plitnick · 2 years
Israel has quietly annexed the West Bank and Biden stays silent
Not even three years ago, when Benjamin Netanyahu was talking openly about annexing huge chunks of the West Bank, the response was sharp and swift. It came from Palestinians but also from Washington, Brussels, and Jewish communities who fretted, then as now, for the loss of the two-state solution and of Israel’s “Jewish and democratic character.” Guess what? Israel just annexed huge chunks of the…
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allthegeopolitics · 1 month
Pro-Israel advocacy groups have filed a lawsuit against the Biden administration over sanctions issued against individuals involved in settler violence in the occupied West Bank.  The plaintiffs, who filed the lawsuit in Amarillo, Texas, are composed of two NGOs, Texans for Israel and the Israeli nonprofit, Regavim, as well as two dual US-Israeli citizens who live in the West Bank. The defendants named in the lawsuit include the US Department of Treasury; US Department of State; Department of Homeland Security; Office of Foreign Assets Control; Financial Crimes Enforcement Network; and their department chiefs, including Secretary of State Antony Blinken and US Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen. In February this year, Biden filed an executive order allowing federal agencies to impose financial sanctions and visa restrictions against individuals who attack or intimidate Palestinians and destroy or dispossess Palestinians of their property.
Continue Reading.
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girlactionfigure · 13 days
🩸Sunday afternoon - events from Israel  
ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting to Israel in Realtime
▪️MORE ON THE TERROR - SHOOTING -  ALLENBY CROSSING.. 3 civilians murdered, workers of the border crossing. Terrorist eliminated by border security guards.  Terrorist was a truck driver delivering AID from Jordan to Gaza, who hid a weapon in the truck cab.
.. ALL land borders from Israel to Jordan have been SHUT.
.. All trucks at the crossing, and all truck drivers, carefully examined for weapons and bombs.
.. (Enemy report) The city of Jericho is surrounded by IDF forces.
.. This WAS a “humanitarian delivery” via Jordan towards Gaza.
.. The Regavim movement is demanding the government "to stop all humanitarian aid convoys from Jordan to Hamas”.
.. Jordanians handing out sweets at corners in celebration of the attack. (Kaan) https://x.com/kann_news/status/1832717857295073355
.. 48 hours ago military police interrogated a soldier who insisted on getting an Arab truck driver out of the cab to inspect. The driver refused, the soldier shot the truck's tire so he could not run away.  That soldier is currently in detention.
.. PRIME MINISTER SAYS.. "It's a hard day. A despicable terrorist murdered three of our citizens in cold blood at the Allenby Bridge. On behalf of the government, I send my condolences to the families of the murdered.
We are surrounded by a murderous ideology led by Iran's axis of evil. In recent days, despicable terrorists have murdered six of our abductees in cold blood and three Israeli police officers. The killers do not distinguish between us, they want to murder us all, until the last one; Right and left, secular and religious, Jews and non-Jews.
What prevents the destruction of our people as in the past is the strength of the State of Israel and the strength of the Israel Defense Forces. The heroic spirit of the soldiers, the policemen, the men and women of our security forces, the supreme sacrifice of our fallen heroes and the resilience of our people - that's all the difference. When we stand together - our enemies cannot, so their main goal is to divide us, to sow division within us.
Last weekend, the German newspaper Bild published an official Hamas document that reveals its plan of action: to sow division within us, to wage psychological warfare on the families of the hostages, to exert internal and external political pressure on the Israeli government, to tear us apart from the inside, and to continue the war until the defeat of Israel.
The vast majority of Israeli citizens do not fall into this trap of Hamas. They know that we are committed with all our might to achieve the goals of the war - to eliminate Hamas, to return all our hostages, to ensure that Gaza will no longer pose a threat to Israel and to safely return our residents in the north and south to their homes.
We will stand together, we will hold on to David's rope together, and with God's help we will win.
And one more word: Some ask - 'Will you forever hold a sword?' - In the Middle East without a sword there is no eternity”.
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agentfascinateur · 5 months
Canada is a backchannel for Israeli illegal settlements:
Mizrachi Canada has been listed as a charity organisation since 1979. But it was only in 2022, after activists exerted pressure for more information, that it disclosed that some of the recipients of its funds in Israel were organisations like Regavim, a radical pro-settler group that is forcibly taking over Palestinian lands. The CRA has yet to take any action against Mizrachi Canada, which faces multiple allegations including violation of the Income Tax Act, the Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act, and going against official Canadian policy.
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gregor-samsung · 1 year
"Nel 1993, sulla scia del cosiddetto processo di pace di Oslo, il Primo Ministro israeliano ritenne che la creazione di un’Autorità Palestinese responsabile dell’amministrazione della vita quotidiana dei palestinesi nei Territori Occupati avrebbe messo a tacere le crescenti critiche nei confronti di Israele. Il ragionamento di Rabin era semplice: se i palestinesi si fossero assunti la responsabilità di autoamministrarsi, Israele non sarebbe piú stato legalmente responsabile delle violazioni dei diritti umani commesse nei Territori Occupati. Ciò avrebbe reso superfluo l’operato di istituzioni quali l’Alta Corte di Giustizia israeliana e di organizzazioni come B’Tselem – attori che Rabin aveva descritto come “anime sensibili” che incarnavano una certa compassione umanitaria per i palestinesi. Si può considerare la dichiarazione di Rabin come l’antecedente del dibattito israeliano sulla “minaccia dei diritti umani”, poiché sembra che la sua aspirazione fosse di contrastare quelli che già considerava dei pericolosi tentativi di interpretare l’occupazione israeliana come una questione di diritti umani. Sperava che l’accordo sui due stati potesse ovviare alle critiche in materia di diritti umani tramite la creazione di una nuova struttura giurisdizionale in grado di regolare i rapporti tra israeliani e palestinesi. Due anni dopo, Rabin venne assassinato da un colono israeliano.
Non poteva sapere che nel corso dei decenni successivi – durante e dopo il fallimento del processo di pace – ci sarebbe stato un incremento esponenziale di attività a favore dei diritti umani sia da parte israeliana che da parte palestinese. Rabin non poteva prevedere che quello dei diritti umani sarebbe diventato il lessico dominante utilizzato da attori diversi, spesso in conflitto tra loro. Né poteva immaginare che nel 2010, quindici anni dopo il suo assassinio, un diverso gruppo di “anime sensibili” conservatrici avrebbe fondato numerose ONG per i diritti umani – Regavim, il Legal Forum for the Land of Israel e Yesha for Human Rights – e che queste ONG avrebbero impiegato il vocabolario dei diritti umani in un’istanza presentata all’Alta Corte di Giustizia per la revisione del processo a Margalit Har-Shefi, la donna condannata nel 1998 per non aver impedito al suo amico Yigal Amir di assassinare Rabin.* "
*Dan Izenberg, “State Attorney Rejects Har-Shefi Retrial Petition”, in Jerusalem Post, 17/10/2010.
Nicola Perugini, Neve Gordon, Il diritto umano di dominare, traduzione di Andrea Aureli, edizioni nottetempo (collana conache), 2016¹; pp. 166-167.
[Edizione originale: The Human Right to Dominate, Oxford University Press, 2015]
P.S.: Ringrazio @dentroilcerchio per avermi consigliato la lettura di questo saggio che esamina e denuncia l’uso strumentale dei diritti umani da parte dei gruppi dominanti.
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tieflingkisser · 3 months
IDF transfers powers in occupied West Bank to pro-settler civil servants
Transfer to officials led by far-right Bezalel Smotrich removes legal checks on settlement expansion
The Israeli military has quietly handed over significant legal powers in the occupied West Bank to pro-settler civil servants working for the far-right minister Bezalel Smotrich. An order posted by the Israel Defense Forces on its website on 29 May transfers responsibility for dozens of bylaws at the Civil Administration – the Israeli body governing in the West Bank – from the military to officials led by Smotrich at the defence ministry. Smotrich and his allies have long seen control of the Civil Administration, or significant parts of it, as a means of extending Israeli sovereignty in the West Bank. Their ultimate goal is direct control by central government and its ministries. The transfer reduces the likelihood of legal checks on settlement expansion and development. ​Israeli politicians have long sought to​ find ways to permanently seize, or annex, the occupied West Bank​, which it captured in 1967 and where millions of Palestinians live. Michael Sfard, an Israeli human rights lawyer, said: “The bottom line is that [for] anyone who thought the question of annexation was foggy, this order should end any doubts. What this order does is transfers vast areas of administrative power from the military commander to Israeli civilians working for the government.”
Mairav Zonszein, a senior analyst for Israel-Palestine at Crisis Group, said: “The big story is that this is no longer ‘creeping annexation’ or ‘de facto annexation’, it is actual annexation. “This is the legalisation [and] normalisation of a long-term policy. Smotrich is basically re-establishing the way in which the occupation works by taking a large part out of the hands of the military. “Half the people he has brought in to the defence ministry are from [the pro-settler Israeli NGO] Regavim. The same people who worked at Regavim to disposess Palestinians in Area C are now in government positions.”
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meandmybigmouth · 4 months
See Israeli protesters ransack aid headed for Gaza
Israeli protesters ransacked trucks of humanitarian aid headed for Gaza on May 13. Video capturing the protest in the West Bank shows many boxes of aid strewn across the ground at the Tarqumiya checkpoint near Hebron. Right-wing groups Tsav 9 and the Regavim movement, who oppose the transfer of aid to Gaza, were involved in the ransacking.
See Israeli protesters ransack aid headed for Gaza | Watch (msn.com)
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jhavelikes · 6 months
Last year, the government transferred administrative powers on settlement land administration from military authorities to civilian officials - a move the UN said could facilitate the annexation of the West Bank. Netanyahu also gave settler Bezalel Smotrich, co-founder of settler organisation Regavim and leader of the far-right Religious Zionism party, settlement planning approval control in the occupied West Bank. Last year, the minister presented a plan to introduce half a million more settlers across the occupied Palestinian territory. And, on March 6, Israel's settlement-planning authority announced it had approved the construction of some 3,500 new housing units in the West Bank, the first such move since October 7.
How Israeli settlers are expanding illegal outposts amid Gaza war | Israel War on Gaza | Al Jazeera
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the-final-straw-blog · 8 months
Mohammad Hureini of Youth of Sumud
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This week, we're featuring a conversation with Mohammad Hureini (twitter / instagram), a young activist from Masafer Yatta, an area in the hills south of Hebron in the occupied West Bank in Palestine. Mohammad is a member of a non-violent group called Youth of Sumud that struggles to hold on to the sites and lives of Palestinian villages despite displacement by the Israeli military occupation as well as the illegal zionist settlements (like the neighboring Havat Ma’on) and their routine violence and impunity. For the hour, Mohammad speaks about the work of Youth of Sumud, their recent report co-published with The Good Shepherd on increased settler violence entitled Indigenous Erasure: How the zionist movement is using state sanctioned violence to eliminate the Palestinian communities of the West Bank, the South African genocide case against Israel in the International Court of Justice and other topics. A transcript of this interview will be available soon, a podcast version of this is available at our website.
Al-Addameer's recent publication on prisons and repression of Palestinians since October 7th, 2023: https://addameer.org/media/5262
Organizations Mohammad names doing on the ground support:
Defund Racism (https://defundracism.org/): follows NGO connections to settler projects
recently published a report on Regavim, a pro-settler organization that pulls funding from the US, Canada and elsewhere to displace Palestinians
Operation Dove /Operazione Colomba from Italy (https://www.operazionecolomba.it/)
International Solidarity Movement (https://palsolidarity.org/)
Community Peacemaker Teams (https://cpt.org/)
Recent interviews about the conflict in Palestine
Yuval Dag, Israeli anarchist military refuser
Joey Ayoub on the War in Gaza
Jewish anti-zionist Anarchist in Israel
B(A)D News #75 is out!
Check out the January 2024 episode featuring updates on support for antifascists facing charges in Budapest from February 11, 2023; reflections from an Autonomist on the '80s-'90s journal "Radikal"; a portion of our interview with Israeli refuser Yuval Dag; and an interview from Solidarity Zones on the case of accused Russian war sabateur, Ruslan Siddiqui
. ... . ..
Featured Track:
Building Steam with a Grain of Salt by DJ Shadow from Entroducing....
Check out this episode!
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sutrala · 1 year
(THE GATEWAY PUNDIT) – An estimated 600.000 patriots demonstrated in Jerusalem in favor of the conservative government Thursday as left-wing radicals were arrested for attacking economics minister Nir Barkat in Tel Aviv. Patriotic NGOs Im Tirtzu, Regavim and others had called...
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eretzyisrael · 4 years
This is a press release from Regavim that exposes a huge crime by the Palestinian Authority against the remains of the heroes of Chanukah:
The circle that was closed yesterday began last year, when Regavim’s field activities sparked a unique rescue mission: Volunteers for the “Preserving the Eternal” project discovered that the Palestinian Authority had issued permits for agricultural work resulting in the desecration of the ancient burial grounds at the Hasmonean Fortress of Jericho. They found the catacombs plundered, the sarcophagi stolen, and human remains that had been at rest there for over 2,000 years scattered around the site - which was being plowed and steam-rolled.
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Regavim alerted the Civil Administration, and a rescue mission to collect the desecrated remains and reinter them at the Jewish cemetery in Kfar Adumim was set in motion.
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Yesterday (Monday), in a moving and powerful stone-setting ceremony, the operation came full circle: At the special section of the Kfar Adumim Cemetery set aside for the Kohanim of Jericho by the Binyamin Regional Council, Regavim and ‘Preserving the Eternal’ marked the final resting place of the Hasmonean royal family, and reaffirmed the unbreakable bond between the Jewish People, the Land of Israel, and Jewish history and heritage – the very things for which the Maccabees, members of the Hasmonean royal family buried in the Jericho Fortress, fought over 2 millennia ago.
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thejewishlink · 3 years
Petition to Supreme Court: Put an end to PA invasion near Ariel
Petition to Supreme Court: Put an end to PA invasion near Ariel
The state has enacted an order against PA takeover of government-owned lands, but the Civil Administration has failed to enforce it. In recent months, the PA, aided by the EU, has carried out a continuous incursion into Israeli government-owned lands in the direction of the industrial area of ??the city of Ariel, in Area C, that’s supposed to be under full Israeli control. Areas which have been…
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shayhcl · 5 years
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Eli Baavour and I 💯😉 Two generations of Regavim . . #deliciasdavida #Regavim #Kibbutz_Regavim #shabat #shabbat #generations #selfie #smile @regavim_kibbutz https://www.instagram.com/p/B0ZBcAxH5lX/?igshid=q6wpbmcaxbwk
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sayedhusaini · 3 years
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agentfascinateur · 23 days
Vote on EU sanctions against Israeli far-right extremist politicians today:
At a meeting of the EU’s 27 foreign ministers on Thursday, Josep Borrell will make the case for sanctions against Itamar Ben-Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich, two far-right government ministers, whose inflammatory statements and behaviour have drawn international condemnation.
"Genocidal statements should not go unpunished"
"Settler orgs Amana & Regavim should be sanctioned as well."
- Dep. PM Petra de Sutter, Belgium
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While the entire world was holding its breath following the progress of the coronavirus pandemic, with millions of Israeli citizens in quarantine, and law enforcement authorities reducing their activity, the Palestinian Authority seized the opportunity to illegally dump millions of gallons of garbage in Area C, which is meant to be under full Israeli control, Regavim reported.
In only a few weeks, millions of gallons of garbage from the Arab cities of Ramallah and Al-Bireh in Palestinian occupied Area A in Judea and Samaria were dumped in an abandoned quarry near the Binyamin area.
Hundreds of Arab owned trucks took advantage of the temporary lull in law enforcement and dumped their foul smelling contents from the top of a cliff straight into the quarry. Thousands of tons of garbage will now have to be set on fire, which will burn days and nights, making the lives of local Jewish villagers and farmers a living hell while creating a huge environmental disaster. But don’t expect Green Peace or the other international environmental organizations to utter a word of protest against the Palestinians.
The garbage, which had been accumulated in three huge piles, dozens of feet high, was estimated at about 10,000 cubic meters, or 2.2 million gallons.
Binyamin Council Head, Israel Gantz, said in a statement: “Garbage disposal pollution is an ecological terror attack. The natural beauty in our area is of no interest to the Palestinians.”
“Landfills throughout Judea and Samaria are often a choice the Arabs make for polluting the air and ground. The deliberate scale of huge pollution by the Palestinians in this particular landfill is something we haven’t encountered before,” an Israeli environmentalist said. “Enormous quantities of garbage have been piled up there in just a few weeks.
“In the past we had to guess, or try to estimate roughly the amount of Arab garbage and filth found in pirate landfills across Judea and Samaria. Today we deal with exact figures and it is appalling.
All Israel’s many environmental organizations will join in the fight against this grotesque eco-terrorism in Judea and Samaria in the hope of preventing any such Palestinian outrages from taking place in the future.”
This, alas, may be more difficult to control as the perpetrators are egged on and rewarded relentlessly and gleefully by the Palestinian Authority.
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