#regency turtles au
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darth-sonny · 1 year ago
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Draxum Raises the Turtles AU....................................but make it regency era
also, credit to @blinday giving me the idea of naming Leo "Edelweiss"
(edit: I got the names mixes up I am so fucking sorryyyyyy)
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los-ninos-tortugas · 2 years ago
So I’m still not all that far into Samurai Chronicles (not gonna lie, Yuichi kinda gives me second hand embarrassment, maybe that gets better later though, I’ll have to see, I’ll get through the show eventually) but even with what little I’ve seen and looking at how Yuichi is characterized in this show, looking at how I wrote it in “Nobody Invited You” I think I made the characterization a lot closer to Miyamoto Usagi by accident, which is kind of incredible since when I wrote the first chapter I hadn’t seen 03 TMNT yet and also didn’t really fully know the lore/differences between Yuichi and Miyamoto. So there’s a decent chance that I’ll probably change the character tags on NIY to say Miyamoto Usagi rather than Yuichi Usagi. Good thing I kinda avoided the whole name change dilemma and saved myself some editing in the first chapter by only referring to him as “Usagi” throughout (I hope, I might be remembering wrong)
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the-city-kitty · 2 years ago
Nobody Invited You- Chapter 2 snippet
So as life is wont to do, things are still crazy as hell, as a matter of fact I'm sick right now. So the full chapter is still gonna be delayed for a bit, but instead of having nothing I at least wanna post a little sneak peek at chapter 2. This will probably look different in the final version after it goes through a couple rounds of editing but for now this is a little bit of what I have so far of the chapter.
Leo leaned his head back as the carriage pulled away from the wreckage of their home. He kept his eyes on it for as long as he could until the muted colors of the underground sailed past his window in a blur. Father sat across from him, equally as tired as Leo. It was one of the rare occasions that he removed his helmet and armor. His curly hair was held back in a long, thick, braid.
Rather than sitting on Father's shoulders, Huginn and Munnin were by Leo. Munnin was curled up in Leo's lap like a cat while Huginn was cuddled up to Leo's side. Leo couldn't help petting and kneading his fingers into Munnin's downy fur. It was an old, childish habit he hadn't really broken yet. But after everything he was too tired to feel particularly embarassed about it right now.
The first half hour of the trip passed in silence. No one really had anything meaningful to say, least of all Leo. He more or less slipped into a light doze. It was more sleep than he'd gotten in the last few days.
But now he has time to think. Now that they aren't picking through the wreckage of their home and boxing up whatever was salvageable; now that he isn't cutting his hands on broken frames of family photos and now that they're not being pestered by nosy inquisitors, he has time to think about everything his father told him.
He has brothers. On an intellectual level, he has always known that. His father told him of the circumstances of his creation after all. It's just that he always assumed they were dead. Finding out they are alive this way... ice dripped down his spine.
"I'm just as surprised as you are," Father said. "They appeared so suddenly, with a human at their side, no less."
And isn't that just an insult to injury? A human in his home. And she took his sword. Who gave her the right-?
"They were determined to rescue the agent and stop any further experiments."
"But why? They've been gone all this time, what could they possibly have to do with any of this? To do with us?" Leo asked. Father was silent for a moment.
"My son... in all honesty, I don't think they truly understood the consequences of their actions."
"It's like December came early," Father says, suddenly breaking the silence. Leo takes a second to process that, he's still a bit sleepy.
"Pardon?" he asks.
"We always go to the old Manor in December anyway, so just think of it like December came early." Father shrugs. Oh. He's trying to cheer Leo up.
"Fath-" Leo sighs, "Dad, how can you be so flippant about this? You told me how hard it was to rebuild after the first fire."
"I was younger then, more inexperienced and easily overwhelmed when things didn't go my way. I've learned from my mistakes since then. Rebuilding will go much faster this time around. You'll see. We'll be back home in just a few months."
Leo took a few breaths until the building heat behind his eyes was thoroughly subdued.
"It won't be the same though, will it?" They had lost things. More than his father losing his test subjects and materials and data, those could be recovered with some hard work and dedication. But that was their home. More than just the building they spent most of the year in. More than just the building he grew up in.
It was in his home that he was actually his father's son, not an orphan that the Baron adopted and invested as his heir. It was in his home he could make stupid puns and jokes with Huginn and Munnin and not worry about being the most charming conversationalist in the room. In his home he could just be Leo, not The Honorable Leonardo. His home was the one place that was real. That was safe.
And now, without ever even laying eyes on each other, his so-called "brothers" had come along and burnt everything he's ever known to the ground without remorse. Even once his house was rebuilt, now that he knows that they're just out there and might just reappear out of thin air? How is he ever supposed to sleep in his own bed peacefully at night ever again?
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biasedwriting · 1 year ago
the finest gossamer [VIXX, Leo] M
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Characters : VIXX's Leo / OC
Regency! AU
Rating : M for smut
Plot summary - Taekwoon spends an afternoon with his wife in the sunroom.
It was a relatively peaceful afternoon, Taekwoon mused, watching Minah patter about the sunroom, sealing a letter to Haneul, who was now touring the highlands with Wonshik. The room was a little one with a teak writing desk overflowing with papers - letters, he assumed, knowing his wife’s propensity for words both written and spoken (which both vexed and delighted him no end). He eyed his wife blowing out the candle on her desk before stacking the carefully sealed letters into the pigeon-hole cubby above the table. He smiled, amused by her ink-stained fingers and the grumbling that followed as she dabbed at her fingertips with an equally stained handkerchief.
Leaning against the door frame, the man crossed his arms. Despite how busy his viscountcy made him, he tried not to miss out on the domesticity of these moments. To him, Minah was a wonder to be beheld in her natural habitat, in complete comfort with her surroundings. Which was exactly why he found himself hurrying home after a session at the parliament to gaze at his wife. He bit his lip to hold back the laughter that bubbled up his throat when she began humming, floating over to the window to fix the sunflowers held in a pale blue porcelain vase before gently unlatching the windows to allow some air in.
Taekwoon took a silent step into the little sunroom of his house in the capital. Decorated to the tastes of the lady so lost in her thoughts by the window, he couldn’t help but feel surrounded by her presence in the room. From the bookshelf in the corner overflowing with titles she enjoyed (and he enjoyed gifting her with) to the little portrait of the two of them perched on the mantle, or the small turtle-shaped paperweights she had bought on a whim and vehemently placed on the table by the deep green high backed chair he was standing by, the sunroom was secretly Taekwoon’s favourite place in the house because it just was, Minah.
The summer sun streamed through the translucent curtains illuminating his wife’s body draped in the finest muslin he could adorn her in. The rays caressed her face illuminating the lighter shades of brown in the soft ringlets of her hair kissing the tops of her collarbones. Her deep lashes threw shadows on her rounded cheeks that he loved pressing his lips against. Her countenance was blank and blissful in the sunlight as the summer breeze wound its way into the room. The man's eyes roved over her face with delight before his throat went dry at the sight of the thin muslin barely concealing the pebbled buds of her …
“Taekwoon!” A gasp broke his reverie as she spun around, finally aware of his gaze “How long have you been waiting there?” She asked, crossing her arms, immediately obscuring his vision while she hurried to the lace shawl thrown on over the back of her chair to wrap it around her shoulders.
“Not too long,” her husband mused, frowning at the offending piece of cloth as she rang the bell to call for tea before ushering him to the high-backed chair.
“I know you said you'd be back for tea, but Haneul had written such an exciting letter I just couldn't wait to write back and then I completely lost track of time! ” She began pacing around the room, ears red as her husband watched with an amused smile. “She said I'd love the cattle in the highlands, darling large coos! Oh, where is Jeffery?” Minah wondered out loud only to have the stately servant hurry in with the tea service. “Fantastic! Dearest, Haneul sent us shortbread along with her letter, I made sure Jeffery would bring some with tea” Minah continued while Jeffery set the service on the little table before Taekwoon raised his hand to wave the man away.
“That will be all, Jeffery, ensure we're not disturbed,” he said before turning back to his wife who frowned in confusion. The servant left the room, closing the door behind him and Minah reached for the kettle to pour out the tea cautiously.
“Is everything alright?” 
Taekwoon received the cup and saucer from her, eyeing her struggle to keep the shawl on her shoulders. Taking a deep sip, secretly scalding himself, he turned to set down the cup and reach across and yank the foolish fabric out of her grasp. 
“Yes, everything is fine,” he hummed as she tried to reach for the shawl again only to have it held far away from her. The more she leaned forward, the greater Taekwoon's delight grew as he stared unabashedly at his wife's unadorned skin which he knew from experience would feel like cream in his palms.
“Give it back!” She huffed, now getting to her feet and stepping closer to him, unaware of the trap her husband was setting for her. “You're vexing me Lord Jung Taekwoon!”
“Oh? Is that so?” He chuckled, holding the shawl behind his back and quickly grabbing her wrist as she reached for it, tugging her onto his lap. Her foot hit the little table between the two high-backed chairs making the tea service rattle.
“I honestly thought something had happened during the parliamentary session, now I see Viscount Jung Taekwoon wants to play games,” Minah grumbled, still trying to reach for her shawl “Now unhand my shawl or the tea will get cold.”
“What if I say no?” Taekwoon replied, tucking the silly fabric firmly behind his back while his other hand went to support his wife's derriere, giving it a quick squeeze.
“You're being naughty,” she glared at the taller man, tugging at his deep brown coat. 
“That I am,” he said, eyes fixed on her flushed skin, beaded buds now taught against the thin muslin, all he had to do was lean forward and…
Teeth sunk into his right earlobe gently as Minah gave it a quick nibble, sending blood rushing to his breeches. Minah quickly tried to retrieve her shawl which was firmly wedged between the back of the chair and her husband's broad back only to have him grasp at her jaw and fix his eyes on hers. She shivered, noticing his dilated pupils as he leaned up to join their lips. Remembering her initial mission, she turned her head away to look for the shawl only to feel his long fingers slip up to cup the back of her neck and guide her lips to his for a gentle kiss. 
“Open your mouth, darling,” he whispered against her lips, pulling her firmly over his lap by the derriere making her gasp, feeling his need for her. Sliding his tongue past her parted lips he savoured her like a delicacy, now feeling her ink-stained fingers sliding into the strands of his hair making him grunt as he chased after her lips before breathlessly trailing kisses down her throat as soft whimpered breaths gurgled past her swollen lips. 
Minah grasped firmly onto her husband's broad shoulders, the lace shawl long forgotten in his onslaught. Taekwoon's long graceful fingers slid the thin gown up her calves, pausing to fiddle with the garters holding her whisper-thin stockings to her body. She giggled at how ticklish it felt at first but threw her head back with a hiss when his lips surrounded her clothed nipple. 
“Ah, Taekwoon,” she whimpered into his hair as his fingers pianoed across her thighs caressing the skin 
“You're so soft, my love,” he mumbled against the now wet fabric before turning to the other achingly painful nipple awaiting his attention. His fingers played a wicked tune on the wet thatch of hair between her thighs as she gasped at the sensation of his index finger sliding over a throbbing bud of nerves over and over again till she gazed at him pleadingly with her mouth open and no words.
“What's that?” He hummed, speeding up his pace as his middle finger joined in to thoroughly stimulate her. 
She finally let out a moan of his name, gripping at the shirt under his coat, nearly ripping it wide open. Slumping forward, she leaned on his shoulders and breathed out his name, pressing open-mouthed kisses beneath it in a way that had the little string of sanity holding him together snap. 
Then he sank two of his fingers into her and set a quick rhythm that had her jolting pawing at the cravat and undoing his buttons to splay her fingers across his chest feeling his heart thud beneath her palm. Every touch had her hips moving frantically on his two fingers, pressing against the swelling bulge in her husband's breeches. She reached down to undo his bottoms grabbing at the now erect, throbbing organ with both hands making him rest his forehead against her chest with a groan.
“Minah,” he exhaled, curving his fingers within her making her squeeze around them as her hands came to a halt. She fixed her glazed-over eyes on her handsome husband, before reaching to tug his wrist away from her sopping core. There was a fire in her eyes that made Taekwoon feel like a man parched as he leaned up to tangle his tongue with hers. Her grip returned to his erection, firmly stroking till he moaned into her hungry lips.. Gently positioning her hips over his desire, she carefully lowered herself onto him and he scrambled to grasp her buttocks to support her ever-tightening descent. 
“Minah, please,” he whispered groaning when she rolled her hips.
“You started this Taekwoon,” she hissed, gripping at the lapels of his very crumpled shirt.  He eyed her as she lifted her hips and dropped them, tightening on her way down. Her gown was now clinging to her body with the sweat of her exertion as she frowned, scrabbling to rip the offending garment over the head and tossing it to the ground before moving in earnest while Taekwoon could only watch the majesty of his wife's form in the summer sunshine. Groaning, he gripped her hips thrusting up and watching her head fall back in pleasure. When his wife whined, rocking her hips to take him in deeper, he couldn’t help but oblige by picking up the pace till she shook above him, scrabbling at his chest, leaving streaks of red with her blunt nails. Panting at how impossibly tight she was getting around him, Taekwoon laced his fingers with hers thrusting up powerfully, emptying into her and keeping the pace till she spasmed along with him.
Pulling her towards his chest, he held his wife’s naked form, caressing her side as she took deep gasping breaths. 
“You’re a wicked wicked man,” she mumbled against his now sweaty chest. Taekwoon looked down and tipped her head up to capture her lips in another chaste kiss.
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lockwood-fic-recs · 1 year ago
Do you have any recs for fics with wellbuilt AUs ?
Hi anon! Thanks for the ask :)) ooh, who doesn't love a good AU? Not sure if you're asking for AUs built over time (long multi-chapters) or well-built oneshots, so I'll provide a selection of both! There's too many good AUs to fit them all in here, so there may be a part 2 of this list coming in the future 👀 stay tuned! There's also lots of good soulmate AUs that we recommended in this post <3
I'll be your new favourite tune by barronsfever | T | 14 Chapters (In Progress) | Locklyle with Background Ships | No Warnings
Actually, Lucy hated Lockwood and Lockwood had no idea why. He finally won her over during their joint school musical, just to run away in the end. Now, they're together at the same university and working together on yet another musical. Lucy has shut herself off completely, afraid to get hurt again. Lockwood is doing his best. [Enemies-to-Lovers Fake Dating at College AU]
2. No One Cares About the Nightwatch by Nomolosk | T | 23 Chapters (In Progress) | Locklyle | No Warnings
Lucy Carlyle is a Listener, a failed agent, a runaway, and now works the nightwatch in London. One might think her life a failure from start to last- but Lucy has goals. She will get a grade four certificate, and reapply to all the best agencies, and her life will get immeasurably better. [Nightwatch!Lucy AU]
3. Sink or Swim by WaitingForMyHogwartsLetter | T | 31 Chapters (In Progress) | Cot3 | No Warnings
When a turtle washes up on the beach after being caught in an illegal net, local freedivers Lockwood and George take it upon themselves to find out who’s responsible. It turns out they’re not the only ones interested in getting justice for the sea creatures affected. Enter: Lucy Carlyle, anonymous environmental activist and local mermaid. [H2O: Just Add Water AU; Mermaid!Lucy]
4. Pros and Cons by chahakyn | T | Oneshot | Cot3 | No Warnings
George, Lockwood, and Lucy have heists to pull off. There's no time to fall in love. And yet, it still somehow happens. [Now You See Me AU]
5. Perfectly Incandescently Happy by OceanSpray5 | G | 13 Chapters | Locklyle | No Warnings
After the death of her best friend, Ms Lucy Carlyle is given the opportunity to be sponsored for the 1815 London season by Norrie's aunt. Instantly compared to the Diamond due to their astonishingly similar looks, she befriends Lord Lockwood quite unexpectedly yet is left wondering if she was a fool for believing he'd look twice at a mere country girl. [Regency/Bridgerton AU]
Bonus: the longest fic in our fandom is both a) completed and b) an AU. If you want to binge a slowburn AU, then this fic might be for you:
Renegades by WaitingForMyHogwartsLetter | T | 50 Chapters | Cot3 | Warning: Graphic Violence
When a virus kills off half of the nation’s children, the ones left alive aren’t as lucky as they thought. With powers they can’t control and fear of what will happen to them, order and danger go hand in hand as detainment camps pop up all over Britain. Lucy takes refuge in the haven known as 35 Portland Row, but safety is uncertain as long as someone else is pulling the strings. [The Darkest Minds AU]
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ibelieveinturtles · 2 years ago
Darcy Lewis Bingo HQ Masterlist, 2022
I've had this ready for posting for a couple of months now, but was putting it off because I hoped to fill the last few empty squares first. I've decided I'll just update the post once I do those last few fills.
This list includes my Darcy Lewis Bingo Card from 2021-2022 as run by @grimeysociety, as well as three cards from the DLBHQ 2022 mini round, and a whole bunch of adoptables and weekly challenges.
@darcylewisbingohq Full List is below the cut because it's loooong….
Name on Card: Turtles
Card #: ABC002
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Name on Card: Turtles
Card #: ABC002
Dr. Darcy Lewis Card
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A1: Space Travel - Nexus - Darcy Lewis/Bucky Barnes - Teen
A2: Regency AU - This Kind of Thing Chapter 2, Finding Darcy - Darcy Lewis & Sam Wilson - Gen -
A3: "It can't be purely for my enjoyment, can it?" - Doing It Wrong - Darcy Lewis/Brock Rumlow - Teen -
B1: Westview, NJ - "What? I'm Invested?" - N/A - Gen - Moodboard
B2: Found a Dragon Egg - currently unfilled
B3: Free Fill Token - Welcome To The Apocalypse (In The Future, Chapter Two) - Darcy Lewis/Bucky Barnes - Teen -
C1 : A pet is acting strangely - currently unfilled
C2: Taser - Laying The Bait - Darcy/Bucky - Mature -
C3: Avengers Hot Tub Time Machine - In The Future - Darcy Lewis/Bucky Barnes - Teen -
Multiverse Madness Card
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A1: Robots - In The Bad Timeline, Chapter 3 - Darcy Lewis/Brock Rumlow/Bucky Barnes - Teen -
A2 : Pleasure Gardens - A Budding Romance - Darcy & Jane - Gen -
A3: Portals - A Change of Plants - Darcy & Jane - Gen -
B1: Wings - How To Marry A Prince Of Hell - Darcy Lewis/Brock Rumlow - Teen -
B2: Practical Joke - Nineteen Ninety Something, Chapter 2 - A Time And Place - Darcy Lewis/Brock Rumlow - Gen -
B3: Night at the Theatre - Nutcracker Night - Darcy Lewis/Brock Rumlow - Gen -
C1: Astronaut - Nexus - Darcy Lewis/Bucky Barnes - Teen -
C2: Curiosity Shop - Curioser and Curioser - n/a - Gen -
C3: Sentient Slime - In The Loop - Darcy Lewis & Tony Stark - Teen -
Queen Of Halloween Card
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A1: Taxidermy - The Perils of Very Old Houses - Darcy Lewis & Jane Foster - Gen -
A2: Gothic Album - How To Marry A Prince Of Hell - Darcy Lewis/Brock Rumlow - Teen -
A3: Ottoman Empire - Can You Install WiFi In A Coke Bottle - Darcy Lewis & Jane Foster - Gen -
B1: Breaking The Sound Barrier - In The Halls Of The Mountain King - Darcy Lewis/Bucky Barnes - Teen -
B2: Ancient Rome - The Rose Garden - Darcy Lewis/Brock Rumlow - Gen -
B3: Freakshow - Nineteen Ninety Something, Chapter 3 - Darcy Lewis/Brock Rumlow - Gen -
C1 : Automat Cafeteria - currently unfilled
C2: "Honey I shrunk the___" - Wrong Number - Darcy & Bucky, Bucky & Sam, Sam & Darcy - Gen -
C3 : Accidental Demon Baby acquisition - How To Summon A Minor Demon - Darcy Lewis/Brock Rumlow - Teen -
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Darcy Lewis Bingo 2021/22
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D1 : No One Cares - In The Bad Timeline - Multi - Gen -
D2: Meet Ugly - Nineteen Ninety Something - Darcy Lewis/Brock Rumlow - Gen -
D3: Adopted: Jeans - Laying The Bait - Darcy/Bucky - Mature -
D4: True Love's Kiss - The Easter Goose - Darcy Lewis/Brock Rumlow - Teen -
D5: Adopted: Stained Glass Window - Welcome To The Apocalypse (In The Future, Chapter Two) - Darcy Lewis/Bucky Barnes - Teen -
A1: Mind Control - How To Marry A Prince Of Hell - Darcy Lewis/Brock Rumlow - Teen -
A2: Adopted: Hurt, Johnny Cash - In The Future - Darcy Lewis/Bucky Barnes - Teen -
A3 : Kidnap - Kidnapped - Darcy Lewis/Brock Rumlow - Mature -
A4: Adopted: Demon - How To Summon A Minor Demon - Darcy Lewis/Brock Rumlow - Teen -
A5: Love Potion - Love Starts With A Spark - Darcy Lewis/Sam Wilson - Teen -
R1: Party Swap: Candlelit Dinner - Silent Auction - Darcy Lewis/Bucky Barnes - Gen -
R2 : Witch Darcy Lewis - The Cat Chooses The Witch - Darcy Lewis/Wanda Maximoff - Gen -
R3 : Free Space - Compliance - Sharon Carter & Darcy Lewis - Teen -
R4: Darcy X Bucky - In The Bad Timeline, Chapter 2 - pre Darcy Lewis/Bucky Barnes/Brock Rumlow - Gen -
R5: Dragon Scales - In The Loop - Darcy Lewis & Tony Stark - Teen -
C1 : Noodle Cup - Learning To Fly - Darcy Lewis & Tony Stark - Gen -
C2: Doctor - This Kind Of Thing Chapter 2, Finding Darcy - Darcy Lewis & Sam Wilson - Gen -
C3 : Image from Wandavision - New Year Mission - Darcy Lewis/Bucky Barnes - Gen -
C4: Adopted: Angel - How To Marry A Prince Of Hell - Darcy Lewis/Brock Rumlow - Teen -
C5: Coffee - Space Diplomat School - Darcy Lewis/Sam Wilson - Gen -
Y1: Pruning - All The Single Ladies (In The Future, Ch3) - Darcy Lewis/Bucky Barnes - Teen -
Y2: Adopted: Observatory - When Stars Are Involved (All These Stars Exist, Ch 2) - Jane Foster/Bucky Barnes, Darcy Lewis & Bucky Barnes - Teen -
Y3 : Darcy X Brock - Lies, Damn Lies, and Spoilers - Darcy Lewis/Brock Rumlow - Gen -
Y4: Salem - Doing It Wrong - Darcy Lewis/Brock Rumlow - Teen -
Y5 : Debriefs Are For The Week - Glow - Darcy Lewis & Monica Rambeau - Gen -
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Weekly Challenges and Party Swaps
Party Swap: Moon - AW0000! - Darcy Lewis/Bucky Barnes/Brock Rumlow - Gen -
Party Swap: Magic AU - The Wardrobe - n/a - Gen -
Party Swap: Movie AU - Nexus - Darcy Lewis/Bucky Barnes - Teen -
Drabble: washcloth - Mud - N/A - Gen -
Moodboard: Picture of Lemon Stall - On The Amalfi Coast - Darcy Lewis/Brock Rumlow - Gen -
Drabble: Picture of an Orange Kiosk - Working Holiday - Darcy & Jane - Gen -
Drabble: Storm playlist - Beck and Call - Darcy/Brock - Gen -
Moodboard: Storm photos - Bedtime Stories - N/S - Gen -
Drabble: "We're gonna need a bigger boat." - Portal Mania - n/a - Gen -
Moodboard: Too Many Captains - Portal Mania - n/a - Gen -
Drabble: "Pink" Aerosmith - Zoo Day - n/a - Gen -
Moodboard: Pantone "Candy Pink" - Zoo Day - n/a - Gen -
Writing: Picnic - This Kind Of Thing, Chapter 2: Finding Darcy - Darcy Lewis & Sam Wilson - Gen -
Moodboard: Giving each other flowers - Flowers - Darcy Lewis/Bucky Barnes - Gen -
Writing: Reverse Harem - The Queen's Consorts - Darcy Lewis/Multi - Teen -
Moodboard: Reverse Harem - The Queen's Consorts - Darcy Lewis/Multi - Teen -
Writing: Plant Week - Alien Plant - A Budding Romance - Darcy Lewis/?, Darcy Lewis & Jane Foster - Gen -
Moodboard: Botany/Botanist - Love Blooms - N/A - Gen -
Writing: A Wealthy Benefactor - A Change of Plants - Darcy Lewis & Jane Foster - Gen -
Writing: Time Period AU (Late 20th century) - Nineteen Ninety Something Chapter 2 - A Time And Place - Darcy Lewis/Brock Rumlow - Gen -
Writing: Ambience - Nineteen Ninety Something, Chapter 3 - Darcy Lewis/Brock Rumlow - Gen -
Moodboard: Ambience - Nineteen Ninety Something, Chapter 3 - Darcy Lewis/Brock Rumlow - Gen -
Writing: Apocalypse - In The Bad Timeline, Chapter 3 - Darcy Lewis/Bucky Barnes/Brock Rumlow - Teen -
Moodboard: Apocalypse - In The Bad Timeline, Chapter 3 - Darcy Lewis/Bucky Barnes/Brock Rumlow - Teen -
Writing: Magical school week - Can You Install WiFi In A Coke Bottle - Darcy Lewis & Jane Foster - Gen -
Moodboard: Magical School week - The White Tower - n/a - Gen -
Writing: Creature Feature Week - The Rose Garden - Darcy Lewis/Brock Rumlow - Gen -
Moodboard: Creature Feature Week - The Rose Garden - Darcy Lewis/Brock Rumlow - Gen -
Writing: Supernatural Families Week - How To Summon A Minor Demon - Darcy Lewis/Brock Rumlow - Teen -
Moodboard: Supernatural Family week - How To Summon A Minor Demon - Darcy Lewis/Brock Rumlow - Gen -
Writing: Fairy Tale/Scary Tale Week - How To Marry A Prince Of Hell - Darcy Lewis/Brock Rumlow - Teen -
Moodboard: Fairy Tale/Scary Tale Week - How To Marry A Prince Of Hell - Darcy Lewis/Brock Rumlow - Teen -
Writing: Abandoned spaces/Urban Decay - Welcome To The Apocalypse - Darcy Lewis/Bucky Barnes - Teen -
Writing: outdoors week - All The Single Ladies (In The Future Ch3) - Darcy Lewis/Bucky Barnes - Teen -
Writing: Cold - Time - Darcy Lewis & Death (Discworld) - Gen -
Writing: Blizzard - Home for the Gingerbread Festival - Darcy Lewis/? - Gen -
Writing: Music Week - Darcy's iPod - In The Loop - Darcy Lewis & Tony Stark - Teen -
Moodboard: Light Week - Nexus - n/a - Gen -
Writing: In The Mountains Week - In The Halls of The Mountain King - Darcy Lewis/Bucky Barnes - Teen -
Writing: Darcy's iPod - In The Loop - Darcy Lewis & Tony Stark - Teen -
Name on Card: Turtles
Card #: ABC002
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amuseoffyre · 4 years ago
Lo, a writing meme acquired from @indieninja92 - should you wish to do the meme, feel free to steal it :)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
407 - you can poke through my account here
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3,437,876 since December 2007
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
On AO3, about 40. Pre-dating AO3, I think I hit over 100. I'm not listing them. There are too many. Main one at present is Good Omens.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Training Buddies - my Bucky Barnes and Matt Murdock friendship fic.
Anatomy 101 - GO smut through the ages
Thaw - a re-write of Captain America: The Winter Soldier with the Winter Soldier sent in as a distraction/honeytrap for Steve.
Elegance and Taste - My MCU Miss Congeniality AU :D The Captain America Pageant.
An Inward Treasure - Once Upon a Time regency AU
5. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Sometimes. It depends on how my brain is doing at remembering stuff from day to day
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Kindling a Blaze - Once Upon a Time. The one fic that made me cry like a distraught baby as I wrote it.
7. Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
AHAHAHAHAHAHA omg yes. YES I DO. They were my speciality! I've done so many :D Although for weirdest, I would have to go with Shadow Over Valinor - a crossover between the Lord of the Rings world and The Matrix back aruond 2002. And I tried to do it as plausibly as possible :D I wish I'd finished it, but life got in the way.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Oh, I got in trouble for one of my twisted Disney ones :) They don't like it when you use Jafar's shapeshifting for kinky reasons, turns out.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
All kinds, depending on mood.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Once, but by the time I found out about it, enough people who followed my fic had ferally rugby tackled the person off ff.net that I was like "oh. right? Do I do anything?" It was my biggest fic in that fandom as well, so bold move by that moron.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I prefer not to in case there's ever a day where I have to hide all evidence of my presence in fanficcing world.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
A couple of times.
13. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Eh. It varies depending on which fandom I'm paddling in at any given time.
14. What’s a WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
... rude. But also lots. Mostly in old fandoms. So many in old fandoms that died when the show/film/book in question murdered my affection for it.
15. What are your writing strengths?
I am good with make word.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
"was". Every editor, every time, yells at me about overusing "was"
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I like it when people include a translation and don't just assume everyone and their mother speaks the language. We get it, Charlotte Bronte. You speak French. That's nice. Now wtf is Adele saying?
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
I doodled a Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles comic when I was 9. Actual writing (again on paper) was Star Wars. First online fandom was Cats the Musical.
19. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Eh. Don't really know. I just create them then lob them into the void.
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william-nylander · 5 years ago
rough day at work, could i maybe request your favorite times willy interacted with his teammates with massive heart eyes?
hi sorry for the delay here is a list of my favourite willy heart eyes moments
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we’ll start with this video where the editing team incorrectly label adrian kempe as mario kempe (which is fair they both look like hot raccoons) and willyum is drinking from the smallest espresso cup and oskar lindblom already wishes he lied & said he had plans for the day
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i have decided that they should have like a sitcom where adrian & oskar are neighbours and willy is their new neighbour. they have a fun meet cute in the mail room & adrian & oskar both are like I Will Seduce The New Neighbour and the show is full of their silly attempts while willy wanders around clueless. the season finale *spoilers!!* ends with them ALL dating 
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i MEAN!!!!!!!
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heres the sitch willy is a high school hockey STAR but he’s failing drama or something. this is maybe an episode of life with derek. david is the NEW EXCHANGE KID who accidentally signs himself up for the school play. they are cast as ROMEO AND JULIET. it is the best even though willy forgets his lines and after the show they make out at the cast party 
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while the vibe of this pic is very Handsum Suit Men the vibe of willy/goat is extremely tall big man freddie puts willy in his pocket while he gardens. i think willy is like a cat in the sunlight just basking around and sometimes surfacing to rub his face on goat’s knee and ask for attention. goat makes them a salad straight from his garden for dinner and then they watch HGTV until they fall asleep
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the vibe of willy/kappy is always just so like “accidentally touched ur dick bro oh whoops now im giving u a blow job whoops broooo” so i feel like they get to be side characters in a television drama. like kappys neighbour is Going Through Stuff & every once and awhile, for comic relief, the character sees the two of them like dunking each other in a pool or walking down the hallway at school with their arms around each other. they never like. Get It. always just like “i love u bro” “bro i love YOU”
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on the other hand zach and willy are ALL rom coms. willy pines after zach in every single iteration of them on screen. are they 27 dresses??? willy who’s always the bridesmaid never the bride and zach who is the journalist who falls for them???? is willy disaster bridget jones and zach is standoffish colin firth???? all of the above but think, if you will - zach as gabriella montez, new smart kid, and willy as troy bolton, basketball star
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willy/nicke.......i mean. they just scream regency. its all very Willy Sent Away To Finishing School, comes back and marries the earl whatsit who is nicke. nicke knew the nylanders and always got along with lil william & it would be weird but its the OLDEN TIMES so marrying someone much younger than u is fine or whatever. god the 2017 world championship huh????
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HEY SPEAKING OF MORALLY GREY RELATIONSHIPS u know this video ive watched 18 times and theres a lot of heart eyes all around. my favourite thing to think about is a sorta matt santos west wing au where kyles running for president i guess and willys the waiter that hooked up with him awhile ago who’s along for the ride. they kinda fell into this relationship and now GASP its all a scandal and kyle’s having to run for president while also maintain his relationship with Known Cutie Will Nye while willy has to like. u know in what a girl wants when amanda bynes has to learn how to be a socialite? its like that in a montage.
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last but not least this cute moment that pierre engvall is screwing up a bit. he kinda looks like a statue here. anyways freddie willy is SO CUTE bc willy is not shy at all not even once & i think when he decides that he likes freddie he goes ALL OUT & freddie sort of turtles all pleased. like sweater paws, eyes down, smiley man, like still BIG freddie but a bit of a flushed sweetie and willys just like :D :D :D :D NOTICE ME LETS DATE
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rjnorth-writes · 4 years ago
R.J.North-Writes Masterlist!
A comprehensive list of some of the Headcanons/AUs/Playlists for all of my works. 
Monthly Writing Challenge(s): There will be a Masterlist of these separately too once I’ve written enough.  
The Stories: 
Solace Saga: 
Solace (Complete)
Condolence (Complete)
Constancy (In Progress)
Solace Headcanons: Military Headcanons
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Little Miss SHIELD Series: 
The Cost of the SHIELD (Complete)
Candle in the Dark (Complete)
Evermore (Complete)
Days in the Sun (In Progress) 
The Smell of Coffee in the Morning:  Just a small fluffy morning between the two pre-lovebirds in 1944.
Playlists: Coming Soon
Carrying on: 
Carrying On (In Progress)
Headcanons:  Coming Soon
“I’m going to marry you one day.”
Carrying On - Aladdin!AU:
Coming VERY Soon. 
“It’s nice that your voice is the first thing I heard today.” - Prompt/Ask
Carrying On - Regency!AU: 
Part 1: The Porcelain Princess
Part 2: Rumors of the Rake 
Part 3: From Across the Room 
Part 4: More than Rumors
Part 5: To Be Seen 
Part 6: An Uncommon Sight 
Playlists: Coming Soon
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The Mandalorian: 
Main story coming soon. 
The Horizon -  Mando/Din Djarin x OC/Aiya - though not paired in this. Pre-meeting.
Black Sails: 
Evie/Billy Bones - “You didn’t deserve that.” 
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Trouble and Mischief - Teen Wolf (Stiles/OC)
Content coming soon.
Playlist here.
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 
Still Abnormal as Ever - Raphael/Alex(OC)
Still Abnormal as Ever (Complete) - Masterlist 
Some Things Never Change (Work in Progress) - Masterlist 
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faeriexqueen · 4 years ago
Hello, “Bridgerton Anon” here! I’m a few more episodes in and I’m going to admit that I kept watching it more for the Tyki/Alma vibes than the actual show, not gonna lie. Oh wait, you were thinking of a Regency/Romeo & Juliet AU for Tyki and Alma?? Too bad for you, now I want to know every idea you came up with! :P Feed us gremlins, please, we are hungry 😂 (1/2)
“(2/2) Also, I’m honestly so surprised and pleased to see that my ask cheered you up, my heart swelled up with joy! I really hope this new ask does too, at least a bit, especially given everything that is going on. P.S.: you’ve updated Beneath the Moonlight aaaa I loved this new chapter!! All the Feels ™!! It really made my day, thank you so much for writing it ❤”
You! YOUUUUUU. I’m watching Bridgerton now because of you and how DARE you get me so invested in something!? XD (I kid, I kid - I’m loving every bit of it but started two grad classes this week so I’m having to watch at turtle speed and am just starting episode 4. ;__;) Really, though - I’m glad you sent another ask because now I need to scream about how I cannot unsee Tyki as Simon and Alma as Daphne - it is very much them™ and every scene with them I’ve basically reconstructed in my head so it’s Tyki and Alma I’m thinking about. X3  Aaaa, and the AU ideas! So, it started out as a Regency AU, but then sort of morphed into a Romeo and Juliet storyline? That being said, I’m not sure if I’d keep it Regency Era or go more Renaissance Italy, but it would be an omegaverse universe as well. I’m not sure how interested in that you are, but the reasoning is that I really want the story to focus on marriage/mating dynamics and social classes (and A/B/O presents a lot of opportunities for that). Whatever the exact setting, the general idea is that Alma is an omega and Tyki is an alpha, both from well-off families (who, ahaha, of course do not like each other). Alma is at the point where he’s finally “entering society” (kind of like how Daphne does in the beginning of Bridgerton, actually?) where he’s officially on the market to get hitched so to speak. There’s a lot of pressure for him to marry as high up as possible and his family does have someone in mind (who, Alma does not like but I’ll save that since it’s teetering between two characters XD). Long story short, he and Tyki end up meeting by chance and things get very dramatique™. I’ve actually had the AU in mind for a little over a year now and have been slowly plotting and reworking it. Since I’m taking some grad classes and still working full time I won’t be starting it just yet (maybe in spring/summer?), but it’s currently living rent-free in my head and I’m making notes when I can. ^^;; Also, I’m glad you’re enjoying Beneath the Moonlight! I’m so happy it made your day and that you’re enjoying that story - it’s been a really great one to work on and I’ll be trying to get 15 up in the next week or two! ^^ Thank you again for sending the asks! Like before, this brightened my day as well (especially after all the chaos today with some current events going on >.>). I always love rambling about story ideas and Tyki x Alma especially is SUCH a rare pair that I’m thirsty for anyone who wants to talk about them. XDDD I hope you continue to enjoy the rest of BtM and any future stories! And if you want to talk more Bridgerton/Tyki x Alma ideas I’m definitely hear for it. <3 <3 <3 (Also wherever you are take care as well!)
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hermannsthumb · 6 years ago
“I’m trying to decide if this thing I did is incredibly stupid.” “What happened? what did you do?” “Well… I fell in love (with you).” (newmann prompt, again)
this prompt is SO ROMANTIC so im appropriating it for my niche regency au exactly two other people care about. this one goes out to all three of us
June is uncharacteristically harsh this year, hot and sunny and devoid of rainfall, and inside the Gottlieb house—despite its arching ceilings, its airy halls, the windows that Hermann himself went around and flung open in a fit of sweat-damp exhaustion the night before—is even hotter. No amount of refilling the water pitchers or retreating deep into the cool, dark library will do. Not even the library remains cool and dark.
Newton has come, however, as he promised he would, which lightens Hermann’s spirits somewhat. Misery loves company, if anything. Newton lays sprawled across the great chaise he favors in the library now, stripped out of his boots and waistcoat and cravat, stockinged feet propped up on a cushion, arm—the sleeve rolled up to his elbow—flung across his perspiring brow. Just over his eyeglasses. “We need to get out of here,” he says.
His throat is bared. The beginnings of his strange inkjob poke out from his unbuttoned collar. Hermann is sprawled in an arm chair of his own, fanning himself with an Encyclopedia, and he cannot tear his eyes away. “Hm?”
Newton pushes himself up. “We need to get out of here,” he repeats. “I’m boiling.”
“Where do you suggest we go?” Hermann says. He drags his eyes up, lazily, to Newton’s face.
“Not an inkling of an idea,” Newton says. He sticks each foot back into his boots, though he does not bother slipping his waistcoat back on or fixing his buttons. “C’mon. Outside.”
Hermann groans in protest, but he allows Newton to pull him to his feet and shove his cane at him; he can’t imagine a walk outside, in the sun, will do any good. There isn’t even a breeze.
Newton knows the forests better than Hermann does without a doubt, especially the forests behind the Gottlieb estate: Newton travels through them, quietly, on foot, each occasion he and Hermann have set an illicit meeting in the dead of night. He leads Hermann through them now, down a well-worn dirt path, past fallen logs and moss and boulders, deeper and deeper until the patches of sunlight streaming through the canopy of leaves above their heads become scarce. It is far cooler in the shade. Hermann will grant Newton that. “Do you know where we’re going?” Hermann pants. He’s had to rest, momentarily, against a tree; his leg does not usually ache him terribly on long walks, but the ground is uneven with tree roots and slopes up and down at random.
“Of course,” Newton says. He stands a few feet in front of Hermann, squinting deeper into the trees. “Ah. See.” He points.
Hermann sees nothing but a small clearing ahead, a bit sunnier than most of what they’ve been walking through. “What is it?”
Newton doubles back and takes Hermann’s arm to lead him along gently. The closer they get to the clearing, the louder the sound of running water becomes, and soon, they stand at the edge of a stream. “I found this last month,” Newton declares, sounding delighted. “Fell into it while I was walking home.”
“You fell?” Hermann says, turning to him in mild alarm. Newton flashes him a smile.
“I’m still in one piece, aren’t I?” Newton says. He drops Hermann’s arm and begins to fish around in the small satchel he’d packed discreetly and brought along with them: he pulls out a sheet (one of the Gottliebs’ nice sheets, clearly liberated from the linen closet off the washroom, though when Hermann is not sure), and spreads that on the grass, then sets down the makings of a rudimentary picnic atop that. (Food just as clearly liberated from the Gottlieb pantry, Hermann is quite sure.) “Here, have a seat.”
Hermann obliges gratefully, loosening his cravat and helping himself to grapes and a canteen of what turns out to be lemonade. Both are technically his, after all. But Newton does not sit next to him, as Hermann expected, choosing, instead, to settle his hands on his hips and continue to admire the stream. “Are you not joining me?” Hermann says.
“I will,” Newton says. “Shortly.”
He shucks off his boots once more, then his stockings, then—to Hermann’s great consternation—his breeches and linen shirt, leaving him standing before Hermann in nothing but his plain white undergarments, broad, inked chest bare. “Newton,” Hermann near-squeaks. He averts his eyes in modesty.
Newton casts him a roguish smile. He twists his index finger in the tie strings of his undergarments and tugs lightly. “I can take off more, if you’d like it.”
“No,” Hermann says, quickly, blushing pink and fumbling the grapes. They fall to the sheet and upend his tin cup of lemonade. “No, ah—”
Newton turns away with a wink. As Hermann attempts to mop up the lemonade with his handkerchief, Newton begins to wade into the clear water of the stream, barefoot, hoisting his undergarments up past his knees. “Bit cold,” he says, with a low hum. “‘S perfect. You should come in, too. Ow.”
“What’s wrong?”
“Stepped on a rock. Should’ve kept my shoes on. Oh, look!’
Newton dives down, plunging his arm into the water, but emerges empty-handed. “Damn,” he says. “Thought I saw a turtle.”
“Please don’t harass any turtles,” Hermann says, a half-hearted scold, because, truthfully, he’s too distracted by the small droplets of water now glistening on Newton’s chest to care about turtles.
Newton does not respond, his attention caught by a bright green dragonfly that zips by his head. “Wow,” he says with a whistle, pushing up his eyeglasses as he tracks it. “Look at that. Beautiful.”
“Mm,” Hermann says. One of the droplets curves down Newton’s right pectoral, down over the small swell of his stomach, and disappears in the waistband of his undergarments. Another begins a similar journey. After Hermann tracks four, he realizes, belatedly, that Newton is still talking about the dragonfly. Specifically its diet. “Fascinating,” Hermann interjects quickly, when it seems like the appropriate time to.
The ghost of a smirk crosses Newton’s face. Hermann had not been that subtle. “Indeed,” Newton says.
Their conversation lulls into a comfortable silence. Newton continues to splash around in the stream, occasionally plucking small rocks from the sandy banks and shoving them in his pockets, while Hermann—angled so his body remains in the shade, while his face remains in the sunlight—stretches out on the length of the sheet and shuts his eyes. (A quick examination of Newton’s satchel proved he had packed one of the tomes from Hermann’s personal library as well, but Hermann decided a nap, not reading, was far better suited to today.) In the distance, Hermann hears birdsong. Cool, and contented, and with Newton so close by, Hermann admits to himself it really is quite nice.
After a while, Newton tires of the stream and flops down at Hermann’s side with a little grunt. Hermann can feel his sharp breaths against his neck, and a hand—damp, and gritty with sand—untucking his blouse and sliding against his skin; he does not open his eyes. “You’re wet,” Hermann murmurs.
“Am I?” Newton says, low in his ear. His hand creeps higher. His lips find their way to Hermann’s throat.
Hermann swats at him. “Not here,” he warns. “Someone will see. Not—”
Not outside the confines of Hermann’s bed chamber, with the window Hermann keeps unlatched for Newton at all hours should Newton decide to climb up the lattice; the Gottlieb family library, with its inviting hearth and and dark, dark corners and convenient lock for when Newton and Hermann need to discuss research after a meal away from Hermann’s father’s prying eyes. Not outside the seclusion of night, even, beneath the stars, where they may do whatever they please until the pink of dawn breaches the horizon. But Newton does not retreat. His hand settles on Hermann’s sternum.
“Kiss me,” he begs, warm over the shell of Hermann’s ear. “C’mon, Hermann.”
Newton’s face is hovering mere centimeters above Hermann’s own when Hermann finally opens his eyes. He’s freed his hair from the confines of its usual braid, and it tumbles over his shoulders, catching the sparse sunlight. His tongue pokes out between his lips. His glasses hang on the end of his freckled nose. Hermann presses his fingers to the nape of Newton’s neck, his lips curling into an affectionate smile. “Dear boy,” he says. He cannot deny Newton anything.
They kiss languidly in the small patch of sunlight, their hands roaming over the expanses of each other’s skin, under clothing, through hair, until the noise of a twig snapping nearby startles them both; they turn quickly (the fingers of Hermann’s right hand tangled in Newton’s long hair, the fingers of his left pressed to his soft abdomen) to see a doe standing on the opposite bank of the stream. Her wide eyes are fixed on them. She darts away when Newton laughs.
“Scared the hell out of me,” Newton says, and—his heart racing comically fast—Hermann nods in agreement.
Ever restless, ever unable to remain confined to one activity for too long, Newton parts from Hermann’s arms with a last long, lingering kiss and busies himself with plucking wildflowers from the patch of grass to the right of the sheet and winding them into a chain. Hermann props himself up on his elbow to watch. He has not bothered tucking his shirt back into his breeches, nor has he bothered doing his collar up or tightening his cravat; his neck stings from where Newton got bold and nipped at his skin gently at a spot that would not be in any danger of discovery. The overall sensation is one of debauchery. Reckless hedonism. Hermann finds he enjoys it.
“I’m trying to decide if this thing I did is incredibly stupid,” he declares.
Newton glances up from his flower chain and readjusts his eyeglasses. His eyebrows furrow in confusion. “What happened?” he says. “What did you do?”
“Well,” Hermann says. “I fell in love with you.”
Newton laughs again, but Hermann does not miss the blush that stains his cheeks and the tips of his ears, nor the way he fumbles the flower chain and errs on his next knot of a stem. “You old romantic,” he teases. “And it’s very stupid, for the record. I didn’t think you were capable of making such errors in judgement.”
“I suppose it is,” Hermann says, lips twitching up. Then he prods at the chain. “What is that for?”
Newton ties the last stem around the head of the first wildflower, creating a perfect loop. He settles it atop Hermann’s head. It’s a big large, and sags down near Hermann’s eyes, but they smell sweet and Hermann’s mouth goes dry nonetheless at the gesture. “You,” Newton says. He leans in and pecks a kiss at Hermann’s forehead.
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darth-sonny · 1 year ago
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in the Regency AU, there's a much bigger age difference between the teetles
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los-ninos-tortugas · 2 years ago
The dichotomy in “Nobody Invited You” between, The Honorable Leonardo, moderately well known Hidden City micro celebrity who charms everyone who meets him and his dad, Baron Draxum, the weird recluse alchemist that nobody in the nobility really likes talking to and they’re all kinda relieved that he just sends his son to all the parties instead of showing up himself
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the-city-kitty · 2 years ago
NIY!Raph: *goes about his daily routine, training, lifting weights, etc. absolutely does not notice the multiple throwing knives, Ninja stars, and the straight up tomahawk that all miraculously did not hit him today*
NIY!Raph: Hey where’d all these holes in the walls come from?
NIY!Leo, from a distance: How the hell do I keep missing the bastard!?
NIY!Donnie: *has been running around with a giant cartoon magnet and averting all of Leo’s assassination attempts all day*
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ofgentleresolve · 2 years ago
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@jeoseungsaja sent in: Word of advice for Patrick: Maybe you should ask your best friend Hyuk to help you with the buttons of your shirt cuffs more often, that way he can find more excuses to touch and kiss your hands, I mean, I'm just sayING
Well, that’s an unusual piece of advice to hear. But perhaps it matches this rather unorthodox situation to begin- at least it’s unorthodox for him ( and Hyuk too, he hopes ). After all, how many people fall for their best friend of at least half of their lives?
( There’s probably a handful, Patrick notes- but none of them are in his vicinity, are they? And if they are, he highly doubts they’ll be all that…helpful to say the least. )
Still, his shirt cuffs? In comparison to all the other things he can ( barely ) fantom his dear friend finding appealing, it’s a rather mundane thing to comment. Sure, a good number of Patrick’s shirts come with such a feature, but that’s his preference. Formalities to him are what armor to a knight is.
He frowns. “Buttoning my…shirt cuffs? Why would he want to help me with that?”
“That way he can find more excuses to touch and kiss your hands.”
Wait, what? Since when did his dear friend want to do- cheeks suddenly warm, he covers his mouth at the image. Hyuk knows, doesn’t he, how much Patrick adores the works of Jane Au*sten. Whereas nowadays gestures of affection such as kissing on the lips and even outright sexual intercourse ( not that Patrick has actively sought out these books…he wouldn’t be surprised if his students have, however ), the Regency was a tad more…RESTRAINED and thereby the authors of the romance genre needed to get creative with displaying romance and the tension that came with it.
The friends-to-lovers trope is one such method. Hand kisses are another.
But then again, they’ve always been more on the understated side too, haven’t they? Between the two of them, one might say by modern standards, they’re both quite the…turtles when it comes to acknowledging such emotions and acting on said emotions. After all, it’s Hyuk who is always so careful with who to trust and Patrick who is content to sit on the sidelines rather than face these…complicated thoughts head-on.
And besides, they’re friends first. Always BEST FRIENDS before anything else.
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The stranger with said advice peters off though as Patrick keeps a steady eye on them. He scratches his cheek. If an outsider can see the signs between them, then it really must be obvious at this point, no? “I suppose I’ll…keep that in mind. Thank you.”
That and get cuffs with bigger button holes. For Hyuk’s convenience.
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queenoftheblackpuddle · 3 years ago
I’m using Picrew to make my Regency AU versions of the Bots and these are what I have so far/sources
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Sweet lil grumpy bb Servo (he has a pet dinosaur because they didn’t have a turtle) made here
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GPC/Gemma made here, she is radiant and perfect btw and I love her more than life itself.
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And our beloved middle child Crow/Crowe! He has slightly buck teeth in my version but this is more or less accurate. Made with this lovely thing here.~
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