#redo; rewind if
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redo-rewind-if · 3 days ago
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Hi everyone!! Hope you've all had a good week! 😊
I have a (very) small update for you in place of the usual progress report.
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To start with, in case anyone missed it, Chapter 4 was released recently. Woohoo!! I've really appreciated all the feedback I've gotten for it so far, thank you all so much!! 🥰
There were a few minor bugs/typos in Chapter 4 that I've since fixed. I've already updated the game with these fixes (a special thanks to the anon who alerted me to the pronoun issues for V in a couple places), but if anyone finds anymore please do let me know.
That's it for this week! I should be back with the typical progress report next week. See you then! (*^▽^*)┛
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m3tr0n0m333 · 29 days ago
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[A SPARK OF HOPE] Things ft. My other Sonic is dead AU (Project: Rewind, Redo, Revive)
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salllzy · 1 month ago
Rewind and redo #6
Sarah knew as soon as she spotted Stolas and her niece that they were being followed, it didn't take a genius to spot the tracking spell on the pair of them and nor was it one of Paimon's spells. The fallen angel was protective of Stolas, but only because out of all his children Stolas was the strongest and one day would be a threat to Paimon's throne. That was if Stolas ever wanted it. Which he didn't. Something that Paimon didn't or wouldn't listen to. Stolas didn't even want to be a Prince. Something that Paimon also failed to understand. "I see you have brought guests." Her red eyes moved to the group behind Stolas and Octavia, they looked familiar but who they were? She couldn't say. Stolas blinked several times and looked behind him, there were faint traces of magic, he could see and feel it. The magic was also very familiar, he knew he had sensed it before. "Want me to get rid of them?" Gold magic twirled around Sarah's fingers and Stolas knew that all he needed to do was say the word and she would do it. No question, no hesitation. When he had formed a strange friendship with the female Nephilim, he hadn't expected much to come of it. Yet here he was, he had sworn an oath with her and became oath siblings. He knew secrets about her that most had been killed for knowing. He couldn't and wouldn't deny that she was a threat, a dangerous one, but one that had no interest in harming him or Octavia. He wouldn't have sworn an oath with her if she had. However, just because she wasn't a threat to him and his daughter, didn't mean that she was fangless. Far from it. "If they haven't attacked now, then I doubt they are going to attack now." There was a sigh and he could feel Sarah's frustration at his answer. "Striker." An imp appeared he was wearing cowboy gear, his strange eyes glanced over the pair of Ars Goetia but he didn't say anything. "Do a sweep of the area. Remove any traces of Stolas and Octavia being here and do so discreetly. I still haven't forgiven you for the bomb incident." Striker tipped his cowboy hat and then disappeared, Stolas wanted to ask what happened but knew that in this case? It was better to not know. Stolas and Octavia were guided into the theatre, red eyes scanning the area around them. If anyone tried to do anything stupid? Well, then she would give them a hellish greeting. ------
The Sins had known that Stolas was up to something, however, when they had agreed to follow him and his daughter none of them had been prepared for the state the the Pride Ring was in. The last time any of them had visited it, it had been almost constantly on fire, dead bodies littering the streets and fighting on a daily basis. Lucifer looked around and blinked, he couldn't believe that this was the same Pride Ring as before, there were no fires, no dead bodies and the sinners were being civil with each other. Just what had happened? "Lucifer, what the fuck is going on with your Ring?" Lucifer had no idea how to respond to Satan's question he wasn't sure what he could say. He looked at Lilith who looked thrilled by the changes that the Pride Ring had undergone and he couldn't blame her. Sinners had always been a point of tension between the pair of them. It had led to a number of arguments between them, Lilith had always said that they needed a chance that if given enough time they would prove that they were capable of change. He hadn't believed her. Truthfully? He still didn't. Gold eyes looked around, nothing good in Hell lasted long, it was fact, not fiction. Still, he couldn't deny that something had changed in the Pride Ring, someone or something had caused serious changes and he wanted to know who and why.
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okwhotookmyusername · 18 days ago
I choose to believe Veilguard isn't canon
Rook hit their head and everything after that was the weird thoughts of a dying brain
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yenonnoff · 10 months ago
thinking abt other future series i want to work on while my current series isn’t close to being finished feels like im some kind of cheating bastard
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gayrobotcalledfinderscope · 2 years ago
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i think they should be allowed to do violence, as a treat
mmd models from dancing-robots on DA
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bigboobshaunt · 11 months ago
Game straight up glitched and Nyx never removed the spell that makes them impervious to damage. Very cool. I will now commence grinding for random drops to buy the 9999 damage spell to bypass that phase entirely.
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the-carnival-of-time · 2 years ago
Hey remember when everyone said Majora's Mask was soo hard?
And now everyone thinks of the Dark Souls-esque Zelda Titles when they first think of Zelda? Even my lil 10 year old cousin?
Yeah so when ur done with TotK u should play Majora's Mask if u haven't already and still want ur feelings hurt cause u can do it. :3
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cuppajj · 2 years ago
Your Chromedome and rewind draws are amazing :)
Ty! :D they're my designs for the game and I'm quite proud of them!
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redo-rewind-if · 11 days ago
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Redo; Rewind Demo Update - Chapter 4
This update adds: Over 30k words (including code)!!
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Avoid your original death! Or don't. You can just die. And die. And die.
Head into work for a fun surprise! Courtesy of V!
Use your time powers to fix yet another problem of August's creation!
Attend a meeting at a dilapidated warehouse because if there's one thing criminals love it's cliches.
FUCK !!!
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I can finally say the update is here!! I'm sorry it took me so long, especially given how short it is... A lot of that had to do with real life stuff slowing my progress down unfortunately.
I did also decide to end the chapter in an earlier place than originally intended, and have moved the later content to the start of chapter 5. It's not a huge amount that was moved, but given the chapter length I do still feel somewhat bad about it...
I sincerely hope all of you enjoy it regardless!! And please do let me know if you run into any bugs or other issues. I did my best when it came to bug testing but there's always a chance I missed something.
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[Link] - Demo Update, Available Here!
(Make sure to start with a fresh save to avoid possible bugs caused by the old ones!)
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m3tr0n0m333 · 9 months ago
Thinking about my au again btw.
I made an account for it too if you guys wanna go follow.. it's @timetravellingfox !!!!
I've only got one post on there anyways. But like. It's bad. And it's also pretry old.
I'll be making a new ref for the guy™️ soon
Named the au
Project: Rewind, Redo, Revive
It's kind of like Reuse Reduce Recycle except you're trying to bring back a dead friend with time travel
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salllzy · 2 months ago
Rewind and redo #1
Dying was something that they both knew was going to happen, going to war with Heaven? Defying them? Proving that redemption was possible? Heaven didn't like having its status challenged, it didn't like the fact that there were two uncontrolled Nephilim in Hell. Despite it being Heaven that had cast him and his daughter into Hell. Sarah had died doing what she loved, defying expectations. It had taken four Seraphim and three Archangels to eventually kill her. Not that she was truly dead, her body had been destroyed that much was true. But her soul? That was safely tucked away against his. Eventually, death came for him, but he didn't make it easy. Killing Sera, Micheal, Gabriel and Uriel before he had been injured had shown everyone why he had made it to the top of the totem pole, the Vees despite all their posturing and wealth couldn't hold a candle to him in terms of power and there was three of them. That had been before his Nephilim heritage had been revealed by Heaven. A last-ditch attempt to seed distrust between them. It hadn't worked. All it had done was force him and Lucifer closer.
Lucifer had taught him how to use his powers. Despite how little training he had gotten, there was a reason why Nephilim were feared and why Heaven had outlawed them. He had cut through Heaven's army like a hot blade cutting through butter, he could feel Sarah sleeping against his soul and it soothed part of him to know that she was safe. Then a blow landed on him, a betrayal by one of their own. Vox. Not that it shocked Alastor, he had always known that Vox was a self-serving bastard who would stop at nothing to be at the top and the fact that Lucifer and Alastor had ended up in a relationship? Well, it had destroyed what little sanity Vox had left. Plummeting through the air and towards the ground hadn't been how he had planned on dying, but Heaven's forces had been greatly destroyed, many of the Archangels and Seraphim had been destroyed. His family was safe. To Alastor? To Sarah? That was all that mattered, they knew that they would be mounted but neither of them had any regrets, how could they? Alastor closed his eyes as his body hit the ground, his smile still present on his lips. What neither of them counted on? Was waking up. One hundred years in the past.
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goldpilot22 · 2 years ago
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I made an arknights doctorsona, partly for a fic a friend is writing!
they're not the real doctor they're just a clone of them... one of multiple, for some reason. who keeps cloning this guy.
their favorite operator is Lappland (they like death threats) and before you ask no I have no idea what the blue stuff is. it's some sort of intentionally marysueish power but I haven't figured out what kind of power they have... whatever it is, they don't use it for anything useful.
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yumeyleo · 2 years ago
man i really wish i was max
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sunseed-fandump · 1 month ago
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The Witch must have been crazy to have made such a Bad Batch of cookies...
(Sorry it's not any of my other AU content, but this was an idea I just really wanted to get out of my head.)
More Info under the cut!
The kids are EEEEEVIL!!!!
Wizard is in his Azure Flame costume from ovenbreak. Strawberry is Wild Strawberry from Twizzly Gummy’s Crew. Gingerbrave is emo a zombie, kinda.
In this timeline, Wizard’s need for power in order to survive quickly turned into a lust for it. He craves it, and is under the thrall of the Azure Flame Staff which whispers to him. He is convinced that only the strong will survive, and those without power are worthless. He is terrified of being powerless as a result. He remembers what it’s like to be helpless, and never wants to feel that way again. His prickly and reclusive attitude is a result of trying not to get attached (because attachments are a weakness) yet he can’t help but have a small fondness for Gingerbrave and Strawberry, as they’re one of the few cookies who understand what it’s like to hit rock bottom.
Strawberry was deeply traumatized when she saw her witch eat a cookie before her eyes. When she tried to warn others of what she had seen, she was dismissed. Too quiet, too soft, too shy. Eventually she found herself on Twizzly Gummy Cookie’s crew, and they were a pretty bad influence. She learned to be ruthless, because showing kindness will just result in others walking all over her. This version of her isn’t afraid of speaking her mind and being heard. Twizzly’s gang fell apart due to the TBD, and she felt abandoned as a result. After being spat out into a random timeline she decided to lay low and eventually met Wizard and Gingerbrave. She’s stuck with them ever since and silently appreciates their loyalty.
This timeline’s Gingerbrave didn’t survive his escape from the oven. The Witch caught him just as he had busted open the doors and she smashed him to pieces. However, with a few icing stitches and a bit of dark magic, he was brought back to life and swore vengeance on all witches. Not too long after escaping his Witch, he recruited Wizard and Strawberry to his cause to “fix” what he perceives to be a rotten world. He does truly care for his comrades and considers them his dearest friends, as they were the first to not mistake him for a mindless undead or recoil at his habit of falling apart. He’s retained a decent sense of humor, and is still a bit ignorant when it comes to the world due to being freshly baked, however he’s a lot more closed off when it comes to strangers and not quick to think that everyone has his best interest in mind like his Canon counterpart.
The trio have looked out for one another for a while, at first things were a bit rocky between them, a loose allyship to pursue a common goal; but it’s grown into a deep loyalty towards each other.
If Wizard Cookie is separated from the Azure Flame Staff for too long he starts to experience severe withdrawal symptoms. His fear of being powerless, alongside the Staff’s thrall over him, will cause him to act desperately and get it back by any means necessary.
Wild Strawberry Cookie has seen a lot in other timelines, and as a result recognizes quite a few faces that she otherwise wouldn’t have met. She also has a stash of Time Jumpers, which allows her to dominate a battlefield as she utilizes its abilities to fast-forward and rewind herself.
Gingerbrave frequently has to redo his stitches, as they have a habit of breaking or wearing down due to the icing’s low quality. The worst ones are around his neck, which will cause his head to go flying off and getting lost. Despite the major drawbacks this causes, he can also use it to his advantage, as his individual parts are still autonomous from one another. He can also swap parts out for new ones, meaning if he loses an arm, he can take one from a fallen enemy cookie or cake monster and use that instead. He has a supply of different parts that he swaps out depending on the mission. However, he feels most comfortable with his original pieces.
While it isn’t official, Gingerbrave is considered the leader, as he keeps the group focused on their goal: to steal the Soul Jam and use them to destroy the Witches and their influence.
They actually don’t like Dark Enchantress Cookie and don’t plan to join the Cookies of Darkness. While they both have similar plans of stealing the Soul Jam and wanting to reform the world, Dark Enchantress wants to make a world that is under her control, while Gingerbrave wants to create a world of absolute free will and lawlessness.
Basically, the kids are anarchists who view Dark Enchantress and the Ancient Heroes as Tyrants.
Idk if i'll do more with this concept, but I thought it would be fun/funny considering Strawberry and Wizard both already have "evil" designs.
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oreosofthefayz · 2 years ago
Im not having an existential crisis why do you ask
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