#refrigerator deodorizer
usproducttrader348 · 5 months
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Highly Effective Refrigerator Deodorizer Review: Say Goodbye to Fridge Odors!
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Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
As a diligent homemaker, I’m always on the lookout for products that simplify my kitchen maintenance routine. The Refrigerator Deodorizer has been a game-changer in my household, effortlessly tackling stubborn odors and keeping my fridge smelling fresh for up to 10 years!
Firstly, let’s talk about effectiveness. This little powerhouse of a deodorizer lives up to its promises. No more unpleasant smells lingering in my refrigerator! Whether it’s the remnants of last night’s seafood dinner or the forgotten leftovers, this deodorizer swiftly eliminates odors, leaving behind a clean and refreshing scent.
What sets this deodorizer apart from other solutions like baking soda and bamboo air purifying bags is its longevity. With a lifespan of 10 years, it offers unmatched value for money. Gone are the days of constantly replacing deodorizing agents or worrying about their effectiveness wearing off.
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curatos-ph · 9 months
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Can someone please tell me how I manage to lose all of my shit. I haven't seen my glasses in weeks. Today I walked in the door with a stick of deodorant, and five minutes later I can't find it. I live in a very small apartment. There's not a lot of space for things to hide. So where. The fuck. Does it all go.
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astroboots · 1 year
Omg please continue with the Miguel fang prompt!!! It’s too cruel to stop there!!!!!
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Summary: Miguel and you plays hide and seek.
Pairing: Miguel O'Hara x reader
Word Count: 1.6k
Content: Hunter predator kink (I think that's what we're calling it?) anyway explicit. Miguel is a bit rough.
Astroboot’s Masterlist | Spiderverse Masterlist
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It's all too easy to get lost in the crowd in a city as crowded as New York. You slip in among a throng of tourist standing around like a flock of pecking hens, their faces dipped down at their phones, huddled over google maps as they try to figure out how to get to Broadway as if it's not within goddamn walking distance, right down the street.
In a nervous habit, you fiddle with the watch on your wrist. Your eyes flick over the bright light that tells you it's 11:28pm.
Which means, there's still 32 minutes left.
God this is the slowest hour you've ever lived through in your life.
You squeeze yourself in the back, behind a woman with a large hat and larger sunglasses, even though it's evening and the sky is near black. The only things left illuminating the sky now is glaring shop signs, aggressive LED lights, and the mega-spectacular ads display that is brighter than the goddamn sun.
Peering over the madness of the crowd, you try to spot the familiar sight of his all too recognizable build looming over everyone else.
But there's nothing.
He's not here. You let out a long held in breath, your chest sagging with relief. Of course he wouldn't be here.
Times Square has over 300,000 visitors passing through every day. 300,000 sweaty, exhausted individuals drenched in perfume and deodorant that would make it impossible to pick up your scent. Thousands of people speaking all at once, over the angry noise of honking traffic that would make it impossible, even for him, to pick up the sound of your distinct footfall.
No, He won't be able to catch you here. That's why you came here after all.
You glance down at your watch again. 11:31.
Shit! How has only three minutes gone by?
Shaking your head, you look up at the sea of people.
You'd better get moving. Even in a crowd, if you stay still for too long, it won't be safe.
Walking briskly down the wide street, it's a struggle to squeeze through the ever moving crowd as the glaring lights change from makeup ads to theater marquees. You're peering over your shoulder with every three steps you take, constantly expecting the familiar sight of his messy curls to peek out a foot above the crowd.
He's so damn tall there's no fucking way you'll miss him if he's found you. You'll get plenty of advance warning, you reassure yourself as you continue to move forward.
Your eyes settle over your watch again.
11:46. Fuck you sideways.
You know you shouldn't keep checking it every two seconds like this, because all it serves to do, is to ratchet up your blood pressure so high you're going to need to start taking medication for it.
How is time moving so slow. You shake your head in exasperation, and for a fraction of a second you swear you see it.
A flash of unmissable dark navy glowing with red.
You freeze. Your back feels like ice, cold damp sweat breaking out along your spine. You snap your eyes back but there's nothing there now. Nothing but an anonymous crowd.
What the-- How could he have just disappeared into thin air?
He's 6 feet and fucking 9 inches. Taller than your refrigerator back in your tiny studio apartment. The top of his head beats out your fucking Christmas tree. If he was here, he'd be impossible to miss. You don't fucking miss a giraffe when you visit the Brooklyn Zoo, so why are you having such a fucking hard time spotting him? How the fuck does he move so inconspicuously?
Was it just your imagination?
You glance at your watch: 11:46. Gotta be kidding. Is time standing still now? Has it just decided to stop moving altogether?
You force yourself to step forward and ignore how your knees seems to cave at your own weight as you sink into the pavement with every step.
In the corner of your eyes you spot him. Clearly this time. Real. Not a figment of your imagination. He's only a few steps away from you. The familiar pair of glowing scarlet eyes fixed on you.
Oh fuck, shit. Shit! Your heart races at the sight, beating so hard you think you feel it in your lungs. You're already sprinting in the opposite direction without thought and the only thing guiding you is the pure impulse to escape.
You push through the crowd, sprinting forward without taking in your surroundings. All you care about is to get away as your gaze is fixed on your watch.
11:52. Eight more minutes. You just need to stay away for eight more minutes.
You keep running as the crowd seems to thin, and the colorful lights and noise of traffic fades away. Then you finally stop, catching your breath to look up at your surroundings.
It's empty and void of people. A large empty van is blocking the narrow alley from view of the main street, and there's an unlocked gate that you've come through.
On the other side from where you've come from there's a tall bricked up wall as far as the eye can see-- a dead end.
How the fuck did you manage to find the only deserted dead end alleyway in central New York?
Shit you need to get out of here, you won't be able to run away if you're trapped here.
You glance one more time at your watch.
11:57. Three minutes. 180 seconds. It's all you need and then you'll win.
You turn your heel back towards the gate. But it's too late.
The dim light of the alley is eaten up by a large and imposing shadow.
He's already here.
The familiar navy blue and the menacing red sprawled across his chest fills your vision, blocking your only path to escape. All you see is red eyes glowing so bright it lights up the dark alley with it.
"Time's up," he says, mouth curled into a mocking smile so wide that you can see his fangs peek out from his upper lip.
That's when you realize you are well and fully trapped like the helpless prey you are in his spider's web. You're right where he wants you.
God you're so damn stupid. You were safe in the crowd. But one sight of him had you spooked and running into the only alley to be found in all of New York.
He'd planned this all along. The bastard's must've been the one who opened the gate. And you had ran in here like some scared witless rabbit straight into his trap.
You could try to escape him. Some vain, silly leftover pride in you, is adamant that you still have at least two whole minutes to get away.
He steps closer, and you can't help but instinctively step back as he does.
You know it's a game. Know that he would never hurt you, but that hungry and predatory red glow in his eyes has fear spiking along your spine all the same.
"Miguel, wai--"
The rest of your futile plea dies in your throat. His broad palm covers your mouth and jaw, and even your startled squeak is muffled into silence as he presses you up against the wall.
You whimper into his hand, but he doesn't relent. Doesn't ease up, even as he leans down and hushes you. Despite the soothing tone he uses with you, it isn't comforting at all. It drips with condescension as he press his lips to your bare throat.
"I'm gonna take my prize now, nena," he murmurs into your skin and because your brain is broken, with no sense for survival instincts, every part of you tingles at the amused threat in his voice.
"You promised remembered?" he reminds you.
And of course you do. It's hard not to, when the bastard's got you pinned against a brick wall in an abandoned alley like something out of a horror movie.
Fuck. He's taken this way too seriously. You don't know why you had suggested the world's dumbest hide and seek with this competitive and unreasonable man.
He presses you into the hard brick behind you, like there's anywhere left for you to go. And you can feel it. The proof of his excitement pressing up against your stomach, pinning you against the wall. He's hard.
Any residual resentment at your loss gives way for excitement when you feel his cock twitch and jerk against you.
The edge of his teeth rests on your bare shoulder as goosebumps breaks across your skin, and you feel dizzy. Anticipation swirls in your stomach with an intoxicating warmth.
You can't fucking breathe.
His hand snakes up your dress, wedging your panties to the side, until you can hear the fabric rip and tear. Shit, you're going to kill him for that.
The thick head of his cock presses in and stretches you open, as he forces his way inside of you, in time with his sharp and whetted fangs sinking into your flesh. Electricity pings across your nerves, sweet and euphoric and you feel drunk with it.
He's filling you, inch by hard and relentless inch, until you swear you can feel him lodged in your stomach. You feel so fucking full. Full of Miguel until nothing else fits anymore, but he doesn't stop.
His cock nudges along an impossibly deep spot inside you that has you losing orientation and makes the space around you spin, and he's still not fully inside.
White blinding pleasure streaks through your every nerve and crowds your vision, as he sinks you down further on him, until your vision goes blank. He's so fucking big. Always is no matter how many times you take him like this.
Pleasure pool with heat in your stomach as he holds you in place, impaled on the thickness of him.
Your limbs go boneless, unable to hold up your own weight, and for a moment you're not sure if that's the venom released to your bloodstream or just the effect he has on you. You only remain upright because he's propping you up with his body.
His mouth skims along your throat, dragging his teeth up until his fangs tease along the shell of your ear, with the threat of sharpness. The edge of them barely graze your skin, completely unlike the feral impatience he'd sunk into you with, as he whispers into your ear.
"Found you, nena."
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Dedication and credits: This piece is dedicated to @foxilayde for her utterly deranged (and amazing) post that had me SALIVATING. Thank you for putting this brainworm into my head. I am shooketh.
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theambitiouswoman · 1 year
Hygiene tips
Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially before eating, after using the restroom, after coughing or sneezing, and after touching public surfaces.
Carry a hand sanitizer with you. Make sure the sanitizer contains at least 60% alcohol and rub it over your hands until dry.
When coughing or sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your elbow to prevent the spread of germs. Dispose of used tissues immediately.
Refrain from touching your eyes, nose, and mouth as much as possible, as these are entry points for germs into your body.
Take showers or baths regularly to keep your body clean and fresh. Use soap and water to thoroughly cleanse your body, paying attention to areas like armpits, feet, and groin.
Brush your teeth at least twice a day for two minutes each time, using fluoride toothpaste. Don't forget to clean your tongue, and replace your toothbrush every three to four months.
Keep your nails short and clean to prevent the buildup of dirt and bacteria. Use a nail brush to scrub under your nails regularly.
Regularly clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces in your home, such as doorknobs, light switches, countertops, and electronics. Also, keep your living space well-ventilated.
Wash your clothes, bed linens, and towels regularly, following the manufacturer's instructions. Use the appropriate water temperature and detergent to ensure proper cleanliness.
Avoid sharing personal items like towels, razors, toothbrushes, or makeup.
Practice good food hygiene by washing fruits and vegetables thoroughly before consumption. Cook food to the appropriate temperature to kill harmful bacteria, and refrigerate leftovers promptly.
Keep your surroundings clean: Regularly clean and disinfect commonly touched surfaces such as doorknobs, light switches, phones, keyboards, and remote controls. This helps eliminate germs that may be present on these surfaces.
Maintain clean and healthy feet: Keep your feet clean and dry to prevent fungal infections. Wash your feet regularly, dry them thoroughly (especially between the toes), and wear clean socks and well-fitting shoes.
Ensure that the water you use for drinking, cooking, and personal hygiene is clean and safe. If necessary, use water filters or boil the water before use.
If possible, use a shower filter.
If you are sexually active, use barrier methods (such as condoms) to protect yourself from sexually transmitted infections. Get regular check-ups and screenings as recommended by healthcare professionals.
Take care of your mental well-being by managing stress, getting enough sleep, engaging in regular physical activity, and seeking support when needed. Good mental health is essential for overall well-being.
Sleep with aloe vera on your face to help with scars and acne.
Massage your body with oils and lotions after shower or before bed.
Eat greek yogurt to help fix PH balance, acne and odor in your private area.
Wear cotton based underwear.
Do not treat your body like a trashcan.
To smell good during the day:
Regular bathing helps remove sweat, dirt, and odor-causing bacteria from your body.
Apply antiperspirant or deodorant to clean, dry underarms to control sweat and odor.
You can also use baking soda and lemon to get rid of under arm odor.
Put on freshly laundered clothes each day. Clean clothing helps prevent the buildup of odor-causing bacteria and keeps you smelling fresh.
When choosing clothes, opt for natural fibers like cotton or linen, which allow air to circulate and help wick away moisture from your body. Avoid synthetic materials that can trap sweat and lead to unpleasant odors.
Brush your teeth at least twice a day, floss daily, and use mouthwash to maintain fresh breath. Don't forget to clean your tongue as well.
Apply a pleasant fragrance, such as perfume or cologne, sparingly. Avoid excessive application, as it can be overwhelming to others. Focus on pulse points like the wrists, neck, or behind the ears.
Keep your feet clean and dry to prevent foot odor. Wash your feet daily, dry them thoroughly (especially between the toes), and wear clean socks and well-ventilated shoes.
Regularly brush your tongue, as it can harbor bacteria and contribute to bad breath. Visit your dentist regularly for check-ups and cleanings.
Drink plenty of water throughout the day to flush out toxins from your body. Staying hydrated can help prevent the buildup of odors.
Certain foods, such as garlic, onions, and spicy dishes, can contribute to body odor. Pay attention to your diet and make choices that minimize strong odors if you are concerned about smelling good.
Keep a small travel-sized deodorant, wet wipes, or refreshing body spray with you to freshen up during the day, especially in hot or humid weather.
Ensure your clothes, towels, and bed linens are washed regularly. Use a detergent with a fresh scent to keep them smelling clean.
Spray perfume on your brush or use natural oils that are safe for your hair.
Wipe front to back to avoid infections. Use toilet paper then wipes.
moisturize your skin.
When washing your hair, make sure you are using products that clean your hair without drying it out.
Keep feminine wipes with you.
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suppermariobroth · 1 year
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Original illustration of Mario and Peach from a 1986 Japanese print ad for Kimco brand (now defunct) refrigerator cleaning products and deodorizers.
Main Blog | Twitter | Patreon | Source: twitter.com user “ColinKeane17″
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asexual-spongebob · 6 months
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The Waves That Lap The Shore - Chapter 28 - The Locket
WHOOO HI MATEYS!!! Sorry i didn’t update for like a week or almost two lol, just wanted to give myself a break. Also sorry abt how short this one is lol. Only 12 chapters left of this fic! (that makes me kinda sad to be honest…)but I’ve got some other stuff planned :) hell, even after this fic is finished I might still write the occasional TWTLTS related one shot.   I also have an au called “Invader Kwazii” which is a Octonauts x Invader Zim AU because those are my current fixations atm.   Once this fic is finished (or maybe even sometime soon) I might make one shots for my “Shellinoir” au. (Which is a AU I based off the SpongeBob episode “Squid Noir”) . I’ve got some in mind
Chapter Text
Peso sleepily opened his eyes, rubbing the sleep from them. Shellington was already awake, “Good mornin’ Peso” he smiled “Good morning, Shellington!” Peso smiled back. 
“Wanna go get some coffee?” Shellington asked, Peso nodded in agreement. 
The two went downstairs, only to see Kwazii and Paani kissing against the refrigerator.
The two pulled away from each other.
“I love you so much, me stupid pancake” Kwazii purred “I love you too, stinky.” Paani said affectionately, Kwazii pretended to be offended. The two then noticed Shellington and Peso standing there.
“Oh uh- hi mateys.” Kwazii said awkwardly Paani looked away from Kwazii and glanced at Peso and Shellington. “Anyway. I gotta go. Me and Selva have to do some important stuff at the beach today. See ya bitches!!!” Paani said, then turning to Kwazii and saying goodbye to him. 
“I LOVE YOU BITCH!!!” Paani shouted as he walked out of the kitchen “I LOVE YOU TOO BITCH!!!” Kwazii shouted back.
 Paani went downstairs to the Launch Bay.
“Kwazii! Paani! There’s a child here!” Shellington scolded, pointing to Sharchini “why does Kwazii always cuss around the Vegimals” Peso frowned “Im sorry… I’ll try not to…” Kwazii apologized with a frown. 
Downstairs, Paani witnessed Dashi and Tweak  playing video games (Dashi was failing horribly.) and the Vegimals playing Judge Judy (or in this case, Judge Tunip.) 
At the beach 
It was a hot, blazing day at the beach. 
Paani was sweating in the sweltering heat. It was only 89 degrees outside but it felt like 100. 
He and Selva were doing some stuff there, Selva was planting some sea grass while Paani was going to get some water samples (and try his best to well… not turn into a merperson while he was at it.) 
Paani watched Selva dig through the sand.
How is she not sweating her ass off? Paani questioned to himself.
Paani ripped off their  jacket and through it on the sand “Hey. Selv. I’m gonna go change.” He said, Selva just nodded and Paani went to beach’s restrooms.
Thank goodness I wore extra deodorant today. 
Selva thought as she was digging through the sand, planting sea grass.
However she stopped. Something saw something had caught her eye. 
Half a locket buried in the sand!
It looked old. It was golden and tarnished. 
“Hey Paani, look what I found!” Selva said, holding the locket in her hand. Paani let out a gasp, they then stumbled towards her. “I’ll be my own uncle! It looks just like the other half we have!” Paani replied.
“Do you mind if I take it with me?” Paani asked “Yeah sure you can!” Selva replied, handing Paani the old, sandy locket.
“Thanks Selva!!” Paani said. 
Paani walked into Shellington’s lab wearing a vintage suit. 
“Hey bitches!!! Selva found the other half of the locket in the Amazon!” Paani boasted, placing the locket on the table.
“It’s the other half!” Shellington beamed, then placing the locket half’s together. 
“Don’t you think we should clean it? It’s a wee bit sandy.” Shellington remarked “Yeah, true.” Paani replied “how do we clean it properly though?” Paani questioned “there’s probably some restoration videos on YouTube. And Dashi knows a thing or two about jewelry. Maybe she can help us out?” Shellington suggested, the others nodded in agreement.
The four walked down the hall to Dashi’s room. “Hey Dashi, how do you wash jewelry?” Shellington asked “You get a small bowl and add some warm water and Dawn Dish soap and leave it soak for a few minutes, then you dry it with a microfiber cloth.” Dashi educated.
“Thanks Dashi!” Shellington smiled, then sprinting to the kitchen, the others following him. 
The Vegimals weren’t in the kitchen, they were sleeping upstairs, getting some well deserved rest.
“Hey, Kwaz. Pass me the dish soap” Shellington said “Here ya go matey!” Kwazii meowed, throwing the dish soap at Shellington.
“Hey! ¡¿Qué coño Kwazii?! You could’ve hurt him!” Peso scolded “Sorry…” Kwazii frowned Shellington then went to the sink and put some warm water and dish soap into the bowl, then placing the locket in the mixture.
“Now we just have to put it the microwave for a few minutes, right?” Kwazii said jokingly “No Kwazii.” Shellington replied with a giggle. 
Paani pulled out his guitar and started playing the jeopardy theme as they waited.
After a few minutes, the locket was clean.
Shellington wiped it off with a microfiber cloth like Dashi had said. 
“Now what do we do?” Shellington questioned, turning to the others. 
“Hm… maybe we should put it with the other stuff?” Kwazii suggested “Yeah that sounds good.” Shellington replied.
Shellington walked back to his lab, he placed the locket in on a table where all of the Edda related stuff was.
“Wow. We sure have discovered a lot.” Peso remarked, Shellington nodded in response.
Peso and Shellington continued to have a conversation. Paani wasn’t paying attention. The only thing that had her attention was the calendar.
Ah shit! Tomorrow’s Valentines Day!
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nucleariguana · 1 year
The Lyrics To Every Song In “Mandatory Fun”
My maid is cleaning the bathroom, so I can't take a shower When I do, the water starts getting cold after an hour I couldn't order off the breakfast menu, cause I slept in till two Then I filled up on bread, didn't leave any room for tiramisu Oh no, there's a pixel out in the corner of my laptop screen I don't have any bills in my wallet small enough for the vending machine Some idiot just called me up on the phone, what!? Don't they know how to text? OMG! I got
First world, first world problems (First world problems) First world, first world problems (First world problems) First world, first world problems
I bought too many groceries for my refrigerator Forgot my gardener's name, I'll have to ask him later Tried to fast forward commercials, can't, I'm watching live T.V I'm pretty sure the cookies in this airport lounge ain't gluten free My barista didn't even bother to make a design in the foam on the top of my vanilla latte
First world, first world problems (First world problems) First world, first world problems (First world problems) First world, first world problems
Can't remember which car I drove to the mall My Sonicare won't recharge, now I gotta brush my teeth like a neanderathal The thread count on these cotton sheets has got me itching My house is so big, I can't get WiFi in the kitchen Uh, I had to buy something I didn't even need just So I could qualify for free shipping on Amazon
First world, first world problems (First world problems) First world, first world problems (First world problems) First world, first world problems (First world problems)
First world, first world problems (First world problems) First world, first world problems (First world problems) First world, first world problems
I'm waking up, in Cheeto dust My belly's covered with pizza crust I'm using my inhaler now I'm out of shape, fattening up I'm sipping Coke from a Solo Cup Donut crumbs are upon my lips, whoa
The TV's on, I really hate this show I can't reach my remote control Welcome to my new place, to my new place Sorry it's a cramped space, but it's my place Whoa oh, whoa I'm, really inactive, I'm so inactive Whoa oh, whoa I'm, really inactive, highly inactive
My muscle's gone, I'm atrophied Always lose my fight with gravity I rest my bones, and just chillax, whoa My NordicTrack's collecting dust And my StairMaster's a pile of rust This is it, The Inertia, whoa
I can't get up, this couch is part of me I'm growing cobwebs on my knee Pretty sad for my age, sad for my age I could break my rib cage, here is my age Whoa oh, whoa I'm, really inactive, yes, quite inactive Whoa oh, whoa I'm, really inactive, not very active
Near comatose, no exercise Don't tag my toe, I'm still alive
I'm giving up, my energy is shot I'm never moving from this spot Never move from this place, move from this place I'll stay here in this place, right in this place Whoa oh, whoa I'm, really inactive, just so inactive Whoa oh, whoa I'm, really inactive, not so attractive
Tuesday morning, 8:15 I was riding to work on the Jackson Park Express Seemed like any other day Then my whole world changed In a way I never could have guessed 'Cause she walked in Took the seat right across the aisle I knew we had a special connection The second I saw her smile
She smiled as if to say "Hello, haven't seen you on this bus before" I gave her a look that said "Huh, life is funny, you never know what's in store By the way, your hair is beautiful I bet it smells like raisins"
She looked at me in a way that asked "Did you have a nose job or something? I'm only asking, cause your nose looks slightly better Than the rest of your face" I arched my eyebrow, ever so slightly Which was my way of asking "Do you want my old Hewlett-Packard printer? It still works, kinda And I got a bunch of ink cartridges left"
Then, she let out a long sigh Which, I took to mean, "Uh" "Mama, what is that deodorant you're wearing? It's intoxicating Why don't we drive out to the country sometime? And collect deer ticks in a zip-lock baggie", oh yeah
I gave her a penetrating stare Which could only mean "You are my answer, my answer to everything Which is why, I'll probably do very poorly On the written part of my driver's test"
Yes, it all happened On the Jackson Park Express On the Jackson Park Express On the Jackson Park Express On the Jackson Park Express
I knew she was starting to fall for me 'Cause she crinkled her nose, which unmistakably meant "Baby, lets wear each other's clothes And speak in a thick German accent And, maybe someday we can own and operate Our own mobile pet-grooming service" I couldn't hold back my feelings I gave her a look, that said "I would make any sacrifice for your love Goat, chicken, whatever I could never hold you close enough Let's have our bodies surgically grafted together Oh, surgically grafted together"
She picked up a newspaper, and started reading to herself Which I'm sure, was a way of telling me "When you're cold, I will warm you When you're shivering, I will hold you When your nauseous, I will give you Pepto-Bismol every hour For as long as the symptoms persist" Oh, I, I never, ever want to see you cry So, please let me cauterize your tear ducts with an arc welder Then, I glanced down, at her shirt, for a second In a way that clearly implied "I like your boobs"
Yes, it all happened On the Jackson Park Express On the Jackson Park Express On the Jackson Park Express On the Jackson Park Express
I cleared my throat quietly, and then, I looked away And I'm sure it was obvious to her, just what I was trying to say I was trying to say, "Hey I'd like to make a wall-sized mural out of all the dead skin cells That you slough off while you sleep at night" Whoa-o-Oh, "I'd like to rip you wide open And french-kiss every single one of your internal organs Oh, I'd like to remove all your skin, and wear your skin, over my own skin But not in a creepy way"
Then, I'm pretty sure, she looked at me, out of the corner of her good eye And, though, she never spoke a word, this is exactly what I heard She was saying, "Oh! I wanna make out with you, in an abandoned toll-booth, in the middle of a monsoon I wanna ride dolphins with you, in the moonlight Until the staff at Sea World kicks us out I want you inside me, oh, like a tapeworm"
I pointed to the side of my mouth, as a way of indicating "Hey, I think you got something on the side of your mouth" She licked the corner of her lips, as if to say "Here?", I nodded, implying, "Yeah, you got it"
And, then the bus stopped, at 53rd Street, and she got up suddenly "Where are you going?", pleaded my eyes, "Baby, don't you do this to me Think of the beautiful children we could have someday We could school them at home, raise them up the right way And protect them from the evils of the world Like Trigonometry and Prime Numbers, oh no Baby, please don't go"
She brushed my leg, as she left the bus I'm sure that was her way of saying "I'm sorry this just isn't working out You're suffocating me I need some space to find out what life's all about So, goodbye forever, my love"
And deep inside, I knew she was right It was time for us both to move on And no, I never got her number, oh no no She never bothered to leave her address, oh But, as long as I live, I'll never forget Those precious moments we shared together
On the Jackson Park Express On the Jackson Park Express On the Jackson Park Express On the Jackson Park Express On the Jackson Park Express On the Jackson Park Express On the Jackson Park Express On the Jackson Park Express
We must all efficiently Operationalize our strategies Invest in world-class technology And leverage our core competencies In order to holistically administrate Exceptional synergy We'll set a brand trajectory Using management's philosophy Advance our market share vis-à-vis Our proven methodology With strong commitment to quality Effectively enhancing corporate synergy Transitioning our company By awareness of functionality Promoting viability Providing our supply chain with diversity (versity, ooooh) We will distill our identity Through client-centric solutions And synergy (Oooooh oooh oooh)
At the end of the day (At the end of the day) We must monetize our assets The fundamentals of change Can you visualize a value-added experience? That will grow the business infrastructure and Monetize our assets Monetize our assets Monetize our assets
Bringing to the table Our capitalized reputation Proactively overseeing Day-to-day operations Services and deliverables With cross-platform innovation Networking, soon will bring, seamless integration Robust and scalable, bleeding-edge and next-generation Best of breed We'll succeed In achieving globalization
And gaining traction with our resources in the marketplace It's mission-critical to stay incentivized Against this purple-poster-flexible-solutions for our customer base If you can't think outside the box You'll be downsized It's a paradigm shift! (Hey, Hey! Look out!) Well, it's a paradigm shift, now! (Here we go! Here we go! Here we come! Here we come! Ha!)
We clawed, we chained our hearts in vain We jumped never asking why We kissed, I fell under your spell A love no one could deny
Don't you ever say I just walked away I will always want you I can't live a life, running for my life I will always want you
I came in like a wrecking ball I never hit so hard in love All I wanted was to break your walls All you ever did was wreck me Yeah, you wreck me
All the other kids with the pumped up picture You better run, better run, outrun my gun All the other kids with the pumped up picture You better run, better run faster than my bullet
And we danced all night to the best song ever We knew every line, now I can't remember I think it went ooh eh ooh I think it went oohla eh ooh I think it goes eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh
Eh, sexy lady Po, po, po, po Polka Gangnam Style Eh, sexy lady Po, po, po, po Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh
Hey, I just met you And this is crazy But here's my number So call me, maybe And all the other boys Try to chase me But here's my number So call me, maybe
I wanna scream and shout (hey!) And let it all out And scream and shout (hey!) And let it out We sayin', "Ohh, wee ohh, wee oh wee oh" We sayin', "Ohh, wee ohh, wee oh wee oh wee ohh, wee oh wee oh"
Now you're just somebody that I used to know Now you're just somebody that I used to know
It's going down (hey!), I'm yelling timber You better move, you better dance Let's make a night you won't remember I'll be the one you won't forget (Timber! Timber!)
I'm sexy and I know it Girl look at that body (He's sexy and he knows it)
I wear your grandad's clothes I look incredible I'm in this big old coat From that thrift shop down the road (Hey!)
That's right! (He looks incredible) I do! (He's in that big old coat) It's large! Hey, lets go! (From that thrift shop down the road)
I'm gonna pop some tags Only got twenty dollars in my pocket I'm hunting, looking for a come-up This is super awesome
She's up all night 'til the sun I'm up all night to get some She's up all night for good fun I'm up all night to get lucky
We're up all night 'til the sun We're up all night to get some We're up all night for good fun We're up all night to get lucky
We're up all night to get lucky We're up all night to get lucky We're up all night to get lucky We're up all night to get lucky We're up all night to get lucky We're up all night to get lucky We're up all night to get lucky Up all night to get lucky
Yes, we're up all night to get Can get lucky, we're gonna get lucky, let's all get lucky We're up all night to get lucky! (Hey!)
I saw a baby drive a truck I saw a junkie eat a tuba I saw a stripper kiss a duck Behind a dumpster in Aruba
I saw this fat, psychotic guy His underwear was made of crickets He pawned a skeleton to buy Some old expired lotto tickets
I saw a naked vagrant giving Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to his cat I probably could have gone my whole life Without seeing that
With my own eyes I see things that'd drive a normal man insane Wish I could disconnect my brain From my own eyes
I saw a mime get hacked to death With an imaginary cleaver I saw an old man's final breath I watched him die from Bieber Fever I saw these diabetic chicks In an abandoned 7-Eleven I watched them snorting pixie sticks While they were belching Stairway To Heaven
I saw two drag queens trying to see how many crackers They could shove up each other's nose I'd like to erase my mind completely but I suppose That's just the way it goes
With my own eyes I see things that'd drive a normal man insane Wish I could disconnect my brain From my own eyes (my own eyes) Those visions haunt my memory Oh, there's so much I wish I could unsee With my own eyes
Some priest got drunk and stole a circus zebra And he trained it to massage his back My guinea pig committed hara-kiri So we used him to play hacky-sack My neighbor's kids sold weapons grade plutonium And frosty ice-cold lemonade They took MasterCard and sometimes Human organs in trade, that's how we paid I have to say that it was really darn good lemonade
With my own eyes I've seen thing that'd drive a normal man insane Wish I could disconnect my brain From my own eyes (my own eyes) Those visions haunt my memory Oh, there's so much I wish I could unsee With my own eyes With my own eyes With my own eyes With my own eyes
Everybody shut up, woo! Everyone listen up! Hey, hey, hey, uh Hey, hey, hey
If you can't write in the proper way If you don't know how to conjugate Maybe you flunked that class And maybe now you find That people mock you online
Okay, now here's the deal I'll try to educate ya Gonna familiarize You with the nomenclature You'll learn the definitions Of nouns and prepositions Literacy's your mission And that's why I think it's a
Good time To learn some grammar Now, did I stammer Work on that grammar You should know when It's "less" or it's "fewer" Like people who were Never raised in a sewer
I hate these word crimes Like I could care less That means you do care At least a little Don't be a moron You'd better slow down And use the right pronoun Show the world you're no clown Everybody wise up!
Say you got an "I", "T" Followed by apostrophe, "s" Now what does that mean? You would not use "it's" in this case As a possessive It's a contraction What's a contraction? Well, it's the shortening of a word, or a group of words By the omission of a sound or letter
Okay, now here's some notes Syntax you're always mangling No "x" in "espresso" Your participle's danglin' But I don't want your drama If you really wanna Leave out that Oxford comma Just keep in mind
That "be", "see", "are", "you" Are words, not letters Get it together Use your spellchecker You should never Write words using numbers Unless you're seven Or your name is Prince
I hate these word crimes You really need a Full time proofreader You dumb mouth-breather Well, you should hire Some cunning linguist To help you distinguish What is proper English
One thing I ask of you Time to learn your homophones is past due Learn to diagram a sentence too Always say "to whom" Don't ever say "to who" And listen up when I tell you this I hope you never use quotation marks for emphasis You finished second grade I hope you can tell If you're doing good or doing well About better figure out the difference Irony is not coincidence And I thought that you'd gotten it through your skull What's figurative and what's literal Oh but, just now, you said You literally couldn't get out of bed That really makes me want to literally Smack a crowbar upside your stupid head
I read your e-mail It's quite apparent Your grammar's errant You're incoherent Saw your blog post It's really fantastic That was sarcastic (Oh, psych!) 'Cause you write like a spastic
I hate these Word Crimes Your prose is dopey Think you should only Write in emoji Oh, you're a lost cause Go back to pre-school Get out of the gene pool Try your best to not drool
Never mind I give up Really now I give up Hey, hey, hey Hey, hey, hey Go away!
Your sports team is vastly inferior That simple fact is plainly obvious to see We're gonna kick your collective posterior Of course you realize we're speaking figuratively Our stats are thoroughly impressive Our coach really has the Midas touch Our players are fast and strong and brave And your guys, eh, not so much
In fact we've played teams across the nation And you're the worst one we've come across Try to assimilate that information And it just might help you cope with your impending loss Oh, and if somehow we are still failing To affectively articulate the points at hand Allow us now to summarize them in a manner That your feeble brains can understand
We're great (we're great) And you suck (you suck) We're great (we're great) And you suck (you suck) We're great (we're great) And you suck (you suck) You see there's us (we're great) And then there's you (you suck) We're really, really great (really great) In contrast, you really suck (really suck) Okay, full disclosure, we're not that great But nevertheless, you suck
Your sports team will soon suffer swift defeat That theory's backed up by empirical evidence We're gonna grind up your guys into burger meat Again, of course, we're speaking in the figurative sense What's the use of even going through the motions When you know that you're gonna lose anyhow So why don't you save us all some time And give up now (you suck!)
I never seem to finish all my food I always get a doggie bag from the waiter So I just keep what's still unchewed And I take it home, save it for later
But then I deal with fungal rot, bacterial formation Microbes, enzymes, mold and oxidation I don't care, I've got a secret trick up my sleeve
I never bother with baggies, glass jars, tupperware containers Plastic cling wrap, really a no-brainer I just like to keep all my flavours sealed in tight
With aluminum foil (Foil) Never settle for less That kind of wrap is just the best To keep your sandwich nice and fresh
Stick it in your cooler (Cooler) Eat it when you're ready Then maybe you'll choose (You'll choose, you'll choose, you'll choose) A refreshing herbal tea Mmm, lovely!
Oh, by the way, I've cracked the code I've figured out these shadow organizations And the Illuminati know That they're finally primed for world domination
And soon you've got black helicopters comin' cross the border Puppet masters for the New World Order Be aware: There's always someone that's watching you And still the government won't admit they faked the whole moon landing Thought control rays, psychotronic scanning Don't mind that, I'm protected cause I made this hat
From aluminum foil (Foil) Wear a hat that's foil lined In case an alien's inclined To probe your butt or read your mind
Looks a bit peculiar ('culiar) Seems a little crazy But someday I'll prove (I'll prove, I'll prove, I'll prove) There's a big conspiracy
One time I was in the checkout line Behind Steven Seagal Once I'm pretty sure Mr. Jonah Hill Was in the very next bathroom stall My best friend's brother Well, he was an extra in Wayne's World 2 My neighbour's baby sitter Dated three of the guys in Motley Crue I swear Jack Nicholson Looked right at me at a Laker's game
I got a lame Lame claim to fame
Check it out, I bought a second hand toaster From a guy who says he knows Brad Pitt I got me an email from the prince of Nigeria Well, he sure sounded legit My sister used to take piano lessons From the second cousin of Ralph Nader Last year I threw up in an elevator Next to Christian Slater Well guess what, my birthday and Kim Kardashian's Are exactly the same
I got a lame Lame claim to fame A really lame Lame claim to fame
Once at a party, my dentist accidentally Sneezed on Russell Crowe I posted first in the comments On a YouTube video I tried to sit by Steve Buscemi But he told me this seat's taken I know a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy Who know a guy who knows a guy who know Kevin Bacon
I had a car that used to belong To Cuba Gooding Jr.'s uncle A friend of mine in high school Had jury duty with Art Garfunkel One time I was staying in the same hotel As Zooey Deschanel I used the same napkin dispenser As Steve Carell at a Taco Bell Well I don't mean to brag but Paul Giamatti's plumber knows me by name
I got a lame Lame claim to fame A really lame Lame claim to fame I'm talking lame Lame claim to fame A really really really lame Lame claim to fame
Ow, let's get lame boys
First things first, I'm a craftsman (craftsman) Remodelling is my only passion (it's my passion) And I'm the greatest in the business Want referrals, yo My clientèle will bear you witness (right, right) I can help when your door jamb sticks (heh?) There is nothing in the world I can't fix (yeah) I do tiles, I do stone, I do bricks Call me, I'll come rushing over with my bag of tricks (bag of tricks) Where you go when your disposal is rusted (rusted) Termite problem making you disgusted (yuck) When your front window is busted (hey hey hey) Just one man that's always trusted
I'm so handy, you already know I'll fix your plumbing when your toilets over flows I'm so handy, I'll bring you up to code When your dishwasher's about to explode
Now you see that your furnace is needing some service I'm fully bonded, no need to be nervous Perhaps you would like a new counter Formica Maybe I'll hook up your dish washer combo dryer But all your pipes are antique Your water pressure's too weak You got an attic full of dry rot Because your roof sprung a leak Your fridge is starting to reek Your hardwood floors really squeak But don't you worry I'll just show you my amazing technique Now let me glue that, glue that and screw that, screw that Any random chore you got, well I can do that, do that Or maybe I'll just rewire your house for fun I got 99 problems but a switch ain't one
I'm so handy, everyone said so I'll grout your bathroom, resurface your patio I'm so handy, I'm the guy to know When your leaf blower doesn't blow-oh-oh-oh
Patch the drywall, clean your gutters and mow the lawn Make that phone call, I'll install anything you want Yeah, check my big staple gun, my socket wrenches are second to none I won't quit 'til I'm done, don't even care if I hammer my thumb (OW!)
Still rocking my screwdriver Got the whole world thinking I'm MacGuyver Your heating bills are shocking I can solve that with some duct tape and some caulking Your house is a disaster, huh? Need a guy whose a master with the plaster, huh? Let me be your stripper Taking off lacquer, no one does it quicker
I'm so handy, you already know I'll beat all price quotes, my hourly rates are low I'm so handy, you should call this pro I'm in the phone book and se habla Español It might seem crazy, wearing stripes and plaid I Instagram every meal I've had All my used liquor bottles are on display We can go to see a show but I'll make you pay
Wear my belt with suspenders and sandals with my socks (Because I'm tacky) Got some new glitter Uggs and lovely pink sequined Crocs (Because I'm tacky) Never let you forget some favor I did for you (Because I'm tacky) If you're okay with that, then, you might just be tacky, too
I meet some chick, ask her this and that Like 'Are you pregnant girl, or just really fat?' (what?) Well, now I'm dropping names almost constantly That's what Kanye West keeps telling me, here's why
Wear my Ed Hardy shirt with fluorescent orange pants (Because I'm tacky) Got my new resume it's printed in Comic Sans (Because I'm tacky) Think it's fun threatening waiters with a bad Yelp review (Because I'm tacky) If you think that's just fine, then, you're probably tacky, too
Bring me shame, can't nothing Bring me shame, I never know why Bring me shame, can't nothing Bring me shame, I said Bring me shame, can't nothing Bring me shame, it's pointless to try Bring me shame, can't nothing Bring me shame, I said
43 Bumper Stickers and a YOLO license plate (Because I'm tacky) Bring along my coupon book whenever I'm on a date (Because I'm tacky) Practice my twerking moves in line at the DMV (Because I'm tacky) Took the whole bowl of restaurant mints. Hey, it said they're free (Because I'm tacky) I get drunk at the bank And take off my shirt, at least (Because I'm tacky) I would live-tweet a funeral, take selfies with the deceased (Because I'm tacky) If I'm bit by a zombie, I'm probably not telling you (Because I'm tacky) If you don't think that's bad, guess what, then you're tacky, too
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curatos-ph · 9 months
Cuartos.ph offers a comprehensive range of high-quality home furnishings, transforming ordinary spaces into cozy sanctuaries. Among their exquisite collection are mattresses, pillows, curtains, blankets, carpets, and bedsheets that redefine comfort and style in every bedroom.
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almostangrything · 7 months
My little sibling and I came up with the best thing ever.
We call it Do-It-All, the First Ever 101-in-1, Multi-Purpose Liquid. Its contents include:
Body Wash
Shaving Cream
Axle Grease
Whipped Cream
Lighter Fluid
Pasta Sauce
Rocket Fuel
Sports Drink
Fruit Punch
Chocolate Milk
BBQ Sauce
Pizza Sauce
Wood Glue
Paint Thinner
Paint Stripper
Acrylic Paint
Oil Paint
Hand Sanitizer
Laundry Detergent
Dish Soap
Hand Soap
Liquid Nitrogen
Brain Juice
Teeth Juice
Sparkling Water
Kiwi Soup
Rat Poison
Blood Substitute
Cooking Oil
Olive Oil
Vegetable Oil
Peanut Oil
Canola Oil
Chocolate Sauce
Peanut Butter- Creamy
Peanut Butter- Chunky
Sour Cream
Cream Cheese
Bug Spray
Burp Soup
Hydrogen Peroxide
Air Freshener
Hydrochloric Acid
Liquid Sun
Battery Acid
Butt Soup
Liquid Cancer
Liquid Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis
Liquid Salt
Liquid Pepper
Hair Gel
Liquid Uranium
Vanilla Extract
Face Mask
The Soy Sauce
Eyeball Juice
Liquid Chicken
Liquid Old Bay
This is the complete list, if you've read all of it, I applaud your vigilance.
Please do not repost onto other sites, thank you.
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victorluvsalice · 1 year
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-->It was finally back to the store! Where once again they all had to wait outside while I fiddled with the layout. XD At least this time it wasn't thunderstorming! Let me take you through all the changes I made --
A. As you can see, the major change I made was to replace all of the double-sided shelves with single-sided ones on either side of a large half-wall (with a glass half-wall trim on top to stop Sims trying to put plates or other objects up there) -- I was having some trouble getting everything to face the right way on the double-sided shelves, and I genuinely do believe this looks better. More like what you might actually SEE in a grocery store.
B. I also reduced the number of shelves overall slightly by rearranging the first "produce" aisle -- now when you walk in, you have Brazen Lotus's produce stands on one side, and the more traditional Get To Work refrigerated displays on the other holding various oversized crops on the other! Fewer slots to fill, and it means all the fruit and veg aren't bunched up together right next to the door.
C. I also added another refrigerated display next to the meat section -- this one is for fish, with Brazen Lotus's "Iced Fish Retail Fridge" (which requires her mod to allow fish and herbs to be placed in a retail fridge) in the bottom section! (I tried putting it on a counter, but it looked kinda weird and wouldn't slot correctly -- and then I discovered it fit near-perfectly into the bottom of the regular refrigerated display and went with that! It doesn't fit so nicely into the top bit, so fresh fish will be placed there to be bought directly.)
D. Along with that, I added the fossil displays from @somecreativecc as "endcaps" for the aisles, as the perfume bottles Victor can make from Simsonian Library's "Perfumery" mod fit on them, and they were the best-looking shelves I had for the purpose. *shrug* If anyone can suggest anything better, please let me know!
E. I also started trying out some "color-coding" on the SrslySims consignment shelves to try and see at a glance what should go where -- like, the shelf with Smiler's synthetic food tablets and herbalism potions from Simsonian Library's "Apothecary" mod is white because that's the "pharmacy" section, and the shelf with the canned green beans and green peas is bright green to represent "veggies."
F. Oh, and you may notice that I've started spacing out the various items on each individual shelf a lot more, so I'm not trying to cram multiple products onto one single shelf in any particular display and wondering how I'm going to fill the others. . .now, one display can hold a shelf of canned green beans, a shelf of canned green peas, and the boxed versions of said products on the bottom. Makes my life easier and makes filling up this grocery store a hell of a lot faster!
-->Okay -- once THAT was all done, it was time for the gang to spread out and get to work! And everybody had their specific jobs:
Smiler: Since we now had a fish fridge, I sent Smiler down to the fishing spot behind the store to angle for some big catches to fill it up! They managed to land a pufferfish and a tilapia to display above the fridge, and a betta to put in it -- it's a start!
Alice: Her thing today was bulk food processing and canning -- specifically, I had her make some more canned green beans and green peas to fill in a couple of gaps on the shelves, then move onto making jars of meat substitute for the discerning vegetarians who may come by. Gotta have something for everyone, after all! :)
Victor: Victor started out making perfumes, in "Focused" (bluebell) and "Playful" (daisy) scents, which (along with another bottle of the deodorizing scent) got him to level 2 of the Perfumery skill and allowed him to make "Happy" and "Energizing" scents if he so wished. However, his REAL job was to head upstairs and start Copypastoing everything that could be Copypastoed. XD Because while I DO actually want them to make some of the stuff they sell themselves, I am not above using Victor's magic to make the process easier on them and me. Victor's such a skilled spellcaster now that he's basically in no danger of the spell failing, even when he gets to a pretty heavily charged state -- and hey, I found out during this Copypasto spree that he can in fact copy the plates of raw meat Alice brings back from her hunts! So THAT is going to be freaking handy! :D
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spaceumbredoggos · 1 year
Smells I like (and smells I hate)
heads up, some of these are weird
Flowers in general
Cofee (But I don't like to drink coffee)
Baked goods
Latex balloons (just latex in general)
old spice deodorant
The wet dog smell
New car
The puppy head smell (like when you sniff a dog's head)
Dirt (earthy dirt)
dog treats
Unscented shampoo
Smells I hate:
motor oil
Refrigerated sausage meat
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godesssiri · 2 years
My family's rest home in Hawkes Bay got power back on Sunday, 6 days after Cyclone Gabrielle knocked it out. It went out for a few hours yesterday and 1 hour today but we were told to expect that.
It's really shown us where the holes in our disaster preparedness are, even though we have passed a dozen Ministry of Health Audits with the disaster kits we had, what the MoH and their auditors say will be sufficient is not. We're starting to stock up on the things we found we needed and when supply lines are better and things are back in stock we'll buy all the things that would have been reeeeeally useful. I'm also getting stuff for my own home kit. I've bought or will buy:
A portable power supply and solar panel charger for it, you can also charge from a car. It has a built in torch and you can charge any USB chargable devices from it several times, you can run a regular appliance from it but that will drain it very quickly.
A solar camping shower. Not very useful if there's no sun but it would have been perfect post cyclone because the weather was gorgeously sunny afterward.
USB chargable camping lights I can charge from my portable power supply.
Headlamps, way easier than a handheld torch.
I bought a little camp stove that runs on butane canisters after the 2017 earthquake here but I realize I did not have anywhere near enough canisters. The canisters last 10 years so I've given all the 6 year old ones ones from my kit to a cousin who was feeding 4 kids on the camp stove and I will stock up majorly on new ones.
Basically raid the camping section of your local department store, if it looks like it would be useful when you're camping with no power then it will be useful in a disaster.
Cash, the power went out, all the card readers were down, people needed cash and all the ATMs emptied out.
Milk powder, you can mix up only the amount you need and not have to worry about refrigeration.
Shelf stable food that is a whole meal on it's own and is easy to cook or heat through on a camp stove or BBQ. You're too exhausted to make a meal out of ingredients and it's too hard to make anything complicated. Also vitamins because the food I'm describing isn't usually very nutritious.
Cooking oil, that's the thing everyone forgot to put in their kits and ran out of from their kitchens.
TOILET PAPER!!!!!! You need a stockpile. It's the first thing shops sell out of. We're going to hide it in the ceiling of the rest home so that we have an emergency stockpile and no one can take off with a few rolls here and there until it's all gone
Baby-wipes. Deodorant. Dry shampoo. Clean underwear. We usually account for drinking water in our disaster planning but you don't know when you will next be able to have a shower or wash clothes.
Heavy duty rubbish bags. When the power goes out the stuff in your fridge and freezer can end up going very nasty. If you can; bury it in your yard (deep enough that animals can't get to it), if not you're going to need to tie it up tight in heavy duty rubbish bags and put them somewhere that they're not in the sun and not going to contaminate anything. Also if it's a flood you're going to have all sorts of fabric things that will be contaminates by flood water and will start to get very smelly very quickly and you'll want to bag up whatever you can. Rubbish is a major issue in Hawkes Bay right now because the main dump was flood damaged, the power was out and people had to throw out loads of spoiled food, a load of ready to harvest crops washed up in places it would be a hazard to leave them rotting, people were clearing out homes where EVERYTHING would have to be trashed because it was contaminated with floodwater that had who knows what in it (in some areas definitely sewerage). The council got 1 waste facility opened up 6 days after the flood but 5 of those days were blazing sun so you can imagine how nasty some of the rubbish is.
Also this is truely nasty but ziplock bags if you don't have a garden you can dig a latrine in, you may have to poo in a bag and you bet you're gonna want to be able to seal it. I have a garden but I'm going to put ziplocks in my disaster kit in case I need to dispose of any waste like used bandages.
I have meds for myself but I'm going to get hold of some basic pet meds. There's a lot of dogs in Hawkes Bay who are getting gastro bugs right now because their owners have taken them for walks in areas where the flood water's have gone down and it's dried out, but the silt is still there. The dogs have gotten contaminated silt on their paws, licked their paws, and now they're getting sick. I wouldn't take my dogs out where they might come into contact with contaminants but I want a few basic meds just in case it's unavoidable. Plus one of my dogs is on an anti-seizure prescription and it didn't even occur to me that I should put some of her prescription meds in the disaster kit with a spares of our prescriptions.
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ecochem · 2 months
Ultimate Guide to Natural, Effective Eco-Friendly Kitchen Cleaning
Introduction Effective Eco-Friendly Kitchen Cleaning
Keeping your kitchen clean is essential, but it’s equally important to consider the impact of your cleaning products on the environment and your health. In this ultimate guide, we will explore the benefits of Ultimate Guide to Natural Effective Eco-Friendly Kitchen Cleaning, provide natural cleaning products, and offer tips to maintain a spotless kitchen without harming the planet.
Why Choose Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products?
Choosing eco-friendly cleaning products offers numerous advantages. Environmentally, they reduce pollution and waste, ensuring a healthier planet. For your health, natural products minimize exposure to toxic chemicals, reducing the risk of allergies, respiratory issues, and skin irritations.
Common Harmful Chemicals in Conventional Cleaners
Many conventional cleaners contain harmful chemicals like ammonia, chlorine bleach, phthalates, and triclosan. These substances can cause respiratory problems, skin irritations, and long-term health issues. The Effective Eco-Friendly Kitchen Cleaning Moreover, they contribute to environmental pollution, harming aquatic life and reducing air quality.
Natural Ingredients for Effective Eco-Friendly Kitchen Cleaning
Natural ingredients are potent alternatives to chemical-laden cleaners. Here are some essentials:
Vinegar: Effective for cutting grease, deodorizing, and disinfecting.
Baking Soda: Great for scrubbing surfaces and neutralizing odours.
Lemon Juice: Natural bleach and disinfectant with a pleasant scent.
Essential Oils: Provide natural fragrance and have antimicrobial properties.
Castile Soap: Versatile and biodegradable, perfect for various cleaning tasks.
Effective Eco-Friendly Kitchen Cleaning products to use:
Here are products to make your eco-friendly kitchen cleaners:
Cleaning Calls For Eco-Greener (Multipurpose Cleaner)
Ecochem is growing by offering safe cleaning chemicals at reasonable prices. Our Economic green cleaning products include Eco-Greener, a multipurpose cleaner. The formulation of user-friendly green cleaning products keeps the safety of users and cleaning staff in mind. Eco-Greener composition offers hygienic and acid-free green multipurpose cleaning for different areas and spaces.
Cleaning Calls Eco-Green All Glass Cleaner
Glasses are meant to shine and gloss. Researchers at Ecochem offer all types of glass cleansing and care solutions with the handy Green-All Glass Cleanser. It leaves surfaces shiny and acts softly on scratches, leaving the glass and stainless steel polished and stain-free, as it is formulated using water-based techniques. Our biodegradable cleaning chemicals provide the best solutions to the surface by disinfecting it from microbes and bacteria.
Add Glitter To the Dishwasher!
Cleaning dirty and oily utensils is yet another challenge that fulfils food lovers. Ecochem has made the work easy with organic cleaning chemicals called Eco-Glitter(Dishwasher Gel). Our bio-based cleaning products efficiently fight tough stains and oil from the metal surfaces, adding shine to the dishware. The natural fragrance of lemon makes the surfaces fresh and helps easily wash off oily food stains from the utensils.
How to Clean Kitchen Appliances Naturally
Use a mixture of equal parts vinegar and water to wipe down surfaces.
Baking soda paste for tough stains.
Sprinkle baking soda on surfaces, spray with water, and let sit overnight.
Wipe clean the next day.
Heat a bowl of water and lemon slices for a few minutes.
Wipe down the interior with a cloth.
Run a cycle with a cup of vinegar to remove buildup and odours.
Sprinkle baking soda on the bottom and run another cycle for extra freshness.
Effective Eco-Friendly Kitchen Cleaning for Different Kitchen Surfaces
Benefits of Using Microfiber Cloths
Microfiber cloths are a fantastic tool for eco-friendly cleaning. They are highly effective at trapping dirt and bacteria, reducing the need for chemical cleaners. Plus, they are reusable and durable, cutting down on waste. To care for them, wash them in warm water without fabric softener, which can reduce their effectiveness.
Reducing Waste in the Kitchen
Adopting eco-friendly habits in the kitchen extends beyond cleaning products. Consider these tips:
Reusable Cleaning Tools: Use cloths and mops instead of disposable ones.
Composting Food Scraps: Reduce landfill waste and enrich your garden soil.
Reducing Single-Use Plastics: Opt for glass, stainless steel, or silicone alternatives.
Safe Storage of Effective Eco-Friendly Kitchen Cleaning
Store your natural cleaners properly to ensure safety and effectiveness:
Proper Labeling: Clearly label all homemade cleaners with ingredients and instructions.
Storage Tips: Keep children and pets out of reach and store them in a cool, dry place.
Eco-Friendly Cleaning Habits
Developing a routine can make eco-friendly cleaning a breeze:
Daily Habits: Wipe down surfaces, clean up spills immediately, and wash dishes promptly.
Weekly Deep Cleaning: Schedule time to clean appliances, scrub floors, and declutter.
Cost-Effectiveness of Eco-Friendly Cleaning
Eco-friendly cleaning can be budget-friendly. Many natural ingredients are inexpensive and multipurpose. Over time, making your own cleaners and reducing waste can save money.
Real-Life Success Stories of Effective Eco-Friendly Kitchen Cleaning
Hearing from others can be inspiring. Many people have shared how switching to eco-friendly cleaning improved their health, reduced their environmental footprint, and made cleaning more enjoyable. For example, one family noticed fewer allergy symptoms and a fresher-smelling home after switching.
Conclusion on Effective Eco-Friendly Kitchen Cleaning
Eco-friendly kitchen cleaning is a smart choice for your health, home, and the planet. You can maintain a clean, safe, and eco-conscious kitchen using natural ingredients and sustainable practices. Start today and make a positive impact on your environment and well-being.
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homeappliancess · 2 months
Godrej Appliances: A Legacy of Trust and Innovation
Godrej, a name synonymous with trust and quality in India, has been a pioneer in the home appliances industry for decades. Their range of air conditioners, washing machines, and refrigerators has consistently impressed consumers with their blend of performance, durability, and style. Let's delve into what makes Godrej appliances a preferred choice for Indian households.
Godrej Air Conditioners: Cool Comfort, Redefined
Godrej air conditioners offer a perfect blend of cooling efficiency and energy saving. Their range includes both window and split ACs to cater to diverse consumer needs.
Key features: Inverter technology for energy efficiency, rapid cooling, and quiet operation, sleek designs, and advanced air filters for clean air.
Customer focus: Godrej understands the Indian climate and has tailored its ACs to provide optimal cooling solutions.
Godrej Washing Machines: Wash Your Worries Away
Godrej washing machines are known for their robust performance and gentle care for clothes.
Key features: Innovative washing technologies like IntelliWash, which optimizes the wash cycle, and StainMaster for effective stain removal. A variety of capacities to suit different family sizes.
Durability: Built to last, Godrej washing machines offer long-term value.
Godrej Refrigerators: Freshness, Preserved
Godrej refrigerators are designed to keep your food fresh and organized.
Key features: Spacious interiors, multiple storage compartments, energy-efficient cooling technology, and stylish designs to complement your kitchen.
Innovation: Godrej continues to introduce innovative features like deodorizers and humidity control to enhance food preservation.
Why Choose Godrej?
Trust and Reliability: Godrej's legacy of quality and durability ensures peace of mind.
Energy Efficiency: Many Godrej appliances come with energy-saving features, helping you save on electricity bills.
Indian Conditions: Godrej products are designed to withstand India's diverse climatic conditions.
After-Sales Service: Strong after-sales service network for prompt assistance.
Godrej Appliances has consistently evolved to meet the changing needs of Indian consumers. With a focus on innovation, energy efficiency, and customer satisfaction, they have established a strong foothold in the market. Whether it's a refreshing breeze from your air conditioner, the gentle care of your washing machine, or the freshness of your refrigerator, Godrej offers a comprehensive range of appliances to enhance your everyday life. Get at Poorvika Appliances for the Best Offers!
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packers-movers-in-hyd · 2 months
Top 10 Tips for Effective Pest Control and Prevention - Toskie
Pests like cockroaches, spiders, ants, and termites are more than just nuisances—they can damage your property and spread infections. While the best way to eliminate these pests is to call a Toskie professional pest control service, there are several steps you can take to minimize their presence in your home. Here are the top 10 pest control tips and tricks to help you keep your house clean and pest-free.
1. Keep the Kitchen Clean
Pests are attracted to food crumbs and spills. Ensure you clean up immediately after meals, wipe down counters, and keep floors free of debris—store food in airtight containers and regularly clean appliances like toasters and microwaves. Pay special attention to areas where crumbs accumulate, such as under the toaster and refrigerator. Regularly take out the trash and sanitize your sink and drain to prevent buildup.
2. Keep the Bathroom Clean
Moist, dirty bathrooms are a haven for pests. Scrub the bathroom regularly with a heavy-duty cleaner. Keep drains clear and sanitized and ensure there is no standing water. Pay particular attention to hidden areas like under the sink, behind the toilet, and inside cabinets. Install exhaust fans to reduce moisture, and repair leaky faucets and pipes promptly to prevent mold and mildew.
3. Do Not Allow Water to Stand
Standing water is a breeding ground for many pests, particularly mosquitoes. Regularly check for and eliminate any standing water around your home, including in flowerpots, air conditioning units, and dish racks. Ensure that gutters and drains are unblocked and flowing freely. If you have a pool, cover it when not in use and ensure the water is treated and circulated properly.
4. Don’t Keep Fruits and Vegetables Out for Long
Ripe fruits and vegetables can attract flies and other pests. Store them in the refrigerator or cover them properly. Dispose of overripe produce promptly. Regularly inspect your produce for signs of ripeness or decay and use or discard items before they become a problem. Consider using fruit and vegetable storage containers that allow for proper air circulation to prolong freshness.
5. Dispose of Garbage Regularly
Garbage can be a major attractant for pests. Use a trash can with a lid and empty it regularly. Clean the can periodically to avoid the build-up of food residue and Odors. Use strong garbage bags that seal tightly to prevent leaks and smells from attracting pests. For added protection, consider using a deodorizing spray or powder in your trash can to neutralize Odors.
6. Maintain Your Garden
Overgrown gardens can be a source of pests. Keep your garden tidy by trimming bushes, mowing the lawn, and clearing fallen leaves and debris. Also, avoid letting water accumulate in your garden. Plant pest-repellent herbs like mint, basil, and rosemary, and use mulch to discourage pests from settling in the soil. Regularly inspect outdoor furniture and play equipment for signs of pests.
7. Keep Items of External Use Outside
Things like garden tools, outdoor furniture, and shoes can bring pests into your home. Keep these items outside and clean them regularly. Consider setting up a designated area or storage shed for these items. Wash and inspect them regularly to ensure they are free from dirt and pests before bringing them inside.
8. Fix Nets on Windows
Install nets on your windows to prevent pests like flies and mosquitoes from entering. Make sure the nets are free of holes and tears. Choose high-quality, fine mesh screens that provide a strong barrier against even the smallest pests. Regularly inspect and clean the screens to maintain their effectiveness and appearance.
9. Dispose of Things You Don’t Need
Clutter can provide hiding places for pests. Regularly declutter your home and dispose of items you no longer need. Pay special attention to areas like basements, attics, and garages. Use airtight storage containers for items you wish to keep and consider donating or recycling items you no longer need. Create a regular cleaning schedule to keep clutter at bay and make your home less inviting to pests.
10. Contact a Professional Pest Control Service
While the above measures can help reduce the number of pests in your house, professional pest control services are essential for complete elimination. Toskie’s pest control services ensure thorough and safe pest removal. Our professionals are well-trained, and use verified chemicals to ensure the safety of your family and pets. Regular inspections and treatments can prevent pests from returning and provide peace of mind.
Benefits of Pest Control Services
Here are some key benefits of opting for Toskie's professional pest control services:
Thorough and Safe: Our professionals use safe pesticides, disinfectants, and other verified chemicals. Modern pest control methods are safer and less harmful when used correctly. If you do pest control on your own, always wear gloves.
Affordable: Toskie's pest control services are highly affordable, making it easy to maintain a pest-free home without breaking the bank.
Expertise and Experience: Our technicians are trained to identify and treat a wide range of pest problems. They can provide customized solutions based on the specific needs of your home and the types of pests you are dealing with.
Time-saving: Professional pest control saves you time and effort compared to DIY methods. Our team can quickly and efficiently address pest issues, allowing you to focus on other important tasks.
By following these tips and considering professional help, you can keep your home clean, safe, and free from pests. For more information or to book a service, contact Toskie’s pest control today.
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