”
A girl.
Quickly one of the young ladies use a small knife and cut the cord that bound mother and daughter. Tears welled in their eyes. And Drago kissed Cecily’s forehead gently over this miracle.
“Master, bring your daughter to her mother, she need her first milk…” Indeed the saints do hear his prayer,  as he quickly got up and took the baby into his arms. And indeed she is beautiful, for she retained the auburn hair like her father, and her kind eyes like her mother. He was quiet at that moment before he passed it to Cecily hushing to her baby.
Her smile is weak but full with love over the sight of their new child. “I thank the angels for you to bring our daughter to the world…”  Drago muttered quietly before kissing her by the lips.
“I love you too…” Cecily smiled happily “To have your child is indeed a blessing from all above.” Exhausted, Cecily tried to take off her chemise, to bear breast for her daughter. Drago gently held his daughter. For that moment they can enjoy that still moment before they could name their child.
Next day, as followed Cecily is promptly cleaned up by servants, and Drago carrying his daughter gently. He looked over the statute and quietly thank the saint for a smooth delivery. Soon a name planted into his tongue and quickly he ran over to Cecily’s chambers.
“You know that our daughter cannot be nameless” As usual Cecily’s wit never dry out. ‘I was thinking of naming her Lavina, since we are fascinated by her life story from The Lands of Aqua Viate.”
Drago smiled happily “Wilful Lavina sounds nice, if we allowed the tradition from the Stands, the child will have 2 names,  chosen by father and mother separately. I was thinking of naming her after St Pia as I prayed for a smooth delivery.”
“Pia has a lovely ring…”
Cecily paused a little, thinking over the name. A heavy choice in her heart. And she smiled
“Gwenore, there is a great aunt we like and a feisty name to fit for our daughter”
Drago pondered quietly, which he found some difficulty with the tongue but it has a lovely ring “Unusual but I will gladly take her name…” Quickly he saw Catharina bowing down to her “Write to Lady Apollonia about her niece..” And before long Cecily have a warm smile “hell my darling Lavina.” She kissed her by the forehead. “You made us all happy…”
Soon that family of three enjoyed a quite moment together. A moment which last forever where everything comes in full circle.
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shade-without-color · 5 years
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Okkk my friend asked me to show my tag yoself one, but unfortunately damn Tumblr lost my post, so I remade that one again.
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shade-without-color · 6 years
Creative Writer’s Notebook Prompts: The trade
Note: So it has been a while since I actually post the Creative Writer’s Notebook (I have like a lot of prompts which I have yet to clear up. Here I have to focus on revealing character via dialogue or action with the following description.
“A Travelling salesman, he is 6 ft and 4 inches tall. He has a bad back  because he spend many nights sleeping in cheap hotels with uncomfortable beds. He is divorced and has two young children-a boy and a girl”
He cracked his neck slightly as he dashed over to the next pub, stifling his pain towards neck rolling and soon Auberon smiled slightly on that face “Rejoice! rejoice! It is Sigumund...” as he gave him a wet kiss on his cheek. Sigumund barely squinted his eyes slightly “Ease on the yelling Auberon... you know that your recommendation over that inn is horrid...” Auberon barely gave a thought that his backaches are getting worse by the day. “But the owner’s daughter, is she pretty?” He raised a suggestive eyebrow to Sigmund, whose cheeks grew redder than the roses plucked by the market square the “Of course, alas I am not ready for love again..”
Auberon took himself the liberty to pour him another shot “I have something to lift your spirits- I called it a maiden’s lamentation, taken from an archaic poem from the Stands. Funny enough that I like that a lot… a dear friend of mine would disagree.”
“I do not think she will appreciate that I left behind two children…”
Auberon widened his eyes with gleeful intention "Two children are nothing, for your son may take up a noble trade and sail whenever the wind blows..." as he gulped another shot, he keer himself to Sigumund's ear "Your daughter...ho ho ho...." Sigumund glared at him quietly "Please, just ease my suffering I could might as well choke you to death."Auberon froze like a cat soaked in water as he felt his big hands nearly strangling his neck. Slowly Sigumund glanced at his eyes "Well shit.. my apologies..." Auberon avert his eyes slightly "Is there anything I can do to help you..." Sigumnd swallowed slightly "I think there is something you can do for me..." slowly he slipped a small piece of paper. "I think I have something of your interest, perhaps to get ourselves something..."
Auberon glanced over a piece of paper. "This, what the hell is that?" Sigumund barely broke a smile "That, I should be able to pay what stood between my ex-wife and I...." and soon he held his shot glass "Maybe you could be of some help..."
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shade-without-color · 6 years
A bonus Icarcus Universe history: Thoreau’s lands
Note: Ok I have a little bonus world building one with Thoreau’s lands (Ok this came to me as sudden inspiration), that I must talk about King Thoreau, though I may not cover it in “All realms is a Traveller” that much (I may!) but this is more of Eulalia’s story in general. I was thinking of the French empire as inspiration- so it is fun to do that.
Thoreau's reign- a moral lesson of all rulers for all history (and yes one empire which I wished that most scholars should teach to the next generation) that vanity and pride will cause the downfall of that country. And that, aptly named Thoreau was the beacon of its downfall. What remains of this empire are the cracked paintings of a queen Undine desperate for anyone to see her true power, which ironically she cannot control fate itself. All I could say that they always hungered for power, so wars are their charging forces to sustain that insatiable power. Of course, they must hear of Icarcus' fall from many ambassadors, so it is a great chance to claim the territory that Icarcus failed to capture.
Thoreau saw that the lands are theirs, and only by him, they are aligned. For he is well known for the execution of mages in the land, who flee to The Perfumed expanse which Princess Eulalia helped in secret. Of course, he took advantage of Mayor Drago's coming to negotiate peace for war, as he seen Drago's vaults as an expansion to his already bloated empire.
Pity that Alma, a major ally fell under the hands of an uprising queen Caelestra, a survivor of the fallen country- for he becomes outnumbered by those who conspired to kill him.
Alas! It is an empty shell of its former glories! For the remainders of its glided skeleton, none wished to see it ever again.
Let it be the lesson for all, to keep the heart humble and the mind away from temporal graces!
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shade-without-color · 5 years
Note: so this one is a little different as I saw a kisses post on Tumblr and I cannot resist this one which is so mega sweet. So it is more what my book has shaped them which is so sweet. I just miss those dumb loves ❤️
In the haze of ecstasy, Drago somehow felt his heart thud slightly, as he looked at Cecily standing strong and beautiful in front of him. He felt the reluctance to let go of her body. He reached quietly to kiss her by the lips, though he may aim for the chest. Of course, Cecily took the lead to let go of Drago’s body as she rolled to her back, chest heaving gently, and hearts a fluttering. Of course, she was the first to speak “I never thought of my dragon, once being so shy when I offer my body to you.”
“I have good graces to save myself...”
Drago quietly traces small waves back and forth with his calloused fingers. “I indeed fear the wrath of my father, he is a prude man after all...” he did not hesitate to kiss her neck, shoulder and caressing her breast. “I am no longer that boy when I was younger.”
“I know...”
Cecily allowed him to kiss her chest gently, her taut stomach which someday will be a vessel for their glided child, everything within that haze. Drago swears by all saints and angels that he is blessed to have her on his side that he even forget that the sun has set. He tried his best to memorize that kaleidoscopic nature of Cecily, she was a woman. Yes. She took on many personas, the benevolent goddess, a fairy woman who would comb her locks on a rainy day, a sweet cherub who rain flowers in the Aqua Vitae ruins, but soon in his heart, she will soon become a mother. A mother who will bring joy and laughter.
However, a thought came over Cecily’s head, as he has that same smile on their wedding night. That lovely vulnerable smile which he did not even show in his political days. That smile which she remembered in their gilded youth. Quietly she combed his hair quietly “Somehow I remember when you told me that you are mine.” She quietly held his hand. “I was scared of that night, I thought that you will betray me with that persona, but you are still that tender-hearted one.” Drago smirked quietly “Not quite, I am honestly scared as much as you, that we bare ourselves on that night...” Drago swallowed quietly, true they have exposed themselves blindly, however this time it becomes real. “And it was you holding my hand and kissing me so gently that I forget about everything.”
“And I assume I become a man...” even before Drago could finish his thoughts, he slowly drifted off to sleep and Cecily smiled peacefully. Yes, they have shared the sadness together, but it was that little moment which they are the happiest. “Indeed you are my dragon...” Cecily teased playfully before sleep caved into her.
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shade-without-color · 6 years
Icarcus universe history: Alma (I.E Anionetta’s lands)
Note: So we have a new baby with Alma which it is almost similar but I quite like tone of it so far, as it helped me to plant some ideas though vague at some extent
It is a strange state, often struggling to stay afloat. All I can say it is marred in tragedy and family feuds. I would attest it was fate’s choice that the people which I narrate to you, will be, in my best judgement under heaven and Earth, with all the saints petitioning us all. I know a particular king- Fiarce The Garden King was a dear fellow born of a different time. His love of arts and culture made him so well-loved that he dressed himself like his childhood favourite Argider, and his wife Princess Melissa of Dalontea as the Green girl. However, history painted him as a puppet to a small council, held by Melissa in accords to throw down her husband. Indeed Melissa's devoids cause him to be sent over to an inevitable war when she heard of the Arcona forces slowly crawling the land, and true he ended up trampled by his foes. And Melissa simply spirited herself away herself back to their motherland, leaving her council to fend themselves like lambs to slaughter. It seems in time, he is now treating as a beloved figure to Alma, but fell into wrong hands.
Of course, being without any rulers, they chose a quiet little girl Eithliea to take their place, all held by the strings of the council before she withered herself to disease and traumatic childbirth.
Another one is the Stone Prince Miguel, he himself abandoned the life of royalty to become a wandering knight- to look over the lands for chivalry and honour. He has been noted to do random deeds which I cannot even record expect in a long ballad, for he was buried as a peasant forgoing all royal custom.
I would add on the other side of Old King Mathias who came from a marriage which I faced many difficulties to find his family tree, and his children Ursula, Belladonna and King Sol of Alma, which he was taken as a puppet. He too, become haunted for a death of a young son- which he died on the crusade, and strangely took comfort in an Icurian trader, for he thought that his son came back from the dead.
Again Alma has plunged itself into chaos, until a foreign princess called Isabella the Conqueror took the reins of putting down the councillors for their power, and instead she looked into The Perfumed Expanse and formed negotiations to only fruited by the third grandson of hers Alfronso, who supposed to give peace to the lands- which he took dominance of the lands of The Perfumed Expanse, which he took his bride Alina who sired Eulalia.
However, rivalry cut deep when Anionetta becomes of age- a bastard child. She positioned to be The Mother of the lands, sparring no mercy to the lands and the courts which in the aftermath "The Mad Queen of Alma", she thought that she killed her rival, turns out that she escaped from the hands of her assassins. Ironically she was only buried simply in an unmarked grave as ordinated by Lady Caelestra. It is strange that her rival Icarcus took to establish its lands and thus Eulalia, despite lacking experience held her realm with such grace and at last, peace.
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shade-without-color · 6 years
Icarcus Universe history: The Lands of Aqua Vitae
Note: So another one covering the history of The Lands of Aqua Vitae which is a transition from the Roman Empire to certain Chinese empires. I hope to do more soon! It is fun to work on that. I may do up Alma tomorrow!
How I say about this land, it was conquered and freed. I suppose they boast vices which traders can indulge in. It is said to be Dalontea's pride to boast against Tristin Ports in Arcona for its no tax policy and flow of intellectuals that came into the lands. I can attest that the Lilies of the Storm did with marvellous grace.
It was perhaps no surprise that the beneath the pleasure town that they are desperate to hide their bloody past.
Aqua Vitae- Water of life, which at the same time spilt its blood with wise and mad rulers. I can say based on the many records and statutes which impose the memory of them. Some used sex as its weapon like Lavina of the Roses, famed for her perfumes made from roses from an off-shore island plucked by virgins (that I feel that is a little establishment on their part) which she only end in such horrible demise by her latest lover Emin who took the crown on the behalf of Fiore, as he played by the strings to the fall. Other fought over blood ties like Aquila and Hyancthius, which they suffered horrible consequences and Aegeria who controlled a puppet son, only to be exiled to a realm unknown.
Fiore took himself to an enlightened era alongside fellow peers to create the lilies. They held some power to some extent that they are able to evade Emin’s position when he battled a long illness and lost. The Lilies are just a mere fragment of a bloody past, watched over by certain Dalontense nobles.
The other influence that came along the Liang Empire which changed over different men and women, and they brought their religion of Mother of the Seas to this day is worshipped. They brought enlightenment in the lands, changing its bloody forces to a more peaceful landing.
Nevertheless, that land grew tired of its bloody ways and surrendered to Dalontea’s hands, which enchanted it to be a hub fit for traders weary and exhausted.
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shade-without-color · 6 years
Icarcus Universe history: Icarcus
Note: So yes guys I finally tidy up something when I am preparing for “All Realms is a Traveller” Here is my tidied up version for Icarcus’ history! So it is kinda loosely based on venetian history which I have been obsessed for a long time but I am glad that I dealt with that.
By the word of her majesty Queen Caelestra, Solas III’s heir and the Girl who slayed a dragon - from what I recorded is simply from word of mouth and libraries held by other realms, as most official records were embraced by the sea. There are few historians that do survive the fall however minds slowly dulled by age, but they tried their hardest to build what we missed off after the fall. It may not be a story told in our mouths but nevertheless, it is a great one to keep. 
The three golden droplets, a rather poetic feeling I per say- sired by Solas III. They are still regarded fondly to the point of veneration which alas Queen Caelestra forbade us to do, given it was mixed in our mythologies, it seems difficult to pen it down factually but I will try to recount it whilst detaching itself from the mythos. I guess she learns very well from her dear mentor, Drago whom by now living on a small island once held by Queen Anionetta, that facts can hold us for eternity. From here on, I will narrate our history with the best of my abilities, unless otherwise if I am mistaken or otherwise. It was simply land on sky, a miracle which I cannot fathom in the human comprehension but it was innovation that birthed this land into what it was in its glory. Solas III And Lazarus, two lone persons both with hungering powers, to bring that land to fruition. In fact, these two came from a country, unknown fleeing to the sky (We have to find where we originate from, but again for another tale). They see eye to eye at most things, though it may vein itself to tragedy at most. (And I , as the historian documenting weighting all factors including the outside world)- Solas III is a game changer in heightening Icarcus' state as a cultural venue, boasting its majestic artists, glass-blowers and playwrights, all seeking higher grounds for inspiration. He said to boast himself with the most glorious armour of gold, as he walked around the town, akin to a certain mythical figure The Golden handed Icarcus. In fact, one of the most well-known operas, Midva's laments was in fact commissioned by him. He took the hands of rule, in taking Melissa, the daughter of the formidable ruler of The Stands Giovanni the First, as his wife (This as we speak is before the infamous War starting with The Rose and the Dagger, which then they are on friendly terms). She, in contrary to the charisma of Solas III. She was a quiet woman, and it is said that she will simply look over the lands, and at times have to take his place whilst her husband search for connections. She, refusing to marry all the other traders sailed back home to take her place in The Stands. Lazarus on the other hand, hold a much quieter persona, akin to the moon- he saw that this realm needed to connect to the rest of Ptolemaeus' lands- henceforth he took the risk to weave himself the ropes that connect them gently to the lands below and created wondrous transportation beyond all comprehension. However he was not seen in favour by Solas as he believed that diplomacy is of little value. People will just remember him that one of the days, he fell off to the sea, where he was embraced by the sea of drowned maidens. It is said that Lazarus became the drowned soul, as Solas III battled his fever that he saw him lingering at his bedside cursing him. For Solas III, it was a crumbling disease of the lungs that ended his life, which today it is speculated how he caught, one source that it was a curse from a Dalontenese princess who dabbled with magic unknown which he rejected her hand in marriage (That is still speculated by many historians), or per say as traditionally told as he travelled to the lands of Unas that he caught a chill of the winds. Nevertheless that disease, now curable with some medicine and early rest.
Akin to Lazarus, being without heir- Solas III took himself to rule over Icarcus and sired three children, Auberon Solas, taking up his father’s glimmer blossomed Lazarus' plans and build boats carved with sea creatures to float across the realms in consequences lead to many wars which again, we have little record but nevertheless important. His life is recalled to be marked with tragedy, with the passing of his wife before the marriage to the seas, another a tragic affair with a princess from another realm which we do not have records, because it was considered a scandal then. Whilst Auberon was on the sea, he was swept away by the sea which we are unable to find his body.
Lucius, who took his brother’s place always lingering in his father’s shadow was a somber ruler, ironically his marriage with a Dalontense princess proves to be a successful one despite many in Dalontea including Armado used the abuse of his niece to put him in blame. And it was his line and many more that hold us until that tragic day where our city fell.
And Celeste, as she followed her mother's path to accompany her to the Stands which eventually she made herself as an ambassador to her brother's usage. She settled herself to a Stands man- which she gave birth to Delilah who changed the scope of Stands history forever more. 
And one that remained came from the unlikely of persons, a daughter of a former trader which I have the honour to chronicle, Her Majesty Queen Caelestra. Through many trials, she built our kingdom to its glory and formed alliances with many. I do not know how she built that resilience but I am sure it will be the glowing light that holds us all. 
Victoria et Fama.
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shade-without-color · 6 years
Camp Nano 2019 Preparations part 2: Facing insecurity and just getting over the self
Well hello again! So I am going to talk about the block, and me tackling some notes. Mind if I am a little rambling and silent as I wanted to get some things off my chest.
Recently work has been tough for me as I have this looming doom, as I can describe Mozart’s Don Giovanni seeing the statute of The Commandrate, which *spoilers* this is the dude he murdered years ago for a woman (Yes I watched that yesterday, which I am conquering my fear of Mozart operas due to a past incident ) telling you that you really screwed up on your work tasks. I would disclose all details, but yes this feels extremely shitty AF.
How does it relate to writing, to some extent, there are certain voices that tell you that you are not enough and frankly no one gives a shit about that. I think we all think that fantasy is all about the big quest but in fact, they did not focus on the smaller aspect of things like human relationships and incidentally there is a lot. 
Let me give an example of the Drago and Cecily arc (I called it The Loves arc), I realize now that I am much older (and wiser) there are things which I am not comfortable, which there is a lack of consent and of course the agency is not as prominent as I wanted, and maybe because it is very personal as I poured myself into these characters. So I was like what the hell am I doing? I am going to screw things up and whatsoever, yes I have my Commandrate’s ghost staring at me at the face, instead of me denying that that like poor Don Giovanni. I just thought back of Jane Austen which incidentally I pitched my plot to be like Jane Austen set in a fantasy universe (There is like a lot of things I described for crying out loud), and I was myself a sceptic of her works until I watched the 2005 Pride and Prejudice which I never understood why everyone gives a shit about Mr Darcy (Frankly I took Colonel Brandon as my favourite Austen male but the same thing) and I recalled online that Mr Darcy allowed Elizabeth personal space which is pretty novel to 18th century England- and he changed his persona to be more comfortable with Elizabeth
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There I thought of Persuasion, which is pretty similar to my arc that there are two persons separated by circumstances, trying to understand themselves and each other, and each took its time to reconcile itself. Of course, I took that plunge to plan like a four-page outline of them falling in love and finding themselves again. (Does it reminded me of Geralt and Yennefer from the witcher cycle? no surprise I borrow that inspiration from them)
So I lead myself to struggle with the next arc which is Auberon’s downfall, how do you emphasise a person of great glory to its downfall 
KING: Stock. Good husbandry. Do you know what they call me? PRINCE OF WALES: What do they call you, father? KING: Farmer George. And do you know what that is? PRINCE OF WALES: Impertinence. KING: No, sir. Love.
So I thank Mark Gatiss (Incidentally my FC for Drago) for introducing me to this devilish play-the Madness of King George by Alan Bennett which I have a good laugh, and I love that humanity he brought to King George. Plus the dialogue is brilliant. I just really hope that my country brought the NT live adaption to my country as I loved it so much, though Nigel Hawthrone is so good in that role which must be a difficult candle to uphold. What I can borrow it to put it to my novel, is, of course, the sharp observance of interactions whenever it was the stark bitching between George III and his son or maybe the strictness of the doctor. Well, I observed much things in years working in retail, so I am hoping they can be emphatic at things.
And oh I challenged myself to read the Canterbury Tales, which is the most important piece in English Literature (I read myself Sir Gawain and the Green Knight), I would recommend the version with Peter Ackroyd, as it is much easier than doing the academic take of it. Of course, I loved the prologue and it is translated so well in Ackroyd’s version which I may try that for my original novella and maybe I could add some, like the humorous tales or the fantastical. And the way how they narratively flow is so good that I want to read again. 
Good news I found myself two beta readers who wanted to read that book. Maybe that idea is something that hopefully will tell people not to treat retail people pretty terribly. Maybe my idea can be translated in real life which can be messy at times like Auberon facing disappointment in real life or Drago in heartbreak. Maybe writing from personal experience is best, as I can show that it is not all doom and gloom.
Maybe I should channel like Florence Welch screaming out Shake it Out XD.  
“Just be yourself”. It is harder to be done than said but I am sure I will end this journey well.
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shade-without-color · 6 years
Beta Reading 2019: Icarcus!
I wanna say hi if you stumble across this post, and interested in the following things
* A developed female character handling politics (in a non-threatening manner), and holds relevance to our society as we seen more female role models in power. * A twist to the rather tired fantasy genre which focused on character development! * If you just love an epic tale with a lush perspective of a world filled with pirates, fallen empires, ghosts of the past and rulers of all sorts..
Then Icarcus is just for you, so it follows a young girl Caelestra, a survivor of the fallen city Icarcus, who have to overcome many obstacles to reestablish her fallen kingdom. However she have to face her morality, with the drowned souls- renaments of its past and her ailing father.
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Just a quick introduction my name is Catherine and I am from Singapore. Currently I am working in retail which I am in the midst of editing "job-filling novella", as it is actually birthed when I am in the midst of my job hunting before I found that job, which I called it Icarcus (get the Greek Mythology reference ?). Yes it draws parallels to a certain winged figure but it is twisted by its own head. Think Game of Thrones Danerys Targayan (I know she is polarized in the fandom based on my osmosis but she is interesting) meets with Shekar Kapur’s Elizabeth (Guys you should watch it, and oh listen to the TED Talk of Kapur creating image.), with some smothering of art history references.
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You may ask why I make this call, because I have been trying to edit for a year or so (and yes I changed my writing style along the way), and me being more an idea generator rather than a cleaner is the biggest struggle for me XD. It will be awesome, if I have someone to see my works in a different light.
So under this cut are the things we have.
* Well you have been honest with reasons for my novella as I would love to see a different perspective on what you think. And please do not mind if I have to ask you questions just in case I may misinterpret your advice. * It will be awesome if you can annotate it in colour as I find it much easier for me to read as I am more of a visual thinker, and it helped me to break down information well. * Feedback-wise, for shorter inquires you can chat at my tumblr at shade-without-color otherwise, email will be best every 2 chapters as it is easier for me so i can collate it into my evernote account for improvement. I want to look mostly, is grammar (I know my weakness but I will get by), flow of the plot and character development. * Optional: A historical understanding of 14th to 18th European history will be awesome, if you like to make the world a little more interesting! (It is not purely followed through as I jumbled some stuff but it will help to clean some areas) * FYI I will try to place a list of context for the reference of what my story will be like, which will be in google doc for your understanding (because I think it helps me better to contact things) and a Spotify playlist to listen as you read it.
Requirements and scheduling
So it will be around for 3 months , Beta reading will commence after Chinese New Year (which is 7 Feb onwards) to 30 March as I will be working on a spin off novella in this universe on April which I kinda called it retail set in a fantasy universe. (You are also free to jump into my project after I am done)
Status wise I have cleared up with the first few chapters with an another beta who unfortunately have to drop Icarcus due to personal issues.  Therefore  other half of the novella, is therefore unedited (Currently I have one person who is helping me out to read the rest, as for some odd reason they are stuck at the first half LOL) . Therefore I will give you the first 10 edited chapters,  and the other half unedited for your feedback.
I see it as a YA novel, so it could be 16 and up will be great, as it tackled death, violence and implied sexual content.
So if interested, please email me at [email protected] or DM on my tumblr at shade-without-color before 28 Jan 2019 (GMT +8 Singapore time) as I need to do some clearance before we jump into that project. Anyway if you have to drop out of the beta reading due to life changes (I know), we can discussed it privately.
To end this shout-out post, I will like to end it with these words famously said by Julius Ceaser- "Veni Vidi Vici" So it goes like I saw, I came, I conquered. It pretty much summarized my novella and I hope you can join that crusade with me!
Feel free to DM me if you have any enquires about it.
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