#tbhk fluff
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majoryeager104 · 1 month ago
Hello! I saw that you write for tbhk right?
Could I please request some fluff? For teru and tsuchigomoro ( separately).please?
I was thinking about what would make them short circuit? Like something so cute reader does that just, fries them?
Thank you!
yessss omg thx for the request 🫶🫶 and I’m so so sorry this took so long, I’ve been sick and haven’t been able to get to it 🙏🙏🙏
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Working at Kamome Academy was certainly interesting. It seemed like everything about the school was strange, even your boyfriend the science teacher. And trust me, he would agree. Nothing about any of this would be considered ‘normal’ by most, in fact when he told you he was an apparition he was convinced you’d never want to talk to him again.
And yet you dated him instead. He still finds it hard to believe, but he can’t say he’s bothered. So, in the day you work as teachers, and in the evenings, the two of you hang around and flirt chat in the teachers lounge. A simple arrangement, really, but it works.
And during school, Tsuchigomori usually finds himself walking past your classroom. Not for any particular reason, but usually when he does he looks in. And without fail it always makes him smile, watching you boss around a bunch of kids.
But what really got him was when he’d glance in and you’d be sat at your desk, a bit of your hair falling over your face, your pen in your hand, eyes squinted slightly, and your tongue sticking out while you focused. He thought it was the cutest thing ever, and every time he saw it he couldn’t help but freeze and watch, a small smile creeping on his face.
He had to pull him self from the door, chuckling back down the hallway back to his class. And when he’d see you later, he’d chuckle again. And when you’d ask him why, he’d chuckle some more. And when you’d both be sitting in the teachers lounge and you were grading your class’s work, you’d do it again, and he’d just stop talking and stare all over again.
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Teru has used his hands for absolute destruction. Killing apparitions night after night, constantly fighting; it seemed even after he’d gotten home to wash up, his hands were chronically stained.
Still, he’d get up in the morning and do his job as a student and the president of the student council. What else could he do? So while he spent his nights soiling his hands with blood, he spent his days with meetings and papers and Akane looming over his shoulder, watching his blood-stained hands loom over the pages.
Of course, when he met you, that changed. Because now he spend his nights and days doing all of the above, while thinking about you. Your smile, your disposition, your eyes. He found himself thinking about you constantly. You were his muse for fighting, and his reason to push through his next meeting with a smile.
But what really got him was when you treated his blood-stained hands with as much care as you did. He still thinks about the first time you held his hand, both your hands reaching for it to lift his hand up to eye level, your fingers tracing over his palm as you told him they were pretty.
He completely short circuited, because what else could he do? When you held his calloused hands so fondly, there was something in it that made him stop and stare, his cheeks and ears turning bright pink.
And now, those hands have another role; holding yours.
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maidaintyfree · 6 months ago
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~daintyfree on wattpad
~requests are open
~things I will do:
yandere stuff
x reader
character x reader
character x character
one shots
head cannons
and more!!
~things I will not do:
weird kinks and requests
~fandoms I will write for:
kny (mostly)
mha (mostly)
one piece
death note
chainsaw man
tbhk (unsure)
~hope y'all enjoy!!!
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drea-ms · 27 days ago
AUGUST 10. a.akane.
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synopsis .... after not being able to cope with the death of you beloved, you find yourself at at 24hr store and meet someone who is grieving like you. While you grieve to dead, he grieves the alive.
warnings .... death, implications of suicide, signs of depression, rejection (on akas side), implication of being used as a coping mechanism, angst, hurt/comfort, readers last name is taira LOL, f!reader
word count .... 3.2k
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THE MOON LOOKED BEAUTIFUL tonight, the night sky an almost navy-black, some stars shining brightly than others, and the smell of the ocean was a nice smell at night. The rooftop of your apartment was always a nice way to calm you down. You hated studying, you hated the night sky, the moon and the stars. You hated everything. Yet, it never stopped you from admiring it like you were it's devoted follower. You look down at your phone, it's three am, you were supposed be back in your room at 2:30 am, you got distracted once again.
You wonder if any stores were open, as you start heading to the door, you turn to look back at the moon, wondering when will be the last time you will ever see it.
By the time you got down from the roof top and to your room, it was already 3:06. You put on a hoodie you stole from your brother and a pair of pants. You headed out your room and towards the living room. Your home was always quiet at night despite the noise it makes during the day. Your older brother who was in his room playing games in his computer, is now in the kitchen, making himself some fruit. Your older sister who usually sleeps like a log, is now sitting in the living room watching some TV.
They both to turn to look at you, smile on their faces, you smile at them back. They're both glad that you're out your room, they always tell you that you don't have to study much, not to over work yourself, not to...
Not the point. You look at them with a confused look on your face, before you get to ask them why they're up, they answer you.
"Got hungry." He said, sticking out his tounge at you. Your older sister on the other hand points to the long bag which you can guess contained a katana she owned.
"Went out, I heard there was an influx of spirits out there, some of them contain negative energy." she shrugs, looking at you with a confused look on her face. Now it was her turn to ask you a question.
"Where are you going?" pointing at your outfit, you shurg before scratching your hair. A habit you suppose, one that helps you calms down.
"Store. I just finished studying and can't go back to sleep." you started to walk towards the door, stopping to put your shoes on. you look at the two as you put your shoes on.
"Text me what you want as I head there." like reading their own minds before they get to speak, the both smile at you, the window making their features look more soft, shining down at them. The moon gracing your siblings with her beauty.
(You wonder if this is how he saw you, he always loved the night, as you loved him.)
You head out the door and start walking to the elevator, you're to tired to be thinking about him again, so you think of other things as you're on the way to the store. You live by the beach, the smell is great (at least to you.) and the sea reflecting the moon makes it the view even beautiful. (you stop to take pictures. He would love it.)
It takes five minutes to get to the store, by the time you get there it's already 3:19 am. The store lights are on, that's a good sign. You push the door open, making make a ding as you do. You check your phone to see if your siblings texted you anything.
izu ^^ and saki <3
izu ^^ (1) : can u get me two reg redbulls and a bag of nerd cluster gummies 🥺🥺🥺🥺
saki <3 (1) : get me 3 monsters and some sandwiches pleek 👍
You give your phone a deadpan look, what is it with you and your family being addicted to energy drinks? Nonetheless, you head your way towards the the baskets, you get one and make your way to the back of the store where the drinks are in a fridge. You look back at your phone, a twitch in your eye appears, Misaki never said why flavor to get her, you're glad Izumi did though.
"Why would she ask for three Monsters and never tell me the flavor." you mumbled to yourself, a upset look on your face, "What's a good flavor to get her?" you asked yourself, looking at the variety of Monster drinks on display.
"The pink, purple and blue ones are always the ones for me." A voice next to you says, looking at you while are searching for a drink on the fridge next to you, you look at him with surprise, you scrambled out the words,
"Huh?" Great, just great [Name]. A pretty boy talks to you trying to help you and all you have to say to that is 'huh?' you facepalm in your head and start to cringe at everything.
"Sorry, I heard you didn't know what flavor to get as you mumbled to yourself." he nervously smiled at you, you look at him with a small smile, shy that that you look like you got hit by a bus and a pretty boy is talking to you.
"It's uh, fine. So, about those flavors you were talking about."
You check out all the stuff you were going to buy, waiting for a tall boy with brown hair and a pair of glasses. It's 3:45 now, you walk outside the store and wait for him. The stars are shining brighter than before, and the moon is now looking at down at you, your features now being shun by the fluorescent moonlight, you zone out the entire time you're waiting for the young boy. (At least you think he's young...)
"Did I make you wait a while, the cashier made a mistake on something." rubbing his arm that the bag he was holding with his free arm, he smiled at you.
"No, no. It's fine, I was looking at the moon—" you stop yourself before thinking about whether or not he would join you at the beach. I mean, to him your a random stranger, he is to you too. But, maybe what you need to cope is telling a random stranger anything.
"Do you maybe—you can say no if you're busy—want to go the beach with me? I noticed you were looking troubled and the sea at night helps me calm down and—" you stop yourself before talking his ears off, you look anywhere but him.
"I would love to, thank you for worrying about me...uh"
"Taira, thank you."
"It's fine..."
"Aoi, what a nice name."
"I can say the same about Taira."
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AKANE ISN'T SURE WHAT time it is. He knows the moon is high and the sky is dark, but he doesn't know the time. Ironic for someone who is a clock keeper. He looks out the window where Aoi's window is. Her curtains are shut, they have been shut more recently. He doesn't know if she did just because or because of him. Nonetheless, he still looks at the window with a furrowed eyebrows and eye bags under his eyes.
He checks his phone to check the time, it's 3:06 am. He decided that if he wasn't going to sleep after doing his loads of homework on a friday night, he was going to the store. He put on a hoodie and headed towards the door leading outside his home. Finding a pair of slippers that was discarded by the door. (whether it was his, his father's or his older brother was a mystery to him.)
He open the door to his home and exited out, by the time he was outside, it was 3:09. This time, he can clearly see the moon and the stars. They both looked beautiful but not as beautiful as...
Shit. He was doing that thing again, he told himself to not do it again, and here he was, comparing the beautiful of one thing to something that could never rival hers. He has to find a way to get over her. Curse first loves, curse the night sky that shines bright, the moon that shines it's white light in the ocean water, and the stars that never become shooting ones because dreams aren't able to come true.
Aoi Akane hates everything about the night.
With small tears in his eyes, he wipes them away and starts to head to the store near him, he knows it's always open, he's been there before and knows some of the workers there, so while on a peaceful walk to the store, he notices a figure. He forgot his glasses again, he's been forgetting them lately, it's pissing him off.
Sometimes, he wished that Kako and Mirai never saw him and staged that stupid stunt to get him to become like one of them. Looking towards the figure, he notices a young girl around his age. Across the street from him, she's taking pictures of the night sky, smiling to her self as looks through them. She looks sad, almost as if she sees something in the night that he can't.
Either way, he turns the other way, ignoring her and zoning out as he walks to the store. Reddish-brown hair flowing as the wind moves in a slow pace, the smell of the sea sickens him, how can he enjoy the smell of the ocean without it reminding him of her? Why does he associate everything that's beautiful with her? He stops for a bit and turns to look at the beach just across from him.
He sees the same girl again, this time, her hood is down. Her hair flowing with the wind, her phone up and taking a picture of the moon. She turns to look foward, a sad smile on her face, from far away, it looked like to him that she was beginning to cry.
For the first time since his first year, Akane has never saw something more beautiful than Aoi. The way the moonlight shines bright, her freatures enveloping with the light, the stars that once shined bright tonight, are being outshined by the beauty of the some random girl he saw taking pictures of the moon. Almost as if she was grieving, as if the connection between the moon and her grief were connected.
The girl continues to walk straight, only turning when she sees the store is open. For a minute, Akane just stands there, thinking about the girl. Wondering just who she is, and how ethereal she might be.
For the first time since his first year, Aoi Akane had begun to blush like crazy, his heart beating at an abnormal rate, one would think he was dying. But no. For the first time since his first year, Aoi Akane has begun to fall for someone at first sight, just like his elementary days.
It's 3:25 am when Akane gets to the store, he pushes the door open, a small ding can be heard from pushing it open, the cashier who was working tonight waved at him, a smile across her face. "Welcome back Akane." she says, a smile on her face. He smiles back at her, waving hello as he heads down to the drinks aisle. His head hurts and he still don't feel like sleeping, maybe an energy drink would suffice. Maybe not.
When he heads to the drink aisle, he already sees someone there, looking as if they're having a dilemma on which drink they should have, he laughs quietly before going to the fridge next to the person. One full of juices of every kind, he chooses one that would go well with his mood.
"Why would she ask for three Monsters and never tell me the flavor." they mumbled, the voice of a girl be heard. The only girl he saw enter the store was—
"The pink, purple and blue ones are always the ones for me." What.
Akane wasn't so sure that he was thinking throughly with what he had just said, he doesn't even drink monsters! His older brother does! Not him! He doesn't even like them! So why did his mind think it was best to just to blurt that out?!
He might just kill him—
"Huh?" she said, turning to look at him, and oh how he wishes that he had a camera to take a picture of her, her beauty blinding him. She reminded him of A—
The night sky. She reminded him of the night sky that was still outside waiting for him to go home. He stood there for a bit before answering her, nervously looking everywhere but at her.
"Sorry, I heard you didn't know what flavor to get as you mumbled to yourself." he says quickly, finding new ways to kill himself to get away from the embarrassment he was feeling right now. A smile her face said everything he needed to calm down. Granted it was an awkward one, but it helped him soothe him.
"It's uh, fine. So, about those flavors you were talking about."
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THE TRIP TO THE beach was an easy one, granted they lived near it, and the store was near it so they don't mind it one bit. It was a quiet walk to the beach, not one that would be deemed as awkward like before, but one that was comfortable for both, where they didn't have to say anything just to make the other feel comfortable. The comfortable silence is broken when Akane begins to speak.
"Do....Do you like the beach?" he asked, walking while staring foward, they were near where the entrance of the dock is. As they head there, you look at him more closely.
He looked beautiful, his hair framing his face perfectly, the color of his hair going well with everything about him. His eyes and hair match. They shine bright as the moonlight reflects the light towards his eyes. Mesmerized by him, you stop walking and out of concern he stops a few steps ahead of you.
"Did-Did I bother you" concern in his face, he scratches his cheek with his free hand. Now you're at fault, you were to mesmerized by him and his looks, that you stop walking and he's concerned that he might have struck a nerve.
'You should stop doing that often [nickname]! You'll end up sending the wrong message!'
He was right.
Stepping out of your dazed state, you decided to be honest with the boy infront of you, not like how you were with him back then. You won't mess up again like before.
"You're face..."
"My face...?"
You step infront of him, now looking directly into his eyes, Akane notices that as much as the moonlight was shining down at him, it was mostly shining down at you. Your features being illuminated as the moon shares its beauty with you. You looked like an angel, one who has fallen after sinning and disobeying your god.
A fallen angel.
"You're very handsome if I say so myself....Your features are beautiful at night, are they as beautiful during the day?" You mumbled, now way nearer than before, your faces are almost touching. Akane turns a bright red, he isn't sure if it's out of embarrassment or being flustered, but before he can say anything, you back away. Laughing like he just told the most funniest thing in the world.
"Was that to much? I'm sorry, I don't want to make you uncomfortable Aoi-san." Though you don't regret what you had said, you didn't want to make to make him uncomfortable.
"I-It's fine, Taira-san..." he's still blushing like crazy. Not even Aoi has called him handsome outright. The poor boy is so flustered, he doesn't notice the girl answering his question from the beginning.
"About your question, I would say I enjoy the beach. It helps me relax, especially at night. Where no one can interrupt you." You looked at him with a smile, walking past him to start walking towards the sand. He follows you.
"Do you? Like the beach I mean." you ask, stopping to take of your slippers, stepping on the sand that was once hit by the sun in the day time, now that it's night, the sand is cold.
Akane does the same thing as you, taking of his slippers as he continues to talk to you, "I wouldn't say so, the beach reminds me someone."
As the two of you walk closer towards where the sand and the water collide, you look at him with an unknown look on your face, "You too?"
Akane wasn't sure what you are on about, but from what he can infer, the beach probably remind you of someone as well. you sit down and pull out a red bull, the juneberry one he believes, "I guess" he sits down, knees propped up, his hand on his left knee, using it as stand for his face. He inspects you a while longer.
Akane notices some things about you, how your eyes are a nice shade, your hair that's messy, looks soft. How under your eyes, you have heavy eyebags.
The rest of the night is spent with knowing about the other, you tell Akane things about you, he tells you things about him. The night is spent with new memories and new things about each other. Before you realize it, it's around 4:36 am. Your brother is calling you to come home before your parents wake up.
"Ah. It seems like it's time to go, Sorry for bothering you, Aoi-san" You get up from where you were sitting, bowing at him to apologize, he waved his hands in a rejecting way, shaking his head 'no'.
"Don't apologize! It's fine Taira-san! You don't have to worry, you made me have fun tonight." He smiles at you, you believe it to be a beautiful one. "I..had fun with you too." you tell him, turning to look the other way, as you start walking behind him, you turn to look at him one last time for the night.
"Bye, Aoi." you wave at him goodbye as you start walking your way home. Akane on the other hand, stays a bit longer, watching as the waves come and go, hitting the sand where he sits. turning around as he sees you gone, he finally puts his head on his knees, turning a bright red as he does so.
"I'm an idiot, aren't I?" He whined, he gets up from his place, and starts to head home with some juice boxes and an open heart once again.
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vals yapping session — 👋 hi, no im not back on here, i just started making a fic in wattpad so pls read wiege! it's a tbhk x reader 🙂‍↕️ that's the only thing keeping me alive n motivated LOL
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lovelylolitaas · 2 months ago
How We Play {🍡☁️}
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ᴏᴄ x ᴄᴀɴᴏɴ
masterlist . . 🌸
Prev // Next
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Hastily, he made our way to the village. It felt like such a relief to finally be able to be in some place that wasn't just her home. The cobblestone streets of the village were almost bustling, the fresh smell of pastries and food danced through the air, and colorful lanterns decorated shops.
Vines and cute flowers adorned the side of the buildings and she found herself staring in reverence as her eyes swayed through all the scenery.
Tsukasa grinned, noticing her awe-stricken face, "you think this is pretty..?, look!" He began to run again before she could even get the chance to open her mouth. She yelped, damn this kid was fast. She tried her best to keep up as he ran relentlessly past other nekos and past the buildings.
"Tsukasa...slow down!" she pleaded as she tipped unsteadily about to fall over with almost every step she took. He stopped suddenly and before she could fall over she felt two hands placed on either side of her, "sorry..sorry.." he apologized, his tone much gentler. Her ears twitched and soon she relaxed as she regained her composure.
"It's fine, it's fine.." she gently waved her hands in a dismissive gesture, "what were you trying to show me anyway?" she asked, tilting her head to the side.
His eyes narrowed and a wide smile graced his lips. In a swift motion, she was quickly spun around. Her eyes widened and her mouth fell open. It was a big cherry blossom tree.
The tree was completely large towering over the two. Light pink cherry blossoms graced its long branches which curved slightly. The sunlight kissed the tree's color ever so gently giving the edges of the blossoms a faint light pink glow. The wind lightly hissed by causing the branches and grass below it to dance and sway.
It was almost magical. Once again she couldn't believe she was really missing sights like this most of her life.
As Veronica gazed completely awe-stricken by the tree and its mesmerizing vibe, Tsukasa's eyes remained fixated on her. A warm smile embraced his face. His eyes held a hint of care...and also curiosity. The breeze danced between the two and his eyes narrowed as he fanned over her features. His eyes traced over her face and her attire taking in everything curiously.
Has she never been that much at all? Everything like this was casual for him, this town which he sees almost everyday, the places around which he knows of or adventured out too, but for her...sights like this seemed new to her. "Ne, Veronica Chan, do you really not come out often..?"
Veronica's eyes widened momentarily startled by his words which snapped her out of her daze. She averted her gaze scratching the back of her neck, "yeah..." she chuckled nervously, almost embarrassed. His eyes widened with just a tiny bit of intrigue, "but why...?" His brows furrowed as he tilted his head to the side.
"It's my parents...they don't like me going out too far.." her voice held a bit of gloom as she glanced back at the tree momentarily as if wanting its glow to ground her and her feelings. She paused scratching the back of neck before letting out a sigh "Well... that's not entirely true– I..uh. I don't have friends so I just stay at home...." She mumbled disappointingly, her gaze lowered just a bit as she fidgeted with the hem of her sleeves.
His brows furrowed, feeling uncomfortable with seeing her look so down, but also not understanding what the problem was in a way. "So then why not try to make some?" He asked innocently. He stepped closer to her so they would now be fully side by side.
She glanced over at him giving him a dumbfounded look before chuckling, "you make it sound so easy," she chuckled a bit more. "Isn't it..?" He tilted his head smiling. He found that he enjoyed hearing her chuckle.
"Well, maybe for you," she sighed, "honestly I've never had any friends before..and it's hard for me to start conversation..." she mumbled. She began to fidget with the sleeves of her kimono once more. She tried to look for something to take her mind off such an off putting and awkward subject.
Tsukasa stared at her thoughtfully. It was silent for a moment. Nothing else could be heard but the swaying of the grass and plants as the two just stood there.
Veronica took a deep breath, her ears fell slightly and her tail swayed ever so slowly. Her eyes fell and she simply relaxed taking the cool crisp air through her nose and back. It was a calming nice silence....she felt herself relax and the sadness from earlier slowly melt away...
"Let's be friends Veronica San!" Tsukasa cheerfully declared out of nowhere causing her to jump. Her ears and tail shot up slightly before she regained her composure. Her palm fell on top of her chest—jeez this kid does the most unexpected things at times. She cleared her throat before her eyes widened slightly as she registered what he said. "
"Wait..what..?" She quickly shot her head towards him, staring intently at him, "you'd really want to be friends with me..?" She pointed toward herself a bit dumbfounded. "Mhm!" He grinned, his eyes flared with warmth. Her eyes softened and she felt a sense of disbelief.
She couldn't believe it, did she actually make a friend. Was someone actually interested in being friends with her!?
Tsukasa outstretched his hands toward her, "so what do you say..?" he stared with anticipation, but also expectation as he knew she was more likely to accept than decline. "Y..yeah friends!" She remarked delightfully. Her face gave way to a bright smile, a smile so bright and happy it'd make the stars jealous.
Unexpectedly, she wrapped her arms around him pulling him into a hug. He tensed slightly before letting himself relax in her embrace.
A small giggle erupted from her lips, she was just so happy to have a friend, and proud of herself for even making one. For a moment they stayed just like that.
But then a certain aroma flowing through the air caught her attention. She instantly broke the hug. Her hands still resting on either side of him as her ears perked up.
She sniffed around in the air a bit. Her eyes gleamed when she realized just what that aroma was. Tsukasa tilted his head, his brows furrowing as he stared in curiosity. "Sweets!" She beamed.
For a moment Tsukasa's eyes brightened too. "The cafe!" He cheered before grasping her hand in his and running off again, but this time much slower.
We passed by the vast green fields as we made our way back to the village. The sun seemed to be setting slightly, emanating the town in a warm orange hue. The streets were buzzing with others, chatter, music, and more. With each and every step they could smell the warm lingering aroma of sweet treats.
As she was walking her eyes lingered past the people and displays until Tsukasa stopped suddenly.
"We're here!" he beamed as she looked over at the cafe. It was homey and rather small.
She could smell the sweet whiff of muffins, frosting, whipped cream, fruit, and more. It all made her stomach growl and her eyes light up. She outstretched her hand towards the handle getting ready to enter–wait a minute–she didn't have any yen on her! She froze, her ears perking down slightly. Tsukasa tilted his head, "hm..?" He put a finger towards his lips.
"So uh…what if I told you something embarrassing..." She gave him a slow head turn. He paused, giving her an intent look almost as if trying to figure out what she was referring too.
"Oh.." his eyes softened once he connected the dots, "don't worry silly if you don't have any yen, I'll pay for you!" he chuckled. She sighed in relief, but she couldn't deny and say she wasn't embarrassed, she would definitely have to find a way to repay him. Maybe she'd make him a craft or something. Something to show her appreciation at least.
The cafe was nice and warm. The heat of the place felt like a warm embrace which wrapped around her entire body.
The tables and chairs had a dark bronze color which suited the interior well. There were a couple of nekos inside the place, drinking coffee at the counter seat tables, chatting, and eating away.
Her eyes skimmed the menu in awe at every pastry she saw, honestly she couldn't decide. She wanted chocolate cake, but she also wanted a fruit sando, but then again she hadn't had crepes in a while.
Eventually she sighed in defeat. She peered over at Tsukasa who seemed to already have known what he was getting.
"What are you having..?" her eyelids rose in curiosity, "custard bun" he smiled. She hummed in response, with so much pastries she wasn't sure how he even chose.
Eventually as they neared the stand she settled on having a strawberry sando.
They placed their order and found a table, one which was near a window and gave a nice display of the coming evening. Evening was approaching, that means her parents would be back soon.
She felt a bit of worry pooling into her gut, but she brushed it off. The least she could do was enjoy this moment. After so much boredom it's what she deserves really.
After a while the food came. The waitress set it gently on the table, smiling and giving a light bow before walking off. In almost an instant Tsukasa dug in leaving Veronica dumb founded.
She picked up her sando and soon began to eat. The bread was as soft as a marshmallow and each and every bite released a whoosh of soft cream infused with strawberry which tasted delightful. Her tail swayed slightly as she let out a sigh of bliss. This was so good!
Veronica was so busy enjoying the sandwich she didn't notice his eyes on her. She felt like she was in heaven practically melting with every bite. Nothing could compare to a delicious sweet treat.
"You really like sweets huh?" he spoke in a soft tone which held amusement. "Mhm!" she smiled. It was silent for a moment until he spoke up, "well since you enjoy sweets so much, I'll bring you lots when I come to visit again.."
Her eyes widened and her heart skipped a beat at the idea. "W-wait really!?" she couldn't believe it. Was this a blessing for all the days she spent in the lackluster house all alone!?
She glanced across from her and she couldn't help the chuckle that escaped her lips. Tsukasa's cheeks were covered in crumbs and his nose had a drop of custard on it.
She tried to bite back the laugh threatening to break free. "Tsukasa..you eat like a literal monster," she smirked. She reached forward grabbing a napkin before lightly dapping it across his cheeks lightly earning a chuckle from him. "How did you even manage to get custard on your nose too..?" she sighed almost like a disappointed parent.
"Wait–so you're really telling me you've seriously just been spending most of your days inside?" He looked almost shocked, his head tilted and his eyes were fixed on her completely.
He already asked something like this, but honestly he didn't believe it all that much until now. "Yep..that's my life," she lifted her hands giving them an "excited" shake.
"So isn't there anything you do?" he asked using his hands to pick at the bit of custard that was sticking to the side of his plate. "Of course, I bake and read at times," she brings the glass cup to her lips taking a couple sips of her cool drink.
"Boring!" he let out an exasperated sigh as he flicked his hands, "c'mon! You have to live a little more!" he outstretched both of his hands, flashing her a toothy grin.
"And by living a bit more you mean picking up toads and watching bugs," she chuckled, raising a brow causing him to only shrug, "way better than sitting in the house all day, but no worries!" He gave her a determined and playful look, "you won't be having any more boring days like that, your new friend Tsukasa will make sure of it!" he grinned.
Soon they left the cafe. Veronica's eyes trailed over the beauty of the town once again. The colorful lanterns of the town looked like bright stars that highlighted the now navy blue sky. The town held a sort of stillness, there were still some on the streets, but not as much as in the day.
She's gotten so used to the warmth of the cafe that she was only reminded of the coolness of outside when a gush of wind flew by her.
Yeah she could get used to this, coming here more often, eating at the cafe more often, and best of all finally having a friend.
And maybe–just maybe–this was the beginning of something new for her, maybe she'd have the courage to actually talk with other kids one day and make friends with others without awkwardly watching them from afar.
She snapped out of her daze upon feeling a pair of warm hands wrapping around hers, "want a tour around the village before you head home?" he tilted his head, his amber eyes gleaming with warmth and excitement. She smiled, "oh Tsukasa...maybe next time, I really have to get home. I just know I'll be in so much trouble," she sighed. She was absolutely not excited for the scolding and nagging she'd get for hours once home.
"Ah ok! Cya Veronica," his hands slowly relinquished hers and with that she ran off, "cya!" she waved with a smile.
Alright now to sprint all the way back home, and come up with a lie or excuse on the spot, and then prepare for the punishment and scolding she was gonna receive. She groaned just thinking about it.
Tsukasa watched as she ran off into the distance. He seemed to be in a daze until he heard a familiar voice calling out frantically, "Tsukasa!" Quickly, he glanced back to see none other than his older twin brother, Amane.
A grin spread across his face as he flashed his brother a big toothy grin, "Amane!" he ran up to him embracing him in a tight hug, wrapping his arms and legs around his body and squeezing the practical living daylights out of him.
Amane sighed patting his back, "What are you doing out so late, mom and dad are worried sick...." his tone was laced worry, but there was also sternness in his voice, "you know you shouldn't be staying out so late...it's dangerous, especially because..." he paused glancing around the area, "you know..."
Tsukasa pulled back releasing his grasp on his brother, "I know, I know..." he mumbled as his gaze shifted to a thoughtful look before going back to its usual childish one in almost an instant.
"But I'll be careful, promise! Also guess what, I made a new friend today!" he boasted with excitement. Amane's gaze softened as he gently took his hand, "That's great, tell me about as we walk home.." and with that Tsukassa began chatting away. . .
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A/N - hey guys! If you read all the way to the end of this chapter tysm! I won't be uploading chapters for a while since I want to make sure the others make sense and I also need to plan them so uh 😭.. Hope you enjoyed! 💗
{End of Part 2} 🌺
Word count: 2.5k +
Published: 02.01.25
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pixelscutz · 6 months ago
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“I said sit.” He says, pushing you back down towards his face, making you grip onto his torso. His tongue explores your body, making you full of ecstasy and pleasure. His tongue ran up your clit slowly making you ache to grip onto his hips. A sharp slap echoed through the room, making you shake. You let out a silent scream as he slips his tongue into you, giving a harsh suck as you resist the urge to push your full weight onto him. You dig your nails into his torso deeply, you would be shocked if you hadn’t drawn blood. 
“Fuck..” you get cut off from your words and become replaced by moans and whimpers, as your boyfriend's arms begin to tighten around your fleshy thighs, continuing to torture you with only his mouth. He brings his hand up one of your tits, squishing it tightly forcing you to shut your eyes.  You feel so close, waiting to burst out as soon as he hits your G-spot. He's exploring your body in all sorts of ways you could never have heard of before, making you see stars. “Stop teasing me.” You pant between moans. You can almost hear him smiling. 
You move your hips back and forth, as he finally finds the exact spot you have been craving for, allowing you to release yourself into him, your wet juices being spread all over his face. You arch your ass back up and turn your head around to find him looking up, contentful, with a big grin on his face and he licks your cum off of his face.
use whatever character you want for this scenario !
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akira-shima · 6 months ago
Teru Minamoto x reader
Note: f!reader's personality is like kanao from demon slayer. She isn't really sure about her feelings tho, due to her parents always choosing what to do about her life, engaging her since a young age. She has her full attention to her duties as told by her parents. Therefore, she needs someone to tell her what to do most of the time.
- contains fluff and teeny tiny angst at the start
- caring Teru mentioned
Enjoy~ 🌸💗💖🌷
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You've both known each other since childhood. How? Both of you belong from an exorcist family. 'To bring two well known exorcist clans together' is what your family said and engaged you to the eldest son of the minamoto clan, Teru Minamoto.
You both are not much different surprisingly, mostly focusing on your duties as an exorcist. The marriage thing didn't affect you much because you knew you can never win against your parents, you just accept your fate.
The more time you spend with teru the more you both understood each other on deeper levels, now that you're both 2nd years at Kamome academy it's harder for you to communicate at school. He's always busy with student council stuff or dealing with his fangirls. Not that you mind, you're focused on exorcist work like your family told you to do. 'There's no time for love'
You let out a soft grunt of pain as you got pinned to a wall forcely by Teru who's staring you down. You just wanted visit him after he was injured badly in the Far Shore saving Kou, which you during that moment, without second thought jumped to action, making you also injured. This was highly unlikely of you but you're still an exorcist after all and you care alot about Kou.
He was helding your hands on top of your head, pinning you more on the wall.
"What did I tell you..?" He asked harshly, seeming agitated yet concerned.
Your eyes widened in shock, letting out a small gasp, "what..."
His glare doesn't soften as he tightens his grip on your wrist, "Don't act so dumbfounded. You know exactly what I'm talking about." He's angry. You can tell by his tone, glare but also his firm grip on your wrists.
"I'm just doing my job as an exorcist..."
He scoffs, not amused. "Your job as an exorcist is also to be careful. Not running in recklessly without thinking!"
His firmness doesn't soften, he's too angry with you for your own "reckless" action. He's not wrong though..even tho you're an exorcist you take absolutely no care of yourself. And he's 100% sure you were so focused on your duties you didn't even check your wound from earlier.
"...I won't do it again..." You look away hoping he would let go off your wrists already, it was painful but bearable. You realise how your actions were indeed reckless but you didn't want to agrue with him because he was right.
"Yeah right."
He huffed before he finally let go of your wrists, still seemed pissed. He sighed before his tone soften, knowing that you are still injured as well. He spoke a bit softer this time.
"..You need to get treated now. Come on."
He holds your hand tightly as he led you to a room. Once the both of you entered the room, he closed the door behind and let go of your hand before walking over to a drawer.
As he was looking through the drawer, he spoke, "Sit down."
Silently obeying him, you sat down slowly rolling down your socks to expose the cut on your leg. He looked over, seeing the cut as he closed the drawer and walked over, sitting down infront of you. Grabbing a small towel, a cloth and bottle filled with liquid from the nearby table he gave you a quick look and spoke, "..This might sting a bit. But I need to clean the wound."
"Ok..." you observed as he started treating the cut, flinching and hissing in between. He stayed silent other than the occasional glance at you whenever you hissed in pain, but he continues to focus on cleaning the wound with the cloth.
After he was done, he grabbed the bottle of liquid, pouring a bit on the towel. "..This will sting. Try to stay still as possible."
Feeling the stinging sensation, you close your eyes shut, a bead of tear coming out of one of your eyes. He took notice of the tear before he gently wiped some of the tear away with his finger.
"..Almost done."
He spoke softly as he continued using the towel on the wound. He's more softspoken when it's about you.
"I'll be more careful next time..." He stopped as he was wrapping your leg in bandages, his demeanor softened greatly as he looked at you with a soft smile. "You better. I'll make sure of that."
He spoke softly, no longer holding onto anger. He looked quite tired, the expression on his face showing that he didn't get much sleep. Was he that worried about you?
"K.." as he bandaged the cut you stared at his hair and had a sudden urge to run your fingers through it. It looked soft and fluffy, you've always wondered how it felt even as a kid. And so, your hand unconsciously moved on its own, lost in your thoughts, to ruffle his hair gently. His breath hitched as you suddenly moved your hand to ruffle his hair gently, his eyes widen before he quickly grabbed your wrist to stop.
He stared at you, his expression seemed stunned. Surprised that you would do that, but he was also flustered from the unexpected action. "Ah- sorry...I didn't realise..." He let go of your wrist, his cheeks a bit flushed as he averted his gaze. He seems flustered, trying to remain his composure.
"..Don't apologize.. I just...didn't expect that."
The last part was quiet, almost sounding like a murmur as he still tried to avoid looking directly at you.
He finally finished bandaging your cut after a few awkward seconds. "Thank you.."
Taking a glance at the bandaged cut, he seemed satisfied that it was done well. "Mhm..just don't try to do anything reckless."
He still looked a bit tired,letting out a quiet sigh, he got up from the floor and sat down on the bed nearby. "Do you want to sleep? You look tired, you haven't rested ever since we returned from the far shore..."
Teru was about to protest, before he let out another sigh as he nodded in agreement.
"Yeah..I haven't had a proper sleep in days.."
"...that's relatable"
He looked at you, noticing your expression before patting on the bed beside him, signalling you to come beside him.
Glancing at the space he patted, you slowly crawled towards it and lay down. He watched you as you sat down on the bed before he lay down next to you, resting his head on the pillow. He closed his eyes as he let out a tired sigh, before he looked at you through half-lidded eyes.
After staring at the ceiling for a while, you close your eyes and finally doze off.
As you laid down and closed your eyes, he looked at you for a while before silently shifting closer to you. Carefully pulling you gently to him, his arms wrapping around you before he rested his chin atop your head.He closed his eyes, feeling the warmth of you against him. His expression softened as he held you close, feeling relieved.
It was silence for a moment, before Teru spoke in a soft whisper,
"Idiot..don't you ever scare me like that again.."
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stelariabop · 1 month ago
i've been a fan of this anime and manga for so long and they FINALLY animated my favorite scene and arc 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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tojifile · 11 months ago
@Teru Minamoto . . . (*´-`*)
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Tags: FLUFF + MAJOR ANGST, Teru x f!apparition!reader, you’re both 17, THE WHOLE TEXT, doesn’t follow tbhk lore (but it follows most apparition laws) SPOILER WARNING
A/N: Hi bbgs, I’m so so so sorry for just disappearing for months :(((( I was really really busy, and I have been super stressed all the time. I’ve scheduled a psych consultation and I’m trying to give myself a break. I also didn’t enjoy writing for a while so I hope this would give me what I need. This prompt just came to me, and I just love it so much. Teru is literally MY bf 🩷🩷🩷 I will be answering everything in my inbox on a post after this, thank you so much for 400+ followers!!! I love you all 🤤
TAGLIST: @toxicramune @oh-my-beel @nymphsdomain @morinuu @sweetcoorpse @asqmi @xavlyzn @strxxberries @justcallmesakira – Comment 🪩 to be on my taglist !
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I. Friends . . . ?
You don’t exactly know when this ‘friendship’ came to be, but here you were, swinging your feet while sitting on the table he was working at. He seemed so focused on the documents. What you didn’t know was, he would take small glances at you every chance he could.
He’d look at you out of the corner of his eyes, he could see your smile, the way your legs swung, and he could hear your quiet humming to a familiar soothing tune. For a guy who claimed to be from a family of great exorcists, he had a hard time even beginning to imagine exorcising you.
“Teru-kun..” You softly called out. “What?” He spoke a bit harshly, he didn’t even bother looking at you. Teru had to act nonchalant and a bit cruel, he didn’t want you to think that he had a soft spot for you that grew over the course of a few years.
“Do you remember when we first met?” You giggled softly as you spoke. Vague, yet meaningful questions, those were the ones that you’d always ask him randomly. And you’d deliver it with that cute smile of yours, god.. how he hated it.
“Yes, why?” He replied, still not turning to face you. “Why didn’t you exorcise me then?” That question made the blood rush to his face, which in turn, made you laugh. “Teruuu!! You’re all red!”
“Shut up.” He huffed as he continued reviewing the documents. The grumpy student council president really didn’t want to show you that he had grown fond of you, but you knew deep down that he had a weak spot and that you were the one poking at it.
. . .
After he finished reviewing and correcting the documents, he cleaned and packed up. He walked towards the door, but just as he was about to exit, he looked back. “Do you.. want to walk with me to the gates?” He asked you.
“Yes please!” You replied cheerfully.
Teru knew that you couldn’t leave the school, you were bound to it for some reason. He’s asked you multiple times, but every time you’d shut it down. No matter how much he revamped the question, you just wouldn’t answer.
. . .
The two of you walked toward the school’s gates. As you got to the edge, he awkwardly smiled and looked back. He stood beyond the gates, and you stood inside. You faced each other as the wind blew gently. “See you tomorrow?”
“See you tomorrow Teru-Kun.” You smiled softly. As he turned away to walk home, you tried to reach out for him to no avail. You couldn’t leave the school, this is your home, your place, where you were . . .
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II. Bound . . .
TW: Murder
The year was 1972, you were 17 years old, top of your class, and student council president at Kamome High School. Of course you were aware of the apparitions that roamed the corners of the school, you weren’t stupid after all, but you also weren’t heartless. You refused or shunned any act of exorcism until an apparition openly harms someone.
You would often help out students who had problems with the apparitions that strode along the halls of the school. They were successfully encouraged to be kinder, and open their eyes to the supernatural’s presence. Apparitions weren’t something to be afraid of, for the most part, they did no harm. Co-existence was practicable.
Students and apparitions walked the halls freely. It was a peaceful time in Kamome High. Everyone knew you and had grown fond of you, their smart, kind, and thoughtful council president. All but one person was happy with everything—the secretary.
“I’m tired of this.” The secretary angrily declared as she stood up from her seat and banged her palms on the table. She had called a private meeting in the council’s room, just the two of you, which you happily agreed to.
You kept a worried expression on your face, standing at the end of the table with your hands behind you. “Tired of what?” You asked softly and politely. “I’m tired of following you around!!” She yelled. “Be friends with the apparitions?! You just want everyone to think that you’re this good girl!!” She then pulled out a knife from under the table and looked at you with a horrible amount of blood lust.
She ran straight towards you with the knife securely in her hands as she cursed “If you love this school and apparitions so much then die here and become one!!!” You tried to stop her by holding her wrist, but she twisted her arm and that gave her access to stabbing you in the stomach multiple times. That was it.. you were meant to lead a great life. You had everything, now you had nothing.. you couldn’t even see the people you loved one last time.
After that day, rumors had spread that it was an apparition that killed you. It hurt you deeply, and so you decided to hide in a closet in the student council room, sleeping for decades. Maybe that’s how it was supposed to go, maybe you were meant to die to be able to meet . . .
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III. Minamoto Teru . . .
2011, 39 years after your murder, Minamoto Teru was roaming around the school. The Minamoto clan was well renowned for exorcism, which earned them a high status among those who believed in the apparitions, and so, he was permitted by the school’s head to be inside the campus before the school year had started.
He could sense an apparition in the room beside him. Teru immediately entered, ready to exorcise, but he saw nothing. He began searching around the room, after a while, he decided to open a large closet. Your eyes widened as you came face to face with him.
Teru was stunned as he saw you. He had never seen an apparition that only seemed a few years older than him. “Y– you’re a child..” He spoke softly.
Despite claiming to hate supernaturals, he just couldn’t wrap his head around exorcising you. “If you’re going to exorcise me, please do it quickly..” You spoke softly. Your words made him freeze, you sounded so sad.
“I’m not going to exorcise you.” He scoffed. Teru tried to put on a brave face, no one can see him go soft. He may have been handsome and charming, but he sure wasn’t vulnerable. “I’ll let you stay but you have to do things for me, got that?” You just nodded in response.
After that day, the two of you were inseparable in school. You made sure no one else saw you but him, only Teru had that privilege.
You would always do what he asked, but most of the time, you were cheeky with his requests. The both of you grew fond of each other. Sometimes, he’d be sweet. Teru would stay in school late most days just to spend more time with you, he’d tell his friends he just has to fix some documents, look for a book in the library, or any other excuse.
. . .
There were times where you’d catch him with other girls, mainly trying to boost the positive feedback on his persona. People loved that he was smart, charming, helpful, handsome, and kind, he was the whole package!
He’d never admit it but he’d rather spend all that time with you, just you and him. He wanted to be able to bring you to his favorite places, but he doubts that he’d ever be able to do that.
. . .
Decades after the start of your slumber, it was Minamoto Teru that woke you up. He hated having to leave you in school every night, he wishes he could break the . . .
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IV. Curse . . .
Now back to the present, 2014, although Teru wasn’t aware of the ‘curse’ you had, he knew that there was something that was preventing you from leaving the school, a boundary or a curtain perhaps..
This day was no different than any other since he met you. He saw you the moment he saw the school, you were standing after the gate with a huge grin on your face. “Good morning Teru-kun!” You greeted politely as he walked in with his brother.
He smiled softly at your greeting, you were just so.. cute!! Sometimes, he couldn’t help but smile a bit at your words, your tone, your smile, just.. everything about you made him happy too. He patted your head and greeted you back “Good morning..”
You can’t even call her a cute name? God Teru! You’re such a coward!!
Those were the thoughts that ran through his brain. He desperately wanted to be more open, yet he also wanted to act strong. His iron mask shall never falter, not even for you. But then, you gave him a soft kiss on the cheek, as a good morning maybe??? So he could change... just a bit for you.
He blushed profusely and looked at you as his brother was walking away, he was glad that Kou didn’t see what you had done. “W— what..?” You just smiled as he turned into a blushing mess.
. . .
During his lunch break, he sat with you in a locked area in the school. Of course he had the key to it, he was the student council president after all! He couldn’t take his mind off the fact that you weren’t able to leave the school, he also knew so little about you, but you probably knew so much about him. It always shocked him how much you really knew.
“Teru-kun.. are you okay?” You questioned, snapping him out of his thoughts. “Yeah.. yes! I’m okay..” He replied. “You seem to have something on your mind..” You spoke softly. Was she worried? I’m so excited.. she’s so cute! What??? Shut up. I’m rambling.. talk to her before she gets suspicious!!!!
“I know you don’t like to talk about it… but.. how did you become an apparition? W— why can’t you leave the school?” He stammered a bit. Please.. tell me the truth..
You sighed and finally decided to tell him what had happened, and the exact words the secretary said before you died. He looked at you, his expression had a mix of shock and worry. You made it so hard to be nonchalant and a bit cruel.
He got closer beside you and wrapped an arm around your waist, hugging you closely to his side without uttering a word. You found his gesture to be sweet even if he didn’t say a thing, you knew that it was already a big thing for him to give you physical affection.
You leaned your head on his shoulder in an intimate yet chaste display of affection. I just wish I could break the curse.. he thought to himself. Just this one thing in his life.. he just wanted this one thing to go as he wants it to.
“Do you know if you can break the curse?” He asked softly. “I don’t know.. I’ve never tried.” You spoke.
. . .
Throughout that week, the both of you tried and tried different techniques to get you out of the school. He tried pulling you out, carrying you out, rushing you out.. but nothing seemed to work. The both of you were tired.
You stood face-to-face, him being beyond the gate, looking down at you with sad eyes.
“I wish I was born the same year as you..” You mumbled as you started to cry softly. “What? Why?” He asked worriedly running up to you and hugging you. “Shh.. don’t cry..”
“Then I would still be a human.. and you wouldn’t have to stay in this school all the time..” You sobbed as he wiped your tears away with his thumbs. You hugged him back, crying, crying, and crying. He sighed and picked you up as you just kept crying. He went back to the council’s room with you in his arms.
“You’ll be leaving after your third year and I’ll.. still be here.” You mumbled as he placed you on the table, wiping your tears again. “It’s much more dangerous to be a human y’know?” He tried to soothe you stupidly.
“But.. at least I’d get to be with you.” You replied as you sniffled. He chuckled at your words and expression, trying to look unaffected. “You’re so sweet for me..”
That night, he stayed at school, it may have been unconventional, but he just couldn’t bear to leave you, it was all too much… maybe if we wait, things may . . .
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V. Change . . .
This chapter follows after Aoi’s death (Listen to Fortnight while reading this).
Something felt different today.. it felt like I was being called back to the Far Shore. I can’t go back.. not now..
You decided not to tell Teru, you didn’t want him to worry. The day went on as expected, he had his classes, he spent time with you, and now, he was about to go home. But then, you stepped past the gate “Teru..” you mumbled softly.
He was ecstatic to finally see you out the gate. “H— how..?” You finally got out.. after years he was going to be able to take you out, he could show you his favorite places, and possibly gain something more. You smiled softly and hugged him.
. . .
Every day, the call back to the Far Shore got stronger and stronger. You still haven’t told Teru. It’s been weeks since you could first go out. You stayed at his house, locked up in his room when his parents were home.
He told you that he’d take you to a garden today, one of the few things you told him about yourself is how much you missed the prefecture. Now that you could go out, he wants to show you all of it. “Let’s go?”
“Mhm!” You replied. He smiled at your sweet hum. You’ve never seen him so happy before. This was a side of him that only you saw. He could be nice and he could be mean, it depended on his mood. But he always tried to be nice to you, you were just too important to him.
. . .
You walked side by side, he had the urge to hold your hand, it was just too tempting. The both of you had been more intimate before, but it felt so different this time. “Can I.. hold your hand?” He asked you politely.
The way he looked at you, it was as if he was seeing the stars for the first time. You looked up at him and smiled softly, grabbing his hand in the process. His fingers laced with yours and he gave your hand a small squeeze. “You’re so cute..”
“T— thank you..” You spoke softly as butterflies swarmed your stomach. The both of you walked through the busy streets happily. He would squeeze your hand on occasion, he loves reminding himself that you’re holding each other’s hands.
. . .
You finally arrive at the garden, it was beautiful. The grass was green and happy, the flowers were bright and beautiful, everything was perfect. Being able to share it with Teru made it all better.
“It’s beautiful Teru-kun!!” He just stared at you as you looked in awe of everything. He loved seeing you so happy, ‘living’ your childhood, and enjoying. You kept showing him random things as he smiled at you, keeping a tight grip on your hand. “Look Teru, the pink flower is so pretty!!”
It was ironic really, you were prettier than any flower he’s ever seen. He finally stopped you and held you by the waist with one hand with his other still not letting go of yours. “I love you..” He spoke softly as he looked down at you. That was all he needed to say.
You looked up at him, dumbfounded. You love me? How could someone like you love me..? As these thoughts circled your mind, the call to go back to the Far Shore got exponentially strong. You were starting to disappear..
Teru looked at you, scared, scared that the person he had just confessed to would disappear forever. “Don’t leave me now..” He pleaded as he held you tightly. “Teru..” You spoke softly as you started to cry.
“Teru I love you..”
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amanitacurses · 1 year ago
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snow-snowball · 7 days ago
A cute moment with him?
Characters: Kou Minamoto, Hanako, Teru Minamoto.
warnings: fluff, little angst with Teru, can cause complexes 🤷🏿‍♀️
w: 1679
a/n: English is not my first language, so I apologise for my mistakes. I'd love it if you could point out my mistakes (in comments or private messages). Always happy to criticize, but not to hate. If you didn't like it, what can you do. Love to chat, so my private messages are always open. Requests accepted! Some pictures were taken from pinterest and edited by me. Dividers belongs to @cafekitsune
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Kou Minamoto:
He's naturally a shy guy, and I feel like he might be hiding his lack of confidence.
He still can’t believe you’re dating. (He hasn't held your hand once on a date; he was too embarrassed).
But to you, Kou is such a CUTIE!
He truly respects you and doesn’t want you to feel uncomfortable around him.
So, he tries to keep his affectionate instincts bottled up behind his shyness.
Every time you hug him, Kou desperately wants to pull you in tight, but he fears he might push you away. Instead, he awkwardly pats you on the shoulder. Your eyes widen. “What’s that?!”
“What do you mean, Y/N?”
“Don't play clueless!” You mimic his gesture: a light tap on his shoulder. “This is the bro zone!” Crossing your arms, you give him a stern look. “Kou, you’re sweet and all…” Instantly, his heart sinks. Are you breaking up? “But! I want you to be bold with me!”
“What?…” That’s not what he expected to hear.
“Exactly!” You take his hand and place it on your waist. Pulling him closer, you gaze into his eyes. “Right now, Kou…” brushing your fingers against his cheek, you glance away for a moment, then back to him. “Kiss me, sweet Kou…”
“Y/N...” he whispers, closing his eyes, gathering his courage, and… he kisses your cheek?! “I love you! Bye!” He quickly breaks free from your embrace and dashes off.
“W-Wait! Where are you going?!”
“My brother's calling me!”
“Really?” a thought crosses Teru's mind as he watches from around the corner, observing his brother's desperate attempts to muster some courage. Honestly, to the older Minamoto, you’re way braver than his younger brother.
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Oh my God. Him? Sweet? Girl, he’s a total perv!
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. What can you do?
At first, Hanako was totally over the top with you, sometimes even touching where he shouldn’t! But eventually, he stopped. (Thank goodness).
To him, you became this ray of light that needs protecting. He’s always around, chasing away bad spirits and even, by possessing your body, scaring away guys. (He’s jealous, girl).
Right now, you’re baking cookies using a recipe Aoi gave you. Singing a quirky little tune, you're rolling out the dough, moving in sync with the melody.
Hanako was behind you, intently watching your every move. The moment you turn around and see him, you scream in fright, “Aaaah! A ghost! Begone, foul spirit!”
“Hey! It’s me!” he yells, dodging your playful punches. Grabbing your hands, he bends down to your level. “Ha-na-ko. That’s me!” he says, syllable by syllable as if you were a five-year-old.
You sigh, apologize, and continue baking. Now, Hanako isn’t hiding; he’s right in the way. “Get your hands off the frosting!” You swat his hand, then pop the cookies in the oven.
After a while, you pull out a batch of mouthwatering cookies. “Beautiful! Hanako, want to try one?”
“Sure.” He grabs a heart-shaped cookie, taking a bite. Oh my… THIS IS DELICIOUS! He reaches for another, and another. While he devours your treats, you can’t help but laugh at the crumbs all over him. He looks so funny. “What’s so funny?” the ghost asks, confused.
“Oh, nothing…” You grab a napkin and approach him. “You’re just so cute,” you say, wiping his cheek. His ears instantly turn red, and his pupils widen.
“What… WHAT?!” He recoils and floats up to collect himself. “Ah~ I get it!” the ghost says, coming down to you again. “You’re trying to seduce me? Yeah?~” He tilts his head, crossing his arms, and gets a slap.
“Hanako, you fool!” you shout, running out of the classroom.
“I messed up again…” the ghost whispers. “But at least I get to eat cookies!” He perks up immediately and dives back into the leftover goodies.
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Teru Minamoto:
Ugh, he’s just stunning. That’s what every girl says (and not just the girls). Honestly, he’s so tired of these pesky fans, but he has to keep it together to maintain his cool facade.
You loved him. You really did, even though he can be harsh—especially towards the spirits.
You both are exorcists, tasked with ridding the world of evil. But it’s tough for you with such a soft and sensitive heart. It hurts when you have to send someone away, and it’s even worse when the person you love is yelling at you. “Y/N! What the hell are you dawdling for? Exorcise it, you fool!” shouts Minamoto, dodging another ghost’s attack.
The mission was a bust. Since then, Teru has stopped talking to you. He doesn’t even look your way. You couldn’t kill the spirit, and now both of you are injured.
“Hey, Y/N, are you free this weekend?” Lemon asked, catching you off guard while you were reading.
“Uh, yeah…”
“Awesome! Let’s hit the movies then?” He winked at you, offering tickets. “I’ll understand if you say no…” he added, turning away slightly to hide his blush.
“I’m in!” you responded too loudly. All eyes turned to you two; gossip would definitely spread through school.
Teru was walking down the nearly empty hallway, exchanging greetings and receiving compliments. But then he overheard two girls talking about you. “Can you believe it? She said yes!”
“No way! But I thought she liked Teru!”
“I don’t know, but that’s one less rival. Plus, she’s cuter with him than with Teru.”
“Who?” Teru suddenly interjected, approaching them.
“Ah! Minamoto-kun!”
“So, who’s looking good with whom?” he smiled nervously, trying to mask his growing anger.
“Well, Lemon invited Y/N to the movies…”
“And she said yes?” Teru clenched his teeth. The girls nodded and dashed away when the bell rang. Alone in the hallway, Teru punched the wall, leaving cracks and some blood from his knuckles. “Wow, little exorcist, look what you’re doing to me…” he muttered, glancing at the wall.
He waited for you at the gate, the rain pouring down like crazy. The exorcist had forgotten his umbrella at home. His younger brother would definitely lecture him later. To be honest, Teru didn’t know what to say. He had scolded you, ignored you, and now… what?
“T-Teru-san? Why are you standing here? You’ll get soaked,” your soft voice broke his thoughts. He hadn’t noticed you approach and looked up sharply, causing you to flinch. You stepped back, hiding your face under the umbrella. You regretted speaking up; he’d just scold you again.
“Don’t go on a date with Lemon.” You didn’t see that coming. He stepped in closer. You could see his shoes under the umbrella. Teru grabbed the umbrella’s wire and pulled it up, getting close enough to see the smoothness of his skin. “I… I’m sorry. Sorry I hurt you, but… Y/N, please don’t go… don’t go anywhere with Lemon or any other guys…”
“Teru… why? Why are you saying this? It’s just a friendly movie outing.” Your naive charm made him smile without realizing it.
“Just friendly, huh? Then I’m coming with you!” His expression brightened.
“Well, it’s friendly, right?” You nodded. “Great! Let’s go together then.” Minamoto gently took your hand, his thumb grazing your soft skin.
“Y/N, I get it, but why’d you bring him along?” Lemon asked as Teru squeezed in next to you, sitting between you and the guy. “Hey, don’t shove, Minamoto-san.”
It turned out that Lemon decided to take you to a horror movie, thinking you’d find it thrilling. Not because he wanted you to get scared and cling to him—no. He noticed you’ve been off lately and figured this would lift your spirits. But Lemon definitely wasn’t expecting to see Teru tagging along. Not at all. It's not that he dislikes Minamoto; they just don't really talk, and Lemon feels a bit awkward around people he doesn’t know well.
You’re smiling now, though, as Teru whispers comments about the film. If you’re happy, then Lemon can deal with having Teru around. In fact, Lemon had already seen this flick, so it quickly bored him, and he dozed off.
“Minamoto-kun, be honest… why did you decide to come with me? I thought you weren’t into my company.”
“I don’t really know… and about what happened a couple of days ago…” he replied after a long pause. “I didn’t mean to upset you. You were just being reckless, and you could’ve gotten hurt. I don’t get why you show sympathy to those who can’t be brought back to life—those who kill for kicks.” Teru looked deep into your eyes. “You’re a puzzle to me, and it drives me nuts.” He sighed and tiredly closed his eyes. Right now, he hated himself; he loathed the contradictions swirling in his mind, even as he thought and spoke this way. He likes you, yet your mindset frustrates him.
“That’s... sweet.”
“Did you hear what I said? What’s sweet about it?” Teru was surprised, thinking his words sounded offensive again.
“It’s sweet that you’re trying to open up your feelings without quite figuring things out.” You smiled softly at him, and his heart raced so loud it felt like the other moviegoers must’ve heard it. “It’s nice that you trust me. But let’s talk about this after the movie—I’m sure we have a lot to discuss.” You redirected your gaze to the screen and rested your hands on the armrests. The screen's light illuminated your face, and at that moment, you appeared exceptionally beautiful to Teru. Without thinking, his hand found yours, gently squeezing it. Swallowing the lump in his throat, he turned to the uninteresting film. Feeling his shiver, you rested your head on his shoulder. It genuinely calmed Teru. At that moment, nothing else mattered: not the people, the spirits, or the rain outside. It was just the two of you. (And Lemon, who’d started snoring loudly, inevitably getting all three of you kicked out of the theater.)
Sometimes, Teru acted like a complete idiot, but for you, he was ready to change, to embrace his feelings, and to become a better person.
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© 2025 do reblog, but don’t copy or publish my work on other platforms, or translate (without my permission) into other languages. @snow-snowball
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majeoeje · 1 year ago
Not a second with you is ever a waste
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Teru Minamoto x reader
I would gladly face any conseqences just to have your lips on mine a little longer
"I would say you're that you’re not much better seeing your eyebags right now"
He pointed, ironically being the one laying in the school's infirmary
"Ugh,look at yours!"
You shoved him your pocket mirror close enough so that he can take a good look at his face, it took him a few seconds to realize what you meant.
Staying up late was akin to the one and only Teru Minamoto, being a trained exorcist and all. But these past few weeks had been swarming him with task of bothersome spirits, you wondered how he hasn't collapsed yet.
Until he did
You saw how he slumped while holding documents for the student council, immedietly helping him, thinking nothing of it. Though, too occupied with your few exchange jokes you didn't notice how unstable the steps that he continued to take before you heard a loud thud alongside with papers and documents scattered to the floor
"You were heavy."
You rolled your eye at him. Teru know you could never be mad at him though in that moment he really can't help but look away, defeated filled with guilt.
"Sorry.. i didn't mean to burden you like that" at first it would sound like an excessive apology for such a simple thing that you were clearly just joking about, but you knew what he meant as he stared intently at your eyebags that mirrors his.
“Don’t mention it.” You said
As you layed your upper body on thighs, avoiding his gaze, perhaps a part of you was embarassed. If it weren’t for his condition right now, he would be elated.
"You've been a great help to me these past months, i shouldn't had dropped my assignment last minute to you like that" he confessed, playing with the strands of your hair.
The anxious Teru, the clingy Teru, the cold Teru, the touchy Teru. You were always surprised with every layer of personality that he shows you, a side that would made you grew jealous if he were to show to anybody else. Yet you can't help to miss every part of him when you are seperated
And to think that you once thought of him as one dimensional.
"I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you, and i'll make sure it won't happen again"
Oh he was really serious now? You couldn't help but smile, a mischevious grin laces your lips. How could you turn down such an offer?
"Oh really?" he knows you're messing with him but hey, is it really a bad thing wanting to see you happy even for the sake of his inconvinience
"Yes!" He said eagerly holding your hand
"How about...." you started to think about how could you possibly use this opportunity to the fullest. "You cover me whenever i skip school this whole month? Yeah that sounds good"
The fact that you're asking the student council president for this is crazy really, the horors he would face if people were to find out surely wasn’t something he’s looking forward to
"That's a bit.." he stopped, a facade of his princely attitude seems to glimmer through before he shook his head
He sighed away his discomfort and looked you in the eyes “alright, but just know i’m not joining you anytime soon”
You giggled, an awfully lovely sound that could shift Teru’s moral compass anytime. Sometimes it feels like he’d do anything for the sound of it.
"I was just joking teru" you weren't. " but need i remind you that you did skipped class once you knoww..." you poked his cheek playfully
He was reminded to a fateful day before summer break where he gave into his impulsive thoughts and decided to follow a dumbass to their shenanigans up the rooftop.
"H-hey- i thought we agreed to not bring up that ever again" he grab a hold of your wrist pulling you ever so closely, he couldn't contain his reddening cheeks as he smiled remembering that day.
"The school prince skipped school to make out with someone!?? Gahhh! Such scandal!" Such a scandal it would make indeed if people were to find out his secret heated make out session.
News flash : It was you
"Like you weren’t the one practically BEGGING for me to kiss you” he said, eyeing your lips with a glare that could sent blood rushing to your face anytime of the day
“I don’t recall such blasphemous memories, princess" you crossed your hands, failing to look to away to hide the growing smile on your lips
"You wanna kiss me so bad it’s messing with your head"
"Your majesty, your lowly servant greatly thinks it's the other way around"
you grinned seeing how he eyed your lips with no shame whatsoever this time.
"Hmm..." he seems to think for a second "maybe" before you felt him inching closer, wasting no time.
All you could feel was a pair of lips on your own, a pair of rough hands cupping your face, messing with your hair. The cheap white sheets of the infirmary ruffled to a mess and the smell of sanitizer became amiss as you kissed him back tasting a faint sweet vanilla on his lips.
"Hm.. you used the lip balm i got for you? How sweet" you squished his cheeks with your thumb and index finger making him duck his lips slightly, eyeing the glistened on his lips that you failed to notice until it collided to yours.
"Me or the lip balm?"
He chuckled, he smiled. a smile that never fails to make you grow weak in the knees as he stayed there not shying away from your touch
"Good question...maybe i need to check one more time"
Real smooth
You kissed him first this time, your hands dangled from his shoulder, pulling him close. You could feel how his lips curled into a smile when you did so.
During moments like this you wondered how the heartthrob of kamome gakuen that acted so heartlessly(ironically) to you when you first met came to be this way in your arms.
Moments passed as if it were mere when seconds kissing you. He was greedy. Everytime you gasped and breathed for air he wished to kiss you twice as long.
The disappointment in his eyes was evident when you finally pulled away
Though he stopped as the thoughts that swirled his head from moments before seem to not linger back.
"Is it really alright though...you know...the homework?" he rest his forehead on yours lazily
"Darling, you did mine that one time too remember? I'm just repaying your kindness" you sighed, you don’t understand how he could become so self conscious in every favor you offered.
"But it's different.." he said, disappointedly
"You know you shouldn't feel this way… You mean a lot to me. I hope there comes a day where you can realize that you can fully rely on me without feeling guilty"
The pause that linger in the air seem to grow heavy in each moment, a moment that made you realize how fragile he was.
He doesn't know how to respond to that, at least...not yet
"How about you take me on a date to make it up for me"
Hearing that he perked up, giving a gentle smile, a smile one like when you first met him. It covered a lot of secrets
They say human's greatest fear are of the unknown. This smile represent just that. The swirling feeling of uneasiness knowing he has secrets he need to hide from you. yet it continues to enchant you nonetheless
"I'll pick you up at 6"
"Sounds good to me"
(Idk what has gotten into me but my teru phase is coming back fr. Also just short fluff, everyday scenarios🫡🫡)
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jesters-constantly-writing · 5 months ago
First of all, your page/ aesthetic is so cute!!! Also TBHK writer spotted :0!!!
I'm a sucker for tbhk 😞🫶
So could I please request Teru Minamoto with an s/o who likes making things and gifting them to him? Like you know, those people with ten bazillion hobbies? Maybe they knit/crochet him a muffler or bake him cookies or sculpt him something from clay or make him a paper bouquet or make them matching stuff, etc!!
I'd really appreciate it if you could write for me! I really, really like Teru's character-
But it's okayy if you reject my request!🫶🫶
Thank you for your time!! Hope your blog grows rapidly 💌!
CW: None
Genre: Pure FLUFF
Teru Minamoto—one of the most popular guys in school—gets gifts all the time. Not a big deal, right? He never seemed to mind much. Not until you came along <3
This is GN!Reader btw, hope ya don’t mind :3
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“Wow…. Yet another gift? You sure you aren’t getting tired of them?” A peer of Teru’s questioned as he stared at the gift bag that was left on his desk. He stared back at them and smiled.
“Jealous, are we?” He asked with a smile. Currently, he was sporting a necklace made by his partner. His partner was notorious for gifting him many things. Why in the bag, there was fresh cookies, a knitted sweater, a clay painted heart, and a scrapbook. His partner, you, gave him so many things… they all laid carefully in his room. To be admired. To be worn. To be cherished.
“No I’m just…. How do you own so much stuff? Like…. Are you able to keep every single thing?!”
“Well of course I am. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn’t?” Teru smiled and picked up the bag and looked at the peer in question, “Now if you’ll excuse me…” He went off, to find his partner.
He made his way outside, a plethora of people talking as they looked at him and his bag, while he did so. He found you standing outside, trying to attempt to hide something as best as you could. He watched and smiled, walking closer. He was almost like a cat with the way he walked. Quietly, carefully…. Almost like he was meaning to scare you.
Teru put a gentle hand on your shoulder, making you jump slightly as you turned your head back to look at him. “Well hello there, darling.”
“Teru! Hi!” You smiled as you turned around, still keeping something hidden behind your back. Teru tried to look over to try and see what it is, but you made sure it was hidden nice and well.
“Darling? What are you hiding?”
“You’ll see in a moment! Tell me what you thought of your surprise!” You smiled as you walked closer to him, slightly elevating yourself to be closer to his lips. He smiled and kissed your head gently.
“They were all very thoughtful, like always, darling.” Teru smiled and ran a hand through your hair with his free hand, “Thank you, Y/N. I appreciate it every time…”
“Welllllllllllll….” You smiled as you pulled out what was behind your back. A stitched teddy bear….. you could tell it was home made based on the stitching job. Some of the threads were still hanging off—not yet cut off and the right eye wasn’t sewed perfectly on.
Teru stared for a moment, marveling in the work and craftsmanship of the bear. He smiled and looked at you, watching as you messed with your necklace. “You made this?”
“You know it! Finished it in class!” You smiled and hugged onto his arm. “You think it looks good? I couldn’t tell because it was my first time ever but I really wanted to go all out for you…”
“Oh darling…. It’s perfect.” Teru kissed your head and smiled at you with a soft sigh, “It’s perfect….. like everything you have for me….”
“Yay!! I’m glad!!” You exclaim with excitement, looking at him with the brightest smile ever. That smile. That’s why he loved everything you made him. Sure, it was nice to know he was cared for because of these gifts…. But it was also because it made you so happy. And it made him happy to know that you spent all this time and dedication on something you loved to do.
After a moment, you both began to walk home. He dropped you off at your home, walking home himself after. He made it to his house, greeting his younger brother and sister as he walked to his room to unwind.
Upon entering his room, one would see many gifts scattered around. On his desk you could see every claw creation, every matching necklace and bracelet, and paper flower bouquets you’ve ever made for him, on his walls every hand drawn card you’d ever handed him, a corner of his room filled with old cookie tins that used to be filled with the delicious treats you’d given him, and on a hook on the back of his door with every knitted scarf you’ve ever made him. He had everything. Every. Single. Thing.
He gently placed down the bear on his bed, placing the bag down and rummaging through it quietly to find where each part went. Up went another hand made card on the wall, down went another clay creation and freshly baked goods on his desk. Up went the knitted sweater on the book, down went the scrapbook onto his bed next to the bear.
He glanced around the room and smiled, sitting down. He messed with his necklace for a moment before grabbing the scrapbook, leisurely skimming through the book as he hummed a gentle tune to himself. The pictures you had managed to capture of you and him were cute. Just a compilation of your dates and study halls together. But it was still so damn sweet and he loved it so much.
He laid down on his bed for a moment, hugging onto the bear as he looked up to see the string of pictures of you and him on his ceiling. He smiled and took a deep breath, getting up again to place the scrapbook on his desk.
He was starting to lose room in his room, but he didn’t care. He didn’t care one bit. He loved every gift you ever made him and he refused to throw them away. He refused to ever put them away so the world couldn’t see them.
That would just be disrespectful to his darling, wouldn’t it?
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maidaintyfree · 6 months ago
pls ask for more requests!!
check my first post for things you can request and and the fandoms i'll write for
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nian-7 · 1 year ago
Hi! Could I request some headcanons on how Tsuchigomori reacts to his s/o who is very touch deprived? Thank you in advance and sorry if this is a topic you find uncomfortable^^"
doesn't make me uncomfortable at all, anon! i love tsuchigomori so i'd love to write him!!
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Tsuchigomori x gn!reader
✧touch starved s/o
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-Tsuchigomori isn't a very physically affectionate person in general so it's hard to get much of it out of him in the first place. He enjoys being around you but, he would rather show his love in other ways.
-It's mostly up to you to initiate a lot of physical contact with him but he'll accept it usually. Whether you randomly hug him or go to cuddle up to him while he reads a book, it doesn't matter because he'll wrap his arm around you in return.
-He doesn't like to admit it but he is a softie for those he cares about and loves so he will show that soft side and get a little more affectionate than he usually is.
-Most times, he lets down that hard outer shell and lets his softer side come out when he's tired. He'll pull your head closer and kiss your head as a silent good night or pull you into a spooning position.
-In all honesty, he's not really sure how to deal with a touch starved s/o so he keeps doing what he does normally. Letting his soft side come out when he's tired to give you the physical touch you crave from him and the occasional random kiss on your cheek when you come cuddle up to him when he's reading a book.
-Some other physical touches he'll usually use instead of affections are things like patting your head where if he's taller than you then it's an easy way for him to sort of reassure you even when he's not a big fan of pda.
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please do not repost any of my work without my permission, thank you for reading.
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lovelylolitaas · 2 months ago
Table of Contents . . . 🌷
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{1} - How We Play . . {🌷☁️}
{2} - How we Play . . { 🌷☁️}
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What is this about? It’s basically my tbhk oc x canon character in the au known as the cat inn. Many stuff I do in there might not be canon to the actually au. Some characters may also be ooc. If you dislike oc x canon pls dni :)
(Better description coming once I fully finish book)
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pixelscutz · 6 months ago
being eaten out my him ❦ !
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You moan quietly as he sinks his hands into the flesh of your ass, his other hand cupping your face as he leaves small kisses all around your body, claiming you as his. He moves slowly down to your thighs, as he tugs off your pants, leaving him to reveal your wet panties. “You ready?” He whispers under your breath. You nod as he slips his shirt over his head, leaving him nude.
He leans in slowly, kissing the inside of your thigh, you can practically feel him teasing you. You let out a small whimper and right as you are about to tell him to hurry up, he brings his tongue between your folds, thrashing at your clit. A harsh moans echos through you, as you sink you hands into his hair. Butterflies are going through your stomach at 100 miles per hour, as your desperate he enters his tongue into you. He uses his hands to spread apart your legs even futur before he swiftly inserts two fingers into you, it’s game over. “Fuck..” You whisper, shutting your eyes as he increases his pace while licking all over you.
“I.. I’m.. going to come..” you whimper, before you feel yourself spasms all over his face, screaming. You tighten your grip on his hair as your legs jolt. He removes his fingers from you and brings them to his mouth, sucking them gently.
use whatever charcter for this scenario !
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