#well basically that country is extremely screwed AF
shade-without-color · 6 years
A bonus Icarcus Universe history: Thoreau’s lands
Note: Ok I have a little bonus world building one with Thoreau’s lands (Ok this came to me as sudden inspiration), that I must talk about King Thoreau, though I may not cover it in “All realms is a Traveller” that much (I may!) but this is more of Eulalia’s story in general. I was thinking of the French empire as inspiration- so it is fun to do that.
Thoreau's reign- a moral lesson of all rulers for all history (and yes one empire which I wished that most scholars should teach to the next generation) that vanity and pride will cause the downfall of that country. And that, aptly named Thoreau was the beacon of its downfall. What remains of this empire are the cracked paintings of a queen Undine desperate for anyone to see her true power, which ironically she cannot control fate itself. All I could say that they always hungered for power, so wars are their charging forces to sustain that insatiable power. Of course, they must hear of Icarcus' fall from many ambassadors, so it is a great chance to claim the territory that Icarcus failed to capture.
Thoreau saw that the lands are theirs, and only by him, they are aligned. For he is well known for the execution of mages in the land, who flee to The Perfumed expanse which Princess Eulalia helped in secret. Of course, he took advantage of Mayor Drago's coming to negotiate peace for war, as he seen Drago's vaults as an expansion to his already bloated empire.
Pity that Alma, a major ally fell under the hands of an uprising queen Caelestra, a survivor of the fallen country- for he becomes outnumbered by those who conspired to kill him.
Alas! It is an empty shell of its former glories! For the remainders of its glided skeleton, none wished to see it ever again.
Let it be the lesson for all, to keep the heart humble and the mind away from temporal graces!
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bearslikedilfs · 3 years
hello i have
✨hetalia sciency headcanons✨
so. you know about the space time continuum right? that its a real thing and not just in sci-fi? no? well today’s your lucky day!!!
basically, space and time are connected, and massive amounts of matter like planets, stars and black holes warp it.
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like this. the graph lines are space-time.
Many people have headcanons that things around the nations-clothes, letters, objects, people- tend to last longer. this is why. the nations are an entire mass of history and culture and language and ideas all forced into a small human shape-sort of like a black hole, which is a mass of matter packed into a tight space. they are obviously not a black hole, but they warp space time similarly on a smaller scale. people that spend too long near them don’t age as quickly.
Second ! Nearly everything has a magnetic field. most of the time it is too weak to do much. for things like planets and such, they are so dense that it does matter a lot. in fact, the earths magnetic field is the only thing between us and a shit ton of solar wind that could fry every computer and electronics instantly. any way as stated before the nations are very dense like small black holes and they, too, have one. it’s not enough to screw with average electronics (usually) but sensitive scientific equipment will be affected by it. Alfreds presence had to be accounted for during his time at nasa. none of the nations are allowed anywhere within 50 miles of the Cern Large Hadron Collider bc we don’t want any escaped atomic particles driven off course by a personification of a country.
there is also such a thing as a friendliness field. all it does is make their own citizens only be more likely to help them out or be nice to them. they cannot really consciously control it, nor make it go away. it doesn’t mind control anyone either-all it does is make it more likely they’ll be friendly. ppl are still free to think, “hmm that man seems friendly but idk. still sus.” some nations think its an evolutionary defense mechanism because they die so often.
i have a personal headcanon that while they cannot really consciously control the magnetic field they emanate, nor the friendliness field, they all have a Presence. The Presence they can control, and it’s basically just the entire legacy of a nation staring you in the face - centuries of every event, idea, person that made them them. among nations, shoving it at someone is rude. it’s considered aggressive, like two deer locking horns. if a nation does it to a human, that human better deserve it, and it better not be for long, because exposure to centuries of memories is not good for human brains.
the Northern Lights are also created by the earths field! the solar wind goes around the earths magnetic field, but at the poles where it emanates from, some solar wind gets in and interacts with the magnetic fields to make the northern lights. (and the southern lights). imagine the cold war, russia and america are glaring at each other, locking metaphorical horns with their Presences, and literal sparks fly, as the interaction between their Presences creates something akin to the northern lights.
theres a not as common headcanon that they weigh more than the average human. I agree with it. it scientifically goes along with the other things on here. most of their “density” is in things not physical- it’s mostly the “weight” of centuries of history, and memories, and culture, and ideas. however, they do weigh quite a bit more than a human of similar height/weight would. not too much that several dedicated people couldn’t move them, but enough that you’d probably need a couple people to move them.
all of these are somewhat connected. i said that the friendliness field and magnetic field are not consciously controlled, however, they can be unconsciously triggered. like when they get pissed off, for example. they don’t completely lose it often but when they do you know. you will say something assholish and suddenly the lights flicker from the magnetic field strengthening, the walls groan as the wood or stone or metal bow ever so slightly towards them, the floor creaks under their feet as their density increases and the nails in the floorboards bend slightly, any countrymen of theirs nearby feel an urge to back them up, the clocks and electronics skip a beat, and you are now feeling extremely claustrophobic under the weight of several hundreds of years of history snd culture.
Also the older you get as a nation the more control you have over it. China is old af and his presence is just so strong you could feel it without him trying. he’s also got tricks up his sleeve and is capable of increasing his friendliness field or magnetic field a little bit, consciously. Also imagine china increasing his magnetic field in order to summon a metal weapon from across the room. his magnetic field probably really strong anyway, from the density of literally millenia of history and culture.
This is sort of like the nations 6 sense. they can tell what nation it is based on the “feel” of it (as long as they already know the nation) and its likely how they find each other. i don’t think the “range” is that big- probably something within 10 miles when not on their home territory. when on home ground though, they can feel the presence of another nation anywhere in it.
anyway!! im sure there’s more y’all can do with this. i hope the explanation was understandable. if not feel free to send asks.
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taeguboi · 6 years
BTS as... Punks
So hahahahaha idk why it posted my extremely incomplete draft earlier (bug with the app?) So consider that now deleted post as a preview hahaha
Requested: “BTS as Punks please!”
anything that's for a good cause
he's behind it
probably makes his own charity
for something close to his heart
and puts on punk events a few times a week
all kinds of food stalls
suitable for everyone’s dietary needs
the occasional street protest
quite laid back though
but the things he has done have had a huge impact on people’s lives
he feeds the poor at his music events
he takes in donations from people to aid the homeless
basically against those unfair imbalances you get in society
he wants to be in a punk band 
but at the same time it isn’t really for him
so sometimes he just grabs a guitar 
and busks with improvised lyrics 
things that are on his mind
things about the world at present
and the things the talks and posts about to people inspire writers of bands
kind of like a journalist
he knows everyone on the local punk scne
he’s been involved ever since he was a kid
smokes a fair amount like
“cool mate, cool beans... right, I’m just off out for a fag”
not many piercings as you might expect
like mostly his ears
and a few intimate areas...
always has colourful punk hair
probably a low key mohawk
several meaningful tattoos
because his family is everything
so is this one person in his life
some drunken tattoos also hahaha
couple of face tatts
always a gentleman to girls
if there’s a creep on the scene 
just tell him
that guy will be exposed 
and gone for good from this local punk scene
and beyond as far as his contacts can take him
he just wants a safe scene
will fend for anyone though really
has a local watering hole
go down to that pub on any afternoon 
and there’s 90% chance he is there
mostly just for the people
maybe buys only 2 drinks the whole time usually
but if he gets drunk
get your notepad and pen
he’s gonna throw 196489 contacts your way
so if your band are ever in need of a gig
you know who to call
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at first, doing punk music is merely a hobby
but then it turns into something more
his pleasure in busking turns into a passion
a dream to make it with a band
so he gets together the best people he knows
and they fucking rock
no one can say a bad thing about Jin’s punk band
they rehearsed diligently for so long
so they sound so tight
he rocks the denim jacket
with all the patches
some badges too
a ton of badges are on his bag though instead
and stickers on his guitar case
a fan of every band he performs with
his guitar case is choc a bloc with local band stickers
so he doesn’t have a mohawk
but his bangs progressively get messier
occasionally he dyes them [example, like V’s green bangs in hyyh era]
he changes loads in little ways
like you leave school and he’s this ‘ordinary’ lad
but then you bump into him like 7 years later 
and wtf he’s stunning
like his aura changed
you thought maybe he’d go into like a business job
but he’s rocking the stage most nights a week
you can’t help but go support him more
and maybe something happens from there but that can be a story for another time
and so maybe he doesn’t get BIG with this band
but he earns a sustainable income
and that’s more than good enough
life is good
music, booze and girls
no drugs tho
wise in that sense, contrary to some punk stereotypes
kind of fluffy actually
some say he’s a poser
but he just likes to look good
and is aware how certain rougher looks just really don’t suit him
so that’s all there is to that 
actually that’s all there is to this
the end :P
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probably a performer too
maybe more into the dub / ska kind of genre
full of stage presence and hype
when he has a message
he fucking gets it across
because he’s so assertive
as well as those catchy melodies
just messy af hair
doesn’t care for it to be any particular length or style
just keep it natural
in fact, fuck visuals
no dress sense whatsoever
like he has a green shirt on with pink jeans and yellow converse
sound is all that matters
so what else?
like he could be backed up by a band
but fuck that
if he has the equipment that can do it all then why not?
it’s easier to work alone
so he supports like 876 charity events
and has a big share of festivals
headline material
especially at the proper hippie festivals
great for people high af
great for drunkards
great for sober peeps too
you get it, great for everyone
apart from perhaps kids 
cos swearing
sometimes you need that bit of aggression in lyrics, right?
he’s not as aggressive as he might seem on stage
but something is pent up in there
and he is one rough boy
actually, a lot like badboy!suga
can handle anything
but can you handle him?
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idk why I always imagine him as a skater
but here we go
in a skate punk band
bass player
can also do drums tho
backwards caps for life
that one band member you think is shy af
cos he seems so quiet
but the moment you say ‘hey’ and congratulate him on a good show
he can talk your ear off for hours
again no drugs
but plenty of beer
cos getting drunk is funnier
the world is a more enjoyable place with skate punk and alcohol
seriously it really is, take that from me hahah
graffiti projects
either for promotion
or to help like restless kids as a distraction or something
let’s just say that’s something he can relate to
may or may not be how he got into this whole skate punk stuff
so yeah will take any charity gig
doesn’t mind if venues pay him in beer
he would have spent the dollar on that anyways
all about living it up with his mates
bros before hoes
has a side band that’s like party punk
any excuse to get bros together
for a good old knees up
only bands of his close friends get played in the car
girls are quite interested in him
but lmao he’s having none of it
he just wants to embrace life
don’t need anything more than mates and family
but he writes really cool songs on the topic of love
you know without being too soppy with it being punk and all
but it’s fucking amazing
but no one knows where he gets the ideas from
no one knows where he gets his energy from either 
will jump off everything and anything
on certain days, he’ll climb everything and anything too
just a fun loving cool punk
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more or less that one guy you see everywhere on the scene
he’s not in a band
doesn’t really do his own music
but he’s a fan of his scene
every weekend, he’s somewhere to see punk music
be it the local pub for one of his faves
or a town centre for a punk charity thing
or even miles away to see someone he knows getting bigger
with a few patches
all the ear piercings you could imagine
lips and tongue
used to have an eyebrow one
but decided he looked too generic
or like a chav
something or other
he knows he doesn’t have the most original look
but he can’t stand being too similar to someone else
if anyone in this room tonight is wearing a leather jacket and completely black clothing
he might just tear it off himself and / or burn it
abs and tatts are a good look anyone so doesn’t matter
probably works out to punk music
high school drop out
because he started to realize how useless it is
so he’s generally clever where it’s more relevant in life
saves money well
good paying job
can fund his love for punk basically
and each and every band he supports fully appreciates it
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I’m sorry guys I swear there isn’t a not fluffy Jimin gif for me to use hahaha
so yeah I’m sorry if this turns out too similar to
because I literally made him a punk in that hc
I’m thinking he’s a lead singer of a punk band
that raspy voice works to his advantage
capable of hardcore punk genres
but prefers and sticks to a more rock n roll kind of punk
long hair
whatever colour he feels like this month
piercings galore
tatts galore
will put a needle anywhere on his body
lives on the edge
lives in the moment
he’s done it all
cos fuck the law man
if something about society bothers him
he will speak up
fearless boy
will get his band a gig anywhere in the country
he has things he needs to say
thoughts to spread
only uses social media for punk
his profile is just of gig pictures of his own and sharing events
not your typical singer
kind of writes everything
the band just copy / pick up what he shows them
busks alone sometimes too
may or may not make extra dollar from sneaky acoustic gigs
but it’s not out of selfishness, no
he will always have a goal in mind
and good intentions
like he wants to band to afford professional recordings
or he wants to set up and event
that kind of thing
pay attention
to the things he talks about in his music
you’ll learn a lot
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just needs to hit something
so as long as it isn’t people then great
basically the world screwed him over in some way at some point
and it made him rethink his views about the world
for ages it was restless frustration about it all
but then he discovered punk
the day he discovered his local scene
he wrote random poetry for days
the words had flow to them
but they were unconventional
and then a mate sees it
and he’s like “dude this is sick”
and a band is formed
likes a bit of everything
has friends he can go to the skate park with
has mates to mosh with at hardcore gigs
has friends he can chill with for ska
quite a late learner with the drums
but he must have a natural talent for it
because he becomes amazing in just under 2 years
can do any genre of punk
everyone wants him in their new projects
he’s the guy everyone needs if their guy quits
you know, the demand for Jungkook’s drumming is insance
fortunately he’s wise enough to just stick with the first 3 bands
cos like I say not only does he drum for them
but his creative input for lyrics is huge
just sit him down, give him a topic and bam
he’s just written you a verse and chorus
what else?
50% backwards caps
25% forwards cap
25% lost his cap
somewhat forgetful in areas other than drumming
maybe a bit of a stoner like
“oh yeah man! I forgot about that!
the way his cap is on does often depend on level of alcohol in his blood
forwards for business
backwards for sloshed party animal
breaks a lot of drum sticks by accident
breaks a few hearts by accident welp
I guess girls and guys just notice the muscle 
which he never hides well
cos of course as a drummer, you’re gonna wear a vest really
yeah, that’s pretty much it
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