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iamelpha · 2 years ago
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stoyanvassev · 2 years ago
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Where is the #endoftheparty ?#pointofnoreturn #redline #personal #notes #diary #reflectionsofaman #street #moscow #towarornottowar https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj3jLGrvnQx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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share4560 · 3 years ago
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"Continue to persevere and know that you can always count on God. God will always help you balance and provide what you need.” ~CMW . . . ..⠀ .⠀ .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #peace #patiencequotes #inspiredaily #poetrycollections #originalpoetry #poetrycommunity #author #positivevibes #wordsofwisdom #wordsofaffirmation #qotd🌸 #wordsofencouragement #positivevibesonly💯 #godisgood #bethechangeyouwanttosee #reflectionsofaman #wordstoinspire #cmelitawebb #authorlife #faithwalk #faithquotes #inspiredlife #bethechangeyouwishtosee #bealight #blessings #positivityquotes #prayers #affirmations #loveiskey #faithblogger https://www.instagram.com/p/CVRM3YvP-ca/?utm_medium=tumblr
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everydayeveryday · 4 years ago
Reflections Of A Man by Soul, Mr. Amari
"When a man complains of your standards being too high, it is usually because he’s used to dealing with women who have none.”
“He could be a “good man” and still not be the “right man” for you.”
“You could be doing everything right: working, cooking, cleaning, great sex…everything. But if it’s for the wrong man, that still won’t be enough to keep him.”
“Remember this: a good man can’t be kept and the wrong man isn’t worth keeping. So then you may ask, “What does a woman have to do to keep a man?” The answer is this…let go of the idea that it is within your power to keep him and focus more on finding a good man that loves and respects you enough to want to stay; therein lies the secret.
You see, you could be doing all the right things, but if that man doesn’t love, respect, and appreciate you and the things you do, it will all be for nothing.”
“Abusive men, however, are like cancer to you. You have to identify their type early on and cut them out of your life. Whether it’s mental, physical, or emotional abuse, please understand that his only purpose is to eat away at you until there’s nothing left.”
“Whatever you do, never chase a man. Why? Because it’ll make him emotionally lazy and he will feel like he doesn’t have to do anything to meet your emotional needs.”
“If one or the other is weak, the relationship suffers. In other words, it defeats the purpose for you to try to build a relationship with a broken man whose intent is only to tear you down.”
“A weak man is incapable of sweeping you off your feet. Why? Because he doesn’t have the emotional strength to lift your spirit.”
“Just because you ask a question, doesn’t necessarily mean you don’t trust him; some things, just by being in the relationship, you have a right to know.”
“They say, “What you don’t know can’t hurt you,” but I disagree. What you don’t know can and will hurt you. And the longer it takes for you to find out, the more it will hurt you in the end.”
“When the trust is gone, everything else will soon follow.”
“Trust is not a one-time thing; it’s a constant work in progress.”
“Think about it; every man who has ever cheated on you, at some point, you considered him to be trustworthy.”
“If he loves and respects you, he won’t cheat. If he does cheat, one or both of the above is missing.”
“Cheating is never an accident; it is a conscious decision.”
“When a man cheats on a woman, it’s not so much the physical act that hurts her; it’s the feeling of her being emotionally betrayed by the one person she loved and trusted to never to do such a thing…that’s what hurts the most.”
“There are times when people change and it’s up to you as to whether or not you believe their change is enough for you to take them back. However, don’t let loneliness, or the fact that you miss them, cloud your judgment to the point where you find yourself back in the same bad relationship you just got out of.”
“Sometimes, him being the wrong man isn’t the real problem. The real problem is you deciding to give him a chance, knowing he’s the wrong man, thinking you can change him.”
“True love is an exciting experience…one that should never cause you to feel emotionally lonely.”
“If ever there comes a time when you feel emotionally lonely in a relationship, it may be because what was…no longer is.”
“Have you ever felt like your heart had been ripped right out of your chest… like when they walked out the door, they took with them your very last breath?”
“One of the most disappointing things that you, as a woman, could ever go through is to fall in love with a man that can’t love and respect you because he hasn’t learned to love and respect himself yet.”
“A woman’s tears don’t necessarily come from one heartbreak, but rather they come from the accumulation of years of heartbreak and the frustration that you feel after putting everything you have into your relationships, day after day, month after month, and year after year, and still ending up with the same heartbreaking results.”
“Breaking up can be quite the emotional roller coaster ride. Just know, when the ride is over and you’ve gotten it all out of your system…it’s okay to move on.”
“For in you is the power to endure and the strength to carry on.”
“So blessed is the smile of the strong woman because after all you’ve been through, you’ve finally found your own happiness and that smile represents the new you.”
“The ones that are the hardest to get over are often the ones that teach you the greatest lesson.”
“The past is what it is; you can’t change it. What you can do is learn from it and use that to make better decisions in the future.”
“If you can’t see the beauty of your life from where you are now, remove the obstacles in front of you and look again.”
“As long as you hold on to your anger for the wrong man of the past, he will forever have control over your ability to be happy in the future.”
“you’re not only a one in a million…you’re a once in a lifetime.”
“Just a reminder, no matter what you are going through, love yourself first and you will always be loved;”
“In my opinion, there are mainly three types of people who would criticize you for having a strong wall around your heart: Those that are too lazy to work for your love, those that have never been through the lesson, and those that have been through it but still haven’t learned.”
“A strong woman is self-defined. She knows that the only definition of her that matters is her own.”
“Be strong… Be patient. The right man is out there searching relentlessly, through all the nonsense, looking for you. Give him time.”
“Don’t ever think that you will avoid being disappointed by lowering your standards for a man. In the end, not only will you still be disappointed by him, but you will also be disappointed in yourself for ever having lowered your standards in the first place.”
“In your relationship, never settle for less than what you deserve. At the same time, never think you deserve more out of a relationship than you are willing to put into it."
“The most important impression a man can make on you is not the first impression, but rather a lasting impression that only comes from consistency over time.”
“Be more selective and patient. Knowing that most men will say anything means that you can’t believe everything. Remember, without consistent actions, over time, his words have no value.”
“Make sure you don’t break yourself, trying to fix a man that is already broken.”
“There are some things you can help a man with and there are some things only he alone can fix.”
“Never waste your time trying to convince someone else of your worth. If they can’t see it, they are not worth the effort.”
“The beautiful thing about the ones who truly love us is that they are always able to see our worth, even when we doubt it ourselves.”
“Don’t be fooled by a man’s words and his inconsistent actions. Instead, look for consistency over a long period of time because, if you think about it, every “wrong” man, that you ever dated, seemed like the “right” man in the beginning.”
“When you have to rely on yesterday’s happiness in a relationship, to get you through today, it might be time to move on.”
“memories are in the past and if that’s all your relationship has, it might not have a future.”
“The best sex in the world, without love, still won’t fill that void. It’s a quick fix and you won’t realize it until you wake up the next morning and realize you’re still alone.”
“Ladies, stop grading these men on a curve. Either he meets your standards or he doesn’t; stop making excuses for him!”
“They say, “Love doesn’t cost a thing,” but I disagree because falling in love with the wrong person could cost you everything.”
“The right man won’t want you to lower your standards; he would rather push himself to meet or exceed them.”
“The right man will take pride in your happiness. He knows that the happier you are, the happier he will be.”
“It’s about him being the first one you come to in all your major decisions. To him, the most valuable thing in his life is being the most valuable person in yours.”
“Don’t lose her because you allow your ego to become bigger than your heart.”
“best memories are often made from the smaller things”
“As long as you love him and he loves you and you both are fully committed to making it work, nothing or no one can ever come between you.”
“When things get hard, don’t just give up without trying; it’s those hard times that often help define the true strength of the relationship.”
“All I ask is that you take a moment and ask yourself what love means to you. Once you have your answer, you’ll know exactly what kind of love you’d be willing to accept from someone else.”
“If you are going to love her, give her 100% or nothing at all. Anything less and you are, not only cheating her, but you are cheating yourself as well.”
“If she decides to give you a second chance, it’s usually not because you deserve it; but rather because she still believes in you and the idea that love, if given the chance, will somehow prevail in the end.”
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feelgigglethink · 4 years ago
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abitofthisnthat · 4 years ago
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Some might say
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artisticlifeisreal · 5 years ago
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Cyberspace. A consensual hallucination experienced daily by billions of legitimate operators, in every nation, by children being taught mathematical concepts... A graphic representation of data abstracted from banks of every computer in the human system. Unthinkable complexity. Lines of light ranged in the nonspace of the mind, clusters and constellations of data. Like city lights, receding... . . . . . #reflection_fun #cyberpunk #cyberworld #reflection_shots #reflectionstories #reflection_super_pics #reflectionsofaman #reflection_creative_pictures #reflection_focus_on #reflectionofaman #lighting_design #lightingtech #lightingshow #architecturallighting #concertlighting #filmlighting #photographylighting #lightinginspiration #lightingideas #designlighting #lightingdecor #lightingsolutions #skyrock #gtrskyline #architecture_sweden #architecture_london #architecture_masters #architectureape #urbanarea #urbanareas (w: Liverpool ONE) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3o0KKejrWZy4yzu1ik8uVMUjzWjpDdLT6GuU00/?igshid=lzcrfuk70pdz
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davidcrunelle · 6 years ago
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I walked around for 8 hours yesterday and Anaheim is even worse than I thought. #topreviewer #huaweiP30Pro #reflectionshot #puddlegram #raw_reflection #reflection_focus_on #reflectionsofaman #reflections_pix #reflection_perfection #reflection_creative_pictures #reflection_shotz #reflections #puddle #puddlereflection #reflection #reflection_shots #reflection_fun #reflectionphotography #loves_reflection #reflectionporn #reflection_super_pics #reflectionstories #reflectiontour #reflectionpic #bns_reflection #reflectiongram (at Anaheim, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzA3VxFoBiq/?igshid=e3ey9ol2nzji
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mramarisoul · 7 years ago
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#ReflectionsOfAMan - Mr. Amari Soul
The Book "Reflections Of A Man" is now available in bookstores worldwide! Visit your local bookstore today!
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iamelpha · 2 years ago
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#spanglishcoisas #camleadconsultancy #godsmotivation #bepositivetoday #livinglifehappy #annointed #tsrmorninginspiration #reflectionsofaman #feelbettersoon #instaquotesdaily #universallaw #quotesilove #microtale #couple_quotes #lovepoem #livelifehappy #trusttheuniverse #bodylanguage #ourworld #poemoftheday #livelife#lifegoals #quoted #feelbetter #thesecret #wordgasm #lifecoach #wordsofwisdom #goodvibesonly #truth (at Marrakech) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cr0t3x9K-yk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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iamtwothings-blog · 6 years ago
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I don't need to fit to see how peculiar I am. I just want to be squared some times and be spared for it. Take care of your life. And who do you want 2 be? Even though I'm scared, I prefer to be squared. #art #artistonintagram #quote #wannabe #digitalart #remixart #typography #reflectionsofaman #want #blackandwhite #design #square #sociallyakward #letmebe #letitbe #takecare #photography Made with: @unsplash pic from Edgar Chaparro and Inkscape #Mood 2️⃣🔜 https://www.instagram.com/p/BtPhgU5F5cA/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1k7v0ak5z1wp1
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share4560 · 4 years ago
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"Thank you, God for your love and grace." ~CMW ⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #peace #patiencequotes #inspiredaily #lovewins #originalpoetry #poetrycommunity #author #positivevibes #wordsofwisdom #wordsofaffirmation #qotd🌸 #wordsofencouragement #positivevibesonly💯 #godisgood #bethechangeyouwanttosee #reflectionsofaman #wordstoinspire #cmelitawebb #authorlife #faithwalk #faithquotes #inspiredlife #bethechangeyouwishtosee #bealight #wordsofaffirmation #blessings #prayersforhealing #positivityquotes #prayerlife #affirmationsdaily #prayerwarrior https://www.instagram.com/p/CRP7SRJLEYB/?utm_medium=tumblr
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thejustreflections · 6 years ago
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this wall decors of @aayasweets shop made me realized how important "action" is in validating our goals and desires. because life is so short and our future depends on how we muster our plans at this present moment - without excuses. whatever we want, if we can do it now, the better. . indeed, there's no next time. it's now or never! . have a blessed friday night, pretty people! 😍 . -- jpa ❤️ // #justreflections . #fridayquotes #fridaymood #fridaynightlights #tgifquotes #tgifreflections #reflections #reflectionsofaman #hiswords #himthoughts #menwhowrite #menwriter #ofwthoughts #ofwdiaries #pinoywriter #pinoyabroad #ofw #kuwaitcity #kuwaitcityphoto #positivequotes #jonathanacabo #jonpageacabo #q8instagram #walldecorations #q8photo (at Kuwait City) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsOripLgnqd/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1x8c0jxo1qwe8
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feelgigglethink · 4 years ago
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The right man’s love
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abitofthisnthat · 4 years ago
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Together, the two of you have the power
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defluffypanda · 6 years ago
What hurts the most
You should listen to your conscious, that’s God way of talking directly to you.
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