#Lazarus the shining trader
shade-without-color · 6 years
Icarcus Universe history: Icarcus
Note: So yes guys I finally tidy up something when I am preparing for “All Realms is a Traveller” Here is my tidied up version for Icarcus’ history! So it is kinda loosely based on venetian history which I have been obsessed for a long time but I am glad that I dealt with that.
By the word of her majesty Queen Caelestra, Solas III’s heir and the Girl who slayed a dragon - from what I recorded is simply from word of mouth and libraries held by other realms, as most official records were embraced by the sea. There are few historians that do survive the fall however minds slowly dulled by age, but they tried their hardest to build what we missed off after the fall. It may not be a story told in our mouths but nevertheless, it is a great one to keep. 
The three golden droplets, a rather poetic feeling I per say- sired by Solas III. They are still regarded fondly to the point of veneration which alas Queen Caelestra forbade us to do, given it was mixed in our mythologies, it seems difficult to pen it down factually but I will try to recount it whilst detaching itself from the mythos. I guess she learns very well from her dear mentor, Drago whom by now living on a small island once held by Queen Anionetta, that facts can hold us for eternity. From here on, I will narrate our history with the best of my abilities, unless otherwise if I am mistaken or otherwise. It was simply land on sky, a miracle which I cannot fathom in the human comprehension but it was innovation that birthed this land into what it was in its glory. Solas III And Lazarus, two lone persons both with hungering powers, to bring that land to fruition. In fact, these two came from a country, unknown fleeing to the sky (We have to find where we originate from, but again for another tale). They see eye to eye at most things, though it may vein itself to tragedy at most. (And I , as the historian documenting weighting all factors including the outside world)- Solas III is a game changer in heightening Icarcus' state as a cultural venue, boasting its majestic artists, glass-blowers and playwrights, all seeking higher grounds for inspiration. He said to boast himself with the most glorious armour of gold, as he walked around the town, akin to a certain mythical figure The Golden handed Icarcus. In fact, one of the most well-known operas, Midva's laments was in fact commissioned by him. He took the hands of rule, in taking Melissa, the daughter of the formidable ruler of The Stands Giovanni the First, as his wife (This as we speak is before the infamous War starting with The Rose and the Dagger, which then they are on friendly terms). She, in contrary to the charisma of Solas III. She was a quiet woman, and it is said that she will simply look over the lands, and at times have to take his place whilst her husband search for connections. She, refusing to marry all the other traders sailed back home to take her place in The Stands. Lazarus on the other hand, hold a much quieter persona, akin to the moon- he saw that this realm needed to connect to the rest of Ptolemaeus' lands- henceforth he took the risk to weave himself the ropes that connect them gently to the lands below and created wondrous transportation beyond all comprehension. However he was not seen in favour by Solas as he believed that diplomacy is of little value. People will just remember him that one of the days, he fell off to the sea, where he was embraced by the sea of drowned maidens. It is said that Lazarus became the drowned soul, as Solas III battled his fever that he saw him lingering at his bedside cursing him. For Solas III, it was a crumbling disease of the lungs that ended his life, which today it is speculated how he caught, one source that it was a curse from a Dalontenese princess who dabbled with magic unknown which he rejected her hand in marriage (That is still speculated by many historians), or per say as traditionally told as he travelled to the lands of Unas that he caught a chill of the winds. Nevertheless that disease, now curable with some medicine and early rest.
Akin to Lazarus, being without heir- Solas III took himself to rule over Icarcus and sired three children, Auberon Solas, taking up his father’s glimmer blossomed Lazarus' plans and build boats carved with sea creatures to float across the realms in consequences lead to many wars which again, we have little record but nevertheless important. His life is recalled to be marked with tragedy, with the passing of his wife before the marriage to the seas, another a tragic affair with a princess from another realm which we do not have records, because it was considered a scandal then. Whilst Auberon was on the sea, he was swept away by the sea which we are unable to find his body.
Lucius, who took his brother’s place always lingering in his father’s shadow was a somber ruler, ironically his marriage with a Dalontense princess proves to be a successful one despite many in Dalontea including Armado used the abuse of his niece to put him in blame. And it was his line and many more that hold us until that tragic day where our city fell.
And Celeste, as she followed her mother's path to accompany her to the Stands which eventually she made herself as an ambassador to her brother's usage. She settled herself to a Stands man- which she gave birth to Delilah who changed the scope of Stands history forever more. 
And one that remained came from the unlikely of persons, a daughter of a former trader which I have the honour to chronicle, Her Majesty Queen Caelestra. Through many trials, she built our kingdom to its glory and formed alliances with many. I do not know how she built that resilience but I am sure it will be the glowing light that holds us all. 
Victoria et Fama.
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