#reg never asks and they never tell and it Works <3< /div>
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the bartyrosiers uni au sounds scrumptious and i'm just imagining the twins becoming like an urban legend around campus, they're THE worst case roommate scenario every freshman is wary of
i'm wondering tho, what do you think everyone's majors are? i always imagine barty stuck in law or politics or smth because of his dad
no literally!!! 😭😭 like people are making drinking games out of it, whispering line ’yeah and i walked in on evan spooning this girl… and it turned out to be his TWIN’ and someone else chimes in like ’oh yeah? i saw pandora kissing him before leaving and the kiss lasted TEN SECONDS’ and someone else swearing on their life that they slept naked together, someone else about how he’d wake up and hear them having sex…..
and like. it all spirals to the point where there’s just no way to tell what’s true and what isn’t…. which i think helps the rosiers sort of ?? like i tend to think that the twins actually do try to be careful and want their relationship to be secret, so they wouldnt actually have sex if their roommate was home and they wouldn’t actually sleep naked… but thing is that the twins are also terrible at understanding whats normal ahdjfjsjd. so the KISSING is true and the kissing always goes on for longer than a sibling kiss ever should… or like yeah they absolutely will spoon etc etc etc. so yeah there’s all these twincest rumours going around about them, but everyones also like aware that people are overexaggarating and making things up… so people sort of always come to the conclusion that Yeah they’re the creepy campus twins… but i’m sure it’s blown out of proportion…
and majors!! i think about this a lot…
barty: i always imagine him stuck in law or political science and stuff too… so absolutely something like that. i think he’d want to minor in english or litterature <- but i also dont know how majors and minors work and if he could get away with that with his dad……. but i’d like to think he does a lil litterature or english course. he’s just soooo rich priveliged guy who has no understandings of morals and he’s just so. wrong. wires crossed and all that…. so he’s obsessed with the twins from the start, perving on them and getting off on the twincest rumours going around Hoping and Praying that they’re true…….
evan: i love med student evan….. malpractive evan save me… save me malpractice evan…. him with his scalpels and notebooks filled with anatomy drawings and his deep psychosexual obsession with pandoras insides the two of them being twins and wanting to open them both up to compare where they’re similar and where they’re not…. i imagine he does a lot of drawings of pandora opened up
pandora: ive always seen pandora as a girl in stem…. i feel like it’s the closest to her canon career and how she ends up dying because of a failed spell experiment… i want her in lab coats and holding vials and doing explosive experiments and calculations etc etc…. and also the psychology aspect of majoring in a stem field… like my girl is SO curious about other people and how they work and Why they work the way they do. she always like.. uses her and her brother to compare other people to. like that’s her normal, so she’s fascinated by people who aren’t them. can’t fathom that there are people who work differently. both the rosiers have this sort of superiority complex.. to me.. where they’re just sort of convinced that they’re better than other people. more aware. on the outside of societal expectations and not caring about them. they’re like ’free’ or whatever whereas they consider other people prisoners of societal norms and rules.
there are only two people in the world who can stand them and that they can stand in return…. and it’s barty and reg…🤍
#its also so funny to me because i hc evan and pandora as 1 year older than reg and barty#<- reg and barty are the same age and childhood friends#and bartyrosiers end up in this polycule and reg is like. i do Not want to know#like obviously he knows about the rumours and he has his suspicions and what not#and then barty is paired up with evan#and reg is just like.. keep me out of it..#<- but all four of them are deeply codependant and love each other very much.. 🤍#reg never asks and they never tell and it Works <3#bartyrosiers
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dr. potter’s whirlpool
microfic summary: james loves being a physical therapist. until he takes on regulus as a patient and discovers that compartmentalizing his work and his love for his husband might be harder than he anticipated; 1794 words; married jegulus, car accident survival, physical therapist/patient, hurt/comfort (cw: injury, mentions of vomit); in my head this takes place a little bit before part 1 and before part 3
James is a really fucking good physical therapist. Which, most of the time, is great. He loves to feel accomplished, more than just capable of doing his job, but doing it expertly. It fulfills him. It makes him happy.
Right now though, he wishes he could go backwards in time and select any other occupation in the world. Because if had, he wouldn’t be able to look at his husband and know exactly what’s wrong with him and exactly how much pain he’ll have to endure to get better.
James has to put him in pain to make him better. Has to hurt him to heal him.
He doesn’t want to be the person responsible for it, but he is. Which means he has to endure days like this. Days that make him want to scream at Regulus or himself or any unlucky person who crosses his path.
Out of the corner of his eye, he watches Regulus give up halfway through an exercise, panting for breath, sweat slick across his forehead. James waits for him to start back up and when he doesn’t, approaches the table he’s stretched out on.
“Regulus. I saw that,” James sighs.
“Saw what?” he asks innocently.
“You give up at 15. It’s 30 reps. No exceptions.”
“Oh, sure. Right away, Dr. Potter,” he replies scathingly. James doesn’t react.
It has to be this way, he’s found. He has to compartmentalize. When Regulus is here, at his practice, he’s not James’ husband— he’s his patient. The reason James is so good at his job is because he’s relentless— emotions never make him compromise when he needs to push. In his profession, results are hard won by his patients, fought for through gritted teeth and steelhard determination to overcome the pain it brings.
So, yes. He’s been forced into a calm, collected, professional role when all he really wants is to fall to his knees and beg Regulus for forgiveness every time he sees the all-too familiar pain wash across his pale features. But if he does that, then everything, everything, will fall apart around him. And he can’t let that happen.
Regulus rolls his eyes at James’ silence. “It fucking hurts, if you haven’t noticed.”
“You don’t have to tell me it hurts, Reg. I know it does.”
Regulus laughs cruelly. “Really? Because I feel like someone should remind you. Since you aren’t the one up here on the table having to do these exercises.”
James glances up at the clock on the wall. They’re nearing the end of their session which makes sense. Regulus is always crabbier right around now, partly because he’s hungry and partly because putting yourself in pain for an hour isn’t anyone’s idea of fun.
“Why don’t you give me 10 more and we’ll call it even?” he offers.
This tactic might have worked on other patients, but not Regulus.
“How generous of you,” he says flatly.
“Five?” James really shouldn’t be bargaining with Regulus on this, but he’s the one who has to go home with him after this. He does have some self-preserving instincts left.
“I’m done for today, James,” Regulus tells him firmly, sitting up with a groan. “Let’s go home.”
James has a choice here. He can choose to let this go or he can choose to push. Should he be the understanding, sympathetic husband or the hardass, ruthless therapist? Always, the impossible choice presented itself to him. But only one of those choices was going to produce results.
“Fine,” he say, his voice clipped. “But any stretches you don’t do here are just going to be added to your home exercises. And I’ll know if you don’t do them because, well. We live together.”
“Funny enough, that fact hasn’t escaped me,” Regulus hisses, eyes narrowing to slits. “You know when I signed up for this, I didn’t realize I’d be exchanging my husband for a fucking drill sergeant. Is Dr. Potter following us home now? Is Dr. Potter supposed to sleep in my bed and fuck me and make me coffee in the morning?”
James doesn’t rise to the obvious bait. ‘Technically, Dr. Potter does all of those things anyway.”
Regulus isn’t even close to done. “Seriously, James, what is it that makes you incapable of fucking human emotions in this building? It’s like you’re devoid of any care or concern for me and how I feel as soon as you walk through those doors. Sometimes, I don’t even recognize you!”
James doesn’t reply. He looks down and starts picking up cones from the floor, gathering them in his shaking fingers. He will not lose his cool. He will not. Will not.
“Look at me, James,” he demands, but James refuses to, knowing he needs to keep his hands busy with something. He grabs a metal water bottle off the floor and starts to carry it over to the shelf.
Regulus continues regardless. “Every single day I come in here, and I do exactly what you tell me to. And every day is fucking hell on earth. But I do it. I do it for you. So why is it that you can’t let up every once and a while?” He laughs once, bitterly. “What, do you fucking enjoy this or something?”
And then the water bottle in James’ hand is suddenly airborne as he hurls it with all his strength against the opposite wall. It hits the sheet rock with a devastating crack before clattering to the floor, rolling a comically far distance before bumping into the front desk. Breathing hard, James studies the hole it left behind and calmly thinks about the supplies he’ll need to buy to patch it. He doesn’t look at Regulus, who has fallen silent. He simply turns and walks to the supply closet. Opens the door. Closes it. Sinks to the floor.
The tears are falling before he can stop them. They flow almost as fast as the memories now crowding his brain, reminding him of things he wishes he had the power to forget.
It’s been five months since the accident. Five months, six days, and a couple of hours, to be exact.
At the risk of sounding cliche, James remembers exactly where he was and what he was doing when he got the call. That call. The one that could have killed him on the spot if he’d had a weaker heart.
He was washing the leftover dishes in the sink. He answered his phone with suds still on his hands, his soapy fingers smearing the screen as he pressed the speaker button. When he’d bolted to the car, he’d accidentally left the sink running. It had run for days. The price of their water bill that month was the least of their worries.
As someone who works in healthcare and frequents hospitals more often than the average person, he can say with authority that no amount of familiarity prepares you for seeing a member of your own family in one of those beds. James only has to close his eyes to picture Regulus there, fresh out of surgery and delirious on drugs and pain. He had a bad reaction to the anesthetics and couldn’t stop vomiting from the endotracheal tube removal and the nauseating medicine which only pulled at the stitches on his back. And he was crying. Through it all, he was crying, these horrible, racking sobs taking over his whole body, making him shake and shiver. This was misery at a magnitude he had never before experienced, even half lucid as he was. This was helplessness at a magnitude James had never experienced before, even with his fancy medical degree.
For that entire, terrifying night, James thought that Regulus was going to die. He sat there by his bed, fully believing he was going to watch his husband die before they could even celebrate their first wedding anniversary. But when the vomiting stopped, and the medicine started working, and Regulus could finally rest for a few hours at a time, James felt the breath return to his aching lungs in small increments. Things weren’t exactly easier after that. There were two more surgeries with two more difficult recoveries. Every day was a struggle, but Regulus was born a survivor and wasn’t about to let this change that.
Thankfully, Regulus has no recollection of those first few nightmarish weeks. Maybe that’s why he could say those awful things to James about being incapable of human emotions, because he didn’t watch him lose his actual fucking mind at the sight and sound of Regulus’ pain.
For a time, James did stop being human, but not in the robotic, emotionless way Regulus accused him of. Instead, he let his emotions consume him, crowding his senses, making him useless to his husband who was hurt and needed him strong. It took the combined efforts of his friends and family to pull him up out of the whirlpool of madness and fear and guilt that was sucking him down into the depths. But Regulus doesn’t remember that. And every time James feels even an inkling of that all-encompassing fear return, he shuts it down, focusing instead on actions that will produce results. He can’t exactly help that those actions cause pain and suffering to the person he loves most in the world.
The touch is so familiar that he doesn’t register it at first. Regulus’ hands cup his wet cheeks, lifting his face up.
“I’m sorry,” Regulus murmurs, kneeling before him, pressing their foreheads together. “I’m so sorry. I was so awful to you. I know you’re just trying to help me. I’m sorry, James. Please don’t cry, baby.”
“I hate watching you suffer,” James croaks. “It makes me hate my job. It makes me hate myself.”
Regulus whimpers, holding him tighter. “Don’t. Don’t do that. You love your job. I don’t want to be the reason that stops.”
James squeezes his eyes shut. “I try so hard. To compartmentalize. I have to, Regulus. I don’t mean to be unfeeling or uncaring, but if I let myself be ruled by my emotions, you won’t get better. And I need you to get better. I need you to be okay.”
“I know,” Regulus nods. “I understand. I’ll do better, I promise.”
“I love you,” James whispers. “More than anything.”
“More than anything,” Regulus replies knowingly.
“That never goes away. Not even when I’m Dr. Potter.”
After a moment, Regulus speaks again, his voice coy. “You know when all of this is over, we could make this whole ‘Dr. Potter’ business into a kinky sex thing. If you weren’t such a dick and I wasn’t hurting so bad, I might actually enjoy you bossing me around like that. Under different circumstances, of course.”
James can’t help himself. He laughs. “You’re fucking ridiculous.”
“Think about it,” Regulus bids him, rising to his feet.
And James, bless him, knows with certainty he won’t be able to stop thinking about it now.
(also posted these two one shots on ao3 so u can find them there as well :))
#and did i write 4k words of physical therapist james yesterday#none of your business!#jegulus#jegulus microfic#jeggy#reg’s writing
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yard work - chapter 3 (regina george x reader)
fandom: Mean Girls (all media)
pairing: Regina George x OFC/Reader
summary: You'd been in the same class as Regina George since kindergarten. You'd lived on the same street even longer. Once upon a time, when life was sandbox disputes and who got the swing first arguments, you'd even been friends. Now, in junior year of high school, you doubted she even remembered you. The same couldn't be said about you. You definitely remembered her.
chapter 1 / chapter 2 / chapter 4
"So, have you heard of the new girl?" Regina asked, twirling a lock of hair on her finger.
You were still sitting on the couch several hours later. It was beginning to get dark.
"Caty Heron or something?"
"Cady, yes. What do you think of her?" Regina bit her bottom lip, sucking it and chewing at it in her mouth. Back when you were younger, her mom would've chastised her. Mrs George was lax about a lot of things, but she could not stand fidgeting. Nowadays, though, you doubted she had the heart to say anything negative to her daughter.
"I..." You tilted your head, thinking. "I don't really think of her. We're in the same calc class and she seems smart. Talks to Aaron a lot."
"Does she?" Regina narrowed her eyes and huffed. "I thought so."
"What? Don't tell me you're still hung up on Aaron Samuels. C'mon." You scoffed. "That dude, pretty as he is-" You knocked at your head. "All fluff, no substance. Hollow."
"Oh, because you would know so much about guys." Regina crossed her arms and stared at you petulantly.
"Yes, I would. I'm practically one of them." You shrugged nonchalantly. "By the way, shouldn't you get home?"
Regina didn't answer and just looked at you. You looked back, unsure of what she was thinking. You glanced around, wondering if you'd missed something.
"You're still- I mean, you're... A lesbian." She said slowly as if it were a curse word.
You laughed before answering. "Yes, Regina, I am still a lesbian. Just like I told you I was back then." You frowned. "Is there, like, a problem?"
"No." She said simply, but it didn't seem particularly truthful. "You don't know about what happened with Janis, then?"
"No, I just know she had to switch schools. Why, was it something you did?"
"No." Again, didn't seem too truthful. "I don't have a problem with you being a lesbian."
Clearly, she was uncomfortable talking about it. Still, something was off. You were almost certain Regina had had something to do with Janis leaving. She was probably lying to you.
"You're not going home for dinner then." Better to drop it for now. It wouldn't do either of you any good to push her. "Will your dad be mad?"
"As if he even notices I'm gone," She rolled her eyes, settling more comfortably on the couch. "He's always on the phone."
"I have frozen pizzas we could pop in the oven."
"I'm not eating that processed shit. We're ordering in."
"Reg, I can't order takeout 'til dad sends me more money."
"I'm paying, dummy, don't even worry about it." She pushed off the couch and walked to the kitchen. You trailed after her. "Where are the menus?"
"There should be some in the cabinet over there."
The evening turned to night with you two on the couch, chatting and eating pizza. The TV was turned on eventually. Adult Swim was playing some anime about cowboys in space, but neither of you was really watching.
You'd missed her so much. You didn't like thinking about it much, but that was the truth. You'd missed her for even longer than the two years you'd been officially cut off from her life. She'd started pulling away long before the silent treatment began. You didn't like thinking about how much it had hurt, how you'd felt your world go bleak when she rejected you. You'd never been one for confrontation, that was Regina's job, so talking to her about the why and how of it all had never felt like an option.
You'd eventually gotten the hint. And now, after all this time, after she had left you so easily, you were letting her back in just as easily. As if you were back in that time, sitting in the sandbox peacefully making castles when she came up behind you, pulled at one of your pigtails, and demanded you share your buckets and shovel. You were helpless against her force.
There was probably something deeply unhealthy about your friendship. She was probably only coming back because it was convenient for her. She wasn't interested in making amends- hell, she probably didn't even think there was anything to amend, in the first place.
This had been the way you two had been since forever. Her ploughing through anybody in her way, you clinging to her as she went, just as much of a victim and a perpetrator.
The Regina you missed was the impression of a girl, braces on her teeth, grass stains on her sundress, and laughter on her lips. The Regina that perhaps, maybe, probably was still hidden somewhere in her, but at the same time was just not her. Who she was now, who you were now, were so utterly different from back then.
Watching her face, illuminated blueish by the light from the TV, so much older but still soft and young, framed by naturally blonde hair but bleached a lighter shade, you made your peace. You were probably being way too dramatic about all this, but it felt like a big moment in your half-baked teenage brain. You would take her back every time. You would let her leave every time. You would stay in place while she explored the world, and if she deigned to come back, you'd be waiting.
"Hey, Reg," You said, quiet but not exactly a whisper.
"What?" She looked up at you, just bent over the coffee table grabbing another slice of pizza.
"I missed you." You said, so earnestly it sounded jarring to even your ears.
She scrunched up her nose. "'Cause I bought you pizza?"
"Yeah," You laughed. "That too."
If you hadn't been looking so closely, you might've missed the brief lapse in her armour. It was in the softening at the corners of her eyes, in the slackening of her face, the give in her spine. Something like affection, like she'd missed you too.
"You're a weirdo."
You only laughed more.
The moment passed and you continued eating and talking and watching TV. You must've fallen asleep at some point after Regina went to remove her makeup. Eventually, you couldn't tell when, you woke up to the sun shining through the blinds right into your eyes.
Shit. It was Monday. You pawed around yourself for your phone, flipped it open, and checked the time. Shit, indeed. You nudged Regina with your toe.
"Reg..." She didn't even stir. "Reg!" You pushed harder, causing her to groan and whine.
"What? Five... M're mins..." She mumbled into the cushion, curling up tighter.
"We're late for school, Reggie, c'mon we gotta go." You momentarily contemplated if it was worth even going in. Your dad would be busting a lung at the missed calc class anyway. But did you want to give him more reasons to yell at you? No, not really.
"I gotta go, c'mon." You moved towards her and really shook her.
"What?" She grumped at you. To be honest, it was really cute. She had dust around her eyes, sleep still lingering in her limbs. You'd touched her shoulder, covered by the knit blanket you'd given her last night, but you could feel how warm she was.
"School. It's Monday morning, sleepyhead."
It took no more than that for the reality to set in for her. Cursing up a storm and running around like a headless chicken, Regina tried gathering all her things that'd somehow ended up scattered around the night before. Her perfume was in the alcove by the front, her charger in the kitchen, hairbrush in the bathroom.
"Do you want a ride?" You asked before heading upstairs to change. Couldn't go to school in just Spiderman boxers.
"I have nothing to wear!" She screeched, glaring at you as if you'd caused this. She was the one who wanted to stay the night, jeez.
You held up your hands in surrender. "You can borrow some of my stuff."
"As if you have anything remotely fitting. You dress like a hobo." She said all that while climbing up the stairs past you, heading for your room. "A hobo with a liking to grunge music, nonetheless."
You walked after her, listening but not feeling the need to add anything. Once she got to your door and you went to follow, she whirled around.
"Uh, I'm gonna change." She sassed, though the intimidation was made less effective by the bareness of her face and the messiness of her hair. You smiled and gestured for her to go on.
"Be my guest." As if she needed the invitation.
To her credit, it didn't take long for her to pick something to wear, wash her face, and do her hair. In the meantime, you used the hallway bathroom to freshen up yourself. She stepped out wearing the same white tank top as the night before, over it a short-sleeve button-down in a glossy, satin black, and a black skirt she'd probably found at the very back of your closet. The button-down was neatly cinched around her waist and the skirt discreetly rolled up to be shorter than it really was.
The shirt was probably the nicest thing you owned. Something a relative had gotten you for your birthday. Versace or something like that.
"I'm going to have to go to school in sneakers, jorts." She pointed at you accusingly, leaning over threateningly where you sat on the floor. You looked up at her and just shrugged. What could you do?
She rolled her eyes and waved you away. You took the cue that it was your turn. You didn't bother closing the door behind you. Some wash jeans from the back of your desk seemed clean enough. You sniffed them just in case. Not too funky, but definitely not fresh. They'd have to do. You chucked the hoodie, sprayed on some deodorant, and replaced it with a short-sleeve flannel. You looked into the mirror and checked your hair was okay before grabbing your backpack.
"Okay, let's go." You turned to see Regina staring at you incredulously.
"That's it? That's your morning routine?" Leaning against the doorway, you couldn't help but notice she looked fantastic. It was a real talent of hers, looking so good all the time.
"Usually, I'd eat breakfast." You herded her out of the door. "Do you need to get your things?" She probably didn't have any of her school stuff.
"No, I didn't unpack my purse before coming here." She said, checking said bag as she did. "I'll do my makeup in the car, drive sensibly."
"Psh, as if you need to tell me. You're the speed demon, from what I've heard."
"There's nothing wrong with the way I drive, grandma."
"Until you get your license revoked, speedster."
Needless to say, Regina was not impressed by your 2001 Corolla. And though she complained the whole way to school, she still sat in the front seat, doing her makeup, there was no heat behind her words. You arrived in the middle of the third period. Nobody was out and about, much to Regina's relief. You parted ways with a wiggle of her fingers and a finger salute from you. You sat in the car for a moment, just breathing and thinking.
She didn't say thank you, didn't say she had a good time, didn't even bother pretending she'd enjoyed your company. It seemed like a relief she was finally getting away from you. Was that how she felt?
Now that your friendship had progressed beyond small talk while you worked and pleasantries over dinner, being ignored at school felt a lot more hurtful.
It was sobering, how she could goss and laugh with you on your couch and then act as if being seen with you in public was social suicide.
What made it feel even worse was that it was true. If Regina was seen hanging around you, god knows what the piranhas that were the student body would do. It would end with either or both of you ostracized or worse. Regina could bend minds and shift opinions like it was a superpower, but even she had her limits.
You got out of the car, locked it, and ambled towards Spanish class.
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#mean girls#mean girls 2004#mean girls 2024#mean girls x reader#regina george x reader#regina george#regina george x oc#regina george x ofc#lesbian regina george#regina george x you#wlw#mean girls fanfic#fic: yard work
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p4! and so soon :3 @jamie-potters ty for the comment it made me finish this <3 @r0seprincess no meadowes kids this time 😔 next time tho @im-a-mess-of-a-person :3
Hermione watched Dorcas sprint, laughing with her braids flying behind her, summer sun glinting off the grass.
Regulus was just in front of her, laughing quieter but still laughing.
"Fine!" a boy's voice called, and Hermione realized as she looked around that Barty, Evan and Pandora were with Dorcas and Regulus. The boy who had spoken was Barty. "Fine, Reg wins, and my dumbass should learn to stop challenging you two to races."
"You should learn," Pandora said. Barty flicked her arm.
"Are you guys going to try out for the Quidditch team?" Evan asked, meeting Dorcas and Regulus in the middle of the field. "I think the Keeper and the Seeker just graduated."
Regulus shrugged. "I'm not sure I will. That kind of thing will get back to my mother fast, and she'll think I'm turning into Sirius."
"I might," Dorcas said. "I'm not sure I'm good enough, but it's worth a shot. Bat, you're good enough to be a Beater, I think."
"Dora too," Barty said, nudging her. "We would be the best power duo."
"Bone-breaking duo," Regulus said. "Everyone would rue the day Flitwick let you play."
Pandora nodded, smiling. Every memory Hermione saw with her in it made her wonder what had happened to the twins to make them practically swap personalities.
The memory began to whirl, and Hermione smiled at it. She knew the way Dorcas went out, and she was glad that she seemed to have a good childhood.
The next scene was the inside of the Slytherin common room. Dorcas was pointing her wand at a Muggle pen and trying to transform it- into what, Hermione couldn't tell.
"Just do it without the wand," Evan said. "You're better without it."
"I know," Dorcas said. She looked over at him, smiling, but something in his expression made her smile drop.
Evan picked up his quill, eyes vacant, and began to sketch without looking at his paper. Five drawings appeared out of the seemingly random strokes– a boy who looked like Regulus, but older, reaching a hand upwards as hands drug him down into water. An older Dorcas stood angry, wand nowhere to be seen but hands outstretched, as a jet of light shot at her. Evan himself laying in Barty's arms, dead, as the blond boy screamed at the sky. Pandora looked like she was flying backwards, a cauldron in front of her. Barty's eyes were vacant but he was standing, a dementor in front of him.
Hermione didn't believe in Divination, but this might be something to prove her wrong. She knew that Luna's mum had blown herself up, Regulus had drowned in the lake and that Barty had received the Dementor's Kiss. That was the drawings on the paper.
"Ev?" Dorcas asked, pulling the notebook towards her. Her own death predicted on the page didn't seem to faze her, but the others did. "Ev?"
"What?" he asked, pulling the notebook back to him. "Did I do this?"
"Just now," she answered. "Evan, what-"
"I don't know either," he said. "I don't know why Dora would be messing around with potions. That's my thing, not hers."
Dorcas shrugged, concerned look on her face, but Evan went back to his work, so Dorcas did too.
The next memory was the Quidditch pitch. Dorcas stood there beside three older people, two boys and a girl. She didn't seem nervous, but confident in her abilities.
The Chasers sent seven hard goals to the first potential Keeper, and he missed five. The captain just waved him off, turning to the next boy. He did even worse, missing six of the goals. The older girl saved six but missed the seventh, which was understandable as it was a professional-level shot.
Then it was Dorcas's turn. Hermione had never met the girl, yet she couldn't help but hold her breath as Dorcas saved one, two, three, four, five, six shots. The seventh was the one the older girl had missed, a feint to one side and a shot on the far goal. Dorcas managed to save that one and throw it to a Chaser halfway down the field, making it look simple and stupid that the other girl had missed it.
The captain raised an eyebrow at Dorcas, who was a third-year. "How'd you make those?" he asked.
"I practice," she said simply. "And I'm good at what I do."
"'Good at what you do,' my ass." the captain said. "Do you have your wand on you?"
"No," Dorcas answered calmly. "I don't need it. I'm perfectly capable of saving goals without help."
One of the Chasers rolled his eyes. "We can just take both of them, you know. Let Meadowes play until she gets herself injured too bad."
Hermione could actually feel Ron thrumming with anger from beside her. He was protective of all people, even ones he didn't know very well. It was Hermione's favorite thing about him, if she was honest.
The captain made a face at the Chaser who had spoken. "You're usually right, Anna, but we haven't let someone below fifth year on the team in more than a decade."
"I'll take talent over age," one of the Beaters said. "That might just be me, though."
"Not just you," muttered the Chaser who had made the most difficult shots, picking at her nails.
"Fine," the captain said. He turned to Dorcas and her opponent. "Meadowes, congratulations, you're on the team. Sorry, Blanchet, but you're going to be our reserve Keeper for if Meadowes gets hurt."
The girl – Blanchet? – took it better than McLaggen had. She clapped Dorcas on the shoulder, and the memory began to whirl.
"So, Sirius told me you're on the Slytherin team?" Marlene said, swinging down into the seat beside Dorcas. A glance around told Hermione that they were back in the Transfiguration classroom.
"Why would Sirius know that?" Dorcas asked, pulling out an ink bottle.
"Baby Black, obviously," Marlene replied. "Him and Sirius together must know everything that goes on in the school."
"That's because of Barty, not Reg," Dorcas said, laughing a little. "For all his loudmouth tenancies, he does a surprising amount of lurking."
Marlene laughed, very clearly surprised at Dorcas's honesty. Hermione knew about her brutal honesty at that point, and she was a bit taken aback that Marlene didn't know about that.
McGonagall entered the room then, Dorcas turned to her, and the memory spun away.
The next memory showed Dorcas looking stoic in a locker room similar to the one that Hermione had spent time in because of Ron and Harry. The grip she had on her broom told Hermione that her entire attitude was probably faked.
"Are you ready for this, Meadowes?" the only other female player asked, lacing up her boots. "Ravenclaw's really good this year thanks to those new Beaters they got. Second years, both of them, and one's a girl, but they work together better than anyone I've ever seen."
"I'm friends with the Beaters," Dorcas said dismissively. "One of them will do his level best to knock anyone off their broom except me and the other will be a problem because she's actually smart."
"Which one?" the captain asked from where he was pulling on his jersey.
"The girl," Dorcas said. "The blond one's book-smart but incredibly stupid. He's only on the team because he's powerful. Pandora's smart and strong."
"Hope you all heard that," the captain called to the team. "The girl Beater's the smarter one and the boy will just try to knock you off your broom. If you can take her out of commission, do, but try not to get taken out of the game, Dahar."
"Boring," one of the Beaters muttered. "But fine."
"Anything else, since you're friends with them?" the Chaser girl asked.
Dorcas looked deep in thought. "Levine is their lead Chaser, but he's not as good as Abbas is. They let him lead because it's his last year, but it's going to be Abbas who scores if anyone does."
"Their Seeker?" the Slytherin Seeker asked.
"Smart, as Ravenclaw Seekers usually are," Dorcas replied. "His broom is horrible and he refuses to buy another one, so he'll be slow."
The Chaser girl grinned and clapped Dorcas on the back, "Earning your keep this game, aren't you? Bet your friends are going to be real mad when they lose."
"They already know they're going to lose, Anna," Dorcas said with a grin.
"That's the spirit," the captain said. "Alright, everyone up. They're going to call Ravenclaw first because they hate us, but we'll be soon after that. Order we fly out in is as it usually is– Koz, Ford, me, Dahar, Stroll, Meadowes, and St James. It's going to be a rough game, but we have our own little secret weapon."
"Stop making jokes about my height, asshole," Dorcas muttered, but she was smiling as everyone laughed with her.
Outside the room, someone began to call out the names of the Ravenclaws. Hermione heard only two she recognized- Crouch Jr and Rosier, presumably Barty and Pandora, and then the commentator began to call names the captain had said. The Chaser girl, Anna, flew out first, kicking hard off the ground and flying through the curtain. The second Chaser followed, then the captain, then the two Beaters, then Dorcas.
Hermione felt the wind in her hair like she was flying with Dorcas. She watched her do a loop around Barty, stick her tongue out, and fly to the goalposts.
A memory interrupted the main one, sort of like a flashback within a flashback.
Dorcas was sitting with Anna and the captain, presumably after a practice.
"Hey, Meadowes," the captain said. "If you save more goals than we score, I'll let you hit Snape for every save you make. I'll even whipe his memory for you."
"That sounds fantastic," Dorcas said, grinning at him sideways.
The memory went back to Dorcas in front of the goalposts, waiting there as a younger Madame Hooch called out to the captains. Dorcas's captain shook hands with the Ravenclaw one, looking as though his mind was already in the sky.
Hermione still didn't understand Quidditch, and the fact that the memory only showed Dorcas's saves made it harder still to follow. One flash showed a Bludger coming at Dorcas at top speed, one of the Beaters throwing her his bat, and her smacking it as hard as she could at Barty and throwing the bat back to its rightful owner. Pandora smacked Barty's head the next time she flew by.
The memory began to whirl suddenly as a bludger rocketed towards Dorcas. She looked at it in surprise and tried to dive out of the way, but the memory went black.
send thoughts and prayers grade check ins for my seventh graders come out tomorrow and 1/2 of them are failing because they won't do the two pieces of gd homework i assigned them IT'S CADEN'S OWN DAMN FAULT HE'S FAILING JENNIFER HE HASN'T DONE AN ASSIGNMENT IN TWO MONTHS
#marauders#marauders era#dead gay wizards#fuck jkr#regulus black#sirius black#evan rosier#pandora rosier#barty crouch junior#barty crouch jr#dorcas meadowes#dorcas x marlene#marlene mckinnon x dorcas meadows#dorcas my beloved#the skittles#the slytherin skittles#slytherin skittles#hermione granger#trans regulus black#the marauders era#the marauders#marauders fanfiction#marauders fandom#marauders fic#marauders girls#dead gay wizards from the 70s
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I wsa thinking abt mary x walburga and then had a Thought pandora x walburga
omg yes i saw m x w n i was like nooo but p x w WORKS . (+ pandora's likeolder than evan here like 5-6 yrs older)
uhh tws: mention of blood & teensy bit of incest
evan & regulus & barty are besties since foreverr and they're all weird and Not Good Enough and obsessed with sirius so she keeps sirius away from him which means she sits in his room the entire time they're there and sirius talks to her abt them a lot and she asks why evan's sister never comes ovr and sirius is like idk regulus said she's sick or smth and walburga is nosey so she goes digging
pandoras like manic bur the ww doesn't understnad that so they just lock her up in a room n so walburga can't get to her which pisses her off so next time lady rosier comes to drop evan off she's like next time let's meet up at urs 😸😸 and lady rosier is horny for walburga so she's like sure 😽😽
n so reg goes to rosier manor and walburga goes too and at night she sneaks out and finds the room pandora's in and its SCARY bcz theres blood n bugs everywhere n she was like 672 journals full of rambling in some ancient language and all types of weird shit and walburga is soo curious shes like bitch wtaf is this and pandora's chanting in fucking idk latin to raise the dead and the only thing walburga focuses on is that she speaks latin and shes like "omg finallyy some1 who speaks it it's so annoying tht no1 teaches their kids anymore 🙄" & pandoras like what bcz she hasnt had any1 talk to her in 3 months (she js wakes up 2 food somtimmes &only talks 2 hreself)
so they start talking a lott and walburga sneaks out evry night for her and pandora's obsesseddd w her bcz 1) omg human 2) shes perf and so walburgas obv like omg stawpp 😻 (dont really) and yeah
then lady rosier catches walburga n walburga has to bribe her w sex to keep seeing her daughter (theyre not fucking yet) & tells pandora like 3 months latr and pandoras like fym u let HER see u naked when i cant >:/ & wlabugas like its not proper 2 let u c me nake d!!! and pandoras like okay fuck u & walburgas like okay no wait & then they fuck nasty mayb even have a threesome w lady rosier where LR hatesss being w pandora n pandora is jealous evrytime walburga even looks at LR and walburga has 2 girls eating her out n dies frm how good it is
regulus finds out and cries & sirius finds out and dies & evan finds out and thinks it's soo hot
#yerpp#pandora rosier#walburga black#walburga x pandora#pandora x walburga#moth's own#moth's asks#rosier family#the rosier family#dead gay wizards from the 70s#marauders era#the marauders era#hp marauders#is that it#?
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cheat, april 2 -- @jegulus-microfic -- 1,144 words
kind of went a little over here lol because this was so fun to write! anyways, enjoy <3
“That’ll be 850, please,” Regulus says smugly.
Lily, rolling her eyes, reluctantly hands over a sheaf of brightly coloured Monopoly money. “And now I’m basically broke. Regulus takes my money yet again.”
Glancing over at his boyfriend, James watches Regulus add the notes to his bank, all of them arranged neatly from highest to lowest in a line next to his properties. They’re already quite far into the game, with several houses on the board and the odd few hotels, mainly on Regulus’ properties. He’s the banker, and James is unsure if that’s the reason for his success, or if he’s genuinely just a good player.
Sirius seems to think the former, as he angrily tosses the dice onto the board and lands, surprise, surprise, on one of Regulus’ properties. Again.
“No!” he howls, slapping his hands on his forehead, earning a bemused look from Remus. “I swear he’s rigged the dice!”
“Sirius, how I can rig dice?” Regulus responds brusquely. “That’s 330.”
“Lily, you shouldn’t have let him be the banker,” Sirius accuses, glaring at Lily. “Whenever he’s the banker, I lose!”
James leans over to Regulus, resting his arm on the back of the chair, mumbling, “Sirius seems to think you’re a cheat, Reg.”
“He’s just a sore loser,” Regulus informs him matter-of-factly. “Every time I’m the banker, he says—”
“—It’s bad luck, Lily, he rigs it—”
“That I’m a liar,” Regulus begins.
“He lies, he schemes, he plots, he—”
“—Plans.” Regulus nods. Sirius flashes him an irritated look, but Regulus doesn’t even sound upset about it, just amused, as if he’s heard all of this before. His fingers are laced together in front of him, a businessman about to suggest a proposal. “You need to get more creative at your insults, Sirius.”
“Oh, shut up,” his brother growls, flinging the money at Regulus in a shower of coloured paper.
James can’t help chuckling, leading to Sirius narrowing his eyes at him. Caught, James drops his arm, straightening in his seat.
“I see how it is,” Sirius announces. “James is helping him.”
There’s a beat, and Regulus laughs. “I don’t need help. I build my Monopoly empire with my own blood, sweat, and tears.”
The game continues. Sirius stews in silence as Remus rolls the dice, missing Regulus’ properties completely and landing safe on an unclaimed plant. Then Mary rolls, grinning as she gives Lily 100.
“I don’t mind giving you my money,” she tells Lily, who swoons.
Regulus goes, where he lands on one of Sirius’ properties. He has to hand over 200 through gritted teeth, like it pains him to part with his fake money, much to Sirius’ delight.
And then it’s James’ turn.
It honestly couldn’t have worked out better. James rolls six, putting his figurine right on one of Regulus’ properties.
With a hotel.
“Ha!” Sirius crows, jabbing a finger at it.
Defeatedly, James asks Regulus, “How much do I owe you?”
Regulus looks at his cards, though James and everyone else at the table knows Regulus is doing it just for show, pretending as if he doesn’t know exactly how much James owes him.
Even though he’s played Monopoly so many times, James has never won at it. One time a few years ago, he’d played with his parents and Regulus. It had gone on for hours, and both him and Effie had lost, leaving it a tense battle between Regulus and Fleamont. James’ dad had won by the skin of his teeth, and has never let Regulus live it down.
James can’t help comparing that time to now, how he only has 500 left, majorly under the rent due, and how the same thing had happened last time. Regulus had let him lose then, hellbent on beating Fleamont, but now he has a mischievous gleam in his eye as James presents him with the last of his money.
“Oh, don’t worry,” Regulus continues. “It’s a hotel. I’ll let you stay there for free, if you give me a kiss to make up for it.”
“What?” Sirius explodes. “That’s not— You can’t do that— Lily—”
Lily holds up her hands. “It’s just my game, I can’t control what he does.”
Scrabbling for the box, Sirius finds the rulebook and flicks it open. “It’s against the rules.”
“I’m the banker.”
“That means nothing—”
Remus and Mary are silently laughing behind their hands, tears in Mary’s eyes as she tries to keep quiet. Lily’s eyes dart between the two of them, pressing her lips together.
“Are you calling my boyfriend a cheat, Sirius?” James asks innocently. “I don’t think it’s in the rulebook.”
“He’s also my bloody brother, James—”
“It’s not in the book,” Remus confirms.
A charged silence falls over the table. Regulus, grinning, hooks a finger under James’ chin to tug him closer. Entranced, James follows, like a dog with a bone, the tide to the moon, the planets to the sun.
The kiss is chaste, sweet, as people are watching, but underneath the table, Regulus squeezes James’ thigh, the promise of more to come later.
They part, and it’s an effort for James not to grab him by the neck and kiss him senseless, but he refrains, the butterflies in his stomach fluttering at the wink Regulus sends his way.
“Cheaters,” Sirius huffs. “Thought you did this alone, Reggie. If you’re doing that, I’m also doing it.”
“Be my guest. You don’t have to hotel yet,” Regulus quips.
The game continues for another few rounds. Mary goes out first, after divvying out her savings to Sirius, of all people. Remus goes out second, unable to pay his debt to Regulus. Lily is soon to follow, tossing her leftover bits of money to Regulus as well. Sirius is the fourth out, coming dangerously close to flipping the board as he also hands all of his money over to Regulus.
It’s just him and James left.
And James, in a cruel, or rather predictable, twist of fate, lands on one of Regulus’ properties. Again.
It’s laughable, honestly.
Sirius puts his head in his hands and wails because his brother has won. Mary, bursting into laughter again, excuses herself to get a glass of wine, and Lily and Remus try to smother their laughter at Sirius’ dramatic reaction.
“You going to steal all of my money?” James whispers. “It’s yours, if you want it.”
“Don’t need to. I’ve already won anyway.”
Regulus kisses him again, and Sirius, mumbling something about cheaters, best friends kissing brothers, and how shitty this game is, flips the Monopoly board.
#frost's microfics#more fluff? what's gotten into me?#i suck so bad at monopoly ngl#jegulus microfic#jegulus fic#james potter x regulus black#james x regulus#starchaser#sunseeker#regulus x james#the black brothers#marauders era#james potter#regulus black#sirius black#remus lupin#mary macdonald#lily evans
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wc: 1.4k+
warnings: mentions of bruising, blood, and wounds (unrelated to the smut), oral (m receiving), unprotected sex (p in unmentioned), name calling. tell me if I missed smth<3
notes: bodyguard jamie as promised:)) this was supposed to be top!reg but it turned into him bottoming, I'm sorry
"Who was it?" James asks once again, stroking the skin around the gash on Regulus' face. James is livid. He gave Regulus simple instructions, do not give the men the guns until they pay. Instead, he thought he could work out a deal, he gave them the guns and they didn't bring the money, so they beat him.
"James, it doesn't matter, I'll be able to track them down and take the guns back. It's really not that big of a deal." James can't even start to understand how Regulus could be so calm, he just got jumped for Christ's sake.
"It does matter. It matters to me, Regulus. You could've died, and I wasn't here," James swiftly stands up from where he was kneeling, walking over to a cabinet and taking out a first aid kit. "I mean, how bad of a bodyguard am I?" He scoffs a laugh.
"You're not," Regulus stands from his chair, walking over to James and running his nimble hands over James' broad shoulders. "You're a great bodyguard, I was being stupid," Regulus places a soft kiss on James' neck. James doesn't react, instead he turns around and pours a little rubbing alcohol on a cotton swab, dabbing away the dried blood on Regulus' face. "Lighten up, darling, I'm okay."
"Yeah, but you could not have been. I can't let that happen again," James pushes the aid kit into his duffle bag, then tosses away the bloody cotton swabs. He zips up the bag and slings it over his shoulder, grabbing Regulus' hand. "Let's go home."
The ride back to their manor is quiet, Regulus keeps a hand on James' thigh, keeping his anger to a slight. When they arrive James opens Regulus' door for him, as usual.
James walks into the kitchen and pulls out a water, he's currently taking a break from alcohol, though right now he'd do anything for a glass of beer. "Baby, don't be mad, I'm sorry." Regulus says, staring up at James' face with his big, grey eyes, his arms around James' waist.
"I'm not mad at you, beautiful, I'm just scared. You know that, don't you?" Regulus smirks, and kisses James' lips gently, thankful he doesn't taste like beer.
"I know that, James. Why don't I show you just how sorry I really am?" James chuckles a bit, his bright smile wide.
"Me being scared and angry makes you horny?" James puts his large hand on the back of Regulus' neck, playing with his hair.
"Maybe it does," Regulus stands on his tip toes, kissing James' neck.
"Alright," James grabs Regulus' chin, leaning his face up to kiss him. He hooks both his hands underneath Regulus' thighs, lifting him onto the counter with ease, never breaking their lips apart. Regulus moves his arms around James' neck, pulling him closer, deepening the kiss further. He whimpers as James pulls his hair with his other hand gently before pulling back.
"Couch or bed?" Regulus asks, unclipping James' suspenders quickly.
"Bed." James lifts Regulus again, carrying him up the staircase, Regulus unbuttoning his dress shirt in the meantime, kissing James' collar bones and freckles that are painted around his chest. James tosses Regulus onto the bed, stripping off his own shirt and trousers while Regulus does the same.
James kneels on the bed, flipping Regulus on top of him. "Ready?" Regulus asks, stroking James with his palm through the cloth of his boxers. James nods and leans further back into the plush pillows that decorate their bed. "Good." Regulus kisses up and down James' stomach, moving his hands underneath James' boxers for his dick, stroking him softly. James' eyebrows turn up and his mouth is left agape, Regulus smirks at the reaction.
"I've been a bad boy, daddy, I'm sorry," Regulus grins as James arches his back, trying to get more friction under Regulus. Regulus uses his other hand to pull James' boxers down the rest of the way, leaning in to kiss James' crimson tinted tip. James whimpers and laces his fingers in Regulus' inky black hair. "What do you want, daddy, I'll do anything." Regulus says in a false innocent voice.
"Suck my dick, baby," James keeps his eyes peeled open as Regulus looks up at his, blinking several times before swallowing James' length. "Fuck!" James moans out, tightening his grip on Regulus' locks.
Regulus bobs his head, sucking gently around James, who pushes his head down further, James' pubic hair tickling his nose as his eyes fill with tears. "C'mon, pretty baby, you can take it, can't you?" James asks, one hand coming down and wiping some tears that have fallen off of his face. Regulus hums, nodding as best he can. "Take breaths from your nose, sweetheart." James pushes him down as far as Regulus' throat will let him.
James lifts his hips up, fucking into Regulus' tight throat. "Feels so good baby, you're being so good for me," Regulus whines at the praise, his stomach knotting up at the sounds of James' moans. James spits on his fingers and smooths it around the rim of Regulus' entrance, slowly pushing the tip of one of his fingers in. Regulus' knees buckle, glad he's already sitting down or he'd have fallen.
Regulus pulls off of James with a pop and he kisses the skin next to his cock. James plunges his finger the rest of the way in, letting Regulus let out a wail. "God you're so beautiful, baby, even with that black eye, hm?" He was right, Regulus did look beautiful, his lips covered in a mix of precum and spit, his eyelashes stuck together with salty tears, his face flushed red from barely breathing.
"Thank you, daddy," Regulus swallows, sticking his tongue out and dragging it along the side of James' cock, James groans quietly. Regulus places kisses along the length.
"Are you gonna ride me, baby?" James asks, moving his finger in and out of Regulus, adding a second in, and doing the same.
Regulus pouts his lips, "But you taste so good, daddy, I want to keep going down here." Regulus leans in for another lick, James' fingers still roughly fucking into him.
"Please be a good boy, baby, you've already been so bad," James smirks because he knows he's won. Regulus sits up, James pulling out his fingers, Regulus whines from the lack of warmth. "Don't be upset, baby, you'll be full soon enough."
Regulus climbs up on James' lap, grinding down onto his dick, he moves his hips forward and backwards, spreading his spit all over his ass.
"Go on, love." James grabs his hips so hard Regulus knows it'll leave a bruise. He mindlessly grinds down again, but this time when he pops back up, he makes sure it's at the perfect angle, the tip of James' cock hot on his rim.
"Please, daddy, fuck me full of your cum," Regulus whines, pushing down onto James, he moans at the full feeling as James bottoms out.
James pushes slowly, in and out, trying his best to be gentle with Regulus. "Fuck, Reg," James groans desperately, buring his face into the pillow on his right, "So tight." He finishes his sentence, fastening his movements. Regulus places his hands on James' chest, his legs already tired from moving up and down on James' cock. James is now harsh with his movements, pounding in and out of Regulus, who is moaning and writhing above him.
James' thumb circles one of Regulus' nipples, smiling as Regulus tosses his head back.
"I'm gonna cum," Regulus whines, grinding down further, "can I cum?"
James pats his hair, pulling him down for a short lived kiss, "cum for me, sweetheart," and Regulus needs no more confirmation, he lets his knotted stomach untense, James continuing to fuck him through his high, he becomes overstimulated quickly.
"Please, James," tears start to fall down his cheeks once more, James wiping them away in annoyance.
"Shush, baby, let me finish," James only has to rutt up into Regulus 3 more times before his cock is pulsing, filling Regulus up with his cum.
When James stills his movements, Regulus let's out a big breath, his body collapsing ontop of James, with his cock still inside of him.
"Are you okay, my love?" James asks, stroking a hand down Regulus' spine.
"Mhm," Regulus says, all fucked out, "you forgive me?"
"I forgave you the moment I saw those bruises across your pretty face." James smiles softly down at Regulus, kissing his forehead and eventually forcing him out of bed to clean him up.
#regulus books#cw: bl00d#cw: smut#jegulus#dom james potter#sub regulus black#dom!regulus#james potter#regulus black#marauders#marauders era#regulus and james#james x regulus#bodyguard!jamespotter#bodyguard#body hair
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hi mack!!! jeg & 59 pls <3
hi hi! i immediately had to jump into this one and write something with soft james <333 i love these two so very dearly, and i cannot wait to get back into writing them even more!
send me one from here <3
“It didn’t work when I was sixteen! It didn’t work when I was nineteen! It didn’t work when I was twenty-one! It isn’t going to work now!” Regulus shouts, red in the cheeks. It’s a rare occurrence for Regulus to get so worked up and heated. His anger usually turns silent, bubbling up inside his chest, wrapped in quietude. However, the hazel eyes currently staring him down from across the room have ignited a newfound rage in the pit of his stomach. “Did you ever pay any mind as to why it didn’t work then?” James asks with a surprising amount of softness. It doesn’t matter how tenderly he speaks the words, though. They still cut like knives. “Of course I fucking did! It was…” Regulus trails off, gaze flickering to the corner of the room, “my parents.” “And whose flat are we standing in right now?” James prods again, taking a tentative step toward Regulus who is balling up his fists to hide the fact that he is trembling. “Mine,” Regulus whispers his answer, blinking rapidly. “You invited me here, didn’t you?” James cocks his head to the side. “Was it just to yell at me and go ahead with the decision that this, us, is somehow not working?” “I mean, um, that would be, uh,” Regulus stumbles over his words, cowering in on himself, “yeah, maybe.” “Regulus, my love,” James murmurs, his voice a lot closer than Regulus was prepared for. Quickly, Regulus’ attention turns back to James. James is standing right there in front of him, expression calm and serene, aside from the slight pinch between his brows. Regulus desperately wants to reach out and smooth it down. Instead, he unfurls his fists and drops his head in defeat, unable to maintain eye contact with the man in front of him. “Tell me to go and I will, but if you ask me to stay I’ll never leave you again,” James continues, gently hooking his finger under Regulus’ chin, tilting Regulus’ face up towards his own. A pathetic whimper leaves Regulus’ body when his eyes meet James’. His voice is a little broken when he asks, “Do you mean it?” “That I’ll go or that I’ll stay?” James raises a curious brow. “That you’ll stay,” Regulus breathes out, “and never leave again.” “Reg, darling, as long as you’ll have me, I won’t leave until you change your mind.” “I won’t change my mind,” Regulus rushes to say, staring wide-eyed up at James. A small smile curls onto James’ mouth as he moves his hand to cup Regulus’ cheek in his palm. “Then you have me Regulus. This isn’t the past. This is now. It’s me and you. This life and the next.” And that–that is something Regulus thinks he can live with.
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what kind of future (teaser)
If I could go back in time, rather than roughly but warmly, would I be able to let you go?
pairing: pansy parkinson x reader
word count: 0.8k (this teaser)
release date: TBD
series tags: fem!reader, gryffindor!reader, angst, some fluff, wlw, pansy pov, friends to something, more to be added as i finish writing this!
teaser warnings: self-doubt, mentions of worry for the future + meeting parents expectations, lemme know if i missed any!
notes: got in my feels and started writing pansy angst while listening to what kind of future instead of finishing that other reg fic my bad. anyways let me know if you’d like to be added/removed from my taglist and what you think of this pls and thank u <3

“Have you finally got your head out of your arse?” Draco asked as he took the seat across from Pansy. Quickly, she began to miss the quietness that filled the room prior to his presence.
“Such a kind friend you are. I’m doing well, thank you.” Pansy rolled her eyes as she picked up her teacup, gesturing to the second one reserved for Draco before taking a sip of her tea.
For a brief moment, silence filled the room as the two simply enjoyed their tea and snacks. From where they sat in the drawing room, the sound of running water from the b fountain in the garden outside helped fill the silence before one of them was ready to speak. Unsurprisingly, it was Draco.
“Have you told her yet?”
Pansy wished she could play dumb. Told who what? But there was a reason she had invited Draco over today, and both of them knew it was not because she missed her best-friend.
“Or have you finally realized it for yourself?”
At that, she slowly nodded her head, her gaze casting downwards as Draco leaned back in his chair. “Do you plan on telling her anytime soon?”
She scoffed in response to this. “And then what?”
“What do you mean ‘and then what?’. And then you can finally have your—painfully obvious—answer that’s what!” Pansy had opened her mouth to say something but Draco continued. “Don’t you even try to deny it, all of us can see it. I don’t understand how you’re doubting yourself even after so many of us have told you it’s not just you.”
He was right, unfortunately. All of her friends have told her in one way or another to just go for it. They all claim to see the spark but all Pansy seems to see is the aftermath of everything that could possibly go wrong. His words hung in the air for a while before she finally spoke again.
“I’m scared it won’t work out.” She finally admitted, eyes landing on her lap as she picked at her fingernails. “And if it's not because I mess it up then it’ll be because of my family. Draco you know how they are, remember how they reacted to Longbottom? And he’s a pureblood! How do you think they’d react to a muggleborn? I don’t want her to be dragged into this whole mess.”
The reason why Pansy was always seen as reckless growing up was due to the knowledge that everything she ever had was always replaceable. She never had to worry about damaging or losing anything because she could always simply get it back one way or another. This however, would not be replaceable if something went wrong.
“Don’t you think she also knows what could happen?” Draco tried to reason. When she simply remained quiet, he continued. “ Pans, it’s been a year since your friendship with them changed whether you choose to acknowledge it or not. I think she knows what she’s getting herself into and is just being the off chance everything is fine. Don’t you also want this to work out?”
Pansy scoffed, lifting her head up to look at him. “Of course I bloody do, what kind of question is that!”
Love was something she had pushed to the deepest edges of her mind but now appears to have flooded every inch of it, turning her into, per Draco’s own words one drunken night, a “tolerable person” which had earned him a shove at his shoulder.
“Then why don’t you try?”
“I’m not risking her!” Pansy exclaimed, suddenly jumping onto her feet causing a plate of scones to go flying across the room. “I can’t risk losing it all, not if there’s a chance it won’t work out.”
Draco looked at his best-friend with a softened expression, watching her struggle to calm her breathing as she stood hunched over her chair, fingers tightly gripping the back of it as she tried to calm her racing mind and heart.
In that moment, Pansy wonders if this was all even worth it. Physical objects her parents could care less about, but the future of their family name was a different story. They tolerated her mischievousness growing up but with her graduation in 2 years, her parents had become more firm on their expectations of her and unfortunately, her little songbird is not a part of them. Not in the way she would’ve liked that is.
“But what if it does?” Draco was now suddenly standing on the other side of the chair, the feeling of his hand covering the tops of her seemed to pull her out of her head to finally realize he had moved. “It could work out for all you know, you won’t know unless you try.”
He was right. What if it doesn’t mess up? What if she’s just overthinking everything? What if it would work out?
But would that be a risk she was willing to take?

tagging, lmk if you wanna be added/removed: @with-love-anu @screennamealreadyused @retvenkos @princekooks
#teaser#pansy parkinson#pansy parkinson x reader#pansy parkinson x fem!reader#pansy parkinson x you#pansy parkinson oneshot#pansy parkinson imagine#pansy parkinson fic#pansy parkinson fluff#pansy parkinson angst#hp x reader#hp fanfic
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Crimson Rivers thoughts pt. 10
chapter 18:
1. remus is just free to exist around sirius. every mention of that makes me HURT
2. and i know that remus sets/asks sirius to break boundaries but i LOVE sirius setting his about remus not fucking around with memories because he has issues with that
3. AWWW another wolfstar kiss! i’ll never get used to these
4. omg the wolfstar neck kisses are making ME realize how much i miss neck kisses. honestly, straight up, those are better than sex
5. nooo baby! i’m so sorry that sirius was made into a sex symbol of sorts for the hallow. that sucks. no one deserves that, especially not a child (when it began occurring for him)
6. it hurts that james knows he wouldn’t kill for his own sake, and he’s only killing to protect regulus and get him out of here
7. “Really, James takes great pride in the fact that no one annoys Regulus like him.” LMAO
8. “Blinking violently, James clears his throat and says, "Oh, yes, keep talking about math. There's absolutely nothing more attractive. You're a swot. If you tell me what the mitochondria is, I'm not sure I'll be able to restrain myself."” ASLDJFKDHDKSJNSMSN LOSING MY SHIT
9. wait. hold up. regulus used to write poetry about james. holy shit. i love this development so much
10. PETER!!!!!!!
11. 😧 reg is mad at james and all he wants to do is put a knife to james’ throat and hope he moans. holy fuck “So exposed to violence that it's even starting to blend with sex.” that’s both a wild thought and a sad thought
12. GOD regulus doesn’t trust james, but he trusted evan. that hurts like a motherfucking truck
13. god it hurts that vanity, peter, and the others can’t all survive. they don’t deserve this
chapter 19:
1. VANITY!! babbyyyy she’s gonna die nooooo
2. the ant juice to keep her warm 😟😟
3. 😬 they’re gonna make a bridge. i’m not sure about that. that worries me. and peter lighting the fires. this entire thing is gonna end with one of james’ allies dead
4. “”Oh, and the 'best friend's brother, secret history, forbidden love' way also.”” 😭😭😭 not vanity’s description of jegulus
5. vanity asking about what sex is like and james IMMEDIATELY shutting her down 😭😭
6. being scared about the bug- i’m with james on this one.
7. 😧😳 omg not dylan, peter, AND irene. (NO SHAME OR JUDGMENT ON MY BEHALF) holy shit.
8. 😭😭😭 i love when any one of the tributes talks to the sky to talk to their mentors, friends, or family
9. irene and james betting on a jealous regulus 😭😭😭
10. the bridge worked. i’m honestly so shocked
11. this bug (vespa) is stressing me tf out
12. about the bug, vanity is like 🩷😊✨🪲 and james is like 😟😬🙅🏽♂️
13. i’d like to make the guess now: autistic vanity
14. not james being turned on by reg talking mean to him. this is ridiculous 😭😭
#marauders#regulus black#james potter#fanfic#jegulus#sirius black#remus lupin#wolfstar#vanity#peter pettigrew#irene#crimson rivers
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OC Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday

Sorry to be late @freesia-writes, but I've been sick and busy. Anyway, meet Dice:
(Image made with @squad-724's Clone OC Picrew https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/2493188)
Name, species, basic description:
CT-3045 "Dice"
Human (clone of Jango Fett)
Dice can be distinguished from his fellow Jango Fett clones by his dark brown hair with natural light brown highlights, as well as by the pips tattooed on each of his cheeks. His helmet (not pictured) also has two pips, one on each side of the forehead.
2. A few-sentence backstory
If you asked CT-3045 how he got the name "Dice," he'd tell you it's because he's not afraid to take risks. His batchmates will tell you the truth: it's because he lost spectacularly at a dice game one ill-fated night at 79's. As a member of the Coruscant Guard, Dice patrols the Jedi Temple, which puts him in casual contact with many people in the Order. When he's not working, you can find him at 79's with his friends. They know him as a generally reliable and caring guy, but one who tends to keep his true feelings bottled up.
3. Their major pairings, plot points, etc.
Dice is primarily defined by four traits:
a. His malformed inhibitor chip, which allows him to resist Order 66 with great difficulty
b. His unwillingness to ask for help
c. His idealism and sense of justice
d. His appreciation of diversity, both within the GAR and in the wider galaxy
All of these traits lead him to defect from the Empire at its founding and to rebel where he can. Dice knows the Republic is flawed — and especially that it mistreats the clones — but before the Jedi Purge, he believes it can be reformed. Not so afterwards: he figures any government that would resort to genocide should be fought when possible and hidden from if not. Yet he struggles with the effects of the chip and from the loss of camaraderie with his fellow clones. Dice is prone to binge-drinking before the chip activates — usually when he is facing some setback, such as the death of a close brother — but the lack of support after he defects turns him into a full-blown alcoholic. If he has any hope of surviving, he will have to learn to reach out and accept help.
Some fun facts about Dice:
He had a brief affair with Sy Snootles, the notorious singer and sometime bounty hunter. She charmed him with her blue eyes and luscious lips, made him think she hung the moon, than dumped him — “It’s been fun, sweetie, but a soldier boy like you can’t hold a real lady’s attention for long.” Dice was devastated by what he saw as a betrayal, but I think he got off easy.
Dice once tried to strike up a conversation with Technology Bad Batch about a device the latter was working on, but Tech was too deep in his hyperfixation to reciprocate, and Crosshair, assuming Dice wanted to make fun of his squadmate, coldly told the “reg” to leave. Because of this, Dice believes that all the negative things most clones say about the Bad Batch are true and hates them passionately. If he had to actually work together with them, he’d realize his first impression was wrong. But who knows if that will happen?
Dice resents his clone template for selling him and the rest of the clones into servitude, and so doesn’t feel any special affinity for Mandalorian culture. He is perfectly pleasant to Mandalorians and has learned a few Mando’a words and phrases, but he refuses to speak the language unless absolutely necessary, and he will never recite any Creed.
My boy loves sweets. Fastest way to his heart is to give him cookies, cake, candy, any kind of sugary treat.
Dice inherited the Jango dad genes. His dream is to wife up a pretty lady and adopt a bunch of war orphans with her.
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AUGUST 10. a.akane.
synopsis .... after not being able to cope with the death of you beloved, you find yourself at at 24hr store and meet someone who is grieving like you. While you grieve to dead, he grieves the alive.
warnings .... death, implications of suicide, signs of depression, rejection (on akas side), implication of being used as a coping mechanism, angst, hurt/comfort, readers last name is taira LOL, f!reader
word count .... 3.2k
THE MOON LOOKED BEAUTIFUL tonight, the night sky an almost navy-black, some stars shining brightly than others, and the smell of the ocean was a nice smell at night. The rooftop of your apartment was always a nice way to calm you down. You hated studying, you hated the night sky, the moon and the stars. You hated everything. Yet, it never stopped you from admiring it like you were it's devoted follower. You look down at your phone, it's three am, you were supposed be back in your room at 2:30 am, you got distracted once again.
You wonder if any stores were open, as you start heading to the door, you turn to look back at the moon, wondering when will be the last time you will ever see it.
By the time you got down from the roof top and to your room, it was already 3:06. You put on a hoodie you stole from your brother and a pair of pants. You headed out your room and towards the living room. Your home was always quiet at night despite the noise it makes during the day. Your older brother who was in his room playing games in his computer, is now in the kitchen, making himself some fruit. Your older sister who usually sleeps like a log, is now sitting in the living room watching some TV.
They both to turn to look at you, smile on their faces, you smile at them back. They're both glad that you're out your room, they always tell you that you don't have to study much, not to over work yourself, not to...
Not the point. You look at them with a confused look on your face, before you get to ask them why they're up, they answer you.
"Got hungry." He said, sticking out his tounge at you. Your older sister on the other hand points to the long bag which you can guess contained a katana she owned.
"Went out, I heard there was an influx of spirits out there, some of them contain negative energy." she shrugs, looking at you with a confused look on her face. Now it was her turn to ask you a question.
"Where are you going?" pointing at your outfit, you shurg before scratching your hair. A habit you suppose, one that helps you calms down.
"Store. I just finished studying and can't go back to sleep." you started to walk towards the door, stopping to put your shoes on. you look at the two as you put your shoes on.
"Text me what you want as I head there." like reading their own minds before they get to speak, the both smile at you, the window making their features look more soft, shining down at them. The moon gracing your siblings with her beauty.
(You wonder if this is how he saw you, he always loved the night, as you loved him.)
You head out the door and start walking to the elevator, you're to tired to be thinking about him again, so you think of other things as you're on the way to the store. You live by the beach, the smell is great (at least to you.) and the sea reflecting the moon makes it the view even beautiful. (you stop to take pictures. He would love it.)
It takes five minutes to get to the store, by the time you get there it's already 3:19 am. The store lights are on, that's a good sign. You push the door open, making make a ding as you do. You check your phone to see if your siblings texted you anything.
izu ^^ and saki <3
izu ^^ (1) : can u get me two reg redbulls and a bag of nerd cluster gummies 🥺🥺🥺🥺
saki <3 (1) : get me 3 monsters and some sandwiches pleek 👍
You give your phone a deadpan look, what is it with you and your family being addicted to energy drinks? Nonetheless, you head your way towards the the baskets, you get one and make your way to the back of the store where the drinks are in a fridge. You look back at your phone, a twitch in your eye appears, Misaki never said why flavor to get her, you're glad Izumi did though.
"Why would she ask for three Monsters and never tell me the flavor." you mumbled to yourself, a upset look on your face, "What's a good flavor to get her?" you asked yourself, looking at the variety of Monster drinks on display.
"The pink, purple and blue ones are always the ones for me." A voice next to you says, looking at you while are searching for a drink on the fridge next to you, you look at him with surprise, you scrambled out the words,
"Huh?" Great, just great [Name]. A pretty boy talks to you trying to help you and all you have to say to that is 'huh?' you facepalm in your head and start to cringe at everything.
"Sorry, I heard you didn't know what flavor to get as you mumbled to yourself." he nervously smiled at you, you look at him with a small smile, shy that that you look like you got hit by a bus and a pretty boy is talking to you.
"It's uh, fine. So, about those flavors you were talking about."
You check out all the stuff you were going to buy, waiting for a tall boy with brown hair and a pair of glasses. It's 3:45 now, you walk outside the store and wait for him. The stars are shining brighter than before, and the moon is now looking at down at you, your features now being shun by the fluorescent moonlight, you zone out the entire time you're waiting for the young boy. (At least you think he's young...)
"Did I make you wait a while, the cashier made a mistake on something." rubbing his arm that the bag he was holding with his free arm, he smiled at you.
"No, no. It's fine, I was looking at the moon—" you stop yourself before thinking about whether or not he would join you at the beach. I mean, to him your a random stranger, he is to you too. But, maybe what you need to cope is telling a random stranger anything.
"Do you maybe—you can say no if you're busy—want to go the beach with me? I noticed you were looking troubled and the sea at night helps me calm down and—" you stop yourself before talking his ears off, you look anywhere but him.
"I would love to, thank you for worrying about me...uh"
"Taira, thank you."
"It's fine..."
"Aoi, what a nice name."
"I can say the same about Taira."
AKANE ISN'T SURE WHAT time it is. He knows the moon is high and the sky is dark, but he doesn't know the time. Ironic for someone who is a clock keeper. He looks out the window where Aoi's window is. Her curtains are shut, they have been shut more recently. He doesn't know if she did just because or because of him. Nonetheless, he still looks at the window with a furrowed eyebrows and eye bags under his eyes.
He checks his phone to check the time, it's 3:06 am. He decided that if he wasn't going to sleep after doing his loads of homework on a friday night, he was going to the store. He put on a hoodie and headed towards the door leading outside his home. Finding a pair of slippers that was discarded by the door. (whether it was his, his father's or his older brother was a mystery to him.)
He open the door to his home and exited out, by the time he was outside, it was 3:09. This time, he can clearly see the moon and the stars. They both looked beautiful but not as beautiful as...
Shit. He was doing that thing again, he told himself to not do it again, and here he was, comparing the beautiful of one thing to something that could never rival hers. He has to find a way to get over her. Curse first loves, curse the night sky that shines bright, the moon that shines it's white light in the ocean water, and the stars that never become shooting ones because dreams aren't able to come true.
Aoi Akane hates everything about the night.
With small tears in his eyes, he wipes them away and starts to head to the store near him, he knows it's always open, he's been there before and knows some of the workers there, so while on a peaceful walk to the store, he notices a figure. He forgot his glasses again, he's been forgetting them lately, it's pissing him off.
Sometimes, he wished that Kako and Mirai never saw him and staged that stupid stunt to get him to become like one of them. Looking towards the figure, he notices a young girl around his age. Across the street from him, she's taking pictures of the night sky, smiling to her self as looks through them. She looks sad, almost as if she sees something in the night that he can't.
Either way, he turns the other way, ignoring her and zoning out as he walks to the store. Reddish-brown hair flowing as the wind moves in a slow pace, the smell of the sea sickens him, how can he enjoy the smell of the ocean without it reminding him of her? Why does he associate everything that's beautiful with her? He stops for a bit and turns to look at the beach just across from him.
He sees the same girl again, this time, her hood is down. Her hair flowing with the wind, her phone up and taking a picture of the moon. She turns to look foward, a sad smile on her face, from far away, it looked like to him that she was beginning to cry.
For the first time since his first year, Akane has never saw something more beautiful than Aoi. The way the moonlight shines bright, her freatures enveloping with the light, the stars that once shined bright tonight, are being outshined by the beauty of the some random girl he saw taking pictures of the moon. Almost as if she was grieving, as if the connection between the moon and her grief were connected.
The girl continues to walk straight, only turning when she sees the store is open. For a minute, Akane just stands there, thinking about the girl. Wondering just who she is, and how ethereal she might be.
For the first time since his first year, Aoi Akane had begun to blush like crazy, his heart beating at an abnormal rate, one would think he was dying. But no. For the first time since his first year, Aoi Akane has begun to fall for someone at first sight, just like his elementary days.
It's 3:25 am when Akane gets to the store, he pushes the door open, a small ding can be heard from pushing it open, the cashier who was working tonight waved at him, a smile across her face. "Welcome back Akane." she says, a smile on her face. He smiles back at her, waving hello as he heads down to the drinks aisle. His head hurts and he still don't feel like sleeping, maybe an energy drink would suffice. Maybe not.
When he heads to the drink aisle, he already sees someone there, looking as if they're having a dilemma on which drink they should have, he laughs quietly before going to the fridge next to the person. One full of juices of every kind, he chooses one that would go well with his mood.
"Why would she ask for three Monsters and never tell me the flavor." they mumbled, the voice of a girl be heard. The only girl he saw enter the store was—
"The pink, purple and blue ones are always the ones for me." What.
Akane wasn't so sure that he was thinking throughly with what he had just said, he doesn't even drink monsters! His older brother does! Not him! He doesn't even like them! So why did his mind think it was best to just to blurt that out?!
He might just kill him—
"Huh?" she said, turning to look at him, and oh how he wishes that he had a camera to take a picture of her, her beauty blinding him. She reminded him of A—
The night sky. She reminded him of the night sky that was still outside waiting for him to go home. He stood there for a bit before answering her, nervously looking everywhere but at her.
"Sorry, I heard you didn't know what flavor to get as you mumbled to yourself." he says quickly, finding new ways to kill himself to get away from the embarrassment he was feeling right now. A smile her face said everything he needed to calm down. Granted it was an awkward one, but it helped him soothe him.
"It's uh, fine. So, about those flavors you were talking about."
THE TRIP TO THE beach was an easy one, granted they lived near it, and the store was near it so they don't mind it one bit. It was a quiet walk to the beach, not one that would be deemed as awkward like before, but one that was comfortable for both, where they didn't have to say anything just to make the other feel comfortable. The comfortable silence is broken when Akane begins to speak.
"Do....Do you like the beach?" he asked, walking while staring foward, they were near where the entrance of the dock is. As they head there, you look at him more closely.
He looked beautiful, his hair framing his face perfectly, the color of his hair going well with everything about him. His eyes and hair match. They shine bright as the moonlight reflects the light towards his eyes. Mesmerized by him, you stop walking and out of concern he stops a few steps ahead of you.
"Did-Did I bother you" concern in his face, he scratches his cheek with his free hand. Now you're at fault, you were to mesmerized by him and his looks, that you stop walking and he's concerned that he might have struck a nerve.
'You should stop doing that often [nickname]! You'll end up sending the wrong message!'
He was right.
Stepping out of your dazed state, you decided to be honest with the boy infront of you, not like how you were with him back then. You won't mess up again like before.
"You're face..."
"My face...?"
You step infront of him, now looking directly into his eyes, Akane notices that as much as the moonlight was shining down at him, it was mostly shining down at you. Your features being illuminated as the moon shares its beauty with you. You looked like an angel, one who has fallen after sinning and disobeying your god.
A fallen angel.
"You're very handsome if I say so myself....Your features are beautiful at night, are they as beautiful during the day?" You mumbled, now way nearer than before, your faces are almost touching. Akane turns a bright red, he isn't sure if it's out of embarrassment or being flustered, but before he can say anything, you back away. Laughing like he just told the most funniest thing in the world.
"Was that to much? I'm sorry, I don't want to make you uncomfortable Aoi-san." Though you don't regret what you had said, you didn't want to make to make him uncomfortable.
"I-It's fine, Taira-san..." he's still blushing like crazy. Not even Aoi has called him handsome outright. The poor boy is so flustered, he doesn't notice the girl answering his question from the beginning.
"About your question, I would say I enjoy the beach. It helps me relax, especially at night. Where no one can interrupt you." You looked at him with a smile, walking past him to start walking towards the sand. He follows you.
"Do you? Like the beach I mean." you ask, stopping to take of your slippers, stepping on the sand that was once hit by the sun in the day time, now that it's night, the sand is cold.
Akane does the same thing as you, taking of his slippers as he continues to talk to you, "I wouldn't say so, the beach reminds me someone."
As the two of you walk closer towards where the sand and the water collide, you look at him with an unknown look on your face, "You too?"
Akane wasn't sure what you are on about, but from what he can infer, the beach probably remind you of someone as well. you sit down and pull out a red bull, the juneberry one he believes, "I guess" he sits down, knees propped up, his hand on his left knee, using it as stand for his face. He inspects you a while longer.
Akane notices some things about you, how your eyes are a nice shade, your hair that's messy, looks soft. How under your eyes, you have heavy eyebags.
The rest of the night is spent with knowing about the other, you tell Akane things about you, he tells you things about him. The night is spent with new memories and new things about each other. Before you realize it, it's around 4:36 am. Your brother is calling you to come home before your parents wake up.
"Ah. It seems like it's time to go, Sorry for bothering you, Aoi-san" You get up from where you were sitting, bowing at him to apologize, he waved his hands in a rejecting way, shaking his head 'no'.
"Don't apologize! It's fine Taira-san! You don't have to worry, you made me have fun tonight." He smiles at you, you believe it to be a beautiful one. "I..had fun with you too." you tell him, turning to look the other way, as you start walking behind him, you turn to look at him one last time for the night.
"Bye, Aoi." you wave at him goodbye as you start walking your way home. Akane on the other hand, stays a bit longer, watching as the waves come and go, hitting the sand where he sits. turning around as he sees you gone, he finally puts his head on his knees, turning a bright red as he does so.
"I'm an idiot, aren't I?" He whined, he gets up from his place, and starts to head home with some juice boxes and an open heart once again.
vals yapping session — 👋 hi, no im not back on here, i just started making a fic in wattpad so pls read wiege! it's a tbhk x reader 🙂��️ that's the only thing keeping me alive n motivated LOL
#val ? writes.#tbhk x reader#jshk x reader#aoi akane#akane x reader#aoi akane x reader#akane aoi#akane aoi x reader#tbhk fluff#tbhk angst#jshk angst#jshk fluff#uhhh idk any more tags#im sick rn and i thought#why not post this on tumblr to show my readers im alive n well#so yea LOL#not back officially tho#hashtag still unmotivated
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do you think you could write married life headcannons with Lester and Reggie (separate)?
💚💚💚My husbands🩵🩵🩵
Lester Sinclair
He is the best man you’ll ever love. Always hugging you, loving you, kissing you, holding you— you’ll be smothered by love.
Your ring is made from bones… lol, no, Lester would never— he actually works up enough money and buys your a simple silver ring with your and his birth stones in shape of a heart.
But if you want bone jewelry, he’ll gladly make you something.
Lester comes home every day with something new. It could be flowers, a cool rock, dinner (a fresh kill good enough to cook), bones… the list goes on.
If you don’t want to cook road kill, he’s okay with it. He’s happy with whatever you’d like :3
Kills spiders for you.
Whenever you argue, he tries not to yell. I feel like he doesn’t yell or doesn’t like to yell. He cries when someone screams at him… so, communication is his strong suit.
Leaves you sticky notes of love or just simple ones.
He’ll have you two live in a cabin he and his brothers built, and it’s a nice log cabin with a lion legs bathtub, kitchen with a dishwasher, and a staircase leading you to y’all’s room.
The first thing he does when he comes home is take a shower before loving you. Bonus if you take a shower/bath with him.
He’ll take you on his rounds if you want, and he’ll let you be a passenger prince/princess/royalty.
Breakfast in bed every Friday morning.
Thursday Nights: Date Nights. He’ll clean up nice and take you to town for dinner, a walk around the little shops, and a movie if there’s anything good. If you don’t go out, he’ll cook you a good southern meal, take you outside for a walk with Jonesy, and end the night with a movie or just go straight to the bedroom for cuddles (maybe more ;) ).
Lester also does surprise dates! He’ll call up and say, “Sweet pea, I jus’ finished ‘n be there in twenty. Dress righ’. ‘M takin’ ya out.”
He does worry that he’s not enough for you, thinking that you might leave him if he does something wrong, but you always show you love him when he feels that low.
Bonus: If you’re pregnant, he’ll be nervous. He doesn’t want to end up like his father. But then he’ll melt when you show him the pictures of the alter sound.
Reggie Morgan
My beautiful Aussie would love you with ever fiber of his being.
I imagine he’ll take you far away from his brother. He doesn’t want his brother to try and hurt you.
Actually… he’ll make sure you never meet his family.
Your ring was his grandmother’s, and he was able to grab it from James before running away with you.
Hand holding in public to show off your ring and that you’re married to him.
He still delivers and drives, though, but he comes home, kissing your cheek, and a smile on his lips.
You two have one of the best gardens, too! He loves planting with you and taking care of the plants.
Reg loves taking you to the weekend markets and fairs. Fairytale Land is another place you two go (I think that’s the name) and this was where he proposed to you by the wishing well.
He can’t cook, but he can bake! He’ll make you muffins and cookies when you’re sad or had a bad time at work.
Slow dances with you in the kitchen at night in the dim light to the old country music on the radio.
Much like Lester, he leaves behind sticker notes with love letters or just a simple note.
If he knows you have a bad day, he’ll do his best to make you smile. Flowers, making dinner, asking your to talk… Reg will do anything to make you smile.
Breakfast in bed every Tuesday.
When arguing, he’ll storm off and be by himself for a while, but he’ll always come back with Mr. Frooty box and a sandwich for you. He’ll apologize and tell you that he didn’t mean it.
Like Lester, Thursdays are Date Nights. It’s pretty similar, too.
He’ll call you with a surprise, saying, “Heya, love. I just finished me- rounds. I saws tis amazin’ pizza stand. I reckon we try it. Dress righ’. I’ll be home in two ticks.” You can always hear his smile when he talks on the phone, too.
Yes, you two get a dog and name him Indy (it’s kinda cute because of Jonesy). It’s a German shorthair; they’re good hunting dogs.
Also kills spiders for you because it’s Australia. They got fucking spiders.
He’s still a bit shy around you and nervous, but Reg warms up to you with smiles and hand holdings. He really loves it when you cuddle close to him at night. He loves you so much it hurts sometimes. You’re the best thing to happen to him.
Bounce: If you’re pregnant, he’ll try to be the best father he could be. He never had a father going up, but he’ll make sure your kid doesn’t feel less love than he has.
#house of wax#house of wax 2005#lester sinclair#reggie morgan#reg morgan#house of wax (2005)#house of wax fanfiction#house of wax fanfic#lester sinclair x reader#lester sinclair headcanons#100 bloody acres fanfiction#100 bloody acres#100 bloody acres fanfic#reggie morgan x reader#reg morgan x reader#reggie x reader#reggie morgan headcanons#slasher#slasher headcanons#slasher x reader#cliff answers
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hi hi! since you blessed us with some nothing happens headcanons would you maybe be able to give us some possessive insane nothing happens james headcanons too? i’m so obsessed with him
hi darling!! and yes, ofc i can!! i feel a lil repetitive bc . u guys already are more than aware of how unhinged he is but . here we go
there have been a few instances of . boys trying to bully reg or be mean to him bc he's, objectively, a bit of a freak. kinda has some unsettling vibes, and he's . very shy very quiet . but this never really turned into anything bc james always found out (thanks to evan) and then cornered the little shits and threatened them. one time he even actually kicked their asses a lil. reg doesn't know about this
james checks reg's social media accs semi-regularly. and i mean, he uses reg's password to get into his accs and check . chats or comments and shit like that . not so much when they're young but after reg starts dating yk
he physically fights two of reg's bfs, and the other one he comes close to, but others hold him back before he can get far
when they go out clubbing, james never loses sight of reg, not even when he's in the mood to flirt or get laid, and the second he sees someone asking to buy reg a drink or getting a lil too close, he interrupts and gets super touchy, straight up says he's reg's bf if the guy is too insistent
offers to drive reg absolutely everywhere as soon as he gets his license
actually gets mad when pandora or evan or even sirius know something about reg that he doesn't, and makes reg feel guilty for not telling him/not telling him first
already mentioned this one but . one of the times he's fucking reg he forces him to call his current bf and keep a conversation with him while he's litelly . inside him . fucking him into the mattress
covers reg in hickeys when they make out or fool around and gets all pouty if reg decides to cover them up afterwards
calls reg or comes up with fake emergencies or excuses to text reg when he knows he's out on a date or hanging out with his current bf
coaxes reg into sleeping with him the first time while he's still with barty even tho reg is . a bit reluctant at the beginning bc he really doesn't want to cheat on barty since they're friends. with his other bfs, reg's the one who initiates the cheating quite often, but james had to . do some convincing the first time they had sex simply bc reg was with barty
barty finds out about the cheating bc james can't keep his fucking mouth shut and can't stand barty saying that reg is his etc etc
genuinely can't go more than a couple of days without seeing reg
when he knows reg is interested in someone, or finds someone pretty, he always finds something wrong with them and talks reg into not giving them a chance (this doesn't always work ofc, since reg ends up having 3 bfs before he and james get together)
even after shit hits the fan, james can't keep his distance from reg (although it's definitely what they both need after what happens)
he chooses reg over pretty much everyone else in his life
he's so fucking insane about him that even tho there was a brief time when he was interested in lily and lily was also interested in him . she decided to reject him bc she did NOT want to be involved in what was bound to be an absolute trainwreck of a relationship. james doesn't find out about this until a few years later, when lily confirms what she already suspected back then
and that's enough for now i think !!
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omg you're a techo enjoyer too??? blessed 🥺 do you have any hcs or plot tribbles about them you'd be willing to share?

So Tech is the person that Echo spends the most time with, when he first goes with the Batch. This isn't because of any desire to connect on Tech's part - the only reason nobody calls him unfriendly is cause Crosshair is right there, in much the way that your neighbour's snarly dog isn't much of a problem compared to a rabid T Rex.
Instead, it's because the Bad Batch realise that, y'know, Echo's been Matrixed into a freezer for a while (timeline is not my strength but it was a few years, I think). Somebody's gotta figure out those cyborg parts and how to fix them, preferably before something breaks. And of course for something that serious, you choose the smart one.
At first, Echo is very awkward about this. The last thing he wants is someone digging around in his parts, even if it's for a good reason. But he also knows that it's going to be even worse for everybody if he has some sudden breakdown that disables him. So he grits his teeth and bears it.
(Tech does not notice shit about this. He has new science to explore, new problems to figure out, and human interaction has never been his strong suit. Autism King <3)
There's definitely some initial awkwardness, but Echo figures out pretty quickly that if he gets Tech rambling about something, the sound of his voice is soothing. Echo thinks nothing of it. (lol. lmao even.) He also comes to find it vaguely endearing when Tech gets distracted in the middle of something because he thinks of some cool upgrade that he can do. The Iron Man-style rocket boots are a total success. Tech is fully convinced his sensation of affection and pride is just because he got the boots working, and nothing to do with Echo himself (again: lol. lmao even.)
Tech pokes at the dataport, frowns, and looks down at his datapad. "Can you give me a hand with this?" A metal arm clatters to the floor next to him. Echo, across the room, hasn't moved from his co-pilot's seat and is still watching the latest episode of his holodrama. "Technically," he begins, adjusting his goggles with an indignant sniff, "yes, that is what I asked for. But I expected better of you."
Echo suddenly has some fucking thoughts about the possibility of Tech praising him, let me tell you. Still, he also has some reservations, because there's times where Tech gets too invested in the ✨ science ✨ and Echo starts feeling kind of like an experiment all over again.
Anyway the two of them are getting along pretty well and Tech is remaining fairly oblivious to both their feelings. (This is not a dig at Tech, I'm simply a huge sucker for ships where one of them doesn't realise their feelings until a Dramatic Moment, generally involving a near-death experience.) Except that Echo doesn't much like talking about his past and all the Clone Trauma™, especially pertaining to his lost Fives, and Tech's a nosy bitch who wants to know everything.
So Tech finds a way to get Echo's file. If the reg's not gonna talk, well, when has Tech ever respected a 'no access' sign? He reads through it and takes some notes, and it seems as though things are fine.
Except once Echo actually does start opening up about his past, Tech jumps in to fill in some details. Details that Echo certainly never told him. And Echo wants to know how Tech knows, and Tech's a shit liar, so the truth comes out.
Echo is not pleased with the truth.
(pain incoming)
"Well, I've... read your file," Tech says, hesitantly. He reaches up to adjust his goggles. A nervous tic, one that Echo usually finds endearing. But hearing that Tech was reading his file makes something twist in his stomach - what's left of it. Especially with Tech nervous about it. Echo's never really seen him like that. Not with him. "Okay," he replies, fighting to keep his voice and expression as close to 'calm' as possible. "And?" "I know it's been, well, hard. For you. For the other reg- the other clones." Echo stares at him, too shocked to attempt a look of neutrality any more. Tech must be joking. He must be. Not about reading his file, Echo had assumed that the Batch had all dug into him to find out who he was. But thinking that he knows anything about what it was like? Just because he read a file? He's seen the kinds of files that are kept on clones. They're dry, succinct, and mention nothing about who a clone is, just a service record like the kind you'd see kept about a machine. Because that's just about all they were, to the people in charge. The clones certainly weren't people to anyone but themselves. "So what's it like, Tech? Go on, you read the file." He waits. It's harsh, he knows, maybe even cruel, but he's not much in a laughing mood any more. "Maybe I... missed a few things," Tech hedges, looking very much like he wants to escape. "How much more do you want to know? Because they carved me out of myself, but they left the memories, and I see all of it every single night, so I can tell you more than the devil himself could stomach." He waits, but Tech doesn't say anything, just shifts his weight, eyes wide, fingers curling and uncurling around his datapad. Finally, Echo says, "You don't know shit, Tech. Don't ever pretend you do. Especially not around me." He leaves. For once, Tech's not distracted. For once, Tech watches him go.
So there's a bump in the road, as it were. Well, more like hitting a moose with your janky 90s sedan. You walked away from it physically fine but you have an overwhelming feeling about how oh god you're so fucked. Also who do you call about that???
Echo calls Rex. Rex does not know what to do about this. He lets Echo vent until they've been sitting quietly for a few minutes, and then suggests that maybe that was just Tech's way of trying to connect to Echo. Not exactly normal, "but you always did say, when you called, that he always paid attention to you and wanted to know more about you. Maybe this is an extension of that, and he didn't realise that he was crossing some lines."
(Yes, in my head, Rex is lowkey playing matchmaker. He's heard the way Echo's voice changes when he talks about Tech, and he wants to see where this goes.)
Meanwhile, Tech is bothering the shit out of Hunter because 'you know how people work, what did I do?'
This is the first that Hunter is hearing about any of this. He doesn't have the slightest idea what's going on, but he does have some experience with relationship difficulties caused by inadvertent assholery *inserts my Cross/Hunter agenda here*
So Rex helps Echo calm down, and Hunter helps Tech figure out how to apologise. Tech doesn't do shit with that knowledge because emotional conversations suck and he'd much rather pretend that just never happened, thank you goodbye. He's just a huge anxious mess because he doesn't know why people think he's being weird or mean or rude when he thought they were Just Vibing.
It takes like two months for Tech to make a move to fix this, is what I'm saying.
"Echo?" Tech asks hesitantly. He stands with his hands clasped in front of him, one thumb rubbing over the knuckles of his opposite hand. "Fuck off." Tech winces, but, well - with the way he inadvertently treated Echo, it's not like he can complain. "I- when I mentioned your file-" "Don't." "I was just trying to say that you didn't have to hide anything from me. That you were one of us. And we'd do our best to understand. I didn't- I'm not good at apologies, I'm sorry, I'll go-" "Wait." Tech freezes in the doorway, even more uncertain now. Echo sighs and looks at him. If his gaze is supposed to be communicating something, it's not in a language that Tech speaks. Maybe his uncertainty shows on his face, or maybe Echo was just waiting to collect his thoughts. "Thanks, Tech." Despite the awkward seriousness of their conversation, Tech smiles. "You're welcome, Echo. And if there's- I wouldn't blame you if you didn't want to, you know, but if there's anything you wanted to talk about, um, well, I'm only so far away. The Marauder's not a big ship." Echo doesn't say anything else, but he nods, and Tech feels like he actually managed to make some progress as he slips back out to the kitchen.
Anyway Echo has to comm Rex and send him ten bucks because Rex was right about Tech not being an asshole. Rex is only a little smug about this.
Echo slowly starts gravitating back towards Tech after that, and Tech is all !!!! not entirely sure what's happening but apparently the hot one Echo doesn't hate him any more so that's great!
They eventually get back into their groove and Tech makes him those kickass rocket boots to apologise for the whole... whatever that was. Words are hard, inventing is easy. He's still not 100% sure what went down, but Echo seems to have forgiven him, so he doesn't want to bring it up again. (He does, but it's like... a full year later, once he's definitely sure that Echo's not mad at him about it any more.)
Good thing that they do find their way back together, because one of Echo's legs breaks. And of course Tech's the one who immediately gets a little googly-eyed about finally being able to take Echo's leg apart. (He was strictly forbidden from Tinkering while Echo was wearing them, because Echo doesn't completely trust Tech to be able to resist the siren call of becoming a mad scientist. He adores the man, but he also knows Tech's weaknesses.)
Tech does indeed get a little mad scientist-y when he gets his hands all over those legs. He spends a week with a diet of space Red Bull, dry instant ramen, and no sleep, and comes up with Legs He almost blows the ship up once or twice, but nothing seriously affects the life support systems, so it's fine, leave the lab alone.
Legs are lighter, more durable, fit more comfortably, and have not only the fancy rocket boosters, but the ability to switch out normal treads for heavy ones and even climbing crampons! And a thousand other upgrades, but he's talking so fast that Echo genuinely has no idea what's going on. He figures that he can ask to read Tech's file about em later (yes he jokes about that, no Tech doesn't know if he can laugh).
When Echo first tries out his new legs, he loses his balance and goes straight into Tech's arms. Tech catches him and murmurs You're doing great, Echo.
Echo is running on an emotional high of having his legs back, having much better legs than the last ones, being caught by a hot nerd, and being praised by a hot nerd.
There's nothing to do about all that except kiss Tech.
He briefly thinks he's encountered a massive problem when Tech doesn't kiss back, and just stands there with a thoughtful look on his face. There's about a thousand things crossing Echo's mind in that moment, none of them exactly good. Can he get kicked off a squad for kissing someone???
Tech calmly says, "That was unexpected but perfectly acceptable. I commend your technique."
Echo isn't entirely sure what that means for a second, but then Tech pulls him in with both hands and tongues him, and Echo figures he doesn't need to ask.
The Batch is entirely unaware of this until three weeks later, when Echo joins them in the cockpit and sits right down in Tech's lap with his legs crossed. Wrecker wants to know why Echo's not in his usual co-pilot's chair. Echo just says figure it out and nudges Tech's chin up to kiss him.
Okay I've got so many headcanons too hold on
Tech's bunk is full of half-forgotten-about wires, metal sheets, pieces of rebar, loose screws, and the occasional shard of glass. Echo will not get into that bunk, they cuddle in Echo's hammock.
Tech will lay on top of Echo like a living weighted blanket and is perfectly happy to stay there for 12+ hours if he gets really invested in something on his datapad. This is often some design for another improvement to Echo's implants, so double bonus!
Strip chess
They love crosswords but they manage to get really competitive. Usually this means they make out about it, but sometimes they get mad at each other. Scrabble is banned after a few Incidents that resulted in yelling and a little blood, Hunter burned the tiles.
Tech keeps begging Echo into picking up dangerous insects, snails, frogs, and poisonous plants with his metal hand. Echo doesn't have to worry about getting bitten/poisoned and Tech can get a close-up look. Best of both worlds!
LEGO couple. If you haven't seen them for 16 hours? They got deeply invested into space version of some NASA set with 4000 pieces. Echo will bite you if you interrupt them.
Echo doesn't handle cold weather, it reminds him too much of being stuck as a POW. This means that the Batch leaves him on the ship on arctic missions but it also means Tech gets him eight pairs of fluffy socks because he read on the holonet that those are the best for keeping warm. Nobody's allowed to point out that Echo no longer has feet to keep warm. Echo wears them anyway and has favourites.
Sometimes Echo uses his USB hand to lock Tech's datapad when Tech won't go to sleep
He has a body pillow because it helps when his hips hurt. It's custom printed to look like Tech. Tech gets irrationally jealous over seeing Echo cuddle it.
Tech can do that finger skateboard thing and Echo uniroincally thinks it's really clever of him and admires his tricks
Tech makes Echo a new arm that has a human-shaped hand on the end so it has a wider range of function. The USB comes out of the tip of Echo's middle finger, at Echo's request.
Echo shakes hands/takes things from people with his metal hand. Tech is the only exception.
Tech likes crouching and crawling around, instead of walking 'normally'. There's been a few times that his head's popped up from where he's been crawling around on the floor like a snake, and Echo almost kicked him in the face because it scared him.
Echo can do some Black Widow shit with his new metal legs. He tries them all out on Tech cause it gets Tech real hot and bothered
There's been several times that Tech runs away from making out because he had a breakthrough thought on some project. Echo is always a little mad about it.
Tech snores. Loudly. Echo always turns off his hearing aids and lets that be everyone else's problem. He likes the way Tech's chest moves against his when they're sleeping together.
Echo keeps the lights off and his shirt on when they're getting intimate for years. Lot of self-esteem issues related to how his body looks. It's Tech's unfailing admiration for the occasional shirtless look, that eventually helps Echo start to accept himself.
Tech's name in Echo's phone is 'cyare' and Echo's name in Tech's phone is 'Echo 💙'
Echo once casually refers to a 'honey-do list' and Tech needs a reboot because holy shit he's honey!!!
Everyone can always tell when they were making out because Echo has hickeys everywhere. At first he was embarrassed about it but nowadays he shows them off.
Rex once commented 'oh, wow, did Echo get hit in the throat?' and Tech spat his water across the table. That was how Rex found out they were hooking up.
Rex said he was going to give Tech the shovel talk and Tech immediately started talking over him about the types of screws used to connect shovel heads. Rex never got around to his part.
Tech and Echo always walk holding hands. Sometimes the rest of the Batch stops or changes directions, and Tech doesn't notice with his datapad two inches from his face, so Echo gently tugs him in the right direction.
Sometimes the rest of the Batch didn't stop or change direction, and Echo is pulling him into an alley to make out.
Tech still hasn't lived down the time he came back from a detour with Echo and then had to go back to find his codpiece.
They stargaze whenever they're planetside. Tech loves infodumping about the stars and Echo loves to listen. Tech custom-built a two-person lawn chair so they can put their feet up. Echo's fallen asleep cuddled up to him more times than even Tech can count.
Echo has to be physically direct with flirting, cause if he just says something like "wow you're hot", then Tech just says "yes thank you", and keeps doing what he's doing. Gotta distract him from his project by kissing him or sitting in his lap or something before Echo can get to the words part.
#this is under a readmore for a reason i assure you#i always want to talk about techo and that is a threat#techo#tech/echo#cloneshipping
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crimson rivers thoughts (9)
@tastetherainbow290 long (ish) one today
chapter 17
author says they’re excited for this chapter… should i be scared
yeah. i’m scared.
dumbledore mention
omg i love sybill and lily
im obsessed with lily actually
are they like district 13 or like what is this. is dumbledore president coin
poppy!!!! ok i am liking this chapter a lot
remus sacrificed himself for lily ❤️🩹
oh. lily thinks remus is dead. and remus thinks lily is dead?! remu and lily reunion when
i gasped
sirius pov ok
frank mention!!
evan 💔
james and reg ☹️ ugh i just feel so bad for everyone
rip fab and gid 💔
oh no molly doesn’t know
dorcas what are you doing you have to tell her
ok she’s telling her but did molly have to strangle her 😭
order mention!!
sirius pov
pandora my love <3
james talking to sirius omg i’m going to cry
regulus jump scare
“I’m just saying, maybe you'd appreciate it if I put them down yours instead” JAMES
wolfstar eeeeee
me trying to contain my happiness bc i’m in a silent classroom
oh no now it’s getting sad
oh yeah. i forgot remus has to stay here.
AHHHH FINALLY they’re kissing
“if you like you could do it again” smooth, sirius.
and they’re doing it again
“is it too soon to be sure i love you” i have goosebumps rn
ok this was a good chapter
chapter 18
remus pov!!
mary mention!!!! i hope we see her in this i love mary so much
SIRIUS LICKED JAMES 😭😭 yeah he would.
eeeee they’re kissing again
remus being sirius’ first lover 😯
and they’re kissing again
ugh i love her so much
james pov again!!! this means the game which means sadness but JEGULUS
“Oh, look at that convenient cave over there,” yeah james that’ll work
unrelated but my neck hurts really bad rn
james only surviving for regulus ugh. i love them.
james being a hopeless romantic
“if you tell me what the mitochondria is, I'm not sure I'll be able to restrain myself” BAHA JAMES
regulus writing about james in his journals he is so me
he burned them?! he really is just like me.
james being regulus’ first crush ahhhhh
“you made me feel” AHHHHHHH
not regulus almost killing peter and then just LEAVING
reg pov!!
regulus being…. silly
hmmm maybe these thoughts you’re having about james mean something? did you ever consider that?
not regulus thinking james ABANDONED him sweetie no james would NEVER
chapter 19
did i just predict that
regulus you do trust james don’t lie
"I'll kill them if they try it. I'll kill them all before they ever got a chance to lay a hand on you." REGGIEEEEE AHHHHH
yeah. how are the rest of them gonna die. like. aghhhh i cant think about this now
“at least no one is calling him lover boy” nooo don’t think about evan
ant juice 😭 poor vanity
oh no the fires. this is just like what happened to rue.
oh no. they’re all going to die. ahhhhhh
peter is doing it 💔
vanity is so cute im not ready to lose her
confession time (5) ive had to pee so bad for the last like 2 hours but i’ve just been reading this and i don’t want to get up
vanity and hodge unexpected duo
vanity is so me rn
her asking james about kissing 😭
james “love isn’t even that great” potter, everyone.
i love that the harry potter lingo is used in this. like hallow, auror, horcrux. it just is so silly
vanity PLEASE do not die. i am literally begging you do not die right now.
vanity naming the hornet 😭
IRENE AND PETER 😭 jump scare but honestly good for her
oh poor james
him blatantly lying about him and reg i just know sirius knows
i live for jealous regulus
irene is an ICON i am not ready to lose her
i feel like vanity is going to try to smuggle vespa and then someone is going to die because of it
regulus calling james the sun. even as a joke im giggling rn
ahhh kiss kiss kiss
nooo they’re leaving
should i read another chapter??
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